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LE ROCK DES BLOCS - Les microbes - Duration: 1:56.-------------------------------------------
【High Calorie】 Marshmallow + Butter + Cornflakes [God OF Sweet] Making Marshmallow CornFlakes [CC] - Duration: 8:42.Hello it's Kinoshita Yuka ( English subtitles by ~Aphexx~ )
So today tadaa! I may be super popular Marshmallow Corn Flakes
A subscriber told me about this This recipe was apparently blowing up on Twitter
Special thanks to the viewer who told me about this
The ingredients are butter marshmallow Corn Flakes
It's just those three And it's super easy to make as well
alrighty let's see how they're made
These are the ingredients Cornflakes marshmallow butter just these three
In a frying pan or pot Melt the butter on low
The butter is melted add the marshmallows
Keep stirring until melted
This stuff will be super yummy with almost anything
Once the marshmallow start to look like this add the flakes
Coat thoroughly and mix
it looks delish
Form them on a cooking sheet or saran wrap
Don't they look so yummy
you know by just looking at it... its gonna be yummy
These will harden even at room temperature
And once they have hardened tadaa its done
I want to eat these so bad I can't help myself
And I have soy milk to drink
This is what they look like I didn't put these in the fridge but let them sit at room temps
and they've hardened up nicely
It tastes amazing
The butter and marshmallow come together nicely and coat The Corn Flakes so nicely... its the bestest stuff
its so sweet and tastes of happiness
its so EZ to make you just have to caramelize the marshmallows
such a wonderful sound
Marshmallows are yummy on their own Wonderful when melted and put onto cocoa or hot drinks
and they also make great snacks like this its just the bestest thing around
It's so sweet and crunchy I can't get enough of them
its such simple flavoring that I believe that it would go with almost anything
This would be great to give out as presents to your friends It's so easy to make and you can make huge amounts of it
Such a wonderful sound It would also be a good idea when melting them marshmallow
to add a bit of salt to give it a sweet and salty flavor
This will be great with condensed milk or even mixed with some chocolate as well
its stuck
This butter and marshmallow combination is rather chewy
You'll wear out your jaw when eating a lot of these
its so yummy
Coffee would be a good idea to pair With something sweet like this
omg it wasn't closed
its so yummy but...
oh my jaw.... I don't think my jaw can handle anymore
its so weird something so light and puffy and turn...
crunchy like this its just like people
when peoples relations are nice and warm things go forward to smoothly like this
I feel like I tried to say something deep and profound but kinda failed at it
I warmed them up
its like I'm eating playdough
its still going to tire out my jaw either way
well its nice all warm like this
I think I will try some salt on these
It's yummy it's almost like a salty caramel
. It's yummy but....
these are so tough
lets break em up
I'm out of drinks
I'm taking a timeout
ramen so yummy
Last one
all done gochisosamadeshita
These marshmallow corn flakes are so easy to make and super yummy
it was soooooo easy to make but it was a bit difficult to eat them all
my jaw is really feeling it
You would probably be alright if you at a normal amount
it was so yummy and I feel as though you can pair these with so many things
Marshmallows are so versatile
This would also be very easy for little kids to make today we cooked this on the stovetop
But you can probably make this in a microwave as well its so EZ to make and so safe for kids
It was all so yummy wants you all please make these as well
And as always thank you for watching if there's anything You want me to do or eat please tell me in the comments section
...... like and subscribe plz BAI BAI
如果人一直不睡覺究竟會怎樣 | KUAIZERO - Duration: 7:47.-------------------------------------------
最新勁爆【首相夫人「狂酸」納吉夫人羅斯瑪】句句屬實 - Duration: 9:32.-------------------------------------------
紐西蘭人心目中的台灣令你意想不到!❤️ - Duration: 3:31.-------------------------------------------
10 САМЫХ ТРОЛЛИНГ ЛОВУШЕК, КОТОРЫЕ ПРОВЕРЯТ НУБ ТЫ ИЛИ ПРО! МИШКА И КИК ЗЕ БАДИ! ИСПЫТАНИЯ МАЙНКРАФТ - Duration: 12:20.-------------------------------------------
VLOGG: HENG MED MEG & DIY ANSIKTSKREM - Duration: 14:23.-------------------------------------------
Anushka Sharma Lovely Family With Husband And Parents - Duration: 6:31.Anushka Sharma Lovely Family With Husband And Parents
4-0打爆日本,刘诗雯、丁宁引领狂轰9连胜,国乒尽显霸主实力 - Duration: 3:02.丁宁、刘诗 雯、许昕 引领国乒 继续狂轰 9连胜, 女单、男 单在澳大 利亚公开 赛霸气 无 双,夺冠 热门刘诗雯、丁宁 、许昕向着冠军又进一步。
7月28日 ,201 8年澳大 利亚乒乓 球公开赛 进入倒数 第二日的 比赛,男 单和女 单 比赛将进 入最后阶段的争夺 ,1/4决赛和半决赛过后,将给出决赛名单。
在今天的举 行的6场 男单女单 1/4决 赛中,总 共会有6 名中国球 员出战, 占据一 般 的人数, 而主要对手日本只 有3人。由于19岁女乒小将何卓佳在27号已经打进了女单4强,能够看出,中国队在昨天的比赛中,具有压倒性的优势。
压倒性的优 势从数据 上表现出 来的,就 是在昨天 的比赛中 ,中国球 员总共出 现场9次 ,取得全 部胜利。
其中,许昕 出场两次 ,先是在 第一轮以 4-2击 败日本的 有延大梦 ,之后的 1/8 决 赛,他又 以4-2击败另一 位日本选手上田仁,尽管打得有些艰苦,但晋级是最重要的。
另外三位从 资格赛打 上来的男 单选手于 子洋、周 雨、刘丁 硕也都给 人带来惊 喜,他 们 均击败各 自对手晋级8强。 其中,于子洋连续击败张禹珍、奥恰洛夫、吉村真晴,让人刮目相看。
女单方面, 丁宁、刘 诗雯也都 击败对手 晋级8强 ,距离冠 军又进一 步。最让 人惊喜 的 是19岁 小将何卓佳,她在 女单1/8决赛和1/4决赛中,连续击败新加坡名将冯天薇、日本小将伊藤美城2大强敌,第一个打进半决赛。
值得一提的 是,7月 27日的 比赛,国 乒在9场 比赛中有 4场是中 日乒乓球 的较量 , 结果国 乒取得全胜。
今天的男女 单打1/ 4决赛, 还会出现 两场中日 对决,一 场是女单 的丁宁V S平野 美 宇,另一 场是男单的周雨V S张本智和,祝福丁宁、周雨延续4连胜的趋势。
清洁工人罢工 ,联邦法院首席法官马兰尊召集大扫除,法官负责洗厕所 - Duration: 14:23.-------------------------------------------
Oslo Travel Guide: Sørenga Seawater Pool - Duration: 5:09.This is Jonas from OsloPro! Today is the 27th of July and this is forecast to
become one of the hottest days in Oslo ever. If this ever happens to you, let me
show you what to do.
This is our destination today this is Sørenga sea bath. It's only a five or
10 minutes walk from the Opera and Central Station. And it's a completely
free public bath. It's only two or three years old, I'm not sure. I haven't been
here before this summer because last summer was, to say it mildly, shit. But
this summer has been splendid and today is furnace Friday. So were better to go
then - to Sørenga bath. One of the first things you will see when you arrive here
is this beach which leads to an enclosed seawater pool. I guess this is a nice
place to stay if you have small kids. At the west end of this site they have
created these swim lanes. I don't know the size of this pool but I'm guessing
Olympic size. So if you want to do some crawling then you should go here! This
whole place is really just a jetty it's suspended on pontoons and floating in
the water They've made various wooden structures here where you can sit down
and relax It's really quite large this place but it fills up quickly. Now is
eleven, twelve o'clock. It will be pretty full. And also there's this dive tower
here my buddy will show you.
Oh, you see, I couldn't do that.
There are also public showers on the jetty if you can bear the temperature.
Because they are pretty cold .
This whole place has been made with bathing in mind.
And there's also this easy access letters so it should be options here for everyone
There's also the option here to rent a kayak. The rental is over there somewhere
It's it's public, but they won't let you have it if you don't have a kayak
course or a certificate or some of some kind. I don't know. It's all on the
internet. But it shouldn't be too expensive because it's a public service.
At the east side of the jetty is this promenade which has lots of venues.
And a really nice view where you can see Akershus castle over there behind the
DFDS ferry. There's also cruise port. That's the Oslo
Opera right there. This first restaurant it's a Mexican
place. Coyo is name. They have stuff like burritos or enchiladas. No burritos, sorry.
Enchiladas are 189 and that's quite affordable because a kebab in Oslo
is about 130, so that's not bad at all. Next is this gelateria, Paradis. But
I can't film inside so you just have to imagine what it's like. Probably some
gelato and stuff. This place certainly looks like a decent restaurant, Mirabel
is the name. I think it's Italian because they have
stuff like pizzas, 179. But also there's some local fish specialities. There are a
few other restaurants. I won't mention them all but this one is Cargo, another
Italian pizza place and bar. And when you are leaving, you can go to the end of the
promenade over there. There's a walking bridge that leads to the back of the
opera. And also if you are coming from Oslo S or at the Opera, that's the
quickest route to get to this place. Just walk, it takes five or ten minutes and
you'll be here. There are no coffee chains on Sørenga. This coffee shop.
It says Evita here, but the real name is Dock Espressobar it's a brand new one.
It's really good I tried the iced latte and that was great.
So, one thing left before I can end this video.
【♀ 冠儀試車日記】穿梭自如 特立獨行|Smart fortwo - Duration: 12:28.-------------------------------------------
Upma Recipe in Hindi-Rava Upma | Sooji ka Upma | Indian Breakfast Recipe- Semolina Upma Recipe - Duration: 4:30.
Lets make Semolina Upma today
1 tbsp red chilly powder,1 tbsp salt,Fresh curry leaves,1 tbsp rai,1 tbsp urad and chana dal,10 gms peanuts,1 big red chilly,1 cup rava (mtr idli rava mix),3 cups water,2 tbsp Oil and Ghee,1 onion diced,1 tomato diced,1/2 yellow capsicum diced,1/2 red capsicum diced
Refer description box to capture the list
Boil 3 cups of water
Add a tbsp of ghee and roast rava till light brown
Remove roasted rava from flame ,time to cook veggies
Add 2 tbsp oil,first roast peanuts
Now in same oil add curry leaves,red chilly and rai
Post this add onions
Now add capsicum cook till tender
Add red chilly powder and salt and cook for a minute
To this add tomatoes and cook till tender
Now add rava,mix well
Time to add boiled water
Cook till water is absorbed well
Now time to add lemon juice and peanuts and cook for next 5 minutes
Time to serve!
НАКУРАЖАХ - Улетаем (Music Video 2018) - Duration: 3:14.-------------------------------------------
最新消息:彭亨摄政王做出重大决定了!必看...你们认同吗? - Duration: 12:13.-------------------------------------------
Liverpool signing Lucas Paqueta as Nabil Fekir alternative would be a big risk ● News Now ● #LFC - Duration: 2:33.The good form of Lucas Pasqueta in Brazil for Flamenga has reported the eye catching
of Liverpool.
Liverpool misses the opportunity to sign one of the most powerful attacking midfielders
in European football this summer.
According to the Mail, a £53 million move for the winger of Lyon Nabil Fekir has appeared
to be all but done with the French international agreed to an agreement £140,000 – a week,
only to deal crash after a problem was detected with health of his.
But can Liverpool now sign a little-known 20-year-old, as a substitute for Fekir, who
scored 23 goals and set an additional eight for Lyon in 2017/18?
Tuttomercatoweb is reporting that Jurgen Klopp inside the chase to sign up for the god Flamengo
Lucas Pasqueta, although they are faced with competition from Chelsea, Manchester City
and AC Milan.
The Eight-time Brazilians are one of the most exciting young prospects in South America
right now and is even included in the 35 man Selecao the previous squad of the World Cup.
He was the youngest player in contention for a seat on the plane to Russia.
Famous for its creativity, skill fooling and working ratio, Pasqueta seems a good fit for
the high progress of Klopp, all action style.
And Liverpool Echo pointed out that Merseyside giants see him as a substitute for Fekir.
Liverpool will have to move quickly, however, to snap up a youngster, who has been setting
himself as a great gaming player.
Pasqueta scored in the finals of both Copa by Brazil and the Copa Sudamericana in 2017.
However, Fekir is a proven player at the highest level of European football and a World Cup
winning to launch.
Pasqueta has never played outside his country and there is no gifted shortage of Brazilian
Wonder children who have not been able to live up to their payment.
The conclusion the men are known as Lucas, then, would be a big risk.
But should Pasqueta live up to his people Philippe Coutinho, he will be a great success.
Fani zostawiają znicze pod domem Kory - Duration: 1:51.-------------------------------------------
常吃這些蔬菜的人,肝好得不得了 - Duration: 4:55.-------------------------------------------
Easy Paper Flower making Tutorial - Origami Dahlia Flower - Duration: 8:12.Dear Paper Flowers Lover, Welcome to Origami Dahlia making instructions
You will need 1 piece 20cm x 20cm square paper
Please follow the tutorial step by sep for making a best Paper Dahlia Flower
Brasileirão: Santos X América se enfrentam neste domingo, 29 e a BN transmite AO VIVO - Duration: 3:42.-------------------------------------------
53岁刘嘉玲晒美照,隔空表白神秘男子,网友:梁朝伟看了想打人 - Duration: 3:44.-------------------------------------------
N. Korean embassy in China posts pictures of S. Korean, U.S. Presidents - Duration: 0:48.A bulletin board outside the North Korean embassy in China has posted pictures of the
South Korean and U.S. presidents... in what's likely a diplomatic message.
The board used to have pictures of the summit between North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and
Chinese President Xi Jinping ONLY.
But today, the embassy put up pictures of Kim's summit with President Moon Jae-in and
the one with U.S. President Trump... as well as Kim's meeting in May with the Russian foreign
This bulletin board at the Beijing embassy is used for propaganda.
The change comes as the two Koreas mark the 65th anniversary of their armistice agreement.
Observers say North Korea could be emphasizing that it wants to formally end the Korean War
and its isolation as soon as possible.
For more infomation >> N. Korean embassy in China posts pictures of S. Korean, U.S. Presidents - Duration: 0:48.-------------------------------------------
Training with a Ninja Master ! Osaka ❘ JAPAN ❘ Keep Curioous ❘ Mini Doc (SUB) - Duration: 3:19.Today I'm in Osaka, Japan
and I have an appointment with Sensei Sawada
who's a Ninja Master.
He's agreed to give me a private lesson
to let me discover Ninjutsu.
I was an old fan of The Ninja Turtles
so I can't hide that I'm a little bit excited
And just so you know, he's 82 years old.
Ninja sword
Japanese swords are very sharp.
Japanese archery, do you understand?
Yes, yes
Japanese guns,
Yes, yes
Soft wrist
Yes, yes
As you can see with Master Sawada,
we are not here to kid around,
we just arrived and we're already into it.
He might be 82 but it's hard to keep up with him.
We also call a Ninja: Shinobi.
They were spies who worked for lords
for infiltration,
or assassination missions.
But we are talking about the 15th century…
Let's get back to it,
we're gonna slice this tatami
wrapped around bamboo,
apparently it's as strong as human bones.
Straight cut
Not on the side
Yes! yes!
It's very impressive...
to use a real sword
it's sharp like a razor.
Now the Shuriken,
the famous Ninja star.
Unlike common belief
it's not a weapon of attack
but rather merely to create a diversion.
However I'm sure
a well placed Shuriken
could do some damage.
Ninja's do Ninjutsu,
it's a mix of art and techniques
which are very diversified
such as mastering weapons like:
the sword or Katana,
the Shuriken,
archery or Yumi
blowgun with a venomous dart or Fukiya,
the Saïs
the most loved weapon of Rafael from The Ninja Turtles,
and many more.
But most impressive is
that ninjas also learned:
camouflage techniques,
horse riding,
and meteorology,
that's a lot of skills.
One thing is for sure,
I will never forget my meeting with master Sawada.
Soft wrist
Very fast!
Too slow
Yes! yes
Like this?
For more infomation >> Training with a Ninja Master ! Osaka ❘ JAPAN ❘ Keep Curioous ❘ Mini Doc (SUB) - Duration: 3:19.-------------------------------------------
Campeão do Show dos Famosos, Mumuzinho revela sonho inesperado - Duration: 5:11.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Campeão do Show dos Famosos, Mumuzinho revela sonho inesperado - Duration: 5:11.-------------------------------------------
BLOODY MONTH NIGHT MOMO'S WORKING TO FIND OUT !! (Momo) - Duration: 16:40.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> BLOODY MONTH NIGHT MOMO'S WORKING TO FIND OUT !! (Momo) - Duration: 16:40.-------------------------------------------
How I Make Money Online-------------------------------------------
MA COME TI VESTI?! | La moda in Corea del Sud - Duration: 12:47.Hi every...
Hi everyone! Welcome to this new video
today i'm too excited since finally, today,
after many years
i can get out the Enzo Miccio who is in me
because, yes, today we're gonna talk about fashion,
in particular, about korean fashion
and i'm gonna explain to you how the average korean get dressed
in the flowing... of... season (?)
...of life...
NOT ONLY, we're going to analyse
the... analytical data
and we're going to understand how much does it cost
get dressed in korea... a useful video
but i got it some of you may ask:
"Marco, you, of all people, who put the same ugly t shirt for
about 3 month and half on instagram, and come to us for giving advice
on how get dressed?" RELAX, because
there is an explanation behind this blue t shirt,
there is a story of drama, love and passion
but, especially of... colors
(WHAT???maybe "mixed")
in fact, i figured out how a single washing machine or better, a single chinese t shirt
absolutely cheap, can completely ruin your wardrobe
everything is ruined, so i have to
fix your wardrobe now, what a joy!
and you can say "Marco, now that you are going to fix your wardrobe, why don't you let us see your
beautiful stuff that you buy for became so fashionable?"
don't worry, because finally
i get these 21 buttons too
for the joy of every people who under each video ask
"where did you buy this t-shirt? where did you buy that your beautifully?"
if you don't know it, is an app
about fashion, which allow
to take inspiration from others,
and create a yours...
trendy (?) clothing
of things. I already knew it, because
Issima91 used it, Cristiano, love of my life
if you don't know him i absolutely recommend you
is a fabulous youtuber who make you laugh
and you can say "how can i use this 21 button?" but especially "why 21
and not an other number?"
also for 2NE1 (a female kpop group), do you really like this number?
why this number recurs so often?
even this is a message of enlightened?
i don't know, but is not this the matter
so let's go ahead and ii'm going to explain how to use 21 Button so you can follow me
and use the same underwear as me
for use 21 Buttons you need to download the app
with the link down here
open it and
a beautiful world appear
here, on 21 Buttons
but how can i buy these clothes? look! are so amazing
don't worry, go to my profile, look how i'm bluster on my profile photo
and for example, if you want to find out
the t shirt i'm wearing today, go to
my photo where i'm wearing this t shirt,
click on it and
appears Zara Man
and the direct link for buy it
click and appears the site
7,99 euros
look how i'm poor
if you want to buy there is the link here
so that's it for now, let's begin to...
talk of this korean fashion
let's begin to talk about korean fashion
finally, and i would like to start
before split everything for seasonal categories
i would like to start with the evergreen
since the evergreen is the centerpiece of korean fashion
which can't miss on your collection, we're talking about FLIP-FLOPS
one of the things i love but also hate...
of korean fashion . i love it because
are very comfortable
you can go outside on flip-flops
especially in summer but also in winter
koreans doesn't mind to show their feet
less handsome when you're at cinema
and the person next to you hasn't the smell
more... amazing that you can desire
but is beautiful this thing!
you can go anywhere you want on flip-flops and no one judge you
it reminds me when i went to Messina
in Messina as well there is this custom
my uncle used coming down and took walks on flip-flops
everything was normal, flip-flops were normal
so it remind me about my origins
anyway, remember to bring with you flip-flops when you came here in korea
now let's go ahead with season
let's strt with winter, because in January
the first season is winter. Look, how many skills
i should begin an areonautic engineer
areona.... areonautc
that's it.
in winter, the average korean decides
that the best thing to do is not showing his neck, in fact
almost everyone put the turtle-neck shirts
but especially, the vest, heavy
but long, up to the ankle
i don't know whether in Italy as well exist this fashion
but in korea, everyone, have these kind of vest. Long...
seems indian curtains, guys anyway, they put these vests
the girls, indeed, decide
for some reason, that winter is the good time to show their thighs
and their legs... i see such things
that you, humans, can't even imagine
korea can arrive to -20 grades in winter
and you can see these korean girls
showing their thighs... perhaps they have stockings
but how much can heat stockings?
if you have the extra short skirt
i don't know. They show their thighs
and put heels... just like, 35 cm
with a surface of ice on floor that is of 18 cm
in korea, in winter, there is the ice on the floor
so, maybe they
have the superglue under these heels but i can't understand
how they can't fall down everyday in winter
they may have super powers, clearly,
so let's invite all these koreans that.. really...
the Cirque du soleil is nothing compared
The season after Winter i think...
i'm pretty sure is Spring
wha't happen on spring time?
out of the blue,
pop up striped shirts
stripy is a continuing that go ahead until the summer, later you'll realize
and... nothing... all the boys with these stripes
they "stripe themselves"
but i have a lot of striped shirts too, but... forget about it
let's just say that I adapted myself
especially, the male can finally show off his pochette
which couldn't show off in winter, since
in winter there aren't pochette, because off the long vest
and when spring comes
can finally show it off
the average korean has got the pochette
i think is a custom which only exist in korea...
... I hope
i don't know, since i have pochette so...
ANYWAY, NEVERMIND. They have the pochette
the female, indeed, finally can bloom in every way
since almost every clothing
has flower on it,
i think they bring out all their dresses...
you know, dresses of Forever 21, with all flowers
... those ones. Every woman has these dresses with flowers
so, if you came in spring time,
decorate yourself with flowers
summer, is the moment in which
males continue with striped shirts, since is
a summer/spring evergreen
but especially, summer time is the moment in which
pop up couple shoots, couple everything...
i mean, these were before as well, these couple lutz
but mainly in summer time these exploding
and you may ask "what are couple lutz?"
you need to know that in korea is widespread for couples get dressed in the same way
and for get dressed in the same way i mean
get dressed .... just...
the same!
i mean, there isn't a small similarity,
but completely the same
i saw also couples with the same haircut, the girl has the same haircut as the boy
to be completely in line, so just to say... how beautiful it is!
girls are more dressed in summer than in winter, just saying
now let's begin with the autumn
autumn became the season a little bit... just like.. s**t
mainly because you can only see brown colors.
the clothing of average korean
in autumn is brown
various shades of brown... 50 Shades of Brown
and that's can make your mood down
because if you see brown colors all the day, you got anxiety
i mean... a little bit colors!
so, if you came in korea in autumn time... get brown yourself.
and you may say "yes, but Marco,
but how much it cost
buying these things to became so handsome in Korea?"
I'll tell you, let's go to analyze
2 economic brands and 2 fancy brands
that exist in Italy
starting with Zara, I have to say that in Korea
it costs a little bit... more
generally, about 10% higher
so, i don't know if it'll be good for you
go to Zara in Korea
but if you live here for 2 years, sooner or later, you will go there
indeed, H&M is similar with prices
i don't know why Zara costs more and H&M have same prices
but that's it! What should we do?
situation very very very different
for fancy brands
i mean... guys, it's very crazy
the last day, i went to Gucci
because i had to buy a ring for a friend's birthday
i compared the price with italian ones
and the price was the same
and i think "oh wow, Gucci have same prices in Korea, so i'll buy everything"
i went to search info
for a belt... there is a belt of Gucci that i want, no matter what it takes
it's too wonderful!
i ask for the price
and I stand speechless, since i saw the price
on Gucci italian store, and it was a little bit different
effectively, going to check it out
i found out that
that belt on Gucci Italia
295 euros
i mean, there are a lot of money, but is Gucci, guys
indeed, in Korea
it costs 480 euros
euros. I mean, It cost twice more
it's not possible
it's not feasible
fancy brands, to me, are better in Italy
that's for sure
because i also checked out Louis Vuitton and the matter is the same
Louis vuitton costs too much compared with Italy
so i think
it's better forget them if you come here in Korea for shopping
generally, it's better buying korean brands
and exist a lot of brands
similar to H&M and Zara
particularly, there is a brand named 8seconds
maybe is the most similar
to H&M and Zara's style
i really like it, and prices are
similar of our cheap brands
there is also a store more cheap, named (?)
and as i showed you
in Barbie video
there are a lot of buildings
with a lot of shops
where people can.. trade the price
so there are things very cheap
but remember
if it costs too few, maybe there is a reason
and can ruin your full wardrobe
with only one washing machine, so i'm warning you
that's it for today's video
i hope it could help for understand how it works
and how is korean fashion
you can follow me on instagram and facebook, if you want to offer me a coffe i don't ask
because is already a cooperation with 21 Buttons. See you in the next video!
all links of 21 Buttons are down here
to see my fashion evolution
【High Calorie】 Marshmallow + Butter + Cornflakes [God OF Sweet] Making Marshmallow CornFlakes [CC] - Duration: 8:42.Hello it's Kinoshita Yuka ( English subtitles by ~Aphexx~ )
So today tadaa! I may be super popular Marshmallow Corn Flakes
A subscriber told me about this This recipe was apparently blowing up on Twitter
Special thanks to the viewer who told me about this
The ingredients are butter marshmallow Corn Flakes
It's just those three And it's super easy to make as well
alrighty let's see how they're made
These are the ingredients Cornflakes marshmallow butter just these three
In a frying pan or pot Melt the butter on low
The butter is melted add the marshmallows
Keep stirring until melted
This stuff will be super yummy with almost anything
Once the marshmallow start to look like this add the flakes
Coat thoroughly and mix
it looks delish
Form them on a cooking sheet or saran wrap
Don't they look so yummy
you know by just looking at it... its gonna be yummy
These will harden even at room temperature
And once they have hardened tadaa its done
I want to eat these so bad I can't help myself
And I have soy milk to drink
This is what they look like I didn't put these in the fridge but let them sit at room temps
and they've hardened up nicely
It tastes amazing
The butter and marshmallow come together nicely and coat The Corn Flakes so nicely... its the bestest stuff
its so sweet and tastes of happiness
its so EZ to make you just have to caramelize the marshmallows
such a wonderful sound
Marshmallows are yummy on their own Wonderful when melted and put onto cocoa or hot drinks
and they also make great snacks like this its just the bestest thing around
It's so sweet and crunchy I can't get enough of them
its such simple flavoring that I believe that it would go with almost anything
This would be great to give out as presents to your friends It's so easy to make and you can make huge amounts of it
Such a wonderful sound It would also be a good idea when melting them marshmallow
to add a bit of salt to give it a sweet and salty flavor
This will be great with condensed milk or even mixed with some chocolate as well
its stuck
This butter and marshmallow combination is rather chewy
You'll wear out your jaw when eating a lot of these
its so yummy
Coffee would be a good idea to pair With something sweet like this
omg it wasn't closed
its so yummy but...
oh my jaw.... I don't think my jaw can handle anymore
its so weird something so light and puffy and turn...
crunchy like this its just like people
when peoples relations are nice and warm things go forward to smoothly like this
I feel like I tried to say something deep and profound but kinda failed at it
I warmed them up
its like I'm eating playdough
its still going to tire out my jaw either way
well its nice all warm like this
I think I will try some salt on these
It's yummy it's almost like a salty caramel
. It's yummy but....
these are so tough
lets break em up
I'm out of drinks
I'm taking a timeout
ramen so yummy
Last one
all done gochisosamadeshita
These marshmallow corn flakes are so easy to make and super yummy
it was soooooo easy to make but it was a bit difficult to eat them all
my jaw is really feeling it
You would probably be alright if you at a normal amount
it was so yummy and I feel as though you can pair these with so many things
Marshmallows are so versatile
This would also be very easy for little kids to make today we cooked this on the stovetop
But you can probably make this in a microwave as well its so EZ to make and so safe for kids
It was all so yummy wants you all please make these as well
And as always thank you for watching if there's anything You want me to do or eat please tell me in the comments section
...... like and subscribe plz BAI BAI
[시승기] 가족에게 선물하고 싶은 차, 볼보 V40 - Duration: 8:59.-------------------------------------------
National Lipstick Day 2018 Deals: Get Free MAC Lipstick | - Duration: 4:32.National Lipstick Day 2018 Deals: Get Free MAC Lipstick |
It's National Lipstick Day 2018 on Sunday, July 29, 2018, and MAC Cosmetics is giving away free lipstick in celebration of the day.
That sounds too good to be true, but it's been confirmed.
The free lipsticks are available in nine popular MAC shades.
On Instagram, MAC revealed, "We are all about a giveaway on National Lipstick Day! Pop in to your local M·A·C Store and celebrate with us! #MACLovesLips.".
Other makeup companies are also getting into National Lipstick Day 2018 with some deals and freebies that you can see toward the end of this article.
The cool part about the MAC deal (and some of the others) is that you don't need to purchase anything to get the free lipstick – as long as you go in person anyway and get there early.
Here's what you need to know:.
You Can Get the Free Lipstick in MAC Stores.
We are all about a giveaway on National Lipstick Day! Pop in to your local M·A·C Store and celebrate with us! #MACLovesLips A post shared by M·A·C Cosmetics (@maccosmetics) on Jul 26, 2018 at 11:01am PDT.
On its website, MAC confirms, "Visit us in stores on 7/29 to receive a free lipstick, no purchase required!".
You can find a MAC store near you by zip code at this website.
The shades available are: Tanarama, Aloof, Delish, Chintz, Florabundi, Moxie, Dare You, Epic, and Mixed Media.
According to Fox5 DC, some of the shades are rare and even offered for sale on eBay.
The only catch is that the giveaway is only good as long as a store's supplies last.
According to Teen Vogue, MAC also offered free lipstick in 2017, and the lines were extremely long at some locations, so arrive early.
"There will be a minimum of 100 giveaways per store and there's a limit of one per person," USA Today reports.
You Do Need to Make a Purchase to Get the Free Lipstick Online.
Colour every day? Yes way.
Over 200 shades and counting #MACLovesLips A post shared by M·A·C Cosmetics (@maccosmetics) on Jul 19, 2018 at 4:01pm PDT.
If you can't make it to the MAC store, you can still get the free lipstick online, but you will have to make a purchase to do so.
"Shop online on 7/29 to choose your free lipstick with $25 purchase," MAC says on its website.
Other Makeup Companies Are Also Offering Lipstick Deals.
What's your favorite product from this photo?!.
Zouk Instrumental 2018 ''Whisper'' [Kizomba Type Beat] - Duration: 3:52.BUY 1, GET 3 FREE | BEATSBYSV.COM
Renault Scénic 2.0 16V,bj.2006,grijs metallic,MPV,7 zitter,7 stoelen,climate control,NAP uitdraai m - Duration: 1:08.-------------------------------------------
[시승기] 일주일간 모하비 타고 출근해보니... '연비 괜찮네' - Duration: 11:00.-------------------------------------------
[시승기] 페라리 488GTB의 위대한 '다운포스' - Duration: 5:39.-------------------------------------------
[시승기] 현대 i30, 잘 만들어놓고 '마침표' 빼 먹었네 - Duration: 9:45.-------------------------------------------
[시승기] 아이오닉 일렉트릭, 그냥 아이오닉과 비교하면? - Duration: 9:00.-------------------------------------------
[시승기] '별종' 오프로더, 볼보 S60 크로스컨트리 AWD - Duration: 13:05.-------------------------------------------
[시승기] 한국형 험비, 기아 소형전술차 '숫자' 총정리 - Duration: 8:34.-------------------------------------------
BLOODY MONTH NIGHT MOMO'S WORKING TO FIND OUT !! (Momo) - Duration: 16:40.-------------------------------------------
✅ PHOTO – Agustin Galiana endeuillé par la mort de Johanna atteinte d'un cancer : « On sera amis pou - Duration: 2:13.« Elle a rayonné ma journée avec son sourire… Cette beauté s'appelle Johanna et c'est une des plus belles rencontres que j'ai jamais faites et elle m'a donné une grande leçon de vie avec sa force et sa persévérance », tels étaient les quelques mots écrits par Agustin Galiana le 4 février dernier après sa rencontre avec cette jeune femme à l'occasion de la journée mondiale contre le cancer
Johanna, âgée de 19 ans, était atteinte d'un neuroblastome depuis l'âge de 4 ans
Elle est malheureusement décédée le 27 juillet dernier à Fontaine-l'Évêque en Belgique
Un véritable coup dur pour le comédien de la série télévisée « Clem ». Samedi 28 juillet, l'ex-partenaire de Candice Pascal dans Danse avec les stars a souhaité adresser quelques mots à la jeune femme afin de lui rendre hommage
A travers une photo d'eux postée sur son compte Instagram, Agustin Galiana a partagé sa peine : "On se souviendra de ta force, de ton sourire, de ta lumière, de ta lutte, de ton positivisme, ta douceur et ta persévérance, a-t-il écrit
Tu es un exemple à suivre et on sera amis pour toujours. Au revoir Johanna." Très vite, les internautes n'ont pas tardé à envoyer des messages de soutien mais aussi de condoléances pour cette jeune femme partie trop tôt
Le 4 février dernier, Johanna Jehu confiait avoir vécu une « rencontre inoubliable » sur son compte Facebook où elle partageait des photos de son quotidien avec ses proches : « Je n'arrivais à me dévoiler telle que je suis réellement mais grâce à toi et tes paroles réconfortantes maintenant j'assume
Une femme avec ou sans cheveux reste une femme. » Crédits photos : BestImage
Clean Bandit - Solo feat. Demi Lovato 🌊 (Latin Remix) 🎤 [Lyrics] - Duration: 3:46.Comment '❤️' if you love Clean Bandit! 💕
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