Katrina Kaif With Her Loving Family, Sisters, Brother And Parents
MaXi - Lunatic à vendre - Duration: 11:01.-------------------------------------------
[Long ver.] Start a Workshop for love with Sazabi & Zaku : "Team ZEONIC" Busan, Korea - Duration: 10:14.-------------------------------------------
【MUKBANG】 THE TASTY Naan! MOS Limited [Naan Tacos & Naan Curry Dog] And Chili Burger! 6279kcal[CC] - Duration: 10:01.hello it's kinoshita yuka
i bought from MOS the new Naan Tacos & Naan Curry Dog
it's been awhile since i ate MOS
and it's looks so tasty after all this time
varieties pack A
than contain fries and onion rings, and i bought 2 of it
and the limited edition of the drinks as well
Lemon ginger and lassi
ah, this is good, because lassi goes so well with curry
as expected from MOS, they don't waste the chance
and here, the limited Brown rice flake shake dragon fruit
that i bought it
its color is so nice
and to let it cold, i'm going to put it in Minion
the weather is so hot after all
and with this seasonal products, you can really feel the different seasons in Japan
hay, let's start with the tacos
and i bought 2 from each kind
it's so colorful
it's written on the box " tear this part to eat it"
is this going to make it easy to eat ?
there is both the minced meat and the flakes
with tomatoes and lettuce
may be like this is better
i will eat it in a normal way
the texture is soft and tasty
and the sauce is spicy and hot a little bit with the sweet soft minced meat
and this combination is so tasty
this sauce looks like curry
this is truly tasty
the texture of the naan is so soft
and now let's try Lemon ginger
refreshing and tasty
the taste of Lemon ginger is the picture of summer
and the taste of ginger is so refreshing
the seasoning of this minced meat is sweet and good
hay, the seconde
this is so thick
but it's a good as a meal for people
they used the spices of the curry with the meat
and the flakes are so rich with the flavor and crispy, and this is so tasty
because it was so tasty, i forgot the side dishes
fries and onion rings
and because the fries are moist, even when it cool down it still tasty
and it's so crispy
i really like this crispy texture and sweet taste of the onion rings
and next...
Naan Curry Dog
this naan items entered MOS menu from 4 years ago
it's amazingly tasty
but you shouldn't take a rest for 4 years
for the veggies, it only contain onion what make it so simple
but the sausage is so huge
sausage is crispy and juicy, and this is so good
and the curry sauce is so rich with the flavor
and it's a spicy a little bit, and this is good
and this is lassi
it's like the yogurt, thick and tasty
this Naan Curry goes so well with the fries and onion rings
after eating it, you can still feel the burn in your mouth
i ordred the spicy version of it...
but i didn't find it in the bags
but they didn't charge me anything
and certainly remember that i said that on the phone
and this is Friday Limited Chili Burger
its logo is so cute
it's my first time to eat it, because it's a friday limited
hay, this is how it looks like
as expected from MOS, it's with plenty of sauce
meat patty, Chili sauce and tomatoes and lettuce
and maybe cheese as well
Chili sauce is so tasty
and because the amount is so huge, it's so thick
the patty is tasty and fluffy
and Chili sauce is a little bit spicy
i don't feel the strong taste of the cheese in this sauce, and if they add more of it, it'll be better for sure
eating MOS burger makes you so happy
next, Spicy Chili Burger
it's the spicy version of the previous one
and it looks the same
maybe with a little of red sauce
ah, it contains some Jalapeno
this is really more spicy
and because it's thick, this level of spiciness is good with it
the Jalapeno burn the mouth
and this made me want to eat the fries
and Spicy Chili Burger Level 2
the previous one was a little bit spicy so this is for those who likes the spicy taste
is the Jalapeno a pepper ?
or maybe not ?
doesn't matter
it's not spicy at all
not in strong way
i think it needs time to feel the burn
the sauce is not that spicy
the last bite
and for the drinks, i'm going to drink this Sanpellegrino
the can is designed in a good way
that's so elegant
let's eat the sweet now
i have here some fries and onion rings
i'll eat it with the sweets
hay, let's bring the sweet
it's like a treasure
you can see that the cream is safe
what a relief
it was so surprising
but the dress is with the same color as the shake
it's not a big deal, but it's my first time to wear it
this is so sad
because of that, the shake doesn't looks good anymore
but i think the taste is still the same
because there is plenty of cream, this is really tasty
if don't feel this dragon fruit that well
a cream and shake together with a slightly sweet and sour taste
and the flakes is crispy in a good way
like texture of the corn flakes
there is some Dragon fruit seeds
on the bottom you can feel the taste of the Dragon fruit
the last bite itadakimasu
i want to wash this dress
hay, gochisousamadeshita
the new menu of MOS was so tasty
and what happened in the last was so bad
Lemon ginger and lassi was so delicious
the food was so tasty as well, i really like this menu items
because it's only this time from 4 years ago
you need to hurry up
and because it was so tasty, why you don't try this as well ?
And as always thank you for watching
if there's anything You want me to do
please tell me in a comment Section below
if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons
bye bye
all rights reserved. copyright © 2018 Kinoshita Yuka
Think Fast! with Amy Poehler - Duration: 3:59.-All right. Here's how it works, we're gonna take turns
drawing one of these cards.
Each card has five totally random questions on it.
One person asks the questions, the other person
has to answer each question as soon as it's asked.
And I mean immediately. [ Vocalizes ]
-All right. -It doesn't matter --
-Is there a record that I'm trying to beat?
'Cause I work well if I'm competing against someone.
Is there a... -Yeah you have to answer
all of the questions. -Okay.
[ Laughter ]
-Is there-- d-- -It doesn't matter if the answer
is right or wrong, it just has to be the very first thing
that pops into your head. No this is very --
-Is there winning to this? -Yes.
[ Laughter ]
-Because you're the guest, I'm gonna read your questions first.
-But who's keeping score? Is what I'm asking.
[ Laughter ] -What till you see what happens.
-Okay. Okay. Okay. -All right.
Here we go. Ready for this? -Oh, God. Okay.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. -It's called think fast.
The lighting changed, thank you.
[ Laughter ]
Who did you invite to your party?
-[ Stammers ] Ronald McDonald.
-Why did you get kicked off the airplane?
-Because I drank all the alcohol!
-What's over there? -A lion and a tiger.
-What do The Roots do on the weekend?
-Uh, sleep in, I hope.
-Say something serious. -Don't you dare try to tell me
what to say.
[ Bell dings ]
-Wow. -Wow.
-All right. Nice job, Amy. Turns out you won that round.
-Oh, good! -Now -- Yeah. [ Laughs ]
-Yeah it's easy to tell. I got seven.
-It is my -- That sound means you won the round.
-I got seven. -Uh, yeah.
Now it's my turn. Whenever you're ready, take the card.
-All right. -And go for it, yeah?
-Here we go. All right. -All right. Here we go.
-[ Laughs ] -Oh, my God.
-Okay, okay, okay. Here we go. -Yeah.
-You ready, Jimmy? -Yeah.
-And, what's the popular new video game called?
-Uh, Beezles.
-Who c-- Who can you always trust?
-Uh, George Sampson.
-What's the capital of Earth? -Uh, You-Nigh-Gid.
[ Laughter ]
When is tomorrow? -Tomorrow?
[ Laughter ]
-How do you dance?
-Like this.
[ Cheers and applause ] [ Bell dings ]
-You do dance like that.
-Ooh. I just got it. -You-Nigh-Gid.
-You-Nigh-Gid. -You-Nigh-Gid.
-The Capital of Earth, I didn't know what was happening.
All right. It's time for the final round though.
-Okay. -In this round, we'll both
pick up a card with the same set of questions.
We'll ask and answer them one at a time, going back and forth.
-Mm. -And there's only one winner.
-Yeah, ho do we know who wins? -The sound at the end.
-[ Laughing ] Okay. [ Laughter ]
All right. -Oh, hoo!
-Okay. -Here we go.
Now will I go first or I'll ask the first question.
I just want to find, I just want to find my center.
And just kind of get to the space a little.
-I know, as soon as I... All right.
Get in the head space, here we go.
-Who am I and what do I want. Okay here we go.
-All right. Here we go. Ready?
[ Clears throat ]
What's up with Gary?
-He's always stealing things from the refrigerator.
[ Laughter ]
How fast are trains? -They're faster than cars.
[ Laughter ]
-Her voice was changing. -It makes it easier
when you do it like that. -I know that voice, I like.
In France it's illegal to do what?
-To tell people that they can't park in front of your driveway.
[ Laughter ]
-Why are rainbows so magical?
-Because they're made of foam.
[ Laughter ]
-How do you win? -By always cheating.
[ Laughter ]
-What -- What are the names of the triplets?
-Gilda, Gertrude, and Fortran.
[ Laughter ]
-What -- Which sandwich is the best sandwich?
-The one with all the meat in it.
-I know, of course it is.
-How do you spell coffee? -C-O-double L-I-N-G.
-What is -- Who's good at tennis?
-The [Stutters] Fred's friend. Fred's friend.
-Fred's friend is the best. Judges?
[ Bell dings ] That's it, now you have it.
That was Think Fast with Amy Poehler.
"Making It" premieres Tuesday July 31st at 10 p.m. on NBC.
跟弟弟在日本居然找到世界上最好吃的漢堡?!Ft. 劉威【劉沛踹踹看】 - Duration: 4:13.-------------------------------------------
Presence of indicator bacteria closes 2 state swimming areas - Duration: 0:22.-------------------------------------------
Μάχη με τις φλόγες δίνουν οι Κύπριοι δασοπυροσβέστες στην Κινέτα - Duration: 1:46.-------------------------------------------
TIB ET TATOUM - Une dent contre Tatoum - Duration: 12:01.-------------------------------------------
Amy Poehler and Nick Offerman Make Light of Competition for Making It - Duration: 4:59.-I just saw "Making It." I love it.
It's like a craft show. But it's like "Project Runway."
But it's like -- It's very positive, too.
-Yeah. Nick Offerman and I host it.
And it's -- it's a competition show
celebrating the process of making things.
So it's all these makers who come on
and have different strengths,
and we challenge them to make things in real time.
-It's good to see you and Nick back together.
"Parks and Rec." It's like, oh, perfect.
[ Cheers and applause ] -Yeah, my friend.
-It just feels right.
You're so funny and you're perfect together.
You have great chemistry.
But also I love that it's very you.
Because you're like, "Yeah, I don't want to be the judge.
I'm just the host of this thing."
-Yeah, I didn't want anyone to ever go home.
So halfway -- 'Cause everyone's so talented.
Halfway through, we were kind of doing a bit,
but we were seeing if maybe we could add some people.
[ Light laughter ]
-Like, as the show goes on,
just more and more people start coming on.
-I don't know about you guys, but I can't --
The world is so on fire right now
that I want to -- I don't want anyone to be humiliated on TV.
Or I don't want anyone to feel sad.
So I -- When you have these kind of shows,
you have you to let -- someone has to leave.
You know, you got to free up the hotel rooms or whatever.
-Someone has to win. Yeah. -So, someone's gotta go.
And so we were really grateful that we weren't in that process.
We just kept kind of coming in
and being like, "Good luck, guys.
I don't -- I don't know who's going to get kicked off."
But -- But it's -- Yeah.
-And then there's a fun little twist at the end
that just made me laugh, and then you guys got together.
You did, like, interstitials throughout the show,
you and Nick just talking about what's happening with the show
or what's going on.
And you do this -- these funny bits.
But one was you did a pun-off.
-Yeah, it's the lowest form of comedy.
[ Laughter ] -It made me laugh.
-Yeah, it's my favorite. -Hello. It's in my wheelhouse.
So, like, lowest form of comedy? I'm there.
[ Light laughter ] I'm all about that.
-I'll meet you at the bottom.
I'll meet you at the bottom, bro.
-So you just look at each other sitting across
in, like, little folding chairs or something
and have a pun-off.
And I just wrote some of them down, because you're like --
"Y'all 'thready' for this?" was one of them, yeah.
I'm getting -- -Did you hear a groan?
That's perfect. -Yeah, yeah.
Someone just went [Groans] -[ Groans ] Yeah.
-That's when a pun works, when someone goes [Groans]
-Oh, boy. Yeah. -That's it.
-It was -- It just went -- And you went rapid fire.
Had a little pun-off.
It's just a little part of the show, but it just made me laugh.
-I enjoy puns, as well. -I love that.
I also -- I like that you admit to not being crafty.
-No. No.
-You're like, "Dude, that's not my thing."
-No, it was really cool, because the people were really talented.
We walked around and saw what they were doing.
But I can't do any of it. And -- And I was truly learning.
But I have the same skill as my children
when it comes to making things,
which is great, 'cause we all make things together.
But I kind of represented the person
that doesn't make a lot of things,
and Nick is an incredible woodworker.
-He's a crafty dude. He makes, like, tables and --
-Yeah, and he's -- Look, he's also an actor.
And, you know, a lot of -- No offense, Jimmy, but --
[ Light laughter ]
A lot of men in this business aren't the guys you would run to
when things go wrong, necessarily.
They don't -- -What?
-Like, maybe musicians, but not, like, actors or --
No offense. -No, no, none taken, of course.
The more you keep saying, "No offense,"
the less offense I take.
-You know, like, when you wear makeup for a living and then --
You're not -- Like, Nick can build --
-I barely wear makeup! -Nick can build a boat!
-I know he can.
-So when -- when -- when the stuff goes down,
I'm running to him, 'cause he's gonna...
-Yeah, no, I can barely -- I can barely ride in a boat.
Let's be honest. [ Laughter ]
I'm lucky if I can stand up. -Can you drive stick?
-No. -Oh, my God.
-Out of your mind? Can I drive stick?
[ Laughs ] What are you talking about?
Are you out of your mind? -Can you change a tire?
Can you change a tire?
-No, I have my driver do all that stuff.
Can't be bothered with driving stick.
I watch that, I go, "You're working too hard."
-You go, "Hey, get out there!"
-I want to show everyone a clip from your show.
Here's Amy Poehler and Nick Offerman on "Making It."
Take a look at this.
-Do you think woodworkers in general --
Do you guys like talking about yourselves?
-Not so much.
I enjoy talking to other woodworkers.
There's, like, a language. -Would you like us to leave?
-Yeah, right?
-But what I'm noticing about you already, Cam, is you do a lot.
Are you gonna get it finished?
-I'm feeling pretty good about it.
-Okay, good. -Yeah.
-Okay, here's my impression of everybody
when you ask them about time.
Ask me about time.
-So, how are you feeling about your time management?
-Totally fine.
I'm making a gigantic Ferris wheel,
and I haven't started on any of it.
-There's 10 minutes left. -That's more than enough time.
-Okay, but now we're down to 9 minutes and 40 seconds.
-Cool with me. I don't even care.
-Yeah. Amy Poehler, everybody.
"Making It" premieres Tuesday, July 31st, at 10:00 p.m. on NBC.
흔한 놀이에 금지가 있어야 하는 이유 - Duration: 1:00.-------------------------------------------
Mandy Moore Knows the End to This is Us - Duration: 3:45.-------------------------------------------
Late Night White House Press Briefing: When Was the Last Time You Told the Truth? - Duration: 4:04.-White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders
hasn't been holding many press briefings lately.
So we decided to hold one of our own right here, right now.
That's right. Sarah Huckabee Sanders and
the "Late Night" press corps are here in our studio
and ready to go. So without further ado,
it's time for the "Late Night" White House press briefing.
[ Cheers and applause ]
Sarah! Yes, Sarah. Sarah, over here.
Sarah! Sarah, please. Sarah! Yes, thank you.
Seth Meyers, "Late Night with Seth Meyers."
Secretary Sanders, when was the last time you told the truth?
-Nearly two years ago.
[ Laughter ]
-What will President Trump do if Robert Mueller finds him
to have broken the law?
-Change the law.
[ Light laughter ]
-What's the one thing that makes the job of Press Secretary
the most difficult?
-Everything that this President does.
[ Laughter and applause ]
-Secretary Sanders, I have a question about you.
Where the flip are you from?
-From flipping Arkansas.
[ Laughter ]
-What's the only way we're going to be able to get through
the Trump presidency?
-The legalization of all drugs, anywhere.
[ Cheers and applause ]
-Dr. Ronny Jackson put President Trump
on a diet last year. How is that going?
-Lasted about a half hour.
[ Laughter ]
-What's the most exciting part of the President's job?
-Being a Russian spy.
[ Laughter ]
-What happens when the President sees a door labelled "pull"?
-President Trump will continue to push.
[ Laughter ]
-What does this administration do when they discover Russians
attempting to hack into our voting systems?
-We encourage them.
[ Light laughter ]
-What does President Trump call bras?
-Support things.
[ Laughter ]
-What did Donald Trump say to Putin after the 2016 election?
-Thank you very much. -Okay.
[ Laughter ]
[ Applause ]
Change of topics. Sports question.
What did you think of Michael Jordan's
famous step-back shot to defeat the Utah Jazz in game six
of the 1998 NBA finals?
-He was traveling.
[ Light laughter ]
-When you're looking for Melania, where is
the one place you know for sure she isn't?
-Under President Trump.
[ Audience ohs ]
[ Cheers and applause ]
-What does President Trump currently have aimed at
the cast of "The View?"
-90% of the world's nuclear weapons.
[ Laughter ]
-How many U.S. States can the President name
off the top of his head?
-So far, 18 states.
[ Laughter ]
-Why did you stop watching HBO's "Westworld"?
-Virtually all Americans agree that it makes no sense.
[ Light laughter ]
-Explain why we keep giving Justin Bieber so many chances.
-We've been very nice to Canada for many years.
And they have taken advantage of that.
-Yeah. They have. They took advantage.
[ Applause ]
What did President Trump say to talk Stormy Daniels into bed?
-This will only last a short amount of time.
[ Laughter and applause ]
-How do they get President Trump to leave the Golden Corral
all-you-can-eat buffet?
-Sometimes that's through voluntary removal,
and sometimes that's through expedited removal.
[ Laughter ]
-Complete this phrase.
"I pledge allegiance to the flag --"
Of the United States and Russia.
-All right, looks like we're out of time.
So on behalf of the rest of the press corps, have a good night.
Winn-Dixie to give away free gas to Tampa drivers on Wednesday - Duration: 1:25.-------------------------------------------
開天眼,太可怕 | KUAIZERO - Duration: 10:01.-------------------------------------------
Μακραίνει η λίστα με τους νεκρούς - Αναζητούν αγνοούμενους - Duration: 5:05.-------------------------------------------
唐嫣哭了胡歌曾当众向她做了一个大胆举动,网友心疼罗晋 - Duration: 5:12.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Ambition Style Automaat - Duration: 1:09.-------------------------------------------
KAMP! - DON'T CLAP HANDS (OFFICIAL AUDIO) - Duration: 3:55.Can't live the moment like this
The things you loose
Are the things you miss
I never hope we learn
It's such a shame it ends like this
I can tell what it means
To live the broken dreams
Then I begin to feel
I can tell you bout my fears
You better save your tears
Don't fall behind
I can tell you to be mean
Nothing's ever green
Then I begin to feel
I can feel the change coming
Knockin' on the door
We locked it from behind
Don't clap hands
Nothing now really matters
Nothing now really matters
Since you've stopped trying
I can show you what it means
Poison all your dreams
Then I begin to feel
I can feel now what it means
Breaking all the deals
I saw them
I can tell you to be wise
And be the one who tries
Then I begin to feel
Like the tap's been left running
Hear the water drop
And you don't even mind
Don't clap hands
Nothing now really matters
Nothing now really matters
Since you've stopped trying
Can't live the moment like this
The things you loose
Are the things you miss
I never hope we learn
It's such a shame it ends like
it ends like this
Don't clap hands
Nothing gets really better
Nothing gets really better
Since you've stopped trying
Don't shake heads
Nothing gets really better
Nothing gets really better
Since you've stopped trying
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Ambition Urban Automaat - Duration: 0:55.-------------------------------------------
🔥Automatic capsule machine NJ 06 Minipress.ru - Duration: 3:18.Hello! My name is Roman Tsibulsky. We're proud to offer professional advice on
choosing any pharmaceutical equipment. Exhaustive catalog comprises
equipment produced by Chinese, Indian, Korean and thigh manufacturers. We are
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range of related goods, packing, raw materials and consumables. Roman
Tsibulsky will answer all of your questions! Equipment manufacturers constantly
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discussing everything in detail with a reliable supplier. I wish you success in
your business! Please feel free to address your questions to me via Skype. I
am online 24/7 and will be happy to answer your questions and give you every
possible advice.
Hello, my name is Roman Tsibulsky, I'm the founder and the owner of the
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help you find the best options. I provide my clients not only with
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I'm really good at that as I have a great deal of my own and my clients
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all my experience and knowledge. I'll be happy to see you among my clients.
Hyundai ix35 1.6i GDI Style Pano.dak Nav. Clim.contr. Trekh. - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
为了让赵丽颖做儿媳妇,直接搬去了颖宝的小区?不愧是神助攻! - Duration: 2:42.-------------------------------------------
疫苗事件使得孙俪遭受道德绑架!网友:关心狗都不关心人! - Duration: 2:50.-------------------------------------------
Geological park Geysir. - Duration: 4:00.Geopark, about 1 km²
Strokkur, erupts about every 8 minutes.
Litli Geysir
Walking path.
Full of life everywhere.
Streams ±35ºC, ±95ºF
Boiling pool.
This was at a camping place near Keflavik.
View over Reykjanes area.
Mum walks seven miles a day to get children to school after bus service was cut - Duration: 4:43.</form> A mum-of-nine is forced to walk seven miles a day to get two of her children to and from school after the bus service was cut
Gemma Headley doesn't drive and takes her youngest child with her on the school run, so she says she cannot get to school any other way
The 36-year-old, from Driffield, East Yorkshire, spends 90 minutes each day walking along busy B roads so her daughters Pheobe, five, and Matilda, four, can get to their lessons
The mum told Hull Live that the situation is causing a lot of stress for the family and the daily walks are "awful" in winter due to the cold weather
Her daughters are pupils at the Church of England Infants School in Driffield, where a bus service was stopped by East Riding of Yorkshire Council almost two years ago
Gemma said: "When one of the other children were in infants they offered a taxi service, but they were put in with the senior school children who had to get a taxi to school because they were causing a nuisance
"I didn't think it was appropriate. My younger one was in nursery which got a bus so we did that for a year and I paid for that
"I wanted to do that this year or, seeing as they were all at the infants school, get them a taxi together but [the council] said that wasn't their policy anymore and it had changed
"I would pay for that to happen as it is so hard getting them that far on foot
There is a two mile bracket where children get free transport and we are just under that but I would pay for it anyway
" Due to the fact Gemma doesn't drive, and also takes her youngest son Percy, two, with her on the school run, she cannot get to school any other way
She said: "There are no public buses from ours at that time and you can only get two kids on the back of the bike in the trailers
I thought they would bring the bus back but when I went to the council they said they had no plans to do it
"I dread the start of the term because I don't know what to do. The junior and senior school share a bus so I have to put my children who go to them on a bus before walking with the younger ones
"We have to set off at 8.15am but have to rush to get there for 9am because I have to put the others on the bus as my husband goes to work
" Gemma said her and her three youngest walk along a busy B road with cars passing at 40mph to get to the school
She said: "It should not be a stressful situation but it is. If we had a bus it would be like a massive weight off my shoulders
If one of the kids is ill I have to drag them all out which isn't very good. If I kept them all at home I would get done
" Gemma claimed that the transport is free for children whose parents claim benefits
Read More Top Stories from Mirror Online She said: "How am I meant to explain that we cannot get the bus because their dad goes to work? What is that teaching the children? I would pay the amount per head per month to get them to school
"In the winter it is awful because we walk past open fields so it is so cold. The pathways aren't well looked after and if it snows it is so hard to get a pram through it
"I have made a formal complaint about this to the council and I've had an email to say they are looking into the upkeep of it
"If there was a bus put on it would be a massive weight off my shoulders knowing they are getting to school
It should not be this stressful, I shouldn't be dreading the end of the holidays
" A spokesman for East Riding of Yorkshire Council, said: "Under previous arrangements some passengers received assistance with school transport, but that is no longer the case
"We have no plans to introduce transport. Because the journey from Auchinleck Close to Driffield Infant School is under two miles the council has no statutory duty to provide home to school transport
Süchtig nach Geschmacksverstärkern – was tun? - Duration: 4:18.-------------------------------------------
Hyundai Getz 1.1i Active Young - Duration: 0:52.-------------------------------------------
Toyota Aygo 1.0-12V Comfort Navigator - Duration: 1:12.-------------------------------------------
Plan B - Duration: 41:09.-------------------------------------------
MEM CAKE MYSTERIES - Splatoon 2 Quiz - Duration: 15:38.We are going to play a little quiz today! A sort of Splat Quiz, but an exceptional one!
And the theme is...
- Judd! - Not at all...
It will be: Mem Cakes from the Octo Expansion DLC.
Here's the idea: I'm gonna read you a text
I'm gonna read one of the Mem Cake haikus and the first one to find out which
Mem Cake it is, they win.
If you don't know the exact name, you can describe it.
Because, you know, sometimes, it's quite tricky, but you don't need to have read them ,
it will help if you have, of course, but if you listen carefully to what I say,
you can easily understand and figure out.
So, are you ready? - Yes!
- For the first one...
"Each glittered scale shines so bright. You're my last ditch to strike it rich And tilt my bank balance aright."
Yes, Maca? - the Rainmaker!
- No! This is not the Rainmaker.
The answer was: the Goldie.
- the Goldie - What is that?
- It is an enemy of...
- I know the gold fish but not the Goldie...
- I knew it had something to do with Salmon Run, but...
"Closer to pyramids than spheres— Let fly the bombs! A sigh, then calm. A pillow stained with ink—or tears." Not an easy one
- Toxic Mist! - Well no, you failed!
- In fact, the strategy to win is...
- not to answer...
Ok, the ones who answer win, let's say three points
If you answer correctly.
"Though parted by the ocean deep, My oldest friend, we meet again. I touch your face; you rouse from sleep."
- The Octoling. - Yes, well done!
The good thing with this game is that I don't know when I should stop
because there are so many Mem Cakes, at some point I won't even remember the ones
I already told you.
"A mystery rolled up and bound— Oh, what's the use? It's too obtuse. I'll dump it in the lost and found."
- The Sunken Scroll? - Well done! It's indeed the Sunken Scroll!
- That's it!
"Though slick with slime, I keep my grip. The chill seeps through my gift from you.
I mustn't let this cargo slip."
Mark. - The... I can"t remember the name, you know, the little fishes,
the silver fishes we have to collect in the Story mode.
- No, that's not really that.
I want to say that this Quiz is somehow about slavery,
because every person invited to participate is someone who is working for me and my
channel, moderating, translating, subtitling the videos,
moderating the live sessions or even on the Discord server, you are all sort of my favourite slaves.
- Your slaves' activities. - Are we supposed to thank you or cry?
- It's like the big special treats at the end of Summer Camp
- It is.
It is a way to thank you and I hope that people who are gonna watch this vidéo
will also thank you in the commentary section.
Let's say again the one you haven't found.
"Though slick with slime, I keep my grip. The chill seeps through my gift from you. I mustn't let this cargo slip."
Leo Paul got it first.
Power eggs! - Well Done, Leo Paul!
- I've waited for 5 minutes to...
I've waited for 5 minutes to say this one - "Hmm, Slosher? Inkbrush? Curling Bomb?
I'd gladly browse for hours and hours Your gushing ramble brings me calm." Yes? - Sheldon?
- Yes! It's Sheldon, Well done! "When four are one, they make a team.
But one from ten? Uhh, come again? It's like some kind of fever dream."
- Clams
- Clams, indeed, well done, I accept it.
I think the title is "Power Clam" but the image is a simple clam, so, well,
it fine for me.
"Where love could blossom, spite congeals. Faced with these thieves, I aim and heave A cluster bomb right in the feels."
This one is not easy!
Go, Ink Theory. - Isn't it the definition of Inklings?
- No, it's not the definition of Inklings.
Anyways, this one was hard, I don't think that any of you had the answer.
- What was it? "Where love could blossom, spite congeals..."
"Where love could blossom, spite congeals. Faced with these thieves, I aim and heave A cluster bomb right in the feels."
That was the Steelhead! - What?
- What did you say? - Who has joined the session? Who is Raphaël?
- He is the hacker of this video
- How did he find out? - You know, 8888...
- That was easy, yeah.
Well, that's all, he' gonna be a spectator. "Two friends who never are apart:
One's always cool, the other stews. I love them both with all my heart."
Anzu? - Flow?
- It is Flow, congrats! So this one is hard, but...
Hey! Can I speak now? Easy kiddos, quiet!
What kind of moderators are you? So: "I topple from the tower ledge
And choke back tears to see the gears Eliminate our hard-won edge."
This one, if you find out...
Yes? - Is it DJ Octavio's defeat?
- Nope, not at all.
Well, I'm gonna give you the answer for this one because no one will find out.
- Is it the Tower? - Well, congrats, you have three points, you have three points.
"You overwhelm with crowds and throngs. At every turn, you writhe and churn. Why can't we simply get along?"
Hesitating, it seems.
- Is it the Great Zapfish?
- No, it's not the Great Zap Fish.
Someone kill him!
Well, someone took the rainmaker.
Do you have an answer? - Yes, isn't it one of the Inklings?
- No, it's not one of the Inklings.
"You overwhelm with crowds and throngs. At every turn, you writhe and churn. Why can't we simply get along?"
- A Salmonid?
- I'm gonna accept it.
- I'll say a Cohock! - It was a Chum, but in fact, this is weird,
I don't know if it a problem of translation, but the image is
a Salmonid.
"I shake the squeegee to and fro. As I do laps my color saps; A fair trade for a mighty blow."
- Well, ok.
- Yes?
- I was muted.
Is it the Splat Roller? - It is the Splat Roller, well done!
- Yeah! Champagne! - You have three points!
"How long must I wait in his line? Such tragic lack of Crusty snack... I'm almost there! It will be mine!"
Yes? - Is it a snack ticket?
- Well, no, it's not the right answer! - Ow, too bad!
- I'm gonna repeat it because I wasn't clear in...
- Crusty Sean? - Yes! Well done! It was Crusty Sean.
"How long must I wait in this line?"...
It can't be a ticket speaking!
"Such tragic lack of Crusty snack... I'm almost there! It will be mine!"
- I didn't think this through - A ticket holding a ticket in line.
"Destroy your troubles—bombs away! A tempting thought: bring all to naught. No wonder your friends tend to stray."
Mark? - Hmm, what's its name?
- What did you say? - Multi Missile.
- No, it's not Multi Missile.
Let me repeat: "Destroy your troubles—bombs away! A tempting thought: bring all to naught. No wonder your friends tend to stray."
I'll give you the answer.
The answer is: the Octobomber.
These are the flying enemies throwing bombs at you.
"Erupting eel glimpses the sky. Its eyelids squint against the glint Of sun unseen by creatures shy"
- the Maws - Well done!
- Yes, finally! - You are now positive, zero points.
"We're torn apart so many times; I must be bold and keep my hold To make their team pay for their crimes"
- Bold and keep my hold?
- Not that obvious, I must admit.
"We're torn apart so many times; I must be bold and keep my hold To make their team pay for their crimes"
- The Rainmaker, Rainmaker - Well done!
- Oh, yeah, ok! - I'm gonna ask tje Video Assistant Referee
to be sure that she's not cheating, because as for now, she is crushing you!
"I rule," you said, "It's in my blood. Don't step to me — ESPECIALLY If you can't hang with my best bud."
- Too bad, I got this one! - Dalligo?
- Pearl - Well done!
- I would have had the point! Bummer! - It was one of the easiest...
Now, it is, I think, the most important Mem Cake of the Splatoon 2 history
Are you ready? "To plant a tree's its own reward
After you're gone, it will grow on In memory, initials scarred."
- F*ck, I don't know
- Well...
Dalligo, you up for it? No, I don't think so.
Yes, he is!
- Is it the Tree? - What a winner! It is the Tree.
- Ooh la la, well done!
- Just a tree, really?
- There is a Tree Mem Cake. - I was looking for something so complicated
but it was some random tree. "A patch of sun? A fresh-caught fish?
No bribe will swerve your eye for turf, However desperately we wish."
That was easy, how is it possible that only one of you went for it?
- Judd & Lil' Judd! - Yes, well done!
I'll say it one more time because I want to show you how bad you were
not finding it.
"A patch of sun? A fresh-caught fish? No bribe will swerve your eye for turf, However desperately we wish."
- Yeah, ooh la la. - Losers!
"No stealth or guile, not for you. You pave the way as plain as day, Foreshadowing imminent spew."
"No stealth or guile, not for you. You pave the way as plain as day, Foreshadowing imminent spew."
- Forsha, what? - Forshadowing
"No stealth or guile, not for you. YOU-PAVE-THE-WAY-AS-PLAIN-AS-DAY, Foreshadowing imminent spew."
What is litteraly paving the way, plany, in Splatoon 2? - Is it the sponges, or the inflatables
in the solo mode? - No, it paves the way...
"Encased in a sturdy sphere of glass. It breaks my heart to see you caught With whiskers trembling as I pass."
- No, not fast enough - Is it the Zap Fish?
- It is indeed the Zap Fish - hmmpf, I would have had one point
Bummer - I'm gonna read some more but
you don't need to grab the rainmaker, you just have to answer, and the first one to do so
wins only one point instead of three.
"Oh, what I'd give to be employed! Better, I'd say, to work for pay Than ride this subway through the void."
Anzu, tell me - Mr Grizz
- Mr Grizz, well done! - I got it, but two seconds too late. I had some lag.
It's because of the ping.
"Oblivious, adrift, and round, You hold inside a tempting prize. Who doesn't love that popping sound?"
- The Balloon - Yes
What a performance!
"A sudden drizzle bars my way. It's no hour for this shower, But light rain won't ruin my day."
You don't lose any points, now.
- Another Octoling? - It's a boss... Isn't it the umbrella thing, the Drizzler?
- Yes! Ooh la la, you're gonna get so rekt by her!
She's crushing you, be careful!
Ok, from now on, let's play some games, and I'll give two extra points to the winning team
and you answer the questions while playing, ok?
"When I get my hands on these fish I might exchange them on the range, Except that they look so delish..."
- Is it tickets for snacks and drinks? - No
- What is it again? "When I get my hands on these fish, I might exchange them on the range"
- Sea snails? Super sea snails? - Capsules
- No, I haven"t heard the right answer yet.
- Sardiniums? - Yes, it is the Sardinium
Well done!
- Oo la la, I got it.
Holy mackerel! "Behind his dour, one-eyed stare,
Our urchin friend conceals a yen For making the most out of gear."
- Murch, Murch
- Yes, yes, what a sharp-witted girl! - Well
- We can see that some of us have been biologically privileged
- Nature isn't fair, is it?
Ok, another one.
"They told me you had gone to ground, And your rad groove was concrete proof That you made it safe and sound."
- Marina - Yeah, Marina
- Who answered? Was it Dalligo?
- This is he - Yes, one point for you.
"I watch your tendrils undulate A blue bouquet that twirls and sways, As central mass swells and deflates."
- The Jellyfish - Ok, I accept it, it was Jelfonzo.
"How desolate this star-marked limb. Is what awaits me this same fate? I must not dwell; it's much too grim."
- The Tentacle. - She doesn't even let me finish
watch out,
She's got four billion points!
So let's move on with another one which is harder,
but I like it, so I'm giving it to you anyway.
"You face away, thinking me blind, Like I don't know what you won't show. Your love is still clear from behind."
- Is it the Steel Eel?
- No
- Ha, it's this little Octarian thing,
and it runs away when we look at it. - And it is called the Tentakook.
- Oh, yeah, ooh la la. - It's the one running away
and dropping bombs.
"The hunt leads down a winding path. Tightly coiled and well-oiled, These dirty squids could use a bath."
No one?
- Steel Eel?
Steel Eel it is, well done! - I knew it
"The tides go out and take the light. How will I greet you when we meet? It keeps me up on inkstained nights."
- Marie - Yes, congrats, congrats.
"Black, bulging eyes stare far inside. What does he see deep within me? From his sharp gaze, no one can hide."
- Isn't it Callie, is it? - No, Callie was already given.
- Isn't it the Octolings of the Octo Expansion?
- No.
So, nobody? - "Black, bulging eyes stare far inside. What does he see deep within me?
From his sharp gaze, no one can hide." - Hmm what's his name? The crab man,
the one who is selling shoes? - Yes, it is him
Bisk. Ooh la la, well done!
One more point for Dalligo. - Ha, because of his sunglasses
- In third position we have Leo Paul
- Ha, nice - And, drum roll please: Anzu is winning
with 23 points, followed by Dalligo with 19 points, not far behind,
and the two of you literally crush the other
players of this game.
Congratulations to you both.
Congratulations for all your right answers, you don't have a single lost point in your final results.
So if you can read the subtitles of this video, well, you can thank Maca for it,
and thank you, to all of you, for your moderation, your subtitles, your editing
for my channel, once again, thank you!
I couldn't ask every single person helping me for this session, obviously,
but there have been some who already appeared in some previous videos, and there will be others
who may appear in the next ones!
And thank you to the donators!
You can also watch my other videos, feel free to subscribe if you haven't and check my social media in description. See ya!
For more infomation >> MEM CAKE MYSTERIES - Splatoon 2 Quiz - Duration: 15:38.-------------------------------------------
MaXi - Lunatic à vendre - Duration: 11:01.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> MaXi - Lunatic à vendre - Duration: 11:01.-------------------------------------------
Meghan Markle did it first! The affordable frock the Duchess of Sussex was spotted in months before - Duration: 10:07.
For more infomation >> Meghan Markle did it first! The affordable frock the Duchess of Sussex was spotted in months before - Duration: 10:07.-------------------------------------------
1918 : COMMENT LA GUERRE NOUS A CHANGÉS ? - Le numéro du mois - Duration: 3:10.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> 1918 : COMMENT LA GUERRE NOUS A CHANGÉS ? - Le numéro du mois - Duration: 3:10.-------------------------------------------
"Expoland Theme Park" An Abandoned Theme Park in Osaka, Japan. - Duration: 3:02.American Ghost Towns.Thanks for watching.
Expoland, Abandoned Theme Park, Japan.
Expoland, located in Suita, Japan was opened as the Amusement zone at the International Exposition in 1970.
There were more than 40 rides and attractions, including 8 roller coasters and 19 restaurants and shops.
On May 5, 2007, a 19-year-old university student from Higashiomi, Shiga was killed and nineteen other guests were injured when the Fujin Raijin II derailed at Expoland. Initial reports said that forty people were injured, with thirty-one being taken to hospital.
An investigation revealed that the ride derailed due to a broken axle. None of the ride vehicle's axles had been replaced for fifteen years. Following this accident, similar coasters at other Japanese parks were voluntarily shut down and inspected to see if they could also have the same axle flaw.
Expoland was cited by authorities for faulty maintenance when similar axle cracks were found on a second train a month later.
The park reopened after the accident but closed again on December 9, 2007, citing a lack of customers. On February 9, 2009, its owners finally decided that the park was closed down for good.
Thanks for watching. Like, Share and Subscribe, Thanks.
For more infomation >> "Expoland Theme Park" An Abandoned Theme Park in Osaka, Japan. - Duration: 3:02.-------------------------------------------
Μαρτυρία ηλικιωμένης στην Αττική - Duration: 4:14.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Μαρτυρία ηλικιωμένης στην Αττική - Duration: 4:14.-------------------------------------------
Deadly Pakistan blast kills more than 20 outside polling booth - Duration: 3:14.A blast has killed at least 20 people in Pakistan's western city of Quetta on Wednesday in an attack targeting a police van, as the South Asian nation holds general elections
Geo TV initially put the death toll at 18, while rival Samaa TV put it at 20, adding a "suicide attacker" was responsible
Sky News reported later that a hospital official says 25 people have been killed and 40 wounded following the explosion outside a crowded polling station on election day
Quetta is the capital of Pakistan's province of Baluchistan. Pakistanis began voting in a knife-edge general election pitting cricket hero Imran Khan against the party of jailed ex-Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, with the prospect of neither winning a clear majority amid a looming currency crisis
A decade after Pakistan was last ruled by a military government, the election has been plagued by allegations the powerful armed forces have been trying to tilt the race in Khan's favour after falling out with the outgoing ruling party of Sharif, who was jailed on corruption charges this month
Khan has emerged as a slight favourite in national polls, but the divisive race is likely to come down to Punjab, the country's most populous province, where Sharif's party has clung to its lead in recent surveys
About 106 million people are registered to vote in polls due to close at 6pm (local time) on Wednesday
Results will start trickling in within hours. Whichever party wins, it will face a mounting and urgent in-tray, from the economic crisis to worsening relations with on-off ally the United States to deepening cross-country water shortages
An anti-corruption crusader, Khan has promised an "Islamic welfare state" and cast his populist campaign as a battle to topple a predatory political elite hindering development in the impoverished mostly-Muslim nation of 208 million people, where the illiteracy rate hovers above 40 per cent
Khan's Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party has inched ahead of PML-N in recent national polls, but even if it gets the most votes, it will likely struggle to win a majority of the 272 elected seats in the National Assembly, raising the prospect of weeks of haggling to form a messy coalition government
Such a delay could further imperil Pakistan's economy, with the currency crisis expected to force the new government to turn to the International Monetary Fund for Pakistan's second bailout since 2013
PTI has not ruled out seeking succour from China, Islamabad's closest ally. -with agencies
For more infomation >> Deadly Pakistan blast kills more than 20 outside polling booth - Duration: 3:14.-------------------------------------------
TOP 5 Free Amazing Games Will not be Found at Playsore - Link Ready - Duration: 5:16.You who have an Android phone must have played the game right?
Of the many genres and game options you've ever played
usually downloaded via Playstore
But, Do you know
that there is a cool hidden game that is not in the playstore?
It is not known for certain
why there are games that we can not download on Playstore
But for you who are curious about these cool games
OmLamis has 5 hidden cool game recommendations that are not in the playstore
Most of the cool games that do not exist in this playstore
very worth to play
either because the graphics are good
his playful gameplay or live characterization
Rather than curious
following 5 cool hidden games that are not in the playstore
for download link problem ga worry
OmLamis love for you in the description
Avatar HD Game
Same with the movie
This Avatar game is an adventure type gameplay
the main character "Jake" in tracing the Planet Pandora
Throughout the game we will be in the graphic love that pamper the eyes
like in the movie Avatar
Although the game is long
but still cool and fun to play
Thor: The Dark World Game
The story in this game is a little different
with the movie being broadcasted on a bisokop with the same title
Game type Hack and Slash is very exciting to play
Thor's main mission in this game is
restore the Nine World in war
and led Asgard's forces against Marauder
Gundam Battle Game
Gundam Battle is an action genre game
which is filled by Gundam characters from various series
ranging from Gundam Wing, Mobile Suit Gundam SEED and also Gundam 00
This game has many game modes
so it will not make you bored while playing it
Lili as the main character in this game is
a girl trapped in a mysterious island called Geos
Throughout the Game, you will play Lili
as the main character to explore the island
and solve puzzles and puzzles to complete this game
Blade: Sword of Elysion
This game is great for heavyweight gamers
who likes tough challenges
The beautiful graphics and characters in this game are also very interesting to play
Maybe if this game is on Playstore
can very barrel the market
it was OmLamis's recommendation of 5 cool games
which is not in the playstore you can download and play
Check Link download games in video description
Hopefully these games can entertain and add to your game reference
Please share, subscribe and comment this video
to continue to get information and news about the technology from OmLamis
For more infomation >> TOP 5 Free Amazing Games Will not be Found at Playsore - Link Ready - Duration: 5:16.-------------------------------------------
🇬🇷 REST IN GREECE 2018. PENINSULA OF CASSANDRA, HALKIDIKA. KRIOPIGI BEACH. ROAD TO THE SEA - Duration: 7:42.around olive groves trees very old
age-old probably know what is olive
the tree does not create a shadow because they have leaves
are turned by ribs to the sun
hedgehog Pine Birds
olives view of the village red
roofs tiled very picturesque
on the way the hotel Theo 3 stars
value today I watched at breakfast around 70
Euro and our hotel is more than 100 euros
I'll show you how the blackberries blossom very beautiful
bees fly the road goes serpentine
down so the beach is very
comfortable back to the hill more difficult
from the hotel there is a transfer parachutist
every hour runs very comfortably
kassandra bay hotel breakfast
€ 150 the birds from us flew here
they are much better off We are awakened by swallows who
We settled under our roof apartments
there is a field for karting on the trash can please rolls
the clamshell can be taken someone threw it out
we do not need us bags lace bag
we walked about 10 minutes came to the beach
the water is calm today the sea is quiet
pleasant walk now you see the sea
have a toilet even it's interesting is it clean?
I'll go look the toilet is not very clean
I will not show there is a parking for cars
freeware restaurant bar
Today, Monday is usually here are plank beds paid
it's deserted today can go in that direction
from the left pine forest with the right sea
we are on the peninsula cassander
you can see the following finger
sithonia we came to our place
here we are located we are sitting alone
such a sofa turned out also purchased an umbrella
large 2 meter long for 10 Euro
significant savings sunbed with umbrella is
10 euro per day if multiplied by two weeks
then this is a decent amount back we go on paravozike
cute parachutist we are lucky
this is our driver Hello, introduce yourself
you are welcome Basil
always good-natured cheerful meet for the second time
we really like Thanks you
and here are our places now let's go
For more infomation >> 🇬🇷 REST IN GREECE 2018. PENINSULA OF CASSANDRA, HALKIDIKA. KRIOPIGI BEACH. ROAD TO THE SEA - Duration: 7:42.-------------------------------------------
Alex Mica - Dalinda (Official Video) - Duration: 3:27.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Alex Mica - Dalinda (Official Video) - Duration: 3:27.-------------------------------------------
F.Charm – Cod rosu (by Lanoy) [Videoclip oficial] - Duration: 4:14.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> F.Charm – Cod rosu (by Lanoy) [Videoclip oficial] - Duration: 4:14.-------------------------------------------
Nick Kamarera - Outta My Life (Official Lyric Video) - Duration: 3:26.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Nick Kamarera - Outta My Life (Official Lyric Video) - Duration: 3:26.-------------------------------------------
(เบสเเน่น)เพลงเเดนซ์มันๆฟังสบายชิลๆ(Allexinno & Mirabela - In Love )(HipHop)110 FZ REMIX - Duration: 3:53.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> (เบสเเน่น)เพลงเเดนซ์มันๆฟังสบายชิลๆ(Allexinno & Mirabela - In Love )(HipHop)110 FZ REMIX - Duration: 3:53.-------------------------------------------
Sandra N - Liar - Duration: 3:10.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Sandra N - Liar - Duration: 3:10.-------------------------------------------
Sonny Flame - Sale el Sol [Official Video] - Duration: 3:39.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Sonny Flame - Sale el Sol [Official Video] - Duration: 3:39.-------------------------------------------
Ellie White - Sete de noi (Official Video) - Duration: 4:07.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Ellie White - Sete de noi (Official Video) - Duration: 4:07.-------------------------------------------
Giovanni Bomoll Music-------------------------------------------
BMW 3 Serie 320i M Sport High Executive - Duration: 1:12.-------------------------------------------
MEM CAKE MYSTERIES - Splatoon 2 Quiz - Duration: 15:38.We are going to play a little quiz today! A sort of Splat Quiz, but an exceptional one!
And the theme is...
- Judd! - Not at all...
It will be: Mem Cakes from the Octo Expansion DLC.
Here's the idea: I'm gonna read you a text
I'm gonna read one of the Mem Cake haikus and the first one to find out which
Mem Cake it is, they win.
If you don't know the exact name, you can describe it.
Because, you know, sometimes, it's quite tricky, but you don't need to have read them ,
it will help if you have, of course, but if you listen carefully to what I say,
you can easily understand and figure out.
So, are you ready? - Yes!
- For the first one...
"Each glittered scale shines so bright. You're my last ditch to strike it rich And tilt my bank balance aright."
Yes, Maca? - the Rainmaker!
- No! This is not the Rainmaker.
The answer was: the Goldie.
- the Goldie - What is that?
- It is an enemy of...
- I know the gold fish but not the Goldie...
- I knew it had something to do with Salmon Run, but...
"Closer to pyramids than spheres— Let fly the bombs! A sigh, then calm. A pillow stained with ink—or tears." Not an easy one
- Toxic Mist! - Well no, you failed!
- In fact, the strategy to win is...
- not to answer...
Ok, the ones who answer win, let's say three points
If you answer correctly.
"Though parted by the ocean deep, My oldest friend, we meet again. I touch your face; you rouse from sleep."
- The Octoling. - Yes, well done!
The good thing with this game is that I don't know when I should stop
because there are so many Mem Cakes, at some point I won't even remember the ones
I already told you.
"A mystery rolled up and bound— Oh, what's the use? It's too obtuse. I'll dump it in the lost and found."
- The Sunken Scroll? - Well done! It's indeed the Sunken Scroll!
- That's it!
"Though slick with slime, I keep my grip. The chill seeps through my gift from you.
I mustn't let this cargo slip."
Mark. - The... I can"t remember the name, you know, the little fishes,
the silver fishes we have to collect in the Story mode.
- No, that's not really that.
I want to say that this Quiz is somehow about slavery,
because every person invited to participate is someone who is working for me and my
channel, moderating, translating, subtitling the videos,
moderating the live sessions or even on the Discord server, you are all sort of my favourite slaves.
- Your slaves' activities. - Are we supposed to thank you or cry?
- It's like the big special treats at the end of Summer Camp
- It is.
It is a way to thank you and I hope that people who are gonna watch this vidéo
will also thank you in the commentary section.
Let's say again the one you haven't found.
"Though slick with slime, I keep my grip. The chill seeps through my gift from you. I mustn't let this cargo slip."
Leo Paul got it first.
Power eggs! - Well Done, Leo Paul!
- I've waited for 5 minutes to...
I've waited for 5 minutes to say this one - "Hmm, Slosher? Inkbrush? Curling Bomb?
I'd gladly browse for hours and hours Your gushing ramble brings me calm." Yes? - Sheldon?
- Yes! It's Sheldon, Well done! "When four are one, they make a team.
But one from ten? Uhh, come again? It's like some kind of fever dream."
- Clams
- Clams, indeed, well done, I accept it.
I think the title is "Power Clam" but the image is a simple clam, so, well,
it fine for me.
"Where love could blossom, spite congeals. Faced with these thieves, I aim and heave A cluster bomb right in the feels."
This one is not easy!
Go, Ink Theory. - Isn't it the definition of Inklings?
- No, it's not the definition of Inklings.
Anyways, this one was hard, I don't think that any of you had the answer.
- What was it? "Where love could blossom, spite congeals..."
"Where love could blossom, spite congeals. Faced with these thieves, I aim and heave A cluster bomb right in the feels."
That was the Steelhead! - What?
- What did you say? - Who has joined the session? Who is Raphaël?
- He is the hacker of this video
- How did he find out? - You know, 8888...
- That was easy, yeah.
Well, that's all, he' gonna be a spectator. "Two friends who never are apart:
One's always cool, the other stews. I love them both with all my heart."
Anzu? - Flow?
- It is Flow, congrats! So this one is hard, but...
Hey! Can I speak now? Easy kiddos, quiet!
What kind of moderators are you? So: "I topple from the tower ledge
And choke back tears to see the gears Eliminate our hard-won edge."
This one, if you find out...
Yes? - Is it DJ Octavio's defeat?
- Nope, not at all.
Well, I'm gonna give you the answer for this one because no one will find out.
- Is it the Tower? - Well, congrats, you have three points, you have three points.
"You overwhelm with crowds and throngs. At every turn, you writhe and churn. Why can't we simply get along?"
Hesitating, it seems.
- Is it the Great Zapfish?
- No, it's not the Great Zap Fish.
Someone kill him!
Well, someone took the rainmaker.
Do you have an answer? - Yes, isn't it one of the Inklings?
- No, it's not one of the Inklings.
"You overwhelm with crowds and throngs. At every turn, you writhe and churn. Why can't we simply get along?"
- A Salmonid?
- I'm gonna accept it.
- I'll say a Cohock! - It was a Chum, but in fact, this is weird,
I don't know if it a problem of translation, but the image is
a Salmonid.
"I shake the squeegee to and fro. As I do laps my color saps; A fair trade for a mighty blow."
- Well, ok.
- Yes?
- I was muted.
Is it the Splat Roller? - It is the Splat Roller, well done!
- Yeah! Champagne! - You have three points!
"How long must I wait in his line? Such tragic lack of Crusty snack... I'm almost there! It will be mine!"
Yes? - Is it a snack ticket?
- Well, no, it's not the right answer! - Ow, too bad!
- I'm gonna repeat it because I wasn't clear in...
- Crusty Sean? - Yes! Well done! It was Crusty Sean.
"How long must I wait in this line?"...
It can't be a ticket speaking!
"Such tragic lack of Crusty snack... I'm almost there! It will be mine!"
- I didn't think this through - A ticket holding a ticket in line.
"Destroy your troubles—bombs away! A tempting thought: bring all to naught. No wonder your friends tend to stray."
Mark? - Hmm, what's its name?
- What did you say? - Multi Missile.
- No, it's not Multi Missile.
Let me repeat: "Destroy your troubles—bombs away! A tempting thought: bring all to naught. No wonder your friends tend to stray."
I'll give you the answer.
The answer is: the Octobomber.
These are the flying enemies throwing bombs at you.
"Erupting eel glimpses the sky. Its eyelids squint against the glint Of sun unseen by creatures shy"
- the Maws - Well done!
- Yes, finally! - You are now positive, zero points.
"We're torn apart so many times; I must be bold and keep my hold To make their team pay for their crimes"
- Bold and keep my hold?
- Not that obvious, I must admit.
"We're torn apart so many times; I must be bold and keep my hold To make their team pay for their crimes"
- The Rainmaker, Rainmaker - Well done!
- Oh, yeah, ok! - I'm gonna ask tje Video Assistant Referee
to be sure that she's not cheating, because as for now, she is crushing you!
"I rule," you said, "It's in my blood. Don't step to me — ESPECIALLY If you can't hang with my best bud."
- Too bad, I got this one! - Dalligo?
- Pearl - Well done!
- I would have had the point! Bummer! - It was one of the easiest...
Now, it is, I think, the most important Mem Cake of the Splatoon 2 history
Are you ready? "To plant a tree's its own reward
After you're gone, it will grow on In memory, initials scarred."
- F*ck, I don't know
- Well...
Dalligo, you up for it? No, I don't think so.
Yes, he is!
- Is it the Tree? - What a winner! It is the Tree.
- Ooh la la, well done!
- Just a tree, really?
- There is a Tree Mem Cake. - I was looking for something so complicated
but it was some random tree. "A patch of sun? A fresh-caught fish?
No bribe will swerve your eye for turf, However desperately we wish."
That was easy, how is it possible that only one of you went for it?
- Judd & Lil' Judd! - Yes, well done!
I'll say it one more time because I want to show you how bad you were
not finding it.
"A patch of sun? A fresh-caught fish? No bribe will swerve your eye for turf, However desperately we wish."
- Yeah, ooh la la. - Losers!
"No stealth or guile, not for you. You pave the way as plain as day, Foreshadowing imminent spew."
"No stealth or guile, not for you. You pave the way as plain as day, Foreshadowing imminent spew."
- Forsha, what? - Forshadowing
"No stealth or guile, not for you. YOU-PAVE-THE-WAY-AS-PLAIN-AS-DAY, Foreshadowing imminent spew."
What is litteraly paving the way, plany, in Splatoon 2? - Is it the sponges, or the inflatables
in the solo mode? - No, it paves the way...
"Encased in a sturdy sphere of glass. It breaks my heart to see you caught With whiskers trembling as I pass."
- No, not fast enough - Is it the Zap Fish?
- It is indeed the Zap Fish - hmmpf, I would have had one point
Bummer - I'm gonna read some more but
you don't need to grab the rainmaker, you just have to answer, and the first one to do so
wins only one point instead of three.
"Oh, what I'd give to be employed! Better, I'd say, to work for pay Than ride this subway through the void."
Anzu, tell me - Mr Grizz
- Mr Grizz, well done! - I got it, but two seconds too late. I had some lag.
It's because of the ping.
"Oblivious, adrift, and round, You hold inside a tempting prize. Who doesn't love that popping sound?"
- The Balloon - Yes
What a performance!
"A sudden drizzle bars my way. It's no hour for this shower, But light rain won't ruin my day."
You don't lose any points, now.
- Another Octoling? - It's a boss... Isn't it the umbrella thing, the Drizzler?
- Yes! Ooh la la, you're gonna get so rekt by her!
She's crushing you, be careful!
Ok, from now on, let's play some games, and I'll give two extra points to the winning team
and you answer the questions while playing, ok?
"When I get my hands on these fish I might exchange them on the range, Except that they look so delish..."
- Is it tickets for snacks and drinks? - No
- What is it again? "When I get my hands on these fish, I might exchange them on the range"
- Sea snails? Super sea snails? - Capsules
- No, I haven"t heard the right answer yet.
- Sardiniums? - Yes, it is the Sardinium
Well done!
- Oo la la, I got it.
Holy mackerel! "Behind his dour, one-eyed stare,
Our urchin friend conceals a yen For making the most out of gear."
- Murch, Murch
- Yes, yes, what a sharp-witted girl! - Well
- We can see that some of us have been biologically privileged
- Nature isn't fair, is it?
Ok, another one.
"They told me you had gone to ground, And your rad groove was concrete proof That you made it safe and sound."
- Marina - Yeah, Marina
- Who answered? Was it Dalligo?
- This is he - Yes, one point for you.
"I watch your tendrils undulate A blue bouquet that twirls and sways, As central mass swells and deflates."
- The Jellyfish - Ok, I accept it, it was Jelfonzo.
"How desolate this star-marked limb. Is what awaits me this same fate? I must not dwell; it's much too grim."
- The Tentacle. - She doesn't even let me finish
watch out,
She's got four billion points!
So let's move on with another one which is harder,
but I like it, so I'm giving it to you anyway.
"You face away, thinking me blind, Like I don't know what you won't show. Your love is still clear from behind."
- Is it the Steel Eel?
- No
- Ha, it's this little Octarian thing,
and it runs away when we look at it. - And it is called the Tentakook.
- Oh, yeah, ooh la la. - It's the one running away
and dropping bombs.
"The hunt leads down a winding path. Tightly coiled and well-oiled, These dirty squids could use a bath."
No one?
- Steel Eel?
Steel Eel it is, well done! - I knew it
"The tides go out and take the light. How will I greet you when we meet? It keeps me up on inkstained nights."
- Marie - Yes, congrats, congrats.
"Black, bulging eyes stare far inside. What does he see deep within me? From his sharp gaze, no one can hide."
- Isn't it Callie, is it? - No, Callie was already given.
- Isn't it the Octolings of the Octo Expansion?
- No.
So, nobody? - "Black, bulging eyes stare far inside. What does he see deep within me?
From his sharp gaze, no one can hide." - Hmm what's his name? The crab man,
the one who is selling shoes? - Yes, it is him
Bisk. Ooh la la, well done!
One more point for Dalligo. - Ha, because of his sunglasses
- In third position we have Leo Paul
- Ha, nice - And, drum roll please: Anzu is winning
with 23 points, followed by Dalligo with 19 points, not far behind,
and the two of you literally crush the other
players of this game.
Congratulations to you both.
Congratulations for all your right answers, you don't have a single lost point in your final results.
So if you can read the subtitles of this video, well, you can thank Maca for it,
and thank you, to all of you, for your moderation, your subtitles, your editing
for my channel, once again, thank you!
I couldn't ask every single person helping me for this session, obviously,
but there have been some who already appeared in some previous videos, and there will be others
who may appear in the next ones!
And thank you to the donators!
You can also watch my other videos, feel free to subscribe if you haven't and check my social media in description. See ya!
【MUKBANG】 THE TASTY Naan! MOS Limited [Naan Tacos & Naan Curry Dog] And Chili Burger! 6279kcal[CC] - Duration: 10:01.hello it's kinoshita yuka
i bought from MOS the new Naan Tacos & Naan Curry Dog
it's been awhile since i ate MOS
and it's looks so tasty after all this time
varieties pack A
than contain fries and onion rings, and i bought 2 of it
and the limited edition of the drinks as well
Lemon ginger and lassi
ah, this is good, because lassi goes so well with curry
as expected from MOS, they don't waste the chance
and here, the limited Brown rice flake shake dragon fruit
that i bought it
its color is so nice
and to let it cold, i'm going to put it in Minion
the weather is so hot after all
and with this seasonal products, you can really feel the different seasons in Japan
hay, let's start with the tacos
and i bought 2 from each kind
it's so colorful
it's written on the box " tear this part to eat it"
is this going to make it easy to eat ?
there is both the minced meat and the flakes
with tomatoes and lettuce
may be like this is better
i will eat it in a normal way
the texture is soft and tasty
and the sauce is spicy and hot a little bit with the sweet soft minced meat
and this combination is so tasty
this sauce looks like curry
this is truly tasty
the texture of the naan is so soft
and now let's try Lemon ginger
refreshing and tasty
the taste of Lemon ginger is the picture of summer
and the taste of ginger is so refreshing
the seasoning of this minced meat is sweet and good
hay, the seconde
this is so thick
but it's a good as a meal for people
they used the spices of the curry with the meat
and the flakes are so rich with the flavor and crispy, and this is so tasty
because it was so tasty, i forgot the side dishes
fries and onion rings
and because the fries are moist, even when it cool down it still tasty
and it's so crispy
i really like this crispy texture and sweet taste of the onion rings
and next...
Naan Curry Dog
this naan items entered MOS menu from 4 years ago
it's amazingly tasty
but you shouldn't take a rest for 4 years
for the veggies, it only contain onion what make it so simple
but the sausage is so huge
sausage is crispy and juicy, and this is so good
and the curry sauce is so rich with the flavor
and it's a spicy a little bit, and this is good
and this is lassi
it's like the yogurt, thick and tasty
this Naan Curry goes so well with the fries and onion rings
after eating it, you can still feel the burn in your mouth
i ordred the spicy version of it...
but i didn't find it in the bags
but they didn't charge me anything
and certainly remember that i said that on the phone
and this is Friday Limited Chili Burger
its logo is so cute
it's my first time to eat it, because it's a friday limited
hay, this is how it looks like
as expected from MOS, it's with plenty of sauce
meat patty, Chili sauce and tomatoes and lettuce
and maybe cheese as well
Chili sauce is so tasty
and because the amount is so huge, it's so thick
the patty is tasty and fluffy
and Chili sauce is a little bit spicy
i don't feel the strong taste of the cheese in this sauce, and if they add more of it, it'll be better for sure
eating MOS burger makes you so happy
next, Spicy Chili Burger
it's the spicy version of the previous one
and it looks the same
maybe with a little of red sauce
ah, it contains some Jalapeno
this is really more spicy
and because it's thick, this level of spiciness is good with it
the Jalapeno burn the mouth
and this made me want to eat the fries
and Spicy Chili Burger Level 2
the previous one was a little bit spicy so this is for those who likes the spicy taste
is the Jalapeno a pepper ?
or maybe not ?
doesn't matter
it's not spicy at all
not in strong way
i think it needs time to feel the burn
the sauce is not that spicy
the last bite
and for the drinks, i'm going to drink this Sanpellegrino
the can is designed in a good way
that's so elegant
let's eat the sweet now
i have here some fries and onion rings
i'll eat it with the sweets
hay, let's bring the sweet
it's like a treasure
you can see that the cream is safe
what a relief
it was so surprising
but the dress is with the same color as the shake
it's not a big deal, but it's my first time to wear it
this is so sad
because of that, the shake doesn't looks good anymore
but i think the taste is still the same
because there is plenty of cream, this is really tasty
if don't feel this dragon fruit that well
a cream and shake together with a slightly sweet and sour taste
and the flakes is crispy in a good way
like texture of the corn flakes
there is some Dragon fruit seeds
on the bottom you can feel the taste of the Dragon fruit
the last bite itadakimasu
i want to wash this dress
hay, gochisousamadeshita
the new menu of MOS was so tasty
and what happened in the last was so bad
Lemon ginger and lassi was so delicious
the food was so tasty as well, i really like this menu items
because it's only this time from 4 years ago
you need to hurry up
and because it was so tasty, why you don't try this as well ?
And as always thank you for watching
if there's anything You want me to do
please tell me in a comment Section below
if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons
bye bye
all rights reserved. copyright © 2018 Kinoshita Yuka
Doyal Re - Siraj Khan | Bangla Song | Bulbul Audio | Bangla Music Video 2018 - Duration: 5:14.Please Subscribe My Channel
乔治小王子真的是不喜欢搭理人吗?那是你没有看到他的这些照片|卡米拉 - Duration: 1:30.-------------------------------------------
Properly Programming for Autism Children - Tit for Tat Programming - Duration: 4:59.I am probably the most pro-verbal behavior programming person you will ever come across,
but I have seen a lot of behavior analysts and teachers focusing on the wrong targets
in the wrong order.
Today, I'm going to get on my soapbox and talk about what I call "tit-for-tat" programming.
I'm Dr. Mary Barbera, autism mom, board-certified behavior analyst, and best-selling author.
Each week, I provide you with some of my ideas about turning autism around, so if you haven't
subscribed to my YouTube channel, hit the subscribe button and the notification bell
right now.
I have lots of examples of what I call tit-for-tat programming, but I'm just going to tell you
about a little boy, we'll call, Anthony who was six or seven at the time, and his VB-MAPP
showed that he was a level II and level III learner.
He had vocal language, he could read fluently, but he couldn't comprehend much.
Another behavior analyst was selecting the targets for the new teacher who had just come
onboard a few weeks prior.
When I looked at Anthony's probe sheet I noticed that tacting features of a watermelon were
on there, so Anthony was being taught to label not only a watermelon, but also the rind and
the seeds of a watermelon.
He wasn't making progress on these targets and I had never seen him eat a watermelon,
and also the biggest thing that concerned me was the rind of a watermelon.
Since he was level II, level III VB-MAPP he was, basically, functioning at a three-year-old
level of the language.
How many three-year-olds can identify the rind of a watermelon?
Even if we take his chronologic age, which we shouldn't, but even if we say how many
six or seven-year-olds could identify the rind of a watermelon?
This really bothered me and also Anthony was being taught to label a corn dog because a
corn dog picture was in the language builder cards which they were using, but Anthony never
ate a corn dog.
In fact, his family was very religious and their religious beliefs did not permit any
meat, so teaching Anthony to label a corn dog was very inappropriate.
Meanwhile, Anthony was flopping to the floor and developed a new self-injurious behavior
of chin pressing and he also was screaming during lunch because it was being presented
in a different way.
In other words, staff for Anthony were focusing on the wrong targets and some programs that
Anthony wasn't ready for were being worked on.
Anthony's chronological and developmental age as well as his cultural preferences were
also not being considered, so this is what I consider tit-for-tat programming, and I
want to cover some ways to prevent this type of programming with your learners.
The first step to start or revamp a program is always assessment and I talk about this
in a recent blog.
We want to then make a plan based on the assessment and kids like Anthony, who have had a VB-MAPP
done and are at level II or III, they're considered intermediate learners and these learners are
very tricky to program for, even if you're skilled in completing the VB-MAPP assessment.
Programs and targets need to be picked very carefully and include an awareness of the
child's background and family preferences.
Problem behaviors that interfere with learning need to be addressed as a priority too.
In summary, you can't just keep plodding up the mountain and programming without consideration
of what is the most functional and appropriate things that you should be teaching.
I hope that you now will look at programming a little bit differently and catch that tit-for-tat
programming, and improve your teaching starting today.
To get started turning things around for a child, especially an intermediate learner,
I'd love for you to sign up for my free online workshop on the three big mistakes professionals
make with intermediate learners.
You can sign up today at marybarbera.com/intermediateworkshop.
Leave me a comment, or subscribe to my channel, and I'll see you, right here, next week.
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전동스쿠터, 차도로 갈까-인도로 갈까? - Duration: 8:43.-------------------------------------------
Соленые Огурцы на Зиму без Стерилизации - Duration: 2:42.-------------------------------------------
골목에서 마주치면, 누가 먼저 비켜야 할까? - Duration: 6:05.-------------------------------------------
옛날 프라이드, 의문의 플라스틱 조각 정체는? - Duration: 9:14.-------------------------------------------
"먼저 가세요"…도로 위 '우선순위' 총정리 - Duration: 8:59.-------------------------------------------
芝生を警戒しまくる生後7ヶ月赤ちゃんと夕方の公園散歩♫Emma Channel. Walk with a baby in the park. - Duration: 3:35.-------------------------------------------
I WENT TO MOMO'S HOME and CALLİNG MOMO (Momo) - Duration: 16:00.-------------------------------------------
✅ 金子智美、ドSの女王様に挑戦「緊張したけど楽しかったです」 - Duration: 3:05.金子智美、ドSの女王様に挑戦「緊張したけど楽しかったです」 グラビアアイドル、金子智美(28)がこのほど、東京・秋葉原のソフ ップアミューズメント館で10作目のDVD「愛獣」(イーネット・フ ンティア、4104円)の発売イベントを行った
1メートル58、B89W58H85のFカップボディーを黒 ビキニに包み登場。4月に沖縄で撮影された本作について、「今回は人 です。過去にあった出来事が忘れらなくて、結婚しているのにもかかわ ず、色々なものを求めて、夜のいけないお仕事をするんです
あの感覚が忘れられないみたいな感じで、色々な人と会ってしまう。最 はビックリなことが起こる内容です」とアピールした。 今回は Sな女王様に挑戦し、「私はどちらかというとドMなので、今までは責 られるシーンが多かったんですけど、今回は映画の『愛の嵐』みたいな 装で、蹴ったり、ムチで叩いたり、言葉責めしたして、緊張したけど楽 かったです
そういう相手がいれば、はまっちゃうかも」とにっこり。 全編 ロいと太鼓判を押すと、「一番は選べないけど、記憶に残っているのが 馬小屋のシーンで、昔の知らない男の人に無理やりされてしまうシーン 、演技で泣いています。迫真の演技です」と照れ笑いを浮かべた
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