Justin Bieber Great Attitude Videos | 2018
How Health Care Makes Disability a Trap | Op-Docs - Duration: 13:51.America is a place where people have freedom
to move where they want, to work, to be close to family,
and build the life they want.
At least that's how it's supposed to be.
But people with disabilities can be denied that freedom
and end up in the disability trap.
This is me.
I'm a documentary filmmaker.
I may have a severe disability, but I strive to be independent.
In the year 2006, I was diagnosed
with multiple sclerosis.
My most recent film was about my life since then.
M.S. is a neurological disease where your white blood
cells attack your nerve endings, separating
your brain from your body.
Consequently, there's a gradual decay in your mobility.
The film premiered at the Sundance Film Festival.
Later, one of my dreams came true when the film won an Emmy.
And the winner goes to "When I Walk."
This award is dedicated to all people with disabilities
from around the world that are putting
their stories on screen.
Soon after the film premiered, another of my dreams
came true, when my son Jay was born.
What are you going to do today?
It was the best thing that ever happened to me.
I watched Jay grow up all the way to his third birthday.
And then he was gone.
Things were not working out between his mother and me.
As many as 50 percent of couples where one spouse has
a disability end in separation.
The other person is more prone to depression or caregiver
She decided to leave.
She found a job far away from my life in New York City in Texas.
I need to find a way to be closer to my son.
Even though it may be difficult, I need to try.
[baby talk]
Our life dreams are sometimes pulled away from us.
Good morning.
My symptoms have gone from bad to worse
since they've been gone.
[cat meowing]
[distorted voice]
I can't use my upper body anymore.
I can't even open my hands.
And my vision is extremely blurry.
[doorbell ringing]
Good morning, Jason.
At least I still live independently.
Yeah, see you tomorrow.
I have a rotating crew of carers covered by New York Medicaid.
They have become my friends and creative collaborators.
Every day at 8 p.m., they have a change in shift.
Why don't you start, Jason, by introducing yourself.
Living at home allows me to pursue my dreams —
my filmmaking, my nonprofit, and being a voice
for people with disabilities.
So this is Sabina.
Losing this independence would be the end of my filmmaking,
the end of my activism, and the end of me.
But losing my son has made the past year and a half
[Skype ringing]
Happy birthday.
If I'm going to have a real relationship with my son,
I have to move to Texas.
My mother comes for a visit to support and help
me gain some perspective.
Do you want to live in Austin, Texas?
I would live in Austin, Texas, if it was OK to live there.
It's a no-brainer.
You've got to be where the health care is there.
But it's like — but I don't even have a choice.
There is no but.
But I don't have a choice.
This is your choice.
You have a choice to live independently here,
or you return to being institutionalized.
Or be by my son.
Do what you love to do, filming documentaries,
because life is short.
And then we die anyway.
I want to be around my son, but I
need to find the same care I get here in New York.
I start doing research on state rankings for their Medicaid
These rankings are based on how states treat
their people with disabilities.
Medicaid support is completely state-run.
State by state, there's no consistency for supporting people
with disabilities.
While New York is in the top 15 overall,
it's number one specifically for reaching people
with disabilities in need, while Texas is dead last.
I attempt to get the same health care
I get in New York in Texas.
Yeah, that's right.
I started looking at the states surrounding Texas.
If I can't live in Texas, at least
I can try and live in a bordering state.
The opposite of living independent at home
is living in a nursing home.
This is going to hurt a bit.
A nursing home would restrict my daily living.
I would have no control of what time I wanted to leave
or what time I went to bed.
Anything beyond the basic necessities
would be extinguished.
No work, no independence, no freedom.
The health care situation looks bleak,
but there has to be a way.
I go to Texas to find out more about living near my son.
I want to cheer for him after his first soccer goal.
I want to watch him get slide tackled
and take him out for ice cream after
so I can explain to them that sometimes life hurts.
But you always have to remember, you have to pick yourself up.
Here we go.
I interview others with severe disabilities living in Texas.
I have a traumatic brain injury caused by a motor vehicle
We're proud to be Texans, but we're not necessarily
as proud of some of the shortfalls on programs
for disabled people.
We were in a car accident —
how long ago?
It looked like there was life in her eyes,
but no life in her body.
You cannot get 24/7 care.
I don't buy it.
I'm not buying this whole national and state mindset.
We represent people with disabilities, who are generally
considered the lowest-income demographic group
in our society.
If someone does relocate to a different state,
there should be at least no interruption of services,
if there's some sort of smooth continuity of services.
So in my situation, to be closer to my son, who's in Texas —
I live in New York —
is there any solution?
Or am I just stuck?
[sighing] It's almost like you'd have to reconfigure
your life entirely, Jason.
Because I just can't see that you could come here,
be close to your son, and find yourself in a position
that the only way you can get the care you need
is to go into a nursing home.
And you'd find yourself, again, isolated from the child you
want to be close to.
I don't have words to describe how sad this is.
I should be able to live near my son
without giving up my reason for living.
Is that so much to ask?
Why should people with disabilities like mine
be forced to make these impossible choices?
But I'm willing to investigate anything.
So with no option left, I check myself into a nursing home.
The staff here are professionals.
They do an O.K. job, but I have no freedom of movement.
No way to do my work or continue my activism.
Good morning!
Basically, I'm just put into storage.
What do you mean?
Regular liquids.
I just can't do it.
I want to say to you that I want to be here with you,
but I would die a slow death.
So … sorry, but I'm not going to be able to do this.
[sobbing] See you later.
I wish more than anything that I didn't
have to choose between the two things that
make my life meaningful: my son and my life's work.
But the differences between the care
I get in New York and Texas forces
me to live where I can get the health care I need and continue
my career.
This hurts.
Nobody ought to be forced to make these choices.
No matter how far away we are, my son,
I will never abandon you.
3 razones para comprar un trípode - Duration: 2:58.-------------------------------------------
Nhạc Không Lời Rumba Êm Đềm Dễ Ngủ II Nhạc Sống Chọn Lọc II Organ Không Lời - Duration: 47:11.-------------------------------------------
TOP 7 COISAS ESTRANHAS QUE REALMENTE FAZEM BEM Á SAÚDE/ DICAS DE SAÚDE/ DICAS E CURIOSIDADES - Duration: 4:53.-------------------------------------------
Tin nóng VOA 30/07/2018 - NGỠ NGÀNG CSVN sẽ "VỠ ĐẢNG" nếu CỨ BẤM NÚT LUẬT ĐẶC KHU vào THÁNG 10 - Duration: 39:25.-------------------------------------------
Rehab Nightmare: Drugs, Chains and Canes - Full Documentary - BBC Africa Eye - Duration: 25:56.Eastleigh in Nairobi, Kenya.
Business is booming for traditional, religious healers.
They cater for Somalis from around the world who want to get closer to their culture and roots.
But Africa Eye investigates a form of religious healing gone badly wrong.
I have seen clients have broken arms.
We have to get some to hospital because of the kind of violence.
By going undercover at an Islamic Drug Rehab Centre, where the clients are first kidnapped...
I see two police officers in a car.
I didn't know what they wanted.
As soon as I went in the middle they handcuffed me.
… and then tortured.
When a person gets depressed because of the kind of torture he is going through,
he cannot talk to anyone, he has no life left in him.
Eastleigh, a neighbourhood in the Kenyan capital Nairobi, known as Little Mogadishu
because it's home to so many Somalis.
And it's a global hub for the Islamic healing industry.
I'm going to try it out for myself.
I've paid this traditional healer a hundred dollars to get rid of my pain.
Koranic readings performed by religious Sheiks, aim to remove the evil eye or exorcise demons.
And they're in high demand.
In Eastleigh alone, this new, growing industry is worth an estimated $10 million dollars a year.
While these Koranic readers might put a dent in their clients' wallets,
that's the worst damage they do.
But some of Eastleigh's religious healers are running rehabilitation centres for the
treatment of drug abuse or mental illness.
And I've received reports that men and women are held against their will
and physically abused in these centres.
Some families think the best way to rehabilitate their children is to lock them up.
But some of these parents don't know exactly
what happens in these rehab centres because these rehab centres are run by religious figures
we call Sheiks, and these sheiks are usually trusted within the community.
As a Somali and practicing Muslim, I've come to Nairobi to investigate these rehab centres.
It's very difficult to gain access to these centres, but one of them did agree to let us film inside.
Sheik Hussein founded Mustaqim two years ago.
That is a CCTV camera.
Barbed wire.
Through another bolted door is the main complex and yard.
We get to see that medicine in action.
The Sheik and his assistants read the Koran to this young man from overseas.
The idea is to push the demons out of his soul.
But then the Sheikh refers to a more aggressive form of treatment.
As we are packing up, a group of women call out to me.
They say that far from taking drugs, their only crime is to have fallen out with husbands
or relatives, who have paid for them to be imprisoned here.
Nearly all of these women are mothers with children on the outside.
They all said we want to get out of here, but we can't.
The longer we are, the more money the rehab people will make.
The Sheik walks over and the women fall silent.
While these womens' claims are deeply worrying, we have heard even worse reports of abuse
coming from other rehab centres in Eastleigh.
One of those is called Darushifa - and we've found a member of staff willing to speak out
about what happens inside.
Ben Njega works as an addiction counsellor at Darushifa.
He recounts his first day in the job with horror.
I thought it was like torture, a torture chamber.
Clients were locked up in rooms. The rooms were dark. There was no ventilation.
But despite being appalled by what he saw, Ben decided to keep on working at the centre,
hoping he could eventually improve conditions for the clients.
I made very serious recommendations, written down.
But Ben says the owners ignored him and the abuse continued.
It was a constant fight, a constant fight, a constant fight.
He says most of the men locked up in Darushifa aren't even addicted to hard drugs.
This is people with just a normal mental health issue, a drug problem maybe smoking cannabis
and because its not allowed in the religion, they decided to lock them up and categorise
them as dangerous.
Ben has also privately reported the centre to the police and the Kenyan government's
rehab regulator, NACADA.
Individuals from NACADA have come to the centre and we have explained,
in detail,
what happens and then they go.
And reports to the police have been made.
Nothing has been done, they just turn a blind eye.
Left with no other authority to call on, Ben has agreed to film undercover at the centre.
You want people to be in your shoes and see it.
- Yes, see it, see it.
When I show it to you, then you will understand.
We equip Ben with a secret camera.
We also ask him to record regular video diaries while undercover.
Just as we saw in Mustaqim, a religious teacher
at Darushifa also performs Koran readings on his clients.
On Ben's first day filming, a new arrival is brought in.
His mother says Ali has been having problems with school and is into drugs.
She's paying the centre 500 US Dollars a month to turn her son's life around.
Ben speaks to Ali to find out more.
The centre has already conducted a drug test on Ali.
No traces of narcotics were found.
It's 10 pm the same day and four Darushifa guards are doing their rounds.
They're forcing some of the inmates to drink a liquid called harmala.
Seconds after drinking, it makes them vomit violently
and seems to be used as a form of punishment.
After finishing with these men, they turn their attention to Ali.
He's prevented from leaving by a guard holding a rubber whip.
The guards surround Ali.
He has no choice but to drink.
Ali gives in and drinks the harmala
and then vomits.
A few minutes later, weeping, he pleads for the ordeal to end.
Badly shaken, Ali is finally led out by another patient.
That night, Ben hands over the day's footage.
He's also smuggled out a sample of the Harmala solution, so that we can send it for testing.
The following morning, I visit a traditional herbalist to find out more.
At Darushifa, the staff produce a concentrated solution from harmala seeds,
which have been used as a herbal medicine for thousands of years.
They claim it detoxifies drug addicts, but those who drink it, suffer hallucinations,
terrible chest pains and severe vomiting.
Our lab tests on the centre's harmala solution have revealed that a full cup contains
one hundred times the recommended dose for an adult,
which could be enough to kill.
I have been investigating Islamic rehab centres in Eastleigh, Nairobi.
We have gone undercover to expose evidence of systemic physical abuse at one: Darushifa.
The next day, two guards are once again trying to force Ali to drink harmala.
Like every new arrival at the centre, his hair is completely shaved off.
One of the security team then picks up a rubber rod and joins in.
He himself was also once a patient here, but now has been elevated to a full time guard.
Ali is handed a full cup of harmala.
But Ali appears to have had enough and starts to resist despite the threat of violence.
Two of the guards high five each other.
Then the beating continues.
The guards proceed to beat Ali
for five minutes without pause.
It turns out two of the men who have been picking on Ali all day
aren't actually staff.
They're patients.
The management gets them to discipline their fellow inmates in return for favours.
They can go and sit in the office, they can always go out, ask for things like sodas
and they can get them.
They have a reputation for being even more vicious than the guards.
The clients have already been punished themselves.
When they rise to certain positions, they want to inflict the same kind of pain.
So for now we have clients who are sadists and they want to instil fear upon others
so they can rule with an iron fist.
One man who knows all about the brutality at Darushifa is Mohammed Ali.
An 18 year old from London.
He spent three months inside last year.
He says it all began when the police picked him up off the streets.
I see two police officers in a car.
I didn't know what they wanted. I went inside, they put me in the middle.
As soon as I went in the middle they handcuffed me.
Then they drove all the way to Darushifa.
Me, as a child, I wasn't in no gangs. I wasn't a troublemaker.
Back in London, I was in sixth form, I was applying for college.
I actually got accepted and then I came here for two weeks.
Then that's when the tragedy happened.
You say tragedy. What do you mean?
Just because my life has gone wrong to be honest.
Mohammed found himself subjected to beatings and forced imprisonment.
The same treatment our investigation has revealed at the centre.
If you do any trouble, if you argue, you have to get beaten up by the watchmen for God.
Most of them are severe beatings because it's torture basically.
Stuck in Nairobi without a job or money,
Mohammed can't return to the UK.
So what do you do you just keep quiet?
Yeah, you just keep quiet because here the police is different, there's nothing you can do.
Two policemen are at Darushifa's gate.
Ben is there to meet them.
But the police aren't here to investigate allegations of abuse.
Instead, they are dropping off a patient.
Hassan, a man in his forties, is brought out of the car in handcuffs
and handed over to the security team.
His relatives are paying for this to happen.
Ben says it's a regular occurrence.
So this happens, you come to the centre and report that you've want a client gotten from your house.
The centre organizes for the police to go and collect the client.
So they put him in handcuffs, bring him to the centre. So, it's a paid service.
An hour later, the new arrival is given his first taste of the centre's favourite medicine, harmala.
The guards subject the most fragile patients of the centre to the same brutality as everyone else.
Even the mentally ill in prison at the request of their families, aren't spared.
This client was brought in by his brothers.
The client has a mental disorder.
The guy was given harmala in the evening.
The reaction was very bad for him and because they locked him up in the room, he vomited in the room.
Guard came in
and was angry at him.
"Why cant you control yourself?"
And they beat him up.
The guard seems to be toying sadistically with his victim.
Whatever the man does, it seems to be a reason to beat him harder.
It turns out this particular guard has a strong motivation to be as violent as possible.
He's on a trial for his job.
If the clients fear him then he's more likely to get the job, trying to increase his salary by being the most atrocious.
The incidences of abuse that we have documented at Darushifa are all crimes under Kenyan law.
NACADA is the Kenyan government regulator with the power to shut down rehabilitation centres engaged in
criminal acitivity.
Judith Twala is its manager of regulatory services.
We have heard from people who work in these rehab centres
they have contacted you to give you information on what goes on inside and you have done nothing.
- We also need to be careful when we get information.
Sometimes it could be malicious information.
But any information we get from anybody in regards to rehabs, we don't take it lightly.
I can assure you.
- We know some of these places have been raided several times. Owners arrested but not charged.
A week later, they re-open. Why isn't NACADA doing enough to stamp out this practice?
- It may be that our judicial system has maybe issues more priorities than this one
but I think that we also have a role as an agency, when charges are laid, to up our game in following up.
We wrote the local police authority to request a response to allegations of corruption and kidnapping
made against its officers.
There was no response.
We also requested an interview with the owner and executive director of Darushifa, Ahmed Ismail.
He dismissed our allegations as just propaganda.
While the authorities may be slow to react to this issue, as a community, we Somalis
also need to stop creating the conditions for abuse to occur.
It's right and good that we want to preserve our culture and religion,
but businessmen who dress up as religious Sheikhs are rarely the answer to complicated problems like
mental health and drug use.
Paid to make our loved on es better, they are more likely to make them worse.
5 Simple Exercises to Get Rid of Knee Pain, Back and Neck Pain - Duration: 3:26.5 Simple Exercises to Get Rid of Pain on the Knee, Back and Neck Pain
Did you know that the feet, which we forget and hide in the shoes, they can actually
help relieve various types of pain, such as back pain, for example?
They are very important to our health. and when exercised, they help relieve
tensions and pains in the back, in the knees, hips and neck.
The opposite may also happen.
If you do not walk correctly for example, can make the pain worse.
In today's video we will teach you 5 exercises very simple, which will bring relief to
back, knee and hip pain and neck:
Grab with your feet For pain in the hips, back and knees
this is the most appropriate exercise.
Just try to catch objects with your feet.
Place an object on the floor and try take it with your feet.
Think that the foot is your hand at that moment and use it that way.
Repeat this exercise 4 to 5 times with each foot.
Tiptoe walking This first exercise consists of walking,
resting on the toes, at least for 20 seconds.
Do a series of 5 reps of 20 seconds.
You can do this series of 5 repetitions by twice a day.
It's like you're imitating a ballerina!
If you find it difficult to balance, hold on a wall for example.
You have to train to perfect your balance!
Circles for the ankle To prevent your ankles from becoming
rigid, flexibility must be and strength.
The ideal exercise is to lie down with your back on the floor, extend one leg, and
make ankle circles 10 times to right and left.
Then lower your leg and lift the other leg to do the same thing, with the other ankle.
Lift your heels For this exercise, you should support
on a chair or on a wall.
Then raise one of the legs.
Now, leaning on only one leg, lift the heel of that same leg which is supported,
until it is on the tip of the foot.
Slowly replace heel the soil.
Repeat this between 10 to 15 times and go alternating of leg.
This strengthens the heels and muscles in the region of the knees.
Walking on a ball This exercise is not as difficult as
Just put a ball under your foot and Press a little.
Do this for a minute and then, switch foot
This will help improve your circulation.
If you suffer from chronic back pain, knees or hips and these exercises do not help,
it is most advisable to seek the help of an expert.
Sydney Metro Presents: A Bridge to the Future - Duration: 6:38.NARRATOR: Sydney's skyline is changing
and in the booming north-west, a new landmark has taken shape.
With planning and major construction now over,
a unique vision has been realised.
This is the inside story of a modern engineering marvel,
the first bridge of its kind in Australia,
from drawing board to reality.
In 2013, John Anderson was handed, literally, a curve ball:
design a new railway bridge to sit above one of Sydney's busiest roads
without affecting the 50,000 vehicles below
that use it every day.
It was to be a critical piece of new infrastructure,
vital to the delivery of Australia's biggest public transport project.
I've been working on this project for four years,
not eight hours a day, five days a week,
but pretty much 365 days a year for the last four years.
NARRATOR: The 66-kilometre long Sydney Metro
is a project of many firsts.
This bridge is one of them.
It's the crucial gap
between the train stabling and operational headquarters
and the rest of the Metro network.
Crossing Windsor Road at Rouse Hill
came with its own unique set of challenges.
Nothing like this had ever been built in Australia before -
a cable-stayed bridge for trains built on a curve.
JOHN: It's an amazingly challenging project
because it's not a recipe.
There isn't another bridge out there
that essentially we can go, "Open the book, read the paper,
"and it will tell us how to design this bridge."
NARRATOR: John was thrown a curve in more ways than one
that would put his engineering skills to the test.
JOHN: I think it's important from a design point of view
that you look at each project individually,
its context, your client's requirements,
the functional requirements that are needed in the design.
There is always creative opportunity in the design process
but often you're led there
by the functional requirements of the bridge.
The challenge in this project was to design a structure
that was empathetic to its surroundings
and the cable-stayed bridge was better suited to the context
in Rouse Hill.
We didn't have the option to say,
"Sorry, but we don't want the curve."
NARRATOR: After considering numerous design options,
it was decided a cable-stayed bridge was the most practical solution
for this job,
using essentially the same construction methodology
as the 4-kilometre elevated skytrain viaduct
which leads up to it.
Together, they're the most visible part of the Sydney Metro Project
in the north-west of Sydney.
The rest of it is deep underground, in twin 15-kilometre tunnels.
JOHN: One of the biggest aspects of us choosing a cable-stayed bridge
is that we could build the deck of the bridge
in a similar method to the way that we built
the viaduct deck and superstructure.
We could use the overhead gantry to build a cable-stayed bridge.
The real driver was the constructability
and obviously along with that constructability comes an economy.
NARRATOR: With this pivotal decision made,
it was now time to forge ahead and create Australian history.
Highly complex engineering,
a cable-stayed bridge for a railway on a curve
running over a very busy road.
RODD STAPLES: The towers that hold the cables arrive,
lifted into place.
We'll put the cables there
and then it'll be ready to become a railway
with the tracks and the overhead wiring.
NARRATOR: The most visually striking elements of the bridge
are its two towers,
made in western Sydney...
..then delivered in the middle of the night across the city
and installed in a precise, military-style operation.
So the steel towers for the bridge are functional,
they're an integral part of the structure.
They're definitely not decorative.
They essentially transfer the load from the deck, to the tower,
to the foundations below.
There are 32 cable stays in total on the bridge.
Each wire can be replaced in the future if it needs to be
and each wire has its own corrosion protection system.
RODD STAPLES: This cable-stayed bridge
highlights just how much work we put into the planning
and the early work in getting this project right.
We looked at all of the future needs of north-west Sydney
and the need to upgrade Windsor Road in the future
and we came up with a solution that would allow that to occur
without any impact on the bridge in the future,
without any impact on the rail services.
NARRATOR: The result has become a landmark for Sydney's north-west,
which will serve public transport customers
for generations to come.
Bridge design is really a team effort.
We feel privileged to be involved in this project.
We really hope that it will fit in to the context of the Metro
and of the local community.
It's a fantastic landmark,
it looks great
and people will be able to always recognise where they are
just by looking out the window and seeing the bridge.
NARRATOR: With the bridge now complete,
tracks are being laid and overhead wiring installed
so that new Metro rail services can start
in the first half of 2019.
This is Sydney Metro,
the biggest urban rail infrastructure investment
in Australian history.
Golazo de Diego Jiménez para el 2-0 de Lobos sobre Veracruz - Duration: 1:49.-------------------------------------------
Hundreds attend March For Our Lives Rally - Duration: 1:12.-------------------------------------------
Shooter Season 3 Episode 6: Gutierrez Goes To Great Pains To Avoid Atlas | Shooter on USA Network - Duration: 2:09.-------------------------------------------
Fire destroys school in Richmond, crews still battling flames - Duration: 3:09.-------------------------------------------
How many languages can you learn as an adult? - Duration: 9:47.Hi there, Vladimir here with another video on how to learn English
Can you be fluent in 2 foreign languages as an adult?
No, you can't
Can you be fluent in 2 foreign languages as an adult?
No, you can't and here is why
First we need to make a few clarifications
the word Fluent
Fluent is the most misused and abused word
among language learners and language teachers
Cambridge dictionary says:
Let us agree that:
"Fluent" doesn't mean being able to "Get by"
Simply introduce yourself in another language,
order food at a restaurant
or ask how much something is.
To me,
fluent is about being able to speak a foreign language
almost the same way you speak your native language.
To understand 99% of what you hear on TV
To make grammatically correct sentences
not necessarily use idioms or slang,
but construct grammatically correct sentences 99% of the time
Not speak in a perfect native accent,
but still clearly
speak a language easily, well, quickly, and without many pauses
Plain and simple
to understand foreign humor
How about that for fluent
A new definition of fluent
Fluent is a person who understands humor
You understand Louis CK you are fluent
You understand comedy central roasts, you are virtually native
You understand Cris Rock, you are native
You understand Frankie Boyle, you are uber native
To me fluency and mastery mean more or less the same thing
Answer me this simple question:
Why would you waste time learning a few words in a foreign language?
The word "dabble" comes to mind
Why would you dabble in a foreign language?
I love how people refer to it as
Russian is my next project
what are you talking about?
What is the pleasure of learning a few words?
How can you communicate with such limited vocabulary?
Language is not a project, language is not a hobby.
Language is not snowboarding
When it comes to snowboarding, you don't have to be Shaun White
to enjoy going down the slopes
but language, the most human of skills
There is no communication with 500, 600 words
and do you have any idea how much time it takes to feel comfortable 500, 600 words
what kind of project are we talking about
My next challenge:
Chinese in 3 months
The time it takes to became good at something
All that Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking
I love movies
I must have seen at least 1,000 movies
add to that sitcoms like Seinfeld, Friends The big bang theory
to name but a few.
TV series like the Wire, Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones
to name but a few
countless chat shows
That is at least, 6,000 7,000 hours of just listening
And that's not counting audio books
And don't get me started on my Reading
It takes time and repetition to become good at something
I can hear you say: but I don't want to reach the highest level.
And my answer is:
with language there is no other level, but the highest level
everything else is a torture,
a torture for you and the person you are talking to
you don't need to be a F1 driver to enjoy driving
with language is different
I speak from experience
my Japanese is not all that good
and it's a struggle for me and the person I am talking to
English and my native Bulgarian no problem whatsoever
a shear bliss
All those so called polyglots and their gatherings
All presentations are in English
Why not in French or German or Spanish or Chinese?
Because English is the only language they truly know, feel comfortable using
What is the point of learning all those other languages
if you are not going to use them?
It takes 10,000 hours of deliberate practice to master a foreign language
At 3 hours a day it works out to 10 years.
It is virtually impossible to be fluent in more than 1 language.
Which brings as to the second point I want to clarify:
The word adult
By adult I mean somebody past 23 years of age
Because at that age people graduate universities, people start working, join the real world
start thinking about bills, mortgage, rent and all that jazz.
Children can become bilingual, no question about that
they have all the time in the world,
I doubt you can be trilingual, but bilingual Yes
I grew up bilingual: Bulgarian and Russian
Russian was a mandatory subject in Eastern Europe
Was, not anymore
Plus we had tons of Russian movies and TV
I remember very well Friday was Russian TV day in Bulgaria
fucking communists
I was almost bilingual
My Russian has deteriorated quite a bit
I can still get by, more than get by but that's not fluent
My listening is OK, I understand 90% of what I hear in movies
but not the humor. I used to understand Russian humor, but not anymore
My speaking is shit, I make lots of grammatical mistakes
I can still get my message across, but with no sense of grammar
it's no fun
Another reason why you can't be fluent in more than 1 foreign language as an adult
With language: if you don't use it, you lose it
Language skills are not like riding a bicycle skills
Ok, let me wrap this up
I strongly believe that
you can be fluent in 3 languages 2 as a child, and 1 as an adult
And please don't bother with exceptions
you are not an exception
I would very much question people's claims to language fluency
I would look at their childhood for clues
The main takeaway point from this video is:
Make sure you know English well before you take up a new language
your next language "project"
We live in a time where you need to ask yourself:
Do you really want to talk to somebody who doesn't speak at least a little bit of English?
I am fluent in 2 languages: my native Bulgarian and English
English a language I learned as an adult
If you want to know how to reach my level then you need to read my book Virtually Native
which is available on Amazon and virtuallynative.com
New Mod For Resident Evil Makes The Game Insane! Resident Evil Remake Randomizer Mod For PC - Duration: 2:21.The Resident Evil Enemy Randomizer Mod for PC.
If you are a fan of watching your favorite streamers playing Resident Evil, you've
probably seen or heard of this really cool fan created game addition that turns the original
resident evil remake into a mysterious mansion of hell.
Sharks swimming on the floors, zombies walking on water and invincible tyrants…ruining
your life.
Let's take a quick look at some of my favorite streamers playing the game:
"In this area, let's just say when it's all…wait wait wait wait"
"Upside down crimson head, that's insane, that was nuts"
How awesome is this?
Created by a freelance video game creator named Benn Powell for FREE (go support him),
the Resident Evil Randomizer not only changes what enemies are in what room, but it also
takes all the items in the game and switches their locations, creating a crazy and super
challenging game that takes replayability to a whole new level.
Yay a gun! ohhhh!
Installation is easy, as you just download 2 files from Ben's website for free and
put them in the folders specified.
FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS or your game will crash…oh what could it be…it could be…error!
Ben has been updating the mod like a madman, fixing & adding things left and right.
As of now you can make some pre-game modifications to make the game easier or harder!
More tyrants?
So if you've got RE on PC then give this randomizer a try.
If not, check out Wesker or Bobo or Wheres Barry as we enter the remade world of survival
horror, remade once again with one mission…to MAKE US PAY!
"Make Him Pay!"
Crimson Army, have you tried the Randomizer yet?
What was the craziest thing that happened to you or your favorite streamer?
Let me know in the comments, join me for a live stream and don't forget to like and
Jay Oc - Black Medusa (shot by EM FILms) - Duration: 3:31.
"Black Medusa"
Ella me quiere a mi x2
No quiere esos niños que la andan buscando, su mirada siempre está fija mirando donde yo me fui
A veces te odio y a veces te amo. Ya deje los gramos y ahora me embriago tres tragos pa' mi
Me incendió la cama y culpó al alcohol Me mata me mata "your sex my drug"
Ella no se enamora Si la llamo me contesta sin demora
Cuando se apagan las luces es una loba Ella no tiene manada se cuida sola
A ella nadie la controla
Me dice que la jale por el pelo Prepara desayuno mientras enrola el mañanero
Hacemos nubes de colores con sabor a caramelo y la grabo mientras se lo come entero
( God Damn )
No soy tu principe azul
Tampoco el amor de tu vida
Si te hicieron daño hace días
Con sexo te curo la herida
Me llamas, te llamo y no nos contestamos
Peleamos, volvemos y después terminamos
Me escribes "Te odio" y me gimes "Te amo"
Dime tu mi vida entonces a que jugamos
Entre más peligrosa eres más adictiva
Es que te niego todo menos lo que pidas
Pides que te encuentre y estas a escondidas, deseas mi muerte pero soy tu vida.
Ella me quiere a mi x2
No quiere esos niños que la andan buscando, su mirada siempre está fija mirando donde yo me fui
A veces te odio y a veces te amo. Ya deje los gramos y ahora me embriago tres tragos pa' mi
Me incendió la cama y culpó al alcohol Me mata me mata "your sex my drug"
Ella no se enamora Si la llamo me contesta sin demora
Cuando se apagan las luces es una loba Ella no tiene manada se cuida sola
A ella nadie la controla
She's fire & ice She hurts but I'm blind
"Your sex is my drug" I don't need to be high
Hey Medusa this Mary Jane She's gonna help me make that p*ssy rain
She f*ck with me and I f*ck with her
Romeo y Julieta 2018
Mami Soy el mismo flaco con tatuajes y elegante
Un BM del 2000 por si quieres sentirte gangster
Sin money en los bolsillos pero eso no es lo importante Ella no es interesada y eso la hace interesante.
Medusa, Medusa, Medusa
Me usas, Me usas, Me usas
Pero lo malo es que me gusta
Estoy bajo el poder de tu blusa
Medusa, Medusa, Medusa
Me usas, Me usas, Me usas
Pero lo malo es que me gusta
Estoy bajo el poder de tu blusa
"Broken Angels"
Ella me quiere a mi x2
No quiere esos niños que la andan buscando, su mirada siempre está fija mirando donde yo me fui
A veces te odio y a veces te amo. Ya deje los gramos y ahora me embriago tres tragos pa' mi
Me incendió la cama y culpó al alcohol Me mata me mata "your sex my drug"
Ella no se enamora Si la llamo me contesta sin demora
Cuando se apagan las luces es una loba Ella no tiene manada se cuida sola
A ella nadie la controla
Jay Oc
Weather Alert Evening; Mutton bustin storms rolling through, cool Monday! - Duration: 4:59.-------------------------------------------
Trump Is Going 'To Work On' Erasing Michelle Obama's Legacy With Great New Plan - Duration: 6:08.-------------------------------------------
WJBF Live VIPIR 6 Weather Forecast : 6PM - 7-29-18 - Duration: 3:40.-------------------------------------------
ខេមរៈ សិរីមន្ត សុខ ពិសី កន្ទ្រឹមស្រុកស្រែ | Khemarak Sereymon Sok Pisey Kontrem Song Collection - Duration: 1:08:32.Khemarak Sereymon Sok Pisey Kontrem Song Collection
How to Save Money When Buying Vegan Organic Food? - Duration: 10:12.Welcome Back Friends!
Thank you all so much for joining me, my name is Faith Becker.
And I'm so excited to be here with all of you today!
I take it to the grocery store where I ask people just like you how they're doing to save money when it comes to buying
vegan organic food!
"I guess probably by what's on sale or something I know I'll eat
and get enough (like right now I will get fruit for lunch) and buy different things to eat during the week."
" So do you usually buy in season or you don't really *care?
"I buy whatever I have a taste for.
Because even if it is in season and I don't feel like eating it; it's just going to go bad in my refrigerator."
"Always look for the low price tag! ... Avocados are low prices and drink plenty of water."
"Probably knowing what needs to be organic and what doesn't need to be organic
I think will save you a lot of money."
"Yeah, that's an excellent answer."
"What about you Taylor; do you have any advice?"
"We usually do a list before we come
and we always eat before we come. So you don't just buy whatever when you're hungry."
"Okay, YES, awesome!"
"Dieting for me it is always keeping something healthy on hand and quick and easy because I know for me if I'm hungry
and I don't have anything around. I want to you know, eat something kinda bad or even crappy or unhealthy.
so just kind of meal prepping a little bit. And always have quick and easy snacks whether it's you know fruit or nuts..."
You know something kind of prepped in a container ready to throw in the microwave heat up so that way if I have an urge to eat something really quick
I can just kind of eat that versus you know like something sweet or unhealthy."
"It seems like eating healthy and saving money is hard for a lot of people to do at the same time."
"buy in bulk, and do a basic like rice (is always good.)
Because it never goes bad; you cook it as you needed it; and it's a basic staple."
"That's awesome, thank you so much!"
"Oh no problem"
"pleasure to meet you!"
Welcome back friends!
I hope you enjoyed that wonderful clip. I had a lot of fun making it. I made it a few weeks ago
(I think it was two or *three by now)
*On the side note. I do apologize for this really great delay; I don't plan on doing that ever again!
I just had a lot of
personal issues that kind of occured
and I needed to give my full attention to that. And also I just wanted to make sure that I produce
quality videos and I just never felt like there was a clip that was quite right
So I am re filming this and just hopefully it will turn out as I planned because you know
we are people of excellence and I want to produce quality content
But without further ado, let's just get right into this video.
I'm excited to recap and I wrote some notes down, and let's see
The first one is:
"buy things on sale" ...so that is so important and so true
But I personally use sales as a grate bonus and as a blessing not a necessity
Which gives me permission to continue to invest in quality foods!
So I don't purposefully look for sales, but it's always such a great blessing when it is because for me
I think I just realized that importance just eating healthy no matter what.
But that is just my person journey
Next is...
"Buy things you have a taste for!" I also really like this one because so many times
I've also been guilty of this but we find something because we think "it's healthy"
but we never eat it and it just ends up going to waste so really do be mindful; when you do go grocery shopping
Whether or not you have a taste for it, and also on the side note when you do go to the grocery store
obviously we're gonna elaborate a little bit more on this
But make a list before you go to the grocery store, but sometimes you might just be craving something
and really do listen to your body because it might be something that you're actually really needing and there's nutrients and vitamins
So yeah, that's just another great tip
See I like this one too, I like all of them they're so good
And so I just wanted to take a few more minutes to elaborate
To give you guys just that much more
amazing content
"So know what needs to be organic and what doesn't"
so with this
It's a 50/50 *obviously, I don't know your personal journey and how much health is important to you. I
think at first absolute!*...
Well, it's not what I think, but it's just that I
hope this helps you from my perspective
I do agree with this
especially when you are first starting out. Do this, buy more produce in general and
then over time I would highly recommend that you do
transition to a more organic diet just because
it's better soil, so the produce is going to absorb more nutrients and vitamins which ultimately will result in better health
in you.
Leaving you out of the hospital and saving you thousands of dollars
from hospital bills
And I also love the idea of supporting local farmers, so...and the food tastes better!
But when you do start out just so you don't get overwhelmed
I would invest in just buying produce in general and then transition. :)
Next, we have make a list before you go to the grocery store. So this one is so important. I know so many people
Who is so
scattered when they go grocery shopping and I've been guilty of this too
Where you just go to the store and you're so hungry and you just buy everything.
And then you go to the cashier and you have to put a ton of it back because you didn't realize that you were
going way over your budget or if you just don't care you end up spending that money and then you're kind of regretting it because
You know for all the other reasons so really do be intentional
Take that time make a list before you go to the grocery store. It's just gonna take you
no more than an hour!
But I think over time you're just gonna get faster and faster and realize it's an investment
So even though you're putting an hour into the work, it's gonna save you a week's time
So to kind of give you a more like overall
(greater content)* I would even go as far as to say
plan your meals
you know breakfast, lunch, and dinner and then if you want to
have snacks.
*Be sure to plan that in your budget and then if you know you are going to go out to eat
Weigh it out and see
what food needs to
be bought that week or what can wait till next week...and so forth...
Okay next we have
I like what Stephen said he was the guy that I believe wore the Spider Man or the Superman shirtt, and he just mentioned
that he usually eats before he goes to the grocery store; so that way he's not eating something bad
but instead he takes a few more minutes to invest and preparing his food and I personally don't recommend using
But you know what? I am not going to be legalistic,
whatever works for you and
It's all a journey not a *quick destination
and what I have found really works for me is just
to know that this is a lifestyle not necessarily a
quick thing
So yeah
I hope all of these
incredible tips helped you
....and I will see you guys next week where I talk about on the 'Myths on Veganism!'
So stay tuned!
Please do like, comment, and subscribe, for more great content! =}
ខេមរៈ សិរីមន្ត សុខ ពិសី កន្ទ្រឹមស្រុកស្រែ | Khemarak Sereymon Sok Pisey Kontrem Song Collection - Duration: 1:08:32.Khemarak Sereymon Sok Pisey Kontrem Song Collection
VLOG #13 - FLY A DJI SPARK WITH -20°C - Duration: 4:49.Second skiing day, and it's -19°C outside
And the mood is... Cold
Be ready
I told you
Now, we're going to Tignes lake
And we're gonna fly the drone, as it's sunny
Let's go!
I've put the propeller protections, let's fly it!
And now
Let's ski until it's closed
It's almost closed now
Aaaahhh we were the last ones on the chair lifts!
We were just in time
They closed just after us!
My brain's frozen
Did I jump high?
Did I lift my skis high enough?
Look at that! They're going backwards
Ah yes
I don't know what it's for
If you know, tell me in the comments
To be continued
For more infomation >> VLOG #13 - FLY A DJI SPARK WITH -20°C - Duration: 4:49.-------------------------------------------
Drake causes my Uncle to fall! In my feelings challenge! - Duration: 1:36.Hey guys welcome back to the PartyKids! It's Mady and I'm in Chicago visiting
some family and we're going to the store and you guys are gonna come on with us.
They say it's gonna be a 15 to 20 minute ride so I'm here with my dad
And, I'm also here with my uncle Mark.
Can we atleast turn the radio on while we're waiting to get to the store?
Yeah, I'll turn the radio on!
(Old song plays)
This is a super old song.
(funky song plays)
I really don't like this song.
Dad, Dad, I love this song! Stop the car! Stop the car!
Mady, what was that?
Dad, you really need to stay up to date. This is the in my feelings challenge by Drake.
I'm up on the trends, let me try!
Uncle Mark!
Let's get out of here!
Liverpool transfer news LIVE : Midfielder agreement, Bonucci claim, Fekir twist - Duration: 2:18.clapping fecker Jurgen Klopp accepts the club's attempts to sign Naville fecker
are probably done dot Liverpool's interest is said to have cooled on the
midfielder and while co-op says the transfer before next month's August 9
deadline looks unlikely he acknowledges anything is still possible dot when
asked what happened with Becker Klopp answered nothing really to say about
that dot I said already something about it around a free season game I don't
know exactly which one's dot it's probably done but there's two weeks left
out if nothing happens with our voice then I'm happy it's fine so we can go
dot but if something happens I think you always have to make sure that you can
react if not now the next year whatever Woodbourne could help Spurs Liverpool
starlet van Woodbourne could be on his way to Aston Villa on loan which may
help Tottenham spur suit of Jack relish dot s KY sports transfer expert Dharma
chef says that Nicole once Bonucci Liverpool should look to sign AC Milan
and Italy defender Leonardo Bonucci before the transfer window shuts next
month says Reds legend Steve Nicol docked Panucci is reportedly keen on
leaving AC Milan just a year after joining and has been linked with a
return to Juventus Dodd absolutely Nicole said when asked if Liverpool
should sign him dot well I'm not in charge absolutely yeah
why wouldn't you unfortunately I'm not in charge or I would doc cloth on
signings Jurgen Klopp has spoken out on his defensive transfer dealings this
summer dot cloth has been busy during the transfer window bringing sub in ho
the certain shakira in the listened to Anfield doc maybe Keita also joined
Liverpool with a deal having been secured last summer dot a nd clop is
happy with his up
Top 20 'BEST PANZOID' Intro Templates 2018 | Fortnite/Roblox/Minecraft 💦 - Duration: 5:11.All original video links in description !
How to use the SELECTION LAYER and LASSO ibis paint x tutorial - Duration: 4:55.Hey guys, so on one of my most popular videos
I did an Ibis paint X tutorial and a lot of you were confused on the lasso or
Selection tool and so I finally figured it out and so in this video I'm going to show you how to use this tool
Before I get started, please subscribe to my channel and you can get updated on new posts I do
So if we scroll up to the top we can select the selection layer and then as you can tell right away
It's this blue color and it's kind of faded kind of transparent so you can see what you're doing underneath it
And it works just like a normal regular pen
You can change type it is you can erase it or add new on to it
You can do whatever you can with a regular pen
To see what the point of this is say, for example, like in this post I decided that my I didn't look good enough
So I could take a regular dip pen hard
Which is the common tool poke people usually use and color the outside of the entire I outline
So as you can see, I'm calling the whole thing a
Common mistake a lot of people use is they don't fill in the inside?
They just do the very outside and that won't work every part but the blue is that's the part that you can fix
So I'm just fixing it up a little bit there so it covers the entire eye
Now if I go onto the layer, but this eye is the part that I want to fix as you can see
There's a black and white stripe to line around the area. I colored blue
So what this does similar to alpha lock is all the actions that you complete can only be completed in this lassoed area
So if I draw a line there?
It would only be in the lasso area including if I were to erase anything
It would only be in a lasso area if I were to do anything to it
Effects anything it would only be in the lasso area
So an example why you might want to use this is to change what it looks like
for example, if I go to the functions or
Effects key I'm not sure what the FX stands for
But I can change the hue I can change how black and white it is and oftentimes
I just kind of come here and fool around with the different tools and honestly
I'm not sure what they even all do because a lot of them are for really
Advanced people like I don't know what this one does. It does not look the best but
There's so many different things. You can do just to change what it looks like and it will only be in the last area
The current filter I'm using is really good when you're using it with backgrounds
It's something that makes a real life picture look more like an anime background
So if you ever try to make an anime if you just search up like a picture of buildings
You can make it look like it's in an anime
So another reason you might need to use this as if you need to change the size of something
so if we go here to
This slide you can change you can completely move around where it is including change. How big or small it is?
So if you thought it was a little bit too small you can use this
Perspective forum make something that looks flat kind of look more three-dimensional, which is good if you're like making a book or something
you can also rotate the eye if it's like too crooked or something and
the mesh form is great for like if you search up a logo and put it on a shirt that
You're working on or anything like that that you need to change the size of it as you can tell
This is not the best function for eyes because it looks very warped now
But it's easy to get rid of it just by hitting the undo button and now it's back to normal
Now to turn the selection mode off
all you have to do is go to the selection layer and you race live and
Then you'll be back stand on overlay in selection mode
It's just like making a new layer all of these features right here that I pulled up you can use you can use anything on
Selection layer, but it will only write on the layer that you have
So as you can tell this drawing is not my style it was a line art that I colored a collaboration on sketch
So please check out my sketch video and thank you for my 1.5 K followers on this
Meghan Markle's dad Thomas admits he took drugs while raising teenage daughter - Duration: 11:05.Thomas Markle has admitted he got high while raising his teenage daughter Meghan
The former lighting director said in an interview: "I don't do drugs, haven't for more than 20 years
" A source insisted drugs were "part and parcel" of the TV industry and added: "Tom was no different
" Markle Snr turned to drugs to cope with the pressures of life in Hollywood and to give daughter Meghan a better life, it is claimed
The 74-year-old admitted he got high while the future duchess was young, but insisted he has not touched drugs since
He was asked in an interview about claims he is an alcoholic and replied: "I hardly drink at all, just a little wine with my dinner, nothing much
" But he added: "I don't do drugs, haven't for more than 20 years." It was also claimed Thomas, who has not spoken to 36-year-old Meghan for more than two months, cannot get hold of his daughter as she has changed her phone number
The retired Hollywood lighting director he is said to be worried he may never be allowed to see any grandchildren she may have with Prince Harry
A family source said of Thomas' drugs admission: "When Tom worked in television, drugs were part and parcel of the industry
They were rife. "Tom was no different. He worked every hour God sent so he could give Meghan the life he wanted for her
"Sixteen-hour days were normal. Tom used to work well into the night. "The spare time he had off he'd sleep for a little while but then spend every minute he could with Meghan before going back to work
"After a while, such long hours take their toll and Tom would use drugs that helped him work for longer
Coffee just didn't cut it." Thomas did not specify which drugs he used in his interview with the Mail on Sunday
But his daughter Samantha said last night marijuana was popular at the time he worked in Hollywood
She added: "My father is upstanding and doesn't really drink and he doesn't do recreational drugs
"But in the 60s, 70s and 80s for most people I know in America it was a cultural thing to smoke marijuana
"Most people did. I'm sure people like The Beatles smoked pot when they were on tour
It was a sign of the times. I don't think my father is the only one who can ever have been condemned for having done that
He was never regularly doing it, he never smelt of it and I've never seen my father smoke it
"But certainly my father has never taken cocaine or any other drugs like that. He didn't have the mentality for it
"He was a really successful lighting director which required very sharp visuals and attention to detail
"If he had been a drug addict he wouldn't have been successful for 40 years in a highly technical job, no way
" Meghan was unaware of her dad's drugs past. A friend told how Thomas, who is recovering from heart surgery which stopped him going to his daughter's royal wedding in May, now "feels completely cut off" from her
The pal added: "He used to have Meghan's number but now if he tries it's dead. She, or the Palace, have changed them all
Only last week he mentioned it was Meghan's birthday this Saturday, but he has no idea how to send her a card
We joked he should turn up himself and hand-deliver it. "It's disgusting he does not know how to get hold of her
"What would happen if something happened to him?" Thomas' fears over never seeing any children Meghan may have were also reported in the interview
He has made no secret of his hopes that she starts her own family. He already has three grandchildren from his two eldest children
A friend in Rosarito, Mexico, where Thomas lives, said: "Tom loves children. He dotes on them
"He knows Meghan has always wanted children, but it breaks his heart to think he will not get to see any grandchild she has with Harry
He keeps asking himself over and over why? The only thing he can think of is the shots he's taken at the royal family
"Tom did so out of frustration, nothing more. "It was like no one was listening to him while his ex-wife Doria was being played out in the media as though she could do no wrong
He has some bitterness about that. What people don't realise is how much of a role Tom played in Meg's life
" It had been reported Thomas felt it would be better for all had he not survived his heart operation
But Samantha insisted: "My father never said that he thought he would be better off dead
He's very upset." But a source said: "Tom feels it would be easier for Meghan if he were out of the picture completely
"He has told people there is a part of him that thinks it would be easier if his heart packed up all together and he was no longer around
He thinks if he did die there would be an outpouring of sympathy for Meg." Thomas said he believes Princess Diana would have loathed the way he had been treated
He said in the interview: "They [the royals] have Meghan treating her father in a way that Harry's mother, Princess Diana, would have loathed
That's not what Diana stood for." Samantha added: "I believe he's right about what he said about Diana though because Diana was a loving humanitarian, she was very diplomatic and she treated her family with a lot of respect
"But I don't think Meghan should need someone like Diana to tell her how to treat her father
She's almost 37, not 12, so she knows the right way to treat people. "The thing both my dad and I are sick of is our family being publicly mocked and flogged
"The challenges that we've had have been blown way out of proportion." Dad-of-three Thomas and Doria, his second wife, divorced in 1987 when Meghan was six
For the next five years, she lived with her mum then moved back with her dad in Los Angeles
Meghan left for college at 17 and never returned as she pursued her acting career
But she and Thomas remained close, none more so than when his mum Doris was diagnosed with dementia in 2009
Meghan's half-brother, Thomas Markle Jr, 51, said: "For two years, every other weekend Meghan visited gran without fail
"She would read to her, show her pictures, watch TV with her. She did anything to make life appear as normal as possible
As she grew worse gran would often forget who my dad or I was, we'd go every weekend
"But when Meg walked in an instant smile crossed gran's face and she knew she'd be OK
Meghan has this ability to bring comfort to those she meets, and I truly think its something similar to what Princess Diana had
She was then still very close to dad." But after Doris died, Meghan landed a part in the US legal drama, Suits, filmed in Toronto
She and Thomas spoke less and less and he moved to Rosarito after being made bankrupt
Since news of his daughter's relationship with Harry emerged in 2016, friends said at best contact between them has been "intermittent"
Thomas has never met the prince and has only spoken to him on the phone. But he said in his interview he wouldn't care if Harry, 33, never spoke to him again
He added: "I'll survive". A week before the royal wedding on May 19 at Windsor Castle it was still not known if Thomas would walk his daughter down the aisle
And he was caught out staging paparazzi pictures of himself. He had a heart attack after the story came out and needed surgery
He claimed doctors banned him from making the flight to London and Prince Charles walked Meghan down the aisle
According to reports in the US, the duchess now "lives in fear" her dad would leak their conversations if she were to speak to him
An insider said: "Meghan is so upset over Thomas. She's upset for a couple of reasons
She doesn't even know how to communicate with her dad without knowing he won't exploit her
" But despite his hurt and anger amid all the stories surrounding the Markle family, Thomas said in his interview: "Meghan is everything to me
I love her and I always will." Kensington Palace last night declined to comment on his claims
The Bark - Duration: 0:10.OH look cute dog
Is he ok?
Now calm down. Don't panic
Man City news: Pep Guardiola warns key players after young prospects flourish on US tour - Duration: 5:28.Guardiola has been Stateside without 16 first team regulars, with nearly all of them returning this week following an extended break after the World Cup
The Spaniard has been forced to use prospects like Phil Foden, Brahim Diaz, Eric Garcia, Lukas Nmecha, Luke Bolton and Douglas Luiz in matches against Borussia Dortmund, Liverpool and Bayern Munich
And although the first two games ended in narrow defeats, this 3-2 comeback win from two goals down against a Bayern Munich team with Franck Ribery and Arjen Robben in midfield was highly impressive
England U-17 World Cup winner Foden and Diaz made the step up into the seniors last season and have increased their chances of making further inroads during the new campaign with some good performances over the last 10 days
There was even a debut for 17 year-old Spanish wonderkid Adrian Bernabe who teed up two-goal Bernardo Silva for the second half winner
"We came here with a lot of young players, new players," said Guardiola who saw Riyad Mahrez forced off after just 27 minutes with an ankle problem
"It will be good for them for the future but they know that I always play the guys who run
We can help them to understand the game after but the guys who don't run are not going to play, be it the World Cup or not
"That is what I like the most as a manager, seeing my players fight and play like a fourth division team
In my career, that detail speaks for itself. "You cannot imagine how I enjoyed these 10 days with these guys
The young players have desire, they are starving to become football players. "They are hungry, work with them and you say something and they open their eyes and listen to you because they want to make a career
"They are 17, 18, 19 years old. We played with just one or two pros in the first team and we did what we have done in spite of the results
It was so happy for me with the way they played. "I give credit that we were 2-0 down and never got down
It's not easy to have high intensity in this humidity but I am so satisfied. We gave a solid 90 minutes
" Foden is the name on everyone's lips when it comes to finding someone who can inject a creative spark into Gareth Southgate's England team
The 18 year-old, just like the rest of Guardiola's up and coming stars , need game time in a squad bursting with top class players in all positions
Southgate, however, will receive a glowing report about Foden. "I'm happy with Phil because he played an outstanding game, " said Guardiola
"The last game (against Liverpool) was not his perfect performance but even though Phil didn't play good, he's a fighter, he runs and he never gives up
I like this guy." Lukas Nmecha, the 19 year-old striker, impressed in attack with his second-half goal sandwiched in-between two excellent strikes from the impressive Portuguese midfielder Silva after Bayern had been 2-0 ahead in 23 minutes through Meritan Shabani and Arjen Robben
"We have been lucky in a way, " said Nmecha. "We have got so many great first team players and they've all been away at the World Cup, so we have had our chances to play and I thought we all did really well
"I don't really know yet what happens next season. When we get back I'll have to speak with Pep and see what he wants me to do
"He knows what he's doing though, doesn't he? Building up and all that stuff. That's what helped us win
" Nmecha tested himself against Liverpool's Virgil van Dijk in last Wednesday's defeat to Jurgen Klopp's side and has a wealth of knowledge to tap into every day on the training ground
"With guys like Sergio Aguero or Gabriel Jesus, most of their advice comes from training, watching what they are doing
"Mainly I get help from Vincent Kompany. He has told me what he doesn't like playing against
If I hold it up against him I might lose the battle, so it's more about running in behind and using my pace
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Janoris Jenkins says he hasn't spoken to his brother - 247 news - Duration: 7:45.Janoris Jenkins revealed he hasn't spoken to his brother since the ex-convict was charged with murdering a rap producer last month
Janoris is still reeling from the shocking murder of his friend Roosevelt Rene, 25, a music producer under the name Trypps Beats, whose body was found in the Giants cornerback's basement in New Jersey on June 26
The football star's brother was arrested for Rene's murder and charged with aggravated manslaughter
Janoris made his first public comments on the crime Sunday at the Giants' training facility, expressing his focus on the game rather than the murder
'It's shocking, but I still gotta come and play football,' he said. 'Right now my main focus is coming out and getting better every day for my teammates and stay focused
'Janoris added that he has not been in touch with William since the arrest.'I haven't talked to him, to be honest,' he said
'But I will to see where his head's at. As far as that, I'm just leaving that off the field
'Scroll down for video Janoris considered Rene to be a close friend, and the two were working producing music together before the 25-year-old's death
'It's difficult, but at the end of the day, you gotta be a pro,' Jenkins said Sunday
'Things gonna happen in life, some things you can't control, and it's just one of those situations
' William was arrested for parole violation in Ontario County, New York, just nine hours before Rene's body was discovered 300 miles away in the basement of his brother's home in Fair Lawn, New Jersey
Share this article Share According to a complaint, the pair had been fighting before the murder occurred, and that William showed extreme indifference to human life and recklessly caused Rene's death
William has a criminal record in Florida dating back to the early 2000s that includes convictions for aggravated battery, grand theft, and multiple counts of burglary
Rene's sister Arabruny Lindor also spoke to DailyMail.com shortly after the murder, saying that her sibling had been arguing with Janoris' brother in the days before his death
Authorities said Rene was discovered by a house worker at the residence located on 14 Van Saun Place in Fair Lawn on June 26
Police are treating the investigation as a homicide. NFL Network's Mike Garafolo reported that detectives are investigating 'a possible strangulation/suffocation as the cause of death,' citing law enforcement sources
In a phone interview with DailyMail.com, Lindor said her brother had moved into the home of his friend, Janoris, to work on his music, and that the football player's brother was also staying there
Janoris also dabbles in music in his free time, performing under the stage name Rabbit
Together, Janoris and Rene collaborated on a hip hop track titled 'Hood Jumpin,' which was released in March
A photo that was posted on the producer's Instagram page around that time shows Rene sitting next to the cornerback
'Friday I called him and he had locked himself in the bathroom and said he had been having trouble with Janoris' brother and that they had been arguing,' Lindor claimed
'He was jealous of Janoris' friendship with my brother.'The woman said she instructed her brother to speak to her in Creole, in case William was listening to their conversation from the other side of the door
'I FaceTimed him Monday and he looked worried,' Lindor said of her brother. 'I told him to get out of there
He had a real stress on. That was the last time I spoke to my brother.'Lindor wrote in the description of a GoFundMe campaign that her brother was on the verge of a major career breakthrough at the time of his death
Rene produced music for a variety of stars.The Giants cornerback was not in New Jersey at the time of Rene's death and has been staying in his native Florida
ESPN reported, citing unnamed sources, that the football star has been advised by attorneys to remain in Florida
Lindor said as the only boy among seven children, Rene was universally loved and was her best friend
'He never had a problem with anyone,' she told DailyMail.com. 'Everyone loved him
'Lindor wrote on the GoFundMe page that Rene was very smart and confident, also had a smile on his face and his greatest passion in life was creating beats
The sister said the young music producer wanted to help their family and get their mother a new car
The football star purchased the Fair Lawn home for $500,000 in 2016. The Giants made Janoris one of the NFL's highest-paid cornerbacks in 2016, when they signed him to a five-year, $62
5million contract, with $28million in guarantees. In 2017, Jenkins season was ended prematurely by an ankle injury
Coming off a playoff berth and an 11-5 record in 2016, the Giants sank to 3-13 in 2017 as head coach Ben McAdoo was fired and ultimately replaced with Pat Shurmur
Janoris will be answering to new defensive coordinator James Bettcher this season when he returns to the field
The 29-year-old is entering his third year with the Giants. The Pahokee, Florida, native played for Florida in college before finishing his career at North Alabama
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