Prank Call to a random subscriber..😝 - Duration: 14:59.-------------------------------------------
Councilman Says City Should Just Drop Donald Trump's Walk Of Fame Star - Duration: 4:00.-------------------------------------------
Homemade pizza with puff pastry with sausage and cheese - Duration: 1:21.-------------------------------------------
GOODBYE, GLASGOW ⁄⁄ CatCreature - Duration: 13:16.just lookin at more scenery
more beautiful trees !
just checked into our last hotel with this trip,
we're gonna be here for two nights,
and it's an Ibis Hotel which is a chain-
I've stayed at one of these in Paris,
the first time my mom took my sister and me,
and it's essentially one of those
chain ones like bargain- nice prices, but it's actually kind of nice
I was excited when I found out that it's,
and it's because the shower is so cool
I already put some of my things down, I don't really understand this drawing...
I guess it's like a figure and
the shower over here is a round wall,
let me see if it's as cool as the one i stayed in before?
step in here
here i am
nice in clean in here,
what is this
just bubble- just soap
soap again, oh they don't have the cool LED lights- in Paris,
their shower was even a weirder compartment and
literally look like we're in like a spaceship or something
but, a nice showerhead is good- I'm really glad that I got to
take advantage of the bathtubs
when I had them though, at those two different places
but I don't know, I just really like this place it's like- clearly you can kind of tell that
it's it's like an... expensive cheap place, but because of the way that they
designed it and pull it off, it's quite enjoyable,
reminds me of like an IKEA kind of concept I guess
I'm pretty tired, even though I've been napping all day in
the car in between different locations,
so for the next hour before dinner I'm
just gonna relax in bed and maybe watch some Netflix to see if there's Wi-Fi
there's probably Wi-Fi here.
-oh there it is, my phone!
u know i cant poop around my phone
*sigh* okay.
so it looks like I'll be having just enough time for
one episode of American Horror Story.
I wanted to watch that the other night and I made the mistake of talking about horror movies,
and David told us the most terrifying ghost story and I was just
so scared, everybody was honestly kind of
scared because that inn was old and
just themed to be very historic
so, it was so creepy.
I was scared just going in the bath and
going in my room, I had trouble turning on a lamp so i was like- so scared
so I didn't watch anything that night.
now I can watch it just because it's daylight out, I'll be fine
I like to watch horror shows because of the writing,
and interesting to me- I don't like to wash things just for the thrill of it
like I watched the movie it because I like Stephen King and I like his writing but
I don't know if I can do anything that's like just for the sake of being scary and being scared
and there's no supernatural in Scotland Netflix so...
kind of just stuck with American Horror Story
I'm starting the Roanoke season six I believe
going out for dinner now, just swapped out my pants for these fabric ones
it'll be a little cold but
more comfy.
don't know why I was about to go down the freakin elevator when i can just go downstairs
just three floors
all cleaned up and ready to go to bed
tomorrow's the last day.
good night friends
it's 8:00 in the morning
finally I'm waking up not feeling super super dead im
like actually kind of normal
today's our last day we're gonna spend it in Glasgow
*blows nose*
the air is so dry here that I've been sneezing out blood very often
can't really see it but- I don't think you want to.
today I have on my favorite outfit,
it's the one that I did in my lookbook
of the velvet flower dress and the yellow socks
am i red? -no, you're not
oh, ok
it's almost 10 o'clock look how bright it is so blue outside!
*sigh* -she just had her first cocktail ~
so many firsts on this trip,
just not a strawberry yet
never. *laughs**
no !
it is
several hours later,
I think one something in the morning?
actually that's not several hours
I can't wait to get a good night's sleep
I have a lion tomorrow because we're just getting breakfast before the flight,
and like, this is it to the trip!
like it's
already over...
such a bittersweet feeling
so excited to just go home but,
really gonna miss Scotland
-so lovely meeting u!
-i look so rough *laughs*
Trump Supporters Score Legal Victory in Suit Against San Jose Police - Duration: 2:08.-------------------------------------------
最新更新~納吉眼紅看不下去~今日再炮轟希盟政府 - Duration: 19:57.-------------------------------------------
***Free ps4 games 2018 or Free PSN Codes [Free Games]*** - Duration: 4:22.
U.S. Election Security Suffers For Lack Of Oval Office Leadership | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC - Duration: 5:07.-------------------------------------------
Top 5 BEST FOOD MARKETS in Seoul, South Korea 🇰🇷 2018 - Duration: 15:50.Are you a foodie planning on going to Seoul, South Korea?
You definitely need to watch this video!
While there are many markets in the city, these are my personal
Top 5 picks for the BEST food markets in Seoul, South Korea.
Tongin Market is an easy 15 minute walk away from Gyeongbokgung Palace,
so it makes for a perfect lunch time spot after sightseeing.
It's an old traditional market that was built for Japanese residents in 1941 during the Japanese occupation.
Since then, it's become a local neighborhood-style market.
There's so much food here, guys, this market is a buffet lover's dream come true.
First, you pay 5,000 Won for bundle of 10 traditional-style coins called "Yebjeon"
which are used like tokens to pay for the food throughout the market.
You'll receive a plastic tray to put all your food on.
Not everything in the market can be bought with the coins, though,
you'll have to pay for those things with regular cash.
If you see a sign like this, or the word "Nyang" after a number,
that's where you can use the coins.
The store owners and street food vendors are very nice and helpful if you're a bit confused.
I only have 2 coins left, so I need to make sure I choose wisely.
When you're ready to eat, head over to the DOSHIRAK CAFE, located in the center of the market for
seating on the 2nd and 3rd floors.
So I got my black bean sauce with the noodles, and some sliced cucumber on top.
Gamjajeon, this is potato pancake.
It's been nicely fried, it's very crispy.
We got kongnamul, this is the bean sprouts.
This is chicken on a stick.
Here we have white tteokbokki that's just been fried in oil.
And this is tteokbokki that's been fried in a spicy gochujang sauce, so this is a little bit spicy.
And here we have some kind of marinated chicken.
No foodie visit to Seoul is complete without a visit to the famous Noryangjin Fish Market.
One of my favorite markets is the Noryangjin Fisheries Market,
and this is on the south side of the Han River.
And as you can see behind me, there's just row after row after row of seafood vendors.
You got everything from raw fish, crab, all kinds of different shellfish, there's frozen stuff,
there's fermented stuff, it's just a really wonderful place.
This market was originally started in 1927, and it was more closer to Seoul Station.
But they moved it in 1971 to this location, so this is the old building from 1971.
This. Is. Amazing.
This place.
This is similar to Tsukiji Market in Tokyo, they do early morning auctions, and this place is open 24 hours>
Walking through the old wet cement floors of the old market with vendors showing off
all types of seafood imaginable is a really unique experience.
Alright, so the way this market works is you walk around, you go to all the different vendors
and you get to choose the different types of things that you want,
they'll put it a bag for you, and usually you pay cash.
And then they'll suggest you to go to a restaurant that's associated with their stand.
So what they'll do is either cut it up raw, so you can eat it like sashimi-style.
Or they'll cook it for you, like in a stew or fry it, you can request the way that you want something cooked.
And you do pay a little fee, and that's just like a sitting fee and a table fee,
so that way you can have a place to sit and eat.
The old market building has been slowly emptying out as the vendors migrate to the newly constructed
building next door. If you have a chance to see the old market building
while it still exists, I highly recommend visiting that before it disappears forever.
Gyeongdong Market is a massive herbal and traditional food market.
It's huge!!!
The market size is equivalent to about 5 World Cup soccer stadiums.
Started as an unofficial market by countryside farmers after the Korean War,
It eventually became an official market where you could buy fresh produce and meats,
dried goods, and tons of medicinal herbs.
In fact, this is the largest herbal market in South Korea.
Ok, I just arrived to Gyeongdong Market, it's one of my favorite markets here in Seoul.
Mainly because it's just full of amazing odors and smells,
and visuals, lots of people, it's just very interesting.
There's a huge herbal market here, so you get a lot of medicines and teas, traditional old Korean-style,
like "Hanyak" and further in, there's like a giant produce and meat area.
Fruit vendors and all kinds of stuff, like, ridiculous amounts of food.
So this is one of my favorite places, let's go check it out!
Ok, so at that Gate is where the herbal market is.
And you're going to want to walk past that and go straight until you come to the first major street.
Cross that street and immediately turn left, and that'll take you right to the whole produce and food market.
Lots of amazing cheap stuff there, best place to buy groceries.
Now this market is massive, so there's just so much food, I can't really recommend one specific
really good thing that you must try here.
But if someone gives you a little toothpick to try a sample of something, go for it.
It's going to probably be really good.
And you know, if you see some snacks or whatever, definitely buy some, they're really cheap here.
And especially the produce, the produce is so cheap here.
Gwangjang Market is considered the Holy Grail of Korean street food.
The market is mainly a textiles and fabric market, but there's also a giant area full of traditional Korean street snacks.
One of my favorite markets for street food is Gwangjang Market, here we are!
And it's huge, there's all kinds of vendors selling fried food, there's bibimbap, there's noodles,
there's kimbap, there's all kinds of crazy stuff here. So let's go check it out!
While the market is known for street food, it's also famous for a dish called "Yukhoe."
At Gwangjang Market, one of the must-eat food items is "Yukhoe" and I guess the rough translation would be
like Korean raw beef tartare.
Break up this yolk, stir it all up.
You can see the Asian pear underneath there.
It's so soft, that meat is really good.
The yolk really binds it all together. And it's got that nice sweet crunchiness from the Asian pear.
This is raw liver, called "So Gan", raw beef liver.
And what you do is you just eat it like this, with a little bit of the sesame oil and some salt.
Jal Meokkeseumnida~
It just melts in your mouth, it's so creamy!
Very good!
Namdaemun Market is one of my favorite markets in all of Korea.
Not only did I commute through the market daily, I also have fond memories of going to the night market
with my Korean relatives back in the 80's and 90's.
This market was established in 1963, and it's the largest traditional Korean market still in operation in the entire country!
There are over 10,000 individual vendors filling up all the alleyways, the buildings, and even into the basement levels.
Right outside Exit 5 of Hoehyeon Station, there's the famous Noodle Alley.
This is where competitive vendor ladies try to get you to sit and eat at their table.
The noodles here are fresh, hand-made, and very filling.
Lunchtime is always super crowded.
Another famous set of alleys is the Hairtail Fish Alley.
So in this alley, there's all kinds of restaurants and they focus on cooking amazing "Galchi",
the Hairtail fish.
So they have the kitchen setup right on the outside, and they cook all the stuff right there.
So you can see it in the alley, and then you eat it on the inside of the restaurant.
So this is a really cool experience, to even just walk through here and see the food, smell it
and just check out that vibe. It's really awesome, especially at lunch time.
There's a lot of street food here, so make sure to try all of it as you come across it.
But if there's one street food you MUST EAT, it's the yachae, or ggul, hotteok.
People wait in line for up to 20 minutes or longer, just to get a chance at ordering some of this piping hot street food.
Check out this sucker. Look how big it is!
It's very, very hot.
It's like as big as my face --- Ahhh! I can't even hold it!
So this is the "yachae hotteok", I'm going to go ahead and take a really big bite out of this thing and try not to burn my mouth.
Oh my god! You can see right inside, see all those vegetables and the clear glass noodles?
And the other one is the "Ggul Hotteok" the honey.
And you can see this ~~ oh my god ~~
It smells so good!
You can smell that honey and the cinnamon, especially the cinnamon.
You can see how that goodness has kind of soaked through the dough and it made it dark.
Really cool. Now with this one, you have to be really careful because it will stick to the roof of your mouth
and burn it. But it's worth the pain!
If you guys like sweet kind of things, and deep fried things, this is your go-to.
If I open it up, you can see the inside is coated with the cinnamon, and the brown sugar, and the honey.
There's even some sesame seeds in there.
I just need to take another bite.
Oooh god~
So good! Must try in Namdaemun Market.
Another fun experience is visiting the market at night.
Along the main corridor of the market, a bunch of street food vendors setup and you can enjoy some soju and beer
with all the different types of street food snacks that they sell.
Ok, just a heads up for the footage you're about to see.
If you don't want to see blood or organs or like cow heads, I suggest you fast forward the video, because I'm going to be showing that.
This is the Majang Meat Market, it is carnivore heaven!
If you're a meat lover, this is the place to come.
You get to see all the behind-the-scenes on how they make all the different cuts.
It is literally the biggest meat market in all of South Korea.
So they sell all different types of cuts of meat, you know they have pork and chicken and stuff like that.
But they really specialize in beef, and especially Hanwoo Beef.
Hanwoo Beef is similar to kind of like your Kobe beef or Wagyu beef from Japan.
And it's really high-quality. What's nice about all the meat here,
is that it's roughly 30% cheaper than if you were to buy it at the supermarket, or other markets around the country.
The slaughterhouse, itself, is not on site. (it's located just outside of Seoul)
But they ship it in every hour, so the meat is completely fresh.
And they are strict about their sanitation standards here because they are dealing with raw meat products.
And so they're so clean and sanitized that actually the Korea Medical Association
has essentially noticed this and given them their thumbs up.
So how this works is you can go to any one of these shops, pick out whatever kind of stuff you want.
They'll bag it for you, and you can take it home.
Or, you can go to an associated restaurant, which is either upstairs or behind the butcher shop.
And instead of that, I suggest, outside of one of the entrances of the market, you should just turn
your head to the right and you'll see a lot of BBQ houses in this one small alley.
That is the BBQ alley. I highly suggest you going there instead, if you're going to have some BBQ in this area.
I hope that you found this video interesting and helpful if you're planning a trip to Seoul.
Some honorable mentions that didn't make it in this video are:
Garak market, Mangwon market, Banghak-dong's Dokkaebi market....
there are just so many markets to experience in the city.
Thanks for watching, please subscribe, and see you in the next video. Bye!!!
這到底是人頭還是戴假髮的手指? 外國男子的挑戰「西瓜皮」讓全網笑翻 - Duration: 2:59.-------------------------------------------
Firefighters Working Non-Stop The Contain The Carr Fire - Duration: 1:48.-------------------------------------------
Ireland Contracting Sports Call: July 27, 2018 (Pt. 2) - Duration: 11:32.-------------------------------------------
WORLD'S FANCIEST BURGER | Top 10 Fast Food Hamburgers - Duration: 2:46.Junk food facts people eat junk food as fast food places in schools at amusement
parks and movie theaters among other places and junk food is easier to get
access to then water in many cases studies prove that excessive consumption
of junk food is directly connected to the increase in high blood pressure
heart attacks and cancer a can of coca-cola has about eight or nine or
even ten according to some teaspoons of sugar but you have probably never since
the famous aura is made mainly with water additives the refined sugar and
caffeine french fries are the most popular type of junk food globally one
portion of french fries has about 600 calories and won't help your stab of
hunger but instead will make you even hunger the vast majority of researchers
and nutritionists agree that fats from junk food the trigger the brain to want
more food which of course leads to obesity in the long term a recent
scientific study in China showed that breast cancer rates in the country or
reson significantly because of an increase in the consumption of
western-style junk food many surveys have showed that mothers who eat junk
food while pregnant or breastfeeding have children who are prone to obesity
throughout life their children are also prone to diabetes high cholesterol and
high blood fats whenever you crave unhealthy food just keep in mind that
the common signal corn dip strain used in some junk food he is also the glue
used on envelopes and postage stamps a recent study showed that and women who
eat junk food constantly or at a higher risk for developing polycystic ovarian
syndrome and a condition that usually cause type 2 diabetes and heart disease
we all tend to think that a good milkshake is made from milk and cream
when it comes to the delicious which contains 14 different ingredients called
thickening agents alloxan is a byproduct of
bleaching white floor and it's found in many products classified as junk food
research shows that it leads to diabetes in healthy animals by destroying their
pancreatic beta-cells imagine what it can do to humans
Roblox Flood Escape 2 (Test Map) - Double Danger (Insane) - Duration: 1:34.Hi Everyone : )
Shortcut XP
Oof Laggy (Why T T ?)
Wait What = =" ??? (Head Stuck)
NO.177 马鲛挑战 2018 CABARAN TENGGIRI 2018 - Duration: 21:52.-------------------------------------------
MORE CRASHES - Bikepark Serfaus Fiss Ladis - roadtrip day 2 vlog -subtitled- - Duration: 20:19.day 2 of our roadtrip! one lap alone the others aren't ready yet
this seems to be the eurobike days serfaus fiss ladis
and the noise seems to be a souvenier of yesterdays crash
Serfaus again - I bet this is a really good choice after all the rain
have to find out if my hand is ok
it hurts a bit after crashing on that wood yesterday
lets go
grip strength seems ok for now
the berms that suddendly end
I think my hand will be ok today
the berms are different from the ones in brandnertal
they lack a bit of dirt on the exit where I'd like it the most
I can ride today
those jumps look like they pop but they don't
dunno how they trick them but I guess it's local bonus
sharp turns!
the berms were so sharp... - but I really like them
oh there's a sign!
nice warm up trails
flowy! - really like them
going to send it!
thanks! thanks! - you're welcome!
c'mon supernatural! ...supernatural!
you have to know this!
woah! clay!
remember brandnertal?
but it's different.. this is clay .. it's.... ....different
I think you can gap that!
oh no! f.. off!
wait a sec my bike is twistet took a turn too hard..
what's twisted?
saddle... bar is fine
didn't you hear me?
heard weird noises...
went somehow like this
but I saw you didn't crash
but the bike was twisted
got a big bug into the goggles!
track is sick!
experts only
there's a drop!
work in progress.. but it wasn't closed wasn't it? - no!
can't believe it
should we go back to the car for a break?
yes.. - so I can replace this backwheel..it's a bit damaged
this was my favourite track last time too
love the first segment
fist part is so awesome
//out of context//
sickest trail! ... yeah and supernatural gets second place
what was that????
your cam is still recording.. uhm so you got this.. nice!
don't go so fast on the wood fool!
so can we transfer?
there are no brakebumps here! - not that many guess yeah.. - I mean look at the track design
nice weather again
last year after the crans montana trip someone wrote that I seem to attract bad weather.. seems to be true...
roadtrip day 2 - wet again
better not...
just thought about washing my hands
oh damn no towels...
got it? - noo!
stupid! - ...battery dead!
almost went 360!
do it again! - no!
hurt a bit
you alright? ... yeah I'm ok
got dirty and this was awesome!
dumb battery
why didn't you charge it?
Radde's sd card is full - he's demotivated now
sunshine! ... and heat...
don't think this will last long
scared! I don't want to do it again!
c'mon don't be a pussy.. you'll get a nice bandage like I got! look!
that was sick
syncronic slides - we did exactly the same
I thought I'll crash again when I saw how sharp I had to take the 2nd one but it turned out fine
that was exactly the bit less to survive
tiny bit of dirt on the lens!
//out of context again//
yeah nice
top section hill bill?
lets go
then switch back to supernatural
no no nope...
it's just sliding down
ha nice!
so cool how fast the soil changes
this was the tricky section
right through the dustcloud
was it sick or was it sick?
that was amazing
how did you stay on the bike???
thought I'll do a frontflip over your bike...
again dirty as hell
we skipped on a downhill trail again.. dunno the hill bill trail was too much fun
wet and muddy days are the best
he goes first
uhh.. they got grip now.. damn
can't slide today.. damn tyres
dryed up too much ..
way different now
woho that sounded nice
the dustcloud gets big in some places
woah couldn't have cleared that
the real fun starts when you know every root and rock in the park.. then you can go flying
who's that?
I believe tomas slavik..
lets catch him
not sure I would want to send this on the clay
ok taking this one
there's the tricky part
and he slid away
full impact
we were pretty fast for the conditions
and you crash where it's dry..
but why?
you catched a root
this one ... tried to get inside
so weird
all the noises
so fun!
we could not clear that one huh?
he's going to crash again
uh oh
oh sh... - f...!
no injurys at all
you were so lucky!
just landed "softly" behind the wood
no pain at all!
that was a bad one.. is my visor still in one piece?
you dived in exactly into the "landing"
I just thought "oh sh.."
Ok I think I'm done for the day
but that was an aggressive run
imagine not wearing a fullface!
you'd have eaten dirt.. lots of calories.. you'd get fat!
ok now the tricky berm...
don't know how to survive this one
going to crash!
once again..starting to slide!
he always does manuals!
we can't do that because of our breasts..at least that's my theory
you mean because of the weight?:D
makes sense
your battery... mine? yes
lets do a room tour
nico's bed.. alex's bed
that's it.. not much to see
there's more to see! - full house
bit of chaos but I'll sleep there somewhere
will work like always
don't text and drive
now I can't see
Melaye provides evidence his family reported alleged abduction to police - Duration: 1:16.Melaye provides evidence his family reported alleged abduction to police
Senator Dino Melaye has presented a picture of a hand written statement his brother allegedly submitted to the police to inform the police of the senator's alleged abduction which happened on Thursday, July 27.
Melaye shared the picture to debunk a claim by the police that the senator's brother did not report his abduction.
Recall that we earlier reported that Melaye was released on Friday after it was alleged that he was abducted by unknown gunmen on Thursday, while on his way to Kogi state for his court case.
However, the senator in a tweet on Friday, July 27, claimed he had just escaped the abduction. He said he spent 11 hours in the wilderness and thanked Nigerians for their prayers and show of love that kept him safe.
The senator also thanked God for his escape from yet "another dangerous attack". According to him, it was that God preserved him.
Defender Sokratis revealed that Unai Emery is focusing on fixing the Gunner's defenses ● #AFC - Duration: 2:04.The new defender of Arsenal, Sokratis Papastathopoulos, revealed that Unai Emery was particularly
attentive to the defenses of many gunners during the pre-season training.
Arsenal admitted many of the Premier League goals over Burnley and Newcastle last season,
and had 12 matches without keeping the mesh clean in all competitions.
The midfielder Arsene Wenger was often criticized for being unable to resolve Arsenal's shortcomings
in the rear, but Sokratis revealed that Emery was working extremely hard to make the team
more solid.
In an interview with the Daily Mail, the Greek central defender asked whether Emery had a
focus on defense and replied:
' Course.
On the first day, the coach worked on this.
"All players work on tactics with him.
We looked a lot of times on the video, what happened, what we had to do better.
"With new coaches, we also work in situations when we don't have balls and this is important.
I think and hope that this year everything in the back will be much better.
With Laurent Koscielny to sit apart until next year and Per Mertesacker retired, Sokratis
will rearrange the defenders and he is very excited to play in a more defensive Arsenal
"In football, defender is present to defend," he continues.
"Of course, you must know how to play ball, but within 5 or 6 years, football has changed
a lot.
A lot of coaches and lots of teams now just try to play, not defensive way.
I am here to show that I, first of all, a defender. '
Những bài tập mông cải thiện vòng 3 hiệu quả - GNTK - Duration: 17:20.-------------------------------------------
5 Survival Hacks THAT CAN SAVE YOUR LIFE! - Duration: 2:35.hey guys today we're doing a survival hacks video hope these hacks help you
out and let's get into it number one is having a torch / pen of course it's
important to have a flashlight but also a pen too maybe if you want to write a
note to somebody for help (S.O.S) or something so having both you can just duct tape them
together I have a real one right here but you can duck tape a torch and a
pen together and it's a very useful tool maybe try it out it will be so useful one day
it's perfect it can also help out in the dark cuz of
the flashlight while camping it is an amazing tool and I bet you if you try it
out it'll be a very useful hack for all of you guys number two is using keys as
a weapon this is a great hack but please don't try it at home with somebody as
your family member or something this is only used for defense and it's a great
hack number three is using lipstick as a lotion for any dry spots some chemicals
put into lipstick is very similar to lotion that's why they both have this
effect that helps dry skin or anything so if it's the only thing you have why
not use it it's a great material number four is extra pack of candles or even
using crayons both of them can start a fire that's why they're very useful
lastly number five healing mosquito bites with glue
all you need is a glue stick and any itchy mosquito bite glue has chemicals
that is very releasable for any itchiness that you have and it actually
really works I tried it out and it's a super great hack this is great for
camping and sooner you'll know it'll be gone
COPENHAGEN JAZZ FESTIVAL 2018: Jonas Johansens Blanco Y Negro 2/ - Duration: 33:08.-------------------------------------------
Bozeman Bucks seeking redemption at the State AA tournament - Duration: 1:49.-------------------------------------------
Top 15 bàn thắng đẹp nhất của Quang Hải 2018#U23 Châu Á#không đẹp không lấy tiền! - Duration: 10:49.-------------------------------------------
Creating A Greeting Card With An Internal Gift Pocket In Canvas Workspace - Duration: 5:54.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Creating A Greeting Card With An Internal Gift Pocket In Canvas Workspace - Duration: 5:54.-------------------------------------------
What does mercership mean? - Duration: 0:34.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> What does mercership mean? - Duration: 0:34.-------------------------------------------
Los Angeles Dodgers @ Atlanta Braves Part 2 - MLB The Show 18 Real Upcoming Game Matchups Series - Duration: 31:59.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Los Angeles Dodgers @ Atlanta Braves Part 2 - MLB The Show 18 Real Upcoming Game Matchups Series - Duration: 31:59.-------------------------------------------
#AskMBN - 67: Cosa sono le Terapie Adiuvanti - Seconda parte - Duration: 3:18.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> #AskMBN - 67: Cosa sono le Terapie Adiuvanti - Seconda parte - Duration: 3:18.-------------------------------------------
£26.5m star confirms he will be joining Arsenal squad next week - Duration: 1:32.One of Arsenal's new signings has confirmed when he will be able to team up with the rest of the squad ahead of the start of the 2018/19 season
The Gunners have done well so far with their spending in the transfer market, having secured the signings of several players – including Bernd Leno, Sokratis Papastathopoulos and Stephan Lichtsteiner – well before the upcoming season kicks off
One of those new recruits is Lucas Torreira, who completed a move to the Emirates stadium after his national team Uruguay were knocked out of the World Cup by France
Torreira has been spending time on holidays ever since but according to the Mirror, the 22-year-old has confirmed that he will be joining his new teammates for pre-season activities by next week
Torreira's transfer from Sampdoria cost Arsenal a fee in the region of £26.5million as Unai Emery looks to strengthen his midfield
The South American star was hailed as one of Uruguay's best performers at the 2018 World Cup
GOODBYE, GLASGOW ⁄⁄ CatCreature - Duration: 13:16.just lookin at more scenery
more beautiful trees !
just checked into our last hotel with this trip,
we're gonna be here for two nights,
and it's an Ibis Hotel which is a chain-
I've stayed at one of these in Paris,
the first time my mom took my sister and me,
and it's essentially one of those
chain ones like bargain- nice prices, but it's actually kind of nice
I was excited when I found out that it's,
and it's because the shower is so cool
I already put some of my things down, I don't really understand this drawing...
I guess it's like a figure and
the shower over here is a round wall,
let me see if it's as cool as the one i stayed in before?
step in here
here i am
nice in clean in here,
what is this
just bubble- just soap
soap again, oh they don't have the cool LED lights- in Paris,
their shower was even a weirder compartment and
literally look like we're in like a spaceship or something
but, a nice showerhead is good- I'm really glad that I got to
take advantage of the bathtubs
when I had them though, at those two different places
but I don't know, I just really like this place it's like- clearly you can kind of tell that
it's it's like an... expensive cheap place, but because of the way that they
designed it and pull it off, it's quite enjoyable,
reminds me of like an IKEA kind of concept I guess
I'm pretty tired, even though I've been napping all day in
the car in between different locations,
so for the next hour before dinner I'm
just gonna relax in bed and maybe watch some Netflix to see if there's Wi-Fi
there's probably Wi-Fi here.
-oh there it is, my phone!
u know i cant poop around my phone
*sigh* okay.
so it looks like I'll be having just enough time for
one episode of American Horror Story.
I wanted to watch that the other night and I made the mistake of talking about horror movies,
and David told us the most terrifying ghost story and I was just
so scared, everybody was honestly kind of
scared because that inn was old and
just themed to be very historic
so, it was so creepy.
I was scared just going in the bath and
going in my room, I had trouble turning on a lamp so i was like- so scared
so I didn't watch anything that night.
now I can watch it just because it's daylight out, I'll be fine
I like to watch horror shows because of the writing,
and interesting to me- I don't like to wash things just for the thrill of it
like I watched the movie it because I like Stephen King and I like his writing but
I don't know if I can do anything that's like just for the sake of being scary and being scared
and there's no supernatural in Scotland Netflix so...
kind of just stuck with American Horror Story
I'm starting the Roanoke season six I believe
going out for dinner now, just swapped out my pants for these fabric ones
it'll be a little cold but
more comfy.
don't know why I was about to go down the freakin elevator when i can just go downstairs
just three floors
all cleaned up and ready to go to bed
tomorrow's the last day.
good night friends
it's 8:00 in the morning
finally I'm waking up not feeling super super dead im
like actually kind of normal
today's our last day we're gonna spend it in Glasgow
*blows nose*
the air is so dry here that I've been sneezing out blood very often
can't really see it but- I don't think you want to.
today I have on my favorite outfit,
it's the one that I did in my lookbook
of the velvet flower dress and the yellow socks
am i red? -no, you're not
oh, ok
it's almost 10 o'clock look how bright it is so blue outside!
*sigh* -she just had her first cocktail ~
so many firsts on this trip,
just not a strawberry yet
never. *laughs**
no !
it is
several hours later,
I think one something in the morning?
actually that's not several hours
I can't wait to get a good night's sleep
I have a lion tomorrow because we're just getting breakfast before the flight,
and like, this is it to the trip!
like it's
already over...
such a bittersweet feeling
so excited to just go home but,
really gonna miss Scotland
-so lovely meeting u!
-i look so rough *laughs*
Prank Call to a random subscriber..😝 - Duration: 14:59.-------------------------------------------
Koganecho Action News - Duration: 1:10.Welcome to Koganecho Action News.
I'm Bill McCormack.
Today is Saturday, July 28, 2018.
Today, Typhoon number 12,
also know as Jongdari,
ripped through Koganecho
causing wide spread damage and misery.
The police were out in force,
protecting businesses from foreign looters.
The savage storm shut down the community
making Koganecho into a ghostown.
Torrential rains made the Ookagawa rise to dangerous levels.
High winds caused devastating damage to the cherry trees.
Here, a leaf has fallen and will never recover.
We interviewed one local business owner named
Well, let's listen.
How do you feel about the storm Akiko?
It's so...
No, I'm I'm very scared!
And there you have it everybody.
Thank you for watching Koganecho Action News
Arsenal transfer news: Striker admits he has NO IDEA over Gunners future - Duration: 1:47.Campbell has been loaned out six times since arriving at the Gunners from Saprissa in 2011
The Costa Rican forward has had spells at Olympiacos, Villarreal and Sporting, with his game for Arsenal coming in 2015
He struggled to nail down a place in the side under Arsene Wenger but with Emery taking over this summer there may be some hope for the 26-year-old
Campbell has one year remaining on his Arsenal contract but he admits he is still in the dark over his future with the club
"This weekend, I'm traveling and they'll decide what's coming next," he told La Nacion
"I know that I have a lot left to show in football, so wherever it may be I'll do things as well as possible to enjoy this sport
" Campbell struggled with injuries last season while on loan at Real Betis. The striker managed just nine appearances but insists he has still learned from the experience
"It was a tough season because of the injury," Campbell added. "At the end I grew more as a person because I already had been through the good and the bad of football
"Now with this you can be a better person in the face of the future."
Tekken 7 V1 14 play online Noctis # Tekken 7 Noctis - Duration: 1:10.-------------------------------------------
Man Utd news: David de Gea returns with 'full battery' ahead of Liverpool clash - Duration: 2:13.The United goalkeeper has returned from his holiday to link up with the rest of his team-mates in the United States
De Gea had a disappointing World Cup as Spain crashed out in the round of 16 on penalties to hosts Russia
Joel Pereira and new signing Lee Grant have performed well so far on United's pre-season tour but De Gea's arrival will be a massive boost for boss Jose Mourinho
The Spain No 1 says he has a "full battery" and is delighted to be back training with the rest of the squad as Mourinho continues his preparations for the new season
"I'm really happy to be back with the team and with my team-mates," De Gea told MUTV
"It's beautiful weather and I want to be fit as quickly as possible. "I had a holiday with my family, with my friends and everyone, and have a full battery to come back here to start again
"It's always good to have a break, to relax and enjoy it with people. "The season is long
You need to take a good rest and start again. Everything starts again and, hopefully this season, we'll do our job all together and try to win big things
"It's hard. The first training session is always a bit difficult. "The weather is hot and it's hard
I'll keep focused and training hard." United's next game is against fierce rivals Liverpool tonight in the International Champions Cup (KO 10
屏東》蔣月惠一咬 重挫潘孟安縣長連任看好度 - Duration: 4:23.-------------------------------------------
Makeup Revolution Fortune Favours the Brave Tutorial Reseña-Maquillaje/ Tutorial Review-Makeup - Duration: 10:41.Hello my dearest and welcome to my chanel
For the people that they don t know me, my name is Gabriela David
Today I will make a review from....Makeup Revolution!
Makeup Revolution Fortune Favours The Brave
There are 30 eye shadows
This is the box
Let s open the box
The box is super cute
Inside it has a mirror
And a plastic were it put the name of the eye shadows
It have one small double brush
It cost....I buy from internet, from my country
Who don t know, I m from Rumania
I paid 15 eur
Really I liked, the box is super cute, the design..
So let s see how I start...
Let s make a makeup
I will start with this eyeshadow
In all the eyelid
I already apply a foundation from Dermacol, n 207
That the Tutorial...I don t know if I will put the tutorial before this or after
Is a review from Dermacol
A foundation that is super
Covered all
The first transition eye shadow it will be that
Like always we shake the brush
The second eye shadow
So the second eye shadow named Koffeine Fixed
We apply in the eyelid secket
O sh-t is so intense
I will need do blend a LOT!!!
Now I will use the other brush and I will blend
The truth is that it blended ok ...the colors
So my dearest, the third eye shadow it named Drama Queen
The corner of the eyelid to the inside the eye
And now I will take this brush
And now again with the first brush to blend the colors
The truth that is not sow WOW this pallete
I don t like so much this colors that I used...but...
Let s apply a little bit corrector
I will use corrector from E.L.F
I will apply 2 eye shadows
This one...
The first
By the way, I like this eye shadow
And this eye shadow, pink tone
In the middle of the eyelid
And now I will apply a little bit...
I apply this white eye shadow to give more brightness of the eye
Because I don t like so much how do I look with this type of makeup
And in the corner I will apply a little bit this
So let s go with the other part
The first eye shadow that will use in the eyelid
The second eye shadow
The third eye shadow
And I will go a little bit up
To give more intensity to the eye
So that are not good colors that fit me
Let put the false eye lashes, because I see myself horrible
I will blend a little bit
I will take the first brush that I use
I use use a eye liner waterproof from L oreal
Inside the eye
I will continue with a eye liner from Dior because
The other I does not like to much how it look
That I finish with the eye liner I will apply other eyeshadow
To give more intensity at the eye
With this tone
And i will use this brush
We use a blending brush
And we blend very soft
We continue with this creamy white eye shadow
So I will apply the false eye lashes and I come back!
So to illuminate I will use this pink tone and that tone
That I don t like to be not too much pink , not too much white
A little bit ...
I will apply Rimmel from Miss Sporty The Miaww my favorite
So my dearest, I finish with the makeup
I hope you enjoy my tutorial
And don t forget to Subscribe, Share & Comment
PLEASE!!! :)
To the next time!!!
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