I want your father to see me
and know that if he's released, I'll be waiting for him.
To kill him.
He's in Sonora with Circe
and I don't know when they'll be back.
-Why can't you be like her? -How so?
Move on with your life.
She's back with her husband. She's working at Babel again.
Good grief! What was that?
If Diego stops being Emiliano Guevara, he'll go to prison.
That's not really my problem anymore, is it?
Every time Diego enters Circe's life,
he brings nothing but madness and weakness.
We should go somewhere far away and start over.
Zoraida, where are you? I'm at the house.
Corona wasn't feeling well.
Porfirio's liver can't take it anymore.
You've got a visitor.
You thought I was going to wait for you to come back to me?
I was actually thinking...
maybe we should leave this life.
We could go away, just the two of us, and start over.
-Well? -Come closer!
I was told Dad's going to be just fine.
He has to stay overnight,
but that's just so the nurses can look after him
because of the bleeding.
When is he getting his new liver?
Not now. He has to be strong for that.
He's going to get better and stronger.
He's going to walk out of here.
Don't worry, sweetie. It's going to be okay.
It's going to be okay, honey. Don't cry.
No, don't cry.
What if something happens to him?
Nothing will happen to him.
When I get inside, I'll tell him you were here
and that you love him very much.
When you get home, you should write him a letter.
Yes, yes. I'll take them home.
-I want to stay with Dad. -I know you do,
but the doctor said you shouldn't
to avoid any risk of infection.
Go home. I'll keep you posted.
-Please do. -I will.
I'll put them to bed and we'll be in touch.
Don't cry. It's going to be okay.
Bye, honey.
Don't worry. God is in control, sweetie.
See you later. Keep me posted.
No, I'm at the hospital.
Porfirio's sick
and I can't meet with you to talk about Margot.
I was just calling to say you and Diego have to handle this.
Keep me posted. Thanks.
Do you ever get tired?
I still can't believe it.
That we made love on this bed.
Maybe... we're like any other couple.
Well, not like any other couple.
I doubt any woman who loves her man
as much as I love you.
-You think? -I mean it.
But I am worried about how Ramona and Felipa will react.
It was always my intention to ask them to run the business.
I'm only worried about the Colombians.
Don't worry about them. I'll handle them.
Nothing will ruin our plan. Got it?
Shall we shower?
Why don't you go on ahead?
I haven't checked my phone all day.
I'll be waiting.
-Thank you. -Bon appetit!
What is it? You called?
Yes, Diego.
Marlene stopped by this afternoon
and she brought a check with a portion of the money
Augusto stole from Eliseo and me.
That's good, isn't it?
That's great news. It's also fair.
Diego... that money is also yours.
It belonged to Eliseo, but I think...
Ma'am, I don't want that money. That money is yours.
Do with it whatever you want.
<i> Diego, please hear me out.</i>
The money is yours. Spend it however you want.
What was that?
You said you weren't expecting me?
Get back.
First, you're going to tell me who let the girls at Babel go.
If those girls talk, my days as a police officer are numbered.
That's not my problem, Mateo. Excuse me.
It was you, wasn't it?
Did you do it to get back at me?
Why can't you just admit you still like me?
How do you feel about me?
Are you in the mood for a quickie?
No ------- way!
I won't fall for your games again.
-Get out. I want you out! -Listen to me.
Alright, I'll go.
But if I go down, you go down with me.
You were holding those girls hostages.
Oh, stop it! Wait!
I need a favor.
If you do this, I promise to leave and never come back.
What do you want?
Help me find a friend of yours.
A friend? Who?
You know him very well. Augusto.
He's not my friend.
Hey, Nuria.
Hi, Jim. This is my mother.
-Mom, this is Jim. -Nice to meet you.
Come closer. I don't bite.
My daughter's told me a lot about you,
but she never mentioned you were so... handsome.
-Mom! -He is!
Pleasure to meet you, ma'am.
Please excuse me. I'm busy.
I love his... American accent.
Mom, having you come with me to work is not very cool.
Kiddo, I promise you won't even notice I'm here.
Had I stayed at your place, I would've felt very lonely.
That's just it. You can't stay.
You have to fix things with Dad and get back to Monterrey.
Staying here won't make anything better.
Oh, honey! It's you!
You look beautiful!
Yeah, it's nice.
I know I have to go back,
but your dad was very hurtful in this last argument.
Well, I'd like to apologize for what I said at the store.
But please understand that I worry about you.
You may think Dad and me are always nagging you
about your weight, but we're worried about your health.
You're the one who should be really worried, not us.
It does worry me a lot.
I swear I love your dad... but I just can't, sweetie.
You can, Mom.
This isn't easy, but I don't want it to come between us.
You've been very sweet to me
and you love your son as much as I do.
Mothers love their children. It's written that they should.
My mother died when I was very young,
so I can't comment on that.
Anyhow, I wanted to apologize for Chucho's behavior.
He's never been like that with me before.
Ever since you two started dating,
his way of thinking has changed.
Times change.
Chucho and I are too young to get married.
Too young to get married,
but not to live together or have sex?
I'm a humble woman, but I'm not dumb, Diana.
I know you're not. I don't want to lie to you.
Sex is important to a couple.
It's normal.
It's part of the soul bonding ritual.
It's not just the act of two bodies joining.
Because life emerges from the bonding of two souls.
Yes, but it's also about having fun.
Sorry, I mean no offense or to be rude,
but I see women differently.
If you continue to go to school,
when will you look after the children, the home?
You need to have everything ready to welcome your husband
when he comes home tired from work.
He brings what's necessary and the woman makes sure it lasts.
Maybe in years past, but that's not the case anymore.
Who says a woman can't be the provider
and the man the one who administers it?
Who cares if it's their father who looks after the children?
Don't you think Chucho can look after his own children?
Of course he can.
But there are laws to nature, and everything has a balance.
The man is strong.
And so is the woman.
Don't you think of yourself as strong?
Didn't you help your family get ahead after your husband died?
Yes, but I had Chucho's support.
Yes, and you always will.
He'll always help and look after you.
But... he's not his siblings' father.
I admire you, and women like you,
who help their families get ahead.
I really do.
But it's also up to us to create change.
We should say: "Yes, we can."
I don't need anyone else's blessing except yours.
Encore! Encore!
Are all the girls in San Javier as pretty as you?
Oh, stop it! You're such a liar!
I heard you're quitting the band.
-Is that true? -Yeah.
And it's your fault.
My fault?
I want to stick around so I can be close to you.
Ever since I saw you I can't get you out of my head.
-Really? -Yes.
You were so dumb, Corona.
We had something amazing.
I was madly in love with you.
I would've died for you.
You became your father.
But I'm very happy to see you've changed,
to see you've become a good father to our children.
You're going to be okay.
You're going to be okay for them.
Our children will have a father.
A great father.
For more infomation >> Falsa Identidad | Capítulo 56 | Telemundo - Duration: 13:19.-------------------------------------------
La Sultana | Capítulo 24 | Telemundo - Duration: 12:30.
How could you escape?
I wish I had died
You've got everything you need.
Even if you spend the rest of yourDid you hear that?a rat..
That you would send one of my lovers
to the Old Palace and I would be okay with it?
I asked you once.
Well, now you do.
our Sultan and Prince Mustafa.
Your daughter spread smallpox.
You know what I want.
You'll leave this palace.
Tomorrow you'll leave to the Old Palace of your own accord.
Or you'll suffer the consequences.
It's up to you.
Who are you?
How dare you...
threaten me like this?
Have you given up already, Fahriye?
How long will you be like this?
Will your pain never end?
Stop feeling sorry about yourself
and wasting your time.
Enough, Dervis.
How dare you talk to me like this?
Is that what you want?
You want to die?
Then slit your wrists.
Because this isn't life.
I don't want to die.
Your heart is suffering.
That's right.
It's suffering too much.
And do you know why?
Because you're my heart.
And I can't live without you.
And now I'm carrying another heart
that belongs to you.
Because we're having a baby.
-Why? -Because...
Come in.
Your Majesty, Safiye Sultan wishes to see you.
Send her in.
Welcome, Sultana.
Thank you, Ahmed.
Last night I asked my men
to get everything ready for our departure.
It's time I left the palace.
The time has come.
Is everything all right, Sultana?
What's the matter?
Where are you going?
To the Old Palace.
Hand me the letter, Haci Aga.
This isn't over yet.
War has just began.
Blood will be shed.
For the first time, I agree with you, Bulbul.
By the way, I took a look Give me the letter, Bulbul.
It's all right.
I'll hand it over.
Here you are, my Sultana.
What's going on, Cennet?
What's this?
My dear Kosem...
Handan Sultan's bedchamber
will be yours from now on.
And also...
It belonged to Hurrem Sultan.
It's yours now.
I'll tell you what this is.
It's a revenge that has been planned for years.
It's the price for a life you ruined.
Why would you do this?
Because of this.
I know everything.
You burned my face many years ago.
It was you. I know the truth now.
I've been loyal to you all these years.
You were laughing at me.
Safiye Sultan...
If you ever want to find me...
I'll tell you where I'll be.
From now on, I'll be by Kosem Sultan's side.
Now, tell me what you know.
Why did Safiye Sultan leave the palace in such a rush?
What's the actual reason?
She left in exchange for my silence.
There's a secret she wants me to keep.
But I can't...
I can't hide it from you.
What's this?
It was Fahriye Sultan who poisoned and infected
you and Prince Mustafa with smallpox.
Fresh Look For LAX Terminal 1 - Duration: 0:49.
Blue Bloods - I Do Not Care Who Your Daddy Is - Duration: 1:27.
Señora Acero 5 | Capítulo 32 | Telemundo - Duration: 10:39.
Any similarities to actual people, names, stories,
or any other events is purely coincidental.
This is Uncle Chava.
Salvador Acero is your uncle?
Are you sure it wasn't Teca Martinez's people?
They had a tattoo... I think I've seen before.
Their tattoo could help us figure out who they are.
I know who you are and what you're running from...
Vicenta Acero.
Vicenta what? No, no.
You're wrong, Mrs. Mecha.
I saw your pictures.
I found them while I was cleaning your room.
I apologize for going through your things,
but now I realize why you're hiding at World's End.
You don't want Teca Martinez to find you.
You're not making any sense. I'll go check on Danielito.
Wait, wait!
Look, that man is a plague,
he's the worst thing that's ever happened to Mexico.
If he has it out for someone, that person is dead.
I know this because I worked for many years
for someone who was an accountant to the narcos.
Yeah, you hear about that on the news and newspapers.
You're right, Vicenta,
but it's not every day that he kills your brother
and makes us face Death head on.
He... killed your brother Salvador, didn't he?
Thanks, man.
Why are you making trouble for me?
If the gringos start dropping like flies,
no one will buy anything from us.
These are new. They treat breast cancer.
They retail for $5,000 a bottle but we sell them for $1,000.
Tell me, are things under control over here?
Some broad was messing with us, but I'll get rid of her.
Yeah, I won't let her become a pain in the ass.
You know just what to do if she keeps bothering you.
Keep me posted.
Don't worry. I'll handle her.
Tablitas, take this to the car. You know about my back.
Yeah, but...
No buts. Get to it.
-I can't do it on my own! -Too bad!
What about my back?
Where are you off to in such a rush?
Are you feeling horny? Well, I'm ready for you, babe.
I'm looking for my grandma.
I'm a man and I have needs.
If you scream, I'll break your neck.
Come on! Now!
No one will find you here.
They won't find you or your son.
But one day you'll have to go back to waging that war.
Teca will only stop coming for you after he dies.
You know that.
I need my revenge.
And you'll have it, boss.
Of course you will!
Floyd called.
He said he's going to kill Agent Alberto Fuentes.
No one who messes with you lives to tell the tale.
That gringo is a ------- rookie.
I don't care about him.
I want Vicenta and her cub.
When are you going to bring them to me?
Right this way. Up the steps.
-Now! -No!
Stop! Stop making a scene!
If you don't, I'll take it out on your grandmother.
You ------- bitch!
Hey, I have a question for you.
Why can't you understand that you're my pill-peddling bitch?
You'd better be careful.
Or you'll wash up on the beach after overdosing.
The news always go on about how depressed millenials are.
I'm your ticket to the States.
So you'd better do what I ask.
What are you going to do?
Whatever you ask.
Look, look.
500 for your troubles.
Make the most of it.
Especially now that you're leaving to the States.
Alright, babe.
Let's do our thing.
This isn't going to work.
What isn't going to work?
What are you doing here?
Is it laundry day? I don't think so.
The clothes were dirty.
Why are you standing? You should be in bed!
I didn't approve of you having surgery,
but since you did, you should be careful.
Think of the baby. Why don't you help her?
That's why you're here. You need to look after her.
You two are acting very strange.
What's going on?
Samantha, don't tell...
Don't tell me my suspicions are true.
I lost the baby.
I knew it!
Why'd you go through with that damn surgery?
It put the baby at risk!
I may be dumb, but you've got me beat.
Oh, I shouldn't nag you anymore.
It can't be helped. What's done is done.
Why didn't you tell me?
Because I knew you'd get upset.
Hector Ruiz can't find out.
You know he wanted to use her baby to screw Rooster over.
That baby was like a trophy. He needs it.
It's also my life insurance.
I didn't tell you 'cause I have to find a way to fix this.
And to think Hector is working with...
I went in peace, but you decided to go against me.
And don't be so bitter.
You'll get wrinkled and ugly.
Oh, and one more thing.
You never saw me here. I don't want any trouble.
No one is going to kill you.
I never thought I'd say this,
but we have to use Teca's power.
He's my son's grandfather and that has to be worth something.
I'll use his power to get rid of Hector,
so he won't bother you or poor Rooster.
Lie down. Would you like some tea?
Oh, you poor thing!
Thank you.
Oh, babe.
They don't make these zippers like they used to.
The damn thing broke!
Mr. Ramon, now that I did my part,
are you gonna help me get the money I need
so I can get to the States?
You're so annoying. I told you I would.
Speaking of which, Tablas tells me you're freaking out
because of what happened to that tourist.
You'd better keep your mouth shut.
I will!
In any case, it doesn't matter. It's none of our business.
Well, get to work.
I'm not paying you to sleep with the boss.
Really, Lucia?
When are you going to stop letting that disgusting fatso
have his way with you?
I don't know what you're talking about.
Bottling things up won't make your problems go away.
Can I offer you some friendly advice?
Put a stop to that bastard! Cut his ----- off, girl!
Report him!
It's not that easy! I can't!
He'll kill my grandma or me!
He's killing you slowly.
Oh, sweetie. Let it out.
We can't keep lugging those bodies around in the car.
We need to get them somewhere safe
-where they can be analyzed. -Somewhere safe?
Nothing legal comes to mind.
Doesn't matter.
There's a place about 50 kilometers from here.
It's something of a clandestine morgue.
-Let's go. -Yeah?
Let's go.
Town of Paradise Imposes Curfew - Duration: 1:25.
Stoller MS students released after email threat lockdown - Duration: 2:16.
Police find missing Soledad man in Fresno; say he faked his kidnapping - Duration: 2:13.
President George H.W. Bush: 1924-2018 - Duration: 2:21.
Blue Bloods - It's Not Worth It - Duration: 2:06.
I HATE THIS NEW META - Cowsep - Duration: 10:17.
Bruder JCB Backhoe Tractor Excavator and Ambulance Crash Action for kids! - Duration: 10:46.
JCB | Backhoe | Ambulance | Excavator | Truck
Bret Baier: History will smile on President George H.W. Bush - Duration: 3:41.
GTA 5|Thử Cho Xe Chạy Qua Mưa BOOM Xem Như Thế Nào|Khôi Michael - Duration: 17:02.
Wallace: George H.W. Bush was the greatest living American - Duration: 8:17.
Karl Rove: George H.W. Bush had a deep patriotism - Duration: 7:39.
For Honor - Number 1 Ranked Jiang Jun Rep 40 Duels! - Duration: 12:15.
yeah what's up everybody and jealous here and say we have read 40 Jiang
jingles featuring the number-one-ranked Jang Joon the Hulk now I go for this is
300 likes let's go for that that'd be awesome and make sure you have done the
kitchen on so you don't miss anything my fur on our video yeah after this layer
tonight we'll be posting the hoax route 50 Jing Zhu noodles and I'm also going
to be posting my rap 50 Tia needles tomorrow so make sure you all got that
Bell notification turned on but anyway let's get in the Hulk's video alright so
his first fights against a shaman it's pretty cool I get to sit back relax one
thing you never have to worry about losing stamina that character let it rip
nice parry Oh does he get the bike oh my god you guys stay on the back too I
guess he's checking his a leaderboard to see if he's lagging let's add light
after the first tag is really fast especially on console sure it's a little
bit easier for PC players to try parry but on consoles really hard yeah guess
which side that lie attacks coming from the second light after the first attack
nice deep licked and he got the bite again yeah he keeps checking the score
card to see if I he's lagging that's my thought on now he's another deflect
pretty good shot oh and that's the back he's fighting pretty good shot him
playing some good deflects good shots
round three super bot that's reason why it's the level three bot guys who
sidestepped it the president going the seafood there yes nice what I'm avoiding
all the attacks I delete it very good 304 the Hulk number one number one
ranked blonde you all right second fight against a warden we're going to match up
for warden against a really good one you does because uh warden can't do anything
against he on the unity concise absolutely everything really good start
for hope
warden can't even do anything I didn't see him do anything
Maya zone went for another zone let's go call some female seminary
don't know where they're going see it means only throws Oh hold it it's trying
to copy me try to copy my style for the peated zoom only attack season it so far
is the zone going for it again you got stopped nice nice sidestep
wonder why hope keeps a checking scoreboard maybe wondering if he's gonna
rage quit I saw on AG cheese's things like rep 30 Shaolin duels some comment
on there and said something about the video quality this is off Xbox so I was
like 720p she's like the max you can get because
this is off hopes captures sounded like my oh god oh where it's full 1080p get
around for the word
all right so now he's fighting a Shaolin and Hulk actually told me this today
says Shaolin is the easiest of the for new heroes for him to fight see how well
he does miss the walls flattened so got the damage off the ferry oh we blocked
it I'm going for dangerous oh you going for the dangerous hashtag dangerous in
the comments section one ship area that shot without stamina nice shot with a
shower was he gonna be okay I got him nice what about say hope you
better a good fight
I let rip play the seafood it's pretty good shot
especially for a rep one you mix up Tori there you go
round three
my flocks good ol dang Wow Austin think he might have been thinking he's gonna
faint some and that oklet I think you let everything rip route that catches me
sometime if you like let everything fly you'll catch me because I rely heavy on
people canceling moves a lot so somebody left some bunch of stuff going you hit
back I could start with a Shaolin nice side steps the whole is answering back
be blends that wall spots over I should on the top in goodbye three one pretty
good Shaolin though I think a lot it's pretty good
I'm going to do I'm gonna do a quick story real quick it's gonna be my first
one I'm a helmet of me filming a story of my story on this video let me filming
the story which on their end will be a story of a story on a video no no let's
all right so I'm filming a story of me filming a story while filming a video on
a story awkward all right so it's fighting another Shallon in the last
fight of the day
nice deep like nice to a dashing attack on the same side he won for the baryon
that just missed it I parried it okay guts dang he's letting him go nice
a good round it's pretty good
the mustache is itchy too
nice very nice - oh he go for the curtain counter he just missed it Oh was
not a good trade hyper are one works outside heavy one to one victory
alright so when we play this game I know a bunch people get mad and rage I'm not
gonna lie I do it a lot what comes in handy for me Robin okay so this is what
comes in handy for me nice little table punching thingy actually get more these
I'll have a link in the description where I got this it's pretty cool at
times where it flies off the desk though
like that
victory for no I'm calling it this is going to be the end the final round
folks gonna win it three two one big nice Christian counter
you faded them I wanna see the monk land a deep flight
so let's see if he doesn't dashing attack the same side he goes for the
debug don't every time get berry then fall for the bait he's letting them go
nice call it 3-1 nice job Hulk
all right so that's gonna be it for in this video as I said before they're at
50 Guan Yu duels are gonna be coming later tonight
so yeah just make sure you got that belt enough occasion turned on and as always
you have no skill and stay dangerous peace out
《閃胖》上山打戰鬥陀螺啦!! B-118猛噬獵豹的 幕後花絮!!!----兩分鐘帶你輕鬆一下~ - Duration: 1:52.
usa today : Kid Rock Says 'Screw That Joy Behar B***h' On 'Fox & Friends' - Duration: 1:46.
Kid Rock appeared on "Fox & Friends" Friday morning from his bar in Nashville, Tennessee, and told host Steve Doocy that he hopes the country can become less divisive than it has been
"It is so hard for people to get past [the idea] that we can disagree and still be cordial with one another," said Rock
"You know, and just talk about things without going for each other's throats." The singer ultimately preached togetherness and bipartisanship, but Rock, who's known for being a little rough around the edges, had to spice up the interview a bit by throwing shade at Joy Behar, a co-host of "The View
" The two are very much on opposite ends of the political spectrum. "People need to calm down, get a little less politically correct, and I would say, you know, love everybody," he said
"Except I'd say screw that Joy Behar bitch. Everybody but [her]." Doocy was quick to apologize to the viewers and got the five-time Grammy nominee back on track
The singer insisted he was just having a laugh. "Aside from joking, which I was," Rock said
"Go out and hash it out with people and have your thoughts and ideas, but be able to still go have a beer with somebody
" At the end of the day, the singer said, we're all Americans. You can check out Kid Rock's full comments in the clip above
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 200 Prestige AUT. NAVI - Duration: 1:09.
Hyundai ix20 1.4i i-Magine | 1e EIGENAAR | AIRCO | NAVIGATIE + CAMERA | HOGE INSTAP | NIEUWSTAAT | B - Duration: 1:12.
Pinjraa (Full Song) Gurnazar Jaani B Praak Lyrical With Translation (VIDEO) - Jahanzeb AhmedOfficial - Duration: 4:01.
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)USO•LIBRE( Anuel aa❌Karol G •DIABLA Trapeton Beat Instrumental DaunyBtz Yung Panda Btz - Duration: 2:34.
)USO•LIBRE( Anuel aa❌Karol G •DIABLA Trapeton Beat Instrumental DaunyBtz Yung Panda Btz
)USO•LIBRE( Anuel aa❌Karol G •DIABLA Trapeton Beat Instrumental DaunyBtz Yung Panda Btz
Eggless Vanilla Cake in Kadai । कढ़ाई में बनाइये आसान लाज़वाब एग्ग्लेस वैनिला केक। - Duration: 8:49.
This eggless cake has been baked
without oven and in kadai of home
absolute perfect soft vanilla cake first I'll show how to bake
then we'll decorate this cake with children's favorite
available in almost every house with dairy milk chocolate
So friends Myself is Saloni and welcoming you all in my
channel Samvida's Kitchen
If this super easy recipe of todays you like
then hit the like and do share it with your own
and for more such unmatched recipes
which can be cooked easily. you please
don't forget to subscribe my channel Samvida's Kitchen
So let's start with the ingredients and processes of this superb
eggless vanilla cake
Here is the everywhere available one kadai is with me
I am pouring a pre used normal salt of one cup. Salt have been pre used
two times for baking. Use the free fall normal salt for baking
Sand may also can be used instead of salt
spread it evenly in the surface
place one stand like this above it
and here we have to keep the flame on low position
allow it to get heated with lid till we prepare the
batter of our eggless vanilla cake
It will take up to 10-15 minutes
this process as per me should be done at the onset
so that we will be able to place the batter without
any delay inside this kadai which will result to get a super spongy perfect cake
the second process comes of
greasing the cake tin/module
add some drops of cooking oil inside and
spread it with a brush/ hand
One of size butter paper is required
to be spreaded in the surface
now keep it aside
and prepare the batter of cake
here is a mixing bowl or
take one any kind of big bowl
add 1/4 cup of fresh homemade curd
1/4 cup of refined oil
both has t o be mixed well with
the help of a hand bitter or en electric bitter
after mixing these both well
then will add 1/2 cup of sugar powder
this has to be well mixed
1 tbsp of vinegar will be added and mixed into
Now i am placing a chhanni/strainer upon this
bowl and will add 1 cup
of all purpose flour and above this 1* 1/2
tsp of baking powder
each ingredient has to be measured with a single cup or bowl
don't change that
after getting strained these also has to be mixed well
along with some normal milk which should be added
in batches and qty is 1/2 cup
after mixing it well I will use 1/2 tsp
of vanilla essence into it
this too will be mixed well. Consistency of the
batter has to be matched with
what is being reflected in the video right now
now this well mixed batter is going inside that greased
6'' cake tin
shake it well and tap
on the counter for
release of any kind of air bubble from inside the batter
now unlid this superhot kadai
with utmost care
this is too hot
so the help of any tong or baking gloves is advised
while placing the cake tin inside this hot kadai
above the stand.
just after placing
put the lid to cover the kadai
and allow it to bake upto 35-40 minute on medium flame
after 40 minutes unliding the kadai
take one tooth pick or a knife and for checking
whether it is done or not insert that inside
this cake see if the tooth pick comes out absolute clean then it
proves that no further baking is required
from every side you can see it's baked with
a perfect colour too. Put off the flame and again
with full care taking out this cake tin from the kadai
and put aside for getting cooled for at least 15 minutes
now a knife has to be moved
around in this cooled cake
and place one plate above
and turn the upside down
tap on this back to 3-4 times
and take out the tin easily
carefully take out the butter paper
and get a super perfect spongy cake
made up with curd without egg
which costs much lesser than of market
Now this cake should be placed aside for getting completely cooled
and now for decorating we need to take
one mixing bowl and this is easily available whipping cream
1 cup
and add 1 tsp of
sugar powder
1/2 tsp of vanilla essence too
Sugar powder is completely optional
Now comes the turn to
mix it hard to turn this whipping cream in a foam
this process requires labour
with the help of a hand bitter i will mix
it to get the foam
Don't get this cream ready
unless you get a perfect cake base in your hand
It may also be mixed with the help
of traditional wooden whisker
Electric bitter if available then this
process becomes absolute easy
When it is completely done you
will find it like this
if you turn this bowl in air this cream will not
fall or not will even shake
it has taken 20-25 minutes in turning like this.
Put it inside the fridge
because I have to make sugar syrup
One small bowl with some normal water
1*1/2 tbsp
of sugar powder
and till melting it has to be mixed
and keep aside
this is that completely cooled cake
and I am cutting it equally in 2 pieces
with the help of one sharp knife
See the perfect cake
It's spongy and superb eggless vanilla cake
take four small bowls place it like this
one plate has to be kept upon
and desi cake decoration stand is ready
completely homemade
self designed one cake base board
I have placed on the stand
putting some whipped cream here which
is out of the fridge now
place the 1 layer of cake
sugar syrup needs to be spreaded evenly
you may also use any kind of flavoured
fruit juice in place of this
And above this
I have poured a lot of whipped cream
add as per your choice
pressing it lightly and moving round
perfectly and evenly as much as we can do
with the help of a big knife
or with a spectulla/ flat spoon
the second layer of the cake will come
upon it and the same sugar syrup
as per choice whipped cream too
and now carefully move the cream all around the cake
Also here in this place too
keep rotating this stand and spread
So here is what i could have done with this decoration
as I have less bakery items along with me
clean this portion with a tissue paper
Now here is this easily available
dairy milk chocolate is with me
in grated form
pour it on the edges like this
you will find the amount of beauty of cake increasing
with the increasing amount of chocolate upon this cake
now I am transfering this cake from
this pad to on an another white
pad for better viewing from the camera
So the homemade eggless
superb decorated vanilla cake is ready
baked decorated and readied so let's cut the cake
in a triangle shape and you please try this eggless spongy vanilla cake
as per my process and ingredients without oven and with less
give feedback in comments section of the video
will meet with another superb recipe next time
till then bye bye Thanks for watching!
秋田ノーザンハピネッツの俊野達彦、仙台89ERSへ期限付き移籍「全身全霊を尽くす」 - Duration: 2:44.
11/27/18 10:39 AM (5824 N Edinburg Rd, Edinburg, PA 16116, USA) - Duration: 2:59.
For more infomation >> 11/27/18 10:39 AM (5824 N Edinburg Rd, Edinburg, PA 16116, USA) - Duration: 2:59.-------------------------------------------
Myth : Men don't get Anorexia Nervosa - Duration: 3:22.
Hello everybody
Welcome to our YouTube channel
Don't forget to like and subscribe,
so that you have your voice out here
I have a very interesting myth to share to you.
You will be wondering after watching our trailer, what are these people going to share with us?
Is it some kind of educational video? Yes
Trust me, it will be fun filled journey!
So.... let us go to myth number one
Anorexia nervosa is only affected by female (myth)
I have been hearing and looking through some the comments in youtube
and other social media sites
that anorexia nervosa only affects female,
but studies have actually show otherwiese.
Anorexia nervosa is considred to be a disease which very much "feminine".
But proofs form recent studies by a lot of researchers shown that,
actually it is affecting a lot male and we need to tackle this issue.
Get ready, join me for the fun field ride
Anorexia nervosa is often associated with women,
but studies have shown that it is almost prevalent among all gender in our society.
But, by how much you ask me?
Let me tell you, for every 3 female suffering from anorexia nervosa,
there is 1 male.
Which is about 15 to 30 % of the entire percentage.
That is a lot of percentage if you ask me.
University of Sydney have conducted a research on male anorexia
and they found that male are actually suffering from anorexia nervosa having the belief that
they are the less of a man compared to female who having anorexia nervosa disorder.
I beleieve that it is actually a very big concern and we all have to find
a way help each other out to tackle this issue.
A scholar named Greenburg and Scheon (2008)
found that male anorexia is actually, understudied, underreported, and of course overlooked.
Alright, guys,
now we have for the conclusion of my myth which is male does not get anorexia nervosa.
We have found that there are actually supporting that male do get anorexia nervosa.
But the knowledge about this very limited.
So we do need further studies,
studies with diagnosed male participants since male are harder to diagnose due to the stigma.
So we need to bring them back to the daylight and
give them support so that we can treat this disease accordingly.
So, that 'all for my myth and
hope you enjoyed
and please don't forget to like and subscribe.
Thank you very much from me!
For more infomation >> Myth : Men don't get Anorexia Nervosa - Duration: 3:22.-------------------------------------------
Jurm bolta hai Lahore jisam froshi / ARY News / Geo News / swabi news / Pakistan news / Karachi news - Duration: 3:29.
For more infomation >> Jurm bolta hai Lahore jisam froshi / ARY News / Geo News / swabi news / Pakistan news / Karachi news - Duration: 3:29.-------------------------------------------
Huge Announcement
TAMPON in WATER BOTTLE run CHALLENGE!! - Duration: 7:36.
BMW 1 Serie 118i M-Sport Automaat/Bluetooth/Cruise/Navi/PDC/Schuifdak 170pk Oringeel Af Fabriek M-Pa - Duration: 0:58.
Daughter still searching for mom, missing from Paradise after Camp Fire - Duration: 1:46.
Tea For The Queen? | 💛 #MindfulChristmasChallenge Day 1 - Duration: 2:14.
Good morning everyone welcome to the first day of my mindful
Christmas challenge if you don't know what I'm talking about check out the
video in the description box below where I explain everything about the challenge
today is day one and I'll be sharing with you what challenge we will all be
doing today so are you ready the challenge for today is to really enjoy a
nice hot drink and I mean enjoy it to the max don't just do it on autopilot
like grab the first mug you see and put the teabag in and put the milk and drink
it with your tea whilst doing a million different things I really want you to
enjoy that moment so pick your favorite mug even if it's in the wash going to
get out grab your favorite mug and share with me when you're sharing this moment
why you chose that mug and why is it so special to you prepare that tea like
you're making tea for the Queen because you are the queen today are you gonna
have a biscuit with it which biscuit are you having and if you find your mind
wandering to different things then bring your mind back to the moment and
remember that all that moment needs is that nice warm cup of tea coffee or
whatever you drinking simple as that choose the best moment in your day if it
means that you have to wait until your baby naps or when the children are in
school or when you have five minutes to yourself and everyone is in bed whatever
that moment is choose that moment and have your really lovely cuppa so don't
forget to share your moment with me on instagram using the hashtag mindful
Christmas challenge and I will be looking at the hashtag and seeing what
you guys are doing I will be posting my lovely couple moments later on in the
day so please do check out my Instagram page if you're not following me there
and yeah I will see you guys tomorrow bye
Get Glam Fast | Talk Through Makeup Tutorial + Hacks - Duration: 21:15.
how about gorgeous welcome back to my channel today I'm doing a hacks to get
ready no no no it's more of a look good fast video so the reason will be my
inspiration behind this particular video is last night I went to an event and I
had about I don't know 15 minutes to go I knew I wasn't gonna be able to go
hardcore like full glam but I wanted to be at least partial gloom is that even a
thing but I wanted I wanted to look good but I needed to do it fast and the look
that I created was very simple but it was perfect for that particular thing
that I needed to do and I thought this is really a good video for me to film
for you guys because so many of you probably want to look good fast like say
for instance you have a date night and you want to look good fast but you
wanted to look really good but you don't have time to like you know bake and do
all that and cake the face and you know if that's true if that's your thing I
like cake face but you know some people like a lot of makeup so that's where the
inspiration came from and I thought you know what I'm gonna just put this on
camera tomorrow and share it with you guys
so I'm gonna do it let's do it you know let's do it first off I'm going to prime
so when you're getting ready fast you don't have time to multi-prime right
because when I'm getting ready and I have time I'm gonna use a certain primer
under my eyes I'm gonna use one on my bigger pores I'm gonna use one on the
places that I need my makeup to stay but I don't have the big pores I don't have
time for all that right now because I want to get ready fast so I'm picking
one primer and that's it so this this look is more about finding products to
create the look to get you two out the door fast while looking like like glam
basically so it's not like you could only can use these products to get this
look it's not that that's not what I'm doing here I'm just showing you these
are the steps basically so for the primer i've been using the antosha the
silk canvas primer a lot lately and that's the one that I just happened to
reach for first so what I do is I just like more in hurry I tap the primer in
the places that I know any prime so for me that's where ever I have
some big pores which is around my nose and I feel like pretty much every girl
if you have a problem area of your skin it's gonna be around your nose and then
also on my chin I've got like some boo-boos down here
just in all my chin doesn't look great so instead of like rubbing a primer in I
like to tap it into my skin and really let it settle into those pores crevices
cracks whatever you want to say so that my makeups it's prettier on it another
place that's really important is around the eyes because when you smile what do
you do you get you get wrinkles so I like to tap in my primer right around my
eyes and then forehead is also important I get open pores right here I have a
chickenpox scar right there you can pretty much see it and um it's just not
it's not a good look you know it's part of life it's a battle wound
if chickenpox for a battle what's wrong with you okay so then I just take a
little bit extra tap it in all over the face so I get a nice even canvas to put
my makeup on top of and that's it so you want to prime fast you want to find a
primer that you know is gonna do the job and it's gonna do the job well for me
it's this one okay next we're gonna go with the eyes so if you're in a hurry
you don't have time to get a supper i prime ur everything like that so I just
take my eye primer take my ring finger cuz that's the most delicate finger on
hand and just tap it in around the eyes just like you would on the eyelid I mean
just like you did around the eye contour that's what I'm looking for I contour
just tap it in really lightly here's a really awesome tip that I feel like a
lot of people don't know and I've learned it as I've gotten more involved
with makeup and I've gotten older is that when you are applying anything to
your skin whether it's with your hands with a brush with a sponge a Beauty
Blender whatever that you really should be paying attention to how your skin
reacts so if you're playing something to your skin you don't want your skin to
move and pull like that that means you're doing it too rough like if you're
applying something with a brush leave in a clean brush that's clean
like it should be just enough that your sins barely moving you know instead of
like which ayat when I first was getting into makeup like I was so rough on my
skin I go back and look at old videos now and I'm like crap what was I doing
okay for eyeshadow when you're in a rush this is one of my favorite tips is
instead of searching out the perfect nude eyeshadow to set your eyes with
because that's what we're gonna do we're going to set the eyes first what I like
to do is find a flat shader brush this guy is from war Pizza M 333 and get
whatever color your face powder would be I'm just taking this off of this but
like honestly I would probably use my a cosmetics first get some powder on there
tap it off and then lightly brush it on to set your primer in place that's gonna
help prevent creasing so I'm gonna do do the same tap it off now my eyes are set
they're ready the base is down the base coat is down ready to go color cut like
I'm polishing nails or something okay now that I have my base this is where I
like to take a shortcut so a great way to do that is going in with bronzer I'm
actually gonna use the urban decay urban decay naked it's the UM the cherry
palette because because that's why it's so pretty I haven't even used it yet I
already know what colors I'm gonna use that I can recreate last night's look
with I just hit myself in the face with a makeup brush because I'm super super
professional but this is just this this palette just gives me all of the the
good feels in my in my deep in my makeup artist soul because I just want to like
rub it on my face it's so pretty okay taking a fluffy shader brush and I'm
gonna go into my crease with a let's see everywhere or whatever there yeah I'm
gonna go with the bronzer first because I want to set that base and this is
again quick make a pact so what a one using swirling super technical terms
here tapping and then lightly going into my crease
and building it up I'm not being super picky about the shape and you'll see why
in a second
also when you're applying your eyeshadow hold it down at the end of your brush so
that it's taking a lot of your power away so because like when you hold here
you have a lot more ability to like really drag your your eyelid around and
you don't want to do that you want you want to build a color you don't want to
deposit too much too fast because that's a lot harder to take off color than it
is to deposit color so I'm looking over this direction but that's where my
mirror is okay so got my crease on going on with a clean fluffy shader this one
is the Mac 224 and I'm just gonna clean up the edges and blend it out so that
it's really seamless going into the crease and doing the same I'm tapping
constantly because that helps me get the excess off of the brush and keep
everything just looking cleaner you know pretty simple okay so next I'm gonna go
in with I'm gonna do juicy because it's just this beautiful peach shade I'm
gonna go with a flat shader and deposit that right directly onto my lid did you
see how much came off of that Wow and when you're tapping your brush like that
when you're applying your shadow it's really helping to decrease your chances
of fallout I mean obviously you can still get a pull out when you're
applying but it's just gonna help you get less fallout okay so to make sure
that that is a seamless
transition from the peach into the bronzer in my crease I'm just gonna go
back in with this clean fluffy shader and lightly blend that out okay under
the eye I'm going to take the brush that came with this but any like smudger
brush will do that'll that'll do donkey and I think I'm gonna do
would you devilish yeah that's it Claire and just smudge it right under my lash
line for a pop of pinkish you guys know how I feel about red around the ice I
think it's like just the most flattering eyeshadow color known to mankind okay
and then using this one it's okay if it's dirty because it doesn't really
mind me use young love which is basically that devilish button a shimmer
and add it to the inside corner and work out yeah that's so pretty okay that's
exactly what I was going for right there
so I'm gonna throw on a quick coat of mascara and I'll be right back and by
the way I'm just using the Revlon volumizing I love this with mascara I
think it does a great job cuz I like how fat the brushes okay so off-camera I
went ahead and threw my mascara on my top and my lower lashes one of Matt's
dad jokes would be like well why'd you throw it on babe um okay yeah just cut
it on my I mean sure it's good good stuff um okay so put my mascara on top
lower lashes I put my brows on because there's nothing new there nothing you
guys think I haven't seen a million times or move on to the face and I will
revisit the lashes in just a second but for foundation I'm just using Mac Studio
Fix because this is what I used last night
no no special reason other than that I would like to say that the other day I
got a really really kind on comment on my youtube and they were talking about
like how my brows like they don't understand why I draw them on so low
and I'm like first of all I don't draw my lap my brows on these are my brows I
just literally fill them in the tiniest bit and like I don't fill in what isn't
there so put that in your pipe and smoke it using a tiny bit of the peach
corrector that I always use under my eyes you can go high end my favorite is
Bobbi Brown and light to medium peach drugstore favorite is pixie right now I
have in my hand pixie the brightening peach using a damp
Beauty Blender just a stamp that in - right where my dark circles are and then
concealer I'm using the Maybelline instant age rewind dark circle eraser
and brightener I actually think this is a great shade for under the eyes it just
really wakes up your under-eye area I mean like it's just that's the wrong
side ang at this time I cannot tell my left for my right at all that is
something that drives my husband nuts about me and it doesn't matter what I do
I just cannot I know my left hand makes now but like in a split second decision
where I have to say left or right I'm going to get it wrong a hundred percent
of the time I'm gonna set my under eyes with the Charlotte Tilbury this is the
magic powder I love this powder I think it's wonderful and I'm gonna set with
the B blender I told you all this is quick lamb that's my move I'm moving so
fast because it doesn't take long to do it okay now that I got that on you can
bake if you want to I personally think that the magic powder doesn't need to
bake because it's it's really quite um opaque and I don't think that leaving it
on for a long time is a great move because it just it's already pretty very
pretty very covering as it it so I'm just blending that with a brush then for
the rest of my face I'm using pressed powder this one's from it
cosmetics again this look is can be done with any product and products that you
want I'm just setting around my nose and around my mouth my children because
those are the two areas that really tend to get oily
and I'm not gonna powder the rest of my face because we're keeping it simple so
but I am gonna apply bronzer because who would I be without my bronzer it's like
who would it be about my brows I mean come on now using a little bit of the
darker shade probably Tarte palette I'm gonna contour under-eye lip and then I'm
gonna contour around my nose with the lighter shade following the natural line
of my nose where my bone sits right there and then working my way down and
then I'm gonna blend that out and then using my brush from luck see I love this
brush so much it's like a huge fan contour and my Marc Jacobs bronzer if I
was getting ready I you know and I wasn't in a hurry then I would take more
time about application but this one's kind of foolproof with this brush in
this bronzer because it's oh my gosh I'd love this bronzer so much and I hit pan
and I'm like already like thinking like I need to restock this immediately so
whatever's left over on the brush I like to just take it over the tip of my nose
to make sure that I'm like not too harshly contour do you know what I mean
and then take it from my jaw line down my neck and then take the other end and
just take my contour and push it down you won't push it up because it takes
away from the fact that you're trying to lift your chick-chick bones cheek bones
so I just take it and bring it down a little bit then I had a little blush I
like matte blushes so much I think that they're just so great for looking
polished without like too much shimmer gosh my skin got some boobs going on
here and I'm not happy about it because they're the kind that just need
open and they like your skin needs open up to get them out like whiteheads I
hate those and then using laura mercier highlighter i use my finger first
actually i'm gonna go in with the pinky go down the bridge of my nose and then
do that pinky right here and then i'm gonna go a little bit of a mix with the
pink and the more of the brown and go right on my cheekbone much it bone
oh that highlighter is just beautiful isn't it and then i'm gonna go in with
the flat shader brush that I used earlier with the the lighter pink color
and pick up some of it and deposit right there on the inside corner of my eye and
then right at the top of my Brad Robin mm-hmm
this is a little bit too intent or there let's work that down this is the
Maybelline new liner that I use in my drugstore fall makeup look and then
using love you back this is just a little mini Mac lipstick and oh my gosh
I love this shade it's so pretty and
then I'm gonna top that with a little rose gold from jus a lip gloss and it
smells so good it makes you want to lick your lips all day long see how I just
put it in the middle of my lip because I'm gonna take my finger and work that
over so it's not oh and then last step and this is when you know you're fully
glam is when you have time to put on lashes and this is so fast because I'm
using pieces so what I do is I use these women I picked up at Walt Walgreens and
it's the kiss brand individual lashes and they are my new favorite lashes and
here's why because it's three individual lashes on one thing like it's just so
nice and like you don't have to wait for the glue to dry you you know how like
when you're putting on lash strips you really need to wait and wait
and wait until the lash glue turns a certain color and then you know that
it's the right time that it is no you don't have to do that when it's this
little bit because you're not using as much glue you're not using as much glue
so I do is I take two of the longer lashes and pop them right on the end so
there's one and there's two and then I turn my what are these girls
their clothes Weezer's turn them over my tweezers and make sure that they are
perfectly against my lash line and then they they just like blend so nicely I
love these lashes guys love them I don't know what made me pick them up when I
was at Walgreens the other day but I immediately went through one pack and
this is my second pack and I bought a third and I'm going back to buy like ten
more and I've never been an individual lash girl except for my wedding day I
had my makeup done professionally and it's the first and only time I've ever
had my done makeup done professionally where I actually liked it because I'm so
picky about anybody touching my face I never like what they do I just know my
face and I know what I like done to it and so my makeup artist on that day used
I think two whole things of our Adele fake lash or individual lashes on me
like my whole eyeball was just individual lashes and it looked so
beautiful it was very tedious though so then after I go in with the too long I I
actually I'm on the medium short package sorry medium short so this those 2m ones
are medium now I'm going in with short and I'm gonna line it right next to it
and go two short pieces so it's like this seamless it's just so nice I'm like
my own biggest lash fan can you tell and then oh it's just like the perfect end
so I'm gonna go a little extra and add a third is this so fast can you guys
believe how fast this is so this there's like no way for you to screw this up so
if you are the girl that's like I cannot do fake lashes like they just look so
bad when I do them I can't get them on my lash line then this is the answer
because these guys are so you to apply like so easy and as you can see
I just take my I'm just taking my finger and pressing them down and then up and
that's it like that is my get glam fast like super fast and the really the whole
trick is the fake lashes because it's just like the best way to add a little
Vava voom to your lids without being so frustrated because you can't get your
freaking lashes to stick and then you get glue everywhere and then your
eyeball is like stuck glue to open because your lash line is glued to the
middle of your eye it believes me I know your frustration I have been there and I
can hear you guys going through the screen because I know I know it's true
this takes the the guesswork out of it because they're so easy to use I don't
actually know if you can find them online or not I'm gonna look him if so
I'm gonna like everything they used on my blog but this is really the only
thing that you totally need in order to get like a polished look but that's the
the the steps that I do in order to get this look and this is my I'm running out
the door to meeting I'm running out the door on a date night I'm whatever
whatever it is that I need to look finished
with a little bit of extra Vava voom to my lashes because I feel like lashes
just really seal the deal like my makeup can look great and then if I don't have
lashes it's kind of like wah wah that's just because my natural lashes don't
have a whole lot of baba boom to them you know what I mean
so anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this video it was a quick one it was a fun
one and yeah I gotta go I got somewhere to be so make sure you subscribe to my
channel turn your notifications on so that you can be the first to know when
my videos go live on Mondays and Fridays don't forget to visit me on my blog
angelo intercom and follow me on instagram at angelo Lanter are you guys
i love you all so much and thank you for watching
au revoir
Révélations Macron-Borloo : histoire d'une humiliation part 3 - Duration: 11:09.
Nightcore - Different World - Duration: 2:54.
All we know left untold
Beaten by a broken dream
Nothing like what it used to be
We've been chasing our demons
Down an empty road
Been watching our castle
Turning into dust
Escaping our shadows
Just to end up here once more
And we both know
This is not the world we had in mind
But we got time
We are stuck on answers we can't find
But we got time
And even though we might lost tonight
The skyline reminds us of a different time
This is not the world we had in mind
But we got time
Broken smile tired eyes
I can feel your longing heart
Call my name howling from a far
We've been fighting our demons
Just to stay afloat
Been building our castle just to watch in fall
Been running forever just to end up here once more
And know we know
This is not the world we had in mind
But we got time
We are stuck on answers we can't find
But we got time
And even though we might lost tonight
The skyline remind us of a different time
This is not the world we had in mind
But we got time
Take me back
Back to the mountainside
Under the northern lights
Chasing the stars
Take me back
Back to the mountainside
When we were full of life
Back to the start
We both know that
This is not the world we had in mind
But we got time
We are stuck on answers we can't find
But we got time
And even though we might lost tonight
The skyline remind us of a different time
This is not the world we had in mind
But we got time
Wheels on the Bus Song for Children | Learn Colors | Kids Fun Time - Duration: 8:57.
The wheels on the bus go round and round. round and round, round and round.
The wheels on the bus go round and round, all through the town!
The wipers on the bus go swish, swish,swish. swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish.
The wipers on the bus go swish, swish,swish, all through the town!
The people on the bus go chat, chat, chat. chat, chat, chat, chat, chat, chat.
The people on the bus go chat, chat, chat. all through the town!
The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep. beep, beep beep, beep, beep, beep.
The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep. all through the town!
The babies on the bus go waah, waah waah! waah, waah waah! waah, waah waah!
The babies on the bus go waah, waah waah! all through the town!
The mommies on the bus go shh, shh, shh! shh, shh, shh! shh, shh, shh!
The mommies on the bus go shh, shh, shh! all through the town!
The wheels on the bus go round and round. round and round, round and round.
The wheels on the bus go round and round, all through the town!
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Hey, kid!
you want some blades? *shows them sharp boios*
Blades are fer skatin'! *intense dun*
You dingus... >:(
is kinda snowi
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[iKON24] 24 pick of Bobby's TOP 5 Show me the Money 3 Stage Performance!! [ENG] - Duration: 12:07.
hi this is 24
today's content is TOP 5
today's topic is
so do oyu know MSG focus?
Mnet is celebrating about SMTM 777 that
they are uploading each rappers who have bbeen on SMTM into one clip of video
Bi and BObby are also in that video
so today's top 5 is Bobby's best performance in SMTM 3
Full song link in the description
so Bobby was known as a YG trainee before SMTM 3
because he is a idol trainee
when he was on SMTM
amny people didn't realy like Bobby
these days, there are many idol rappers who are good
but that time,many people think that there are no reason for idol rappers to come out in SMTM
after Bobby won the SMTM
many idol rappers started to join the SMTM
to break the image of idol rapper
but I never saw idol rappers who did really well like Bobby
maybe Minho?
so let's go right to the TOP 5
so there are about 8~9 performance including the preliminary round
so 5
is 'go'
is a original song from illinaire records
as I know, this song was released before the broadcasting of SMTM 3
as I know SMTM3 was the last series that they used original song as a competitive show
the negative part of using original song is
that reminding of the original song
if you listen to the original song
beenzino start the phrase with this
to the listeners, this part is really stucked in their head
but Bobby really nailed the song
ofcourse, illinaires song arrangement was good
the way Bobby pulling this song off
make me think that 'wow, he can really do that?'
'man he really is not 'just' a idol rapper
that's the reason why I put this song as 5th
many of you guys call this in nickname as
gallileo rap
that Bobby did on 1st preliminary show
I don't remember well but
that's why people call gallileo rap
as I remember, he used this phrase in Mix or Win
on that nerve breaking stage
eventhough I nenver experienced that
so all the competitors lined up to get the evaluation
plus that, he got many unwelcome attention focused on him
even Bobby forgot his line
'yoyo, I forgot my line'
in that situation
how Burden could Bobby be
even that
he used the lazy flow that JYP credited about
ofcourse he is really good at rough rap
but also good at this kind of lazy rap
so I picked this as 4
so many people didn't like him cause he is a idol rapper
and Bobby showed them his rap skill really stylishly
Bobby's part was right after the interview of Tarae saying idol rappers' skill is limited
I'm really thankful for him about breaking the prejudice
Dindin's pick of Bobby's best performance
is a song that competed with Oltii's 'That XX'
this song started with a bit slow tension
wearing hoody
grabbing girl's hand
rap while looking at girl
as I remember, Olitii threw his waterbottle
not sure is this one (it is this one)
opponent was Oltii
so starting like that
and than he fall down from the stairs
and that was a acting
Tablo was also surprised
so except Beenzino, all the illinaire members came out in this song
Dok2 and Quiett featured on this song
and the song was great
something a bit lacking about this song is
Bobby's rap part was quite less
Dok2 did the second verse
and the quiett did the chorus
eventhough Bobby's part was bit few
the quality of performance and at the last part
everyone was jumping and the backdancers was really good too
we count SMTM3 as a beginning
the stage was quite simple as I remember
comparing to SMTM 777
even that the stage performance was really explosive and nice
i think is the first personal mission
so was a stage that they perform the show in the club as a solo
they set the order and decide who will go to the main contest
unfortunately, BI miss the line
he said 'if you guys have any complaint, at least do rap better than me, or have more money than my company'
yeah, that's a hurtful history of BI
I think was a evvil editing that
Bobby said he don't know why BI passed the stage
so he performed 'I'm ill' on this stage
is a song from the US
so he did rap on this song
he really nailed it
so there are some limit from the rappers about using their gestures
those gestures can be made and improve by doing lots of stage performance but
there are not that much rappers who can perform with the explosive gesture in 20th
Bobby used his advantage of idol rapper into hiphop
the gesture I remember is
he swings his hand really big
you need to see that
is really great
and the label of 'idol rapper' is totally gone after this stage
maybe is because of the sound issue
yeah, there were some dictation problem cause Bobby does growling kinda rap
but still he really did rap well
so at the second half of the main stage, he did a lot of scream like rapping
there were some problems about dictation
this one, he really managed well about his rap
chorus was really catchy
at the last part, he said ' I know there are people who hate me, I want to give you guy something'
and gave them a fist
as I remember, Swings really liked that
when he did 1on1 against Jamez
Bobby did quite a lot of swear words
and Swings really liked that
we can say Bobby really breaked the standardized image of a idol rapper
was a great stage
I think you guys probably guessed right after looking at the thumbnail of this video
yes YGGR #hiphop
I started to do rap starting from this song
and the first song that i sang on the stage was this song
is quite a meaning ful song for me
so this has a original song
MC Meta did the featuring on the original song
beat is quite similar
and the rap was clean
Bobby's version was different compare to the digital version
there wer lots of Rock sound in the stage performance
he did a growling type rap, which he did give up about the dictation on that stage
is hard to understand without subtitles
he really showed his explosiveness
so people could have strong point if they have weakness
he really covered up his weakness with his strong point
as I know, he won against Vasco
on final, he competed with Iron with the song 'guard up and bounce'
so his rap really stand out in those rock sounds
so the band appeared in TOP Band was TOXIC who won the show broadcasted by KBS
Bobby did some performance among the guitar sound
and put the Bini down to his eyes
and do like this
was really dope
I watched that when I was in the middle school, and it should be called as a legend stage
that was the first time I knew Bobby
was really shocking for me
before that, I never listened to hiphop
this song made me listen to hiphop
I think most of you guys will think this song as a 1st place
no doubt, no one can say that he is a idol rapper
is not easy to do a great performance in front of the broadcast camera
outside of the close-up camera and other live stage video
is not easy to be a legend stage that many people talk about that are taken during the broadcast
and is also surprising that he did this performance when he is 19 or 20
consider he was also doing the Mix and Match, he is really great
so we've picked TOP 5 performance of Bobby during SMTM
please leave a comment if you guys have your own top 5 list
and other ideas about the top 5
house of cards | mep collection #28 - Duration: 4:13.
It's endless, even if I try to run
I've fallen into a lie
Free me from this hell
I can't escape from this suffering
Please save me who is being punished
Are you human?
How can you be so beautiful?
Look at that face that is smiling at me
As time passes by,
We only mess it up even more.
It's collapsing again
A house made of cards
And stupidly, us
Even if you say it's a useless dream,
Just stay a little more like this.
Why am I like this?
A me that I didn't even know has awakened
Because of your love
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Arsenal transfer news: Carragher makes transfer claim about 'under the radar' signing - Duration: 3:12.
Arsenal paid a club record £56million for Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang in January - and he has been worth every penny
The Gabon hitman scored 10 goals in 13 games last season while he has eight in 13 this campaign
His good form won him the October Player of the Month award and Carragher has been impressed with what he's seen in an Arsenal side that - despite their good form - aren't yet in top gear
"The results have been fantastic, the run they are on without losing a game even in Europe also, just it's such a strange team watching Arsenal when I watch them," Carragher said
"It feels like every game I'm watching the same game. They struggle in the first half and get one or two chances, Alexandre Lacazette or Aubameyang will put it away, they are in great form
"What a signing Aubameyang has been, he has gone under the radar. "At the moment they are relying on those types of players to get them out of jail rather than a total dominant performance but the best thing for a manager - and we had a debate earlier in the season - is if you can get results while you're trying to integrate things and things aren't 100 per cent, it gives confidence to the players and supporters
" Aubameyang will line up against Tottenham on Sunday for Arsenal but former boss Tim Sherwood has revealed how it could have been a different story
Sherwood recommended Aubameyang to Tottenham - seven years before he signed for Arsenal
Sherwood was on a scouting mission to watch the Brazilian midfielder Sandro when he saw Aubameyang starring for Gabon in 2011
"I went and watched him play for Gabon against Brazil when I was looked at Sandro, and we'd already signed him at Tottenham," Sherwood said
"He was playing right wing and the pace he showed at the side, I thought 'we've found one'
"I looked it up and he was at AC Milan, so he was at a big club', and he was on loan at St Etienne
"I recommended to the club that we maybe try and nick him for a low price. "He could easily have been at Tottenham
We tracked him for a long period of time and we had little discussions with him. "But the manager at the time decided that he didn't want him and he wasn't for them, so he could easily have been in a white shirt on Sunday