Buying High End Dress Shoes [0:00:00]
So, you walk into the store and you see them.
You are in love.
The most beautiful pair of shoes you have ever laid eyes on.
Shoes are the foundation of your wardrobe, they're
worth investing in.
That being said, nobody wants to waste their money on a pair of shoes that they never use.
In today's video, ten mistakes that you want to avoid when you're going out there
and investing in high quality shoes.
[Music] Mistake number one and the biggest mistake
that people make when they're buying shoes is that they equate value with price.
They are not the same thing.
Let me introduce you to my style theory of value.
The style theory of value goes that value is equal to the number of wears times the
way it makes you feel divided by the price.
So, you bought the shoes for 50 bucks thought you were getting a great deal, but when it
comes down to it, you put them on, they hurt your feet.
And when it comes down to it, you wear them a total of five times.
How did they make you feel on a scale of 1 to 100?
We'll be generous, we'll give them a 10.
So, we've got 5 times 10 - 50.
50 divided by 50, a value of 1.
Now, this other pair of shoes cost you $500, but when you bought them you just love the
way they look, the way they fit, the way that they feel.
You wear them five hundred times over the next few years and you think about, okay,
how do they make you feel?
On a scale of 1 to 100, they make you feel like a million bucks.
A hundred we're going to give it.
So, 500 times 100 divided by 500.
This have a value of 100.
Now, I want to stress, I'm not saying that you got to spend $500 on a pair of shoes,
what I am saying is pay attention to how the shoes fit, pay attention to how they make
you feel and those are the key factors.
When you get a pair of shoes that you absolutely love, you find excuses to wear them and they
make you feel like a million bucks and that's what style is all about, building up your
confidence, so you can go out there and be the man you know yourself to be.
The next mistake you want to be careful of when investing in a high quality pair of shoes
is overpaying.
And two main ways you're going to be overpaying.
One is you're going to go for a fashion label, you're going to go for a brand name,
but oftentimes you're just paying extra.
A lot of margin to that brand simply to get that name and no one's going to be able
to tell on the shoes.
Another way you could overpay is you can go with a particular brand that really just it's
a great brand like John Lobb or maybe Alden, great companies.
But, the problem there is not everyone needs to be spending $800 or over $1000 on a pair
of shoes.
I personally believe that there are so many options out there.
With the internet, it has really leveled the playing field.
Nowadays, you can buy directly from companies that don't have big store fronts and are
able to pass on the savings.
And with that being said, gents, I want you to check out Ace Marks, the paid sponsor of
today's video.
I'm linking to them down in the description.
What I love about this company, quality at a great price.
Gentlemen, these are $600 shoes that are selling for a fraction of that.
These guys are creating some of the most comfortable shoes you're going to find out there.
And, what I love about Ace Marks is their blake flex construction.
Basically, the shoes are built so they're lightweight, they're flexible, they don't
require a break-in period, they're comfortable right out the box.
And I absolutely love all the options all the different styles they've got.
They've got your base foundation shoes.
Then, you've got these fashion-forward pieces.
These things right here, again, it's not too fashion forward, but I love the blue suede
in here with a little bit of broguing and, you know, right here the wingtip that can
get you compliments every time you wear and help you stand out from the crowd.
And, guys, if you haven't been to the website lately, you need to get over there and check
out this new tramanto patina.
A patina is where you add layers and layers mixing colors together.
This is a sign of very high quality shoes because it takes a lot of work.
This is all handwork that goes in over in Italy.
It is going to stand out without actually being over outlandish or anything.
It's just something that screams for attention while still being subtle and stylish.
I'm linking to Ace Marks down in the description of this video with the best discount code
you're going to find out there.
Use it or lose it, guys.
Great company, I've talked about them for years.
Absolutely love how they bring you affordable shoes at a great price.
Take advantage of this.
The next mistake you want to avoid when buying quality footwear is don't start off with
an eccentric style.
You want to go with a classic workhorse.
Because you're going to get more wears out of it.
You got a black, you know, cap toe oxford right here.
This right here is going to work with any type of business attire, a suit.
Maybe you want something a bit more casual, then maybe you go for a blutcher in brown,
a little bit of a cap toe right here.
If you buy something that's eccentric, I'm not saying that you're not going to wear
it and maybe it could be a great investment.
But, I do think that you should start with your foundations first.
So, the next mistake men make when they're investing in high quality shoes is they can't
spot quality.
Again, they think they got a great deal until they notice those shoes are glued.
These shoes are made out of plastic.
Just because it's shiny does not mean it's stylish.
So, the issue with poor quality shoes is not so much the gluing, I mean that's bad because
it's eventually going to fall apart and it can't be resoled.
But, really if they glued the shoes together they didn't use quality components on the
sole, they didn't use quality components on the upper.
[0:05:00] When you're looking at a pair of shoes,
you want to make sure first off what type of construction did they use.
You want to look for a Blake stitch or you want to look for a Goodyear welt.
Both of those are great and, yes, some people I know prefer one or the other.
But, again, what you want to look at is the stitching and on the bottom not always going
to be possible.
This one right here has a rubber sole and that does not mean that it isn't going to
be blake-stitched or Goodyear welted.
But, what you normally want to look for is going to be a leather sole and you can see
the stitching right in here.
Now, with the Goodyear welt, I'm also going to be able to see stitching right here on
the outside.
With the blake stitch you won't be able to see that, you would actually have to take
out the inner lining of the shoe and you would see the stitching on in there.
I've got an infographic for you.
Check this out right here.
And, as you can see I've got tons of details about the construction.
I will link to that down in the description if you want to go check it out in more detail.
The next mistake is only buying one pair and I'm not saying that you got to get the same
exact pair.
But, I would say you know what?
If you like that little bit of contrast right there, why not get two pairs of shoes that
The thing is you don't want to have one pair of high quality shoes that you wear every
single day, you want to rotate.
You want to give the shoes time to breathe.
And, speaking of breathing, the next mistake is not taking care of your investment.
You want to have a quality shoetree.
A shoetree made from cedar is going to basically it's going to pull a little bit of moisture
out, but also it's going to keep the shape of the shoe.
So, you want to invest in a quality pair of shoetrees specifically those made for the
The next mistake, some guys think that polishing their shoes or using a conditioner somehow
optional when it comes to your shoes.
Guys, if you want your shoes to last especially more than one winter, you need to take care
of them.
This is your first line of defense.
What this does is when you put a wax on them, it creates a thin film of layer.
That layer will protect your shoes not only from the elements from water and from salt,
but also abrasions.
So, whenever you knock it up against something, guess what?
It just knocks the layer of wax off, it doesn't penetrate the shoe.
Now, sometimes it will, but what you're looking to do is create that thin layer of
defense that's going to help your shoes last longer.
The next mistake men make after they've invested in a high quality pair of shoes is
they do not store them properly.
So, first off, whenever your shoes are a little bit moist, do not put them next to heat next
to heater, next to a fire, that is going to damage the leather on your shoes.
Also, you want to make sure to use that shoe bag.
If you bought form a high quality manufacturer, they should have given you a shoe bag.
And, also, keep the shoe box because you can put them in the shoe box and that actually
allows you to even stack them in your closet.
So, the next mistake that men make when they're buying high quality shoes is they don't
pay attention to the details because they don't know what details to look for.
So, first off, look at the heel of the high quality dress shoe.
It should be something that it's broken up into multiple pieces.
This is layers of leather.
Now, these layers of leather, yes, do have a bit of glue in there, but they should have
Basically, small nails that are right in here in this, this right here is a sign of high
Another small thing I like is when they've got a bit of rubber gives you a little bit
of traction.
Each company does this a little bit differently.
Now, another thing, when you see broguing on a shoe and those are small leather holes
perforations here, you want to make sure that they're very clean.
Another thing you want to look at when you're going in and you're looking on the inside
of the shoe is that it has a leather lining.
So, if it doesn't have a lining, then basically there's not protection from your sweaty
foot to go to the outer part of the shoe.
Another thing is the stitching.
So, if they've got that lining, you want to pay attention to the stitching.
They should be a single stitch and it should be pretty even around the edges.
Another mistake, you want to make sure before you leave the store before you leave the company
that you find a belt that matches.
This color right here is actually kind of difficult to match, so you want to go in most
companies they're going to have a series of belts that work.
Another thing is to find a polish.
Ask them which polish you can apply.
But, in any case no matter what they tell you, make sure to always test the polish on
the tongue of the shoe and see if it does any type of discoloration before you actually
apply it right here on the upper.
So, this next mistake I probably could have started with and that is do not work with
companies that don't care about you.
Basically, companies that have bad customer service and they're out there.
I hate to say it, but there are some companies honestly they don't care.
I like smaller companies or larger companies that have great customer service because for
me if I'm going to spend good money on a pair of shoes, I want it to be something that's
going to last a long time.
And if the stitching starts to come apart which can happen on any company with any type
of build, sometimes just there's bad quality or bad batch.
You want to make sure that you're going to be taken care of.
Now, at this point you may have questions about which dress shoes to actually buy, which
ones are going to be the dressiest, which one is going to be the most casual.
Guys, I've got you covered with this video right here and I rank ten dress shoes from
the most casual to the dressiest type of dress shoes out there.
So, guys, check out this video, I'm linking to it down in the description.
And, gents, don't forget go check out Ace Marks.
I'm linking to them down in the description with the best discount code you're going
to find out there.
And, go check out these new – this new line of shoes, this really nice patina.
I can tell you, this right here is going to help you stand out from the crowd.
It's just a small detail, but when people see this, they're going to be, wow, where
did you get this?
So, guys, go check them out.
I'm linking to them down In the description.
Gentlemen, that's it.
And like I said, I've got tons of resources over at Real Men Real Style when it comes
to shoes, so if you want to see some of the infographics, you want to grab the E-book.
Guys, I've got you covered when it comes to footwear.
And, that's it.
Take care.
I will see you in the next video.
[Music] [0:10:33] End of Audio
For more infomation >> Buying High End Dress Shoes? 10 Mistakes To Avoid - Duration: 10:49.-------------------------------------------
Epic Japanese Vending Machine Taste Test - Duration: 19:23.
What Women Find Attractive In Places Around the World - Duration: 4:19.
American women may fawn over the man bun, but nothing shows that beauty is in the eye
of the beholder better than the beauty standards for men around the world.
Here's what women find attractive in places around the globe.
Tajikistan digs the unibrow
Tajikistan is a small country of just over 8 million people in Central Asia, which has
a strange yet popular style that both men and women enjoy.
While Western beauty has made hair removal a popular trend, Tajikistan seems to go the
other way.
There, men who rock a unibrow are considered attractive and masculine.
Even the ladies get in on this fashion statement, as Tajikistan women with unibrows are seen
as more pure and beautiful.
Frida Kahlo probably would've had a good time if she'd visited.
Bending gender in Japan
According to The New York Times, women in Japan are really into men who practice a style
called simply "genderless."
Japanese guys put on makeup, wear their hair longer and often dyed, and accessorize with
jewelry and handbags.
Masafumi Monden, who researches Japanese fashion and culture at the University of Technology
Sydney, explained that in Japan, unlike in Western countries, a person's choice of style
and sexuality are typically more separated.
This growing trend is just starting to take off, and may continue to spread.
Double eyelids in South Korea
South Korea is considered the plastic surgery capital of the world.
While both men and women around the world are investing in nose jobs and face lifts,
double eyelid surgery is by far the most popular procedure in the world with 1.43 million people
getting it done in 2014, according to Business Insider.
Women reportedly find this look more appealing, as it gives men bigger eyes as well as a Westernized
All of this can be achieved for a relatively reasonable price, between $1,000 and $3,000,
so it's no wonder so many people are getting it done.
The surgery is reportedly not just about attracting a partner, but can also be an indicator of
Dr. Hang-Seok Choi, director of JK Plastic Surgery, explained how one's appearance in
South Korea will weigh heavily on their options in the job market.
Beauty actually matters so much that job applicants are required to provide a photo along with
their resume, which has led to many people Photoshopping their images.
Sharp dressed men in Italy
Alongside their sexy accents and well-tailored suits, Forbes notes that men in Italy attract
the ladies with their swagger by adding a colorful accessory to an ordinarily plain
They do this with a bold belt, pocket square, or even a hat and all the women swoon.
What makes them stand out from the styles of other men around the world is their lack
of graphic tees or t-shirt with silly slogans on the front.
Arab men with light skin and eyes
The Guardian reflects how Arab women have come to find those with lighter skin and eyes
more attractive as that's what they're used to seeing in the media.
That said, even though these guys might appear to have it all with their devilishly handsome
good looks, it seems being "too sexy" is looked down upon in some Arab countries.
Several men attending a festival in Saudi Arabia were spotted and deported back to the
United Arab Emirates, where they were citizens, for being too sexy.
"Too sexy?"
According to the Arabic newspaper The Telegraph quoted for its story:
"A festival official said the three Emiratis were taken out on the grounds they are too
handsome and that the Commission [for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vices]
members feared female visitors could fall for them."
Sounds crazy, right?
While the identity of the three men wasn't officially released, the media speculated
that actor, poet, and photographer Omar Borkan Al Gala was one of these men, according to
The Huffington Post.
The social media star hasn't confirmed he was involved in the deportation, but he hasn't
exactly denied it either.
You only need to look a picture of him to agree that Al Gala very well could have had
something to do with this "too handsome" epidemic if he was in the area.
Being true to themselves across the world
Despite these trends, there's really nothing more attractive than a man who is true to
himself, regardless of where in the world he's from.
Confidence will turn more heads than any fashion statement or hair style.
Whether a guy is into clothes, video games, or tattoos, it's his confidence in who he
is that attracts women the most.
While outer beauty might be what lures some women in, inner beauty is what makes them
stick around!
Live PD: Gang Startup (Season 3) | A&E - Duration: 3:59.
Kate Middleton and Prince William paid tribute to the victims of Leicester CRASH! - Duration: 14:07.
'Catherine and I wanted to pay tribute to a man we knew'. Prince William hails late Leicester chairman as he and Kate remember helicopter crash victims including pilot he 'had the privilege to fly with'.
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge paid tribute to the victims of the Leicester helicopter crash today as they praised the 'warmth and compassion' in the city since the devastating accident
Leicester City owner Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha, 60, was killed last month when the aircraft plunged to the ground shortly after taking off from the pitch at the King Power stadium.
Pilots Eric Swaffer and partner Izabela Roza Lechowicz also died alongside Mr Srivaddhanaprabha's employees Nursara Suknamai and Kaveporn Punpare
Prince William and Kate, who were friends of Mr Srivaddhanaprabha, spent time meeting his family as well as the club's manager Claude Puel and players including England World Cup stars Harry Maguire and Jamie Vardy.
William also made a speech praising Mr Srivaddhanaprabha and pilot Eric Swaffer, who he previously 'had the privilege to fly with'.
William counted Mr Srivaddhanaprabha as a personal friend and knew him through his role as President of the Football Association as well as a fellow polo player.
The Royals were taken to an area near the stadium containing the huge amount of floral tributes left to the victims near the stadium, where they stood in solemn silence to pay their respects
Kate then laid down a bouquet herself as the couple's own contribution.. William and Kate then spent time talking to volunteers who helped set up the shrine to the victims, including one who revealed the Prince told him one of his last conversations with the late Leicester chairman was about arranging a game against his beloved Aston Villa.
Speaking to volunteers who had been invited to the club in recognition of their work to relocate flowers and other tributes to a dedicated site, she was asked how Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis were doing.
Kate told one well-wisher: 'They are great, thank you'.. Season ticket holder Fiona Sturgess said: 'Kate said that William was playing football with the children last night and one of them said, I think it was George, 'Are you playing football tomorrow Pops?'
Mimicking the Duchess's eyebrow raise, she added: 'She said 'no!' . William also gently poked fun at his wife, telling the fans: 'I hope she's talking non-football'
Ms Sturgess added: 'He said one of his last conversations with Vichai he had wanted to arrange a Leicester vs Aston Villa game'.
Explaining why they had been invited to the event, club member Claire Plimmer, 47, said: 'We spent about five hours helping to move all the tributes here
We tied the scarves, lifted flowers, folded the shirts. I'm so proud to be part of the club and the Leicester City Family.
'We wanted to say give something back to someone who has given so much to us. It's a real honour to have met them'.
Kev Butler, 51, said: 'We came to pay our respects to the best person that could happen to our city and our club.
'I've been a supporter since 1961. It's my club and for the last five years the dream has come true'.
He and former colleague Paul Groves, 67, showed the Duchess their commemorative black and white scarves, which read Mr Chairman.
He said: 'She was just sharing the compassion with everyone. She seemed to feel it, she looked quite emotional, she felt what we were feeling'.
Millie Carter, 17, who was with her mother Anne Marie, said of the Duchess: 'She's very caring
She genuinely wanted to talk to us. The fact that they took the time out to visit us, they didn't have to talk to us at all
It was a fantastic surprise'.. Inside the couple had a private lunch and met first responders who were called to the scene of the crash, which happened shortly after Leicester's home tie with West Ham.
Aiyawatt Srivaddhanaprabha then took them out through the directors' box to look out over the pitch, where the helicopter carrying his late father took off on its fateful last flight.
A sign on the big screen read 'A warm LCFC welcome to Their Royal Highnesses, The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge'.
They also privately met relatives of the four other victims of the disaster, before hearing about some of the local charities supported by the club and its late owner.
They met representatives from the Leicester Hospital Charity, Loros Hospice, the Rainbows Hospice for Children and Young People and newly renamed Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha Foundation, which was formerly the LCFC Foxes Foundation.
After buying Leicester City in 2010 when the club was still in the Championship, the billionaire owner not only oversaw their fairytale rise to the top of the Premier League in 2016, but also helped to raise millions for local charities and the community.
At a stall for Rainbows, the Duke was shown a newspaper clipping of his father the Prince of Wales, opening the hospice in 1994.
'That is not a good photo,' he joked. 'Is that the best photo you could find?'. Remembering the club's owner, he added: 'We knew Vichai quite well anyway, it was all quite shocking.
'We knew how important he was in the community, how he was doing his bit and said 'we have got to say hello, say how everyone is getting on
He was the gel, the glue, of the community.. 'There aren't many owners in the world who have done what Vichai has done here.
'If only more owners took his example of how to benefit the community, be involved
It's an amazing example of community, it really is'.. Referring to one of the fans he met outside, he said: 'We met someone outside who is a season ticket holder since 1958
I said, 'You must have had some dodgy seasons', and he said 'Yes, until the family came along it was a bit up and down'.
Speaking to representatives from the Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha Foundation, Kate said: 'It's amazing that the club is such a part of the community'.
Thanking the Duke and Duchess for visiting the Club, chief executive Susan Whelan told them: 'This will bring great comfort to those who are grieving'.
Then the Duke addressed players, supporters, staff and management at the club. He paid tribute to the late owner and the four others killed, including pilot Eric Swaffer, adding that he was 'a man I had the privilege to fly with in the past'.
William also praised the Club's supporters and the community for rallying around in the aftermath of the disaster.
Before leaving, the royal couple were presented with boxed LCFC kits for each of their children and a statue of a silver fox, to represent the club's mascot.
The Duchess was presented with a posy of flowers by five-year-old Isla Jesson, who is a patient at Leicester Royal Infirmary.
Isla, who has Type 1 Diabetes, wore a pink furry coat. Her proud mother Joanne, 39, said: 'Kate said that her daughter Charlotte would love her coat.
'She wears an insulin pump so I was hoping she wasn't going to beep during the speeches
But I'm so proud of her'.. In his speech at the stadium, William said: 'We knew Vichai as a man who cared deeply about his family and also his community
He of course was a man of wealth, but that wealth did not leave him disconnected from those around him
He believed in giving back.. 'Catherine and I also wanted to come to Leicester because of what the people of this city, and fans of this club, have shown us all over the last few weeks.
'In 2016, this football club did something that should have been impossible. 'Against odds that are now the stuff of legend, you took on the Goliaths and superstars of the world's most famous football league
'In powering past them all to win the title, you wrote the best underdog story in the history of modern sport.
'And when the man that led this club to victory died so tragically, the people of this city revealed with their outpouring of admiration, that they too shared much of the character that was so central to who Vichai was'.
William and Kate began their day by visiting the tribute site near the stadium to pay their respects to those killed in the accident.
Mr Srivaddhanaprabha's son Aiyawatt, vice chairman of the club, greeted the royals with his mother Aimon and sister Aroonroong.
William clasped Top's hands warmly and spoke to him at length, as did Kate, elegant in a Catherine Walker coat.
They then met a receiving line of Leicester players including England striker Jamie Vardy and goalkeeper Kasper Schmeichel, who witnessed the crash and had to be 'held back' from running towards the flames to try to help
The couple then walked along a blue carpet, with Kate laying a bouquet of flowers, adding the carpet of floral tributes.
Afterwards they met with a group of players and members of the Club's management team.
These included Claude Puel, Wes Morgan, Kasper Schmeichel, Andy King, Harry Maguire, Ben Chilwell and Jamie Vardy.
The couple also spent several minutes meeting volunteers and club supporters who helped to relocate the thousands of tributes which were left outside the front of the stadium to the site.
The Duchess laid an arrangement of white flowers wrapped in blue, reflecting the club's colours.
A card on the wreath said: 'To Vichai and all those who died in this terrible tragedy, you will be sorely missed.
'Our sincere condolences to the city of Leicester'. It was signed 'William' and 'Catherine'
. William and Kate, wearing a coat by Catherine Walker, took a moment to view the sea of floral tributes, scarves and flags left by mourners
William looked solemn as he chatted to each player and shared a warm moment with Aiyawatt, putting a hand on his shoulder and telling the players: 'You're in very good hands'
. After leaving the stadium the couple went to Leicester University, where six-year-old twins Sai and Taran Gotani were among the guests lined up to meet them.
As the duchess met the twins, who spent months in hospital after they were born prematurely, she asked them: 'What do you boys like doing? Do you like playing football?'
The answer gave her a taste of what was to come. 'I like headbutting,' said Sai, who with his brother promptly proceeded to give the duchess a demonstration.
'They are very excited to see you!' said their mother Kal, 43.. Sai also told William: 'My pants are showing'.
His mother said: 'I cannot believe he told Prince William that'. A few minutes later the duchess joined the duke at a demonstration of a schools science project, hosted by Dr Suzie Imber, who last year won the BBC2 series Astronauts: Do You Have What It Takes?
The experiment showed what happens to marshmallows in a vacuum, which immediately brought the boys over.
As they jostled in front of the vacuum chamber, which contained a rapidly expanding marshmallow, William said: 'They are the biggest marshmallows in the world!'
Meanwhile their mother was struggling to hide her embarrassment. 'They are shouting 'Kate! Kate!' she said
'But she [the duchess] said: 'It's absolutely fine. Don't do anything. Let them be
I'm used to it.' Oh my God! She is amazing with them.. 'Sai was shouting, 'Kate, how is Charlotte?' And Taran has got a thing with numbers
He was saying, 'How old are you, Kate? When is your birthday?' I'm sweating, literally!'
Then, as the duke and duchess prepared to leave the room in the university library, the boys were there again, hogging the limelight
'You are very active,' the duke told them. 'How many marshmallows have you eaten? You two have so much energy'.
At that point the boys decided to start rolling round on the floor in front of the couple, wrestling together
Turning to his wife, William said: 'Catherine, you and I might try that. It's a new way to do an engagement
It's a lot of fun!'. Even then the twins were not finished with them. Outside, it was time for the traditional posy on departure: presented, of course, by Sai and Taran.
'Have you had a marshmallow yet?' the duke asked them. 'I thought you were going to have marshmallows'.
Crouching down, the duchess said to them: 'Shall I shake your hands one more time?'
That was not good enough for Sai, who leaned forward to give the duchess a kiss.. No marshmallows for the boys, however
Their father Geeten, 42, said: 'We try not to give them too much sugar!'. He said at the time: 'He made such a big contribution to football, not least through Leicester City's magical 2016 season that captured the imagination of the world'.
During the visit to the University of Leicester the couple heard about some of the educational and health programmes Leicester City has helped to support.
This includes a £1million donation made by Mr Srivaddhanaprabha to the university in May 2018, which will be used to help fund medical research and training through the creation of a Professorship in Child Health.
Their Royal Highnesses will then have the opportunity to speak with students, before meeting some of the University's Centenary scholars
The Centenary scholar programme has been created as the University prepares to celebrate 100 years since a fund was established by Dr Astley Clarke for its foundation
It was created as a living memorial to those who fought and made sacrifices in the First World War.
Investigators are still trying to determine why the aircraft plunged 430ft to the ground just moments after taking off from the pitch on October 27
. Footage of the aircraft taking off from the King Power Stadium pitch appeared to show parts of the rear rotor flying off as it hovered above the stands.
But the Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB) says it still has not identified the cause of the crash, although it appears the helicopter turned sharply right when the pilot was using the left pedal and 'did not respond to his command'.
The AAIB's preliminary report also says that its 'investigation of the tail rotor system is being carried out as a priority'
. Instead of crashing into the stands and hospitality areas it came down on empty land 200 yards from the stadium before erupting in a fireball.
It avoided busy roads and the last of the 31,000 fans still in the area along with dozens of police officers.
Experts suspect the tail rotor failed, sending the £6million AugustaWestland AW169 into a 'dead man's curve' that even the best pilot would not have been able to handle.
MS-13 gang member caught traveling with migrant caravan - Duration: 5:16.
Kupovat zlato, když ho kupují centrální banky? - Duration: 3:02.
Jazz Phrasing - This is What You Want to Know - Duration: 10:21.
(jazzy guitar music)
- Hi everybody my name is Jens Larsen.
You probably know the feeling of writing a line
using all the right arpeggios the target notes,
it's moving forward and when you play it
it still doesn't really sound that great.
In fact it doesn't really sound like jazz at all.
At least is something that I remember having had
troubles with once in awhile when I was studying.
And there are actually some rules about what
makes a great jazz line and what
doesn't really work as a great jazz line.
So in this video I'm going to cover one rule that
you really need to check out for this.
I'm going to cover some examples of how you implement
that into your lines,
how you use that when you are writing something.
And I'm also going to go over an example of
Wes Montgomery because he really gets this right.
If you want to learn about jazz guitar,
improve the way that you solo,
check out some interesting arpeggios and chord versings,
then subscribe to my channel.
If you want to make sure not to miss anything
then click the little bell notification icon
next to the subscribe button.
First I'm going to cover how to construct lines
that are easier to phrase well and get to sound good.
And then I'm going to talk a little bit about
How to get those into your playing through listening
other people and hearing it in your own playing.
I'm going to do that by covering a few bars
from a Wes Montgomery solo.
(jazz guitar)
This is really about how you phrase your 8th note lines
and especially it's about where you put the accents
in the 8th note lines.
And in this first example is actually an example of
a line that doesn't really work in that respect,
because here the harmony's clear it's clearly D minor G 7
C major 7 and we are hitting all the chord tones
in the right place but at the same time,
the line and the melody doesn't really pop.
We can't really put any nice accents,
because what we have here is phrasing wise is this.
Do da do da de da de da do da.
So do doo do do doo do.
Everything is on the beat everything is heavy.
It sounds more like Megadeth
than it sounds like Charlie Parker.
If you think about how Charlie Parker line sound
or how a Bebo line should sound then you're
probably coming up with something that's more
like (bebopping)
So I use sort of singing as a reference here
because I think very often even without thinking
about it if you start trying to improvise
some rhythm on top of a tempo then
you already have an idea about what it's supposed
to sound like.
And you just need to tap into that when you're
trying to come up with lines.
(jazzy notes)
In the example where our singing a phrase that
sounds more like bebop then if you slow it down
you can hear that the accents I'm doing.
So you can hear the line is really just a flow
of 8th notes and then some notes are popping out
and getting an accent.
And even when you can't hear what notes I'm singing,
that's just the main idea of what is happening.
And that's really what makes it sound like a bebop phrase.
So we need to figure out how to construct melodies
where we naturally can put those accents on the offbeat
within the bar.
Let's just take a look at a few examples.
I'm just going to do some examples on a C major 7
and then show you how you can easily add those tabs
for accents to your lines.
The rule that I am using here is actually quite simple.
Melodically what has to happen is that we want to have
a high note on the offbeat and that means that it has
to be high on the note that follows it.
And that's what I'm doing in this example as well.
I'm starting on the B going up to the C,
and then the next note after the C because I want to
give the C an accent
then the next note has to be lower,
so I'm going down to B.
And then continuing down the arpeggios.
This is really just a C major 7 arpeggio.
And then so I have an accent on the on hand right?
And then I can do a similar idea here where I skip
up to A and I give that an accent
and go down to the G and then further down
an A minor arpeggio.
So A minor 7 and then ending the line on the D.
Now we can do the same but then to try to get an accent
on the two end and then the four end,
instead of just on the one end and the three end.
And here I'm doing that by first playing
C major 7 arpeggio.
So then I want to create it so that I want to have
an accent on B so that means that the next note
I play after the B has to be lower.
And I'm putting off down to an A.
And that gives us that accent.
And notice that when I'm doing this and this is happening
throughout all these examples.
I'm staying in one position so it's only going to
be pull offs and hammer ons I can do.
But actually in this case because I'm moving down
it's only going to be pull offs.
You can also do this with slides,
but the idea is that I'm using legato to get the accent.
And I'm doing that by picking the note that needs an accent,
like the B here and the pulling off to the A,
because that's naturally going to make the A
a little bit softer and it's gonna help the B stand out.
So that's the accent on the B if I then continue
from the A I'll move up the scale and then up to E,
pulling off down to D so that gives the E an accent.
And then just finishing the line with this fragment
where I'm ending on the two end on the G.
And here I'm mixing another verse so first we get an accent
on the two end so we're really just starting on the G
and then I'm playing sort of the G major chord pattern,
pulling off from the high D down to a B on the third beat.
So there we get an accent.
And then I'm adding an accent on the three end as well,
by playing the A pulling off to the G.
So down to the E C
and then from E to D with a
pull off which gives me an accent on the one end.
And ending on the B.
And of course you can do the same with the
two for one like I am doing in this example.
So the first part is just an enclosure of the root
of the first chord D so E and C sharp down to the D,
then up the scale skipping up to C.
And then I can pull off to B on the G7 and that way
I'm creating an accent on the C.
And then moving up further through the G7 arpeggio
So D F G and here the G is not given an accent
because the next one is an F.
So then further down the scale skipping up to A,
and again A is a high note so it's higher than the
G that I'm resolving to and I can use a pull off for that.
Then ending on E.
The reason that I can keep on publishing videos every week
is that I have a community of people over on Patreon
that are supporting the channel
I am very grateful for their support,
and it's because of that that I keep on making all
these very specific jazz guitar and music theory videos.
So if you want to help me keep making videos,
then check out my Patreon page.
If you join us over on Patreon I can also give you
something in return for your support.
(jazz guitar)
Besides knowing the rules and knowing how you can construct
phrases that sound good like this it's also important
that you start working on recognizing it in the music
that you listening to so that you just get it
into your ears and that way get into your system.
Because in the end you cannot think about phrasing when
you're trying to solo.
This has to be something that's really just in your system,
and that just comes out naturally,
and is already in the lines of your playing.
Otherwise if you have to think of it while you are
playing then you're probably not going to be able to
play anything that makes any sense.
So now I'm just going to take a look at this fragment from
a Wes Montgomery solo.
This is just the opening phrase of his solo on four and six
off the Smokin' at the Half Note album.
And he starts with really just sort of a blues phrase
like this sliding key of D up to and that's half notes
there's not accents involved in this.
That's also something that's kinda clear about especially
Wes's playing is that sometimes he'll play phrases
that are really sparse and then you don't have all the
8th notes and all the accents.
You don't have to worry too much about it.
At the same time the next phrase that he plays
is really clearly even though it is like G minor pentatonic.
or key minor blues.
It's clearly a line that has that accent because we get
an accent on the B but on the C,
and especially also he is using the pull offs so.
And then adding the D afterwards.
Then the next part is just a G minor 11 arpeggio.
The first part doesn't really have any accents.
After the eleven and then we just get this phrase
where we get the accent on the three end.
And if you listen to this and if you try to play along
with solos that you know
and in that way try to copy their phrasing
then it's gonna get a lot easier for you to get
this into your playing so one part of this is
understanding how it works and figuring out why
some of the lines that you are making doesn't work
and give you a way to fix it.
And the other part of this is really trying to imitate
solos and trying to recognize good phrasing in
the solos that you're listening to because once you
are aware of it you can start getting it into
your own playing but you need to be able to hear it
and you also need to notice it.
If you want to check out another video on the great
phrasing of Wes Montgomery and also how he is really
extraordinarily good at constructing melodies
within his solos then check out this video where I'm
analyzing a few lines from some later passages in
this solo on four on six.
If this is the first time you've seen one of my videos
and you want to learn more about jazz guitar,
then subscribe to my channel.
If you want to help me keep making videos then
check out my Patreon page.
That's about it for this time.
Thank you for watching and until next time.
Bill Nye The Science Guy's Origin Story | StarTalk - Duration: 2:30.
2 TRICKS, die ich EWIG NICHT GEMACHT HABE! - Duration: 14:22.
hey guys whats up welcome to a new video at my homespot
slopestyle line is going to get sent
iam dressed up like an onion, layers on layers. temperatures below zero
but lets ride, suns out, which makes it more warm
I think its rideable. you never know. if its a bit above 0 its muddy
if its below 0 the ground freezes and its rideable
lets switch to helmet cam and do some laps
rolling so good! a bit wet after the last set but the ground is frozen so its perfect!
some of you guys notice it in the last video already. I changed my handlebar
its a bit scratched already, its an old one but it looks different and feels nice
and! so dope, we had about 50 guys joining the street ride last week. that was to good!
thanks to everyone who made it out and had fun riding bikes because thats what its all about!
so! lets do a line!
bar drop, oppo bar the boner, 360 can can the first and flip can can the last
today in between riding I want to take some time to talk about some topics you guys are interested about in the comment section
in the last video I told you that the new The Motion Brand collection drops ton the 29th of November, which is today!
we have this hoodie, a 3/4 sleeve, a new shirt, socks, a windbreaker and beanies. oh and I even did a calendar for the upcoming year with my homie Robert
we together chose his best shots he took of me
oh and last week we shot the new photos for the online shop together. DIY! lets take a look
visualize productions shooting the new range of stuff!
thats the stuff: always mvngfrwrd shirt, hoodie, socks, beanies
you want to say some? 'yes nah, just take a shot of this shot'
so if you are still searching for a Christmas present or wants to gift it hisself check the new website! online now!
now lets do a whip of the flat drop, oppo 3 the boner, flip no hand and a flip whip
what it makes it a bit difficult today is the sun. its so low that you have it in your eyes mid flip, but what ever. lets send it haha
kind of blind haha, but other than that conditions are prime!!!
one more question from the comment section: what happened to the boner log?
who watches my videos for some time already knows that we built this thing at the beginning of the year
but we didnt had a kicker for the jump after, because we needed to put it in front of the airbag to have a jump that the beginners could ride into the bag
so we want to build a big dirt spine now or I will just build a new kicker over the winter time.
but maybe we do the spine thing first if the weather stays like this for some days. would be sick
next question: what happened to the secret trail?
it was located over there
so sick on the new camera, focussed right away
it was quite interesting to build something over there but in the end it wasn't a good track
it would have been so much work and effort, and it was an area that the forrest workers clearly wanted to re-grow
so it wouldn't make sense to build something there and then you have to shut it down the next week.
but we might have a new place which is so sick
my friend Erik who did the street tour in Chemnitz with me found a spot with Max.
I wasn't there yet but I have a feeling its going to be good so stay tuned!
sorry I don't have someone who films today but!
lets do three chill tricks, and stylish tricks!
lets do a nosedive 3
360 no hand and a 360 invert is up next
sun is going down quite fast and its getting cold!
but I have a new move for you guys. I actually do it for some time now, 2 or 3 months but we never filmed it for youtube
i wont tell you before, I will just do it.
lets put the cam there and do the trick which is so much fun!
flip no hand to bar! and now lets do a superseater!
next trick I didnt do in a while. did it on this jump about 2 or 3 times all in all
its the double superman seat grab
I hope the legs were alright, have to take a look by myself. not as stretched as the superman seat grab I guess
just watched it and I think it was alright. for sure it could be better (always does) but I thought it looked like a banana
andere lacondeguy does his supermans so sick. a banana pointing upwards
you always need some you have to work on, so thats something for the winter I guess haha
i have one more trick for you guys I want to do. we were riding foam pit this weekend and I did some 360 double whips
the last time I did it was in Starnberg, near Munich and its about 6 months Ago
so hope it works
Iam honest with you guys! the one foot wasnt on the pedal
actually don't know if it dropped but it wasn't on the pedal! lets do it again
so stoked! had to do the cork 7 aswell, have to do at least one each session thats what I told myself
but you might know it yourself when you land a new trick you feel soooo good!
going to sleep well tonight
its getting quite fresh now! but it was such a dope solo session today!
sorry I didnt had anyone else to film this but I hope you guys enjoyed it still
as I mentioned earlier the new collection is out now on
had so much orders over the whole year since I launched it and iam just so grateful for everyone of it!
its so incredible I would have never thought we are going to grow so big so fast on youtube and then to be successful with the motion is just insane
so pumped about that!
hope you guys liked the video! you guys are the best! peace!
Daniel's Thursday WeatherCast 11/29/18 - Duration: 2:31.
Thích Và Không Thích Gì Tháng 11 ♡ November Favourites & Not | Con Thỏ - Duration: 14:19.
What Is Black Garlic and Why Is It So Good For You? - Duration: 2:56.
Do you know what black garlic is?
Although it may just look like rotten garlic, or garlic that has been cooked for too long,
it's actually become very famous around the world due to it's culinary uses and health
It becomes black when the garlic heads rot enough to become black and develop a smooth,
sticky texture quite similar to the texture of dates.
What about the flavor?
If you don't really like traditional garlic, you may enjoy this black version which is
sweeter and earthier and many people describe it as being very tasty.
The most interesting part about this black garlic is that it can be consumed in large
Due to how rich its flavors are, it has become very popular in cooking, but what really makes
it special are its amazing health properties.
Originally from Korea, black garlic was created as a health product and was considered a better
tasting way to benefit from garlic's properties:
It calms your nerves Most people may not know, but black garlic
is able to improve your mood, relieve anxiety, and decrease stress.
It prevents heart diseases Thanks to allicin, black garlic is become
a great ally to our heart and circulatory systems health by thinning our blood, reducing
blood clotting and decreasing the risk of a stroke or thrombosis and also lowering bad
cholesterol levels.
It improves our body's defenses Garlic is known for improving our body's
If you're feeling like your immune system is low or if you catch the flu or colds often
then black garlic may be the thing for you.
Certain studies have even suggested that it can help prevent cancer.
It combats fatigue Aged garlic is great for anyone who wants
to increase their physical resistance.
It also combats fatigue and improves sleep quality.
It helps treat respiratory problems Black garlic is also considered to be a great
remedy for fighting common respiratory diseases, allergies, and even asthma symptoms.
It's a diuretic Since it's rich in potassium, this garlic
is recommended for people who suffer from liquid retention, edemas or kidney problems.
It's good for your skin People who have skin problems such as dermatitis,
acne, psoriasis or rosacea can benefit from ingesting raw garlic.
Since it contains sulfur compounds, this ingredient also contributes to the formation of collagen,
a key protein for skin health.
You can find black garlic at natural products stores, but if you want you can also prepare
it at home.
In the next video we'll teach you how to prepare this recipe at home, stay tuned!
凯特王妃只用两句话,破了与梅根不和传闻,网友赞:大气聪明 , 独家解密梅根婚纱系列礼服,准新娘福利大放送——美呆了!, 戴安娜前助手称,如果梅根在戴安娜的帮助下,她可以避免丑闻 - Duration: 22:17.
TELEPATIA - Duration: 2:38.
-Dunno, around 7. -Sorry I'm late.
-Morning, Michel. -Morning, Michel.
Good morning.
Good for you, maybe.
Cerqueira said to tell him when you arrived.
Did he? Why?
After they fired Marcia, they're not hiring anyone,
so tasks are being reassigned.
I don't give a shit about Marcia. Who cares about that fatty?
-Are you listening? -Sure! Why?
Like I can avoid hearing your fucking squeaky voice.
-Fucking squeaky voice? -What?
Did you say I have a fucking squeaky voice?
I said that?
-You did. -No, I didn't.
Did I say it? I didn't. How do they know?
-I can hear your thoughts. -Me, too, man.
C'mon, guys, stop.
So this fucker's trying to pretend he can hear me?
-Fucker, Michel? -Everyone heard you call him that.
Shit! These idiots can hear me.
Is this a prank?
Cerqueira's gotta be filming this. I bet it's HR pulling this.
-What am I filming, Michel? -Jesus!
It's Cerqueira, fuck. Don't think.
Don't think I think about that asshole...
Wait, wait, calm down. Does he know I jerk off in...
No! I can't think about how I jerk off to his wife!
Shit! I just did! Did he hear me?
He did, look at his face. Oh, God! No, no!
What if I think I didn't think to confuse him?
No! I can't think about it! Stop thinking! Stop! Shit!
I gotta go home. No! I need an excuse.
I'll say I forgot my phone. Shit! It's on the table.
I'll say Natalia's sick.
-Guys, I just got a text... -Saying Natalia's sick.
Awful excuse, Michel!
Jesus! Are you okay?
No! Everyone at the office can hear my thoughts.
Calm down. You're too anxious, hon. Breathe.
Let me make you some grilled ham and cheese.
With melted cheese. And no crust.
-Please, thanks. -Calm down.
-Okay? -Right.
Great, now I have a cuck that's going insane.
André, Douglas, Guilherme, Rodrigo,
Antônio, Augusto from the gym, Clayton, also from the gym.
Edson the Uber driver.
That black guy whose name escapes me.
The guy selling catuaba at the São Cristovão fair.
That friend of Michel's. Michel's cousin.
Michel's godfather.
Mr. Nonato, the doorman. The gas station attendant.
I don't know where you got that I cheated on you from.
Oh, there's Ian. But that was quick.
Toy Guns Box of Toys for Children Learn Colors with Toy Weapons - Duration: 7:07.
Toy Guns Box of Toys for Children Learn Colors with Toy Weapons
ENG SUB | [When We Were Young 2018] EP05-- Starring: Hou Ming Hao, Wan Peng, Zhang Yao, Dai Lu Wa - Duration: 47:50.
When we were young 2018
Episode 5
Mom Mom!
Your dear son is back. Your dear son is back.
Yang Chao, you are back! Yang Chao
The crowds in the bookstore are so enormous
that all the parents of students,
are scrabbling for these.
I had exhausted!
You are back!
You got it?
Come on, let me see.
Secret keys of College Entrance Examination From Huanggang
Look at this!
How kind your brother is to you guys!
Instand of playing football in weekend,
he went for your books regardless of all that distance.
he went for your books regardless of all that distance.
What a hardship!
These are the birthday presents for you
from your brother.
Both of you have one.
Ok, I know.
What did you know?
You finally know that you'd better study hard, do you?
You finally know my hardship, do you?
You know nothing.
You know nothing.
this is my handmade...
What are you doing?
It's my handmade bed sheet, what are you taking it for?
It's my handmade bed sheet, what are you taking it for?
Master Li, I go ahead, you take a good.
Yang Xi!
Yang Xi!
Your paper!
He Mei,
you didn't tell anyone, right?
I don't need to tell anyone,
It had been published in the newspaper.
Li Yu didin't mention about it?
Only you have nothing to do can notice it.
It's fine.
No one gonna notice it for sure.
That's because my parents are strict with me,
I can read nothing but this.
Running Yang,
I saw you.
BGM: My Future is not dream 我的未来不是梦 You are not like me busy all day long pursuit.
BGM: My Future is not dream 我的未来不是梦 Because I do not care what other people say.
It's only been a few days, his repairing speed is sooo fast!
It's basically all fixed.
You do it all by yourself?
Almost half of it.
The rest was thanks to my neighbors.
Jinx Biao
Er Tiao told you to buy sth for them.
How can you explain it without mention your absence in HK?
I have told them in the telephone,
it's all-closed mode,
got no time for shopping.
You two don't spill the beans!
Just tell them the truth,
we all gonna help you.
No, thanks.
It's pretty good to rely on my own.
Hurry up, we gonna be late for class.
Jinx Biao
wake up!
What? Running Yang.
This way, this way.
Is that unsuitable?
Maybe...It is.
Yeah. It's way too pinky.
No, it's good.
I think it's good.
It is very suitable.
How can I repay you for your kindness?
Li Yu
You need to pay attention to it.
Since Biao has been here
he have stolen half of the grils from your side.
See you later.
You are here.
You guys come together?
I meet them halfway.
Let's begin.
What are they doing?
It's Class 1's magic show on Mid-Autumn Festival Gala
Yang Xi,
All Japan Kasoh Grand-prix: a creative comedy show from Japan that once popular in China in 1980s. Are we till doing that All Japan Kasoh Grand-prix thing?
All Japan Kasoh Grand-prix: a creative comedy show from Japan that once popular in China in 1980s. We will be humiliate.
It can't go like this.
We have searched for three wholesale market just for the props.
What's more they didn't say they would have magic show at the meeting.
It can't go like this.
I naad to talk to their monitor.
I remember your class didn't sign up for the magic show at the meeting.
Please change your show, pretty please.
We have been preparing for such a long time.
Your representative of art had beg me for a long time,
to change our dancing show into magic.
Saying your class have an amazing solo dancing,
as well as your class have changed the monitor,
as well as your class have changed the monitor,
so I needn't tell you about it.
I was thinking that no matter what,
we were all contributing to the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala,
so I asked my classmate to learn some tricks.
After all, why your class so capricious.
Yang Xi!
Yang Xi, what's wrong with you?!
Yang Xi!
How dare you change my show without my permission?
What's wrong with you?!
Spare me!
I won't!
Unless you repay my magic show!
None of my business!
It's all of your business!
It's you who change my show!
I am the representative whose words count!
Believe it or not, I gonna broke your leg,
then there is no dancing.
How dare you? Try it again?
I am saying your stick leg!
Who are you?
Who are you?
Yang Xi is fight with Deng Deng!
Hurry, hurry!
Yang Xi won't be hurt.
Who you should worry about is Deng Deng!
Hurry, hurry!
Yang Xi
Move your big ass away from me.
Dare say that again?
Big fat ass!
Big fat ass!
Dare say that again?
Repay my show!
Running Yang,
Loose me
What are you doing, Yang Xi?
Dare say it again?
Stop that, stop that!
Repay my show!
Yang Xi.
What are you doing?!
Repay my show!
Stop fighting!
Stop fighting!
I am how such bad luck!
Everything fails.
Everything fails.
Get injured while preparing for the race.
Out of power while dreaming to be outstanding class leader.
Only want to regard the final performance as a keepsake,
Who did I offended?
Actually it is also meaningful to just be a audience.
Your show is just coppy from All Japan Kasoh Grand-prix.
It's not a shame.
How it is not a shame?
We Four Biker Group have never perform together.
This is the last chance.
Even we got catcalls,
we still got a chance for a group photo.
Did you collude with Huang Deng Deng?
Come on.
You have been fight,
don't take out of your anger on me.
I did not take out of my anger on you.
Huang Deng Deng always treat me enigmatically just for you.
She ruined our show,
just because she don't wan't me to share a stage with you.
While you are still saying it's not a shame.
You are so indifferent and heartless!
At home,
you hardly talk with your dad.
Er Tiao is so nice to you,
while you never give her a good complexion.
Jinx Biao have been being friendly to you since the begining,
While you still kept your poker face.
What's more,
How many girls' love letter I have deliverd to you?
But no matter how sincere their are,
you never respond them,
including Huang Cheng Cheng.
The whole world knows she like you,
Wile you,
even didn't give her a chance to be your friend!
Only you are the best,
you are the only swan.
Where had you been before come to school?
None of your bisiness.
Even I die here, it's none of your business.
Whatever you want.
Cold-blooded animal!
Li Yu,
some one looking for you outside the school.
Are you Li Yu from Class 3 Senior?
You are...
I am from Class 1 Senior, Hui Ying high school,
used to be Hua Biao's classmate.
I'll go find Hua Biao for you.
No need for that.
Because you have taken part in the competition with him,
so you are the only one I know in his class.
I can only ask you for help.
Do you know what kind of trouble Hua Biao have recently?
He just come back from Hong Kong last week.
No way.
He just borrow money from us in our school last week.
He just borrow money from us in our school last week.
He have never borrow money from us before.
But he borrow a lot last week.
We ask him why, but he never answer us.
We are his good buddy.
we don't care about the money,
just worry about him.
Ok, got it.
Finish your job before launch.
Alright, keep on working.
What are you standing for? Give me a favor.
Thanks, bro.
Why are you doing this?
Just wipe some medicine.
You are covered with wounds and dirts.
That's nothing.
It will recover within few days.
We have go through a physics competition
and today together.
we can build a bright future in a joint effort.
Li Yu,
Stoping working,
Take a rest.
I seriously don't understand,
why you do these all by yourelf?
Although our yard is small in size,
all these bricks and tiles,
cost a lot.
Borrowing money from my ex-classmate,
is my last choice.
Find time to carry bricks in daily life can save a lot.
Then why don't you borrow money from our classmates?
Well, a little bit.
but more is because
I don't want to borther you.
Well you are still borthering your former classmates.
I am closer with them,
afterall we have been together for years.
With you guys...
What's more
I injured Running Yang's leg before I join the class,
became monitor as soon as I became a member.
I am seriously annoying.
Then when will you accept our help?
how cost-effective!
Help others for few day,
then I got my own house fixed.
Are you alright?
I am fine.
Tell your classmate to stay for dinner.
She didn't heared that? Even such loud noise?
I think she even didn't heard the noise from the pressure cooker at that time.
two task.
fix the house.
buy my grandma a hearing-aid.
It's late,
I need to go home.
say goodbye to your grandma for me.
is Running Yang feeling better?
She is probably finding the ways to exceed Class 1's magic show at home.
The detergent is so fragrant.
Ok ok, no need for you to clear the table.
Come on, drop it here.
Give these to Li Yu.
I don't want to.
Hurry up.
Alright, go.
Go go go. Hurry up.
Could you do me a favor?
Do you know anyone who works in the tile factory?
Li Yu?
Li Yu?
Are you still listening?
my classmate need some tiles for his roof.
I am wondering whether you can brorrow some for me.
Thanks, dad.
Yeah, yeah.
Recently, Yu Shu Education Bureau organized the party members
to go deep into the pasturing areas,
and deliver speechs about the spirit of File No.1 from the central and province.
Feel free to come out.
Li Yu is not here.
Who cares?
You haven't meet with each other for a week,
playing hide-and-seek?
Where is my mom?
She changed her schedule to dance in the morning.
Saying that her dancing partner acts like jerk at night.
I am asuming,
she is trying to figure out her partner's appearance,
under the sunshine.
under the sunshine.
Sounds like someone gets jealous.
Why didn't you go to school by bike these days?
I don't want to waste the monthly ticket.
Did you quarrel with him again?
I am going to school.
As your monitor,
about the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala,
I think,
the magic show,
is a must- do plan.
as well as the solo dancing.
But we can repeat with other classes.
It won't be any trouble.
And your magic show is copied from the Japaness sjow.
What are you mean?
I mean,
we can do more efforts on it,
to brights up the whole gala.
And leaves a strong impreesion
of our class
to the audiences.
We are all
doing it!
Yang Xiao He Mei,
did you finish your voice-over?
Is it workable?
Yang Xi,
Are we till doing that All Japan Kasoh Grand-prix thing?
It can't go like this.
We have searched for three wholesale market just for the props.
This is our last Mid-Autumn Festival Gala in high school.
if your papers are substandard,
I will shut down your shows.
Why I become so sleepy once doing homework.
All tangled up.
Li Yu.
Where is Xi?
She is in her room.
Xi, Li Yu is here!
Where are you going?
My classmate gonna help me with my homework at his place.
Are you hanging out with your friends again?
Li Yu happens to be here.
Li Yu, may you help Xi with her homework?
Go back to your room, hurry.
Please don't always guarded me as a thief.
Please don't always guarded me as a thief.
Reporting for my every movement.
That's annoying.
You are sooo capricious!
You will be satisfied only if we leave you alone.
Li Yu.
Did Xi stop sharing with you her feelings anymore?
try some oranges from my relatives.
You know that, everyone in our family is allergic to it,
except Xi.
Jinx Biao?
Knock the door before you enter!
Why are you naked?!
Come on!
Everyone is naked in the shower.
Get out of here.
Get out!
where is grandma?
Get out!
She is in the office of the neighborhood committe.
Get out!
You said you gonna help me for 20 points.
Let's get started.
You are more concern about your show than the paper,
ain't you?
No way.
I would like to help you with your study.
not a paper for the teacher.
I won't do that.
It's about the 20 points,
not the show, I promise.
Then don't blame me
if you give up in the half way.
Ok, and you got to encourage me.
Do not shout at me.
No problam.
Look at it carefully!
You don't know how to count?!
Is that human brain?
Can you be patient?
I give you the last chance.
No need for that.
I get it.
Ok, try me.
What the hell is less than or equal to?
It's great than or equal to!
How many times I have told you?
Can you be patient?
It's more exhausting than anything, even battle.
I can't do it anymore,
or I will get a heart attack.
Save it.
what is the value range if Set A is an empty set?
You forget it again?
Running Yang I can't help you.
Don't give up on me.
I am not!
Stop, wait!
This question,
How to find the solution set from the top to the bottom?
Wait wait wait.
Figure it out in a second.
It's comming.
Your No. 2?
Don't distruct me.
You get it?
Tell me.
Are you amentia?
Yes, you are.
Why hit me?
So what?
You can't answer even one question!
And now you dare to run?
Are you consider yourself as genius?
Of course.
No matter what,
even you slobber all around here,
even you slobber all around here,
you still need to finish your paper within today.
you still need to finish your paper within today.
May we take a rest?
You are planing to buy a hearing-aid for your grandma, right?
I got experience,
I can help you.
IIs that,
you are willing to do anything today,
but sitting here?
I knew it, you would give up in the half way.
I wanna know more in details,
as well as the model.
Our hearing-aid need to test and fit with the patient.
Can't buy it without fitting.
While we have many models,
feel free to have a look.
You need digital aid or imitating aid?
How much for digital aid?
For digital aid, we have prices for
Seven hundred,
one thousand and five hundred,
and three thousand yuan.
It's higher than the total price of our TV, refrigerator and washing machine.
What is,
the lowest price?
This one.
It is the cheapest imitating aid,
cost for two hundred yuan.
I would love some marshmallow.
We will miss it if their close the shop.
We will drop by latter, thanks.
Running Yang,
you thought it's temple fair here?
There is no marshmallow around the avenue.
I regrets. Forget it.
The hearing-aid,
my dad bought one for my grandma last year,
didn't work out very well.
She is allergic to the meterials.
And people will rely on it strongly.
Maybe it's better to keep away from it.
Let's go,
for marshmallow.
Yang Xi,
get me a glass of water, please.
Go inside and get one,
an additional one for me, please.
Hua Biao,
come here.
No. thanks.
I will make it short,
or Yang Xi notices and you will be embarrassed.
These tiles,
are some leftovers from the factory of my dad's friend.
It will be wasted if you don't want it.
And this one,
I accept your good attention.
Hua Biao,
I have already explain it to my dad.
He knows it all.
You can repay it to your ex-classmate.
The money,
I put it here.
If it lost,
you still need to pay me back.
Drink it.
Are you going home?
Hurry up.
Bye, Hua Biao.
Be careful, it's hot.
Did my mom ask you to keep your eyes on me again?
Yang Xi.
Peel it for me.
Do it by yourself.
I need you peel it for me.
My hands are dirty.
I don't mind it.
One more.
Really yummy?
Performers for Mid-Autumn Festival canprepare for it in advance.
Deng Deng fighting!
Looking forward for your performance.
Li Yu.
Will you be my audience?
At least wish me break a leg in my performance.
Wish you break a leg in my performance.
Huang Deng Deng!
Are you ok?
My knees!
How long it takes to go to the hospital?
In a second.
Will you like me?
In this rushing hour,
can't you stop talking about that?
Long long ago,
there was a young fellow,
fell in love with a girl.
Unfurtunately, the girl lived far away on the moon.
So cupid link a string between them,
to help them locate each other.
The young fellow
was struggling forward.
Finally, he traveled across the clouds,
got closed to the moon.
While the girl
was floating down from the moon with the wind.
In 1996,
when we were young,
in our last Mid-Autumn Festival Gala,
we had a magic show,
we had a magic show,
named with...
Flourishing under the moonlight,
feels like touching the sky on the clouds.
From Senior Class 3.
Happy Mid-Autumn Festival to all of you!
Happy Mid-Autumn Festival.
You too!
Math homework!
Hve you finished?
Any confusion?
I did it, I did it.
Yes, I am confused.
Wait a minute.
Today is the festival,
it seems like the teacher didn't left any homework.
Right, no homework.
It's tomorrow,
you need to preview for tomorrow.
Any comfusion?
You definetly have.
I mean, you may have.
Do you have anything to say to me?
that k-ki...
I know.
It's just the bike's fualt.
It's my mistake.
I take Li Yu's position in a rush,
without checking.
I am sorry.
So sorry.
It's not your fault.
It's an accident.
It's not a big deal.
just a lip-accident.
We are goodbuddies,
I don't mind it, I mean it.
It's not the ancient time anymore,
We are good buddies.
I, I think we are good,
Good, good.
Good night.
Yang Xi, are you ok?
Watch out the grass!
Get her to the hospital.
Slow down. slow down.
Yang Xi, are you ok?
Yang Xi,
are you ok?
Hang in there.
We are closing.
Hang in there.
Maine Attorney General's Office investigating 'possible officer-involved shooting' in Old Town - Duration: 0:24.
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 CDI Lease Edition Navi,16inch,Cruise,Clima Hoge Zit - Duration: 1:14.
iPhone 6s Screen Replacement #iphone6s - Duration: 11:32.
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"iPhone 6s screen replacement"
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2019 BMW K1600B White Edition Released | 2019 BMW K1600B White 6 Cylinder 1649cc | Mich Motorcycle - Duration: 2:06.
Sukhe - I Need Ya | ft Krystle D'Souza (8D AUDIO) - Duration: 3:27.
Song : I Need Ya Artist : Sukhe Starring : Sukhe & Krystle D'Souza Lyrics : Jaani Music : B Praak
Como Tratar Gonorreia Remédio Caseiro 【Tratamento Natural】 - Duration: 5:55.
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You can watch it via video.
"iPhone 6s screen replacement"
successfully done.
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El Elefante Tiene Muchas Arrugas | Canción de Elefante | Música para Niños por Howdytoons - Duration: 2:27.
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LMC Truck Customer Story - Hector M.'s 1986 Chevy C10 - Duration: 4:33.
My name is Hector Medina. I work for LMC Truck.
I love LMC. It's a great environment to work for, it's my passion,
a hobby, and now my job. Unfortunately my parents were split up so every weekend I
would go to my dad's. He always had a project going on, but when he wasn't in the garage
I would sneak into the garage and just, you know, be a kid. I would drive it, and
sorry dad, now you're finding out. But it one of those things that you just see
your dad's working on it so you know it's something that you have to do. My
stepdad was a mechanic and so anytime he was working outside I'd go outside and help
him. It's like one of those things that I bonded with my stepdad about. I think
that's where I got it. I have a 2004 Chevy Suburban, a '77 Ford F-150, a '92
Silverado. So this '86 is kind of weird. It came with
an option of black body side molding, which is very rare. It came in with a V6, not an
inline six. Comes with heavy-duty suspension front and rear all the way
around. It's got a four-speed granny low and comes with 273 rear end. For me, it
brings a factor out that, hey, it's not just a basic 350, you know, two-wheel
drive truck. It shows that the guy who ordered it, ordered it his way. But now that
it's mine, it will be my way. I want it to be weird, still in her own way.
She's a little rough but it's for my son. He's 12 years old. He has the passion I do, so I
figured what best way to get him into the hobby and all we do with vehicles
than to get him his own truck. I think by the time me and my son are
done with it, it'll be a gem. Hopefully my son doesn't just use it as
a show truck. I want him to know that it's a truck, I want him to use it, ding it up,
do stuff. Do truck stuff with it, you know. I involve my kids in mostly every
project in the garage, doing oil changes, tire changes. I feel like as a parent if
I don't, then they won't be able to problem solve. They're gonna constantly
be thinking and I think that's how we keep a healthy relationship, and
involving the kids in everything we do. You know, it's healthy for us as a
family. My wife, she actually grew up in a family
that loves automotive stuff. Her grandpa build motorcycles and has his own
collection of cars. Same thing with her dad. There's not a project that I don't
ask for her advice. Since day one when I met her I was like, yes, she has "the
We do Thirsty Thursday at my buddy Ali's shop, Applied Phzix, where we kick the
weekend off spending some time together in his garage, whether it's over a
project that he's working or outside cooking just as friends. Everybody has
their own job to do but when we get there it's all about our friendship. It's
about family. He is one of the nicest guys I've ever met. You can do about
anything with a truck. I mean, we've made memories in my '92
where we go to a drive-in theater, I reverse in, we have pillows and blankets
and we watch the movies and we sit as a family. We're enjoying it as a family. It's not just a
point A to point B vehicle. It's just, memories like that, you get attached with vehicles
because of memories. And once you get attached you see
them as family members or part of the family.
Dan The Man Stage 9? (and also other things) - Barry Vlog #2 - Duration: 7:26.
Yes hello there fans.
It's me.
Barry steak fries here
on the Internet.
It is great to be
with you. Doing my very
video blog vlog
as the kids
the kids call it.
Although since I'm Barry
maybe we should just call them
b-log because Barry
or a b.s. blog
for Barry Steak...
we'll keep workshopping them name there we
won't we fans. The important thing is I'm here
with ya I've been told to
just give this video
internet blog thing
a go.
Here we are.
As you can see the classic
jet pack machine
gun thing.
Now this is a great one.
It's got these things out here's where the bullets
come out. You can see this yellow bit up
and it's great. You strap it on
and off you go.
It's got these little wires.
Yeah did I mention this bit
for the bullets.
You know it's the original.
It's the best.
Looks really good.
And of course causes
a lot of unnecessary damage which can be good.
On the flip side it can also be
quite expensive to run given that
it fires 6000
rounds per minute
and it's louder than a Soviet
jet fighter taking off
directly from your face.
Alrighty fans well
the marketing folk.
Seem to be a good idea for us
to answer some questions
some inquiries from
the old Barry steak fries
fan club out there
but there's nothing else,
I love it's
keeping it real keeping it in touch
with the old fans the
common man out there
I'm not too good
to be in touch
with all of you guys so
let's just click on the old
should be able to find some.
Here we go we got some questions coming through
from the fans.
This first one is from bigpete2233.
Good name there. Thanks Big Pete Thanks
for watching.
Your question is will there be
a Dan
The Man stage nine?
Well that's a great question.
I can't really answer that
I'll be sure to tell Dad The Man.
You said hi.
Alright cheers Big Pete.
Let's go onto this one this one's brawler4eva505
asks Where's Stage 9?
Frowny... Frowny face is
that what a frowny face.
Is that how they do frowny face.
Question mark question mark.
So his where's Stage Nine.
Right. Well once again
their brawler4eva.
Not really my area.
I am Barry steak
Dan The man.
Thought he was too good
to do a video blog
but I am not
too good for it.
Or too busy so I'm here
and he's not.
So I can't answer that about.
Stage Nine
but thanks thanks for watching.
Next what
Margin99 Thitayanun .
Is that how you say that.
He writes. Will there be a Dan The Man Two.
Yep Don't
know. Next.
Melissa Munoz
stage 9 Dan the man O
dan the man 2.
That's not even a question.
That's not even a question. Who cares who cares
what dan the man is doing you're here
with Barry Steakfries.
Dan The Man's of walking around
the forest
and throwing stuff
Ninja stars boring.
Who cares. you're
with me Barry Steakfries.
I can have some Barry Steakfries
related questions maybe.
Where's the Da..
Where's the Dan.
I don't know.
I don't know! the Barry the
Barry is here. You could ask me questions about
jet packs
or about my upcoming
solo album.
Would you like fries
with that? The Barry Steak fries
Gonna have a bit of this.
or maybe a bit of this BARRY STEAKFRIES.
that's Just a little sample.
That's what you get.
If you hang out with me Barry.
Don't worry about Dan The Man
Anyway let's find another question this one here.
That's Dan That was about Dan.
are all these about Dan The Man?.
Is anyone?
Here we go.
Here we go Slayerkiller999.
Writes First
Alright my friends time for an exciting new segment
here on the Barry
Called let's play.
Where I start playing a computer
game and make comments on it.
That seems to be what the
kids are into for some reason so let's pick
a game out of the hat
and this one is
Jetpack Joyride.
All right let's go.
Strpping on in.
That nah that was that's alright that's just
a practice run.
Alright, here we go.
oops oop hahaha.
Little bit rusty little bit Rusty fans.
Don't worry Barry's on it.
alright Here we go. This is the one.
Come. what?
You're Not.
You're not supposed to touch the yellow
Think of the old version you're supposed to touch em.
I'm pretty sure normallyI'm really really
good at this obviously it's been a little
while 'cause I've been busy.
with my solo album.
Here we go this one.
Oh yeah.
Nah, hang on.
No no no this can't be the real.
Is this is the normal version?
I don't think this is the normal version I normally
need the really hard version because I'm so
good at this game.
Yeah there we go.
Sorry I got a really really high score
there but camera ran out
ha ha ran out of film
and won't be able to show you that one.
Thanks for thanks for watching me dominate
that game.
"Affected" | Gacha Life [Gay Series] EP: 2 *SUBTITAS BRASILEIRAS* - Duration: 2:52.
Mazda CX-3 2.0 SKYACTIV-G 120 GT-M line Automaat - Duration: 1:13.
5 Helpful Tips to Stop Binge Eating - Duration: 4:39.
Je m'em**de cette confidence intime de Nicolas Sarkozy qui excite Twitter - Duration: 1:05.
Mazda CX-3 2.0 AUT SKYACTIV-G 120 GT-M WHITE LEATHER RIJKLAAR!! - Duration: 1:10.
What Women Find Attractive In Places Around the World - Duration: 4:19.
American women may fawn over the man bun, but nothing shows that beauty is in the eye
of the beholder better than the beauty standards for men around the world.
Here's what women find attractive in places around the globe.
Tajikistan digs the unibrow
Tajikistan is a small country of just over 8 million people in Central Asia, which has
a strange yet popular style that both men and women enjoy.
While Western beauty has made hair removal a popular trend, Tajikistan seems to go the
other way.
There, men who rock a unibrow are considered attractive and masculine.
Even the ladies get in on this fashion statement, as Tajikistan women with unibrows are seen
as more pure and beautiful.
Frida Kahlo probably would've had a good time if she'd visited.
Bending gender in Japan
According to The New York Times, women in Japan are really into men who practice a style
called simply "genderless."
Japanese guys put on makeup, wear their hair longer and often dyed, and accessorize with
jewelry and handbags.
Masafumi Monden, who researches Japanese fashion and culture at the University of Technology
Sydney, explained that in Japan, unlike in Western countries, a person's choice of style
and sexuality are typically more separated.
This growing trend is just starting to take off, and may continue to spread.
Double eyelids in South Korea
South Korea is considered the plastic surgery capital of the world.
While both men and women around the world are investing in nose jobs and face lifts,
double eyelid surgery is by far the most popular procedure in the world with 1.43 million people
getting it done in 2014, according to Business Insider.
Women reportedly find this look more appealing, as it gives men bigger eyes as well as a Westernized
All of this can be achieved for a relatively reasonable price, between $1,000 and $3,000,
so it's no wonder so many people are getting it done.
The surgery is reportedly not just about attracting a partner, but can also be an indicator of
Dr. Hang-Seok Choi, director of JK Plastic Surgery, explained how one's appearance in
South Korea will weigh heavily on their options in the job market.
Beauty actually matters so much that job applicants are required to provide a photo along with
their resume, which has led to many people Photoshopping their images.
Sharp dressed men in Italy
Alongside their sexy accents and well-tailored suits, Forbes notes that men in Italy attract
the ladies with their swagger by adding a colorful accessory to an ordinarily plain
They do this with a bold belt, pocket square, or even a hat and all the women swoon.
What makes them stand out from the styles of other men around the world is their lack
of graphic tees or t-shirt with silly slogans on the front.
Arab men with light skin and eyes
The Guardian reflects how Arab women have come to find those with lighter skin and eyes
more attractive as that's what they're used to seeing in the media.
That said, even though these guys might appear to have it all with their devilishly handsome
good looks, it seems being "too sexy" is looked down upon in some Arab countries.
Several men attending a festival in Saudi Arabia were spotted and deported back to the
United Arab Emirates, where they were citizens, for being too sexy.
"Too sexy?"
According to the Arabic newspaper The Telegraph quoted for its story:
"A festival official said the three Emiratis were taken out on the grounds they are too
handsome and that the Commission [for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vices]
members feared female visitors could fall for them."
Sounds crazy, right?
While the identity of the three men wasn't officially released, the media speculated
that actor, poet, and photographer Omar Borkan Al Gala was one of these men, according to
The Huffington Post.
The social media star hasn't confirmed he was involved in the deportation, but he hasn't
exactly denied it either.
You only need to look a picture of him to agree that Al Gala very well could have had
something to do with this "too handsome" epidemic if he was in the area.
Being true to themselves across the world
Despite these trends, there's really nothing more attractive than a man who is true to
himself, regardless of where in the world he's from.
Confidence will turn more heads than any fashion statement or hair style.
Whether a guy is into clothes, video games, or tattoos, it's his confidence in who he
is that attracts women the most.
While outer beauty might be what lures some women in, inner beauty is what makes them
stick around!
Inside Sooner Magic: Episode 12 - Duration: 4:17.
Hey Sooners.
It's time for another addition
of Inside Sooner Magic.
November is diabetes awareness month
and at the Harold Hamm Diabetes Center
leaders in the field will continue fighting the chronic
illness thanks to this exciting announcement.
James Gallogly: We're incredibly thankful to Harold Hamm
for his generous support of the University of Oklahoma.
His investments in the Harold Hamm Diabetes Center
are making great strides to find a cure
for diabetes and to care for those who have the disease.
Harold Hamm: Diabetes is a universal problem.
What we're trying to do here at OU is find ways
to combat this terrible disease.
That's why we're all in for doing.
James Galogly: Today we're announcing an additional
transformational gift from the Harold Hamm Foundation
to the Harold Hamm Diabetes Center.
Harold Hamm: This gift I think the primary purpose of it,
we have great researchers here at OU
but at the height of their learning, those with the ability
to apply all their new ideas to what's going on here
within diabetes research.
That's where the cure is going to come from.
James Galogly: We intend to make the Harold Hamm Diabetes Center
at the University of Oklahoma the leading
diabetes center in the world.
This investment will help us do that.
It will help us to continue the impactful work
we are doing in research and in healthcare
to reach more Oklahomans.
This investment will fund additional researchers,
faculty, and physicians as well as provide funds
for specialized cutting edge research and development.
Harold Hamm: If we can just apply all the technology
that's available out there today with fresh minds, a fresh look,
we can find a cure.
We can get this job done.
Next up see how OU's K20 center is continuing
transformative work in schools across Oklahoma
thanks to three game changing grants
from the US Department of Education.
Hi, I'm Dr. Leslie Williams, the Director
at the K20 Center for Education and Community Renewal
at the University of Oklahoma.
We are pleased to announce three new partnership
grants with the US Department of Education
for 2018 totally more than 68 million dollars
to impact students across the state of Oklahoma.
These three awards will allow the K20 Center
to work with over 12,000 students in nearly
50 schools across Oklahoma in the next seven years
in rural and urban communities.
Through our great up partnerships we aim
to provide innovative support and services
to schools to help students prepare for success
in high school, college and career.
Greg Garn: To be able to get an investment
of about 70 million dollars from the
Federal Government and to be able
to match that with another 70 million dollars
from programs like Oklahoma's Promise,
local community leaders, I think that infusion
of resources is going to help out our kids in just
an amazing way.
Finally, we're heading to the Health Sciences Center
campus in Oklahoma City to see how doctors
at OU Medicine are bringing the most cutting edge
treatments to Oklahoma.
A cutting edge non -surgical treatment
at OU Medicine helps those suffering
from chronic stuffy nose.
Most of us have experienced the pain
and pressure that accompanies an intense head cold.
For some, that discomfort is chronic
and requires recurring surgery for temporary relief.
Now specialists at OU Medicine offer
a newly approved treatment.
A tiny sinus implant that can be placed without pain.
The treatment provides a valuable new option
for patients offering relief without surgery.
That's it for this week Sooners and we'll see you
next time on Inside Sooner Magic.
how to modify name on modem router? - Duration: 3:27.
How To Make BIG Money Doing This One Thing Online - Duration: 12:04.
Hey guys it's John Kevitz from Acquire Liberty thanks for spending your time
here today. Today I want to show you where we can make some quick money and
there's actually a lot more people out there doing this then you actually
probably suspect and after you hear what it is
you'll get it but before we do that I want you to subscribe to our YouTube
channel click on the little Bell notifications so every time I make an
upload you'll get to see it first and remember if you're serious about working
from home if you want to make generating a full-time income from the comfort of
your house click that link below watch the free video that's how I got started
I saw thousands of other people got started working from home the comfort of
your home not a boss you know over your back busting your chops about silly
nonsense you can create and make your own wealth and income and create your
own freedom and time okay can't beat it I love it there's thousands of other
people out there doing the same thing I want you to have a piece of pie as well
click the link below get started and if you get started today I'm gonna give you
over two thousand dollars worth of free bonuses in association with that link
below alright guys so how do you further adieu I'm going to show you what a lot
of people are doing yeah it takes a little process of thought little
creativity but I've confidence in you I think you could do it and it has to do
with dr. dena domain options folks domain auctions now some of you may or
may not have heard of this before okay but a lot of people just buy up domain
names that aren't used and have a possibility or probability of being you
know websites they're going to be in high demand or use later good examples
of this are two that can come to the top of my mind here one was Facebook when
Mark Zuckerberg started Facebook he did not own the domain name Facebook
somebody else had purchased that domain before him they probably purchased it
for about you know about ten bucks ten dollars right and now guess what that
guy forgot for actually owning that domain before Mark Zuckerberg and Mark
Zuckerberg wanted it so bad guess what he paid for it he
at least a minimum of $250,000 I would say that's a great investment
for the gentleman who saw ahead of time he was looking into the future was
watching trends and what was gonna be famous and popular purchased a domain
name with the name Facebook on it and you know a couple years later a couple
months later he made 250 grand doing it the second example was dodge I remember
years ago had to be in the late 90s I went to go to like you know dodge calm
and somebody owned dodge calm so to go to the Dodge dealerships you know like
you'd go to or Mazda calm or you know any of these got Honda calm
whatever and it was like dodge dot and I was like what in the world
why don't they own dodge calm and that was obviously relatively early in the
whole domain website thing late 90s right but then about early 2000s mid
2000s I went to go because I like trucks trucks are my thing that's I've always
wanted truck since I was a little kid I just liked trucks right so I wanted to
go to dodge calm I want to look at trucks I want to see what's new out
there and saying I saw what the Dodge and you know I said oh yeah it's gonna
be at a weird website now I typed in dodge comm guess what it was actually
dodge this time it wasn't some long weird address that they had a concoct
right it was just dodge calm well it doesn't take a brainiac to figure out
that dodge paid a lot of money to whoever owned that domain name right
because you want something simple effective and something that you know is
recognizable for your brand like for me I own acquired Liberty comm I own my
name John Cabot right I own everything connected to acquire Liberty comm I
picked it up now so I don't have to worry about it in the future the things
that are important anyway so that's something that you have to think about
if you want to get into domain auctions right now keep this in mind it takes it
a certain amount of paying attention to trends see what's coming up see what's
you know is getting popular and if you go into trends like do a Google Trends
thing and you kind of get idea what's hot what's popular you can use that to
utilize your rathe process as far as thinking okay
what are some you know websites or things that might be popular six months
one year down the line because this isn't something you're going to take
your time you know doing and spending you know
precious time on it and getting an immediate reward on it no and in fact
it's probably about 50/50 if you're lucky that you're gonna make a big
profit on something like you know hypothetically speaking like a Facebook
that's probably not gonna happen we own all that true but it's a perfect example
of what could happen if you use your noggin ahead of time and set this up
properly so look it I just want to review some of these here with you look
at fine find me pot we all know that I read these before Ian but we all know
how you know pots becoming legal in you know the United States all the states
across the country and this that and other thing and you know it's becoming a
popular thing now so someone who was thinking ahead of time say maybe a year
or two ago about you know pot becoming popular in Colorado California
Washington and I you have all these pot places you know popping up everywhere
where people want to find pot in your local area well guess what you know you
could you could start coming up with names in your mind you're checking out
things that are trending or possible names for pot stores and you're a
hometown aware right you can actually get a lot of websites or domain names
but eventually someone might want and you don't know I mean you can hit the
jackpot and someone's gonna pay you a ton of money for something you pay 10
bucks for even if you pay 10 dollars for a domain somebody and you put it up for
sale as you say now 999 dollars that actually might that actually might make
some sense if say you want to start a search engine for your local pot store
find me pot comm becomes your pot search engine right this guy's a scam 999
dollars for it if someone wants to make create a search engine for that that's
the perfect website for that that guy might actually make that a thousand
dollars right army women us this guy's asking for $5,000 now I don't know how
they would come up with five and dollars but I'm sure he came up with
$5,000 probably doing a lot of analytical work checking out trends and
knowing that something was happening behind the scenes that isn't well known
yet that maybe you know the Army's creating a website or women in the army
are creating it thinking about creating websites specifically for them to help
them with maybe who knows you know you know PTSD or post-traumatic stress
whatever the case may be okay you don't know you got to do the digging you got
to do the research for this but this can be extremely lucrative and one-time shot
now I'm saying like a lot of these aren't gonna hit like you do this you
could do all this work and you could do you know let's just say you do ten you
might even get only four that hits where someone's gonna want your domain but
it's still worth it $10 investment some of your time you could even you know
make nine times one money make it like sale solve for ninety bucks right you
made $90 out of you know 100 or you can double a triple it quadruple it who
knows this guy find me pot comm who knows how long this chip this guy's on
this website right but you know really pay 10 to 12 dollars for it and he's
asking you know basically $1,000 for it now
if he gets somebody to buy that I think that was time well I'm well invested
don't you I mean that does not hurt at all what else we got here one intention
dot-com virtual realities calm $50,000 what in the world there's something
going on with this one because you can't just put a $50,000 and pray that
someone's gonna need it that bad there's something going on with virtual reality
doc reality's calm that could be like a possible website you know we're doing
all these virtual reality games people have all these things if you watch them
on YouTube they're saying you watch through use of them and people are blown
away by virtual reality now you're actually in this thing with the you know
the thing on your face and I stays there and they're saying more and more you
actually feel like you're actually in this game you're actually in this
situation and the people next you were wearing the masks too and you actually
feel like you're there it's like a totally different thing now I like
crappy virtual reality like from a couple years ago but they're
actually saying it's so mind-blowing ly crazy you know
so somebody thought of that and I said virtuality calm who knows virtual
reality's calm maybe the guy's gonna sell different you know it's possibly
for someone who wants that they're gonna solve virtual reality you know equipment
technology certain places where you can play virtuality games locally in your
area you don't know but there's been research that's obviously done on this
this guy feels comfortable asking for $50,000 for that website that's huge and
now here you're getting into like a little bit more realistic stuff like you
know not like crazy stuff like $50,000 I mean hey if you could if you could do
that and think that far ahead and and get that something like that set up for
yourself more power to you but here's some other ones that are what one mile
com see some of these online offers online AFRICOM actually looks pretty
good $5,000 and crypto business comm that's that's gonna be a good one
because crypto businesses and Bitcoin and everything are exploding now so
someone's probably gonna come along and buy that for seven grand yeah estimated
value look at this what was it work ago
estimated value seven thousand two hundred fifty-four probably gonna suffer
on 895 still $10 investment folks really it's easy figure out how to do this do
some more investigation but I'm telling you folks if you get to be a master at
this kind of thing you take the time in the effort you can make out like a
bandit doing this stuff all right guys that's all I have for you and I hope
this video helped you out just another way or you can make money online you can
make a little money or you can into making a lot of money it depends on how
much effort you want to put into this but I'm just here to give you the
options so you can just get a little bit more of that piece of pie that's out
there online so you can work from home be your own boss whether it be a little
money part-time money full-time on the or passive income
I would actually constitute this as passive income spend ten bucks make a
thousand or you know whatever they can't even has a hundred bucks you know you're
making $90 out of a hundred because you spend $10 on a domain nice nice
investment I'd say and guess what you did
while the bus you know hanging over your back having to get up 7 o'clock in the
morning or you know be at work at 7 o'clock in the morning order the case
maybe great freedom time freedom all right guys listen do me a favor
subscribe to the YouTube channel click on a little Bell notifications every
time we make an upload you'll get to see it first
and if you do me a favor like the video leave a comment below let me know if it
helped you out that'd be greatly appreciated and you could follow me on
my website Acquire Liberty dot com you can follow me on Twitter Instagram and of
course now here on YouTube alright and if you'd be so kind check out my website
right here and if you're serious about working from home I have a whole bunch
of resources here that help people get started quickly and easily so guys
that's all I have for today until next time what do we say I say God Bless guys
take care until next time bye now...
Thích Và Không Thích Gì Tháng 11 ♡ November Favourites & Not | Con Thỏ - Duration: 14:19.
#16 [Du học Đài Loan] COSTCO ở Đài loan có gì?| What does COSTCO in Taiwan like?| Hôm nay làm gì? - Duration: 14:49.
what's up guysss
can u guess where we are going today?
i will take you to a place
that Vietnam doesn't have and Taiwan has
It's costco
A good news is that i don't have to go alone anymore
I'll go with my friends
While i'm waiting for them, I'll show u guys my school campus
today is friday so international students are travelling
Taiwanese are coming back their homes
my university's court has been repairing
as you can see, a part of weeds has been removed
there are some students playing baseball
and skateboarding
you surprised me when you said Halo
membership card
members have to pay membership fee
i have just arrived costco
we're taking the shopping trolley
kaylee kaylee
yencheng: wanna drink?
Yencheng: drink a glass is enough
ace: 1 person 1 glass
play ah, can you?
you know, don't you?
how about you?
i just know do re mi fa sol
yen cheng :it's so big
kaylee: u guys look alike
ace: change your profile picture
ace: alike, reasonable
ace: oh this one may be ok
vanessa: yeah true
ace: ei what have u guys just done
yencheng: reasonable
you come closer
yencheng: so ugly
yencheng: his blackhead can be seen clearly
ace: normal one
we're talking about night markets in Tainan
yencheng: that two days have but
hoa yuan night market opens on saturday too
but every one says : da da wu hoa da wu hoa
ace: i don't know eii
kaylee: you don't know?
vanessa: I also have just known yesterday
oh no two days ago
ace: I have just known today
lots of beefs
it's so big, so great for steak
they have a freezing room for fruits
so cold omg
kaylee: i want to buy cherries but i can't finish all
vanessa: this type of cherry is very good
kaylee: but a lot
can we share?
vanessa: yeah we can share
how about the strawberries?
cao mei (chinese)- strawberries
ying tao dui ma (chinese)- this's called cherries right
wo zhi dao (chinese) - i know
vanessa: i don't even know
vanessa: kaylee, look at me
kaylee: again
vanessaa: it does have
ace: really?
vanessa: when I'm talking, it does show up
ace: can u see your breath while talking
vanessa: it does appear, all have
kaylee: for birthday?
ace: when is your birthday?
kaylee: january 20th
ace: buy one
this one is not delicious, just to throw on face :))
it's a lot of food here, everthing is big
looks delicious
everything is huge
chocolates,ice cream,pizzas
we're trying free pizzas
salesgirl: we're all hungry, let's try free pizzas
kaylee: xie xie- thank you
we're looking for the seats
but it's too crowded so we can't find any available
lots of people
yencheng: record her
yencheng: she plays the leading role
yencheng: how to call it
vanessa: food vlogger
kaylee: noooo
open itt
kaylee: someone takes it first
vanessa: take it
vanessa: bu yao ke qi - don't be ceremonious
yencheng: can u eat wasabi ( jie mo)?
jie mo?
kaylee: a little bit
vanessa: what is jie mo?
let's eat
vanessa: ei I'm not indonesian, i'm a fake one
yencheng:will we squeeze it here?
we should squeeze into the small one
you take first Kaylee
vanessa: i'll take it for u
because we use forks to eat
yencheng:yeah because they don't have spoons
kaylee: xie xie - thank you
vanessa: how's it?
kaylee: it's fresh
vanessa: so is it good?
kaylee: yeah, you try it
vanessa: i'll try this one
( we're talking about why they don't have chopsticks and the answer is because costco is american's)
kaylee: how is it?
is it good?
it's good
kaylee: use the knife
kaylee: has he come back yet?
hurry up
yencheng: this one is for u
vanessa: do u still need this?
ace: no need
kaylee : eat it
kaylee: is it good?
vanessa: it's too spicy, isn't it
eii he's crying
vanessa: don't cry
yencheng: not bad right
oh professional (zhuan ye)
kaylee: it's so big
vanesssa: how is it?
it's like pizza
a little bit
it's good i think it's better than pizza
yencheng: it's so delicious
vanessa: have u ever tried this?
yencheng: no I haven't
vanessa: maybe we eat it directly, no need plates
yengcheng: he said it's so good again :)))
vanessa: reaction
yencheng: what a happy feeling
vanessa: he's eating alone
vanessa: reactx2
yencheng: i don't know
ace: just react
kaylee: how's costco
vanessa: good
it's getting cold
hen leng - so cold
ace: have u ever been here before
kaylee: no i haven't been here
we're going to guitar club
i've never been here
ace: introduce a little bit
vanessa: yue nan ren - Vietnamese
kaylee: what's your name?
wow English
ace: can you speak english?
no no no
ace: he's not good at english
but he is a good drum player
i feel shy
ace: u just need to sit and smile
Mélenchon sera sur les Champs-Elysées samedi - Duration: 2:34.
İPHONE 'U 2. KATDAN ATMAK!! - Duration: 11:27.
Škoda Rapid Spaceback 1.0 TSI 95pk DSG Drive - Duration: 1:06.
Как Яндекс.Метрика помогает развивать бизнес с момента запуска сайта до 13 офлайн-магазинов - Duration: 4:09.
李晨为范丞丞新单曲点赞,称呼发生变化引网友猜测 - Duration: 2:21.
Kuinka vaihtaa etujousijalan tukilaakeri NISSAN MICRA 2 -merkkiseen autoon [OHJEVIDEO AUTODOC] - Duration: 5:05.
Disconnect the brake hose holder from the shock absorber strut. Use a pliers
Use a combination spanner No.17. Use a drive socket No.17 . Unscrew the lower fastener of the shock absorber strut.
Unscrew the top fastening of the shock strut mount. Use a drive socket No.12. Use a ratchet wrench.
Compress the spring.
Unscrew the top fastening of the shock strut mount. Use a combination spanner No.14. Use a adjustable spanner
Remove the top strut mount.
Install a new strut mount
Screw the top fastening of the shock strut mount. Use a combination spanner No.14. Use a adjustable spanner
Place the shock absorber in the wheel arch and fasten it.
Tighten the top shock absorber fastening. Use a drive socket No.12. Use a ratchet wrench.
Tighten the lower fastening of the shock absorber. Use a combination spanner No.17. Use a drive socket No.17 .
Fasten the brake hose on the strut.
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