"The Resident" fall finale.
You OK?
He doesn't have anyone but you.
I barely know my father.
This is fraud.
Do you know what I hate the most?
ANNOUNCER: "The Resident" fall finale, Monday on FOX.
For more infomation >> The Resident 2x09 Promo "The Dance" (HD) Fall Finale - Duration: 0:21.-------------------------------------------
White House lays out new rules for reporters - Duration: 6:03.
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Wind Flower
Wind Flower
The similar us, have changed
Millions At Risk Of Starvation In Yemeni War | All In | MSNBC - Duration: 3:14.
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Aftershow: Season 3 Episode 8 - This Is Us (Digital Exclusive - Presented by Chevrolet) - Duration: 5:16.
Graham: Saudi Arabia needs us more than we need them - Duration: 5:48.
Mississippi Senate Candidate Sparks Outrage With Racially Charged Photo, Comments | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:16.
Preview: He Doesn't Have Anyone But You | Season 2 Ep. 9 | THE RESIDENT - Duration: 0:36.
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54 Million Americans On The Move Ahead Of Thanksgiving | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:45.
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師父淨耀發出4點聲明了 - Duration: 7:24.
前中華佛教青年會秘書長開泓法師,遭爆吸毒並引誘同志開性愛 趴,自拍影片流出後。
從苗栗公館同善寺搬至頭份崇佛寺;警方今天持拘票帶回開泓調 查。
並在崇佛寺內搜出毒品,訊問後將他依毒品罪嫌移送偵辦,並呼 籲受害者出面指認。
另外,根據鏡週刊報導,開泓的師父慈法禪寺住持淨耀法師得知 開泓的行為後,竟還到同善寺搓湯圓。
反問同善寺憑什麼叫開泓法師不穿這身衣服,對此,淨耀法師發 出4點聲明,強調知道後已請相關單位處理,沒有偏袒之情。
開泓在104年就因為屢犯寺規,經勸導無效,由寺院常住會議 予以不共住的遷單處罰。
聲明中也寫到,淨耀法師對於開泓不法行徑,造成佛教界的負面 衝擊,深感遺憾,身為剃度和尚。
對於開泓的行為不檢,也深感慚愧。聲明強調,當發現開泓的不 法行為之後。
並告知破佛教大戒已喪失憎人資格,但依國家法令並未授權佛教 界可強行脫去袈裟。
根據鏡週刊報導,本名謝仁豪、現年29歲的開泓法師遭控有吸 毒惡習。
還自拍與同志出家人的性愛吸毒影片,同善寺難忍開泓法師荒誕 行徑,要求搬離。
期間也聯繫他跟隨多年的中國佛教會理事長淨耀法師,希望能清 理門戶。
但淨耀法師態度消極,後來自拍影片流出,開泓法師才在9月搬 遷至頭份市崇佛寺。
週刊報導的影片中,除有開泓法師與男同志性愛畫面,還拿出疑 似毒品吸食器吞雲吐霧。
刑事局中部打擊犯罪中心今天會同苗栗支援警力,持拘票、搜索 票前往崇佛寺搜索,除在謝男居住的廂房內。
查扣性愛用品外,還有多瓶外包裝寫有藥師咒水、大悲咒水的潤 滑油,並在他持有的隨身碟內,搜出謝男與其他男子的性愛影片 。
將送往刑事局鑑定影片中的當事人,釐清謝男是否涉有妨害秘密 罪。
刑事局偵查第六大隊第五隊表示,29歲謝姓男子原為苗栗縣公 館鄉同善寺的法師,因涉嫌持有毒品。
並多次與男同志性行為時拍攝影片,將畫面上傳網路後流出,事 件爆發後,謝男轉至頭份市崇佛寺居住。
他供稱拍攝前都有徵得當事人同意,警方訊問後將他依毒品罪嫌 移送苗栗地檢署偵辦。
警方表示,將持續溯源追查謝男的毒品來源,釐清其他共犯身分 。
並呼籲可能遭到偷拍的民眾,或遭謝男以毒品引誘、脅迫施用者 ,勇於出面向警方指認。
同善寺在苗栗縣公館鄉設立數十年,創寺住持是已故的智海法師 。
一名不願具名的志工表示,開泓因有佛緣,聰穎又辯才無礙,自 幼由智海法師帶同修行栽培。
但他生性叛逆,出家後染上吸毒惡習,甚至帶回男弟子進佛寺同 居,因屢犯戒律,嚴重連累損及佛寺形象。
這名志工指出,智海法師於10多年前往生後,佛寺住持本欲交 由謝姓養女。
今年6月,同善寺接獲一名男子投訴與開泓法師感情糾紛,並流 出多段荒淫自拍影片。
謝女顧及與開泓形同姊弟情誼,僅要求開泓自行搬離,莫再拖累 佛門形象。
Finale de la coupe Davis: Pourquoi la du stade Pierre Mauroy n'a jamais été aussi compliquée - Duration: 11:08.
For more infomation >> Finale de la coupe Davis: Pourquoi la du stade Pierre Mauroy n'a jamais été aussi compliquée - Duration: 11:08.-------------------------------------------
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実車画像 M・ベンツGクラス日本仕様 「AMG G63」 写真21枚 - Duration: 2:12.
Astrônomos brasileiros descobrem outra estrela com possível estrutura alienígena? - Duration: 7:54.
Shmet Naa-gha / Growling Stomach TOLOWA WORDS - Duration: 1:26.
JP: Why don't you eat more?
AB: Day-'ee-wvn duu [xuu-du] lhtin'-t'i ch'aa~-ya~?
JP: I'm too fat.
AB: [t'ii snvsh-lhk'a.]
Duu 'ushlh-te lhtin' ch'ee-shvlh nvsh-lhk'a.
Says "I don't wanna eat too much because I'm too fat."
JP: Oh, you're not too fat.
AB: Mm, [duu-chuu-chi] lhtin' nin-lhk'a
JP: Well, he says "I like to hunt."
AB: 'Ushlh-te chee-taa-ghe naa-sha
JP: Is your stomach growling?
AB: My stomach I guess….
JP: Oh, it's the dog I think….
AB: [Ghvt-lu] My stomach's growling, I guess.
JP: Uh, that was the dog….
AB: Oh, the dog?
JP: I think so?....
That's your stomach.
AB: …my stomach….
JP: You might as well say that: "My stomach is growling."
AB: Shmet min' waa 'aa-dvn.
Shmet min'…shmet.
My stomach…shmet waa 'aa-dvn min', day-chi'-xwvsh xuu met naa-gha.
JP: Must be hungry, huh?
AB: I guess, met, I guess, I never had no breakfast yet….
JP: Oh my…must've starved yourself?
AB: Yeah, I'm getting hungry I guess….
My stomach is growling.
JP: Maybe your stomach's angry?
AB: Yeah…"Day-mee-naa~-ya" [ghvt-lu] "Day-mee-naa~-ya" is mad.
Wind Flower
Wind Flower
The similar us, have changed
How to change the cartridges in your Doulton Ultracarb Twin Benchtop Water Filter with Double Carbon - Duration: 5:22.
G'day folks, Rod from My Water Filter here today, and what we're gonna do is just a cartridge
replacement for the Doulton Twin Benchtop with Double Carbon.
So she's a great little filter this one, makes very sweet, tasty water with all that carbon
in those systems, and what we're gonna do is show you how we'd go about it.
So the very first thing that we're gonna do, this system is set up, it's been here for
a year and it's time to replace the cartridges.
So what we're gonna do is just have a quick look at the cartridges.
Here at My Water Filter, whenever your product arrives to you, even if you're not gonna install
it immediately, within a week, we need you to get the product and inspect it, and if
there's any cracks, defects, problems, issues, breakages, please let us know ASAP.
That's exactly what I'm doing here now.
This is the Doulton Ultracarb Cartridge for position one.
I'm just casting my eyes up and down this cartridge, making sure it's not broken, everything's
perfect, it's in good condition and ready to go.
Screw the ends, make sure it's alright.
Washers on the ends are okay, we're happy.
Hole in the end, alright, no worries.
That Doulton is in good condition, we're happy to go.
Same thing, here's our carbon.
These can get broken too, okay?
Anything can get broken if something heavy enough lands on it.
So we just run our eyes up and down, give it a screw, make sure she's good, she's in
one piece, washers are happy on each end, lovely stuff, good to go.
This one can sit here for a minute.
Same thing, normally you'd get the water filter that's been installed, lay it on the towel,
as you can see I've got a towel down already, and we're gonna put the housing tool over
the top of it.
The housing tool does have Open and Close on it, but remember, the Open and Close, watch
which way the arrow goes, and then the Open and Close goes down, over the top of the housing
as you install it.
These are an Australian housing, in that it's got a right-handed thread, so turn to the
right to make it go tight.
Today, we're gonna undo and remove the housing.
So we're gonna turn it anti-clockwise, looking down on top of the system.
Lay it on the towel, put a bit of weight on the top, and we crack the first one, and we
crack the second one.
They come open pretty easy, because we've already had them apart.
But if this is your one at home, don't do 'em up too tight is what I'm sayin'.
Screw 'em up, get your housing tool, and just nip 'em up a little bit, that's good enough.
You don't have to wrench 'em up, wrench 'em up, wrench 'em up with this tool.
Housing's loose, and we'll take this housing off.
This is our Doulton Cartridge, I've already pulled the other cartridge out earlier.
Here we go, to put it in.
We need the hole going down, into the headcap.
In bench top water filters, the cartridges go in upside down.
So you look for the hole in the cartridge, because there's only a hole in one end, not
a hole in both ends.
That hole goes down into the headcap, I hold the top of the cartridge so we don't knock
it over.
You do need to treat the ceramic cartridges like an egg, they will break if you drop them.
So we screw this one up, we'll just screw it up nicely by hand now, off with the carbon
cartridge, in with our carbon, sit it in there.
The carbon cartridge has got a hole straight through the middle, so it can go any way,
up or down, it doesn't matter.
Sit him on, tool on, nip him up.
Same again, nip him up, and we're good to go.
Now with this system, ceramic on the outside of the Doulton Cartridge, carbon on the inside,
we wanna give 'em a flush.
Any new water filter cartridge requires a flush, no different here.
The new cartridges are in, we turn on the water, we fill up the housing, the water's
gonna pour out.
It'll be black to start with 'cause we've got a couple of carbon cartridges in there.
So you can take that black water, and tip it on the garden or wherever you like, but
we wanna give this filter a good flush for at least five minutes.
Nothing less, a good five minutes flush, into a bucket, on the garden, save the water, and
then after that period of time, she's good to go and drink out of.
Failing that, you can wait till the next morning, 12 hours, give the carbon a bit of time to
swell, now that it's wet and activate, and then give it a flush for three minutes the
next morning, the next day.
Once your cartridges have been in there for a while, just give it another flush.
Once you've done that, get a glass of water and have a drink, and I'm sure it'll be beautiful
tasting water out of these water filters.
Any dramas, or anything's not working as it should, please give us a call, one of the
team would love to hear from you.
But failing that, it's pretty simple, the video should help, Thanks for watching today,
and good luck to you.
Thanks very much.
Trump refuses to sanction Saudi crown prince over death of Khashoggi - Duration: 53:34.
Donald Trump said Tuesday he was putting 'America first' by defiantly refusing to sanction Saudi Arabia and its de facto leader, Prince Mohammed bin Salman, for the torture and murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi
Speaking before he boarded Marine One for the first leg of a trip to Mar-a-Lago for Thanksgiving, he refused to retreat from a claim he had made in a written statement that there was no certainty bin Salman ordered the brutal killing of the dissident Washington Post columnist — and that sanctioning him and the kingdom would cost American jobs
Russia and China would sweep in and take Saudi investments for themselves, he claimed
He also denied he had any personal business interest in the Saudi economy, claiming that being president had cost him 'a fortune like you have never seen
' Trump spoke after the White House issued an exclamation point-littered statement on Khashoggi's killing that went against a reported CIA assessment that it was high probable bin Salman ordered the journalist's murder
His position entirely ignored the CIA's findings and prompted an immediate backlash from prominent senators
But on the White House's South Lawn Trump explained: 'It is all about America first - it is America first
'We're not going to give up hundreds of billions of dollars of orders and let Russia, China, everybody else have them,' he said
Trump suggested that among the deals which would be at stake were investment in military equipment made by Saudi Arabia, which he claimed was part of a $400 billion investment by Saudi in the U
S. 'They're paying us 400 billion plus,' he claimed. 'That's probably the biggest amount ever paid to the United States
This is over a long period of time.'In the past, the president has claimed a $110 billion investment from the Saudis in defense equipment that would disappear if the U
S. sanctioned the nation's military sector.'If you think I'm going to let Russia have that money or those things, if you think I'm going to let China make the military equipment — hey, China and Russia would love to make a hundred billion dollars worth of military equipment from Saudi Arabia
We have the contracts. They wanted those contracts,' he said on Tuesday.'That would be a big fat beautiful gift to Russia and China
They are not going to get that gift.'He also said that he believed Saudis would send up global oil prices, which he took personal credit for keeping low
'Saudi Arabia, if we break with them, I think your oil prices would go through the roof,' he said
'I've kept them down. They've helped me keep them down.'If he were to act against the kingdom, Trump suggested there would be a global economic meltdown
'Right now we have oil prices in great shape. I'm not going to destroy the world economy, and I'm not going to destroy the economy for our country by being foolish with Saudi Arabia
'He added, 'I think the statement was pretty obvious what I said. It's about America First
' Trump also denied that he had any personal financial interest in Saudi Arabia, saying: 'Well I have nothing to do with Saudi — just so you understand
'I don't make deals with Saudi Arabia. I don't have money from Saudi Arabia. I have nothing to do with Saudi Arabia
I couldn't care less,' he insisted. 'As most of you know, being president has cost me a fortune, and that's okay with me
I knew that a long time ago.'He said the presidency has cost him more than he's profited, although he refused to say how much
'Being president has cost me a fortune. A tremendous fortune like you've never seen before
But some day I'll tell you what that is.'His claims came in response to the critical reception that a lengthy written statement defending Saudi Arabia had received
Before he pardoned two Thanksgiving turkeys, Trump indicated that he wasn't convinced by the CIA's version of the events leading to Khashoggi's death
'Our intelligence agencies continue to assess all information, but it could very well be that the Crown Prince had knowledge of this tragic event – maybe he did and maybe he didn't!' the president said
Trump's intervention serves to prop up MBS, who is a close ally of Jared Kushner, the president's son-in-law, at a time when the top of the wider Saudi royal family is no longer united in backing him
One of his uncles is being suggested as the next king by other family members, leaving MBS more politically exposed than he had been before the furor over the murder
The president's was warned by two Republican senators who he sees as key allies, Lindsey Graham and Rand Paul, that he was wrong not to sanction Saudi Arabia and MBS, even though he left the option open to Congess
Graham said it is not in U.S. national security interests to 'look the other way when it comes to the brutal murder' of Khashoggi
The South Carolina senator said he thinks there will be strong bipartisan support in Congress for serious sanctions against Saudi Arabia and members of the royal family
Paul also said it was a 'mistake' for Trump to continue supporting arms sales to the Saudis, saying 'it's a sign of weakness not to stand up to Saudi Arabia
'The Kentucky senator has been trying to convince Trump to halt the $100 billion in arms sales that Trump says Saudi Arabia already committed to
Paul said Trump's position signals that Saudi Arabia can 'just behead anybody that protests against the kingdom
'He also said selling arms is not a 'jobs program,' and the U.S. should not reward Saudi Arabia's 'bad behavior
' He claimed he has the votes in the Senate to block it.Trump's stunning statement came hours before the president was due to depart the White House for a family holiday at Mar-a-Lago
And it was just days after the president admitted he had not listened to an audio tape provided by the Turkish government of Khashoggi's murder, because it was too gruesome
'It was very violent, very vicious and terrible,' Trump told told Fox News on Friday
Turmp said then that he didn't know if MBS was lying to him when he told him that he had no knowledge of the murder
In the interview for Fox News Sunday the president replied: 'Well, will anybody really know? All right, will anybody really know? But he did have certainly people that were reasonably close to him and close to him that were probably involved
'You saw we put on very heavy sanctions, massive sanctions on a large group of people from Saudi Arabia
But at the same time we do have an ally and I want to stick with an ally that in many ways has been very good,' he explained
The president on Tuesday said that he was still open to sanctions that could be imposed by Congress in the lame duck session but would only support them if they were in the United States' national security interests
He insisted, 'The crime against Jamal Khashoggi was a terrible one, and one that our country does not condone
'Yet, the U.S. president said he would take no further action because the United States' relationship with Saudi Arabia is too valuable
'That being said, we may never know all of the facts surrounding the murder of Mr
Jamal Khashoggi. In any case, our relationship is with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,' he again asserted
His statement, sent early Tuesday afternoon, claimed, 'They have been a great ally in our very important fight against Iran
The United States intends to remain a steadfast partner of Saudi Arabia to ensure the interests of our country, Israel and all other partners in the region
'Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif fired back on Twitter.'Mr. Trump bizarrely devotes the FIRST paragraph of his shameful statement on Saudi atrocities to accuse IRAN of every sort of malfeasance he can think of
Perhaps we're also responsible for the California fires, because we didn't help rake the forests - just like the Finns do?'The comment was a jab at Trump's claim in an interview that wildfires could be prevented by better raking of weeds and underneath trees
RELATED ARTICLES Previous 1 Next 'Ivanka can take care of herself': Trump says stories about
'Lock her up!' Social media eviscerates Ivanka Trump for. Share this article Share TRUMP'S EXCLAMATION POINT LITTERED STATEMENT ON WHY HE WON'T BLAME SAUDI ARABIA FOR MURDER OF JAMAL KHASHOGGI Statement from President Donald J
Trump on Standing with Saudi ArabiaAmerica First!The world is a very dangerous place!The country of Iran, as an example, is responsible for a bloody proxy war against Saudi Arabia in Yemen, trying to destabilize Iraq's fragile attempt at democracy, supporting the terror group Hezbollah in Lebanon, propping up dictator Bashar Assad in Syria (who has killed millions of his own citizens), and much more
Likewise, the Iranians have killed many Americans and other innocent people throughout the Middle East
Iran states openly, and with great force, 'Death to America!' and 'Death to Israel!' Iran is considered 'the world's leading sponsor of terror
'On the other hand, Saudi Arabia would gladly withdraw from Yemen if the Iranians would agree to leave
They would immediately provide desperately needed humanitarian assistance. Additionally, Saudi Arabia has agreed to spend billions of dollars in leading the fight against Radical Islamic Terrorism
After my heavily negotiated trip to Saudi Arabia last year, the Kingdom agreed to spend and invest $450 billion in the United States
This is a record amount of money. It will create hundreds of thousands of jobs, tremendous economic development, and much additional wealth for the United States
Of the $450 billion, $110 billion will be spent on the purchase of military equipment from Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon and many other great U
S. defense contractors. If we foolishly cancel these contracts, Russia and China would be the enormous beneficiaries – and very happy to acquire all of this newfound business
It would be a wonderful gift to them directly from the United States!The crime against Jamal Khashoggi was a terrible one, and one that our country does not condone
Indeed, we have taken strong action against those already known to have participated in the murder
After great independent research, we now know many details of this horrible crime
We have already sanctioned 17 Saudis known to have been involved in the murder of Mr
Khashoggi, and the disposal of his body.Representatives of Saudi Arabia say that Jamal Khashoggi was an 'enemy of the state' and a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, but my decision is in no way based on that – this is an unacceptable and horrible crime
King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman vigorously deny any knowledge of the planning or execution of the murder of Mr
Khashoggi. Our intelligence agencies continue to assess all information, but it could very well be that the Crown Prince had knowledge of this tragic event – maybe he did and maybe he didn't!That being said, we may never know all of the facts surrounding the murder of Mr
Jamal Khashoggi. In any case, our relationship is with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
They have been a great ally in our very important fight against Iran. The United States intends to remain a steadfast partner of Saudi Arabia to ensure the interests of our country, Israel and all other partners in the region
It is our paramount goal to fully eliminate the threat of terrorism throughout the world!I understand there are members of Congress who, for political or other reasons, would like to go in a different direction – and they are free to do so
I will consider whatever ideas are presented to me, but only if they are consistent with the absolute security and safety of America
After the United States, Saudi Arabia is the largest oil producing nation in the world
They have worked closely with us and have been very responsive to my requests to keeping oil prices at reasonable levels – so important for the world
As President of the United States I intend to ensure that, in a very dangerous world, America is pursuing its national interests and vigorously contesting countries that wish to do us harm
Very simply it is called America First! In addition to invoking Iran, Trump had contended the United States has already taken 'strong action' against the alleged perpetrators of the crime that MBS says he wasn't aware of
'After great independent research, we now know many details of this horrible crime
We have already sanctioned 17 Saudis known to have been involved in the murder of Mr
Khashoggi, and the disposal of his body,' he said.Members of Congress, including expected House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff, were incredulous at Trump's statement on Tuesday
'It is true that our relationship is with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, not just its Crown Prince, and that must factor into our response
But to suggest 'maybe he did and maybe he didn't' or that we are incapable of finding out the truth, or that knowing the truth our silence can be bought with arms sales, undermines respect for the Office of the Presidency, the credibility of our intelligence community and America's standing as a champion of human rights,' Schiff responded
Sen. Dianne Feinstein, another California Democrat, said in a statement on Tuesday afternoon, 'I'm shocked that President Trump said there will be no punishment for Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman for the killing of Jamal Khashoggi
' 'I plan to vote against any future arms sales and appropriation to Saudi Arabia
I also believe that the United States should consider sanctions against the crown prince and that the Saudi ambassador to the United States should not be allowed to continue in that role,' she insisted
Trump in a rebuttal to the complaints had said in his comments that he understands if Congress wants to pursue a different course of action than he did
'I understand there are members of Congress who, for political or other reasons, would like to go in a different direction - and they are free to do so
I will consider whatever ideas are presented to me, but only if they are consistent with the absolute security and safety of America,' he argued
He specifically noted that Saudi Arabia is a large producer of oil. 'They have worked closely with us and have been very responsive to my requests to keeping oil prices at reasonable levels – so important for the world,' he said
'As President of the United States I intend to ensure that, in a very dangerous world, America is pursuing its national interests and vigorously contesting countries that wish to do us harm
Very simply it is called America First!'At the White House on Monday, the president's counselor, Kellyanne Conway had insisted that sanctions were not permanently off the table after launching a passionate defense of the president's actions so far
She said that Trump would make a decision after reading an intelligence community report
Vice President Mike Pence had told reporters while he was in Australia that the U
S would hold 'all of those who are responsible' for the murder accountable.'The murder of Jamal Khashoggi was an atrocity
It was also an affront to a free and independent press and the United States is determined to hold all of those accountable who are responsible for that murder,' Pence told reporters traveling with him on Saturday
Trump then released a puzzling statement defending the Saudis and the crown prince
'King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman vigorously deny any knowledge of the planning or execution of the murder of Mr
Khashoggi,' he again pointed out.It was more love than MBS was getting from inside the royal family
Sources close to the royal court told Reuters that princes and cousins from inside the Al Saud family are asking for a change in the line of succession
They acknowledged that the 82-year-old king is unlikely to ditch his son, however
A Washington Post report over the weekend said the U.S. had high confidence in a CIA assessment that MBS would have been knowledgeable about events happening in the kingdom he effectively rules
The CIA's confidence level was lifted, CNN reported, after receiving an audio tape provided to the U
S. by the Turkish government earlier this month.Khashoggi can be heard ordering his killers to release him in the audio recording of his murder, before one of the killers shouts: 'Traitor! You will be brought to account,' according to Turkish media
The audio allegedly also includes a conversation between members of the 'hit squad' during which one of them complains about having to wear Khashoggi's clothing to act as a decoy after his murder
Shortly after entering the consulate in Istanbul, according to Haberturk, the journalist can also be heard saying, 'Release my arm! What do you think you are doing?'The exchange is followed by 'a verbal quarrel, noises of a physical fight and then beating and torture', the newspaper reported
More than an hour after Khashoggi enters the consulate, a male voice can allegedly be heard saying 'it is spooky to wear the clothes of a man whom we killed 20 minutes ago
'The 59-year-old Washington Post journalist was last seen entering the building on October 2 to obtain paperwork for his upcoming marriage to his Turkish fiancee
According to Turkish officials, the audio recording proves that Khashoggi was strangled to death and dismembered soon after entering the consulate
At the State Department, the nation's chief diplomat, Mike Pompeo, echoed the president at a press briefing, telling reporters, 'As the president said today, the United States will continue to have a relationship with the kingdom of Saudi Arabia
''This is a long, historic commitment and one that is absolutely vital to Americans' national security,' he said
In Saudi Arabia, the Khashoggi murder has opened an opportunity to seize power from the Crown Prince
Members of the House of Saud are seeking to find an alternative successor to the throne and prevent MBS from becoming king, sources close to the royal court said
A preferred candidate is Prince Ahmed bin Abdulaziz, 76, younger full brother of King Salman and uncle to the crown prince
King Salman's only surviving brother flirted with power in London in October as he appeared to distance himself from the king and crown prince over the Khashoggi murder
Prince Ahmed was one of only three people on the Allegiance Council, made up of the ruling family's senior members, who opposed MBS becoming crown prince in 2017, two Saudi sources said at the time
Unlike European monarchies the House of Saud is made up of hundreds of princes, with the power of succession drawn across tribal lines, rather than automatically going to the eldest son
Each branch of the dynasty is consulted before a new king succeeds. 'Release my arm! What do you think you are doing?': Transcript from 'recording of Khashoggi murder' reveals hit squad member warned: 'Traitor! You will be brought to account'Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi can be heard ordering his killers to release him in the audio recording of his murder, before one of the killers shouts: 'Traitor! You will be brought to account,' according to Turkish media
The audio allegedly also includes a conversation between members of the 'hit squad' during which one of them complains about having to wear Khashoggi's clothing to act as a decoy after his murder
The 59-year-old Washington Post journalist was last seen entering the building on October 2 to obtain paperwork for his upcoming marriage to his Turkish fiancee
According to Turkish officials, the audio recording shows that Khashoggi was strangled to death and dismembered soon after entering the consulate
The journalist can be heard saying 'Release my arm! What do you think you are doing?,' shortly after entering the consulate in Istanbul, according to Haberturk
This is followed by 'a verbal quarrel, noises of a physical fight and then beating and torture', the newspaper reported
More than an hour after Khashoggi enters the consulate, a male voice can allegedly be heard saying 'it is spooky to wear the clothes of a man whom we killed 20 minutes ago
'He complains about Khashoggi's shoes being too small, and is told he is allowed to wear his own trainers
This is thought to be the voice of a man identified by Turkish officials as Mustafa al-Madani, who was captured on CCTV walking by Istanbul's famous Blue Mosque in what appears to be Khashoggi's clothes, a few hours later
In the footage he can be seen wearing black and white trainers - different to Khashoggi's black leather shoes clearly visible on the CCTV from the moment when he entered the consulate
Saudi Arabia has offered shifting accounts of what happened, initially saying Khashoggi left the embassy after receiving his documents and later that he was killed when an argument degenerated into a fistfight
In the latest version, the Saudi prosecutor said a 15-member team went to Istanbul to bring Khashoggi back to the kingdom 'by means of persuasion', but killed him instead in a rogue operation
Despite allegations of the contrary, the Saudi prosecutor last week exonerated Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of involvement in the murder
Saudi Arabia has called for the death penalty against five men, announced indictments against 11 people and said a total of 21 individuals were in custody in connection with the killing
The United States has sanctioned 17 Saudis for the crime, including close aides of Prince Mohammed, and is set to make final conclusions this week over the killing
President Donald Trump, who has praised Saudi Arabia as a 'truly spectacular ally', has refrained from blaming Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, despite the the CIA's reported assessment that he was behind the killing
The quotes from the audio were published a day after Turkey's foreign minister met with United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to discussed the murder
Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu discussed Yemen, Syria and the murder of Khashoggi during a brief meeting with Guterres at UN headquarters in New York, said UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric
Turkey has called for an international investigation of the killing of Khashoggi, but there was no formal request for a UN investigation, a spokesman said
The UN spokesman said Guterres would want to have support from a UN body such as the Security Council or the General Assembly to set up an investigation
The United Nations has previously investigated the death of Pakistani prime minister Benazir Bhutto and a UN-backed special tribunal was set up to try those responsible for the assassination of Lebanon's ex-prime minister Rafic Hariri
The murder of Jamal Khashoggi: Key moments surrounding the writer's disappearance and deathSaudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, who wrote critically of the kingdom's policies and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, was killed in the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul
Turkish officials say a 15-men team tortured, killed and dismembered the writer, while Saudi Arabia says he died in a 'fistfight
'Here are some key moments in the slaying of the Washington Post columnist: BEFORE HIS DISAPPEARANCESeptember 2017: The Post publishes the first column by Khashoggi in its newspaper, in which the former royal court insider and longtime journalist writes about going into a self-imposed exile in the U
S. over the rise of Prince Mohammed. His following columns criticize the prince and the kingdom's direction
September 28, 2018: Over a year after the Post published his first column, Khashoggi visits the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul, seeking documents in order to get married
He's later told to return October 2, his fiancee Hatice Cengiz says. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan says a plan or a 'road map' to kill Khashoggi was devised in Saudi Arabia during this time
September 29: Khashoggi travels to London and speaks at a conference.October 1: Khashoggi returns to Istanbul
At around 4.30pm, a three-person Saudi team arrives in Istanbul on a scheduled flight, checks in to their hotels then visits the consulate, according to Erdogan
The Turkish president says another group of officials from the consulate travel to a forest in Istanbul's outskirts and to the nearby city of Yalova on a 'reconnaissance' trip
THE DAY OF HIS DISAPPEARANCE3.28am, October 2: A private jet arrives at Istanbul's Ataturk Airport carrying some members of what Turkish media will refer to as a 15-member Saudi 'assassination squad
' Other members of the team arrive by two commercial flights in the afternoon. Erdogan says the team includes Saudi security and intelligence officials and a forensics expert
They meet at the Saudi Consulate. One of the first things they do is to dismantle a hard disk connected to the consulate's camera system, the president says
11.50am: Khashoggi is called to confirm his appointment at the consulate later that day, Erdogan says
1.14pm: Surveillance footage later leaked to Turkish media shows Khashoggi walking into the main entrance of the Saudi Consulate
No footage made public ever shows him leaving. His fiancee waits outside, pacing for hours
3.07pm: Surveillance footage shows vehicles with diplomatic license plates leaving the Saudi Consulate for the consul general's home some 2 kilometers (1
2 miles) away.5.50pm: Khashoggi's fiancee alerts authorities, saying he may have been forcibly detained inside the consulate or that something bad may have happened to him, according to Erdogan
7pm: A private plane from Saudi Arabia carries six members of the alleged Saudi squad from Istanbul to Cairo, the next day returning to Riyadh
11pm: Seven members of the alleged Saudi squad leave on another private jet to Dubai, United Arab Emirates, which the next day returns to Riyadh
Two others leave by commercial flights.Erdogan confirms reports that a 'body double' - a man wearing Khashoggi's clothes, glasses and a beard - leaves the consulate building for Riyadh with another person on a scheduled flight later that day
INITIAL REACTIONOctober 3: Khashoggi's fiancee and the Post go public with his disappearance
Saudi Arabia says Khashoggi visited the consulate and exited shortly thereafter. Turkish officials suggest Khashoggi might still be in the consulate
Prince Mohammed tells Bloomberg: 'We have nothing to hide.'October 4: Saudi Arabia says on its state-run news agency that the consulate is carrying out 'follow-up procedures and coordination with the Turkish local authorities to uncover the circumstances of the disappearance of Jamal Khashoggi after he left the consulate building
'October 5: The Post prints a blank column in its newspaper in solidarity with Khashoggi, headlined: 'A missing voice
'October 6: The Post, citing anonymous Turkish officials, reports Khashoggi may have been killed in the consulate in a 'preplanned murder' by a Saudi team
October 7: A friend of Khashoggi tells the AP that officials told him the writer was killed at the consulate
The consulate rejects what it calls 'baseless allegations.'October 8: Saudi Arabia's ambassador to Turkey is summoned over Khashoggi's disappearance and alleged killing
LEAKED FOOTAGEOctober 9: Turkey says it will search the Saudi Consulate as a picture of Khashoggi walking into the diplomatic post surfaces
October 10: Surveillance footage is leaked of Khashoggi and the alleged Saudi squad that killed him
Khashoggi's fiancee asks President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump for help
October 11: Turkish media describes Saudi squad as including royal guards, intelligence officers, soldiers and an autopsy expert
Trump calls Khashoggi's disappearance a 'bad situation' and promises to get to the bottom of it
October 12: Trump again pledges to find out what happened to Khashoggi.October 13: A pro-government newspaper reports that Turkish officials have an audio recording of Khashoggi's alleged killing from his Apple Watch, but details in the report come into question
INTERNATIONAL UPROAROctober 14: Trump says that 'we're going to get to the bottom of it, and there will be severe punishment' if Saudi Arabia is involved
The kingdom responds with a blistering attack against those who threaten it, as the manager of a Saudi-owned satellite news channel suggests the country could retaliate through its oil exports
The Saudi stock exchange plunges as much as 7 percent at one point. October 15: A Turkish forensics team enters and searches the Saudi Consulate, an extraordinary development as such diplomatic posts are considered sovereign soil
Trump suggests after a call with Saudi King Salman that 'rogue killers' could be responsible for Khashoggi's alleged slaying
Trump says Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will travel to the Mideast over the case
Meanwhile, business leaders say they won't attend an economic summit in the kingdom that's the brainchild of Prince Mohammed
October 16: A high-level Turkish official tells the AP that 'certain evidence' was found in the Saudi Consulate proving Khashoggi was killed there
Pompeo arrives for meetings in Saudi Arabia with King Salman and Prince Mohammed
Meanwhile, Trump compares the case to the appointment of now-Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh during his confirmation hearing, saying: 'Here we go again with you're guilty until proven innocent
'October 17: Pompeo meets with Turkey's president and foreign minister in the Turkish capital, Ankara
Turkish police search the official residence of Saudi Arabia's consul general in Istanbul and conduct a second sweep of the consulate
October 18: A leaked surveillance photograph shows a member of Prince Mohammed's entourage walked into the consulate just before Khashoggi vanished there
October 20: Saudi Arabia for the first time acknowledges Khashoggi was killed in the consulate, claiming he was slain in a 'fistfight
' The claim draws immediate skepticism from the kingdom's Western allies, particularly in the U
S. Congress.October 22: A report says a member of Prince Mohammed's entourage made four calls to the royal's office around the time Khashoggi was killed
Police search a vehicle belonging to the Saudi consulate parked at an underground garage in Istanbul
CCTV emerges showing a Saudi intelligence officer dressed in a fake beard and Jamal Khashoggi's clothes and glasses on the day he went missing
October 23: Erdogan says Saudi officials murdered Khashoggi after plotting his death for days, demanding that Saudi Arabia reveal the identities of all involved
October 25: Changing their story again, Saudi prosecutors say Khashoggi's killing was a premeditated crime
November 2: Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan claims the order to kill Khashoggi came from the highest levels of the Saudi government
Earlier the same day, Yasin Aktay, a ruling party adviser to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, said he believed the body had to have been dissolved in acid
November 4: Khashoggi's sons Salah and Abdullah Khashoggi issue appeal for his remains to be returned so that he may be buried in Saudi Arabia
November 10: President Erdogan says Turkey gave the audio recordings linked to the murder to 'Saudi Arabia, to Washington, to the Germans, to the French, to the British'
November 13: Turkish media reports that the luggage carried by the Saudi 'hit squad' included scissors, defibrillators and syringes that may have been used against Khashoggi
November 15: Saudi Arabia's public prosecutor announces that he is seeking the death penalty for five out of 11 suspects charged in the murder
Shalaan al-Shalaan said the person who had ordered the killing was the head of the negotiating team sent to repatriate him, and exonerated Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman
On the same day, the U.S. Treasury announces sanctions against 17 Saudi officials, including the Consul General in Turkey, Mohammed Alotaibi
November 16: A CIA assessment reported in the Washington Post finds that Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman ordered the assassination
November 18: Germany bans 18 Saudi nationals believed to be connected to the murder from entering Europe's border-free Schengen zone
Berlin also announces it has as halted previously approved arms exports to Saudi Arabia amid the fallout
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