Wassup guys
Today i´m going to be a futsal player
it´s time to run
i injured my elbow
so, enjoy the show
Could i score a goal?
For more infomation >> SALIENDO DE LA PORTERÍA | FUTSAL MATCHDAY 18 #5 - Duration: 5:16.
Microsoft Surface Studio 2 Unboxing! - Duration: 8:36.
WWE Stars QUITTING For New Promotion To RIVAL Vince McMahon?! | WrestleTalk News Nov. 2018 - Duration: 12:48.
AFK Season 2 - Episode 4: FACTION CHANGE - Duration: 13:26.
He has to get to the gate! Don't attack them, they'll kill you too!
Brave adventurer....
I'm so sorry!
Come on...come on!
Hey... I was just talking to him
You could have done that the whole time?!
You should know not to start fights in neutral villages!!
Don't you lecture me on game mechanics!
Watch out!
Get out of the village! I'll try to slow them down!
I don't usually like playing with this many proxy cards
Mate, they're all proxy cards
(JACK) Open the gaaaaate!!
Oh God, please....
We built the gate five meters outside of the guards aggro range, for precisely this reason.
I can't leave you alone for five minutes!
What's wrong?
He knew...
What do you mean?
He knew about the guards, and he tried to get me to attack him
The son of a bitch straight-up tried to murder me
*Steven yelling*
*Steven angst intensifies*
*Prolonged screaming*
Yeah, I have issues. I'm working on it
Yeah, it seems the best way
Your friends in the guild...?
I don't have any friends!
I'm glad your ankles feeling better.
I tried to do the right thing!
I tried..
I tried to save someone... someone who was my friend
Someone I didn't deserve
And I failed
I don't know what life lesson I'm supposed to learn from that, you know like....
Don't get attached... don't try and do good or you'll just... get people killed
My experience has taught me that
Life has no meaning
Its devoid of morality or divine oversight and is ultimately pointless
Well...That's not exactly the pep talk I was expecting
But it's the best knowledge of all
You stop looking outside of yourself for meaning
You concentrate on the things that really matter
like, personal happiness
Happiness of those who you care for
You create your own meaning
There...all done
Anything can be fixed with the proper care
It was nice chatting to you...uhhh....?
Brenda, can I show you something?
I dunno, what do you guys think, is it a little 'Princess Bride'?
God, these guys have got a 'lot' of clothing
LARPers and cosplayers
Quinn says a lot of them grabbed garb before food
You guys were, uh... talking for a while there, huh?
Can we, um.... talk about it later? There's a lot to absorb.
Yeah, sure... totally
You having any luck V'rugga?
(QUINN) Hey, you guys finding what you need?
(Q) I'm just happy to get new pants
Some of those shirts actually had some pretty impressive stats in the game, I can help you find...
No thanks
He knows
They all do
(Q) Jack... play nice
You sure that was a good idea?
I trust them...with my life!
(JACK) Holy shit, you guys
What? What is it?
They have a mirror!
It's everything I imagined...
Look at those baby blues....
And the chest hair....
Hey... you okay?
Hey, I uhh....
I was saving something for you...
In case you ever showed up
(QUINN) And I know for a fact you're gonna like it!
Oh my god, it's....
Isn't it?
(Q) How did you know?
Ma'ak! Ma'ak!
V 'rugga!? Hey!
You ok?
T'rugga Ma'ak Oga!
T'rugga Ma'ak Anya!
You can talk to him?
(SERENA) I could only imagine how Clint talks about us here... geeks.... nerds
But a skilled cosplayer can knock up a tunic from a bolt of cloth in a day.
We've got reenactors even more hardcore than that
They've built a loom
They're weaving linen from the local flax
All these people, from all around the world
Working together
Different languages, different cultures
It's quite beautiful to watch
Why are you showing me all this?
Because Clint doesn't get it, and I don't think Quinn does either
We've got a chance to build a new world here.
I want you to get it
So you can show it to others
Well, maybe I don't get it... because your beautiful dream is just made up of people
They've got new bodies in a new world, but they haven't really changed
It's like the Cheerleaders. They're already divided into racial lines. The Elves look down on the humans, the Dwarves hate the elves because...
And everybody hates the gnomes
We're just finding new ways to hate each other.
Is it really that hard to try to try... to hope for a better world?
I just want to go back to my old shitty one
You know, I... I'm I'm really not sure about this...
We're all here, the prisoners totally secure... it'll be fine
*Q speaks Gibberish*
How are you even here? I was making my way back to find you and....
I stayed with Q, and she took care of me
Kevin, we gotta get out of here. These people are not your friends
V'rugga...Kalack Mak ta?
They really wanna know your name
Come on, you know my name, I'm your brother!
Matt, his name is Matt!
I didn't know how to find you, I'm sorry...
It's okay, bro. It's okay...
Listen, I was making my way back from the wasteland to find you when these bastards caught me and stole all my gear
Hey, you got my hammer!
You seen my dog?
Q shot it...
She shot my dog?
It wasn't her fault, it was an accident!
*Jack speaks urgent sounding gibberish*
Shit, they're figuring out we know each other..... Kevin, come here
Closer, I need to tell you something
I'm sorry, bro, I'm sorry! But now they think we're enemies, now we can plan! We can make a plan bro!
*Q speaks angry gibberish*
Don't need no translation for that
I'm sorry, I never thought...
It's fine! He'll be fine. Just... don't ask him to do that again!
You have anything for his nose?
There'll be some ointment in the medical tent
Hey, I don't think it's a good idea to split up!
For God's sake Jack, can you see what I'm dealing with here?
Just head back to Quinn's office
I'll meet you there.
You'll be all right Jack, just don't piss off the guards again
You'll be fine Jack, you'll be fine... easy for you to say Quinn, you haven't got somebody trying to kill you...
(JACK) 'mY?
Where is it?
M'eres 'Mwat?
The computer Jack... where's the computer!?
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My Top Toys for Christmas 1018 | LOL + Hairdorables + Barbie + Paw Patrol + Hatchimals and more - Duration: 11:05.
Hey guys, welcome back to my channel.
Today we're back at Smyths Toys Superstores
and today we are going to be showing the top 10 toys for Christmas
Our number 10 is Fingerling Hugs
He's adorable and he's really fluffy
If you like hugs then, buy one of these
Fingerling Hugs
Number 9 is the Indoraptor
you can move his head, his hands and
You can make him roar
His eyes turn on
You see his hands always move
We got the other one haven't we? Ye
We got that one but this one is even cooler!
This is our number 8 and it's Pomsies
Does it make noise?
I don't know how to make him
Pull it there. Cute tail thou
Guys if you like Barbies this is the place you should get them
It costs
and this is
number 7
Barbie Care Clinic Vehicle
I really do want it
Maybe we need to ask nanny
for Christmas
It comes with loads of accessories
If you like Barbie
Number 6 is
Twisty Pets
Twisty Pets, what do you think about that?
They are adorable, there's babies
What's this, is this like a ring or something?
Ah no, that goes in there, ah ok
So number 5 is
Ultimate Fire Truck ultimate Rescue
It holds up
all 6 pups
and my little sister really does like
Paw Patrol
and that's our number 5
Our number 4 is, Hairdorables
They are adorable
Number 3 is...
Harry Potter Hogwarts Great Hall
Do you like Harry Potter? Mom loves Harry Potter
me too, but I never watch it
me too but we never watch it... you watched that already
yes but, I haven't watched it for a while
we got, look at them
all the characters
mom would love that
I want to play with her
Do you think mom would love this?
Ye, but you better ask her
That is amazing, it's a bit expenssive
So if you don't know
That's 2
So this can go with the castle there
it's a bit expenssive but it's amazing
How expenssive is it?
That is 80, 80 pounds but that's our number 3
If you got spare cash, you definitely need to get this
number 2 is, Hatchibabies!
We already got one so go watch that video
Are you ready to see number 1?
They are amazing!
I hope you loved our video, if you enjoyed it
tell us in the comments down below what toy did you like out of our list?
comment down below! Don't forget to subscribe, hit that bell icon
and I';; see you in my next video
Bye Snowflakes!!
sylco bringing cutting-edge technology to the Kanto region so let's go and
check this place out because I think it's pretty neat like have you guys paid
attention to the lobby that's custom tile work guys
but there's like different shades of color and there's also like unique
textures and stuff I think it's pretty cool
also if we go and explore the place and pay more we can find some really nice
artwork like this mountain that looks pretty cool hey we have the bell tower
from the johto region it's also showing artwork from other places throughout the
Pokemon world I think that's really neat and spirit spear pillar Mountain
Cornette sit oh oh oh we're talking about Sydow generation for remix
couldn't burn oh my goodness it might sound like I'm getting a little
carried away but there's precedent for this and it goes back to Omega Ruby and
alpha sapphire seen this picture by now of a little an executive in the first
generation where it just has like a long palm tree neck looking thing going on
and that was pretty cool to talk about but that has nothing on what is in omega
ruby and alpha sapphire something cove lily motel so lily cover motel that what
goes inside of these motels like there's there's actually something pretty
substantial in here that look at this look at this right here what does that
look like to you that looks like a palm tree executive in a tropical setting and
no one thought anything of it's like something something heat was here the
entire time in plain sight and finally it's taken years to pull over a year and
a half to figure this one out but there's actually some guy teaser
below an executory right there and even Pokemon Sun and Moon hiding in plain
sight in a place that almost no no one goes in now the interesting good thing
about this place is that's actually really cool this is all the game
developers and stuff so yeah a random picture just kind of hanging up in a
building has hinted at future Pokemon games before and this is spear pillar
which i think is really cool now just in case you guys have doubts that you know
it's like well that just kind of looks like some kind of random temple now if
we go and check out from Super Smash Bros and we look at spirit of spear
pillar there's actually a lot of really nice things being captured here that you
need to have that purple sky you really need to get the feeling of space and the
galaxies around with all this and the mood is just
really nice so spirit pillar definitely being represented now maybe that picture
of a mountain isn't really too random after all you know I'm kind of just
getting like Mount Fuji vibes but as we can see there's other there's pictures
or at least paintings of landscape from other parts of the Pokemon world so that
could also represent now Cornette especially when you look at it from the
anime or maybe just kind of hinting at something cool something colder like the
sinnoh region Casino and platinum version you know you got to put on your
winter clothes or if you start making your way north to snow Point City then
it's pretty much the same as well so that's something I wanted to kind of pay
attention to now is also thinking about like other regions and other mountains
and stuff could be Mount silver and some people might be thinking mount chimney
but Mount chimneys a straight up volcano that's that's not that's not gonna
represent anything Hoenn so we are trying to break down some different
areas that this could represent however we just straight-up have 100% sphere
pillar and we have that tie-in that we saw with Omega we now have sapphire so
that's something to consider now it also might not be a coincidence that with the
detective Pikachu movie we have the cenote ampionship 24 so people already
talked about this is like a direct hint for the sinnoh region or you know Sinnoh
remakes generation 4 when the trailer came out but now this is starting to get
a little spooky for me because we have generation 4 representation in the new
Pokemon game and then the new Pokemon movie trailer shows us the sin of
championship 24 and the reason why people are thinking that this could
represent something for the generation for remakes is that Pokemon came out in
1996 so if we do the math on 24 that puts us at 2020 for these new games now
the 2019 Pokemon games have already been confirmed as entirely new games that you
know it's its generation 8 because there was an interview with the CEO of Pokemon
back in June so just a week after the announcement of Pokemon let's go Pikachu
and Eevee where they talked about the new game just to kind of because they
followed up all the information like here's Pokemon let's go there's also a
new game coming out in 2019 so it was confirmed that the 2019 game will
feature better graphics than any other prior Pokemon game whoo and it will also
be an entirely new experience featuring new Pokemon so it is generation 8
confirmed new experience which means it's not it's not likely that it's going
to be the remake so we're gonna have to wait a bit more time have our 2019 game
completely new then 2020 going into the remakes it would be strange but again
we sell out with four before with Pokemon X&Y Omega beam off sapphire
Omega Ruby and alpha sapphire effectively being Pokemon Z version so
that account lines up with 2020 and stuff like that now there are things
that kind of debunk all these theories and stuff because if you look at the
guy's room well we have four generation representation with the snow
championship we have zekrom and rusher on dueling and
another photo so that's gonna be fifth generation and then we can see lumiose
city for the sixth generation so it could just be like all these Easter eggs
all over the place and Senate championship xx like the weird thing is
like y24 they Cove just add sin Oh championship
but 24 is like adding an extra layer to this riddle that we've seen with teases
of Pokemon like future Pokemon games as well but what about the bell tower
because that feels like you could also just kind of debunk mount Cornett as
well it's like okay we're just showing cool places like notable features of
other regions in Pokemon but the thing is the bell tower might also be a tease
to the next let's go Pikachu an Eevee game because going back to other
interviews we have this one chichi Masuda on Pokemon let's go difficulty
mechanics and the serious future this one is coming from Eurogamer and at the
end does it suggest you have one eye on another let's go style game set in
Giotto now this is the most recent example of junichi Masuda talking about
it but back in June there was also an interview I think it was Nintendo
everything that publisher maybe IGN or someone like there was just a lot of
information or like hey is this going to be like a new main series or this could
be like the main series of Pokemon and your niche Masuda said that it could
diverge that they'll just also have let's go Pikachu or like a let's go
series while they also have the other main series and then they'll just kind
of run side by side depending on how its received so junichi Masuda so you know
maybe if everyone enjoys playing these games and they laughs about it well
people are really enjoying playing these games and then it was specifically
saying a let's go style game in judo so pretty much instead of doing remakes
from here on out maybe instead just kind of turning in so let's go for a more fun
experience cuz like you already went through these regions already try hard
in it or you already had like your complete experience so now you get to
revisit it in a really fun way I guess also kind of pins on the success of
Pokemon go that if that keeps up then everything can kind of keep on pace so
maybe that's the thing about the bell tower like hey we could have a future
let's go game in Johto but also we could be working on the generation 4 remakes
because like it's at the point where remakes they're gonna be a thing I think
generation four it would fit so well they don't make a renounce a fire I feel
at the right time or like you know it's been a while since we've been to Hoenn
and it felt like it would be in place a 2020 generation for remake it again
feels like it would have a really nice place especially following up what
happens with generation eight 2019 I want to go back to the underground I
want to experience making my pokemons balls look pretty again
god I love that feature and also like just having all the unique things that
happen generation four be brought back on the switch all upgraded I think they
could go all-out which means there's also a lot of other opportunity now that
Omega enough staff are not oh maybe now that ultra subtle trimmin has introduced
new Pokemon mid generation maybe we can get some more evolutions to existing
Pokemon much like we saw with generation four and it's just pretty much what
everyone's been wanting and a lot of people they were wanting am a green off
sapphire it's not like Game Freak decided to go against it because that's
what the people wanted so it's coming and I think this picture might be
similar to what we saw with a maker novel sapphire in that something new is
coming now I checked out the game freak's offices in Pokemon let's go
Pikachu and Eevee and there seems to be some symbolism to the pictures as well
that there's a photo of a beach or a limb painting of a beach or something
and this could represent what we just had with Pokemon Sun and Moon in the
Aloha region so there's still significance to what's going on with
pictures inside these games and then there was this one it was like really
ornate and framed and was in the main headquarters for the Game Freak offices
but it just has a lot of colors so either that means like the new like the
generation 8 2019 game it might not be like a split version I'll just be like
Pokemon colors and try to be like this big coming together of everything that
we've had in Pokemon or this has a cryptic meaning that we won't understand
till the game is announced or maybe there's something that I haven't seen
you I was like Oh red blue yellow gold silver black white diamond pearl
generation confirm you know remakes nah I couldn't find anything but this seems
like a really special picture because that was a very nice frame around it so
that could also be hinting at what we have with the immediate game that's
coming up so there could be teases and let's go to the 2019 game now this is
also one of those things where we have to look back at the past because there's
been multiple teases for multiple games for the
future Pokemon X&Y came out in 2013 and T is a 2016 game that we had no
information about say we're already working on development for Pokemon Sun
and Moon and they were giving some kind of Hawaii vibes we have a totem we have
a tiki and that was back in X and wad it was a strange souvenir and the guy
that gives it to you he's even talking about it oh yeah our champion is really
something else you'll find out in due time so explicitly stating oh yeah we've
already got another Pokemon game getting cooked up and here's something that is
representative of that so still early stages potentially which is why maybe I
don't even know cuz like the 2019 game is well under development that was
announced at 2017 III so that that picture frame of colors might have a lot
of meaning and even then the guy kind of confirms not can dojo Toho and Cinna or
even you know though some people were like looking at the Tiki like oh hey
Hoenn was a more tropical laid-back ocean kind of region so maybe this has
something about Omega rehab sapphire remix no it was something completely
different years ahead so I think it's also possible for a picture like the
like Mount Cornett like we have with spear pillar to represent something
years away games away skipping main series games to go into something else
so that seems possible just from precedent and thing is we know that Game
Freak is always making another new Pokemon game so it's pretty cool to see
that they were like already into the next generation by time X&Y was fish
which is what they should be doing now even then Omega we now have sapphire so
the immediate game was teased in pokemon X&Y
so we have a strategy guide in addition to the 13 berries that can only be
cultivated through mutation another 14 berries do not here in X&Y but can be
obtained only by trading from other regions now there's only one way we
could get those other berries and that's gonna be through a mag ravine off
sapphire or the Hoenn region where these barriers were introduced so we have this
for the wot Melbury a berry to be used in cooking this berry is very rare and
hard to obtain in the universe which is weird that it's a Kalos description for
x and y but when we see a from a green op sapphire things start to fall in
place used to make polka blocks that will enhance your cleverness this
barriers rare another region so this kind of saying like yeah we know that
these berries they're more common in Hoenn and if there's a game coming up
that gives you access to this being one of the unaccessible berries it would
probably be omega ruby and alpha sapphire also I think it was really cool
that in those games they kind of tied it all together like hey you can still use
cool audio sir open welding Latios and some of these other phrases to get these
barriers and then cultivate them for yourself so just got shows that there's
a lot of things that there's really no limits as to what T's Game Freak might
be giving us and does it tie in with what we just saw with detective Pikachu
is it that this painting of Mount Cornett has that significance like we
saw with the Aloha region in Pokemon Omega Ruby and alpha sapphire or is it
just nonsense and we're just going crazy but that's why I'm really excited
because then we like we get the new games coming out and we see what happens
with the strange souvenir we see these other teases for the next game the next
region the next remake and it all falls into place which i think is pretty
awesome and I guess time will tell so you guys enjoy the video hope y'all have
a nice day thank you very much for watching
Alex will never leave John | Hamilton shitpost - Duration: 0:35.
I will never leave him!!
Who's John
JOHN is...
It's Him
The skeleton
If we'll go outside
with your john they'll take us away
To the mental hospital.
Why to the metal hopital.....
2018 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade Is Coldest On Record | TODAY - Duration: 2:01.
Married at First Sight Honeymoon Island - Tyler and Isabella Call It Quits (S1, E5) | Lifetime - Duration: 5:07.
Counting Cars: Danny Unveils Wendy's New Motorcycle (Season 8, Episode 15) | History - Duration: 4:52.
Moments Only Dog Lovers Understand - Duration: 2:36.
Chief Justice John Roberts Hit Back At President Donald Trump In Rare Rebuke | TODAY - Duration: 3:00.
Awesome pics to finish your work week V11 - Duration: 13:10.
Awesome pics to finish your work week V11
We Met An African Fashion Designer From Ghana - Duration: 2:29.
SATICA - Agave Nights - Duration: 3:09.
I know you drown in agave nights Feels like all we ever do is fuck and we fight
Sometimes I wonder if she ever tasted me on your lips
And if she did would she still love you just like this?
But don't you call me fucking drunk, Begging me that you still want me and my love
Cause fuck all that bullshit you're saying, you're saying
I'd rather be the one who got away cause it's safe babe
It's a safe place
Only you can afford to lose my love.
You fucked up.
I know you drown in agave nights Feels like all we ever do is fuck and we fight
Sometimes I wonder if she ever tasted me on your lips
And if she did would she still love you just like this?
Do me a favor and pour one pour for me Everytime you're thinking of me
Do me a favor and pour one, pour one, pour one, pour one
Take the time to sip one for me Everytime you're feeling lonely
Do me a favor and pour one, pour one Pour one on these agave nights
These agave nights
But don't you call me fucking drunk, Begging me that you still want me and my love
Cause fuck all that bullshit, Don't you call me fucking drunk
Begging me that you still want me and my love Cause fuck all that bullshit,
Don't you call me fucking drunk Begging me that you still want me and my love
Cause fuck all that bullshit, Don't you call me fucking drunk
Begging me that you still want me and my love Cause fuck all that bullshit
fuck all that bullshit
RAMBO: First Blood II (1985) Cast: Then and Now ★ 2018 - Duration: 2:16.
RAMBO: First Blood II (1985) Cast: Then and Now ★ 2018
The Detroit Lions: Supporting the Community | F-150 | Ford - Duration: 1:36.
Detroit Central is a high school located on the west side of Detroit.
Our football team is a family.
Nobody take a break over here.
We spend a lot of time together.
We've got good coaches.
>> I can see your eyes, good job.
>> And great kids.
The rest, just a little short.
>> Detroit Central High School is in a tough neighborhood and
these kids go through quite a bit.
The press box was a mess.
The bleachers were broken.
The scoreboard didn't work.
>> So when we heard what Life Remodeling and Ford were doing for
Central High School, we wanted to get involved as well.
>> Thanksgiving is the perfect holiday to do something like this because it's all
about giving.
>> Hey. >> What up, bud?
>> Hey. [MUSIC]
Good thing about renovating everything, people get to see that, hey,
somebody's caring.
Now they might want to look at it and say, hey, let's take care, hey, don't do that.
>> Hey, we heard you guys got some new stuff around here, but we got a couple
more gifts for you guys in the back of the trailer if you want to come check it out.
Back in the day you got a new jersey.
I was wearing that thing 24/7.
>> It makes a lot of us feel better about saying yeah, we go to Central.
We were proud to say that we're part of the team.
>> It's great that our team, as a football family, can give back to another one.
>> There's nothing much better than being a Detroit Lion on Thanksgiving.
All right, y'all go to work now.
>> Back to practice.
Muere el último sobreviviente del ataque a Pearl Harbor | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 0:41.
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Ambition Urban . - Duration: 1:15.
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat Style | Ambition | Parkpilot | Bleutooth | LED - Duration: 1:05.
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 160 BNS CLASS, AUTOMAAT! - Duration: 1:12.
Deep Earth Energy Production Well 1, Torquay, Saskatchewan - Duration: 9:04.
Deep Earth Energy Production
Developing geothermal resources to meet increasing energy needs
with sustainable, clean and renewable energy.
DEEP is developing Saskatchewan's geothermal resources for power generation.
Using its geological expertise and first-mover advantage,
DEEP will harness high quality geothermal resources with
existing technology to establish a long term renewable baseload power supply.
DEEP's long term goal is to develop hundreds of megawatts
of baseload power facilities from small repeatable
5 megawatt power plants.
Each 5 megawatt facility would power approximately 5,000 households.
DEEP has secured a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) contract with SaskPower.
This is the first PPA in Canada issued for a geothermal power facility.
Drilling on the first well spudded on Nov. 14, 2018,
south of Torquay, Saskatchewan.
That well is intended to be the deepest well in Saskatchewan
at 3,500 metres true vertical depth.
At that depth, it is expected to draw water 120 C in temperature.
The plan is to drill three additional production wells
and two additional injection wells.
They will draw hot water from the producing wells
and run it through a surface power facility
using the Organic Rankine Cycle.
The water will then be re-injected into the ground, at a shallower depth.
The Organic Rankine Cycle is a proven technology,
and has been used at four different sites in Saskatchewan
to produce power for the last ten years
DEEP's long term strategy is to build
multiple geothermal power facilities
to grow production over 100 megawatts.
SaskPower's demand for power
is only growing.
Saskatchewan has seen a 16 per cent
increase in demand over the last five years.
Analysis of thousands of public well records in
southern Saskatchewan reveal the presence of
a vast, "pancake-like" hot sedimentary aquifer
at 3,500 metres depth in the Williston Sedimentary Basin.
Heat is the resource.
Water is the medium to move the resource.
That heat comes from the centre of the earth.
Geothermal power is extracted and used
without using any additional fuel usage.
It is considered a fully renewable,
clean energy resource.
It produces little to no emissions.
It is always available, rain or shine
wind or calm.
It runs 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
SaskPower's goal is to reduce emissions
from 2005 levels by 40 per cent by 2030.
This will involve doubling the percentage
of renewable energy from 25 per cent
of overall capacity to as much as 50 per cent.
Along with increasing renewable power generation,
SaskPower must also respond to the province's growing demand for electricity
by increasing its overall generation capacity.
For more information visit
Audi A3 - Duration: 0:58.
Audi Q2 - Duration: 1:05.
Audi A1 - Duration: 1:05.
My Top Toys for Christmas 1018 | LOL + Hairdorables + Barbie + Paw Patrol + Hatchimals and more - Duration: 11:05.
Hey guys, welcome back to my channel.
Today we're back at Smyths Toys Superstores
and today we are going to be showing the top 10 toys for Christmas
Our number 10 is Fingerling Hugs
He's adorable and he's really fluffy
If you like hugs then, buy one of these
Fingerling Hugs
Number 9 is the Indoraptor
you can move his head, his hands and
You can make him roar
His eyes turn on
You see his hands always move
We got the other one haven't we? Ye
We got that one but this one is even cooler!
This is our number 8 and it's Pomsies
Does it make noise?
I don't know how to make him
Pull it there. Cute tail thou
Guys if you like Barbies this is the place you should get them
It costs
and this is
number 7
Barbie Care Clinic Vehicle
I really do want it
Maybe we need to ask nanny
for Christmas
It comes with loads of accessories
If you like Barbie
Number 6 is
Twisty Pets
Twisty Pets, what do you think about that?
They are adorable, there's babies
What's this, is this like a ring or something?
Ah no, that goes in there, ah ok
So number 5 is
Ultimate Fire Truck ultimate Rescue
It holds up
all 6 pups
and my little sister really does like
Paw Patrol
and that's our number 5
Our number 4 is, Hairdorables
They are adorable
Number 3 is...
Harry Potter Hogwarts Great Hall
Do you like Harry Potter? Mom loves Harry Potter
me too, but I never watch it
me too but we never watch it... you watched that already
yes but, I haven't watched it for a while
we got, look at them
all the characters
mom would love that
I want to play with her
Do you think mom would love this?
Ye, but you better ask her
That is amazing, it's a bit expenssive
So if you don't know
That's 2
So this can go with the castle there
it's a bit expenssive but it's amazing
How expenssive is it?
That is 80, 80 pounds but that's our number 3
If you got spare cash, you definitely need to get this
number 2 is, Hatchibabies!
We already got one so go watch that video
Are you ready to see number 1?
They are amazing!
I hope you loved our video, if you enjoyed it
tell us in the comments down below what toy did you like out of our list?
comment down below! Don't forget to subscribe, hit that bell icon
and I';; see you in my next video
Bye Snowflakes!!
14岁主演电视剧,靳东给他当配角,如今他28岁却没什么知名度了 - Duration: 1:23.
Ukrainian fails | Funny compilation from Ukraine | Українські обломи - Duration: 17:12.
Mercedes-Benz C 180 - Duration: 1:12.
VW Polo - Duration: 1:11.
Volkswagen Golf Business Edition 1.2 TSI 110PK 5D - Duration: 1:09.
Skoda Karoq - Duration: 1:12.
Volkswagen Golf 1.0 TSI 110pk COMFORTLINE EXECUTIVE NAVI - Duration: 0:59.
Skoda Rapid - Duration: 0:48.
Ford EcoSport - Duration: 1:05.
Volkswagen Polo First Edition | 1.0 TSI | 75PK | Cruise Control - Duration: 0:53.
Seat Arona - Duration: 0:43.
Skoda Fabia - Duration: 0:42.
SATICA - Agave Nights - Duration: 3:09.
I know you drown in agave nights Feels like all we ever do is fuck and we fight
Sometimes I wonder if she ever tasted me on your lips
And if she did would she still love you just like this?
But don't you call me fucking drunk, Begging me that you still want me and my love
Cause fuck all that bullshit you're saying, you're saying
I'd rather be the one who got away cause it's safe babe
It's a safe place
Only you can afford to lose my love.
You fucked up.
I know you drown in agave nights Feels like all we ever do is fuck and we fight
Sometimes I wonder if she ever tasted me on your lips
And if she did would she still love you just like this?
Do me a favor and pour one pour for me Everytime you're thinking of me
Do me a favor and pour one, pour one, pour one, pour one
Take the time to sip one for me Everytime you're feeling lonely
Do me a favor and pour one, pour one Pour one on these agave nights
These agave nights
But don't you call me fucking drunk, Begging me that you still want me and my love
Cause fuck all that bullshit, Don't you call me fucking drunk
Begging me that you still want me and my love Cause fuck all that bullshit,
Don't you call me fucking drunk Begging me that you still want me and my love
Cause fuck all that bullshit, Don't you call me fucking drunk
Begging me that you still want me and my love Cause fuck all that bullshit
fuck all that bullshit
For more infomation >> SATICA - Agave Nights - Duration: 3:09.-------------------------------------------
Hábitos saudáveis na orla de POA - Duration: 0:45.
For more infomation >> Hábitos saudáveis na orla de POA - Duration: 0:45.-------------------------------------------
Une pub contre l'huile de palme interdite au Royaume-Uni ? - Désintox - ARTE - Duration: 1:53.
For more infomation >> Une pub contre l'huile de palme interdite au Royaume-Uni ? - Désintox - ARTE - Duration: 1:53.-------------------------------------------
Momies de Nazca - Interview de Robert Salas - Duration: 31:56.
For more infomation >> Momies de Nazca - Interview de Robert Salas - Duration: 31:56.-------------------------------------------
Miss France 2019 : Un homme indigné s'en prend aux reines de beauté - Duration: 5:34.
For more infomation >> Miss France 2019 : Un homme indigné s'en prend aux reines de beauté - Duration: 5:34.-------------------------------------------
Laeticia tient la promesse faite à Johnny, elle retrouve ses « bébés abandonnés » au Vietnam - Duration: 2:01.
For more infomation >> Laeticia tient la promesse faite à Johnny, elle retrouve ses « bébés abandonnés » au Vietnam - Duration: 2:01.-------------------------------------------
New Charlotte Casiraghi « surprise », son fiancé Dimitri confirme «un bébé » avec Letitia Wright - Duration: 2:35.
For more infomation >> New Charlotte Casiraghi « surprise », son fiancé Dimitri confirme «un bébé » avec Letitia Wright - Duration: 2:35.-------------------------------------------
usa today : Jack & Jack's Crush Performance At Macy's Thanksgiving Parade: Sing Their Hit 'Rise' - Duration: 3:27.
The pop duo of Jack and Jack are getting their biggest audience ever with a performance during the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
Watch 'Rise' here. This might be the first time a lot of Americans have got a taste of Jack and Jack, and the pop duo couldn't have picked a better place to showcase their talent than the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade on Nov
22. Jack Johnson, 22, and Jack Gilinsky, 22, performed aboard the Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles float with their song "Rise"…which seems totally appropriate for their float's theme
The guys were dressed for the 20 degree temps in chic orange and red down jackets and hats for the coldest Macy's parade in years
The guys told us EXCLUSIVELY about their breakup anthem "No One Compares To You" in an Oct
5 interview, "It's a very upbeat track. It's the kind of song that will make you want to dance
But, it's also almost a sad song in a sense. It's really about trying to fill a void from a past lover," they added
Their collaboration "Rise" with multiplatinum-artist and producer Jonas Blue was a massive hit
It surpassed over a half-billion streams and they told us about what a thrill it was to be a part of the tune
"There was 80,000 people when we performed with him at Wembley Stadium. It was just amazing to know you have a song that so many people know, and love in another country," they said about their international performances with the hit-maker
"Jonas did us a favor. He could have put anyone on that song." The duo started out together on the social media platform Vine in their native Omaha, Nebraska before turning to a music career
They had their first hit in 2014 with the single "Wild Life" breaking into the Billboard Hot 100, peaking at number 87
The guys have since used other social media platforms such as YouTube to gain success, as their channel has over 1
8 million subscribers. After their performance at the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade today, they're going to get a ton of new followers
Catch Jack & Jack on the TMNT float during the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade today! pic
twitter.com/WxrkZVj8uB — Jack and Jack NL 🇳🇱 (@jackandjackNL) November 22, 2018 Jack and Jack art part of an all-star lineup for the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade that includes John Legend, Diana Ross, Rita Ora, Martina McBride, Pentatonix, and Sugarland
The three hour long parade culminates in front of Macy's Herald Square where the team from the Today Show will be broadcasting live on NBC beginning at 9am EST
For more infomation >> usa today : Jack & Jack's Crush Performance At Macy's Thanksgiving Parade: Sing Their Hit 'Rise' - Duration: 3:27.-------------------------------------------
New Jean Dujardin et Nathalie Péchalat, « un bébé pour 2019 » ? - Duration: 1:52.
For more infomation >> New Jean Dujardin et Nathalie Péchalat, « un bébé pour 2019 » ? - Duration: 1:52.-------------------------------------------
Treestand Hunting Tip for Deer Hunters
Alex will never leave John | Hamilton shitpost - Duration: 0:35.
I will never leave him!!
Who's John
JOHN is...
It's Him
The skeleton
If we'll go outside
with your john they'll take us away
To the mental hospital.
Why to the metal hopital.....
Comment faire des Fiches de Revision QUI MARCHENT - Duration: 6:32.
Happy Thanksgiving! - Duration: 2:36.
Big Crazy John Here with Big Crazy Outdoor Adventures getting ready to go for a run here
got my bundled up wife Amie.
So I just wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving hope everyone has a good one.
We are getting ready to go run here to create a little deficit before we pig out, or at
least I'm going to pig out today.
So have a good one.
Wooo man that was a workout 2.6 miles about 600 calories burned 11 average pace 11 minutes
11 seconds and a yeah that was a workout.
I have not been working out during the week as much work has been kind of intense we had
a release here recently and there was a lot of work involved with that.
Lot of late nights.
I just want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and wanted to share that we are out here running.
Amie is out here with me no Abbey today, but for these more intense longer runs.
She kind of gets in the way.
She does it she could do it.
I just wanted to share be thankful today.
I want to hear in the comments what you guys are thankful for.
If you want to share.
I'm sharing I'm thankful for my family, thankful for YouTube, thankful for all your subscribers,
and folks that comment.
I really appreciate that.
All the thumbs up.
It's appreciated.
I'm going to get ready to go to hang out with sister and family and my dad and extended
Have some thanksgiving and go off the keto today.
Lost today is officially lost 25 pounds on keto.
It's been a journey but it's working.
It's working for both Amie and I.
So again have a Happy Thanksgiving.
Two things the only thing that is stopping you is you, and get outside and have
some fun.
Thanks for watching.
Aldi Gingerbread Liqueur Review & Tonic Matching - #BoozeFlash Ep6 - Duration: 3:09.
Audi A1 - Duration: 1:05.
Rudner Law Video Update: Workplace Investigations & Suspensions - Duration: 6:38.
Hi, Stuart Rudner here with another Employment Law Video Update.
So today I want to talk about investigations.
We are dealing with investigations more and more often in the context of employment or
HR law, and the reality is, as we often tell our employer clients, you cannot impose discipline,
especially dismissal, until you investigate.
You can't act based upon allegations, or innuendo, you need to know the facts.
So what I'm often asked is, "Okay, we're going to investigate, what do we do with the accused
in the meantime?
Can we suspend them?"
And the answer is, if you want to suspend them for disciplinary reasons, it's a horrible
The very nature of the investigation is that you're attempting to determine whether they
did anything wrong, and if so, what the consequences should be.
So you can't penalize them while you're investigating - remember, innocent until proven guilty.
The next question, though is, "Can we suspend them on an administrative basis, or an investigative
basis, while we determine whether they did anything wrong?"
And that's particularly relevant if you have someone accused of, for example, harassment.
If they're accused of harassing a colleague, you need to separate those two individuals.
One way to do that of course, is to send one home.
So, can you suspend the accused while you conduct the investigation, and in that context,
the reality is yes, in most cases you can.
It's not disciplinary, it's administrative.
So it's critical to understand that difference.
Then the next question, of course is "Is it with or without pay?"
In most cases, it will be with pay.
Again, you're not imposing discipline yet - you don't know whether any discipline is
warranted, so the individual should not be penalized.
However, there are some circumstances where it will be appropriate to suspend the individual
without pay.
Why are we even discussing this?
Because if you mess up, if you suspend someone when you shouldn't, or suspend them without
pay when you shouldn't, you'll be facing a constructive dismissal claim.
Constructive dismissal is a substantial change to a fundamental term of the employment agreement,
and the most fundamental term of that agreement is that the individual will work, and the
employer will pay them.
If you refuse to allow them to work, and/or refuse to pay them, you are changing a fundamental
term of the agreement.
That's a constructive dismissal.
Unless you can show that it was justified.
So in the context of investigations, you will have to show that a) you were acting reasonably,
and b) that whatever decision you made was justified.
One recent case that addressed the issue of suspensions during investigations, is Filice
v. Complex Services Inc.
This involved a security shift supervisor at a casino.
In that case, the Alcohol and Gaming Commission Enforcement Unit found discrepancies regarding
lost and found logs, involving that employee's entries.
So, the employer conducted an audit, or an investigation, that included the OPP staff
officers getting involved and interviewing the accused and ultimately what they did was
they put the individual on an investigative suspension, while they conducted the investigation,
which took about 17 months, so this was a long period of time.
And in that case, the suspension was without pay.
Now, part of the way that the employer justified that was a policy, and I'm going to read that
The policy said: investigative suspension may be used as part of the coaching and counseling
process to verify allegations of misconduct; during an investigation, the associate may
be prohibited from working; if a decision is made to separate the associate's employment,
he or she may not be reimbursed for time spent on investigative suspension.
The employer believed this gave him the automatic right to impose an investigative suspension
without pay.
Unfortunately, for them, the employee sued for constructive dismissal - he was successful
at the trial level, and the employer appealed.
They were partially successful on appeal.
The Court of Appeal agreed, though, that contrary to what the employer thought, they didn't
have the automatic right to suspend without pay.
The wording of that policy did not go as far as they thought it did and really what it
meant was, they would have to justify a decision to suspend without pay during the course of
the investigation.
The court also confirmed that normally, when there's an allegation of constructive dismissal,
the onus is on the employee to prove that there was a constructive dismissal.
However, in the context of a suspension without pay, it will fall upon the employer to prove
that they had good reason and it was justifiable to impose a suspension, otherwise it's a constructive
In this case the court said two things.
One, as I mentioned a moment ago, the policy did not give the employer the automatic right
to suspend without pay.
They had to prove that it was justified.
And, unfortunately for the employer in this case, it was not justified.
What the court found was that later on, as the investigation evolved, as more information
was available, it may well have been reasonable to suspend the individual without pay, however
at the time when the decision was made, at the time when the suspension was imposed,
the employer did not have enough information to say that it was justifiable to suspend
them without pay, therefore - constructive dismissal.
In that case, at trial, the trial judges had awarded the employee the full 17 months, that
they were suspended without pay, in damages.
The Court of Appeal said no, if it's a constructive dismissal that means that the law of dismissal
applies, which means you need to assess what the severance period, or the notice period
is, and in that case it was reduced to 7 months.
So the employer's obligation or liability was reduced substantially, but the bottom
line here is that by suspending without pay, during an investigation, they were found to
be liable.
Key takeaway for employers, first of all if you suspect misconduct you need to investigate.
But, once you agree to do that, you need to do so properly.
If you're going to suspend the individual, you should, in almost all cases, do so with
pay, unless you've got a very strong argument to show that it's appropriate to suspend without
If you're an individual and you've been suspended, or dismissed, don't just accept the employer's
word that they had the right to do so.
You need to understand your rights.
For both sides, and we say this to clients, and people we meet all the time, employers,
employees, need to understand their rights and their obligations in the workplace and
that's our job, is to educate them and make sure that they are getting what they're entitled
to, and not exposing themselves to liability.
As I always say during my online Q&A show Fire Away - if you think you might need an
employment lawyer, you probably do, so feel free to reach out to us, we would be happy
to help you.
Thanks. That's all for today.
Disneyland Paris! The Adventure Begins | Part I (Walt Disney Studios and Tower of Terror) - Duration: 5:04.
so I decided to take Nancy to Disneyland because it's her birthday weekend
we're not even there yet were literally just in the Eurostar train station and
she already thinks she's an optimist will I survive the next four days of
the Euro Stargate 2-1 in Paris she wasn't joking there is not to persuade
we're not even there yet were literally just in the Eurostar train station and
she already thinks she's an optimist
there we go
all right so we've done a little bit of planning we're going to the studios
first we've got Buffalo Bills big wild west show tonight our year the first
foray into the park we are doing that Walt Disney Studios were only popping in
here to go to the Buffalo Bills show so we're not there a full day in
here we'll do that later but right now let's get on in so we come straight in
first thing what do you think which one do you like
okay I mean there's just so much stuff here these are just absolutely
ridiculous there's no way in hell I'm gonna be wearing one of these
this is this is not what I signed up for a little foray into the shop we're now
finally made it into the actual one that this needs Studios bit let's have a
little explore what might get a little bit of
it's like we're in Hollywood
so do you know what right week you enough for
okay I won't tell you do you like right it's really scary and they drop you down
apparently she doesn't know what's happening
you are the passengers on a most uncommon elevator your destination
unknown wave goodbye to the real world
just entered much moonlight sir
one storming night long ago five people stepped through the door of an elevator
and into a nightmare that Joris opening once again
this time it's so funny freezer
laughter back that's pretty terrifying actually I was
expecting maybe it's like a drop but it was like bouncing up and down
Diana Ross Enthusiastically Lip Syncs Without A Microphone At Macy's Parade & Fans Applaud Her For I - Duration: 3:25.
Diana Ross is such an icon that she totally lip synched without a microphone at the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade and fans are loving her all the more for it
We've got their reactions. Goddess!! Diana Ross was the highlighted performer at the 2018 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, getting to sing just before Santa arrived at the end of the extravaganza
Unlike all of the other performers, she didn't even bother to use a microphone, openly lip synching to "Simply Having A Wonderful Christmas Time
" Many of the other stars also lip synched, with Rita Ora getting openly slammed on Twitter for how poorly she messed up "Let You Love Me" with folks on Twitter calling it "tragic
" But for Diana, she was worshipped like the queen she is for her openly mouthing along to her song
"Goals: Diana Ross being too damn famous to lip sync in the Macy's Parade," one fan tweeted in praise while another wrote "Diana Ross knowing she's too good to lip sync is pretty great," about the 74-year-old diva
Diana "performed" with a giant smile on her face and exaggerated gestures so even if she didn't sing, it was still amazing
" Ms. Ross got major props for not even trying to pretend that she was singing live
"I'm glad that Diana Ross didn't use a mic. In reality, you don't need it at these type of parades
Esp, if you're making the artist lip sync," one person tweeted while another added, "Props Diana Ross for not even pretending to use a mic for her lip sync
" She did totally keep it real by using her hands for wonderful gestures instead of holding a microphone The incomparable Diana Ross doesn't need your silly microphone to lip sync
#macysthanksgivingdayparade pic.twitter.com/IvfxlrmWdQ — Lance Ulanoff (@LanceUlanoff) November 22, 2018 Diana Ross is on a whole new lip sync level…not even bothering with a mic #MacysParade pic
twitter.com/Rm4YYCmeUI — Katie Skelly (@kskellinator) November 22, 2018 One of the only performers to sing live was Kelly Clarkson, who sang her hit "Heat" from Herald Square
Everyone else performed on floats and John Legend clarified that because they were on moving vehicles, they weren't afforded the same option
"Fun fact. We all have to lip sync on this parade because the floats don't have the capacity to handle the sound requirements for a live performance
Hope y'all enjoyed it anyway. Know that if you come to my shows, the vocals are 100% live!" he tweeted
Rita, who took TONS of heat for how much her lips didn't match her lyrics responded, "Fun fact @johnlegend thank you for clarifying what I was about to also tweet
It's annoying for us but anyway! All my shows are 100 percent live always have been! When you come to a ORA show get ready! Back to holidays! Have a good one guys! :) X"
John Legend Defends Rita Ora as She's Slammed for Lip Syncing in Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade - 24 - Duration: 3:33.
John Legend is sticking up for a fellow musician. On Thursday, some Twitter users called out Rita Ora, 27, for lip syncing during her performance at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade — and the "All of Me" singer, 39, wants everyone to understand that Ora had no choice in the matter
Get push notifications with news, features and more. Follow Following You'll get the latest updates on this topic in your browser notifications
"Fun fact. We all have to lip sync on this parade because the floats don't have the capacity to handle the sound requirements for a live performance," Legend tweeted in response to a fan pointing out that he also lip synced
"Hope y'all enjoyed it anyway," he added. "Know that if you come to my shows, the vocals are 100% live!" The "Anywhere" artist followed up, "Fun fact @johnlegend thank you for clarifying what I was about to also tweet
It's annoying for us but anyway!" "All my shows are 100 percent live always have been!" she continued
"When you come to a ORA show get ready! Back to holidays! Have a good one guys!" Singer Simona Milinyte also sided with Ora
"We all know that Rita Ora can sing! Don't be so quick to judge!" she tweeted
"Idk, but it's possible that tv streaming was late or she was getting different playback or that the sound she was hearing in her headphone was different from what we heard
" "Exactly!! You got that right!" Ora responded. "You know this girl doesn't lip sync it's not my world! Now let me go find some turkey!!" A curious fan asked Legend, "do you actually sing while you lip sync or do you just move your mouth?" "I sang exactly as I would've if you could hear me," Legend answered
"I figure that's the only way to believably do it. But I'm not an expert in these matters
" "If people didn't know you all lip synced by now oh well," another fan said to Legend
"I lost all faith when I learned there was lip syncing on Soul Train in 1997." "True, but… I actually convinced Soul Train to let me sing live when I was on there back in the Get Lifted days," Legend said
Legend, Ora and the other Macy's Day performers also braved freezing temperatures: In some parts of the Northeast, Thursday marked the coldest Thanksgiving in decades, according to ABC
Diana Ross Enthusiastically Lip Syncs Without A Microphone At Macy's Parade & Fans Applaud Her For I - Duration: 4:22.
Diana Ross is such an icon that she totally lip synched without a microphone at the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade and fans are loving her all the more for it
We've got their reactions. Goddess!! Diana Ross was the highlighted performer at the 2018 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, getting to sing just before Santa arrived at the end of the extravaganza
Unlike all of the other performers, she didn't even bother to use a microphone, openly lip synching to "Simply Having A Wonderful Christmas Time
" Many of the other stars also lip synched, with Rita Ora getting openly slammed on Twitter for how poorly she messed up "Let You Love Me" with folks on Twitter calling it "tragic
" But for Diana, she was worshipped like the queen she is for her openly mouthing along to her song
"Goals: Diana Ross being too damn famous to lip sync in the Macy's Parade," one fan tweeted in praise while another wrote "Diana Ross knowing she's too good to lip sync is pretty great," about the 74-year-old diva
Diana "performed" with a giant smile on her face and exaggerated gestures so even if she didn't sing, it was still amazing
" Ms. Ross got major props for not even trying to pretend that she was singing live
"I'm glad that Diana Ross didn't use a mic. In reality, you don't need it at these type of parades
Esp, if you're making the artist lip sync," one person tweeted while another added, "Props Diana Ross for not even pretending to use a mic for her lip sync
" She did totally keep it real by using her hands for wonderful gestures instead of holding a microphone The incomparable Diana Ross doesn't need your silly microphone to lip sync
#macysthanksgivingdayparade pic.twitter.com/IvfxlrmWdQ — Lance Ulanoff (@LanceUlanoff) November 22, 2018 Diana Ross is on a whole new lip sync level…not even bothering with a mic #MacysParade pic
twitter.com/Rm4YYCmeUI — Katie Skelly (@kskellinator) November 22, 2018 One of the only performers to sing live was Kelly Clarkson, who sang her hit "Heat" from Herald Square
Everyone else performed on floats and John Legend clarified that because they were on moving vehicles, they weren't afforded the same option
"Fun fact. We all have to lip sync on this parade because the floats don't have the capacity to handle the sound requirements for a live performance
Hope y'all enjoyed it anyway. Know that if you come to my shows, the vocals are 100% live!" he tweeted
Rita, who took TONS of heat for how much her lips didn't match her lyrics responded, "Fun fact @johnlegend thank you for clarifying what I was about to also tweet
It's annoying for us but anyway! All my shows are 100 percent live always have been! When you come to a ORA show get ready! Back to holidays! Have a good one guys! :) X"
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