- [Steph] Kay, so let's start with this miraculous hair.
- [Adam] Butt head.
- Hi art friends! - Hello, art friends.
- Today we're gonna be doing new
verses old art.
- I'm so nervous.
- So we've dug out some of out old sketch books
so that we can redraw them with our
styles and how we draw things now.
- That's not so bad.
I'm really nervous about people seein' this.
This is like, before. - This is
unseen artwork from Adam.
- Buckle up, it's gonna be fun.
- So take a look see
at what we have here. - No! (laughs)
No! (laughs)
- So some of you who have been on our
channel for awhile, might have already seen this folder.
- [Adam] Oh yeah, I remember this one.
- This one is mine and it's from when
I was probably like, five to 10 ish.
- [Adam] It was way back.
Way way back.
- [Steph] But yeah, there are some mega,
mega, mega old drawings in here.
And there's one in particular that I am
so excited to draw.
- [Adam] Oh, okay.
- I'll have to have a dig through,
cause as you can see there's a tonne
of drawings in here.
But there was one that pretty much all
of you mentioned in the comments and
you kept linking it to me on Twitter and stuff.
(Adam laughs)
I've already decided which one I'm
gonna redraw. - I think I know
which one it is, too! (laughs)
Probably doin' the
little dance. - There she is!
There she is!
(slow instrumental)
- [Adam] Don't mind me.
- [Steph] So this is what I'm going
to be redrawing today.
I have no idea how I'm
gonna do that. - I never noticed the foot
mark, it's like she's thrusting.
Ya know, with your hands behind
your back like. (grunts)
- [Steph] Okay, well since we're laughing at mine.
- [Adam] No, we weren't
laughing - Let's have a laugh at
Adam's artwork. - We were laughing with you.
Please, no!
- So this is from roughly around when
Adam first started to draw.
- [Adam] This is roughly when Steph
and I actually moved in together.
- Yeah.
- [Adam] Oh no.
- Oh look, you were writing my name.
- [Adam] What the heck is that thing?
That looks like I did that when I was five!
Oh no! - Oh, guinea pigs!
- [Adam] Oh okay.
Oh my word, look at him in the bottom right!
(crowd screaming)
He has seen some things.
- [Steph] And that was a drawing he did of me.
- [Adam] Yeah, this was on a date.
We actually went to a theme park,
well it's like a theme park slash zoo,
and we went and drawn some animals, and that
was a picture of Steph.
- [Steph] And I remember that, cause I had a drink with me.
- [Adam] Oh, and these were the people that were walkin'
around in the theme park. - Yeah, we were tryin' to like,
life draw people that were walkin' past.
That one's interesting.
Did they walk past?
- [Adam] Yeah, there was a duck
child in the theme park.
- [Steph] Wow, look at how different you were drawin'.
Is that a mermaid chasin' butterflies?
- [Adam] If that'll,
maybe she's beached and they're flies.
She's like, have mercy!
- [Steph] Ah, here's some more.
- [Adam] Oh these were at the theme park e
zoo as well, I remember them.
- [Steph] And there's these.
Aw, that birds really cute.
- [Adam] Feed me!
- [Steph] Is that a reindeer?
- [Adam] Oh it might've been a giraffe.
- [Steph] Wow, that's so different to how you draw.
- [Adam] It's very, I don't know, cartoony.
I can't even remember (laughs) what
I was tryin' to do.
Oh dear me.
It's gonna be okay
- [Steph] It's so cool finally bein' able
to show some of your older drawings.
- [Adam] Yeah, cause guys honestly, when Steph
shown her original one, this one down here,
I did wanna show some of mine and I
didn't think I actually had any.
- [Steph] We were life drawin' trees.
- [Adam] And leaves and things.
- [Steph] Oh that's a drawing of me!
- [Adam] That's you!
- [Steph] I have never worn a dress like that in
my entire life. - That was,
I was fantasising that day.
- [Steph] Woah, these are just so different.
[Adam] They are very, very different eyes.
- And, for context like, obviously the one from
me these were probably drawn in the 1990's.
Where as Adam's, in this one, these were actually
only drawn in like, - 2014?
- Yeah, 2014.
- [Adam] Around there, yeah.
- [Steph] It's ridiculous how much you've improved since
you were drawing these - Oh, well I'm glad that
you think I have.
- [Steph] You've blocked out the eye there cause you didn't
like where it was going. - Yeah!
You remember when we did a video talking about that?
If you mess up the eye, just cover it with hair.
- [Steph] And prior, you weren't
leavin' space for like, foreheads.
- [Adam] Yeah.
In my early drawing years, foreheads weren't a thing.
- [Steph] Yeah, the hair's actually
growin' from the eyebrow.
- [Adam] Maybe it is just an eyebrow
that just took over her entire head.
- [Steph] Oh, I still really like these!
- [Adam] That was on another date where we went somewhere.
We went to a restaurant and drawn together.
- [Steph] The cups are so teeny compared to her.
Screen tone.
Aw. (laughs)
- [Adam] I don't even have words.
Why is she sayin' thank you?
- [Steph] This is you usin' the Pentel ink brush.
- [Adam] I know right, ew.
- [Steph] There's more drawings.
- [Adam] Guinea pigs! - More guinea pigs.
Is that you?
- [Adam] I don't know.
That's kinda the face that I'm
makin' right now lookin' at this.
- [Steph] More guinea pigs.
And then you've got a list of things we
needed for when we were movin' in together.
- [Adam] Because before this was a sketch book
it was actually a book that I used to
put things that we needed for our house,
well I say house, where we live together.
(Steph laughs)
So you need to pick which one of these
that you want to redraw for this video.
- [Adam] Oh, well that's nice.
At least I get to choose.
- What're you gonna pick?
- [Adam] I might go with either the stinky
fly mermaid, because it's a mermaid.
Or one of the people watching ones.
I don't know.
- Yeah, it'll be fun to see the improvement.
Oh, I see you've started.
- Yeah.
- [Steph] Which drawing did you end up settlin' on?
- I am going to try and recreated, albeit better
I hope, the mermaid one.
This one. The one with the flies.
- [Steph] Aw, it's very fittin' with mermaids.
- It was a close call between that and duck boy.
I think duck boy's another video for another day.
- [Steph] Let's have a peek then,
at what you've got so far.
Oh wow, that's already a million times better.
- Guys, after putting you through this,
I was like, I gotta do it!
Better try! - Well it has to have
some resemblences.
- [Adam] Oh yeah, they will!
I would say short to mid length hair,
flies, some kind of expression
interacting with them, as well.
- [Steph] Okay.
- It's the subtleties
that I'm gonna work on. - So, I'm kinda stricken with
the paws of this one.
(Adam grunts)
Which is kinda funny cause if you look,
I've purposely done this to hide the
hands behind her massive hair, and that's why
I gave her biggish hair.
- [Adam] Doin' those art hacks even when you were five.
- [Steph] Cause no one's got time for hands, right?
So this is the gist of the paws I've got so far.
- [Adam] I think it's fair to say that
your anatomy's improved over the years.
- [Steph] Ya think? - Yeah
- [Steph] I hope it looks a bit better than my old one.
(slow instrumental)
- [Adam] Will you include, like, the motion lines?
I think the motion lines is what really makes it.
It's like, kick those legs! (grunt)
- [Steph] Oh that outfit - What was her name?
Did you give her a name?
- [Steph] No!
- [Adam] Who is she?
- [Steph] Ironically, it looks like
a drawing of my nana.
- Ah, maybe your nana did dance like
that back in the day.
Who knows.
- [Steph] Party nana.
- Yeah, that's the name, party nana, yeah!
Party nana, swing those hips.
I would, but I might throw it out again.
Also, is party nana a fan of winged eyeliner?
- [Steph] She has pretty heavy make up on.
More so in the eyelash department.
- [Adam] I, too, would have described that as pretty heavy.
She's got like, those rainbow bracelets on.
Those were pretty popular when we were kids.
- [Steph] Were they?
- [Adam] Yeah, don't you remember them?
Or was it just my friend group?
- [Steph] Oh, you mean the rubber bands or whatever?
- [Adam] Yeah.
- [Steph] Those were way before this time.
Oh, there were those plastic bands as well.
- [Adam] Like the jelly ones?
- I can't remember what those were actually,
what they were actually called.
But yeah there used to be like, these
really thin plastic coloured ones.
- [Adam] Guys, if you know what I'm talkin' about,
fashionable rainbow coloured wrist wear, please let me know.
- [Steph] And they used to say things like if you
snap them there were certain consequences
for each one or something.
- [Adam] You'd like, blow an artery
in your wrist or something.
- Oh my god
- [Adam] Oh, you got the eyelashes in.
- [Steph] Yeah, where are her eyes lookin?
She's lookin' of the page, so.
- [Adam] So, looking dead ahead like,
what is my life?
- [Steph] Gotta stay true to what
little Steph wanted this drawing to do.
So there ya go, she's lookin' at you guys
while she's dancin'.
- [Adam] Look straight ahead, you're part of the dance now.
- [Steph] Oh no, she doesn't have eyebrows.
- [Adam] Her big bouffant hair is covering them.
So she might have them, you just can't see them.
- [Steph] Okay, so let's start with this
miraculous hair.
- [Adam] Butt head.
There it goes, yeah!
I don't know about you, but I think
that is looking like party nana quite a bit.
- [Steph] I've even covered over here ears
cause I didn't wanna draw ears.
- [Adam] Oh, and we're also forgettin'
somethin' very important that you,
perhaps, need to give to me in this video.
- Uh oh! (laughs)
- [Adam] Something shiny and reward like.
- Where is it?
- [Adam] I don't know!
- [Steph] So if you're not sure what's
happenin' right here, in our last video
we had a competition.
And I haven't even checked the results,
but Adam's decided that he's won.
- Put an overlay on screen.
I won by a landslide.
- [Steph] I haven't even checked the results.
- It's me and my campaign manager, Paul Jackson, over there.
- [Steph] If this says on screen that I won,
I'm gonna be so cross with you.
- If you remember rightly, we agreed that
you would put the medal around me.
- [Steph] So you can't do it yourself.
- No, winners don't put on their own medals!
I'm ready to be bestowed upon.
- All mighty Adam, here is your medal.
Congratulations on drawing a very good cup.
- [Adam] I hope it fits over my head.
- [Steph] Oh, it keeps banging you in the head.
- [Adam] Ow, oh.
In editing we have to have some really cool music on
while I look ahead and go.
(triumphant tune) (crowd cheers)
- [Steph] Anyway, back to the drawing.
- I was enjoying that for a few seconds.
Oh, the outfits finally taking shape.
- [Steph] It's somethin'.
- [Adam] I think it's wonderful that
she's like, the younger version.
When you were a kid, you did the older version
and now you're an adult you did the younger version.
- [Steph] Guess it's cause when you're young
you wanna be an old nana.
- [Adam] I just wanna get my life over with.
Why can't I be old already?
- Then when you're old, you just wanna cling to your youth.
- [Adam] I just wanna thrust my hips.
- That'll be me.
Put this in with a bit of motion so it
looks like she's flailin' around a bit.
- [Adam] Oh yeah!
- [Steph] So that's what I do, I just
trace that like, wiggly line.
And then I follow it, yeah.
- [Adam] She doin' the twist?
That was big back then.
And before ya know it,
you've got a necklace already.
- [Steph] Ta da!
- [Adam] Make sure you get my medal in.
- [Steph] No, I'm sick of
the stupid thing - It's a medal mermaid!
It's so rare!
No, don't show them that.
No. - I'm just lookin'
at the reference.
It looks like she has like, a tshirt on.
- They missed that detail in the Little Mermaid,
didn't they?
You forgot her tshirt.
- [Steph] You have to put her in a tshirt.
- Oh, you're kidding me!
- [Steph] It has to look like this!
- Those were meant to be collar bones.
They were not meant to be
a tshirt. - Oh dear!
- What mermaid wears a tshirt?
Here's an art supply we haven't seen in awhile.
- [Steph] It's the Pentel ink brush.
- [Adam] You sound so thrilled.
- [Steph] It's only cause I'm focusing on
drawing my lines!
- [Adam] It's the Pentel ink brush.
Yeah, it's a bit of a stressful art supply
to use when you're sat on a bed.
- [Steph] Yeah, especially when Adam keeps doin' this.
- [Adam] And your partner with massive hands keeps like,
pushin' on the bed.
- [Steph] I've noticed I've missed out the glitter
from her cheeks, but I'll do that with colours afterwards.
- [Adam] Oh, okay.
Yeah, that's, because yours is coloured.
Mine is grey, so maybe I'll just do graphite?
- [Steph] You're just lookin' for an excuse to do it.
- [Adam] No.
- [Steph] Don't trust him.
- [Adam] No.
Yeah, trust me!
- [Steph] No, don't trust me!
- [Adam] Everyone knows you have to trust
an Olympic gold medalist like me.
- Oh dear.
- [Adam] This is, I'm even gonna wear this to bed.
This isn't comin' off.
We'll hold another challenge at some point, guys,
where we go against each other.
And maybe I'll, instead of gettin' another medal
cause this is mine forever now, maybe I'll make somethin'.
I'll make an award.
And it'll say boys rule on it.
- Oh!
- [Adam] Now I'm just tidying up the lines a little bit,
cause it's a bit sketchy even for me.
And I need to figure out where to put the flies, too.
Cause she's a stinky mermaid.
- [Steph] I'm tryin' to think of
what else they could've been.
Unless like, that was her at the surface
of the water lookin' at butterflies.
- Why butterflies?
I don't think I've ever seen a butterfly
in the middle of the ocean.
Oh it's one of those rare sea
fairing butterflies, of course.
I've never seen one!
It must have been a fly.
She's a smelly old mermaid.
So guys, I was sittin' here, just minding
my own business right, doin' smelly mermaid.
And you might notice this, this proof here.
And it's her, you blew it in my face
and it's like right at my eye level
I was like. (screams)
- Sorry, it wasn't intentional.
- [Adam] I was just mindin' my own business.
- Secretly trying to beat the competition
by gettin' eraser shavins. - I'll beat
that medal outta you.
What are you doin', anyway?
- [Steph] Here's the bit everyone's waitin' for.
It's time to put in some of this green perm action.
I even put something underneath this page, so, yeah.
That's goin' through.
- [Adam] You can always put the
original grandma. - No!
I'm not gonna ruin my childhood drawin'.
- [Adam] She seems up for it.
[Steph] I haven't put her leg shakin' lines in yet.
(Adam gasps) - [Adam] Can that be
your finishin' touch?
[Steph] Yeah.
- [Adam] She's not in like, full on
thrust mode until the legs go.
It's like. (groans)
- Yeah, I feel like I haven't captured the thrust as well
as I did when I was a kid. - Are you sayin'
that your gesture drawing was better when you were five?
- Probably. - No!
I'm lovin' the disco wall paint that she's got on.
- [Steph] Yeah, I've started to add
all of her colour details.
- [Adam] I'm goin' to a funky battle.
- [Steph] Do you think the design's aged well?
- [Adam] Yeah, it's timeless.
- [Steph] It's timeless.
- [Adam] There'll be cave paintings of this
woman when society ever actually collapses.
- [Steph] I wonder if we'll end up redrawing
this drawing again at some point
in like, a year or somethin'.
- [Adam] Join us for the sequel in 10 years time.
Or in like, 50 years when we're like, doodle date.
You know what I will still have in 50 years time?
- What? - The medal that I won.
- No!
You have to give that up.
- [Adam] Look at it, guys, look how
it catches the light.
- [Steph] Stop lookin' at it.
- [Adam] It was totally worth it.
Look at it.
Oh, wow, it looks even better on camera.
I love my medal.
Maybe I can engrave it and that say Adam rules.
- [Steph] Adam rules?
- [Adam] What's wrong with that?
- I just think it's a bit lame.
- [Adam] I think it's really classy and to the point.
- [Steph] Oh, you have drawn the flies everywhere.
- [Adam] Cause she smells.
It's like, these aren't butterflies.
Oh wait, I smell.
I haven't really done much with the ear, either,
so we'll get some little eary bits in there.
And the lead in this ones only, I think it's b grade,
so it's, you don't really get
that much of a,
- [Steph] Of a smudge.
- of a smudge goin' on with it there.
There we go.
I'm gonna do this hair comin' down,
cause it's kinda on the ground.
She's beached. (laughs)
It's like, I'm rotting in the sun, help me!
I feel like that when I'm on the beach.
Just rotting here!
Put me out of my misery.
Oh, is it time?
- [Steph] I hope you're ready for this detail.
- [Adam] Swoosh me.
Kick those legs, thrust those hips.
- [Steph] Hope that immersed you.
- [Adam] I am, it's like I'm there.
It's like I'm bein' kicked in the face.
- I hope your ready to see a side by side
comparison of old verse new.
- [Adam] Time to see if we've improved!
- So first up, we have got Adam's.
- [Adam] Let me move this outta the way.
Okay, so original mermaid.
- [Steph] There's the new one
- [Adam] New and improved smelly mermaid,
with stinky butt action.
- [Steph] What do ya think the biggest
change is between the two?
- [Adam] Well, she's got more flies.
She's more smelly now.
- And here's my old version.
- [Adam] The retro styled party grandma.
(slow instrumental)
- [Steph] And here's the new version!
- [Adam] Ah, she's got sparkles.
She looks so cute.
- [Steph] Remember to subscribe if you liked the video.
And if you wanna see the rest of the drawings in
this folder, I'm gonna link that up on screen.
- [Adam] Don't miss her grand reveal.
- See you again for another doodle date!
- [Adam] Doodle date!
- Bye.
- [Adam] See ya soon, guys.
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