Thứ Hai, 15 tháng 5, 2017

Youtube daily report May 15 2017

Trying to let you know

I send you a sign, send you a signal

I must let you know

I send you a sign, send you a signal

I send you a sign, send you a signal

I must let you know

I send you a sign, send you a signal

But it doesn't work at all

I give you a glance and keep throwing hints

But you don't understand

You really get me so frustrated

I really don't know why

Once again I gather up the courage

I send you a sign, send you a signal

No matter what glance, gesture or expression I give

It's no use, nothing works

You just don't get it, do you

What more can I do to express how I feel

Didn't realize it at first, but

at some point I started to like you, silly

How could you be so unaware

When will you stop being so obtuse,

Treating me only as a friend

That is not what I want

I send you a signal, send you a signal

Tingling Tingling Tingling Tingling

I want you, I want you

Why won't you respond

Whenever I see you, I send you my heart

Tingling Tingling Tingling Tingling

I'm waiting for you, it's all so obvious

Why don't you understand

Trying to let you know

I send you a sign, send you a signal

I must let you know

I send you a sign, send you a signal

When I smile at you, you really ought to know

It happens too often to be a coincidence

When I keep talking to you, you really should notice

How I keep on hanging around you

Didn't realize it at first, but

at some point I started to like you, silly

How could you be so unaware

When will you stop being so obtuse,

Treating me only as a friend

That is not what I want

I send you a signal, send you a signal

Tingling Tingling Tingling Tingling

I want you, I want you

Why won't you respond

Whenever I see you, I send you my heart

Tingling Tingling Tingling Tingling

I'm waiting for you, it's all so obvious

Why don't you understand

Tingling Tingling Tingling Tingling

Why won't you respond

Tingling Tingling Tingling Tingling

Why don't you understand

I send you a sign, send you a signal

But it doesn't work at all

I give you a glance and keep throwing hints

But you don't understand

You really get me so frustrated

I really don't know why

Once again I gather up the courage

I send you a sign, send you a signal

For more infomation >> TWICE "SIGNAL" M/V - Duration: 4:19.


What's a Quarter-Life Crisis? - Duration: 4:54.

Graduates: Even though it's a long way off, you've probably heard about something called

"the mid-life crisis" – men buy Italian sports cars; women go on yoga retreats to Bali.

But I'll bet you've never heard of a crisis you may be facing in a few short years.

I call it "the quarter life crisis."

I know a little something about it, because I went through it.

Oh, boy – did I go through it!

When I was 24, a lot was going my way – at least, on the surface.

I had great friends.

I had a great job on Capitol Hill.

I even had a great apartment.

So, why didn't I feel great about my life?

I was working as a press secretary for a congressman.

I should have been happy about that.

But instead, I just felt…trapped – anxious and uncertain about my future.

Where was I going?

What was my next move?

On the personal side, things weren't much better.

I hadn't had a boyfriend in years, and there were no prospects on the horizon.

Marriage seemed like an impossible dream.

I loved my friends, but I still felt lonely.

Right before my twenty-fifth birthday, I took a personal inventory (I love lists).

It felt like I was falling short… almost everywhere.

I missed my college days, which seemed, in retrospect, so carefree.

The future just looked boring and hard.

That is what you call a quarter-life crisis.

And I'd like to help you avoid it.

To that end, I bring you three pieces of advice.

One: Get out of town.

Feeling trapped?

One of the best ways to set yourself free is to move – literally.

After years of structure – high school, college, right into a career –

I longed to be free.

I wanted to be able to leave town at a moment's notice.

So I stopped accumulating stuff.

I only had one cup, one glass, one plate, one bowl, and one set of silverware.

It was one of the best things I did for myself.

It allowed me to be nimble in my life and my career.

Assuming for a moment you're not married (if you are, congratulations!),

you're pretty much accountable to no one.

That will change.

Take advantage of your mobility while you have it.

Go where the opportunities are.

But more than that, just go!

That might mean going somewhere for a better job, or it might mean traveling

whenever you get the chance.

It's a big country and a big world.

There's no reason to be stuck in one place, especially if that one place

isn't working for you.

Two: You're not going to become a ballerina at 25.

You're still young, but you're not as young as you used to be.

You don't have unlimited potential anymore.

The last time you had unlimited potential, you were nine.

At this point, you're pretty well formed – what you're good at, what you're really

bad at, what you like and don't like.

I'm not saying you can't change, that you can't grow.

Of course you can – and must; but you are who you are, and you need to figure out

who that is.

To put it another way, what is it that you want out of your life?

You need to make a realistic assessment of your strengths and weaknesses.

Again, lists.

This will help you take the next step in the process: setting a goal.

Okay, ballerina – not practical.

What is?

Be honest.

Figure it out.

Write it down.

Then, as one of my mentors told me before my first White House press conference,

"Put your big girl panties on, and deal with it."

Which leads to my final piece of advice: Meet the universe halfway.

No one is going to hand you the life you want.

You're going to have to go out and get it.

But there's a twist.

You don't really know where your life is going to take you.

You almost certainly won't end up where you plan to be.

But that's okay, because when you set goals and work toward them, positive things happen.

You gain skills.

And those skills will create opportunities that never would've existed if you weren't

working toward something.

Life will happen along the way; things will change in ways you can't possibly predict,

but nothing happens if you're sitting on a couch waiting for your life to begin.

I have a lot of other advice that will help you – like, don't skip the dentist.

But when it comes to surviving the quarter life crisis, I think this will help.

Now, if anyone has any advice for my upcoming midlife crisis, let me know.

I'm Dana Perino for Prager University.

For more infomation >> What's a Quarter-Life Crisis? - Duration: 4:54.


The Agni II Trial Evaluation Rather Than Flagellation Is Needed - Duration: 12:18.

For more infomation >> The Agni II Trial Evaluation Rather Than Flagellation Is Needed - Duration: 12:18.


Cat ASMR: Breathing - Duration: 2:17.


For more infomation >> Cat ASMR: Breathing - Duration: 2:17.


Ride an old bike on track, is it really dangerous ? Moto Journal - Duration: 8:25.

When you want to race around a track, there are plenty of good, modern, high-performance bikes out there.

Of course, we don't all have €20,000 to put towards a brand new sports bike.

But don't worry, you can always buy a bike which is 5 or 10 years old, and do it up as good as new.

Despite that, some guys just prefer riding old bangers which leak oil and whose brakes are knackered!

For the ordinary biker, Iron Biker is a bit of an odd event.

Although track riding is already dangerous enough,

some guys like to up the risk even more by racing around the circuit on old bikes!

On its first year, back in 2011, it attracted 120 riders.

Now, there are about 350 nutters who come to scrape their knee-pads

riding a Yamaha 350 RDLC, Honda NSR 400,

or even some old British bikes for the really brave riders.

In terms of the range of bikes,

there's a mix of souped-up bikes and machines dating back to before the 1980s,

but it all comes down to a very simple concept: riding bikes with character!

Although we struggle to see why you would want to race with fossils on 2 wheels .

rather than on modern machines.

So we went to speak to Nicolas Sonina, the man in charge of getting these oldies racing on their old bikes!

"Performance is not the priority.

It's about the enjoyment of riding a motorbike, sometimes a vintage bike,

we don't have any this year but in the past

we've had Harley WLs from the 1940s transformed into racing bikes,

bikes with hardly any brakes.

There's Franck Chatokhine who is here with a bike from 1956,

a Triumph 500 SuperTwin,

he can go past everyone on his machine because he takes it flat out.

His bike doesn't brake, it hardly stays on the track but he has a great time!

It's not purely and simply about performance.

I think everyone here is getting on a bit, well into middle age, except for a few youngsters.

They've experienced high performance bikes and riding flat out.

We've all been through that and in the end you're left thinking, what is it that really matters? Having a good laugh with friends, racing on a 500 XT, a 350 RDLC,

Having a good laugh with friends, racing on a 500 XT, a 350 RDLC,

a Norton or other bikes which are a bit outdated. So what?"

For those who don't know, this is Franck Chatokhine.

He's a very well-renowned expert when it comes to old bikes,

especially British bikes, and he's a pretty handy rider too.

And it doesn't matter about the surface,

because he's the UK Dirt Track Champion in the Vintage category.

Franck is a special case because ever since he was a kid he has had vintage bikes in his blood.

So we decided to take to the track with these vintage bike fans to get a closer look at them

and find some more guinea pigs for our investigation.

As for our bike, no oldie for us, but a neo-retro model.

It's a Yamaha XSR 900 customised by our partners at SW Motech.

And you will see why it was a good idea to use a bike fitted out with plenty of protections.

So, after a few sessions riding among the participants of Iron Biker, we noticed a few things.

Firstly, that the difference in performance between modern and old bikes is simply incredible,

both in terms of acceleration and braking.

And also, that this event is more of a demonstration than a race.

Most of the guys come here to give their old girls a run around

rather than try to beat the lap record.

Why do you risk your necks on these bikes when there are reliable modern ones you can race with?

Because sometimes it's good to hurt yourself and get out of your comfort zone.

And these ones have more character and are more interesting.

You get more of a feel with them.

Yeah, it's 100% enjoyment. I've tried modern bikes, but they're just not the same.

It's just not the same for a guy who rides a modern 4-cylinder bike.

When you talk about bikes, you're talking about different things.

We don't go as fast, we're not trying to set quick laps but simply to enjoy ourselves.

Even though we go slower, I think we really enjoy the ride

Do you find that you have a different approach to track riding with more modern bikes?

-Yes, it's different because modern bikes have a lot of rider assistance devices, not to mention ABS.

Here you've got drum brakes, if you don't brake in time you end up going straight on

That forces you to stay humble and adapt yourself to your bike. I think that's better.

This isn't a competition, it's about enjoyment. And to really enjoy yourself, you need a bike like this.

-It's about enjoyment, but for some you wouldn't know it.

- Yeah, some of them go really fast.

Talking of guys who give it some welly, take a look at Fabio

manhandling his 1977 Moto Guzzi 850 Le Mans.

A lot of effort has gone into this bike's set up, fitted with a 1000cc engine,

40mm carburettors and high compressions pistons.

Why do you ride an old bike on the track rather than a more modern one?

Because I'm old!

I think you get a different feel, and you take less risks because older bikes

always have a more limited performance compared to a modern bike with 200bhp.

Compared to a modern bike, I brake at the same place but with 100 km/h less speed.

So you get the same feel but with less risk

What these fans are saying makes a lot of sense.

For me, someone who is certainly not an aficionado of retro bikes,

it was hard not to be seduced by these true gems of motorcycling history.

Like these legendary Tritons from the 1950s and 1960s

These Café Racers with a racing set-up and a Triumph engine under a Norton frame

These pretty little Honda CB 125 S which were ridden in challenge races in the mid-1970s.

These big CB 1100 Rs, queens of production racing and endurance events in the early 1980s.

Or this Ducati 750 F1 whose twin-cylinder engine with single camshaft

and two-valves per cylinder got up to around 70bhp.

A special mention for the strangest bike on show, a Houzé-Offenstadt, owned by our friend Gérald.

A 100% French racing bike from the end of the 1970s,

fitted with an aluminium shell frame and a front suspension

which operates with a shock absorber attached to the swingarm.

It must be said that from trackside, it all looks pretty dangerous…

And then, in an act of pure karma, after questioning these old riders about their machines,

it was me who ended up on my backside after braking too hard trying to warm up the front tyre.

So, as you can see during these little interviews, track riding on classic bikes is above all about enjoyment.

Even though there are a few guys who do go flat out.

With a modern bike, riding fast is much easier, but you need to be careful,

because a modern bike also has much harder brakes.

And you need to warm the tyres up well or you'll fall off.

Now, we're going to really go for it on classic bikes,

which have been well set-up and are nice and powerful,

and we'll see how they compare to modern bikes. OK let's go!

So I need to "borrow" a bike from another rider!

So, no need to go into details.

Our BMW Nine Ts, Harley Davidson Low Riders and Triumph Thruxton Rs

got a thrashing by the bikes from the Sultans Of Sprint championship!

Without wanting to make excuses, I was up against the best.

Indeed, Tommy Vomhinterof is a double winner of the Glemseck 101.

His bike, weighing around 150kg, is built around an old Yamaha TR1 engine

souped-up to the max, reaching 95bhp.

And that's without the Nitrous kit, because the twin-cylinder engine can reach up to 150bhp!

Not to mention the extended swingarm, the squared-off rear tyre, the gear shifter…

basically everything you need to turn it into a missile and give me a good thrashing.

What with this humiliation and my fall earlier, one thing is for sure,

it's the last time I take the mick out of old bikes!

Never again!

For more infomation >> Ride an old bike on track, is it really dangerous ? Moto Journal - Duration: 8:25.


OceanMOOC | 5.2 | Threats from the Sea Bed - Duration: 7:18.

Several years ago nobody I think would have known what you meant if you said, tsunami.

But nature's given us the opportunity to see what a devastating effect such mass movements

of water can have on coastal communities, on very high tech infrastructure.

How does a tsunami occur?

What happens?

I think we all know that it's something to do with earthquakes.

And in fact you can make a tsunami in your own bathtub if you want to.

Lying in the bathtub with your legs under the water, move your legs about.

And you move some mass inside the water, waves start to happen on the surface.

Or if you're outside in your garden, sitting in your plastic swimming pool and somebody

bangs the side of the pool, then you'll also find waves coming about.

That's what nature does to produce tsunamis.

About 80% of tsunamis are actually produced through earthquakes, large earthquakes, displacing

the sea floor.

About 20% of tsunamis come from landslides underwater if you like, large pieces of ocean

floor just sliding down a slope.

Now the earthquakes that produce the tsunamis, for example the ones that we saw in Sumatra,

the one...the one we saw in Japan, are there caused when subduction takes place.

When part of the ocean floor dives down under a continent or under another piece of ocean


Those two pieces of tectonic plate are pushing together very hard and an earthquake is caused

when the stress of that compression is released.

Every earthquake is like a spring, releasing stored up energy, but releasing that energy

that may have been stored over a hundred years, releasing it in seconds or tens of or hundreds

of seconds.

The earthquake off Japan for example went on for almost a hundred seconds, releasing

the pent up energy that had been stored in the earth's crust for the last 100-150 years.

When, what that happens it's the sea floor that moves.

And in fact a tsunami is just a piece evidence showing us that the sea floor has had an enormous


In the case of the Japan earthquake we know that sea floor, parts of the sea floor moved

40 meters further out, away from Japan.

Sea floor moving means that we have to be able to know the shape of the sea floor, we

have to know the shape of the sea floor is changing as time goes on.

As that spring is loaded, we should be able to see the sea floor deforming as it's being

put under more and more compression.

Now on land, that would be easy to do.

You would take some GPS satellites, you would take some GPS receivers, you would put them

around on the the earth's surface and you would see them moving relative to one another

as the spring is loaded.

On the sea floor there is no GPS signal.

Ocean water does not allow GPS waves to go through.

And so we have to find other techniques.

We use very, very precise measurements of distance on the sea floor.

We use sonar buoys that send out sonar waves to each other and talk backwards and forwards

with a specific time signal, saying, here it's one o'clock and the time it takes

for the sound to travel to the next beacon, it knows it's already two seconds past one,

so it can work out how far away it is.

If you do that for years and years and years, then you start to see these points on the

sea floor moving apart.

We're just beginning these experiments.

We've just got the technology to begin to do this, but we're hoping by deployments

of such experiments on the sea floor around the coast of the Pacific, in particular where

the tsunamis are formed, that we'll be able to see the springs loading, be able to do

some sort of prediction of where the next tsunami could be formed.

Because obviously observing a tsunami as it happens or after it's happened is not what

we want.

What we'd like to do is to be able to say, here is a zone which could be tsunamogenic,

as we say, this is somewhere we need to keep our open.

That's 80% of the tsunamis.

There are another 20% caused by landslides under water and there are some parts of the

earth where you would say there's never any earthquakes here, we must be quite safe

from tsunamis.

That's not the case.

The coast of Norway experienced a huge tsunami about 17,000 years ago.

A massive sea floor slid down the continental slope.

Slid from the slope of the Norwegian continent down into the deep sea floor, causing run-up

heights of up to 20 meters.

That means the wave went up to 20 meters above the normal sea level, up onto Norway.

Covered however the Faroe Islands north of England, quite a large area of the...of the

North Atlantic was affected by that tsunami.

If we go to look at ocean islands around the world, or the margins of all the continents

around the world we see that they have experienced such landslides in the past.

Now not all landslides are going to give you a tsunami, because obviously a tsunami is

a relatively violent and energetic event.

They're also landslides that more or less creep, the sea floor gradually moves down.

Those are not going to produce a tsunami.

But if it goes all of a sudden and slips down into the deep, then that's going to generate

a tsunami.

We've seen those type of landslides, even within human memory and even within relatively

recent times.

A very famous landslide was on the Grand Banks off the coast of Canada, which broke a lot

of transatlantic cables.

We were able to then discover the speed at which that landslide was moving and under

water it was going at several tens of kilometers an hour, sliding down the slope of the Grand

Banks, ripping up the cables as it went along.

These are cubic kilometers of sea floor that are underway at the same time.

So tsunamis, generated by movements of the sea floor.

They're either spring-loaded movements, resulting from earthquakes, or they're sliding

of the sea floor, displacing the water and causing it to move about in that bathtub.

So how do we know if an earthquake is going to produce a tsunami?

To produce a tsunami the sea bed has got to be moved.

And in the past it was very difficult to know whether the sea bed had moved.

If the sea bed moves, it means the earthquake was very, very shallow.

The epicenter as we call it was very, very shallow.

With progress in technology, with progress in our knowledge of the earth, we've been

able to track those earthquakes back to their epicenter much better as time has gone on.

And now we have a fairly good understanding of how deep an earthquake was.

So you could have a very big earthquake, which maybe flattens lots of structures on land

which doesn't produce any tsunami.

That would be an earthquake that had an epicenter that was relatively deep.

You might have a less significant earthquake, a less strong earthquake that produces quite

a major tsunami, because it's moved the sea bed quite a lot.

There are also earthquakes that happen without either destroying property or causing a tsunami

and perhaps not even, they go totally unnoticed.

It is possible to have slow earthquakes.

The earth is capable of loading that spring and letting it go in an enormous earthquake,

or loading that spring and let it gradually relax.

That would be then a...a fairly benign earthquake if you like.

For more infomation >> OceanMOOC | 5.2 | Threats from the Sea Bed - Duration: 7:18.


Solve your struggle with iTunes - iMyFone TunesMate - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> Solve your struggle with iTunes - iMyFone TunesMate - Duration: 2:26.


நெட் சென்டரில் பெண் குழந்தைகளுக்கு ஏற்படும் நிலைமை | Kollywood Tamil News Tamil Rockers - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> நெட் சென்டரில் பெண் குழந்தைகளுக்கு ஏற்படும் நிலைமை | Kollywood Tamil News Tamil Rockers - Duration: 1:08.


BREAKING President Trump Makes History, And America Reaps The $10 BILLION Windfall! - News - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> BREAKING President Trump Makes History, And America Reaps The $10 BILLION Windfall! - News - Duration: 2:35.


Kathy's story - expert advice comes from the heart - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> Kathy's story - expert advice comes from the heart - Duration: 2:04.


How to Rollback from Windows 10 to Windows 7 or 8 - Duration: 3:53.

Hello everybody!

This video is about rolling back to Windows 7 or 8 after updating your system to Windows


Many users who decided to upgrade to Windows 10 worry about their chances to go back to

the previous version of their operating system if they dislike Windows 10 - what if they

have to reinstall their Windows 7 or 8.1 again?

In fact, there is nothing to worry about.

It is quite possible, because files of the previous version of Windows are automatically

saved to the folder Windows.old in your system disk when updating the system to Windows 10.

However, you should remember that this folder will be automatically deleted in 10 days after

the update.

If you made a clean installation of Windows 10, this method will not work.

So this is what you do to roll back from Windows 10 to the previous version of the operating

system: • go to Settings in the Start menu

• go to "Update & Security" where you can find several sections, including "Recovery."

Select it.

• You will see several settings, and we will be interested in one of them - "Go

Back to Windows 7." (or Windows 8.1, depending on what operating

system you had before).

• Click Start.

• After a brief preparation, the system will ask you why you want to go back.

This information will be sent to Microsoft.

Choose any of the suggested variants and click Next.

• The next window asks if you want to check updates.

Click "No, thanks."

• The next window will inform you that some system settings changed after you upgraded

to Windows 10 will not be saved if you go back to the previous operating system.

You will also see a recommendation to create a backup copy of your data in case any problems


Please take note that the programs installed after your upgrade to Windows 10 will not

be saved when you go back to Windows 7 or 8.

They will be deleted.


• comes another windows informing you that you should remember your account



• At the final stage when Microsoft thanks you for trying out Windows 10, click on "Go

back to Windows 7."

• The rollback process is automatic and it will take some time.

After a brief preparation, you computer or laptop will restart and you will see a window

telling you about restoring the previous version of Windows.

You will only have to wait a few minutes and Windows 7 will be back after another restart.

Please take note that when you roll back your system to the previous version (Windows 7,

in our case), its activation will not be restored.

So be prepared to activate it again.

This method to restore the previous version of Windows works during 10 days after updating

to Windows 10.

When the 10-day period is over, the previous version of the operating system (in our case,

Windows 7) can be restored only with a system image which you should create before updating

to Windows 10, or after a clean installation.

Watch our previous videos to learn how to update Windows 7 to Windows 10 for free, and

how to make a quick installation of Windows 7.

If you lost some files as a result of installing, reinstalling, updating or resetting Windows,

you can bring them back with Hetman Partition Recovery there is a special video in our channel

to show you how.

If you liked this video, click the Like button below and subscribe to our channel to see


If you have any questions, leave a comment to ask one.

Thank you for watching and good luck!

For more infomation >> How to Rollback from Windows 10 to Windows 7 or 8 - Duration: 3:53.


Smart Work and Time Management by Sandeep Maheshwari | Summary in English - Duration: 4:48.

Although our phones are becoming smarter day by day, we are becoming unsmarted.

Unsmart in the sense, managing our time.

Because, we are unconsciously wasting our most of the time.

The key to do smart work is efficiently managing the time.

Hence, if we can master the art of time management, only then we can do the smart work.

So, how to manage time and do smart work, let's learn it today-

Easy idea 1: Question yourself Many times it happens, we sit to study and

then a thought of doing something comes into our mind, and we get diverted.

Like, let's check how many likes do I get on my new DP, or let's check if there are

any new messages on whatsapp, then finally we open our mobile and the rest become history.

We waste hours & hours just by scrolling down meaninglessly.

So, how to stop ourselves from doing it?

The most easiest way to stop here is self questioning.

If you observe a little deeply, you will find the center point of every thought is a desire.

The moment, that thought of doing something else comes into our mind, we have to ask a

simple question to kill that desire, that is, at this moment what is the most important

thing for me?

Is it scrawling facebook or is it studying?

Now, to get the clear answer we need to set some ground rules, like, if it is between

7-10 am in the morning, then in this time the most important thing for me is studying,

after 10 am maybe I can spend some time on Facebook.

But now for me the most important thing is studying.

Every time you catch yourself procrastinating, you have to ask this question to yourself,

"What is the most important thing for me at this time?".

It will kill your thought process and will make you focused.

Easy idea 2: Repeat it, in your mind Suppose you want to do exercise, you know

it's good for you, but you are not feeling like it, your mind is resisting you.

Obviously it will, because, it is a painful thing for the mind.

But, no pain no gain.

So, how can you convince your mind to do so.

Here the key is your subconscious mind, it is already scientifically proven, that all

the things we do in a daily basis, 90% of them are controlled by our subconscious mind,

our behaviors are hugely influenced by it.

So to change its direction we need a connection with our subconscious mind, and that connection

can only be established by continuously repeating something in our mind.

You are not feeling like exercising?

In your mind, Repeat again and again "I love doing exercise, I love doing exercise, I love

doing exercise, I love doing exercise" for at least 1min continuously and see the magic.

Ancient Buddha has a famous quote, "what we think, we become".

In this way, easily you can test it, whether it is true or not.

Easy idea 3: One thing at a time Nowadays we are so busy, that we don't have

separate time for eating our lunch or dinner.

While eating also, we are continuously operating our smart phones, or maybe watching TV.

As a result what is happening?

We are suffering from different types of digestion problems.

Because when we eat consciously, only then saliva that are necessary for digestion, come

out into our mouth, but due to unconscious eating we are missing it.

As a result, we are damaging our digestive system ourselves.

When we try to focus on more than one thing simultaneously, our powers get divided, and

none of them get executed properly.

This is not so smart.

Sometime we name it multitasking, which it is absolutely not, multitasking itself is

a virtual concept, which even computers cannot do.

Computer switches between different tasks so fast that seems to the naked eye that all

of the tasks are being executed simultaneously, which is just an illusion.

So for god sake, stop calling it multitasking.

By doing more than one thing at a time we just waste our efficiency.

Only when we do something with our full attention, then only it is called smart work and time


I have learned these things from Sandeep Maheshwari's smart work and time management session, and

I am sharing this in English language in a summarized manner to join his mission in helping

others who need it the most.

If you find it useful and truly appreciate our work then a little request to you, please

share this video, and help us by joining with us clicking on the subscribe button.

Next video is on the next week.

Thanks for watching.

It's easy!

For more infomation >> Smart Work and Time Management by Sandeep Maheshwari | Summary in English - Duration: 4:48.


Положительные эмоции | Как получить положительные эмоции | Смотреть мелодрамы - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> Положительные эмоции | Как получить положительные эмоции | Смотреть мелодрамы - Duration: 1:56.


3D Lovely Baby Learning Colors with Candy Lollipops Learn Colors for Children Nursery Rhymes Songs - Duration: 3:04.

Welcome to Superheroes Kids TV

3D Lovely Baby Learning Colors with Candy Lollipops Colors for Children Nursery Rhymes Songs

For more infomation >> 3D Lovely Baby Learning Colors with Candy Lollipops Learn Colors for Children Nursery Rhymes Songs - Duration: 3:04.


Dangerous ransomware attack putting computer users at risk - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> Dangerous ransomware attack putting computer users at risk - Duration: 2:03.


INDESIGN BASICS Ep1 - How To Make A Poster Using InDesign - Duration: 10:37.

thanks to a subscriber request I'm going

to start a series 1 upload per week on

Adobe InDesign basics each week will be

going to take a deeper and more detailed

look into the heavy weight publishing

tool Adobe InDesign today we're going to

be looking at how to set up a poster

design for print in InDesign next week's

episode of InDesign basics will be a

tutorial around InDesign essential tools

so be sure to check out that when I



satori graphics hope you had a great

weekend and you ready for a dose of

InDesign basics like I said in the intro

this was requested by a few subscribers

I think it's a great suggestion to delve

into Adobe InDesign can be very daunting

as well as neglected we're considering

the three major Adobe graphic design

programs illustrator Photoshop and


however we should think of all three as

useful tools each with it in place

mechanic will have various tools in his

or her toolbox for different purposes

and trust me InDesign has numerous

purposes it is mainly used for laying

out large documents for print such as

brochures and magazines but it can be

used to export one-page designs such as

posters for print as you're going to see

in today's tutorial on InDesign basics

so the first episode of InDesign basics

is how to set up a poster design for

print anything on the style of your

poster is probably best to design the

background in Photoshop simply because

it's the best program for photo

manipulation and digital painting I

remember I said at the start of this

tutorial that each Adobe program has its

place and value the key thing to

remember is that you must add all of

your text and typography and logos in

InDesign and not Photoshop this is

because we want to make sure that when

you print your design the tanks and logo

is print out crisp and clear designing

everything in Photoshop and then

exporting its InDesign Henle too blurry

outcomes so my advice is to design the

background repost the in Photoshop

exported InDesign and then add your text

and logos content after you can lay out

your text in Photoshop to see how it's

going to look for your overall design

and then put it in the InDesign app


let's say we were working on a three

poster go ahead and create a new

document in Photoshop to make sure to

use 300 PPI as well as a CMYK mode

you need to bleed to the final project

design so the print is going to line

crop and cut the poster correctly you

can run with the 3 millimeter bleed but

on something as large as a 3 you can use

5 millimeter take command R or ctrl R on

a PC to bring up your rulers in

Photoshop and then drag the guides down

then you go to image canvas size and add

10 millimeters for your height and width

this would ensure the 5 millimeter bleed

around the entire design everything

outside of these guides will be cut away

and discarded let the background bleed

over it hence the name please keep all

important content inside so like I said

only create the background of Photoshop

clicking on the artwork side of things

you can add the text content purely to

see how it's going to look make sure to

hide the layers when you save it

that's a new design and then see with a

JPEG and Photoshop and use the maximum

quality possible

now a word InDesign before we start open

up the unit and infamous preference

window here you want to make sure that

everything is in millimeters the code

isn't changing to millimeters and then

closing design every start again go up

to file a new document for both the

design we need just one page and if a

print to select the print option here we

can choose the orientation ie landscape

or poetry and here is the paper size for

this coaster we're going to use a three

you can forget the column section as it

is mainly used for a magazine editorial

design if you recall back to photoshop

we use five millimeter bleed around the

entire poster design type in five here

and then click this icon to add it

around the entire canvas we can preview

a document page if you want to and then

once you're happy click OK once

generated you have something like this

appear you'll notice the red line around

the outside of the canvas this is our

five millimeter bleed grab the rectangle

frame tool by clicking F we're going

over to it manually to make a box that

covers the entire document up to the

bleeds like so

and headed to file in place and locates

your poster background

it should dinner exactly in place if it

seems a bit blurry in your screen that's

probably because InDesign has a default

setting for the V mode is not high

quality but we can change that here one

important feature of InDesign you must

keep in mind how it links images are to

imported into it if you see this link

icon here that means everything's okay

this is telling you that InDesign knows

where this image came from a new

computer and where it's saved from

Photoshop if you move the file around to

a different location on your computer

delete it you will see this icon appear

in the best to save all of your work

efficiently in folders and keep it

organized so you didn't lose files if

you do have this icon up here click T

and then relocate the files that you

have InDesign likes to know where all

the images are at times it can cause

errors when printing and saving if

InDesign doesn't know where the files


first let's import our logo go to file

and in place and locate the file

in InDesign there are two selection

tools that perform different tasks the

white arrow tool will resize and move

the image itself around in this case the

logo it move the actual logo with the

wire a tool to any part of the graphic

is visible it's or how it's going to

print black arrow tool remove the box or

the frame that is in

Caruso is both the frame and the image

at the same time however with the free

transform tool here

a small area here is where your bleed

will be cut out and for anyway after

printing adding text simply create a box

like so and in type of way

InDesign offers a wide range of

customization of typography we require

to laying it out a publishing

once you're happy we need to select your

text and then create outlines like so

this would ensure there are no printing

errors because you are not certain that

the printing company has your font on

their computer you can also send them

the font file with the design either way

it's going to work over the file and

export slow the PDF print option here I

must add however you should talk to your

printing company about the file type as

each company has their own preference

I don't select the newest version of

Acrobat make sure that the compression

output at high quality and usable

printing marks then at the end if there

are any warnings that be flagged in the

summary section and there you have it a

print ready poster design using Adobe

InDesign this was the first episode of

InDesign basics

next week looking at the essential tools

of InDesign if you found this helpful

let me know in the comment section below

remember to Like share and subscribe you

haven't already

until next time there's only feature

today peace


For more infomation >> INDESIGN BASICS Ep1 - How To Make A Poster Using InDesign - Duration: 10:37.


Hinter den Kulissen: Bachelor-Janika enthüllt Show-Geheimnisse! - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Hinter den Kulissen: Bachelor-Janika enthüllt Show-Geheimnisse! - Duration: 0:50.


[T-SER3] ตัวอย่างรายการ 2017withigot7 ตอนสุดท้าย ! - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> [T-SER3] ตัวอย่างรายการ 2017withigot7 ตอนสุดท้าย ! - Duration: 1:01.


Haix - Choisir la bonne taille de vos bottes - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> Haix - Choisir la bonne taille de vos bottes - Duration: 2:35.


The Final Battle Part 1 - Duration: 41:53.

For more infomation >> The Final Battle Part 1 - Duration: 41:53.


Little Mouse Big Bones - An animated kids storybook - Duration: 5:21.

There once lived a little mouse in a big castle with no king.

Forgotten and abandoned, it was now home to strange things.

Strange things making strange noises echoing in the halls.

One night, the most terrifying noise was heard in the walls.

(wailing sound)

"Hmmmmmp… that's a strange noise," little mouse thought.

I better see what's making that noise in case someone's distraught.

Little mouse scurried through the castle using little mouse tunnels

Following the noise until he came to the royal kennels.

"Uh. Hello? Is everything alright?" said little mouse.

In answer, two red eyes glowed in the dog house.


Ahhh! Honey bones? What a fright. Have lost your head?

"Help me little mouse. I lost my body!" the skull said.

How? uh. There was this pit….

And? I might have buried it…

Again? Little mouse groaned. Honey bones rattled and moaned.

Please help me little mouse, I'm just not scary anymore.

Little mouse grumbled shaking his head whatever for…

(wailing sound)

Ok Ok. I'll help. Don't be so disheartened. Oh. Thank you thank you. It was somewhere

in the garden.

Little mouse dug and dug the ground. Looking for bones of a scary hound.

Found them!

Little mouse help put Honey Bones together. Finally, placing Honey Bones' head on his


Hmmm. mmm. uh.

yes? no.

no? yes.

Oh my, Sorry Honey Bones, this just doesn't look right…

The legs are tremendous, but you won't give anyone a fright.

Let's keep digging.

So little mouse dug and dug the ground Looking for bones of a scary hound.

Found them!

Little mouse help put Honey Bones together. Finally, placing Honey Bones' head on his shoulders.

Hmmm. mmm. uh.

Oh my, Sorry honey bones, this just doesn't look right…

The wings are impressive, but you won't give anyone a fright.

Let's keep digging.

So little mouse dug and dug the ground Looking for bones of a scary hound.

Found them!

Little mouse help put Honey Bones together. Finally, placing Honey Bones' head on his


oh. No?. uh.

Oh my, Sorry Honey Bones, this just doesn't look right…

The body is slender, but you won't give anyone a fright.

You're right, I look like one big tail, Honey Bones cried.

I'll never be scary again in anyone's eyes.

Little mouse sighed, looking at the bone littered ground.

Then he made the most happy sound.

I have an idea, little mouse squeaked But you must not peek.

Little mouse helped put Honey Bones together Finally, placing Honey Bones' head on his shoulders .

Ta da.

It's definitely strange. It's a good change.

It's a bit peculiar… I say sinister.

Is it creepy? And spooky.

and terrifying? Bone-chilling!

Thank you little mouse, Even I'm afraid Little mouse bowed, I'm happy to be of aid.

Strange things making strange noises echoing in the halls.

That night, the most terrifying noise was heard in the walls.

(wailing sound)

And little mouse slept through it all.

Hey, did you like my story? Then you should subscribe so you don't miss

the next Little Mouse Big Castle story and other great kids stories by E. B. Adams.

Thanks for watching! Bye!

For more infomation >> Little Mouse Big Bones - An animated kids storybook - Duration: 5:21.


DIY Recycled Bottle Caps Wind Chime | Bottle Caps Wind Chime | Crafts Idea | Creative Diy Art - Duration: 8:18.

DIY Recycled Bottle Caps Wind Chime | Bottle Caps Wind Chime | Crafts Idea | Creative Diy Art

DIY Recycled Bottle Caps Wind Chime | Bottle Caps Wind Chime | Crafts Idea | Creative Diy Art

DIY Recycled Bottle Caps Wind Chime | Bottle Caps Wind Chime | Crafts Idea | Creative Diy Art

DIY Recycled Bottle Caps Wind Chime | Bottle Caps Wind Chime | Crafts Idea | Creative Diy Art

For more infomation >> DIY Recycled Bottle Caps Wind Chime | Bottle Caps Wind Chime | Crafts Idea | Creative Diy Art - Duration: 8:18.


FIDEUA DE MARISCO - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> FIDEUA DE MARISCO - Duration: 1:41.


Kaode, the Game - Universe, theùatics & inspirations (2/4) - Duration: 1:52.

Here is the second out of 4 videos introducing Kaode, our video game.

Today, we will be talking about the universe and the themes you will be facing in Kaode.

The story of Kaode begins at the dawn of a worldwide nuclear conflict, maybe the last one ever.

A corporate of humanists has gathered and stored everything they could into crystals, whether it is their lives,

their memories, their savvy, or their fears and joys.

As the planet is facing a nuclear winter,

these sensible information start changing

and evolving, up to possessing some half-numerical, half-organic shape.

After freeing themselves from the shells and shelters they were stored in,

these new creatures, these "Kaodes" (named after their crystal) now represent the new fauna of the new world.

In Kaode, your player impersonates a Traveler:

a young woman or a young man sent by its community around the Known World

on a personal initiatic journey,

conceived so not to make the same mistakes that lead to the last great conflict.

Who knows, maybe you will find out as much about yourself

as about your environment and the different ways of living your humanity...

Introducing environmental and humanistic topics,

the game got inspired by many old school RPG:

from Secret of Mana to Chrono Trigger, FF7 to Fallout 2. But not only.

Heroes 3, Pokemon obviously, or even the figurine collection game Heroclix played a great role in the battle system.

To finish, a great set of remarkable independent games: Binding of Isaac, The Stanley Parable, and many more.

We wanted to create a surprising, ambitious and positive game,

even if it is set in a post-apocalyptical world.

After all, where there is imagination, there is hope!

Yo! You may want some more information. Well good:

we've got a bunch of other videos in store.

Don't hesitate to follow us on Facebook or check out our official website on

In the meantime, you can watch other videos.

See you soon!

For more infomation >> Kaode, the Game - Universe, theùatics & inspirations (2/4) - Duration: 1:52.


For more infomation >> Kaode, the Game - Universe, theùatics & inspirations (2/4) - Duration: 1:52.


TWICE "SIGNAL" M/V - Duration: 4:19.

Trying to let you know

I send you a sign, send you a signal

I must let you know

I send you a sign, send you a signal

I send you a sign, send you a signal

I must let you know

I send you a sign, send you a signal

But it doesn't work at all

I give you a glance and keep throwing hints

But you don't understand

You really get me so frustrated

I really don't know why

Once again I gather up the courage

I send you a sign, send you a signal

No matter what glance, gesture or expression I give

It's no use, nothing works

You just don't get it, do you

What more can I do to express how I feel

Didn't realize it at first, but

at some point I started to like you, silly

How could you be so unaware

When will you stop being so obtuse,

Treating me only as a friend

That is not what I want

I send you a signal, send you a signal

Tingling Tingling Tingling Tingling

I want you, I want you

Why won't you respond

Whenever I see you, I send you my heart

Tingling Tingling Tingling Tingling

I'm waiting for you, it's all so obvious

Why don't you understand

Trying to let you know

I send you a sign, send you a signal

I must let you know

I send you a sign, send you a signal

When I smile at you, you really ought to know

It happens too often to be a coincidence

When I keep talking to you, you really should notice

How I keep on hanging around you

Didn't realize it at first, but

at some point I started to like you, silly

How could you be so unaware

When will you stop being so obtuse,

Treating me only as a friend

That is not what I want

I send you a signal, send you a signal

Tingling Tingling Tingling Tingling

I want you, I want you

Why won't you respond

Whenever I see you, I send you my heart

Tingling Tingling Tingling Tingling

I'm waiting for you, it's all so obvious

Why don't you understand

Tingling Tingling Tingling Tingling

Why won't you respond

Tingling Tingling Tingling Tingling

Why don't you understand

I send you a sign, send you a signal

But it doesn't work at all

I give you a glance and keep throwing hints

But you don't understand

You really get me so frustrated

I really don't know why

Once again I gather up the courage

I send you a sign, send you a signal

For more infomation >> TWICE "SIGNAL" M/V - Duration: 4:19.


MIGROS M-Budget: Que penses-tu du lundi? - Duration: 0:16.

For more infomation >> MIGROS M-Budget: Que penses-tu du lundi? - Duration: 0:16.


MIGROS M-Budget: Wie findest du den Montag? - Duration: 0:16.

For more infomation >> MIGROS M-Budget: Wie findest du den Montag? - Duration: 0:16.


Suzuki CELERIO 1.0 5D M/T CLUB - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Suzuki CELERIO 1.0 5D M/T CLUB - Duration: 1:11.


Let Me Love You (by DJ Snake feat. Justin Bieber) - Cover by Melodelle - Duration: 4:26.

Thank you for the suggestion

and I really appreciate that

because it makes so much fun

to sing something you want me to sing

so please tell me which song you want to hear.

And thank you so much for about 100 subs

that is unbelievable

and I appreciate that so much.

I was happy about every single one.

Whenever I saw that I had one sub more

I became so happy


if you're new on this channel

it would make me very happy

if you subscribe to my channel

and you can leave a like

as always

please tell me what you think about this cover

and if you have any suggestion.

See you in the next video!

Bye :)

For more infomation >> Let Me Love You (by DJ Snake feat. Justin Bieber) - Cover by Melodelle - Duration: 4:26.


What's a Quarter-Life Crisis? - Duration: 4:54.

Graduates: Even though it's a long way off, you've probably heard about something called

"the mid-life crisis" – men buy Italian sports cars; women go on yoga retreats to Bali.

But I'll bet you've never heard of a crisis you may be facing in a few short years.

I call it "the quarter life crisis."

I know a little something about it, because I went through it.

Oh, boy – did I go through it!

When I was 24, a lot was going my way – at least, on the surface.

I had great friends.

I had a great job on Capitol Hill.

I even had a great apartment.

So, why didn't I feel great about my life?

I was working as a press secretary for a congressman.

I should have been happy about that.

But instead, I just felt…trapped – anxious and uncertain about my future.

Where was I going?

What was my next move?

On the personal side, things weren't much better.

I hadn't had a boyfriend in years, and there were no prospects on the horizon.

Marriage seemed like an impossible dream.

I loved my friends, but I still felt lonely.

Right before my twenty-fifth birthday, I took a personal inventory (I love lists).

It felt like I was falling short… almost everywhere.

I missed my college days, which seemed, in retrospect, so carefree.

The future just looked boring and hard.

That is what you call a quarter-life crisis.

And I'd like to help you avoid it.

To that end, I bring you three pieces of advice.

One: Get out of town.

Feeling trapped?

One of the best ways to set yourself free is to move – literally.

After years of structure – high school, college, right into a career –

I longed to be free.

I wanted to be able to leave town at a moment's notice.

So I stopped accumulating stuff.

I only had one cup, one glass, one plate, one bowl, and one set of silverware.

It was one of the best things I did for myself.

It allowed me to be nimble in my life and my career.

Assuming for a moment you're not married (if you are, congratulations!),

you're pretty much accountable to no one.

That will change.

Take advantage of your mobility while you have it.

Go where the opportunities are.

But more than that, just go!

That might mean going somewhere for a better job, or it might mean traveling

whenever you get the chance.

It's a big country and a big world.

There's no reason to be stuck in one place, especially if that one place

isn't working for you.

Two: You're not going to become a ballerina at 25.

You're still young, but you're not as young as you used to be.

You don't have unlimited potential anymore.

The last time you had unlimited potential, you were nine.

At this point, you're pretty well formed – what you're good at, what you're really

bad at, what you like and don't like.

I'm not saying you can't change, that you can't grow.

Of course you can – and must; but you are who you are, and you need to figure out

who that is.

To put it another way, what is it that you want out of your life?

You need to make a realistic assessment of your strengths and weaknesses.

Again, lists.

This will help you take the next step in the process: setting a goal.

Okay, ballerina – not practical.

What is?

Be honest.

Figure it out.

Write it down.

Then, as one of my mentors told me before my first White House press conference,

"Put your big girl panties on, and deal with it."

Which leads to my final piece of advice: Meet the universe halfway.

No one is going to hand you the life you want.

You're going to have to go out and get it.

But there's a twist.

You don't really know where your life is going to take you.

You almost certainly won't end up where you plan to be.

But that's okay, because when you set goals and work toward them, positive things happen.

You gain skills.

And those skills will create opportunities that never would've existed if you weren't

working toward something.

Life will happen along the way; things will change in ways you can't possibly predict,

but nothing happens if you're sitting on a couch waiting for your life to begin.

I have a lot of other advice that will help you – like, don't skip the dentist.

But when it comes to surviving the quarter life crisis, I think this will help.

Now, if anyone has any advice for my upcoming midlife crisis, let me know.

I'm Dana Perino for Prager University.

For more infomation >> What's a Quarter-Life Crisis? - Duration: 4:54.


Insight! Episode 2 - Prevention! - Duration: 2:01.

Hi everyone! I hope you liked my last video

Today I want to talk to you about why I think preventative eye care is important.

I hope you had the opportunity to go to See Now's website

and click around to learn more about their campaign

I think preventative eye care

measures definitely have the ability to

shape our future generation tiny I think

Oh he smiled!

I think it helps preserve and develop our working population by helping those

who are working maintain their jobs

do well at their jobs and still take home that

family support that they need

Lay off..

him, him, him, him, hmm

better keep the egghead he just might come in handy

I know personally a my

eye doctor has provided me with these

preventive services that has ultimately

saved my sight. Now I am off to becoming

an eye doctor in the future without

those measures I definitely wouldn't be

here today.

I always like to imagine you know if

everyone could have that miracle story

that I was given who knows the next

milestone of our country we could have

the next president of the United States

or send the next astronaut to Mars

But unfortunately vision loss currently is

costing our United States $145 billion*

Federal government is only using

$3.8 million on efforts to stop it

Say whaaaaaat?

The preventative eye care services

definitely have saved my life and I want

you to help out others have a story like

mine by going to to

let your voice be heard because together

you've See Now and I can call on

Congress to dedicate another

$6.3 million to help millions

of Americans live life with healthy

sight. Thank you, guys!

For more infomation >> Insight! Episode 2 - Prevention! - Duration: 2:01.


Amar pelos dois - Portugal - Eurovision 2017 (Lyrics PT + EN) - Duration: 3:07.

Se um dia alguém perguntar por mim If someday someone asks about me

Diz que vivi para te amar Tell them that I have lived to love you

Antes de ti, só existi Before you, I only existed

Cansado e sem nada p´ra dar Tired and with nothing to give

Meu bem, ouve as minhas preces My dear, listen to my prayers

Peço que regresses I´m asking you to return

Que me voltes a querer To want me back again

Eu sei que não se ama sózinho I know that no one can´t love alone

Talvez devagarinho, possas voltar a aprender Maybe slowly, you could learn to love again

Meu bem, ouve as minhas preces My dear, listen to my prayers

Peço que regresses I´m asking you to return

Que me voltes a querer To want me back again

Eu sei que não se ama sózinho I know that no one can´t love alone

Talvez devagarinho, possas voltar a aprender Maybe slowly, you could learn to love again

Se o teu coração, não quiser ceder If your heart, doesn´t want to give in

Não sentir paixão Don´t feel the passion

Não quiser sofrer Don´t want to suffer

Sem fazer planos do que virá depois Without making plans about what might come ahead

O meu coração pode amar pelos dois My heart could love for both of us

For more infomation >> Amar pelos dois - Portugal - Eurovision 2017 (Lyrics PT + EN) - Duration: 3:07.


Smart Work and Time Management by Sandeep Maheshwari | Summary in English - Duration: 4:48.

Although our phones are becoming smarter day by day, we are becoming unsmarted.

Unsmart in the sense, managing our time.

Because, we are unconsciously wasting our most of the time.

The key to do smart work is efficiently managing the time.

Hence, if we can master the art of time management, only then we can do the smart work.

So, how to manage time and do smart work, let's learn it today-

Easy idea 1: Question yourself Many times it happens, we sit to study and

then a thought of doing something comes into our mind, and we get diverted.

Like, let's check how many likes do I get on my new DP, or let's check if there are

any new messages on whatsapp, then finally we open our mobile and the rest become history.

We waste hours & hours just by scrolling down meaninglessly.

So, how to stop ourselves from doing it?

The most easiest way to stop here is self questioning.

If you observe a little deeply, you will find the center point of every thought is a desire.

The moment, that thought of doing something else comes into our mind, we have to ask a

simple question to kill that desire, that is, at this moment what is the most important

thing for me?

Is it scrawling facebook or is it studying?

Now, to get the clear answer we need to set some ground rules, like, if it is between

7-10 am in the morning, then in this time the most important thing for me is studying,

after 10 am maybe I can spend some time on Facebook.

But now for me the most important thing is studying.

Every time you catch yourself procrastinating, you have to ask this question to yourself,

"What is the most important thing for me at this time?".

It will kill your thought process and will make you focused.

Easy idea 2: Repeat it, in your mind Suppose you want to do exercise, you know

it's good for you, but you are not feeling like it, your mind is resisting you.

Obviously it will, because, it is a painful thing for the mind.

But, no pain no gain.

So, how can you convince your mind to do so.

Here the key is your subconscious mind, it is already scientifically proven, that all

the things we do in a daily basis, 90% of them are controlled by our subconscious mind,

our behaviors are hugely influenced by it.

So to change its direction we need a connection with our subconscious mind, and that connection

can only be established by continuously repeating something in our mind.

You are not feeling like exercising?

In your mind, Repeat again and again "I love doing exercise, I love doing exercise, I love

doing exercise, I love doing exercise" for at least 1min continuously and see the magic.

Ancient Buddha has a famous quote, "what we think, we become".

In this way, easily you can test it, whether it is true or not.

Easy idea 3: One thing at a time Nowadays we are so busy, that we don't have

separate time for eating our lunch or dinner.

While eating also, we are continuously operating our smart phones, or maybe watching TV.

As a result what is happening?

We are suffering from different types of digestion problems.

Because when we eat consciously, only then saliva that are necessary for digestion, come

out into our mouth, but due to unconscious eating we are missing it.

As a result, we are damaging our digestive system ourselves.

When we try to focus on more than one thing simultaneously, our powers get divided, and

none of them get executed properly.

This is not so smart.

Sometime we name it multitasking, which it is absolutely not, multitasking itself is

a virtual concept, which even computers cannot do.

Computer switches between different tasks so fast that seems to the naked eye that all

of the tasks are being executed simultaneously, which is just an illusion.

So for god sake, stop calling it multitasking.

By doing more than one thing at a time we just waste our efficiency.

Only when we do something with our full attention, then only it is called smart work and time


I have learned these things from Sandeep Maheshwari's smart work and time management session, and

I am sharing this in English language in a summarized manner to join his mission in helping

others who need it the most.

If you find it useful and truly appreciate our work then a little request to you, please

share this video, and help us by joining with us clicking on the subscribe button.

Next video is on the next week.

Thanks for watching.

It's easy!

For more infomation >> Smart Work and Time Management by Sandeep Maheshwari | Summary in English - Duration: 4:48.


The Agni II Trial Evaluation Rather Than Flagellation Is Needed - Duration: 12:18.

For more infomation >> The Agni II Trial Evaluation Rather Than Flagellation Is Needed - Duration: 12:18.



For more infomation >> Opel KARL 1.0 AUTOMAAT ECOFLEX INNOVATION - Duration: 0:56.


Bruno Mars "When I Was Your Man" (karaoke+) - Duration: 3:48.

Bruno Mars "When I Was Your Man" (karaoke+)

For more infomation >> Bruno Mars "When I Was Your Man" (karaoke+) - Duration: 3:48.


Little Mouse Big Bones - An animated kids storybook - Duration: 5:21.

There once lived a little mouse in a big castle with no king.

Forgotten and abandoned, it was now home to strange things.

Strange things making strange noises echoing in the halls.

One night, the most terrifying noise was heard in the walls.

(wailing sound)

"Hmmmmmp… that's a strange noise," little mouse thought.

I better see what's making that noise in case someone's distraught.

Little mouse scurried through the castle using little mouse tunnels

Following the noise until he came to the royal kennels.

"Uh. Hello? Is everything alright?" said little mouse.

In answer, two red eyes glowed in the dog house.


Ahhh! Honey bones? What a fright. Have lost your head?

"Help me little mouse. I lost my body!" the skull said.

How? uh. There was this pit….

And? I might have buried it…

Again? Little mouse groaned. Honey bones rattled and moaned.

Please help me little mouse, I'm just not scary anymore.

Little mouse grumbled shaking his head whatever for…

(wailing sound)

Ok Ok. I'll help. Don't be so disheartened. Oh. Thank you thank you. It was somewhere

in the garden.

Little mouse dug and dug the ground. Looking for bones of a scary hound.

Found them!

Little mouse help put Honey Bones together. Finally, placing Honey Bones' head on his


Hmmm. mmm. uh.

yes? no.

no? yes.

Oh my, Sorry Honey Bones, this just doesn't look right…

The legs are tremendous, but you won't give anyone a fright.

Let's keep digging.

So little mouse dug and dug the ground Looking for bones of a scary hound.

Found them!

Little mouse help put Honey Bones together. Finally, placing Honey Bones' head on his shoulders.

Hmmm. mmm. uh.

Oh my, Sorry honey bones, this just doesn't look right…

The wings are impressive, but you won't give anyone a fright.

Let's keep digging.

So little mouse dug and dug the ground Looking for bones of a scary hound.

Found them!

Little mouse help put Honey Bones together. Finally, placing Honey Bones' head on his


oh. No?. uh.

Oh my, Sorry Honey Bones, this just doesn't look right…

The body is slender, but you won't give anyone a fright.

You're right, I look like one big tail, Honey Bones cried.

I'll never be scary again in anyone's eyes.

Little mouse sighed, looking at the bone littered ground.

Then he made the most happy sound.

I have an idea, little mouse squeaked But you must not peek.

Little mouse helped put Honey Bones together Finally, placing Honey Bones' head on his shoulders .

Ta da.

It's definitely strange. It's a good change.

It's a bit peculiar… I say sinister.

Is it creepy? And spooky.

and terrifying? Bone-chilling!

Thank you little mouse, Even I'm afraid Little mouse bowed, I'm happy to be of aid.

Strange things making strange noises echoing in the halls.

That night, the most terrifying noise was heard in the walls.

(wailing sound)

And little mouse slept through it all.

Hey, did you like my story? Then you should subscribe so you don't miss

the next Little Mouse Big Castle story and other great kids stories by E. B. Adams.

Thanks for watching! Bye!

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