Chủ Nhật, 15 tháng 7, 2018

Youtube daily report Jul 15 2018

have a question for you…

What would happen if Ronald Reagan would come back to life only to meet Donald

Trump in the oval office?

Do you think they would become friends?

Do you think they would shake hands and

find common ground, with similar values and political beliefs?

Of course, both are considered die-hard conservatives, both are considered a boogie man for the liberals

and both had a career on the show business.

But… in fact, this is where the similarities stop.

Ronald Reagan's job as president was to fight the worst recession since the great

depression and to do

so, he promised the Reagan Revolution.

The so-called revolution focused on reducing government spending,

taxes and regulation.

President Reagan liked the free market and believed that capitalism would solve the

nation's problems.

He also liked to portrait himself as a humble, paternal, figure.

In other words, he

pride himself for being a man of high moral values.

Donald Trump however… is a totally different animal.

He is showing off his fortune, his trophy former-

model wife, and he so obviously is the opposite of a paternal figure.

He would be more like your nasty

uncle, living like a bachelor regardless of his age and getting embarrassingly drunk during



On the policy side, Trump is seldom friendly with free market and small state, loves debt

and the idea of

trade wars and his protectionist policy of taking care of America first seems to be at

odds with the

GOP's tendency to be in favor, at least in theory, of the free market.

As you can see… there is a CLASH that runs deep in the soul of the Republican Party.

Or at least, this is

how it looks like from an outside perspective.

In one hand, there is that…

Good Old Party that loves America… small government, low taxes and conservative values.

And then… there is this other Republican Party…

That loves trophy wifes, big beautiful walls and tariffs.

And who is winning?

Well… you guessed it.

There is a wave of Republicans leaving Congress Among all these differences in values and

policy, the news cycle has completely been taken over by a new

wave of republicans.

And who is the most important of all of them?

Well, that would be PAUL RYAN, the

speak, the speaker of the House and Republican's golden boy.

During years, Paul Ryan was the champion of

fiscal rectitude and small government.

And now he has announced we will not run for reelections.

And, as you can imagine, he is not the only one.

Many Republicans might be leaving but there are always new elections and, therefore, new

candidates but

also questionable characters.

Take for example the Alabama special elections back in December 2017.

Trump-backed candidate, Roy Moore, was buried under lots of allegations of sexual abuse

of minors.


this scandals, Republicans lost the seat in Alabama for the first time in decades.

But the biggest

surprise is that a Republican president supported an allegedly, sexual predator.

Could you imagine

something like this just 5 years ago?

As you could expect, this Alabama scandal appeared on all the

national newspapers and hit the White House.

And now you might wonder…

What did Donald Trump do to solve this PR crisis?



They did


And this is one of the reasons why so many republican candidates are doing so bad on

the polls.

Even in traditionally red states.

But what does this mean for the White House?

Well, for those who don't keep up with American politics so

much, this year we have legislative elections.

The so-called MidTerms.

This is where the members of the

Congress and many senators are elected.

In America, the president, this is the executive power, is voted

in one election and the legislative power in another.

This is why, for example, despite Obama being

democrat, the majority on the legislative chambers was republican.

And if the republicans loose so many seats on this Midterms 2018, Trump is gonna be in

dire straits

anytime he wants to pass some bill.

But the real question now is… how did the Republican Party get here?

Can a political party change their

ideology this fast?

Today we are going to answer to all of these questions but before, let's take a look

back at history.


Ronald Reagan started out as a registered Democrat and New Deal supporter but left the

party in 1962,

crossing over to the GOP stating that he didn't leave the Democratic Party but was the party

that left


Nevertheless, things on the GOP where not ideal either.

According to Reagan, republicans had bought most

of the values of the Democratic platform.

And, despite the passionate rhetoric, there was some truth on


Have you ever heard about CULTURAL HEGEMONY?

This is a concept Marxist philosophers like to use a lot.

According to them, the ruling class needs to create a consensus.

A set of moral values that are shared by

the majority of the political players, including the opposition party.

And back then, ideas like the welfare state and the need for a bigger state control on

the economy became

the new mainstream.

Even the republicans had to accept those principles if they wanted to keep being

considered a serious player.

This explains why both Nixon and Eisenhower did very little when it comes to


An, you guessed, Reagan was not a big fan of this hegemony.

No nation in history has ever survived a tax burden that reached a third of its national


But here it comes the interesting part: cultural hegemony is something that changes over time.



those values and common-sense stop working to solve people's problem.

This is what happened in the 70s,

with the crisis.

America was not in a good place back then.

And this was the window of opportunity for Ronald Reagan to reinvent the Republican Party

and create the

ideological platform we used to know as conservativism.

In other words, he took something old and made it shine again by kind of creating a

brand-new ideology.

But the real question is… how do you do that?

How can you create a brand new ideology that makes sense

and makes you win elections?

Well, introducing the theory of the EMPTY SIGNIFIER.

Basically Ronald Reagan went to all the political groups that felt outside of that old political


He spoke to the evangelical conservatives in one hand.

He spoke to the military industry

complex guys on the other.

And finally, he spoke to everybody who was tired of paying so many taxes.

Then, he merged all this groups into a common cause: Liberty and Freedom.

This is what we call an empty


A concept so vague that everybody can project onto that vagueness the meaning they are looking


For a fiscal conservative, freedom means being free from paying less taxes.

For a hawkish

conservative, freedom means fighting authoritarian rulers.

In this crisis, Government is not the solution to our problem.

Government is the problem.

But think about it…

How is that possible that you have people so different from one another in the same


It is a big-time contradiction to have someone who wants smaller government and someone else

who wants to increase military spending, right?

Well… if you wanna create a political identity, you need an antagonist.


Ronald Reagan couldn´t have

it easier.



Yeah, the evil communists.

This is why during the 80s we have so many movies where the communist are the

bad guys.

Here you have titles like ´Red Dawn´, ´Rocky IV´ and, of course, ´Top Gun´.

All this movies,

alongside with Reagan's speeches, helped to create a brand new hegemony.

Even Democrat presidents like

Clinton had to promise tax cuts to win elections.

But… as you know Soviet Union fell in the 90s.

So what happens when you lose your antagonist?

Well… then

you find another one.

Like president Reagan did two decades before, President Bush operated from a Christian worldview


distinguishes between good and evil.

After the tragedy of September 11 president Bush announced that the

battle ahead would be "a monumental struggle of good versus evil, but good will prevail"

and that's how

the so called "evil" became America's new enemy.

We will rally the world to this cause by our efforts, by our courage, we will not tire,

we will not

falter, and we will not fail.

Of course, here I'm not saying that terrorist or communist are not that evil, or that they

are just a

fabricated monster.

Of course not.

But they can be utilized to create a political platform.


important politician has done it.

Roosevelt did it, Reagan did it, Bush did it… but what happens when you

run out of enemies?

What happens when the Soviet Union is over or when Bin Laden is dead?

This is the

time for…


After the 2008 financial crisis, the economic mainstream and the cultural hegemony was once


challenged, resulting in people not trusting the economic mainstream anymore.

The word didn't spread through mainstream media.

And immediately, the question arose whether or not the

lack of coverage was because it wasn't newsworthy or because some of the people being protested


had the control over the various mainstream media outlets'

When people lose faith in something, that usually leaves a void that needs to be filled

by a new kind of


And here swoops in candidate Donald J. Trump with his inflaming speeches during campaign

rallies, all his personal scandals and the scorching and polarizing public statements.

Once again, a new presidential candidate managed to ally himself with an astounding variety

of political

and religious groups that felt misrepresented by the mainstream.

In fact, 80% of the Evangelical

Christians voted for Trump, much more than any other religious group.

Evangelicals values are those of family and moral integrity so, why isn't a character

like Trump, with

all his divorces and sexual scandals perceived as immoral?

Even in the light of the recent media storm surrounding the alleged hush payment to silence

porn star

Stormy Daniels, 78% of Evangelical voters still support Trump.

Some evangelical leaders went as far as publicly stating that they have given the president

what they

call a Mulligan, a do-over.

After much googling, dear viewers, I found out that to give someone a

Mulligan is a golf metaphor... which seems strangely appropriate considering Trump's

passion for the


Yes, Evangelical conservatives gave him a Mulligan, they let him have a do over, they

said we will start

fresh with you and give you a second chance --Tony Perkings speaking at CNN

So how is this possible?

Well, you guessed, the antagonists come into play.

So, who or what is Trump's

political enemy?

The first group that immediately comes to mind is the mainstream media, or as the American


calls them, the fake news media.

The second enemy is the so-called Swamp, a term that refers to the not-

so-clean and not-so-transparent political scene in Washington.

The third of many more enemies is, you

guessed it, immigrants.

So, Trump can always play the 'me or the others' card.

And it seems to work for


What do all these talking points have in common?

The alt-right has been using them for years.


managed to appeal to evangelicals and members of the far-right that for a long time have


misrepresented by the liberal and mainstream media.

And Trump's rhetoric on migration also drew in the

support of the extreme far right, as was the case of the neo-nazi rally in Charlottesville

that wasn't

later condemned by the President, who went so far as to say that there were very fine

people on both


From Mexican rapists to bad hombres, the Trump campaign in two moments

Trump's rhetoric has also spawned a lot of Republican candidates that are trying to

appeal to the same

voters that are the core base of the president, going so far as to state that they are "Trumpier


Trump"… but... does it work?

Apparently, it mainly works for those bearing the Trump name.

Take for

example the West Virginia Republican primary.

One of the candidates came up with an ad that was filled to

the brim with Trump's preferred phrases and idioms and yet he still came up last in

the race.

In order to give a fuller account of the Trump presidency we would need a couple of days

but in the

meantime, considering all this controversy... how are the Republicans doing?

Many political analysts believe that a Democratic blue wave may crash onto these Midterms Election

but is

it only a reaction to Trump's scandals?

Or are the democratic-inclined voters more energized?

Republicans are losing 2018 midterm money wars

The GOP is worried about these incoming midterm election, as was reported by CNN.

In their piece CNN

reported that senior members of the party are warning the younger members to accumulate

as many donations

as possible, in order to be able to run successful campaigns in such a difficult political climate.

Suffice it to say that in the 88 most competitive House races, 40 Republicans have been out-raised


their Democratic challengers.

With House Speaker Paul Ryan abrupt exit, the Republican corporate donor base was a

bit shaken.

A number

of party donors and operatives believe that the Speaker's exit was the final piece of

evidence they

needed to flip their attention from the House to the Senate.

And that means empty wallets for House

Republicans which will pretty much be left to fend for themselves.

But we need to remember that, when it comes to politics, nothing is written in stone.

We at VisualPolitik

are going to pay special attention to these upcoming mid-terms.

So now it's you turn… are the Republicans losing their credibility?

Do you think they will lose votes?


a democratic blue wave coming these midterms?

Please, leave your answer on the comment section below.

And of course, don't forget to visit our friends

from RECONSIDER MEDIA.Com, the podcast that provided the voices on this video that are

not mine.

And of

course, visit our PATREON page if you want to support this project.

And, as always, I see you next time.

For more infomation >> Is TRUMP-ism hijacking the REPUBLICAN PARTY? - VisualPolitik EN - Duration: 16:18.


What If The Liopleurodon Didn't Go Extinct? - Duration: 4:08.

Liopleurodon was a huge sea monster that lived during the late Jurassic period.

It had huge, sharp teeth it used to snack on prey it ambushed in coral reefs.

But By the beginning of the Cretaceous period, which began 145 million years ago, liopleurodon

went extinct.

But what if it didn't?

what if it survived until modern day?

How would the course of history have changed?

That's what we're going to talk about, right now on life's biggest questions.

Hello and welcome back to life's biggest questions, the channel that imagines the impossible.

I'm Charlotte Dobre.

Don't forget to give this video a thumbs up, subscribe and ask us a question in the

comments below.

Before we can determine what would happen if liopleurodon didn't go extinct, let's

learn a little about it.

Liopleurodon is a marine reptile belonging to the pliosaur group, that swam in the earth's

oceans during the late Jurassic period, 160 to 150 million years ago.

Liopleurodon's name is greek for smooth sided teeth.

Back when it was discovered in 1873, 3 huge machetes like teeth were found in a French


They became a little more famous after the BBC featured liopleurodon in their series

Walking With Dinosaurs.

The thing is, the BBC producers on the show lied a little about how big it was.

Rather than being 80 feet, Liopleurodon was more like 25 to 30 feet.

The BBC didn't exaggerate its size on purpose.

The fact is, they came up with 80 feet because liopleurodon's skull is oversized, meaning

that its head was pretty big in comparison to the rest of its body.

There were a lot of other types of pliosaurs as well as plesiosaurs swimming around the

ocean during the Jurassic period, and Liopleurodon was mid-sized in comparison

Back in the late Jurassic, a lot of what is now western Europe was covered by a shallow

body of water, inhabited by marine life.

Liopleurodon was the apex predator of this ecosystem, it ate pretty much everything in


From fish to squids to other types of marine reptiles.

It was a pretty fast swimmer and used its four flippers and streamlined body to hunt

quickly and effortlessly in the water.

That being said, it definitely wasn't the biggest or fastest predator in the sea.

When hunting, it would take cover in a reef and ambush its prey.

Perhaps one of the most notable characteristics of liopleurodon was its extremely good sense

of smell.

It could smell prey from extremely far away by detecting chemicals in the water.

It could not, however, breathe underwater, it needed to breathe oxygen at the surface

like whales do.

We know that liopleurodon lived in shallow waters, coral reefs were its home and hunting


But that's also where sharks like to hang out.

As you probably know from our previous videos on this channel, huge sharks also roamed the


Between 23 to 2.6 million years ago, megalodon sharks were one of the main apex predators.

If Liopleurodon didn't go extinct, neither would megalodons.

If liopleurodons survived their extinction, past the mass extinction of the dinosaurs,

they likely would have been at the top of the food chain, at least, until sharks came


Megalodon sharks consumed a wide variety of prey, who's to say they wouldn't have

eaten liopleurodons, who would have shared their habitat?

Liopleurodon would be no match for a megalodon shark, that was believed to have been up to

59 feet in length.

Not to mention, Liopleurodon needs to breathe air at the surface of the water, sharks don't.

That being said, considering liopleurodon has an extremely good sense of smell, it would

have been able to detect megalodon sharks from far away, and if one ever came around,

hide from it.

In terms of human history, a lot would have been different if liopleurodon didn't go


Since liopleurodon lived in a shallow body of water over the top of what is now modern-day

Europe, it would have likely stuck around that area, when the water receded, still living

around reefs.

Essentially classical humans would have believed liopleurodon was a sea monster.

I mean, they didn't exactly know what dinosaurs now did they?

So the only other reasonable explanation would be that they were sea monsters.

Seeing as liopleurodon needed to come up to the surface for air, humans would have been

well aware of their existence, and would likely avoid them as much as possible.

Sea travel around the Mediterranean and western Europe would have been far more difficult.

I mean, people would have had to worry about liopleurodon and massive megalodon sharks.

Entire voyages likely wouldn't have happened, unless humans invented weapons powerful enough

to kill liopleurodon.

For more infomation >> What If The Liopleurodon Didn't Go Extinct? - Duration: 4:08.


MEGHAN está tratando de hacer coincidir el estilo con KATE - Duration: 4:17.

For more infomation >> MEGHAN está tratando de hacer coincidir el estilo con KATE - Duration: 4:17.


Top 10 Alternate Versions Of The Power Rangers - Part 2 - Duration: 10:41.

Hey guys!

Welcome back to Top 10 Nerd, I'm Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey.

Sooo funny story.

I already did a part 1 on this list, and I kinda screwed up.

Turns out a site listing fan-made Rangers looks INSANELY similar to the one listing

real stories.

And I mixed a couple of fan-made ones in.

I made an oopsie.

But this time, I've made sure to not just double check, but triple check that these

are real.

I am hoping to keep my foot as far from my mouth as humanly possible.

That said, if anything is amiss, let me know in the comments so I can keep getting better!

If you finish this and want more, check out our video on the Alternate Versions of Deadpool


But first, get ready, it's time for the Top 10 Alternate Versions of the Power Rangers,

Part 2!

Number 10: Power Rangers Ninja Storm.

Ninja Storm, the 11th season, was a weird time for Power Rangers.

They had barely survived being canceled by moving to film to New Zealand and going Non-Union.

And the New Zealand thing stuck; the show continued to be filmed there for years.

But this season did see the return of OG production manager Doug Sloan, who was with the show

from the beginning up until Turbo.

As you probably guessed, this was a ninja-inspired team, fighting against the evil, and surprisingly

funny, Lothor, with the help of their zords and power spheres, as well as a number of

weapons and gadgets.

It was a lot more lighthearted than previous versions, which some fans loved, and others

didn't like.

Personally, I think the whole concept of Power Rangers is so campy, it's best to keep it

as lighthearted as possible.

Let's be real, this is a formulaic show, where people beat up big baddies then hop

in their big machines and fight them some more.

This isn't The Godfather.

Give me some damn levity.

Number 9: Power Rangers Jungle Fury.

Jungle Fury, the sixteenth season of the show, was a bit of a victim of circumstance.

It took place during the 2007-2008 Writers Guild strike, which means several episodes

in the middle had to be written by non-union writers instead of the original ones.

When the real writers came back, they were stuck trying to work everything back into

a cohesive story that they liked.

That said, it actually turned out to be a pretty popular season!

It started out with just 3 rangers, which let us really get to know them, plus the martial

arts were totally rad.

But there were definitely some drawbacks too.

The villains were weak, one of whom was named "Jarrod".

I'll let you figure out how popular THAT decision was.

And since the writers have stuck in a corner thanks to the strike, the ending was super


But it wasn't the worst season ever, and the theme song was totally rocking.

Number 8: Power Rangers Wild Force.

Here's the first of my boo-boos from last time.

Because I accidentally used a fan-made Wild PRIME instead of Wild Force.


But this time, I've got the right one, and it's a really cool one!

First and foremost, the Zords are insanely cool.

They had all sorts of awesome animal zords; Giraffe, Shark, Elephant, Eagle, Lion, Tiger,

and Bears, Oh my! Sorry, got carried away.

As I was saying, the Wild Force had a BUNCH of zords with even more combinations.

They fought against the Orgs, these evil, mutant, demon things with horns.

Who, as the red ranger learned, have no hearts.

And one was a wedding dress.

Like previous seasons, the Wild Force had team-up episodes, but they took it a bit further.

Since it was the 10th season, they did something special and had an episode called Forever


It saw Cole Evans, the Wild Force Red Ranger, team up with the other 9 Red Rangers in a

final showdown with the Machine Empire.

Number 7: Power Rangers Time Force.

Time Force was the 9th season of Power Rangers, and similar to In Space and Lost Galaxy, it's

generally considered to be among the darker seasons.

It involved death, and social issues like racism, more than previous seasons.

Instead of teens, the Time Force was made up of professional adults, Time Force Officers

who went to the past to stop Ransik and his army of convicts.

Ransik was pretty interesting relative to other Power Rangers villains since he actually

had some good qualities.

He clearly cared about his daughter Nadira, even turning himself in at the end after he

accidentally hits her.

Also, fun fact, they had to cut out certain scenes out of the final version.

This is because the season came out soon after the attack on September 11th, and scenes of

people screaming while buildings come crashing down would have been in bad taste.

Okay, that wasn't actually very fun.

So uh, that was just a fact.

OH but that reminds me, if you're a fan of the show Friends, there was one airport

scene that ended up being cut because of 911, but if you want to see it, look up Friends

Airport Security.

I was so psyched to see 4 minutes of Friends that I had never seen.

Number 6: Power Rangers RPM.

RPM, the 17th season of Power Rangers, almost didn't get made, since Disney originally planned

to cancel the series after Jungle Fury.

But, possibly due to a contract dispute with Bandai, they caved and made RPM.

And it went off to a pretty crazy start, with Executive producer Eddie Guzelian having blown

through the entire budget halfway through the season.

So he was fired.

But the season ended up being fairly well received.

Personally, I love the zords.

A lot of the vehicle seasons have kinda lame ones, where they're just like, Cars!

Or, Spaceships!

But that's lame, I want animals!

And RPM made a compromise, making cars that LOOK like animals!

Shark, Wolf, Croc, Eagle, Lion, Bear, Falcon, Tiger, Whale… there are many, and they are

pretty cool.

The series was actually pretty dark too, taking place in a post-apocalyptic wasteland in an

alternate universe.

Which was weird for some, especially with how strange it was having colorful rangers

in a dreary wasteland.

But they were so badass that a lot of people were totally cool with it.

Oh, and are you wondering what RPM stands for?

Me too.

They never actually said in the show.

One would assume rotations per minute, but that isn't exactly badass.

But Bandai says it stands for Racing Performance Machines, so let's go with that.

Side note, Bandai sounds totally wrong, should it be Bandai?

All the commercials say Bandai.

I don't know what to believe.

Number 5: Power Rangers Mystic Force.

This is the other boo-boo I made in Part One, where instead of Mystic FORCE, I accidentally

used Mystic WARRIORS.

People need to be more imaginative with their damn names.

Anyway, all saltiness aside, Mystic Force is right up my alley.

Because there's magic!

And I love magic!

Mystic Force is way more fantasy-inspired than other versions.

Years ago, an army of the undead, led by the evil Morticon, tried to take over the human


However, a legion of wizards managed to drive them off and cast them back to the underworld.

But then when the show begins, the army is once again attacking, and in true power ranger

fashion, 5 teenagers are chosen to fight the Undead army using magic.

Their Zords are similarly fantastical, with a Phoenix, a Garuda, a Mermaid, a Sprite,

and a Minotaur, which is totally badass.

They even make friends with a genie.


If you're looking for a change of pace, Mystic Force is the place to go.

Number 4: Power Rangers in Space.

The last list a lot of people had an issue with the fact that I had Lost Galaxy and not

In Space.

Frankly, it's just because I watched the Last Galaxy more when I was a kid, but as luck

would have it, I get to do a part 2 so you can have both!

Power Rangers in Space was the 6th season in the franchise and was actually intended

to be the last.

But the ratings were so huge, it kinda saved the franchise.

Why the big ratings?

Well, they changed up a bunch.

It was the first season to use an orchestral score instead of rock music.

They changed up a bunch of the characters.

But most of all, it was the conclusion to the previous 6 seasons, which really helped

to revitalize the story, which was becoming a bit dull.

This season saw the Space Rangers, with their Astro Morphers, taking on the evil Astronema,

who was the sister of the Red Ranger, Andros.

While trying to save Zordon.

The Zords aren't as cool as some other seasons since they're just spaceships, but the emotional

conclusion to the Zordon era was pretty great.

And sad.

RIP Zordon.

Number 3: Power Rangers Zeo.

Zeo was a big one for Power Rangers.

It was the fourth season and the first time that the costumes changed.

This would, of course, be the first of many costume changes, and it wasn't exactly a surprise

since Super Sentai did the same thing a lot.

But it was still a bit risky, especially since kids often don't do so well with change.

But since the ratings were dropping, they knew they had to change things up, and rather

than killing off the main character, they decided to change up the costumes, and also

power up the rangers.

It was the first time robotic villains were seen when previously the Rangers had more

or less had the monopoly on robotics.

Anyway, Zeo saw a new set of rangers take on the mantle, after harnessing the power

of the Zeo Crystal, becoming Power Rangers Zeo.

They used their weapons and Zeo Zords to take on King Mondo's army of mechs.

Mondo was basically Dr. Eggman from Sonic, with his mechanical minions, but like... he

somehow managed to be even less competent.

Number 2: Power Rangers Dino Thunder.

Dino Thunder was, in my opinion, one of the coolest looking teams of all the seasons.

It was the 12th season and saw the return of dinozords, something that I'm always a

fan of.

It also saw the return of none other than Tommy Oliver, the hugely popular character

best known as the green ranger.

This time he was, fittingly, a paleontology professor.

And 3 of his detention students found dino gems, turning them, and Tommy, into Dino Rangers.

The gems gave them superpowers, with different members gaining different powers, like Super

speed, super strength, and a sonic scream.

They had a bunch of cool weapons and vehicles, but as with any dinozord season, the highlight

for me is the zords.

Tyrannozord, Tricerazord, Pterazord, Dragozord, Stegozord... so great.

Dinosaurs are cool.

There's a bit of a confusing story behind this too.

The Dino gems came from the meteors that killed off the dinosaurs.

But in Dino Super Charge, End of Extinction, it was retconned so that the dinosaurs never

went extinct so these rangers wouldn't have gotten their powers.

But then Super Ninja Steel revealed that Dino Charge actually took place in an alternate


So everything is still canon.


Number 1: Power Rangers S.P.D.

SPD, the 13th season, is seen as one of the best by some, but not all fans agree.

SPD, or, Space Patrol Delta, takes place in 2025 when the Troobian Empire decides to attack


The A-Squad of the SPD decides to go rogue, so the B-Squad has to take the reins.

And the series had a lot going for it.

The acting was actually quite good, with surprisingly decent actors bringing some legitimacy to

the show.

This allowed for some more character-centric shows, with each character getting their own

episode to flesh out their personality.

Which is part of why some younger viewers didn't like it as much?

They had some cool weapons and cool vehicles, although they weren't animals so they lost

out a bit in my books.

It was also the first season to have a female Red Ranger, which was pretty nifty.

Go ahead and call me a soyboy, I think that's great.

That said, the season wasn't perfect.

Some fans thought they borrowed too much from the Super Sentai counterpart, and others thought

the characters were boring.

But that doesn't stop SPD from being one of the highest rated seasons ever.

. That's it for today!

Hope you guys enjoyed if you did please smack that thumbs up button and subscribe to Top

10 Nerd for more videos!

Let me know which of these was your fave in the comment section down below!

And if you want a sweet playlist to watch so you can just relax and let the nerdiness

wash over you, check out our Top 10 Alternate Versions playlist on the channel!

Until next time, I'm Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey with Top 10 nerd.

Later nerds!

For more infomation >> Top 10 Alternate Versions Of The Power Rangers - Part 2 - Duration: 10:41.


Dance Moms: Chloe's Hip Hop Solo - "Beautiful" (Season 3) | Lifetime - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Dance Moms: Chloe's Hip Hop Solo - "Beautiful" (Season 3) | Lifetime - Duration: 1:07.


Леонардо да Винчи Мудрые афоризмы и высказывания ТОП 10 - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> Леонардо да Винчи Мудрые афоризмы и высказывания ТОП 10 - Duration: 2:27.


Y el fútbol hizo justicia: Luka Modric, Balón de Oro de Rusia 2018 - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> Y el fútbol hizo justicia: Luka Modric, Balón de Oro de Rusia 2018 - Duration: 3:20.


Ngáo ộp LẦN ĐẦU đi BUFFET TÔM HÙM 5 SAO HOTEL INTERCONTINENTAL KUMHO đẳng cấp I cuộc sống sài gòn - Duration: 25:33.

For more infomation >> Ngáo ộp LẦN ĐẦU đi BUFFET TÔM HÙM 5 SAO HOTEL INTERCONTINENTAL KUMHO đẳng cấp I cuộc sống sài gòn - Duration: 25:33.


Will It Slime? Slime Kit Test #474 - Satisfying Slime ASMR - Duration: 11:21.

Will It Slime? Slime Kit Test #474 - Satisfying Slime ASMR

For more infomation >> Will It Slime? Slime Kit Test #474 - Satisfying Slime ASMR - Duration: 11:21.


Trump's Lawyer Revealed The Secret Weapon That Can Bring Down Mueller For Good - Duration: 14:32.

For more infomation >> Trump's Lawyer Revealed The Secret Weapon That Can Bring Down Mueller For Good - Duration: 14:32.


American Reacts to First SWEDISH MIDSUMMER !! - Duration: 6:30.

so what exactly is midsummer there's been a few parodies on the internet

poking fun at the stereotypes of the traditional Swedish midsummer

celebration a holiday devoted to eating drinking dancing and assorted pagan

rituals and you have to be really drunk that's the and in America it's safe to

say that most people think of it as this crazy summer all white attire party with

flower crowns and houses number in this video my goal is simple to experience

and share a traditional Swedish midsummer celebration without any ado

this is a New Yorkers first ever midsummer in Sweden

so my friends and I are road tripping through West Sweden over the next week

in partnership with Volvo the city of Gothenburg and the West Sweden tourism

Florida now we've spent a few days in Gothenburg and it is finally time for

midsummer celebration which means you get out of the city I mean every single

person leaves the city except that guy must have no family anyway this is what

Gothenburg looks like on Midsummer's Eve empty

now a traditional midsummer is celebrated out in the countryside it's

surrounded by nature and with that we headed to the islands let's drink some

stop baby

we took a 30-minute boat ride to a tiny charming nearby island that has just

about 350 full-time residents with many more visiting in the summer here we were

greeted by our host HOH Khan so my name is Hong Kong called stem and we are in

my gourd um now this guy was a total stud and he kindly let us stay at his

guest house this is the cottage or staying at we will also be celebrating a

traditional midsummer with Ho Khan and his family and friends Swedes have this

stereotype of being pretty reserved which can be for the most part true that

is until the schnapps

since I am a foreigner you know I can't just roll up to this party I have some

world-famous schnapps made here in Sweden getting this shot of that Mike

the biggest travel tip I can give anyone if you are a guest in someone's house

always bring a gift it goes a long way it's more traditional Sweden we have

these hearings with the fresh potatoes you can't happen without

midsummer with my friends and my parents I feel good with this life it feels like

we're part of the family a lot of tradition a lot of love a lot of culture

just finishing up the midsummer lunch we have moved on to the strawberries to see

how other people celebrate life very special Swedish midsummer very different

than what we expected we expected a crazy crazy party I honestly kind of

like this toks now I feel like we learned something we connected with

people we got to experience a culture a tradition that's just something we don't

have and it's it's just beautiful it's it's honestly amazing that's what it is

it's very unexpected that it's so it just makes it's a feel-good vibe that

you can't really put into words it's authentic - it's not there's no there's

no oh thank you it's an authentic experience there's no no one's trying to

sell anything here and no one's trying to push an agenda people enjoying life

with their family and their friends and over a good meal after the food and the

drinking the whole town of meets in the village center and the Maypole is raised

which is essentially a symbolic penis let's just say that lots of Swedes are

born in March there is singing and dancing about little frogs around the

Maypole all of which seemed a bit strange to us since we were the only

ones there who didn't know any of the words or the dances but people were

friendly enough to teach us in good old-fashioned Midsomer tradition it was

cloudy with some rain showers and then of course a few moments after the

Paul games ended the clouds parted and the Sun came out if you didn't know

midsummer takes place on the longest day of the year and when you're this far

north sometimes the Sun doesn't even set now we're so pretty far in the south of

Sweden the Sun sets around 10:30 but if you go all the way up north it's like

the whole day at this point in the midsummer celebration people tend to

break off into small private backyard parties but in this case ho con that let

us use his floating sauna that's right a floating sauna which is basically a

houseboat that just happened to have a wood-burning sauna on it you come down

here with a few of your friends you grab some delicious seafood send some beers

and send a nice hot sunset sauna and to swim for this number 15 are you kidding

I am queen and now we sound up and this is a wood sound uh-oh

oh it is toasty and here the lenses fog enough baby have you can recall we went

to Finland about what was that three months ago yes

and it was minus 25 degrees Celsius and we were doing this very same thing I

have to say the summer time sauna it's a little the better we have the Sun out

actually some nice lens flare action going on I think it's 9:30 p.m. but it

looks like it's four o'clock in the afternoon now as you can see Eric and

Jared couldn't take the heat so they literally got out of the sauna but if

you're a real man you stay in the sauna and of course in Scandinavian tradition

what is a naked sauna with a few of your close friends without jumping into the

40-degree fahrenheit water am i jumping are you nuts to cool down for sun set

swim at 11 o'clock at night on the longest day of the

that is some Swedish summer invigoration right there make sure to

stay tuned for the final episode of the Sweden Travis

For more infomation >> American Reacts to First SWEDISH MIDSUMMER !! - Duration: 6:30.


Free! Dive To The Future | SWIM - Duration: 1:41.

Those are some nice muscles...

Glad to meet you, Matsuoka Rin-kun.


I'm never gonna be an ordinary person.


I swear, sometimes it seems like you can't survive out of water, Haru-chan.

Good morning, Haru-chan!


For more infomation >> Free! Dive To The Future | SWIM - Duration: 1:41.



For more infomation >> TESTING VIRAL OVER HYPED MAKEUP 2018 - Duration: 13:35.


Donald Trump Was Just Betrayed By The One Person He Never Expected - Duration: 14:32.

For more infomation >> Donald Trump Was Just Betrayed By The One Person He Never Expected - Duration: 14:32.


Nightcore - Rockstar (Female Version) - Lyrics - Duration: 3:15.

This video includes lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Rockstar (Female Version) - Lyrics - Duration: 3:15.


Te sorprenderá: 'Paco' Jémez dio su 11 ideal de Rusia 2018, con un mexicano en la cancha - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Te sorprenderá: 'Paco' Jémez dio su 11 ideal de Rusia 2018, con un mexicano en la cancha - Duration: 1:27.


Bald pit bull found on the street starts to CRY when rescuer touch her skin - Duration: 5:23.

For more infomation >> Bald pit bull found on the street starts to CRY when rescuer touch her skin - Duration: 5:23.


Lebron James Already Has High Profile Hollywood Friends | TMZ TV - Duration: 2:01.










































































For more infomation >> Lebron James Already Has High Profile Hollywood Friends | TMZ TV - Duration: 2:01.


Are You a Homosexual? NO GOD! PLEASE NO!!! (Young Pope meme) - Duration: 0:35.

For more infomation >> Are You a Homosexual? NO GOD! PLEASE NO!!! (Young Pope meme) - Duration: 0:35.


Cuando tu bias sube foto | Yoongi | animación crota #1 - Duration: 0:19.

when the one you like uploads photo

Hello beautiful pretty

I love you



HIIIHIHIHIHIHIHHHH (rare breath xdxd)




(Hits again) I LOVE YOU

(I used the translator hehe, sorry)

For more infomation >> Cuando tu bias sube foto | Yoongi | animación crota #1 - Duration: 0:19.


Talib Mirza - MANN BHARRYA Ft. Himanshi Khurana (Cover Song) B Praak | Jaani | Punjabi Song 2018 - Duration: 4:40.



keep sharing

For more infomation >> Talib Mirza - MANN BHARRYA Ft. Himanshi Khurana (Cover Song) B Praak | Jaani | Punjabi Song 2018 - Duration: 4:40.


MLB》提波人生勝利組 把到兩任環球小姐 - Duration: 4:51.

For more infomation >> MLB》提波人生勝利組 把到兩任環球小姐 - Duration: 4:51.


MLB》輸球之後 紅雀火了總教練 - Duration: 5:43.

For more infomation >> MLB》輸球之後 紅雀火了總教練 - Duration: 5:43.


一问一答|秦俊杰、百何周冬雨、金世佳、彭昱畅、倪妮、汪小菲 - Duration: 4:26.

For more infomation >> 一问一答|秦俊杰、百何周冬雨、金世佳、彭昱畅、倪妮、汪小菲 - Duration: 4:26.


胡歌、霍建华和他,年收入差别好大,不都很红吗? - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> 胡歌、霍建华和他,年收入差别好大,不都很红吗? - Duration: 2:26.


NBA》火箭想搶安森尼 僅剩國王可能攔胡 - Duration: 4:17.

For more infomation >> NBA》火箭想搶安森尼 僅剩國王可能攔胡 - Duration: 4:17.


瓊斯盃》高國豪展現得分爆發力 中華白仍輸菲 - Duration: 6:03.

For more infomation >> 瓊斯盃》高國豪展現得分爆發力 中華白仍輸菲 - Duration: 6:03.


邓超,白百合,杨洋,张天爱,岳云鹏,柳岩,从未见过的演员阵容 - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> 邓超,白百合,杨洋,张天爱,岳云鹏,柳岩,从未见过的演员阵容 - Duration: 3:07.


孙俪前任被曝光,年轻时竟比邓超还帅,只不过现在混成了这样? - Duration: 4:41.

For more infomation >> 孙俪前任被曝光,年轻时竟比邓超还帅,只不过现在混成了这样? - Duration: 4:41.


Chelsea transfer news: N'Golo Kante 'has always wanted' PSG move - expert - Duration: 2:32.

 The Chelsea midfielder has massively impressed since arriving in the Premier League back in 2015

 Kante was once again in fine form as France lifted the World Cup on Sunday. And Chelsea fans are excited to welcome the midfielder back to Stamford Bridge for pre-season

 But according to Laurens, PSG want to sign Kante, and the player would be open to the switch

 "I think he'll be expensive," he told the BBC's World Cup Daily podcast.  "But he's a Paris born-and-bred kid and I think he always at some point wanted to go there

 "He could have gone there and chose Chelsea instead, which I think he would agree now was the right move for him at the time

 "And now they need a player like him and Tuchel loves him and they are going to try it

 "I'm not sure it will be enough, but they will try." Luka Modric picked up the Golden Ball after Croatia's 4-2 defeat this afternoon

 But speaking before the final, BBC presenter Gary Lineker believed Kante should be awarded the Player of the Tournament prize

 "For me, until now, N'Golo has been the best player at the World Cup," he told L'Equipe

 "He's not really the type of guy we speak about or try to push forward as a star

 "With Kante, France play with 12 men. "He counts as two midfielders on his own. He's everywhere

 "His quality of pass is excellent and he can break the lines. He's able to push the ball forwards

 "Honestly, it's a huge advantage to have Kante in the team. He's one of the keys to France and is one of the reasons they're a big favourite for the final


For more infomation >> Chelsea transfer news: N'Golo Kante 'has always wanted' PSG move - expert - Duration: 2:32.


For more infomation >> Chelsea transfer news: N'Golo Kante 'has always wanted' PSG move - expert - Duration: 2:32.


N'Golo Kante: Was France star injured in World Cup final? Chelsea man had 'worst game' - Duration: 1:38.

 That is the opinion of Sport pundit and former Arsenal defender Lee Dixon. Kante was substituted after just 55 minutes of the match in Moscow, with the score at 2-1

 France went on to win the game 4-2 to claim their second ever World Cup. Dixon says Didier Deschamps' side fully deserved the victory, with every player improving as the tournament went on

 But he admitted it was not a good performance from Chelsea star Kante. "In every position, you look along the back line, the full-backs and midfield (they got better)," Dixon said

 "Kante had, I don't know if he looked a bit injured tonight or something, his worst game

 "But every position they look like they know what they're doing.  "They're balanced, that word keeps coming up, the balance of the team looks absolutely exceptional

 "They fully deserve to lift that trophy." Goals from Antoine Griezmann, Paul Pogba, Kylian Mbappe and a Mario Mandzukic own goal were enough for Les Bleus to register an historic win

 Deschamps has now become just the second man to win the World Cup as a player and as a manager

For more infomation >> N'Golo Kante: Was France star injured in World Cup final? Chelsea man had 'worst game' - Duration: 1:38.


For more infomation >> N'Golo Kante: Was France star injured in World Cup final? Chelsea man had 'worst game' - Duration: 1:38.


自称豪门的范冰冰为何会看上李晨?看完李晨的背景你就知道了 - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> 自称豪门的范冰冰为何会看上李晨?看完李晨的背景你就知道了 - Duration: 4:28.


For more infomation >> 自称豪门的范冰冰为何会看上李晨?看完李晨的背景你就知道了 - Duration: 4:28.


Luka Modric wins World Cup Golden Ball as Kylian Mbappe named best young player - Duration: 1:51.

 Luka Modric has won the 2018 World Cup Golden Ball, while Kylian Mbappe has been named the best young player of the tournament

 France beat Croatia 4-2 in Sunday's final to win the World Cup for the second time in their history

 And the race to win the Golden Ball appeared to be wide open heading into the final with Modric, Mbappe, Antoine Griezmann, Eden Hazard, Paul Pogba and N'Golo Kante all in contention

 But it was the Real Madrid midfielder who ended up winning the prize, despite Croatia's defeat in Moscow

 Modric was the vital cog in Croatia's midfield and played a leading role in his nation's path to the final

 Chelsea midfielder Hazard was runner-up to Modric following his impressive performances for Belgium, particularly in the knockout stages

 And in third place was Griezmann, who scored four goals for France at the tournament

 Mbappe, meanwhile, won the FIFA Young Player award.  The 19-year-old became the first teenager since Pele to score in a World Cup final as he netted France's final goal from the edge of the area

 And the Paris Saint-Germain forward's blistering pace and mesmerising quality gave defenders countless problems throughout the tournament

For more infomation >> Luka Modric wins World Cup Golden Ball as Kylian Mbappe named best young player - Duration: 1:51.


For more infomation >> Luka Modric wins World Cup Golden Ball as Kylian Mbappe named best young player - Duration: 1:51.


Prva Ljubav (4N1K İlk Aşk) - 1 Epizoda Sa Prevodom - Duration: 1:53:43.

For more infomation >> Prva Ljubav (4N1K İlk Aşk) - 1 Epizoda Sa Prevodom - Duration: 1:53:43.


For more infomation >> Prva Ljubav (4N1K İlk Aşk) - 1 Epizoda Sa Prevodom - Duration: 1:53:43.


Andrea Kiewel: Schock-Diagnose - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> Andrea Kiewel: Schock-Diagnose - Duration: 3:18.


For more infomation >> Andrea Kiewel: Schock-Diagnose - Duration: 3:18.


Meine Tipps zum Erlernen der Deutschen Gebärdensprache//DGS Lina - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> Meine Tipps zum Erlernen der Deutschen Gebärdensprache//DGS Lina - Duration: 2:08.


For more infomation >> Meine Tipps zum Erlernen der Deutschen Gebärdensprache//DGS Lina - Duration: 2:08.


Per la seconda volta nella storia i transalpini vincono il Mondiale - Duration: 9:09.

La Francia ha vinto la ventunesima edizione del Mondiale, con un crudele 4-2 alla Croazia, piegata dalle fatiche precedenti

La storia degli ultimi vent'anni certifica che non si tratta di una casualità: avendo giocato tre finali e avendone appunto vinte due, con l'eccezione di quella del 2006 della testata di Zidane a Materazzi e del Var ante litteram, i Bleus risultano anche per la statistica la squadra più forte dal 1998

Il rigore del 2-1 di Griezmann, che ha indirizzato l'esito del duello già nel primo tempo, è stato assegnato dall'arbitro argentino Pitana attraverso il Var e opinabile è parsa la volontarietà del fallo di mano di Perisic sul corner di Griezmann stesso

Ma il seguito del copione ha spazzato via le recriminazioni, data la spietatezza dei discepoli di Deschamps, che ha fatto il suo ingresso nel ristrettissimo olimpo dei vincitori di un Mondiale da calciatori e da ct: raggiunge il brasiliano Zagallo e il tedesco Beckenbauer

Tra le valutazioni accessorie va inserita la corsa al Pallone d'oro, se i giurati come è probabile decideranno di spezzare il decennale duopolio Cristiano Ronaldo-Messi

Nel caso, anche se Modric ha sfoggiato il solito nitore tecnico ed è stato premiato come migliore del torneo, è verosimile che la gara si risolva in uno sprint tra i francesi che hanno firmato la vittoria: Griezmann coi suoi calci da fermo (è stato premiato come uomo della finale), Pogba e Mbappé con i due tiri chirurgici che nel secondo tempo hanno ucciso le speranze della Croazia, alla quale il regalo di Lloris a Mandzukic per il 4-2 finale ha fornito solo un supplemento di illusione

Il magnifico Modric e i suoi degni compagni erano stati capaci di reagire con un guizzo di Perisic alla beffa dello svantaggio casuale, su autogol di Mandzukic, e hanno provato a farlo anche dopo il secondo colpo del destino, il suddetto rigore da Var

Ma Dalic ha dovuto correre il rischio calcolato che la fatica dell'ora e mezzo in più in campo - tra ottavi, quarti e semifinale - in aggiunta al giorno di riposo in meno sfiancasse alla lunga i reduci: così è accaduto e la pioggia, mitigando l'afa moscovita, ha solo ritardato l'effetto

La maglia a scacchi dei croati si prestava all'allegoria di una partita bloccata in attesa della mossa giusta, ma è stata in verità soprattutto la Francia ad anteporre la tattica all'estetica

Deschamps, che si è sempre dichiarato debitore filosofico del calcio italiano, non ha avuto remore nel confermarlo: nel 4-4-2 ideato per la circostanza, ha sacrificato il prodigioso velocista Mbappé al ruolo di tornante puro e ha demandato il compito dell'offesa al collaudato Grizou, l'ircocervo composto dal duo Griezmann-Giroud, come all'Europeo di due anni fa

All'inizio Perisic con le sue percussioni a sinistra, Modric con le sue taglienti imbucate frontali e Rakitic col suo attivismo hanno costretto la Francia alla difesa: i due terzini, Vrsaljko a destra e Strinic a sinistra, inibivano le avanzate di Hernandez e Pavard

Kanté, sotto la massiccia pressione avversaria, mostrava inusuale disagio: Rakitic lo dominava

Al primo vero errore, un fallo di Brozovic su Griezmann, è arrivata la punizione, in tutti i sensi

L'ha calciata Griezmann e la testata improvvida all'indietro di Mandzukic ha scritto l'1-0

Modric ha invitato alla riscossa: punizione per la testata di Vida, alta. Un tiro scentrato di Rakitic è stato il prologo al pasticcio di Kanté, che prima si è fatto ammonire per un fallo su Perisic e poi, sulla punizione relativa con torre di Vrsaljko, mischia e appoggio all'indietro di Vida, ha blandamente contrastato Perisic, il cui scarto a sinistra per il tiro di controbalzo, sporcato da Varane, appartiene alla categoria dei preziosismi

Il secondo castigo, però, incombeva, anche se il delitto di Perisic (fallo di mano su una traiettoria mancata da Matuidi e sbucata all'improvviso) può dividere molte giurie

Il rigore segnato da Griezmann prima dell'intervallo ha certamente condizionato la Croazia, esponendola allo sbilanciamento

Sono stati tuttavia i dettagli a decidere, sotto forma di centimetri: quelli che sono mancati al sinistro in corsa di Rebic, alzato il corner da Lloris

Poi il velocista Mbappé ha provato il primo vero scatto: il portiere Subasic, suo ex compagno ai tempi del Monaco, lo ha rintuzzato

Quattro invasori, tre donne e un uomo travestiti da Blues Brothers e placcati con rugbistico tempismo, hanno garantito una breve digressione, rivendicata dalle Pussy Riot oppositrici di Putin, e hanno fatto alzare il sopracciglio in tribuna al presidente russo, per il resto allegro accanto al presidente della Fifa infantino: per i rispettivi governi il Mondiale è stato un successo

Il successo della Francia, intanto, maturava sul campo con la vera entrata in scena di Pogba e Mbappé

Deschamps ha preso atto della giornata grigiastra di Kanté e lo ha rimpiazzato con Nzonzi

Il pomeriggio russo è diventato subito molto blu grazie al cinismo di Pogba: ha avviato l'azione del 3-1 con un lancio per Mbappé, che tra finte e controfinte ha causato una mischia, e l'ha chiusa con due tentativi di tiro dal limite: il primo, di destro, gli è stato rimpallato, ma il secondo di sinistro, molto angolato, ha chiuso ogni discorso, malgrado i residui aggiustamento tattici di Dalic, che aveva cambiato fascia a Perisic

Lo scacco matto l'ha trovato Mbappé, inventando un rasoterra perfido, su appoggio di Hernandez in avanscoperta

Né ha cambiato le cose la distrazione successiva di Lloris, che ha cercato un ardito dribbling su Mandzukic, punito dal rimpallo del secondo gol croato

Kramaric, Tolisso, Fekir e Pjaca hanno avuto la soddisfazione di entrare nel tabellino della finale del Mondiale, a gloria imperitura

Tra le altre scene che passeranno ai posteri spicca quella dei campioni del mondo che si fanno i selfie sul prato, e quella della pioggia torrenziale che bagna tutti, inclusi il presidente francese Macron e Infantino, tranne un po' la presidente croata Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic, per cavalleria, e Putin, perché è meglio così

Però la scena più bella è stata quella di Deschamps e dei suoi ragazzi che sollevavano la coppa del mondo a Mosca, mentre la Francia scendeva in strada a festeggiare: questa della sua Nazionale è anche la vittoria contro la paura del terrorismo

(4-2-3-1): Lloris, Pavard, Varane, Umtiti, Hernandez, Pogba, Kanté (10' st Nzonzi), Mbappé, Griezmann, Matuidi (28' st Tolisso), Giroud (37' st Fekir)

(23 Areola, 16 Mandanda, 3 Kimpembe, 17 Ramy, 19 Sidibé, 22 Mendy, 8 Lemar, 11 O

Dembelé, 20 Thauvin). All.: Deschamps.(4-2-3-1): Subasic, Vrsaljko, Lovren, Vida, Strinic (37' st Pjaca), Brozovic, Rakitic, Rebic (26' st Kramaric), Modric, Perisic, Mandzukic

(12 L. Kalinic, 1 Livakovic, 5 Corluka, 8 Kovacic, 13 Jedvaj, 15 Caleta Car, 19 Badelj, 22 Pivaric, 14 Bradaric)

All.: Dalic.: Pitana (Argentina).: nel pt 18' Mandzukic (autorete), 28' Perisic, 38' Griezmann (rigore); nel st 14' Pogba, 19' Mbappé, 24' Mandzukic

: Kanté, Hernandez e Vrsaljko per gioco falloso.: 6-2 per la Croazia.: 3' e 5'.: 81

For more infomation >> Per la seconda volta nella storia i transalpini vincono il Mondiale - Duration: 9:09.


For more infomation >> Per la seconda volta nella storia i transalpini vincono il Mondiale - Duration: 9:09.


✅ Heidebrand op schietterrein Defensie in Gelderse Oldebroek onder controle - Duration: 2:29.

 De brand brak op zondagmiddag uit en het leek erop dat ook het gebied om de heide heen in brand kon vliegen

In de buurt staan meerdere campings. Daarom concentreerde de brandweer zich eerst op het voorkomen daarvan

   Defensie probeerde de brand eerst zelf te blussen, maar toen dat niet lukte, hielpen meerdere wagens van de brandweer

De Luchtmacht werd gevraagd om een blushelikopter te sturen. De Veiligheidsregio laat weten nog te bekijken of dat nodig is

 Volgens de Veiligheidsregio gaat het om een gebied van zo'n tweehonderd bij zeshonderd meter

   De veiligheidsregio meldde aanvankelijk dat de brand veroorzaakt was door een schietoefening, maar volgens het ministerie van Defensie is er op zondag niet geoefend en gebeurt dat ook niet met pyrotechnische middelen in tijden van droogte

De oorzaak van de brand is nog onbekend. Heidebrand Oldebroek Op het terrein van het Artillerie Schietkamp bij het Gelderse Oldebroek is een grote heidebrand ontstaan die ook de omgeving bedreigt

© Quist De brandweer is vooral bezig met voorkomen dat het vuur zich uitbreidt buiten het heidegebied, waar zich onder meer campings bevinden

© Hoek Volgens de Veiligheidsregio gaat het om een gebied van zo'n tweehonderd bij zeshonderd meter

© Vlijm De veiligheidsregio meldde aanvankelijk dat de brand veroorzaakt was door een schietoefening, maar volgens het ministerie van Defensie is er op zondag niet geoefend © NU

nl/Sven Westerink Oproep Heb jij foto's, video's, livebeelden of aanvullingen in tekst bij dit bericht? Stuur ze op naar de redactie  Wil jij elke ochtend direct weten wat je 's nachts gemist hebt en wat er die dag gaat gebeuren? 

For more infomation >> ✅ Heidebrand op schietterrein Defensie in Gelderse Oldebroek onder controle - Duration: 2:29.


For more infomation >> ✅ Heidebrand op schietterrein Defensie in Gelderse Oldebroek onder controle - Duration: 2:29.


✅ Βρήκαμε τον παίκτη που νίκησε στιλιστικά στον τελικό του Survivor 2! - Duration: 1:58.

ΟΚ μπορεί ο Ηλίας Γκότσης να αναδείχθηκε νικητής του reality επιβίωσης, αλλά όσον αφορά το fashion κομμάτι, την πρώτη θέση κατέλαβε άλλη και μάλιστα δικαιωματικά

Η Queen Ντίνα, aka Κωνσταντίνα Σπυροπούλου δεν μπορούσε παρά να αποσπάσει και αυτή την δική της νίκη από το Survivor 2018

Επέλεξε να φορέσει ένα πολύ ρομαντικό λευκό φόρεμα που της πήγαινε πολύ και αναδείκνυε την σπάνια φυσική της ομορφιά

Άκρως καλοκαιρινό, αέρινο και minimal, είχε απλώς ένα περίτεχνο σχέδιο στο μπούστο, ενώ προτίμησε να το συνδυάσει με διακριτικά κοσμήματα στον λαιμό και τα δάχτυλά της

Η Κωνσταντίνα έχει κάνει επίσης και ένα πολύ σύγχρονο χρώμα στα μαλλιά, με ένα ξανθό που ανοίγει σταδιακά και όχι απευθείας από την ρίζα της, μιας και μετά τη συμμετοχή της στο εν λόγω reality φαίνεται να επενδύει γενικότερα σε πιο φυσικά look

Δείτε το φόρεμα:    Η παρουσιάστρια ανέβασε μία pic με το Νάσο Παπαργυρόπουλο γράφοντας: «Και στα δικά σας οι ελεύθεροι», αστειευόμενη προφανώς επειδή το φόρεμά της παραπέμπει σε νυφικό τόσο με το χρώμα, όσο και με το σχέδιό του

Όπως επεσήμανε και η ίδια, πρόκειται για μία δημιουργία του οίκου Cinema by Panos Zinas

 Λέτε να δούμε πολλές υπέροχες εμφανίσεις από εκείνη τώρα που φημολογείται πως θα παρουσιάσει την εκπομπή μόδας My style rocks?

For more infomation >> ✅ Βρήκαμε τον παίκτη που νίκησε στιλιστικά στον τελικό του Survivor 2! - Duration: 1:58.


For more infomation >> ✅ Βρήκαμε τον παίκτη που νίκησε στιλιστικά στον τελικό του Survivor 2! - Duration: 1:58.


Mariame M'baye - Duration: 1:42.

Welcome to Boké and to let us talk about Mariame

Mariame M'baye Bangoura started at the college here in Boké with the option sheet metal work.

After 3 years of dedicated practice and study she finished her education and passed her exam successfully.

She obtained her degree in sheet metal work qualified as a professional welder

After that she started working with various artisanal workshops in town

where she practiced welding and gained very good experience.

Then she did a 6 months training at the AJPEG (Youth Association for Employment in Guinea)

Then we heard brutally and suddenly that she died at sea trying to make the journey by boat to Europe.

If you watched this until here

we feel that we have to do these testimonies in her honour.

Mariama was a true example as a student.

She was welding as good as men and she practiced her skills on the road in front of everyone.

All the people passing by could see her working and they really appreciated it.

Everyone has great memories about her.

She was very social and she never had any problems with people.

She managed all the activities either sportive or religious ceremonies

because she represented all the students, past and present, at the college.

We all are missing her greatly.

She was strong and inspired many, especially young women to follow in her footsteps.

We pray Allah, the Great. For he can let her go to the paradise. Amen

For more infomation >> Mariame M'baye - Duration: 1:42.


Man Utd transfer news LIVE: Chelsea planning £115m hijack; cash-plus-player deal possible - Duration: 3:53.

 Manchester United Transfer News LIVE - All the latest gossip and updates from Old Trafford Sunday July 14Sign Kylian Mbappe! That's the demand from Rio Ferdinand, who wants Manchester United to open their chequebook to sign World Cup winner Kylian Mbappe

 Mbappe, 19, made history today when becoming the youngest goalscorer in a World Cup final since Pele in 1958

 And former Red Devils defender Ferdinand wants him at Old Trafford. "He is a superstar

It wasn't a shock for him to do that in a World Cup Final," Ferdinand said on BBC

"He is the guy that Cristiano and Messi are handing the crown over to. He will be on the Ballon d'Or podium for the next 10 years

 "I hope my old club is chasing him. I hope they've got their cheque book out, saying 'whatever it costs, we'll take you'

"Chelsea hijack Chelsea are ready to challenge Manchester United for the signature of Sergej Milinkovic-Savic

 The Lazio midfielder has been a long-time target of the Red Devils, with Jose Mourinho's men chasing the player since last summer

 The Serie A club were previously against selling Milinkovic-Savic to any European suitor

 But the club have relaxed their stance in recent times, and Chelsea are looking to take advantage

 According to Italian outlet Corriere dello Sport, the Blues have expressed an interest in the 23-year-old since Maurizio Sarri's appointment

 Lazio are looking to rake in around €130m (£115m) for Milinkovic-Savic. However, Corriere dello Sport report Chelsea may try secure a cash-plus-player deal

 Cesc Fabregas could be one player to depart Stamford Bridge this summer as Sarri makes wholesale changes

Frankie De Jong interest Barcelona have been told to fork out £44.2m to sign Ajax sensation Frankie De Jong, who is aware of the Spanish side's interest

 Barcelona have De Jong on their radar and are hoping to push through a deal this summer or next

 Ajax are supposedly open to selling after agreeing to sign Daley Blind from Manchester United

 The Dutch club will pay United an initial £14m for their former defender, with the fee potentially rising to £18

5m. The agreement between Ajax and United has raised Barca's hopes that they can sign De Jong, as Express Sport reported on Saturday

 But Ajax will not let their young charge go without a fight. According to Spanish newspaper SPORT, the Amsterdam club have slapped a £44

2m (€50m) price tag on the former Willem II defender.

For more infomation >> Man Utd transfer news LIVE: Chelsea planning £115m hijack; cash-plus-player deal possible - Duration: 3:53.


Poi Poundaz 2 Announcement Trailer - Duration: 1:08.

Aia lā ʻo Pele i Hawaiʻi, ʻeā Pele is at Hawaiʻi

Ke haʻa mai la i Maukele, ʻeā She is dancing at Maukele

ʻŪhīʻūhā mai ana, ʻeā She surges and puffs this way

Ke nome aʻe la iʻā Puna, `eā Devouring the land of Puna

ʻO ka mea nani ka i Paliuli, ʻeā It makes Paliuli beautiful

Ke pulelo aʻe la i nā pali, ʻeā Fire tongues leaping at the cliffs

Aia ka palena i Maui, ʻeā It is heard at Maui

ʻĀina o Kaululāʻau, ʻeā Land of Kaululaʻau

Haʻina ʻia mai ka puana, ʻeā The end of my song

No Hiʻiaka nō he inoa, ʻeā A name song for Hiʻiaka

Haʻina ʻia mai ka puana, ʻeā The end of my song

No Hiʻiaka nō he inoa, ʻeā A name song for Hiʻiaka

He inoa nō Hiʻiaka i ka poli ʻo Pele It is a song for Hiʻaka, the bosom of Pele

For more infomation >> Poi Poundaz 2 Announcement Trailer - Duration: 1:08.


「Nightcore」→ God is a woman ♪ (Ariana Grande) LYRICS ✔︎ - Duration: 2:58.

this video includes lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> 「Nightcore」→ God is a woman ♪ (Ariana Grande) LYRICS ✔︎ - Duration: 2:58.


Trump's Lawyer Revealed The Secret Weapon That Can Bring Down Mueller For Good - Duration: 14:32.

For more infomation >> Trump's Lawyer Revealed The Secret Weapon That Can Bring Down Mueller For Good - Duration: 14:32.


Baking a Swedish Cake · Slow Swedish with Subtitles - Duration: 5:56.

Hi everyone!

Welcome to a new video here on my Swedish channel!

As you might have noticed

I will not be speaking slow

Swedish in this video

because many of you have

requested that I make some videos where I

speak "normal speed".

In today's video,

I will bake my favorite cake.

Which is a pancake cake.

And that is perfect

now that the weather in Sweden

has been so freaking warm.

If you would like to

see this video in


and then in Swedish,

or the other way around,

I will be uploading it to

my English channel as well.

And you will find that video up there.

But, now I think we

should get going with baking

my favorite cake!

What you need is

one banana,


three eggs,


two and a half deciliters of flour,

six deciliters of milk,



and a jam.

I prefer raspberry jam.

Mix the eggs and milk to a smooth batter

then gradually add the flour to avoid lumps.

Add some salt!

Now it's time to fry the pancakes!

Use the butter for the frying pan.

I know it's not a great idea

to put hot pancakes in the cool fridge

but I needed them to cool down.

During the winter it is perfect to pop them outside!

While the pancakes are cooling down, let's prepare the fillings and decorations.

You can of course fill and decorate the cake with whatever you want!

Whip the cream!

The thicker it is, the better, in my opinion.

Then it won't be as effected by the heat of the pancakes

even though they should be completely cooled before continuing.

Don't give dogs too much dairy.

It's not good for them.

Now you can start making the fantastic cake!

Mix and match the layers as you please!

I am definitely no cake decorating master,

but luckily the looks don't affect the flavour,

too much.

Don't forget your Swedish flags!


If you have never tried a pancake cake, you have to give it a go!

It's so tasty!

Thanks for watching,

subscribe for more videos on Swedish!

Until the next video,

have a good one!


For more infomation >> Baking a Swedish Cake · Slow Swedish with Subtitles - Duration: 5:56.


Louis The Child - The City (with Quinn XCII) [Lyrics] - Duration: 3:07.

Louis The Child - The City (with Quinn XCII) [Lyrics]

For more infomation >> Louis The Child - The City (with Quinn XCII) [Lyrics] - Duration: 3:07.


Chelsea transfer news: N'Golo Kante 'has always wanted' PSG move - expert - Duration: 2:32.

 The Chelsea midfielder has massively impressed since arriving in the Premier League back in 2015

 Kante was once again in fine form as France lifted the World Cup on Sunday. And Chelsea fans are excited to welcome the midfielder back to Stamford Bridge for pre-season

 But according to Laurens, PSG want to sign Kante, and the player would be open to the switch

 "I think he'll be expensive," he told the BBC's World Cup Daily podcast.  "But he's a Paris born-and-bred kid and I think he always at some point wanted to go there

 "He could have gone there and chose Chelsea instead, which I think he would agree now was the right move for him at the time

 "And now they need a player like him and Tuchel loves him and they are going to try it

 "I'm not sure it will be enough, but they will try." Luka Modric picked up the Golden Ball after Croatia's 4-2 defeat this afternoon

 But speaking before the final, BBC presenter Gary Lineker believed Kante should be awarded the Player of the Tournament prize

 "For me, until now, N'Golo has been the best player at the World Cup," he told L'Equipe

 "He's not really the type of guy we speak about or try to push forward as a star

 "With Kante, France play with 12 men. "He counts as two midfielders on his own. He's everywhere

 "His quality of pass is excellent and he can break the lines. He's able to push the ball forwards

 "Honestly, it's a huge advantage to have Kante in the team. He's one of the keys to France and is one of the reasons they're a big favourite for the final


For more infomation >> Chelsea transfer news: N'Golo Kante 'has always wanted' PSG move - expert - Duration: 2:32.


[mmd + dl] Пока Лена Проблем - Duration: 1:00.

I have many things to do :|

I am going to pay



t a x e s



mm :/

and now here's this shit

ya yaaa

an old friend of mine comes

to me on StReEt

Are u fine?

im fine how bout u?

well im going to do some BuIsNeSs

I N A S U I T B)

can you accept me?

i've got no place to live :|

(For ur information-

Lena is a slob--)


Bye bye Lena

Bye bye knee-deep problems

NO :c

Bye bye Lena :')

Bye bye knee-deep problemss

lena it's fucked u-




For more infomation >> [mmd + dl] Пока Лена Проблем - Duration: 1:00.


|Song Cover Sunday| - Regretroid - Duration: 1:57.

There was a bounty hunter in the depths of space

And she could easily combine your stupid ass with your face

Her name was Samus Aran, and she would destroy Metroids

When she wasn't totally pissed, she was extremely annoyed

She stood up to every challenge

no matter however demanding

And her courage was amazing

and her boobies were outstanding


Uh, nothing! I was just saying that you're brave! Uh... okay... hey, look over there! It's Kraid!

I'm the strongest dragon that you've ever seen

You're gonna die, motherfucker, I take up five screens

I'm gonna swallow you whole, and then you'll go down easy!

Then you'll be digested and converted to feces!

I'll take off your helmet, see the fear in your eyes

And your beautiful hair, and your well-toned thighs

And your pillowy lips and...

wait, you're not a guy?

Is that a problem, you FUCK?!

Uh... no! Prepare to die!

Kraid was hesitating, but Samus was set to fight

She got into a battle stance that made her butt look super-tight

And Kraid said;

No wait, I think there has been a gigantic mistake

I actually just wanted to give you some desserts that I baked

But Samus said;

What pisses me off most in this world

Is when enemies get nice when they all find out I'm a girl

So do me a favor, and take your cakes and your pies

And shove them so far up your ass

that they end up behind your eyes!

Stop treating me like I'm a sex object!

Mother Brain's a woman, but she gets respect!

Yeah, Kraid, you never talk to ME that way!

Oh, gosh, I wonder if it's because you're a huge, disgusting brain!

Get the fuck off my planet, this is your last chance!

I'm gonna go ahead and slide out of my pants

That's it, you're all fucking dead!

What? This room feels stuffy

By the way, do you like puppies?

Here's a basket of puppies!

[explosion sfx]

Whoops. Killed the puppies.

For more infomation >> |Song Cover Sunday| - Regretroid - Duration: 1:57.


Meghan Markle's Father Insists She's Miserable: She Forces A 'Pained Smile' Every Day - Duration: 3:12.

Is Meghan Markle miserable as a royal? Her dad thinks so! In an interview, Thomas Markle expressed concern that his daughter is 'terrified' in her new role as duchess

   Meghan Markle, 36, has been part of the royal family for about two months now, and to most of us, it looks as if she's adjusted well to her new lifestyle

But her father, Thomas Markle, begs to differ. In an interview with The Sun on Sunday, Meghan's dad explained that he believes she is miserable as a duchess

 "My thing about my daughter right now is that I think she is terrified. I see it in her eyes, I see it in her face and I see it in her smile," the 73-year-old said

"I've seen her smile for years. I know her smile. I don't like the one I'm seeing now… This is a pained smile

" He then speculated whether his daughter's facial expression could have just been indicative of a "couple of bad days" but added, "I don't know

It really worries me. I think she's under too much pressure."    Thomas also criticized the various royal customs Meghan has had to learn like crossing her legs at the ankle instead of at the knee and dressing more conservatively

 "Meghan seems like something out of an old movie. Why in 2018 are we dressing like the 1930s? Why do they have to cover their knees?" he questioned

"I'm not blaming [Prince] Harry or anyone but they are following rules that don't make sense to me

They are no less human than anybody else. God knows, I feel sorry for them, for not being able to show emotion

"  Thomas also had a message for his daughter's husband, whom he claims he has spoke to half a dozen times on the phone

He wanted Harry to know: "Get over it, I am your new father-in-law." Then, he admitted, "I just want to clear the air and tell her how proud I am of her

" Pretty strange way to go about doing that, don't you think? Hopefully he won't be embarrassing the Duchess of Sussex any longer as he also said, "I would like to make this my last interview

" That's probably for the best.

For more infomation >> Meghan Markle's Father Insists She's Miserable: She Forces A 'Pained Smile' Every Day - Duration: 3:12.


I Don't Wanna Be Your Friend - Original Song | Abby Lyons - Duration: 3:03.

This is take 13

so I think it's gonna be a good one

(music) I don't know how to tell you this

But I don't really wanna be your friend anymore

I don't think I'll say that to your face

I'll just silently slip out the door

It's not anything you did

It's kinda just how you turned out to be

I know that hurts

But you are bad for me

'Cause I turn mean and shallow

I just scream and I loved you

But I don't like who I turn into

when I'm with you

I don't listen when you're talking to me

You don't hear me so much either

I don't agree with you

And when you ask for my advice

You don't really wanna use it

You don't get it

You don't see it

You don't know it

You don't have me

You don't want me

You don't need me

'Cause I turn mean and shallow

I just scream and I loved you

But I don't like who I turn into

when I'm with you

Whoa, I know we used to be so close

So what happened to us?

I guess we just grew apart

'Cause I turn mean and shallow

I just scream and I loved you

But I don't like who I turn into

when I'm with you

'Cause I turn mean and shallow

I just scream and I loved you

But I don't like who I turn into

when I'm with you

So I'll just fade away

I'll just fade away

Oh, I'll fade away

Fade away

For more infomation >> I Don't Wanna Be Your Friend - Original Song | Abby Lyons - Duration: 3:03.


日産 エルグランド vs トヨタ アルファード 人気のLサイズミニバン5番勝負!!(2/2) - Duration: 5:45.

For more infomation >> 日産 エルグランド vs トヨタ アルファード 人気のLサイズミニバン5番勝負!!(2/2) - Duration: 5:45.


Meghan Markle's Father Insists She's Miserable: She Forces A 'Pained Smile' Every Day - Duration: 3:05.

Is Meghan Markle miserable as a royal? Her dad thinks so! In an interview, Thomas Markle expressed concern that his daughter is 'terrified' in her new role as duchess

   Meghan Markle, 36, has been part of the royal family for about two months now, and to most of us, it looks as if she's adjusted well to her new lifestyle

But her father, Thomas Markle, begs to differ. In an interview with The Sun on Sunday, Meghan's dad explained that he believes she is miserable as a duchess

 "My thing about my daughter right now is that I think she is terrified. I see it in her eyes, I see it in her face and I see it in her smile," the 73-year-old said

"I've seen her smile for years. I know her smile. I don't like the one I'm seeing now… This is a pained smile

" He then speculated whether his daughter's facial expression could have just been indicative of a "couple of bad days" but added, "I don't know

It really worries me. I think she's under too much pressure."    Thomas also criticized the various royal customs Meghan has had to learn like crossing her legs at the ankle instead of at the knee and dressing more conservatively

 "Meghan seems like something out of an old movie. Why in 2018 are we dressing like the 1930s? Why do they have to cover their knees?" he questioned

"I'm not blaming [Prince] Harry or anyone but they are following rules that don't make sense to me

They are no less human than anybody else. God knows, I feel sorry for them, for not being able to show emotion

"  Thomas also had a message for his daughter's husband, whom he claims he has spoke to half a dozen times on the phone

He wanted Harry to know: "Get over it, I am your new father-in-law." Then, he admitted, "I just want to clear the air and tell her how proud I am of her

" Pretty strange way to go about doing that, don't you think? Hopefully he won't be embarrassing the Duchess of Sussex any longer as he also said, "I would like to make this my last interview

" That's probably for the best.

For more infomation >> Meghan Markle's Father Insists She's Miserable: She Forces A 'Pained Smile' Every Day - Duration: 3:05.


Po spacyfikowaniu Sądu Najwyższego kolej na sądy powszechne. "Doszliśmy do ściany, nie jesteśmy w sta - Duration: 4:05.

 Wniesiony do Sejmu projekt ustawy – dla niepoznaki zatytułowany projektem o zmianie ustawy – Prawo o prokuraturze – ułatwia przejęcie władzy w Sądzie Najwyższym

Ale, co istotniejsze, znacząco ogranicza samorządność w sądach powszechnych. Co zakłada? 1

Przejęta już przez PiS, przy udziale Kukiz'15, Krajowa Rada Sądownictwa ma stać się superorganem, który nie tylko będzie decydował o obsadzie sądów i awansach sędziowskich, ale będzie też miał ostatnie słowo w rozstrzyganiu, do jakiego wydziału trafi konkretny sędzia i jaki będzie jego zakres obowiązków

 2. Sędziowski samorząd zostanie podporządkowany rządzącym. Do przyjęcia dowolnej uchwały przez zgromadzenie ogólne sędziów nie będzie już potrzebne kworum (dziś wymagana jest obecność co najmniej połowy członków)

Kwestie takie jak np. opiniowanie kandydatów na poszczególne stanowiska sędziowskie będzie więc mogło rozstrzygnąć dosłownie kilka osób, np

prezes z wiceprezesami sądu. 3. Rola samych prezesów sądów rośnie. A przypomnijmy, że los każdego z nich spoczywa dziś w rękach ministra sprawiedliwości

Po zmianach prezesi nie będą już musieli zasięgać opinii kolegium sądu (grono składające się z prezesa sądu oraz kilku sędziów wybieranych przez zgromadzenie) przy wyznaczaniu przewodniczącego wydziału czy wizytatora, który odgrywa kluczową rolę przy awansach sędziowskich

 4. KRS, zgodnie z oczekiwaniami rządzących, dopełniła też dzieła odnowy w Sądzie Najwyższym

Na ostatnim posiedzeniu negatywnie zaopiniowała pięciu sędziów SN, którzy pomimo ukończenia 65

roku życia chcieli dalej orzekać. W tej grupie znaleźli się Józef Iwulski, prezes Izby Pracy i Ubezpieczeń Społecznych, a obecnie zastępujący I prezesa SN, oraz Stanisław Zabłocki, prezes Izby Karnej

Ich los pozostaje w rękach prezydenta, który teoretycznie nie jest związany negatywną opinią KRS

Jeżeli Andrzej Duda przeniesie Iwulskiego i Zabłockiego w stan spoczynku, będzie miał otwartą drogę do obsadzenia dowolnie wybranymi sędziami SN funkcji prezesa Izby Karnej i Izby Pracy

A są to stanowiska z bezpośrednim wpływem na sferę orzeczniczą.  – Doszliśmy do ściany

Jako sędziowie nie jesteśmy w stanie sami w sposób skuteczny bronić praworządności – komentuje Beata Morawiec, prezes stowarzyszenia Themis


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