Thứ Sáu, 2 tháng 11, 2018

Youtube daily report Nov 3 2018

What's going on everyone Techmeout here so OnePlus

recently made the announcement of the OnePlus 6T.

And I thankfully had the opportunity to head out

to New York

to not only get some hands on time with the device but also

be there for that announcement. So with this latest flagship device from OnePlus

a 6.4 inch optic amoled display

and up to 8GB of RAM.

It also has 2 cameras along the back with a 16mp main camera

and a 20mp secondary camera. And of course

4k recording...because thats pretty much the standard on all flagship devices.

Now something new to the OnePlus 6T camera is

is a feature known as nightscape. So the neat thing about this is

that its probably gonna be one of the fastest of its kind

because it only takes 2 seconds to grab a photo. And on top of that

it should also be coming to the OnePlus 6 if it currently isn't

already there. And then when you move along to the front camera

you have 16mp. And another feature that you'll find

on the OnePlus 6T is something known as studio lighting.

Which is going to better accentuate the face when your capturing photos of a person.

Another thing you won't have to worry about is how well

this device should perform because is packed with a Qualcomm

Snapdragon 845. And while speaking of Qualcomm, OnePlus

has a 5G partnership that's going to be coming in the near future.

Now something that is getting a lot of attention with this device.

is the fact that it will work with T-Mobile. On top of working with T-Mobile

you can trade in a select number of devices

and get like $300 off

of this phone. So that's going to knock it down tremendously.

For more infomation >> Best Budget Phone of 2018 is OnePlus 6T?! - Duration: 11:04.


Dua Lipa & BLACKPINK - Kiss And Make Up (M/V cover) | LA RIMBA - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> Dua Lipa & BLACKPINK - Kiss And Make Up (M/V cover) | LA RIMBA - Duration: 2:10.


Secret Waiver Clears Possible Donald Trump Russia Rod Rosenstein Replacement | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC - Duration: 13:35.

For more infomation >> Secret Waiver Clears Possible Donald Trump Russia Rod Rosenstein Replacement | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC - Duration: 13:35.


Couple Killed In Diamond Bar House Fire Had Just Retired - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Couple Killed In Diamond Bar House Fire Had Just Retired - Duration: 1:53.



For more infomation >> SITA REVIEW | SẢN PHẨM YÊU THÍCH THÁNG 10 👛👠💍 💄 | MAKEUP & FASHION - Duration: 14:20.


Hawaii Five-0 - Under Arrest - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> Hawaii Five-0 - Under Arrest - Duration: 2:42.


Hawaii Five-0 - Through His Teeth - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> Hawaii Five-0 - Through His Teeth - Duration: 2:11.


Bill Kristol: Voters Will Question Donald Trump Strategy If GOP Loses Seats | The 11th Hour | MSNBC - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> Bill Kristol: Voters Will Question Donald Trump Strategy If GOP Loses Seats | The 11th Hour | MSNBC - Duration: 4:19.


Crime Concerns In Belmont Shore - Duration: 0:45.

For more infomation >> Crime Concerns In Belmont Shore - Duration: 0:45.


박해미 황민 이혼 사유. 황민 안면 마비. 충격적인 사실이 드러났다! - Duration: 19:34.

For more infomation >> 박해미 황민 이혼 사유. 황민 안면 마비. 충격적인 사실이 드러났다! - Duration: 19:34.


Brush Fire 15-20 Acres; 15% Contained - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Brush Fire 15-20 Acres; 15% Contained - Duration: 1:10.


重磅转向!中央经济会议的隐含秘密! - Duration: 7:25.

For more infomation >> 重磅转向!中央经济会议的隐含秘密! - Duration: 7:25.


*** Free google play codes - Free google play gift cards *** - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> *** Free google play codes - Free google play gift cards *** - Duration: 4:12.


Registered Voters Reach Record High In California As Midterms Draw Near - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> Registered Voters Reach Record High In California As Midterms Draw Near - Duration: 2:29.


一个时代过去了,中国要想雄起,茅台逃不过跌停 - Duration: 8:40.

For more infomation >> 一个时代过去了,中国要想雄起,茅台逃不过跌停 - Duration: 8:40.


Dia De Los Muertos Party - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> Dia De Los Muertos Party - Duration: 1:40.


【試乗】ホンダ新型CR-Vは誰が乗っても満足できる徹底マルチSUV - Duration: 10:51.

For more infomation >> 【試乗】ホンダ新型CR-Vは誰が乗っても満足できる徹底マルチSUV - Duration: 10:51.


How to get free robux codes || Roblox codes gift card || Free Roblox Codes 2018 - Duration: 4:05.

free robux codes

For more infomation >> How to get free robux codes || Roblox codes gift card || Free Roblox Codes 2018 - Duration: 4:05.


尷尬!大老致詞落落長 支持者嗆毛治國「換韓國瑜說」 - Duration: 12:08.

有航運界人士組成後援 會

力挺國民黨高雄市長候 選人韓國瑜拚經濟

前行政院長毛治國致詞 時




不過這也顯示韓國瑜人 氣超高



韓國瑜的外溢效應能否 延續到2020年總 統大選

還是得看國民黨有沒有 改革

如果檯面上還是那幾顆 太陽


尷尬!大老致詞落落長  支持者嗆毛治國「 換韓國瑜說 國民黨 高雄市長候選人韓國 瑜:「我們只要目標 正確



高雄有機會衝到500 萬人大城市。




國民黨高雄市長候選人 韓國瑜






聲音來源:前行政院長 毛治國:「好


嗆前行政院長毛治國致 詞太冗長

特地從台北南下的航運 界代表



建議國民黨大老退居幕 後





國民黨大老盡量不要插 手


國民黨高雄市長候選人 韓國瑜:大家以為我 好像變成藍軍的新領 袖等等




100塊錢熱炒的一盤 泰國蝦一樣

看到人我都彎躬哈腰地 到處拜託。

尷尬!大老致詞落落長  支持者嗆毛治國 換韓國瑜說 被外 界視為藍軍新共主




韓國瑜可望扮演重要角 色。

中山大學政治學研究所 教授廖達琪:「反而 他跟國民黨稍微有一 些距離


這個反而對他現在選舉 最有利

所以他是不是能夠帶動 國民黨效應

不是他個人還是國民黨 本身的

是不是有一個比較體質 上的改變

或至少檯面上人物不是 永遠是那幾張牌。

前立法院長王金平VS .






為韓國瑜舉辦首場造勢 試水溫

前立法院長王金平用力 輔選


是為自己的黨內地位造 橋鋪路

然而王金平曾捲進立法 院關說爭議





購物袋競選小物要價1 888



再加上小額捐款陸續進 帳



連黨主席吳敦義都自嘆 弗如


能延續到2020年總 統大選嗎


尷尬!大老致詞落落長  支持者嗆毛治國 換韓國瑜說 中山 大學政治學研究所教 授廖達琪:「除非國 民黨有個比較脫胎換 骨的改變

包括現在的一些所謂的 太陽們



在檯面上國民黨政治人 物的一個改變



2020國民黨的總統 選情


實踐大學博雅學部副教 授賴岳謙:「地方的 首長他當然成為一方 的諸侯

所以如果他們對於黨主 席有意願的




也可能會有更多的國民 黨中生代

他們要全面性地要進入 接班。


國民黨支持度開始觸底 反彈

根據台灣民意調查基金 會

所做的政黨認同傾向調 查

國民黨和民進黨的支持 度都來到24.







中間選民的觀感很重要 。

實踐大學博雅學部副教 授賴岳謙:「他是讓 國民黨沒有再往下走 到谷底

他是把國民黨由谷底往 上拉


其實目前民進黨跟國民 黨不相上下


決定台灣未來政治的最 主要的力量。





未來勢必在黨內撐起半 邊天。


高全拿?他分析 2 020恐有很大危險 大選剩不到1個月



國民黨台北市長候選人 丁守中35%

緊追台北市長柯文哲的 支持度38%

對此宅神朱學恆在政論 節目上分析



2020年恐怕會有很 大危險。





但丁守中不論民調數字 如何


就看國民黨要不要為了 丁守中犧牲韓國瑜

若強迫韓去幫丁守中站 台


因為丁守中跟韓國瑜的 形象衝突

會讓韓國瑜新的粉絲認 為「那這樣我不是在 支持國民黨嗎?當初 我不是說全國沒有柯 文哲可以投

所以我在高雄可以投給 韓國瑜嗎?反而流失 票數。













2020年恐怕就有很 大的危險。


韓國瑜在高雄選戰的「 馬拉松」已經進入最 後一個月

最近卻出現許多奇怪的 失言

讓民進黨候選人陳其邁 陣營士氣大振

韓在最後一里路已經累 了

在訪問及致詞中出現很 多破綻

因此民進黨正在把陳其 邁的形象加強

整個民進黨的體系也開 始醒過來了。


國民黨支持度開始觸底 反彈

根據台灣民意調查基金 會

所做的政黨認同傾向調 查

國民黨和民進黨的支持 度都來到24.







中間選民的觀感很重要 。

實踐大學博雅學部副教 授賴岳謙:「他是讓 國民黨沒有再往下走 到谷底

他是把國民黨由谷底往 上拉


其實目前民進黨跟國民 黨不相上下


決定台灣未來政治的最 主要的力量。





未來勢必在黨內撐起半 邊天。


高全拿?他分析 2 020恐有很大危險 大選剩不到1個月



國民黨台北市長候選人 丁守中35%

緊追台北市長柯文哲的 支持度38%

對此宅神朱學恆在政論 節目上分析



2020年恐怕會有很 大危險。





但丁守中不論民調數字 如何


就看國民黨要不要為了 丁守中犧牲韓國瑜

若強迫韓去幫丁守中站 台


因為丁守中跟韓國瑜的 形象衝突

會讓韓國瑜新的粉絲認 為「那這樣我不是在 支持國民黨嗎?當初 我不是說全國沒有柯 文哲可以投

所以我在高雄可以投給 韓國瑜嗎?反而流失 票數。













2020年恐怕就有很 大的危險。


韓國瑜在高雄選戰的「 馬拉松」已經進入最 後一個月

最近卻出現許多奇怪的 失言

讓民進黨候選人陳其邁 陣營士氣大振

韓在最後一里路已經累 了

在訪問及致詞中出現很 多破綻

因此民進黨正在把陳其 邁的形象加強

整個民進黨的體系也開 始醒過來了。


國民黨支持度開始觸底 反彈

根據台灣民意調查基金 會

所做的政黨認同傾向調 查

國民黨和民進黨的支持 度都來到24.







中間選民的觀感很重要 。

實踐大學博雅學部副教 授賴岳謙:「他是讓 國民黨沒有再往下走 到谷底

他是把國民黨由谷底往 上拉


其實目前民進黨跟國民 黨不相上下


決定台灣未來政治的最 主要的力量。





未來勢必在黨內撐起半 邊天。


高全拿?他分析 2 020恐有很大危險 大選剩不到1個月



國民黨台北市長候選人 丁守中35%

緊追台北市長柯文哲的 支持度38%

對此宅神朱學恆在政論 節目上分析



2020年恐怕會有很 大危險。





但丁守中不論民調數字 如何


就看國民黨要不要為了 丁守中犧牲韓國瑜

若強迫韓去幫丁守中站 台


因為丁守中跟韓國瑜的 形象衝突

會讓韓國瑜新的粉絲認 為「那這樣我不是在 支持國民黨嗎?當初 我不是說全國沒有柯 文哲可以投

所以我在高雄可以投給 韓國瑜嗎?反而流失 票數。













2020年恐怕就有很 大的危險。

For more infomation >> 尷尬!大老致詞落落長 支持者嗆毛治國「換韓國瑜說」 - Duration: 12:08.


WATCH LIVE: Prep Sports Extra for Friday. November 2, 2018 - Duration: 31:54.

For more infomation >> WATCH LIVE: Prep Sports Extra for Friday. November 2, 2018 - Duration: 31:54.


BR 143 still running? (Scrapping, current services & Märklin model) - Duration: 4:25.

H0 scale model railroad

BR 143 still in service: Regional Railway 27 & 75

Model series 143 (former BR 243 of Deutsche Reichsbahn, GDR)

Appr. 650 locomotives were built at Henningsdorf close to Berlin in the years 1982 - 1994.

After the merger of DB and DR in 1994 they were also utilized in the western part of Germany.

Shown here: 143 267-3 on May 18th, 2018, before starting service at Wiesbaden main station (Year of construction: 1987, former name 243 267-2)

In service as regional railway 75 "Rhine-Main-Railway" from Wiesbaden to Aschaffenburg

Ongoing information on model series 143 is provided on

In 2018 the withdrawal from service of BR 143 units started

October 21st, 2018: Scrapping of BR143 at Bender/Opladen

Seen on the scrapyard:

For H0 scale different models are available

Shown here: 143 606 out of Märklin set 26507

The original of 143 606-2 (former 243 606-1) ...

... constructed in 1990, was already scrapped by by the company Steil at Eschweiler.

In the model world of "Kleiningen" 143 606 is running regularly.

"Caution at platform 2 - train is leaving"

Currently 76 locomotives are still in service

Also in the real world BR 143 is pulling double-deck wagons in regional services

Shown here: 143 194-9 (former 243 194-8) pulling RB27 on May 18th, 2018

In the south of Germany BR143 is still running as well:

Shown here: 143 141-0 (former 243 141-9) in service with RB75 on April 19th, 2018


Subsribe now to see more!

For more infomation >> BR 143 still running? (Scrapping, current services & Märklin model) - Duration: 4:25.


日本女生喜欢的中国帅哥都有谁?看完你就明白了…… - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> 日本女生喜欢的中国帅哥都有谁?看完你就明白了…… - Duration: 3:44.


秦岚赴台狂吃大肠包小肠 许凯获粉丝赠礼"一大箱" - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> 秦岚赴台狂吃大肠包小肠 许凯获粉丝赠礼"一大箱" - Duration: 2:24.


ジョコビッチ 辛勝4強、フェデラーと47度目の激突へ<パリ・マスターズ> - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> ジョコビッチ 辛勝4強、フェデラーと47度目の激突へ<パリ・マスターズ> - Duration: 2:25.


For more infomation >> ジョコビッチ 辛勝4強、フェデラーと47度目の激突へ<パリ・マスターズ> - Duration: 2:25.


Le jeûne intermittent pour perdre du poids et renforcer la santé - Duration: 6:20.

For more infomation >> Le jeûne intermittent pour perdre du poids et renforcer la santé - Duration: 6:20.


For more infomation >> Le jeûne intermittent pour perdre du poids et renforcer la santé - Duration: 6:20.


The One Most Powerful Spiritual Technique

For more infomation >> The One Most Powerful Spiritual Technique


Dua Lipa & BLACKPINK - Kiss And Make Up (M/V cover) | LA RIMBA - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> Dua Lipa & BLACKPINK - Kiss And Make Up (M/V cover) | LA RIMBA - Duration: 2:10.



For more infomation >> PLANTS VS ZOMBIES-LAST MAN STANDING!!! - Duration: 6:01.


30 knot winds and secluded bays in GREECE - Sailing A B Sea (Ep.041) - Duration: 21:45.

Our apparent is 18 knots and I know that's not a lot for you seasoned sailors but

for us noobs it's it's a bit of a circus - not circus ride - a fairground ride

Specially when the big waves come past us!

Oh that was a bit of a wild ride! Our true wind is 20 knots at the


Our apparent is 18 knots and I know that's not a lot for you seasoned sailors but

for us noobs it's it's a bit of a circus - not circus ride - a fairground ride

especially when the big waves come past us so we're just about to have breakfast

Yeah we're having breakfast. Actually the waves remind me a bit of when we were

learning in Gibraltar but we don't have an instructor with us so you know

So we're strapped on and we're eating and we're getting there. And we're going

over there past that island to Ios.

*Aannsha giggles*

So prognosis Captain?

I'll have to read the instruction manual

to get the tell tails doing tha. Anyway we're still we're still going where we

want to go, we're still moving forward, we haven't got the engine on, so sit back,

relax and be happy.

I can do that

You may have just heard me mention that the

AIS had gone off, so I think this is a good opportunity for me to give a short

explanation as to how we use AIS on board A B Sea. Out there on the horizon you

can see a big cargo ship and it's definitely headed in our direction.

Now all these commercial vessels have to have an AIS transponder. Not all yachts

have to have an AIS transceiver. We are very lucky to have one on board though,

because if we take a look at the AIS information from this guy we can see

that he is 689 feet long, so he's a big boy, and in about nine minutes time he

will pass in front of us just under one nautical mile away. I can also see from

looking at the information on the right-hand side of the screen in the

middle there that he is heading to Valencia in Spain - you can see ES for

Spain and VLC for Valencia so it's based on the same thing as the three-letter

code that you have for the various airports around the world.

And that's what he now looks like passing just under one nautical mile in front of us.

Well we made it to Ios. It was an interesting trip. It was a big trip and the

anchoring was also a story so I'll let Baz tell you . Yeah so we were expecting

we were expecting 20 knots maximum 25 from behind but pretty much all the way it

was on the beam. That was okay just a head sail out, we were

doing good, and then just as we came around the the northern corner of Ios

the wind picked up to 30 knots just like instantly boom and the waves and this

this sort of like the waves were getting confused sort of like the waves were going one

way and the wind was blowing the other way, so that got a bit bouncy. It took a

while to, once we got outside this port here, it took a while to get that head

sail furled away in 30 knots of wind I'll tell you. And then when we came into

here we waited for Mike to come in and drop his anchor and help us out because

Aannsha's still incapacitated with her broken wrist. So he comes in first and

then we we have them grab our lines and we usually pull up alongside them. Stern to

Stern to of course, yeah, but it's still blowing 30 knots of wind and I've

watched Mike. Now Mike is the 20 year sailing veteran. I watched him try and

get his anchor in six times - it finally went in and I said to Mike I said look

I've watched you do that six times, there's no way I'm coming in there. It

says on my chart that this is an anchorage. We'll drop our big Mantus and

wait it out it's not a problem for us. So we did, we went as far because there's big

ferries coming in here - two big ones while we were circling around around - so we

went over the far side as much as we can we're in about seven meters of water where

ferries probably wouldn't go. And then the port police come along on the

shoulder in a little shiny car with you know big blue flashing lights and *honk honk*. So obviously they thought

we were too close for the ferries. Now luckily Mike spoke to one of the blokes

here on the side on the key side and we're now tied up side on in the in the

emergency zone because Aannsha's got a broken wrist. I know I was

so grateful I was so grateful and I nearly cried - been doing a lot of that lately - so we're here for two

nights because the wind's still going to stay up tomorrow and we ain't going out

in that. So the bloke charged us 21 Euros you know and we gave him 25

Euros for helping us out.

So we're here. So what an adventure that was! We did it on our own! We did!

Just the 2 of us! In the boat. Well done. So now I'm gonna have a beer and I'm gonna have a big

wine. Oh! We're in er, oh we did say we're in Ios, yes, the Greek island of Ios.

One of the Cyclades. Yeah in the Aegean. We might take a look around tomorrow 'cause

we're here tonight and tomorrow night. Yeah I think that would be really good. Yeah. I

think we need to stop now. Yeah. You look knackered. I am knackered! It's mentally tiring

It is so mentally tiring. Yeah.

Well we just jumped on the bus and the place that we wanted to get off

apparently was just two kilometers away from the port where we're staying and we

didn't think that was it when we got there because it happened so quickly

and so we decided to get off here. It pretty much looks like everywhere is closed

closed down for the winter - there's just a few handful of people around - Ooh there's a bar - that may

be open but it would have been a great place to drop anchor. Yeah

and dinghy ashore, so we're gonna find a bar, have a beer

regroup, find out what time the bus takes us back to the place where we should

have got off and take it from there.

Reminds me of a Chris De Burgh song with

the lyrics "an out of season holiday town in the rain". It's not raining but

it's definitely an out of season holiday town but there's gotta be a bar open

All the locals need a beer

So after a day trip out we've finally stopped for lunch

back in the port andbelieve it or not, Aannsha's not yet had a Greek salad while we've been in Greece so

today she is. Yum!

And I am having lamb souvlaka

with chips or french fries whichever you like to call them. Potatoes potatoes

It's 10 past 7:00 on Monday the 8th of October and at the moment we're doing

big circles in Ios Bay. Why? We're waiting for Mira to leave their mooring and

then both of us are going to make about a 10 hour journey to Astypalaia which

is the most Western island of the Dodecanese islands in Greece as we make

our way to Turkey. It's all a bit exciting. We've looked at Windy today

and it seems as if we're going to get very light winds for most of the way

it might increase a little bit towards the end of our journey but that will also

give us fairly calm seas. It is the Aegean I know, might not happen but that's what

Windy's predicting so after our last passage where we had sort of 25-knot

winds increasing to 30-knot winds for the last half hour a calm passage would be

lovely. Although it would be nice to get enough wind so that we can put at least

the head sail up. And I can see Mira ll just leaving the harbor and coming up

behind us. So we're off!

The 10-hour trip gave us time to chill out and chat

Here's the helm with the autopilot on duty

Along the way we saw a few boats including this fishing vessel

It was calm enough to make lunch down below. I'd already chopped up salad and

made coleslaw to make my job easier

As we'd hoped for we've got enough wind to sail part of

the way

The approach into the harbor was through a channel which opened out onto a

sheltered bay

After putting out the fenders I tried to tie a bowline one-handed in a mooring line

I'm stubborn so I struggled with it but in the end I

gave it to Baz

Soon after we were rafted alongside Mira ll in our home for the night in


Our overnight stop tonight is here at this very secluded and isolated little

inland Bay you would just sail straight past it if you didn't know it was here

Mike has been here several times when he's been delivering boats backwards and

forwards across the Mediterranea. Aery small dock, we were rafting up to our

companion boat Mira and just as we were tying off the last line a catamaran

came in so they've rafted up with us

This guy here he's the local restaurant

owner he and his wife run this place he goes out and fishing. He's caught some

really good fish octopus and squid so I guess that's what's on the menu for

dinner tonight. I'm also assured that they do have cold

beer so this this is exactly what I wanted and probably what Aannsha wanted

We're not too not too fussed about you know stern to in a marina and along

harbor walls and stuff like that with all the amenities and and this is the

adventure that we we were searching for, isolated little places where you could

get to meet the locals, go into the what is essentially their home and and eat

and drink with them and be merry, so this is just a brilliant little place. So as

the sun goes down I'm gonna get a fresh battery for this camera I'm gonna get

some good clothes on and we're going to dine

in fine style here tonight

And this is what the octopus looks like after it's been in the kitchen and presented.

Morning Michael - morning sir - Look at you being all health. Greek yogurt in Greece!

I'm having sugar and chocolate. There's everything wrong about that.

The following day after one

of us had a healthy breakfast we untied the lines and headed out of the narrow

channel on our way to Nisyros. Mike had said it may be choppy in the channel

and as we left the bay we discovered just how rough it was going to be

Join us next week on sailing A B Sea as we slam through waves losing our port nav

light cover as we leave Astypalaia for Nisyros and then on to the island

of Sim. If you've enjoyed this video do give us a thumbs up and if you haven't

already subscribe and click the bell icon so that you're notified of future

videos. Thank you for watching and see you next time

For more infomation >> 30 knot winds and secluded bays in GREECE - Sailing A B Sea (Ep.041) - Duration: 21:45.


Non Partisan Voting Resource | Non Partisan Voting Guide 2018 - Duration: 3:25.

Here's a fun fact: In 2016, only 8 states had enough voter turnout where either Trump

or Clinton received more votes than the total number of people who didn't vote.

Said another way, in 42 states, the most votes where non-votes.

So the next 120 seconds will be dedicated to providing, wait for it, NONPARTISAN, resources

to help you vote and get others to vote before polls close on Tuesday.

This Tuesday, November 6th.

We're voting people.

Where to vote and what's on my ballot? has everything you need to know before voting.

Polling places, absentee ballots, rules about Voter ID laws and early voting in your state.

It's free and, nonpartisan.

Want a preview of your Ballot?

Check out

Just type in your address and get comprehensive, "nonpartisan" aggregated information on every

referendum and the federal, state and local candidates you get to choose between.

How Do I There?

Now that you know what's on your ballot and where you have to go - you're gonna have to

get there.

You can walk, drive, take public transportation OR you can use Lyft and Uber cause both companies

are offering voters free and discounted nonpartisan rides to the polls on Tuesday.

What if I have a problem while I'm there?

Problems with your voting machine?

ID being challenged?

Name not on the voter list?

As we say on the New York MTA, if you see something, say something.

But in this case, if you see something, first, try talking to a poll worker before you finish

voting and tell them your problem.

If they can't help you, ask for their supervisor.

If you still have a problem, call the Election Protection Hotline at (866) OUR-VOTE.

You can also text for help by texting "Our Vote" to 97779.

You guessed it, it's non-partisan.

Can I help to get other people to vote?

Yes, you can!

If you're a Chatty Kathy and want to phone bank to encourage folks to make it to the

polls, check out

If you haven't talked on the phone since 2009 and prefer to send some texts, check out

Both groups, totes "non partisan" And if you're wondering which loved ones may

need an extra nudge, there's an app for that!

If you download Vote With Me, you can see the voting record and political party of every

contact in your phone.

The app pulls voter registration and voting records, which might sound creepy but it is

public information.

The app can help you prioritize reaching out to your contacts who are registered to vote

in states and districts with important and tight races.

So, if you're feeling a little nosy - or you know, sincerely want to get your friends,

family and old tinder dates to vote - download Vote with me.

OH, look at that -- Andrew Bumble is registered as a Republican.

Bullet dodged.

Ok, that was not so nonpartisan.


All of the resources I just mentioned are listed below, so check it out.

And these are only a fraction of the websites and organizations out there to help people

vote on Tuesday.

Just vote.

Don't be that guy.

Cause if you are, just know that two years from now there will still be an app out there

that publicly outs you as a 2018 nonvoter.

Which should be incentive enough at this point.

I'm Kristin Brey and Thanks for watching below the fold - don't forget to like comment and

share or hit the subscribe button!

For more infomation >> Non Partisan Voting Resource | Non Partisan Voting Guide 2018 - Duration: 3:25.


Wrapped the Saturday in INDONESIA COMIC CON 2018 (feat. Fikri Irwansyah) - Duration: 41:53.

This is crazy.

Yoo. Here I am arrived in Indonesia Comic Con with my friend..


This is the first time I come here,

I couldn't make it last year. So..

This place is wild. Looks so dope.

If you want to see, here it is.

Can you imagine this? (laugh)

There is the stage for upcoming guest star and actors who wants to come.

This is Toy Spot.

oh Gosh.

Fik, I think we should visit the Marvel booth first.

Okay, let's go.

Hulkbuster, yooo.

Oh Gosh. This is awesome.

This is Disneys and..

Oh man.

Look at that sh*t.


How much?

I want it.

I wanna buy this one.

I definitely wanna buy this.

Fikri: What?

I definitely want to buy this.

I should put out some cash first.

Fikri: This place is the money drainer.

True. (laughs)

Don't you wanna buy something?

Fikri: Hah?

Don't you wanna buy it?


Considering the budgets, huh? (laughs)

Yoo. Darth Vader.

Darth Vader, yoo. (laugh)

Hey, we're back again.

Recently, I got interviewed.

After that.. (continues to laugh)

interviewed by the media. I'm talking with no sense answers.

It is like.. oh gosh.

Truly speechless. Seems like I've never got interviewed before. So I be like this.

I have no idea. (laugh)

This is..

You guys might not hear my voice.

so, Okay then.

There is cosplay..

Cosplay's Star Wars special.

If you wanna see..

Host: We gonna see how excited you'll be. Okay?

Before we start, give a huge applause to Reed Panorama Exhibitors..

who had organize this event. Give it cheers.

Thank you so much for everyone, all committees and stage team.

You guys are amazing.

Cheers for everyone.

Official cosplayer from Star Wars Universe. Of course.

And below the stage, we have our dearest friends from Spider-Man Universe...

and Ghostbusters and the other Star Wars cosplayer.

And also Kamen Rider.

My name is Arnold Star, and I'm your host for this today's event at Indonesia Comic Con 2018.

Thank you so much for coming.

We'll be having a lot of event's highlights, guys.

Back stage, we have official cosplayer guest star.

And of course, we'll be having Kristian Nairn, Adrian Pasdar and Amanda Righetti

Can you see that?

There is Star Wars.

Is it the first time you came to Indonesia?

Is it the first time in Indonesia?

Alright. Welcome to Indonesia. I hope you enjoy it.

I just arrived at Hall B.

The booths are not bad. Here you go..

This is booth for Alita movie's

Come on, bro. Let's walk.

Yaay.. there is Binus.

Sh*t. I'm aware of my budgets. I swear.


See for yourself. I wanna buy them all.

This is 'Si Buta dari Gua Hantu' (A Man Called Sightless)

Yaay. Spoiler Alert.

When it will get an adaptation? We need to wait.

At least, a leaked of the actors will do.

This is Toy Zone.



Fik, my guide book is with you. Right?

There is Thor.

Fikri: I'm looking forward for its cosplayer.

They will be here. Maybe now or eventually.

You know what? I feel like I wanted to buy them all.

But my money doesn't want to cooperate with me. Also critical.

You see that? Like Defenders.

Spider-Man and Harley Quinn, and Batman. They have reconciled.

Ooh.. Spidey.

Fikri: Is that Halloween?


Right there.

(laugh) Michael Myers is not like that.

Let's get a closer look at Michael Myers.

Mobile Legend. If anybody's interested.

I think we're too late for that.

Yoo. fans of Superman.

There's Spider-Verse.

Miles Morales. Can you imagine? It's Miles Morales.

Where is Wasp?

Wasp? Where are you?

There you are. (laugh)

You popped out of nowhere.

This is for the comics, guys.

This is DC.

Fik, do you want to buy it?

You can see the price here.

But it's dashing, anyway.

Definitely worth it, to be honest.

I'm scared of losing your track.

This is Boba Feet that I meant earlier.

Red Skull, huh?

It's awesome.

Fikri: There's Spider-Gwen.

You can take a picture with it instead of its cosplayer.

Oh, this is She-Hulk.

Ha. This really is Spider-Gwen.

Who is this?

Who is this? (laugh)

and Who is this?

Fikri: Oh, that is Taskmaster.


Where's Thanos? Oh right.

but in DC version.

This character is already in the comic. What's his name?

You seriously don't know? Look at the price.

oh right. This is Darkseid.

Yeah look. Kristian Nairn.

Do you know him? As Hodor?


In case if you didn't know,

Kristian Nairn is widely known as Hodor in Game of Thrones serial. You can see him here.

Can you believe it?

Indonesia Comic Con.. dare to brought Hodor.

This guy is so tall.

This is the first time I see Hodor..

live in reality.

Aquaman is not bad, either.

This is Gundala's booth.

Sutet. (electric tower)

Let's go.

I'm curious, honestly.

They will come by tomorrow.

This is sick.

It's middle of the day and getting crowded.

I am Groot.

Groot holding Thor's hammer.

Groot holding Thor's hammer.

then become..

Fikri: I am truth.

Stormbreaker. (laughs)

So exhausting.

this is wild.

now is still at 3 pm.

and not starting any event headlines yet.

we're still waiting first look from 'Terlalu Tampan.'

it's from Webtoon. Right?

The casts will arrive. So, we'll wait.

Plus, I'm very tired. Circling around non-stop.

I think my legs would go blast in any minute.

At 3 pm, there is this one..

but they will held it in Galaxy Stage.

Exclusive Alita: Battle of the Angel

But I am too tired to get there.

There's so many people in here. If only their numbers is small, I'm fine with it.

It is like they were about to get damn rioting.

Just arrived at Galaxy Hall.

and Here they have Adrian Pasdar and Amanda Righetti.

He can't do walk anymore. He's tired.

He's tired, guys.

True, right?

The lightning is so tricky.

Green, right?

So, this only focused on screen. The rest of it, takes a little.

I'm sorry. If you want to commented about the dark lighting, you know.

The fact is this camera is standard.

I'll make it into full space memory.

Seriously, this is so tricky.

She also played in Captain America: The First Avenger.

Here we are at 8 pm.

Around 7.30 pm precisely.

I'm in a comic place, Koleksee.

Do you wanna see?

If we looked this closer, this is great.

They were so thins.

For the price, it's only close to 160k, 150k, and so on.

There is Shatterstar as well.

I really want to buy it, fik.

But my budgets... oh Gosh.

If only I have hundreds of millions, I definitely bought them all.

You don't want to buy it?

You need to re-think?

Fikri: Yeah, I need to re-think.

There are lots of them.

Actually, this is what I'm looking for.

But in other bookstore,

it wasn't available.

also so many Daredevil.

Do you know who is this?

Hmm.. it's you.

Ha.. it's Adam Warlock.

But I think it wasn't Adam Warlock.

or is it?

Immortal Hulk.

So they are Assemble.

and this seems familiar. Don't you think?

Captain America versions.

also Venom.

Here's only Arena of Valor event left.

They are doing tournament.

If I go home, the cosplayers are coming.

that is annoying.

Yo man, come here.

The last event you just see,

I don't even know what to say.

What is it? The phrase?

It's a dance.

Dance with the girls who is..

Kawaii (cute)

Actually there is one event headline left. A DJ.

But, I think that's until midnight.

and we came here by busway.

If their operational time is closed, we never got home.

turns out we're sleeping in the side road.

So, yeah.

We're over this for now on.

I honestly wanted to come for tomorrow.

But I've got no money for that.

So, I choose to enjoyed this day.

For further information, I'll check it on the internet.

and hopefully there it is.

Overall, the event is satisfying. I loved it.

Hopefully next year, they'll make it again.

and we will join again.

Insha Allah. (If Allah permits)

Okay, I'll finish this now.

We'll finish this now.


For more infomation >> Wrapped the Saturday in INDONESIA COMIC CON 2018 (feat. Fikri Irwansyah) - Duration: 41:53.


ジョコビッチ 辛勝4強、フェデラーと47度目の激突へ<パリ・マスターズ> - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> ジョコビッチ 辛勝4強、フェデラーと47度目の激突へ<パリ・マスターズ> - Duration: 2:25.


【淘寶開箱#4】17kg?! 伏唔伏?電腦椅,馬桶清潔劑,午餐盒,手機氣囊支架 (CC中文字幕) - Duration: 10:40.

For more infomation >> 【淘寶開箱#4】17kg?! 伏唔伏?電腦椅,馬桶清潔劑,午餐盒,手機氣囊支架 (CC中文字幕) - Duration: 10:40.


Happy Now Tik Tok ( BEAUZ Remix) - Zedd & Elley Duhé | Đeo Tai Nghe Và Cảm Nhận - Duration: 3:48.

♪ You're a world away ♪

♪ Somewhere in the crowd ♪

♪ In a foreign place ♪

♪ Are you happy now? ♪

♪ There's nothing left to say ♪

♪ So I shut my mouth ♪

♪ So won't you tell me, babe ♪

♪ Are you happy now? ♪

♪ You're the only one who can up and run ♪

♪ Leave me just as empty as the day you came ♪

♪ And you hold all the cards, all the broken hearts ♪

♪ Strung over your shoulder till it's all in vain ♪

♪ And only you know the strength of your teeth ♪

♪ The wash in the weight of your pockets, so deep ♪

♪ And lonely ♪

♪ You're a world away ♪

♪ Somewhere in the crowd ♪

♪ In a foreign place ♪

♪ Are you happy now? ♪

♪ There's nothing left to say ♪

♪ So I shut my mouth ♪

♪ So won't you tell me, babe ♪

♪ Are you happy now? ♪

♪ Are you happy now? ♪

♪ Are you happy now? ♪

♪ Are you happy now? ♪

♪ Are you happy now? ♪

♪ In the palm of your hands you can make me dance ♪

♪ Spin me around in circles till I'm wrapped in string ♪

♪ You keep on talking sweet till your fingers bleed ♪

♪ But don't you dare ask me how've been ♪

♪ Now only you know the strength of your teeth ♪

♪ The wash in the weight of your pockets, so deep ♪

♪ And lonely ♪

♪ You're a world away ♪

♪ Somewhere in the crowd ♪

♪ In a foreign place ♪

♪ Are you happy now? ♪

♪ There's nothing left to say ♪

♪ So I shut my mouth ♪

♪ So won't you tell me, babe ♪

♪ Are you happy now? ♪

♪ Are you happy now? ♪

♪ Are you happy now? ♪

♪ Are you happy now? ♪

For more infomation >> Happy Now Tik Tok ( BEAUZ Remix) - Zedd & Elley Duhé | Đeo Tai Nghe Và Cảm Nhận - Duration: 3:48.


Vote Yes on M: Support Disability Rights - Duration: 0:32.

My name is Ernestine Saldaña and I am

a community organizer and one of the

founders for Sanctuary Santa Cruz.

I support Measure M because as a

person who uses a wheelchair for

mobility, when I find a place where the

landlord allows me to make the

modifications needed for me to be able

to come into the house, everything I had

to pay came from my pocket. So I want to

find a place where I can do the

modification and stay there as long as I

need it or until I have enough money

to move out of there and make the

modifications in another house

For more infomation >> Vote Yes on M: Support Disability Rights - Duration: 0:32.


How to Get FREE STARS on BanG Dream (no download or anything) - Duration: 1:00.

All right

I'm going to show you how to get free stars on bang dream because I know y'all don't want to download whatever this app is

Go to your members list then go down to your one stars

If you click on their self introduction you'll twenty five stars



you did it



For more infomation >> How to Get FREE STARS on BanG Dream (no download or anything) - Duration: 1:00.


💝Pawan Singh Chhath Whatsapp Status 2018💝Chhath Puja Status For Whatsapp - Duration: 0:32.


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