You know we've all done it, we've all been there
and we've all seen that job application come through
for me it was teaching, I got an email
two and a half thousand pounds tax free
you can live in this sunny city, it's got an amazing picture
and you think, oh blimey, two and a half grand a month, do the math
30 grand a year
i think... yeah 30 grand a year
tax free
I get accommodation given to me
I'll work there for three yers, I'll come back with the best part of 100 grand
probably not
you probably won't
now, I moved to Kuwait, I've lived in Kuwait as a teacher, I've lived in Dubai as a teacher
and I can tell you that the likelihood of you getting rich from living in the Middle East is quite slim
now obviously if you're coming to work for NBK, National Bank of Kuwait
or National Bank of Qatar
or you're going to be in the top executive company, then firstly, welcome to YouTube
this is where we make videos and share them on an online platform
and secondly, you will probably make some good dosh
some good cash
for me, I lived a pretty simple life
when I was in Kuwait because I didn't have a car
I used to take buses, I made a video about my life there, which you can watch in this card
and... later, if you you like
and I used to take buses, I didn't buy a car, cars are... it's not like they're really expensive
but it's one of the things which can really eat away once you bought it
you've sold it, you've taken a depreciation, you've gotten the insurance
you have a crash, then you loose all of your money, blah, blah, blah,
by the way traffic driving here is crazy
so will you get rich by living East? probably not
join a health club, that's probably going to be like 200 quid a month
but you can afford it right?
you can afford it, go out to eat
at a nice fancy American expat western restaurant
yeah, you can afford it right?
you can afford all of this stuff
now, I'm not trying to... I'm not trying to convince anybody
to change their lifestyle, but looking at these numbers, and looking at these figures
when you get that email, when you see that job offer
you read through the paper, you see that application or you see that advert and you think...
I'm going to make an application for this job
and you think, omg, I'm going to be rich
will you wealthier then in the UK? Of course
because, by the way I'm a Brit, I'm talking about the UK
same goes for the US, I know teachers in the UK and the US earn very similar amounts
so anyway yeah, you're going to be better off but you've got to be careful
if you do come here with the intention of saving up
and having a nice nest egg lump sum
then you've got to be careful about what you do commit to, what you don't commit to
all these little extras that people like to take out, like the health club, like the fancy cars
like the foreign holidays, as a teacher you get a lot of holiday, you're only working 9 months of the year
so what do you do for the remaining 3 months? You go on holiday, and you spent like an absolute...
prince right?
you're flashing the cash
you're going all over, you're climbing mountains, you're going on all expenses paid
you know, full package deals
you're going to Bahrain every weekend
you're going to Dubai every weekend
unless you live there already in which is already expesnive
in what you're spending
so you get the idea right?
the point here is... if you come here
and when I say here, I mean the Middle East, I mean the Gulf, I mean Qatar
Doha, Oman, Kuwait
Dubai... wherever
and you do just allow yourself to totally escalate that lifestyle
I think it's called experience stretching
where you get used to... you get accustomed to a certain lifestyle
and then that becomes normal
and then you just keep doing it
if you do have any specific questions about what I'm talking about, you can join my Patreon
where I can answer your Arabic language related questions or your living in the Middle East related questions
or anything really about saving money and how to save and spend and stuff
I did quite well, I saved most of the money I earned when I lived in Kuwait
which allowed to then kind of work elsewhere
without the same kind of pressure
and blah, blah, blah, not going to give you my life story right now
join my Patreon, you can ask me on there, if you do want to join iTalki, that's a good site for learning languages
link is in the description
and until next time, you can check out more videos about living abroad
up here and here
and you can subscribe just there, hope to see you again back here soon
and until next time, bye bye!
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