Super Mario and Batman fight
Super Mario gets hit with one of Batman bat blades and shrinks to little Mario
ZZ Kids Tv
Two of the ZZ Kids play Super Mario Racer
One of the ZZ Kid is having a great time while to the other ZZ kid is bored with the Mario racing game
Yes I won!
Mario is boring lets play Batman Lego game
Batman is for babies
What!?! Batman is for babies... you must be crazy
Batman Sucks!!!!! the other ZZ kid can't believe that his cousin just said Batman Sucks
one ZZ kid grabs the other ZZ kid controller and throws it onto the floor. the ZZ kid can't believe that the just happened.... "Bruh"
I'm so mad!!!
Well lets battle!
both of the ZZ kids morph into their character Super Mario for one and Batman for the other
MArio look at your mustache it is almost as hairy as my dog's tail
Batman you have jokes, but you won't have jokes for long
SUper Mario and Batman fight til they can't fight no more
that was pretty good Super Mario, but I know that you can do better than that
Thank you Batman. you haven't seen nothing yet
oh my stomach... you're about to get it now!
Ohhhhh my jaw... but I must continue this fight
here come the fire baby
Super Mario yells, "Ahhhhhh!" Batman, "now what do you have to say little guy"
Super Mario yells at Batman to put him down
Batman laughs!!!! Super mario is tells Batman to not laugh at him
For more infomation >> BAD BABY SUPERHERO BATTLE BATMAN VS SUPER MARIO⎜Batman Super Mario Game in Real Life⎜ZZ Kids TV - Duration: 11:24.-------------------------------------------
NO OVEN Sponge Cake (Easy Frying Pan Recipe) - Duration: 6:24.
Are Women Standing In The Way Of Their Own Equality? - Duration: 7:00.
In the same city where the Founding Fathers signed the Constitution, one woman wrote a
new chapter in U.S. history.
Hillary Clinton was within reach of the White House.
Self-proclaimed Nasty Women rallied behind Hillary in the millions, leaving many to question
the amount of female support her opponent, Donald Trump would see at the polls.
Even Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said "There's a special place in hell
for women who don't help each other!"
The pressure was on to help Hillary shatter the ceiling... but come election night, the
glass was still intact.
Donald Trump won the presidency and his female supporters came out of the shadows on election
day in force.
42 percent of women voted for Trump and 53 percent of them were white.
A Facebook page run by Women for Donald Trump writes that "Trump reminds us of something
we haven't seen in a long time: strong, Alpha males in politics."
Other Trump supporters are even self-described feminists who say they put policy and party
above their social beliefs.
This is a stark difference from the women vying to see the first female leader in the
White House.
So when did American women become so divided?
Are women standing in the way of their own equality?
Stemming from the abolitionist movement, the women's movement was established in the
After almost a century of fighting for equality, in 1920, women lined up to cast their votes–A
right secured by all American women under the 19th Amendment.
The Women's Movement didn't stop there, but it did diverge.
In 1923, the Lucretia Mott Amendment, also known as the Equal Rights Amendment, was proposed
to Congress and supported by the National Women's Party which helped secure the right
to vote.
As it stands, the U.S. Constitution does not protect women from workplace discrimination.
The ERA was designed to change that by leveling the playing field when it came to salary,
position and opportunity.
The amendment stated, "Men and women shall have equal rights throughout the United States
and every place subject to its jurisdiction."
But for some women these protections didn't mean progress, and this is where the fight
for equality started to fracture.
Middle class women who supported the ERA argued for equality and self-determination based
on the shared humanity with men.
Working women believed the ERA would override protections for women that had been set in
place, including shorter work hours and limited or no heavy lifting.
Taking place in 1924, well before WWII and the influx of female workers into traditionally
male industries, this debate was revolutionary.
US women were truly starting to take control of their lives, but the vision for what that
should look like varied dramatically.
And this feminist vs. feminist divide over equality ultimately led to the failure of
the Equal Rights Amendment in 1924.
But that wasn't the end of the fight.
Between 1923 and 1970, the Equal Rights Amendment was proposed during every congressional session.
It took a woman, Representative Martha Griffiths, a Democrat from Michigan, to get it passed.
In 1970, it was passed in the House in 1970.
And then two years later, a slightly revised version of the ERA did pass in the Senate.
Only four words remained from the amendment's main clause written in 1923, but its meaning
stayed the same.
The ERA now stated, "Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged
by the United States or by any State on account of sex."
This new language was modeled after the 19th amendment, essentially exchanging the right
to vote with equal rights.
The ERA was bipartisan in nature and had the support of then Republican president Richard
35 states ratified the amendment so just three more were needed for the amendment to be added
to the Constitution.
But yet again... a woman would lead to the ERA's demise.
"The Equal rights amendment says you cannot discriminate on account of sex and if you
want to deny a marriage license to a man and a man or deny a homosexual the right to teach
in schools or to adopt children it is on account of sex that you would deny it and that would
be constitutional under ERA."
On paper, Phyllis Schlafly embodied what many would think of as the perfect woman to represent
the ERA: she was a lawyer, she earned a master's in political science from Radcliffe College,
Harvard University's sister school and she even ran for Congress as a new mother.
But Schlafly was conservative and she recognized a political opportunity by opposing the amendment.
She created the STOP ERA organization which stood for Stop Taking Our Privileges Equal
Rights Amendment.
The movement galvanized thousands of conservative women around the notion that the ERA would
upend the nuclear family- forcing women to get jobs outside of the home, forcing women
to serve in the military if the draft were reinstated, and encouraging men to stop supporting
their wives.
Through her massive organizing work and marketing as pro-family, Schlafly is given credit for
almost single-handedly stopping the ERA from adoption.
On June 30, 1982, the ERA officially ran out of time and failed just three states short
of ratification.
Schlafly became known as the First Lady of the march to the political right.
And forty years later, her endorsement of Donald Trump for president ecompasses much
of the female divide we see today.
The majority of Women for Trump are conservative white women who share many of the same values
as Phyllis Schlafly, which in some ways directly contradicts the feminist idea of what equality
should be.
After completing this exhausting process.
Today women are redefining gender roles in the workplace.
They are high ranking military officers, CEOs and members of Congress.
Women have helped pass the Equal Pay Act, Pregnancy Discrimination Act, Title VII and
But while these laws and precedents are in place to protect women, as Supreme Court Justice
Ruth Bader Ginsburg said, "legislation can be repealed, it can be altered."
Without a Constitutional Amendment, the rights that women enjoy may not be permanent.
The ERA would set a consistent judicial standard in the fight for equality and it might even
put an end to the gender pay gap.
But should an equal rights amendment finally be introduced, what rights should specifically
be enshrined and which faction of females will make that decision?
All we know is that both the ERA and the 2016 election prove that the divide between women
can be vast, and that equality, and what it represents, means many things to many people.
From politics to pop culture, more women are in positions of power today than ever before.
Watch our video here to find out who are the world's leading ladies.
Another extremely powerful woman is philanthropist and business woman Melinda Gates.
As the cofounder and cochair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, she has used their
$40 billion endowment to focus on global healthcare and empowering women and girls around the
Thanks for watching Seeker Daily, please make sure to like and subscribe for new videos
every day.
Najlepsze strzały №9 [World of Tanks Polska] - Duration: 4:06.
¡500 mil suscriptores! THANK YOU!! #TiniYoutube | TINI - Duration: 1:01.
Hi Everyone!
This is a very special video for me
because I want to tell you that we got to...
500k subscribers on my YouTube channel.
Good morning, afternoon, evening... wherever you are!
I got sick!
A big kiss for you! Thank you and enjoy it.
Life Update - Duration: 2:05.
So, I used to be in high school.
Then I graduated high school and went to college.
Then I failed all my classes, and then I wasn't in college in college anymore.
Then I started making plans to get an apartment in Denver with some friends and get a job,
and then that whole plan fell apart, but while that plan was falling apart and I was just
kinda living with parents being a bum I tried to actually develop a system for managing
my time effectively.
And I did, and it kinda worked, and then I was like "hey, I bet I'd do better if
I go back to college now!"
This whole time I never made a Patreon mostly because it wouldn't have made any sense
at all.
I feel like the implicit deal with Patreon is that if enough people give you enough money
you'll make more of the thing, but I was focusing on school and other stuff this whole
time, and I was already doing the best I could while juggling those things, and no reasonable
amount of money would have convinced me to drop out of school.
So, anyway, about five months ago I went back to college to study computer science, because,
why not, seems like as reasonable a career as any other.
And I hatted it.
Not just programming, like, I realized that the fact that I was failing all my classes
was not the only reason I was miserable the first time I went to college.
I was doing fine in all my classes this time, but
And I basically sat down and went, "ok, if I do this I'm gonna have to be at this
for like, three more years, and I'm gonna kinda lock myself into a career I'm not
even sure I want to go into.
My odds of being unemployed will be about halved and my wage will probably be about
one and a half times higher, but is that worth being miserable and making negative money
for three years of my life?
I don't think it is."
And then my dad was like "Hey, guess what?
I just quit my job!
We still have some of money saved up, so I should still be able to pay your way through
college, but I just thought I'd let you know that our family now has no income.
K bye!"
And then I was like "OK, time to get a job.
I'm gonna drop out of school, and then, for one month I'm gonna put everything I
have into making Youtube into a career.
If by the end of that month I can't make a living off of it-"
And then Hank Green popped out of nowhere and gave me a bunch of money through the Vlogbrother's
Creators Grants thingy, and then I was like "Two months.
I'm going to put everything I have into making Youtube videos for two months, and
if by the end of that I'm not making a living I'll just get whatever job I can get my
hands on."
So yeah, that's about where we are now.
Link to my Patreon in the description.
Severe storm hits Mississippi - Duration: 1:36.
Dota 2 Tricks - Jungling Spectre ! - Duration: 4:43.
Simon vs. Rock Python - Episode 2 | Deadliest Snake Encounters - Duration: 2:42.
ok let me take flight instructing me
it's not get a phone call about a snake
suspected python and we get this area
and it's a big tunnel the people that
were living there said how can we kill
the snake and I said no no please don't
kill the snake by just touching my hand
it's crumbling away and this lot comes
down we got you won't get us out they
said this thing was five meters long
now that's possible rock partners can
get bigger than six meters we just
didn't know where the Python was in this
tunnel you
yeah let's go up very very slowly as we
move food is totally got more narrow
more narrow
its pitch black in there and we turned
the lights off for a second torches and
you can even see your hand in front your
face and you can feel things calling
whatever you there are cobwebs
everywhere something out of a horror
film gets really narrow really want to
push out loud for this girl a bit
further you feel claustrophobic
there is a pleasant he's getting away
use that whole plate my death
got it got me his mother got it sort of
ok right constricting me okay
it's got me going to get something off
college should get off me
ya got the tail you can unwind it must
let go ahead
it's got my leg it conflicts are not
trying to do one Nick got it just it's
got me as well now going to try to get
this tunnel quickly as possible got my
leg is going to drag myself out
let's get out of here come try to get
the snake off the walls dust is coming
down something now watching nothing
yeah you bloody idea what we're doing
but I'm glad I did it and like I say
there was no cameras there still would
have done it
[Overwatch] Overwatch in 220 seconds - Genji - Duration: 3:46.
Sometimes with shurikens,
Or sometimes with his ninja sword
Overwatch in 220 seconds - Genji
Genji is a cyborg ninja, his body augmented with mechanisms.
His family is largely involved in Genji taking his current body.
Genji's family, the Shimada clan, is a massive criminal organization in Japan.
They gathered their wealth through illegal means, such as trafficking weapons and dealing with drugs.
Genji was the youngest son of the family.
Genji showed great promise in his ninja trainings, and he enjoyed it quite much.
But since he was not interested in his family's business at all,
Genji spent his times away largely in the arcades.
Genji: I passed many an hour of my misspent youth here.
Genji's father, who was also the clan leader, then meets an untimely death.
Genji's brother Hanzo then took up the position of clan leader.
Hanzo asked Genji to take a larger role in the family business.
As he had no interests in the family business, Genji refused.
Hanzo was enraged. The confrontation between the two ended up a bloody duel.
Genji lost, and was left on the verge of death.
The dying Genji was then rescued by Mercy from Overwatch.
Mercy: Heroes never die!
So Genji was reborn with a brand new body.
He joined Overwatch, and asked for cooperation in his war with the Shimada clan.
Genji was set in destroying his family's criminal empire,
but as time passed, grew to loathe his body which was neither human nor machine.
So when his mission was over, Genji left Overwatch and wandered around the world.
During this time, Genji met the Omnic monk Zenyatta.
Genji initially rejected Zenyatta's wisdom,
Zenyatta: Pass into the iris.
but in the end with Zenyatta's unending teaching, grew to serve him as his mentor, and accepted his self's humanity.
Genji, the face of Quick Play.
However, he shows up quite often in Competitive or pro matches as well.
It is thought that this is because he excels when coordinated well with teammates.
Also, did you all get the Oni Genji skin from that event that just ended?
Oni's cool too, but what's the best skin for Genji in your opinion?
GERMANSNAKEGAMING GRÜSST #12 (Deutsch/German) - Duration: 1:14.
GMIXMASHUP - FIRE (K-POP MEGA MASHUP 2016) - Duration: 10:31.
Main Vocal: Dal Shabet - Someone Like U Sub Vocal: Mamamoo - Woo Hoo
Main Vocal: Dal Shabet - Someone Like U/B.AP - Feel So Good
Main Vocal: Shinee - 1 of 1
Main Vocal: NCT Dream - Chewing Gum Sub Vocal: Seventeen - BoomBoom/Seventeen - Very Nice
Main Vocal: Mamamoo - Decalcomanie
Main Vocal: Jonghyun - She Is
Main Vocal: EXO CBX - Hey Mama/Shinee - 1 of 1
Main Vocal: Matilda - Macarena
Main Vocal: April - Tinkerbell
Main Vocal: Laboum - Journey To Atlantis
Main Vocal: Brave Girls - Yoo Hoo/B.AP - Feel So Good
Main Vocal: B.AP - Feel So Good/Seventeen - Very Nice
Main Vocal: Mamamoo - You're The Best
Main Vocal: Gugudan - Wonderland
Main Vocal: Zico - I Am You, You Are Me
Main Vocal: EXO - Lucky One
Main Vocal: Dal Shabet - Someone Like U
Main Vocal: WJSN - Momomo
Main Vocal: Brave Girls - Deepened/Apink - Only One
Main Vocal: Tiffany - I Just Wanna Dance
Main Vocal: Red Velvet - Russian Roulette
Main Vocal: I.O.I - Very Very Very/Sonamoo - I Like U To Much
Main Vocal: I.O.I - Very Very Very/Jimin Feat.Xiumin - Call You Bae
Main Vocal: Pristin (Pledis Girlz) - We Sub Vocal: VIXX - Dynamite
Main Vocal: VIXX - Dynamite
Main Vocal: Fiestar - Mirror Sub Vocal: VIXX - Dynamite
Main Vocal: Fiestar - Mirror
Main Vocal: Fiestar - Mirror Sub Vocal: Song Ji Eun - Bobby Doll
Main Vocal: Jun Hyo Seong - Find Me/Song Ji Eun - Bobby Doll
Main Vocal: KNK - Back Again
Main Vocal: Jun Hyo Seong - Find Me/Song Ji Eun - Bobby Doll
Main Vocal: 24K - Bingo
Main Vocal: Gfriend - Rough Sub Vocal: Shinee - Tell Me What To Do
Main Vocal: Shinee - Tell Me What To Do
Main Vocal: Luna - Free Somebody
Main Vocal: Nine Muses A - Lip 2 Lip Sub Vocal: Fiestar - Apple Pie
Main Vocal: GOT7 - Fly Sub Vocal: Fiestar - Apple Pie
Main Vocal: MOBB - Full House/BLACKPINK - Boombayah
Main Vocal: Crayon Pop - Doo Doom Chit/Matilda - You Bad! Don't Make Me Cry
Main Vocal: Lee Hi - Breathe Sub Vocal: BLACKPINK - Boombayah/Taeyeon Feat.Dean - Starlight
Main Vocal: Taeyeon Feat.Dean - Starlight
Main Vocal: Red Velvet - One Of These Nights
Sub Vocal - Stellar - Sting
Main Vocal: Sistar - One More Day
Main Vocal: DIA - On The Road
Main Vocal: TWICE - TT Sub Vocal: Astro - Breatheless
Main Vocal: Taemin - Press Your Number
Main Vocal: WJSN - Secret
Main Vocal: Vromance - She Sub Vocal: WJSN - Secret
Main Vocal: GFriend - Navillera
Main Vocal: Spica - Secret Time
Main Vocal: Snuper - It's Raining Sub Vocal: f(x) - All Mine
Main Vocal: VIXX - The Closer/Brave Girls - High Heels Sub Vocal: f(x) - All Mine
Main Vocal: Hyomin - Sketch
Main Vocal: Crush - Woo Ah
Main Vocal: Wonder Girls - Why So Lonely
Main Vocal: Laboum - Shooting Love
Main Vocal: Taeyeon - Rain
Main Vocal: TWICE - Cheer Up
Main Vocal: Dal Shabet - Fri.Sat.Sun
Main Vocal: Imfact - Feel So Good/Boys Republic - Get Down
Main Vocal: Momoland - Jjan Koong Kwang! Sub Vocal: I.O.I - Whatta Man (Good Man)
Main Vocal: I.O.I - Dream Girls Sub Vocal: Boys Republic - Get Down)
Main Vocal: Mino - Body Sub Vocal: Boys Republic - Get Down)
Main Vocal: Mino - Body Sub Vocal: Boys Republic - Get Down)/Bigbang - Last Dance
Main Vocal: Jay Park Feat.Grey - Drive
Main Vocal: Monsta X - All In
Main Vocal: EXID - L.I.E
Main Vocal: 2PM - Promise (I'll Be)
Main Vocal: EXID - L.I.E
Main Vocal: Sistar - I Like That
Main Vocal: 4Minute - Hate
Main Vocal: EXO - Monster
Main Vocal: Hyolyn - Paradise
Main Vocal: EXO - Monster/4Minute - Hate
Main Vocal: 4Minute - Hate/Sistar - I Like That
Main Vocal: BLACKPINK - Whistle
Main Vocal: NCT 127 - Fire Truck
Main Vocal: BTS - Fire/GOT7 - Hard Carry
Main Vocal: BTS - Fire/BLACKPINK - Playing With Fire Sub Vocal: Teentop - Warning Sign
Main Vocal: GOT7 - Hard Carry
Main Vocal: History - Queen
Main Vocal: Pentagon - Can You Feel It?
Main Vocal: DIA - Mr.Potter
Main Vocal: GOT7 - Hard Carry
Main Vocal: Yezi - Cider
Main Vocal: BTS - Fire/BLACKPINK - Playing With Fire
Main Vocal: BTS - Fire/Teentop - Warning Sign
Main Vocal: Pentagon - Gorilla
Main Vocal: EXO - Lotto
Main Vocal: Taeyeon - Why
Main Vocal: KNK - Knock
Main Vocal: AOA - Good Luck
Main Vocal: MAP6 - Swagger Time/Bigbang - Fxxk It
Main Vocal: SF9 - Fanfare
Main Vocal: Oh My Girl - Liar Liar Sub Vocal: NCT U - The 7th Sense
Main Vocal: NCT 127 - Fire Truck Sub Vocal: NCT U - The 7th Sense
Main Vocal: Jessica - Fly
Main Vocal: Taeyeon - 11:11
Main Vocal: B.A.P - Skydive Sub Vocal: Tiffany - Heartbreak Hotel (Feat. Simon Dominic)
Main Vocal: BTS - Blood Sweat & Tears Sub Vocal: Tiffany - Heartbreak Hotel (Feat. Simon Dominic)
Main Vocal: B.A.P - Skydive
Main Vocal: BTS - Blood Sweat & Tears
Main Vocal: GOT7 - Hard Carry/BTS - Fire Sub Vocal: Hyoyeon - Mystery
Main Vocal: BLACKPINK - Playing With Fire/BTS - Fire Sub Vocal: Hyoyeon - Mystery
Korean Judo - Drop knee Tai otoshi - Duration: 2:55.
This drop knee tai-otoshi is a favorite technique of double World Champion Wang Ki-Chun
Jeon demonstrates that it's normally done from a standard sleeve and lapel grip
It's important to break the opponent's balance just before throwing
By shaking the sleeve and lapel up-and-down you force a reaction from your opponent
This is the moment to exploit
It's the speed of the rotation and the speed of the drop which really make the throw work
The drop knee tai-otoshi is about giving one hundred percent commitment
Notice the sleeve hand and how Jeon pulls it all the way around even at the very end
You must be light on your feet and loose in your arms
When spinning in for the tai-otoshi you should throw yourself as far back as possible
Then it's all about rotation and drive
So here is Wang showing it at the 2011 Baku Masters
Notice the shake from Wang to get the reaction
Then the spin
And then the pull through with the arms at the end
Here's another great example from Wang in the same competition against Japan's Awano
Once again there's the shake that gets the reaction
And Wang's in with the tai-otoshi
Just look at how he pulls through with the hands, whipping Awano onto his back for ippon
This time it's 2015 World bronze medallist An Changrim
An doesn't need to get the reaction as his opponent is already pushing forwards
He just uses his opponents momentum to devastating effect
And finally back to Wang in the bronze medal contest of the 2010 World Championship against Russia's Isaev
This time Wang does it from a cross grip on the lapel
As a result he has to be much tighter to Isaev's body
Notice how Wang attacks Isaev's shoulder
And drives through to finish
PBS Show January 15-21, 2017, #2514 - Duration: 26:30.
- NARRATOR: The Texas Parks & Wildlife television series
is funded in part by a grant from the
Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program.
Through your purchases of hunting and fishing equipment,
and motorboat fuels, over 50 million dollars
in conservation efforts are funded in Texas each year.
And by Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation.
Helping to keep Texas wild with the support of proud members
across the state.
Find out more at
Additional funding provided by Ram Trucks.
- NARRATOR: Coming up on Texas Parks & Wildlife ...
- Bumblebees are great pollinators because bees
deliberately collect pollen.
- Millions of birds cross the Texas coastline each spring
and fall during migration and the question is
'Why would you put a wind farm in a site like that?'
- So no matter your skill level of mountain biking,
we have really something for everybody here at Brazos Bend.
- [theme music]
♪ ♪
- NARRATOR: Texas Parks & Wildlife ,
a television series for all outdoors.
- Maybe up here.
- NARRATOR: Jessica Beckham is on a quest....
- JESSICA: I see all sorts of things flying around.
- NARRATOR: catch some fuzzy flying insects.
- JESSICA: No bumblebees though.
- NARRATOR: With great bee expertise....
- JESSICA: That is a sweat bee.
- NARRATOR: ...she searches.
- I think those are so pretty.
That is not what I am trying to catch today.
- NARRATOR: The bees that beckon are bumblebees.
- JESSICA: Today we are out here surveying bumblebees in a
little roadside area of Denton County.
That is an American bumblebee right there.
- NARRATOR: Jessica has been studying bumblebees at the
University of North Texas while pursuing a
Ph.D. in environmental science.
- Here in Texas we have sweat bees, digger bees,
leaf-cutter bees, resin bees, about seven to eight hundred
species of bees that are native bees,
including nine species of bumblebees.
[adding machine clicking]
Usually when people think of bees they think of honeybees,
but honeybees are actually non-native species.
Honeybee declines have been noted in the news.
- RADIO ANNOUNCER: Back in 2005 we started hearing about a
phenomenon called Colony Collapse Disorder.
Unusual numbers of honeybees were dying off and nobody
understood quite why.
- NARRATOR: In these troubling times for honeybees,
Jessica wanted to understand how native bees are doing.
- I am studying native pollinators, bumblebees in
particular, because native pollinators might serve as
an insurance policy against these losses of honeybees.
- RADIO ANNOUNCER: Bees are critical to the food supply.
Bees pollinate cherries, apples, almonds, onions
and many other crops.
They pollinate billions of dollars of crops each year.
- JESSICA: Insect pollinators in particular are responsible for
about 80% of the pollination of wild flowering plants
and about 75% of our agricultural plants.
Bumblebees are great pollinators because bees deliberately
collect pollen and they have a lot more hair than honeybees
and they move a lot of pollen from flower to flower.
I do not know what they are.
I will take about a 15-minute walk through this big patch
of flowers to determine what species are here, and ultimately
look at the persistence of these species in our area.
Got another one!
- NARRATOR: Studying bumblebees takes time...
- Shoot!
- NARRATOR: ...and some fast reflexes.
- Dang it!
I feel like I struck out!
- NARRATOR: But field work is the fun part, right?
- JESSICA: It is hot, I mean you get chiggers and ticks.
Sometimes you see a bee and you do not catch it.
Really though it is pleasant work for me.
Now I got her.
[playful music]
This is bombus pensylvanicus, which is known as the
American bumblebee.
This is our most common species here in Texas
but nationally this species is declining.
And so Texas Parks and Wildlife Department has designated
this a species of greatest conservation need.
You ready to go girl?
- NARRATOR: Texas Parks and Wildlife has helped fund the
research, in part, through sales of conservation license plates.
- JESSICA: We have received a horned lizard license plate
grant as well as a state wildlife grant.
[door opens]
- NARRATOR: To understand Texas bumblebee trends,
Jessica compares her surveys with specimens at the
Elm Fork Natural Heritage Museum at UNT, where the
bumblebee collection spans 60 years.
- JESSICA: Museum collections provide a rich resource for
determining historic presence of lots of different species.
- NARRATOR: The comparisons have been encouraging.
- JESSICA: What we have found is that the current presence of
bumblebees here in northeast Texas is almost identical
to the historic presence.
About 85% of our roadside sites had at least
one bumblebee.
- NARRATOR: Further research has examined bumblebee genetic
diversity, and the kinds of urban habitats they use.
- JESSICA: I looked at eight different sites, some community
gardens, an organic garden...
Are any of them blooming at this point?
...some urban wild spaces as well.
We want to know what type of green spaces are good for bees
and also how we can manage our greenspaces as we grow cities.
- NARRATOR: The research suggests ways we can help
pollinators in public spaces, like roadsides,
and even in our own backyards.
- You want to try and have flowers that are blooming
all the way from about March to October here in Texas
because bumblebees are active throughout that time.
And you also would do well to avoid the use of pesticides
because not only are they effective in killing your pest
species, but they also are bad for your pollinator species.
- NARRATOR: Jessica has completed her studies
and is Dr. Beckham now.
But her work will continue to benefit bee conservation.
- JESSICA: American bumblebee.
- NARRATOR: As if a sign of gratitude, the hundreds of bees
she handled kept their stingers to themselves.
- JESSICA: I have never been stung by a bumblebee,
- NARRATOR: Since they help our food and flowers grow,
maybe we all owe some thanks to the humble bumblebee.
- JESSICA: Yea for bumblebees.
- NARRATOR: Texas leads the nation in wind energy
With little regulatory oversight in place, this new industry
can build wherever there's good wind.
- We need to change where we are getting our energy sources,
we will have to locate wind turbines in places that
are precious to lots of people.
- NARRATOR: And here on the coast where the wind may be
strong, it's also home to the Central Flyway -
a major migratory bird corridor.
- Millions of birds cross the Texas coastline each
spring and fall during migration and the question is
'Why would you put a wind farm in a site like that?'
- NARRATOR: Songbirds like the Hooded Warbler,
to migrating raptors like these Swainson's Hawks,
To the threatened Reddish Egret.
Hundreds of species either live on the coast or migrate through
Texas as it sits squarely in the Central Flyway,
a migration route from breeding grounds in the North
to winter quarters in the South.
And in this same area wind farms set up to capitalize on these
prime coastal winds.
- The real concern is not the day to day collisions that
might take place but the circumstances that might create
a major migratory bird fall out where you have a storm
and literally thousands of birds trying to find a place to land
and flying through the middle of a wind farm.
[wind turbines]
- NARRATOR: One wind farm that's concerned about the birds
and the Central Flyway is the Penascal Wind Plant
situated on the Kenedy Ranch along Baffin Bay.
- The wind blows hard here in South Texas.
Everybody knows that,
but the wind blows hard when everybody needs it the most,
so it's almost a perfect location in terms of
customer demand.
- JIM SINCLAIR: We can have well over a hundred species at one
time in these motts.
- NARRATOR: Penascal staff biologist Jim Sinclair studied
the property for four years before any of the
82 wind turbines went up.
- When they come in, they come in very high.
- NARRATOR: And one top priority was to keep the turbines away
from these sheltered bird resting spots called oak motts.
- JIM: This is where the songbirds will stop to rest
and feed during the daytime during the migration,
but one of the reasons for creating a buffer around
these oak motts for the turbines is it's going
to significantly reduce the chances of strikes
because the birds concentrate in the oak motts,
and there can be a lot of times when there are
a lot of birds in here...
- JAN: Yeah!
[hum of radar motor]
- NARRATOR: Working to reduce bird strikes even more
is Merlin.
- GARY ANDREWS: And we can see some low level bird activity
- NARRATOR: This radar system can see what birds are coming
from four miles away.
- GARY: We can actually see the turbines and we can see the
birds as they move around the turbines.
Most of what we are detecting today the birds are moving
above the wind farm and above 500 feet.
[hum of radar motor]
- NARRATOR: Now the magic of Merlin, it has the capability to
actually shut off the turbines if birds fly into the wind farm.
- JIM: The radar itself generates a curtailment command
and within less than one minute all the of turbines will be
turning at less than one RPM, very very slowly, and within
five minutes all of them are completely stationary.
[hum of radar motor]
The ability to shut down the turbines under abnormal
conditions is what really helps turn wind energy
into truly green energy.
[wind from of wind turbine]
- ANDY: Will the costs of turning off the turbines
be so high that they won't do it.
And so the real issue is not so much whether or not they
can do it, it's whether or not they will.
- NARRATOR: That's just one of the questions on the minds
of both Andy Kasner and wildlife biologists from
Texas A&M Kingsville.
- BART BALLARD: Boy this strong south wind probably had some
good movement.
- NARRATOR: So right next door on the neighboring King Ranch,
they are using another Merlin to monitor the birds as well.
- STUDENT: User friendly screen with biological targets
moved in.
- NARRATOR: Andy is here to meet research scientist Bart Ballard,
to get a feel for just how many birds could be affected by
further wind development along the coast.
- BART: Well our main objectives for this study are to assess how
many birds travel through this area, the altitudes they fly,
how weather affects their flight characteristics.
There's potential for some pretty large impacts.
- NARRATOR: This study funded in part by Texas Parks and Wildlife
will look at several migration seasons.
A bird count before more wind development arrives.
- ANDY: Because of the tax credits that are available to
wind energy production, it's beneficial for them to develop
a sight as quickly as they can and get the wind turbines
up and running.
[sounds of wind turbine]
But the flip side of that you don't have time in that case to
do adequate scientific studies to monitor and make decisions
based on wildlife impacts and whether or not that sight
is safe for wildlife.
[duck calls]
- NARRATOR: Back at the office...
- BART: It's interesting, these peaks.
- NARRATOR: Bart crunches the numbers, and in one
fall migration Merlin counted three million birds
coming through the corridor in just three months.
- I think during most of the time these birds are
flying high enough and have good visibility
it's not going to be an issue,
it's those times when they do migrate when it's foggy out,
their visibility is very poor, and we think it pushes em
down at a lower level, lower altitude when they are flying.
Those are the conditions we are concerned about at least
in terms of some development along the coast.
[wind from wind turbine]
- JIM: We're going to be able to observe large avian movements
during a variety of weather conditions that we have
never been able to see before.
- NARRATOR: There are wind farms using the latest technology.
- And if we can make sure that were doing it in the
most responsible way, taking it very, very seriously that is
one way to help us clean up our energy supply.
- NARRATOR: Scientists...
- BART: We have 14 Reddish Egrets.
- NARRATOR: And their long term studies on protecting
these Texas treasures.
- BART: Our hope with this research is that it'll be used
in the future to help sight some of this development,
where it will have less impact on our bird populations.
[wind from wind turbine]
- ANDY: We just have to make sure that the individual
developers make the right sorts of sighting decisions,
that's really what it boils down to in Texas or anywhere else.
- NARRATOR: Chances are, this new renewable energy source
is here for good.
[ducks fly off]
And now it's up to us to make sure it stays green.
- NARRATOR: Wish you could spend more time with nature?
Well, every month you can have the great outdoors
delivered to you.
Since 1942, Texas Parks & Wildlife Magazine has been the
outdoor magazine of Texas.
Every issue is packed with outstanding photography
and writing about the wild things and wild places
of this great state.
And now Texas' best outdoor magazine is available as an app,
it's just that easy.
Texas Parks & Wildlife magazine,
your connection to the great outdoors.
[theme music]
- Hi I'm Andy Gluesenkamp, I'm the state herpetologist
for Texas Parks and Wildlife and today I'd like to talk to you
about the Texas Rat Snake.
The Texas Rat Snake is the most commonly encountered snake
in Texas, and they occupy a wide range of habitats.
This snake is harmless, they are completely non-venomous,
they don't attack people, in fact they are major
rodent predators.
Hence the name rat snake.
Probably the best way to tell a rat snake from a venomous snake
in Texas is to look at the head shape.
Pit vipers, which includes copperheads, cottonmouths,
and rattlesnakes, they tend to have a very chunky head
with steep sides to the face.
Whereas if you look at the head of a rat snake,
the head tends to be more rounded and less angular.
This snake is in the process of shedding, during that process
we call them in the blue, that individual will get an opaque
color to its skin, it's eye's become milky blue.
It's not sick or injured, they just need a few days
to find a quiet place to hang out while they shed
their old skin to reveal a new fresh layer underneath!
Rat snakes get a bad rap -
they are large snakes, they are frequently encountered,
they are not particularly friendly.
But I'd like to point out that their primary diet is mice,
rats, and other rodents - that's pretty beneficial snake
to have around.
So three things to remember about the Texas Rat Snake,
they're the most commonly encountered snake in Texas,
they're completely harmless, and they're beneficial.
- I am spreading what amounts to chicken scratch.
- NARRATOR: Bret Collier is trying to tempt some turkey....
- We'll have birds out here probably tomorrow.
- NARRATOR: ...he's setting out breakfast and setting up a trap,
all to learn more about the birds.
- BRET: We bait up an area and we set up a trail camera.
We set up a big net, and wait and see if the birds
are coming to the bait.
[winch gears clicking]
- NARRATOR: Fortunately, Bret has some help.
- BRET: One, two, three...
- There's a lot of different organizations
that are all pitching in.
Texas A&M, you have Parks and Wildlife, ranch personnel.
- You could not find a better place to have a
collaborative relationship between a university,
a state agency, and a private landowner than right here
where we are in Duval County.
I'm in, all those...
- NARRATOR: This high-tech turkey work is taking place
on the Temple Ranch, two hours south of San Antonio.
Being open to research is just one way the ranch works to
enhance turkey habitat.
- The last few years we've had some pretty rough droughts
here in South Texas and we've lost I'd say up
to 50 to 70% of our hackberries, which is the main roost tree
here in this part of South Texas for turkeys.
So what we're trying to do, we're putting up some artificial
roosts in place of the hackberries that have died
due to drought and they're really getting some good use
out of them.
[tractor passing]
- NARRATOR: More traditional improvements, like brush
management and the use of prescribed fire,
have also helped wildlife here.
But fully understanding what Rio Grande turkey need
requires being aware of their every move.
For Bret and crew, that means some very early workdays,
in this high-rise office of sorts.
- BRET: We get up about 4:45 in the morning, make sure that
everything's working, and then we wait on the birds to come in.
That's a good number of hens.
Twenty-five or 30 in sight right now, and there's a
flock of about 15 males.
Look at that.
Our primary focus is to look at the habitat use of Rio Grande
wild turkeys in South Texas.
[turkey gobbles]
- JUSTIN: There's a lot that goes into it but it only
takes just a couple of seconds to happen.
[turkey gobbles]
- BRET: Are the deer gone? I can't see...
When the net goes off our primary goal is always
the safety of the bird.
[net releases]
Drop! Drop! Drop! Drop!
- JUSTIN: It's pretty exciting when that net drops.
- BRET: Any birds on the edge -- back corner!
It is very fast and furious.
Roll 'em up underneath if you need to!
- ROBERT: We try and do it as fast as we can,
and reduce stress on the birds.
- BRET: What took you guys so long?
- ROBERT: It's quite a rodeo sometimes.
[banjo music]
[banjo music]
- BRET: Good work, everyone.
We're going to leg band about 10 of them, maybe 12,
and then transmitter the rest.
[box closes]
[rummaging for pliers]
- KYLE MELTON: Putting leg bands on them, putting radio collars
on them, or backpacks in this case.
- BRET: Go ahead and grab one more...
We put a backpack transmitter on them that uh we can use to
follow the birds around.
And currently we've developed some that are using
GPS technology.
- KYLE: Frequency number 151-340.
- BRET: You can use that information to identify habitat.
[transmitter beeping]
- NARRATOR: Traditional tracking technology only allows locating
an animal when a biologist is available to go look for it.
- KYLE: The transmitter emits a beep.
We can receive that beep.
We can hone in on an individual and figure out where it's at
and triangulate and determine what kind of habitat types
they're located in.
Just down the road here.
- NARRATOR: But this requires manpower and does risk
disturbing the birds.
- KYLE: He's on the move.
We're pushing him.
- NARRATOR: Newer GPS technology allows much more location data
to be collected unobtrusively.
- It's not us going out once or twice a day
and saying well there's the bird at 10:00 in the morning
and there's the bird at 4:00 in the afternoon.
We can tell where they're going on their timeframe.
- BRET: We can map daily movements, seasonal movements,
we can identify the core areas the birds like to spend their
time in, um we can really do a lot of neat stuff, and to be
honest we're really probably just scratching the surface
with some of the things we could do with this type
of information.
- Now with this project we're learning where they like
to nest, where they like to roost, where they like
to raise broods.
[turkey flapping]
It's just really helping us out to where we need to work on
certain spots on the ranch.
- BRET: Let her loose.
- NARRATOR: The research is ongoing, but the findings are
already shedding new light on what turkey need to succeed.
- ROBERT: We're happy with how it's going.
[turkey flapping]
- JASON: We're getting better at answering the question
'What do these landowners need to do to really provide
quality habitat?'
I think whenever we're done here in a couple of years
we'll have something really valuable for the people of
South Texas and hopefully Texas in general.
- Hi, I'm David Heinicke, park ranger at
Brazos Bend State Park, and we've got some of the
best mountain biking trails in the Houston area.
Let's go check em out!!
[bike tire shreds trail]
Here at Brazos Bend State Park we have over 35 miles
of multi-use hiking and biking trails here in the park.
We have narrow single track trails that weave up and down
through the forest.
We have nice wide gravel trails that are more family friendly.
[birds chirp]
- KID: It's a real beautiful park!
- DAVID: So no matter your skill level of mountain biking,
we have really something for everybody here at Brazos Bend.
[bikers roll along bridge]
[Snowy Egret calls]
The Elm Lake trail is one of the best places to see the
wildlife in the park.
With the lake on one side and the marsh on the other side
the amount of wildlife out here is just fantastic.
It's not uncommon to see eight and ten foot alligators
right on the side of the trail here.
[splash of alligator]
These are the trails on the Brazos River, they're a
little more suitable for the more advanced rider.
Uh, they're single track dirt trails,
They've got some topography changes, so you get some
ups and downs, some drop offs, some hairpin curves,
so they offer a little more challenge to the mountain biker.
Come out to Brazos Bend State Park, with over 35 miles
of mountain biking trails, we've got a trail that suitable
for everybody, and what's even better is we are less than an
hour's drive from Houston, so come on out and join us!
[birds sing and chirp]
[birds sing and chirp]
[birds sing and chirp]
[birds sing and chirp]
[birds sing and chirp]
[birds sing and chirp]
[birds sing and chirp]
[birds sing and chirp]
[birds sing and chirp]
[birds sing and chirp]
- NARRATOR: This series is funded in part by a grant
from the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program.
Through your purchases of hunting and fishing equipment,
and motorboat fuels, over 50 million dollars in
conservation efforts are funded in Texas each year.
And by Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation.
Helping to keep Texas wild with the support of proud members
across the state.
Find out more at
Additional funding provided by Ram Trucks.
Crazy Writer Asking Girls About Their Personal Life | Danger Fun Club | Indian Pranks - Duration: 4:40.
How to make Guinness BBQ Sauce - Duration: 5:13.
Hey folks today I'm shooting Sabers Guinness
barbecue sauce from the saber better
barbecue blog this is what I used on
those pork chops so you definitely want
to watch this if you want to know how to
make this Guinness BBQ saw they did
we're going to put this up against Park
yourself together so got here a 2
tablespoons of olive oil that I find
woman up and i'm going to add a quart
couple of minutes i'm just going to
start any of those onions until they're
translucent and then we'll add some
garlic yourself look at these villains
onions are softened with add-on garlic
garlic paste actually like using garlic
paste you can use two cloves of garlic
for this if you want but i really like
using the state
let's call that raw Rollins the garlic's
love the smell of garlic and onion self
tank and now begins three bottles
and let that reduce down to about a cup
and a half and it should take awhile so
please stay tuned and we'll finish this
addressing three ok that's been about 30
minutes and the Genesis reduced down to
about a cup and a half now I'm going to
add the rest of the ingredients
sort of running her
mr. soft
I've got here some powdered mustard some
dr families and some black pepper
your favorite hot sauce
he's going to simmer this for 20 minutes
and check back what we did oh I need
some salt i forgot i need to teach
myself a teaspoon of kosher salt
we'll adjust that taste once this comes
together so stay tuned
this shouldn't take long smells amazing
let's take a tape
that is really good that is a really
good bark so this will be even better
the next day after it's been
refrigerated overnight
this is so good Thank saber never a
better barbecue blog i'll put a link in
the description box below if you like my
videos please subscribe give me a big
thumbs up and leave a comment and i'll
be making more from the neighbor better
barbecue blog and uh thanks for watching
When Venus Weeps - "Don't let me fall" Official Video - Duration: 3:08.
♪I feel every breath as smoke eats me from inside♪
♪Another night living in anxiety♪
♪And day by day my life is passing me by♪
♪Can't get the concept of eternity♪
♪It never ends♪
♪God not again♪
♪Where's my angel?♪
♪Plagues your dreams, I hear you scream♪
♪I'm begging you, stay beside me♪
♪Maybe tonight I'll make it on my own♪
♪Just don't let me fall♪
♪This is a song for broken souls just like me♪
♪Fighting with prayers this oppressing fear of death♪
♪I wish every wishper is not the last one, baby♪
♪You're just my only remedy♪
♪I will fight it♪
♪God help me♪
♪Send my angel♪
♪Please don't let me sleep alone♪
♪Hold my hand, through this nightmare♪
♪Maybe tonight I'll make it on my own♪
♪Just don't let me fall♪
♪Your skin is so warm, pleasant touch♪
♪Calm me down, till the dawn breaks♪
♪Maybe tonight I'll make it on my own♪
♪Just don't let me fall♪
Inside JJ - Ep. 13 - MacPro Broken !! - Duration: 4:19.
After going to the book keeper this morning
I'm going downstairs to the studio..but the problem is
that my beautiful Broke !
Damn it
it's been all week that I've tried to fix a problem
a computer problem
My beautiful MacPro
no way out of it
it keeps locking up
it's driving me crazy and I can't work
it went on like this for almost a month this summer
leaving me with nothing to be done
and now
this Monday I formatted the computer and re-installed everything ...but no results
it keeps locking up
I called Apple assistance and been online for a long time
we even shared my desktop
as I said ... it's time to get the computer
go all the way down to Catania
to the Apple Store
and hope that this is something fast to resolve
because I really had a lot to do this week
and the week after that
but unfortunately I'll have to slow down
cause without my computer there ain't much I can do
Here we are in Apple assistance
that's my computer
and who knows how it's gonna end up today
2 weeks later
time to go back and get the computer
I'm at the Mall
Destination Apple Store
to get my studio computer
We finally made it back to get the fixed computer
the computer is back
Just picked up the computer
I'm gonna bring it back to the studio
So I can finally get back to work
and even edit the video you are watching
Damn B**** was on the phone while driving
She almost got me killed
City, beach & surfing in Matara, Mirissa & Weligama (Sri Lanka, Pt. 5) - Duration: 8:58.
We're at the Matara bus terminal right now. And it's actually pretty cool here!
There's the ocean...
...and over here is a cricket match.
Sophie has a look the movie theater right now. And maybe we're gonna enjoy a movie today.
We're walking around Matara right now and we're baffled by how big the city is.
It's supposed to be a city of 60,000 and it looks like this:
There are a lot of chandeliers for sale!
This is Falooda Magic Ice Cream. And it tastes like you put artificiality into the form of ice cream.
We're in Mirissa now.
We've got a room a bit outside the town.
The path has been once through a banana plantation. Definitely nice!
We've rented a scooter for the day again and of course got a bit lost on the way. But we made it to Weligama!
We're gonna try out surfing!
We're done with surfing and will drive to the stilt fishermen later, but first we're taking a quick break here:
Both of us are a bit sunburnt from yesterday, but anyway, today we got up early again for another lagoon tour.
Looking forward to it!
Woah! Did you see that?
We're almost at the southernmost point of Sri Lanka. It's back there:
So if you keep going that way, it's just snow and ice.
New "Power Rangers" Movie
Crazy Writer Asking Girls About Their Personal Life | Danger Fun Club | Indian Pranks - Duration: 4:40.
Let`s play Generation0: Agathas´s story part5: Eine sehr kurze Folge (German/Deutsch) - Duration: 1:53.
How to - Jacqueline Fernandez Hairstyle| Koffee with Karan season 5 - Duration: 1:30.
Hello my friends and welcome to my
channel today I will show you a hairstyle inspired by Jacqueline
Fernandez from a show called "Koffee with Karan season 5"
so let's get started
so for this hairstyle we will need an elastic
band and one bobby pin, so first I will take
all my hair into a high ponytail and I
will just use my hands to comb my hair
and then take an elastic band and tie
a ponytail high, then take a small section
like this from the ponytail and wrap it
around the rubber band and then
secure it with an bobby pin
So if you liked this video then please give it a Thumbs up
and don't forget to check out my channel and
Subscribe to my channel because I do new video every
Saturday and I will see you in my next video. Bye.
КАК ИЗМЕНИТЬ ЦВЕТ ГЛАЗ? ❤ Задай вопрос - Duration: 2:52.
New Barbie™ Movie
For more infomation >> New Barbie™ Movie-------------------------------------------
Quaker® Oatmeal Cookies
For more infomation >> Quaker® Oatmeal Cookies-------------------------------------------
Tuto pour être "beau/belle" - Duration: 2:38.
For more infomation >> Tuto pour être "beau/belle" - Duration: 2:38.-------------------------------------------
Rings - In Theatres February 3
Kirby Buckets: Warped - Disn...
When Venus Weeps - "Don't let me fall" Official Video - Duration: 3:08.
♪I feel every breath as smoke eats me from inside♪
♪Another night living in anxiety♪
♪And day by day my life is passing me by♪
♪Can't get the concept of eternity♪
♪It never ends♪
♪God not again♪
♪Where's my angel?♪
♪Plagues your dreams, I hear you scream♪
♪I'm begging you, stay beside me♪
♪Maybe tonight I'll make it on my own♪
♪Just don't let me fall♪
♪This is a song for broken souls just like me♪
♪Fighting with prayers this oppressing fear of death♪
♪I wish every wishper is not the last one, baby♪
♪You're just my only remedy♪
♪I will fight it♪
♪God help me♪
♪Send my angel♪
♪Please don't let me sleep alone♪
♪Hold my hand, through this nightmare♪
♪Maybe tonight I'll make it on my own♪
♪Just don't let me fall♪
♪Your skin is so warm, pleasant touch♪
♪Calm me down, till the dawn breaks♪
♪Maybe tonight I'll make it on my own♪
♪Just don't let me fall♪
Pourquoi je suis végane. #LeslieVG - Duration: 1:48.
A tactical ballistic missile or battlefield range ballistic missile (BRBM) is a ballistic
missile designed for short-range battlefield use.
Typically, range is less than 300 km (190 mi).
Tactical ballistic missiles are usually mobile, to ensure survivability and quick deployment.
Warheads can be conventional high explosive, chemical, biological, or nuclear.
Typically these have much lesser destructive power compared to strategic missiles.
Both Pakistan and India have invested in these, and have come up with Nasr, and Prahaar missiles
In this video, Defense Updates will compare these missiles based on 5 important parameters,
and draw an unbiased conclusion.
So, lets gets started.
The Nasr or Hatf 9, is a solid fueled tactical ballistic missile system developed by National
Development Complex (NDC) of Pakistan.
The development of this missile is known to have direct Chinese help, as is the case with
all Pakistani missiles.
It is derived from the WS2 Weishi Rockets system developed by China's Sichuan Aerospace
Pra haar is a solid-fuel surface-to-surface guided short-range tactical ballistic missile
developed by DRDO (Defense Research and Development Organization) of India.
Unlike the Pakistani counterpart, Prahaar is indigenously developed.
Being fully indigenous, Pra haar can be tweaked as per requirement, whenever required.
Hence, Pra haar get few points more as compared to Nasr in this category.
These (Nasr & Prahaar) missiles can carry both nuclear and conventional warheads.
Nasr is primarily meant to be equipped with nuclear warheads.
Both carry sub kiloton warhead between 250 to 500 Kg.
The payload is enough to decimate any mechanized or infantry unit.
There is not much to differentiate between these two in this category.
Nasr has range of 60 km.
Prahaar has operational range of 150 km.
As can be very easily analyzed, Pra haar has 2.5 times the range.
Pra haar, unlike Nasr, will be able to penetrate deep into Pakistan when launched in area close
to border.
This gives Pra haar much better operational flexibility and a distinct advantage.
Both missiles are stored, and carried in factory-sealed containers.
In this way the missile is constantly ready to fire.
4 Nasar missiles are carried on Chinese-origin Wanshan WS2 4 0 0 8x8 transporter erector
Prahaar mobile launch platform will carry 6 missiles, on 8 x 8 Tatra Transporter Erector launcher.
Slight advantage goes to Prahaar , due to its better missile capacity per unit.
Accuracy of Nasr is not fully disclosed but is thought to be around 30 m.
Prahaar has inertial navigation & terminal active radar homing.
It is a missile with a high degree of accuracy of less than 10 m.
In real-time war scenario, the small difference in accuracy does not amount to much; hence
this category is a tie.
As can be seen from the above score, Prahaar has superiority over Nasr in some categories
and is overall a better weapon.
But the crux of the matter has more to do with the concept rather than just the specifications
of these weapons.
Never before were nuclear weapons designed for tactical maneuver on the battlefield.
Pakistan conscious of its clear disadvantage in conventional weapons against India, has
inducted Nasr as part of its artillery arsenal to pulverize any advancing Indian army division
in the event of a war.
As per India's nuclear doctrine, tactical or strategic, any nuclear attack on India
will be answered with full-fledged nuclear retaliation.
Hence, the development of nuclear-tipped tactical missiles threatens to lower the nuclear threshold,
and make the sub-continent one of the most dangerous place in the world.
Undenieable Cases Of Mermaids In Real Life - Duration: 1:45.
videos which aren't in total character with mystical depictions, but still, some
believe that these human-fish beings might actually populate ocean seas.
Here are some of the most veridical cases of mermaid sightings.
One of the moste mysterious sightings happened under Dr. T. Schmidt's lead while he
was contracted by GeoSurvey to explore new oil sites by mapping the ocean floor.
During his research in Greenland Sea he noticed some strange noises resembling whale sounds
at 1000m below sea level.
As a marine geologist he was immediatly fascinated and decided to explore it further.
He went back a few times and always recorded with several cameras when on time he saw this:
This sighting occured in the town of Kiryat Yam in Israel.
The number of tourists claiming to have seen the mystical creature increased in a short
amount of time, so local auhtorities put up for battle a $1 Million reward for anyone who
would come up with evidence.
Dead mermaids on beaches
There have been several claims of people on the internet to have pictures of real, but sadly
dead mermaids, that they found on the beach.
Dreadnought Beta Gameplay - Dreadnought Multiplayer Gameplay 2017 - Duration: 18:36.
Let's get
Shake that on the way
take it nice and slow
this is Your show
try not to scratch my ship
its older than You
Not Afraid Anymore | Fifty Shades Darker | Halsey (Cover) by Kadi Music - Duration: 4:34.
Аниме приколы под музыку #75 | Смешные моменты аниме #75 | anime crack | anime coub (Specially) +18 - Duration: 14:52.
Subscribe to the channel ;3 is My favorite ) Nya
Fun with neural networks - Duration: 9:44.
Here in this video I would like to demonstrate how a neural network learn, and try to imagine
a few exiting applications and problems that could be solved with this technique.
Here, we are are going to show small sized, play neural networks, to show, in a visual
way, how it learns then what it can do with this knowledge.
The problems are voluntarely heavily simplified for that purpose.
In our first play situation, we are going to teach the machine to diagnose diseases
depending on symptoms.
We will have 17 different symptoms (in blue) and causes, and 9 possible diagnoses(in red).
Our pretend diseases are inspired from the real ones, this data has mostly been collected
from the pasteur dot com website.
Many elements in the symptoms area are environmental factors for our possible diseases and causes.
You can see on the right the network in its pretrained state.
To keep this fun and visual, we will train the network with just a few cases elements
and then test it with a few lists of symptoms a patient may have, while omiting some, to
see how our "pretend doctor" reacts.
We entered training phase.
You can see the neural connections being progressively trained in the image on the right.
The inputs on the left are the symptoms, the outputs on the right are the possible dianoses.
In the middle is the hidden layer.
The green flickering on the outputs indicate that the neural network got a good answer,
it will progressively get more and more.
Notice that some connections between the neurons are turning darker.
As in a biological neural network, during the learning process some connections are
becoming stronger and others, progressively weaker.
It is about to end its training, it is now time to ask it questions.
Like a patient would do with his doctor in a consultation,
let's feed the predictive model with lists of symptoms, and see what diseases it suspects
it may be.
first case : An elder person says he has joint pain, the
model suspects arthritis.
next case : A patient indicates that he feels unwell and suspects that it may be caused
by the fact that he ate peanuts.
he does not now if he is allergic.
the network suspects among other things allergies, but it is insufficient and we request from
the patient another symptom.
The patient then also indicates that his throat has been swelling.
the second symptom leaves no doubt to the predictive model, it is probably an allergy.
next, this patient indicates a fever and a runny nose.
The network suspect a common bronchitis.
Another patient also indicates that he has fever, and that he recently travelled in a
tropical area.
The network diagnoses a bronchitis but also suspects a dengue case, a disease common amongst
travellers from those areas.
then, this other patient indicates contact with dust and some skin rash, this is probably
an allergy.
The classification model is limited by the lack of symptoms, diagnoses, and training
cases, but neural networks are known to adapt well to scalability issues.
Now let's try to work on a completely different problem where neural networks can be put to
Have you noticed how langage translators aren't very efficient and often misses the point?
There are many factors that make it so hard for a simple program to translate something
as complex as a human langage.
What is meant is not always what is said, and every word may have many meanings, depending
on the context.
Without the ability to guess the context, the translation software cannot properly choose
the appropriate meaning to a particular word that have multiple homonyms.
I would like to demonstrate how to train a neural networks to be able to understand the
meaning of a word depending on its context.
In a professionnal context, natural language processing specialists would collect all the
words of a given language and try to train all possible meanings, but again I am going
to work on a very simple and visual version of the problem.
Let's take a word in the english langage, eh , let's say, "net".
The word "net" have numerous meanings, but we will focus on 5 of them, that have a clear
difference between each other.
1 a piece of meshed fabric designed to serve a specific purpose
2 any network or reticulated system 3 same as previous, but intended virtual.
4 [verb] to catch or ensnare.
5 [verb] score a point.
When we humans hear the word "net" in a sentence, we are able to deduce the meaning based on
the context.
To keep the problem simple and visual, we will train the neural network on only a few
sentences with different contexts.
we are going to keep the keywords, those meaningful to the context, here shown in blue.
Our classification model must deduce, when trained,in what context the word "net" is
used, depending on the keywords used.
Of course, to get an efficient result, it should be trained with thousands of sentences.
But using this simplified example will allow us to notice a few interesting things, as
you are about to see.
You can see on the left the extracted keywords in blue from the sentences we use to train,
used as inputs.
To increase efficiency, you are supposed to train data in a random order, but here, I
injected those sentences in the same order as the output.
Notice on the right the neurons turning green in a 1-2-3-4-5-6 pattern.
This shows us that the neural net started recognizing all the training cases.
As in the previous examples, you can notice some connections getting stronger, and others
getting weaker.
Now that it trained on these few cases, let's see what happen when fed with new test sentences.
will it be able to guess the context ? :
first case : I (watch) the news on the net on my computer.
After injecting it with the keywords from our test sentence in blue, the neural network
identifies the context successfully, the word net here meant as "internet".
second case : The (mens) (recovered) the net and (dragged)
it in the boat.
The words between parenthesis are being ignored, as this neural network cannot dynamically
learn new words, and we must keep its shape for visual purposes.
Here, the word boat helps successfully identify the good context.
Now let's try something more interesting.
I will use now an ambiguous phrase.
the police netted a (big) fish (last) (week).
This sentence is synonym of "the police caught a big fish", or "the police caugh a criminal".
Even being only trained on so few sentences, and as much "catch a criminal" cases as "fishing
net" cases, it identifies the good context successfully, despite the ambiguous use of
In a professionnal context, the neural network would be of dynamic size and would include
all possible words, would be trained on way more test sentences, and recognize synonyms.
Right now, it is in the same position as a young child that learns to speak, not always
being able to distinguish successfully the good context because of not having been exposed
to enough situations where it hears the word.
The neural networks, supposing they are built with a design allowing scalability and allowing
an efficient learning process, usually become better at a task the more they are fed various
training data.
Cayetano dares Trillanes Let's resign together; Trillanes' response… (21.01.2017) - Duration: 2:12.
Cayetano dares Trillanes Let's resign together; Trillanes' response…
Antonio Trillanes IV on Friday was dared by Senator Alan Peter Cayetano to resign from
the Senate together.
The challenge followed Trillanes' allegation that Cayetano was leading an alleged ouster
plot against Senate President "Aquilino "Koko" Pimentel III.
Cayetano said Trillanes' allegation was just a "figment of imagination" as he
had no plans to snatch the Senate leadership from Pimentel.
"Kung tingin ni Senator Trillanes ako ang problema, di sabay kaming mag resign kahit
Kasi ako baligtad ang tingin ko, tingin ko sya ang problema sa Senado e," Cayetano
said during a press conference.
[If Senator Trillanes thinks I'm the problem, then I dare him to resign with me from the
Senate, as early as tomorrow even.
Because the way I see it, he's the problem in the Senate.]
Sought for comment, Trillanes said in a text message: "Sya na muna kasi sya yung nangako
na magre-resign kung hindi maso -solve yung crime, corruption at illegal drugs within
three to six months."
[He should go first because he's the one who promised to resign if the crime, corruption
and illegal drugs problems are not solved within three to six months.]
Top 5 Gorgeous Plus Size Models - Duration: 3:56.
Top 5 Kate Upton is an American model and actress, known for her appearances in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. Upton was named Rookie of the Year following her first appearance in 2011, and was the cover model for the 2012 and 2013 issues. She was also the subject of the 100th-anniversary Vanity Fair cover. Upton has also appeared in the films Tower Heist (2011) and The Other Woman (2014).
Top 4 Ashley Graham Once in an air-punching moment of scandalous plus-size stream the 16-sized girl in a tiny black bikini blew up the world. Ashley Graham is one of the most famous oversized ladies. Her over-the-top career includes the spreads of the best editions like Harper's Bazaar, Glamour, Elle. She has started her modeling career at the age of 12. That's why the 27-years old model feels absolutely free in the co-working environment of perfectly skinny models. Her considered opinion is that there society needs more body education in schools, because that's where eating and mental disorders start. Teen girls take the beauty standards too literally and simply have no chance to love their gifted bodies. Changing the fashion industry has never been easy but Ashley broke the barriers down. Let's give her a standing ovation!
Top 3 Tara Lynn The next plus-size trendsetter is body conscious Tara Lynn, who gets men's heart racing even more than slim models counterparts. She is best known for the cover of Elle France. Then her gorgeous photoshoots spreads appeared in Vogue Italia, CR Fashion and others. She often shares her thoughts about plus-size mainstream and hardly strives for the oversized models rights on their way to being seeing as full-fledged fashion icons. By the way Miss Lynn's French and Spanish are fluent and moreover she has a degree in linguistics. Who else but the lady like she is capable of stirring a fashion-revolution?
Top 5 Gorgeous Plus Size Models
Top 2 Myla Dalbesio The 27-years old Calvin Klein muse sparked a frenzy once she appeared in a CK underwear campaign. Some call her fat, others call her 'not so plus-sized'. The 10-sized brunette describes her shape as being 'in between'. She is the first full-sized model who took a place alongside the thinner ladies. It was like the millions of people who claimed models should represent normal-sized people, were finally heard. She started her career at the age of 16 and her journey has been really thorny. Firstly she suffered from bulimia and then tried to gain weight with proteins. So meet a new legendary girl who made history.
Top 1 Nadia Aboulhosn The plus-size blogger who posts her full-figured photos on Instagram and on her website to show the world that beauty have no size. She is 26, her skin is glossy and smooth, her hair is simply voluminous and her style is just incredible. Nobody has the heart to call her fantastic curves – the 'extra pounds'. She is a fashion runner, TV star and modeling contracts owner. Guess who is among her most dared fans? Lena Dunhem is! (I hope I'm not the only one who screamed with this fact). Each of her posts is really highly styled. Everything is close to perfection – from style to editorial work. So listen to me on behalf of her 230,000 Instagram followers and the one who pressed the regular likes to her 16-sized looks. Once you step into her world you'll never leave it because this girl is a light of truth in the fashion industry.
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