Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 1, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 30 2017

While most Americans do not agree and do not support Donald Trump's Muslim ban, banning

people from certain countries from entering the United States based solely on their religion

there is one group in this world that is 100% in support of Donald Trump's Muslim ban.

Do you know what that group is?

That group is the Islamic State, ISIS.

According to a new report by the Washington Post ISIS is celebrating Donald Trump's Muslim


Here's why: they understand that every time the United States comes out and does something

against the Muslims their number increase.

Any time they can look at the United States and say, "look what Western society is doing

to our religion.

Look how they persecute us.

Look how they prosecute us.

Look how they ban us from entering their country", it creates anti-American resentment throughout

the Middle East and the numbers of ISIS increase.

This is the exact same thing that happened with Al Qaeda under President George W. Bush.

When the images were released of US soldiers torturing detainees in Abu Ghraib and in Iraq,

Al Qaeda's numbers increased.

People looked at those and thought, "How dare they do this to my brothers and sisters?

This isn't a war against terrorism.

This is a war against Islam", and they joined Al Qaeda.

That is exactly what is happening right now with ISIS.

They can look at this Muslim ban and they tell people, because it's pretty obvious,

"this isn't about fighting terrorism, this is about this group hating you because of

your religion."

If that all sounds familiar, it's because it is.

That is what right wing Evangelical Christians have been saying in the United States for


They're claiming that they've been oppressed, and that's why they go out and do things like

bomb abortion clinics, overtake a federal office building in Oregon.

Those are right wing Evangelical Christians doing this because they believe they're being


They've been claiming that for decades, the war on Christmas.

Well guess what, the United States has actually gone to war against Islam and it's putting

us all in danger.

Anything that ISIS celebrates should be something that the United States looks at and says,

"We made a mistake.

We do not want to make them happy.

We do not want to give people another reason to go join this extremist organization.

We do not want to give people a reason to take up arms against the United States."

Donald Trump has been tweeting out a lot recently saying, "We have to make America safe again",

but he has done the exact opposite by launching this war against Muslims, against Islam.

He is putting us all in grave danger.

The worst part is he's too stupid to even realize it.

For more infomation >> Trump Played Right Into ISIS's Hands With Muslim Ban - Duration: 3:37.


Future MegaQuake Will Hit U.S. - Duration: 4:32.

When you think of the big earthquake that will devastate the Western U.S., you probably

assume it will hit California.

But the massive one we're supposedly long overdue for will actually hit the Pacific

Northwest, devastating Seattle and much of 700 coastal miles from Vancouver to NorCal's

Mendocino Cape.

This area lies on the Cascadia subduction zone.

The Cascades are the volcanic mountain range that run parallel to the fault, some 100 miles

inland, and are formed by the Juan De Fuca tectonic plate colliding with, and sliding

underneath, the North American plate.

This geological battle will eventually result in the weaker North American plate buckling

violently as it gives way to the mounting pressure, dropping several meters in a few


This will cause a 9.2 magnitude megathrust earthquake that will last around 4 minutes

and will be 30 times more powerful than anything California's San Andreas fault can produce.

What happens after that is truly terrifying.

Since the event will happen in the ocean, it will send a tsunami, a wall of water more

than 15 meters high, rushing back toward coastal areas like Puget Sound and the heavily populated

Seattle area.

As it washes ashore it will destroy everything in its path.

The catastrophic tsunami triggered by the 2011 Tōhoku 9.0 earthquake in Japan was responsible

for the vast majority of the 18,000+ deaths suffered in that disaster.

And Japan even had an early warning system that sensed the initial tremor and automatically

activated to save countless lives by shutting down power plants and railways, and performing

various other vital services before the full quake and tsunami struck.

The Pacific Northwest has no such early warning system.

In fact, three years ago the citizens of Seaside, Oregon rejected a plan that would've raised

their taxes in order to move three schools out of the tsunami inundation zone.

[Show clip of devastated school administrator describing why that's such a mistake.]

The voters came to their senses this November and funded a version of the plan, but the

story is representative of the lack of awareness those living in the Cascadia Subduction Zone

have about the uncertain ground they actually live on.

Part of the reason why the region seems to be in a complete state of denial is because

the Juan De Fuca plate hasn't caused an earthquake in 317 years.

It's a sleeping giant that's 75 years overdue for an awakening.

To get a sense for how destructive a 9.2 quake would be, we need look no further than the

1964 Great Alaskan Earthquake of the same magnitude that sent tsunami's rippling throughout

the pacific, one of which killed 12 people in Crescent City, California, some 1,600 miles

away from the quake's epicenter.

The biggest problem is that seismology was in its infancy when much of the Pacific Northwest

was built, so Portland - for example - didn't have a seismic building code until 1974.

More than a million structures in the region would collapse or be irreparably damaged by

a megathrust quake, three thousand of them schools.

Other critical infrastructure that will either collapse or be greatly compromised will be

half of all highway bridges, fifteen of the seventeen bridges spanning Portland's two

rivers, two thirds of all railways and airports, one-third of all fire stations, half of all

police stations, and two-thirds of all hospitals.

There will also be land liquefaction, a phenomenon whereby partially saturated soil loses strength

and stiffness.

Not only does 15 percent of Seattle lie on land vulnerable to liquefaction, but so does

Oregon's Critical Infrastructure hub where miles of gas lines converge.

When it's all over, flooding and road destruction will trap more than a million people, leaving

them without access to electricity as fires burn all around them.

It will be far worse than the most damaging natural disaster thus far in American history,

Hurricane Katrina.

So the next time you hear about America's desperately needed infrastructure investment,

understand that it's not only about repairing the many potholes we're constantly avoiding

on our roads, it's also about protecting our cities and towns from the effects of natural

disasters--precautions that could be the difference between life and death for thousands of people.

Thanks for watching.

If you enjoy our YouTube channel, follow our Facebook and Twitter feeds where we bring

you the stories we think you should be aware of each day.

Until tomorrow, for TDC, I'm Bryce Plank.

For more infomation >> Future MegaQuake Will Hit U.S. - Duration: 4:32.


FF 91 | Never Worry About Parking Again - Duration: 0:51.

Intelligent self parking, or driverless valet, is one of the key features for FF 91.

It has more than 30 sensors, including radars, Lidar, ultra-sonics, and cameras.

It also has one of the most powerful computing platforms in any production car.

I'm Hong Bae, Director of ADAS and Self-Driving at Faraday Future.

At this VIP ride event, our guests can get into our self driving intelligent self-parking

vehicle and they can experience our drop off and pickup function.

They can even specify which parking spot it's going to.

Imagine a world where the stress and time needed to find a parking space is no longer the case.

FF 91 will give you that option, that freedom, to forget about anything related to parking.

For more infomation >> FF 91 | Never Worry About Parking Again - Duration: 0:51.


Volvo C30, S40, V50, C70 H7 COB LED headlights tuning - Duration: 2:52.

I can see that each day there's about 100-150 views on the

Volkswagen Passat B5 LED headlights.

So let me show you some "behind the scenes" footage

from fitting the same kit in Volvo V50.

Again, this is not a tutorial because I do not recommend this mod.

If you're doing it, you're doing it at your own risk.

Just take a look at how easy is the installation and how well the kit fits inside your headlights.

For more infomation >> Volvo C30, S40, V50, C70 H7 COB LED headlights tuning - Duration: 2:52.


Soon There Could Be Only 49 States in America - Duration: 6:31.

Soon There Could Be Only 49 States in America.

by Carey Wedler.

(ANTIMEDIA) Activists in California have just taken an integral step that could leave America

with only 49 states in the near future.

Yes California, a pro-secession organization, received approval Thursday to begin collecting

signatures from residents to put �Calexit� on the ballot for a 2019 special election.

Yes California has been working toward secession for some time, but with President Donald Trump�s

election last year, their efforts gained momentum as frustrated residents questioned their willingness

to bow down to a president they don�t support.

According to a poll conducted by Reuters/Ipsos this month, nearly one in three supports secession

� a sharp uptick from a similar survey conducted in 2014.

With secession becoming a viable alternative, it�s possible that support may continue

to grow

he organization submitted their ballot proposal to California�s state government in November,

and on Thursday, California Secretary of State Alex Padilla gave them the green light to

begin collecting signatures.

They need 585,407 people to sign their petition by July 25.

If they succeed, the referendum will make it onto the 2018 ballot.

If it passes, the state will hold a special election the following year.

The Sacramento Bee reports: �The proposed measure would strike language

from the California Constitution defining the state as �an inseparable part of the

United States of America, and the United States Constitution is the supreme law of the land.�

If it passed, there would be a statewide special election in March 2019 to ask voters if they

want California to become an independent country.�

Many Americans often joke about California leaving the union, highlighting how wildly

different residents of the Golden State are from those of America�s heartland.

Indeed, Yes California appears to agree.

�America already hates California, and America votes on emotions,� Marcus Ruiz Evans, one

of the group�s founders, told the Los Angeles Times.

�I think we�d have the votes today if we held it.�

In a recent post on their website announcing their progress, they wrote:

�In our view, the United States of America represents so many things that conflict with

Californian values, and our continued statehood means California will continue subsidizing

the other states to our own detriment, and to the detriment of our children.�

It�s understandable why secession has become a proposed solution considering California

has long struggled with many systemic problems.

As Yes California points out: �Although charity is part of our culture,

when you consider that California�s infrastructure is falling apart, our public schools are ranked

among the worst in the entire country, we have the highest number of homeless persons

living without shelter and other basic necessities, poverty rates remain high, income inequality

continues to expand, and we must often borrow money from the future to provide services

for today, now is not the time for charity.� Though Yes California points out practical

reasons for secession, they also argue the underlying justification for their movement

from a philosophical standpoint: �However, this independence referendum is

about more than California subsidizing other states of this country,� they write.

�It is about the right to self-determination and the concept of voluntary association,

both of which are supported by constitutional and international law.�

Further: �It is about California taking its place

in the world, standing as an equal among nations.

We believe in two fundamental truths: (1) California exerts a positive influence on

the rest of the world, and (2) California could do more good as an independent country

than it is able to do as just a U.S. state.� California has the sixth largest economy in

the world, bolstered by the film industry, Silicon Valley, agriculture, and the state�s

biggest cash crop � cannabis � which voters legalized in November.

While the practical and philosophical reasons for secession are compelling, it�s doubtful

many residents are looking beyond President Donald Trump.

California leans heavily to the left, and Democrats hold a supermajority in both houses

of the state legislature.

California was largely responsible for Hillary Clinton�s popular vote victory.

Further, though Yes California stresses the importance of voluntary association, it�s

doubtful an independent California government would ask taxpayers what programs they�d

like to fund.

Ultimately, though California as a country would certainly be beneficial for decentralization

and localization efforts, it would operate as a government and, as such, force Californians

to participate.

Nevertheless, the movement reflects undeniable divisions within the United States, especially

in the era of Donald Trump.

Other states are also eyeing secession, including Texas, Washington, and Oregon.

As Anti-Media observed shortly after the election: �People are rioting and protesting over

Trump�s win throughout California but celebrating in Alabama, and against the backdrop of an

ever-encroaching federal government, it appears these differences are growing difficult to


For more infomation >> Soon There Could Be Only 49 States in America - Duration: 6:31.


Descubre 4 Sencillos Pasos Para Reprogramar Tu Cerebro Para Que Te Haga Rico y Feliz - Duration: 9:46.

For more infomation >> Descubre 4 Sencillos Pasos Para Reprogramar Tu Cerebro Para Que Te Haga Rico y Feliz - Duration: 9:46.


Preparations for freestyle show at mc-mässan PART #2 | WW VLOG 5 - Duration: 5:17.

Good morning Dino! Good morning.

We are realy late.

Well we are not that late we have no deadline. But kinda.

I dont think we are late we on the road now!

We said 8 o clock. Planed on being there 9.

We came 10...


Now the time is...?

Problem was we had to wait for Jenny....

What? no no no! Dont blame me i was in time!

Be careful now... dont start me up!

Dont start me?

What the fuck?

Please take the camera away!

Crazy bitch...

Its sugar free it will be all right..

Okey then its fine..

Begat went crazy

Okey we are on the spot!

Now we are here it only took like a whole day to get here.

Now we will ride

Now they are opening the gate.

Lets se what Dino has to say.

Turn of the car and come with me!

Okey here we are!

This it where it will go down!

The spot!

It looks really good!

I think the spot is just about right enough.

Hello man!

How are you doing?

Long time no see!

Gime a hug!

I dont want to die.

Its like ridin a skateboard. im terrible at it!

If we can handle this we could get married Josef.

I think you should try something harder before doing something like that..

Oh shit...

Jimmy!!!! woooo!




Hey Ellie!

So good to see you!

Hej!! Hej!!

I have missed you!

I have missed you to!

Why are you riding on that thing.. ?

Cuz i am the camera operator!

Okey well we have brought a television for you!

Aa, Nice!

Thank you so much!


We are going to test ride the arena!

Why are you not wearing any shoes Josef?

I was gonna ride bare feet...

Ohh.. what will we say about this then?

Sea view?

Top floor..

Its kina small...

Yeah its kinda small.

We are live!


Follow us wheeliewarriors or dinox3m or josefx3m!

We are going live on all accounts.

As long as the mobile battery will cooperate.


I am sad...

No what happend??


The fuck did you do?

If you mess with him you mess with me!

I might be that our 200+ days streak on snapchat ended...

Streak... what streak?


Snapchat streak?

What about snapchat?

We have been snaping for 220 days straight.

And she forgot to snap today so it the streak ended..

So.. Now im not friends with saaraazh anymore.

You are Australian.. Right?

South african dont insult me.

Dont fucking insult me.

Well they also like dick jokes so... figures.

We are done with day one at the motorcycle fair.

Its been good. We put trackbite on the arena for grip.

Well Crill and Johnny did.

Then Josef put some more on.

We have good grip now.

No problem to ride. I thought it was going to be much worse.

The spot i big enough.

Everyone is set up.

The Fmx ramps are in place.

Now we are going to our hotel to get some sleep.

Its been a long day..

For more infomation >> Preparations for freestyle show at mc-mässan PART #2 | WW VLOG 5 - Duration: 5:17.


Opposition for William Pryor? - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> Opposition for William Pryor? - Duration: 0:36.


This Rat Did What?! | China Uncensored - Duration: 5:29.

On this episode of China Uncensored,

move over pizza rat,

there's a new rodent in town!

On the Internet.

And by the way,

this episode has some graphic photos.

So hide your children.

Hi, welcome to China Uncensored,

I'm your host Chris Chappell.

Ahh, childhood in China.

It's come a long way since the days of Mao's cultural revolution.

Kids are no longer encouraged to

purge rightist elements in society

with stolen military weapons.

Now they mainly just have to take exams.

But that doesn't mean childhood

is without its joys!

In China,

the land of knockoffs,

there's always fun-filled slightly imperfect versions

of beloved Disney Classics.

From toys,

to movies

To...oh my gosh!

I don't remember that scene in Ratatouille…

This image has become the biggest thing on the Chinese internet

over the past several days.

Yes, even bigger than using fake Donald Trump tweets

to wish your family a happy new year.

Now I don't know who ratted him out,

but apparently this little guy was caught stealing rice.

And rather than a simple extermination,

it was given the Cultural Revolution treatment.

This sign says

"I won't dare do it again."

Get it?!

Cause he's dead...

or I guess he will be soon.

Honestly, people just don't have a sense of humor anymore.

Apparently, of the almost 6,000 comments this image got

on Weibo, China's version of Twitter,

many "weren't finding it funny."

What's wrong with a little unnecessary cruelty

against a helpless creature

that also conjures up memories of a time of constant inhuman torture

and suffering the Chinese Communist Party forced upon its citizens?!

That's the problem with kids these days.

They weren't brought up committing

or being victimized by atrocities that will haunt them

for the rest of their lives.

This is a sign of changing social mores in China.

In the early days of the Communist Revolution,

life was, how shall we say...


Like when Chairman Mao said this in 1957,

when talking about why he wasn't afraid of nuclear war:

There are 2.7 billion people in the world;

it doesn't matter if some are killed.

China has a population of 600 million;

even if half of them are killed,

there are still 300 million people left.

Demonstrating a strong grasp of math and population control,

both of which would continue to guide the Party for decades.

People back then were encouraged to kill pests,

whether they be sparrows

or landowners.


that was a landowner about to be shot.

But don't start hating on Chinese people.

You should actually be hating on

the Chinese Communist Party.

It was the Party that wiped out China's traditional values

as a way to establish its own ideology.

It was the Party that told people

it was fine to kill landowners for the crime of...

owning land—

and then forced or brainwashed its citizens

into taking part.

So after one or two generations of this,

well, you can see why even today,

you'll find cases of people doing things like,

oh I don't know,

adopting dogs, plural,

and feeding them to their pet snake.

He posted a video of it online.

And no, I'm not going to show it to you.

But on the other hand,

there's a growing movement of Chinese people

going the other way.

Remember the story I ran

about the world's saddest polar bear?

Thousands of Chinese citizens petitioned

and got him removed from his horrible display case

at the mall.

And even Chinese celebrities

are speaking out for animal rights.

You don't have to play ball to be a great shot blocker.

Never buy illegal wildlife products.

I know what you're thinking.

Who releases an elephant and Yao Ming into a basketball court

and then starts shooting?

But the mind of a poacher is a hard thing to understand.

By the way,

Yao Ming was part of a selective breeding program by the state

to create a basketball superstar.

Just a fun little aside.

But there is a growing animal rights movement in China.

And they're trying to change the fact

that China is the only major industrialized nation

with no serious legislation against animal cruelty.

And that could affect things like the

Yulin Dog Meat Eating Festival,

where 10,000 dogs are served as food every year.

That's not how you wok the dog.

Or the practice of making tiger wine.

Or whatever's going on here.

Oh my gosh.

Poor Yogi.

And Boo-Boo.

So from now on,

if you're going to reference the cultural revolution in a photo,

at least leave it for your graduation photo.

So what do you think about the picture?

Does the rat's punishment fit its crime?

Leave your comments below.

Thanks for watching this episode of China Uncensored.

Once again I'm your host Chris Chappell,

see you next time.

For more infomation >> This Rat Did What?! | China Uncensored - Duration: 5:29.


How to Growing Tomatoes with perfect start - Gardening - Duration: 4:50.

Use Biodegradable Pots

Peat pots make planting extra easy: Just dig the hole, put in the plant, and fill in with soil.

There's no need to take your plants out of the pot.

Feed Them Well

Like growing kids, tomatoes are heavy feeders, so add plenty of organic matter (such as compost) to the soil.

Give them an early boost by working a little fertilizer into the soil at planting time.

Plant Deeply

Tomato plants form roots all the way along their stems, so you can give your plants an extra-strong root system (especially the tall, leggy ones) by planting them on their sides.

Do remove any leaves that would be covered under the soil, though. Buried leaves could rot and encourage disease.

Water Well

It's always a good idea to give freshly added plants a little extra water the first week or two after you plant them to help them get established.

They're most susceptible to drying out when they're young.

Stake Them

There are two basic categories of tomatoes: determinate and indeterminate.

Determinate tomatoes, sometimes called bush tomatoes, put on most of their growth before they start to bloom and produce fruit.

Indeterminate tomatoes keep growing after they start to bloom -- so the plants can become quite large (more than 6 feet tall).

Stake indeterminate tomatoes to keep them standing. It will help keep the plants healthy and make the fruits easier to harvest.

Plant in Pots

Try planting your tomatoes in containers if you've had trouble growing them in the past.

Large containers filled with a high-quality potting mix give your plants more protection from fungal diseases.

Try Red Mulch

We know mulch is good for the garden -- but university research suggests that red plastic mulch may make your tomato plants more productive.

(One study showed yields increased by 20 percent by using red mulch.)

Red mulch also helps the soil conserve moisture longer during hot, dry periods and inhibits weeds.

Keep Out Cutworms

Hungry cutworms attack young vegetables.

Protect your tomatoes by giving them a collar of newspaper.

Or cut the top and bottom off a tin can and sink that into the soil around your plants.

It creates a barrier that forces the cutworms to go looking for another dinner.

Protect Them from Cold

You can use a variety of devices to protect your tomatoes from the cold if you want to get a jump-start on the tomato-growing season.

One of the easiest is a simple cloche made from an old milk jug; simply cut the bottom of the jug and set it over your tomato plants.

Leave the top open so the cloche doesn't get too hot inside during sunny days.

Keep the Foliage Dry

Tomatoes are susceptible to a number of diseases.

To keep your plants healthy, water with a soaker hose.

This helps the foliage stay drier; wet foliage (especially in late afternoon, evening, and nighttime hours) can encourage common fungal diseases such as blight.

For more infomation >> How to Growing Tomatoes with perfect start - Gardening - Duration: 4:50.


Este es el orden cronológico OFICIAL de las películas de Dragon Ball Z. - Duration: 7:27.

For more infomation >> Este es el orden cronológico OFICIAL de las películas de Dragon Ball Z. - Duration: 7:27.


Evolving Into the Infinite Self ★ Stuart Wilde (law of attraction) - Duration: 19:07.

For more infomation >> Evolving Into the Infinite Self ★ Stuart Wilde (law of attraction) - Duration: 19:07.



Hello everybody and welcome to my cooking tutorial!

Today I'm going to be teaching you how to make

Banoffee Pie!

The first thing you need to do is get a banana

And then, get a Toffee Cris- wait, no!

And then, get some toffee.

Push them together and...



Unfortunately, we don't have the budget for the pie part

so if you just want to make it a little bit crispy...

Throw it in there...


For more infomation >> HOW TO MAKE A QUICK AND EASY BANOFFEE PIE ON A BUDGET - Duration: 0:26.


Between Scenes with Jack Laskey | X Company | CBC - Duration: 1:30.

My favorite scene so far to shoot for the X Company

is still the scene from the first season.

Which is the fist time we were all together as the team,

which is this parachute drop scene,

when Alfred is drooped the first time in (??)part of the France.

And it was the start of this extraordinary journey

for us as actors

and for characters.

We been filming for month, but it was the first time that we

have a group scene together.

The torture scene the start of season two.

It was very, very hot, ?? hot

and I have to spend the most of the day, my arms chained up in the air

being beaten, it was quite a hardcore

hardcore experience.

But it turned out really well.

This group of people are the funniest people I met in my life.

Warren Brown, Dustin Milligan

Connor Price, Evelyne Brochu .

Beautiful, beautiful, funny funny people.

For more infomation >> Between Scenes with Jack Laskey | X Company | CBC - Duration: 1:30.


#MyPlateMyWins at Dinner - Duration: 0:40.

At dinner,

find small changes that work for you.

Does your typical take-out…

look like this?

Instead, try something like this!

Do this one time

and save nearly 30 grams of added sugars.

Do this once a week for a year

and save over 1,500 grams.

Or, maybe you normally have…

something like this?

Try this!

Do this one time

and save 7 grams of saturated fat.

Do this once a week for a year

and save 364 grams.

Small changes can really add up!

Share your 'wins' using hashtag MyPlateMyWins!

For more infomation >> #MyPlateMyWins at Dinner - Duration: 0:40.


Essence of Murli 31-01-2017 - Duration: 7:38.

Om Shanti !

Today's Murli Date Is 31st January 2017

( We all know the most elevated in Shiv Baba, the supreme father, supreme soul. Hence such an elevated father is making us elevated )

Essence: Sweet children, if you want to become elevated, follow shrimat fully.

Not following shrimat is the biggest weakness.

Question: Which children's throats choke and why is the knowledge removed from their intellects?

Answer: The knowledge is removed from the intellects of those who, while moving along, become impure

( hence remember not to break vow of purity )

and stop studying and divorce the Father.

Unless you become viceless, the imperishable knowledge cannot sit in your intellect and the lock on the intellect cannot open.

Those who become impure also then have impure food and drink; they go and mix with devilish people and then their throats choke.

They are unable to relate knowledge to anyone.

Song: Having found You, I have found the whole world! The earth and the sky belong to me!

Essence for dharna: 1. In order to become elevated, remove your weakness and constantly follow shrimat.

Enable your intellect to imbibe the jewels of knowledge by becoming soul conscious.

2. Let your words and deeds be the same.

In order to imbibe knowledge, remove your attachment from everyone else and have attachment to only the one Father.

Blessing: May you be a world benefactor who becomes filled with all treasures & remains busy in service all the time.

Souls who are instruments for world benefit will first of all be filled with all treasures.

If it is the treasure of knowledge,

they would have full knowledge with nothing lacking for only then would they be said to be full.

Some have the full treasures but are not able to use them at a time of need but, they remember them after the time has gone by.

Therefore, they would not be said to be full.

World benefactor souls remain busy in service all the time through their thoughts, words, deeds, relationships and connections.

Slogan: Make your nature one of knowledge and yoga & every action will then be naturally elevated & yuktiyukt.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada.

The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

We spiritual children convey to spiritual Baapdada, our love our remembrance, our good morning & our namaste namaste

Be an image of tapasya: ( Practice for January )

Together with churning knowledge, also fix a time for having thoughts of good wishes,

for the practice of giving sakaash, having silence of the mind and doing traffic control.

Especially make a programme to be in solitude and to be economical with the treasures.

Serve through your tapaswi form.

Om Shanti !

For more infomation >> Essence of Murli 31-01-2017 - Duration: 7:38.


Dozens of vehicles involved in I-83 crash - Duration: 0:31.








For more infomation >> Dozens of vehicles involved in I-83 crash - Duration: 0:31.


Blender Timelapse - Laptop Computer - Duration: 7:37.

Blender Speed Modeling Timelapse

Song Murtagh - Escape

Link is down in description

Blender Tutorial

Laptop Computer

Song Murtagh & Aiobahn - Follow M

Link is down in the description

Support the artist!

Comment down below if you are reading this!

I hope you enjoyed my Blender Timelapse Video!

Make sure to subscribe and comment!

For more infomation >> Blender Timelapse - Laptop Computer - Duration: 7:37.


Gears of war 4 cucharie a hitler - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Gears of war 4 cucharie a hitler - Duration: 1:17.


Mi presentación de diapositivas - Duration: 1:01.

Granada, a city with a Moorish flavour

The wonder of la Alhambra

For more infomation >> Mi presentación de diapositivas - Duration: 1:01.


Watch "Rock Dog" Trailer

For more infomation >> Watch "Rock Dog" Trailer


Nursery Rhyme Street

For more infomation >> Nursery Rhyme Street


Descubre 4 Sencillos Pasos Para Reprogramar Tu Cerebro Para Que Te Haga Rico y Feliz - Duration: 9:46.

For more infomation >> Descubre 4 Sencillos Pasos Para Reprogramar Tu Cerebro Para Que Te Haga Rico y Feliz - Duration: 9:46.


[Eng Sub] A.C.E - Christmas Carol - Frozen OST 'Do you want to build a snowman' by Chan - Duration: 1:52.

Merry Christmas -Chan's carol recommendation-


Hello everyone

I'm A.C.E's cute youngest member (I screamed)

It's already Christmas

It was nice spending Christmas with the members

You know what I mean right?

Must have for Christmas?

white Christmas of course

snow covered Christmas

You know that feeling?

the carol you recommend?

Let it go was in the same movie, the winter movie

I want to recommend Do You Want to Build a Snowman

It's cute and yet sad

I'll try it

you are now listening to A.C.E's live

(so 슬퍼 I'm gonna cry)

For more infomation >> [Eng Sub] A.C.E - Christmas Carol - Frozen OST 'Do you want to build a snowman' by Chan - Duration: 1:52.


plan b virtual reality part 2 - Duration: 29:29.

For more infomation >> plan b virtual reality part 2 - Duration: 29:29.


Determination is the Key 👽 #64 - Duration: 9:40.

For more infomation >> Determination is the Key 👽 #64 - Duration: 9:40.


Watch "Rock Dog" Trailer

For more infomation >> Watch "Rock Dog" Trailer


For more infomation >> Watch "Rock Dog" Trailer


Kirby Buckets: Warped - Disn...

For more infomation >> Kirby Buckets: Warped - Disn...


For more infomation >> Kirby Buckets: Warped - Disn...


Litige AliExpress SE-Eletronic - Duration: 4:31.

Received Room broken! Manufacture or Transport?

1 ° Test, computer (HDMI + USB)

Blue light of the wecast does not light up!

2 ° Test, Television (HDMI + USB)

Blue light of the wecast does not light up!

All HDMI without signal

I performed his 2 test to prove that his walk not

Here is the box where Wecast came

The proof that this one I bought barcode!

Nothing works I ask for a full refund

For more infomation >> Litige AliExpress SE-Eletronic - Duration: 4:31.


For more infomation >> Litige AliExpress SE-Eletronic - Duration: 4:31.


Possessed Girl (Without SFX Products !) - Duration: 6:02.

My friend of Bermuda.

I should really stop with this guy. It makes several days that I run on the videos of Efkan KNZ, aka Fromhumantogod for the most sports of you

I can't stop playing on a loop the series on Vanessa in the beam shampoo at Carrefour. This guy makes me trip. He's so fu**in' stupid... That makes me laugh.

If you took the time to read the channel's description, You normally had to read that I was going to make SFX makeup, without using SFX products, and it's there that gets more complicated.

We forget about latex, fake blood etc. for today, we are ONLY going to use face paint' products.

Set apart a single product which we're going to use today and which one we can find in certain SFX makeup, it's some petroleum Jelly.

Before we get into the makeup, I'm gonna show you how I proceeded to create my shadows.

The technique that I'm going to teach you is often used in realistic makeup because it was the purpose today. I had to make something more or less realistic.

Tell me in comments if I wallowed or if I managed in time one of few to meet my challenge.

This is a technique that I personnally never seen on YouTube, I've learned it in a book which one is about Realism in face painting. So, I think that is a good thing to teach it you today.

If you're interested by the book I'm talking about, I'll put a link below to help you find it.

We stop brewing of air, it's time to take our brushes and begin to work. Let's go !

(The Wash techniques)

First, I get my brush wet.

I go back and forth into my pot.

I put down the quantity taken in the lid of the latter.

I rince my bresh and dry off the excess on a towel or a bathmat, whatever.

I take back a little bit of the quantity that's in the lid and now, you can see the difference between the "watered paint" and the classical one.

For my base, I made it as usual, without using the technique I've just shown you.

With my index finger, I am going to make drool the product to begin my irritation of the skin.

I do the same thing on my lower lip.

I mixed together my red and black face paints to create my first shadow,, using "the wash techniques" and I deposit this new color into the most cramped places.

For every duet which are going to follow, I used this famous technique.

I focus my shadows always on the same areas, without going as further as my previous shadow. I do not know if it is very clear but I hope that you understood the idea.

I found that it missed depth thus to correct that, I applied little bit of black lipstick.

To begin my work of lights, I clean my brush, remove the surplus and I tap it at the level of the widest zones, where the light is used to finding accommodation.

I increase these areas with the white, I just rubbed the product.

Keeping my white, I come to highlight certain zones because, it's well known, the lights highlight the shadows and inverse is correct too.

I take back my red and I poursuit the process of irritation. I've also used the purple face paint, the Brown and a yellow one, that I've forgot to mention to accentuate the redness.

I do the same things for my swollen lip.

I add stitches with black.

For shadowing, I've just diluted the black as I taught you.

To create this flesh-coloured side in lively, flesh-coloured exposed, I applied some petroleum jelly in the center of my wounds, where I put my lights.

I don't forget to load well my brush with red to create to create spatters of blood and there, I think that you are relatively badass to haunt the nights of your close friends.

For more infomation >> Possessed Girl (Without SFX Products !) - Duration: 6:02.


For more infomation >> Possessed Girl (Without SFX Products !) - Duration: 6:02.


Donald Duck and Chip And Dale Best Cartoons 2017 - Disney Pluto Goofy Mickey Mouse Full Episodes #15 - Duration: 54:48.

Donald Duck and Chip And Dale Best Cartoons 2017 - Disney Pluto Goofy Mickey Mouse Full Episodes #15

For more infomation >> Donald Duck and Chip And Dale Best Cartoons 2017 - Disney Pluto Goofy Mickey Mouse Full Episodes #15 - Duration: 54:48.


For more infomation >> Donald Duck and Chip And Dale Best Cartoons 2017 - Disney Pluto Goofy Mickey Mouse Full Episodes #15 - Duration: 54:48.


Descubre 4 Sencillos Pasos Para Reprogramar Tu Cerebro Para Que Te Haga Rico y Feliz - Duration: 9:46.

For more infomation >> Descubre 4 Sencillos Pasos Para Reprogramar Tu Cerebro Para Que Te Haga Rico y Feliz - Duration: 9:46.


For more infomation >> Descubre 4 Sencillos Pasos Para Reprogramar Tu Cerebro Para Que Te Haga Rico y Feliz - Duration: 9:46.


"Rock Dog" Movie Trailer

For more infomation >> "Rock Dog" Movie Trailer


The Space Between Us

For more infomation >> The Space Between Us


Star Trek 50 Years of Humanism - Duration: 14:57.

You will now answer to the charge of being a grievously savage race.

Grievously savage could mean anything. I will answer only specific charges.

Are you certain you want a full disclosure of human ugliness?

So be it, fool.

Present the charges.

Alright. We agree there is evidence to support the court's contention that

humans have been savage.

Therefore I say test us.

Test whether this is presently true of humans.

I see, I see. And so you petition the Court to accept you and your comrades as proof

of what humanity has become.

There must be many ways we can be tested. We have a long mission ahead of us.

Yes, this court is adjourned to allowing the criminals to be tested.

There's no honorable way to kill,

no gentle way to destroy. There is nothing good in war. Except its ending.

We live in peace, with full exercise of individual rights.

The need to resort to violence and force has long since passed.

We fight only when there's no choice we prefer the ways of peaceful contact.


found that evil usually triumphs

unless good is very, very careful.

Mr. Spock and I are going to go out there, and quite probably die. In an attempt to show you

that there are some things, worth dying for.

Death, destruction, disease, horror. That's what war is all about

that's what makes it a thing to be avoided.

Don't you see, we've admitted it to ourselves. We're a killer species, it's instinctive!

It's the same with you.

All right. It's instinct. But the instinct can be fought.

We're human beings

with the blood of a million savage years on our hands, but we can stop it. We can admit

that we're

killers, but we're not going to kill today.

By sparing your helpless enemy, who surely would have destroyed you.

You demonstrated the advanced trait of mercy.

Something we hardly expected. We feel that there may be hope for your


It is obvious to the most simple minded that Lokai is of

an inferior breed. The obvious visual evidence, Commissioner,

is that he is of the same breed as yourself.

Are you blind? Look at me! You are black on one side and white on the other.

I am black on the right side. Lokai is white on the right side. All of his people

are white on the right side.

judging a being by its physical appearance is the last major human prejudice.

where I come from

size shape or color makes no difference.

When children learn to devalue others

they can devalue anyone. There have always been disposable creatures.

You don't have to think about the welfare you don't think about how they feel.

How many people does it take admiral, before it becomes wrong?



A million

How many people does it take admiral?

It is not unnatural. I do not need to be cured.

All of the loving things that you

do with each other, that is what we do.

And for that we are called deviance

and criminals. We have not injuid you in any way.

What right do you have

to punishes us.

What right do you have to change us. What makes you think you can dictate

how people love each other. The glory of creation

is in its infinite diversity. And the ways our differences combine

to create meaning and beauty.

I am pleased to see that we have differences, may we together

become greater than the sum of both of us.

Excuse me, I just like to ask a question.

What does God need with a starship.

Bring the ship closer. I said,

what does God need with a starship.

Who is this creature. Who am I.

Don't you know. Aren't you God. He has his doubts.

You doubt me. I seek proof. That's a problem

with believing in a supernatural being,

trying to determine what he wants. In the hands of a

con-artist fear can be used to motivate

obedience, capitulation, the exploitation

of innocent people. Do you believe the celestial temple of the prophets

exist within the passage. I respect the Bajoran people

believe that it does. But that's not what you teach.

No I don't teach Bajoran spiritual beliefs, that's your job.

My is to open the children's minds to the history to literature

to mathematics to science. You are opening

the children's minds. to blasphemy. I'm a teacher.

my responsibility is to expose my students to knowledge, not hide it from them.

Mankind has no need for god's. Millennia ago

they abandoned their belief in the supernatural.

Now you are asking me to sabotage that achievement

to send them back into the dark ages of superstition and ignorance

and fear, no. Change is difficult.

New ideas are often greeted with skepticism even fear.

But sometimes those ideas are accepted and when they are

progress is made, eyes are opened.

The first duty

of every starfleet officer is to the truth, where it scientific truth

or historical truth or personal truth, it's the guiding principle on which

starfleet is based.

The prime directive it's not just a set of rules, it's a philosophy

and a very correct one.

History has proofed again and again when ever mankind interferes with

less-developed civilization no matter how well-intentioned

that interference may be, the results where disastrous. There are times


man of good conscience cannot blindly

follow orders. Villains who twirl their moustaches

are easy to spot.

Those who clothe themselves in good deeds are well camouflaged.

But she, or someone like her, will always be with us, waiting for the right

climate in which to flourish, spreading fear

in the name of righteousness.

First time any man's freedom

is trodden on,

we're all damaged.

You're culture will adapt to services ours.


My culture is based on freedom and self-determination.

You must comply.

We would rather die. Shall I tell you what true evil is.

It is to submit to you.

It is when we surrender our freedom,

our dignity instead of defying you. You Humans are puny, weak. But our spirit is indomitable.

Torture is never been a reliable means of extracting information.

It is

ultimately self-defeating as a means of control.

Capital punishment in our world is no longer considered a

justifiable deterrent. We no longer in slave animal

for food purposes. My species respects life, above all else.

They make first contact with Earth, right here.

It is one of the pivotal moments in human history, it unites humanity in a way

no one ever thought possible.

When they realize they're not alone in the universe,

Poverty, Disease, War, they'll all be gone within the next 50 years.

The economics of the future are somewhat different.

The acquisition of wealth is no longer the driving force of our lives.

then what's the challenge. The challenges is to improve yourself,

to enrich yourself.

Father, what is my purpose. That is a complex question, Lal. I can only begin to


by telling you that,

our function is to contribute

in a positive way to the world in which we live. I think

we gave it the ability to create its own sense of purpose,

out of our own human weaknesses, and the drive that compels us to overcome them.

He evolved, because he always wanted to be better than he was.

Buried deep within you,

the potential to make yourself a better man,

That is what it is to be human. To make yourself more than you are.

the uncertainty, self-discovery,

the unknown, these are many of the qualities that make life worth living.

you wouldn't want to live my life knowing that my future was written

my boundaries had been already sect. It is the unknown

that defines our existence we are constantly searching

not just for answers to our questions but

for new questions. We're explorers.

We explore our lives day by day

and we explore the galaxy trying to expand the boundaries of our knowledge.

Logic clearly dictates,

that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

The moral obligations of command are less than clear.

I have to weigh the good of the many

against the needs of the individual, and try to balance them.

But there are times when, the greater


demands that certain

sacrifices are made.

Would you choose one life over 1.000 sir?

I refuse to let arithmetic decide

questions like that. We feel a loss more intensely

when it's a friend.

But should not the feelings run just as deep, regardless of who has died?

Maybe they should, maybe if we felt any loss as keenly as

we felt the death of one close to us

human history would be a lot less bloody. It is at the heart of our

nature to feel pain, It is an essential part

of what makes us what we are. It is part of our life cycle that we accept the

death of

those we love. Damn it, Bones, you're a doctor. You know that pain and guilt can't

be taken away with a wave of

a magic wand

the things we carry with us, the things that make us who we are.

If we lose them, we lose ourselves. I don't want my pain taken away, I need my pain.

It's our mortality that defines us.

Our time in this universe is finite.

That is one of the truths that all humans must learn.

I rather believe that time is a companion


11:26 goes with us on the journey and

reminds us to cherish every moment. What we leave behind

is not as important as how we lived.

Seize the time, live now.

Make now always the most precious time.

Now will never come again.

One day soon

man is going to be able to harness

incredible energies, energies that could ultimately hurl us to other worlds

in some sort of spaceship. And the men

that reach out into space will be able to find

ways to feed the hungry million of the world

and to cure their diseases. They will be able to find a way to give

each man hope and a common future.

We're going to stumble make mistakes

before we find our footing

but we're going to learn from those mistakes

that's what being human is all about. If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe

you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed.

It's not safe out here. It's wondrous,

with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross.

But it's not for the timid.

Risk, risk is our business.

That's what this starship is all about

that's why we're aboard her

Those of you who have served for long on this vessel have encountered alien life-forms.

You know the greatest danger facing us is, ourselves, and irrational fear of the


There's no such thing as the unknown, only things temporarily hidden, temporarily

not understood.

we are all explorers driven to know

what's over the horizon, what's

beyond our own shores. The more I've experienced

more I've learned

That no matter how far we travel

the most profound discoveries

are not necessarily beyond that next star.

They're within us, woven into the

threads that bind us, to each other.

I sincerely hope that this is the last time that I find myself here.

You just don't get it, do you, Jean-Luc?

The trial never ends. We wanted to see if you had the ability to expand your mind

and your horizons.

And for one brief moment, you did.

That is the exploration that awaits you. Not mapping stars

and studying nebulae, but charting the unknown

possibilities of existence.

Q, what is it that you trying to tell me

you find out

see you, out there.

For more infomation >> Star Trek 50 Years of Humanism - Duration: 14:57.


New Glimmies Dolls Unboxing - Giochi Preziosi - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> New Glimmies Dolls Unboxing - Giochi Preziosi - Duration: 3:28.


【Jun】Dead Space #2 - Le muet de l'espace - Duration: 28:01.

For more infomation >> 【Jun】Dead Space #2 - Le muet de l'espace - Duration: 28:01.


TF2 Custom Weapon: Backburner's Buzzsaw - Duration: 2:03.

-40% damage penalty while half alive

no crits against non-burning players

always crits on behind

default damage while half dead

For more infomation >> TF2 Custom Weapon: Backburner's Buzzsaw - Duration: 2:03.


WEIGHT LOSS MOTIVATION : Periscope LIVE Q&A #003: How To Lose Weight FAST - Weight Loss - Duration: 49:44.

hey it's Alek with change your life

let's talk about weight loss

weight loss motivation how to lose

weight fast stuff like that i created

this weight loss system that I put on a

website change your life and I

have a youtube channel where I just add

you know give a line of on your free

advice different kind of topics of that

area and of course you don't have a full

plan full detailed step-by-step plan if

anybody wants to check it out you can

just go to the website change your life so what my plan is based on is

pretty much evening fasting is like a

really powerful weight loss technique

more powerful than anything ever

I've ever tried so i did notice that i

lost a lot of weight i was a lot of way

and really quickly doing this technique

more than any other thing i did that i

would try their diets trying to lose you

know a few pounds 5 pounds ten pounds 20

pounds and that's all I could lose with

this system i lost 50 pounds so let me

just get into some questions because I

do a lot of videos and you know i show

how I eat you know really big meals for

breakfast and lunch and of course you

know that's it that's the that's a

glamorous part of it the boring part of

it is you know the evening fasting and

pretty much you know you have to eat a

healthy dinner so it's about what is

like seven o'clock now and i'm having a

cup of coffee decaf still got my

Christmas money i just use because it's

just a really big volume so you know and

that's because it's because my head and

I guess the perspective you know

yeah it is you know anyway so this guy

asked on youtube Vegas fruity Jimmy's

you miss eating with your family in the

evening can you do a video about this

social aspect of eating this way and um

yeah um I gotta do coming out soon about

that but basically you know no one's

saying that you have to skip dinner okay

i'm not saying that but I am saying is

what my plan is you get to have a huge

enjoyable breakfast huge enjoyable lunch

you can have plenty of snacks but for

dinner you gotta take it easy all right

why because you're going to be like you

know a lot of weight and you're gonna be

leaving for the rest of your life so

might as well try to incorporate that

incorporate that into your lifestyle now

how do you do that like I still have

dinner with my family with my kids and

my wife cooks and you know the kids you

know there are six and eight so it's

hard to get him to eat healthy food

basically food for kids but i'm not

going to be obviously I'm gonna be

eating you know food that's for kids and

I would you know i still sit at the

dinner table with them were still you

know sitting down as a family you still

could still on we still go out with

friends and enjoy an evening because i'm

eating something else i'm going to very

light healthy meal consisting I'm just

like salad or vegetables and you know so

be it

this is this is this is what's got me to

lose on 50 pounds i don't have to

exercise could be whatever the hell I

want like the first half of the day I

don't have to count my calories I don't

like you don't count carbs or you don't

worry about glycemic index or whatever

or any other stuff that other people

talk about so it's a very liberating

type of weight loss system and you know

you so that you can still enjoy the

social on evening like we go out with

friends and you know yeah you know

sometimes on the on the butt of jokes

because i'm not eating steak and

potatoes like everybody else

i'm drinking Light beer and everybody

else is drinking you know really high

calorie craft beers and

IPAs and this and that is like okay I'm

just gonna drink a light beer and you

know it is important to me to be lean

and you know I'm not my twenties anymore

I'd want somebody that's how i feel

about the fat acceptance movement

um well it's ok to accept yourself how

you are

that's perfectly fine there's a lot of

stuff going on you with like you know a

body positive and this and that and I'm

gonna try to sell it say this delicately

ok I mean you should definitely you know

love who you are and accept yourself how

you are

however ok you know being overweight is

just not attractive in our society I

mean it's just if you have to choose

between you know someone in shape with

nice figured something was overweight

just by i'm trying i'm gonna try to say

this nicely just buy our own attraction

as human being you would kind of lean

towards the more attractive one now not

that being said there is something that

is wrong with i'm especially like

Western culture and all the food that's

available so if you you know if you went

back in time 50 years ago a hundred

years ago

very few people are fat so the the thing

is we are all getting fatter and fatter

for what reason because all these food

companies are putting out all this

high-calorie low-nutrient food and it's

everywhere like fast food junk food is

everywhere that the thing is as a

society as as a group of people we've

been the we've never been this fat

before and we're just getting fatter and

fatter so to kind of say that you know

if attics the fat acceptance movement is

catchy i mean it's it's a difficult

thing to

22 to do to lose weight if you don't

really know what through what you're

doing my on my pitch is that it's really

easy once you know how to eat once you

have a plan it's like when you're when

you were released out from high school

or no as a child when you release down

to the wire on the world you're not

trained on a few things like robert

kiyosaki he talks about how we're not

given financial education is true we're

not taught how to save money will not

talk how to you know budget our life for

for living just hey take a credit card

go spend whatever you want buy anything

you crave put on credit card and the

same thing is with on eating and

nutrition we're not told how to eat in

this world of there's fast food

everywhere and there's there's poor

quality food everywhere so we're not

we're not trained how to deal with that

so I mean if you had a choice if i gave

you the choice of yeah you could be lean

if you found a good plan or you could

just accept you know how to accept you

and be happy that you're overweight I

mean it's your choice but if you have UV

if you had a solution

you know you could just give it a try

and it would definitely work for you

ok so let's go to another question um i

was told about so i contacted me about

basically let a lot of people talking

about what does i called calorie deficit

counting calories alignment lot of

people online talking about you know all

you gotta do is being a caloric deficit

and you're gonna lose weight

ok now oh by the way uh appreciate it

appreciate you guys you know invite your

friends or invite people on Twitter to

join or tap the screen for hearts invite

your followers and white people your

friends with on periscoping facebook and

twitter so a lot of people talking about

caloric deficit and I had this guy you

know my host my whole thing is like I'm

here to help people are actually I'm

just trying to give out some free advice

of course people want my full system

that you have a website as a

step-by-step detailed plan about it but

in general are ya got a little free

advice online here like get into

arguments with other people who are you

know a lot of fitness people out there

who are like really gung-ho about

fitness in my whole mentality is you

don't have to work out you really don't

you don't have to exercise

thanks for the heart I appreciated you

don't have to you don't you really you

know exercises such a small small part

of weight loss

it's like a rounding ever you can go run

you know but it's only not really gonna

do much

it's all about diet and well I got a lot

of these guys who have exercise videos

on online on YouTube they're all about

you know getting their crazy abs and

shredded abs and all that I had this guy

you know and they're freaking angry

about you know if you say some not

posing you know it is just my opinion I

I mean I definitely think I have a plan

that works i mean if you read some of my

comments on my youtube videos where

people leave people are shocked that my

god how this system working that i'm

eating all this food and I get to lose a

lot of weight like yeah it's working

like I told you it's gonna work you

don't like it's a good system and you

don't have to exercise like so so I get

this guy talking talking about we move

this little bit and get this guy talking

about how you know people are so stupid

because they know you know you can eat

you can eat McDonald's

and fast food and all that matters is

that your caloric deficit makes no

difference the type of food you eat as

long as your income and caloric deficit

and people are stupid because they

should know better that they should be

watching your calories and yeah but you

know what it's not you know it's not

people's fault that then they're fat

especially in America because we're not

given the number that the problem the

proper knowledge what to eat and what

not the end in every in every corner is

fast food and what are people supposed

to do when you know you're on a budget

and it's like well I go to mcdonalds by

suffered for two dollars and you know

everything else is is really expensive

or not we're not told we're not educated

on what you want to eat or are how to

have an eating plan so let me give an

example I recently went to Costa Rica

well if you think this is like an

American problem right that just

Americans getting fat and you know what

your society went to Costa Rica that is


you know it's it's not as developed as

we are here and i went to the couple of

towns that are not as developed and

we're just more locals live not the not

the the touristy town with the peaches

are in the surfing and all that and a

lot of chicken places open up like it's

like a fast that is that would like it's

like a buffet type thing is like you

just pretty much fried chicken fried

chicken and always different chicken

products and they're popping up

everywhere and you start seeing a lot of

fat Costa Ricans and you know how would

I hung out with one guy in their thing

is just like this flu is delicious

he's getting a ton of dough fried

chicken with coca-cola the french fries

and they're loving it and yet you know

they don't really they don't know any

better because it's tasty food and it's

on every street corner who doesn't love

fried chicken it's delicious and was on

the coca-cola if you don't know any


you don't know all the poison that

that's in there and you know and they're

all you're starting to see a lot of

overweight people there just because all

this you know poor quality food is is is

getting prevalent over there now you

know our our natural disposition as you

know human beings is you know just to

eat until you're full

ok so if you eat you know 50 years ago

if you just ate you know healthy food

and vegetables until you until you were


you wouldn't put on way nowadays if you

just you know go breakfast lunch dinner

eating uh whatever is available which is

no fast food if you just eat that until

you're full of course you can get that

so it really isn't

you know our faults that were overweight

is because all this food everywhere that

tastes really good and it's poor quality

and very high in calories so on

what was I saying off topic is another

thing about this you know i was trying

to eat healthy because I in phase two of

my plan and face three my my plan to get

really healthy so later in the day is

when I eat like really healthy just

salads and vegetables early in the

deputy you know a lot of you know crap

not the greatest thing so I at these

chicken places in costa rica they had

salsa which is you know something really

good to eat when you're doing this time

died because it's um you know just

vegetables you gotta watch out you think

that could be you know little no added

sugar in there so at this place i would

get like a big salad a couple you know

some vegetables and some sauce on the

side so it tasted really really good

like man I kept going back then like

this also tastes amazing

you know I'm not going to ask what the

hell's in and I'm just I'm just you know

thinking that it tastes really good so

then I just happened to see the the

worker in the back making it and choose

it was a big big vat of salsa and choose

dumping in like ketchup and i'll just

call my god of course of course that's

why that's why it tastes good

it tastes good so you know you really

got to be suspicious of any place that

like cells you know into cells food

because what's their goal the goal is to

make it taste good so you come back for


so another question i have is i was

talking to my cousin right oh yeah I'm

gonna bring this up right so the point

of trying to say is like you know what i

was talking about before you I'm not

here to argue with Fitness people and

tell them I'm not telling people who are

into fitness to stop exercising you know

stop working i'm just saying it's you

know it's not necessary me if you're

into fitness go okay go right ahead and

i was i was into like working out and

fitness you know many many years ago

just get you anything else you get tired

of it after so many so many years from

age likes 14 to 26 years I would work on

every day you know I competed in a few

bodybuilding competitions but like it

just like anything else you just get

tired of it and you move on you know

there's any hobby like here in in my

yard I feel like the zipline few years

ago in the first year you you know we

use it like crazy

the second year we use that you know a

little bit less than like the 30 you

never use it anymore just just like

anything else you get tired of something

and you move on so on you know a lot of

these Fitness guys when you suggest that

let you know you it's not necessary to

exercise and work out you know to lose

weight they get all you know defense it

on and i'm not saying that you shouldn't

i'm just saying you know hey this is my

plan that I'm kind of trying to help

people lose weight and when you have

someone who's you know 50 pounds of 100

pounds overweight

anytime okay you're gonna have to you

know run on a treadmill an hour a day to

have today it's like you know you know

that I can I do it for the long run

you can do it for a week or two you know

you gotta look and jazzed up about to

get all excited about it but you know

it's like a lesson and in the long run

so what else was I saying on

it's my cousin she is in really good

shape she she wakes up in the early in

the morning insurance on runs on

treadmill every every morning and she

actually in great shape she's kind of

into fitness so but we get into an

argument about you know my diet system

and I'm like hey listen I'm not telling

you you should stop doing what you're

doing obviously you're doing something

you know obviously what you doing works

you know she's like my late thirties i

believe and she's in great shape and you

know you're doing something really good

I'm you know I'm just you know I'm not

trying to convince you to stop

exercising you're saying is it's not

necessary if I mean overweight people

who just want to lose some weight

it's really not necessarily it's all

about diet and then I have another

relative who they're all into the going

to the gym all the time they're into are

you know all this trendy stuff that's

out there right now like paleo was

really really popular these days so

she's into that there's a lot of stuff

out there that's about you doing your

exercises and people are on what the

hell was i saying people are really into

like exercising to try to lose weight

hey how's it going down and what I in my

opinion you know it's really unnecessary

and some people like people that are you

know that are close to me like family

members they just refuse to try my diet

just because you know spike or whatever

like so there's two types of people are

who you know who have results on my diet

system now if you read some of the

comments online on there under my

youtube videos you see a lot of people

try and and they're like oh my god how

is working

there's two times one is the person who

tried to diet and they're amazed by how

it works

ok and the other person's person who

just won't try it because you know it


stuff it sounds too difficult look at

this I don't get a lot of people telling

me I could never do that

well if you try to do a little work for

you on so I don't like people who just

they don't try and they're just

struggling with so many different you

know other ways to lose weight you do

these like weight loss challenges when

you do something for eight weeks or 12

weeks you know it you know you go to the

gym you sign up for something some

challenge you're in competition with

other people just how much weight you

lose any either lose weight but it did

was create the exercises but you don't


you're not gonna you're not gonna

sustain that for a long run so the same

thing is with this is a show now with

King my girl kim kardashian fellow

Armenian you know you're looking really

good game but not Kim khloé

khloekardashian sorry kids on my mind

Kim's my favorite Kardashian you guys

you know what I'm talking about

so I mean I don't love you know what I

mean a lot of people know I guess don't

like her because you know she's a

celebrity you know whatever what people

say about it but you gotta admit she's

you know she's she's easy on the eyes

you don't mean so what I'm saying is

Khloe Khloe Kardashian has a new TV show

called revenge body and into a quick

look I can't watch us to do this stuff

on TV like I have no patience to sit

there for an hour and watching and

watching shows and it looks like it's

another one of these shows like The

Biggest Loser where you don't you forces

people to do some crazy extreme exercise

you get a lot of arm i don't know i

think it's just you the internet is not

lagging over here it seems to be working

fine i don't know so i get a lot of on

people yeah thank you for the heart I

appreciate that I appreciate you like

invite your friends or your followers

however that works or share this with

people and so this new Revenge body show

shows how you know you get these

overweight people and you put them in

the survivor

with I mean you did you do get a lot of

support a lot of help from these the

nutritionist or like exercise fitness

people but the point is it's such a like

any there any other kind of forced like

in bed you can do another said you know

you could do another rep this in that

and of course they're going to lose

weight in the short run because you have

all these people helping them and

motivating them but once they leave the

shore anything's gonna happen especially

is based on such an extreme rigorous


you're not going to keep up that same

pace once you need to show you're gonna

go back to doing nothing and two to do

not exercise and I see who enjoys

exercising who enjoys going to gym

lifting heavy weights you know I mean I

do that for many many years when I was

you know interested in you know that's

my problem maybe you can help well I do

have a weight loss system called change

your life and it's guaranteed

to get you to lose weight how do i lose

the flab well losing weight is oh man

it's a hold on let me just finish my

thought and then uh I'll get back to

hold on one second

so Khloe Kardashian and one thing about

her man

I mean say what you will you know that

she's got these butt implants or

something but like the problem with her

is then I saw this picture of her

whatever you know my wife's always

watching that show I I never watch that

show the Kardashians you know but it's

on it's on it's on the house all the

time and wife watch itself thing with

Chloe is she's got i'm assuming she's

got these butt implants and the problem

with her is that she's got like these

skinny skinny legs now

skinny legs and like this big but now if

you have thighs big thanks to go go

along with that but you know that's one

thing but i guess it to her it looks a

little unusual because he's got these

really skinny legs and it's unusually

large but which

you know I don't say about that but

alright let's take a couple of questions

from man what else was I going to say

any other questions yeah thank you for

your hearts i appreciated this is going


china so I'm an old guy and you know

this is interesting how you you gotta

like read the questions while you're

speaking and I you know I got goin real


I don't you people read this I see some

people from way back here just like

reading in and comment thing I don't

have that happens because so yeah I had

this one guy asked me this week you know

because like all admit you know if you

don't know my if you don't want don't

watch on my system I my weight loss

videos on youtube you might think it's

kind of like a scam or something because

you see I'm eating pizzas and talking

about eating big meals and stuff

forget about it you have a new york

accent I i didn't know i have one until

people because i moved to connecticut

now people tell me you have a new york

accent I I don't hear it but then people

tell me i have a new york accent so I'm


at least i'm not from Long Island you

know that's that's kind of been so this

guy was like you know hey he wanted to

bait me on my my weight loss scheme he

called it a weight-loss scheme so look

I'm a nice guy might hear like get the

arguments with people trying to help

people out as lively these crazy fitness

nutrition guys out there who are just

like how could you possibly say that

about whatever

thank you for the heart by the way and

so he says you know would be interested

in the fuck was I saying

would you be interested in doing a

scientific debate with someone a health

health professional or something or

nutrition professionals just like listen

you know I'll debate my system although

let me tell you I'm

not a nutritionist I'm not a doctor I'm

not a healthcare professional I don't

claim to be

I'm just some guy who found an amazing

way to lose weight put together a plan

i'm not here like trying to trick

anybody like I'm sure you know i'll

update somebody on it and you know he

was asking me about let me just let me

just try calling i'll take a question

for me he was asking me about you know

what my system is that I just said yeah

pretty much you know you could be

anything you want in the morning time

breakfast like you really makes no


the the evening fasting just surpasses

anything so it doesn't really make a

difference i mean I'm being overly

general i go into more specifics in my

weight loss system but he doesn't like

yeah but if you eat a caloric surplus

you're going to put on weight only well

yeah I've heard that everybody talks

about that you've got to be a caloric

deficit in my experience it doesn't

matter you could eat 4005 count 5,000

calories for breakfast

doesn't make a difference you're gonna

burn it off I don't count calories where

you can eat you know a thousand calories

or 500 calories calories right before

bedtime and you're gonna put on way so

you don't argue with that I have no have

no it works you know try my system works

okay i mean it is pretty much pretty

much ready mom but I mean like I said

I'm not here to get into arguments with

people are you know just my system so

yeah go ahead ask her question if if

you're interested in asking question so

let's see

and yet I be doing this for a while

using Porco Dio I don't know what that

is that a joke can lose weight using

Porco Dio I don't know that is

alright so another thing is that you

know I'm kind of fucked doing this

because the thing is that i was

struggling to lose weight

porca Madonna I don't know what that is

I don't know if this is a joke or not I

don't know that is so i'm kinda fucked

because I lost so much weight i'm fucked

because I lost so much weight that I

can't go back

um I was I mean it's a good thing and a

bad thing like i said earlier i was

struggling with all these other diet

system mean losing five pounds eight

pounds ten pounds whatever going from

215 205 you know praying i get down to

like 195 that will be amazing you know

so with this thing yeah i got to 165

pounds and I've been here for like seven

years so yeah I'm kind of screwed

because I can't go back

I mean it's a good thing and a bad thing

because I'm so determined to stick to

this because it's so effective but at

the same time you don't like sometimes

you kind of wish I hadn't seen it so

much I like to just get fat again and

forget all about it like you just so i

could just pick out and and it's an

Italian tool in the gym you don't know i

don't want that is Italian tool in

general that is

porca Madonna Porco Dio I know what that

is it's perhaps tree i'm sure you're

playing a joke on me

so the point is you don't like you

the first few hours they're amazing you

okay i'll search on Google the first few

hours of their amazing you get to enjoy

yourself to get to pick out whatever you

eat is burned off throughout the rest of

the day like check this out you have

whatever you morning of 16 hours you

have 16 hours to burn off so whether you

eat you know great food and kinda cheese

for breakfast

you know or you eat no sausage eggs and

bacon you know waffles are gonna burn

off so it doesn't really matter whatever

you eat late in the day you're gonna

you're gonna put on as wait so um so

yeah I guess sometimes you know is it

the the early part of day is awesome you

know if it sometimes in the beginning

when you're first trying this out it's a

little bit are not as enjoyable because

yet you have to fast in the evening

every night you said that if you used to

having big dinners it's something to get

a custom to but once you get accustomed

to that like you're gonna be crazy lean

you're gonna be so lean like I said I

was you know I was fat as a kid I got

like 200 pounds when i was a probably 14

years old I really got into the weight

training I lost weight like 17 18 years

old to like I got like 165 pounds and

was like effort for a couple years then

you know because i have died genetics

bed metabolism i started putting on

weight and I would you know that 165 170

was like it was like ancient history

I got to like MIT mid-twenties 190 195

and my thirties I was like 200 something

I topped out at two-fifteen so for me

now aged 42 to get all the way back down

to under 65 pounds isn't amazing i'm

like i've never been like this you know

I mean I'm not you know I'm not like the

the leanest guy you know but still

hundreds five pounds in 5 10 and that's

that's you know you're right in that

range of what was healthy and natural

for you know my hidin frame Asian

alliance that zone

yeah this is you know weight loss

discussion so right so the point is

sometimes you know you feel like you

know should I just forget about this is

just you know get fat again like it just

so i can eat all the time and pay out

like the thing with this thing is all

you gotta do is just you know stick it

out through the night

make sure you're constantly drinking


I'm you know havent have it haven't you

ever had a big dinner of nothing but

vegetables filling up your stomach

vegetables vegetables are very few

calories you're kind of tricky tricky in

your body to have you know fill yourself

up yo you're having very very few

calories you're you got to be on top of

drinking fluids after dinner make sure

you're not snacking that is the most

important thing over time you want to

make the dinner earlier and earlier the

more you fast in the evening the more

weight you're gonna lose in the faster

you're gonna lose it so sometimes you

know we got with friends and you

it's like yeah if you smell like a

cheeseburger late at night so we're

eating in front your face your little

man i wish that but like the thing with

my thing is I think I can have it you

know eight hours later in the morning

and I mean you're 19 years old and

you've eaten only twice a day actually

so that is one of the life things about

like this internet intermittent fasting

you know if you just kind of skip a meal


by default your you're eating less

you're you're not eating you know how

many calories you're actually eating um

less calories so all right let's try to

wrap this up it's already been half an

hour so I don't want to

you know I see a lot of people

exercising bring those fitbit's and you

know my opinion like that's just like

it's a cool gadget just like anything

else you can see all this stupid

information is useless and Don you know

but you know I don't want to be

insensitive a lot of overweight people

wearing fitments it's not working you

know do you do see healthy people in

shape wearing fitness fits

I don't I just a lot over weight people

got a gift it's a Fitbit like and it's

like a toy but I'm gonna help you lose

weight so what if you know how many i'm

gonna try to you know walk a little bit

extra today I mean that that's going to

try if it's gonna it's gonna help you do

some weed no more activity great but

that's not going to do much good enough

so all right let me talk to you about as

mentioned coca-cola earlier let me some

of you guys might not know this

ok so coca-cola is poison

ok I keep it around to clean my battery

terminals in my car so check this out

coca-cola the number one properly own

beverage products it's got four

ingredients it's God sugar its guy i

mean i gotta remember this it's got a

sodium it's got caffeine and it's got

phosphoric acid

ok now why do you have all that stuff if

they're just selling you know sugary

beverage why they have all that stuff

well as all that they add caffeine you

know to give you too addictive course

but also to give you a boost the natural

stimulant but also caffeine is a

diuretic ok which makes you lose water

ok so what do they add on top of that

they add sodium ok because why would it

have sodium sodium has a salty flavor

why would they add sodium to go

ola the add sodium to get you thirsty


ok so I'm on top of the caffeine

draining your body of water making you p

they add sodium to get you even thirsty

ok now with all that sodium if you drank

such a beverage with all that sodium you

would vomit because it will be just to

discussing to drink so what do they do

they add a ton of sugar to mask that

that flavor of sodium but what happens


ok if you act he should be trying to

consume that much sugar in one sitting

you would get nauseous

okay and you find me some people would

vomit tell you people get not just way

too mature to consume in one sitting

so what do they do then right there

trying to create something for you to

buy and drink and consume the ad

phosphoric acid in it and what is

phosphoric acid phosphoric acid is an

anti-nausea medication you ever been and

had everybody nauseous and vomiting and

go to the doctor the doctor tells you go

buy a coke coke because of coke ad hoc

possibly acid or they tell you just get

any Cola with phosphoric acid in it

because phosphoric acid is an

anti-nausea medication so to say that

these food companies have your best

interests in mind

what's the point of coca-cola point

called call is to get you to buy it

drink it and drink some more and crave

more of it and be addicted and um you

know drink it get you know p it out get

thirsty that there are trying to get you

to get thirsty r you buy more of it i

mean how insane is that that people get

away with this you know and they're

adding more and more and it was just

thing you know I can't be hard to ensure

but somebody I've heard somewhere that

you know in the 80 think they came out

with new coke remember that when they

tried to change the formula and this is

a conspiracy theory I can't be certain

about it but I've

that the reason they came out with new

coke was because the ad actually more

sodium in there they wanted to perfect

their formula to get you to buy even

more and consuming even more

you don't care about arm you know just

making tasty beverage and you know maybe

some people enjoy it

they want you to buy and by and by and


ok so I heard about this thing called

the Bliss point

ok the Bliss point all these food

manufacturers talk about the Bliss point

it is it is where they find out on the

more sugar they put in the more tasting

it becomes okay to keep adding sugar

into a product and they tested and

tested and see what are what degree how

much they could add sugar because that

comes a point where they add sugar they

add sugar they add sugar becomes more

and more tasty but they get they come to

a point where after they had a little

too much sugar then it starts becoming

sickening and it stops its it becomes

less attract less and less attracted to

add more sugar so that people want

that's a bliss point as much as much

sugar as you can to get it taste without

overdoing it and getting people nauseous

ok so that's what they've done i heard

it like they did that Dr Pepper where

they're creating their new formula

that's what these people do in these

food companies trying to get you trying

to get you to buy ok how to stay

motivated trying to get you to buy on

their products you know saving with like

I heard or burritos onto that in the

question I'll answer that question in a

moment I'm how to stay motivated same

thing about I heard about doritos like

okay obviously this is not a product

that is natural in you know on this

earth so they create a product with

these amazing flavors and not just the

flavor it's the it's the texture the

crispiness they test these products out

so what

gonna make you not just eat it and enjoy

it like make you want to eat more and

more and more because that's their

that's their goal they want to sell you

and dick you and get you to just eat and

consume more product so um you know

personally you know I i tell people that

you know you could eat anything you want

for breakfast go ahead and eat you know

a lot of your favorite foods

however you know you know you do that

for psychological reasons so you're not

you know that's one way you can go

through fasting and night is if you

allow yourself to have satisfying meals

early in the day and if that means like

you know I'm educated about food but

still Olly Olly some junk food once in

awhile just for you know because it my

wife brings a home or like you know for

whatever reason it's in the house like

it's yeah it's sitting there smells good

I'll allow myself to have some in the

morning however you got to know what

your trigger foods are what foods that

they're so flavorful so unnaturally

flavorful that you know it makes your

mind go crazy and you lose all control

and you lose all judgment to me

personally that's potato chips

you know and if I have one potato chip

I'm gonna eat the whole bag is that you

you go into this mind-numbing

uncontrollable you know tailspin where

it's just like you just keep force

feeding yourself without consciously

think about energy it's it's it's by


ok these who companies create these

products so that they're so flavorful

date you know that it's tested on people

on on animals

what's going to make you keep buying and

keep eating and buy more and more this

product so they can make a profit don't

care about you about what they're

putting in as you read the ton of

chemicals arm it's in a lot of these

products personally you know like you

know in my system I also going to like

what ingredients too

to look forward bad ingredients but also

you know a shortcut is like if you just

look at a package and just got a ton of

like ingredients and chemicals and just

just forget it okay

how to stay motivated somebody asked me

how to stay motivated now I submit to

you okay

the thing is when you find an incredible

system like like my system come on i

gotta know I gotta be hustling over here

my system to change your life diet i

changed my life daikon if you try my

system you see how effective it is

you're gonna stay motivated you know why

you get to eat a lot of your favorite

foods every day you get to not have to

exercise who he'll like to exercise i

mean if you're you know I like to play

sports I play tennis play basketball go

swimming but like the just to run on the

street like why would I run unless like

a bear is chasing me or something like

you know people think I gotta like to

get in shape you know go play somethin

play some tennis

you know I i play a lot of sports

no I'm active I have kids I try to you

know play soccer and stuff like that

with them but I go have fun enjoy enjoy

the day

don't necessarily homemade coming on for

40 minutes

so how to stay motivated

how to stay motivated i did a couple of

videos on this and another one

you know if you have you been overweight

if you just overweight for a couple

years and it's a new thing that you know

I don't have to i don't know what to

tell you but forgot like me I've been

overweight my whole life and I talked

out like 50 pounds over away and when

you finally find a system that works for

you and that's easy and that like feels

like natural to you there's no going

back and I got you I got my body back i

got my old body back i'm not a fat

disgusting pig anymore

look at my before and after pictures on

my website that's one thing I hated a

big fat face big fat round face and it's

like night and day from you know from

the do two types of people

you're just like this fat you know


can a guy he just is this it's it's so

demoralizing and I just had these big

fucking titties you know and it's just

it's just like wow you know what the

hell's going on you know

so basically you stay motivated you

gotta get to a point where you're just

so disgusted two times two things you

get the point you're so disgusted with

yourself that you're willing to try

anything and number two is you find

something that actually works my system

change your life died I calm baby you

find something that works for you and

you stick to it and you know I've been

on this for seven years and lost 50

pounds fifty it's insane I'm 42 years


165 pounds i was up to the 215 and it's

not just that you realize you're not

just going to lobby 50 pounds away for

the rest of my life

no no in 5 years going to be 60 pounds

overweight is this happened so many

people I've seen there are you know you

see him you see them once a year they're

30 pounds three seamen a year later

their 50 pounds every senior year later

their 70 pounds of went you know

actually this with people it just keeps

getting worse and worse and worse and if

you don't find a way to you know

something that works for you

it's just gonna get worse and worse and

I I challenge all you guys out there try

my system on and see if it doesn't work

for you and read some of the comments on

my youtube videos people like oh my god

I can't believe can't believe he's

working with ya works you know um so uh

what else was I going to say I think I'm

gonna wrap it up is way too long we'll

do another one soon on again so I'll

just say this if you're on YouTube

watching this a repeat please like my

video please subscribe to my channel

please leave me your comments and

questions like I you know I was just

reading comments and questions now and

i'll do a Q&A session every once in a

while answering questions or just you

know ask me a question I look on another

comments section on youtube and I'll

answer them

I you know I'm here to help people out

i'm going to cure weight loss with my

system so you know you get this

announcing open now on TV talking about

Weight Watchers seriously like open

needs to take another on what's called

payment from Weight Watchers to to sell

the product do she's lost all


he's been trying to lose weight for a

hundred years back and forth back and

forth in it and she's doing commercials

now that shoots glue she lost a little

bit of weight do like yeah because she's

this really well-known person lot of

people look up to on this metal gates

obviously let's get Oprah this is to

sell our weight loss you know sell

weight watchers so has been so cold i'm

gonna call it a day

change your life died good change your

life i challenge you to find a

better weight loss system throughout the

workout you don't have to exercise you

could eat you know whatever you want

during the day getting very light dinner

and like I said much much more specifics

in my system I'm just being you know

overly general was a lot of this but if

you're the full full plane step-by-step

just check out the website and we will

talk soon how do i turn this off

all right talk soon

this is not working alright here we go

see you guys later bye

no that's not it

For more infomation >> WEIGHT LOSS MOTIVATION : Periscope LIVE Q&A #003: How To Lose Weight FAST - Weight Loss - Duration: 49:44.


New PAW PATROL Mission Nickelodeon Marshalls Rescue Rover & Chases Three Wheeler Dinosaurs Unboxing - Duration: 11:18.

Wow guys great to see you again today we

New PAW PATROL Mission Nickelodeon Marshalls Rescue Rover & Chases Three Wheeler Dinosaurs Unboxing

paw patrol toy he's a new our mission

paw patrols that have like the animated

our mission all Lockhart so they are

really cool and this one is Marshall's

rescue rover that comes with Marshall

and this one is chase three-wheeler that

comes with a cool shape what guys today

is the day of the big great let's go

ahead and check out our racers wow we

have three wheel change we have Marshall

and his fire vehicle robo-dog anted

vehicle over here we have rubble and his

those there and Robo dogs friends

robo-dog and Zuma and rocky also look at

this race on the road guys

ok today we are going to start the race

with three surprise racers you know who

they are

oh boy I don't even know who they are

let's go ahead and do third it to push

the starting button racers all your set

get ready

the winter it was a close one robot dog

is the winner yay time for race number


ok we have our surprise racers all ready

to go

this is a brand new team let us see who

they are

on your mark get set yeah robot dog has

won again wow look at that he'd be out

rocky and Zuma by quite a bit

Roble dog go ok now we have three brand

new racers again well one of them is

Robo dogs because he's won the other

races so far so without further ado on

your mark get set

Oh Phil to look it was the other

robo-dog and Robo dog has be robo-dog

and rubble roll verbal okay now since

robo-dog is to champion we're going to

take him out and have the other racers

race for second play

yeah a roll dawg great job

ok we have three new races but before we

check them out

it's time to check out the mission card

let's see what the mission card says oh

wow that looks like a big question mark

ok times it starts ray okay is everybody

as excited as me this is going to be

also up on your mark get set and oh who

is the winner

Oh is to close one check that out but it

looks like Rocky has beaten Marshall by

just a fraction of an inch

a rocky so not Rocky has to be two more

contenders let us see they are surprised

one who are you ready on your mark get

set and who is the winner yay robot has

done it roll on the double

ok and this is for the championship guys

who will it be

robble one last rate could he win this


can he win the championship for second

place behind global dogs

I don't know it's gonna be a tough one

so let's get this race on the road but

before we do let's check out the new

mission card

what is it oh it's there but you keep


wow this time we have to mission card

all know what was that oh it's an island

Marshall wow awesome

ok and here we go for the championship

would take a look on your mark get set


who is the winner marshall has won the


check that out just by its tiny bit he

has beaten roll

Marshall and robo-dog are the winner and

you guys have anything to say raise guys

i hope you guys can check out the next

race is going to be a lot of fun

Oh No while these guys are celebrating

the Dinos are attacking it's the mighty

t-rex he's good at tax Domitian cruiser

quick somebody help it's rubble dogs

look he's launching himself while he

knocked over the mighty t-rex Robo we

need clean up on the devil know the

mighty indominus rex is coming out he's

headed right for Marshall what can he do

click Marshall launch he knocked him

over of what what there's two

velociraptors one is attacking quick

chase lodge our chase maximum over here

comes the final one roll quick logs are

rubble goddamn rubble on the double yay

the pups have one now it's time to

celebrate let's check out their new

mission card

oh they have to go to save their friend

mr. ow wow guys that was also and here

is a good look at the back of them are

both of these work with the new our

mission Cruiser which is really cool the

nice big one I'll be doing

view of that it's their office semi

truck and is the launcher this mission

pop are on the case and the figures can

ride inside and here is the other

figures that comment that i will try to

repeat them off as you get and sorry I

sound a little funny today guys I am

fighting the flu but i did want to shoot

got soft toys ok guys so here they are i

really like these mission cards they're

really cool if you turn it to change so

here you've got like the outlying the

out sitting on a 3-inch really cool and

then there you can see Marshall like

popping in and out of you and on the

back this fall patrol mission all and

then here is the chase one so this is

showing there are there big semi-truck

is showing some guy here that look

re so i really like that but the coolest

thing is their vehicles so here you got

Marshall rescue rover it's like a little


it's a really cool little off if this to

be like some type of off fire truck fire

rescue truck and he got like to hold

well let's take a look at marshalls to

he's got a really cool uniform on his

head does turn he's got a red and black

uniform with a flat tax are read in

black helmet so he's really cooled his

head does turn and the with the holes on

his feet

go ahead and put him into here quite

secure so when you use it with the

launcher he's not going to just fall

Awful's the launcher and then let's go

ahead and take a look at our chases

three-wheel police this this looks like

it would be a motorcycle so this is

really hit three wheel motorcycle has

like zero to one on the front of the

side and then on the front and just the

Stars got the police light look at the

back in the bottom and then I've got a

really cool chase figure that was his

head will turn got a black backpack his

front all legs through whose

blue and black outfit nice-looking he

also has holes on the bottom here so

that you can put him into vehicle

securely so when you use the launcher he

will not fly out also

okay and there's both of them let me

know which one of the two you like the


yeah that was a lot of fun and if you

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