what's up guys welcome to the vlog welcome back to my channel today I have
some water filters that you can pour water it like this
that'll filter your water super clean and fresh to give you the best tasting
water there is but today we're gonna be using all of these sodas and trying to
run them through the filter and see what happens to see if it changes the taste
or if it changes the color or maybe it'll clog the filter I'm not really
sure but let's give it a try and to help me do this we have coral ginger and Liz
guys so what do you guys think is gonna happen when we felt the filter like
let's say coca-cola through the filter I would have to say it's gonna take out
anything that it would think is impurities so probably all the color
like this syrup oh yeah I'm just gonna taste like carbonated waters you think
yeah maybe you put this in your leg look for it comes out we're gonna do coke
first yeah let's try coca-cola first so let's fill a glass so we have like a
reference and then we'll fill another glass and culture right so we have like
a before and yeah before and after so this is what coke normally looks like
when you pour it into a cup but you probably already know what coke looks
like but I really want to know what happens after we filter it I hope it
just takes out even if you like super healthy soda we help you yeah you don't
take all the sugar out what do you guys think is gonna happen because this is
this is what regular soda is it's very dark you can't even see through the cup
okay so we got some coca-cola we are gonna pour it in the filter and
see what happens here we go wait
wait no way it's still bubbly though wait oh you're gonna stop wait we should
just start pouring more in there should we just not I think it's I think we
clogged it are you shitting I can see it in there look and look down Oh weird you
can see that you can see the soda sitting in there ah
should I try to pour more in or should we wait yeah just pour a little bit more
see we can get it to they come through here I'll see if we can get some more go
through it's going to come through like a little bit darker weird but I'm
surprised at how queer it is down there yeah this might take a little bit longer
than I thought a filter yeah that's interesting look at that okay so that's
the first one
at first it came out crystal clear and then yeah maybe if I get the were out
the filter that fast I don't know like this all the way up
it's kind of everything out but it's maybe like regular coke it's coming
through now it's working less and less now yeah cuz that water was clear it was
completely clear but it could have just been the water that was like left I
pushed it there's like yeah well that's true that's a good point yeah we rinse
the filter out it could have just like push the rest of that water through I
don't know if that that's how it works or what we should try to taste test
okay so let's let this one sit and let's try another one let's try like a yellow
or the blue one blue I thought the color is a try so this time we're going with
the blue coloured Mountain Dew which is a little bit less colorful oh it's way
less colorful it's so pretty yeah okay cool now we're gonna put some in here
yeah I feel like this one's gonna work yeah yeah that's right let's pour this
one in I have I do have a feeling that this blue one is gonna filter a lot
better than the coca-cola let's try it here we go
coming oh it's coming out crystal clear just like waterway and this was not
clogging either no this was actually working oh and it's clogged weird okay
so we just like completely took apart the Brita filter and is dripping into
the cup and it looks like it's way less blue the reason why we took this apart
is because it was dripping into here and it seems like it kind of clogs the
filter but this is filtered soda and you can see how clear this is so I want to
pour this into the same cup like this okay so check this out this is before
and then this is after look at the color difference all those weight different
that is actually crazy I think we should try it
these are like tasting glasses we should see what it tastes like okay so here
wants to try a tasting so we'll put well do that real one first so this is the
unfiltered original Blue Mountain Dew let's all take a sip and see that tastes
like mmm like Mountain Dew voltage so good yeah tastes like regular Mountain
Dew because it is now we are gonna try to taste this filtered which is clearly
less blue I think it might taste like water so now this is the after this is
the filtered Blue Mountain Dew it smells like yeah it does what I gotta do it's
not bubbly in it it's like not even sweet it totally yeah even the sweet it
tastes like if you dissolve like us like a grape skittle in some water yeah like
it doesn't even taste like soda yeah it tastes like if you had a cup of water
and you put a few drops of mountain doing it yeah not good yeah doesn't
taste good but it completely filters it out and it's almost clear just like
water but this is Mountain Dew filter that's crazy so now we got the filtered
coca-cola it looks honestly it looks very similar it's hard to say but let's
pour it in the glass and we can see what it looks like see if it's any different
in color it doesn't does it look any different it looks like it's a little
lighter slightly more clear but not much Liz you have a good nose smell the
and see which one does it they smell different yeah this one smells more like
an a more carbonation and I really yeah really
okay huh well this one's definitely bubbly
I feel like this one's definitely flat uh yeah we're gonna do a taste test now
with the filtered coke we're just going to pour a little bit in since we know
what it tastes like it looks different in this one in these
cuts it doesn't even look like coca-cola now no I think I feel like that this is
gonna also taste really gross it doesn't even smell like coke to me no here we go
yeah it tastes like a tea yeah teas just like a mild flavor yeah
there's no bubbles at all no zero dealing I don't know what to make of it
it's so weird it's just not carbonated it's like flat flat and unsweet yeah
yeah like not not sweet but just like fun sweet it's way better than the
filtered Mountain Dew I would say yeah it's like when the carbonation runs out
on the yeah there's enough flavor right here for it to like not taste super
super bed but it still kind of Gris feels like it's like a melted root beer
popsicle tastes like melted no this tastes exactly like what you know when
you drink a coke and restaurant and there's like that's exactly what this
day is all your own temperature and the ice is melted and it's the last drink at
the bottom it's just the melted ice that's exactly what that felt
yeah gross and yeah what is the filter is it all clogged good it looks okay I
mean it's got like the the sand and there or the activated charcoal we got
the filters all rinsed out with water I think they're back to normal we're gonna
try a tumor flavors of soda liz ginger what should we do next
which is the regular Mountain Dew okay I think I'm gonna go for the yellow yeah
you guys haven't tried the past who the Fanta
I think that's gonna filter here's the other filter here we go pouring it in
the cup what do you want our color it is okay the Mountain Dew might be oh it's
like a yellowish the yellow walk which one's actually more yellow because the
Mountain Dews in a green bottle but that doesn't mean it's weight they actually
look very similar don't get it mixed up okay that's interesting
okay the pineapple soda is definitely darker or less transparent yeah it's a
little bit more like yellow that's got a little bit more like green to it like
cloudy look at that it's yeah that one is
cloudy interesting that one's yeah you can't even see like
my hand behind it but this one you can yeah yeah well know what maybe don't
filter differently one okay so form in the filter and see what
happens which one do you think is gonna filter better I would have seen this one
I would say this one yeah okay you ready here we go Oh Minh I
wonder if eat what's coming out so clear oh and this one too oh wait that looks
like water coming out Wow oh that's so good oh but it's not to clog up this
one's still going strong though oh wait no what's clogging it shoot that one
definitely looks clearer that one looks like literally looks like water even
though it's soda that's so crazy then it looks so clear I'm so surprised how much
it actually can filter these things must actually filter your water really well
like we put just tap water in there it must be like the cleanest water in the
world you're putting soda that has flavor and sugar and food dye in it and
it comes out like crystal-clear so these punctures must be really good
it's a little bit yellow it's got a little bit of color yeah just a little
bit okay let's pour them in the regular cup and then we'll come
this one this one's still way clearer okay let's put them side-by-side let's
do that Oh interesting so this is if you're a blindfold that if you could
tell the difference well this one is pineapple and this is
the regular pineapple and that's the mountain dew and that's the regular
Mountain Dew what flavor is Mountain Dew technically is it lemon-lime hey Liz you
want to try them out and do it see if it tastes good which one that don't add one
yet okay did this smell like anything smells like
like even pineapple it does have a little pineapple yeah yeah this one
tastes smells really good
my vote is that one's like really gross and this one's probably not so bad
this tastes like water dump syrup say mine is just like not hard at all
I'm gonna try the this is the filtered fine okay so it should look like this
but it doesn't it's way more clear in different looking I'm gonna give it a
try it's actually I think this is the best one yet really yeah I think this
one tastes the best so far it's actually not too bad
I like the song to that okay so this is the mountain dew and for comparison this
is what it should look like so it's more clear and kind of gross you're looking
let's give it a test okay that one is really gross this one this one you want
to try it that one tastes like when you have like a little bit of summer left
and all your ice melts and you take a sip with out of a straw and it's just
like gross that's what that tastes like but this one actually isn't bad I think
please you try this one I don't like it I think this might like this on yeah
Zomba yes you like it good so I think so I think Fanta filtered is the best
one set for I kind of I kind of like it I don't know if I like it better but I
do it's not bad so we tried filtering four different
sodas we did the pineapple the Blue Mountain Dew the Coca Cola and the
regular Mountain Dew what do you think was like the best and which one was like
the worst because I think this was the worst yeah I don't think any of them
tasted better than the original but I think the Blue Mountain Dew came out
really bad so we'll put that one over here already seem like they like the
pineapple one that bad that was my favorite so it's kind of between which
one yeah what words are those going I think it probably goes like Mountain
Dews were like the worst these came out really the fasting filtered this one was
also kind of gross but not as bad and this one was like just a little bit
gross but not it was the best one by far I think you said you liked it I do kind
of like it actually tasted kind of good but I do think maybe regular Fantas
probably better were you guys surprised at the results of these water filter
with soda because I think I was I was actually shocked that it came out so
clear and so different yeah and I think it would be really interesting in
another video and you guys should let him know up in the I cards up above
should you put something like milk versus chocolate what would happen would
they come out looking the same with the chocolate get filter clear milk they'll
be really a grandma would it taste like probably maybe it may be maybe so it
would taste bad but maybe no milk will taste good because if you put water and
it makes the water taste better
yeah vote now and if you have any other crazy awesome ideas like maybe egg honey
or syrup or like energy drinks or see you prophecy
that's gross if you have any crazy ideas comment them down below and we'll see
you guys on the next vlog bye oh and don't forget if you want to subscribe to
my channel click right here if you want to subscribe to Carla Ginger's channel
click right here they have some super awesome videos
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