Thứ Bảy, 3 tháng 11, 2018

Youtube daily report Nov 3 2018

My wall actually killed him! I've never seen that!

The wall killing a Splashdown

Add this to Best of Live!

Hop! We send it there.

Ah, I killed someone in my rain....ah two guys killed with the rain! It's amazing.

There is another rain coming though, I have to be careful.

Oof, it's coming from there.

Die, Satan!

We will hide.

I have to be careful because the balls bounce against walls, and ... ah they are

3! Oh no, they are 2 ... good.


- We apologize again if you had some problems at the start.

- Maybe you didn't hear our small technical issue. But because of it,

we kind of started this tournament a little bit later.

- It's settled, there was a lot of work, thanks to them working on it.

- No, not thanks to them.

- Actually, the TentaTournoi was a great success.

- It's true, 50 teams ... that's the number registered, it's pretty big

knowing we are in August, I was not expecting so many people.

- So that's over 200 players, that's pretty impressive.

The love for Splatoon keep going.

- Splatoon 2 which is always well inked in ....

- Well inked .... ha!

We'll go up there, lets be carful.


Ok ... well I just lost connection.

It's a beautiful dc! I don't know why I lost my connection.

"Buy yourself a co with your 5 €" alright. bravo, bravo.

Thank you Myrilys!


Come on ... come on, a little effort, you can do it!

Go go, go go!

Aaah! Yes!

Our company is open from monday to

Friday, our paramedics team will take care of everything.

So Myrilys is making another donation and says "Dalligo is using me to make a donation because

he's poor" ... alright.

Listen, thank to you and thank to Dalligo.

Thank you both for this.

Just need a small bomb and I'll have my ult.

What ?? What got me?? It was a bomb? Oh yeah..

You know the feeling ... when you die and lose the point directly?

I'm not saying I'm doing everything in the group and I'm carrying them but... I do feel like

I'm a kind of mascot.

As soon as I die ... we lose.

Come discover our new and super cute mascot from Nintendo Paradise, Evilsquid.

Do not hesitate to join us and meet him.

These .52 Gal! I don't know why all suddenly everyone play .52 Gal?

Why we got 3 dudes with .52 Gal? Is there a new meta coming out with that?

Or it's just random? These 3 people love playing

with a .52 Gal? Come on, come here, we want to go there.

It's a good choice ... it's really NOT a good choice.

I'm going to stay there ...

This .52 Gal again...

I say "this .52 Gal" but maybe it's never the same guy killing me.

We scored few points but they keep going the same way...

Right, I'm gonna break it and take it.

Go on, we'll go somewhere else.

This way ? Ok, no ... alright you convinced me.

No ! don't ink this ... my god!

This sponge ... we really have to control it.

What happened?

Don't say he's running away and will score even more points now???

So close, oh my god...

Ink Theory gave 10€ and said "A little gift to celebrate your return

the party just started!" well,

It's nice of you Ink Theory, thank you so much!

Splash who keeps making donations ...

You got money for Christmas or what? Really, thank you! But stop now, please!

You give me so much power I'm killing everything as you can see. It's your fault!

Splash "Splash got banned by Myrilys reason:

did too many donations during one stream"

Myrilys "Evil don't hate me, it's Splash's fault! He forces me to give you money!"

But stop, in what world do you live? Don't you need money?

"Evil if you don't want money, why do you enable the option?"

It's not like I don't want you to make donation obviously.

But I don't want to see someone giving me too much!

There are some people who gave me around 20€ right now.

That's a lot!

And technically...I don't know how your age.

Maybe Myrilys is like 10years old and she gave me 20€!

You realize ? It's nuts!

So, I'm going to check my list.

Let's see if I have some friends available.

Sorry for the 300 others who won't be happy.

Ah ... I have .. two!

We will join ....

I close my eyes.



Still missed, it's amazing.

After this awkward moment, Evilsquid has never been able to play for the rest of the live.

He ended his youtuber career. He started cleaning

toilets from College St. Guillaume and Kim

Leo Paul started his career at Pôle Emploi, after only 4 months of intensive combat.

- Come on, everyone is here,

we'll be able to see them compete for TentaTournoi.

- They will choose their equipment.

- Do you think Nantes comes from Nantes?

- Perhaps !

- Maybe he's a fan of Nantes but he can't go there so .. he named himself Nantes but he lives in Rouen?

- We'll ask him.

- Yes, its very important to know it.

Last donation and a little joke ... okay but your joke or mine?

Right. It's a guy sleeping on his bed.

During the night he moves a bit too much and falls from his bed.

So he gets up and goes back to sleep.

Some time later in the same night, he falls from his bed again, then he says

"Thank God I got up the first time, otherwise

I would of hurt me!"

"Will you make another best of live?"

Well I can't say yet or promise in advance. It depends if Leo-Paul

has time or not.

I can not force him to work for me... he got a life.

well I think.

And...that's when I realized my life was just an illusion.

What did I do? Where was I going? I didn't know.

My future was Pôle Emploi til my last day.

And me ? I'm here, sitting, editing.

Damn Leo-Paul! Do something with your life !

Well ... I want to cook some pasta!

For more infomation >> THE WORST RAINMAKER ROAD (Funny moments) - Duration: 7:42.


Show Me The Money 777 [8회] EK - ′GOD GOD GOD′ @ 1차 공연 | REACTION! - Duration: 9:58.

For more infomation >> Show Me The Money 777 [8회] EK - ′GOD GOD GOD′ @ 1차 공연 | REACTION! - Duration: 9:58.


Lần Đầu Ăn Gà Rán Với Bánh Bao Dễ Thương - Duration: 12:31.

For more infomation >> Lần Đầu Ăn Gà Rán Với Bánh Bao Dễ Thương - Duration: 12:31.


How Apollo 8 Survived the Risky Trip to the Far Side of the Moon | Apollo - Duration: 6:29.

Like Apollo 7 before it, Apollo 8 was meant to stay close to home, testing crucial equipment

in Earth's orbit, helping to ensure everything would be ready when the time came

to put a man on the moon.

But that's not what happened.

Just four months before launch, Apollo's mission was drastically changed and a crew

already in training was given a new assignment.

They were now tasked with going farther than anyone in history, on a journey that could,

with one wrong calculation, leave them stranded in the vastness of space.

The last minute change was due to this, the Lunar Module, the craft that would eventually

land the crew of Apollo 11 on the moon.

Apollo 8's original mission was to test the Lunar Module for the first time in Earth orbit.

But because it was teeming with problems and wouldn't be ready by launch, it would be

pointless to continue Apollo 8's original mission.

At this point NASA had few options.

Postponing Apollo 8 would mean pushing back all other missions, potentially causing the

U.S. to miss Kennedy's deadline to put a man on the moon by the end of the 1960's.

JFK [We choose to go to the Moon.]

To make matters worse, the CIA had intelligence that the Soviet Union was planning a lunar

flyby of its own.

So NASA came up with a bold solution; to abandon its original plan, leave the lunar module

grounded and instead, go straight to the moon.

With a new mission came a new crew.

Astronauts Frank Borman and James Lovell, two Gemini veterans and William Anders, who

had never been to space before, were reassigned to Apollo 8 in August of 1968.

They were given their new objectives, to test the crew, command module and equipment between

Earth and lunar orbit, as well as lunar orbit itself.

They would also test communication at such long distances and take pictures to help scout

a possible landing site.

Apollo 8, like many that came before it and many that would come after, was a mission

of firsts, with each leg of the journey aiming to do something that had never been done before.

This made it exciting and inspiring, but also came with enormous risks and impending unknowns,

starting with the rocket that would launch them into space.

On the morning of December 21st the three man crew squeezed into the command module

on top of the Saturn V rocket.

This was only the third time a Saturn V had been launched and the first with a manned crew.

During its last flight on Apollo 6, the Saturn V was plagued with violent shaking and engine failure.

NASA engineers had developed a solution by rerouting excess helium to dampen the vibrations.

But there had only been time for ground tests before the real launch of Apollo 8.

Thankfully, the Saturn V proved it could withstand the elements.

Three hours after launch, a fuel boost would increase the spacecraft's velocity by over

35,000 feet per second, taking astronauts outside of Earth's orbit for the first time.

This was a major victory, but one of the biggest challenges was still to come.

After Apollo 8 made the journey from the Earth to the Moon, it needed to enter lunar orbit,

a task that had to be done on the far side of the Moon--out of communication

with the NASA team back on Earth.

In order to slow down enough to be captured by the Moon's gravity, Apollo 8's propulsion

system would be fired in reverse for a precise amount of time.

If it burned too long, the craft would slow down too much and crash.

Too little and it would be traveling too fast, missing the Moon altogether, drifting into

space without hope of ever returning to Earth.

On December 24th, Apollo 8 disappeared behind the Moon and a nervous Mission Control waited

for a sign that the maneuver was successful.

Astronauts [We are now approaching lunar sunrise.]

Astronauts [The crew of Apollo 8 has a message that we would like to send to you.]

Astronauts [In the beginning, God created the heaven and the Earth.]

The module would orbit the moon 10 times before entering the next dangerous phase of the mission.

In order to exit the moon's orbit, they once again had to rely on their propulsion system.

If it failed at this point, the crew would be stranded in the Moon's orbit and most

likely would suffocate and perish by New Year's Eve.

Not only was the propulsion system successful, the crew returned to Earth and splashed down

less than three miles from their rescue ship.

Apollo 8 was a triumph of preparation and execution.

It gave us our first view of home from another world.

It proved that we could go to the Moon and back.

And many credit it as the mission that changed how society viewed space travel.

Apollo 8 sparked interest, imagination, and confidence.

Astronauts [And from the crew of Apollo 8, we close with goodnight, goodluck, a Merry Christmas]

Astronauts [and God bless all of you, all of you on the good Earth.]

NASA was fast approaching a Moon landing, but there was still a great deal that needed

to be tested, including the grounded lunar module.

Soon new crews would be sent into space to deal with challenges of their own, including

space sickness, record breaking speeds and navigating the most famous walk in history.

If you want to learn more about the missions that shaped space exploration,

check out this Apollo playlist here.

And make sure to subscribe to Seeker for all things science.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> How Apollo 8 Survived the Risky Trip to the Far Side of the Moon | Apollo - Duration: 6:29.


100% Serious US Senate Election Prediction - Duration: 3:14.

Hello guys, and welcome to an election prediction that is 100% serious

First, we should start off with the obvious states, [safe dem states] will all obviously

go to the Republicans

Now, you might think "well hold on that doesn't make any sense those states usually

vote for the democrats"

And yes, they do, and the Democrats are America's left wing party, in the Spanish Civil War

the left wing faction was the Republicans, so therefore, these states will all vote Republican

Except for of course California, because they're a dictatorship and don't even have a Republican

on the ballot

Now, Wyoming, Utah, and Nebraska, those are almost certainly going to vote for the Republicans

Except that, unfortunately, Jack, one of the only three people who lived in Wyoming, died

And Catherine can't vote because the Supreme Court just recently ruled that Wyoming is

allowed to take away voting rights from women

So that just leaves Jack, who, if you remember, wants Wyoming to secede from the USA, and

runs the "Wyomian Independence Party"

So he will just vote for himself as senator

Now, on to the rust belt

Now, rust, is the colour red

And red, is of course, the colour of socialism

Cuba, is socialist


And islands are surrounded by water, which is blue

So they're all gonna be blue states

Now, Missouri, they're going to bring Harry S Truman back from the dead and vote him in

as Senator, so, watch out Japan

Now, North Dakota and Montana

Those states actually were annexed by Canada long ago, it's just nobody noticed because

nobody cares about those places

And they're going to vote for the Progressive Conservatives

Then, on to Mississippi

They have a special election, because both of their senate seats are empty right now

And so, since they don't have any senators, they may as well also get rid of their governor

as well

And their president, and their landlords, and their capitalists, and become Anarchist

Now, upon hearing that Mississippi has no more government, Tennessee will for the "Let's

Invade Mississippi Party" which will win the election

Now, on to West Virginia.

They have a lot of mountains


Because of plate tectonics and stuff.

Cool huh?

Anyways they're going to vote for Joe Manchin

Now, Nevada

If you remember my "Weirdest US State Borders Explained" video, Nevada's western border

is like that because California wanted to take a lot of stuff

So Nevada will elect the "Let's Invade California and Take Their Stuff Party" and

then invade California

So, I forgot to say Minnesota and Hawaii when I was listing the Republican states, so they're

uh… voting for the uh, light red party, cool huh?

Now, Arizona, Texas, and Florida

These states don't matter at all


Be sure to subscribe

For more infomation >> 100% Serious US Senate Election Prediction - Duration: 3:14.


Top 5 Strange Things - The Occupations Of Animals - Duration: 10:12.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Strange Things - The Occupations Of Animals - Duration: 10:12.


Gorgeous Beautiful Upscale Urban Homestead in South Austin - Duration: 1:59.

Gorgeous Beautiful Upscale Urban Homestead in South Austin

For more infomation >> Gorgeous Beautiful Upscale Urban Homestead in South Austin - Duration: 1:59.


"Поедем, поедим!": Курилы - Duration: 42:42.

For more infomation >> "Поедем, поедим!": Курилы - Duration: 42:42.


ВАРЕНИКИ РАКУШКИ - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> ВАРЕНИКИ РАКУШКИ - Duration: 4:13.


CLC(씨엘씨) - 성동구민 CLC EP. 02 - Duration: 20:02.

Seongdong-gu, Seoul

[Vintage cafes and pretty stores…]

[The hideout for hip people, Seongsu-dong]

When we first moved here, we went around for browsing,

Since there are many unique buildings you can see on SNS

It's a pretty neighborhood

Uh, there! hello? [Choi rabbit and Eunbini found while walking in the neighborhood]

Here.. I'm from El'spatch [Have you heard of El'spatch]

[Celebs playing celebs]

Where are you two going?

We are going to Han River (The resting spot of Seongdong-gu people) [Yujin, Elkie and Eunbin, going on a picnic to Han River]

Yujin, do you know how to get there?

No~ We are just going as we feel like~

I am going with people with no sense of direction…

Elkie will find the way~ [Let's believe in Elkie and keep on walking~]

Everyone, we have arrived… (CLC PD's directing note-1) [Skipping the process of getting there]

The problem is.. it started to rain..

[Why is it raining when we are eating ramyeon~!!]

But we just bought ramyeon

and it's her first time eating ramyeon here, right? [It's Elkie's first Han River ramyeon today!]

We should definitely complete this mission here! [We cannot step back from here!]

Ergo, we will get going now! (CLC PD's directing note-2) [A mission made out of blue]

Everyone, ramyeon is always right!

(She is well-educated) [Ingredient pack after seasoning pack]

[Put an egg in to your taste..]

Oh it sank to the bottom

It's boiling~

Mine is done already! [Are you going to savor it??]

(CLC PD's directing note-3) [Done with the usual, typical Mukbang]

We finished our ramyeon [Ramyeon is just gone like magic]

I don't know where we should be going now.. (feeling full)

How was your first ramyeon in Han River?

Uh~ It's raining

(BGM: Heize - You, Clouds, Rain)

So… ramyeon with good people on a good day

It was quite satisfactory

(Now it stopped raining and they are full) [Let's take a light walk!]

(up and down~)

Why is it shaking so much? It's weird [Camera's too heavy for Choi Rabbit's fragile arms..]

You are too weak~

Come on, let me carry it! [Kind Eunbin reaching out to get the camera from Yujin]

No~ I am strong too!

[Let's cheer our unnie PD up?!]

There's jjokgalbi~ (*jjok is the kissing sound in Korean)

[Ah… Sorry I didn't take it]

Tada! (Sweet sweet)

[This is why they say there is a separate dessert tummy~]

We felt our blood sugar getting low, so we are here! [How long did you walk for your blood sugar to drop?]

Thanks for the food~

It's not that fancy

but that's what makes it a friendlier neighborhood

We have been wandering about from Seoul forest, Ttukseom to Seongsu

To find decent restaurants, and there are endless restaurants

More importantly, there is CUBE Entertainment


There are many chances to run into CLC and other CUBE artists, everyone! [Come and visit Seongdong-gu where you can see CLC and CUBE artists]

[Let's start exploring Seongdong-gu in full-scale, shall we?]

Seunghee Unnie~ Are you ready?

Let's go~

Sorn, are you going out?

Are you going out to Seongdong-gu?

(Opening an ice-cream indifferently)

Ah, really~

So cute (SORN is so cute)

Thanks to Seunghee, we could come out [They made it outside thanks to the eldest unnie]

Isn't it so good, everyone?

Where are we going, unnie? (Seunghee, Sorn and Elkie) [Where are they heading to?]

Did you guys know that this is a bakery?

[She already figured out where the bakery is]

This is a bakery.

(Let's come back here later)

We are almost here, it's over there

Oh, I see it

[Let's go in! GO GO!]

[What made them come to the community service center?]

[Eldest unnie frowning her face severely]

[Moving-in Notification]

[While she is busy, Elkie & Sorn are into magnifying glasses]

(Seunghee joins in)

(Spectacled sisters)

[As the eldest, she gets notification done without anyone helping her]

I'm backing her up~

(A screen(?) with broadened shoulders)


Once again! I am the only one!

I am the only notified person living in the house! [The only household in the house, Oh Seunghee (24, the eldest)]

This house is all yours! You must be so happy!

I am reported as living alone

[One and only household member and householder]

I was asked "Are you reporting yourself as the householder?"

And I said "Yes!" without much thought.. [Of course she didn't ask for it…]

You should hold the camera like this [Elkie is fixing the angle of camera]

(She looks shrewd but shows sloppiness)

Oh! There is Mugunghwa (Roses of Sharon)

This is the national flower of Korea! [It's the first time Elkie and Sorn see Mugunghwa]

Yay~ Now we are officially Seongdong-gu inhabitants! [Adding three more flowers next to Mugunghwa]

[Congratulations! CLC entered Seongdong-gu]

Let's go to a café quickly~


Before going to live broadcast,

I heard there is a billboard for my birthday,

So I wanted to go check it out.

Let me show it to you

[Konkuk University Station]

[There is the billboard for Yeeun's birthday]


I saw SNS posts that my fans put it up,

So I thought I should stop by to see it.

Thank you, everyone~

[Of course, I should leave a photo of this!]

[Leader Jang, Choi Rabbit, Eunjjang exploring Seongdong-gu]

Look at this everyone. There are tables outside [A terrace that suits Leader Jang's taste]

With wine-colored interior..

Coffee, wine..

steak, cakes, pasta… Wow It looks so good

We should come check this place out! (She is about to fall into it)

(We can only hear her voice..) [Where is Choi Rabbit?]

You are too tall and hide me in the back (Petit size easily hidden behind Eunbin)

Do you want to hold it?

We are going to a café [Today's rendezvous point is a café]

I went there but the waiting line was too long (A new café) [Eunbin has not had any chance to go there because of the long queue]

(Yujin & Seungyeon have an experience)

It was hot on SNS as well. [It's a hot café on SNS]

Sometimes there are places where..

You just go in out of curiosity while walking around

They amaze you and make you gasp

I think they are the charming points of Seongdong-gu

Wow~ It's been a while!

[XX Mansion Café in Seongdong-gu]

[Full of antique items]

[Letting out SNS vogue vibe]

[Girls' type of café]

[CLC reunion complete!]

[What's their biggest concern recently?] Since we are considering coming back in summer,

So it could give out some cool sensation of summer [Discussing CLC's next album concept]

It should have some colorfulness

I want it not to go DEEPer

[What do you mean DEEPer?]

[What's the eldest member's concern?]

Black Dress had some good reaction from people,

So we need something with that much impact [Needs impact as much as in <BLACK DRESS>]

And it did not have a difficult subject either

I think it was the color [Our Maknae Eunbin is different now]

Of course we did not always wear black,

But it suited the word itself and the concept.

Not only the color but the beat of the song

Was not like other usual typical girl group songs, with bass [The opposite of existing girl group style]

[CLC discussing album & concept ideas]

So.. I think this new song should have strong bass beat,

And has to have perfectly matching parts for each member

I mean.. you just know it when you go in recording, whether it's yours or not

And choreography..

[UNANIMOUS : PERFORMANCE ★★★★★] It's very important

I think I want it to be easy to listen to with strong performance

[Performance is important of course, but wouldn't a soft song be better?]

If it's too strong.. Like.. I want to listen to it easily while I walk

It's very difficult

Figuring out what would most people like [Public fancy is so hard to predict]

But I think what is easy to listen to is what they like

But recently I have been thinking..

We should do what we are good at and what we want

So that they could enjoy it with us [The leader wants to show the way they enjoy music]

(CrystaL Clear) Because they will be seeing our own color!

So I think it's right to do what we are good at without thinking too much

[CLC has shown different sides of the members in the past]

[The members' passion and effort to find their own color]

[We cheer for such passion and effort]

Who's hungry~??


[Today's menu is Kimchi pancake?]

(Kimchi pancake♥)

But will it be enough for a meal?

Should I grind potatoes? [Maknae playing caught on the radar]

Let's send Eunbin on an errand

Eunbin, go to the mart~

[Choi Rabbit and Eunbini in charge of grocery shopping]

(Not reliable) No. If they go together, they will buy a bunch of other things

I have a habit of overspending,

So members do not recommend me for grocery shopping

'Let's buy a lot and eat a lot' is my motto

(Today's inspector)

[I will not open my purse except for what is on the list]

[Unusual obedience] We should buy cabbages and.. fishcake


Where is it?

[But soon.. her urge to buy in bunch comes back]

[Puffed rice caught her eyes]

(So delicious)


[How can we not buy such a delicious thing??]

[Meanwhile, there is a cooking competition ongoing at home]

[Professional lamb seasoning]

[grinds grinds]

[grinding potatoes]

[She is hungry from grinding potatoes]

I am dizzy from hunger

(Human made sound O) Huuhuhhhuhhu

Kimchi pancake!

I feel dizzy really

Then have a bite of this

[She already picked up chopsticks, but asks out of courtesy] Really? Can I try it?


[Swallowing a freshly fried kimchi pancake without even blowing!]

[It's hot, but you can't give it up]

Isn't it hot?

[Wouldn't it be better if you asked me earlier?]

[Leader Jang blowing into it in case it is too hot]

It's good, right?

[Feeding every member]

[This must be what a mother bird feels like~]

[The secret ingredient of kimchi pancake is meat!]

(So Happy) [It's so good that it makes you dance naturally]

[Today's main dish is.. Lamb steak]

Wait wait!!

[You really shouldn't sprinkle salt like that on precious lamb chop] There is a way I sprinkle salt!

[How to sprinkle salt, from a video clip abroad] I saw it on Youtube

[um.. is it really a secret method?]

If you do it like this, you use the elbow… [Sprinkling like snow using your elbow]

You are throwing it away on the floor! [Is it only me that thinks this is like throwing salt away?]

[This is the correct way]

[The feast of salt, fluttering like snowflakes]

(lumps lumps)

[Why are you throwing it away?]

What are you doing really..

[Pokes with her elbow]

It touched her elbow! Annoying!! [The lamb chop was contaminated by an elbow!]

[This is the funniest thing I have seen this month]

[The members on an errand are back too]

[Today's dishes coming out one by one]

Now let's gather up! [Let's dig in!]

Bon Appétit!

Didn't you make rice?

(Is it the salt I sprinkled?) [Her eyes opening wide]

Isn't it good?? [Chef Elkie is satisfied with her main dish]

[Let's eat a lot, we are tired from Seongdong-gu tour]

[Another day in Seongdong-gu passes by]

[Members closing the day]

[Elkie is exercising hard]


[She is so flexible~]

(She is on video call with her mom)

[Charismatic Leader Jang is a baby to her mom]

Good night~ See you tomorrow

[Noises from the morning]

Ms. Jang Seungyeon, you need to pay the fine!

[The honor(?) of first penalty goes to… Leader Jang]

[Why am I the first one to start?!]

You did wrong!

I like eating spicy things,

So I always put in two hot peppers

[Fried rice with two hot peppers]

[What did Seungyeon do wrong?]

[CLC Rule #1. Put everything in its own place]

[Not cleaning up after cooking -> fine of 500 KRW]

Put in a 500 won coin!

I don't have one!

(Collecting fine without any mercy)

(Why did I do that! T-T)

We made rules so we should keep it!

[Keep the rules strictly!]

(Leader even in paying fine) Right, I will start it then

Don't act generous!

You did wrong! [Telepathic]

[1st phase of saving project – Part time job] Yesterday, we decided to have a part time job

We could save money from part time jobs!

(Maknae can't wait to get a job)

We all need to work! [CHAOS]

Aren't we going on a trip?

[Today the members are more unfocused than usual]

Yes! We will go on a trip!

Seungyeon wanted to work at a café! [Seungyeon's desired part time job – Café]

I will find a great café!

(Yujin's parents own a café business) How about my parents'?

(Can't hear what she says;;;)

Since you like milk, we will find a café with delicious milk (Part time job just for Seungyeon's taste) Seungyeon -> A café with delicious milk

[a café with delicious milk] She is really searching for a café with delicious milk

Do you think anything will come up?

[A one night two day trip to Fukuoka..?!]

Why are you typing weird things?

I am looking at a Japanese cereal café

Ah~!! Here! There is cereal at Jo Kwon's café?!

Isn't it too good for Seungyeon..? [Will leader Jang have an easy part time job today?!]

I can tell you never worked as part timer before!


The way you are dressed up is

Is as if you are going on a date at this café!

Are you here for a date?

There might be some bugs inside [What?! There are bugs inside?]

(Easy part time??) [Tough part time experience of Leader Jang, Coming Soon]

And.. What else are there?

Yeeun wants.. to work in a mart?

[Yeeun's desired part time job – Mart] Which neighborhood do you want to work in?

Anywhere with lots of barcode reading sound! [She wants a busy place!]

(Welcome) [Have you ever been to such a busy place?]

(Help me)

What did Seunghee want to do? [What's Seunghee's desired part time job?]


Your outfits look that those of a director's (Today's fashion style -> Director Style)

Be quiet!


Why are you slapping me?!

Seunghee's part time job


She typed in Seunghee's part time job!

[If there's anything coming out, she must GO with no condition]

Beloved Seunghee unnie is working at a wedding

Oh? That sounds good too!

[She dreamed of being a managing director, but she ended up being managed directly]

(What's next..?)

Sorn unnie.. you could go work there!

[CUBE visual production team!]

(I'm quite serious) Right, I want to be paid for my editing

[Waiting for a good piece... waiting… and waiting…]

[Organizing is for Yeeun!] Let's search by region!

[By region -> Searching for Seongdong-gu]

You think you are light…

Hey, you took my seat!

[CLC members spotted a doughnut shop]

It looks so delicious♥

[It may be delicious… buy there's no time to eat!]

(like handling a baby)

Uh! I want to do this!

[What's Yujin's desired part time job?]


(Confident in math) I am excellent in addition and such

[Yujin's desired part time job is a math teacher]

I can really pull it off!

[Like Yujin] This is two~ and this is~

[A plus-minus choreography at children's eye level] Why is it two~~~~~~~~~

(It's not an eye test;;;;)

[Why is Yujin doing this~~~~~~~]

Come to the cat café~

Elkie could go to a café~

Elkie's busy with her soap opera~ [Recommending a relatively easy part time job]

Ooh~!! I will the best part timer!

[Is this what 'easy' means in Korean?!!!]

[Part time jobs for 7 members are decided!]

For more infomation >> CLC(씨엘씨) - 성동구민 CLC EP. 02 - Duration: 20:02.


10 important things about Rastakhan's Romble. All You Need To Know About New Hearthstone Expansion. - Duration: 4:43.

Hello my friends.

My name is Bot Mathematician, and this is Holomancer.

In this video we've gathered together all of the information

about the new Hearthstone expansion.

Here's a quick overview of what we know, with more detail on the new cards, keywords

and single player content.

We will be grateful if you like this video.

The next Hearthstone expansion has been announced as Rastakhan's Rumble.

Presentation was revealed today as part of the BlizzCon opening ceremony.

The upcoming card set will be themed around the Troll tribe of Warcraft,

and sees players thematically taking part in a grand Arena rumble.

In Rastakhan's Rumble, we're going to visit the storied Gurubashi Arena

in the steamy jungle of Stranglethorn Vale, a sacred place steeped

in both the glories of the past and the unbound reckless joy of the fight!

Once every generation, Azeroth's Troll tribes come together

to compete for the blessings of the Loa and the favor of King Rastakhan.

Nine teams will take part in the battle, each led by a Legendary Troll Champion

representing one of the Hearthstone classes.

The Loas is powerful guardian spirits of Trollkind.

The nine Loa will appear as a new Legendary minion card for each class,

including "Shirvalla, the Tiger," a 7/5 Legendary Paladin minion

with Divine Shield, Rush and Lifesteal.

That costs a preposterous 25 mana, whose cost can be reduced by casting spells.

So it seems like a restrictive price for an effect,

but that's probably only going to be good in incredibly slow control decks.

Each class also gets a Spirit, promising powerful abilities to the player

who summons them.

All of them are 0/3 minions, all have Stealth for one turn, a

nd they're all Rare - so you can have two in a single deck.

As part of the on-stage reveal we saw a card called the Spirit of the Shark.

This is a Rogue minion.

It also comes with the passive effect of your Battlecry

and Combo cards triggering twice.

Spirit of the Shark costs 4 Mana, and anyone who can remember how good the similar

Brann was won't be sleeping on this card.

Rastakhan's Rumble will introduce a new keyword in Hearthstone,

"Overkill," which will allow a weapon or minion's to attack more than once per

turn, if you do more damage than is necessary to kill an enemy.

As an example developers showed a new warrior weapon

Rastakhan's Rumble is the final expansion for the Year of the Raven

and it will add 135 new cards to the game.

Each class will get two legendary cards.

Soon after the new expansion begins, you'll also be able to take to the Gurubashi

Arena in a single-player experience, where players will meet an upstart young troll

who seeks the title of champion.

And we should expect a new Tavern Brawl event that uses some of the expansion's new mechanics.

The Rastakhan's Rumble expansion launches on December 4th.

Rastakhan's Rumble card packs can be pre-purchase with real money.

The 17-pack Challenger's Bundle, which includes the special card back,

for $20, or the 50-pack Rumble Bundle, which adds a new King Rastakhan playable Shaman

Hero, for $50.

We've already learned so much about the new expansion,

and We are interested to know your first impressions.

So, are you excited about the expansion theme?

We created a Youtube poll.

Find the button on the screen, please vote and share your opinions in the comments.

Alright, that's all for today!

Thank you for being with us.

We will meet in new videos.

Good luck!

For more infomation >> 10 important things about Rastakhan's Romble. All You Need To Know About New Hearthstone Expansion. - Duration: 4:43.


Watching the Saddest Commercial Ever! | Reaction - Australian Asians - Duration: 4:55.

Law:Hey guys welcome back to Asians Down Under,

Today we're gonna check out My Father is A Liar

This is a commercial that one of my friends suggest it,

and yeah we are gonna check it out

Law:We knew absolutely nothing

Rach: I don't know what is this gonna be

Kirk: I think I have seen this ad

Law: The same

Kirk: I remember it

Rach: That's so cute

Law: Zac look, baby

Rach: Aw, how sweet

Rach: But, there is a 'But'

Twist is coming

Rach: Oh God, this is gonna make me cry

Rach: I'm not gonna cry in front of the camera again

Rach: This is so real

Kirk: True


Law&Ivan: Aw, the feels

Kirk: Lots of feels

Law: Start tearing up

Rach: Was that commercial ads?

Kirk: Yep, it's commercial

Rach: Was that about Insurance or what?

Kirk: I have no idea

Rach: I saw a title in Traditional Chinese

Law: Is this Life Insurance?

Rach: Life insurance or something

Kirk: Never mind, whatever it is

Rach: That was really touching

Let me double check

Law: #(Cantonese)#。Something


Kirk: We all have a dream for our children

Rach: It sounds like some sort of Employment Insurance

Law: Yep, it's probably a life insurance

Rach: Wow. that was a heart touching commercial

Law: That's why you were tearing up ,Rachel

Rach: I didn't

Law: You did, I saw you wiping your eyes

Kirk: Rachel

Law: Hey guys, Thanks for watching our video,like and comment

subscribe us for more videos

and to check out other videos click that way that way yeah

click click is it

For more infomation >> Watching the Saddest Commercial Ever! | Reaction - Australian Asians - Duration: 4:55.


PVP AFTER 1.5 MONTH - GTA ONLINE - Duration: 6:46.

💀Pvp after 1.5 mount, wnen my hand was broken💀

For more infomation >> PVP AFTER 1.5 MONTH - GTA ONLINE - Duration: 6:46.


All about Pharmacist in Korea [GoToe PHARM] - Duration: 23:30.

Hello everyone. This is GoToe

This is 16th class of GoToe PHARM

I have special subject today

I made contents about DRUGS so far

So many peopl ask me about drugs to me

and also many people ask about 'PHARMACIST' too

They wants to be a pharmacist

but they don't have any place to ask about it

So they ask me

So Today I will talk about

How to be a pharmacist?

and which place will they work after graduated?

I will talk about everything about Pharmacist today

if you are interested to be a pharmacist

or just any curiosity about them

I hope it will be helpful to them

Let's start it

First, Pharmacist is

people who has a Pharmacist license

many people use a word Pharmacist certification

but that's wrong

License is right word

That is additional thing

what is the difference between license and certification

It will help you in someday if you know it

I will tell you briefly

Is it illegal to do that without the license or certification?

For example,

A person who does not have a hairdresser certificate does hairdressing

It is not a problem for a person who does not have a Korean cooking certificate to cook Korean food

However, if a person without a driver's license drives

It is illegal for a person without a medical license to operate

This is good common sense

Back to the main,

In order to become a pharmacist,

After graduating from the College of Pharmacy, you have to pass the Pharmacist License Test

If you graduate from another department, you can not take the pharmacist license examination

You have to graduate from college of pharmacy to be a pharmacist

So how do you go to a pharmacy school?

Most of the other departments have to go to the department after they take the SAT

As the system changes in 2009, students can not enter the College of Pharmacy directly through SAT

After completing two years in another department, you must take the PEET test

Since I entered college in 2009, there was no way to come through the SAT

So I spent two years at Kyunghee University and took the PEET exam

So the fastest is 22 years old

As far as I know, I know from 2022 that I will again select students from Pharmacy College through the SAT

However, from 2022, they will not select students only through the 100% SAT

They will gradually switch to the SAT for the SAT and PEET tests

Students preparing for the exam now do not have to worry

There are four types of documents that must be submitted to enter the college

PEET exam score

ENGLISH test exam



Given the importance of the three scores except etc one


PEET test scores range from 70% to 90%

English scores may range from as little as 10% to as much as 30%

30% is a pretty high rate

Each university has a different proportion of these three scores

If you are confident in your English score, you can apply for a university with a high score in English

If you are confident in your PEET test score, you can apply to a university with a high PEET score

ETC grade means

Competition winner

Winner of the contest

Steady volunteer work

When you think in common sense

I entered the university at the age of 20 and took the PEET test at the age of 21, August

For a year and a half

It is impossible to prepare everything including the PEET test and English.

If you have already graduated from college, and have done many things in college before, it is possible

So what I want to say in a ETC score is

Where is your college?

There is nothing better than attending a good university at the age of 21

Which university you attend is sometimes as important as your PEET score

It is really important in some college

For example, if we compare top 5% PEET score with bad college


Obviously, some college choose SEOUL NATIONAL UNIVERSITY student

Of course, best choice is TOP 5% PEET SCORE with SNU student

The important thing is that your university is more important than you think

These standards are very different from school to school

Generally, universities near Seoul are sensitive to applicants' college and age

After I actually got the PEET exam

One at Yeungnam University and one at university near Seoul

The SAT test can be applied to three troops, but the PEET test can be applied to both troops

In conclusion, universities near Seoul have failed

If I think about it now, It was good to failed in that college

It did not fall too far, and it dropped to 60 candidates.

Among Internet cafes, there is a café where information is exchanged among people preparing pharmacy college

In the café, people reveal all their PEET scores, English scores, credits, etc.

Even with the support of a university, which university has passed and which university has failed

So I looked at the scores of other students who applied to same college like me

Among them, I have seen a few students with almost all of the PEET test scores and English scores were same

I said there are 60 candidates in front of me

Among them, the student who was attending Sungkyunkwan University was the 20th candidate

And a friend who attended Yonsei University was passed test

I can not justify everything with only this fact

They might have other things I do not know about

The results would have come out because they saw the interviews much better than I did

In some cases, universities can be very important

So what are the students need to do right now looking at this video?

You have to study hard and go to a good university.

When you go to school, there is nothing you can do about it.

What do you do until you go to college and before going to a pharmacy school?

Of course you need to prepare PEET test

You have prerequisite subject

When you enter a pharmacy school, you study basic things in advance so that you can understand the class.

Subjects are





Organic chemistry

The number of grades required for each school is different.

Check the credit requirement of the school you want to apply for.

At least 3 to 6 credits are needed, not so hard to get it

If you do not fill the credits, you can't apply it

First, I told you. Take prestigious courses

The second is the official English score. Usually, TOEIC is common

The minimum number of points that can be applied is 650 points.

But nothing will be nice if you have low scores

It is better to have a score of 850 or higher

For reference, my score was 910 when I entered

The official English score is valid for two years.

Therefore, before studying for the PEET exam, I studied TOEIC during summer vacation and got score

If you do not have enough time, you'll have about two months after you take the PEET exam.

If you do not get the score, you can study English during that period

I do not know whether they really enjoy the thrill because they do not have time.

I don't recommend that method

Earlier will be better

Each school has a different percentage of official English score and has less portion than the PEET test

Because you have plenty of time to study in advance and do not overlap the PEET exam study period

If you can afford it, we recommend that you obtain it in advance.

Some of my friends did not get English score until the last month and they just got a it at the end

They passed the minimum score and passed it.

But it's a story seven years ago, and students who pass now are usually more than 850

As I've said so far, You have taken prestigious courses and completed two years at university

The PEET test allows you to enter a college of pharmacy, so your major in a previous university is not related to any major.

Arts and Physical Education

College of Engineering, College of Liberal Arts, College of Commerce and Industry

In fact, some of my junior college students majored in arts.

I have never seen a student from the College of Liberal Arts yet, but it is theoretically possible.

Major subjects of PEET are biology and chemistry

I would like to be able to go to these related departments and work together with PEET study and department study

The best choice is the autonomy department at each university.

I was in that department.

For more infomation >> All about Pharmacist in Korea [GoToe PHARM] - Duration: 23:30.


UNDER19 - JunHyuk Bang (방준혁) Ninja | REACTION! - Duration: 5:27.

For more infomation >> UNDER19 - JunHyuk Bang (방준혁) Ninja | REACTION! - Duration: 5:27.


Thử Úp Bát Cắt Tóc Xem NTN Cười Đau Bụng | Bùi Ngọc Sơn - Duration: 8:07.

For more infomation >> Thử Úp Bát Cắt Tóc Xem NTN Cười Đau Bụng | Bùi Ngọc Sơn - Duration: 8:07.


Dog's Jealous Behavior Was Actually Quite Noble? | Kritter Klub - Duration: 2:19.

I'm watching you..

When you avoid eye contact

Don't mess

Don't pet it.

Only me, understood?

What did I ever do to you?

Dog 1: Ain't got no chill / Dog 2: Doesn't give af

I think it wants to receive all the attention

Control freak

It doesn't care about this one

Why me?

I don't care

You're so cute

It's worse than we imagined

Growls as a warning

Vet: It's not your typical jealousy

It's sensitive due to a past trauma

We brought Dawon from a market

(on the sensitive side)

She once bit my finger when I tried to clothe her

I'm watching you22

Vet: It's quick to sense when Dawon is getting sensitive (about to bite)

You can see it as a way to keep the owner calm

Doesn't let things get outta hand (literally)

Owner: I didn't know the dog had good intentions

I used to punish it

I like how it's peaceful now

For more infomation >> Dog's Jealous Behavior Was Actually Quite Noble? | Kritter Klub - Duration: 2:19.


BTS COSMETICS? VT Cosmetics x BTS - Duration: 27:15.

Hello, this is Ann

And this is Carol

Today we have another unboxing video for you

And it connects both topics - cosmetics and k-pop

Now you are probably wondering how is it possible?

VT Cosmetics contacted us and suggested a collaboration

And this is the effect of our collaboration!

We got a package from South Korea

Which are supposed to have the cosmetics inside

And they are the effect of the collaboration between VT Cosmetics and a K-POP group

Let's guess why

Frankly speaking, we don't know what is inside this box

It is quite big and we still didn't open it

So we are very excited!

So we can call this a surprise box

And we didn't expect VT Cosmetics to contact us

Especially because we are huge fans of VT Cosmetics

We bought a few VT products during our stay in Korea

And we are very happy about them

You can also see our review of VT Cosmetics Toothbrush which was also the effect of the collaboration between VT and BTS

You will find all the links down below

And we cannot wait to open the box!

We've never been excited this much about any package!

Because nobody told us what's exactly inside!

Except for the fact that the cosmetics are new

We suppose that these are the new VTxBTS cosmetics

If this is it

Then we'll probably be the happiest k-pop fans ever

and also k-beauty fans

We really wanted to try these cosmetics

But we couldn't order them...

So we are going to open the box now

I hope I won't destroy anything

Okay, we managed to open this box

We have the bubble wrap inside...

What is it...?

I've also been wondering

We can see quite a lot of things inside of this box

And it says VTxBTS

My excitement got higher

A thousands times higher

And this is... Really...


I noticed...

One thing I'm gonna take out immediately

Is it Jimin?

It's Jimin's picture! We'll show you the closeups in a moment

We even got a BTS cosmetics bag!

We've never expected such things!

There are A LOT of products

These are all the lipstick colors you can get within this collection

We are going to change the camera shot so you can see the cosmetics better

And we will have to deal with the excitement

And make a review for you!

Let's start from this package

Because I really wanna see these postcards

Okay, I'll try to open it

There is also a makeup bag inside

Everything is packed in a way that makes me wonder how to start

I know how to do it already

And... Attention!

I am taking it out

The first thing is a make up bag with VT x BTS written on it

And 'tempt'

The bag looks like this and it's golden

Let's see how it looks inside

Is there anything inside?

There is something!

There are make up brushes inside

Let's check the quality

I'll take out this one

The brush looks like this

It's dark and the bristle is also dark

It's very soft

Really, really soft

I've never had such a soft brush


I hope it'll work well for me!

This kit consists of 5 brushes

3 of them can be used for eye make up

And these two will work the best for a blusher and bronze powder

But other powders should also work well

The bag's inside looks like this

This is the place for these 5 brushes

And a place for other cosmetics

One more time we have VT x BTS written on it

And it's shiny and also beautiful

And it fits our background today!

And a thing that intrigues me a lot

We have 2 sets of BTS photocards

Both of them have Jimin

But there are more cards inside

So I am gonna open it now

I will tell you honestly that I do not know what we'll find here in this set

So I am quite surprised

Now I am going to see the photocards

The first member is Jimin

The next one is J-Hope

Next one with Kookie


Next one with Jin



This card is also beautiful

And the last member is V

Let me know in the comments which one do you like the most

Because I would whether choose J-Hope or V

or RM

I like these ones the most - the mood is amazing

But let's see the other set

It looks like this and we also start from Jimin






and Suga

And this time I will choose my bias

I like this one the most

But all of them are beautiful

But let's move on to the most important part

The cosmetics!

But one more moment because we also got a poster in this box

I guess it's a poster

We didn't expect this at all

And this one is...

Okay, I am not able to show you the whole poster

But the poster is quite long

And this photo is... Let's admit it!

It's beautiful!

It's quite small but long

I just like this a lot

Everyone looks perfect on this photoshoot

So we can move on to the heavy package

And I have no idea what exactly it's gonna be

It is hard to tell what exactly it is

And there are many things inside!

Okay, I am opening it

We have 4 boxes here

And we will open every single one

This is a highligher palette


What's inside?

Another box



This palette is beautiful and I am pretty sure that everything in this video will be shiny


Let's open it

The highlighters look like this

We have a light one, quite cold color

Another one is a bit warmer

It looks a bit peachy

And a golden one which is quite dark

And also a mirror!

This palette is magnetic

This is made perfectly and I am already in deep love!

Let's try these colors

I am trying the first one

I am not sure if you can see it well

Another one

The colder shade

And the third one...

This one is beautiful!

This one is very beautiful and it shines

It is also golden

These would be perfect as the highlighters but also for eye make up

Because I really like these colors for eye make up

So pretty!

Another palette is for counturing - shade palette

A brighter one

A bit darker

And a very dark one


The first look like this

You can barely see it on my hand

It's so bright

The other one...

Is a bit darker

And the last one and also the darkest one

It looks like this

You can also use it for eye make up

Without any problem

For more infomation >> BTS COSMETICS? VT Cosmetics x BTS - Duration: 27:15.



For more infomation >> 🅱OGOT🅰 S🅰B🅰N🅰 DRIVING AROUND T❤WNS (FUNZA, CHIA, COTA, COGUA, SOPO) - Duration: 6:53.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Urban Line | Ambition | Licht&Zicht | LED | Extra Voordeel - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Urban Line | Ambition | Licht&Zicht | LED | Extra Voordeel - Duration: 1:05.


Dog's Jealous Behavior Was Actually Quite Noble? | Kritter Klub - Duration: 2:19.

I'm watching you..

When you avoid eye contact

Don't mess

Don't pet it.

Only me, understood?

What did I ever do to you?

Dog 1: Ain't got no chill / Dog 2: Doesn't give af

I think it wants to receive all the attention

Control freak

It doesn't care about this one

Why me?

I don't care

You're so cute

It's worse than we imagined

Growls as a warning

Vet: It's not your typical jealousy

It's sensitive due to a past trauma

We brought Dawon from a market

(on the sensitive side)

She once bit my finger when I tried to clothe her

I'm watching you22

Vet: It's quick to sense when Dawon is getting sensitive (about to bite)

You can see it as a way to keep the owner calm

Doesn't let things get outta hand (literally)

Owner: I didn't know the dog had good intentions

I used to punish it

I like how it's peaceful now

For more infomation >> Dog's Jealous Behavior Was Actually Quite Noble? | Kritter Klub - Duration: 2:19.


🔥 El Alfa Ft. Cardi B - Mi Mami INSTRUMENTAL (prod. by 101K) 🔥 - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> 🔥 El Alfa Ft. Cardi B - Mi Mami INSTRUMENTAL (prod. by 101K) 🔥 - Duration: 2:54.


cinematic video toronto - Duration: 4:39.

hey what's up everyone today you guys are in for a real treat

I thought about taking you guys on a quick tour of the toronto downtown core

so what are we waiting for let's go

hey who left this package here

hmm I wonder what this is

I love surprises

let's check it out

what do we have here this looks like it's made out of jade

I think this is Buddha or something let's try

Where am I?

oh, excuse me mister

Do you know where I am?

Don't understand

Where am I now?

Phu My Hung, Saigon


Saigon, Vietnam




on the next episode

It looks like ended up here in Vietnam somehow

It's like the wild west here

There's motorbikes everywhere and the traffic is insane

it's very noisy and rowdy here

and crossing the street feels like one of the most dangerous things I've ever

done in my entire life

No, not that

My god

For more infomation >> cinematic video toronto - Duration: 4:39.


Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 [Genesis] Mileena - приёмы - Duration: 2:09.

A small introduction.

If you saw it, please rewind the video for 23 seconds.

To repeat all the moves shown on the video, observe

all the conditions.

If you can't do Brutality, then try

to follow this tempo:

For more infomation >> Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 [Genesis] Mileena - приёмы - Duration: 2:09.


How to speak in English fluently by practicing 18 sentence patterns with Bangla example| part 6 - Duration: 15:41.

For more infomation >> How to speak in English fluently by practicing 18 sentence patterns with Bangla example| part 6 - Duration: 15:41.


NFL Odds: Week 9 Betting Lines & Trends | - Duration: 5:16.

NFL Odds: Week 9 Betting Lines & Trends |

One of the greatest post-game rants by an NFL head coach ever was Monday, October 16, 2006, in Phoenix.

The Arizona Cardinals blew a 23-3 third-quarter lead and lost to the unbeaten Chicago Bears.

Cards coach Denny Green then spouted the infamous: "They are who we thought they were!" speech.

What does that have to do with Week 9 of the 2018 season? The Bears are 10-point favorites on the NFL Week 9 odds at sportsbooks monitored by at the Buffalo Bills on Sunday.

It's the biggest Chicago has been favored on the road since that Arizona classic.

The Bills are easily the NFL's worst offensive team, on a short week, and have to turn back to interception machine Nathan Peterman at quarterback due to injuries.

Chicago has won just three of its past 19 road games straight up.

Two games clearly stand apart in Week 9: Los Angeles Rams at New Orleans Saints in the Sunday afternoon late window, and Green Bay Packers at New England Patriots in the prime-time game.

The former could be an NFC title game preview, while the latter a Super Bowl preview – although obviously, both can't be true because the Packers also play in the NFC.

The Rams are the NFL's only unbeaten team – after barely escaping the Packers last Sunday – and 8-0 for the first time since 1969, which was right before the AFL-NFL merger.

Los Angeles is the 25th team in the Super Bowl era to start 8-0, and eight of the previous 24 won it all.

Alas, the Rams are 1.5-point underdogs at the 6-1 Saints.

The winner has a crucial tiebreaker for the NFC's top seed.

New Orleans is 2-6 ATS in the past eight against the Rams.

Two of the NFL's greatest quarterbacks in history will meet for only the second and quite possibly last time when the Packers visit New England.

Aaron Rodgers and Tom Brady previously met in 2014 and the Packers won at home.

In 2010 when the teams played, Rodgers was hurt.

Hard to believe they haven't met in a Super Bowl, and time is running out on Brady's career.

The Patriots are 6-point betting favorites for a game that should draw the biggest regular-season TV ratings of the year.

Green Bay is just 3-7 ATS in its past 10 overall and its playoff hopes will be in jeopardy with another loss.

History varies on what teams do when a head coach is fired midseason.

Some find a spark, some go in the tank and some just continue on as they were.

The Cleveland Browns will find out Sunday what that's like as they play for the first time since ownership fired Hue Jackson along with offensive coordinator Todd Haley.

The Browns are +9 against the visiting Kansas City Chiefs.

The Chiefs have the AFC's best record at 7-1 but are 0-3 ATS in the past three in this series.

Check out OddsShark on Twitter and Instagram or head to YouTube for betting picks and analysis on this week's top games.

You can also download the free odds tracker app.

For more infomation >> NFL Odds: Week 9 Betting Lines & Trends | - Duration: 5:16.


周迅:我老了,那又怎样! - Duration: 10:32.

For more infomation >> 周迅:我老了,那又怎样! - Duration: 10:32.


上午就该是养眼的时间林俊杰迪玛希马天宇|网友神评论 - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> 上午就该是养眼的时间林俊杰迪玛希马天宇|网友神评论 - Duration: 1:33.


孙俪个人简介 - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> 孙俪个人简介 - Duration: 2:17.


五位不是C位出道,最後卻比C位還要紅的明星,楊超越馬天宇在列 - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> 五位不是C位出道,最後卻比C位還要紅的明星,楊超越馬天宇在列 - Duration: 3:33.


Anime 2018 - Main giấu nghề "Anh hùng ngốc nghếch" với Harem - Nhạc phim anime edm nightcore - Duration: 1:00:08.

For more infomation >> Anime 2018 - Main giấu nghề "Anh hùng ngốc nghếch" với Harem - Nhạc phim anime edm nightcore - Duration: 1:00:08.



For more infomation >> 🅱OGOT🅰 S🅰B🅰N🅰 DRIVING AROUND T❤WNS (FUNZA, CHIA, COTA, COGUA, SOPO) - Duration: 6:53.


For more infomation >> 🅱OGOT🅰 S🅰B🅰N🅰 DRIVING AROUND T❤WNS (FUNZA, CHIA, COTA, COGUA, SOPO) - Duration: 6:53.


THE WORST RAINMAKER ROAD (Funny moments) - Duration: 7:42.

My wall actually killed him! I've never seen that!

The wall killing a Splashdown

Add this to Best of Live!

Hop! We send it there.

Ah, I killed someone in my rain....ah two guys killed with the rain! It's amazing.

There is another rain coming though, I have to be careful.

Oof, it's coming from there.

Die, Satan!

We will hide.

I have to be careful because the balls bounce against walls, and ... ah they are

3! Oh no, they are 2 ... good.


- We apologize again if you had some problems at the start.

- Maybe you didn't hear our small technical issue. But because of it,

we kind of started this tournament a little bit later.

- It's settled, there was a lot of work, thanks to them working on it.

- No, not thanks to them.

- Actually, the TentaTournoi was a great success.

- It's true, 50 teams ... that's the number registered, it's pretty big

knowing we are in August, I was not expecting so many people.

- So that's over 200 players, that's pretty impressive.

The love for Splatoon keep going.

- Splatoon 2 which is always well inked in ....

- Well inked .... ha!

We'll go up there, lets be carful.


Ok ... well I just lost connection.

It's a beautiful dc! I don't know why I lost my connection.

"Buy yourself a co with your 5 €" alright. bravo, bravo.

Thank you Myrilys!


Come on ... come on, a little effort, you can do it!

Go go, go go!

Aaah! Yes!

Our company is open from monday to

Friday, our paramedics team will take care of everything.

So Myrilys is making another donation and says "Dalligo is using me to make a donation because

he's poor" ... alright.

Listen, thank to you and thank to Dalligo.

Thank you both for this.

Just need a small bomb and I'll have my ult.

What ?? What got me?? It was a bomb? Oh yeah..

You know the feeling ... when you die and lose the point directly?

I'm not saying I'm doing everything in the group and I'm carrying them but... I do feel like

I'm a kind of mascot.

As soon as I die ... we lose.

Come discover our new and super cute mascot from Nintendo Paradise, Evilsquid.

Do not hesitate to join us and meet him.

These .52 Gal! I don't know why all suddenly everyone play .52 Gal?

Why we got 3 dudes with .52 Gal? Is there a new meta coming out with that?

Or it's just random? These 3 people love playing

with a .52 Gal? Come on, come here, we want to go there.

It's a good choice ... it's really NOT a good choice.

I'm going to stay there ...

This .52 Gal again...

I say "this .52 Gal" but maybe it's never the same guy killing me.

We scored few points but they keep going the same way...

Right, I'm gonna break it and take it.

Go on, we'll go somewhere else.

This way ? Ok, no ... alright you convinced me.

No ! don't ink this ... my god!

This sponge ... we really have to control it.

What happened?

Don't say he's running away and will score even more points now???

So close, oh my god...

Ink Theory gave 10€ and said "A little gift to celebrate your return

the party just started!" well,

It's nice of you Ink Theory, thank you so much!

Splash who keeps making donations ...

You got money for Christmas or what? Really, thank you! But stop now, please!

You give me so much power I'm killing everything as you can see. It's your fault!

Splash "Splash got banned by Myrilys reason:

did too many donations during one stream"

Myrilys "Evil don't hate me, it's Splash's fault! He forces me to give you money!"

But stop, in what world do you live? Don't you need money?

"Evil if you don't want money, why do you enable the option?"

It's not like I don't want you to make donation obviously.

But I don't want to see someone giving me too much!

There are some people who gave me around 20€ right now.

That's a lot!

And technically...I don't know how your age.

Maybe Myrilys is like 10years old and she gave me 20€!

You realize ? It's nuts!

So, I'm going to check my list.

Let's see if I have some friends available.

Sorry for the 300 others who won't be happy.

Ah ... I have .. two!

We will join ....

I close my eyes.



Still missed, it's amazing.

After this awkward moment, Evilsquid has never been able to play for the rest of the live.

He ended his youtuber career. He started cleaning

toilets from College St. Guillaume and Kim

Leo Paul started his career at Pôle Emploi, after only 4 months of intensive combat.

- Come on, everyone is here,

we'll be able to see them compete for TentaTournoi.

- They will choose their equipment.

- Do you think Nantes comes from Nantes?

- Perhaps !

- Maybe he's a fan of Nantes but he can't go there so .. he named himself Nantes but he lives in Rouen?

- We'll ask him.

- Yes, its very important to know it.

Last donation and a little joke ... okay but your joke or mine?

Right. It's a guy sleeping on his bed.

During the night he moves a bit too much and falls from his bed.

So he gets up and goes back to sleep.

Some time later in the same night, he falls from his bed again, then he says

"Thank God I got up the first time, otherwise

I would of hurt me!"

"Will you make another best of live?"

Well I can't say yet or promise in advance. It depends if Leo-Paul

has time or not.

I can not force him to work for me... he got a life.

well I think.

And...that's when I realized my life was just an illusion.

What did I do? Where was I going? I didn't know.

My future was Pôle Emploi til my last day.

And me ? I'm here, sitting, editing.

Damn Leo-Paul! Do something with your life !

Well ... I want to cook some pasta!

For more infomation >> THE WORST RAINMAKER ROAD (Funny moments) - Duration: 7:42.


For more infomation >> THE WORST RAINMAKER ROAD (Funny moments) - Duration: 7:42.


How did Sunny Leone become a porn star? - Duration: 2:48.

subscribe channel for more videos

For more infomation >> How did Sunny Leone become a porn star? - Duration: 2:48.


For more infomation >> How did Sunny Leone become a porn star? - Duration: 2:48.


Facial toner or duck face enhancer?

For more infomation >> Facial toner or duck face enhancer?


I'M BACK ON MY SALT WATER FLUSH💧💦💦💦 - Duration: 4:41.

hey guys talking back about salt water flush I love me some salt water flush

baby so back at the ranch I had said initially I was not doing any more salt

water flushes but the fact of the matter is I think that salt water flushes to me

are the most effective way to flush out the colon so I am back doing my salt

water flushes I guess they here to stand will I be doing them every single day no

I will be doing them a few times a week but let's say maybe eight times a month

rather then if there's 28 days in a month 28 days so that's not bad I just

was concerned about even if it was good salt any salt buildup in the body in in

you know long-term effects of doing salt water flushes every day what time could

it bring to the body so I'm still being mindful about that but I'm gonna tell

you guys I am definitely supporter of salt water flushes I mean that is the

most effective way to flush out the liver and the kidneys and the colon and

flush out the body very effective and I mean it's so effective even when I have

times with so what a flush doesn't even work

I know how to do to get that salt water flush out of me you know I have videos

by the way if you had did a salt water flush and it didn't work for you so go

check that video out but yes I'm back doing my salt water flushes I just feel

as though salt water flushes is they're amazing they just flushed out all the

toxins out of your body it makes you feel amazing it makes you look amazing I

also did a video juicing video talking about if people want to want it to

lighten up their skin or the way to their eyes and get themselves healthy by

flushing the since out of their body city using

topical creams that lighten up the skin I was saying that juicing was a natural

astringent that flushes out the body and makes your skin look and feel lighter

you know why shouldn't say feel lighter but it looks lighter because you're

flushing all the toxins underneath the skin and that's a proven fact but also

doing salt water flushes getting all of those toxins out of your liver also help

lighten up the skin in the whites of the eyes as well in your eyes the color of

your eyes so if you're looking for a healthy alternative to flushing and

detox in the body to get the skin liar or to clear up your skin of acne and

eczema and all those sorts of things salt water flush is the way to go don't

want to make this video because it's not really a technical thing all you do is

mix 2 teaspoons of pickling salt that's what I choose to use and 32 ounces of

water and drink it at room temperature or warm it up and within an hour

your body should flush our app that drinking it you shouldn't take no more

than a minute to two minutes to drink down the 32 ounce solution and within an

hour your body should flush itself out now I

recommend for some people who are severely toxic maybe the first this is

just what I recommend I kind of recommend like the Master Cleanse does

that when you're on the Master Cleanse you do a salt water flush in the morning

you might maybe for the first week wanna do one every day now consult your doctor

or nutritionist before you do this this is what I did it didn't affect me but it

might affect you differently so consult with someone before you do it this way

but that is an effective natural all-natural way to flush the body out is

to do a salt water flush if you really toxic I would

do one a few times a week to speed up the detoxification process so with all

that being said please subscribe to the channel like achieve this video we're

making a favorite and I'll see you guys in the next video

bye for now

For more infomation >> I'M BACK ON MY SALT WATER FLUSH💧💦💦💦 - Duration: 4:41.


มื้อนี้หมดกี่หมื่น !!! อาหารหรูๆ태국에서 파티를 열면 어떻게? - Duration: 10:13.

For more infomation >> มื้อนี้หมดกี่หมื่น !!! อาหารหรูๆ태국에서 파티를 열면 어떻게? - Duration: 10:13.


Fiat Punto Evo 1.3 M-Jet Easy VERKOCHT ! ! ! - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Fiat Punto Evo 1.3 M-Jet Easy VERKOCHT ! ! ! - Duration: 1:03.


THE WORST RAINMAKER ROAD (Funny moments) - Duration: 7:42.

My wall actually killed him! I've never seen that!

The wall killing a Splashdown

Add this to Best of Live!

Hop! We send it there.

Ah, I killed someone in my rain....ah two guys killed with the rain! It's amazing.

There is another rain coming though, I have to be careful.

Oof, it's coming from there.

Die, Satan!

We will hide.

I have to be careful because the balls bounce against walls, and ... ah they are

3! Oh no, they are 2 ... good.


- We apologize again if you had some problems at the start.

- Maybe you didn't hear our small technical issue. But because of it,

we kind of started this tournament a little bit later.

- It's settled, there was a lot of work, thanks to them working on it.

- No, not thanks to them.

- Actually, the TentaTournoi was a great success.

- It's true, 50 teams ... that's the number registered, it's pretty big

knowing we are in August, I was not expecting so many people.

- So that's over 200 players, that's pretty impressive.

The love for Splatoon keep going.

- Splatoon 2 which is always well inked in ....

- Well inked .... ha!

We'll go up there, lets be carful.


Ok ... well I just lost connection.

It's a beautiful dc! I don't know why I lost my connection.

"Buy yourself a co with your 5 €" alright. bravo, bravo.

Thank you Myrilys!


Come on ... come on, a little effort, you can do it!

Go go, go go!

Aaah! Yes!

Our company is open from monday to

Friday, our paramedics team will take care of everything.

So Myrilys is making another donation and says "Dalligo is using me to make a donation because

he's poor" ... alright.

Listen, thank to you and thank to Dalligo.

Thank you both for this.

Just need a small bomb and I'll have my ult.

What ?? What got me?? It was a bomb? Oh yeah..

You know the feeling ... when you die and lose the point directly?

I'm not saying I'm doing everything in the group and I'm carrying them but... I do feel like

I'm a kind of mascot.

As soon as I die ... we lose.

Come discover our new and super cute mascot from Nintendo Paradise, Evilsquid.

Do not hesitate to join us and meet him.

These .52 Gal! I don't know why all suddenly everyone play .52 Gal?

Why we got 3 dudes with .52 Gal? Is there a new meta coming out with that?

Or it's just random? These 3 people love playing

with a .52 Gal? Come on, come here, we want to go there.

It's a good choice ... it's really NOT a good choice.

I'm going to stay there ...

This .52 Gal again...

I say "this .52 Gal" but maybe it's never the same guy killing me.

We scored few points but they keep going the same way...

Right, I'm gonna break it and take it.

Go on, we'll go somewhere else.

This way ? Ok, no ... alright you convinced me.

No ! don't ink this ... my god!

This sponge ... we really have to control it.

What happened?

Don't say he's running away and will score even more points now???

So close, oh my god...

Ink Theory gave 10€ and said "A little gift to celebrate your return

the party just started!" well,

It's nice of you Ink Theory, thank you so much!

Splash who keeps making donations ...

You got money for Christmas or what? Really, thank you! But stop now, please!

You give me so much power I'm killing everything as you can see. It's your fault!

Splash "Splash got banned by Myrilys reason:

did too many donations during one stream"

Myrilys "Evil don't hate me, it's Splash's fault! He forces me to give you money!"

But stop, in what world do you live? Don't you need money?

"Evil if you don't want money, why do you enable the option?"

It's not like I don't want you to make donation obviously.

But I don't want to see someone giving me too much!

There are some people who gave me around 20€ right now.

That's a lot!

And technically...I don't know how your age.

Maybe Myrilys is like 10years old and she gave me 20€!

You realize ? It's nuts!

So, I'm going to check my list.

Let's see if I have some friends available.

Sorry for the 300 others who won't be happy.

Ah ... I have .. two!

We will join ....

I close my eyes.



Still missed, it's amazing.

After this awkward moment, Evilsquid has never been able to play for the rest of the live.

He ended his youtuber career. He started cleaning

toilets from College St. Guillaume and Kim

Leo Paul started his career at Pôle Emploi, after only 4 months of intensive combat.

- Come on, everyone is here,

we'll be able to see them compete for TentaTournoi.

- They will choose their equipment.

- Do you think Nantes comes from Nantes?

- Perhaps !

- Maybe he's a fan of Nantes but he can't go there so .. he named himself Nantes but he lives in Rouen?

- We'll ask him.

- Yes, its very important to know it.

Last donation and a little joke ... okay but your joke or mine?

Right. It's a guy sleeping on his bed.

During the night he moves a bit too much and falls from his bed.

So he gets up and goes back to sleep.

Some time later in the same night, he falls from his bed again, then he says

"Thank God I got up the first time, otherwise

I would of hurt me!"

"Will you make another best of live?"

Well I can't say yet or promise in advance. It depends if Leo-Paul

has time or not.

I can not force him to work for me... he got a life.

well I think.

And...that's when I realized my life was just an illusion.

What did I do? Where was I going? I didn't know.

My future was Pôle Emploi til my last day.

And me ? I'm here, sitting, editing.

Damn Leo-Paul! Do something with your life !

Well ... I want to cook some pasta!

For more infomation >> THE WORST RAINMAKER ROAD (Funny moments) - Duration: 7:42.




For more infomation >> PES 19 MOBILE MODU (PATCH) EN YENİ GRAFİKLER - YENİ KRAMPONLAR - Duration: 11:14.


'Liverpool could sign Aaron Ramsey in January... Arsenal are pathetic' - Paul Merson - Duration: 3:36.

 Aaron Ramsey is set to end his ten year stay at Arsenal when his contract expires at the end of this season

 There had been a new deal on the table for the Welsh international until the club decided that they wanted to move in a different direction, retracting their offer

 The 27-year-old was reportedly told this week in person the reasons behind Arsenal's decision to let him move on

 Before that, his agent sent a bold message to the club asking for some clarity: "I hope that someone comes and explains to us why the option to renew has not been put on the table

" Ramsey could line-up against Liverpool this afternoon and the Reds are one club who have been linked with signing him

 Pundit and former Gunners midfielder Paul Merson believes Anfield is a possible destination and he thinks it could happen in January

 "Arsenal are pathetic for the way they've treated Aaron Ramsey – and he could be playing for Liverpool soon instead of against them," he wrote in his column with the Daily Star

 "I don't understand what my old club are doing. How can you let a player that good run down his contract like this? It's a nonsense

 "It makes no financial sense to lose him on a free so they might as well sell him for whatever they can get now in January

 "If Liverpool want him they might as well do a deal now. He would fit in there and he would help them challenge for the title

" Jurgen Klopp's side will have to take three points from grounds like the Emirates if they're to edge Man City to the title

 One thing that could prove key in the title race is squad depth and Merson believes a January move for Ramsey will give Liverpool's chances a real boost

 "Manchester City are a much stronger, deeper team than Liverpool at the moment, but Ramsey could help change that," he added

 "Whoever gets him will be getting a very good player. He makes good runs, scores goals, and has the vision to pick a pass

 "He's a proven player and because of his contract you could get him on the cheap while it will could cost Arsenal around £40m to replace him

 "Whatever happens, he will get a chance to see how good Liverpool are today. I can't see anything but a Liverpool win if I'm honest

" Liverpool remain second to City in the table on goal difference while Arsenal currently occupy fourth place, one point ahead of North London rivals Tottenham

 The clash gets underway at 5:30pm.

For more infomation >> 'Liverpool could sign Aaron Ramsey in January... Arsenal are pathetic' - Paul Merson - Duration: 3:36.


Alicja Bachleda-Curuś nigdy nie zapomni tej znajomości! Nie mogła uwierzyć w jego odejście! - Duration: 6:58.

For more infomation >> Alicja Bachleda-Curuś nigdy nie zapomni tej znajomości! Nie mogła uwierzyć w jego odejście! - Duration: 6:58.


IMG_MEMO_VGA_06. Imágenes en color - Duration: 13:52.

For more infomation >> IMG_MEMO_VGA_06. Imágenes en color - Duration: 13:52.


【介紹產品 Intro Beauty Product】一定要介紹給你們 -日本新科技雙眼皮膠水Eyetalk Hybrid Film Very Easy To Use - Duration: 4:18.

Hello everyone, I'm Sylvia.

Welcome back to my YouTube channel

Today I want to introduce this product to everyone.

what is this?

I will explain later.

But first I have to ask you a question.

Are you still using double eyelid stickers?

But you wearing double eyelid stickers

It look like

very obvious

Double eyelid stickers sometimes do not stick well

Sometime you can't make a perfect double eyelid, right?

So, you must try this Eyetalk Hybrid Film

This is new double eyelid glue

And this is the latest product just launched this month.

So if you haven't used it yet

You must try it

It's different if compare with traditional double eyelid stickers

This is very simple

Easy and quick

If you want to know how to use it

So please keep watching

Before started

Please press LIKE button for me

Share this video to your social media

Subscribe to my Youtube channel

And lastly, press the notification bell

Ok, let's get started now.

Now I teach you how to use it

After you put on makeup

Hold the eyelids with a double eye stick

Look at what kind of double eyelids you like.

Then use Eyetalk Hybrid Film

Apply 2-3mm on the crease of the double eyelid

After that

Look at the floor

Wait 20 or 30 seconds

Until it turn transparent

If your eyelids are thicker

Need to apply twice

Wait another 20-30 seconds

Try to open your eyes

Your double eyelids will appear.

If your double eyelids are not obvious enough

Not good enough

Use a double eyelid stick to adjust again

It's that simple

Look, the packaging is so unique




Open it like this


To be honest

This is the first time I saw this unique packaging

After opening it, it is here

After buying the product

You will get the instructions

Full Japanese (I don't understand)

And this double eyelid stick

There is this glue.

It's here

This is Eyetalk Hybrid Film

You watched the tutorial, right?

Do you think it is very simple?

What are its benefits?

The double eyelid film look very natural

Unlike those traditional double eyelid stickers

No matter how hard you put on double eyelid sticker, but still obvious to see it

And its benefits, it is stay very long (Can say waterproof)

Unlike traditional double eyelid stickers

You put on it whole day long

In the end, it seems like almost falling and remove

But this one? It never happen like that

Another benefit

I'm so excited to share about this

Even if you have eye makeup on your eyes

You still can use this!

Don't you think it's so amazing?!

Normally you probably will say...

"Hey? There are makeups on the eyes, the double eyelids will definitely fall off"

Nope! This will not happen at all

The point is that it is easy to operate

Anyone can do it.

Also, what I like the most is their double eyelid stick.

This one

This material is completely different from Taobao.

Unlike the kind of RM0.20 , RM1.00 stuff (quality is not good)

This quality is great

It won't hurt the skin, it's very comfortable (of course, made in Japan must be good)

It's quite suitable for me.

Because every morning when I wakeup

My eyelid turn like this, not even.

Probably edema


I don't want my eyes become like this anymore

So I need this so badly

Suitable for people like me (大小眼)

Suitable for single eyelids

Suitable for Inner Double-Folded

I don't dare go to surgery, so you definitely need this

I think this Eyetalk Hybrid Film is for you.

This product is from Japan

Made in Japan

If you want to buy this

You can go to their website

Please place an order with them now

Go Go Go

That's all for today

I must see you in my next video

See ya

Love you very much.

For more infomation >> 【介紹產品 Intro Beauty Product】一定要介紹給你們 -日本新科技雙眼皮膠水Eyetalk Hybrid Film Very Easy To Use - Duration: 4:18.


【Fate/Grand Order】《神秘之國ONILAND!!~鬼王與神威的黃金~》第一話『滿是鬼的遊樂園!ONILAND!』#1│[中文字幕] FGO│翻譯劇情 - Duration: 11:53.

For more infomation >> 【Fate/Grand Order】《神秘之國ONILAND!!~鬼王與神威的黃金~》第一話『滿是鬼的遊樂園!ONILAND!』#1│[中文字幕] FGO│翻譯劇情 - Duration: 11:53.


Yao Si Ting『1/2 Hour』- Betrayal (Phạm Thành Remix) ✘ - Duration: 44:15.

For more infomation >> Yao Si Ting『1/2 Hour』- Betrayal (Phạm Thành Remix) ✘ - Duration: 44:15.


Mao Đệ Đệ Phải Thèm Khi Làm Que Kem Xúc Xích Cực Hài Cùng Tam Mao TV - Duration: 7:58.

For more infomation >> Mao Đệ Đệ Phải Thèm Khi Làm Que Kem Xúc Xích Cực Hài Cùng Tam Mao TV - Duration: 7:58.


Bangkai badan utama pesawat Lion Air dikesan - Duration: 2:22.

 PASUKAN penyelam Indonesia menjumpai bangkai badan utama pesawat Lion Air yang terhempas di Laut Jawa, dalam operasi mencari mangsa dan kotak hitam sejak hampir seminggu

 Penyelam melakukan pencarian di kawasan seluas 700 kilometer persegi sejak pesawat itu terhempas pada 29 Oktober lalu, mengesan fiuslaj atau badan pesawat Boeing 737 Max 8 pada Sabtu

 Perkara tersebut dimaklumkan oleh Ketua Agensi Mencari dan Menyelamat Kebangsaan, M

Syaugi kepada pemberita di Jakarta, pada Sabtu.  Beliau berkata, kru kini menumpukan usaha untuk mendapatkan bangkai pesawat tersebut

 "Kita telah menemui dua turbin, satu roda," kata Syaugi.  "Terdapat laporan daripada anggota pasukan melihat badan pesawat," tambahnya

 Pasukan operasi mencari menemui perakam data penerbangan, kedua-dua enjin, sebahagian gear pendaratan, cebisan mayat mangsa dan barangan peribadi sejak pesawat Lion Air penerbangan JT610 yang membawa 189 orang terhempas ke laut

 Syaugi berkata, pengesan 'ping' turut menunjukkan isyarat yang lemah kemungkinan dari perakam perakam suara kokpit

 Dalam pada itu, beliau berkata, seorang penyelam yang melakukan kerja-kerja sukarelawan dalam operasi mencari itu, meninggal dunia pada Jumaat


For more infomation >> Bangkai badan utama pesawat Lion Air dikesan - Duration: 2:22.


Kumba Rasi | Aquarius Horoscope | Rasi Phalalu | కుంభ రాశి అదృష్టం నీడలా వెంటాడుతుంది December 2018 - Duration: 1:55.

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For more infomation >> Kumba Rasi | Aquarius Horoscope | Rasi Phalalu | కుంభ రాశి అదృష్టం నీడలా వెంటాడుతుంది December 2018 - Duration: 1:55.


パラコードで首輪の作り方 犬&猫用 ブーツレース編み Paracord Dog&Cat Collar - Duration: 5:32.

This time, I tried to make a collar of knitted boots lace with para cord.

The metal fitting used this time is a buckle for the collar,

It is D kang.

Cut the para cord of the shaft with the finished length x 2 + 8 cm.

Once we cut it we will continue to joint.

I will install it on the metal fittings.

Through D CAN,

Install in the same way as before.

Next we cut the strings of the two knitting directions with about 1.5 m in both colors.

I will also join this string.

Loosen the knot a little,

Thread the string of the weave.

From here it will be knitted in boots.

Make a ring on the right with a left string,

Bring the right string diagonally to the left,

Through the back,

Pass through the loop from the bottom.

This operation is repeated.

Next I will fix the stitch.

Make a loop with the right string,

Lower the string on the left,

Pass through the loop from the bottom.

Finally cut the extra part,

I will stop fraying with a writer etc.


With metal fittings and para-code, It can be made relatively easily.

This video is also recommended.

Subscribe thank you.

Until the last minute, thank you for watching.

For more infomation >> パラコードで首輪の作り方 犬&猫用 ブーツレース編み Paracord Dog&Cat Collar - Duration: 5:32.


October Wrap Up || Always Doing - Duration: 20:18.

Hey there, Kazen here, and welcome back to Always Doing.


It is almost, kinda sorta fall here, which makes me really excited.

The leaves haven't changed yet but they're not quite as green as they used to be.

I have undergone what I consider the first rite of fall, though, and that is getting

my flu shot, which is always so much... fun?


That's not joking, because I get my flu shot at work, at a really big hospital, on the

same day that everyone else at the hospital gets their flu shot.

It's an amazing operation.

I wish I could take pictures of it.

So what they do is they set up a large room.

It could hold maybe a hundred people for a class or seminar, and that's with chairs and

tables, like desks.

And what they do is they take those tables and desks and instead of being flat they lift

them at 45 degrees to act like, as barriers to help guide you through the room.

So you register outside, you're holding your form, and you go through the queue.

And they have three doctors, and they look over your form and say, "Do you have a fever? No?

Excellent, great," and they make sure everything's okay.

And they have whiteboards lined up and they all have flu facts for this year.

And they're flu facts for doctors so they're super interesting.

And then behind those whiteboards there's six nurses at six long tables all waiting

to jab you.

And whenever one opens up you go over there, they say, "Hello."

You put your hands on your hips because, something... back home, in the States, I would always get

get the shot up here in my shoulder, but here they actually do it down closer to the elbow.

The nurse has something like a hundred pre-loaded needles ready to go.

They give you your shot and my nurse this year was so good.

I didn't even feel it when he put the needle in.

And every year I swell up and depending on, some years it's worse than others.

But it's always a badge I wear with pride because I know I'm protecting my patients

and the people around me.

So get your flu shot. K? K.

So, to the task at hand.

I have my October wrap up for you guys.

A couple of the books I've mentioned in other videos so I'll be linking those up above.

It's been an uneven month of reading for me.

I've had some incredible reads, and some others I kinda wish I could forget... but we'll get

to that.

In the beginning of October a typhoon was bearing down on us and that's never fun.

Especially when it happens at night 'cause you can't see, really, what's happening.

You can only hear it.

And I was really wound up so I wanted a book that would take my mind away from all of that,

and I found one.

It's Silent in the grave by Deanna Raybourn.

It is the first book of the Lady Julia Grey series.

This is a period mystery.

It takes place in Victorian England.

Lady Grey is married to Edward and he dies suddenly before a party one night.

His whole family has weak hearts and he wasn't doing incredibly well before, so it's not

a complete surprise.

However, she's informed by a certain Nicholas that her husband was receving threats and

that it may not have been a natural death.

He may have been murdered.

And they go and they investigate.

This book had me from the first line.

"To say that I met Nicholas Brisbane over my husband's dead body would not be entirely accurate.

Edward, it should be noted, was still twitching on the floor."

I was sold!

That's just, yeah, sure!

I'm here, let's go, take my mind off the typhoon, let's work out the mystery.

Lady Grey teams up with Brisbane to do this investigation but she has no background in

anything close.

No science, no anything.

So she makes mistakes and, on one hand, I'm glad that they show her making mistakes.

On the other hand, some of them are really stupid mistakes and you can see where they're

going to go pretty easily.

And that can get a little frustrating but it never took too much away from my enjoyment.

It's a whodunit.

I couldn't figure out whodunit.

...but I can never figure out whodunit so take that for what it is.

I like the world building.

The author doesn't overextend herself and try to show us all of Victorian England in

just one novel.

She makes this one corner of it very, very well, and things will, I'm sure, go out from here.

It turns out the author has done a lot of research in this area and while it never felt

like, 'Oh, I need to show off all my research to you,' she does explain things like widow's

weeds and putting black curtains over the windows and things that, if you're truly knowledgeable

about that stuff may feel a bit over-explained.

It's a feminist tale at heart.

I love that LGBTQIA+ characters are worked into the plot.

And some people have, online, have said that, 'Well, this wouldn't have happened in Victorian England.'

But you know what?

In our year of 2018 I will take every single bit of feminist escapism that I can *get, thank you.

If you're looking for a straight up mystery you may be disappointed.

There's a lot going on here.

There's a lot of character work, there's a tiny thread of romance running through it,

it's obviously going to be a series.

This was fine by me, I liked it.

But if you're looking for straight mystery, nnn, maybe you want to skip this.

For whatever reason I connect with the writing strongly, and if that first line grabbed you

you'll probably like it, too, as long as you keep the other things in mind.

The next book I read is The Lonesome Bodybuilder by Motoya Yukiko, translated by Asa Yoneda.

It comes out the first week of November and I received an advance copy from Soft Skull Press.

It's a collection of short stories as well as one novella.

What I love about these stories is that they're weird but they don't start weird.

They start off completely normal and you'll have a situation at work, or a husband and

wife, and one will say something that's slightly odd but you think, you know, life is weird.

That happened to a friend of mine.

But then there's another thing that makes it a little weirder.

And a little weirder after that.

And you slowly slide into absurdity in a really believable way.

Like, if there's a believable absurdity, that's what she's aiming for.

I like a lot of stories in this.

There's one called Q&A that's by an advice columnist, or an agony aunt, and she starts

off - and she's at the end of her life.

And she starts off giving fairly normal advice but it gets weirder and weirder as you go.

But my favorite story is the novella-length tale.

And I talked about it a bit in my Most Anticipated Reads video for November about a husband and

wife where they start looking like each other, quite literally and beyond their control.

And it talks about what it means to get married to someone and to keep your sense of self

despite being so closely linked to another person.

And when you should give that up, if you should give it up, or how hard you should protect it.

At first I was worried with a 100 page novella that all of the absurdities that build up

quickly in the short stories would continue ad infinitum and quickly get tiring, but that's

not the case at all.

The absurdities are much more spaced out, much more subtle, much more nuanced.

There are subplots that really make you think, and it was an engrossing reading experience.

I remember exactly where I was when when I reached the end of it and...

I was on a train commuting, actually.

And I just kind of walked off in a daze, like, 'oh, I have so much to think about now...'.

A lot of the stories touch on the theme of women's place in Japanese society where women

are still expected to be wives and mothers before anything else.

And I just...

I loved it.

The translation is good.

Now, I am in a weird position because I could've read this in Japanese but instead I read it

in the English translation, and it holds up really really well.

I was never tempted to back translate, and the Japanese doesn't poke through anywhere.

So even though I haven't seen the original Japanese in saying it's a good translation.

If you would like to hear me blabber on more about this book do check out my Most Anticipated

Reads video for November, but, four stars.

Really enjoyed it.

The next book I read is also from the Japanese it's コンビニ人間, translated into English

as Convenience Store Woman, by Murata Sayaka.

The Japanese cover...

I'm not quite sure why it looks the way it does.

I can't really explain it.

It's definitely memorable, though.

But the English cover looks like this.

The English translation is by Ginny Takemori and I've only heard good things about it.

The book is about Furukura-san, she is a- I want to say Furukawa.

Or Furugawa, or something, but it's Furukura.

She is a woman in her 30s who has worked at a convenience store for the past 18 years.

In Japanese society you're expected to go to college, get a quote unquote real job,

get married, start a family.

But she skipped pretty much all of that and went straight from high school into this quote

unquote part time job, even though she's working full time hours.

Her family is concerned, her friends are concerned.

They're always trying to nudge her to get a real job or, you know, fall in love with somebody.

But what they don't realize is that the job at the convenience store is the best thing

for Furukura.

It fits her personality perfectly, she thrives there, and while she doesn't always get along

with other parts of society this is one section that she can own.

And she's got it.

Halfway through she meets a young man and their relationship...? changes a lot of things

in her life.

And he is awful.

He is absolutely awful.

And he is the reason why I kinda wish I read this book in English instead of Japanese.

Because while the Japanese wasn't a big issue for me - I do have to look up words every

once in a while, but that's normal for almost anything I read - I can't read at speed the

same way I can in my native English.

So he would be spewing all this toxic, horrific stuff and I had to wallow and bathe in it

for much longer than I wanted to.

And it's demoralizing when I was like, 'Oh, I don't know that word, let's see what that means!

..."to rail at." '

It wasn't a fun read in a second language.

All in all it's good, just try to read it in as few sittings as possible and blow through

it and I think you'll get the most out of it that way.

If you'd like to see another review of it Jaclyn over at Six Minutes for Me read this

this month as well and I'll leave a link to her review down below.

The next book I read was the 2020 Commission Report about the North Korean Nuclear Attacks

Against the United States by Jeffrey Lewis.

I did a full review of this one in a 2-for-1 review which I will link up and down below.

As a quick summary, Lewis is a nuclear disarmament expert with a specialty in North Korea and

so he puts together a government report of how, possibly, North Korea and America could

end up lobbing bombs at each other in the year 2020 with the current US president, and

what that would all look like.

The report is written after all these events have happened and it is funny in parts, it's

disturbing in a lot of parts, and what gets me the most is that everything that happens

before August 2018 is completely real.

So sometimes you're reading and you go, 'Oo, wow, that's incredible,' and you realize that

it's actually happened.

It's not fiction.

If you have any interest in novels that are told in a way slightly outside of the norm,

or nuclear anything, or politics, I recommend you check out my full review so you can get

the whole story.

After all of the heaviness of Convenience Store Woman and this idea of a nuclear attack

against the United States I needed something light so I turned to paranormal romance...

what I thought was paranormal romance.

Let's start there.

And it's The Demon Lover by Juliet Dark.

It's a pseudonym for Carol Goodman.

Our protagonist is Callie.

She recently finished grad school and is looking to get into academia.

She studies folklore and her thesis was about the demon lover in literature and it actually

got picked up for wide publication and made her slightly famous.

And now she's looking for a teaching job at a university somewhere.

This is made slightly more complicated because she has a long-distance boyfriend who's currently

in California and they would like to meet up in New York one day, as in New York City,

but instead she ends up taking a job in upstate New York, in the Catskills.

She does this because this tiny college in the middle of the mountains has a folklore

department that is beyond compare.

She ends up finding a house that's being sold for a song and seems a bit haunted but seems

perfect, I mean, she's a folklore/Gothic literature person.

So she goes and ends up getting visited by an incubus.

Like you do.

Everything spins out from there.

At the core I see how this could be a great story but it falls flat in oh so many areas.

First of all, the world building isn't all that well done.

The author throws a lot of things into this first novel.

It's like, oh yeah, there's incubi and there's fae and there's vampires and there's weird

stuff going on over here and, it's a lot to take in over one novel.

Especially when it's all introduced in this haphazard way.

And in line with that we're introduced to a bunch of different characters but because

there's so many of them we don't know them very well and it muddies the narrative.

One of these characters, who tend to be quite one-note, comes in, does the thing that they

need to to advance the plot, and then they fade into the background again.

It's not very satisfying.

Callie's working as a professor and she's working with freshman students and she always

seems to give them capital S Sage advice which doesn't ring well with me.

It doesn't feel like it's coming from an authentic place when, you know, there's one student

who is an orphan and she's like, 'oh, I lost my parents, too' and... it didn't feel right.

And on top of all this the author is very meta and heavy handed.

Callie is studying Gothic novels and she finds herself in the middle of a Gothic novel.

So there are lots of parts where she's like, 'oh, wow, it's almost as if I'm the heroine

in a Gothic novel!'

Or, 'oh, if this were a Gothic novel, this is what would happen next!' and I got sick of it.


I see where this book could go.

I see how the series could become interesting.

It should be classed more as an urban fantasy than as a paranormal romance, though.

Callie doesn't make many decisions.

Things just happen to her.

And maybe that's also part of this Gothic romance thing where it fits in well, but...

I just, no. I'm good.

I'm gonna let this series go.

The next book I read is Meet Me at the Museum by Anne *Youngson.

I have this as a physical copy, as you can see, and the design is really nice.

On the inside here we have the museum and that line connects to a fountain pen.

This is the British, um, UK edition.

I read this as part of Dewey's 24-hour readathon so if you would like to see my thoughts as

I read it do check that out.

It's an epistolary novel so it's told in letters, and I love epistolary novels.

It made it really easy to pick this up.

By way of backstory there's, um, the Tollund Man who is from the Middle Ages and was preserved

in a peat bog, which was rare at the time because most people were cremated.

So when it was discovered it went in a museum and archeologists and anthropologists have

studied it extensively.

Back in the day the professor that studied it wrote a book about it and some schoolgirls

in the UK were writing back and forth to him.

And it's now many decades later and one of those schoolgirls writes back to the museum

saying 'hey, I don't know, Professor, if you're still there, but this is the way my life is

going now,' and stuff.

And the professor is long dead but the current curator writes back and they start an exchange.

They talk about their lives, they talk about things they've lost, and one of the major

themes is about the direction of one's life and... if certain decisions you make in your

past limit what you do in the future and to what extent.

The letters are well written.

It doesn't feel like the debut book that it is.

I like that the author is retired and probably close in age to those of the people who are

writing, so it makes it feel more authentic, I think.

So I enjoyed the reading experience until I got to the end and...

I'm not going to spoil it.

But I'm just going to say, in general, I do not like it in literature when you have a

cishet man and cishet woman communicating in any way they either have a romance, there's

a will-they-won't-they with a romance, romance is hinted.

I was hoping, the way that the letters went until the end, that they would remain friends

and not even consider anything else... and they may have considered some other stuff, so.


I think I need to read the book Radio Silence by Alice Oseman because that apparently has

a platonic friendship.

But I'm just done with this romantic thing.

It's not needed all the time.

I feel bad because this is an issue I have with literature as a whole, not with this

particular book.

It...I'm bothered that it falls into this trap but... nnn.

So I ended up giving it three stars.

I enjoyed the reading experience until the end and then I got mad, but other than that

it was alright.

And finally, the last book I read this month was When Death Becomes Life: Notes from a

Transplant Surgeon by Joshua D. Mezrich.

I received this as an advance copy.

It actually comes out in January so what I'm gonna do, right after this, is I'm going to

film a full review of it that I can put up closer to the release date.

But for now I'll say that this is a book that, it's not a history of transplant surgery,

nor it it a memoir of him, nor is it just full of patient cases.

It's a combination of all three and they're woven together very well.

I was never mad when it changed or, 'go back to the other thing!', it all hangs together.

Transplant surgery, when it first started, was pretty much a rogue field because it's

kind of like you're making a Frankenstein monster, right?

In the very early days of the field brain death wasn't defined.

It wasn't a thing.

It wasn't recognized as dying.

So they could only take organs from people whose hearts had stopped for a particular

length of time which makes transplantation harder and all of that stuff.

So learning about that history was really interesting, his writing style is easy to

understand no matter how medicine you know, and I enjoyed it.

The full review will be coming up in January right around its release so instead of giving

it, like, a star rating right now I'll just give you a wordless review of:

Mmmm! Mmmmnnnmmmnn mmm mm mmm.

How's that work?

So we're finally done with all of the books I read in October.

Have you read any of these books?

Are you looking forward to reading of them?

Let's have a chat down in the comments.

Subscribe if you're new, and thank you to all of new subscribers.

I think some of you have found me via All D Books or Shawn the Book Maniac and I'm so

happy to have you.

And I'll see you in the next video.


[♪♪] Thanks for watching and thanks for reading my run on sentences because oh boy that must

get tired real quick but that's just the way I talk and I'm not sure I can change it so again, thanks! 💕

For more infomation >> October Wrap Up || Always Doing - Duration: 20:18.


How did Sunny Leone become a porn star? - Duration: 2:48.

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