Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 1, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 19 2017

An inaugural address can be a defining moment for a president and certain lines become iconic.

"Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."

But why do some addresses echo through history while others don't?

I asked

Kathleen Hall Jamieson

I am director of the Annenberg Public Policy Center at The University of Pennsylvania

And what she told me is that an inaugural address should do three things:

unify the country, announce guiding principles, and affirm the limits of power.

So let's take those one by one, starting with the need to unify the country.

One of the more important characteristics of an inaugural is that it establishes that

this is the president of all the people.

Coming after a campaign, a president's first task to heal a divided electorate.

In 1801, Jefferson welcomed his opponents when he said,

"Every difference of opinion is not a difference of principle.

We have called by different names brethren of the same principle.

We are all Republicans, we are all Federalists."

And in 1953, Eisenhower echoed Jefferson's plea for unity,

"May cooperation be permitted and be the mutual aim of those who, under the concepts of our

Constitution, hold to differing political faiths…"

Eisenhower's inaugural explicitly suggests that we are coming together in this moment

regardless of the kind of partisan divisions that we have had in the past.

That's actually a common theme across the inaugurals.

We remember it more when it is phrased more memorably, as it is with Jefferson

or Eisenhower, but you'll actually find an element of it

in virtually all of the inaugural addresses.

Second, an inaugural should announce principles that will guide the presidency.

"We'll restore science to its rightful place, and wield technology's wonders

to raise health care's quality and lower its cost."

But, unlike the state of the union, the inaugural should focus on principles, not policy.

When you get to policy proposals, you're back in campaign mode.

"In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem;

government is the problem."

Notice that when Reagan said, 'government isn't the solution, government is the problem',

what he was essentially doing was articulating a principle, not saying,

'and as a result, I recommend that we do x, y, and z.'

The philosophy of the president is embodied in an inaugural and if it's maintained at

a level of principle it is not highly problematic.

Third, an inaugural affirms the limits of power, stating that no one is above the law.

One concern -- when you let some president -- particularly among those who didn't vote

for the candidate -- is that person may overreach and may misuse the power or use the power

in ways that will hurt the people that did not vote for the president.

Look at the passage in Gerald Ford's inaugural address

-- which was, in effect his inaugural address -- that begins,

"...our long national nightmare is over.

Our Constitution works;

our great Republic is a government of laws and not of men."

That is a repudiation of the Nixon Presidency. Ford is affirming it explicitly:

that no president is above the law.

That's the speech that tells us that, in language that we should always remember.

Besides indicating what the address should be about, past inaugurals suggest

how a president should deliver it.

First, they should keep it short.

People who assume that you have to speak at length in order to be eloquent are wrong.

A leader's message should be clear and concise.

The three shortest speeches were delivered by some of the most respected presidents,

albeit during subsequent inaugurals;

while the three longest came from some less well-known

presidents, including William Henry Harrison, who aggravated a cold during his epic inaugural

and died the next month from pneumonia.


Put the campaign behind you.

Do not be Ulysses S. Grant, who whines about having a scandal-ridden campaign.

"I have been the subject of abuse and slander scarcely ever equaled in political history,

which today I feel that I can afford to disregard in view of your verdict,

which I gratefully accept as my vindication."

If you come out of an inaugural address feeling as if the candidate is still there and the

president isn't -- we're still in campaign mode, this isn't a president speaking --

it's a failed address.

A third caution is to avoid making it about yourself, which a president can do by using

"we" instead of "I".

When you're trying to speak to a nation that has been divided by a campaign, the unifying

rhetoric requires that the audience hear itself in the rhetoric.

And as a result, the collective rhetoric -- the rhetoric of "we" -- is the characterizing

rhetoric of the best inaugural addresses.

"…let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is...

fear itself."

Lastly, and most importantly, we tend to remember inaugurals..

...because history vindicated the observation and the observation was made memorably.

So, you might say that the deciding factor for a successful inaugural speech

is the presidency that follows.

There's a reason we remember FDR and Kennedy.

Both were speaking at a point of crisis and their words inspired a future that would follow.

But no president did this better than Abraham Lincoln, who on the eve of Civil War,

predicted a Union victory when he said:

"The mystic chords of memory,

stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone

all over this broad land,

will yet swell the chorus of the Union,

when again touched, as surely they will be,

by the better angels of our nature."

For more infomation >> What the best inaugural addresses have in common - Duration: 5:41.


Russia And Iran: The Anti-U.S. Alliance - Duration: 3:47.

Iran and Russia have little in common along cultural, ethnic, and religious lines.

Iran is an Islamic Republic, while Russia has a long history of secularism.

Yet the two are close geopolitical allies, for one simple reason: The United States.

Conflict throughout the Middle East and Central Asia has pit the US against both Iran and

Russia, as all three seek greater power in those regions.

So, what exactly makes up the alliance between Russia and Iran, and what does it have to

do with the United States?

Well, notably, Russia and Iran have both held unfriendly relations with the US for decades.

For Iran, this began largely due to a CIA-backed coup, which replaced the appointed Prime Minister,

with a US-friendly Shah in 1953.

Roughly 26 years later, the Shah was overthrown in the Islamic Revolution, ending US relations.

As for Russia, negative and competing relation with the United States following World War

Two ultimately culminated in a half century long Cold War, lasting until the fall of the

Soviet Union.

Although political disagreements between them have continued to this day.

As such, the US has placed economic sanctions on both countries, most recently in Iran for

violating details of an agreement on nuclear proliferation, and in Russia for the invasion

of Crimea in Ukraine.

In light of these sanctions, the two countries were forced to rely on each other for certain

types of trade, like oil.

In fact, in recent years, they've worked on an "oil for goods" deal that could

be worth as much as $20 billion dollars, and would help Iran dispense with its excess of


Since the two share a border via the Caspian Sea, they are able to cooperate militarily

as well.

Russia's Collective Security Treaty Organization, which serves as an affront to NATO, and features

predominantly post-Soviet states, has invited Iran to join.

Additionally, the two are primary founders of the Gas Exporting Countries Forum, which

represents roughly 70% of the world's natural gas.

Due to military sanctions against Iran, the country also relies on Russia for armaments.

In 2010, a UN resolution banned the sale of missile systems and other heavy weaponry to

Iran, forcing Russia to go back on a deal for long range surface-to-air missiles.

However, following completion of the Iran nuclear deal between Iran and the United Nations

Security Council, the missile delivery was reinstated.

The two countries also work together on security, particularly against ISIS.

The so called "four plus one coalition", made up of Russia, Syria, Iran, Iraq, and

Lebanon have shared intelligence in order to fight the terror group.

However, the United States has pushed back on this coalition, saying it aids not just

anti-ISIS efforts, but pro-Syria efforts, particularly by Russia and Iran.

Both been allies of the Syrian government for decades.

By some accounts, Iran is more of a pawn for Russia to wield its influence, rather than

a fully equal partner in their relationship.

One thing is certain however, this generally favorable relationship has done plenty to

rebuff the United States, while both Iran and Russia see mutually beneficial results

from their alliance.

Besides the 1953 CIA-backed coup, Iran has plenty of other reasons to dislike and distrust

the United States.

You can learn more about the history of their mutual conflict, and where they stand today

by watching this video right here.

On November 4th of that same year, protesters stormed the U.S. embassy in Iran, and the

Iranian government held 52 Americans hostage for more than a year.

Thanks for watching Seeker Daily, don't forget to like and subscribe for more videos

every day!

For more infomation >> Russia And Iran: The Anti-U.S. Alliance - Duration: 3:47.


Jaromír Žid: zapomenutý ředitel České filharmonie - Duration: 4:00.

Jaromír Žid was a remarkable personage who, among other things, was at the helm

of the Czech Philharmonic for twelve years during the first Czechoslovak Republic.

He was also involved in performing arts management; between the two wars, his agency brought to Prague

the very best of the world's performing artists: Bruno Walter, Arturo Toscanini, Feodor Chaliapin.

For me, Žid was a completely unknown figure until I read an article about him by Petr Kadlec,

and I was surprised to find there was such a polymath, and also such a manager and music enthusiast:

someone who really wanted to bring the very best to the Philharmonic and to Prague.

He was really exceptionally active and determined, and did a great deal for Czech culture

and especially Czech music in the interwar period.

After 1948, the Communists took great care that such people were cleared

out of the way and erased from memory.

Although he was no longer director of the Philharmonic when we knew him,

he remained the boss, he was boss at home.

I always picture him with a Virginia cigar, just like here in this photo in the kitchen,

and the connection with music is also there...

The exhibition about Jaromír Žid has been made possible by his family,

specifically his grandchildren, because the memory of this man had been lost,

there weren't many things left after him, and what there was, was in their hands.

We had some of these artefact in our family archive,

but there was little connection to the Czech Philharmonic.

When I searched the web for some information on this connection several years ago,

I didn't find anything.

It was only a year and a day ago, almost exactly in fact,

at Christmas that I came across three transcribed radio interviews Ivan Medek made

with our grandfather in 1968.

So I wrote to the editors, Mr Kadlec contacted me

and everything went smoothly from then on.

I think that, of all the objects at the exhibition,

the greatest treasure is a baton that belonged to Bruno Walter.

He gave it to Jaromír Žid on request, after a concert in Prague in the 1930s

where he conducted Mahler's Ninth Symphony – he was a great Mahler conductor.

So this baton is a really unique exhibit.

Then there is a postcard signed by Raphael Kubelik, with whom Jaromír Žid was also in very close contact

and visited him in Munich till the very end of his own life.

We also have such things as a photo of Emmy Destinn with her signature,

a signed photo of Bruno Walter, or his letter to Žid, already from the 1950s.

I'm glad we are remembering him and showing some recognition for what he did,

that he played a part in the rise of the Czech Philharmonic.

For more infomation >> Jaromír Žid: zapomenutý ředitel České filharmonie - Duration: 4:00.


Moe & Lolicon, According To New Zealand - Duration: 2:38.

New Zealand recently banned the game Gal Gun: Double Peace, a title that is available in

the whole rest of the world without any issue.

Censored Gaming recently reported on this and was provided with the full classification

report - a document filled with all sorts of info on how those looking at the game viewed

its content.

One point in particular though was missed out from Gal Gun's video, which was felt like

it deserved its own feature.

This being what New Zealand apparently thinks of moe and lolicon.

The subject comes up in this paragraph here, which says, in reference to one of the female

characters, "this separation of stated age and exhibited age place the girls squarely

into the moé genre, an offshoot of lolicon."

So the New Zealand classification board says the girl acts younger than she's meant to

be and that 1) this is moe and 2) moe is an offshoot of lolicon.

What do they mean by moe and lolicon though?

The term moe can be a rather confusing one to explain but in general it simply refers

to provoking strong feelings of affection, such as cuteness.

Whilst moe can lead to sexual feelings, this is normally regarded as outside of its scope.

As for what they themselves mean, well, scrolling down to the bottom of the page clears that


They quote the site The New Yorker and an article titled "Pharrell Williams's Lolicon


This article is from 2014 and revolves around the music video for the song It Girl.

Here's a clip from the video.

As Censored Gaming tries to keep things purely factual and as there's just so much that could

be said about this statement, I'm just going to just leave you with the definition, which

is something that some of you may find yourself disagreeing with.

As quoted by the New Zealand classification board.

"A Japanese term derived from the English phrase 'Lolita complex,' lolicon describes

a fascination with cartoons of very young looking girls engaged in varying degrees of

erotic behavior [...] in the nineteen nineties creators reared on [lolicon] absorbed, defanged,

and desexualised it for the mainstream.

Today, it has morphed into an animation style called moé, after a kanji character meaning

both 'burning' and 'bursting into bud' In moé, sexuality is treated indirectly;

rather than showing overtly pornographic images, it focusses on 'slice of life' dramas

that allow consumers mainly adult men to observe the budding sexuality of pre teen and teenage

girls from a discreet remove."

For more infomation >> Moe & Lolicon, According To New Zealand - Duration: 2:38.


How Rich Is Nipsey Hussle? | The Real Net Worth - Duration: 4:30.

With an estimated net worth of $5 Million it's no wonder Nipsey Hussle sold 1,000

hardcopy mixtapes at $100 a pop, owns multiple Mercedes and has enough capital to turn down

a deal with Epic Records to create his own label, All Money In Records.

With that being said, welcome to The Real Net Worth, where we explore your favorite

celebrities businesses, properties and all other assets in between, so let's begin

and take a closer look at, Nipsey Hussle's Real Net Worth.

First off, who is Nipsey Hussle?

Nipsey Hussle, a.k.a. Ermias Asghedom, was born August 15, 1985.

Hussle was raised in South Los Angeles near the intersection of Crenshaw Boulevard and

Slauson Avenue, which later influenced his debut mixtape.

His career began in 2005, when Ermias made his artist name Nipsey Hussle, which was inspired

by late comedian Julius Nipsey Russell, the same year he recorded his first mixtape, titled

Slauson Boy Volume 1, named after his old stomping grounds, which soon became the name

of his own record label.

In 2008, Nipsey signed with Cinematic Music Group and Epic Records and released two mixtapes,

Bullets Ain't Got No Name, Vol. 1 and Vol. 2.

A year later he released his third installment, Bullets Ain't Got No Name, Vol. 3.

In 2010, Hussle was chosen to be a part as one of the XXL Magazine's "Annual Freshman

Top Ten", a selection of ten up-and-coming artists.

XXL labeled him "Most Determined" of his class, and LA Weekly called him the "next big L.A.


After his deal with Epic Records went as sour as deez nuts, Hussle told Epic they could

catch these hands or release from the label, so Epic Records took the easy way out, and

released him in late 2010.

After his release, he went on to found his own record label, All Money In.

In December, he released his first All Money In Records mixtape, titled The Marathon, which

features guest appearances from Kokane and MGMT.

In November 2011 Hussle released a sequel titled, The Marathon Continues, which features

L.A. rappers YG and Dom Kennedy.

In September 2013, he revealed the tracklist for Crenshaw, which contained guest appearances

from Rick Ross, Dom Kennedy, Slim Thug, and many more celebrity appearances.

In November 2016, Hussle released Famous Lies and Unpopular Truths.

Earlier that year, he and actress Lauren London had a son, Cross, on Aug. 31.

Now moving on to properties, When it comes to Nipsey, he is as good as it gets at keeping

his homes off the radar, but you can find his clothing store "The Marathon" right

off slauson, but you better have a fat pocket, cause some shirts cost upwards of 80 bucks.

So what types of cars does Nipsey Hussle drive?

well, he has a taste for luxury, owning a Mercedes Maybach S600, which is valued at

$192,000 and a SLS AMG Mercedes which costed Mr.Hussle an estimated $180,000.

So how can Nipsey Hussle Afford all these things?

Well, aside from looking like a young Snoop Dogg, Nipsey Hussle developed his estimated

net worth of $5 million from his successful music career, releasing multiple mixtapes

and albums.

His mixtape, Crenshaw, earned him $100,000 after he sold 1,000 hard copies in less than

24 hours at $100 a pop during the Proud 2 Pay campaign, during which rapper Jay-Z reportedly

purchased 100 copies.

In addition to rapping, Hussle also works as an actor, playing a small role in Bone

Thugs-N-Harmony's film, I Tried, directed by Rich Newey in 2007.

In 2010, he starred in the film, Caged Animal, alongside Ving Rhames and Gillie Da Kid.

Not much else is known about where nipsey made the rest of his fortune, but he does

give us

a clue.

If you enjoyed this video make sure to drop us a like, and If there's someone you'd

like us to cover next, let us know in the comment section below, because money isn't

everything, it's the only thing, so check out another one of our videos, and then go

out n get that money, because your self-worth is your net worth.

For more infomation >> How Rich Is Nipsey Hussle? | The Real Net Worth - Duration: 4:30.


Battleborn: Beatrix Skills Overview - Duration: 1:24.

Beatrix Skills Overview

Introducing Beatrix

Infection Viral agent deals damage over time

Incistyx Injector Applies Infection Scoped shots deal increased damage

Patient Zero Increase an ally's attack speed and damage

Fulminate Fire homing projectiles that weaken enemies

Outbreak Inflict a plague that spreads to nearby enemies


For more infomation >> Battleborn: Beatrix Skills Overview - Duration: 1:24.


Origins of the Dragon | StarTalk - Duration: 2:41.

- How good could

be unless it's got dragons?

It's no fantasy unless you have a dragon.

- Yeah, you need the dragon. - Yeah.

You need the dragons.

And in my home institution, the American Museum

of Natural History, we had an exhibit a few years ago

that was all about mythical monsters

and whether they were the imaginations

of people who discovered fossils of extinct dinosaurs.

Oh, wow.

Wow. That's fantastic.


So imagine-- you know a triceratops.


Imagine that emerging from the eroding side of a cliff.

- That would be pretty-- - Right?

Pretty freaky.

Now you clearly know that the animal you're seeing--

it's extinct.

But the concept of extinction is a modern idea--

Yeah. Of course.

--a few hundred years ago.

So here's this thing.

It can't-- it must be some-- a monster

that we fear in the night.

And so didn't know about that?

No, no.

I've never really thought about that.


I think you love dragons because they're

great if they're your friend, but if they're not,

they're a superpredator.

And that's another theory, actually,

about where we have this idea of dragons from that's even more

ancient than the idea of people discovering fossils--

this idea that it might date back to when we were very

frightened of apex predators.

An anthropologist called David E. Jones

who puts forward this theory.

He studied vervet monkeys in Africa.

And he noticed that they are particularly

anxious about three predators-- lions, eagles, and snakes.

And so they have a particular cry

that they make when they see any of these three creatures.


And if you merge those three creatures together,

you sort of get something that resembles a dragon.

So he again has used this to theorize--

So snake just gets you like--

Is the cry? [bleep]

Very similar, I think.

Very similar.

That's exactly--

HELEN KEEN (VOICEOVER): Yeah, it's more or less.

You put it through the monkey translator, it is so that.

HELEN KEEN (VOICEOVER): Yeah, that's what comes out.


So when you think about it, if you have something as ferocious

as a lion that has the body type of a serpent such as the snake,

but it can fly as a flying predator such as an eagle--

yeah, I'll give him that.

So that would be tougher.

So yes, he has this idea that we would

have had this passed down through millions

of generations.

We would have evolved this fear that's

so great that we've created--


--this amalgamation-- yes-- of these three predators.

Where does the fire part come from?

We're all scared of-- we would be scared of fire,

but that the idea--

They just added that after-- say, we want

to make it even more ferocious.

ISAAC WRIGHT (VOICEOVER): Oh, right right, right.

For more infomation >> Origins of the Dragon | StarTalk - Duration: 2:41.


The Trip | Episode 6 | bindass - Duration: 12:12.

I miss my school a lot.

Why don't we just go to school, then?


Why did we grow up? This world is such a nice place.

But I've worked really, really hard to be the best person that I am.

Arjun and I are not doing a love marriage.

All those stories, I've made them up.

I feel a little scared to share.

Why? - That's because I don't have such friends.

The receptionist is cute.

Shotgun..he is mine!

Good morning, ladies! Welcome to the W retreat hotel, Koh Samui.

Thank you. - Good morning! He speaks English too.

Yes. And a little bit of Hindi too. - What?

Splendid! - Nice! Are you from India?

Yes. From Kolkata, originally.

But, my family moved here, when I was little.

Okay. - I'm Sanjana, by the way.

I'm Arnab. Very nice to meet you. - She's hitting on my target!

I'm guessing you ladies are from India too. - Yes!

How was the flight? - Actually, we drove but it was Sanjana's idea.

How adventurous!

I'm sure, it was a great experience.

She's very adventurous.

So, do you have a reservation with us?

Yes. Under the name of Ananya Makhija. - Okay.

I'll just take your passports and please take a seat.

I'll be with you in a few minutes.

Thank you. - Thank you.

Sanjay! Wow! I didn't think you had that in you.

But I wasn't doing anything. - Oh please! You were totally flirting.

And actually, you know, he seems quite nice.

He is a little older, but I mean, who really cares?

There are some cute boys there!

Shotgun. Sanjana, do you get it this time?

And Shonali, hide your legs.

All right, ladies. You room is ready.

And compliments of the hotel, you've...

...been upgraded to the superior villa.

Oh wow! Thank you! - Thank you!

So cute! Arnab, you're so cute!

Ladies, your room is this way.

But, the boys went this side.

Oh! Those boys? I think, they are in a different wing.

Oh no, Arnab! Damn it!


Nice hotel!

Guys, I will sit here!


Amazing! - Oh my God!


Free champagne! I bet they don't do this for everybody.

Guys! I'm sleeping here tonight!

What a view! - I can't get over this.

Ananya, look at this bed!




Oh, my God! Shotgun on this bed!

They have come here for the first time.

I roll like this all the time.

Oh! Spoon each other.

I've come here for my hornymoon.

Oh! No clothes, no woes, for the next five days!

Guys! We should check out the other wing.

Nazia, we can find those boys later.

What if we don't?

Then, we'll ask Sanjana to call up her new boyfriend...

...and find out where those boys are.

Sanju! - Certainly.

Hey, little Sanjana!

You really miss your hot hotelier boyfriend, don't you?

You really want to kiss him, don't you?

Yes. I'm just going downstairs.

I'll come back after some time.

Ooh! Girl means business!

We've created a monster, guys!

Hey! What happened?

Are you okay? - Yeah, I'm fine.

We felt that you'd come here to meet Arnab.

I had thought of meeting him.

Really? - But, I got a little bit nervous.

And then, I got into this strange mood.

What do you mean? I don't understand.

Fine! Everything is okay.

Are you sure? - Yes!

Then, come with me! I'm making some sexy lunch!

Very comfortable! - Look at the view!

Ta da!


Anna banana! - You prepared all this?!

Well… I don't know what the situation will be like with the Khanna's.

So, this is treat time!

Okay, guys. I was thinking...

...our trip has been super amazing so far, right?

But, is there something else that we...

...can do and which we still haven't done, yet?

Well, I've heard there's this... really ancient vegetable that grows here...

...and you can put it into like a green smoothie.

And that really brings out your creativity.

Shut up, Shonali! You want to do shrooms. We get it.

What? It's a vegetable. - Okay. Tums, you?

I think, I'm ready to hook up.

And you've been ready for a while.

Yeah, it's been ten days.

And my body is talking to me in ways, I didn't know it could talk.

Every day, just says weird things to me at night.

All right, then! Sanjay!

Well, you know, actually, it'll be quite cool to find someone like me.

You mean, like a boyfriend?

What's so funny?

Oh no!

It's just that we thought that...

No! - We felt that you swing on the other side!

You know, you are someone to talk, Ms. Patralekha.

All right! We'll get you a boyfriend!

Thank you for your approval. - It's just, that...

...after this trip, I don't want...

…to have any regrets. I want to try out everything.

Oh, yes! So late!

Chin chin, ladies and gents!

I love her.

Such ugly boys, ya!

I wasted my outfits! - Nice!

I can see one right over there. He's checking you out.

Oh! I've got some standard, girls!

Wow! That's nice! - Desperate times call for desperate measures.

Looks like someone really famous just walked in.

Girls, what's happening?

Looks like he likes big **** and cannot lie.

I'm a lil' shocked.

What does this dude want after all?

I think, the Jay-Z of Thailand wants to make you his Beyonce.

So, I don't think we can deprive...

...Nazia of this experience. I think, we should go over there.

Exactly! We decided this will be a 'yes' trip!

Yes! Yes! Yes! - Whoa!

Greetings! - Hello!



My name is Chompoo! - Greetings!

And you? - I'm Nazia!

And you, your eyes pretty!


Your eyes are pretty!

Shall we go to my table?

Okay, fine!

Yes! - Thank you! - Whoa!

Do you have food?

Yes! - Yes!

Oh, my God! - Yo!



She's coming home?

She's coming now?

Stop! Get them out!


Guys, phones! Phones! Get your phones. We'll call someone.

We will have to do something.

My battery is dead!

Chompoo doomed us!

How will anyone find us out here?

I have 3% battery!

Don't worry! - Call Arnab!

And send him the location and type the word help in caps!

We're dead, man! I'm ashamed of myself!

I'm ashamed! - Okay.

I'm ashamed! - Okay. Guys!

No! - Guys, breathe! Breathe! Breathe!

It's not sending! - No!

Guys, it's not sending!

And I'm making the most awesome track. I'm going... send it to you as soon as it's ready, okay?

You have to listen to it and tell me what you think. - I'm excited!

Actually, I'm a qualified pilot. - Okay. Oh!

She's hooking up for sure.


Sanjay is not very proactive.

I had read in her horoscope...

...that she's about to meet someone who will change her life.

For more infomation >> The Trip | Episode 6 | bindass - Duration: 12:12.


There's a New Pup in Town | Puppy Days - Duration: 3:08.

JT: Mr. Jack is feeling very playful.

Aren't you?

NARRATOR: In Dallas, Mr. Jack is spending his day at the office.

But he isn't the only canine on the job.

JT: So many chihuahuas.

NARRATOR: JT's coworker, Zach, often brings

his dogs into the office too.

JT: This is Ella.

Ella walks to the beat of her own drum.

And this is her sister, Zoe.

And we've got Macy, who's a chihuahua.


And we've got Mr. Jack.

ZACH: Is he in the bed?

JT: He's in her bed, yeah. [gasp]

ZACH: He snap at her?

JT: Big time.

NARRATOR: Toy poodles are known for their lively, playful,

and energetic nature.

And Mr. Jack definitely has an appetite for mischief.

JT: He's getting into Zoe and Ella's bed, and they

don't-- they don't like it.

But it's almost like he knows that he's in their bed.

He's just tormenting them.

ZACH: Did someone bump?

JT: (LAUGHING) Oh, god.

ZACH: What are they-- what are they doing?

JT: It's never good to fight on your back, Jack.

ZACH: Ella's pretty fast.

Get him, Ella.

JT: Ella, she's the alpha.

We don't usually have to worry about her doing anything.

I mean, she'll keep herself entertained with toys that we

have here at the office.

And now we have a crazy puppy here,

and she's, like, I don't like this one bit.

Zoe's going to get involved.

Hall monitor!

[loud barking]

JT: (LAUGHING) Oh, ho, ho!

He stuck his [muted] right in her face, and she was like, no!

There'll be none of that.

What's wrong, Ella?

She's like, give me a chew toy, and I'll be OK.

Get your bone.

Don't let jack get it.

Are you happy now?

He's totally like a toddler amongst non-toddlers.

And they are over it.

NARRATOR: Poodles will do anything for attention.

JT: Where did she go?

NARRATOR: Even if it crosses the line.

JT: Right now, he wants someone to pay attention to him,

and he wants someone to play with him.

Jack, I would not do that.


I would not do that.


Here we go again.

[low growl]

He is cruisin' for a real bruisin'.



Mr. Jack just got his [muted] tore up.

He's like, everyone hates me!

I think that if Ella and Zoe could talk, they would say,

who the hell is this dog, and when is he going home?

NARRATOR: With a double dose of attitude,

Mr. Jack is proving more of a challenge than JT expected.

We need to discourage biting, now.

It's getting really bad.

Since we've never raised a puppy before,

I think getting training for the puppy would be a great idea.

You better not bite me when you wake up.

For more infomation >> There's a New Pup in Town | Puppy Days - Duration: 3:08.


Elbphilharmonie Orgel – Die Intonation - Duration: 2:03.

Klais: We spent about twelve months building the organ in our workshop,

then another three months setting the instrument up here in the Elbphilharmonie Grand Hall.

After that, it took three more months to complete the voicing work,

and now we are performing the last fine-tuning, making little adjustments as necessary.

The voicing is the process of tuning each individual pipe to suit the room, and here the organ builder has a lot of scope.

I can feed a lot or just a little wind to the pipe,

and I can give it a larger or smaller mouth.

I can raise or lower the pipe's languid, the part between the foot and the resonator,

and there are many other settings I can alter.

It's not a question of pitch, it's about one thing alone: the actual sound.

How full the sound is, how round, how loud, how soft – these are all things I can influence.

Here in the Elbphilharmonie we have the special feature of two stops in the reflector,

each of which has been extended by an extra octave.

There is a flute stop, a big workable flute that has two mouths,

and a so-called clarinet stop.

It's really wonderful having a second location for the sound, where the music produced floats down from on high, completely mystical and celestial.

For more infomation >> Elbphilharmonie Orgel – Die Intonation - Duration: 2:03.


Conventions 2017, vidéos et projet perso ! - Duration: 6:20.

For more infomation >> Conventions 2017, vidéos et projet perso ! - Duration: 6:20.


Donald Trump To Allow Alternative Media Into White House Press Briefings - Duration: 4:06.

Donald Trump To Allow Alternative Media Into White House Press Briefings?

Vice President Mike Pence said of the possible decision:

�The interest of the team is to make sure that we accommodate the broadest number of

people who are interested and media from around the country and around the world.�

Incoming White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus said that the Trump administration

is looking to accommodate more than the �Washington media elite.� Currently, the White House

Press Room can only hold 49 people.

The Trump administration believes having more would be better all around.

Priebus added, �The one thing that we discussed was whether or not we want to move the initial

press conferences into the Executive Office Building where you can fit four times the

amount of people.

After 500 or 600 people [attended Trump�s first press conference in NYC on January 11th]

we started thinking, if we have more people involved instead of less people involved,

wouldn�t that be a good thing?� Trump�s press secretary Sean Spicer said

that the possible changes should be welcomed.

�This is about greater accessibility, more people in the process, including bloggers

and others who aren�t from the mainstream media.

This should be seen as a welcome change.�

However, the White House Correspondents� Association objects to �any move that would

shield the president and his advisers from the scrutiny of an on-site White House press


A formal decision hasn�t yet been reached, but is expected to in the coming days.

Analyzing this deeper, this move should be welcomed and should be pressured to actually

take place.

By allowing even more press, including alternative media and bloggers, into the daily press briefings

at the White House would benefit everyone.

As it is well known by now, the mainstream media has continued to lose credibility as

even deeper propaganda has seeped into the outlets in recent months.

If people are really wanting to have the truth reported in the news, more press, not less,

must be welcomed into White House briefings.

This is the quickest and easiest way for truth to be reported, as it will hold all outlets

responsible for reporting real news.

For instance, if only a handful of mainstream outlets were allowed in, last has been for

the past several decades, then the media is allowed to spin their own narrative, and control

the minds of millions, if not, billions of people.

However, with several hundred outlets reporting, it will be far easier for truth and lies to

be distinguished from one another.

Regardless if a person voted for Trump or Hillary, or anyone else, or not at all, this

move should be greatly welcomed.

It will force the truth to be reported.

Additionally, it will give the world many more interpretations of a news topic or situation

to consider.

The more angles we can see regarding a situation, the more information we can gather, and the

better opportunity we have to discern truth from fiction.

In the end, this helps all people and all situations.

As software advocates have said for a long time, �Put enough eyeballs on it and no


is invisible.�

For more infomation >> Donald Trump To Allow Alternative Media Into White House Press Briefings - Duration: 4:06.


Weather Story for Kids from Steve and Maggie | What's the Weather like | English Stories from Wow - Duration: 5:05.

It's Steve and Maggie – Wow English TV.


It's sunny outside.

It's sunny today.

It's sunny outside.

It's sunny today.

Oh, hey.


We are going for a walk on this beautiful day.

Come on Steve.

Hurry up.

Oh Maggie.

Slow down.

Hey, look.

What's the weather like.


It's sunny.


Where's Maggie.


Oh no.

The weather's changing.


What's the weather like.


It's raining.

Let's help Steve.

Time for some Maggie Magic.




Oh, hey.

What's that?

It's an umbrella.

Hey, but I don't need an umbrella.

It isn't raining.

Oh, wait a minute.

The weather's changing.

Oh, hey.

Oh, look.

What's the weather like?


It's raining.

It's raining, raining, raining.

Well done.


I am lucky that I've got an umbrella.



Is the weather changing?



It's not raining.



Where's the umbrella?

Oh, wow.

But hey.

I don't need it.

It's not raining anymore.

Time to catch up with Maggie.



Oh no!

Hey, what's the weather like?


It's snowing.

Let's help Steve again.

More Maggie Magic.



I am getting a little cold now.


Where's Maggie.

Oh, what?

Hey, skis?


And a scarf?

And a woolly hat?

When do you need skis, a scarf and a woolly hat?


When it's snowing.

But it isn't snowing.

Is it?

Hey, look!


What's the weather like?


It's snowing.

So come on.

Say it with me.

What's the weather like?

Hey, it's snowing.

It's snowing.

It's snowing, snowing, snowing.

What's the weather like?

Hey, it's snowing.

It's snowing.

It's snowing, snowing, snowing.


Come on then.

Let's go skiing.




Oh no.


What's the weather like?


It's windy.

I need to help Steve again.

More Maggie Magic.


Hey, look.

I am skiing.


But oh no.

I think the weather is changing again.

Oh no.


Oh dear.


The weather changed.

It's not snowing anymore.

Oh, it's getting a little bit windy.

Actually, it's getting very windy.

Oh, hey, help.


A jacket.


This is perfect for windy weather.


Oh, hey, Maggie's back.

Hi Maggie.



What crazy weather.

I know.

And now it's windy.


I don't like windy weather.


But Steve.

You can have fun in any weather.

Turn around.

Time for some Maggie Magic.



I am flying a kite.


Because it's windy.


What's the weather like?


It's windy, windy, windy.

What's the weather like?

It's windy.

I like windy weather now!

Me too!

Bye bye boys and girls.


See you next time.

Bye bye.



Did you like that?


Then please like it, if you love it, you can subscribe.

Just touch here.

Go on.

If you want to watch another Steve and Maggie clip, touch here.


Thank you.

For more infomation >> Weather Story for Kids from Steve and Maggie | What's the Weather like | English Stories from Wow - Duration: 5:05.


Chris Evans Pranks Comic Fans with Surprise Escape Room // Omaze - Duration: 5:58.

A superhero.

Hey, you two!

This is Captain America here, and I need your help.

Are you up for the challenge?


Well, wait--


Hi, Chris Evans here.

To support Christopher's Haven, I'm teaming up with

Omaze to offer you the chance to assemble a team

of your best friends for the

ultimate escape room experience.

Escape rooms are these immersive games where you

and your buddies have to solve puzzles

to complete a mission before the time runs out.

And to show you how much fun these rooms can be,

I decided to take over Comicazi.

We're here in Boston, and we built our own

with the help of Trapology.

Now the only difference between my escape room

and the one we'll be doing together,

is that my participants don't know

they're actually in one.


Let's see how this goes.


Hey, you two.

In the blue jacket and purple scarf.

That's kinda weird.

Oh, there's a--

Uh, excuse me!


Maybe a little more gentle next time.

Oh, what the heck?

I love that guy.

I need your help.

Are you up for the challenge?

Yeah, dude. Sure.

Well, great.

So this may look like a standard comic book store,

but it's actually a secret Hydra base.

And I need your help to take it down.

I need you to look around the room for a code.

A four digit code.

And time is of the essence.

A four digit code...

Four digit code...


Look for even the most subtle detail.

The most subtle detail.


Subtle detail?

Is the sign up?

It's huge!


Bring me with you. Bring me with you!

We got you, man.


The clock is definitely tickin', fellas.

The clock. The clock is literally ticking.

Oh, ****!

Is there a clock?

Is he looking right at it?

There's a giant sign that says the code is 1600.

That might be it.


Now take that code and look for anything else

on that sign that might be helpful.

Triangle with a... zap thing.

Triangle zap.


Triangle zap!

Oh, ****.

One of you is going to have to

stick your hand in that hole.

And I hope no one has a problem with snakes.

It's chill, if they hurt me I'm suing.

This guy wants nothing to do with it.

You wanna do it?

What? No.

Wanna stick your hand in it?

You do it.


Put your hand in there.

Oh god.

He's doing it.

Alright, dude.

Nah, nah!



That kid's my favorite.

Pull out whatever you find.

What. Uh.

Suit up.

Suit up?

Suit up.

Oh ****.


You're gonna have to walk out to the street

to find an undercover Hydra operative,

so you're gonna have to very subtly,

casually start asking around.

These goggles decrease visibility.

I feel like we look like ******* idiots.

I feel like I look dope.

"I feel like I look dope," is what he said.

Start asking people.

Excuse me, excuse me.

What's up?

Are you a Hydra operative?

I'm not a Hydra operative.

Oh ****!


Are you a Hydra operative?

She was just like,

"Am I about to get dragged into a ******* van?"

Hey, are you a Hydra operative?


Nope, nope, nope, nope. Not that one.

Oh, she went for it.

Are you an operative?

I'm not.

Oh. *********!


I think the safest thing to do

would be scream, "Hail Hydra."

Hail Hydra.

Hail Hydra.

That's the best you got?

Captain America is asking for your help

and that's the best you got?

Hail Hydra!

Hail Hydra!

That's better.

Head back to the start.

This guy looks so dope.


What did he give you?

Flashlight and...

And a Hydra pin.

Good work, fellas.

Find where in the store that Hydra emblem could fit.

Oh, whoa. I found it!

Oh ****, dude.

Oh, ****!



Good work.



Whaaat the ****?

Okay, you're gonna go through that door and

I think the Hydra base is downstairs.

There's no light.


Oh, if something jumps out I'm gonna scream.

I'll sue if they mess with me.


That was a good one.

Let's go, let's go, let's go.

Why is there smoke?

Okay, kill the flashlights.


Hello? Hail Hydra.


It's off! Oh my god.

Yo, yo, yo…

Holy ****.


No way! Oh my god.


Wait, you're Captain America!




Great work, guys.

This is the Captain America.

Thanks for taking good care of me up there.

Now that you've seen what escape rooms are all about,

let's see if you have what it takes to get out of one.

Enter to join me for the game of a lifetime


We'll solve some puzzles, get some pizza,

celebrate our success or mourn our failure.

It happens.

But win or lose, best part is that every entry

supports Christopher's Haven.

It's a nonprofit that provides homes for kids and

their families while they're battling cancer.

It's a good one.

Oh and you might want to go back and look at

that video one more time.

I've hidden a link in there somewhere

that just might help you win the big prize.

Good luck.

That's him, that's him.

Yeah, it is.

That's right.

How fun!

For more infomation >> Chris Evans Pranks Comic Fans with Surprise Escape Room // Omaze - Duration: 5:58.


3DS Animal Crossing New Leaf Welcome amiibo: Tom Nook CZ - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> 3DS Animal Crossing New Leaf Welcome amiibo: Tom Nook CZ - Duration: 1:01.


Learn Colors with Rocky Paw Patrol, Colors for Kids to Learn - Duration: 2:27.



















Light Blue







For more infomation >> Learn Colors with Rocky Paw Patrol, Colors for Kids to Learn - Duration: 2:27.


US bombers target ISIS camps in Libya - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> US bombers target ISIS camps in Libya - Duration: 1:23.


PO-32 tonic, sound transfer demo - Duration: 1:01.

hi, i'm magnus from sonic charge.

i made this nice [PO-32 tonic] pocket operator together with teenage engineering.

it's like a small version of my microtonic drum machine.

i'm going to show you a pretty cool feature.

you have these [16] sounds built-in.

you can actually change them. [all 16 sounds can be replaced]

with the mictrotonic vst/au software.

i'm going to replace this sound.

i'm going to replace it with something like this.

i can tweak it a bit.

maybe that is cool.

i'm going to transfer it now through the [computer] speaker.

press [acc] + [sound] on PO-32 tonic to enter receive mode.

hold PO-32 tonic close to computer speaker

press desired destination in mictotonic to start the transfer


there it is! exactly the same.

For more infomation >> PO-32 tonic, sound transfer demo - Duration: 1:01.


US bombers target ISIS camps in Libya - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> US bombers target ISIS camps in Libya - Duration: 1:23.


PRESENTATIONS episode 2: Kingsong KS16 - electric unicycle - Duration: 3:10. The Largest Electric Unicycle Portal - Reviews / Store / Forum

Hi! I present you the Kingsong KS16-B

PRESENTATIONS episode 2: Kingsong KS16

A bit of its technical spec:

Size: 16 inches

Weight: 16,5 kg

I'll now check this in practice

It's not the lightest one

but the manufacturer took care of it

and equipped it with a functional handle

which will make it very comfortable to move in a post office or a supermarket for instance.

The weight is caused by batteries mounted on both side of the wheel.

They are manufactured by Panasonic.

They capacity equals 680 Wh

Panasonic is a great company, it collaborates even with Tesla Motors.

Regarding the real range, you can get 60 km on a single charge.

The maximum speed is 30 km/h.

The engine power is 800 W,

you can be also interested in the maximum instantaneous power, which equals 2700 W.

The charging port is placed on the very top of the monocycle, next to the handle,

and it's covered by a rubber plug.

Next to the charging port, you can find two buttons

a small one and a big one, so it's easy to differ them.

The big button is responsible for turning on the wheel, so it's ready for a ride.

These green LEDs display the battery status.

The smaller button will play the welcome message after the first push.

Besides playing the welcome message, which by the way we can disable via the mobile app,

the button also enables the bluetooth interface.

We can for instance listen to a music on the speakers. They're mounted on both sides.

If we push the same button very quickly - and I mean very, very quickly - it will turn on the main LED lights.

It will turn off the lights when you push it again.

Pushing this button a bit longer will turn off the whole bluetooth and lights system.

I have to mention these big pedals, which guarantee a comfortable ride.

On the left side you can see a classic, shiny white Kingsong.

On the right you can see a rubber-finished Kingsong, which is the only this kind of finish on the market.

That's all for today. Next time I'll show you how the Kingsong mobile app works.

Thanks for watching. Best regards!

Music: Bensound -

For more infomation >> PRESENTATIONS episode 2: Kingsong KS16 - electric unicycle - Duration: 3:10.


Traditional Greek Music (Bouzouki and Syrtaki instrumental) - Duration: 1:50:23.

Koutouki o Zorbas

Vrexi sta tsarouhadika

Anthise o baglamas

Sirtaki ole

Plakiotiko bouzouki

Bouzoukopenies me kefi

Panagia mou Grigorousa

Odos Pandrosou

Kato sta Paliatzidika

Platia Psiri


O horos tou Politaki

Taximi bouzouki

Greek Melodies





Traditional Greek Music (Bouzouki and Syrtaki instrumental)

For more infomation >> Traditional Greek Music (Bouzouki and Syrtaki instrumental) - Duration: 1:50:23.


Bảo tàng độc đáo chỉ trưng bày những tác phẩm xấu xí Museum of bad art - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> Bảo tàng độc đáo chỉ trưng bày những tác phẩm xấu xí Museum of bad art - Duration: 2:20.


Best Android Games Of January 2017 - [MUST HAVE] - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> Best Android Games Of January 2017 - [MUST HAVE] - Duration: 1:46.


Perdidos no Museu Afro - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> Perdidos no Museu Afro - Duration: 1:34.


Beauty Tips in Urdu | How to Remove Pimples | Chehre se Dane Hatane ka Tarika - Duration: 3:58.

Beauty Tips in Urdu

How to Remove Pimples

Chehre se Dane Hatane ka Tarika

For more infomation >> Beauty Tips in Urdu | How to Remove Pimples | Chehre se Dane Hatane ka Tarika - Duration: 3:58.


Eigenes Steakhaus eröffnen – Franchise mit ABACCO'S STEAKHOUSE in 60 Sekunden erklärt - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Eigenes Steakhaus eröffnen – Franchise mit ABACCO'S STEAKHOUSE in 60 Sekunden erklärt - Duration: 1:23.


#1 Rated Throwing Set?

For more infomation >> #1 Rated Throwing Set?


For more infomation >> #1 Rated Throwing Set?


Build Your Dreams With Lego

For more infomation >> Build Your Dreams With Lego


For more infomation >> Build Your Dreams With Lego


Opel Insignia Sports Tourer 1.4 TURBO ECOFLEX BUSINESS EDITION N - Duration: 0:45.

For more infomation >> Opel Insignia Sports Tourer 1.4 TURBO ECOFLEX BUSINESS EDITION N - Duration: 0:45.


For more infomation >> Opel Insignia Sports Tourer 1.4 TURBO ECOFLEX BUSINESS EDITION N - Duration: 0:45.


Perdidos no Museu Afro - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> Perdidos no Museu Afro - Duration: 1:34.


For more infomation >> Perdidos no Museu Afro - Duration: 1:34.


Test de Sarayah #15 - Dur d'être un super héros [Kick-Ass 2] - Duration: 7:03.

For more infomation >> Test de Sarayah #15 - Dur d'être un super héros [Kick-Ass 2] - Duration: 7:03.


For more infomation >> Test de Sarayah #15 - Dur d'être un super héros [Kick-Ass 2] - Duration: 7:03.


Comment bien démarrer sur Youtube ? - Duration: 4:31.

For more infomation >> Comment bien démarrer sur Youtube ? - Duration: 4:31.


For more infomation >> Comment bien démarrer sur Youtube ? - Duration: 4:31.


Rings - In Theatres February 3

For more infomation >> Rings - In Theatres February 3


Bob The Train

For more infomation >> Bob The Train


RECRUITMENT - Duration: 1:42.

*intense staring*

*romantic music*

(wow this is pretty gay)

Are you Chinese?


We need more members

Oh my god

We're losing them fast

Get off me!

Please say yes


Well...that didn't work

Are we supposed to kidnap them?

Of course we are!

How do you think we got Kris?

But Kris left...

*judgemental silence*

I'll say this once...

Bitch don't test me

I got kicked out

*questioning caw*

It wasn't my fault

*more caw*

What do you mean?

*suspicious caw*

Of course I love you!

You're the only bird for me <3

*shy caw*

*romantic music begins*

(is that meant to be...)

I feel like a changed man

(this jazzy music's pretty cool tho)

Do you want to join our group?


...this sounds like a porn script.

That's because it is

Oh, hey!

Read this for me!

(honestly wat were u expecting here)

For more infomation >> RECRUITMENT - Duration: 1:42.


Claus blev reddet ud af brændende lejlighed - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Claus blev reddet ud af brændende lejlighed - Duration: 1:14.


Test de Sarayah #15 - Dur d'être un super héros [Kick-Ass 2] - Duration: 7:03.

For more infomation >> Test de Sarayah #15 - Dur d'être un super héros [Kick-Ass 2] - Duration: 7:03.


✂ DIY Robe | DIY Clothes ✂ - Duration: 8:55.

Hi loves In today's video I will show you how to

go from cozy to glam creating this stylish bathrobe

Make sure you turn notifications on so you know when I upload a video

and if you're new click the button and subscribe

Did you know that bathrobes will be a trend this Spring Summer?

I'll show you how to DIY this look in 3 easy steps

For this tutorial I used 1.5 yards/or meter of fabric.

Use 2 or 3 yards/meter for plus size

Fold it double with the wrong side up and place a bathrobe on top

fold the arms and cut the shape and neckline

Cut half of it, fold it over and cut the remaining part

Open it up, pin the top and sides and sew it

Place the arm opening on your fabric and cut the sleeve

To help me with the length I placed my bathrobe sleeve on top

Place the piece you cut on the remaining fabric and cut it again

Pin both sides and sew it Then hem the bottom of the sleeves

Turn your sleeves to the right side and place it inside your robe

Pin it all around and sew it

Turn your robe to the right side

Now cut the middle open and shape the neckline Make sure there are no sharp corners

Now it's time to cut the lapel Fold the remaining fabric double with the

wrong side up Fold it again and cut the outside small and

more wide in the middle

Fold it double and cut a little snippet in the middle to mark it

Pin this in the middle of the robe and pin it all around the neckline

make sure the right side of the lapel faces the right side of the robe

Then sew it

Fold it once and fold it over the front and pin it

I decided to place it like a bias tape Do this all around your robe

Hem the sides of your robe and continue unto the lapel

sew it all around and you're done

and this is the final look!

Since the inside is fleece this bathrobe is so comfy

Wear it casual like this or up the bohemian vibe with a floppy hat

If you enjoyed this tutorial subscribe to my channel, click like and let me know your

thoughts in the comments and I would really appreciate if you would

share it with your friends.

Thanks for watching and see you in my next video

For more infomation >> ✂ DIY Robe | DIY Clothes ✂ - Duration: 8:55.


НОЧЬ НА КЛАДБИЩЕ! УБЕГАЛА ОТ ОХРАНЫ! 24 ЧАСА в закрытом кладбище - Duration: 5:23.

For more infomation >> НОЧЬ НА КЛАДБИЩЕ! УБЕГАЛА ОТ ОХРАНЫ! 24 ЧАСА в закрытом кладбище - Duration: 5:23.


5 DIY rings | Adjustable & No Tools!!! | DIY Easy rings - Duration: 5:05.

For more infomation >> 5 DIY rings | Adjustable & No Tools!!! | DIY Easy rings - Duration: 5:05.


Migos - Bad and Boujee (Trump Remix) - Donald Trump Rap Parody - ft Lil Uzi Vert [Official Video] - Duration: 2:10.

Yeah, You know we tremendously rich So we always had old money

But we got whole lotta new money now that Im president, hah

(If Young Putin don't trust you I'm gon' shoot ya)

Rain drop, flip flop (flip flop) All up on my twitter cause I can't stop

(twitter) Grabbing on your nation she a thot, thot (thot)

Cookin' up laws like a crackpot (pot) Came from the millions to billions figure

(millions) All of the ladies I make em quiver (ladies)

Call up the feds and they come and get you (feds)

Cry me a river, give you a tissue (hey) My bitchs is bad and boujee (bad)

Twitter fingers like an Uzi (blaow) My family savage, ruthless (savage)

Got billions and properties too (grrah) My bitchs is bad and boujee (bad)

Twitter fingers like an Uzi (dope) My family savage, ruthless (hey)

Got billions and properties too (glah)

Offset, woah, woah, woah, woah, woah Rackings on rackings, got backends on backends

You know that I always ride in my suit (suit) I take your fam right from you (you)

Cause Im a dog, woof (grrr) Buiding that wall, proof?

(hey) Your papi is gone, poof (skrt)

I tell these liberals don't come for me (come for me)

I swear these liberals they under me (hey) New York Times keep on jumpin' me (jumpin'

me) Ivanka and M keep me company (hoes)

Hey, we do the most, (most) yeah Tremendous to boast (woo)

Ill sit here and toast (glah) America Im gonna roast (blaow)

Rain drop, flip flop (flip flop) All up on my twitter cause I can't stop

(twitter) Grabbing on this nation she a thot, thot (thot)

Cookin' up laws like a crackpot (pot) Came from the millions to billions figure

(millions) All of the ladies I make em quiver (ladies)

Call up the feds and they come and get you (feds)

Cry me a river, give you a tissue (hey) My bitchs is bad and boujee (bad)

Twitter fingers like an Uzi (blaow) My family savage, ruthless (savage)

Got billions and properties too (grrah) My bitchs is bad and boujee (bad)

Twitter fingers like an Uzi (dope) My family savage, ruthless (hey)

Got billions and properties too (glah)

For more infomation >> Migos - Bad and Boujee (Trump Remix) - Donald Trump Rap Parody - ft Lil Uzi Vert [Official Video] - Duration: 2:10.


How To Add Social Media Links To YouTube Channel - Duration: 3:39.

How to add social media links on your YouTube channel.

Do you want to expand your audience beyond YouTube and get more eyeballs on your videos?

Even though YouTube receives billions of views every day, there are millions of people who

use other social media sites.

Welcome to another video, My name is Herman Drost from

If this is your first time here, hit the subscribe button.

You'll learn how to grow your YouTube channel fast and generate views and subscribers on


Stay tuned for the steps to add social media links to your YouTube channel.

Adding social media links to your Youtube channel will help build your audience beyond


It will also give viewers additional ways to connect with you.

Log into your YouTube channel, hover over your channel banner.

At the top right you will see a pencil icon, click on that, click "edit links".

A the top here you've got a description of your channel so you can edit that by clicking

on the pencil icon and edit the description.

For business inquiries, you can put in your email address and select your country, United


On the links, custom links, you can add up to five links.

First one I added was my landing page, "21 ways to get free traffic".

Then you just grab the link to your Facebook page.

Here it is at the top you just copy that, in the mac, it's command C, paste it in the


The third link is a tip jar which is my PayPal donate link.

You can watch my video of how I created that by clicking the card icon. if you want to

add another link just click add.

Now I'm going to add my Twitter link so I go to Twitter and go on the browser and just

copy that link, command C, paste it in here and then add a link title.

Click done.

Now I can see here on the about page I've got my business inquiries email, country,

and I've got my links.

If you want to edit any of these links, you just click on the pencil icon and then you

can edit any of these links.

If you go to your channel home page you'll find that all these links don't appear on

the channel art.

I've just got my landing page, Google Plus page, and Facebook page.

If you want to edit any of those you just hover pencil icon again.

Click edit links and then you can choose maybe just a couple that you want to put on the

home page.

Another place that you might want to add your social media links is in the description of

your videos.

So if you click on videos and click on one of your videos, click on the info and settings.

Scroll down to the bottom of your description and enter your social media links at the bottom.

The title could be, "connect with me on social media."

Click "save changes."

What if you want to add social media links automatically to each video you upload?

You can do this by going into your default settings, click on your profile icon, creative

studio, upload defaults.

In your description box place your social media links, click "save".

Now your social media links will appear in the description for each new video you upload.

What if you don't see "edit links" when you hover over your channel art?

To activate this, just click on your cog icon next to the subscribe button.

Just move the slider from the left to the right.

This will allow you to add a channel trailer, suggest content to your subscribers and organize

all your videos and playlists into sections.

That's it, now you know how to add social media links to your YouTube channel.

Click the card icon to download my video upload checklist.

You'll learn the 10 things you need to do before your video goes live on YouTube.

If you want to receive more video tutorials like this one every week, hit the subscribe

button below.

Make sure you check out the related videos to receive more in-depth information.

I'll see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> How To Add Social Media Links To YouTube Channel - Duration: 3:39.


30 missing in central Italy avalanche that buries hotel - Pigeon Post News - Duration: 5:59.

Rescue workers were met with an eerie silence Thursday when they reached a four-star spa hotel struck by an avalanche in a mountainous earthquake-stricken region of central Italy.

At least 30 people were missing, including at least two children, authorities said.

Guests at the three-story Hotel Rigopiano in the central Abruzzo region alerted emergency workers of the disaster on Wednesday, following a series of quakes in the region.

"Help, we're dying of cold," one couple wrote rescuers, according to the ANSA news agency.

Another man, identified by news reports as Fabio Salzetta, sent a SMS message saying he had escaped with a maintenance worker, but that others were trapped inside.

Corriere della Sera quoted the text message as saying: "Some walls were knocked down."

And: "I'm outside with a maintenance worker but you can't see anything of the hotel, there's only a wall of snow in front of me."

When rescuers on skis arrived in the early morning hours of Thursday, they found just two people alive, according to news reports.

Civil protection authorities said that 30 people were missing. The ANSA news agency quoted a rescuer as saying that there were fatalities, but details weren't immediately available.

Just one body was reported removed from the hotel by late morning Thursday.

One of those saved was 38-year-old Giampaolo Parete, who told rescuers he had gone outside to get something from the car, which was untouched by the avalanche, but that his wife and two children were buried inside, the news agency ANSA reported.

Rescue efforts were hampered by the large snowfall in recent days, making it difficult to clear roads for heavy vehicles and ambulances to get through.

The buried hotel was just one of several rescues underway in an area that has been pummeled by more than a meter (three feet) of snow in recent days — storms that have knocked out power and phone lines and blocked roads, isolating towns and hamlets.

Video footage from Italian financial police force GDF showed a gray-haired man being led to safety by rescuers through a path dug out of deep snow from another rescue in the region.

Snow continued to fall throughout the region, with reports of people being isolated in many places.

A resident of a town in the province of Teramo, Daiana Nguyen, told SKY TG24 that three meters (about 10 feet) of snow had fallen and that people "were completely isolated."

The timing of the avalanche Wednesday and the messages remained unclear, but the hotel posted a notice on its Facebook page that its phones were down around 9 a.m. following the first of Wednesday's quakes, including one with a 5.7 magnitude.

It wasn't immediately clear if the temblors triggered the avalanche.

Video shot by rescue teams showed huge piles of filthy snow and debris piled up inside corridors, stairwells and an indoor pool area, having slammed through the outer walls of the building.

The audio is silent. The largest wall of snow shown was in the pool area, where plastic lounge chairs were flipped on their sides and Christmas decorations still dangled from the ceiling.

The bar area appeared flooded, with nearby cracked skylights covered with snow outside.

Aerial video shot by helicopter crews showed rescue workers on top of the snow-covered hotel, digging holes down to try to get in.

The civil protection agency said that they were working to get rescue vehicles to Hotel Rigopiano through roads covered in snow, joining initial rescue efforts overnight by alpine rescue teams who went in on skis.

The hotel is about 45 kilometers (30 miles) from the coastal city of Pescara, at an altitude of about 1,200 meters (3,940 feet).

An ambulance was blocked about nine kilometers (5 ½ miles) from the hotel, according to SKY, which also said that snowfall was so heavy that snow plows have had trouble clearing the road to the hotel.

The mountainous region of central Italy has been struck by a series of quakes since August that destroyed historic centers in dozens of towns and hamlets.

A deadly quake in August killed nearly 300, while no one died in the strong aftershocks in October largely because population centers had already been evacuated.

In the meantime, the entire region has been hit by freezing weather and buffeted by snowstorms, piling more suffering on to the hard-hit population.

People left homeless by the earlier quakes had been moved to hotels in the region, but it wasn't immediately clear if any of them were staying at Hotel Rigopiano, which is located in the Gran Sasso National Park.

On Tuesday, the hotel posted photos of the recent snowfall, calling it "a dream Tuesday. Snow is giving us spectacular scenes."

It advised guests that roads were still passable but snow tires were required with chains for cars.

In the hours since the report of the avalanche, Facebook users have been posting messages on the hotel's page seeking information about the hotel.

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