Most Popular musically comedy
Realistic Career Guidance - Foil Arms and Hog - Duration: 1:29.Why don't you start by telling me a little bit about yourself
and I'll try and guide you towards the best career
I hate kids.
P.E teacher.
I think I'm really good at getting the most out of people.
I'm just really terrified to make a big life decision.
Well you could just do PHD after PHD.
Aw that sounds great.
I like torturing people and inflicting pain on others.
The closest thing I have is
Or customer support.
So what are you interested in?
(Garbled Mumbling)
Sorry I didn't get that.
(Garbled mumbling)
You should work in a train station.
I don't know what I want to do.
But I do have this leather satchel.
OK so what are your skills?
I've got like 20,000 Instagram followers.
No, your skills.
20,000 that's like got to lead to a career.
No I'm going to need more than that.
LIke 30,000??
No life skills.
What are you?
Have you considered taxi driver?
Oh ye ok.
To be honest my parents made me come here
I don't actually want a job.
Oh, that's no problem.
Arts, philosophy, sports science, history, geography, classics, modern welsh....
Hi we're Foil Arms and Hog thank you very much for watching our video.
We have a new video every Thursday.
Please subscribe to the YouTube channel.
If you want to see us live
We are taking our new show 'Craicling' to Dublin for the Dublin Fringe Festival
In September.
Mercedes-Benz V-Klasse V 250 d Automaat Avantgarde Edition L - Duration: 1:10.-------------------------------------------
Rani Mukerji Unseen Family With Beautiful Daughter And Husband - Duration: 5:01.Rani Mukerji Unseen Family With Beautiful Daughter And Husband
BIAŁORUŚ vs LITWA, ŁOTWA, ESTONIA | Zestawienie Wojsk [2018] - Duration: 2:39.Military Power Comparison
Belarus vs Lithuania Latvia Estonia
Total Population
Land Area (km²)
Defense Budget
Active Military Personnel
Reserve force
Nuclear Weapon
Armored Fighting Vehicles
Multiple Rocket Launchers
Self-Propelled Artillery
Towed Artillery
Attack Aircraft
Transport Aircraft
Trainer Aircraft
Attack Helicopters
Air force
Dell G5 vs G7 - Gaming Laptop Comparison - Duration: 13:15.-------------------------------------------
Timber Trucking in the Black Forest with Dennis | Driver's Day | Episode Eight - Duration: 3:12.My name is Dennis Piltz.
I'm from Neuenburg.
I'm a self-employed timber truck driver in the Black Forest,
doing regional as well as national transport in Germany.
On a normal day, I wake up at four,
then I start with the first load.
Either the truck is pre-loaded, or we start by loading it.
And then it's driven to the bitter end,
until the tachograph says that time is up.
And when the money is good by the evening, little Dennis is very happy.
The truck is a Scania 580 Euro 6.
It has a DOLL long timber configuration,
with an Epsilon loading crane,
and the special thing is that the trailer,
which you can see behind me,
can be put on the back of the truck when it's empty.
That means in the forest it's easier to manoeuvre,
for example if I need to turn around and back up somewhere.
And for taking loads, we use the crane to lower the trailer,
a so-called self-steering trailer,
which allows us a total length of 27 metres, or log lengths of 21.5 metres.
The trailer has a steered front axle, which can be controlled from the cab,
and this allows us to steer it on sharp corners and S-curves.
I'm my own boss.
Just, the challenge when you go somewhere up in the forest,
the landscape, everything around it,
the smell of fresh wood,
the machines,
the solidarity in the forest,
with each other, the different operators, other people.
In the evenings we meet and get coffee,
Really, everything, the whole package.
I love my job.
It's the best job in the world, and I don't want to do anything else.
Новый Слуга Народа... Скоро... В Украине... - Duration: 1:50.-------------------------------------------
Colorful game - Baby panda daycare dressing outfits | Panda taking pretty pictures - Duration: 11:22.Baby panda day care& Dressing outfit cartoon for kids
I'll toss a green and yellow basket
I wrote a letter to my love
On the way, I dropped it dropped it. I dropped it and on the way I dropped
A little boy who picked it up and put it in his pocket
A green and yellow basket, I wrote a letter to my love
On the way, I dropped a little boy picked it up and put it in his pocket
Artists spit on a spit of green and yellow basket
I wrote a letter to my love
Dropped a little boy picked it up and put it in his pocket
Yankee Doodle went to town riding on a pony stuck a feather in his hat
Father and I went to camp along with Captain hooding there. We saw the men and boys and niggas
花粥 - 摸摸它 (喵奴必聽超可愛!)【歌詞字幕 / 完整高清音質】ft.孟凡明 ♫「🐱反正我一定在你的床上...」Hua Zhou & Meng Fanming - Touch It - Duration: 4:14.-------------------------------------------
Chút Tình Đã Quên - Hương Tràm (#CTDQ) | OST HOÁN ĐỔI [ OFFICIAL MV ] - Duration: 3:16.-------------------------------------------
La Bella y las Bestias | Mike y Simón salvan a Penélope de ser asesinada - Duration: 2:32.-------------------------------------------
La Bella y las Bestias | Isabela provoca que la Bestia #6 muera asfixiada - Duration: 1:40.-------------------------------------------
La Bella y las Bestias | Capítulo 54 - Resumen - Duration: 4:12.-------------------------------------------
8月23,24,25號3天發橫財中大獎,必暴富生肖 - Duration: 4:36.屬鼠的人比較感性,8 月23, 廣告-請 繼續往下閱讀 生肖 鼠
24,25號菩薩保佑 ,喜中大獎發橫財, 存款翻10倍,必暴 富,不高估自己,也 不會低估他人,人緣 一直都很不錯,樂於 助人,出手闊綽,引 得各路福星相擁而至,他們的善緣能得到菩薩的關照,朋友遍天下,好運時常有!
屬兔的人,大多人際關 系很好,風趣幽默。 廣告-請繼續往下 閱讀 生肖兔
他們雖然早前運勢平平 ,收入也是低微的很 。
8月23,24,25 號菩薩保佑,喜中大 獎發橫財,存款翻1 0倍,富得流油,鈔 票堆成山,家中裡裡 外外都是喜訊!同時 不僅一生事業發展順 利,而且還多有貴人相助,未來有發達成功的機會。
廣告-請繼續往下閱讀 生肖羊
屬羊的人,伶牙俐齒 ,有很多投機取巧的 小聰明,他們做事小 心謹慎,步步為營, 做事前總是會反復斟 酌,力求不出差錯。
8月23,24,25 號菩薩保佑,喜中大 獎發橫財,存款翻1 0倍,越來越滋潤, 將迎來最嶄新的時代 ,一切都會變得更美 好!
龍年出生的人,一直都 非常努力,非常堅韌 不拔,一直都在追求 著自己的財富夢想。 生肖龍
23號24號25號運 勢高漲,3天發橫財 連續千萬,必財豐利 達,招財進寶,苦日 子終於熬到了頭,他 們後半輩子最有福氣 ,福氣臨門,大吉大 利。
廣告-請繼續往下閱讀 廣告 生肖虎
屬虎的人,為人注重 內在,有才華也不外 顯,富貴了也是偷偷 有錢,只有自己的家 人和心腹才知道,屬 虎的人樂善好施,所 以財運能夠細水長流 ,不但能夠旺夠幾十年,
人生更是一順百順,2 3號24號25號運 勢高漲,3天發橫財 連續千萬,必財豐利 達,屬虎的人將會收 獲好幾筆意外金錢, 讓他們躋身富翁之列 !
廣告-請繼續往下閱讀 生肖豬
屬豬的人,他們命格 為木火生財格局,2 3號24號25號運 勢高漲,3天發橫財 連續千萬,必財豐利 達,收入有大幅度提 升的機會,
同時貴人運勢也極旺, 身邊的小人也不敢上 前來犯,屬豬的人未 來一年將會心想事成 ,財氣旺則事業興, 諸事皆宜,好運到家 !
廣告-請繼續往下閱讀 生肖兔
屬兔的人,從來不愛 顯擺自己,他們低調 賺大錢,一直都在悶 頭努力工作,但是, 這幾年他們簡直太倒 黴了,什麼好運都沒 有遇上,23號24 號25號財星高照,
3天橫財一飛沖天,鈔 票堆成山,生肖兔迎 來好運、福氣盈門, 他們喜事連連,鴻運 當頭,後半輩子都有 福氣,未來的日子越 過越紅火。
Fat Man Ricky Naputi | পৃথিবীর একজন মোটা মানুষ রিকি নাপুটি | তার অবস্থা কি? | KHULNA MUSIC TV - Duration: 1:55.Fat Man Ricky Naputi | পৃথিবীর একজন মোটা মানুষ রিকি নাপুটি | তার অবস্থা কি? | KHULNA MUSIC TV
Fat Man Ricky Naputi | পৃথিবীর একজন মোটা মানুষ রিকি নাপুটি | তার অবস্থা কি? | KHULNA MUSIC TV
Fat Man Ricky Naputi | পৃথিবীর একজন মোটা মানুষ রিকি নাপুটি | তার অবস্থা কি? | KHULNA MUSIC TV
Fat Man Ricky Naputi | পৃথিবীর একজন মোটা মানুষ রিকি নাপুটি | তার অবস্থা কি? | KHULNA MUSIC TV
Specialized Zwift Academy Tri Team Camp - Episode 4 - Duration: 4:05.Four amateur triathletes, one goal
competing at the Ironman World Championships.
We provide the best coaching and equipment.
See what happens next.
In Episode 4, we follow the athletes as they
head to the coast for some riding and running in beautiful Santa Cruz.
"We're heading to Santa Cruz today for Independence Day. We're having a little party there.
Before that we're just going for a 5 hour bike ride."
"Yeah, just"
"This will be a very good test, to test the position and how it feels.
Yesterday our stats tested already."
"Yeah but it was a short ride yesterday?"
"Yeah and now I'm climbing, you can feel better also for the downhills."
"They're obviously world class age-groups.
They've got full-time jobs, some of them have got families. They've got so much going on.
But their passion and commitment to performance and it's just brilliant to see that.
You know Bex has never done an Ironman before,
and she's got Bolton so there's a lot of pressure there
and especially coming here 10 days before her first race.
I've got a lot of respect for that"
"Bex, she's coming from a really competitive cycling background
so she has a lot of power and I'm sure she was smash it.
Even if she has some problems in the run, she will smash the bike.
"Ahh, have you told her that?"
"Maybe after tell her."
"Last year I had my professional cycling
was cut short little bit because of a bad crash
and that ended in July last year
I didn't really get to fulfill my year as a professional cyclist.
It broke my heart,
and I think there's a little bit of, not so much anger,
but that I've got a point to prove to myself.
I can do it, and I'm driven and committed to achieve my goal still.
Just got to channel some of that energy into it."
"I've just done my interval. I did about 3 times 6 minutes hard uphill.
About 360 to 400 watts."
"I was doing 3 times 10 minutes up the hill
and then just 5 minutes rest.
It makes things a lot easier, if you share pain.
"It's just definitely better!"
"Ohhh, you guys!"
"We are cooking up homemade pizzas here.
This is the first one. Having cheese pizza at first just to test it."
"First pizza is always to test the temperature of the oven
and then once it's good, then we get fancy."
"We just build it right here"
"It just goes straight off there. We don't need to use the pan."
"I'm so excited!"
"You know what? I feel like above anything,
I've found some lifelong friends this week and that,
it's priceless. It's been amazing!"
"It has probably been one of the coolest weeks of my life, honestly!"
"Very nice!"
"Happy Fourth!"
"Let's go to the beach, beach! Let's get away!"
"We're going to go see the fireworks!"
"I actually got an electric board at home that I use good to work."
"As a police officer?"
"I think that is efficient."
"For this week, do you feel like you've really gotten on with everyone?"
"No, not really."
"Everyone is..."
"It's been awesome! It's been such a learning experience for everyone!
Working with a company like Specialized,
going to the wind tunnel and being able to do some training as well together in a relaxed environment."
"It's almost coming to an end now.
The team is fantastic! It's a great crew! It's fantastic out here!"
Stay tuned for our final episode,
as camp comes to a close
and the athletes share emotional goodbyes.
Caltrans employees injured in I-80 crash - Duration: 1:54.-------------------------------------------
Belly Fat Yoga | Belly Fat Yoga For Women | Reduce Belly Fat Yoga Woman | Yoga | Bhavishya Jyoti - Duration: 3:15.PLEASE LIKE COMMENTS SHARE
Koda - Nazareth (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:36.up to my ritual destruction
i open up my head and i let the demons in
and turn nothing into something
i gotta get my mind right
but first i gotta fuck it, fuck it up
i'm not that fucked up
but i pretend i'm fucked up
yeah i pretend i'm fucked up
up to my ritual for nothing
i sit and say the words
but i don't mean a word when
i tell you that i love you
in my mind i am above you
you know i'm trying to change the shit
you don't like about me
even though the things i like are things
you don't like about me
so i pray on it
and my mind will stay
yeah my mind will stay haunted
my mind will stay haunted
yeah my mind will stay haunted
pray for me
pray for you
pray for mom
pray for me
and my mind will stay haunted
turn your head and cough, turn your head and cough
and then pray for a coffin
i know i don't pray a lot
don't say a lot
but i'll pray more often
yeah i'm gonna pray more often
you know i'm trying to change the shit
you don't like about me
even though the things i like are things
you don't like about me
so i'll pray on it
and my mind will stay
yeah my mind will stay haunted
yeah my mind will stay haunted
pray for me
pray for me
pray for you
pray for mom
pray for me
pray for me
pray for me
pray for you
pray for us
Ford B-MAX BWJ 2013 1.0 120PK ECOBOOST TITANIUM / CLIMA / CRUISE / LMV / TREKHAAK - Duration: 0:55.-------------------------------------------
First Look | Nikon Z 7 Full-Frame Mirrorless Camera - Duration: 7:24.I'm hanging out with my friends from B&H today, this is not a dream folks.
We're going to be taking an exciting first look at Nikon's 35mm full-frame mirrorless.
That's right, mirrorless.
This is the Z 7.
Nikon's first full-frame 35mm mirrorless camera.
There's also a Z 6 but more on that and some others surprises later.
The Z 7 is decidedly a Nikon.
From the grip.
To the image quality even the menu system.
If you're coming from a Nikon DSLR, this is incredibly intuitive to use.
The body is exactly what you'd expect from a Nikon.
Built on a magnesium alloy chassis it weather-sealed throughout.
The eyepiece extends back just a little bit that keeps your face from pressing up against
the rear LCD screen.
The rear LCD screen flips out.
So, if you were video shooter or you're using the camera at an odd angle much, much
easier and much, more comfortable to get the shot.
And the protrusion of the thumb rest makes holding the camera a pleasure.
Let's talk about the brand-new Z-mount.
There is a 55mm internal diameter and a 16mm flange distance.
That brings the rear optic closer to the focal plane.
Helping control chromatic aberration.
It allows for lens designs with larger maximum apertures because of the efficiency of the
light-gathering of the mount, you're getting better light transmission from the center
of the frame outward.
So, your corners are great.
You can shoot your lenses wide-open without fear of losing any kind of sharpness or detail.
New mount, new lenses.
Brand new NIKKOR Z 35mm f1.8 S, 50mm f1.8 S, and a brand-new 24-70mm f4.
So, a camera is only as good as the lenses that you put in front of it.
Nikon has, tons of legacy F-Mount lenses.
You can use those without any compromise using the FTZ mount adapter.
Essentially this allows you to put any previous NIKKOR F-mount lens on a Z-Series camera body.
There are 360 F-Mount lenses that you can use with the adapter.
Over 90 will support autofocus and automatic exposure capability.
Here's the thing, I'm not a fan of adapters.
Whenever I've mounted an adapter between a mirrorless camera body and some other lens,
it's been something that goes wrong.
Whether it's autofocus, or an exposure issue, whether it's just the play in the mount
and of the whole thing coming apart.
I had none of that today with the FTZ adapter.
I use it with some of my favorite lenses, the 70-200mm VR, 60mm micro and 105mm f1.4.
All of them operated just as they would on a Nikon DSLR.
Autofocus was fast, and snappy.
No communication issues and everything felt solid.
That's to me was really one of the most surprising things.
There was no play even when using a heavier piece of glass like the 72-200mm.
I felt no play in using the lens.
Under the hood, there's a brand-new, Nikon designed 45.7 mega-pixel backside illuminated
Wonderful ISO range between 64 and 25,600.
There are 493 phase detection autofocus points that covered 90% of the sensor.
Phase detection is all about speed.
So, if you're are shooting fast action, awesome.
But, when critical focus is a must, Nikon's pinpoint contrast detection autofocus mode
is where you want to be.
Slower than phase-detection but, gives you critical focus when it counts.
The electronic viewfinder has been the hallmark of mirrorless systems from the beginning.
What makes the Nikon Z-Series different, is the glass that goes into that electronic viewfinder.
There's spherical glass, there's fluorine coated glass, it makes the experience looking
through the viewfinder incredibly clear.
Whether you tilt slightly off-angle, reading from top to bottom, left to right it makes
the viewing it experience incredibly clear.
There's a high-speed frame rate up to 5.5fps.
And there's a high-sped plus mode get you up 9fps.
There is even a silent shutter mode when absolute silence, is a must.
Think event shooters, street photography. Any type of situation where, "silence is golden."
The camera will work with EN-EL 15 series batteries.
It ships with a brand-new EN-EL 15B battery which allows for charging over USB.
There is a single XQD card slot.
Via firmware update in the future, this will support the CF-Express protocol.
Let's talk about video.
The Z 7 shoots UHD 4K and HD up to 120fps.
For silky smooth slow-motion.
High order bid here, autofocus.
It's incredibly reliable and consistent.
You can even use touch autofocus when shooting at high frame rates.
This is invaluable if you're racking focus during a slow-motion camera move.
Or, moving from foreground to background in a shot.
Bobby and Doug loved the vibration reduction built into the camera.
It saves you about 5 stops of handshake.
It feels a lot like you're using a monopod.
There was an instance where Doug was about to go get a stabilizer.
Looking at the shot he was like: "No, this works fine."
"Don't need another piece of hardware."
So, unless you're using a shot where you need a lot of movement, I think you're great with
the built-in VR.
For the first time ever, N-log going out over HDMI.
You get wonderfully flat color profile for all the creative post-production that you
want to do.
It's also clean 10-bit out over HDMI.
Right to your field recorder.
Rounding out the feature set, we have timecode, 3 levels of focus peaking and zebras.
Coming soon, Nikon has developed announcements for a brand-new battery grip, of course the
aforementioned CF-Express protocol.
And the fastest NIKKOR lens ever.
The NOCT 58mm f/0.95.
It's a manual focus lens development announcement today.
I cannot wait to try that out.
Oh and there's one more thing, This is a 70-200mm f/2.8 VR.
And this is the brand new 500mm f/5.6.
Look at this thing! 500mm lens used to require its own case.
This you can throw on a body, tuck it right into your camera bag and go anywhere.
This will fit in a small bag under the seat of a regional airliner.
And with the FTZ adapter, this will work perfectly on the Z 7.
Here is a quick cheat sheet showing the differences between the Z 7 and the Z 6.
We are hoping to have a Z 6 to test in the not-to-distant future.
I had an amazing time playing with the Nikon Z 7 today.
Tomorrow we're actually having a livestream panel discussion talking about the camera.
And Nikon's foray into full-frame mirrorless.
For more on the Nikon Z 7, photography and all things imaging, visit B&H.
I'm photographer David Flores, see you next time.
Opel Zafira Tourer 1.4 140pk Cosmo *Navi* *1500kg trekgewicht* - Duration: 1:09.-------------------------------------------
Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 Black - review - Duration: 1:29.-------------------------------------------
Sony Ericsson Xperia X1 - review - Duration: 1:29.-------------------------------------------
Sony Xperia tipo Black - review - Duration: 1:29.-------------------------------------------
《中国新说唱》马俊惨遭淘汰! - Duration: 2:34.-------------------------------------------
秦嵐怒懟快本主持人:你們好可怕 - Duration: 2:47.-------------------------------------------
Comment VENDRE RAPIDEMENT par TÉLÉPHONE ? - Duration: 9:52.-------------------------------------------
UPplus: Uudet (sohva)perunat - Duration: 3:46.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> UPplus: Uudet (sohva)perunat - Duration: 3:46.-------------------------------------------
Charlotte Casiraghi , son fiancé Dimitri Rassam serait-il enfin le bon ? - Duration: 1:21.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Charlotte Casiraghi , son fiancé Dimitri Rassam serait-il enfin le bon ? - Duration: 1:21.-------------------------------------------
Sony Xperia tipo Black - review - Duration: 1:29.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Sony Xperia tipo Black - review - Duration: 1:29.-------------------------------------------
CX14BYJ Arriva Coastliner Cymru X5 3171 Taith bws | CX14BYJ Arriva Cymru Coastliner X5 3171 Ride - Duration: 6:13.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> CX14BYJ Arriva Coastliner Cymru X5 3171 Taith bws | CX14BYJ Arriva Cymru Coastliner X5 3171 Ride - Duration: 6:13.-------------------------------------------
VIDEO. "Au minimum, mettez des gants" : on a essayé d'acheter du glyphosate et les conseils obligato - Duration: 7:17.Le 10 août, le géant américain de l'agrochimie Monsanto a été condamné par un tribunal californien à payer 289 millions de dollars, soit 253 millions d'euros, à un jardinier atteint d'un cancer incurable
Depuis, le débat a été relancé. En France, des élus d'Europe-Ecologie-Les Verts ont déposé, lundi 20 août, un recours judiciaire en référé pour faire interdire les herbicides au glyphosate de Monsanto
Ceux-ci sont déjà soumis à une réglementation stricte.Pas de vente en libre-service "Depuis le 1er janvier 2017, les produits phytopharmaceutiques issus de synthèse chimique, dont ceux à base de glyphosate, ne sont accessibles qu'en vente dite 'assistée' pour les jardiniers amateurs", explique à franceinfo le ministère de la Transition écologique et solidaire
Pour la vente aux particuliers donc, pas question de trouver le produit en libre-service : il doit être placé en magasin dans une armoire sous clé ou derrière un comptoir
Le ministère ajoute : "Le vendeur doit avoir suivi une formation spécifique" et être "disponible pour fournir aux utilisateurs les informations appropriées concernant l'utilisation des produits phytopharmaceutiques, les risques pour la santé et l'environnement liés à une telle utilisation et les consignes de sécurité afin de gérer ces risques", précise l'article L254-7 du code rural et de la pêche maritime
"Ça fait déjà un an qu'on a commencé à déstocker" Dans les magasins, les règles sont-elles respectées ? Selon une enquête de l'association Consommation Logement Cadre de vie (CLCV), plus de quatre enseignes sur dix ne respectaient pas la législation en juillet 2017
Un an plus tard, qu'en est-il ? Franceinfo a enquêté en caméra cachée. Nous nous sommes rendus dans douze magasins de jardinage, de bricolage et grandes surfaces situés en région parisienne
Sept ne vendaient plus d'herbicides à base de glyphosate, et notamment de Roundup, le produit phare de Monsanto, longtemps plébiscité par les jardiniers
"Je n'ai que des produits d'origine végétale pas agressifs pour l'environnement", indique un vendeur dans un magasin de bricolage
"Ça fait déjà un an qu'on a commencé à déstocker", ajoute un autre dans une enseigne de jardinage
"Il y en a qui ont fait des stocks" "C'est interdit par la loi", expliquent plusieurs vendeurs de jardineries et de magasins de bricolage, alors que la vente aux particuliers de désherbants au glyphosate est en réalité encore autorisée jusqu'au 1er janvier 2019
Beaucoup d'enseignes semblent avoir anticipé la prochaine interdiction. Dans les cinq autres magasins, nous avons trouvé des herbicides au glyphosate
Mais les rayonnages étaient parfois quasi vides. "Il ne me reste que deux bidons
Après, je n'en recommande plus", explique un vendeur d'une enseigne de jardinage bien connue
"Il y en a qui ont fait des stocks", confirme un autre chez un concurrent."On les exposait en bas, quand c'était les soldes" Si les désherbants au glyphosate étaient tous rangés derrière des vitrines fermées à clé ou sur des étagères derrière un comptoir de vente, les conseils d'utilisation donnés par les commerçants ont souvent varié
"Il y a des précautions à prendre, explique spontanément un vendeur. Normalement, on met gants, masque, lunettes, combinaison et bottes
Au minimum, vous mettez des gants." Ne l'utilisez pas "quand il y a du vent, pour éviter que du produit revienne sur vous", ajoute un autre
Mais dans plusieurs magasins, aucune indication précise n'est donnée. "Il est écrit que c'est à utiliser avec précaution, mais il y a plus de conseils que ça ?", demande-t-on à une vendeuse
"Pas spécialement. Il faut éviter de le faire tomber, c'est ce qu'ils nous disent
" "Et pour les clients ?" "Non non, à un moment même on les exposait en bas, quand c'était les soldes
" Une autre vendeuse indique seulement : "Il faut éviter qu'après il y ait des animaux qui viennent dessus, ou des enfants
Il faut faire attention, c'est dangereux.""Les produits contenant du glyphosate sont dangereux" Herbicide au glyphosate en main et prêts à passer en caisse, nous n'aurons pas plus de conseils
"Il y a une amélioration", constate Vincent Licheron, chargé de mission environnement à la CLCV
Interrogé par franceinfo, l'expert se félicite : "Les magasins prennent conscience de la dangerosité de ces produits et ont fait le nécessaire pour ne pas les vendre librement
Et parfois même anticiper l'interdiction à venir de leur vente." Pour autant, le spécialiste estime que des progrès peuvent encore être faits, notamment dans l'information des utilisateurs de glyphosate
"Les produits contenant du glyphosate sont dangereux", insiste-t-il, soulignant : "Depuis 2015, l'OMS (Organisation mondiale de la santé) a classé ces produits et le glyphosate plus particulièrement en cancérogènes probables
" Sujets associésPesticidesGlyphosateMondeEnvironnement
For more infomation >> VIDEO. "Au minimum, mettez des gants" : on a essayé d'acheter du glyphosate et les conseils obligato - Duration: 7:17.-------------------------------------------
✅ Oscarwinnares Hilary Swank is in alle stilte getrouwd - Duration: 2:10.Geen toeters en bellen voor Hilary Swank, de 44-jarige actrice is stiekem getrouwd in het bijzijn van enkele familieleden en vrienden
De gelukkige is zakenman Philip Schneider. Ze vormen al twee jaar een koppel en waren zes maanden verloofd
Na haar eerste huwelijk van tien jaar met acteur Chad Lowe heeft Hilary Swank zich voor een tweede keer aan de grote stap gewaagd
De Oscarwinnares beleefde namelijk samen met Philip Schneider een spookjesachtige dag in Redwoods in Californië
In een exclusief interview met Vogue vertelt ze hoe ze de romantische huwelijksceremonie heeft beleefd
"Het was tijdloos. Ik was overweldigd door alle dankbaarheid die ik voelde omdat ik met deze man van mijn dromen kon trouwen en omdat we omringd waren door alle mensen waar we van houden en dat alles in zo'n prachtige omgeving
Het was echt een droom die werkelijkheid werd", vertelt de dolgelukkige bruid. Longtransplantatie Ze werd door haar vader naar het altaar gebracht, de man voor wie ze een pauze in haar carrière inlaste zodat ze voor hem kon zorgen na een longtransplatatie
Bruidsmeisje was haar beste vriendin en actrice Mariska Hargitay. Haar jurk was dan weer van de hand van Elie Saab
Aan het unieke stuk, met daaraan een sluier van zes meter, werd om en bij de 150 uur gewerkt
For more infomation >> ✅ Oscarwinnares Hilary Swank is in alle stilte getrouwd - Duration: 2:10.-------------------------------------------
Hawai se prépare pour l'ouragan Lane, classé en catégorie 4 - Duration: 5:41.Ils se préparent au pire. Les habitants de l'archipel américain de Hawaï multipliaient mercredi les préparatifs avant l'arrivée du puissant ouragan Lane, qui s'est un peu essoufflé ces dernières heures
Descendu en catégorie 4 « Les îles hawaïennes restent vulnérables tandis que l'ouragan Lane, de catégorie 4, passe au sud de la Grande île » de Hawaï, a indiqué le Centre national des ouragans du Pacifique (CPHC), basé à Honolulu, dans son bulletin de 22h heure de Paris
Le président Donald Trump a invité les habitants à se préparer à l'arrivée de cette puissante tempête, qui s'était hissée jusqu'à la catégorie maximale de 5 sur l'échelle Saffir-Simpson, avec des vents soufflant à 260 km/h, avant de légèrement fléchir, autour de 250 km/h
« Tout le monde sur la trajectoire du #HurricaneLane, s'il vous plaît, préparez-vous, suivez les conseils des responsables de l'Etat et locaux », a tweeté Donald Trump
« Soyez en sécurité ». Se préparer au pire Pour l'Agence fédérale des situations d'urgence (Fema), « la question n'est pas de savoir s'ils (les Hawaïens) vont être touchés ou non », mais de se préparer au pire
« Ils verront des effets de cette tempête (…) Notre priorité à l'heure actuelle est que la population soit en sécurité
Nous demandons aux citoyens de tenir compte de façon proactive de toutes les informations » émanant des autorités, a déclaré mercredi lors d'une conférence de presse le responsable de la Fema, Brock Long
Ecole et entreprises fermées L'US Navy a fait savoir mercredi que ses navires et sous-marins avaient commencé à quitter la base de Pearl Harbor pour aller se mettre à l'abri en mer, comme le veut la procédure en cas de conditions météorologiques extrêmes
« Une déclaration de catastrophe est déjà en place. Des écoles et des entreprises ont été fermées », a par ailleurs expliqué sur la chaîne CNN Mazie Hirono, sénatrice de l'Etat de Hawaï, appelant la population à la prudence
En état d'urgence Car même s'il s'est un peu essoufflé, l'ouragan reste susceptible de déverser des pluies torrentielles sur l'archipel (jusqu'à 50 cm) et de provoquer inondations et glissements de terrain
A 22h heure de Paris, il se trouvait à environ 450 kilomètres au sud des côtes de Kailua-Kona (ouest de l'île principale) et à moins de 700 kilomètres au sud-est d'Honolulu, la capitale de l'Etat
Il se déplaçait à 13 km/h. Une « alerte ouragan » est en vigueur depuis mardi pour l'île principale de l'archipel américain, ainsi que pour le comté de Maui, composé de plusieurs îles, dont celles de Maui, Lanai et une partie de Molokai
Cela signifie que des conditions dignes d'un ouragan (vent, pluie, vagues) sont prévues sur ces zones dans les 48 heures
« L'oeil de l'ouragan devrait aller très près, ou même passer au-dessus, des principales îles de Hawaï entre jeudi et samedi », selon le service météorologique national (NWS), qui s'attend à ce que les vents se réduisent dans les prochains jours, ne les rendant cependant pas moins dangereux
Le gouverneur de l'Etat, David Ige, a déclaré mardi l'état d'urgence dans une partie du territoire, afin de débloquer des moyens supplémentaires et de fournir de l'aide aux éventuels sinistrés
« Pas un ouragan sage » « L'ouragan Lane n'est pas un ouragan sage », a-t-il prévenu
« Je n'ai jamais vu de modifications aussi importantes des prévisions de trajectoire comme j'en ai vues avec cette tempête »
Le coeur des ouragans atteint rarement les terres à Hawaï : le dernier ouragan majeur --au moins catégorie 3-- dont l'oeil a touché les terres de l'archipel était Iniki, en 1992
Il avait causé la mort de six personnes et fait 3 milliards de dégâts. Hawaï avait déjà été menacé en août par un ouragan d'envergure
Hector, qui a atteint la catégorie 4, est finalement passé bien au large de la grande île, mais a néanmoins provoqué de grosses vagues sur une partie des côtes
For more infomation >> Hawai se prépare pour l'ouragan Lane, classé en catégorie 4 - Duration: 5:41.-------------------------------------------
NSAO -Suboi [Lyrics] - Duration: 3:40.I'm a Vinja green 5-leafed flag
Brothers and sisters gather around with 333
Saigonese sometimes "dzô" (cheers) too much
I'm turning up the speakers to start my solo
I'm a Vinja green 5-leafed flag
Brothers and sisters gather around with 333
Saigonese sometimes "dzô" (cheers) too much
I'm turning up the speakers to start
Ay yo! Tell me
W-Why nowadays being single is a shame?
W-Why do we always have to explain ourselves with others?
W-Why do we have to pay whenever we got pulled over?
W-Why do we pay money, pay fine and also acting?
And stay quiet when something happen?
Why do we still find ourselves lonely in the crowd?
Why do we always have to take credit helping others?
W-why? W-why?
Why you don't know but still like to give comments?
Why dreams die when we reach 25?
Of course dreams end if you keep bullshit-ing around
Now so what?
So what? So what? So what?
Why throwing stones at people who are happy?
Why you even try to involve me?
Why stay outta school and messing with your mom?
Nah - Uh
End of my rhymes I still rap
Still Pop and Lock, drop boom boom bap ...
No need to beat down 6 Napoleon statues
Those are just some French statues
Night on the side walk, "Please help me buy some Vinataba"
3 wheels carts plays Hotel California
Paris By Night, Hoai Linh, Thanh Ha
I'm from the District 3 now I'm happy so what?
Now I'm happy so what?
Life is happy so what?
Spreading nails the road, invited riders to patch their wheels
Parking in front of the door don't forget to lock
And why?
Where are you going?
50 bike (Honda Cub 50) with broken brake!
Hurry! Hurry!
When finish working,
go fast, with that broken brake,
Got into an accident
20K (VND)
at an intersection of district 3
have a milk coffee.
Right at Han Thuyen, there is a street singer
"Hey man! Buy me some pairs of lottery tickets!"
Then "10 piles every two years, win the lottery once"
"Hey man! Buy me some pairs of lottery tickets!"
Then "10 piles every two years, win the lottery once"
Saigon is innovating so fast
Looking ahead, look to the sides (while driving) careful for brakes
From a distance if there is a bike/car repairing, watch out for flat tires!
Escaping traffic jam by taking alley ways
One beautiful Monday morning, cycling to the familiar intersection of District 3
"Bánh mì thịt - welcome"
But I couldn't recognize this place, where is this new building from?
Humm ...
I've been every where but I always find my way home
This patchwork wheel is yesterday
Hey girls, do you hear someone yelling?
I'm a Vinja green 5-leafed flag
Brothers and sisters gather around with 333
Saigonese sometimes "dzô" (cheers) too much
I'm turning up the speakers to start my solo.
Life is happy so what?
Now I'm happy so what?
"Hey man! Buy me some pairs of lottery tickets!"
Then "10 piles every two years, win the lottery once"
"Hey man! buy for me some pairs of lottery tickets!"
Then "10 piles every two years, win the lottery once"
Oh! Hi Babe
You're picking me up at 7?
Okay! Yeah.
I'm a Vinja green 5-leafed flag
Brothers and sisters gather around with 333
Saigonese sometimes "dzô" (cheers) too much
I'm turning up the speakers to start my solo.
I'm a Vinja green 5-leafed flag
Brothers and sisters gather around with 333
Saigonese sometimes "dzô" (cheers) too much
I'm turning up the speakers to start
Ay yo! AYE!
For more infomation >> NSAO -Suboi [Lyrics] - Duration: 3:40.-------------------------------------------
'싸이월드 시절' 꽃미남으로 유명했던 '쌈디'의 과거 사진 - Duration: 2:31.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> '싸이월드 시절' 꽃미남으로 유명했던 '쌈디'의 과거 사진 - Duration: 2:31.-------------------------------------------
Força blindada: assim é o novo Tigr-M dotado de morteiro (FOTO) - Duration: 1:52.-------------------------------------------
Koda - Nazareth (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:36.up to my ritual destruction
i open up my head and i let the demons in
and turn nothing into something
i gotta get my mind right
but first i gotta fuck it, fuck it up
i'm not that fucked up
but i pretend i'm fucked up
yeah i pretend i'm fucked up
up to my ritual for nothing
i sit and say the words
but i don't mean a word when
i tell you that i love you
in my mind i am above you
you know i'm trying to change the shit
you don't like about me
even though the things i like are things
you don't like about me
so i pray on it
and my mind will stay
yeah my mind will stay haunted
my mind will stay haunted
yeah my mind will stay haunted
pray for me
pray for you
pray for mom
pray for me
and my mind will stay haunted
turn your head and cough, turn your head and cough
and then pray for a coffin
i know i don't pray a lot
don't say a lot
but i'll pray more often
yeah i'm gonna pray more often
you know i'm trying to change the shit
you don't like about me
even though the things i like are things
you don't like about me
so i'll pray on it
and my mind will stay
yeah my mind will stay haunted
yeah my mind will stay haunted
pray for me
pray for me
pray for you
pray for mom
pray for me
pray for me
pray for me
pray for you
pray for us
M'era Luna Haul & Outfits | Banned | Killstar | New Rock - Duration: 4:55.Hey and nice that you are back again, today I have the M'era Haul video for you because my last M'era video was just a short one with impressions
because I didn't film that much there and I also forgot to film my outfits
so that's why I will show you my outfits from M'era Luna at the end of the video
so now I will show you what I bought there and what I also got as a present
so I will start with the thing that my boyfriend gave to me and it's this plushy from Killstar and I love it so much because it's so fluffy
they call it "Kreeptures" and they have two different but they just had this Nekomata and I also wanted this one
and as you can see it's really big I expected it a little bit smaller and it's so cute, we bought it at Wonderland13
I shopped some more there, I bought this Restyle Moon necklace, actually I don't like this kind of necklaces because they are difficult for me to wear
but I really liked it so I will wear it over tops, I also couldn't decide which necklace I should buy
then I bought a Choker from Killstar, actually it wasn't planned but I saw it when I was on my way to pay something
it has these rings and small moons, actually it wasn't really spectular for me but when I saw it I just had to buy it, the price was totally ok, you also got it with this velvet bag
then I bought this coffin shaped bag from Banned, it has these studs and a pentagram on the front
you can use it as a handbag but it's kind of unpractical or you use it as a backpack, I also want to try to wear it as a shoulder bag
and it's bigger as expected, at the moment I like to wear backpacks instead of shoulder bag because of my shoulder
so now I will show the last thing, I didn't buy that much because most of the time I just chilled with friends even though I didn't meet all the people I want
I bought shoes from New Rock, actually I planned to buy shoes from Killstar or Demonia
I bought this one because I think they are pretty cool, they are the Negro M.373QX-S3 M8 boots
they were pretty cheap, I got them for 120 Euro, they are totally new with buckles and a really comfy heel because it's not really high
and I think it was a good decision to buy New Rocks because the quality is just awesome
and that's it with the stuff I bought, I planned to buy a bag, shoes and the plush toy from Killstar, so I bought a little bit more
let me know in the comments if you also were at the Festival, now I will show you my three outfits, I hope you liked this video and to see you next time again, bye
"M jak miłość" wraca na antenę. Co zobaczymy w nowym sezonie? - Duration: 7:17."M jak miłość": co nowego w serialu? Do obsady dołączy Rafał Szatan, mąż Barbary Kurdej – Szatan
Muzyk wcieli się w Eryka – pianistę, którego Asia (Barbara Kurdej-Szatan) pozna w bistro i który zaproponuje jej, by wspólnie nagrali piosenkę
Mężczyzna od razu zacznie Chodakowską adorować, ale na Wietrznej będzie miał konkurenta – Michała (Paweł Deląg)
Bo pisarz też otoczy Asię opieką i zrobi wszystko, by się do atrakcyjnej sąsiadki zbliżyć
Którego z wielbicieli wybierze w końcu Joanna? W Grabinie pojawi się Stefan Friedmann! Aktor i satyryk zagra Józefa Modrego – dżentelmena, którego Barbara (Teresa Lipowska) pozna na kursie języka angielskiego
Senior przyjedzie specjalnie na wieś, by przyjaciółkę odwiedzić, ale na miejscu trafi pechowo na Kisielową (Małgorzata Rożniatowska)
I to spotkanie zakończy się dla niego prawdziwą traumą! Foto: Stefan Friedmann w "M jak miłość" Do Polski przyleci Agata, siostra Artura Rogowskiego (w tej roli po raz pierwszy Katarzyna Kwiatkowska, znana m
in. ze świetnych parodii w programie "Szymon Majewski Show"). Lekarka postanowi zostać na stałe w Grabinie – i zdobędzie pracę w lokalnej przychodni
Mostowiacy z radością przyjmą ją do rodziny. W premierowych odcinkach w Lipnicy zamieszka nowy przystojniak: aspirant Robert Wroński (Filip Gurłacz)
Odważny i pełen uroku – młody policjant okaże się seryjnym łamaczem damskich serc
Aż do chwili, gdy trafi na dziewczynę, która powie mu: "Nie!". Kto oprze się jego urokowi? I czy Robert znajdzie sposób, by wybrankę jednak do siebie przekonać? "M jak miłość": co się wydarzy w rodzinach Zduńskich? Fani serialu mogą też liczyć na kilka od dawna oczekiwanych powrotów
Przede wszystkim: do rodziny znów dołączy Marta! Wojciechowska - po kolejnej miłosnej porażce – przyjedzie na stałe do kraju, ale będzie ukrywać przed bliskimi pewną "mroczną" tajemnicę
Oprócz tego zaraz po maturze do domu powróci Zosia (Julia Wróblewska)! Dziewczyna się zakocha, a Joasia będzie miała przez to sporo powodów do zmartwień! Kto podbije serce wrażliwej nastolatki? Problemy nie ominą w nowym sezonie Pawła (Rafał Mroczek) – głównie przez jego małżeństwo z Katią (Joanna Jarmołowicz)
Zduński nadal będzie ukrywał przed bliskimi, że ma nową żonę. Tymczasem do Polski przyjedzie nagle ojciec Katii (w tej roli David Gamtsemlidze) oraz jej niedoszły narzeczony Igor (Oleg Bakhrutdinov)
Obaj będą na dziewczynę wściekli – po tym, jak zbuntowała się i uciekła z Gruzji
I obaj postanowią sprawdzić, czy Paweł naprawdę nadaje się na męża. Jak chłopak przetrwa taki egzamin? Foto: Anna Mucha i i Krystian Wieczorek w "M jak miłość" Nieprzespane noce – niestety, głównie z nerwów – zaliczy także Magda (Anna Mucha)
Budzyński (Krystian Wieczorek) zacznie w sądzie ostrą walkę z Karoliną (Iga Górecka) - po tym, jak koleżanka oskarżyła go o próbę gwałtu - ale pierwsza rozprawa nie przebiegnie po jego myśli
Chodakowska wyjdzie w końcu z sali bliska łez. Kilka godzin później sprawą zainteresuje się Aneta (Ilona Janyst), która od razu zaplanuje nową intrygę
Czy dziewczyna wykorzysta okazję, by znów Magdę upokorzyć i zranić? Z kolei Piotrek (Marcin Mroczek) i Kinga (Katarzyna Cichopek) będą mieli dla bliskich sporą niespodziankę… bo ginekolog ustali, że tym razem w drodze są bliźniaki! Do tego szybko pojawi się druga okazja do świętowania - bo na jesieni widzowie zobaczą w serialu kolejne oświadczyny! Artur (Robert Moskwa) oficjalnie poprosi Marię (Małgorzata Pieńkowska), by znów została jego żoną
A Zduńscy urządzą z tej okazji na Deszczowej romantyczną, rodzinną imprezę. Za to w finale: dramat i kryminał – czyli ciąg dalszy przygód Marcina (Mikołaj Roznerski)
W premierowych odcinkach Chodakowski odnajdzie leśniczówkę, w której Artur (Tomasz Ciachorowski) uwięził Izę (Adriana Kalska) oraz Maję (Ania Wierzchoń)
Skalska wyzna przyjacielowi, że przez ostatnie tygodnie przeżyła u boku męża prawdziwy horror
Przemoc, groźby, leki na uspokojenie – Artur zrobi wszystko, by zapanować nad "ukochaną"
Iza w końcu jednak się zbuntuje i – wspierana przez Marcina – postanowi uciec. Niestety, gdy dziewczyna odzyska wolność, dojdzie do wypadku: auto, którym Skalska będzie jechać razem z córką, wpadnie do rzeki
Ratownicy wyłowią z wody niemowlę, ale matkę porwie wzburzony nurt. Marcin będzie gotów na wszystko, by Maja nie trafiła znowu w ręce Artura
Jak daleko posunie się, by chronić swoje dziecko? "M jak miłość": 19. sezon na antenie TVP2 od 3 września
Mixed Media SEA themed Daily Art Deco plaque - Duration: 22:13.Hi I'm Gerry from Gerry's Craft Room and welcome to my channel
In this video I'm going make a hard board Mixed Media sea themed deco board
I'm going to work on the rough side of the hard board which has a fun texture
a great product to work with it's sturdy and doesn't bulge I really like it
I start with applying sand texture paste I spread it around the sides of the board
I'm going to fill up the middle so no need to apply it there
by the way I added the products I used in the description box for you
and if you are new here don't forget to click the subscribe button
for the next layer I'm going to use fine texture paste with a FabScraps stencil
and I will let that dry
then I apply a layer of gel medium gloss in the middle I press and lift the spatula
to get some more texture
and then I'm going to add different beads to get some more texture
first I sprinkle on some micro beads
now I add seed beads in different sizes
I'm adding a bunch of sea shells from different trips we did
we love going to the sea with our doggies
they all a big fans of the sea and the beach, can't find a bigger sand box anywhere
the gel medium is a great glue for all sorts of things you want to add to your project
especially when you want to work with sprays and paints
I'm adding some more sand paste with a Daily Art stencil
Along the sides I'm adding a strip of fabric, just simple cotton
just some more texture all these layers will give a great look at the end
and I'm gluing it down again with the gel medium which goes great
I sprinkle on some more micro beads on the wet gel medium and I will let it dry
I add some more sand paste along the edges of the fabric to make it blend a bit more
and I'm going to give the piece a coat of white gesso and then let it dry again
when I have products that dry fast like paints or paste and also this gel medium
by the way I tape the foil that comes of the top
inside the lid to protect it from drying out
I'm adding some more shells and hard board
frames at the bottom to make it a bit more a symmetrical
I covered that part with white gesso too now I'm going to use ink sprays I have yellow
and teal and I use that to make a greenish sea colour
and let both colours shine through here and there
every now and then I add some water to let the colours blend and run a bit
I keep my piece at and angle to help the colours move
Now I'm spreading the colour along the edge a bit with a brush and some water
now I'm going to add some shine with metallic paint in 3 blue colours
I'm brushing it over the top and some of the creases but I want to keep the colours from
the sprays too so I'm not filling it up completely
just keep adding bits of paint until you like the look
now I'm going to dry brush gesso to make the texture more visible
in the middle I add a bit of grey metallic paint
and now I apply some silver metallic gilding polish to make the shells stand out a bit more
and as a finishing touch I add a metal embellishment with the word journey
If you like the video give it a thumbs up and share it with your friends
and I'll see you in the next video thanks for watching
Hoe kun je met zeepbellen hooghouden? - Duration: 4:20.-------------------------------------------
HOW TO DRAW PICHU | Pokémon Drawing and Coloring for Kids | BLABLA ART - Duration: 10:24.How to draw Pichu, Pokémon
Don't miss any Blabla Art episode
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Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson set for £7m Las Vegas showdown - Duration: 2:55.Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson set for £7m Las Vegas showdown
Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson have confirmed they will face off in a $9m (£7m) event in Las Vegas on Thanksgiving weekend in November.
The pair will tee it up in an outing dubbed 'The Match', which was posted via Woods' Twitter on Wednesday.
Exact details of the event are currently unknown, but reports suggest it will take place on either November 23 or 24 at the Shadow Creek Golf Course.
The possibility of a contest between the former Ryder Cup team-mates has been mooted since the Players Championship in May, when they played the first two rounds at Sawgrass in the same group.
Mickelson, who only joined the social media website on Wednesday, tweeted Woods "I bet you think this is the easiest $9m you will ever make" in what was firmly a tongue-in-cheek comment.
Woods responded with "think you will earn some bragging rights?" to which Mickelson said "let's do this".
Meanwhile, Woods feels he is "very close" to making a return to Ryder Cup action as one of Jim Furyk's captain's picks.
He narrowly missed out on automatic qualification for Team USA when he finished runner-up to Brooks Koepka at the PGA Championship after a thrilling final-round charge, and his hopes of competing at Le Golf National next month now hinge on him being one of Furyk's four wildcards.
The 42-year-old is widely expected to be added to the team when Furyk unveils his first three picks on September 4, and Woods believes his overall form since returning to the PGA Tour makes him worthy of selection for his Ryder Cup appearance since 2012.
"At the very beginning of the year, I told Jim I wanted to be a part of the team, not just as a vice-captain but as a player, and I'm very close to making that happen," Woods said.
Within A Month I Made $16k With Just A few Hours Of Work - Duration: 5:06.My name is Daniel Riegel from Galatia, Illinois.
I've been in the program for a little over three years now.
We're flipping a lot of houses, building up the crews.
I still do all the zero down structures.
I try to build up my own portfolio at the same time that I'm renovating these homes.
Still do the lease options for myself and for other people.
I enjoy fixing the homes though, so that's really what I focus on these days.
A lot of my income is still coming in from what I structured a year ago, the properties
that I was buying and building my own portfolio with.
So I have a pretty good income from that.
I really don't have to do anything else just from what I learned and the portfolio
that I built up over a year and a half.
Most of the homes that I like to buy, I buy them with a guaranteed payment program basically
on a land contract where I will acquire the property, I'll fix the property, I'll
turn around and I'll lease option the property, bring in a tenant buyer and then I give them
suggestions on how they can repair their credit and buy the property from me.
That's mostly what I do to build up my own portfolio.
There are some wholesale deals that I still do.
I still do some lease options for other people, the For Rent Method, but mostly I like to
own my own properties.
Basically, if there's a problem, I can fix it.
That's mostly what having income does.
You know, if something goes wrong, you know, if you have a flat tire you can go get another
I just totaled out a truck a couple weeks ago.
I needed another truck so I just went out and bought a truck in cash.
That's something I couldn't do a few years ago.
It's been a long time since I had a real job.
I'm like you, I am also unemployable at this point.
I would not make a very good employee.
I like to do my own thing at my own pace and that, and I make a lot more money than somebody
who wants to pay me to do whatever it is.
I studied a ton of real estate investing books and techniques.
I started when I was eighteen.
I studied for two years before I got up enough courage to even buy my first property.
Even then, I did it wrong.
I used a lot of bank loans and I was overleveraged and I was doing great until the economy went
down, like you, and then it all just kind of went into the ether.
It evaporated.
If I had a mentor back then, I could have asked questions.
That's the problem with just studying books and watching YouTube videos.
They're great, and it gets you a good foundation, but whenever you deal with a particular situation
that doesn't come up in those books, you don't know how to handle it.
So then you're stuck and you're already scared, so there's nothing you can do about
But, if you're I the mentor program, I just send you an email.
I used to send you at least one a day you know, long ones.
It's invaluable to have someone that you can ask questions about particular situations
and make it happen.
That, and you've shown me ways to make money on everything that I've done.
Things that I hadn't even thought about.
The notes was life – it changed the cash flow on all the properties just holding a
And it helped out the buyers, too, because maybe they wouldn't have all the money to
put down.
But if I was willing to hold the note, that would increase my cash flow, plus it would
help them get into the property at a lower down payment.
Basically the notes that I hold, they're kind of like an IOU where maybe it's $1,000
and they pay an extra $150 a month until that $1,000 is paid off.
It's part of the down payment.
I actually need to sell more properties and hold more notes because almost all of my notes
have been paid off by now, which is pretty good.
You know, I try to only work with good people so that helps ensure that I'm going to get
paid for these notes as well.
But, yeah – I need to do more.
Every time that I come back I learn something that makes me thousands and thousands of dollars.
Whenever I go back I implement the things that I've learned.
You know, maybe the last time I was here you talked about something that didn't click
or the automation eventually – I'm learning more and more about the automation and how
it can help my business.
And I go back and I'd use those things.
I like the freedom to be able to do what I want to do when I want to do it and for the
most part I have that.
Nothing crazy, I'm not going to go buy a yacht tomorrow, but, I can do pretty much
anything else I want to do.
香港一女星,居然讓劉德華和周潤發都要用下跪來表達佩服! - Duration: 1:40.-------------------------------------------
Le petit marin danse - Comptines maternelle avec gestes | HeyKids - Duration: 46:11.-------------------------------------------
Patient waits 62 hours for ambulance in 'UK's worst delay' - Duration: 2:33.</form> A patient was forced to wait 62 hours for an ambulance in the worst delay in the UK, an investigation has revealed
The study found that the Welsh Ambulance Service had the longest delays of any NHS trust
It kept four patients waiting for more than 50 hours, including one who suffered a delay of 62 hours - or two-and-a-half days
, according to figures that the Patients Association has called "extremely concerning"
The figures, obtained by the BBC and from June 2017 to June 2018, show that some of those patients were suffering from breathing and mental health problems
But the trusts insisted that the longest delays were for "less serious calls" that were bumped back due to ambulances responding to calls with a higher priority, such as people in life-threatening or urgent conditions, the BBC reported
Most trusts said they met the national target of responding to the most serious calls in an average of eight minutes or less
Read More Top Stories from Mirror Online Stephen Clinton, assistant director of operations for Welsh Ambulance Service, told the BBC: "We fully accept that a number of patients waited far longer than anyone would like
"That said, these figures represent the extreme end of the waiting time spectrum and are neither typical nor do they explain the circumstances of these individual cases
" In some cases, he added, the patients were already in the care of medical teams, while the response for others was hampered by extreme weather
The total number of ambulance calls increased by 15 per cent between 2015 and 2017 - from almost 8
9m in 2015 to 10.2m in 2017, the study found. Lucy Watson, from the Patients Association, told the BBC: "Everybody should be getting the services that they need
"We know that demand has gone up on all health services as our population is getting older, and we need to see the level of investment increasing so our ambulances can respond in a timely way
" Mirror Online has contacted NHS Improvement for comment.
3 Tips for Instantly Improving Your Street Photo Game - Duration: 8:08.What's up YouTube? I just got back from vacation and I'm actually pretty excited
to talk about this topic - so the best way to take the street photos is ... actually go
out and take the street photos :D but you don't have to practice hard
if you're gonna practice right! I'm about to show
you how to make your photos looking like this <- look like this -> and I'm not talking
about the black and white filter! I'm gonna tell you how I instantly doubled
the number of keepers just by following those simple rules so - let's do it!
[Awesome intro Music] now you've probably heard a lot of times
rules are meant to be broken however before you should ever do that
you should build a strong foundation so you know what you are breaking! There are
tons of amazing pictures breaking the rules - but - if you don't want to be
just praying to get lucky - you can actually
teach yourself how to subconsciously make a better composition! So let's go
out and practice!
[Music] helicopters and other advanced techniques!
so you always have to make sure what you're shooting! Your subject is clear to
read by viewer. It's a relationship between figure, your subject and the
background. You are actually experiencing this principle every day while reading
the text. Dark figure on the light background or light figure on the dark
background! Now - when it comes to leading the eyes around the picture - you may now
close your eyes, now look at this picture and try to recognize - what is the first
thing that comes to your attention in the composition. Your eyes will always
try to find the strongest contrast available in the photograph and then you
will eventually realize whenever it is the main subject or not. When you think
about it, it's kind of like changing your three-dimensional subject into a
two dimensional one. By applying this principle you will be able to make your
photos easier to read, and therefore more pleasing. Try to remember this when
framing your shot. You can either wait for your dark subject to enter the light
background or the opposite - wait for your light subject to enter at the dark
background. Or you can "work the scene" and move yourself and the camera around to
actually adjust the background for your subject.
[Music] This mistake is actually really easy to avoid once you know about it and focus
on it. Now... let's take a look at this photo. Well this should work for our
example. So let's place her on some random background I have found. As you
can see we already have some kissing errors in the picture right here, and
here. Now - what it does is... when you see it for the first time it is confusing and
it destroys the composition. Since I have copy pasted this girl on this background
I can move her around as I like. That's what you can actually do when you are
shooting outside with your subject. Now I want to move her so we get rid of both
kissing points. What I'm trying to do now is to overlap my subject and the
background. This is not the best background for this example since it
still kind of looks like the bar is going through her head. So in the field
you should either choose a different background or you can blur the
background with a low aperture. What I'm trying to do now is to overlap my
subject and the background. While you're focusing on the background and
the kissing you should also make sure, that nothing is kind of like - stucked in your
subject and everything is properly overlapped.
If not intended this mistake should definitely be avoided. By carefully
observing the background you not only can place your subject
within the right contrast area to make it easily to recognisable but you can avoid kissing to prevent the confusion. To do
this you have to usually wait for your subject to move or you have to "work the
scene." Touching is mostly think of subject and the background so most
commonly - what you should definitely watch for is the horizon.
[Music - Breathe by Daxten]
[Music - Breathe by Daxten]
[Music - link in description] it's very important to control the edges of your frame. But you may say - hey
Martin I can always crop the the picture, right?
well yes... and no. Let's now pretend you are not like the true, true street
photographer that never crops a picture. And you are heavily cropping whatever picture you have. However this might not
be an option in a lot of situations. Like your subject is on the way, you losing
too much picture quality, you're losing the ratio you want to print out later,
and so on and so on. You are doing street photography because it's fun, not because
you want to win the Olympics. So the best picture (ever time) is not always the goal.
I think it's important to actually learn how to do it. And not to photoshop into
the best picture possible. So even though it's not possible every time, you should
try to run your eyes around the frame. What we usually think by the edge
flicker is... when something unneeded is entering your picture and quite similar
phenomena is - when you cut something that's supposed to be in the picture.
Like leg or arm or head etc. If it's not intentional - what it does is - it flickers
for your attention and disrupts composition. The edge flicker can distract
and ruin your photo. There are always exceptions and I'm not saying principles
have to be always followed. However to be able to break the rules you should first
build a strong foundation so you know what you are breaking. I mean do NOT
settle with just so - or just fine! Always strive for perfection! so to sum it up. Watch for the background of your
subject and try to place them within the right contrast area. Separate your
subject or overlap them. Watch for the things that might
unintentionally enter or exit your frame. Anyways there will be all for today! So
thank you guys for watching! Make sure you leave me or Instagram down in
the comments! I will make sure to check them out and I will
see you guys next time! [Music]
Thank you once again for watching!
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