Dubai Police Patrol Cars On Eid Day at Jumeirah Beach Residence
COWSEP VS. THE WORLD - Duration: 10:44.-------------------------------------------
Probability Practice Set 5.3 Class 10 Maharashtra Board New Syllabus - Duration: 35:21.
Probability Practice Set 5.3 Class 10 Maharashtra Board New Syllabus
The Feds Give Donald Trump's Longtime Bookkeeper Immunity To Testify | The 11th Hour | MSNBC - Duration: 8:32.-------------------------------------------
Allen Weisselberg Immunity Likely Means Prosecutors Seek 'Bigger Fish' | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC - Duration: 4:00.-------------------------------------------
OST NHỮNG CHÀNG TRAI SÂN CỎ: TIẾN LÊN VIỆT NAM | ASIAD 2018 | U23 VN | NHỮNG BÀN THẮNG ĐẸP - Duration: 2:25.-------------------------------------------
Battle of the Ports - Samurai Shodown 3 (サムライスピリッツ 斬紅郎無双剣) Show #233 - 60fps - Duration: 17:00.Samurai Showdown III: Blades of Blood, or as I know it, Samurai Spirits: Zankuro Musouken
was released in to the arcades on November 15, 1995.
Unlike the previous games this has a darker aesthetic.
All characters consequently underwent a visual makeover to match this new tone.
Along with the aesthetic overhaul came significant changes in the gameplay with introduction
of two selectable versions of each character: "Slash" and "Bust".
Each version comes with its own moves and fighting styles; Slash is closer to the first
two games, while Bust is a more aggressive style that introduces new moves.
Despite the changes Samurai Spirits 3 is still a beautiful looking and playing game.
It's also one of the few games that manages to sound amazing even though many of the stages
have little to no music.
It most certainly isn't a game for everyone though.
It's quite the challenge to learn the game play and not a game you can just pick up and play.
Still, if you are willing to give it time I'm sure you'll enjoy Samurai Spirits 3.
Now you may think that the Neo Geo CD version of Samurai Spirits 3 is the same as the cartridge
version but it's actually quite inferior.
Sure, it now has a CD soundtrack but it is missing quite a few details.
The first point you'll notice is the lack of animation on the character select screen,
The second point is that many of the raster effects used to give the illusion that the
stage floor has height are also missing.
I'm even in two minds in confirming if the actual in game character animation is all there.
I don't know but it looks like there may be a few frames missing.
Or maybe that's just my imagination.
As you'd expect the PlayStation port is your typical affair.
No surprise that the loading is everywhere with one of the most awful loading screens ever.
Looking at this thing makes your eyes go strange and you'll be looking at it a lot.
Animation is compromised as to be expected and that includes the character select screen
just like with the Neo Geo CD port.
It's once we get in to the game do we see how poor this port is.
Again just like the Neo Geo CD game the raster effects for the floor on certain stages is
missing but that's nothing compared to the horrid lag making the pulling off of moves
quite a pain at times.
You can get use to it but why should you have to in the first place?
The audio is also weak thanks to the muffled voice samples and harsh sound effects.
Nettou Samurai Spirits: Zankuro Musouken is the Gameboy version of Samurai Spirits 3.
Released with Super Gameboy support capabilities as you can see here.
Unlike the arcade and console versions, the Game Boy version lacks Kyoshiro Senryo and
Gaira Caffeine (is that how its pronounce?) but adds Jubei Yagyu back to the roster
as a hidden final boss exclusively for the game.
The handheld version also builds on adding three exclusive Samurai Shodown III borders
for Super Game Boy users, one being the default border, the second shown after the two bosses
are unlocked and the third one used for the endings.
For the first time in a portable Samurai Shodown game, blood was also featured (but only in
black dripping color).
The Game Boy port was released only in Japan by developers Takara, the same team responsible
for the porting of several other SNK arcade games to multiple consoles and handhelds.
We'll finish off this Battle of the Ports with the Saturn version.
Just like the PlayStation and Neo CD this port has lengthy loading times although quicker
and far less frequent than the other two CD based consoles.
It's also the only port to feature the floor raster effects found in the arcade version.
Curiously the character animation during the character select screen is also missing in
this port.
The audio is also a lower sample quality than the Neo Geo original but still better than
that found on the PlayStation game.
So, how about playability.
Does this version also suffer from lag?
Absolutely not.
The Saturn port plays perfectly plus the mostly complete animation frames also adds to its
Home Invasion Has Neighbors in Los Altos Hills on Edge - Duration: 1:30.-------------------------------------------
FNN: All eyes on Hawaii regarding Hurricane Lane, President Trump visits Ohio - Duration: 11:05:24.-------------------------------------------
High School Football: IMG Academy Vs. Pine-Richland - Duration: 0:55.-------------------------------------------
U.S. Postal Service operations, mail delivery changes as Lane weakens to tropical storm - Duration: 1:03.-------------------------------------------
8月25日後,菩薩顯靈賜福,福報連連的六大生肖 - Duration: 4:31.生肖牛
牛年出生的人福祿雙 至,華蓋旺財,8月 25日為紫微星旺而 生財之日,表示屬牛 的人未來將會借助貴 人之力,扶搖而上,
升官發財,啟開得勢, 他們財帛會照福德宮 ,福命之兆,生財有 道,偏官化權,表示 地位身份崇高,受人 尊敬,財源廣進!
龍年出生的人運旺財 生,印官生祿,8月 25日為財首菩薩賜 財之日,表示屬龍的 人命帶祥瑞,財祿不 缺,
他們財帛宮有巨門旺而 生財,且與武曲星相 合,表示未來幾年身 體健康強壯,無病無 災,更無禍事,他們 財比生食神,越老貴 氣越盛!
鼠年出生的人祿存得 生,財庫大開,8月 25日為喜神送福之 日,表示屬鼠的人運 至火旺之境,財生而 滾,源源不絕,
好運連連,財帛宮更有 驛馬相迎,意外之財 當頭落,喜事盈門捷 報多,他們未來幾個 月有貴人扶持,諸事 順利!
雞年出生的人祿存旺 相,官運亨通,8月 25日為佛祖賜財之 日,表示屬雞的人求 財輕松,大財不斷, 他們事業上容易獲得 正財貴人的幫助,
除了能夠賺到大錢,存 款更是連月暴漲,日 進斗金,財帛宮為命 宮化權之方位,因富 得貴,財大氣粗,賺 錢賺得盆滿缽滿!
馬年出生的人厚德載 財,吉運臨頭,8月 25日為菩薩保佑生 財之日,表示屬馬的 人遇水生財,運勢連 連大旺之勢頭,
他們在財運上會收獲不 小,偏財星化祿入財 帛宮,表示橫財多, 有意外之財進家門, 福德宮天福星鎮守, 未來幾個月平安順利 ,事事順心!
豬年出生的人財庫橫 生,進入8月25日 後,菩薩福厚澤家門 ,屬豬的朋友財為喜 神,工作運極好,業 績也能夠獲得大幅度 的提升,
獎金收入更是源源不絕 ,財帛宮為命宮主財 位,自身能力強,越 主動去努力就越容易 賺到大錢!
不是日本也不是韩国,郎平指出女排最大瑕疵,号召学习这国队员 - Duration: 3:58.-------------------------------------------
再添利器!歼16形成战力,与歼20合力"踹门",新型号专打隐身战机 - Duration: 6:35.-------------------------------------------
Only Green Leafy Vegetables For Cure Diabetes - Duration: 5:41.three green leafy vegetables you must eat to cure diabetes the main goal of
diabetic people is to keep their blood sugar levels well controlled for many
diabetic people figuring out the best foods to eat to control blood sugar can
be very tough diabetics is a chronic metabolic disease characterized by
elevated levels of blood glucose diabetes needs dedicated medical care
and attention miss diagnosis our lack of awareness about the condition may often
lead to serious consequences like obesity kidney damage and cardiovascular
diseases your die plays a crucial role in managing diabetes and idle damage
this guide should be a balanced and mix of high-fiber foods complex carbs and
proteins including green and leafy vegetables in your diet may do wonders
in keeping blood sugar levels in check as well according to your study people
who add spinach cabbage and kale to their diet may significantly reduce
their risk of developing type 2 diabetes the study revealed that eating one
serving of green leafy vegetables per day reduces their risk of type 2
diabetes spinach as an antioxidant spinach is effective at reducing free
radical damage which is something that is increased in diabetes and heart
disease therefore spinach can help prevent
against oxidative damage and worsening of your condition spinach contains
vitamin A the oxidant and lutein all of which help prevent muscular degeneration
and cataracts both of which are common complications of poor blood sugar
control these nutrients may even reverse some existing damage to a degree people
with diabetes are more likely to have elevated blood pressure which is a
further risk for complications arising from diabetes and is also a risk factor
for heart disease spinach has been shown to help lower blood pressure cabbage for
a diabetic person it is always preferred to eat non starchy or low carbohydrate
vegetables which are loaded with vitamins minerals and fiber as they are
low in calories eating cabbage also adds vitamin K and C
and antioxidants to your diabetic diet it is a good source of manganese fiber
and vitamin b6 so for a sugar patient cabbage is good for health kale kale is
a non starchy vegetable and can be a wonderful addition to a diabetes meal
plan adding volume flavor fiber color and many other nutritional benefits this
earthy tasting dark leafy green is rich in antioxidants carotenoids and
flavonoids which have been shown to reduce risk of diabetes and certain
cancers five quick and easy breakfast ideas for diabetics starting out the day
with a healthy breakfast can benefit for everyone this should be healthy habit
and especially important for people who are facing with diabetes this habit also
helps to support weight loss which can positively improve blood sugar control
and insulin sensitivity in your body some study says that first meal of the
day plays a very crucial role in determining your energy levels which is
steered by the glucose prediction in body here are five quick and easy
breakfast ideas for diabetics for healthy going live which are going to
see now eggs according to some studies it has proven that a Lord sized boiled
eggs contains 16 to 7 grams of protein that helps to fight against diabetes
people who ate the most eggs were less likely to develop diabetes than those
who ate the least eggs it has also proven that people who eat eggs daily
can reduce their body fat and BMI so eggs are treated as one of the easy
breakfast ideas oatmeal unsweetened oatmeal is another quick and easy
breakfast option it can be prepared very easily and also helps to decrease
insulin resistance in some individuals you can prefer some topping which are
rich in fiber and protein that can helps to provide balance and sugar levels
rather than spike Greek yogurt unsweetened yogurt is perfectly
healthful and easy breakfast for people with diabetes
Greek yogurt mixed with fruit is another good way to start your morning Greek
yogurt has more protein and fewer carbs than traditional yoga
sprouts pulses are high in fiber and protein that which helps to control
blood sugar levels you can make your quick and easy breakfast with sprouts
and chop with cucumber and tomatoes by adding some salt and one teaspoon of
lemon juice fruit platter with chopped nuts a fruit platter with chopper nuts
is great way to start the day chop fresh fruits like apples banana
orange asphere papaya etc and enjoy them with chopped almonds walnuts and pine
nuts the ignorant unsaturated fats in the nuts will help you feel full the
fruits helps to add extra fiber to your breakfast which does not risk of blood
sugar spike although it has weakness in fruits conclusion breakfast is best
chance to increase fiber in your diet so kick start your morning metabolism that
helps to keep you healthy with the help of these five quick and easy breakfast
ideas thank you for watching this video like and subscribe for more videos
8/25 Morning Weather Forecast - Duration: 2:29.-------------------------------------------
HARDTAIL TOUR VLOG - 3 Länder Trail - Reschenpass | Roadtrip day6 - Duration: 11:10.6th day... chilling today
well no lift accesed trails. trying to get up there and then back to the mutzkopf
first to the reschensee
hardtail time!
oh yeah
there we rode yesterday
this road is nice .. maybe one car every 10minutes
I don't understand... the lift is called "Schöneben" (nice&leveled) but it's pretty steep!
this uphill is chill
the traverse is quite long
nice here I can get used to the hardtail
back in austria .. I assume
shredding hardtails!
biking prohibited?
that "biking prohibited" sign on an official bike trail :D ...
haha saw that too
the route was different in the past
tree.. did I take a wrong turn??
yeah this way! - thought so...
now the trail starts
ok I better not brake that much... got a strange rebound setting...
swimming at your own risk..ok
these hiking /biking signs are completely the same by colour..
can't read that when coming up fast
bummer the sun was gone but the lake was pretty warm.. wouldn't guessed..
going to remember that place... hopefully next time it's even warmer
interesting trail!
good hardtail practice
I'm so smart.. want to give my hands a rest.. riding this trail full of roots on a hardtail....
glad it's dry
gnarly trail!
better taking the top line
I have to admit... AWESOME!
here we go again
afraid of snakebites
also beautiful
a hill moor lake... the black lake
nice place
now lets head back down
same as before
sick to ride through the moor
now I'm at the Kreuzmoos trail
can't remember how the trail was
forgot about that
that was way easier on the full suspension
big hit on the backwheel
that is way different on the hardtail
I'm a genius.. taking a day off to give the hands a rest.. now this trail on the hardtail... I am genius...
haven't noticed all the brake bumps yesterday
that's the ultimate challenge for this 20€ brake...
I should have taken the last uphill to the top...
started somewhere in the middle... could have had more downhill like the upper gerry trail or the green trail
going to link it top right... it's probably already online when this video is airing..
would have thought I get a flat with the single ply backwheel on that rocky trail
but I guess I was lucky
a last steep section... ouch that was probably a flat
nice and chilled day... saw some more of the area and trails
nice riding area
haven't ridden the haideralm over there in italy there seem to be more cool trails
not enough time yesterday and today..well..
didn't want to buy a single lift ride ..
cool place... if the weather would stay the same I could sleep ontop of the mountain the day after tomorrow
Police Seek Vehicle Break-In Suspect In Rochester - Duration: 0:12.-------------------------------------------
Friday Evening Weather: Hot and mainly dry weekend - Duration: 3:54.-------------------------------------------
敦马:部长新人缺经验.精英顾问团有新任务 - Duration: 11:26.-------------------------------------------
Bihar B.ed 2018 Class Started | B.ed Class Attendance Submit By Biometry |Biometry Attendance System - Duration: 4:26.Hello frnds, How are you
susbcribe for more updated job news
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ONLINE GROCERY HAUL // SHOP WITH ME CLICK LIST // STAY AT HOME MOM - Duration: 11:31.Hey guys! It's Jana! And today is a grocery haul.
Emma is home sick from school today she has a little bit of a fever
so I don't want her to spread her cooties
so she's just relaxing and hopefully getting better
and I have already taken Quinny to school and I went to the bank and got some cash
and I went and picked up my groceries because I shopped online last night
I love the click list so my budget is $200 and when I was going to check out
we were at like 266 so it was over budget obviously but we were getting
medicines and vitamins and juices and stuff for Emma so I was kind of
justifying it but then I was like you know what I want to stay in budget so I
changed some stuff I omitted some things I got a you know less of one
particular thing and I even changed brands to try to save so our grand
total was two hundred dollars and some change so I guess I did go over like a
little bit let's see
2 hundred dollars and 11 cents not bad so go ahead and hit
subscribe thumbs up check all the links below.
let's get everything out and I can show you what I got
so we got a bunch of fruit this time and there was one sales happening so I took
advantage of that so we got peaches red plums black plumbs I got an onion I making
meatloaf tonight and we got apples I got broccoli because I am making that
Tater Tot Casserole that I showed you guys I will link that down below but I
I'm using fresh broccoli this time because it's a little soggy with the frozen so
we're gonna do that I got pineapple green onions because we just
put them on anything and everything got bananas and some potatoes because you know
you always need potatoes are easy we got green beans to go with the meatloaf
I grabbed some macaroni and cheese for the kids I usually get the Kraft but I was
budgeting so we're gonna try an Annies it was on sale for a dollar and I had a
coupon so I think they ended up being like 50 cents so who cares right
we got blueberries and strawberries and look cutest thing ever I got free candy
look it says look how sweet your personal shopper was today hope you had
a highly satisfied checklist experience and I got free candy
oh it's almond too even better oh Emma is already snatching it we got some tea
here Quinny is loving on the tea and I like it too so we share that I've got black
beans for I guess Mexican food night you know make tacos or whatever make it easy
cream of celery for that broccoli and tator tot bake I got green chilies that I
like to put in my meatloaf YUM the kids wanted some frosted flakes so
frosted flakes we got just pineapple juice I got two of those they don't last
very long but since there's little cooties happening right now this is
actually really really good for coughs and stuff it clears out all that yuckiness
at least that's what the internet told me we all know how that goes
and then I get the kids the emergency gummies it has all the immune support
with the vitamin C and stuff and they actually taste good so the kids actually
like that needed some more pledge of course run out of that I usually always
get 3 18 cartons of eggs so I boil one and we go through them very quickly
because husband and I always have eggs for breakfast or like an egg
burrito or whatever so we go through pretty fast so I'm gonna boil some of
those up today look at all this tape supplies of course our own super duper
sale so these were a buck we go through tape like crazy and on with all of her
crafts and I can never find any tape for my self so there's that got some toilet
paper haven't used Cottonelle before but like I said savings moolah so I changed
that up and we'll see how this is it was on sale so that's cool had some claritin
for the kids just to clear up their nose issue fried onions for my tater tator bake
and Cruiser got addicted to wet food of course so we mix this with a little bit
of dry food ever since he was a little sick he wasn't eating so I got him this
stuff and now he won't stop but he's feeling better but he still has to have
his good food
got some large trash bags for the garage gotta have some hot dogs so those are
easy dinners the ham sandwiches Quinny loves the ham sandwiches we got bacon
because Emma requested breakfast for dinner that's like the best so we're
gonna make some bacon obviously and we're gonna make some oh there she is
coughing then we're gonna make some Belgian waffles so that will be good
got a couple of bags of salad I love love love love this salad
they're like nice small pieces it's kind of even close to like a like a coleslaw
but it's so easy to eat it's so super yummy so we love the sunflower crunch
and I got the Caesar which will do to some Italian this week also
Got some sandwich cheese cheddar and Swiss I got some mozzarella for some meatball
grinders Quinny has requested he loves meatball grinders so I just make my own
meatballs and throw some sauce on there with some mozzarella so we're just gonna
do that later on in the week I'll have to run to the store and just get some
nice fresh buns from the bakery and then just some cheddar okay cheddar is better
I don't know you always get cheddar we got three gallons of milk I always get
three gallons me and Emmy Lou Who get through so much milk it's crazy we drink
milk for like almost every meal right Emma oh my baby
we got some English muffins me and Emma really like those hot dog buns to go
with the hot dogs of course some sandwich bread we got pasta we got
spaghetti and penne red sauce and white sauce because Quinny likes red Emma likes
white mom and dad like anything because we like food
Quinny really likes these saltines which is awesome and the pretzels got a couple cheese it's
the regular whole grain and the snack mix which Emma and I just love already a
couple weeks into school already running out of peanut butter and jelly so I grab
some of that tater tots for the casserole french fries to go with the
meatball rinder's and just some breakfast stuff we like the french toast
and the waffles
alright guys that was everything I got at the grocery store done and put
away so I just pretty much have to boil some eggs and wash the fruit and we'll
be good to go
so hopefully miss Emma start feeling a
little better today and so I think I'll just relax for the rest of day and snuggle
hopefully I don't get it
thank you so much for watching
go ahead and hit subscribe thumbs up check all the links down below
and I will see you next time
Whitehall football trying to 'win the day' in the new season - Duration: 1:57.-------------------------------------------
EASY PINK SMOKEY EYE MAKEUP TUTORIAL | NIKKI - Duration: 6:11.Hey everyone! excuse for my brows I'm just experimenting my own full bushy brows!
So we gonna put the primer to the areas where we tend to get oily
Then mixing this foundations
and applying it in a dabbing motion
This is my favorite drugstore concealer it's from maybelline
Then I'm gonna bake because your girl likes baking
Then don't forget to put powder on our face on the area where we used to get oily
so i primed my eyes using concealer and then setting it with a translucent powder
In case you're wondering here's the powder side and here's for the concealer side
So this is important because this will gonna give you a life or a dimension if you get what i mean
For the nose contour I'm using the hoola light
Then blending it so that it won't leave you a very harsh line
For the shadow i bring the transition shade higher up since i have hooded eyes
And of course we need to wipe away the powder that we baked
Finishing my makeup with a finishing spray and a lip balm before lipstick
so I'm just gonna add some lashes curl&mascara and i'll be back
War Thunder gameplay español. operacion S.U.M.M.E.R.S.Kopa,Max,tatsuLEVELUP . =AMM0= escuadron. - Duration: 4:02:15.-------------------------------------------
侏羅紀版《情非得已》讓哈林狂擦汗?《中國好聲音》大壯表現引李健擔憂! - Duration: 4:40.-------------------------------------------
病入膏肓的快乐大本营,应该拿什么来拯救你? - Duration: 0:58.-------------------------------------------
《新舞林大会》董洁不忍PK秦岚 双"伦"之战一触即发 - Duration: 5:17.-------------------------------------------
TFBOYS新歌每人演唱相同字數,網友:公司的求生欲很強 - Duration: 2:03.-------------------------------------------
TFBOYS周年集训:王源眼睛变肿,千玺走路不稳,他们都很累! - Duration: 3:26.-------------------------------------------
8/24/18 5:21 PM (7800 N Durango Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89131, USA) - Duration: 13:25.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> 8/24/18 5:21 PM (7800 N Durango Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89131, USA) - Duration: 13:25.-------------------------------------------
NEVADA ✗ WAY BACK HOME ✗ HỌC MÈO KÊU ❤️ Top 14 Bản Nhạc TIKTOK Được Yêu Thích Nhất 2018 - Duration: 1:07:49.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> NEVADA ✗ WAY BACK HOME ✗ HỌC MÈO KÊU ❤️ Top 14 Bản Nhạc TIKTOK Được Yêu Thích Nhất 2018 - Duration: 1:07:49.-------------------------------------------
Le top 4 des erreurs faites par les cavaliers partie - Duration: 5:39.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Le top 4 des erreurs faites par les cavaliers partie - Duration: 5:39.-------------------------------------------
Enfant-roi, mythe du Père Noël, bébés qui comprennent tout…Que reste-t-il de Françoise Dolto ? - Duration: 15:49.Quel héritage gardons-nous aujourd'hui de Françoise Dolto ? La pédiatre très populaire continue régulièrement de faire parler d'elle, même 30 ans après sa mort, le 25 août 1988
Que penser aujourd'hui de ses théories ? Pour y voir plus clair, franceinfo a soumis à deux spécialistes actuels des affirmations attribuées – à tort ou à raison – à la psychanalyste
Didier Pleux est psychologue, il a notamment écrit La Déraison pure : Dolto entre Freud et Pétain (Autrement) et Génération Dolto (Odile Jacob)
Daniel Olivier est psychanalyste, il a fondé et préside l'association Françoise Dolto, ici et maintenant
Françoise Dolto, c'est la fin de l'autorité parentale Didier Pleux : Je crois que oui
Elle ne le voulait pas, mais c'est la fin de l'autorité, dans le sens où pour elle, l'autorité, c'est une castration
Ce que je ne pense pas du tout : pour un tout petit, les règles du coucher, d'alimentation, de politesse etc, ce sont des bonnes règles
Ce ne sont pas, comme disait Dolto, des règles qui ne servent à rien. Daniel Olivier : Je ne crois pas du tout
Je pense qu'elle fait des adultes ce qu'elle appelait des adultes tutélaires, c'est-à-dire des gens qui vont aider à faire grandir un enfant et donc de fait, ils doivent faire autorité mais pas être autoritaires, c'est peut-être la nuance qu'il y a à apporter à cette phrase
Françoise Dolto, c'est "l'enfant roi" Didier Pleux : Pas exactement, elle n'a jamais dit que l'enfant devait être au centre de la famille
Mais par contre, ses hypothèses de travail en éducation sont permissives. Donc c'est vrai que si on suit Dolto à la lettre, l'enfant risque à un moment donné de prendre le pouvoir, de devenir tout puissant
Elle défendait le fait que l'enfant puisse transgresser, c'est un signe de sa personnalité, il peut être grossier, il peut agresser, il peut désobéir
C'est ce qu'elle voulait. Mais c'était le contexte des années 50, où l'enfant était plutôt malmené
Daniel Olivier : Il faut vraiment ne pas avoir lu Dolto pour penser une seconde qu'elle puisse faire de l'enfant un enfant roi
L'enfant roi, c'est tout, tout de suite, tout le temps. Dolto, c'est tout l'inverse
Les choses se conquièrent et pour y accéder, il faut accepter de lâcher un certain nombre de choses
Pour Françoise Dolto, ce que dit un enfant est toujours vrai Didier Pleux : Non, absolument pas
Un enfant peut parfois inventer des histoires. Si on croit que chez l'enfant, il y a un sens profond derrière n'importe quel acte, le parent va marcher sur des œufs, il va se dire mon enfant exprime encore quelque chose
Non, des fois il ne dit rien du tout, si ce n'est je veux jouir de la vie et je n'ai pas envie d'avoir d'autorité qui me frustre, tout simplement
Daniel Olivier : Cela dit toujours quelque chose de lui. Après, que ce qu'il dit soit toujours vrai, bien évidemment que non
Mais même si c'est une parole apparemment fausse, il faut garder à l'esprit qu'il nous dit quelque chose de sa véracité à lui
Il faut entendre ce qu'il dit, mais aussi peut-être entendre ce qu'il ne dit pas
Françoise Dolto est contre le Père Noël Didier Pleux : J'ai vu des tas de parents de ma génération qui disaient qu'il fallait très vite annuler cette histoire de Père Noël, parce qu'à ce titre-là, il fallait dire tout le temps la vérité aux enfants
C'est le fameux mythe des secrets de famille. Encore une fois, en psychanalyse, il ne faut pas mentir, l'enfant doit tout savoir
Si l'arrière-grand-père a été pétainiste, il faut le dire à l'enfant, sinon il va avoir des boutons partout
Moi je ne crois pas du tout à cette transmission-là d'inconscient à inconscient, d'esprit à esprit
Mais Dolto y croit beaucoup. Daniel Olivier : Absolument pas. Dire la vérité dans certaines circonstances, ça ne signifie pas tout dire
Un enfant doit savoir d'où il vient, mais il n'a pas à tout savoir de l'intimité de ses parents par exemple
Par ailleurs, que l'enfant soit construit dans des mythes, des croyances, comme le Père Noël, qu'il soit amené à en rêver, que ça construise son imaginaire, bien sûr qu'elle n'était pas contre
Le Père Noël est une invention merveilleuse.Pour Françoise Dolto, le bébé comprend tout ce que nous lui disons Didier Pleux : C'est ce qui séduit dans la pensée de Dolto
Quand on voit les pédiatres qui touchent un enfant et qui lui parlent pour lui dire que sa maman va revenir et que l'enfant se tourne, on se dit qu'il comprend
Mais non, il ne comprend pas. Il entend la voix, il entend une musique et l'enfant répond à ça
Mais de croire qu'un enfant a la même maturité cérébrale qu'un adulte et qu'il comprend tout ce qui se passe au niveau de la communication et du langage, là aussi c'est une sorte d'aberration
Daniel Olivier : C'est un point tout à fait essentiel de l'œuvre de Dolto. Il faut nuancer le terme de "comprendre"
C'est-à-dire que le bébé va faire immanquablement quelque chose de tout ce qui lui est dit
Avec cette parole qui s'adresse à lui, il va identifier à quel point il est pris comme un sujet à part entière
Après, qu'il en comprenne le texte de façon précise, certainement pas.Françoise Dolto, c'est tout expliquer par la psychanalyse Didier Pleux : Derrière un comportement, il y a parfois un sens, effectivement
J'ai vu des tas d'adolescents qui travaillaient mal parce que leur frère avait fait Polytechnique et qu'ils se sentaient dévalorisés, donc il y avait bien un sens
Ce qui ne va pas, avec Dolto, c'est ce que j'appelle la psychanalisation de l'éducation
C'est-à-dire que tout est langage, tout a un sens. Quelques fois, un enfant s'habille d'une telle façon non pas parce qu'il exprime sa crise d'adolescence, mais parce qu'il préfère le rouge au bleu
C'est là que ça ne va pas. Daniel Olivier : Résumer Françoise Dolto à cet exemple serait une injure et un peu caricatural
Elle essayait de décoder le sens que peuvent avoir les choses, de décoder ce qui peut se jouer devant nous et qu'on ne comprend pas toujours
On peut penser qu'il y a toujours une explication, après, est-ce que c'est nécessaire de toujours la conquérir ou l'épingler, je n'en suis pas sûr du tout
Françoise Dolto, c'était bien dans les années 70, aujourd'hui c'est dépassé Didier Pleux : Je suis tout à fait d'accord avec ça
Moi j'aurais souhaité que mes parents lisent Dolto quand j'étais petit, mais c'est vrai que maintenant, c'est anachronique, c'est hors contexte
Les enfants, au milieu du 20e siècle, étaient souvent des enfants pas écoutés, voire malmenés, voire abusés
Mais maintenant, pour les enfants du début du 21e siècle, on a un contexte socio-économique avec beaucoup de consommation, beaucoup de plaisirs, un contexte psychologique avec beaucoup d'attachement, de respect de l'enfant
On a été un peu trop fort là-dedans. Les enfants de maintenant ont davantage besoin d'autorité, de contraintes, de frustration
Daniel Olivier : Il y a un avant et un après Françoise Dolto. Dans les écoles, dans les maternités, dans les crèches, je pense que les adultes ne s'adressent plus aux enfants de la même façon depuis le travail de Françoise Dolto
Si on lit Dolto (comme La difficulté de vivre par exemple), vous verrez qu'elle est d'une extraordinaire actualité, notamment sur les affres et les limites que représente l'école aujourd'hui, dans sa façon de ne pas accueillir les sujets
Je pense que sa pensée est d'une actualité tout à fait effervescente.Françoise Dolto a été pétainiste Didier Pleux : Oui, bien sûr
Je me suis fait critiquer parce que j'ai abordé ça. Ce n'est pas moi qui ai découvert ça, c'est Annick Ohayon, une universitaire, qui a simplement regardé dans les archives
Selon elle, Dolto a été embauchée de 1941 à 1944, sous l'autorité d'Alexis Carrel, qui est un eugéniste
C'est une partie de sa vie qui est complètement censurée dans notre culture. Dolto a aussi été trotskiste en 1946 et très 68 en 1968
Je crois que c'est quelqu'un qui a une intelligence d'opportunité. Mais ça ne blesse pas toute la réputation qu'elle a, c'est une femme qui a fait beaucoup de choses sur la défense de l'enfant, mais il faut faire attention
Daniel Olivier : Là on sent des paroles trimballées par des détracteurs. Je me suis toujours demandé s'ils avaient déjà lu Dolto ou s'ils étaient de mauvaise foi, je suis arrivé à la conclusion qu'ils devaient être un peu les deux
Ça ne fait pas partie de son histoire, cette remarque historique est complètement invalide
Elle ne nous intéresse pas du tout. S'intéresser au travail de Dolto, ce n'est pas du tout répondre à ce type de question, ni faire bouillir la marmite de conflits complètement insipides et inféconds
Sujets associésSociétéEducation
For more infomation >> Enfant-roi, mythe du Père Noël, bébés qui comprennent tout…Que reste-t-il de Françoise Dolto ? - Duration: 15:49.-------------------------------------------
Abus: Une victime irlandaise exhorte le pape à se débarrasser des « pommes pourries» - Duration: 7:33.Marie Collins n'avait que 13 ans lorsqu'elle a été violée par un prêtre en Irlande
Alors que le pape visite ce week-end son pays, cette septuagénaire le conjure de débarrasser l'Eglise catholique de « toutes les pommes pourries »
« Pendant que (le pape) est en Irlande, où nous avons une telle histoire d'abus, et où tant de gens ont vu leur vie détruite, il est important que cette question soit abordée frontalement, et que nous entendions des paroles claires sur ce qu'il va faire », a-t-elle déclaré, en marge de la Rencontre mondiale des familles à Dublin que le souverain pontife doit clôturer ce week-end
14.500 personnes victimes d'abus sexuels par des prêtres en Irlande Depuis 2002, plus de 14
500 personnes se sont déclarées victimes d'abus sexuels commis par des prêtres en Irlande, et selon Marie Collins, nombre de catholiques en Irlande « attendent que cette question soit traitée comme il se doit »
Dans le cas contraire, « il y aura davantage de personnes qui abandonneront tout espoir, et s'éloigneront (de l'Eglise) », a-t-elle mis en garde
L'année dernière, Marie Collins avait démissionné de la commission anti-pédophilie chargée de conseiller le pape en raison de son inaction
Cette semaine, elle a accueilli favorablement une lettre du pape François condamnant les «atrocités» commises en Pennsylvanie sur plus de 1
000 enfants par des centaines de prêtres pendant des décennies, révélées récemment
« La lettre du pape mentionne pour la première fois l'abus sexuel comme un crime, une atrocité, et fait référence aux pratiques de dissimulation », a-t-elle souligné
« Mais elle ne donne aucune indication concrète sur ce que le pape souhaite réellement faire pour que les responsables rendent des comptes », a-t-elle regretté
Cette « réticence à bien examiner les choses (…) trahit une peur (de voir) toute l'étendue du problème »
« Il y a cette idée erronée que si nous ne regardons pas (le problème), il disparaîtra », a-t-elle insisté
« J'ai juste prié pour qu'il ne recommence pas, mais il l'a fait » Marie Collins venait de fêter son 13e anniversaire lorsqu'elle a été violée par un prêtre, selon un récit qu'elle avait fait lors d'un symposium du Vatican sur les abus en 2012
Le prêtre - « un agresseur d'enfant chevronné », selon ses termes - avait commencé à lui rendre visite le soir à l'hôpital, à Dublin
« Quand il s'est mis à pratiquer des attouchements, en prétendant au début que c'était par jeu, j'ai été choquée, et j'ai résisté en lui disant d'arrêter
Mais il ne s'est pas arrêté », avait-elle raconté. « Tout en m'agressant, il répondait à ma résistance en me disant qu'il était "prêtre" et qu'il ne "pouvait pas me faire de mal" »
« Il a pris des photos des parties les plus intimes de mon corps et m'a dit que j'étais stupide si je pensais que c'était mal
Il avait du pouvoir sur moi. Je ne savais pas comment en parler à d'autres personnes
J'ai juste prié pour qu'il ne recommence pas, mais il l'a fait ». « Ces doigts qui abusaient de mon corps la veille étaient le lendemain matin à tenir et m'offrir l'hostie sacrée
Ces mains qui tenaient l'appareil photo pour photographier mon corps exposé, à la lumière du jour, tenaient un livre de prières quand il est venu entendre ma confession
» De victime à militante Souffrant de problèmes psychologiques causés par les agressions sexuelles, Marie Collins a suivi pendant des années un traitement médical
Ce n'est qu'à l'âge de 47 ans qu'elle s'était finalement décidée à en parler à un médecin, qui l'avait persuadé de prendre contact avec l'Eglise
Elle avait alors rencontré le curé de sa paroisse mais celui-ci, a-t-elle affirmé, avait refusé de l'écouter, lui faisant porter le chapeau
« Il a dit qu'il ne voyait pas la nécessité de dénoncer (l'auteur des agressions)
Il m'a dit que c'était probablement ma faute. Cela m'a brisée », a-t-elle dit. Son agresseur a finalement été traduit en justice, condamné et emprisonné, Marie Collins devenant elle une figure de proue de la lutte contre les abus sexuels en Irlande
Seul le pape peut mettre fin à la « résistance » du Vatican à régler le problème, croit-elle alors qu'aujourd'hui encore, « chaque jour, des enfants sont maltraités »
For more infomation >> Abus: Une victime irlandaise exhorte le pape à se débarrasser des « pommes pourries» - Duration: 7:33.-------------------------------------------
EASY PINK SMOKEY EYE MAKEUP TUTORIAL | NIKKI - Duration: 6:11.Hey everyone! excuse for my brows I'm just experimenting my own full bushy brows!
So we gonna put the primer to the areas where we tend to get oily
Then mixing this foundations
and applying it in a dabbing motion
This is my favorite drugstore concealer it's from maybelline
Then I'm gonna bake because your girl likes baking
Then don't forget to put powder on our face on the area where we used to get oily
so i primed my eyes using concealer and then setting it with a translucent powder
In case you're wondering here's the powder side and here's for the concealer side
So this is important because this will gonna give you a life or a dimension if you get what i mean
For the nose contour I'm using the hoola light
Then blending it so that it won't leave you a very harsh line
For the shadow i bring the transition shade higher up since i have hooded eyes
And of course we need to wipe away the powder that we baked
Finishing my makeup with a finishing spray and a lip balm before lipstick
so I'm just gonna add some lashes curl&mascara and i'll be back
War Thunder gameplay español. operacion S.U.M.M.E.R.S.Kopa,Max,tatsuLEVELUP . =AMM0= escuadron. - Duration: 4:02:15.-------------------------------------------
PG 120 MindTap Tour - Duration: 18:18.HI everybody, we're going to go through registering for the mindtap course, your
ebook, in this video. If you've already registered and you pretty much
understand what's going on, what you need to do, you can go ahead and skip it but I
will also be going into the actual ebook and discussing the assignments as well
so you might want to go ahead and stick around or fast forward whatever parts
you don't really need to listen to. Anyways, to get started what I did was I
opened up the course syllabus from our course, our blackboard course, or if you
have it downloaded on your computer you can go ahead and go to the course
syllabus, page 3, and what you're gonna be doing, make sure that you carefully read
the directions on the page, okay. You're gonna be registering your account or
registering for the what they call the course , which is your ebook. Once you
register, it doesn't cost anything to register, once you register at that point
you will need to either purchase it online with a credit card or debit card
or using PayPal, get get an access code from the bookstore and then use that
code number to gain access, or you can try it out for right now. There's a free
trial available until the 27th at 11:59 so you can go ahead and get your account
set up, start working on some of the assignments, work ahead even and what
will happen after the 27th, if you're not able to purchase it, is your account will
be suspended but you won't lose anything. All your previous work will still be
there so your account will be suspended and then once you're able to pay for it
it'll reopen again and you basically just pick up where you left off. So it's
a pretty good deal especially if you don't think you'll be able to get it by
Monday or if you have to wait till the end of the week until you get paid
or something like that. Then I would encourage you to work on it over the
weekend and try to get as much done from chapter 1 as you can since chapter 1 is
due next week, this way you don't fall too far behind.
All right, so to get started what you're gonna be doing is you're gonna be going
first to the cengage, go to this special hyperlink that's specifically for our
class. Okay so you're gonna click here and then as you can see register for
fall 18 PERG 120 College Success, your 8 week, the first eight-week class, with
myself. This is a previous login that I had but if you've never logged in before
this would this will be blank for you, okay I saved my information cuz I forget.
Okay so you're gonna be setting up an account don't have an account down here
at the bottom you're gonna sign up, put in your email address, just fill in the
information. I already have an account with that name, that email, oh my goodness
Okay I'm gonna type in obviously all your information you're gonna create a
password make sure you follow the directions, the requirements for the password
it's gonna ask you for a security question so whatever you want to answer
nobody look at my security question, ha-ha. Set up the time make sure you set it for
Pacific Standard Time okay so that way the deadlines and the
due dates will all be based on our clock here not back east and then it asks you for
your birth year so close your eyes for mine. All right and then make sure you
click on the I have read and agree to the service agreement if you want to
read it first this is where you would find the information and if you want to
hear exclusive promotions and you can check check that
box if not then uncheck it, then you click on sign up and you're in the
course. Alright, now again as I mentioned before you can go ahead and purchase the
course here for $60 if you actually want like a loose-leaf copy of the book you
want printed actual pages you can pay the higher amount or if you're currently
taking courses with other instructors that also use MindTap for their ebooks
you can actually purchase an unlimited account access for $119 and then this
will allow you to access as many courses as you need. So let's say you're taking
four classes and all four of us are using mindtap instead of buying four
separate books so that would be like two hundred and what two hundred and forty
dollars two hundred and forty dollars sorry
then if you pay $119 that'll actually give you access to all four classes and
it's cheaper and you have unlimited access and it gives you the information
that you have access to you can even get a rental book for like eight bucks. So
it's just a thought for those of you that maybe you can afford it I know
that's expensive so don't worry about it if you can't. I'm not sure how long you
can have oh one year so if you're taking more courses next semester that are
gonna have mindtap then that might be a pretty good bargain.
Anyways so you're gonna either pay for it now or you're gonna register your
access code if you purchase an access code from the bookstore this is where
you would type it in okay but if you don't have either and you want to go
ahead and get started it says 14 days left for the trial but really we only
have, what's today Thursday, you only have one two three four more
days I'm not sure why it says fourteen you can go to continue to course and you
can actually access the course for the next four days for free. So hit accept
you accept the agreement here's our course this just gives you basic
information about the publisher and the author click on you can start a tour. I
strongly recommend that you do the tours ok go through it tells you all the
information that you need where the assignments are or how to filter the
information really this interactive ebook has some really awesome apps that
you can use to help make this a better experience for you so take advantage of
all that information the search button ok and here is our course ok again here
are the different apps take some time to review each app you can highlight some
of the information, there's a dictionary, there's a glossary, if you're the
kind of person that likes to read out loud there's an actual read speaker for
you that would read that'll read the pages for you as you're reading along so
that would help you, you can create study notes here if you want to actually see
the whole book and print out pages you can find it here
you could save information to your Google Drive additional resources here
so there's all kinds of things that are really really neat resources for you to
help you help make this a better experience. Alright so here is our
book and it's a couple ways you can view it you can either view it this way with
the units with all the different units here's the chapters ok I just added this
this isn't actually if you click on it the syllabus quiz isn't actually
actually a non-MindTap activity, this is the quiz that you take on blackboard but
I thought it might help to add it to your calendar here so you can you know
help you keep track of it
Getting Started in MindTap, i want you to watch the video so again it will help
you to understand how to use it so please take the time to watch the video
and then this talks about the author and how he got to writing this book now
these are all assessments that you must complete you're going to be doing two of
them a pre-assessment and a post-assessment
the pre-assessment you do now okay this first these first two are due by Sunday
and I'd rather that you actually do the assessment before you even start with
the book like with reading the book because this will give us some this will
give you a more accurate representation of where you currently are with regards
to these topics especially this soft skills one you will have to complete the
assessment before you can even answer the first journal question so you would
click on the link and then you complete it read the directions and then you
start okay so you're gonna be doing the pre-assessment now these due dates and
then at the end of the term or at the end of the eight weeks you're gonna be
doing a post assessment and then you're gonna be comparing your scores and
ideally you'll have different or higher scores at the end than what you have now
because the whole point of this class is to learn this information now keep in
mind when you're taking this assessment we're not expecting like super high
scores we want you to be truthful and honest when you're answering if you
don't know something make sure that you put that you don't know it the whole
point is for you to learn in this class so ideally we don't want you to know if
you know everything then you're gonna be bored so be honest with yourself when
you're taking these assessments because this is really for your own benefit and
it'll help you to see the areas that maybe you need to grow in and learn or pay close
attention to when you get to those topics in the class and and ideally what
we want to see is growth, which is why you're taking this class
right personal growth so again these are super important make sure you complete
these assessments and then when you're done with that you can go ahead and
start with chapter 1 always always always read the chapter
before you start the assignments you'll have a much easier time of it then if
you try to just jump you could literally just jump to the assignment and do it
but you're not gonna know what what it's talking about if you don't read the
information first okay start assignment now and then here's the question here's
the textbox and this is where you start this is how you do it
type the stuff in and then you hit submit for grading and then I'll see it
and I'll grade it and keep going so everything will be done in your eBook
okay this is where you'll take your quiz and everything will be done here. Now
this is one way to see the entire course by unit by chapter you're gonna see
assignments that say "count towards grade" and "practice" oops sorry
and then you'll see assignments that say "practice". Now the ones that count towards
grades are the ones that are due that, are required, you will find
them in your course schedule in your syllabus okay for sure you have to do
the ones that say count towards grade. If it says practice that means it's an
extra credit opportunity so I'm not gonna be you're not gonna be required to
complete every single journal in the chapters it's usually be about two
journals per chapte. The other journals though they'll be there to give you the
opportunity to just really explore your thoughts and your feelings about the
topics, kind of process the information apply it
to your personal life it's really a great opportunity for you to just kind
of sit down think about some of these important topics that are going to help
you be more successful in college play them out see how best to use the
information and so if you want to complete any of
these other assignments that say practice I will give you extra credit
points okay
As I mentioned before there are gonna be due dates but it's a soft due date if
you're stuck or have a problem and you can't complete it on time you'll
just need to let me know so that I can extend the due dates for you practice
extra credit work won't be due until the very last day October 13th but don't
wait until that day I mean get it done throughout these next 8 weeks. So this
is one way to look at every single section of your book okay. Another way to
do it is if you go up to the top here's our two different views there's a list
view and there's a calendar view okay the calendar view then shows you what
you have to do each week what assignments are required. So again you
would just click on the week and it tells you what you should do by the end
of the week okay so these are based on the due dates that I have already listed
okay so again you can just jump right to the assignment without reading the
chapter but ideally and to get the most out of this class you want to read the
chapter it's a really good book I think you're gonna get a lot out of it if you
just really allow yourself to invest the time that you need to to gain as much as
you are allowing yourself , the more you
put into this class the more you're gonna get out of it I promise. I hear it
all the time at the end of the semesters from my students, they're so glad they took
the class, they wish they would have taken it sooner
you know those students that really put worked into it and put a lot into it
will get the most benefit out of it so that's what I'm encouraging you to do so
that's what you're gonna do every week so there's again you can either go through
the calendar view and just do the stuff that's due that's that's required for
each a week or you can go to the list view and again you'll see the things
that are required but you'll also see the extra credit opportunities.
Make sure you scroll all the way down at the bottom is your Study Skills
activities which will also be due and again they're in your in your course
schedule you'll also find them in the calendar view for example I think here's
a here's the first study skills it's actually due on the 9th ok to find out
how you're gonna have two grade books, you're gonna have the one in blackboard
and the one here in mindtap. So this is how this is where I will be, you'll be
able to keep track of your grade right here for the mindtap stuff. I'm not gonna
be transferring, I have to manually transfer your mindtap work into
blackboard so I'm gonna wait till the end till all your points are scored
before I transfer it into blackboard so if you want to know how you are doing in this class
the best thing to do is look at this page right here and then you know
compare it with with how you're doing in in blackboard. Let's see what else do I
need to tell you I think that's it hopefully this clarifies things for you
for those of you that haven't got started with the book yet or aren't too
sure how to start but if you get stuck or if you have any questions the best
thing to do, go up to where it says your name in the top right corner, hit
customer support and submit a request help request. Especially if it's a
technical issue specifically having to do with Cengage or the book or the,
you know mindtap. You can certainly, of course, ask me for help
but if I can't help you I will refer you back to this page because some of the
stuff is too technical and I won't be able to figure it out either and they're
pretty good about getting back to you rather quickly. If you don't hear from
them definitely, definitely email me and let
me know so that I can contact my publisher representative. So what else
can I tell you I think that's it again take a look at these apps, utilize them
they're super helpful, watch the video to help you get started and enjoy it
because it is a really great book and you're gonna learn a lot about yourself
and how to be successful in college. Okay have a good week and let me know if you
have any questions and we'll talk to you later, bye
【SUBARU×Clarion】充実機能が満載! 藤島知子のご機嫌ドライブ記 - 日産物語 - Duration: 15:40.-------------------------------------------
Fears for Jozi's traffic as pointsmen contract is cancelled - Duration: 3:32.Fears for Jozi's traffic as pointsmen contract is cancelled
Fears for Jozi's traffic as pointsmen contract is cancelled.
Nearly 200 traffic pointsmen who have kept Johannesburg traffic flowing for the past 13 years are set to lose their jobs.
Traffic Freeflow and OUT-surance on Friday expressed disappointment at the City of Johannesburg's decision not to renew their contract to provide pointsmen to motorists.
The 186 pointsmen‚ who were scattered daily around the busiest intersections in Johannesburg‚ have been working towards making morning and afternoon peak hour commutes as smooth as possible‚ for more than a decade.
Their presence made commuting less stressful for residents.
However‚ the city said its decision not to renew the contract was as a result of the Johannesburg Metropolitan Police Department's upgraded functions as well as the appointment of an additional 180 traffic wardens who will replace the pointsmen.
"It's a very sad day for me personally… and in particular the motorists of Johannesburg‚ who have come to depend on the stellar service the pointsmen have offered in getting them through sticky traffic every morning and afternoon for the past 13 years‚" said Colleen Bekker‚ the founder of Traffic Freeflow.
The two companies expressed displeasure about being informed about the decision not to renew the contract at a very late stage.
"It is disappointing that the City of Johannesburg has decided not to put a new contract out to tender at the expiration of our existing contract on August 31 2018.
"We only became aware that the contract would not be extended or put out for a new tender‚ at a rather late stage‚" said Bheki Zondo‚ Traffic Freeflow CEO.
OUTsurance CEO Danie Matthee expressed similar discontent‚ saying that the two companies were caught off guard.
OUTsurance said it had invested over R190-million for the provision of this free service in Johannesburg alone.
The MMC for Public Safety‚ Michael Sun‚ however sought to reassure residents.
He said that with the JMPD's additional resources‚ there would be a smooth implementation.
He urged residents to make use of the 24-hour Traffic Hotline‚ which the City launched in March 2017.
"Residents can report any traffic-related incident.
Once a call is received‚ the call centre agent will dispatch pointsmen where they are needed to ease congestion‚" Sun said.
Mosimane's rotation will see Sundowns' signing Lakay face his old team - Duration: 3:40.Mosimane's rotation will see Sundowns' signing Lakay face his old team
Mosimane's rotation will see Sundowns' signing Lakay face his old team.
Lyle Lakay will get a chance to shine against his former teammates when Mamelodi Sundowns face off against Cape Town City in the first leg of the MTN8 semifinal on Saturday.
Sundowns coach Pitso Mosimane has confirmed that Lakay‚ who joined from City last month‚ will be in the starting lineup for the Brazilians at the Cape Town Stadium.
The 27-year-old Cape Town-born star had a dream start to his career with Sundowns having started in all of their opening three Absa Premiership matches this season and the MTN8 2-0 quarterfinal win over Lamontville Golden Arrows last week.
Lakay‚ converted form a winger to a left fullback by Mosimane‚ was introduced in the last five minutes in the goalless home league draw against Highlands Park on Wednesday‚ where Tebogo Langerman started at left-back.
"Lyle must play against City.
That's why I brought him in the last five minutes against Highlands‚" Mosimane confirmed.
"Probably he'd love to play against Cape Town City.
That's where he comes from.
But it's not about that‚ it's about making sure that I look after the programme.
"It's about game management‚ player management and programme management and calendar." Lakay is not registered for the Caf Champions League for Sundowns so by necessity misses the must-win Group C match at home against Horoya of Guinea next week Wednesday.
The player is cup-tied having turned out for Cape Town City in the Caf Confederations Cup before joining Sundowns.
As has been the case in the last five years under Mosimane's reign‚ Sundowns have had a challenging schedule having to compete in five competitions – the Absa Premiership‚ MTN8‚ Telkom Knockout and the Nedbank Cup.
The coach said he has had to rotate his squad to manage their workload of the players.
"Sometimes my players are not happy with me and they say coach what are you doing? But you can only know when the season ends if its right or wrong‚" the coach said.
In this instance‚ it makes sense for Lakay to play against City‚ and rest Langerman so he will be fresh against Horoya.
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Abus: Une victime irlandaise exhorte le pape à se débarrasser des « pommes pourries» - Duration: 7:33.Marie Collins n'avait que 13 ans lorsqu'elle a été violée par un prêtre en Irlande
Alors que le pape visite ce week-end son pays, cette septuagénaire le conjure de débarrasser l'Eglise catholique de « toutes les pommes pourries »
« Pendant que (le pape) est en Irlande, où nous avons une telle histoire d'abus, et où tant de gens ont vu leur vie détruite, il est important que cette question soit abordée frontalement, et que nous entendions des paroles claires sur ce qu'il va faire », a-t-elle déclaré, en marge de la Rencontre mondiale des familles à Dublin que le souverain pontife doit clôturer ce week-end
14.500 personnes victimes d'abus sexuels par des prêtres en Irlande Depuis 2002, plus de 14
500 personnes se sont déclarées victimes d'abus sexuels commis par des prêtres en Irlande, et selon Marie Collins, nombre de catholiques en Irlande « attendent que cette question soit traitée comme il se doit »
Dans le cas contraire, « il y aura davantage de personnes qui abandonneront tout espoir, et s'éloigneront (de l'Eglise) », a-t-elle mis en garde
L'année dernière, Marie Collins avait démissionné de la commission anti-pédophilie chargée de conseiller le pape en raison de son inaction
Cette semaine, elle a accueilli favorablement une lettre du pape François condamnant les «atrocités» commises en Pennsylvanie sur plus de 1
000 enfants par des centaines de prêtres pendant des décennies, révélées récemment
« La lettre du pape mentionne pour la première fois l'abus sexuel comme un crime, une atrocité, et fait référence aux pratiques de dissimulation », a-t-elle souligné
« Mais elle ne donne aucune indication concrète sur ce que le pape souhaite réellement faire pour que les responsables rendent des comptes », a-t-elle regretté
Cette « réticence à bien examiner les choses (…) trahit une peur (de voir) toute l'étendue du problème »
« Il y a cette idée erronée que si nous ne regardons pas (le problème), il disparaîtra », a-t-elle insisté
« J'ai juste prié pour qu'il ne recommence pas, mais il l'a fait » Marie Collins venait de fêter son 13e anniversaire lorsqu'elle a été violée par un prêtre, selon un récit qu'elle avait fait lors d'un symposium du Vatican sur les abus en 2012
Le prêtre - « un agresseur d'enfant chevronné », selon ses termes - avait commencé à lui rendre visite le soir à l'hôpital, à Dublin
« Quand il s'est mis à pratiquer des attouchements, en prétendant au début que c'était par jeu, j'ai été choquée, et j'ai résisté en lui disant d'arrêter
Mais il ne s'est pas arrêté », avait-elle raconté. « Tout en m'agressant, il répondait à ma résistance en me disant qu'il était "prêtre" et qu'il ne "pouvait pas me faire de mal" »
« Il a pris des photos des parties les plus intimes de mon corps et m'a dit que j'étais stupide si je pensais que c'était mal
Il avait du pouvoir sur moi. Je ne savais pas comment en parler à d'autres personnes
J'ai juste prié pour qu'il ne recommence pas, mais il l'a fait ». « Ces doigts qui abusaient de mon corps la veille étaient le lendemain matin à tenir et m'offrir l'hostie sacrée
Ces mains qui tenaient l'appareil photo pour photographier mon corps exposé, à la lumière du jour, tenaient un livre de prières quand il est venu entendre ma confession
» De victime à militante Souffrant de problèmes psychologiques causés par les agressions sexuelles, Marie Collins a suivi pendant des années un traitement médical
Ce n'est qu'à l'âge de 47 ans qu'elle s'était finalement décidée à en parler à un médecin, qui l'avait persuadé de prendre contact avec l'Eglise
Elle avait alors rencontré le curé de sa paroisse mais celui-ci, a-t-elle affirmé, avait refusé de l'écouter, lui faisant porter le chapeau
« Il a dit qu'il ne voyait pas la nécessité de dénoncer (l'auteur des agressions)
Il m'a dit que c'était probablement ma faute. Cela m'a brisée », a-t-elle dit. Son agresseur a finalement été traduit en justice, condamné et emprisonné, Marie Collins devenant elle une figure de proue de la lutte contre les abus sexuels en Irlande
Seul le pape peut mettre fin à la « résistance » du Vatican à régler le problème, croit-elle alors qu'aujourd'hui encore, « chaque jour, des enfants sont maltraités »
女星"長翅膀",baby謝娜一言難盡,而趙麗穎宛如仙女下凡 - Duration: 1:04.-------------------------------------------
Serial killer - John Wayne Gacy - The Killer Clown - Duration: 45:52.-------------------------------------------
How To Use A Laptop (WORKS 100%) - Duration: 1:27.Oh god
William you don't need to reorganize your desktop right now..
Oh, it's back
Darn menu doesn't work >:[
{Rapid clicking[mouse broken(almost)]}
DIY Eye Cream Homemade With Vitamins/ Crema De Ojos En Casa Con Vitaminas Tutorial - Duration: 2:46.Hello my dearest, my name is Gabriela David and welcome to my channel!
Today I want to make a tutorial than how to make a home eye cream with vitamins
very cheap
Every can do it in his home
So let s start, fast fast..
I took a cream and I put in this little box
Two vitamins A & E
And Oil Castor
You can find in other box, I have this from my country
Let s start to mix them
So I have the E & A Vitamins
3 drops
And Oil Castor
A little bit more..
We have our homemade eye cream
That is very cheap
So my dearest I hope you enjoy my tutorial from today
The homemade eye cream with vitamins
To the next time!!!
EastEnders' Tanya Branning set for dramatic return with THIS character? - Duration: 3:49.The actress, who plays Tanya Cross, returned to EastEnders as part of the Branning sisters' exit storylines
Abi (Lorna Fitzgerald) died, while Lauren (Jacqueline Jossa) left for a new life in Scotland
But now could be the perfect time for Tanya to return – according to an eagle-eyed viewer
Tonight, Honey Mitchell (Emma Barton) got a text from her new fancy man, dentist Adam Bateman (Stephen Rahman Hughes)
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Adam." There was a little confusion from viewers about who Susan was, however that is actually Honey's real name
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" They are, of course, referencing the actress' slip up in the EastEnders live episode back in 2015
In it, Tanya spoke to Jane (Laurie Brett) ahead of her wedding to Ian Beale (Adam Woodyatt)
But, at one point, instead of asking how Ian was, she said: "How's Adam?" She was visibly shocked by her mistake, seemingly freezing in embarrassment
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