Thứ Năm, 23 tháng 8, 2018

Youtube daily report Aug 23 2018

Hello Friends!

Today we will quickly list out 10 Gardening Tips to Increase Flowering in any plant whether

Rose or Hibiscus.

These tips are really easy to follow and you can maintain blooms throughout the year.

Thats Coming up.

Well, Lets list out the 10 tips on increasing blooms: Always Remember one principle in gardening

- the plant performs well when its free from stress.


REPOTTING: This is generally your first task as soon as you bring your plant home from

a nursery.

Do not repot immediately, Allow your plant to settle for atleast one week to its new


During repotting, you need to mix some important ingredients into the potting mix like for

a 12 inch pot, roughly about 1 tablespoon of steamed bone meal powder.

Optionally you can also mix the mycorrhizae fungi - the beneficial fungi or even pseudomonas

and Trichoderma powder.

You can check my detailed video on Mycorrhizae and other important videos related to this

topic from links in description of this video.


CONTAINER SIZE: The concept here is: if you choose a deeper container, it will focus more

on root development and less on flower production.

The best one is a container that is wider than the usual nursery pot, but still not

too deep.

This way you will make your plant strong and make it produce more flowers.


LOCATION: Keep your plants away from the traffic and pollution.

Also in a location thats not disturbed by frequent movements from people or animals

and even your pets.


SUNLIGHT: Place your plant in a location where you get adequate sunlight.

Atleast 6 hours to 8 hours DIRECT SUNLIGHT is compulsory for flowering plants.

If its too hot like in summer, protect them from noon sunlight using a green shade net.


WATERING: If you are growing in containers, daily watering is must specially in summer


Do not worry about over watering if are using a well draining soil.


PEST CONTROL: Controlling pests is very important step to keep the plant healthy and blooming.

Examine the plant closely for pests and insects including underside of the leaves.

Common pests like whiteflies, aphids, mealybugs can be easily eliminated using neem oil +

liquid soap in water.

Or adding oils like Clove Oil or eucalyptus oil increases the efficacy.

I have one very important video on pest elimination using one powerful method.

You can check these related videos from card links at top right corner or in description.


RAKING THE SOIL: This is anther important step before applying any fertilizer or manure

to your plant.

Raking the soil is recommended once every 15 days.

Make it a habit to rake the soil and then apply your fertilizer every 15 days.


SOIL: Here you should remember few important points like:

a) PH of soil , b) How to make the best potting soil for flowering plants c) Keep the soil

well draining.

The First factor is PH.

Plants like Rose and Hibiscus prefer slightly acidic soil like around 6 to 6.5.

If you have a PH testing meter, you can accurately use this hack to use Alum powder to make your

soil acidic.

Even if you do not have this meter, you can roughly add about 5 to 10 gms of alum powder

in one liter of water once every 15 days to maintain this acidic level, which is very

important for absorption of nutrients you add to your plant.

You can also use 1 to 2 teaspoons of white vinegar per liter of water to make your soil


Again you can watch my related videos on these topics from links in description.

Now When you make a potting mix, you can add extra 10 percent additional compost like decomposed

cowdung powder.

And also bone meal powder as discussed earlier.


FERTILIZER: In this video, I will be talking only about organic fertilizers and not chemicals

like NPK or DAP.

Add a handful of decomposed horsedung or cowdung powder or vermicompost on the top layer of

the soil once every 15 days after nicely raking the soil.

This should be the minimum fertilizer use and frequency.

You can also use compost tea sprays or even mustard cake tea and other foliar feeds if

you want better results.

What I use once every 15 days is My Cocktail Fertilizer Powder.

You can check a detailed video on how I prepared this mixed fertilizer, from a link at top

right corner of this video and also from description links.


PRUNING: Yes this is most important step which many of us neglect or some newbie gardeners

think like its plant cruelty.

But this is not the truth.

Pruning or pinching and also deadheading of the flowers from time to time is the most

important step for maintaining blooms.

Generally Pruning which is of two types Hard Pruning and Soft Pruning.

Hard Pruning is done in early spring thats in Feb end or March beginning.

If you missed that, No Worries!

You can still perform Soft Pruning or Trimming.

Trimming sparks new growths specaily in rose bushes.

So there you have it folks, that was our episode on the 10 surefire ways to increase blooms.

If you have any other hacks and tips, please share in the comments section below.

And also If you like the video, please give it a thumbs up and share the video.

Consider subscribing to our channel if you are new to this channel.

Happy Gardening!

For more infomation >> GARDEN SECRETS TO GET 500% MORE FLOWERS | 10 Surefire Ways to Boost Blooms - Duration: 6:26.


11 Mind SHATTERING Space Facts! - Duration: 10:51.

Here 11 Mind Shattering Facts About Space

You'll love #3 Soo much, you'll want to put a ring on it

# 11

The average lifespan of a star is 10 billion years.

Depending on it's mass, at the end of its life a star will either collapse or next toad

into a supernova.

Most of the material in the universe comes out of these explanations, including us!

That's right honey, you're a star!

Everything that we are and everything in the universe originated from stardust.

It continually floats through us today and some of it is as old as the universe itself.

So don't forget, if you need something in life to go your way.

Make a wish upon yourself!

# 10

Speaking of stars, when a star tries, if it doesn't next toad into a supernova, it implodes,

and its collapsed core forms a Neutron star.

Neutron stars are one of the densest objects in the universe.

One teaspoon of matter from a neutron star would weigh 900 times more than the mass of

the great pyramid of giza.

If the neutron star's internal pressure is insufficient to resist it's own gravity,

a gravitational collapse occurs which then creates a black hole.

And what happens in Black holes, stays in black holes.

# 9 Earth is located in the galaxy known as the

"Milky Way" which gets its name from the delicious chocolate-malt nougut candy bar

from the Mars Company.

A lot of people don't know that.

So definitely tell all your friends at the next party.

The Milky Way's closest neighbor is a galaxy known as Andromeda.

As far as galaxies go, Andromeda is pretty formidable.

It has approximately 1 trillion stars and spans 220,000 light years.

But Andromeda has one cardinal transgression.

It's headed right for us!!

That's right, the two galaxies are on a collision course locked into an inter-galactic

a game of chicken.

And you know the milky way doesn't flinch.

That's how we roll!!

We've got the pedal to the metal and the falls to the wall because we are speeding

towards Andromeda at a speed of 68 miles per second!

Scientists believe that the two galaxies will collide in approximately 4.5 billion years.

The Earth's fate after the collision is unknown.

Some scientist say that it will be unaffected save for an epic half a billion year long

light show.

Others say that it will be crushed by other planets.

But don't worry, by then, you'll be super bed!

# 8 Space is so vast, How Vast is it?

Space is so vast that the light from some stars has been traveling for millions of years

just to reach your eyes.

Which means that you don't need a flex capacitor traveling at 88 miles per hour in order to

go back in time.

All you need to see into the past is to look up at the night sky.

The Hubble telescope is a space telescope that was launched into Earths orbit by Nasa

in 1990.

It is one of the largest and most versatile modern telescopes ever.

The Hubble telescope can see stars that are so far away that some of their light has been

travelling as long as 13 Billion years!

Great Scott!

# 7 Jupiter is the 5th planet from the sun.

It is the largest planet in our solar system, it has 67 moons and every other planet in

the system could fit inside of it.

Party at Jupiter's!!

From earth, it is the third brightest natural object in the sky, after the moon and Venus.

What really sets Jupiter apart is that it has an enormous hurricane that has been paging

across its surface for at least 300 years!

It is so large that you could fit three earths inside of it!

I'm gonna let you finish Puerto Rico, but Jupiter had the best hurricane of all time!!

# 6 Mars is our brother from another mother.

It's our next door neighbor here in the nice part of the solar system.

Just like Earth, Mars orbits the sun and rotates on an axis.

In fact a Mars day is only 37 minutes longer than an earth day.

However Mars has a sunset that would be unrecognizable on Earth.

The sun disappears behind the horizon like an earth sunset but there is one glaring difference

on Mars.

It's blue!!

Because of Mars' low gravitational pull there is a bunch of debris floating around

the planet.

When the sun hits this debris as it's going down it creates a majestic blue hue across

the red planet.

I don't know about you but this fact really blue my mind.

Oh you don't think it's cool, well you can go blue yourself.

# 5 Many physicists suspect that everything that

we know.

All the worlds, galaxies and stars in our observable universe is just one tiny bubble

in an infinite ocean of other universes that together are known as the multiverse.

The multiverse comprises everything that exists!

Space, time, matter, energy, all that stuff.

What that means is thagt you're basically a speck, riding on a speck, inside a speck

next to an infinite amount of other specks.

Sorta puts things in perspective.

But tell me more about how it is that your apartment has bad wifi

# 4 On July 20th 1969 Neil Armstrong and Buzz

Aldrin, two American astronauts on the NASA's Apollo 11 space flight, became the first men

to walk on the moon.

In total they spent approximately 2 hours and 15 minutes together bouncing around on

the moon's surface, collecting lunar material and taking epic pictures with the American


It's too bad they didn't have Instagram back then, the amount of likes these photos

could have gotten would truly have been…out of this world.

Turns out that because the moon has no atmosphere it also has no wind.

Which means that millions of years from now, their footprints will still be there!

These guys really know how to make an impression!

# 3 Without a doubt Neptune is the coolest planet

in our solar system.

Literally it's like -353 degrees Fahrenheit.

But on top of that, It just hangs out all the way in the back of the pack and occasionally

makes fun of Pluto for not being a planet anymore.

According to scientists however, Neptune is going to be making big moves in the future.

Triton is Neptune's largest moon and it is gradually orbiting closer and closer to

the planet.

It is believed that one day Triton will get so close to Neptune that it will be torn apart

by gravity.

This will proliferate debris all around the planet's orbit that will eventually coalesce

into planetary rings!!

Watch out Saturn!

There's going to be a new big baller blinging out hard in the system.

Scientists predict that Neptune's new ice will easily outstrip Saturn's.

Which will make it the chillest but also the illest planet on the block.

# 2 In 2004, astronomers discovered a planet orbiting

a nearby star 40 light years from Earth in our Milky Way galaxy.

They named it "55 Cancri e" because scientists are super lame.

Its diameter is about twice that of earth's but its mass is about 8.6 times Earth's


Hey 55 Cancri e!

Yo mamma has got so much mass, her bellybutton get home 15 minutes before she does.

Hey 55 Cancri e!

Yo mamma has so much mass, she doesn't need the internet because she's already world


Hey 55 Cancri e! your mama has so much mass it took me two buses and a train to get her

good side.

What is unique about this planet is that it is composed mainly of carbon and scientist

have estimated that over one third of 55 Canri e is Diamond!!

That's right 55 Cancri e is officially a girls best friend, in the sky with Lucy and

is all I need to please, it can stimulate and tease me.

If the estimate is correct 55 Cancri e would be worth approximately $26.9 Nonillion dollars.

That's a huge rock!

# 1 One Small Step

The Moon, it's in the sky.

It's always rotating around us, and sometimes you can see it during the day, which is weird.

But where did it come from?

Why does it rotate earth?

What kind of cheese is it really made of?

Turns out that the broad scientific consensus is that the moon came from Earth!

According to space nerds, when the solar system was created 4.6 billion years ago the earth

was ridding solo.

One day Theia, a protoplanet nearly the size of mars comes out of nowhere and crashes into


Theia hit our blue rock in such a way that a massive amount of debris was ejected out

of our atmosphere.

The debris field consolidated in the vacuum of space into what we now call the moon and

has been hanging around us ever since.

In the end, turns out Theia is a real bed beat planet.

She hit it and she quit it.

She knocked us up and look off forever leaving us with all the responsibility of baby moon.

She didn't even leave a note!


For more infomation >> 11 Mind SHATTERING Space Facts! - Duration: 10:51.


НОВЫЙ ИГРОВОЙ ТРЕЙЛЕР! 🍭 Говорящий Том: за конфетами! 🍭 - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> НОВЫЙ ИГРОВОЙ ТРЕЙЛЕР! 🍭 Говорящий Том: за конфетами! 🍭 - Duration: 1:40.


I Almost Died Just Because I'm Gay - Duration: 6:44.

Deep down I always knew that I was a bit different. I just knew that I was

different from my peers somehow and then I was always really fascinated by girls.

But it's not like there was a moment that I could single out that I knew I

liked girls. There isn't like an "aha" moment that many straight people think

there is there's just that moment when you stop pushing down certain feelings

and when you start to look for answers to certain questions. When I was a child

we moved from the Netherlands to a small town in Serbia. To my surprise I learned

that this little town was and still is very closed-minded and homophobic. From

the beginning I was already being bullied because my Serbian wasn't great

because I dressed differently and because it behaved differently. But I

also felt it. I was different. I just didn't really understand what that meant

but I was also not too happy about it. When I was 13 I met a girl who soon

became the answer to all the questions I had for myself. She openly told me that

she was bisexual and that she thought that I was cute. She kissed me and all of

a sudden, I felt all the things my female friends told me they felt when they

would kiss their boyfriends. I never felt butterflies in my stomach like that

before I was completely blown away. But I quickly realized that what I should have

felt was fear I live in a country where you can be killed for being in love with

someone who is the same gender as you. The first person I ever came out to was

my little brother he had a great reaction but I never doubted that he

loved me any less or that he wouldn't accept me. I was more concerned about the

rest of my family my parents especially. I didn't have the nerve to tell them so

I stayed in the closet for a couple more years. I avoided thinking about girls and

I kept telling myself, "just be normal" because I wanted to fit in.

So I kept pushing it down until I couldn't push it down anymore.

It all fell apart when I met the girl who would later become my first

girlfriend. After I met her, I started coming out to

more and more people. I met people who were also part of the LGBTQ community

and I started to feel a bit safer. Like I wasn't alone in all of this. However in a

small town everyone knows everything and people started to talk about me. It

didn't help that all of a sudden I had short hair and started dressing a bit

more boyish. I really wanted to tell my parents but I really couldn't. I tested

out the waters one day, by asking my father what he would do if my brother

was gay. He answered "I would disown him". Any idea of me willingly coming out to

my parents was shattered. In the end, I didn't really have a choice. They found

out from a blog that I had, which clearly stated that I was in a relationship with

a girl. When they asked me about it I was terrified. I started shaking and crying.

Eventually all I managed to get out was that I was bisexual.

They were so mad so much so that I realized I couldn't get any worse than

that anyway. I felt like I had nothing left to lose so I just told them that I

was gay. They were even matter. For some reason, they thought that if

they grounded me, I would stop liking girls. My girlfriend lived in another

town so I had to lie extensively to be able to see her. From the day that I told

them that I was gay, that was what my relationship with my parents had become.

Lies. Every single day. Lies. I was terrified of them, but I also hated them

for not being able to accept something that I never chose. I needed them and

they weren't there for me. I had to hide everything, I had to delete every single

message, every single picture, and my browser history every single day. My

relationship with my dad deteriorated the most. I took it really hard at the

beginning because as a child I thought of him as my superhero. In total, I think

I came out to my father over 50 times. And it broke his heart every single time.

He would get mad and he would tell me that this isn't the life that I wanted

to live. He was in wrong though. Not only did I not feel safe in my own home, I

didn't feel safe anywhere. In two separate incidents, I could have easily

lost my life. Just because I like girls. The first time was when I went to a

store and there was a few older guys in there that I knew from primary school. As

I was standing in the middle of the aisle looking over my list, they started

yelling things. First, I heard things like "filthy lesbian!" But I ignored them. As I

finished buying what I wanted and walked out, I saw that there were even more of

them in front of the store. I put my head down and I started walking in the

direction of my house. All of a sudden I heard steps of multiple people running.

As I turned around, I realized that they were running towards me and that a

couple of them were even carrying bricks. I was immediately in fight-or-flight

mode. I chose flight because I was terrified. They yelled horrible and

disgusting things about what they would do to me. Luckily I made it home safe but

I was never the same after that. The second time, a group of guys pulled a

knife on me because they were sure that there was something wrong with either my

gender identity or my sexual identity. I knew one thing for sure I had to get

away. Away from my parents, away from this town, away from these people. I applied to

an exchange program and got the full scholarship to go to America. I had

amazing host parents. My host mom especially she took me to my first

lesbian wedding. I think it was her way to say that it was okay for me to come

out to her. When I did, she had the reaction I wish my parents had we cried

and hugged it was a moment that I would cherish forever.

Activism and support from my friends is what saved me. All of a sudden, the fact

that I liked girls wasn't something weird or odd, it was normal. As time went

by I accepted myself more and more and my relationship with my mother got

better. I hated myself for too long for something that I have no control over. I

went from being a depressed teenager to someone who didn't look for acceptance

anymore because I accepted myself. Everyone finds inspiration and hope in

different things. I found hope in the amazing LGBTQ people that I met when I

was a teenager. I found hope in celebrities coming out and sharing their

experience. I found hope and watching rose and Rosie on YouTube. I found hope

when I watch LGBTQ movies and TV shows that had LGBTQ characters. Everyone

fights their own battle and every battle is different and some of us spend our

whole lives fighting or denying who we really are.

The phrase it gets better it's something we often say in the LGBTQ community. I

hated hearing it at first but it's actually true. It took about eight years

for both of my parents to accept me and it was a long and hard journey. But it

was worth it. I wish that I could tell myself at fifteen when I was crying on

the bathroom floor because "I wasn't normal" that it really will get better.

Self-love is the most powerful thing you can do for yourself. So love yourself and

be proud of who you are.

For more infomation >> I Almost Died Just Because I'm Gay - Duration: 6:44.


Epic Gyoza Dumpling Tour in Tokyo - Duration: 12:12.

For more infomation >> Epic Gyoza Dumpling Tour in Tokyo - Duration: 12:12.


Can President Donald Trump Make Parallel Between Michael Cohen And Obama? | Morning Joe | MSNBC - Duration: 9:04.

For more infomation >> Can President Donald Trump Make Parallel Between Michael Cohen And Obama? | Morning Joe | MSNBC - Duration: 9:04.


Wabi-sabi interior. Japanese minimalist design ideas - Duration: 5:22.

Wabi-sabi interior. Japanese minimalist design ideas

Wabi-Sabi is a philosophy originally from Japan of the XV century, formed under the influence of Zen Buddhism. True beauty lies in imperfection, natural asymmetry, modesty, simple things. Wabi Sabi is not only an interior style, it is a character and a way of life. "Wabi" - "simplicity", "modesty", "unpretentiousness." "Sabi" - "a touch of antiquity," "patina," "change in time."

Wabi-Sabi will be appreciated by those who want to create a cozy and simple home for the soul, not for the show. Give up the thought of perfect design. Accept that the interior is imperfect, and the furnishings "grow old" with time. Avoid symmetry & even numbers: put 3 chairs instead of 2; put it on the sofa 5 pillows, not 4.

Learn to love what you have! Wabi-Sabi adherents do not throw away old memorabilia, they enjoy them. The Japanese believe that objects from the past, especially handmade, have a positive energy. However, the dear little things should not be much.Wabi-Sabi - minimalistic, even ascetic style, leaving free space, not tolerate clutter.

Wabi-Sabi is a natural and slightly worn brown, gray, terracotta, beige shades. The style loves natural materials and strict textures: unpainted wood, marble, concrete, ceramics. The surfaces are coarse, aged, rough and dull. Cracks, scratches, irregularities are acceptable. Polishing, gloss and synthetic materials are rejected.

The decor combines functionality, simplicity and nostalgia. Pottery, unpainted clay products. Often preserve the chipped vases and plates, repair interior items that have become damaged with time. These are memorabilia with a history. The lighting in the rooms is soft and diffuse.

Furniture assorted, most often made of wood, simple in shape. The purpose of furniture is to serve as intended, and not to decorate space. Textiles of natural gray or beige color. Use flax and cotton. Fabrics do not iron. The interior is appropriate curtains, furniture covers, pillows, tablecloths. In a modern room appliances hide, it should not catch the eye.

Watch more videos! Subscribe to the channel!

For more infomation >> Wabi-sabi interior. Japanese minimalist design ideas - Duration: 5:22.


CBN NewsWatch: August 23, 2018 - Duration: 19:11.

For more infomation >> CBN NewsWatch: August 23, 2018 - Duration: 19:11.


Michael Cohen Threatens To Leverage Secrets Against President Donald Trump | Morning Joe | MSNBC - Duration: 9:26.

For more infomation >> Michael Cohen Threatens To Leverage Secrets Against President Donald Trump | Morning Joe | MSNBC - Duration: 9:26.


Homemade Breads From All Over : The Traditional Moroccan Bread - Duration: 14:29.

Hello and welcome to the channel

today I am starting a new series

that I am calling

"Homemade Breads From All Over "

I will be sharing with you many bread recipes

today we will be making traditoinal Moroccan bread

it is a very easy recipe with very few ingredients

easy enough for beginners and people who want to try to make this bread for the first time

I am going to make half of the breads in a stand mixer

the other half we will be making it by hand

so people who dont have or dont like using a en electric mixer can make the bread too

I hope you enjoy this series and try the recipes

lets begin

these are half of the ingredients

we will be using a stand mixer for this half

The ingredients are

400 grams of all purpose flour

200 grams of fine semolina flour

if you cant find it use bread flour or all purpose all instead

1 tbsp of salt

1 tbsp dried yeast

1 and 1/2 tbsp of granulated sugar

if it is too hot in your kitchen use only 1 tsp of yeast

1 tbsp of oil you can soft butter in stead or eave out

about 450 ml of warm water

you may need a little less or little more depending on the quality of the flour

the first step is in a small bowl I mixed the yeast the sugar

I added about half a cup of warm water and half cup of flour

I am going to mix really well till the yeast is dissolved

I will step it aside for a few minutes

I added the flour the semolina to the bowl of the stand mixer

mixed them with the salt so it wont touch the yeast mixture directly

I am adding the yeast mixture to the flour

for this half of the dough I am using the stand mixer with the hook attachment like I said

knead of low medium speed for a minute

add in the warm water slowly

till a dough comes together

the dough should be soft and elastic just like this

add in the 1 tbsp of oil and mix for a few seconds more

the dough is ready

shape into a bowl and oil very lightly and set aside for now

now we are going to make the same dough by hand

in a large bowl add 600 grams of white flour

200 grams of semolina flour

1 tbsp of salt

1 tbsp of dried yeast and 1 and 1/2 tbsp of sugar

we will need 450 ml of warm water and 1 tbsp of vegetable oil

make a small well in the center where the yeast and the sugar are

add in about 1/2 cup of warm water

mix in a little of the flour

mix the salt with the remaining flour

mix the yeast mixture with the rest of the flour

start adding the warm water slowly while mixture all the ingredients together

try to use only one hand at this point till a dough is formed

continue adding the water slowly while mixing

a dough is formed

now its time to knead the dough

push and pull the dough using the lower part of the palm of the hand

I prefer to knead the dough directly on my work surface

continue kneading and adding wore warm water till a soft ad elastic dough is formed

the dough is ready

this the dough kneaded by a machine and the other by hand

there is not deference

the one made by the machine is starting to rise because it was made first

oil very lightly cover and allow to rise for 20 min max

to make the baguettes I am using a special pan

but you can use a regular flat pan like you see in the corner

oil lightly the pan and dust with semolina

or cover with parchment

set aside for now

to add to the bread I will be adding black sesame grains

regular sesame seeds and poppy seeds

we will be needing water as well

remove any air from the dough

divide the dough into nine equal pieces

if you want the bread to be bigger divide the dough into bigger pieces

shape into smooth balls

flatten the bowl like so

roll the ends towards the inside

set aside on a lightly oiled surface

repeat with the remaining pieces of dough

add the grains to your work surface and place the baguette on top

brush with the water

roll the dough into the grains

place on the prepared pans

continue till you cover all the baguettes with the grains

slash the baguettes with a sharp knife of slicer

cover and allow to rise till doubled in volume

now lets make the round shaped bread

I am mixing all the grans together

remove any air fro the dough and divide it into eight equal pieces

shape into smooth balls

dip into the bowl of water

and then into the grains

place in a baking sheet lined with parchment

repeat with the remaining pieces of dough

flatter the bread like so

slash the bread cover and allow to rise till doubled in volume

I preheated the oven to 400f

I am going to bake the bread for about 20 minutes

while the bread was baking and sprayed a little water inside the oven

the bread is out of the oven

allow it to cool if you want to store in the freezer

the bread comes out soft and delicious

the baguettes are thinner so they are crustier than the round bread

it is very soft on the inside and crispy on the otherwise

the baguettes are equally delicious

you can use them for dinners or as a snack with cheese

if you make the baguette a little thicker you can use them to make sandwiches

I hope you all enjoyed todays video

bon appetite and see you all soon

For more infomation >> Homemade Breads From All Over : The Traditional Moroccan Bread - Duration: 14:29.


Kyle Bent - Granted (XXXTentacion Tribute) - Duration: 3:34.

First things first R.I.P XXX Young legends dying early strong presence

what you left We a new generation world changing who'da

guessed I'm just praying that my son, daughter aint

gon wear a vest What we doing right here its amazing



What we doin right here's world changing



So please dont take me for granted This I ask ya

This I ask ya So please dont take me for granted

This I ask ya This I ask ya

So please dont take me for granted This I ask ya

Don't wait for me to vanish To show passion

Treat this song like I died and this my last one

If I dont feel the love now it never happened, yeah I been at this thing for 10 years who'da guessed

I dont talk about it I don't wanna come off pressed

But here I am speaking it, I say it with my chest

I feel like I'm in need of something quick or imma wreck

Momma got them bills my daddy too boy in debt Show money comin in but uncle Sam a threat

All I wanna do is put some benjis in my hand Elevate my people, put the world on to some

plans I feel like my own fanbase sleepin on me huh

I put all this music on the table who gon hold me down

I got people who depending on me bet I show up yeah

When life is feeling dark the only option is we glow up yeah

I been feelin down Shining through the dark

I hate feeling lost Burdens fill my heart

I can't live in doubt Cant let things way me down

I've worked too hard to drown Can someone save me now

The bravest soul's most vulnerable Show your lows that's honorable

Let them know ya unstoppable yeah


When the path look long is when we on our toes

I just pray if I fall that they still got me tho Yeah the task might look hard but its possible

Yeah Yeah

I got a goal imma wake up some souls thats a promise, ay

Everyday grow to become the one who I imagine, ay Payin it forward still workin to tame my own

madness, ay We all goin through it and blood aint always

what make family, ay

I been feelin down Shining through the dark

I hate feeling lost Burdens fill my heart

I can't live in doubt Cant let things way me down

I've worked too hard to drown Can someone save me now


For more infomation >> Kyle Bent - Granted (XXXTentacion Tribute) - Duration: 3:34.


hell, it was you - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> hell, it was you - Duration: 3:38.


CBS2 News Update August 23 at 11 a.m. - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> CBS2 News Update August 23 at 11 a.m. - Duration: 2:08.


The Hint That President Donald Trump May Pardon Paul Manafort | Morning Joe | MSNBC - Duration: 8:29.

For more infomation >> The Hint That President Donald Trump May Pardon Paul Manafort | Morning Joe | MSNBC - Duration: 8:29.


Efforts to improve U.S. border security - Duration: 6:58.

For more infomation >> Efforts to improve U.S. border security - Duration: 6:58.


成功复仇!中国女排渐入佳境,这两人成为球队取胜的关键 - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> 成功复仇!中国女排渐入佳境,这两人成为球队取胜的关键 - Duration: 3:33.


DRAW & EAT fried egg and bacon - Duration: 3:53.

it's time to eat

some wine

so yummy!

so tasty!



very good!

sorry, I forgot the recording

For more infomation >> DRAW & EAT fried egg and bacon - Duration: 3:53.


Senator Dick Durbin Urges Brett Kavanaugh Hearing Be Delayed | Morning Joe | MSNBC - Duration: 7:04.

For more infomation >> Senator Dick Durbin Urges Brett Kavanaugh Hearing Be Delayed | Morning Joe | MSNBC - Duration: 7:04.


President Donald Trump Tweets About South Africa; South Africa Responds | Morning Joe | MSNBC - Duration: 4:59.

For more infomation >> President Donald Trump Tweets About South Africa; South Africa Responds | Morning Joe | MSNBC - Duration: 4:59.


Gold and Blue Planet Welcome Week 2018 - Duration: 5:02.

West Virginia University is known for going first.

And for nearly 5,000 new students, this will be a week of them.

This will be their first home away from home.

These students have traveled to Morgantown from across the globe to

start a new chapter, but they can't do it alone.

An army of greeters and buggies ensures a smooth migration.

A place for everything, and everything in its place.


This is a moment parents have come to dread: saying goodbye with a slightly

longer hug and a few tears.

Over the next 72 hours some will give back to a community that will give them so much.

Others will seek new experiences and adventures in the wild and wonderful.

Making new friends along the way.

He shoots! He scores!

A handshake. A friendship begins.

These students have assembled on a field that has played home to so many greats.

They too will be great... maybe not for their athletic ability.


A different pride emerges.

This is the last time they'll all be in the same place,

working together to make the shape of their new home.

A moment to remember.

"Almost Heaven" indeed.

Over the course of the week, the freshmen will have eaten

their body weight in free food. And not a bite of it wasted.

This feast will ensure they have the necessary energy to power through their first weeks of class.

But first, a symphony of sights and sounds.

The final day of summer comes to a close.

The first day of fall semester is here.

A new schedule brings new challenges.

Zig-zagging from building to building, they will become experts in their field.

These new Mountaineers have prepared for this moment for most of their lives.

Adjusting to a new life will take some getting used to

This is their home now.

For the next four years, West Virginia University will provide a bright new world

in which to succeed, flourish and grow.

Their future starts now.

For more infomation >> Gold and Blue Planet Welcome Week 2018 - Duration: 5:02.


中国轰-20试飞日期确定,战力比肩能B-2,具备隐身性能 - Duration: 7:48.

For more infomation >> 中国轰-20试飞日期确定,战力比肩能B-2,具备隐身性能 - Duration: 7:48.


Crenças persistentes e bolhas sociais - Duration: 6:04.

For more infomation >> Crenças persistentes e bolhas sociais - Duration: 6:04.


Kia Picanto 1.0 MPi 67pk 4-zits ComfortPlusLine Navigator - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> Kia Picanto 1.0 MPi 67pk 4-zits ComfortPlusLine Navigator - Duration: 0:40.


比《西虹市首富》還要離譜,一份遺囑曾讓整個多倫多懷孕! - Duration: 10:22.

For more infomation >> 比《西虹市首富》還要離譜,一份遺囑曾讓整個多倫多懷孕! - Duration: 10:22.


How To Make Ring Secret Wood and Resin (Deep Ocean) - Duration: 3:42.

A burl (American English) or bur or burr (UK English) is a tree growth in which the grain has grown in a deformed manner. It is commonly found in the form of a rounded outgrowth on a tree trunk or branch that is filled with small knots from dormant buds

Forstner Bits

For more infomation >> How To Make Ring Secret Wood and Resin (Deep Ocean) - Duration: 3:42.


Wabi-sabi interior. Japanese minimalist design ideas - Duration: 5:22.

Wabi-sabi interior. Japanese minimalist design ideas

Wabi-Sabi is a philosophy originally from Japan of the XV century, formed under the influence of Zen Buddhism. True beauty lies in imperfection, natural asymmetry, modesty, simple things. Wabi Sabi is not only an interior style, it is a character and a way of life. "Wabi" - "simplicity", "modesty", "unpretentiousness." "Sabi" - "a touch of antiquity," "patina," "change in time."

Wabi-Sabi will be appreciated by those who want to create a cozy and simple home for the soul, not for the show. Give up the thought of perfect design. Accept that the interior is imperfect, and the furnishings "grow old" with time. Avoid symmetry & even numbers: put 3 chairs instead of 2; put it on the sofa 5 pillows, not 4.

Learn to love what you have! Wabi-Sabi adherents do not throw away old memorabilia, they enjoy them. The Japanese believe that objects from the past, especially handmade, have a positive energy. However, the dear little things should not be much.Wabi-Sabi - minimalistic, even ascetic style, leaving free space, not tolerate clutter.

Wabi-Sabi is a natural and slightly worn brown, gray, terracotta, beige shades. The style loves natural materials and strict textures: unpainted wood, marble, concrete, ceramics. The surfaces are coarse, aged, rough and dull. Cracks, scratches, irregularities are acceptable. Polishing, gloss and synthetic materials are rejected.

The decor combines functionality, simplicity and nostalgia. Pottery, unpainted clay products. Often preserve the chipped vases and plates, repair interior items that have become damaged with time. These are memorabilia with a history. The lighting in the rooms is soft and diffuse.

Furniture assorted, most often made of wood, simple in shape. The purpose of furniture is to serve as intended, and not to decorate space. Textiles of natural gray or beige color. Use flax and cotton. Fabrics do not iron. The interior is appropriate curtains, furniture covers, pillows, tablecloths. In a modern room appliances hide, it should not catch the eye.

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For more infomation >> Wabi-sabi interior. Japanese minimalist design ideas - Duration: 5:22.


Opel Corsa 3drs 111 Edition 1.2 85pk | 44000 km - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 3drs 111 Edition 1.2 85pk | 44000 km - Duration: 0:53.


DJI RONIN-S Unboxing - EN ESPAÑOL - Duration: 8:38.

what's up guys today I got my hands on the Ronin s in this video we're gonna

unbox it in the video coming up start by peeling these things off right here

we're gonna slide this up right here okay so this is the inside of the box in

the bottom of the box there's this little compartment and basically you can

just pull it up as you can see it just fits in there and when you turn it

around you can open it up so you get these three pamphlets inside the box now

in these pamphlets you have the Ronin s manual so it labels all the parts for

you right here which is nice then after that you're gonna get your QuickStart

guide right here so one thing to notice is the QuickStart guide actually only

has eight pages in English however the whole booklets 92 pages because it has

almost every language you could think of in here and then the last little

pamphlet is your disclaimer and safety guidelines alright guys so let's put

this box aside and let's get into the real box one thing I noticed just right

off the bat that this box looks an awful lot like

to this box this isn't a phantom 4 Pro and this is the Ronin s as you can see

they are almost the same size the Ronin is ever so slightly taller than the

phantom 4 box slightly longer than the phantom 4 box as well and as you can see

side by side the Ronin s is much slimmer than the phantom 4 box one thing to know

DJI makes this little latch right here it's the same thing on the Ronin

s as you can see they both have this little latch right here for opening it

up so let's do that you just pull up and you turn it to the side like that and

then you just open it up alright so let's talk about each one of the parts

inside the Ronin s box

all right so we'll start with the biggest part the gimble which is right

here so this is the first part this is the gimble the main unit or stabilizing

your camera let's take that out next right next to it we have the little

tripod feels really sturdy in the hand alright it's not huge you know you can

grip it like this it just lends another hand so you can grip it with one hand

and one hand up here or you can grip it with two hands down here if you wanted

and that just opens up like this you'll notice it has these little pads on the

side so this keeps it from moving around if you set it down on a table or some

other place it also was made with a material that feels really nice really

sturdy and just overall feels really well built all right right here we have

the battery grip this is called the BG 37 grip and as you can tell it has

different sized rings right here so you can mount the extended grip tripod right

here like this and then what you have is you can hold it like this feels really

nice in the hand I can't tell you how well it feels but it feels really just

nice and I like the fact that this is a battery and it's also the grip so it's -

the same thing built in one and then obviously on the other end you can see

the connection right there and you take the entire gimbal and you put it on top

you can see the connections right there match up with the connections there and

then you just slide it on like so and that's it

okay I'm gonna save this little box for last what I'm gonna do is go over here

and what we have here is the mounting plate so this is obviously where you put

your camera on and then that mounts in right there like that then over here we

have this little charger right here now I like this charger because you can plug

it in and it's USB compatible so you just charge it with a USB cable right

there fairly straightforward if you live in a

different country you can just get an adapter for your wall any country it's

compatible with all right and the last but not least we have this little pouch

here so let's move the entire box aside so this little pouch right here this is

the accessories box and inside you have all your little accessories that you

need for setting up your ronin s so we flip this up right here we can see that

inside we have we have the lens support right over here which you're going to

mount onto your lens to support your lens right here keep it sturdy all right

so let me just put that down right now

all right so the next accessory is the camera riser if you had a smaller camera

you could put it on so I'm probably gonna use this with my DSLR what you can

do is you can put this guy on top if you had a smaller camera you can mount it on

top like so so that's the camera riser right there alright so we have these 1/4

screws right here you can see we have other little small accessories which

you're gonna need to have as well such as this little screw right here this

little turn handle thing alright then the other little accessories we have are

these little m4 screws right here small little proprietary screws then you also

have this little guy right here and then you have your Allen wrenches right here

so you got two different Allen wrenches right there so that's that and now we're

gonna go to the other side of the pouch and in the other side of the pouch so

over here we have our USBC cable okay and at one end see is USB we have the

USB male and and then we have also this type of for at this end

and then lastly we have our control cables now multi-camera control cables

we have our type B type C and the RSS ir control cable right here and they're all

bundled up so you can see one two and three of them and then the other ends

you can see the different ends that it has light bulb little light right there

and that's it that's all the accessories that are in the Ronin S alright guys

thanks for watching this unboxing video hopefully it was helpful for you if you

want to pick up the Ronin s I left a link in the description below so you can

just click on that also if you haven't connected with me in social media just

look right above because I have all my links up there and if you want to see

more videos about how I assemble balanced and use the Ronin S you can

press that subscribe button right over there and on the far end right over

there I have more videos about DGI equipment and how to use drones so

thanks for watching guys and remember siempre Avante


For more infomation >> DJI RONIN-S Unboxing - EN ESPAÑOL - Duration: 8:38.


Health Benefits of Ash Gourd | চাল কুমড়ার উপকারিতা এবং পুষ্টিগুণ | Chalkumrar Shastho Upokarita - Duration: 4:02.

Health Benefits of Ash Gourd

Health Benefits of Ash Gourd

Health Benefits of Ash Gourd

Health Benefits of Ash Gourd

Health Benefits of Ash Gourd

Health Benefits of Ash Gourd

Health Benefits of Ash Gourd

Health Benefits of Ash Gourd

Health Benefits of Ash Gourd

Health Benefits of Ash Gourd

Health Benefits of Ash Gourd

Health Benefits of Ash Gourd

Health Benefits of Ash Gourd

Health Benefits of Ash Gourd

For more infomation >> Health Benefits of Ash Gourd | চাল কুমড়ার উপকারিতা এবং পুষ্টিগুণ | Chalkumrar Shastho Upokarita - Duration: 4:02.


《中餐厅2》|张铁林赵薇苏有朋还珠再聚首,中餐厅变成了御膳房 - Duration: 5:33.

For more infomation >> 《中餐厅2》|张铁林赵薇苏有朋还珠再聚首,中餐厅变成了御膳房 - Duration: 5:33.


《中餐厅2》就是现代版的《还珠格格》啊! - Duration: 9:44.

For more infomation >> 《中餐厅2》就是现代版的《还珠格格》啊! - Duration: 9:44.


SOI CAU XSMB chuẩn nhất 24/8 soi cầu xổ số miền bắc | soi cầu lô đề | soi cầu chuẩn | xổ số miền bắc - Duration: 18:30.

For more infomation >> SOI CAU XSMB chuẩn nhất 24/8 soi cầu xổ số miền bắc | soi cầu lô đề | soi cầu chuẩn | xổ số miền bắc - Duration: 18:30.


Vanessa Paradis déplore « la vie misérable » de Johnny Depp -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> Vanessa Paradis déplore « la vie misérable » de Johnny Depp -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:17.


For more infomation >> Vanessa Paradis déplore « la vie misérable » de Johnny Depp -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:17.



For more infomation >> ACARA HUT RI DI MASJID MIHARA JEPANG - Duration: 9:28.


For more infomation >> ACARA HUT RI DI MASJID MIHARA JEPANG - Duration: 9:28.


Prévenez les maladies graves comme le cancer grâce à cette boisson | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 9:25.

For more infomation >> Prévenez les maladies graves comme le cancer grâce à cette boisson | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 9:25.


For more infomation >> Prévenez les maladies graves comme le cancer grâce à cette boisson | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 9:25.


Nouvelle Ford Focus – Confort et fonctionnalités | Ford FR - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> Nouvelle Ford Focus – Confort et fonctionnalités | Ford FR - Duration: 1:22.


For more infomation >> Nouvelle Ford Focus – Confort et fonctionnalités | Ford FR - Duration: 1:22.


Alibaba revenue beats on strength in e-commerce, cloud businesses By Reuters - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> Alibaba revenue beats on strength in e-commerce, cloud businesses By Reuters - Duration: 3:53.


For more infomation >> Alibaba revenue beats on strength in e-commerce, cloud businesses By Reuters - Duration: 3:53.


La toute nouvelle Ford Focus – Système d'alerte à la conduite à contresens | Ford FR - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> La toute nouvelle Ford Focus – Système d'alerte à la conduite à contresens | Ford FR - Duration: 0:36.


For more infomation >> La toute nouvelle Ford Focus – Système d'alerte à la conduite à contresens | Ford FR - Duration: 0:36.


Elite: Dangerous UPDATE Beyond 3.2 Guardian Hybrid Fighters - Duration: 6:39.

Hey it's Ricardo and welcome back to

elite dangerous beyond and with the 28th

of august quickly approaching frontier

have released a new trailer a new

trailer depicting some of the content

that was alluded to a games con and the

release that happened recently there now

this release had missiles and torpedoes

weapon sizes updates new planetary

missions new stories on the surface for

a little bit of talkie-talkie angela is

in colonia a new ship the crusader based

on the chieftain challenger but with a

ship launch bay which will seal a bit a

bit later guardian fighters and ships

and guardian technology like weapons now

this update does deal an awful lot with

the weapons and we're gonna play the

video now a little bit talk through it

then we're gonna break it down and see

how things are going straight off the

bat fantasy violence a little bit of

drugs we all like a little bit of drugs

of fantasy violence ram tower

engineering is the guy behind this and

the x-gene project update now this flash

is on the screen quite quickly but we'll

break that down we've got a list of the

fighters that are coming in a schematic

we get an idea of what the ships are

gonna look like the trident with a

plasma autocannon you got the lance with

the gaps focus cannon and the xg8

javelin with a shared launcher and here

we've got a picture net of the new ship

the crusader and its fighter launch bay

and it's launching out one of the new

hybrid guardian fighters and it's off to

go and give it to a fair guide and there

you've got it elite dangerous beyond so

with that let's break it down into

little steps and see what we can find a

lot of things flashed in there a lot of

messages i think so we've got the XG

project by rammed her but what's the

actual saying it flashes the words up

quite quickly so I found it was Lance

javelin Trident we know other fighters

then it says fighter code schematic and

RTE interface now don't know what that

refers to that could just be fluff

around the entire thing but definitely

it's stating the ships that have been

implemented into the

to release and then you get another

little screenshot or zip pastor of an

interface that says hybrid fighter

series so I know they are hybrid

fighters that have integrated Guardian

technology then what have we got right

okay a bit schematic and then it comes

into the actual ships that we're looking

for so here we go straight off the bat

you've got the Trident with its plasma

autocannon very good quite like it

Trident three prongs three of them the

cells coming off the central body next

up what do we got well we're gonna have

violence and it looks like the tip of a

spear I would say you know and that's

sporting a gouge focused cannon all very

good and then what's up next well the

third fighter is gonna be the javelin

sporting that shared launcher I quite

like the look at that jelly to be honest

with you I think of all the ones that

looks that looks like the one for me I

don't know why it just speaks to me our

design gladly I don't know what you

think in the comments which one of those

ships do you prefer hey do you prefer

the Lance the javelin or the Trident and

then we got a screen shot there are a

quick flash up of the Crusader now

Crusader I say the word Crusader in my

mind and I think big heavy night with a

big red cross on its chest you know from

the Crusades a big heavy old unit going

in there the D little bit of damage and

it's quite an aggressive look your model

from what I've seen from some of the

screenshots that are on the internet if

you don't see a hell of a lot of it here

you know some could say oh well you know

it's just a chieftain or a challenger

with a ship kit but you know it's a bit

more than that they've got that fighter

Bay in there where you can launch all

the Guardian fighters from and here

we've got like the blueprint sort of

like rendition of that and that's you

know that in itself is very good and

it's nice to see something a little bit

different from T as opposed to just

in-game graphics all the time of course

we do get that in a minute now as they

as they launch and we can see those

fighters heading off towards that

particular poor old thyroid it's

flashing red and it looks like that's

going to be a sort of a winged mission

to launch all those fighters at the

third grade and do

a bit of damage so all things considered

I think quite a nice trailer lots of

stuff to get our teeth into in the way

of content thanks very much for watching

I've been Ricardo I'm gonna leave you

with the trailer again as we played it

through speak to you soon and can't wait

for 28th



For more infomation >> Elite: Dangerous UPDATE Beyond 3.2 Guardian Hybrid Fighters - Duration: 6:39.


For more infomation >> Elite: Dangerous UPDATE Beyond 3.2 Guardian Hybrid Fighters - Duration: 6:39.


La toute nouvelle Ford Focus –– Active Park Assist 2 | Ford FR - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> La toute nouvelle Ford Focus –– Active Park Assist 2 | Ford FR - Duration: 1:12.


For more infomation >> La toute nouvelle Ford Focus –– Active Park Assist 2 | Ford FR - Duration: 1:12.


Plastik im Meer: Erst vergiften wir den Ozean, dann uns selbst - Duration: 5:11.

For more infomation >> Plastik im Meer: Erst vergiften wir den Ozean, dann uns selbst - Duration: 5:11.


For more infomation >> Plastik im Meer: Erst vergiften wir den Ozean, dann uns selbst - Duration: 5:11.


Prenez ce mélange avant de dormir et enlevez toutes les graisses dans votre corps! - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Prenez ce mélange avant de dormir et enlevez toutes les graisses dans votre corps! - Duration: 2:46.


For more infomation >> Prenez ce mélange avant de dormir et enlevez toutes les graisses dans votre corps! - Duration: 2:46.


Nouvelle Ford Focus – Pratique| Ford FR - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Nouvelle Ford Focus – Pratique| Ford FR - Duration: 1:19.


For more infomation >> Nouvelle Ford Focus – Pratique| Ford FR - Duration: 1:19.


La toute nouvelle Ford Focus – Éclairage Adaptatif avec phares Ford Dynamic Led | Ford FR - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> La toute nouvelle Ford Focus – Éclairage Adaptatif avec phares Ford Dynamic Led | Ford FR - Duration: 0:44.


For more infomation >> La toute nouvelle Ford Focus – Éclairage Adaptatif avec phares Ford Dynamic Led | Ford FR - Duration: 0:44.


La toute nouvelle Ford Focus – Limiteur de vitesse intelligent | Ford FR - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> La toute nouvelle Ford Focus – Limiteur de vitesse intelligent | Ford FR - Duration: 0:51.


For more infomation >> La toute nouvelle Ford Focus – Limiteur de vitesse intelligent | Ford FR - Duration: 0:51.


La toute nouvelle Ford Focus – Système d'aide au maintien de la trajectoire | Ford FR - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> La toute nouvelle Ford Focus – Système d'aide au maintien de la trajectoire | Ford FR - Duration: 0:47.


For more infomation >> La toute nouvelle Ford Focus – Système d'aide au maintien de la trajectoire | Ford FR - Duration: 0:47.


Nouvelle Ford Focus – Expérience de conduite | Ford FR - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> Nouvelle Ford Focus – Expérience de conduite | Ford FR - Duration: 1:57.


For more infomation >> Nouvelle Ford Focus – Expérience de conduite | Ford FR - Duration: 1:57.


La toute nouvelle Ford Focus – Freinage post-collision | Ford FR - Duration: 0:28.

For more infomation >> La toute nouvelle Ford Focus – Freinage post-collision | Ford FR - Duration: 0:28.


For more infomation >> La toute nouvelle Ford Focus – Freinage post-collision | Ford FR - Duration: 0:28.


Namık Cantuğ ft. Ömer - Pirate - Duration: 3:20.


Time came Everyone was curious It was gathered there ... EVERYONE WAITS ME

You will see dust in smoke I can not take it from your life Memory will be scraped Will not be able to wipe from your brain

Everything was done that day He was left behind The whole event was over in time You are very easy here do not worry you You cry your cry

Behavior me wrong It's bad for you

Pirates do not touch, life be an idiot

You left me I'm alone here have got the hook like a pirate he scared me

steal my heart it is the dark heart

But I did not do that I have already forgotten it already You were in the past Like a pirate

I will take it out of my life

should not I did not do Look at yourself before the crew That's why Because of the captain.

If you give up Take me out of your life at that moment If you can not Leave the place where you have the hook in the sea, in the sea, in the sea, in the bottom of the sea

Because you look pessimistic about everything You wipe me off instantly You forgot everything by saying forget it By the way, everybody and I make you very sad

You will see dust in smoke I can not take it from your life Memory will be scraped Will not be able to wipe from your brain

So if you have Of course if

If you give up Take me out of your life at that moment


For more infomation >> Namık Cantuğ ft. Ömer - Pirate - Duration: 3:20.


For more infomation >> Namık Cantuğ ft. Ömer - Pirate - Duration: 3:20.


I Almost Died Just Because I'm Gay - Duration: 6:44.

Deep down I always knew that I was a bit different. I just knew that I was

different from my peers somehow and then I was always really fascinated by girls.

But it's not like there was a moment that I could single out that I knew I

liked girls. There isn't like an "aha" moment that many straight people think

there is there's just that moment when you stop pushing down certain feelings

and when you start to look for answers to certain questions. When I was a child

we moved from the Netherlands to a small town in Serbia. To my surprise I learned

that this little town was and still is very closed-minded and homophobic. From

the beginning I was already being bullied because my Serbian wasn't great

because I dressed differently and because it behaved differently. But I

also felt it. I was different. I just didn't really understand what that meant

but I was also not too happy about it. When I was 13 I met a girl who soon

became the answer to all the questions I had for myself. She openly told me that

she was bisexual and that she thought that I was cute. She kissed me and all of

a sudden, I felt all the things my female friends told me they felt when they

would kiss their boyfriends. I never felt butterflies in my stomach like that

before I was completely blown away. But I quickly realized that what I should have

felt was fear I live in a country where you can be killed for being in love with

someone who is the same gender as you. The first person I ever came out to was

my little brother he had a great reaction but I never doubted that he

loved me any less or that he wouldn't accept me. I was more concerned about the

rest of my family my parents especially. I didn't have the nerve to tell them so

I stayed in the closet for a couple more years. I avoided thinking about girls and

I kept telling myself, "just be normal" because I wanted to fit in.

So I kept pushing it down until I couldn't push it down anymore.

It all fell apart when I met the girl who would later become my first

girlfriend. After I met her, I started coming out to

more and more people. I met people who were also part of the LGBTQ community

and I started to feel a bit safer. Like I wasn't alone in all of this. However in a

small town everyone knows everything and people started to talk about me. It

didn't help that all of a sudden I had short hair and started dressing a bit

more boyish. I really wanted to tell my parents but I really couldn't. I tested

out the waters one day, by asking my father what he would do if my brother

was gay. He answered "I would disown him". Any idea of me willingly coming out to

my parents was shattered. In the end, I didn't really have a choice. They found

out from a blog that I had, which clearly stated that I was in a relationship with

a girl. When they asked me about it I was terrified. I started shaking and crying.

Eventually all I managed to get out was that I was bisexual.

They were so mad so much so that I realized I couldn't get any worse than

that anyway. I felt like I had nothing left to lose so I just told them that I

was gay. They were even matter. For some reason, they thought that if

they grounded me, I would stop liking girls. My girlfriend lived in another

town so I had to lie extensively to be able to see her. From the day that I told

them that I was gay, that was what my relationship with my parents had become.

Lies. Every single day. Lies. I was terrified of them, but I also hated them

for not being able to accept something that I never chose. I needed them and

they weren't there for me. I had to hide everything, I had to delete every single

message, every single picture, and my browser history every single day. My

relationship with my dad deteriorated the most. I took it really hard at the

beginning because as a child I thought of him as my superhero. In total, I think

I came out to my father over 50 times. And it broke his heart every single time.

He would get mad and he would tell me that this isn't the life that I wanted

to live. He was in wrong though. Not only did I not feel safe in my own home, I

didn't feel safe anywhere. In two separate incidents, I could have easily

lost my life. Just because I like girls. The first time was when I went to a

store and there was a few older guys in there that I knew from primary school. As

I was standing in the middle of the aisle looking over my list, they started

yelling things. First, I heard things like "filthy lesbian!" But I ignored them. As I

finished buying what I wanted and walked out, I saw that there were even more of

them in front of the store. I put my head down and I started walking in the

direction of my house. All of a sudden I heard steps of multiple people running.

As I turned around, I realized that they were running towards me and that a

couple of them were even carrying bricks. I was immediately in fight-or-flight

mode. I chose flight because I was terrified. They yelled horrible and

disgusting things about what they would do to me. Luckily I made it home safe but

I was never the same after that. The second time, a group of guys pulled a

knife on me because they were sure that there was something wrong with either my

gender identity or my sexual identity. I knew one thing for sure I had to get

away. Away from my parents, away from this town, away from these people. I applied to

an exchange program and got the full scholarship to go to America. I had

amazing host parents. My host mom especially she took me to my first

lesbian wedding. I think it was her way to say that it was okay for me to come

out to her. When I did, she had the reaction I wish my parents had we cried

and hugged it was a moment that I would cherish forever.

Activism and support from my friends is what saved me. All of a sudden, the fact

that I liked girls wasn't something weird or odd, it was normal. As time went

by I accepted myself more and more and my relationship with my mother got

better. I hated myself for too long for something that I have no control over. I

went from being a depressed teenager to someone who didn't look for acceptance

anymore because I accepted myself. Everyone finds inspiration and hope in

different things. I found hope in the amazing LGBTQ people that I met when I

was a teenager. I found hope in celebrities coming out and sharing their

experience. I found hope and watching rose and Rosie on YouTube. I found hope

when I watch LGBTQ movies and TV shows that had LGBTQ characters. Everyone

fights their own battle and every battle is different and some of us spend our

whole lives fighting or denying who we really are.

The phrase it gets better it's something we often say in the LGBTQ community. I

hated hearing it at first but it's actually true. It took about eight years

for both of my parents to accept me and it was a long and hard journey. But it

was worth it. I wish that I could tell myself at fifteen when I was crying on

the bathroom floor because "I wasn't normal" that it really will get better.

Self-love is the most powerful thing you can do for yourself. So love yourself and

be proud of who you are.

For more infomation >> I Almost Died Just Because I'm Gay - Duration: 6:44.


What I'm Reading: Tara Westover (author of EDUCATED) - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> What I'm Reading: Tara Westover (author of EDUCATED) - Duration: 1:17.


Road to IVF | Over 40 Fertility Journey to Rainbow Baby - Duration: 22:05.

I just want to lay it all out in one video so... my road to IVF. November is

when I'm looking for having my egg retrieval

let's get those babies ladies (music) Hi Fertility Fam! How are you? aaah welcome back I'm

Tanika thanks for clicking on Simply Tanika if you're new here welcome let me

know what's going on with you where you are in your journey to bring home your

baby if you are returning welcome back so I wanted to talk to you guys today

about my road to IVF because I believe that's where I'm headed I want to talk

about work again where I think it will end and kind of some of the logistics

around it because a couple of you have reached out to me with questions about

my insurance and why I only want to do one so I just want to lay it all out in

one video so my idea first of all my journey to conceive all started last

year when I had a miscarriage in April and went to my first reproductive

endocrinologist in May and that doctor and I'll put a video here was not going

to entertain having or providing IVF services for me with my own eggs and so

that was kind of a deal breaker for me that was a deal breaker for her so you

know we moved on I went to my second army this year in 2018 in May April it

was when I first went to the new Ari and we discussed IVF she was open to it

it was I was 46 at the time it was just before my 47th birthday I subsequently

turned 47 and the week after I turned 47 I started a new cycle are called and the

doctor kind of backed off of me I'm EF with my own eggs and she wanted

to clarify that it would not increase my odds like I wouldn't have a greater

percentage of success with IVF with my own eggs versus IUI so she counseled me

that she suggested we tried a few rounds of IUI first so far we've done 2 - I you

eyes with fresh donor sperm and I had for iOS and my old clinic I'm

not gonna count those for a number of reasons if you clicked on the link that

I referenced earlier they just weren't done in the timing they weren't

optimized I'll just say that and I move on so I'm going to say I only have like

two legitimate IU eyes I have a meeting with the doctor it's scheduled for

August 20th to discuss my next steps at that point we will be discussing if it's

right for me to move forward with IVF when it's right for me to move forward

IVF I had met with her in June and we kind of went over the protocol of it you

know logistically like what it would be what it would entail that we would have

XE which is when they take one individual sperm and fertilize the egg

or they implant it into the egg an attempt to fertilize it it's not a

guarantee of fertilization so we kind of talked about that and then left it at

that I was in the middle of a cycle so we weren't sure if that one was gonna be

successful or not and obviously it wasn't that's why I'm here now talking

about my rode idea and so the next meeting is August 20th which by the time

you guys see this video it will have already happened but as I'm recording it

that meeting hasn't happened yet so what I want to get out of that meeting is if

I can't even forward idea up with my own eggs I would like to have at least one

more IUI so that I get three with the fresh sperm I would like to know exactly

what the protocol is if she has for me so that I can talk to a neurologist and

figure out what are the risk for me having one kidney what are the impacts

of the medication kind of get a sense of all of that what the timing would be

like like how much time am I gonna have to have off work all of the ins and outs

you know both medically lifestyle-wise everything that kind of goes into that

with an eye toward having the IVF egg retrieval portion of the idea

in November for a number of reasons just having the I UI having the month

off that the doctor has recommended before so that's what we discussed and I

met in June I would have to have one month unmedicated I'd have to have a

salience on a histogram before she would consider me fully eligible for IVF so

this is kind of like we're talking hypothetically right because we don't

even know if all those things are going to pass but let's just assume for the

sake of positivity my salines on histogram will be fine there will be no

polyps that the nephrologist will say there are no contract issues we're

taking any of this medication with only one kidney and that the doctor is

agreeable to me having ivf of my own X so all those things check check check

we're moving forward we have a green light November is when I'm looking for

having my egg retrieval I only plan to do the egg retrieval once maybe twice

and so that's what I want to talk to you guys about because I got a lot of

feedback like I have at least three however I would be paying out of pocket

for my IVF and here's where I want to talk about it because I think people get

confused with insurance of medicine so the insurance that I have through my

employer and it's the same the fertility benefits are not based on one specific

insurance provider because some of us we do if we have different providers that

we can select from like ours oh god it's Blue Cross its United health I think

it's I think there's one more so our fertility benefits all come through

United Health um our irrespective of what our main plan is and you have to

have a separate plan for fertility separate qualifications so you don't go

in or just use your regular insurance card so that's first and foremost you

have to be entered into the program you'll just select one reproductive

endocrinologist who is within what they call a center of excellence of Clee so

they give you a list and I'm in New York City they give you a list of who are the

people that are in the program who are considered part of the center of

excellence in New York City I do my due diligence and then I call them up and I

said go to this doctor they then prepare all

the paperwork they give me a card from you amar with that clinic on it I can

only go to that clinic the medication is handled separately so we have separate

what do you call it separate prescription insurance so having nothing

to do with the UM our insurance right ours is providing through CVS Caremark

they flip a little switch or click a little box and say this person is

approved for fertility treatments through the company once that box flips

then CVS Caremark is now authorized to provide fertility medication to me and

obviously pay Mike okay so some of the things I only can get

through the camera pharmacy like the Ovid ro the other things I can go to my

regular pharmacy Z chemist and pick up like the film era I also get my prenatal

through Z cameras which is $25 copay with the coupon without a coupon copay

is $80 crazy but that's what it is so all of my medication is under coverage

for my fertility benefits through a CVS Caremark whether or not I go to CVS I

don't have to it's the coverage right the the payment portion of it that's

covered through CBS whether that's I you I whether that's timed intercourse

medicated cycle whether that's IVF all of that the medication is covered

completely separate from the regular benefits the way the insurance is set up

for the fertility benefits the main part of the fertility benefits I am not

eligible for a fully paid by UI because of my age the insurance guidelines are

after 35 they do not recommend and I they will not pay for it after so I pay

out of pocket for that where I am now I paid 660 out of pocket just for the eye

to eye so all the medication has covered all of the screenings are covered so

ultrasound bloodwork all of that is covered there's nothing out of pocket

there I pay the 660 that includes the sperm washing and the actual injecting

of the sperm within me and there's a breakdown though I have a video where I

went through the breakdown the cost of it so I'll put that here if you haven't

seen it or if you're new um so that's kind of that with the eye to eye then we

go on to idea for just where I'm on the road to idea again it has to be with

this in her buckles it is covered up until the age of 55 0 through this

insurance the caveat is it is only covered up until age 44 with your own

eggs after 44 so 45 through 50 they will pay for 100% your idea with donor eggs

they will pay for the crowd has preservation of your embryos for one

year with donor eggs the whole process if you're under 40 for you use your own

eggs they will also pay for one year of cryopreservation stores they will keep

your babies on ice for a year at no cost to you that's all covered through the

play that's kind of it there are no two ways about it so I'm looking at if I do

IVF about $15,000 out-of-pocket per complete cycle so including and

retrieval and transplanted that's what I'm calling IVF if I have to do multiple

egg retrievals then I would just paint that portion of it and then if I have to

do multiple transfers I've made that portion of it if there is a transfer or

a retrieval and a transfer that's one for IVF cycle I'm only looking to do one

full IVF cycle I am paying for out-of-pocket now I'm

open to doing two retrievals yes

Sora the medicine scares me I'm not gonna lie

so it will depend on what the nephrologist says but I'm open to it at

this point based on everything that I know I could get more information where

I am you know a little hesitant about I'm not looking forward to the directing

myself I don't believe it's healthy from the beginning I wanted to go as natural

as possible given my circumstances as a single person so I'm not looking forward

to the IVF but if that is you know the last effort before I call it off then

that's what I did is I said from the beginning I want to look back without

regrets will I regret it more if I try or if I don't try and so right now the

answer is if I don't try out or regret it more I don't want to be in this

situation room like oh I'll regret it I've regretted trying and I think if I

financially bankrupt myself that's where I will be I know yeah yeah I mean I'm a

long way from bankruptcy but my point is I don't want to keep gambling with it I

know the odds are not in my favor I've been told I had a 1% chance on how much

money am I willing to invest how much am I willing to invest emotionally and with

work like there's just a lot at stake right like I'm trying to like not take

on more responsibility because I want to be pregnant and so there's like a fine

line of sacrifices that I'm making as a whole in order to pursue this I don't

have a luxury of saying once the baby's born I'm going to stay home for three

years and raise the baby like I still have to take care of it as a single

mother I am very blessed that my company will pay my full salary for six months

on the turn to leave and my job will be protected and then I have the option to

extend it beyond that on the vacation and reduce pay but the job is not

protected which is the most important thing so I've got to think about the big

picture of not just getting the Navy but being able to perfect ride a good life

for the baby that means having a health care provider

come to the home and take care of the child being able to afford to send the

child to school both primary and university like all those things have to

be accounted for and so I don't want to diminish my future child's quality of

life out of a selfishness just to have a child and so I've got to make sure all

my ducks in a row so that's kind of like my hesitation although I know a couple

of you guys have said your chances your specific chances have are increased

based on what your blood levels are and what your clinic has said there step

rates our success rates are that three is the lucky number and that by three

your chances of but three IVF is your chances of taking home a baby or eighty

five percent which is amazing I've not been given any information that the

second or the third time of IVF will increase my chances so I think I have to

weigh that in as well as I think about like how much you know how much more am

I willing to invest so so far I've been added I've done seven cycles so I've had

a total of six IUI I got four with donor frozen sperm and

then I've had the last two with a new clinic with fresh donor sperm and then I

had the one moments of an Asian back in October when I started my channel I was

I had a total of seven of some nations home and IUI together and so it's been

seven cycles it's been seven cycles after the six cycles when I was

technically considered infertile before we're going through this because I'm

single not necessarily because I had a fertility issue I have to weigh all of

that out and when you start out you're very hopeful you don't think it's gonna

take that long this many months later it's more than

seven months because they're so I had to take one off on my SH was high then I

took two off and transfer into the clinic so it's more than seven months in

total but seven active cycles I've been trying to continue and I'm headed into

my eighth um it's God willing I'm very blessed I've been able to afford this

journey so far but I also have to figure out like what the birthing point is and

as of now I don't have a dollar amount I put a time on it just because again I'm

putting my life on hold as far as my career and other things that are going

on in relationships so that was the bigger thing for me it was the time the

time and energy now it's time to look at the financial cost as well and financial

impact I try not to make a lot of decisions solely based on money just

because I don't think that's helpful personally if you do it no judgment um

but it has to be a factor right it can't be the sole factor but I have to

eventually factor it in just because eventually I'm going to run out of money

if I don't assess like how much I've spent or how much more I'm going to

spend and what I'm willing to not spend money on so that I can send spend it

there I don't have an infinite supply of money although I would like to but

that's not how it works and so yeah that's kind of like my road to IVF

hopefully that explains like the situation with the insurance because

some of you guys are like why don't you go to this city and why don't you go to

that city my insurance doesn't provide it once I go out-of-network I'm a

hundred percent self pay for medication for everything for fertility once I

leave a center of excellence that is designated by my insurance company I am

no longer covered for anything they're not gonna cover a fertility aspirin of

such thing exists I'm out of network 100% so that's just not an option for me

so yeah I would love you know to go to Mexico or go wherever else or go to

Spain or whoever else has like guaranteed success rates of women of my

age I'm just not willing to pay for a hundred percent out of pocket like to me

that make sense and then take time before

some people had suggested like taking an IVF vacation share

I knew my sister was getting married I have only four weeks of vacation plus

some other days like sick day is floating holidays regular olives but

like core vacation I have four weeks and so I knew I couldn't take two just to do

IVF because I was gonna be going back and forth to California and then I

worked a very stressful job I need telling myself like it can't be

all about fertility and then my time off is now a hundred percent facility

because I'm gonna buy me a vacation it's just not what I can do and I'm single

like I had a partner who was in it to win it with me and like going this extra

mile and going to the treatments with me and like oh I'll go away for two weeks

with you or I'll help you with your shots I think that's a different set up

I I don't have that and so I don't want to be stuck in a hotel room by myself

for two weeks going through IVF and stressing out bugging out is what I

would be doing so yeah I have never only certainly felt like I would do anything

to have a baby I will do things within reason with things that I'm comfortable

with which I hopefully you know I hope everyone else is taking that into

consideration as well like I don't think any of us want at the end of this day at

the end of it all to like have a baby and be angry all the things that we did

together baby or be homeless and broke and Carlos and jobless like I can't

imagine a scenario where that makes sense I'm not judging anyone I've got

your reality I just for me I can't I am older I'm comfortable I want to stay

comfortable so I yeah if that makes me a bad person or not with the baby bad

enough that's your conclusion so be it um I think we all have to do what's

right for us so I think we'd all have to do what's right for us I know we all

want our babies I know our babies are waiting for us I feel it I think each of

us feels it and that's why we keep going honestly

I feel like there are like deep down somewhere we feel it there's something

in our body that tells us it's going to happen and so I think we have to push

for that and I think that also supports like don't be desperate you know it what

you know what is destined is destined what is meant to be will be so I don't

think we have to make moves out of desperation oh I don't want to make

moves either desperation I don't want to feel desperate to have a baby I feel

like hopeful I'm willing to push the limits I feel like my baby is waiting

and that I will have it in my tummy soon so yeah that's what I'm hoping for so

I'll let you guys know how it goes when I meet with the Aria xx and what she

says and what the next steps are again I want to do when we're I you I will see

what she says it's obviously cheaper for me to do one more ioi than it is to do

IVF and if the rates are the same and then my donor is currently not working

so it's easier to kind of go and give a sample but then he could get a job and I

don't know how it's gonna work with IVF so I think I have to understand the

logistics as far as like will he be able to have time off luckily it's fairly

early in the morning um but we'll see we'll see and genesis was asking me

today about will you do pressure frozen so far the doctors recommended that

fresh is the best like it lives longer usually they will do frozen as a backup

if a man has a sperm count issue but we don't we're not working with that so I

will ask about that as well though just because of the timing issue it might

make sense to have something than ER and frozen um I'm sure there was an

additional cost or you know for me to pay for it to be cryo preserved I know

that the old clinic they would save it for like three months without a fee and

then before but I'm not disgusted with this clinic and so I have to

but yeah that's kind of what's going on my road to IVF God willing deemed

necessary so we'll see if you guys have any further questions about it please

let me know down below if you haven't subscribed yet please subscribe if

you're not following me on social media I'm over on instagram at simply tanika

and if you are not on like if you don't have a tgc Instagram I highly recommend

you get one just put in the hashtag PTC we're just trying to conceive you'll

find a bunch of supportive TTC sisters it's the best thing honestly I get a

quick fix from there look at it hey what's going on you see people getting

via PS or letting you know up their follicle count it's just a community who

kind of gets it you know as we're as when we're talking to our friends and

family they may not or they may ask the question that makes us like cringe it

doesn't happen over on Instagram or the TTC world so please follow me on

instagram at simply Taneka and let me know you can from youtube I will

definitely follow you back and you can keep in touch that way as well and it's

more up-to-date as far as like what's going on like when I go to the doctor's

office I'll take a picture I'll post so don't have a little comment so then you

don't have to wait a week to see it here on YouTube

I mean if there'll be more explanation when you see it on YouTube but it kind

of gives you like if you're wondering like hey I wonder how her doctors wonder

what if you had over Instagram you know oh let me know down below where you are

in your journey how I can help support you and any other questions you have

about me and my turn thank you so much for watching and for

sharing in my journey I appreciate you I wish you well and as always I'm sending

you loads of baby does I baby does to you

For more infomation >> Road to IVF | Over 40 Fertility Journey to Rainbow Baby - Duration: 22:05.


BMW X6 M 4.4 i Automaat Schuifdak #Full Options# - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> BMW X6 M 4.4 i Automaat Schuifdak #Full Options# - Duration: 1:09.





Welcome to GiorgioGD - Duration: 1:21.

yo what's up guys this is Giorgio and welcome to my channel I'm a 25 year old

entrepreneur from Amsterdam the main goal of this channel is to help you guys

reach your goals or accomplish other personal milestones I try to upload at

least three times a week but preferably every single day on topics like

entrepreneurship digital marketing motivation and self development etc so

make sure to subscribe and tick the notification bell to get notified when

I drop a new video to celebrate the start of this channel I want to give

away an e-book called nine amazing ways to make money online if you're

interested just check out the description so yeah that's it guys I see

you in the next videos

For more infomation >> Welcome to GiorgioGD - Duration: 1:21.


[3x51] Ámbar wants to explain the kiss / Translation - Duration: 1:06.

Simón, Simón can we talk?

We don't have to talk about anything

Yes we have to talk because I want to explain it to you

Ámbar you don't have to explain anything. I saw it with my own eyes

No you won't go anywhere till I explained to you what happened

Benicio fooled me. He couldn't stand seeing us together

He wore the same costume as you to confuse me

Do you understand what happened?

You don't owe me explanations. You're free so you can do whatever you want

I didn't want to kiss him. I wanted to kiss you

Good evening

Are you ready?

For what?

To work. It's about the administrative expenses of the Roller

Does that have to be now?

It has to be now. Later I have a court session so I don't have time

Okay it's okay. Let's go

Let's go

We'll see after that

For more infomation >> [3x51] Ámbar wants to explain the kiss / Translation - Duration: 1:06.


A Poisonous Dollar Rally? | Raoul Pal - Duration: 3:40.

There is so much going on in the markets right now.

It's a really macro environment.

And the macro environment, to me, is a beautiful jigsaw puzzle of all the pieces we need to

put together.

And I think what's really helpful in moments like this is not to just focus on what's going

on with the Turkish news flow, what's happening with the US trade talks with China, what's

happening with the EU, and what's going on in the Italian politics.

It's good to step back and step back and see the big picture.

And for me, the way I like to see the story being told in markets is by using charts.

And it's the charts that will tell us an idea of what is the big thing that's going on,

what really might be happening here.

And again, I'm not talking about certainties.

But what I do see is the potential for deflation rebuffs building.

The probabilities are rising fast.

And the chart patterns are really concerning.

And I think there's obviously macro trading opportunities.

But there's also words of caution that if some of this does play out-- and we're quite

close to some of the key triggers-- it really is a different phase of markets than something

we've been used to for quite some time.

What's looking on the horizon is potentially something like a nexus of 1997, 1998, with

an Asian crisis, with something with elements of a bit of 2000, with a stock market bubble,

and elements of 2008 based on credit and other issues.

So there is a big picture here that really requires some attention.

And for me, the whole thing starts with one thing, the chart of the US dollar.

This chart, as you can see, the long-term health of the dollar, broke out of its chart

pattern, which was the declining wedge.

And that triggered me to be bullish on the dollar some time ago.

Now, what you can see is we had that fast bull run, and then we spent most of last year


It pulled back and retested the breakout zone.

Now, in charting terms, that usually is a good place for a consolidation period to finish

and a new leg of a bull market to start.

I strongly think that, all things being equal, the highest probability is that we're starting

a much more accelerated and poisonous phase of the dollar rally.

I think many of you will have looked at the charts of the euro.

And everyone looks at, again, the micro picture.

What I like to do is step back and look at the big picture via the euro.

Now, this chart is obviously constructed using previous data because the euro didn't exist

much prior to 2000.

But when you look at the data of this chart over the long term, you can see the previous

dollar bull market, or euro bear market, and this one-- incredibly similar in context.

Now, market patterns are never supposed to look identical.

They're supposed to look similar.

And the similarities on this one are really striking.

You can see where it broke down from that top pattern.

It fell sharply and then rallied and retested the breakdown point.

We did it last time, and we're doing it this time.

And then the euro looks to be declining further.

So this chart would suggest to me that the euro decline here could go well below parity

to the US dollar.

For more infomation >> A Poisonous Dollar Rally? | Raoul Pal - Duration: 3:40.


Groupon Product Research Method - Shopify Dropshipping - Duration: 6:00.

This is the Groupon method

Hey guys, what's up today? I'm going to be revealing one of the methods that has helped me find many many small winners

This is a product research strategy that can actually give you social evidence on if something is wanted one needed

The Groupon strategy is basically a golden group website go through the top selling products and seeing which products are top sellers

You know Groupon re does the research they've done their research

To know which part to buy bulk in to them sell to the everyday consumer

So they've done research, you know

Which printed by Bob so if their research is good enough for them for them to spend

Thousands and thousands of dollars to power up stock with all that product then it would be perfect for us

You know, they've done with the research

so what we're gonna do is go ahead and just jump on their site and see what's selling and basically

dropship that product because if it's only on their site then a lot of people probably want it and if you put an ad in

Front of people's faces that haven't checked out grouper if Groupon has shown that product is selling a lot in its hot

There's probably still a large market especially worldwide of people who?

Subconsciously want it but just haven't seen the product so they haven't thought about buying it

So what we go ahead and do is get these products test on Facebook shove these ads in front of people's faces

They go ahead and see it and subconsciously they're gonna be like wow

This is something I need and then they'll go ahead and purchase it because you know Groupon isn't going ahead and showing these

Products to people in front of their faces people have to search up on Groupon for this product

So many people are ready searching for it. Imagine the amount of people that don't search things

They just sort of scroll through facebook doing their thing. They're do much shopping online

They go ahead and show the product and give it to them right in their faces. There's a good chance that they're gonna purchase

I'm gonna insert the Groupon method straight from my 21 product research mastery course and I'll be giving it to you guys for free now

If you guys want to learn seven product research methods that are probably just like this or better free

I got a webinar that's linked in the description below in my weapon. I'm going to give away seven strategies in total

So this is for free like those who want to pay and purchase you could go ahead and get my 21 product research mastery course

But who wants seven methods straight-up for free check out my webinar below in the description

But yet hope you guys enjoy the video now

Before I show you guys the grouper method be sure to LIKE the video if you liked the free

Value that I'm giving you guys

On top of that comment any questions below if you want more product research strategies for free, product research

Strategies on top of that don't forget to subscribe because I'm dropping golden nuggets like these

daily now if you want to work one-on-one with me and

Get and have me basically look over your shoulder when it comes to prote research finding your winner scanning definitely apply for my mentorship

Application linked in the description below. But yeah, here's a Groupon method

Alright, so here's another interesting method that no one knows about this is another method that I actually learned from Steve dad's

mastermind which I paid

$12,000 for this is the Groupon method what you want to do is you want to go to deals on your day?

Your point is super super popular in the United States and this is showing what?

United States people in the US are currently wanting and buying as you can see

The first one is a tempered glass screen protector. This is really hot

The water proof in shower speakers. This is really hot

nonstick pan sweat cylinder

This potty trainer these are really really hot products and I've seen this print on demand products

So a lot of products either this I've seen this easy-easy crib jar opener. There's a hot product

So magic testing folks that haven't made tested such as these

Candy machine these memory foam like I'm actually gonna test out this part because this is really interesting

stuff like

This I haven't seen this

So there's many many different ideas and the deals of the day actually changed daily

So we only go on is you want to go in here daily and 5?

Approaches that haven't been tested. Haven't been saturated

Because for example this part I haven't seen this advertised on Facebook. This was on a

Base watch count top watched products now. It's here. It's on Amazon

So I think this has high potential I should gonna test this product

So, this is pretty cool how you can just leave your phone

I guess all of this is super cool as you can see, this is the Groupon method

I just wanted to this is a pretty short video, but I just wanted to share another method as you can see this

I'm giving it a because I just have so many strategies

I've collected over the past year to have constantly product researching and I just want to give it to you guys or

That's my goal. Hence

This is gonna be the world's best drop shipping product research course

Hey guys. Hope you guys like that module

That's basically footage from a 21 product research mastery program, but I'm not here to pitch you guys

But if you guys want seven methods completely free check out my webinar in the description. It's completely free

I'm not getting you guys to pay anything. You know, how I'm not gonna waste your time on your webinar

I'm gonna be giving you guys

Seven different product research methods unlike so many other gurus now those who wanna sort of master product research find the first winning

Part be put in a group chat, wherever on Swabians fella definitely go ahead and buy the 21 product research mastery program

But those who want seven strategies straight up for free check out the webinar before because if you like this chatty

You're gonna definitely love the webinar - with free product research strategies. But yeah, hopefully you guys like this video

I'll be seeing gossamer. Peace

For more infomation >> Groupon Product Research Method - Shopify Dropshipping - Duration: 6:00.


20 Min Hatha Yoga for Beginners Relaxation | Yoga to Relax | ChriskaYoga - Duration: 21:18.

Hi, I'm Christina and welcome to my channel ChriskaYoga! In today's video

We will be doing a Hatha yoga class for beginners

for relaxation. This is a very gentle

relaxing yoga sequence

Perfect for beginners or Yogi's of any level you're looking to get back to the basics and just do a calming

relaxing yoga sequence before we get started if you wouldn't yet subscribe to this channel yet subscribe button hand the

notification bell below this video

I would love to have you as a subscriber and as a part of this community

So if you're ready now your yoga mat and let's get started. So

begin in sukhasana or easy pose sitting on the ground

Cross your shins flex your feet under your knees. Bring your hands to your legs. Close your eyes

Sit up tall and the two sets bones at the bottom of your pelvis

Spread your shoulders wide apart soften your front ribs in

towards each other

begin to deepen your breath

Breathing deeply in and out through your nose

Begin to draw your attention to your inhales and your exhales

Remain here for a few moments as you focus on your breath

If another thought comes into your mind

As soon as you notice that the thought is there gently send it off to the side without judgment or

criticism towards yourself

Just gently put it to the side and bring the focus back to the breath

do that as many times as you need and

Remain here

Slowly come to open your eyes on an inhale raise your arms all the way up

Then on an exhale twist your upper body to the right bring your left hand to your right knee your right arm behind you

Take one more inhale and use your arms to help you lengthen the spine up taller and on an exhale twist to the right

Looking as far behind you as you can

Remain here remain even on the ground with your sits bones and breathe

Slowly come back to Center reach your arms all the way up and twist in the opposite direction

Take one more inhale here use your hands to help you lengthen your spine take another exhale twist around to the left

Remain even on the ground

breathe in your twist

Slowly unwind come back to the center take an inhale lengthen your spine once more and on your exhale

fold your torso forward in your AC pose

Reach your arms as far forward as you can keep as much length in your spine as you can

Look down towards the floor. You can close your eyes if you would like to

Begin to deepen your breath and hold here

Slowly walk yourself up out of your forward fold and we'll come to the hands and knees briefly for a child's pose

Touch your big toes together behind you separate your knees apart

Set your hips onto your heels and then bring your forehead to the ground and reach your arms out in front of you

for a child's pose


You're here in Child's Pose relax

your legs relax

your back

Relax, your spine your arms and shoulders

Breathe here

Come up onto your hands on your knees and step your right foot forward into a low lunge

Bring the knee directly above the ankle on the right side toes pointed forward

Remain here with your back knee on the floor

Stretching the front of your left quad the front of your left hip

softening the right hip into flexion

Looking down have your hands planted on the ground and hold here?

Bring it onto hands and knees and we'll take that

Sequence on the other side from here step your left foot forward in between your hands

Your knees above your ankle toes pointed forward. The back leg is on the diagonal knee on the floor

Have your hands framing your left foot on the ground looking down and hold here?

And from here bring your legs parallel underneath your hips shins on the floor tops of the feet on the floor

And then from here walk your hands forward and then bring your forehead to the floor sliding your hands forward even further

Back is coming into a slight arch here sinking your tests towards the floor

Obey your armpits towards the ground

hips are reaching up towards the ceiling and

Remain here

And from here come to sitting on the ground

Shut your legs out to the side

Keep your feet flexed and your toes up towards the ceiling knees up towards the ceiling as well and

Remain, even on both of your sits bones at the bottom of your pelvis and avoid sitting on top of your tailbone

So if you're overly rounding your spine and sitting on your tailbone

tilt your pelvis forward

Slightly and if you need to lift your hips up and use a blanket underneath your hips you can do so

To help you sit on your sits bones as opposed to your tailbone

Once you find your extended angle pose on the ground

Take an inhale and lengthen your spine and on your exhale come to a forward fold

Walk your hands forward any amount that you can keep them stretching out in front of you looking down towards the floor

Once again avoid overly rounding your spine. So keep as much length in your back as you can

Looking down here and breathing deeply

Remain in your forward fold and walk your hands over to frame your right foot coming into a twist

And remain even on both sets bones at the bottom of your pelvis looking down towards the right leg and hold

From here

Turn your torso to face the center reach your right hand to the top of your right leg

Reach your left arm up and over on the diagonal looking up towards the ceiling and hold here

Slowly come up and come to the other side

Bring your left hand to your left leg your right arm up and over on the diagonal looking up towards the ceiling and hold here

I'm here slowly turn to face your left leg have your hands?

Framing the leg looking down remain even on the ground with both sits bones and hold here

Slowly make your way up out of your forward fold come back to Center and come to lying on the ground

Of both of our legs in towards your chest holding on to the shins flexing your feet

softening your hip sockets

Breathing into the glutes and the hamstrings the low back and hold

From your release your hands from your legs, but we'll take a shove us on up

Straighten your legs out onto the ground

Separate your legs apart and relax them completely have your hands down by your sides and turn your palms up towards the ceiling

Close your eyes begin to come back to your breath

Deepening the breath and breathing through the nose

Begin to focus your attention on your breath as

We did at the beginning of the class

Drawing the attention inward focusing on the breath and

allowing the thoughts to pass through your mind without judgment or criticism and


negativity of any kind

Just allowing the thoughts to come in and out as you

remain here and focus on the breath

Bring some slight motion back into your limbs and your hands and your feet gentle slow movement

When you're ready roll onto the right side of your body bending your legs resting there with your arm underneath your head

For support

Pressing yourself up to a seated position cross your shins

Flex your feet under your knees sitting up tall

Breathing deeply close your eyes for a moment

Take a deep breath in

And a deep breath out

Take a moment of gratitude for yourself for taking the time out of your day to

Practice yoga to do what you need to do to be healthy

focus on yourself and to relax

And just say thank you to yourself for that

Bring your hands to meet at the center of your chest bow your head to your fingertips namaste

Thank you so much for watching I really hope you enjoyed this plants if you liked it hit that like button

Give it a thumbs up down below the video and let me know in the comment section below

Meet your classes to like to see on this channel and in yoga topics, you would like me to discuss

I always love to hear from you. So definitely let me know in the comment section below

Also do not forget to subscribe to this YouTube channel and pick that notification bell next to the subscribe button

it is free to subscribe and I would love to have you as a subscriber and it's a part of its growing a

Community here on YouTube for even more Yolo resources from me. Check out my website,

and don't forget to also follow me over on Instagram, @chriskayoga, for yoga

motivation and inspiration

behind the scenes of this YouTube channel and so much more! All of the links to everything that I mentioned and more are listed in the

Description box below. Thank you so much. See you next time!

For more infomation >> 20 Min Hatha Yoga for Beginners Relaxation | Yoga to Relax | ChriskaYoga - Duration: 21:18.


Panther/M10 Mastery Commentary | ENG-Sub available - World of Tanks Blitz - Duration: 4:25.

Welcome to a new video. Today i'm showing you a replay from my clan boss.

"Ausweichkontolang" he has a YouTube channel and he is a partner channel from me.

Check him out and a sub to him would be really appreciated.

This is a Tier 7-8 battle. His team has 1x heavy; the IS-6. 2x meds; his Panther/M10 and the Panther II. 2x td's; the ISU-152 and the Waffenträger (Borsig).

2x lights; the T49 and the SPIC.

The enemies have 3x heavies; the IS-3 Defender, IS-5 and the AMX M4 45. 1x med; the T-44.

3x lights; from that 2x T49's and an AMX 13 75.

He got this nice place to spot the heavies if they drive to the town.

But they drove to the top.

Thanks to the bad dispersion of the IS-5's gun he missed.

It's hard to hit shots like these since the gun isn't that great.

He is waiting till he isn't spotted anymore. Now he is unspotted so he'll peak again.

He's waiting a little bit more cuz the IS-5 could still sit in that bush.

The problem he has is the IS-5's armor. He got spotted from somewhere.

He couldn't get spotted from the town so it has to be the IS-5.

He is trying to pen him with gold. Look at that it's all red. Even at his sides it's no guaranteed pen.

He burned him just a little bit.

In the meantime many enemies got spotted at the cave.

Especially a lot of lights.

There are still the 2x T49's. I can imagine how annoying they still can be.

Oh someone is camping bush. That is the T-44.

Idk how he managed to bounce.

He sneaked a nice shot through the site.

There is one T49.

Looks like he wants to rush him.

No? Good choice.

Wouldn't be a good idea since the Panther/M10 can out dpm him all day long.

The enemies are pushing at the cave look at the td-

oh T49 really wants to push him.

Yeah he just yolo's. Not a good idea.

T49 either pens him with heat or just splash's him.

Or he bounced with the heat at our T49.

And he died.

And the next T49. He wants to take revenge.

What's he doing? Look at that jump.

I can put a stucka sound in there.

Was his idea. (My Clan Boss)

And he is down.

Yes ram him to death.

Oh yeah.

Humiliation... beautiful.

What was his- he writes noob

What was his plan?


These are the typical rusher. You saw this great example.

Over there is the IS-5. He already lost quite a lot HP.

IS-3 Defender still got a lot HP.

T-44 is as good as dead.

There is now the IS-3 Defender. That'll be annoying.

He killed our IS-6.

He bounced where he shouldn't be able to bounce. (russian bias)

And another bounce. This armor is a joke.

The pen is bad.

He missed. (IS-3 Def.)

To his left is the AMX 13 75. His first shot bounced bot the second after that penned him.

He tries to circle him but i's not that easy.

The spaced armor at the side is terrible. But atleast he can pen his front.

Atleast the gold pen is good enough to pen the front.

Last enemy is the AMX 13 75.

Sadly it didn't work with HE.

He wants to run away but nope he just got tracked.

He can put out a lot of damage.

IS-3 Defender cries in the chat.

He bounced.

"Report Panther" lol

Look how salty they are :o but nicely played.

He managed to do 3232 dmg with 3 kills. Of course a Mastery badge and a kamikaze badge.

He just did 1/3 of the whole team's dmg.

That was quite a hard Tier 7-8 carry. Well done.

Like i said he is a partner channel. Check him out.

See you next time.

bye bye

For more infomation >> Panther/M10 Mastery Commentary | ENG-Sub available - World of Tanks Blitz - Duration: 4:25.


Modern 3 Cylinder Car Engines - Everything You Need to Know - Duration: 4:09.

rev up your engines, today I'm starting a new segment, every Thursday I'm going to

answer one of the viewers questions, and make an entire video on that question

and today's question comes from Charles 737, Charles says Scotty you talk about

four-cylinder engines, six-cylinder engines, and eight solar engines,

what about three cylinder engines, well I know an awful lot about three cylinder

engines because I was eyes into motorcycles, and when I was young in 1969

triumph came out with their Trident which is the three cylinder motorcycle

engine, which kind of revolutionized things at least for the British, but within

a year or so, Honda came out with a 750 four-cylinder engine and that blew away

the triumph three cylinder 750, so it's a very short-lived amount of speed for

triumph, but it's kind of the end of the line too, the company soon went bankrupt

but decades later, triumph came back and now 2018 they have the Triumph Speed

Triple that's a three cylinder engine, it puts out 140 horsepower and for only

driving on two wheels and a vehicle that weighs maybe 500 pounds it's a lot

of power, now in car engines three cylinder engines in the past got a

really bad rap because they didn't have much power, the first really big one sold

in the United States was the Geo Metro, that had a three cylinder engine made by

Suzuki that was 1.0 litre, but that little Suzuki engine only put out fifty

five horsepower, they could barely get out of their own way, especially if they

had an automatic transmission, and those Metros they tended to shake at idle

because the three cylinder engine isn't inherently all that well balanced least

the old ones weren't, but if you're talking about modern three cylinder

engines, like this Ford EcoSport, it's got a three cylinder engine but guess how

much horsepower it puts out, and we're sitting here in drive and this thing idles

really smooth it's not shaking, you can see on the tach it's not wavering the

engines not shaking I don't feel any vibration in the steering wheel, with

modern advancements in metallurgy, engine design, fuel injection designed

these modern 1.0 three cylinder engines are far cry from that little 55 horsepower

washing machine that the Geo Metro's had in them, now this one that Ford has

you can see it's got three cylinders, one, two, three, but it also has gasoline

direct injection, which makes it have the most power and burn fuel the most

efficiently, plus it has a very advanced turbocharged system, here's the

intercooler here to cool the air so it works more efficiently, so it can put out

horsepower when you need it, but when you don't and the turbo doesn't kick in, you

get a lot better gas mileage, now you might think hey what do Americans know

about three cylinder engines they're never that popular here, well

check out this Ford three cylinder engine, as you can see right here, it's

it's made in Craiova engine plant which is in Romania, Europeans have been into

three cylinder engines for quite some times, so that thing comes from Europe

they need gas savings and they need power, they've been messing with that stuff for a

long time so this isn't just some brand new thing that Ford came up, with they

took an already existing technology and made it better, with a smaller engine you

can fit it into a smaller space, so the vehicles gonna weigh less, and you're

gonna get better gas mileage and much better handling, because the less an

engine weighs, the less weight it has to pull itself, as such a three-cylinder

engine is fighting against the law of diminished returns, if you keep making

engines bigger they weigh more, then they need more power to pull themselves, and

since this is the Thursday segment where I answer a viewers question, place your

own question on the YouTube comments below, and I'll pick the best ones to

make a single video to answer your questions, and where else can you find a

guy with 50 years experience of fixing cars to answer your own question with a

video, so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos

remember to ring that Bell!

For more infomation >> Modern 3 Cylinder Car Engines - Everything You Need to Know - Duration: 4:09.


John Lennon - Imagine (original demo) - Duration: 3:26.



Shall I go?

Imagine there' s no heaven

It's easy if you try

No hell below us

Above us only sky

Imagine all the people

living for today


Imagine there's no countries

It isn't hard to do

Nothing to kill or die for

And no religion too

Imagine all the people

living life in peace


You may say I'm a dreamer

But I'm not the only one

I hope someday you'll join us

and the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions

I wonder if you can

No need for greed or hunger

A brotherhood of man

Imagine all the people

sharing all the world


You may say I'm a dreamer

but I'm not the only one

I hope someday you'll join us

And the world will be as one

For more infomation >> John Lennon - Imagine (original demo) - Duration: 3:26.


Ne-Yo - Trust Me Or You Don Lyrics - Duration: 3:33.

♪ Picture me confused ♪

♪ What the hell did I do? ♪

♪ She says: you know what you did ♪

♪ And honestly, I don't have a clue ♪

♪ (Here we go again) ♪

♪ Fuss and arguin' ♪

♪ (Soon as I come in) ♪

♪ She start up with ♪

♪ Where the hell you been ♪

♪ (Where the hell you been) ♪

♪ I know what this is ♪

♪ (She's caught up with) ♪

♪ One of our little friends, in her ear ♪

♪ yeah ♪

♪ And once again we're here ♪

♪ yeah ♪

♪ It's time to make things clear ♪

♪ Cuz I can't take it ♪

♪ Either trust me or you don't ♪

♪ Girl make up your mind ♪

♪ Either trust me or you don't ♪

♪ Girl, we're just wastin time ♪

♪ Either trust me or you ♪

♪ Stop lying to yourself & me ♪

♪ Trying to hold on ♪

♪ But girl I'm almost gone ♪

♪ Hmmmmmm ♪

♪ Either trust me or you don't ♪

♪ I've been true ♪

♪ (Sure I've done things in my past) ♪

♪ But never to you ♪

♪ (Trying to make this one last) ♪

♪ Tired of proving things to you ♪

♪ That girl by now ♪

♪ I shouldn't have to prove ♪

♪ Oooooooh (Here we go again) ♪

♪ Fuss and arguin' ♪

♪ (Soon as I come in) ♪

♪ She start up with ♪

♪ Where the hell you been ♪

♪ Where the hell you been ♪

♪ I know what this is ♪

♪ (She's caught up with) ♪

♪ One of our little friends, in her ear ♪

♪ And once again we're here ♪

♪ It's time to make things clear ♪

♪ Cuz I can't take it ♪

♪ Either trust me or you don't ♪

♪ Girl make up your mind ♪

♪ (Your mind) ♪

♪ Either trust me or you don't ♪

♪ Hey ♪

♪ Girl, we're just wastin time ♪

♪ (We're just wastin time) ♪

♪ Either trust me or you ♪

♪ Stop lying to yourself & me ♪

♪ Trying to hold on ♪

♪ (Trying to hold on) ♪

♪ But girl I'm almost gone ♪

♪ Either trust me or you don't ♪

♪ And I try my best ♪

♪ Not to bring it to this ♪

♪ But my patience is all gone ♪

♪ (Don't wanna move on) ♪

♪ Hey ♪

♪ But I've done nothing wrong ♪

♪ (I've done nothing wrong) ♪

♪ I'ma keep it real, even if you won't ♪

♪ Either trust me or you don't ♪

♪ Girl make up your mind ♪

♪ Either trust me or you don't ♪

♪ (You don't, you don't) ♪

♪ Girl, we're just wastin time ♪

♪ Hey ♪

♪ Either trust me or you ♪

♪ Stop lying to yourself and me (yourself and me) ♪

♪ Trying to hold on (trying to hold on) ♪

♪ But girl I'm almost gone ♪

♪ Heey ♪

♪ Either trust me or you don't ♪

♪ Hmmmmmmmmmmm ♪

♪ Either trust me or you don't ♪

♪ Hmmmmmmmmm ♪

♪ Either trust me or you don't ♪

♪ Trust me or you don't ♪

For more infomation >> Ne-Yo - Trust Me Or You Don Lyrics - Duration: 3:33.


Charlie Brake 'dumped Ellie Brown and kicked her out of his flat' - Daily News - Duration: 2:51.

</form> They famously got together in the Love Island villa.  But, while they initially enjoyed some on-screen chemistry, it seems that Charlie Brake and Ellie Brown's relationship is already faulting

 According to reports, the millionaire hunk recently ended the romance after a number of niggling rows

 Specifically, he's said to have booted her from his plush pad in London's Chelsea by throwing her clothes out of the window

 Then, hours later, he's said to have arranged a press photographer to capture them making up

 It comes just weeks after their participation in the hit ITV series - and is in stark contrast to the rock-solid status of winners Dani Dyer and Jack Fincham

Read More Top showbiz stories  A source exclusively told OK! magazine: "Charlie did dump Ellie and kicked her out of his flat, and she was trying to find somewhere else to stay

 "Charlie later asked her to meet him at a hotel, where he'd set up a paparazzi to take photos of them 'making up' and kissing

From what I hear, she didn't know it was happening.  "They're still together as a couple now, so it was probably just damage control

"  The Mirror have contacted a representative for the couple, but are yet to receive a response

 Not that this is the first glitch in their bid for love, of course.  They incurred a number of spats during their time on Love Island

 And, earlier this month, the pair were reportedly seen looking tense during a cast reunion party

  Jennifer Garner 'read Ben Affleck the riot act WEEKS ago - asking him to clean up for the sake of their kids'  Previously, Charlie has admitted that he's "cut-throat" when it comes to navigating relationships

 "I have got a reputation to walk over people, even if they are my mates. If I want something, I'll go for it," he said

 "I'm pretty cut throat".

For more infomation >> Charlie Brake 'dumped Ellie Brown and kicked her out of his flat' - Daily News - Duration: 2:51.


Salt Bae Cutting meat | nusret steakhouse 2018 - Duration: 19:48.

please help to click subscribe - like - comment for more new videos. thanks

For more infomation >> Salt Bae Cutting meat | nusret steakhouse 2018 - Duration: 19:48.


Using Nik Color Efex Pro to Make Your Landscapes Pop: Bitesize Nik Tutorials - Duration: 9:42.

For more infomation >> Using Nik Color Efex Pro to Make Your Landscapes Pop: Bitesize Nik Tutorials - Duration: 9:42.


Namık Cantuğ ft. Ömer - Pirate - Duration: 3:20.


Time came Everyone was curious It was gathered there ... EVERYONE WAITS ME

You will see dust in smoke I can not take it from your life Memory will be scraped Will not be able to wipe from your brain

Everything was done that day He was left behind The whole event was over in time You are very easy here do not worry you You cry your cry

Behavior me wrong It's bad for you

Pirates do not touch, life be an idiot

You left me I'm alone here have got the hook like a pirate he scared me

steal my heart it is the dark heart

But I did not do that I have already forgotten it already You were in the past Like a pirate

I will take it out of my life

should not I did not do Look at yourself before the crew That's why Because of the captain.

If you give up Take me out of your life at that moment If you can not Leave the place where you have the hook in the sea, in the sea, in the sea, in the bottom of the sea

Because you look pessimistic about everything You wipe me off instantly You forgot everything by saying forget it By the way, everybody and I make you very sad

You will see dust in smoke I can not take it from your life Memory will be scraped Will not be able to wipe from your brain

So if you have Of course if

If you give up Take me out of your life at that moment


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