Thứ Bảy, 25 tháng 8, 2018

Youtube daily report Aug 26 2018

welcome to my channel

in this video

i'm showing bougainvillea bonsai re-potting

it's a two years old bougainvillea bonsai

bougainvillea needs to be repotted once every two-three years in springtime

now i'm going to repot this bonsai


removing the old soil with a bonsai tool

carefully remove the soil and do not hurt the root system


root pruning

removing only the outlying and long roots

do not prune main root system

and also do not prune more than 40% of all roots


potting the bougainvillea in bonsai pot

i just place a piece of coco husk to cover the drainage hole

then put the new bonsai soil

place the plant in center of the pot

bonsai pot that will hug the root ball as closely as possible while still allowing some soil for watering


add the bonsai soil and completely cover the root ball with bonsai soil


remove air pockets using a chopstick or any thin stick

making sure to fill all the air pockets around the root system

next pruning


to maintain and refine the existing shape of a bonsai

prune the branches that have grown out of shape


i just add the stones on top of the soil to keep moisture

now continuing leaf pruning

prune long shoots using a twig shear

remove about 80% of all leaves

to grow thicker branches or a thicker trunk remove the flowers at all times

but do not prune the branches

removing the tips after each blooming cycle will encourage the growth of multiple new shoots

this increasing ramifications

keep in shade for few days

after few days place it in full sunlight area or sunny window site


use sprayer to watering

spray water completely for three days in a week

misting is recommended as the tree likes high humidity

thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Bougainvillea Bonsai | Bougainvillea Bonsai Repotting //GREEN PLANTS💚 - Duration: 10:09.


John McCain★Lifestyle 2018★Death Of Cause★Net Worth★Family★Life Career★ - Duration: 8:29.

John McCain★Lifestyle 2018★Death Of Cause★Net Worth★Family★Life Career★

For more infomation >> John McCain★Lifestyle 2018★Death Of Cause★Net Worth★Family★Life Career★ - Duration: 8:29.


10 Unsettling Future Technologies - Duration: 14:12.

On this channel, I often talk about advanced alien civilizations and speculate about what

they might be like.

But the fact is, if you think about it from the perspective of the rest of the universe,

we ourselves are an advanced alien civilization.

And, with technological advancement, whether alien or here on earth, will come options

for our society where we all may want to pause and think before we take the plunge.

Some of these scenarios are more immediate, and if they come to pass as they appear right

now, will be realities in just a few years.

Others lie further ahead in the future, but if all of this is managed carefully then they

all offer our species great advantages.

If mismanaged though, they could be catastrophic, so here are ten unsettling potential future


Number 10.

The Genetic Engineering of Humanity

As the old saying goes, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

In this case that means that technologies initially intended to improve life, can step

past certain boundaries and go into unsettling territory.

Nowhere is this more apparent than in the science of genetics.

Humans have practiced genetic modification for thousands of years through selective breeding.

We've built our system of agriculture on it, producing corn from what was originally

a type of grass, or cows selectively bred from the aurochs, which are currently extinct,

though there are efforts to change that.

But with the advent of modern genetics, we gain an increasing amount of power over just

what we can do by directly modifying the genetics of plants and animals.

But, this also applies to us.

Genetic research and modification is already revolutionizing how we treat and prevent disease.

This is a good thing.

But it also offers other possibilities, such as the creation of designer babies, that can

have whatever traits their parents might want; an activity that gets a bit close to eugenics.

But, if unchecked can go much, much further.

In addition to creating designer humans, ideal soldiers could be created by unscrupulous

governments, or even entirely new, synthetic species of animal or even humans with abilities

that natural evolution did not provide.

Think superhumans.

In short, at some point, we will need to ask ourselves if we truly want to be the lords

of our own evolution, or if such things are best left to nature.


Shrinking Technology

There was a time, not long ago, when to get the computing power of a modern cell phone,

you needed a computer the size of a building.

This is no longer the case and as our electronics become increasingly more advanced, they are

likely to continue the trend of miniaturization, including increasingly tiny microphones and


Quite tiny cameras and microphones are already commercially available, see your cell phone,

and work to miniaturize them further goes on.

Ridiculously tiny cameras are of particular use in medicine for example to see inside

the human body at levels unheard of to us now, but obviously such things would also

be useful for espionage.

Micro Cameras and tiny microphones used for spying are of course nothing new, but as electronics

have grown cheaper, more easily available, and tinier, it's now possible for regular

people to spy on each other on a level that actual spies during the cold war could only

dream about.

Where will all of this end, will someday potentially all of us be under the view of imperceptibly

tiny surveillance devices by anyone, government or otherwise, with access to such miniaturized



The Democratization of Advanced Technology

It used to be that technology, particularly biotechnology, was solely the realm of the

very few that had access to enormous amounts of funding.

And, even during those days, there were mishaps, unintentional though they were.

Regarding nuclear technology, during the Castle Bravo nuclear test in 1954, the weapon yielded

2.5 times it's predicted energy due to a mistake by the scientists.

While it may never be viable to create a nuclear weapon in one's own garage, it's certainly

now possible for rogue governments to do so.

This is also true for chemical or biological weaponry, and eventually someone might create,

intentionally or not, a pathogen so deadly that it could cause the extinction, or near-extinction

of the human species.

As the technology to do this becomes ever more accessible, it's anyone's guess what

someone in their garage might do.


The Loss of Mental Privacy

In an age where privacy certainly isn't as easy to come by as it used to be, especially

on the internet, the one place that still seems absolutely inviolable may some day not


This is the human mind itself, and as scanning techniques, understanding of the brain, and

technology improves it may become possible, at least in principle, to completely decode

a person's thoughts.

Termed thought identification, this currently rudimentary area of neuroscience is at a level

where things like recognition of objects can be discerned through brain scans.

One the one hand it may not be of much use to know when a person is recognizing a mundane

object like a tomato, but how about a criminal recognizing a crime scene?

And, there is also the question of reading someone's immediate intentions.

Neuroscientists can see, through scanning techniques, what a person's choice will

be in an immediate situation, at least to a degree, before the person physically acts.

It may be cheating to know what someone will do while playing a boardgame a split second

before they make a move, but what about a car anticipating the driver's actions before

they can physically act?

That might save lives, or improve the lives of people who cannot speak on their own.

But, this is a technology that we will need to weigh the ethics of heavily, since every

aspect of it seems to carry both immense pluses, in the right situations, but also horrors

if misused.

Do we want a world where scanned thoughts are admissible in court?

How how about the decoded thoughts of one individual being sent to another person's


Can there ever be secrets in such a world?

If this comes to pass, we're in for a strange world indeed, should advanced thought identification

ever become a reality.

6.The Indistinguishable Being

Whenever I've done videos touching on the dangers of artificial intelligence, I always

get a string of comments of two types.

Those that fear it and view it as the chief existential threat to the human species, and

those that don't think it can ever become a reality.

In other words, the jury is still out.

Yet the technology marches onward nonetheless.

Regardless of whether superintelligent A.I. will ever be a reality, or a threat, one thing

we can be more certain of is that our computers are becoming, at least outwardly, increasingly


At some point, it may become virtually impossible to tell if you're having a conversation,

say by phone, with a human or a machine.

We've known for awhile that we were eventually going to reach this point.

In 1950 Alan Turing devised a test that distinguishes a machine's ability to, well, act human.

In recent years, there have been claims of computers that have passed the Turing test,

though this is, of course, debated.

But one thing seems certain, there will come a day, probably sooner rather than later,

where machines will at least seem like they are human and thinking, even though they are



The Von Neumann Trap

The danger here is machine reproduction.

Can a machine make another machine?

Well, yes, we can to a large degree automate factories to make cars for example, though

this is still something heavily dependent on human programmers and maintenance.

But it's not hard to envision a day where that may no longer be the case, and the programming

and maintenance of machines is largely done by other machines, and they may ultimately

do a better job at that than humans leading to a fully automated means of production.

What this means for the employment of the human race remains to be seen, but the idea

that machines can make other machines may continue from where it's unfolding now to

a much more efficient and advanced state where machines can make copies of themselves quite


This is an almost natural outcome if you think about it, it's what life does.

We are self-replicating organic machines in a sense, and this all would simply be applying

nature to technology.

The ultimate use for self-replicating machines is, of course, colonizing the galaxy.

One could create a handful of such machines and send them out into the universe to go

from star system to star system to collect materials and make more copies of themselves,

and within a relatively short time, at least on geologic scales, we could have such a machine

in every star system in the galaxy.

Eventually though, such machines if left unchecked might consume entire galaxies, and one hopes

that if there are alien civilizations out there, they have not made this mistake lest

earth end up victim to someone else's self-replicating probes, or home-grown nanotechnological counterparts

that could consume our planet if control of them is lost, though that may not be the doomsday

scenario that is sometimes predicted, but instead a much slower process that could potentially

be mitigated.

But what of another possibility?

What of another kind of machine reproduction, that of machines propagating out into the

universe to create not just other machines, but biological beings?

What of a machine that can create humans, rather than humans traveling to distant systems


Perhaps humans genetically tailored by their creator von neumann machines for the environments

of other exoplanets?

I recently spoke with Dr. Avi Loeb of Harvard University about just such possibilities in

an interview for my new long-form show, Event Horizon, a relevant clip from the interview

is linked below and the full show debuts on September 20th.

Or you can go to YouTube.comBACKSLASHeventhorizonshow, all one word or hit the link below, to subscribe.

Be sure to hit the bell to get the notifications.


Nanoweaponry and the Invincible Soldier

While it's unclear what the ultimate end is for nanotechnology and what level of threat

it might present to the human race -- there may be far easier ways to devastate this world

if one really wanted to, imagine a colony of humans in space that decided they want

to cause the extinction of humans on earth by redirecting an asteroid towards us if we

didn't give them 1 million space dollars, but nanotech itself may provide a more targeted


If this technology pans out, it may allow for clandestine or battlefield uses, such

as clouds of airborne nanotech that can configure themselves to identify a target, cloud around

them and ignite as a sort of fuel-air weapon.

This would allow nations to create an invisible, perhaps invincible soldier.

How would one fight such a thing?



One thing regarding space exploration that we're just now beginning to talk about is

the idea that we hypothetically could take a dead planet such as Mars and terraform it

to become habitable for earth life.

While it's not yet entirely clear how feasible terraforming will turn out to be, Mars for

example was recently determined not to have enough carbon dioxide for the standard method

behind that task, it won't have been the first planet humans have terraformed.

That title goes to Earth, we've been changing this world large scale for quite some time

now, and we gain an increasing ability to change it even further the more we advance.

Eventually there may come a time where it's necessary to change it, whether to mitigate

climate change or even improve the conditions of this world and make the planet better.

At what point will this world no longer be a natural planet, but one with only remnants

of nature?

Is it that already?


Brain Hacking

If you can read a human brain's thoughts, might you also be able to change and manipulate


While this might have profound effects on things like treating mental illness, or even

crime prevention, at what point do things go too far and leave the realm of what we

would consider normal as humans?

Is it dangerous to delve into this subject in a world where politicians function on the

concept of changing enough minds to get elected?

What of dictatorships?

What of an artificial superintelligence controlling the collective minds of humanity?

When do we become the Borg?

Number 1 Eternal Digital Damnation

Virtual reality technology is continually marching forward hallmarked by increasing


It seems the mind and technology may begin to merge and virtually reality might become

a matter of not tricking the brain externally through the senses, but tricking the brain

through a direct interface with technology.

While it's not yet clear how realistic that could be, those technologies are early in

their development, one could speculate that there could come a time where seamless science

fiction-like virtual reality could, well, become a reality.

This is usually depicted in science fiction sometimes as a utopia, a place where existence

is perfect, or a dystopia even if most people inside don't realize it one, such as The


But there is a dark side to all of this, if technology can be pushed to this level, one

could also just as easily create a virtual hell.

This could be done for punitive reasons as a sort of prison, or just for fun by some

sadistic entity in which to imprison and torture other entities.

And there you have it, ten scenarios where coming or hypothesized future technologies

might go horribly wrong.

But it can also be said that the development of these technologies can be guided to only

good ends by a vigilant human species.

We may well only develop these technologies for positive use, that is still possible.

But I leave you with one thought, what happens if we reach a point where superintelligent

technology can create and improve its own technology?

Thanks for listening!

I am futurist and science fiction author John Michael Godier currently living in fear of

a world controlled by technologically superintelligent plants eternally paying me back for years

of salads!

Never augment your plants with intelligence and be sure to check out my books at your

favorite online book retailer and subscribe to my channels for regular explorations of

the interesting, weird and unknown aspects of this amazing universe in which we live.

For more infomation >> 10 Unsettling Future Technologies - Duration: 14:12.


Albeli gaay Part 2 - Albeli gaay ko di dhamki - Duration: 9:30.

For more infomation >> Albeli gaay Part 2 - Albeli gaay ko di dhamki - Duration: 9:30.


Terrible Tomes Book Tag [CC] - Duration: 12:39.

Hello everybody, my name is Cara, and today I am here with the Terrible Tomes Book Tag.

This tag was created by A Bookish Balance and I was tagged by the fabulous Olivia from

ReadbyLiv and I will link both of their channels down below. You guys know I love my rants

and unpopular opinions, so I'm pretty excited about this one. #1: Can't. Even. Name a book

you DNFed after a chapter or less. And one I remember doing that with was My Life Next

Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick. Now I can't even really tell you why I DNFed this one. It wasn't

like horribly written or anything but I remember I decided I was finally gonna pick it up because

it was a pretty hyped book I think at that point, and I don't know if I just wasn't in

the mood for it or what but I read like a page and a half, and I was like "No. I don't

want to read this." For whatever reason I was just not havin' it that day. #2: Get out

of my book. Name a main character you absolutely cannot stand. I'm gonna go with one I haven't

complained about before and that is the main character from The Mad Scientist's Daughter

by Cassandra Rose Clarke, I think that was who wrote it. I hated this girl[/woman.] I

can't even remember her name, I wanna say it was like...Cassie??? Maybe? Anyway, she

was fine at the beginning of the book when we see her when she's younger. Like I thought

she was really interesting and she had a lot of potential, and then she just goes on to

become the most frustrating human being ever. And this is kind of a--this is a science fiction

book, and the thing that I just cannot overlook for her is the fact that she has sex with

this like android kind of person? I don't know what you would call him. She has sex

with him before she knows if he is even capable of giving consent or not. Like she knows,

like she thinks of him as like a person, but she also knows that it's possible for his

programming to override what he actually wants, so like if she tells him to have sex with

her, like he has to do it. She's like thinking that's a possibility and she doesn't do anything

about it. And that just like really pissed me off. I mean, she rapes him. Right? Like

she doesn't--like she knows there's a possibility that he's incapable of giving consent at this

point and she just has sex with him anyway. #3: Angst, angst, angst. Name a book with

a suffocating amount of angst. And I'm going with Dreams of Gods and Monsters by Laini

Taylor. Now I actually really enjoyed this trilogy overall, like I still recommend it,

but this book in particular I just was so over the main relationship. Like the romantic

drama and how they would almost be together and then something would come up and like

it just--there were so many setbacks that it got to the point where I just like didn't

even care if they ended up together anymore. And that was like a huge chunk of this book,

and I was just so much more invested in the side characters and like side relationships

and just like...oh my God. The drama! The drama. Like their burning eyes meeting across

the room and I'm just like "we've done this already." #4: Once upon a time. The End. Name

a very poorly written book. I'm going with Traveler by L. E. Delano. I read this one

a while ago and I just--really did not connect with this writing style. Like it was really

like clunky and also boring and it just--it just didn't work for me. And it was especially

unfortunate because the main character is like an aspiring author and writer--and I

don't remember...I think it was first person. I know for a fact that there were chunks of

her writing in the book and those were also not very good really. I'm somebody who can

definitely get behind like a serviceable kind of writing style, I don't need lots of bells

and whistles all the time, but that book was just not good. #5: Frustrating? Bland? Unremarkable?

Name a book whose characters took away from your reading enjoyment. Going with a recent

read and that is Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford. I talked about this

in my most recent wrap up, which I will link down below, but--*heavy sigh* oh man. I really

did not like this book. I thought the concept and like the historical context was so interesting

and so important and it--it was such an important story to tell, but I feel like that was hindered

by the fact that none of the characters had any dimension whatsoever. Like I talked about

in my wrap up how I could not tell you a single thing about any of the characters after finishing

this book like, I didn't even know what the main character looked like. Like I didn't

know any personality traits, even like surface-level ones, I just. I couldn't tell you anything

about them. And I think that when you have a story that's so emotional and so like devastating,

you know about like such an awful period in history, if your characters are really like

underdeveloped and bland, it's not going to have the same impact as a story would that

did have like fully developed characters. #6: Have I read you before? Name a book that

lacks originality. Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes. I read this book a couple of years

ago because I gave in to the hype and I just really didn't like it. Fantasy is such an

amazingly creative genre, like there's so much scope there for doing different things

and I feel like the author did nothing different at all. Like the characters were so like cookie-cutter

like, they were all just like very generic like archetypes, and the worldbuilding was

so lazy. It was just like, 3 kingdoms. And they're slightly different. And then they

fight. Like that was it, and I just--I don't know, I've heard that the later books get

a lot better but I just really did not enjoy anything about that one so I'm not really

willing to continue when I gave the first book 1 star. #7: Look what you made me do.

(Does anyone else thing of the Taylor Swift song when they hear that? Is that just me?)

Name the most useless antagonist ever. I'm going with the assassin character from The

Kiss of Deception by Mary E. Pearson. Because he has to be the absolute worst assassin in

the history of literature, and I'm including the Throne of Glass series in that comment

by the way, because he meets the princess that he's supposed to murder, and he like

instantly falls in love with her. It's definitely possible for me to be on board with that kind

of like relationship trope that starts out with that dynamic, but this was just not done

well. It just made him sound like *laughs* the worst assassin to ever be hired. Like

this guy's supposed to be a professional and he like sees a pretty girl, and he's like

"*shrug noise.*" #8: What were we talking about again? Name a book you read recently

that you can't remember anything about. For me that's Instead of Three Wishes: um, Magical

Short Stories by Megan Whalen Turner. Now I love, absolutely love her Queen's Thief

series, but this story collection just did not leave an impression on me. I do slightly

remember things about like my 2 favorite stories, and my like least favorite stories, like I

remember some things about them but I just like--I don't know, I don't know how many

of these stories I could even name or like summarize at this point and I only read this

like a month or so ago. #9: You can do better than this. Name the worst significant other

or worst couple. So one of my least favorite um love interests of all time has got to be

Marek from...what was it, The Hollow Kingdom by Clare B. Dunkle. I actually did a whole

rant review *laughs* and like discussion on that book, so I will link that down below.

But basically he is sexist, abusive, um...condescending. Like he's just--he's awful, and we're supposed

to find him charming. And it just like--the whole book just reads like Stockholm Syndrome

instead of like a hate-to-love kind of relationship. It's just super uncomfortable and I hated

every minute of it. #10: I'm going to pretend that didn't happen. Name the worst character

death you've ever read. Maybe a character you liked died a horrible death and they didn't

deserve it, or maybe a horrible character died and the way they went was unsatisfying.

I'm going with every single character death in Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo. That's

another one where I have a full like discussion on that series so I will also put that link

in the description, but...yeah. I just *laughs* some of those deaths made me really angry.

I'm not gonna give away who it was because of you know spoiler reasons, but there was

a secondary/side character who I really liked and who I thought we had kind of gotten to

the point where they were becoming a member of the like supporting cast and...they were

just kind of written off [killed] in like half a sentence, and that really pissed me

off. As well as some of the lazy ways that character deaths were used earlier in the

book like...I just--everything about those character deaths still pisses me off. #11:

Open? Rushed? Doesn't even make sense? Name an unforgettably horrid ending. My answer

is from A Company of Swans by Eva Ibbotson. Now I've talked before about how much I adore

her middle grade or like younger books; I have not read an adult novel by Eva Ibbotson

that I have liked yet, and I've read is it 2 or 3 at this point? But in A Company of

Swans--I'm going to full-on spoil this for you guys so if you really want to read it

then skip this part. But basically what happens is the main character who is an incredibly

talented ballet dancer and she gets all these opportunities and it's wonderful and then

of course a romance--and of course the guy is like a womanizer who now is like falling

in love for the first time, which...I hate that. So there's all these like stupid coincidences

that happen, and basically she thinks that he doesn't love her anymore or something and

like she gets sent back to her home in England. And her family's like abusive to her, they

like lock her up in her uh--in an attic, and they like refuse to feed her, and she's like

slowly dying, basically! and like she just barely gets out because of another series

I think of dumb coincidences if I'm remembering correctly, where her boyfriend, like this

guy (who's much older than her), finds out where she is and he like rescues her and blah

blah blah. So all of that happens and I'm already irritated and then we get like a flash-forward

and this--this girl who is so incredibly talented, and who like--dancing meant so much to her,

like ballet was how she escaped from her horrible like family and her home life and all of this.

We flash-forward and she has given all of that have this man's babies, basically.

And I just like...I was so furious when I finished that book because like it's totally

possible for people to change their minds about things like that. And you can do that

in books too, but you have to make it believable. Like you have to make the reader feel like,

"okay this is what the character wants now." Instead it was like oh she gave up all of

her dreams so she could get knocked up by this older man. And it's like we're supposed

to believe that it's gonna be like a slightly happier ending because now one of her daughters

is like--it's implied that she's gonna go on and try to be the like ballet dancer that

her mother wanted to be. And I'm like "you know what you could've done it too! you could've

done it too." And I just...I'm getting so mad just like talking about this book and

it's been so many years since I read it. I didn't think I had all this anger still in

me but. I did. *short, intense stare at camera* And finally, #12 is Can I throw you at a wall

now? Name a book that infuriated you. I'm gonna go with Bitter Greens by Kate Forsyth

(For-sythe?) So. *heavy sigh* This is a fairytale retelling of Rapunzel but there's a lot of

other like story elements as well. What made me so angry about this book was the way that

sexual assault was used for every single main female character. Every single main character,

'cause I think they were all women. All of them were motivated or like their backstory

or their like villain origin story or whatever, all of it came back to getting raped. And

I hate that. I hate that trope when it is used as like the defining feature of a character's

backstory, especially when it's a woman, or when it's used as like--as like a shortcut

for making them...I don't even know what the authors like think that does! If it makes

them like more interesting or more like tragic or whatever, but it's just like--it's so lazy

and it's so disgusting. I can tell you like every single...I think there were 3 or 4 different

female [main] characters: ALL of them like this graphic, at least one, graphic sexual

assault scene that was like the defining point of their character. And actually, one of the

characters, her mother was also horribly raped and the little girl was like under the bed

as like man after man raped her [the mother] and beat her and abused her and just was like--like--just

disgusting things and like her mother ended up dying later from all of her injuries [from

the rape] and it was just like the most graphically, unnecessarily like violent and gory and just

like--I don't understand why any of it happened. It was what I think of as like tragedy porn,

because there was no reason for all of this to happen. And you know if you're writing

your story at a certain period of time, yes, those things happen, but to use them to such

an extent makes it sound like you don't know how to write if you don't use violence against

women. And I don't think that's okay. And I've heard like really amazing things about

some of Kate Forsyth's other novels and I don't know if I'm gonna pick one up because

if she does this again, I just--I don't think I could handle it. Okay everybody, so that

was the Terrible Tomes Book Tag. I hope you enjoyed hearing me rant *laughs* about some

books that really make me angry, I know I feel a little bit lighter now. I'm going to

tag Yvette form BookCave and Hana from Linh Hermione, I might tag a few other people in

the description as well so be sure to check that. And of course I also tag anyone else

who sees this video and who wants to do it, feel free to say I tagged fact, I

am gonna tag you because I love watching this tag, and um...yeah, I'd love to see some of

*laughs* people's books that make them mad! Thank you guys so much for watching, I will

see you soon with another video, and I hope you love the next book you read. Bye!

For more infomation >> Terrible Tomes Book Tag [CC] - Duration: 12:39.


US GDP data, China bank results, Air France strike - Duration: 5:16.


Here are the top stories we'll be watching this week.

Data will be out on the US economy,

giving more clues about where Fed policy is heading.

Air France-KLM faces a threat of more strikes

hitting the airline.

The level of bad loans will be a key focus when China's banks

reveal second quarter results.

And China also faces criticism from the UN

over racial discrimination.

First to the US, where economists

expect second quarter US growth to be revised slightly

lower when data are released on Wednesday,

down to 4% from an initial reading of 4.1%.

That would still mark, however, the fastest rate of growth

in four years, fueled by consumer spending and business


Following the initial GDP release in July,

President Trump declared it an economic turnaround

of historic importance.

He has levelled criticism against the Fed

for raising rates, and so the Central Bank should do more

to help him boost the economy.

Investors are now focused on the second half of the year,

with some economists projecting 3% growth

over the six-month period.

It remains uncertain, also, if trade will

prove a drag on the US economy.

The FT's News Editor Peter Spiegel has this analysis.

Well sometimes these figures can be slightly misleading.

Remember, the second quarter figures

of 4.1% that were the initial reading was gangbusters.

I mean, when was the last time the US economy grew

at a quarterly basis of over 4%, or any developed country

economy for that matter these days.

The problem is that there is this dark cloud

of trade tensions hanging over the US economy

that no one really can quantify.

Thus far, it has not hit the market certainly,

and we haven't seen it impact GDP figures or any

of the ancillary economic figures.

But the Fed has very clearly signalled

it is worried about the way the trade war will impact

the US economy going forward.

And they're also concerned, they do not have the firepower

anymore to fight it if it does force the US economy back

into a slower growth area.

Obviously, they're moving towards normalising rates.

But they're not at that level yet that suddenly they

can cut rates to an extent that it

would help the US economy that is hit by a trade war.

On Monday, Air France-KLM's restive French unions

are meeting to discuss whether to continue their strike


More strikes would be an unwelcome start

for newly announced Chief Executive Benjamin Smith,

who takes up the job at the end of September.

Air France's unions have already taken industrial action

on multiple occasions this year, costing $335 million euros

in the first half.

Their rejection of a payoff had lead

to the previous chief executive's resignation.

The Dutch counterparts, meanwhile,

though welcoming Mr Smith, are also

considering strikes at KLM.

Here's our transport correspondent Josh Spero.

I think the chances of the union striking after Monday's meeting

are pretty high.

They've done a lot so far, and nothing has stopped them.

And it could be terrifically damaging to Air France-KLM

because as a group, it's not especially harmonious.

KLM is supporting it with its profits,

and Air France is actually losing money.

So any more strikes are only going to make this a lot worse.

The company has the French state behind it

as a big shareholder, which makes the unions always

think there'll be someone to bail them out.

The problem is, the French state might decide not to.

That's risky for the unions because if they don't, then

the airline could easily be broken before the unions are.

Turning now to China, its banks have, over the past 18 months,

faced a clamp down from regulators,

with rules to curb out-of-control lending

and risky funding.

This week, we'll see clues about how

this is affecting the sector when China's four biggest

commercial banks post second quarter earnings, including

Agricultural Bank of China, where investors will want

to see how the country's third largest lender plans

to tackle rising bad loans.

China also faces the possibility of more criticism

from UN human rights experts.

This week, the UN Committee on the Elimination

of Racial Discrimination concludes a month

of meetings, where it has been examining

reports in countries, including Bosnia, Cuba, and Montenegro.

Concerning China, the committee says

it has credible reports that the country has locked up

more than one million Uighurs in internment centres

in the Northwestern frontier region of Xinjiang.

The FT's James King has more.

Uighurs are an ethnic minority in China.

They're mostly Sunni Muslim.

And the United Nations' report says

that the reason that the Uighurs are being locked up

is purely because they're being treated as enemies of the state

based on their ethnoreligious identity.

The UN statement also said that Xinjiang is resembling

a massive internment camp.

China, for its part, has rejected the UN criticism,

saying that this is completely untrue.

It did admit that some Uighurs have

been moved into re-education camps,

and this was simply to put them right

after they'd been misled by religious extremists.

What's really interesting about this topic,

though, is that at the moment, it's

only the United Nations which has made a criticism of China.

As far as I'm aware, no other national government

has made a criticism of China thus far.

And that's what the week ahead looks like from the Financial

Times in London.


For more infomation >> US GDP data, China bank results, Air France strike - Duration: 5:16.


"Just Speak!" | #4 - "PAST" | English SPEAKING Practice - Duration: 16:59.

For more infomation >> "Just Speak!" | #4 - "PAST" | English SPEAKING Practice - Duration: 16:59.


最新更新!新马来西亚之路《现场完整版》敦马 终于开声了!接下来将会有更多人被提控 - Duration: 10:03.

For more infomation >> 最新更新!新马来西亚之路《现场完整版》敦马 终于开声了!接下来将会有更多人被提控 - Duration: 10:03.


SAPD officer goes above and beyond to adopt and foster children - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> SAPD officer goes above and beyond to adopt and foster children - Duration: 3:58.


Реквизит, который актёры воровали со съёмочной площадки - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Реквизит, который актёры воровали со съёмочной площадки - Duration: 3:38.


有錢花!9月財神爺最愛的生肖!將會「一旺到明年」! - Duration: 6:33.

For more infomation >> 有錢花!9月財神爺最愛的生肖!將會「一旺到明年」! - Duration: 6:33.


Making the Prophetic Word Your World, Part 3 - Duration: 28:35.


JERRY: Welcome, welcome, welcome to our broadcast today. Thank

you for joining me. I'm Jerry Savelle, and I have a great

message for you today, and I believe it's going to inspire

your faith. I'm going to take you into a line of service where

I was teaching on how you can make the prophetic word your

world. And I want to share with you some important principles

that I believe, praise God, is going to cause you to experience

what God wants to happen in your life. You know, God gives us

prophetic words so it helps create vision. The Bible says,

"Without a vision, the people perish." Now, listen to this

verse in I Thessalonians 5:19-21. It says, "Quench not

the spirit. Despise not prophesying. Prove all things.

Hold fast that which is good." Despise not prophesies. Let me

read it from the New International version. "Do not

put out the Holy Spirit's fire. Do not treat prophesies with

contempt." Contempt means lack of respect. Test everything, see

if it lines up with the Word of God, and hold on to that which

is good. So notice here, the Apostle Paul, by direction of

the Holy Spirit, says, "Do not treat prophesies or the

prophetic word with contempt." In other words, lack of respect.

When you hear the prophetic word, take it in. Just say like

I do, "Lord, I receive that." And then determine that you're

going to fight for it until it comes to pass. Now today we're

going to talk about how to do that, so you watch very closely

now as I take you into our service here at Heritage Faith

Christian Center. I want to encourage you to take notes if

at all possible. Then, I'll be in a few moments and we'll share

some very special products that we have available

for you. Watch now, and I'll be back shortly.

JERRY: Last week I talked to you about the prophetic

word becoming your world. The prophetic word

becoming your world. I want to continue on

that theme and remind you that our prophetic word this year,

days of glory, days of flourishing, and days of

abounding. Say that with me. Days of glory. CONGREGATION:

Days of glory. JERRY: Days of flourishing. CONGREGATION: Days

of flourishing. JERRY: And days of abounding. CONGREGATION: Days

of abounding. JERRY: Now that's what God wants happening in our

lives. CONGREGATION: Amen. JERRY: He wants that prophetic

word to become your world. CONGREGATION: That's right.

JERRY: Can you say amen? CONGREGATION: Amen. JERRY: Now

let me just briefly go over some of the things we talked about

last week, for the benefit of those of you who were not here,

and also for the benefit of just a matter of making sure you've

got it. Praise God. In Acts, Chapter Three, and I'm going to

read it from the New International version, beginning

at Verse 24 and Verse 25: "Indeed, all the prophets from

Samuel own, as many have spoken, have foretold these days." Now

this is what Peter stood up and said to that crowd shortly after

they had been baptized in the Holy Ghost in the Upper Room.

He's out there with that crowd wondering what's going on. So he

says to them, "The prophets from Samuel own, they spoke and they

saw and foretold these days." So what the prophets, beginning

with Samuel, talked about and prophesied, Peter telling them

that today it has come to pass. CONGREGATION: Yes. JERRY: In

other words, the prophetic word has now become your world.

CONGREGATION: That's right. JERRY: Say that with me. The

prophetic word- CONGREGATION: The prophetic word- JERRY:

Became their world. CONGREGATION: Became their

world. JERRY: And then he goes on to say, "And you are heirs of

the prophets and of the covenant made with your fathers." So the

prophetic word is designed by God, obviously, to come to pass.

It's not just words, it's something that God desires to

come to pass in our lives. Hallelujah. CONGREGATION: Amen.

JERRY: Of course, there's been prophetic words spoken about our

day. Amen. CONGREGATION: Amen. JERRY: And the Word that the

Lord gives us each and every year. CONGREGATION: Amen. JERRY:

We are to take that Word- CONGREGATION: That's right. Come

on. JERRY: And do what we've learned in the Word of God, and

we'll go over some of that this morning, do what we've learned

to do from the Word of God, and cause that prophetic word to

become our world. Amen. CONGREGATION: Amen. JERRY: In

other words, God wants you to be able to look back at the end of

this year and be able to say, "That's exactly what happened to

me." CONGREGATION: Amen. JERRY: "It was days of glory, days of

flourishing, and days of abounding." CONGREGATION: Yes,

indeed. Come on. JERRY: Can you say amen? CONGREGATION: Amen.

JERRY: Now how many of you believe that's what's going to

happen to you, praise God. CONGREGATION: Amen, hallelujah.

JERRY: Say it with me. My world- CONGREGATION: My world- JERRY:

Will be- CONGREGATION: Will be- JERRY: Days of glory-

CONGREGATION: Days of glory- JERRY: Days of flourishing-

CONGREGATION: Days of flourishing- JERRY: And days of

abounding. CONGREGATION: And days of abounding. JERRY: Okay,

now let's look at some things this morning and I want you to

go first of all to II Peter 1:12-13, because I'm going to

say some things this morning that you've heard before, most

of you. I've been preaching some of the things that I'll be

saying to you this morning, I've been preaching for 49 years.

CONGREGATION: Yes. Come on. JERRY: Verse 12 says, "Wherefore

I will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance of

these things, though you know them and be established in the

present truth. Yea, I think it meet or necessary as long as I

am in this tabernacle to stir you up by putting you in

remembrance." So Peter's saying even though you've heard these

things from me before, and many of you are established in them,

it's my responsibility as long as I'm in this earthly

tabernacle, to keep reminding you of them and keep you stirred

up about them. CONGREGATION: Yes, sir. Amen. JERRY: Because

it's quite possible you have allowed some of them to slip.

CONGREGATION: Come on, come on. JERRY: The writer of the book of

Hebrews says that. "Less these things slip." And the body of

Christ is guilty of that. We've all been guilty of that from

time to time where we learn things, we become established in

it, and we know to do it, and we've done it and we've seen

results, and then for whatever reason we just quit doing it. It

may not have been a conscious decision you made, but you know,

sometimes you just get caught up in the things that's happening

in the world, get to watching the news too much, get to

reading the newspaper too often. I like to read the newspaper, I

really do. I look at the sports. I want to see what's going on in

my world. Amen. CONGREGATION: Amen. JERRY: But if I happen to

read the front page, and you know, a couple of other pages

there, my attitude is I'm redeemed from that. I'm redeemed

from that, and I'm redeemed from that. Let's get on to something

important, sports. Praise God. Amen. CONGREGATION: Amen. JERRY:

So sometimes you can spend too much time dealing with worldly

things that you let spiritual truths slip. Amen. CONGREGATION:

Amen. JERRY: So let's see how that the prophetic word can

become our world. It's built upon basic principles that we've

all heard, we all know, many established in, but are you

still stirred up about it? Okay. Let's go to Hebrews 10:23. "Let

us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering, for

he is faithful of that promise." Hold fast the profession of our

faith without wavering, for he is faithful of that promise. I

want to read it to you from the message translation. "Let's keep

a firm grip on the promises that keep us going. He always keeps

his Word." Keep a firm grip on the promises that keep us going.

Now, the prophetic word is a promise as well. Not only what

we see in the written Word, but the prophetic word also comes as

a promise from God. In fact, the Bible says men of old were moved

upon by the Holy Spirit and gave voice to what God desired, and

what God wanted to do in people's lives. CONGREGATION:

Amen. JERRY: So it became when the spoke it, it came as a

promise. CONGREGATION: Makes sense. JERRY: But they had to

hold fast to it in order for it to come to pass. So the Bible

says, "Keep a firm grip," everybody say a firm grip.

CONGREGATION: A firm grip. JERRY: Reach over and grip

somebody's hand, and grip it firmly. Amen. So, you notice

where he says, "Let us keep a firm grip." Grip

somebody's hand again. With a firm grip. He says, "Let us have

a firm grip on the promises." Now how many of you grip the

promises? Firmly? Like you would shaking somebodies hand, you

know, like a man's supposed to shake hands. He said, "Keep a

firm grip on the promises." Why? So Satan can't steal them. So no

one can deprive you of the fulfillment of them. Keep a firm

grip on the promises that keep us going. In other words, they

motivate us. They keep us on track when it looks like

nothing's happening. When it looks like nothing's working.

What I've got is a firm grip on the promise, praise God. And I'm

not going to let go of it because God always keeps His

Word. I think you ought to give Him a good shout for that,

praise God. God always keeps His word. Now, if you know what God

has promised, and how would you ever know what God has promised?

It's in the book. Amen. Read the book. All the promises of God

are "Yea" and "Amen". Hallelujah. So if you know what

God has promised then you can rest assured that He will bring

it to past. But your responsibility is keep a firm

grip on it. It's not if it happens, it's when it happens.

Can you say amen? CONGREGATION: Amen. JERRY: Isaiah 55:11 you're

familiar with it, but I'm going to read it to you from the

Message translation. "The words that come out of my mouth will

not come back empty handed. They'll do the work I sent them

to do. They'll complete the assignment I gave them." Every

promise of God has an assignment. CONGREGATION: Yes.

Amen. JERRY: Amen. If you find a promise from God, and you'll

find many in this book, think immediately that promise has an

assignment. CONGREGATION: Amen. JERRY: And that assignment is

come to pass in my life. CONGREGATION: Amen. JERRY: Say

it with me. Every promise. CONGREGATION: Every promise.

JERRY: Has an assignment. CONGREGATION: Has an assignment.

JERRY: And that assignment is. CONGREGATION: And that

assignment is. JERRY: Come to pass in my life. CONGREGATION:

Come to pass in my life. JERRY: So if God has told us that we

are going to have days of glory, days of flourishing and days of

abounding. And you keep a firm grip on it and that promise has

an assignment on it you ought to be shouting right now in

advance. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. CONGREGATION: Hallelujah. JERRY:

Praise God. Hallelujah. Every promise that God gives has an

assignment. And once again that assignment is to come to pass in

our lives. But it's our responsibility to keep a firm

grip on the promise. I know it's difficult. And I know that it

often looks as though it will never come to pass. But you

can't give up. Amen. CONGREGATION: Amen. JERRY: You

can't give up. Look at your neighbor and tell them, "You

can't give up." CONGREGATION: You can't give up. JERRY:

Hebrews Chapter 6 Verse 13 through 18. And the Message

translation says this: "When God made promise to Abraham he

backed it to the hilt, putting his own reputation on the line.

He said, 'I will bless you with everything that I have.'"

Abraham stuck it out and got everything that had been

promised to him. Hallelujah. Amen. Abraham stuck it out and

got everything. Everybody say "Everything". CONGREGATION:

Everything. JERRY: Not somethings, not a few things,

but everything. Hallelujah. God promised Abraham things that in

the natural were impossible. But Abraham stuck it out.

CONGREGATION: Glory to God. JERRY: And he got everything

that God had promised him. I don't know what you plan to do

this year, but I'm going to stick it out. Just like I do

every year. I'm going to stick it out and my year is going to

be days of glory, days of flourishing and days of

abounding. Hallelujah. Praise God. Do you want everything that

God has promised you? CONGREGATION: Yes. JERRY: Then

make the quality decision that quitting is no longer an option.

CONGREGATION: That's right. JERRY: Now that's something

you've heard me say if you've been going to this church very

long. If you've been under out ministry very long you've heard

me say it time and time and time and time again. I've had people

ask me over the years many times, "What do you believe your

assignment is?" And I'll always say the same thing, "Talk people

into winning." Talk people into winning, praise God. Hallelujah.

That's why I preach. Talk people into winning. So, you have to

make the quality decision that quitting is no longer an option.

And the way you begin this, now here's where we get back into

some basics. Some things that you've already heard, you know.

Some of you are established in. But Peter said, "As long as I'm

in this earthly tabernacle I'm going to keep telling you these

things to keep you stirred up." Look at your neighbor and say,

"You look like you could use some stirring." CONGREGATION:

You look like you could use some stirring. JERRY: Amen. So, the

way you begin this, are you ready for this. Because some of

you not going to like it. Some of you don't want to hear it.

Watch your mouth. Oh, brother Jerry, give us something deeper.

It don't get any deeper than your own mouth. Watch what you

allow to come out of your mouth. You can't be talking days of

glory, and days of flourishing, and days of abounding and at the

same time talking lack, defeat, failure. CONGREGATION: Amen.

JERRY: James said, "My brethren you shouldn't have bitter and

blessing coming out of the same mouth." Cursing and blessing out

of the same mouth. So, you have to make the decision to put a

guard over your vocabulary. Because you can't talk any way

you want to talk anymore. Not unless you're not interested in

having God's promise fulfilled. Amen. So, one of the first

things I learned, you know, in 1969 when I came into this, and

you know, I came into it as a result of hearing Kenneth

Copeland. And I didn't know the power of words back then. I had

to learn to put a guard over my vocabulary. But the first thing

you have to do is replace it with God's Word. CONGREGATION:

That's right. JERRY: You can't just do this standing in front

of the mirror and say I won't talk negative, I won't talk

negative, I won't talk negative, I won't talk negative. You can't

do this with mind power. You can't do this with just positive

thinking. It takes the Word of God. You got to reprogram your

spirit because Jesus said in Matthew 12:34 "Out of the

abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh." So what's ever your

heart in abundance, that's what's going to come out of your

mouth. Brother Hagen used to say, "You know, I don't need to

spend all day with a person to locate their faith. Give me five

minutes, just listen to how they talk and in five minutes I can

locate their faith." CONGREGATION: That's right.

Amen. JERRY: Because out of the abundance of your heart your

mouth is going to speak. And if you come to church every week,

and you're hearing me or Justin or somebody else talking about

the prophetic word that God's given us and then you walk right

out of this building and go to talking to somebody on the way

to their way to the car, you know that's great but it never

happens to me. I wish it'd happen to me. You know, I don't

know what's wrong with our family. We just never have good

things happen. We just located you. CONGREGATION: That's right.

JERRY: Amen. CONGREGATION: Amen. JERRY: That's like, you know,

people that use foul language. You know, I was in the elevator

one time with John Osteen, we were at Kenneth Hagen's camp

meeting and we were going up to our hotel room. And we just come

out of the service, you know, and the knowing was so strong

and we're talking the Word, the sermon the Brother Hagen

preached to one another. Then the door opened and some other

guys got in and they were talking filthy language and

cursing and it was like somebody just threw a wet blanket in the

elevator. It just, you know, the atmosphere changed. And so John

just stood there with his arms folded and they were saying GD

this, and GD that, you know. And John said, "Hey, Brother Jerry,

I notice these guys have God on their hearts. They keep talking

about Him. You know Jesus?" And boy, all of a sudden I don't

know what floor they wanted to get off on, but all of a sudden

the next floor was they one they wanted. All John

said was, "I hear you ... I hear you talking

about God. Maybe you're interested,

you want to know Jesus? And boy they get off that elevator as

quick as they could, and the atmosphere became wonderful once

again, praise God. CONGREGATION: Lord, our God. JERRY: But what

really got them off the elevator was, now we know what's in your

heart in abundance, John said. CONGREGATION: Wow. JERRY: Now we

know what's in your heart in abundance. CONGREGATION: Yeah.

Yes sir. JERRY: Amen? CONGREGATION: Amen. JERRY: I was

standing with Brother Copeland one time out at the airport in

his hangar. We were talking airplanes, and some guys came up

and they went to using foul language and you know, then all

of a sudden one of them said, "Oh, Brother Copeland, I'm

sorry. I didn't mean to talk like that." He said, "Yes, you

did." And you know Kenneth Copeland, he don't pull any

punches. And he said, "Yes, you did." "No, no preacher, we're

sorry, if we had been thinking, we wouldn't have been using that

kind of language around you." He said, "Yes, you intended to do

that." He said, "Well, why do you say that?" He said, "Because

out of the abundance of your heart, your mouth speaks. You

can't help it. That's the way you talk all the time, and

that's the way you talk in front of me and when you leave here,

that's the way you'll be talking then until you replace what's in

your heart." Now, how many of you are familiar with Babe's

restaurant, over in Burleson and they got one, we've taken there,

you know. We were over at Babe's one time, we took some folks

over there and we're sitting at the table, and we've ordered our

food and four more people came in and the tables are real close

and they put them right next to us. And one of the men, there

was two couples, one of the men, when he was walking to the

table, he was cussing. And when he sat down, he didn't quit

cussing. And he just went on and on and finally it got repulsive

and I turned and looked at the guy and his wife was shaking her

head. She was embarrassed by his conversation and he... just

filth, just filth. And finally she said, "Why don't you shut

up? If you can't talk without cussing, why don't you shut up?"

He did it so often, that's his heart was full of... Amen...

That he didn't even realize it was coming out of him. That's

exactly the way most Christians are. They are so full of

unbelief, they're so full of doubt, they're so full of

failure, they're so full of defeat, they're so full of

sickness, they're so full of lack, they just talk it all the

time and if you try to correct them, "Well, what'd I say?"

Hello? CONGREGATION: Hello. JERRY: How many of you want

God's best? CONGREGATION: Amen. JERRY: And folks, it begins with

your mouth. Glory to God. Now I've heard people say when I

start preaching about the mouth and words again, "Oh, we've got

to go back to watching what we say?" I always say, "Why'd you

ever stop?" CONGREGATION: Amen. JERRY: Why did you ever stop

watching what you say? You're going to use this revelation for

the rest of your life, if you want God's best. Come on, give

Him a shout, whether you want to hear Him or not.

ANNOUNCER: Your faith is the title deed to God's

promise for the things that you are believing

to receive from Him. In the inspiring book, Life

of Faith, Jerry Savelle shares from the Word, how it's

impossible to please God without faith. Learn how to release your

faith and see beyond your present circumstances, because

living by faith is not a suggestion, it is a Biblical

command. If you can conceive it, you can receive it. In this

powerful, three CD teaching by Jerry Savelle, you will learn

how victory and success start on the inside. The Holy Spirit is

the artist, God's Word is the oil and your heart is the

canvas. Don't wait any longer. Call or go online to and request this life changing package,

including the book, Life of Faith, and the three CD

teaching, If You Can Conceive It, You Can Receive It! Discover

how to live by faith, to overcome the world by faith and

to be the winner that God has called you to be, today.

JERRY: I want to thank you once again for watching our broadcast

today and I really pray that it's been a great inspiration to

your life. You know, I count it a great joy to come to you each

and every week, sharing the lessons that I've learned

myself, that I've applied for over 49 years now. And praise

God, they're still working in my life. God is no respecter of

persons, if you become the doer of the Word, like I did 49 years

ago, then praise God, you're going to get the same results. I

want to remind you once again of our special offer. This book,

The Life of Faith, I wrote this a couple of years ago, and I'm

telling you, we get great testimonies from it. And then

right along with it, If You Can Conceive It, You can Receive

It!. I've said it before and I'll say it again, it all begins

on the inside. You see the Holy Spirit is designed to take God's

Word and paint an image of it on the inside of your heart, the

canvas of your heart. And once you see it on the inside, no

devil can take it away from you so, our special resource package

this week, The Life of Faith book, and If You Can Conceive

It, You Can Receive It! Now, once again, I've been doing this

for the last few weeks. Two thousand prayer requests that I

have in my hand right here. Two thousand prayer requests that

people have written in, wanted us to pray, join them in their

faith and as I looked at some of them, again this morning, and

I've already prayed over them, and I see that the number one

request is for financial break throughs. Number two, is

healing, and number three, is relationships, restoration in

relationships. And I believe that God is in the restoration

business. He wants to restore families, He wants to restore

marriages, He wants to restore finances, He wants to restore

everything Satan has stolen from you. So if you fit in that

category and you're believing God today, I want to join my

faith with you right now. And I say, in the name of Jesus, God

will restore. Say that with me, "My God will restore." I'm

believing God with you. And I'm expecting break throughs, I'm

expecting turn arounds, I'm expecting you to have a great

testimony and when it happens, notice I didn't say, "If it

happens," when it happens, I want you to take the time to

share your testimony because as I read these testimonies, it

inspires other people and many are believing for the same

things you're believing for, and when they hear that God is doing

it for somebody else, it inspires their faith to keep

believing God. Here's one from Joanne, she said, "I listen to

the message you preached on the God of Suddenlies before going

into a job interview for a new job. Within three days, I was

hired on the spot. I am sowing my first full check as a first

fruit offering and I'm believing God, according to Mark, chapter

10 verse 30, that I will receive a hundred fold on what I've

sown." My goodness Joan, that is an amazing thing that you have

done. Sowed your first whole check into this ministry. And

you're right, Mark, chapter 10 verse 30, Jesus said, "Whenever

you give for the gospel sake, or His sake, you can expect a

hundred fold return." I join with you for that hundred fold

return in Jesus' name. And Joanne, when it happens, please

let me know, okay? Thank you for joining me

again today. We'll see you next week and until

then, remember your faith will overcome the world.

For more infomation >> Making the Prophetic Word Your World, Part 3 - Duration: 28:35.


「LIVE」Puyo Puyo Chronicle (#15): When is 24248 - Duration: 1:44:36.

For more infomation >> 「LIVE」Puyo Puyo Chronicle (#15): When is 24248 - Duration: 1:44:36.


Crafts From Africa Are Just A Click Away - Duration: 4:47.

For more infomation >> Crafts From Africa Are Just A Click Away - Duration: 4:47.


NASA's OSIRIS-REx Approaches Asteroid Bennu - Duration: 5:20.

What do you think would be the craziest shape you could imagine

the asteroid being?

[logo music]

Hello space fans, I'm Katrina Jackson with the Office of

Communications at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. Two years

ago, in September 2016, OSIRIS-REx launched...

[rocket engine burn] >>ANNOUNCER'S VOICE:

And liftoff of OSIRIS-REx! [cheering] Oh my gosh! Woo!

...NASA's first mission to go collect a sample from an

asteroid and return it to Earth. Now it's August of 2018, and

OSIRIS-REx is finally approaching its target, asteroid

Bennu. So I found a couple people who can explain what the

spacecraft is doing during this approach phase and why it's so

exciting to get to this point in the mission. [music starts]

What is the approach phase of the OSIRIS-REx mission? The

approach phase is when we reach about two million kilometers

from the asteroid Bennu. You know we've been approaching

Bennu ever since we launched, but once we reach this period

where we're about two million kilomters away, that's when our

cameras can start to pick up Bennu and see it as a single

pixel in the image. So what will you be doing throughout this

approach phase? Sure, so I'm part of the flight dynamics

team, and that basically means that I work with a team of

highly skilled engineers, from Kinetix Aerospace and Goddard

Space Flight Center, and we're responsible for navigating the

spacecraft. During the approach phase, so we'll take those

images, we'll process them, we'll figure out very precisely

where Bennu is in the image, and we'll take that data and feed it

into our software, along with some tracking data from the DSN,

range and doppler measurements, and we'll figure out our best

estimate of where the spacecraft is relative to the asteroid and

also where the asteroid is relative to the rest of the

solar system. And during this phase, will you be looking out

for any sort of hazards around the asteroid, like little moons

or dust? Yeah absolutely. We have specific science

observation campaigns where they'll be looking for small

satellite possibilities or activity on the asteroid. We

don't expect any of that but we'll have to look out for it

just in case. So Lori, I know your background is planetary

science. As a planetary scientist, how excited are you

about the OSIRIS-REx mission and about bringing a sample of an

asteroid back for the first time for NASA? This is incredibly

exciting. The asteroids are the building blocks of the solar

system, that's what built and made up our planets. They

possibly carry the building blocks, the molecules that could

lead to life. But even more than that, most of our missions we

send a satellite to go orbit a planet or maybe a lander to go

land on the surface. But they stay there and do their science

at that location. OSIRIS-REx is going to grab a sample and bring

it back to Earth. And that is really special and unique. We

can not only analyze that sample today, but then we can save that

sample and as our knowledge grows in the future and as our

laboratory capabilities grow in the future, we can go back and

reanalyze that sample. It will be there for us to keep learning

from. So OSIRIS-REx launched two years ago in 2016. It's finally

starting the approach phase. How excited are you to get to this

point in the mission? Oh very exciting. Like you said it's,

we've been preparing for years for this even before launch. And

kind of planning and testing and working out what we're going to

do when we get to the asteroid, and kind of making assumptions

of what the asteroid will look like and how it will be. And we

have some pretty good ground-based estimates, but you

know we won't know until we actually get there. And this is

the first time we get to see it and it's sort of starting the

proximity operations phase where we'll be working in the vicinity

of the asteroid for two years or more. What do you think would be

the craziest shape you could imagine the asteroid being? So

right now it's fairly a benign shape, it's kind of bulged in

the center. But if you look at pictures of 67P

Churyumov-Gerasimenko, the comet, where it's kind of a

rubber duck, I don't think it's going to be that extreme, but

you never know. I think probably the worst case it will be really

maybe kind of stretched out more than we think more top shaped

than spherical. Why would that be worst case? So, worst case

for us, 'cause obviously eventually we have to go down to

the surface and touch it. So if it's irregularly shaped, or if

it's kind of rotating or spinning a complex way, that we,

it's hard to characterize. You know, a nice spherical shape

would be nice for designing trajectories down to the

surface. And if it's more irregular that would be a little

more challenging. Yeah, it would be nice if the asteroid is

simple and makes it easy for you guys. Yes, it would, but we

can't, you know as they say, you can't put requirements on the

asteroid. So we'll have to kind of adapt our mission to whatever

it gives us, and I think we're ready. As Kenny said, the

OSIRIS-REx team is definitely ready to start this exciting

next phase of the mission. OSIRIS-REx will arrive at Bennu

in December of this year, 2018, and then it will spend the next

year and a half studying the asteroid. In July of 2020,

OSIRIS-REx will collect a sample from the surface of Bennu, and

then it will deliver that sample to Earth in 2023. So stay tuned

over the next several months and years to learn about the

spacecraft's progress in helping us unveil the mysteries of our

solar system's formation.

[music fades out]

[OSIRIS- REx logo]

[satellite swooshes by, beep beep, beep beep, beep beep]

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

For more infomation >> NASA's OSIRIS-REx Approaches Asteroid Bennu - Duration: 5:20.


一次齊射240枚火箭彈,這才是真正的死亡鋼鐵雨 - Duration: 8:27.

For more infomation >> 一次齊射240枚火箭彈,這才是真正的死亡鋼鐵雨 - Duration: 8:27.


Azra ve Selim Dev Sürpriz Kutuda Sürpriz Yumurta Bulma Challenge Toybox LOL Harika Kanatlar dondurma - Duration: 15:45.

For more infomation >> Azra ve Selim Dev Sürpriz Kutuda Sürpriz Yumurta Bulma Challenge Toybox LOL Harika Kanatlar dondurma - Duration: 15:45.


存了3個月的撲滿😊買禮物送給土耳其的小表哥❤️ Save Big Money (Türkçe Altyazı) - Duration: 6:17.

For more infomation >> 存了3個月的撲滿😊買禮物送給土耳其的小表哥❤️ Save Big Money (Türkçe Altyazı) - Duration: 6:17.


熬過8月26,27,28號,開始不差錢的生肖,第一次中獎就是頭獎 - Duration: 11:00.

For more infomation >> 熬過8月26,27,28號,開始不差錢的生肖,第一次中獎就是頭獎 - Duration: 11:00.


於正透透"延禧攻略2"將拍,還帶來一個好消息和一個壞消息! - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> 於正透透"延禧攻略2"將拍,還帶來一個好消息和一個壞消息! - Duration: 3:53.


How to determine if a molecule is POLAR or NOT | SUPER EASY way | Must Watch – Dr K - Duration: 3:18.

In this video, we're gonna go through how to determine if a molecule is polar or not.

The way it works in figuring out if an overall molecule is polar or not

starts with the Lewis structure. Then, based on the Lewis structure we figure

out the geometry using VSEPR theory. Within a molecule, we'll need to then

investigate all the bonds that exists. We determine the type of bonds whether they

are polar or nonpolar covalent bond and then putting together the bond

polarities and the geometry and a little bit of vector knowledge we can then

determine if the molecule is polar as a whole or not. Sounds like a lot of

work, doesn't it? What if I tell you there's an easier way to find out the

molecular polarity? You'll be interested to know? Well, here it is. Basically we

deem the molecule as polar if there are different terminal atoms or there's lone

pair surrounding the central atom. Notice, if either one of the statement is true

then the molecule is polar. It doesn't have to fulfill both statements.

Then, what if both statements are not true? Well, in that case then the molecule is

classified as nonpolar. Sounds easy, right? Let's try out with

some examples. CF4, our first example. Before we start, let's just make sure

that we know which is the terminal atom and which is the central atom. So in this

example, carbon is the central atom since it is at the center of the molecule and

fluorine, F is the terminal atom because it surrounds the carbon. Terminal because

it is at the end and lone pairs are a set of electrons like this. So are there

different terminal atoms in CF4? Nope. All of our terminal atoms are fluorine,

therefore there are the same. Alright what about the next statement? The lone

pair surrounding central atom. Well, do you see any lone pair surrounding carbon?

Nope. Since both statements are not true then

CF4 is a nonpolar molecule. Let's look at our second example, HCN.

So, are there different terminal atoms in

this molecule? Yep. We have hydrogen and nitrogen. These two are two different

terminal atoms and since this statement is true therefore HCl is a polar molecule.

Moving on to our final example, NF3. As usual, our first question,

are there different terminal atoms in this molecule?

Nope. They are all fluorine. What about lone pairs surrounding the central atom?

The central atom in this case is nitrogen. Yep, there's actually one lone

pair on nitrogen. Since this statement is true therefore

NF3 is a polar molecule. That's all I have for this video. I hope the three

examples helped to explain how to easily decide if a molecule is polar or not.

Want to try out on your own? Here are a few questions. I'll place the answers in

the description box. I hope you find the video helpful. Do subscribe.

Thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> How to determine if a molecule is POLAR or NOT | SUPER EASY way | Must Watch – Dr K - Duration: 3:18.



The Mi A2 is all about delivering a user experience that's devoid of clutter.

Android One drives Google's vision for Android and makes it more accessible across various

price points Neither device is particularly striking on

the design front — but the Mi A2 has a slight edge in this area as its back is subtly curved,

facilitating better in-hand feel.

That said, the camera sensor on the Mi A2 protrudes quite a bit from the body, making

the phone wobble when using it on a flat surface.

On the subject of camera, the dual 12MP + 20MP configuration at the

back is one of the best in this category.

The Mi A2 consistently takes great photos in daylight and low-light scenarios, and the

front camera is leagues ahead of what the Honor Play has to offer.

The Mi A2 is aimed at those looking for an uncluttered software experience — as the

device is in the Android One initiative, the interface is in line with Google's vision

for Android.

The device runs Android 8.1 Oreo out of the box, and Xiaomi has committed to delivering

the Android Pie update in the coming months.

Xiaomi hasn't made any significant changes to its design in the last two years, The device

still feels like an improved version of of the Redmi note 5 pro as

it has the same antenna lines at the top and bottom, and a similar matte finish While the

Mi A2 may not look very different from its predecessor,

it has rounded corners and subtle curves at the back that make it easier to hold.

Xiaomi has also retained the IR blaster, but the 3.5mm jack is no longer present.Xiaomi

provides a USB-C to 3.5mm dongle in the box that

lets you hook up your headphone jack to the device.

Also included in the box is a silicone case that offers basic protection.

Coming to the display, the 5.99-inch FHD+ (2160x1080) panel on the Mi A2 is similar

to what we've seen on the Redmi Note 5 Pro, but it's missing the display tweaks on offer

with MIUI.

There's also an ambient display mode that wakes the screen whenever you receive a notification,

and is very convenient The Mi A2 is the first phone in India with

Gorilla Glass 5 protection with better design aesthetic.

The Mi A2 has a single speaker located at the bottom, and it is loud.

The Snapdragon 660 makes it one of the fastest phones in this category, and you get 4GB of

RAM and 64GB of storage as standard in India (the 6GB version is coming soon).

While it isn't as big an issue in India, the lack of NFC will undoubtedly hurt Mi A2 sales

in Western markets as it makes the device incompatible with Google Pay.

While 64GB of storage is more than enough for most, there will always be a subset of

users that will refuse to buy a device that doesn't have a MicroSD slot.

And that's fine.

Xiaomi has more than enough devices in the budget segment, and the Redmi Note 5 Pro is

a better bet for those that want the added features.

Of course, your use case may vary significantly from mine, but I've had no issues with the

fact that the Mi A2 doesn't have a MicroSD slot.

Unlike most Xiaomi phones, the Mi A2 comes with Quick Charge 3.0 out of the box, and

the Indian unit supports Quick Charge 4.0 exclusively.

However, you'll have to pick up a third-party wall unit to access Quick Charge 4.0 speeds,

as the wall charger bundled in the box is the standard 5V/2A unit that Xiaomi includes

with its budget phones.

The Mi A2 comes with two new imaging sensors at the back — a 12MP f/1.75 aperture and

with a SONY IMX486 sensor joined by a 20MP f/1.75 aperture and with a SONY IMX376sensor

. The secondary lens is interesting

as it is designed to kick in during low-light shooting scenarios.

The camera interface has toggles for the flash, HDR, and live filters;

and you'll be able to switch between shooting modes with a swipe left or right gesture.

another unique feature on Mi A2 is a manual mode that lets you select between the regular

12MP sensor or the 20MP low-light shooter., according to environment lighting.

For example, switching to the 20MP sensor when shooting in low-light situations takes

advantage of the large 2.0µm pixels for brighter photos.

The Mi A2 has a 20MP front camera f/2.2 aperture ,, SONY IMX376 SENSOR with Xiaomi's AI features

On the bottom of the Mi A2, you'll find the USB-C connector, as well

as a speaker on one side and a microphone on the other.

The top of the phone is where you'll find the IR blaster as well as another microphone.

On the left side, is the dual SIM card slot, while the right side is where you'll find

the power button and volume rocker.

Even with the missing headphone jack, the Mi A2 remains as thick as the Mi A1 at 7.3mm.

You get a Night Light feature in the display settings of the Mi A2 that can be set at a

particular time of the day.

It turns your screen amber and is said to make it easier to look at the screen or read

in dim light.

You do get dual-SIM support, however, when using two SIM cards, one will support 4G while

the other will not, which is a bummer as you end up toggling between which SIM should

you use for data.

When it comes to battery, the Mi A2 is backed by a 3010mAh battery.

In our experience, the battery of the smartphone lasted easily about a day with moderate usage.

At this price, Xiaomi offers a well-performing mid-range processor, solid camera performance

and stock Android experience -- which is hard to find in competition at this price.

when it comes to video recording mi a1 comes with EIS In addition, the selfie camera is

another bombshell.

It sports a 20MP with soft selfie light and auto HDR.

It comes with AI portrait mode which gives AI bokeh enhancements.

Just like the rear camera, you also get a 4-in-1 Super Pixel feature

on the front snapper for perfect selfies in a low light environment.

The Chinese smartphone maker has chosen the Qualcomm Snapdragon 660 processor to power

the Mi A2.

It has eight Kryo 260 CPU cores and an Adreno 512 GPU

selfies are detailed and we got sharp results when shooting indoors HDR is available for

the selfie camera and kicks in automatically when required

mia2 front camer supports 1080 p at 30 fps video recording whereas rear camera can support

up to 4k video at 30 fps recording You also get the option to shoot in 1080p at 60fps

rather than 30fps with the rear camera, Video stabilisation is available for the rear

camera, and helps you capture steady footage.



美戰艦轟炸機抵達中東,開戰對象並非伊朗,這國向全世界求救 - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> 美戰艦轟炸機抵達中東,開戰對象並非伊朗,這國向全世界求救 - Duration: 3:18.


180820《中国新说唱》外国选手谈吴亦凡对中国嘻哈的付出:他只想让中国flow走向世界 - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> 180820《中国新说唱》外国选手谈吴亦凡对中国嘻哈的付出:他只想让中国flow走向世界 - Duration: 0:58.


《中國新說唱》說唱界的OG大佬,這一次格外低調 - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> 《中國新說唱》說唱界的OG大佬,這一次格外低調 - Duration: 3:48.


繼《這!就是街舞》和《中國新說唱》之後,《這就是灌籃》也來了 - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> 繼《這!就是街舞》和《中國新說唱》之後,《這就是灌籃》也來了 - Duration: 2:31.


尴尬!中餐厅遭遇老外退菜,苏有朋赵薇忙救场,白举纲念念有词 - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> 尴尬!中餐厅遭遇老外退菜,苏有朋赵薇忙救场,白举纲念念有词 - Duration: 2:48.


Dessert Vegan : le flan à la vanille ! (CHALLENGE) - Vlog 67 - Duration: 4:29.

Hello guys, this is serious stuff.

I have been challenged by a fellow youtuber,

to cook and this is going to be...


Yes, this is true.

A few weeks ago, I was challenged by a fellow video creator.

Roll the tape!

Here are the names of the next challengers.

This cooking task might seem like an easy-peasy task for you.


I do not cook at all, like NEVER... EVER.

And now I've got to make this vegan dessert,

which means that I cannot use ingredients,

coming from animals such as...


normal milk or even eggs.

So let's try something simple for you, not for me.


ICeline, as you said before: challenge delivered

And on that note I'll see you...


And of course,...


For more infomation >> Dessert Vegan : le flan à la vanille ! (CHALLENGE) - Vlog 67 - Duration: 4:29.


CBB's Rodrigo Alves shares video of Natalie Nunn using N-word after he was given warning in house - Duration: 7:59.

CBB's Rodrigo Alves shares video of Natalie Nunn using N-word after he was given warning in house

He was given a warning and sparked more than 1000 Ofcom complaints after he used the N-word in the house.

And Rodrigo Alves shared a video of his former housemate, Natalie Nunn, using the controversial term after his explosive exit from the Celebrity Big Brother house on Saturday.

The Human Ken Doll, 35, took to his Instagram after leaving the show on Friday night to document his night out with the Bad Girls Club star, who was evicted on the same evening, 33, in London.

Rodrigo revealed they were having a few drinks, painting the town red and then going to dinner at Mayfair's Novikov restaurant.

Yet as the duo shared a luxurious-looking car ride together, which was recorded on his Instagram stories, Natalie sang along to Drake's Mob Ties and said the lyrics: 'Ayy sick of these n*****.

The video comes after Rodrigo was given a formal warning over using the word twice.

The plastic surgery fan dropped the N-bombshell during a conversation about his love life, he stated: 'I prefer n***** boys.

Rodrigo was slapped with a warning that his language will not be tolerated and he will be dismissed if he uses the word again.

The plastic surgery fanatic cut a bold figure for the outing in a black floral tuxedo, which he accessorised with a crisp white shirt and black bow tie.

Meanwhile, Natalie wore a figure-hugging black dress with a leopard print shirt draped over the top.

She accessorised the look with silver sparkly ankle boots and a pair of oversized brown sunglasses.

The Human Ken Doll explosively left the Celebrity Big Brother house on Friday night, with the star exclusively revealing to MailOnline that he removed himself as he 'could not take anymore' of the dirty, claustrophobic space.

Despite his insistence, Channel 5 bosses insist that the plastic surgery fanatic was removed from the show, stating: 'After a further incident, Rodrigo has been removed from the Big Brother house and will not be returning.

The bosses' account of the events, just hours after his departure, he told MailOnline: 'I demanded to leave.

I was going to scale the wall if I wasn't allowed to leave. .

'I didn't like it.

My co-stars were boring, dirty and I had nothing in common with them.

I was claustrophobic.

I had to get up early and stay up late.

I didn't understand why people were in there.

Hardeep was snoring like a hog.'.

He continued: 'I was worried about how I was being edited.

I felt it didn't feel like a TV show.

I'm used to being a showman.

I was worried about my well-being because I was tired and out of the loop.

'I kept going into the pink vanity room to feel more physiologically ready.

When I found out Sally Morgan voted for me, I felt betrayed.

Chloe never washed up'.

Rodrigo's stint in the house has been marred with controversy after he was given a formal warning by bosses for using the N-word twice while drunk.

Regulatory body Ofcom received more than 1000 complaints following the scandalous slur, which he made during a conversation about his love life, stating: 'I prefer n***** boys', leading to backlash from fans.

The episode saw Rodrigo being spoken to by Big Brother the following day, as they gave him a formal and final warning.

Rodrigo admitted: 'I do understand.

Last night I was very excited to be here, and I had quite a lot to drink, and I was intoxicated.

I was drunk.

In fact I was very drunk, and today I'm very hungover, I've been drinking a lot of water.

'I obviously regret that, the fact that I used the N-word.

That was not necessary at all.

It was just excitement, I'd had quite a lot to drink.'.

He confirmed he was scared of how he was coming across in public, particularly after the scandal which he confessed he 'couldn't get past'.

Rodrigo's claims that he left come as he voiced his concerns for what the show was doing for his mental health - insisting he was struggling deeply.

He took to Instagram to share the MailOnline article alongside the caption: 'It was a great experience while in the CBB house thank you all for the love and support.

'After Natalie left I started to think how I was getting seen by the public after making a language mistake while DRUNK.

  I am deeply sorry to have let the viewers down and my Fans now I just need to have some ice cream and rest'.

For more infomation >> CBB's Rodrigo Alves shares video of Natalie Nunn using N-word after he was given warning in house - Duration: 7:59.


For more infomation >> CBB's Rodrigo Alves shares video of Natalie Nunn using N-word after he was given warning in house - Duration: 7:59.


Ivan Rakitic y el Barça zanjarán en breve los rumores sobre el PSG - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> Ivan Rakitic y el Barça zanjarán en breve los rumores sobre el PSG - Duration: 4:01.


For more infomation >> Ivan Rakitic y el Barça zanjarán en breve los rumores sobre el PSG - Duration: 4:01.


N'oubliez pas les paroles : Petit malaise sur le plateau après un malentendu entre Nagui - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> N'oubliez pas les paroles : Petit malaise sur le plateau après un malentendu entre Nagui - Duration: 2:25.


For more infomation >> N'oubliez pas les paroles : Petit malaise sur le plateau après un malentendu entre Nagui - Duration: 2:25.



The Mi A2 is all about delivering a user experience that's devoid of clutter.

Android One drives Google's vision for Android and makes it more accessible across various

price points Neither device is particularly striking on

the design front — but the Mi A2 has a slight edge in this area as its back is subtly curved,

facilitating better in-hand feel.

That said, the camera sensor on the Mi A2 protrudes quite a bit from the body, making

the phone wobble when using it on a flat surface.

On the subject of camera, the dual 12MP + 20MP configuration at the

back is one of the best in this category.

The Mi A2 consistently takes great photos in daylight and low-light scenarios, and the

front camera is leagues ahead of what the Honor Play has to offer.

The Mi A2 is aimed at those looking for an uncluttered software experience — as the

device is in the Android One initiative, the interface is in line with Google's vision

for Android.

The device runs Android 8.1 Oreo out of the box, and Xiaomi has committed to delivering

the Android Pie update in the coming months.

Xiaomi hasn't made any significant changes to its design in the last two years, The device

still feels like an improved version of of the Redmi note 5 pro as

it has the same antenna lines at the top and bottom, and a similar matte finish While the

Mi A2 may not look very different from its predecessor,

it has rounded corners and subtle curves at the back that make it easier to hold.

Xiaomi has also retained the IR blaster, but the 3.5mm jack is no longer present.Xiaomi

provides a USB-C to 3.5mm dongle in the box that

lets you hook up your headphone jack to the device.

Also included in the box is a silicone case that offers basic protection.

Coming to the display, the 5.99-inch FHD+ (2160x1080) panel on the Mi A2 is similar

to what we've seen on the Redmi Note 5 Pro, but it's missing the display tweaks on offer

with MIUI.

There's also an ambient display mode that wakes the screen whenever you receive a notification,

and is very convenient The Mi A2 is the first phone in India with

Gorilla Glass 5 protection with better design aesthetic.

The Mi A2 has a single speaker located at the bottom, and it is loud.

The Snapdragon 660 makes it one of the fastest phones in this category, and you get 4GB of

RAM and 64GB of storage as standard in India (the 6GB version is coming soon).

While it isn't as big an issue in India, the lack of NFC will undoubtedly hurt Mi A2 sales

in Western markets as it makes the device incompatible with Google Pay.

While 64GB of storage is more than enough for most, there will always be a subset of

users that will refuse to buy a device that doesn't have a MicroSD slot.

And that's fine.

Xiaomi has more than enough devices in the budget segment, and the Redmi Note 5 Pro is

a better bet for those that want the added features.

Of course, your use case may vary significantly from mine, but I've had no issues with the

fact that the Mi A2 doesn't have a MicroSD slot.

Unlike most Xiaomi phones, the Mi A2 comes with Quick Charge 3.0 out of the box, and

the Indian unit supports Quick Charge 4.0 exclusively.

However, you'll have to pick up a third-party wall unit to access Quick Charge 4.0 speeds,

as the wall charger bundled in the box is the standard 5V/2A unit that Xiaomi includes

with its budget phones.

The Mi A2 comes with two new imaging sensors at the back — a 12MP f/1.75 aperture and

with a SONY IMX486 sensor joined by a 20MP f/1.75 aperture and with a SONY IMX376sensor

. The secondary lens is interesting

as it is designed to kick in during low-light shooting scenarios.

The camera interface has toggles for the flash, HDR, and live filters;

and you'll be able to switch between shooting modes with a swipe left or right gesture.

another unique feature on Mi A2 is a manual mode that lets you select between the regular

12MP sensor or the 20MP low-light shooter., according to environment lighting.

For example, switching to the 20MP sensor when shooting in low-light situations takes

advantage of the large 2.0µm pixels for brighter photos.

The Mi A2 has a 20MP front camera f/2.2 aperture ,, SONY IMX376 SENSOR with Xiaomi's AI features

On the bottom of the Mi A2, you'll find the USB-C connector, as well

as a speaker on one side and a microphone on the other.

The top of the phone is where you'll find the IR blaster as well as another microphone.

On the left side, is the dual SIM card slot, while the right side is where you'll find

the power button and volume rocker.

Even with the missing headphone jack, the Mi A2 remains as thick as the Mi A1 at 7.3mm.

You get a Night Light feature in the display settings of the Mi A2 that can be set at a

particular time of the day.

It turns your screen amber and is said to make it easier to look at the screen or read

in dim light.

You do get dual-SIM support, however, when using two SIM cards, one will support 4G while

the other will not, which is a bummer as you end up toggling between which SIM should

you use for data.

When it comes to battery, the Mi A2 is backed by a 3010mAh battery.

In our experience, the battery of the smartphone lasted easily about a day with moderate usage.

At this price, Xiaomi offers a well-performing mid-range processor, solid camera performance

and stock Android experience -- which is hard to find in competition at this price.

when it comes to video recording mi a1 comes with EIS In addition, the selfie camera is

another bombshell.

It sports a 20MP with soft selfie light and auto HDR.

It comes with AI portrait mode which gives AI bokeh enhancements.

Just like the rear camera, you also get a 4-in-1 Super Pixel feature

on the front snapper for perfect selfies in a low light environment.

The Chinese smartphone maker has chosen the Qualcomm Snapdragon 660 processor to power

the Mi A2.

It has eight Kryo 260 CPU cores and an Adreno 512 GPU

selfies are detailed and we got sharp results when shooting indoors HDR is available for

the selfie camera and kicks in automatically when required

mia2 front camer supports 1080 p at 30 fps video recording whereas rear camera can support

up to 4k video at 30 fps recording You also get the option to shoot in 1080p at 60fps

rather than 30fps with the rear camera, Video stabilisation is available for the rear

camera, and helps you capture steady footage.





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For more infomation >> Albeli gaay Part 2 - Albeli gaay ko di dhamki - Duration: 9:30.


College Notes: Week 1 Impressions- Fall Semester - Duration: 9:19.

Hello friends, welcome to my channel this is kind of an intro video to

the new school semester. I

am a part-time student at University of Oklahoma, OU and

I have three classes this semester and I am only on campus two days a week

And so I'm really just there for the classes. So even though it's a school that has tons of

Activities and events going on

My other option was to, you know

Go to school online to finish my degree but I really love being in the classroom and I had the opportunity

to go there and so I am and

I transferred in last year as a junior and so I'm starting this year as a senior

So I am finally almost done with my bachelor's. It feels like it's been taking forever. But that's okay as long as I get done

I'm a non-traditional student. I'm 35 and at OU almost all the students are

traditional college age

so like, 15 years younger than me, which is kind of weird, but it's not bad and

If anything I'm really impressed by a lot of the students

how smart they are and driven and some of them like have already accomplished so much and

It's always hard not to compare yourself at least a little bit

I've gotten better at it as I've gotten older, but when you see these, you know 19, 20 year old

Young people just doing these amazing things and the one girl in my one class is like double majoring and double minoring and started

Her own something online. I'm like, oh my goodness, but it's good to be around people like that, you know, and so I don't

Look down on them at all because they're younger. If anything, I'm intimidated by them sometimes but it's good or I feel like kind of dorky

But it's all good. So anyway, so two days a week

I go there. I'm taking three classes. When I originally started going back to school

I was planning to do psychology actually got an associate's degree in counseling and Human Services


With transferring, if any of you have transferred

Colleges before, you know, it can be a pain and you often end up losing

Some of your credits- some of your classes they don't all transfer over. At this point

I'm like I need to get, I just need to get done with my bachelors

So anyway, the psychology degree was gonna take longer. so they have something called a planned program

where you get to pick and choose your classes more and so more of my,

By doing this more of the classes I had already taken at other schools transferred over

And it's a planned program in social sciences and organizational studies. So mine's really ending up being mostly psychology and sociology

I had one communications class last semester and I have an English class this semester, but it's still mostly psychology and sociology

so the first class I have this semester is social psychology which

I'm looking forward to but it's kind of like an easier class for me a lot of the concepts

I'm at this point already familiar with so it'll be a good refresher on a lot of things and of course like

You know anytime there's been a class that

Even if I do feel like I know most of the stuff already, you can always get something out of it

And so it seems like it'll be a fun class too and professors fun

If you're not aware, there's a website called ratemyprofessor

wait, is it ratemyprofessor or rateyourprofessor? I'll put it below but

Anyway, it's a really good resource for when you're looking at classes because professors can vary so much

And just how they teach, their personality

All those things so it's a really good resource

Students go on there and write reviews of professors and you can get a feel for if you think it might be

a professor that you would like or not, so

Anyway, that's a good thing if you're a student if you're a college student

so social psychology should be like not too challenging but interesting and then I have a

Upper division, which is a junior- senior level class general education- well all mine are junior- senior level at this point

But anyway, it's a women and gender studies

class called social justice and social change

Thankfully I think was my advisor had told me about how quickly this class fills up

It's only offered once a semester and tons of people want to take it

So as soon as registration opened last semester I got on and registered for it and thankfully got in there's a huge waitlist

So anyway, I'm really excited about that. The professor is really passionate

It just seems like it'll be, It'll be a really fun class, but challenging

hopefully I'll learn a lot and find- what I really would like to do is find some ways to

Learn better how to actually make

change like

You know a lot of the social justice issues at this point. I am aware of

Of course, I will learn more but it's really like, okay. So what can I do now?

It's so easy to feel helpless and there's lots of things that you can do, but what's really effective? you know

What's really actually gonna make a difference?

and it's hard to know that so I'm hoping that this class will give me more of an idea and

I'm interested to hear from the younger students in the class and

you know their

Perspectives on things and because the other thing is that they're not just younger than me

But I'm not from Oklahoma and almost everyone at the school is. I'm from the Northeast. So it's a very different cultural perspective as well

So that should be good. And then my third class is the English class called

Magazine writing, editing, and publishing and this class was not on my radar at all, but I got an email

some time before the semester started

that they were still looking for people to take it and it was a day at a time slot that

Was convenient for me and so I'm like, yes

writing is for sure one of the things that I

Want to do in some context

I've always wanted to write books. I love writing essays, I used to write poetry and I love magazines. I've always loved magazines

I've got quite a collection and

So, I'm really excited about that not just the writing part, but editing too. Part of it is actually a

An internship. the school has a literary magazine that they produce

That's really well known so two hours a week for seven weeks

I'll get to do an internship with them and learn about how a magazine works how it gets put together and

Maybe get some practice with and experience with editing. I

Love proofreading. I love grammar and, like in high school when we would do those sentence diagrams

I love them and

I love grammar, and I know a lot of people don't but... and in an English class years ago

We had to do peer editing- we would edit each other's

other's papers and I realized that was I think maybe the first time that I edited someone else's work and I was like I

Love this I really enjoyed it. Anyway, so I'm looking forward to that and

Learning more about again how a magazine works getting some experience

Internships are always great ever if you're in school and you have an opportunity to do an internship

do one. when I was working on my

associates in counseling in

Tampa it included three internships, or practicums as they called them and they were really helpful. Sometimes if nothing else it helps you

Learn what you don't want

Because sometimes you might think you really like a certain job

or that you might be good at something and then you try it and you're like

Okay. No, this is not gonna work and it's better to find that out before you graduate college

I mean you can still adjust things afterwards, but you know

You don't want to put in all these years of work

Towards something and then find out that it's not a good fit for you. Unfortunately that does happen

But if you can get the experience ahead of time and find out okay, this isn't for me

Let me kind of you know, adjust my path a little bit. It's really helpful. So

This I will hopefully be turning into a weekly vlog

Where I'll update you on things that I'm learning and interesting things that happen in class

Again, it's not really about like college life experience. It's really just about the classes

So if you're interested in these subjects and psychology or social justice

magazine writing and editing

Then come back and check it out each week. subscribe

so you'll know when I post. Like the video, comment if you have any questions about any of those subjects or like ,oh

Are you gonna be learning about this or that?

Let me know and I'll try like, then it's something that I can talk about if that's what you want to hear about in those

subjects or about my experience

being an older student in college and

what that's like cuz it's definitely been a

difficult journey

But I'll get there eventually

And that's the important part. So I will hopefully see you again soon. Thanks for watching

For more infomation >> College Notes: Week 1 Impressions- Fall Semester - Duration: 9:19.


If You Do not Believe In Miracles Then You Need To Watch This Video !!! - Duration: 11:32.

For more infomation >> If You Do not Believe In Miracles Then You Need To Watch This Video !!! - Duration: 11:32.


Dessert Vegan : le flan à la vanille ! (CHALLENGE) - Vlog 67 - Duration: 4:29.

Hello guys, this is serious stuff.

I have been challenged by a fellow youtuber,

to cook and this is going to be...


Yes, this is true.

A few weeks ago, I was challenged by a fellow video creator.

Roll the tape!

Here are the names of the next challengers.

This cooking task might seem like an easy-peasy task for you.


I do not cook at all, like NEVER... EVER.

And now I've got to make this vegan dessert,

which means that I cannot use ingredients,

coming from animals such as...


normal milk or even eggs.

So let's try something simple for you, not for me.


ICeline, as you said before: challenge delivered

And on that note I'll see you...


And of course,...


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