people doing stupid thing
For more infomation >> TRY NOT TO LAUGH Challenge Funny Videos 2019 || people doing stupid thing p196 - Duration: 3:23.-------------------------------------------
Patchwork Staccato [BNHA] Rough animatic - Duration: 2:01.
Our time together, so covered in patchworks
Shall we soon put an end to it?
Cutting this thread to shreds,
It'll scatter about in multiple colors, right?
You see, those words from back then,
That useless time we piled up together
and just by tearing this thread to shreds,
It's uneven, it's laughable, right?
Tick tack, tick tack
Let's draw a circle,
Ding dong, ding dong
and play
Tick tack, tick tack
Conecting and releasing
Ding dong, ding dong
I'll we see you later
The frayed thread whispers
You, I'd really rather you just stop existing
If it continues unchanged like this
It probably surely, surely won't end up that way
It'll just get a little trivial
Hey, can I, can I throw it all away?
If it continues unnoticed like that
maybe I'll keep on liking you,
I wonder if it'll hurt, just a little...
That is why...
That is why, I'd really rather you just stop existing
It's continuing unchanged like this, after all,
so it probably surely, surely, won't be that way
Even though it'll be a little lonely
Hey, can I, can I, can I throw it all away?
You haven't noticed? If you still haven't realized,
… then right, ok, then from the beginning...
"the one I loved was myself alone"
Tick tack, tick tack
Howard Schultz Can't Read the Room in Campaign Ad - Duration: 2:30.
-And now, a message from
Independent candidate for president, Howard Schultz.
-Hello. I'm former Starbucks C.E.O. Howard Schultz,
and I'm running for president of the United States.
Over the past few months,
I've traveled all across this great nation,
speaking to everyday Americans,
and hearing what they had to say.
Mostly, they say things like,
"Please, for the love of God, don't run for president.
Why on Earth would you do this?"
But just like a true Starbucks barista,
I didn't hear the words properly.
To me, it sounded like, "That's a great idea.
You should really run for president."
It is a great idea. It says so on this cup.
[ Laughter ]
Now, I know what you're thinking.
A billionaire businessman with zero political experience
becoming president? What could possibly go wrong?
But let me assure you, I will work for the middle class,
I will improve education, and most importantly,
I will pay off our national debt using the $12 trillion
I have collected selling Norah Jones CDs.
And to those who think that, as an independent,
third-party candidate,
I could help Donald Trump win re-election,
and that I'm blatantly ignoring the fact
that people want me to stay out of this race,
I say this --
I know how to read a room, okay?
I know what people want. Trust me.
Let me tell you about my five-point plan.
As president, I promise to record a longer version
of the Baby Shark song.
It should be longer.
I also want to extend the Twitter character limit
to 1,200 words.
People need more words to tweet.
[ Laughter ]
I promise to close all Sears stores,
and replace them with Radio Shacks.
[ Laughter ]
I will make those little Xs in the corner of YouTube ads
even harder to find.
And when you do finally click on one,
it'll just open up three more ads.
And finally, the Unicorn Frappuccino
all year long.
Yeah, baby.
It's time for a change, America.
Our two-party system has grown old and stale --
like those sausage, egg, and cheese sandwiches
we leave behind the counter for weeks at a time
just collecting dust.
And look, if you're still unsure about supporting me,
I simply say, "You owe me, America."
It's the least you can do
since I let you use my bathrooms for free.
So, in 2020, remember to vote for me,
former Starbucks C.E.O. Howard Schultz.
And together, we can make America grande again.
I asked for almond milk!
So Close! SpaceX Just Misses Rocket Fairing Catch at Sea with Mr Steven - Duration: 6:20.
There's a weird pleasure in watching someone or something get close — achingly close,
to hitting a target which it then narrowly misses at the last second.
We've seen SpaceX's net-equipped boat, Mr. Steven, come close to catching payload fairings,
the protective nose cones, fall out of the sky, both during operational missions and
during tests.
This time SpaceX is getting excruciatingly close to catching the part of its rocket that
falls out of the sky after each launch.
A new video, released by the company on Twitter, shows a recent drop test of the rocket's
nose cone, the bulbous shell, that shields the vehicle's satellite and then breaks
away during flight.
In the footage, the nose cone nearly lands on SpaceX's recovery boat, but ultimately,
it falls into the water.
In this video, Engineering Today will discuss about SpaceX this experimental attempt to
catch the rocket payload fairings.
Why Elon Musk eagerly trying to catch it?
So let's get started.
Such tests are part of SpaceX effort to develop rapidly reusable spaceflight systems, a breakthrough
that company founder and CEO Elon Musk has said, it could slash the cost of space exploration.
SpaceX already routinely lands and re-flies first stages of its workhorse two-stage Falcon
9 rocket.
Rocket, or "payload" fairings are basically high tech rocket helmets, a protective layer
that's supposed to prevent a rocket's payload from burning up, as it passes through
the atmosphere.
Catching payload fairings could lead to further cost savings, Musk has said.
The billionaire entrepreneur previously said he hoped to reuse Falcon 9 upper stages as
well, but he has backed off this ambition for now.
While the video is painful to watch, it suggests that SpaceX may soon be able to perform a
successful nose cone recovery after an upcoming mission.
And that could provide some savings for SpaceX.
This hardware, payload fairing, costs about $6 million to make for each flight, according
to the company.
SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has been eager to save these expensive pieces in order to use them
again — just like the company does with its Falcon 9 rockets.
"Imagine you had $6 million in cash in a palette flying through the air, and it's
going to smash into the ocean," Musk has said.
"Would you try to recover that?
Yes you would."
Falcon 9 fairings come back to Earth in two pieces during operational launches.
Each half features small steering thrusters and a parafoil.
SpaceX wants Mr. Steven to snag falling fairing halves, before they hit the sea water, which
is extremely corrosive.
But successful catches may not be necessary for fairing reuse; shortly after a December
SpaceX launch, Musk said the company might dry out the dunked fairing halves, and use
them again anyway.
For the last year, the company has been trying to perfect a whacky routine for catching these
fairings, that involves a mix of parachutes and boats.
After SpaceX Falcon 9 rockets reach space, the fairings break in half and fall to Earth.
Each half is equipped with thrusters and a guidance system that help control the descent
to the surface.
They also deploy specialized parachutes to slow their fall.
Then, once they get close to the ocean, a boat sporting a giant net arrives to catch
one half of the fairing.
Presumably, another boat will be needed in the future to retrieve both pieces.
SpaceX has tried this technique after three flights, and none have been successful.
The company even increased the size of the net on Mr. Steven, but still no luck.
To hone the process, SpaceX has been doing drop tests with Mr. Steven, releasing a fairing
from a helicopter and then attempting to catch it with the boat.
Another video released by SpaceX on January 7th shows the fairing missing the net by just
a few feet.
In the most recent video, released yesterday, part of the fairing actually touches the net,
but it's ultimately not enough to stay on the boat.
SpaceX also said the footage was of "one of Mr. Steven's final West Coast fairing
recovery tests" before it is shipped out to the East Coast.
Mr. Steven, which has been based on the West Coast, will soon make the journey to the East
Coast where it will attempt to catch the falling fairings of SpaceX Florida-based missions.
In the months ahead, perhaps we'll see a successful recovery in the Atlantic.
SpaceX has a couple of Falcon 9 launches scheduled from Florida's Space Coast next month — the
planned Feb. 18 liftoff of a moon lander for the Israel-based organization SpaceIL, and
the PSN 6 communications satellite; and Demo-1, the first orbital test flight of SpaceX Crew
Dragon capsule.
Crew Dragon will carry NASA astronauts to and from the International Space Station.
Demo-1, which will launch no earlier than late February, is an uncrewed mission to the
orbiting lab.
If everything goes well, the capsule will tote its first passengers to the International
Space Station in June.
剛剛,中國大行動美國經濟和美元霸權將遭遇史上最最慘的局面 - Duration: 11:49.
四年共募集百億資金 在4月10號到11號兩天時間裡
美國:畫面太美我不敢看 伴隨著中國主題債券在國際市場中的走俏
增加了价值7万亿美元的财富!" 1月31日
退休金账户余额涨穿了天花板……我们已经很久没看到这样的场景了!" 特朗普总统在2018的第一个月
标普 500 和纳斯达克指数断崖式下跌
金融业等蓝筹股为主的道琼斯工业指数下跌超过 1100 点
创 2011 年 8 月以来最大单日跌幅
美股在黑色星期一共蒸发约 1.
25 万亿美元市值!而 2008 年金融危机期间
美国共损失 10.
2 万亿美元财富。
此次暴跌已经相当于当时总损失的 1/10。
美国股市为何突然疯了? 美股的这次暴跌
没有任何的缓冲! 这是什么原因导致的?要知道
从而吹响了撤退的集结号? 正如特朗普所说
美国经济将成为未来一个巨大变数 本周一本应是美国总统特朗普在俄亥俄州宣传税改的一天。
果真如此吗? 美股泡沫严重。
暴风雨的前奏? 虽然美国在把自己封闭起来
HPD misconduct report reveals multiple officers found driving under the influence of alcohol - Duration: 1:26.
Star Martial God Technique Chapter 215 [English] + SUB INDO - Duration: 5:41.
[明天更美麗] - 第38集 / A Beautiful Future - Duration: 48:01.
A Better Tomorrow
Episode 38
How can you open the door like this?
Let me do it
Dad, Mom
Dad, Mom
Why didn't you tell me you were coming?
We didn't want to tell you on purpose
This way you wouldn't have to go shopping for us
Your mom knows you're both busy
She doesn't want to bother you
It's no bother at all
Go sit down
I'll get some tea for you
Don't bother
We'll help ourselves
I bought some fruit and vegetables
We don't want you rushing around
We don't want you rushing around
as soon as we come
Thank you
Leave the stuff here for now
Let's go sit in the living room and rest
I saw you carrying a lot of books
Looks like you have heavy workload
at graduate school
You have to take care of the family
and your studies at the same time
Can you handle both?
Right now,
I'm in the middle of writing my thesis
It takes a lot of effort to do it
But I'm making good progress
It'll be done soon
You're so busy
and still have to take care of Minjun
Will you be too tired?
Mom, don't worry about me
Minjun has you to care for him
I'm so happy I don't have to worry about him
But you're so busy
I feel bad for you
Mom, don't worry
I'll take good care of myself
how can the caregiver get sick
before the care receiver?
Dad, Mom
You're here
You're back. Minjun
I have something to discuss with you
I see
What is it?
It's like this
The hospital's Taichung branch just opened
The superintendent asked to see me
to talk about it
He'd like for me to go over there to help
Why is it so sudden?
Newly opened hospitals usually face
issues of staff shortage
Just likeHualien Tzu Chi Hospital back then
They encountered many obstacles
You've been with Tzu Chi Hospital for so long
The superintendent wants you to go there
It's a recognition of your ability and performance
during your service at Hualien Hospital
But, there are many issues to consider about this
But, there are many issues to consider about this
I feel that as a Tzu Chi member,
we go where needed,voluntarily
we go where needed, voluntarily
Since the Taichung Hospital needs you,
what is there to think about?
Are you done showering?
Drink some wolfberry tea before you go to bed
You even made this?
I cooked a big pot of it in the kitchen
for Minjun and Xiugui to drink
You always worry about Minjun's and Xiugui's
well-being in Hualien
and wonder if they get enough rest
During this trip,
I'm sure you'll try your best to fatten them up
I'm sure you'll try your best to fatten them up
I rarely come here
Don't overwork yourself
Go to bed early
I'm getting some tea for Minjun and Xiugui first
Go to bed first if you're tired
Don't wait for me
It tastes good
It seems to me that
you don't really want to go to Taichung Hospital
The superintendent wants me to help out
It's an honor to me
But, I still feel that it's too sudden
But, I still feel that it's too sudden
What's your hesitation?
Your graduate school thesis isn't done yet, right?
Your graduate school thesis isn't done yet, right?
I'm wrapping it up
Am I the reason for your hesitation?
Then what?
Minjun, Xiugui
It's me, Mom
Open the door
Mom, what is it?
Ibrought two cups of wolfberry tea for you
Ibrought two cups of wolfberry tea for you
I overheard you talking about
going to theTaichung Tzu Chi Hospital
I'd like to chat with you for a few minutes
If there's any concern, you can tell me
If there's any concern, you can tell me
I sincerely think that it's a good thing
for you to work at Taichung hospital
Working for Tzu Chi,
means you help out at the moment
when Tzu Chi needs your help the most
I understand
I realize that this concerns your future too
I realize that this concerns your future too
No matter how earnestly I'd like for you
No matter how earnestly I'd like for you
to do more to help Tzu Chi,
I still respect your decision
Mom, don't worry
Whether it's staying in Hualien
or going to Taichung,
we'll make a decision after we thoroughly
think it through
Then I'm going to bed now
You go to sleep too
Good night, Mom
Mom, thanks for the wolfberry tea
If you want more, it's in the rice cooker
If you want more, it's in the rice cooker
You two go to bed soon
It seems that Mom is very concerned about this
I'm sure she'll respect our decision
The wolfberry tea has the taste of Mom's love
Yes, we're so blessed
It's delicious
What's taking you so long?
What happened?
You were just fine a while ago
Minjun said that
there's some problem about going to Taichung
It's just the same kind of clinical work for him
I just can't figure out what the problem is
I just can't figure out what the problem is
Even though we'd like for Minjun
to go to Taichung to help,
the children are adults now
They have their own ideas
You should let them make their own decisions
When I think that TaichungHospital will open soon
When I think that TaichungHospital will open soon
andneeds the most manpower in its early stage,
I really hope Minjun can understand
the superintendent's intention
and voluntarily step in
Here you go again
What again?
You don't trust your own son
You're right
Thinking back,
Minjun has never disappointed us
with his decisions
Exactly my point
He's truly our pride
That's the right way of thinking
What's the matter, little girl?
I heard from Auntie nurse that
you're moving to Taichung
You won't see me after this, right?
Little girl,
I haven't decided yet
Even if I'm not here to see patients,
Even if I'm not here to see patients,
there will be other doctors to take care of you
there will be other doctors to take care of you
Don't worry, OK?
I'll drink water like you told me to
and go to the restroom bravely from now on
Please don't move away
She's used to you
She heard that you'd move away,
so she's a little anxious
It's OK
Don't worry, little girl
I'll stay
But, you have to promise me
that you'll be good to go to the restroom
and drink lots of lots water, OK?
You're great
I went volunteering at Hualien Tzu Hospital today
I finally realized the problem Minjun talked about
I finally realized the problem Minjun talked about
Minjun worries about his patients here
Minjun worries about his patients here
You have no idea how many patients there
You have no idea how many patients there
don't want him to leave
That's right
You see
Ever since he was little,
Minjun has been a responsible child
It's only normal
that he feels obligated to his patients
That's why I'm worried now
Today in the hospital,
many people came to see me
and wanted me to persuade Minjun
not to leave Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital
I really can't tell him not to leave
No matter what,
for the sake of the big picture,
I'd still like to see him go help
at TaichungHospital
Don't worry so much
Worry won't solve any problem
Take it easy
Let him decide himself
Dr. Xu
I heard the superintendent
would like to transfer you to the Taichung branch
The news has spread quickly,
but I haven't made a decision yet
The Taichung branch is just starting now,
and experienced doctors are badly needed
Taichung has more people than Hualien
You can serve more patients there
I remember back then when you first came here,
wasn't it also because Hualien Hospital
was short on medical staff?
Now it's the same situation at the Taichung branch
I thought you'd want to be the first to go,
without a second thought
Actually, I'd also like to go
to the Taichung branch to help out
But if I go to Taichung,
how do I follow up my patients' cases?
how do I follow up my patients' cases?
So, that's what concerns you
Dr. Chen from the intestinal department
had the same issue before
when he was transferred to Dalin Hospital
During the transition period,
he'dtravel back to Hualien one day a week,
to see his patients and follow up with their cases
to see his patients and follow up with their cases
How come I didn't think of that?
Looks like I've been worried for nothing
Who would have thought
that the problem is solved just like that
You'll be running back and forth between Hualien
and Taichung. It'll be very tiring for you
That's not my concern
If I was concerned about being too tired,
I'd neverhave chosen to be a doctor
in the first place
I'd wonder if I had chosen the wrong career
It's too late to turn back now anyway
Today Dr. Xu shared with me his experience
about how to follow up on patient cases
about how to follow up on patient cases
This is what I think
If the superintendent agrees
that I come to Hualien one day a week
to see my patients,
then I'll agree to transfer to Taichung
If you go to Taichung,
not only will you need to see patients,
you also need to help
with the hospital operations,
to ensure that the hospital is on the right track
If you accept this position,
you'll take on a huge responsibility
you'll take on a huge responsibility
I hope you think it over clearly
I hope you think it over clearly
before you make a final decision
But, whatever your decision is,
I'll support you 100 percent
I'll support you 100 percent
Then, after you finish your thesis and graduate,
we'll go there
Actually, your concern is unnecessary
Because, wherever you go, I'll go with you
Because, wherever you go, I'll go with you
Do you really need me that much?
I really need you
You can't live without me
We need each other, OK?
do you need help?
Of course
Help me taste it
Taste to see if they're good
OK, no problem
Let me tell you,
do you know why your Lili sandwiches
are so popular?
It's because I try so hard to taste them
and give you valuable feedback
That's right
Your mouth has the most contribution
This tastes different
What have you added to it?
You're good
You can tell the difference
Let me tell you
This time I added some wasabi
I think it tastes better this way
What do you think?
It doesn't have that nasal kick at all
You're good
Very creative
This one will be in high demand for sure
That's good
With this cracker,
if we put some salad in between,
it will probably taste good too
Do you want to give it a try?
Use the cracker?
Yes, look
Put some salad on it
Try it
OK, let me try it
How is it?
It's really good
I've never thought it'd taste so good with cracker
I've never thought it'd taste so good with cracker
Not bad
Let me try one
How come you're so smart?
Not bad, right?
It's good. Make some more
The kids can eat them when they come home
Why do that?
Now just the two of us occupy the whole house
Now just the two of us occupy the whole house
Our kidsall have their own family and careers now
The house is left with just the two of us,
an old man and an old woman
You're an old man
I'm not an old woman
I'm Pretty Mama
Pretty Mama
By the way,
how come we haven't heard from Minjun lately?
Do you think he decided to stay in Hualien?
I'm not sure
I still think.
Let me tell you
We have our expectations,
but children have their own ideas
Don't worry so much
Dad, Mom, we're back
How come you came back just like that?
How come you're back?
Why did you bring so much luggage with you?
Where are you going?
Are you going abroad?
How come you never mentioned it to us?
This is our mid-way rest stop
Xiugui and I are leaving for Taichung
in a few days
Dad, Mom
Minjun has already decided to go
to support the Taichung branch hospital
Is that so?
It's wonderful
See, I told you that
your son definitely won't disappoint you
Now you see
I knew you'd be happy about the decision
So, I made a special trip to come tell you this
So, I made a special trip to come tell you this
That's good
The most important thing is
that you've thought it through
You've been driving for a long time
You must be hungry now
Good timing
I just made some sandwiches
Come eat
Hurry and go eat
Come eat
Try it
I just made them
They look so special
Come. try it
Then we'll help ourselves
Help yourselves
There has a special flavor to it
It does
Let me tell you
This is my creation
Lili's sandwiches
You won't get it anywhere else
Mom, it's delicious
I've never tasted this flavor before
You have to teach me how to make it
OK, of course
So delicious
You two ladies can work on this Lili sandwich
You two ladies can work on this Lili sandwich
You two ladies can work on this Lili sandwich
I'm going to take my car for maintenance
Minjun, would you like to come with me?
OK, you go with your dad
Leave this place to us
Xiugui, let me tell you
Try this
We just discovered that
using a cracker is very delicious too
Try it for me
Sir, this car of mine has travelled far enough
to circle all of Taiwan several times
So please take a look and
give it a detailed inspection
give it a detailed inspection
Of course. Don't worry
I'll take good care of it
You two please sit inside
OK, thanks
OK, thanks
So, you and Xiugui have thought it over clearly?
Weighing the options,
I think I'll be more useful
at the Taichung branch
In the future,
I'll spend one day a week
seeing patients at Hualien Hospital
I see
How about Xuigui's graduate study?
She's finished her thesis already
She's just waiting for the graduation ceremony
This is great
Xuigui can stay by your sideto take care of you
Xuigui can stay by your sideto take care of you
We don't have anything to worry about
Xuigui has been following me for so many years
Xuigui has been following me for so many years
It's tough on her
A man has to have support on his back
A man has to have support on his back
For me, that support comes from your mom
For me, that support comes from your mom
For you, it's Xiugui
For you, it's Xiugui
You have her on your back,
so you can move forward with no worries
You should be very grateful to her
Yes, I am
When you need car maintenance,
go to a good and experienced technician
When you're sick,
go to a doctor with good medical ethics
This time, when you go to Taichung,
you'll take on great responsibility
for the hospital and for the patients
It's important for a doctor
to have medical knowledge
It's even more important for a doctor
to have love and patience,
to have love and patience,
especially when treating the poor
The feeling of being poor because of illness,
even now,
I still have such strong sentiments about it
I remember when I was little,
our family wasn't well off,
but we could get by
That is, until your grandma got sick
Your grandpa spent all the money we had
on doctors and medicines for your grandma,
on doctors and medicines for your grandma,
butshe never got better
That was when I understood the meaning of
being poor because of illness
I can only imagine how hard your life was then
I can only imagine how hard your life was then
Hardship will pass,
but how it feels to be poor due to sickness,
is like an iron brand
It left a permanent mark on my heart
I'll never be able to rid it from my memory
If there was a better medical system at the time,
If there wasa better medical system at the time,
maybe your grandma wouldn't have.
wouldn't have passed away so soon
Minjun, you have to make yourself a good doctor
And being a good doctor means
having a good conscience and medical ethics
Dad, don't worry
I will
Good. Good boy
Taichung, here we come
Dr. Li Minjun is here to report
Thank you
Thank you
Let's go
Excuse me
May I ask,
where the human resource department is?
Just go straight this way, and you'll see it
Just go straight this way, and you'll see it
That way? Yes
OK, thanks
What? The employee housing isn't ready yet?
We've been busy with the opening of the hospital
The employee housing has been delayed a bit
What are we going to do?
We're here already
In a few days I'll start seeing patients
I'm so sorry
We're working overtime to finish it
Let's hurry up and find a place to stay
before it gets dark
Wouldn't it be nice if
Dad hadn't sold his house in Taichung?
We could have used it now
Now Taichung has changed so much
We haven't been here for a while
I don't even know where to start looking
Let's go to the bulletin board in the front
to see if there is any place for rent
Let's go
Young man
Are you the new doctor that just arrived?
Yes, I'm a pediatric doctor
This is my wife
How are you?
Are you in need of a place to stay
because the employee housing isn't done yet?
because the employee housing isn't done yet?
To tell the truth,
we're on our way now to look for a place to stay
If you two don't mind, we have an extra suite
If you two don't mind, we have an extra suite
You can stay there for the time being
For real?
That's wonderful
We're very lucky to have run into that nice couple
we'd still be wandering the streets
Xuigui, I'm so sorry
I didn't check thoroughly
This is only temporary
Once the staff housing is completed,
we can move in
Though this place isn't spacious,
it's close to the hospital
Location is very important
Will it be so convenient that
you'll go to the hospital all the time
and forget to come home?
It smells so good
This feels like our school days
when we'd stay up all night studying
Having bowl of instant noodles then was heaven
Eating instant noodles with my wife,
makes me feel so blessed and happy
Dr. Li Minjun
When have you become so sweet?
Xiugui, ever since you married me,
I haven't been able to give you an easy life
I haven't been able to give you an easy life
On the contrary, I've made you very busy and tired
Now you have to come to Taichung with me
Sometimes when I think of that,
I really feel that I owe you too much
I didn't marry you because
of the title of a doctor's wife or an easy life
of the title of a doctor's wife or an easy life
I just want you to be the center of my life
My job is to support you
After everything is settled,
I'll see if there's research work
in the microbiology field
That's good too
Be careful
The urine test result is out
This time,
it's negative for both blood and protein
in the urine
But, why does it still show blood reaction
in the school's urine report?
Sir, don't worry
The school uses test strips for the urine test
The school uses test strips for the urine test
The blood reaction in urine
can be attributed to the food and drink
your child consumed the day before
your child consumed the day before
Now you came back for retesting in our hospital
Now you came back for retesting in our hospital
Our hospital uses a microscope to inspect
Its result is more accurate
Then for his case,
is there anything else we should pay attention to?
We hope, as his parent,
try not to get him in a habit
of eating very salty food
This will lessen the burden on his kidneys
Also, you can continue to follow up on his case
Also, you can continue to follow up on his case
We hope that you can bring him back
for urine tests regularly
I'll ask the nurse to schedule your next visit
I'll ask the nurse to schedule your next visit
Thank you, Doctor
He should drink lots of water
and go to the restroom more often
Dr. Li, you need to speed up,
or you won't be able to finish all the patients
If it was your child who's sick today,
I think you'd be concerned and nervous as well
I think you'd be concerned and nervous as well
It's understandable
that the parents ask so many questions
If the patients have questions,
we should answer them in detail
They come to see us because they trust us
They come to see us because they trust us
We need to let them return home feeling at ease
As long as there are patients waiting to be seen,
we can just extend the office hours
We'll be done when we finish all the patients
Yes, Dr. Li
I do feel sorry for you, though
You have to work overtime because of me
and delay your dinner
It's OK
Dr. Li, it's more hard work for you
The hospital has just opened
Many doctors haven't come yet
There are so many patients every day
You see more patients than you did in Hualien
You see more patients than you did in Hualien
I worry that it'll be too much for you
I worry that it'll be too much for you
Send the next patient in
Li Xinying
Please. come in
Little girl, open your mouth and
let me check your throat
to see if there's an infection
Here, open up
Your throat shows some infection
It's a bit swollen
Drink more water when you get home
Wu Tingxuan
Come inside, please
Xu Wanying
This way, please
Let me hear you breathe
OK, exhale slowly
One more time
Thank you, Doctor
You're welcome
Thank you
OK. Thank you
We're finally done
Thank you
Hurry and go eat
Pediatric Kidney Department
Dr. Li
The OBGYN department just called
A newborn there has a kidney problem
They want you to go over there
for a joint consultation for the newborn
Tell them I'll be there right away
Dr. Li is coming
OK, I know
Dr. Li, I'm on my way
I'm pediatric doctor, Li Minjun
How is my baby now?
Your baby is 48 hours old
Your baby is 48 hours old
His diaper is still dry
This is abnormal
I did an ultrasound on his abdomen
I did an ultrasound on his abdomen
I found some water in his kidneys
Yes, during my pregnancy check-ups,
they found water in thebaby's kidneys
Is that why he can't pee?
Is it serious?
Don't worry too much
This is a common problem for newborns
It goes away as they grow
You just need to watch his urinating condition
You just need to watch his urinating condition
and do follow-up visits
I think he'll be alright
Doctor, hearing you say this,
I feel much better now
As long as the baby can pee later,
he'll be alright
No need to worry
OK, thanks
Get some rest
Dr. Li
Keep an eye on the kid in bed 516
If his temperature goes over 39 Celsius,
remind me to change the medication for him
And bed 526
Watch his urination
Doctor, sorry to bother you
Come take a look at my grandson
He's screaming because his stomach hurts
Grandma, don't worry
I'll go with you
What other symptoms does he have
besides stomach pain?
He feels dizzy too
And headache?
Come. I'll go with you
No problem; I'll call again later
Hello, Minjun
Minjun hasn't come home yet?
He's still busy at the hospital
The last few times I called,
he hadn't come home yet
The hospital just opened
They're so busy
Xiugui, thanks for your understanding
Only you can deal with this
Really, it's hard for you
Mom, don't say that
Oh, Mom
I've received all the frozen food you sent us
I've received all the frozen food you sent us
and the Chinese herbal medicines
I'll prepare them for Minjun
They aren't just for him, they're for you as well
They aren't just for him, they're for you as well
It's not convenient to cook
in your temporary place
I made you some soups and nutrition supplements
I made you some soups and nutrition supplements
You can freeze them now
Whenever you want to eat them,
just heat them up
This is more convenient for you
Thanks, Mom
Xiugui, Minjun is often away from home
Make sure you eat your meals
and take good care of yourself
I will, Mom
I'll take good care of myself
Don't worry
Later, when Minjun comes home,
I'll tell him that you called
Although we tried to lower his temperature,
his condition hasn't improved
his condition hasn't improved
If the condition
of his vesico-ureteral reflux persists
and the medication isn't working,
then we'll need to do surgery
Dr. Li
The ER sent over a young patient
He's in critical condition
They need your help immediately
Is he conscious?
Hurry up; take me there quickly
How old is this child?
Ever since we came to Taichung,
Minjun hasn't had a good night's sleep
Every day he comes home at midnight
and sleeps for just a few hours
He doesn't'even have time toeat
"To Dr. Li Minjun"
Dr. Li
Does the kid in bed 516 still have a fever?
Does the kid in bed 516 still have a fever?
I just took his temperature
It's 36.5 Celsius
Dr. Li, it's long past office hours
You should go home now
Not yet
A young patient from a car accident
was just sent to the ER
He's not in stable condition
after the blood transfusion
I'd better stand by
But, you look a little pale
It's OK
I just need some rest
Dr. Li
If you need my help, just let me know
If you need my help, just let me know
Ma'am. Doctor
Is he getting better now?
Yes, he's better now
He's better
Does he still have a fever?
Yes, he's much better
Great, get some sleep
Thank you, Doctor
How is her condition?
She's alright
The infection in her throat?
It's already gone
It's gone?
Good. Thanks
"To Dr. Li Minjun"
When did Xiugui come here?
"Don't forget to take it! Xiugui"
Have I eaten something wrong?
Minjun, are you still at the hospital?
Xiugui, go to bed early today
Don't wait up for me
I'm going to be on duty tonight at the hospital
The week isn't over yet, and
you've stayed at the hospital
for three days already
Doctors aren't iron men
There are more critical patients today
There are more critical patients today
Then did you eat the food?
Xiugui, when did you come here?
Why didn't you tell me?
When I brought the food to you,
there was a situation in the ER
I saw you were busy, so I didn't tell you
I saw you were busy, so I didn't tell you
Have you finished the food?
Did you eat while it was hot?
I did
I finished it all
The rice was very chewy today
It was delicious
You didn't eat it at all
I prepared dumplings for you today
You have to help with this and that all day long
It's one thing that you don't rest,
how can you not eat anything at all?
Your body won't be able to handle it
Xuigui, sorry
I didn't intend to skip meals
Ididn't mean to lie to you, either
It's just that I'm too tired
I don't have any appetite
You know the hospital just opened,
and we're still short on doctors
I need to deal with so many things
That's why.
I know you're busy
But, didn't you promise me that
you'd take good care of yourself?
If you don't eat,
how do you have energy to work?
Minjun, I'm really worried about you
I'm worried that your asthma will come back
I'm sorry
I shouldn't make you worry
But I promise you
From now on,
I'll eat every meal on time
I'll eat all the dumplings now
Don't be mad anymore, OK?
The dumplings are cold now
Remember to heat them up first
You have to finish them, OK?
OK, I will
Then get some rest now
Pengpeng is great
You're getting better now
You're awake?
Where is this place?
You had an asthma attack
Didn't you promise me
you'd take good care of yourself?
If you're like this,
how can I not be worried about you?
I'm alright now
Maybe I'm just too tired
Lay down
You're already a patient
You still don't take the much-needed rest
There is something
I'm not sure if I should tell you
What is it?
What is it? Hurry and tell me
My stomach hasn't been feeling well recently
I feel nauseous often and keep throwing up
I feel nauseous often and keep throwing up
Did you have some bad food?
When I rushed over here,
I was still vomiting
The nurse took me to the OB department
for a check-up
What did the doctor say?
I'm pregnant
What did you say?
You're pregnant?
Is it true?
I'm going to be a dad
Lay down
You have on IV on you
This news is the best medicine
I'm not sick anymore
No, I'm all cured
You. really
I'm going to be a dad now
You're pregnant and I'm a doctor
How can I let you help me?
I should be the one helping you
You're a doctor
Have you ever seen a pregnant woman that
needs to be helped in the early stage?
I'm afraid you may fall
Then do you want to take time off to be with me,
Then do you want to take time off to be with me,
to go grocery shopping with me
and help me cook?
Before you worry about other people,
you'd better take care of yourself first
Look at you; you look so pale
You have no energy at all
Lay down and rest
More rest?
I already had a big bottle of IV
I already had a big bottle of IV
And I've slept for so long
I don't need any more rest
Didn't you say the pregnant woman is the boss?
Let me tell you, emotional instability
is very bad for pregnant women
You just stay healthy so I can be at ease
This is the best way
to be considerate of me, OK?
Hurry and lay down to rest
잘못된 만남 - Duration: 9:02.
What time is it?
It's 12:00 am.
It's 12 o'clock.
It was a day I learned too much about Wonmo.
I don't think he's a good guy to be know much about.
But I found out too much.
I wanna learn how to make good choices in life.
Life is the continuity of choices.
Something between B and D.
That's 'Choice'.
Life is the series of choices.
What kinda choice did I make today?
Please look at here.
The door is open.
Do you want me to get out?
I missed the flight in this morning.
I booked again immediately, and I'm leaving.
But seems like I'm gunna miss it again.
20 minutes left until departure.
Hope I will make it.
17~18 minutes left before departure.
The flight is delayed about 20 minutes.
I was lucky to catch this flight.
So lucky.
The scene you just saw from the sky,
that was in the middle of Seoul and Busan.
But I did not shoot above Busan.
It's because Gimhae Airport is a military airport, so I'm not supposed to shoot.
I'm from Masan, and I don't really travel Busan.
It's right near us, so it feels like just a similar town.
But still, whenever I have to recommend travel spots in Korea, I make two candidates.
Jeju and Busan.
Those two are always competing each other.
I still can't pick only one.
But Busan is really awesome.
It's impressive.
Do you accept card?
Things have changed.
Now drivers notice I'm a Youtuber.
Busan University, please.
The trunk is open.
Thank you.
Why isn't he coming?
Newtro Boy!
Mickey Seo!
Newtro Boy, my friend Wonmo, is running his restaurant near Busan University on his own,
which I'll be dealing with specifically in the next episode tomorrow.
Let me just show you the restaurant for now.
*For a personal reason, we're taking a day off on 30th instead of 29th. Sorry*
It's because of me.
This is Boyhood.
Boyhood is the name, right?
It's Wonmo's restaurant.
I'm here to put my stuff for now, but I'll show you tomorrow.
It'll be fun.
Bro, please get out.
That's a cell-phone shop.
He put his ID picture on the sign,
and say "I'm betting my face to guarantee you can trust."
What a cultural shock.
Is that common?
Do you see that often?
No you don't see that.
But something different.
'A shop that sells lands to sell phones'
Do you mean they put the house document?
No they put shovel and cell-phone together.
So energetic.
You know Busan is a strong city.
I had a really great impression from the beginning.
I dropped my card accidentally,
and a guy was immediately like, 'Sir, you dropped this guy'.
That was close.
We gotta be careful today.
Let's be careful.
Better than I expected.
It's really good.
Busan win.
Jeju lost.
Wow it's so beautiful.
It's another level.
We were sitting for 2~3 hours feeling colder and colder.
And had really deep talks.
My first time having this kinda talk this year.
I love this kinda talk.
I'm mostly alone actually.
Other than my time with girlfriend, I'm isolated.
You have no friends there right?
There're many times I don't speak any words in a day.
It's another culture shock.
When they're doing business, they're serious.
They would show the face.
That's how confident they are.
It's all your fault.
You're not upset right?
Not upset right?
It's all because of you.
It's all your fault.
You don't need place to stay tonight?
Like, taking the wrong subway,
which I can understand, but.
I mean, all of us make mistakes.
And the weird...
Let's just sum up today.
Please say some nice things.
Nice thing?
Some helpful stuff.
What a pressure.
Wonmo runs a buffet called Boyhood.
What? Buffet?
Wonmo runs a Chinese restaurant called...
Wonmo runs a restaurant called Boyhood.
How old are you?
I'm born in 93.
That means 27.
How a 27-year-old guy is running a successful restaurant,
and how he goes to work and manage the employees.
How the restaurants are so successful.
Can I call my staffs real quick?
Watch your expressions, okay?
I'll be back tomorrow.
Mickey is a really good kid.
It's 12 only.
It's my holiday.
It doesn't make sense .
But for him.
Ah, it doesn't make sense to sleep at this time?
Yeah sure.
I go to work at 11.
So, you'd better go to bed!
Meet The Original 'Melonhead' And The Rams Fan Who Sold His Truck To Pay For Super Bowl Trip - Duration: 3:01.
Trump Backtracks, Says He And Intelligence Officials In Agreement - Duration: 2:58.
Far Cry New Dawn - Fight New Enemies, Travel To New Locations, and Pet New Animals - Duration: 4:59.
Peninsula Restaurant Bans Patrons Wearing MAGA Hats - Duration: 2:09.
Recuperando Lo Que Me Pertenece 👩🏻 👨🏻 👩🏻 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 21:52.
צביעה של דלת עץ בצבע שמן | תיקוני שפכטל על עץ | צביעה של עץ - Duration: 34:21.
S.W.A.T. - Hold Your Fire - Duration: 3:06.
国乒两大奥运冠军悲情出局!19岁小魔王率队拿下乒超常规赛冠军- 互动热点 - Duration: 3:11.
2018-2019赛季中国 乒超联赛女团第18轮也就 是常规赛的最后一轮比赛已 经全部结束了
国乒两大奥运冠军丁宁和刘诗 雯先后输掉了双打比赛悲情 出局
19岁小魔王王曼昱则率领山 东鲁能排名第一
朱雨玲领衔的齐鲁交通排名第 三
由于在第17轮 的比赛结束后
所以最后一轮很多球队都是力 拼拿下胜利为本赛季画上一 个完美的句号
刘诗雯搭档钱天一对阵孙颖莎 /王艺迪
首局刘诗雯/钱天一还打得很 主动
不过孙颖莎/王艺迪以11- 7
而丁宁所在的北 京首钢也遇到了已经晋级的 齐鲁交通
第一盘齐鲁交通就派出了主将 朱雨玲对阵李佳原
第二盘李佳燚以3-2战胜了 郭雨涵
第三盘丁宁搭档李佳原对阵顾 玉婷/李佳燚
首局丁宁/李佳原以11-7 拿下
不过在关键时刻丁宁/李佳原 出现了失误
顾玉婷/李佳燚以11-9再 胜一局。
最终齐鲁交通以3-0横扫北 京首钢。
对于刘诗雯和丁 宁来说
本赛季的最后一场比赛没能取 得胜利确实比较遗憾
但是也得承认两人目前的状态 确实比不上以前了
陈梦将会率领深圳大学对阵朱 雨玲领衔的齐鲁交通
王曼昱则要率领山东鲁能对战 八一南昌
两场比赛的胜者将进入总决赛 !
Melinda - Gara Gara Pulsa [Official Music Video] - Duration: 4:47.
Мультфильмы Про Машинки - Развивающий Мультик Про Роботов - Учим Цифры Для Детей - Duration: 5:43.
HOW TO DRAW SNOOPY and WOODSTOCK | The Peanuts Best Drawing for Kids | BLABLA ART - Duration: 2:48.
Don't miss any Blabla Art episode
Subscribe! (◕‿◕)
Disney Pixar Cars 3 Grand Prix 2019 1st : Race : 3rd preliminaries : TOMICA - Duration: 9:44.
This time is the third qualifying for Cars 3 Grand Prix 2019.
The points earned by racers until last time are as you can see.
I will make a lottery deciding the opponent immediately.
The result of this time is here.
Total points earned from qualification 1 to qualifier 3 are here.
Who is the racer to advance into the final game?
For more infomation >> Disney Pixar Cars 3 Grand Prix 2019 1st : Race : 3rd preliminaries : TOMICA - Duration: 9:44.-------------------------------------------
Mental golf: comment améliorer sa concentration pour tenir 18 trous. - Duration: 5:56.
For more infomation >> Mental golf: comment améliorer sa concentration pour tenir 18 trous. - Duration: 5:56.-------------------------------------------
연애의맛 구준엽♥오지혜 첫 스킨십 "母 소개해준 3번째 여자"[어제TV] - Duration: 5:16.
For more infomation >> 연애의맛 구준엽♥오지혜 첫 스킨십 "母 소개해준 3번째 여자"[어제TV] - Duration: 5:16.-------------------------------------------
Negativ - Sunt sofer si viata-mi place - Duration: 3:29.
For more infomation >> Negativ - Sunt sofer si viata-mi place - Duration: 3:29.-------------------------------------------
Patchwork Staccato [BNHA] Rough animatic - Duration: 2:01.
Our time together, so covered in patchworks
Shall we soon put an end to it?
Cutting this thread to shreds,
It'll scatter about in multiple colors, right?
You see, those words from back then,
That useless time we piled up together
and just by tearing this thread to shreds,
It's uneven, it's laughable, right?
Tick tack, tick tack
Let's draw a circle,
Ding dong, ding dong
and play
Tick tack, tick tack
Conecting and releasing
Ding dong, ding dong
I'll we see you later
The frayed thread whispers
You, I'd really rather you just stop existing
If it continues unchanged like this
It probably surely, surely won't end up that way
It'll just get a little trivial
Hey, can I, can I throw it all away?
If it continues unnoticed like that
maybe I'll keep on liking you,
I wonder if it'll hurt, just a little...
That is why...
That is why, I'd really rather you just stop existing
It's continuing unchanged like this, after all,
so it probably surely, surely, won't be that way
Even though it'll be a little lonely
Hey, can I, can I, can I throw it all away?
You haven't noticed? If you still haven't realized,
… then right, ok, then from the beginning...
"the one I loved was myself alone"
Tick tack, tick tack
Opening Harry Potter Bookmail & Reshelving! - Duration: 8:03.
Hey guys, it's Carly from All The Pretty Books, and I have some very exciting bookmail to
open. And then I have to reorganize my shelves!
This one got here today. I have no idea what it is. I . . . I don't know why I forgot,
but it's been such along week. Yay! It' Thai! It's really nice actually. It's got the Mary
GrandPre cover art. Now, I need a hardcover of this version!
And this, I think I know what it is. HA! I'm right! It's the signature edition Italian
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone! I love the signature edition books. In fact
I just my UK Signature set on Instagram and Twitter today. I've been SO excited about
these! Oh my word! I've been honestly trying to get them since September/August, something
like that. And I've tried several different links; they all failed. Ah! And they're here!
Oh! So, I'll show you guys. So, these are the Dutch hardcover 20th Anniversary editions.
They have the same cover art as the Pocket edition, and I'll go get that in a second.
Actually, you'll see it when I have to reorganize my shelves, because I'm going to do that in
a second.
And they're still just . . We'll unwrap it! Oh! The box is torn up! But, oh well. Honestly,
guys I ordered this several different times from several different places and it didn't
pan out. I got this from I ordered it probably 4 weeks ago, I watched my order
take a jaunt through the German countryside, which is lovely -- I love Germany. And then
it had a stroll through Great Britain, and NOW they're here! They're a little worse for
wear, but it's only the box. The books are wonderful. And they smell good. Look!
Here's the box art! There's the top! I love this cover art. When I first saw the Pocket
edition of the Dutch books, which has this cover, it's just softcover and much smaller,
I just really wanted it to be a hardcover. I wanted the hardcover of the books so badly
and they finally made it! And it's lovely! Look at the pastedowns! It's got a ribbon
bookmark. You can see it down here. Pottermore in the back of the book. From J.K. Rowling.
They're just wonderful! Oh my word!
Let's look at book 2. I love the snake scale. OO! Look at the pastedowns. Oh! And the ribbon!
It matches the pastedown. Let's look at more! These are like chocolate for the eyes, you
guys! That's exactly how I feel about these.
Now in English, this is one of my favorite books. I love the Tri-Wizard Tournament. I
love the Quidditch World Cup. And Order of the Phoenix. OOOO! It's a pretty green! I've
waited so long to get to own these!
I need to go to Ikea, and I need to get another bookshelf. The issue is, is that Ikea is about.
. . I'm in San Antonio. Ikea is in North Austin, and that's just a bit of a trek. And, the
shelves are about 8 feet tall, so I can only fit about 1 in my car at a time. And that's
just going to be a very slow process. Yes, we're getting an ikea in San Antonio in a
month or 2, but it's going to be a zoo, and I would just rather not have to deal with
a ZOO. So, I'm going to have to keep going up to North Austin to get my shelves, and
it's just going to be a slow process. So until then, they're just kind of patchworked together.
That why, like, some of these behind me doesn't match, because I've had to go . . . I expanded
a lot a faster than I thought I would, to be honest. Because when I first collecting
the translations, I had . . .it was just rare and signed Harry Potter books was mostly what
I collected and some screen-used movie props. I had about 25-ish items give or take. I exchanged
a few, sold a few, but I just kind of had a core collection of about 25 books. And then
I started to do the translations in 2015, and my collection has exploded to over 700
books now. And I had to add shelves very fast, faster than I can get up to North Austin.
I own my own business, so I don't have a lot of time off, and it's just been hard. So,
I just have to kind of make things work. And then buy shelves as I go. With all that said,
I have to re-shelve.
Reorganizing 700 books. AH! So everything's reshelved, re-organized for now. I've got
to do the tops, but that'll come later, because it's about time for bed. And I get to do this
ALL again in the next, probably, 10 days because I've got Icelandic coming in and I have Slovenian.
So, with that said, I'm going to say, if you have any questions about collecting Harry
Potter books, you're welcome to find me on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, you can send
me an email through my website, or you can leave a comment in the comments section below.
I'm also having a giveaway over on Instagram. My instagram has reached 5000 wonderful followers,
so I'm giving away a 1999 J.K. Rowling signed Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban title
page. If you want to enter, all you have to do is find the original post, follow the rules
and follow me.
And with that I'm going say Thanks for Watching and very Happy Collecting.
ASMR 咀嚼音🧀Cheesy Spicy Rice Cakes トッポギ 韓式辣炒年糕 떡볶이 먹방 *EATING SOUND* - Duration: 9:37.
Sesegel ft. İçses - Bekliyorum Pusuda - Duration: 3:05.
Comment gérer les critiques ? - Duration: 5:13.
Disney Pixar Cars 3 Grand Prix 2019 1st : Race : 3rd preliminaries : TOMICA - Duration: 9:44.
This time is the third qualifying for Cars 3 Grand Prix 2019.
The points earned by racers until last time are as you can see.
I will make a lottery deciding the opponent immediately.
The result of this time is here.
Total points earned from qualification 1 to qualifier 3 are here.
Who is the racer to advance into the final game?
YouTube Music arriva sugli speaker Sonos (ma dovete avete avere un account Premium) - Duration: 1:45.
J'AI TESTÉ POUR VOUS L'EMPLOI À TEMPS PARTAGÉ CHEZ HÉLYS #1 Jeviensbosserchezvous© - Duration: 3:37.
Negativ - Sunt sofer si viata-mi place - Duration: 3:29.
| Just Chillin | @KhoaiToo on twitter - Duration: 1:22:38.
🔴PUBG MOBILE LIVE SEASON 5🔴Gaming Army🔴 - Duration: 3:38.
Arsenal transfer news: Denis Suarez signing announced in 'next few hours' - Sky Sports man - Duration: 3:17.
Arsenal are not able to make any permanent signings in the current window. However, they can bring in players on loan and Barcelona midfielder Denis Suarez appears to be on his way
TRANSFER NEWS LIVE - UPDATES AND LATEST FROM YOUR CLUB ON DEADLINE DAYDEADLINE DAY - THE COMPLETED DEALS SO FAR ON DEADLINE DAY Barcelona accidentally leaked the deal on Wednesday evening before all the paperwork at Arsenal's end had been completed
But Hughes says there is no need for supporters to panic because an announcement is due soon from the north London club
He also claims Suarez could make his debut against former club Manchester City on Sunday
"I'm as sure as I can ever be that yes there will be an incoming here at the Emirates," Hughes said on Sky Sports News
"Denis Suarez has much been talked about, especially over the last 24 hours when it appeared to be confirmed at the Barcelona end yesterday evening
"But I think what's happening now is the paperwork is being completed on that deal
"I really expect that one to be confirmed officially via Arsenal I would say in the next few hours, lunchtime, early afternoon
"Don't worry about Manchester City at the weekend, that doesn't matter. "All that has to be done is the paperwork to be completed, the loan deal signed and sealed today and he will be eligible for the weekend
"Expect confirmation, I'd say, in two, three hours it will be all done." Hughes said moves for wingers Ivan Perisic and Yannick Carrasco are now unlikely
Arsenal youngster Emile Smith Rowe is set to complete a loan move to Bundesliga side RB Leipzig
However, Eddie Nketiah's loan to Augsburg appears to have fallen through.DENIS SUAREZ LATEST - SIGNING CONFIRMED JUST AFTER NOONArsenal confirmed the signing of Denis Suarez shortly after noon
The Gunners said the loan deal was "subject to the completion of regulatory processes"
Arsenal head coach Unai Emery, who worked with the player during his spell at Sevilla, said on the club website: "We are very happy that Denis Suarez is joining us
He is a player we know well and I have worked with him at Sevilla. "He brings us quality and options in many different attacking positions, so he'll be able to help the team