Thứ Tư, 30 tháng 1, 2019

Youtube daily report Jan 30 2019

- [Iris] You are a fantastic father.

- [Barry] Time travel is complicated.

- [Nora] I know, we've already done it!

You're my father.

I need to learn how to be like you.

- [Barry] What do you think it means to be like me?

- [Nora] You know...


How about...

- [Iris] This is all gonna go to your head, isn't it?

- [Barry] You know what?

It looks like it might.

- [Narrator] The Flash, Tuesdays at 8/7c on The CW.

For more infomation >> The Flash Season 5 "Family" Promo (HD) - Duration: 0:31.


Riverdale Season 3 "Wicked Town" Promo (HD) - Duration: 0:31.

- [Jughead] Everything seemed normal.

But in Riverdale, there's no such thing as normal.

- [Gladys] Great.

More teenagers.

- [Jughead] No rest for the wicked.

- [Betty] Not in a wicked town.

- [Narrator] Riverdale Wednesdays at 8/7c only on The CW.

For more infomation >> Riverdale Season 3 "Wicked Town" Promo (HD) - Duration: 0:31.


Tom Clancy's The Division 2: Private Beta Trailer | Ubisoft [NA] - Duration: 1:31.





Games play best on Xbox One.

For more infomation >> Tom Clancy's The Division 2: Private Beta Trailer | Ubisoft [NA] - Duration: 1:31.


Budzimy PELARGONIE po zimie | - Duration: 6:23.

For more infomation >> Budzimy PELARGONIE po zimie | - Duration: 6:23.


Riverdale 3x11 Sneak Peek #2 "The Red Dahlia" HD Season 3 Episode 11 Sneak Peek #2 - Duration: 1:26.

- [Hermione] To what do I owe the pleasure?

- [Jughead] I'll just get right to it madam mayor.

You shoot your husband?

- [Hermione] Excuse me?

I love my husband.

- [Jughead] Uh-huh.

But did you shoot him?

From what I hear, not all is well over at The Pembrooke.

- [Hermione] As records and witnesses will attest,

I was on the phone with Hiram when he was shot.

Picking up lunch at Pop's.

- [Jughead] What were you and Hiram arguing about when Veronica had her seizure?

- [Hermione] Well Mr. Jones, if you must know,

we were fighting because I caught Hiram having an affair.

I had been suspicious for awhile, so I had Sheriff Minetta follow him.

This was before he got butchered of course.

And he...

Gave me these.

Now I don't know who she is, but he was meeting her regularly at the Five Seasons.

- [Jughead] But Hiram having another woman is pretty good motive to shoot him.

- [Hermione] No, it isn't.

I simply asked him to end it, and he did.

Now I'm telling you this because I have nothing to hide.

Keep those, I mean who knows?

Maybe Hiram's mistress was angry when he called it quits.

You do know how volatile blondes could be.

For more infomation >> Riverdale 3x11 Sneak Peek #2 "The Red Dahlia" HD Season 3 Episode 11 Sneak Peek #2 - Duration: 1:26.


How to name a product, from the man behind Swiffer and BlackBerry - Duration: 3:55.

Procter & Gamble's Swiffer, Febreze, the new Sonos sound system.

I'm the founder and president of Lexicon Branding.

We want to create names that are noteworthy.

Something that makes people think there may be something different here, something better for me.

Lexicon has named almost 4,000 brands in 19 countries.

Like BlackBerry, Dibs, and all of these.

They charge somewhere between 40 and 250 thousand dollars.

And David says it's worth the price.

He's been naming things for over 30 years.

And it's not as simple as you might think.

There's a lot of work that goes into it, and it's as much a science as it is an art.

-One of the things that we've invested quite a lot of money in is this area of sound,

technically called sound symbolism in the world of linguistics.

Lexicon spent two million dollars and five years studying the sounds of letters and the associations we have with those sounds.

-We went to Poland, France, Japan.

And what we found was that some things are very universal.

For example, the sound of "V."

Whether you're born in Paris or you were born in the Bronx, "V" is about aliveness and vitality.

That's one of the reasons they named this car Venza.

-We also were able to identify names that communicated or supported more reliability than others.

So the sound of "B" and "T," highly reliable.

Hence, BlackBerry.

BlackBerry also stands out because it's not literal.

David says a bad name is one that's too descriptive.

-You know, there's always this temptation to use logic to explain something.

But what fires the imagination and the human mind is not logic.

A perfect example of this, David says, is Swiffer, one of Lexicon's biggest naming successes.

-One of the things that they had tried to trademark, and fortunately, I think, for them and for us, it wasn't available, was ProMop and EasyMop.

Their perspective was that they had improved the mop.

We were quick to point out to them that this doesn't really look like a mop.

David and his team surveyed 30 people about cleaning.

-No one liked to mop.

Our creative insight and strategy was, let's put some joy in the world of mopping and cleaning.

We have that action of sweeping.

We have the -er of the verbal ending, but there's no such thing as Swiffer.

At the same time, a competitive company came out with ReadyMop.

But it didn't do anything, it didn't get my attention, it wasn't noteworthy.

And today as we sit here in this interview, Swiffer is somewhere around a six billion dollar brand sold in 15 countries.

But David says naming things today is a lot harder than when he first started.

For one, there are just way fewer names to choose from.

In 2004, there were 1.2 million active trademarks in the US.

Now, there are two million.

There were almost 640,000 applications filed last year alone.

And because of the internet, any product that comes out now is essentially global.

That means you have to work harder to stand out.

And you have to be sure your name works in more than one language and culture.

-And so if your name in Portuguese or French means something negative or untoward, you're gonna hear about it.

So, it's worth getting it right.

-When you think about it, nothing will be used more often or for longer than a company or a product's brand name.

So what we do becomes vitally important. That makes it interesting to me.

For more infomation >> How to name a product, from the man behind Swiffer and BlackBerry - Duration: 3:55.


Only Girls Will Find It Funny - Duration: 14:54.

Only Girls Will Find It Funny

For more infomation >> Only Girls Will Find It Funny - Duration: 14:54.


Aprende a detectar el Alzheimer | Noticias 24/7 - Duration: 9:48.

For more infomation >> Aprende a detectar el Alzheimer | Noticias 24/7 - Duration: 9:48.


This Woman Hasn't Cut Her Hair in 28 Years - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> This Woman Hasn't Cut Her Hair in 28 Years - Duration: 1:19.


HOW2: How to be Funny! - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> HOW2: How to be Funny! - Duration: 3:00.


Apple is a big influence on the market and perceptions of where the market is going: Dow Jones... - Duration: 8:13.

For more infomation >> Apple is a big influence on the market and perceptions of where the market is going: Dow Jones... - Duration: 8:13.


Scott: US should declare Maduro regime a state sponsor of terrorism - Duration: 4:15.

For more infomation >> Scott: US should declare Maduro regime a state sponsor of terrorism - Duration: 4:15.


5 Things in China That Could Kill You | China Uncensored - Duration: 12:42.

From poisons

to road accidents,

a lot of things in China can be deadly.

Hi. Welcome to China Uncensored.

I'm your host, Chris Chappell.

Be sure to subscribe for the latest China news.

The world is full of delightful deadly dangers.

From natural disasters to disease,

from toxic waste to toxic food.

And China's certainly got its fair share of things that could kill you...


So today, I bring you five things to look out for in China

if you're not yet ready to meet Marx.

Karl, not Groucho.

Number 5

Tainted food.

Now, I love Chinese food.

Whether it's soup dumplings,

or red-cooked pork,

or hand-pulled noodles—

there's no cuisine that tantalizes the taste buds like Chinese food.

But when you eat Chinese food in China these days,

well, you may be putting yourself at risk.

I don't want to be alarmist here—

you're probably not going to die,

but you might wish you were dead.

For example, if you're visiting China,

you'll definitely want to try the street food.

Just think of it like playing Russian roulette

with your digestive system.

Vendors may not washing things,

or maybe they let meat sit around in the open for hours.

Sometimes street food can be great.

Other times, let's just say it can come back to bite you.

And consider that some of the delicious foods

that you may be eating might have been prepared

using recycled gutter oil.

"It's all in a day's work for this woman.

She opens up a manhole cover and scoops out

as much slop as she can."

According that Radio Free Asia report,

business is so good,

in just a few short years of scooping out gutter gunk,

that woman made enough money to build a house.

"Her slop eventually ends up at a processing plant like this one,

where it's combined with other animal fat refuse,

to create recycled cooking oil.

Workers put the oil in barrels for delivery

to restaurants and hotels."

Now that video is from 2013.

So have things changed since then?

Well, since at least 2010,

Chinese authorities have repeatedly cracked down

on the use of gutter oil,

but there's no sign that it's gone.

Especially since authorities have to keep ramping up the crackdown.

Now you might think going to a Western restaurant

like KFC or McDonald's would be safe—

since they have higher standards.

Well, not necessarily.

A video surfaced in Chinese media a few years back,

showing disgusting practices in a Shanghai food-processing factory

that supplies ingredients to a lot of international restaurant brands.

"It began with this grainy video shot by local TV,

showing workers allegedly processing expired meat.

Mixing raw and recycled meat,

and pulling raw meat directly off the floor with their bare hands."

The plant supplied meat in several Chinese cities

to McDonald's, Burger King, KFC, Pizza Hut, and Papa John's.

Which I didn't even know they had in China.

Food scandals in China are disturbingly common.

From 'seriously mouldy' meals on Chinese trains...

to kindergartens feeding kids 'rotten, worm-infested food'...

restaurants and institutions may not be

a safe haven of food safety in the least.

A quality control and compliance service provider called Qima

found that almost half of Chinese food-processing plants

fail to meet internationally acceptable standards.

The company conducted several thousand inspections,

audits and tests on food-processing plants in China

and found abnormal levels of pesticides, antibiotics,

heavy metals, bacteria, or viruses

that could put consumers at risk.

The Qima's vice president said,

"There are horror stories, obviously"...

after the company published a report that

48% of the thousands of food processing plants in China

did not meet the requirements set by Western

food trading companies and retailers.

Oh, and careful what you wash down your meals with, too, because...

Number 4

Toxic drinks.

The company that makes Jack Daniel's, Brown-Forman,

estimates that around 30% of all alcohol in China is fake.

But perhaps more shocking is a recent report that

nearly 40% of Chinese people knowingly buy fake booze.

Fake booze means it's not what the label says it is.

It could be anything from a cheaper brand

poured into a more expensive bottle,

to straight-up poisonous bootleg liquor

made in a bathtub.

And in some cases, fake booze can kill you.

Just like real booze—

except fake booze can also kill you

in ways you don't expect.

That's what the World Health Organization's

representative in China says.

"Where counterfeit alcohol

is made from poor quality ingredients

or toxic industrial chemicals,

consuming it could lead to

serious acute illness or worse."

The nasty chemicals he's referring to

include antifreeze and methanol,

which can make you go blind.

And bottling conditions can be,

as one British newspaper reported,

"perilously unsanitary."

Which is a nice way of saying that counterfeiters

were caught bottling the booze in toilets.

In a recent case 22 people were poisoned

after drinking fake whisky at a bar southern China.

It's unclear how much they drank,

but according to local reports,

some experienced visual impairment,

dizziness and some even vomited.

Now while for some people that might sound like

just another Friday night,

it turns out the whiskey was poisonous,

and some of them ended up in intensive care unit

and nearly died.

Now you might think:

"Liquor then beer,

you're in the clear."

But even beer in China can make you sick.

In this video,

workers at an underground factory in Dongguan

are dunking used Budweiser cans into a tub of cheap beer

with their bare hands to fill them up.

Then the Budweiser-branded cans run along

a filthy conveyor belt where they get capped and presto,

ready to quench the thirst—

or claim the life—

of the unsuspecting night club goer.

Authorities estimated that the underground factory

churned out about 600,000 crates of fake Budweiser a month,

which were then distributed to bars and nightclubs.

Fake alcohol won't always kill you,

but you'll definitely have the worst hangover of your life.

For a quick recovery,

just remember,

drink plenty of water.

Just not the fake kind,

like from the illegal bottling plant near Shanghai,

where a man was busted filling empty jugs with dirty tap water

and passing them off as well-know brands like Nestle.

So...China is full of fake liquor and water.

I think I'll just stick with milk.

Unless, of course, it's...

Number 3

Tainted milk powder.

Back in 2008, 300,000 babies got sick

after drinking tainted milk powder

from the Chinese company Sanlu.

At least six of the babies died from kidney damage.

Eventually, two Sanlu executives also died.

From being executed.

The scandal was one of the worst consumer product scares

in modern Chinese history.

Partly because authorities tried—

and failed—

to cover it up.

Although they did successfully cover it up

until after the 2008 Beijing Olympics,

so they get at least a bronze medal for saving face.

Now Chinese authorities say they're working to solve the problem.

But the consumer market doesn't seem to think so.

That's why the majority of Chinese parents

still prefer to buy their infant formula from foreign brands.

There's even a black market of infant formula traffickers

who bring in powdered milk from abroad.

That's like trusting your local drug dealer

more than a government-regulated company.

I mean, literally,

people are buying infant formula on the street.

Which is not smart, since big criminal syndicates

are also getting in on the racket.

In April 2016,

Shanghai authorities arrested nine people

for producing more than 17,000 tins

of fake milk powder with counterfeit labels—

so these products looked like those

from American infant formula brands.

Some Chinese parents are just crossing the border

into Hong Hong to buy legit milk powder,

but the Hong Kong government

has now set restrictions on that.

The demand for high quality milk formula in China right now

is so high, and the supply so limited,

that it's become the most valued gift at baby showers.

I guess I should return

that plush Cthulhu I bought for my niece.

What's that, Shelley?

Ok, fine, it was for me.

On to other things that can kill you...

Number 2

Traffic accidents

Driving around China can be a killer experience.

In 2016 in China there were over 300 thousand deaths

due to road incidents—

more than 800 people every single day.

When you compare that the US—

and adjust for the number of drivers in each country—

you're 6 times more likely to die driving in China.

The best travel advice in China is to avoid the roads—

and take the train.

Well...not always.


Number 1

Air Pollution

In China, the skies aren't always blue.

Air pollution is not only costing the Chinese economy

around 38 billion dollars a year,

it's killing 1 million people per year.

A new study from the Chinese University of Hong Kong

says an average of 1.1 million premature deaths each year

are caused by two types of air pollutants:

a fine particle called PM2.5 and smog-inducing ozone.

PM2.5 are microscopic airborne particles small enough

to lodge deep in the lungs and cause respiratory problems.

That's the number 3 cause of death in China,

according to the WHO.

Other studies link ozone pollution to an increase

in the number of deaths from cardiovascular diseases,

which is the number one killer in China.

Beijing is one of China's most-air polluted cities.

It's not good for kids...

or the elderly.

Air pollution is even a reason

many Western business people

want to get out of China.

Or maybe it's just the food.

Or the booze.

Or the car accidents.

So what do you think about the top 5

things in China that could kill you?

Leave your comments below.

And before we go,

it's time for me to answer a question from a viewer

who supports China Uncensored

on the crowd-funding website Patreon.

Karan Joshi asks:

"Can the People's Republic of China

ever split up like the Soviet Union?"

Good question, Karan.

The difference is that in the Soviet Union's case,

it wasn't just one country.

It was the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics,

essentially a country of countries.

The Soviet Union included Russia,

but also about 15 others,

like Ukraine, Latvia, Kazakhstan, and, well,

almost all of the Stans.

After the Soviet Union dissolved,

for the most part these countries

went back to being independent countries.

But the People's Republic of China

is basically a single country.

If that government collapses,

maybe Tibet would want to split off.

But under the current situation,

it would be difficult for it to succeed,

because now there are more

ethnically Chinese residents in Tibet

than ethnic Tibetans.

This the result of a decades-long campaign

by the Communist Party to permanently merge

Tibet into China.

My hope is that

when the Chinese Communist Party collapses,

Tibet could at a minimum have meaningful freedoms

under a more benevolent Chinese leadership.

The same difficulties exist for Xinjiang,


East Turkestan.

And as for Taiwan,

it's never been part of the People's Republic of China,

and it has its own independent government.

So it's in a completely different situation

than Tibet and Xinjiang.

But who can predict what's going to happen

in China this century.

Thanks for your question, Karan.

And for everyone else,

we rely on support from viewers like Karan

who contribute a dollar or more per episode

through the crowdfunding website Patreon.

Without viewer support,

we couldn't continue China Uncensored.

Click the like in the Description to learn more.

Thanks for watching this episode of China Uncensored.

Once again, I'm Chris Chappell.

See you next time.

For more infomation >> 5 Things in China That Could Kill You | China Uncensored - Duration: 12:42.


Live PD: Getting the Band Back Together (Season 3) | A&E - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> Live PD: Getting the Band Back Together (Season 3) | A&E - Duration: 2:56.


Al Roker Calls Kentucky's Matt Bevin A 'Nitwit Governor' Over School Closures | Craig Melvin | MSNBC - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Al Roker Calls Kentucky's Matt Bevin A 'Nitwit Governor' Over School Closures | Craig Melvin | MSNBC - Duration: 0:44.


Siren Season 2, Episode 2 | Sneak Peek: Real Life Mermaids in Bristol Cove | Freeform - Duration: 1:14.

You know how Bristol Cove is big into the whole mermaid thing?

Yup. I'm getting that.

Well check this out.

What, a sea lion?

That's no sea lion.

Then what is it?

It's a mermaid.

A real one.

No kidding.

What does a story like that usually pay?

Calvin, we're a news organization. We don't pay for our stories.

Look, you wanna sell a story about a real life mermaid?

Call the Enquirer.

For more infomation >> Siren Season 2, Episode 2 | Sneak Peek: Real Life Mermaids in Bristol Cove | Freeform - Duration: 1:14.


Crews Racing To Shore Up Giant Sinkhole In Middle Of La Habra Condos - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Crews Racing To Shore Up Giant Sinkhole In Middle Of La Habra Condos - Duration: 1:17.


Forged in Fire: Chinese Dao Tests (Season 5) | History - Duration: 5:03.

For more infomation >> Forged in Fire: Chinese Dao Tests (Season 5) | History - Duration: 5:03.


A Morning with Hilaria Baldwin, Baby, and her 'Mom Brain' | Waking Up With... | ELLE - Duration: 10:04.

- Good morning.

(baby coos)

This is my alarm clock.

We wake up multiple times a night

'cause he wants to eat 'cause I'm still breastfeeding

and then we're usually up anywhere between five and six ish.

I've always been a morning person.

I have to say it's a little bit of a struggle

because I'm up so many times during the night.

Any time I go to SNL when I go watch Alec

I'm usually asleep on the couch in his dressing room

and everybody knows when I'm gonna come.

There's like a blanket waiting for me

and I just eat my dinner,

watch him do his like beginning place,

and then pass out the entire time

and it's literally the only time I get to sleep

and there are no children around.

Since we're the only two up right now

we are going to do a little bit of yoga,

a little bit of exercise.

We have to get it in before everybody else wakes up, right?

Yes, we'll go do our yoga?

Yeah, say yeah, so go do our yoga.


So we do some stretches

and a little bit of exercise in the morning.

Some for him, see he's working on sitting up

and he can already roll over.

He doesn't crawl yet, he's six months old.

We spend anywhere from like minutes

to ya know a half an hour,

depending on how early he wakes up.

And it's kinda fun,

ya know I always like to incorporate my baby in everything

so he can lay down.

We can do like little situps in the morning.

It's so funny, right?

Do little situps.

Bench press a baby.

Yeah, bench press a baby, hi.

Little pushups and you can do kisses at the same time.

Yeah (smooch)

yeah (smooch)

they like it too, see?

I know, it's so silly, it's so silly.

You know I have four kids

but you have to be able to treat each one

as if they were only child sometimes.

So I have to have my individual time with each one of them.

Yeah, maybe that's why you wake up so early

is I want my mommy time, huh?

All my other kids are in school and so morning time

is very much about getting everybody ready.

So speaking about getting everybody ready,

I think it's time to go make breakfast

'cause I'm hearing everybody get up.

Should we go make them breakfast?

What do you think?

What do you think?


I'm making breakfast for them right now.

I love giving them cereal in the morning

'cause I find it to be very filling, there's not a big fight

over whether they're going to eat it or not.

This is one of my favorites, this Qi'a

and has a lot of different whole grains in it.

It has coconut so it's got the nice little flavor to it.

I use hemp milk.

So I'll warm the hemp milk up, I add peanut butter to it

and my kids can eat nuts

and I find that it makes it a little bit more filling,

gives them a lot of good fats.

For the tinier ones I'll usually do an oatmeal

or rice cereal.

I love Earth's Best.

Meanwhile, I'm drinking a green juice.

I find it gives me a little boost in the morning.

Then I start to pack their lunches.

We usually do some kind of like tortilla wrap.

Carmen is going to be having one with hummus.

With a wrap you can customize it.

Every single day can be a little bit different.

I don't have to buy tons of different ingredients

and I know that they're eating something

that's healthy and filling.

And I'll give them other things as well.

I'll do like kale chips in there

and ya know sometimes I'll put like little vegetable.

And these, they get excited because they have the little,

little compartments.

And then I close it up.

Their lunch boxes.

Of course Carmen's is this one, the shiny each side.

Alright, now I'm gonna make Rafael and Leo's lunch,

I'm gonna feed them breakfast, and we'll be right back.

I'm shooting Mom Brain today

which means that I have to wear makeup.

So I start with an eye cream.

Any mom knows out there if you're tired, eye cream is key

and I really like this one.

Next I put on my SPF I really like this Juice Beauty

and I found that I'm actually in between colors

so I mix the two.

And then I'll choose between Sunday Riley UFO,

acne face oil, if I feel like I'm gonna break out,

Vinter's Daughter and I mix it up

and I put it all over my face.

It feels nice and hydrated.

The only time I use primer

is when I'm putting on eye makeup.

And so I'll just take a teeny, teeny, tiny bit

and I put it just around the eyes

and I find that it helps my eye makeup stay on

a bit easier.

Then I take a little bit of powder.

This is Hourglass translucent setting powder

and I actually go back to it a couple times.

I find that it just creates a really nice surface

to apply the makeup.

And then I do my face.

I love Josie Maran Vibrancy

because it has argon oil in it

and I find that your skin can get so dry,

especially in this weather.

And I put it all over

even though it can make you look very washed out.

I then will define afterwards.

On an average day I don't wear as much makeup as this

but I'm getting ready to shoot my podcast,

I'm getting ready to shoot Mom Brain with Daphne Oz

and so we wanna glam it up just a little bit.

I found that warmer tones work for my eyes

and make them pop a little bit.

I take this lighter sort of pinkish color,

almost like a little bit mauvey and I put it here.

I cover the whole lid with it

and then I like to take a combination of the purple

and this reddish color and I mix it through,

take off the end.

And ya know when you put it on

and it kind of like is a little too dramatic

at the beginning?

I find that I like to line the eyes.

So I use that first stroke to bring it right by the lashes

and then I pull it up and I cover in part of the lid.

And then I'm gonna go into this sort of a lighter,

almost purplish tone and then I pull it right here

to give a little bit of shine to the lid

and I lift it up and start to clean up

the outside of the darker eyeshadow.

(mellow jazzy music)

I bring it around and clean up underneath the eye.

I go up a more silvery tone,

do the very, very top underneath the brow.

Then I line my eyes, this really cool

very like warm tones which also makes the eye pop

and looks a little bit more natural.

They're crayons, so you have to make sure

that they don't smudge too much and start to run

but that's where the primer and the setting powder come in

and I find that ya know I'm aware of it throughout the day

but it's not something I have to obsess about.

Line underneath, pull it out to the side,

and go kinda like ya know 2/3 of the way into the eye

to try to keep the inside crease open

and keep the eye a little bit bigger.

I go back to my palette

and I pull it through the darkest color,

this one's like a purple, and I pull it into the lash line

to make a fuller lash.

So you wanna make sure that there's no space

in between the liner and the lash.

You really wanna get deep into the lash line.

Take a cream blush and you put it into your cheeks,

even if it looks a little bit dramatic like I'm doing,

like totally clownish, right?

Then you put powder over it,

it actually looks really, really like a natural glow.

I'll show you how I do it.

Now I put powder all over and you can see

that it starts to blend the cheek in

with the rest of the face

but still keeps it a little bit more defined.

You never wanna be that person that has like spaces.

So get into all the outer edges of your face.

Then after with the cheek

I wanna give a little bit of a shine.

So I use Bobbi Brown.

It'll finish the cheek off

to give a little bit of a shimmer.

And then I think that that looks pretty natural.

For my brows I just wanna darken them a little bit

and especially right here

I find that I like to darken it a little bit

and then pull it through gently.

After you're done with that eye makeup

then go to the brightening concealer.

This is Benefit and it really does make a difference.

If I don't wear anything every single day

I always wear this.

This is like the one thing that I will use.

Maybe a little bit of mascara as well.

It cleans up all the eyeshadow that may have fallen

and then you can even like pull it through here I find,

ya know right underneath the brow line,

especially after you just did the brows.

Nothing brings the face more together

than some amazing lashes.

So I curl them always.

I find that if you have a good mascara

you can usually create a pretty nice effect.

This is YSL

and I like that it gives you nice, big, dramatic lashes.

I do put mascara on the bottom.

I know some people don't but I do.

And it brings the whole makeup look together I think.

When you're working on camera you wanna make sure

that you have a little bit of highlighter.

So I love this Laura Mercier one.

Gonna do a little bit under my eyes, my nose,

and then around the mouth.

The last thing I do is my lips.

So I always hydrate right before

and then right now I'm obsessed with putting a lip liner

as my lipstick, keeping it pretty simple.

And you can make it a little bit more matte.

Alright guys, what do you think?

Do I look a little bit less tired?

Off to work.

(contemporary music)

Alright, I'm off to go record Mom Brain.

Thanks for waking up with me.

(contemporary music)

For more infomation >> A Morning with Hilaria Baldwin, Baby, and her 'Mom Brain' | Waking Up With... | ELLE - Duration: 10:04.


Adam Rippon Says Sending Love To Jussie Smollett Is Not Enough: 'We Need To Take Action' | Access - Duration: 7:07.

For more infomation >> Adam Rippon Says Sending Love To Jussie Smollett Is Not Enough: 'We Need To Take Action' | Access - Duration: 7:07.


How to name a product, from the man behind Swiffer and BlackBerry - Duration: 3:55.

Procter & Gamble's Swiffer, Febreze, the new Sonos sound system.

I'm the founder and president of Lexicon Branding.

We want to create names that are noteworthy.

Something that makes people think there may be something different here, something better for me.

Lexicon has named almost 4,000 brands in 19 countries.

Like BlackBerry, Dibs, and all of these.

They charge somewhere between 40 and 250 thousand dollars.

And David says it's worth the price.

He's been naming things for over 30 years.

And it's not as simple as you might think.

There's a lot of work that goes into it, and it's as much a science as it is an art.

-One of the things that we've invested quite a lot of money in is this area of sound,

technically called sound symbolism in the world of linguistics.

Lexicon spent two million dollars and five years studying the sounds of letters and the associations we have with those sounds.

-We went to Poland, France, Japan.

And what we found was that some things are very universal.

For example, the sound of "V."

Whether you're born in Paris or you were born in the Bronx, "V" is about aliveness and vitality.

That's one of the reasons they named this car Venza.

-We also were able to identify names that communicated or supported more reliability than others.

So the sound of "B" and "T," highly reliable.

Hence, BlackBerry.

BlackBerry also stands out because it's not literal.

David says a bad name is one that's too descriptive.

-You know, there's always this temptation to use logic to explain something.

But what fires the imagination and the human mind is not logic.

A perfect example of this, David says, is Swiffer, one of Lexicon's biggest naming successes.

-One of the things that they had tried to trademark, and fortunately, I think, for them and for us, it wasn't available, was ProMop and EasyMop.

Their perspective was that they had improved the mop.

We were quick to point out to them that this doesn't really look like a mop.

David and his team surveyed 30 people about cleaning.

-No one liked to mop.

Our creative insight and strategy was, let's put some joy in the world of mopping and cleaning.

We have that action of sweeping.

We have the -er of the verbal ending, but there's no such thing as Swiffer.

At the same time, a competitive company came out with ReadyMop.

But it didn't do anything, it didn't get my attention, it wasn't noteworthy.

And today as we sit here in this interview, Swiffer is somewhere around a six billion dollar brand sold in 15 countries.

But David says naming things today is a lot harder than when he first started.

For one, there are just way fewer names to choose from.

In 2004, there were 1.2 million active trademarks in the US.

Now, there are two million.

There were almost 640,000 applications filed last year alone.

And because of the internet, any product that comes out now is essentially global.

That means you have to work harder to stand out.

And you have to be sure your name works in more than one language and culture.

-And so if your name in Portuguese or French means something negative or untoward, you're gonna hear about it.

So, it's worth getting it right.

-When you think about it, nothing will be used more often or for longer than a company or a product's brand name.

So what we do becomes vitally important. That makes it interesting to me.

For more infomation >> How to name a product, from the man behind Swiffer and BlackBerry - Duration: 3:55.


Testkamp uden for nummer - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> Testkamp uden for nummer - Duration: 1:58.


Natural Glowy Bronze Look // OzumDeren - Duration: 13:14.

For more infomation >> Natural Glowy Bronze Look // OzumDeren - Duration: 13:14.


TECH GEEKS TRY STUFF S2E01 TECH TRIVIA CHALLENGE (sponsored by RØDE Microphones) - Duration: 27:05.

For more infomation >> TECH GEEKS TRY STUFF S2E01 TECH TRIVIA CHALLENGE (sponsored by RØDE Microphones) - Duration: 27:05.


Таиланд Бангкок Большой Королевский Дворец Thailand Bangkok Grand Royal Palace - Duration: 2:22.

Today we look Big Royal Palace

For more infomation >> Таиланд Бангкок Большой Королевский Дворец Thailand Bangkok Grand Royal Palace - Duration: 2:22.


Becko Magical Water Doodle Mat for Kids | Fun Activities with Water Drawing Mat and Books | Unboxing - Duration: 10:19.

Thank you

Are you ready?


Do you want to try and say it for yourself

Ok then, give it a go

Hi Moonies!

and welcome to the channel!


well done!

Ok, so, what do we have today?


We have a water doodle mat

this was sent to us by Becko and it's perfect for Elena, It's for ages 3 and above

and I am going to be honest, we've never had one of these before

like.. never, I prefer paper.. because I like sketching

and Serenity likes sketching as well

so we never really tried any of these doodle mats or magical mats, whatever they are called

but I am kind of curious to see how they work and since Becko sent us, we are going to open it for you and..

Elena is going to try it because I know that she is super excited about it, aren't you?

this is the front

that's the back, it's the other way around

and it says it's clean and safe

there's booklets enclosed

we have insects and marine animals

and then we have drawing templates with letters and numbers

that's going to be fun

screw clockwise to uninstall the top of the pen, then fill with clean water


screw anti-clockwise to install the top and enjoy drawing on the mat

let's try?

but the water?

I'll get water, don't worry

ok, let's take everything out of the box then, shall we?



that's one of the books to draw

that's the mat

and that's the other book

anything else?

no, the pens are included with the books

what do you like?

which one I like?

that's a hard choice but I'll go with the Marine World Magic water book

I choose this one

wow, look at the mat!

wait, I need to get up and show from that side

look at that

magic mat

what's this Elena?

and this?

say again?

and what is he doing? is he driving a police car?


what is that?

and this

then we have..

what is this little one here?

what is this?

I don't know..

How could you say you didn't know?

and who's this?

It's a monkey driving a car just like the Elephant

and who's this?

it's a lion

and this, what's this?

he looks like Combo Panda if he had the.. he's missing his red gear

that's the magic pen

and that's it, then we have some clouds on the other side

this is a big mat, the table is small compared to the mat

but we can work with it

ok so I added some water inside the pen and now we're going to try and draw on the mat

just do whatever you want

look at that!

what is this color Elena?


It's green

try up there

blue and pink

it's pink

it's pink

I found blue

green again

green again

it's water

it's water, there's water inside


ok, let's try and draw some shapes, let's see what color they are

this is green

that's green

it's green as well

try the circle up here

circle up there



it's blue

blue and purple

Elena do you want to try the heart?


the heart is going to be purple and pink


wow, look at that

great job!

so this is how it works, while it's wet the colors will show

and then when it starts drying they will fade away

and so you can keep on painting whenever it fades

it's blue

around... keep going around

does it look like and elephant? Yes

I don't think so

It's orange There's orange there, look

try here, it's going to be blue here.. try here

the borders tell you where the colors are

it's green and then turns yellow

yellow all around and then blue again and this is going to be pink

do you like the mat?

It's rainbow!!

yes I think she does, she loves the mat, don't you?

rainbow, rainbow, rainbow

ok, so.. what do you think? Do you like it?


is the mat fun to play with?


do you wanna try the books now?


ok let's try the books then

which one do you want to try first?

the fishy book> the submarine world?

ok, let's put the insects to the side

ok, once you open, the book says, pretty much the same thing.. unscrew and then add water and color

ok we are going to use the pens that came with the books because I am not sure if

the pen from the mat works on the book, let me try

oh, I think it works

it's a monster?

it's a fish

this is, it's in here, look, that's called batfish, it's a batfish

oh, batfish

For more infomation >> Becko Magical Water Doodle Mat for Kids | Fun Activities with Water Drawing Mat and Books | Unboxing - Duration: 10:19.



For more infomation >> ÇUKUR 2.SEZON 18.BÖLÜM İLK SAHNE - MAHSUN'DAN GERÇEKLER ! - Duration: 2:25.


Mont Manaia - Duration: 1:13.

I've just arrived at Mount Manaia

So, the summit of Manaia

You have to deserve it!

You have to cause It's super high!

Since....Well, it's one hour just going up

For more infomation >> Mont Manaia - Duration: 1:13.


For more infomation >> Mont Manaia - Duration: 1:13.


Nightcore - Come Home - (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:32.

This video includes lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Come Home - (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:32.


For more infomation >> Nightcore - Come Home - (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:32.


Ariane Alter - Casablanca (LYRICS) (Prod. by David Jürgens) [Music Bird] - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Ariane Alter - Casablanca (LYRICS) (Prod. by David Jürgens) [Music Bird] - Duration: 2:19.


For more infomation >> Ariane Alter - Casablanca (LYRICS) (Prod. by David Jürgens) [Music Bird] - Duration: 2:19.


Des gilets jaunes trollent la manifestation des foulards rouges ? - Désintox - ARTE - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> Des gilets jaunes trollent la manifestation des foulards rouges ? - Désintox - ARTE - Duration: 1:40.


For more infomation >> Des gilets jaunes trollent la manifestation des foulards rouges ? - Désintox - ARTE - Duration: 1:40.



For more infomation >> WSHH. CAN YOU ANSWER THESE TRICK QUESTIONS 😀? - Duration: 7:53.


For more infomation >> WSHH. CAN YOU ANSWER THESE TRICK QUESTIONS 😀? - Duration: 7:53.


Calamiteit C2000 - Zembla - Duration: 35:27.

For more infomation >> Calamiteit C2000 - Zembla - Duration: 35:27.


For more infomation >> Calamiteit C2000 - Zembla - Duration: 35:27.


Kinderen met kanker niet welkom - Zembla 2018 - Duration: 36:03.

For more infomation >> Kinderen met kanker niet welkom - Zembla 2018 - Duration: 36:03.


For more infomation >> Kinderen met kanker niet welkom - Zembla 2018 - Duration: 36:03.


Nowy Łukasz w M jak miłość. Syn Marty wróci do Polski, ale zbiją go gangsterzy? Marta się o t - Duration: 10:41.

W 1417 odcinku „M jak miłość" Łukasz (Jakub Józefowicz) wróci do Polski i

zamieszka u Andrzeja (Krystian Wieczorek). Marta (Dominika Ostałowska) na szczęście

zdąży ostrzec byłego męża przed ciemnymi interesami syna, który został dilerem.

Budzyńska będzie liczyła na to, że Andrzej wyciągnie jej syna z tarapatów

– nie będzie miała pojęcia, że Łukaszowi grozi śmierć!

Gangsterzy zamordują syna prawniczki? Zobacz najnowsze „Kulisy serialu M jak miłość".

W 1417 odcinku „M jak miłość" Marta przyjedzie

do Warszawy i poprosi Andrzeja o poważną rozmowę.

Okaże się, że jej syn wpakował się w poważne tarapaty i handluje narkotykami!

-Łukasz miał ostatnio pewne problemy -Ale jakie? – zdziwi się Andrzej

przecież Marta przez telefon cały czas udawała, że wszystko jest z nim w porządku.

-Wpadł w nieciekawe towarzystwo… - wyjaśni Budzyńska i doda, że jej syn został dilerem.

W tym samym odcinku „M jak miłość" Wojciechowski także przyjedzie – a raczej ucieknie do Polski.

Od razu odwiedzi Budzyńskiego, wpadnie na Magdę (Anna Mucha)

pożyczy pieniądze i poprosi o dach nad głową.

Chodakowska oczywiście nie będzie miała nic przeciwko i potraktuje to jako sytuację przejściową.

Za punkt honoru postawi sobie pomoc młodemu mężczyźnie.

Tymczasem w ślad za nim do Warszawy przyjadą żądni krwi gangsterzy.

-To, że Łukasz wpadł w nieciekawe towarzystwo to mało powiedziane.

On ma nóż na gardle – powiedział Jakub Józefowicz w najnowszych „Kulisach serialu M jak miłość".

Była żona Budzyńskiego nawet nie zdaje sobie sprawy, w co wpakował się jej syn.

Myśli, że zadarł z prawem handlując narkotykami.

Nie wpadła jednak na to, że Łukasz naraził się niebezpiecznym ludziom…

-Marta wie, że kontakty Łukasza to nie jest rzecz bezpieczna.

Natomiast myślę, że nie zdaje sobie sprawy

jak blisko tych niebezpiecznych sytuacji znajdował się Łukasz.

A na pewno w tej chwili nie ma świadomości

że grozi mu coś i że to może być sprawa życia albo śmierci - wyznała Dominika Ostałowska.

Już w 1417 odcinku „M jak miłość" Łukasz zostanie zaatakowany przez jednego z bandziorów.

By uniknąć śmierci będzie musiał spłacić swój dług, a to nie będzie proste.

Chłopak zacznie kombinować i okradać swoją rodzinę z oszczędności.

Czy uda mu się wyrwać z gangsterskiego światka?

-Rodzina Budzyńskich nie zdaje sobie sprawy z nielegalnej działalności Łukasza.

Chcąc chronić swoją rodzinę, Łukasz oszukuje ją.

Musi okradać, kłamać w żywe oczy.

Ma ogromne wyrzuty sumienia. Gdyby mógł, zamknął by to natychmiast

ale niestety zanim będzie w stanie rozpocząć nowy etap w życiu musi spłacić ten dług

- powiedział Jakub Józefowicz w "Kulisach serialu M jak miłość".

Magda i Budzyński z "M jak miłość" nie zaznają spokoju gdy do ich życia wkroczy Marta!

Bo powrót Marty z Berlina będzie związany z kłopotami Łukasza.

Była żona Andrzeja u niego poszuka pocieszenia po tym jak syn zerwie z nią kontakty.

Tylko Budzyńskiemu wyjawi, że Łukasz został dilerem narkotyków, a ostatnio przepadł bez ślady.

W 1417 odcinku "M jak miłość" chłopak wróci do Polski, ale nie skontaktuje się z matką.

Zamiast tego przyjedzie do Budzyńskiego gdzie spotka się z Magdą.

Opowie jej o studiach na rehabilitacji w Kolumbii

pracy fizjoterapeuty i nagłej przeprowadzce do Berlina do matki i Ani (Gabriela Świerczyńska).

Ale czy ta wersja będzie zgodna z prawdą?

Niedługo później w "M jak miłość" Budzyński zapyta

wprost Łukasza czy jest zamieszany w handel narkotykami.

On zaprzeczy, ale wykorzysta kolejną wizytę w mieszkaniu Andrzeja

by ukryć w łazience narkotyki i podejrzane pieniądze.

Na tym jednak nie koniec, bo jak podaje "Świat Seriali"

w 1421 odcinku "M jak miłość" Łukasz wyciągnie też sporo gotówki od Magdy.

Wykorzysta jej dobroć i naiwność.

Kolejny raz ją okłamie i w tajemnicy przez Andrzejem oraz Martą zawrze układ z Magdą.

Ani ojczym ani matka nie dowiedzą się, że Łukasz pożyczył pieniądze.

Co ciekawe Magda obieca zachować dyskrecję.

Zupełnie nieświadoma tego, że przez Łukasza wszyscy mogą mieć problemy.

Bo synowi Marty za długi u innych dilerów będzie groziła śmierć.

For more infomation >> Nowy Łukasz w M jak miłość. Syn Marty wróci do Polski, ale zbiją go gangsterzy? Marta się o t - Duration: 10:41.


The Escapists - I'M STUCK! - Duration: 2:53.

So I picked up the desk...

Then I pressed a few buttons and now I'm stuck.

*Me mashing keys trying to escape*

They'll call a lockdown since I won't be at rollcall...

"What are you doing in my bed?"

*Mashing keys again*


For more infomation >> The Escapists - I'M STUCK! - Duration: 2:53.


Stisema - Waiting For You (Lyrics) ft. Jack Wilby - Duration: 3:14.

I'm waiting for you, you, you, you, you, you, you yeah

Waiting for you, still waiting for you

I'm waiting for you, you, you, you, you, you

Waiting for you, still waiting for you

I don't know where to find it, help me cross the line here

Now I'm just here waiting for you

looking in the Ocean

Well I've been through the motions

I'm trying not to cloud my mind, with all of this doubt

I'm all out of luck, with nobody about

I'm waiting for you, you, you, you, you, you, you yeah

Waiting for you, still waiting for you

I'm waiting for you, you, you, you, you, you

I'm waiting for you, still waiting for you

I'm waiting for you, you, you, you, you, you, you yeah

Waiting for you, still waiting for you

I'm waiting for you, you, you, you, you, you

I'm waiting for you, still waiting for you

now i'm just here waiting for you

I don't know where to find it, help me cross the line here

Now I'm just here waiting for you

looking in the Ocean

Well I've been through the motions

to turn this around now

I'm looking for the right place to go

So my time is up, if I don't figure it out

For more infomation >> Stisema - Waiting For You (Lyrics) ft. Jack Wilby - Duration: 3:14.


Viva La Suppa (Let's Sing Grace) - Duration: 1:19.

We thank You for the food By the smell we can tell it's good

We thank You for the blessings of Thy hand

For the pepper and salt, PB and jam

bologna and ham

Jerusalem artichoke,

Not Romaine lettuce (might make us croak)

And for some reason we can't explain

We just might be seeing these beans again

We hope you like this song

It's only 66 seconds long

For more infomation >> Viva La Suppa (Let's Sing Grace) - Duration: 1:19.


How To Make Beef Stir-Fry + Gluten-Free Marinade & Tenderizer | I Heart Umami - Duration: 3:00.

Wondering how to make stir-fry beef tender and juicy every single time?

My name is ChihYu Smith from Today I'm going to show you how to make

tender beef stir-fry. Let's get started.

To prepare the beef, thin slice it against the grain. Each slice should roughly be around

⅛ inch thin. Try to keep the length no longer than 3-inches

My favorite cuts for Chinese beef stir-fries are beef loin flap sirloin tips, followed

by skirt steak, then sirloin.

My go-to Asian-flavored seasonings are coconut aminos (soy-sauce substitute), Red Boat fish

sauce, toasted sesame oil, and ground black pepper.

Add a small amount of arrowroot to replace cornstarch and little bit of baking soda to

help tenderize the meat.

If you can't have seed oil, you can substitute with olive oil.

The temperature of your skillet plays an important part in Chinese stir-fry. Let me show you

a few tips to pre-heat your skillet.

Preheat a 10 to 12-inch stainless steel skillet over medium heat.

Carefully place your hand 2.5-3 inches away from the surface to test the temperature.

When it feels too hot to place your hand nearby, the skillet is ready.

The second method is to test with ½ tsp drop of water. When the skillet is at the perfect

temperature, one or two beads will form immediately and the pan is ready.

If you use the water-drop method, be sure to wipe the skillet dry with a clean kitchen

towel before adding the oil.

Sear the beef in one layer without disturbing over medium to medium-high heat. You should

hear the sizzling sound. Some pieces might slightly overlap with one another and that's

totally okay. Use a splatter guard (not a lid) to prevent oil/grease.

For larger quantity, I recommend stir-fry them in separate batches.

Sear the first side about 2 minutes then use a spatula with a firm tip to sear the flip

side. You should see a beautifully seared golden brown color and texture. Cook the flip

side very quickly, about 30 seconds. Be careful not to overcook the beef or they will turn

watery and ruin the texture.

I shared this technique with my blog readers and members in my meal planning program and

everyone loves it. If you want to learn more about my program, subscribe to my blog at I'll include a link in the description box.

You can follow the same principle for all Asian-style beef stir-fries. For examples:

My Paleo beef and broccoli, Paleo Mongolian Beef, Sichuan beef, and Chinese pepper steak.

If you find this video helpful, please give me a thumbs-up and share it with your friends.

Leave a comment below. Let me know if you have any questions or what you'd like to

see more in the future episodes.

My name is ChihYu Smith from - Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> How To Make Beef Stir-Fry + Gluten-Free Marinade & Tenderizer | I Heart Umami - Duration: 3:00.


Homemade Picnic Basket - Scrapwood Challenge ep24 - Duration: 15:57.

Scrapwood challenge scrapwood challenge its scrap its crap its firewood but some of the wood is good

I've cut all my strips with a few extra ones

They're all planed on one side and they've still got the bandsaw marks on the other side

So now I'm going to put them through this very crude thickness jig for my belt sander

Put those through they'll all come out the same thickness and it will smooth the other side

I've used the jig in a couple of past videos, so I'm not going to explain it here

But if you want to see one of those videos then click on the link above

I've soaked half the strips overnight and the other half I've kept dried

These are going to be glue laminated together to make the handle and the top rim

But before I get on with making the basket, I'll just take a moment to tell you about a new feature

I've added to my Wix built scrap wood challenge website to help you guys interact more and become part of the scrap wood challenge

I've added a forum to the website

You'll be able to share your own projects share ideas for future scrap wood challenges or any other ideas

You may have to improve the scrap wood challenge

It'll be great to see you there and to see what you come up with

Adding the forum couldn't have been easier. It integrated into the website flawlessly

If you don't already know Wix is an online website building platform that allows you to build professional and highly

customizable websites using drag-and-drop tools whatever your website needs Wix has you covered there are hundreds of templates for

business blogs

Portfolios and any other website you can think of it's free has a reliable hosting and with the drag-and-drop editor

even the most inexperienced user can build a

Professional site that's unique and personal if you'd like to build your own website, then go to or click on the link in the description and

Thanks to Wix for sponsoring the video and supporting my channel.

I was hoping that was going to work, it hasn't but I have another idea to try next

I'm not sure I'm doing this the best way I'm just trying to work out a system

I've put a few in the ends here just to hold those together

NowI need to join the two ends up by putting the sides in so if I tuck a piece there

Underneath and work that through and then I'll put a dab of glue in the ends

but before I do that, I need to trim a little bit off there and then you won't see the join

I want the ends of the basket to angle out like this

So now I need to start doing these strips here to the side pieces. So it keeps that structure

I've just put these there to see what it will look like, now I need to put a bit of glue on there

It's not real pretty in there but using weights and a bit of tape I'm gluing those down and it should all work out

I've got a system going now. I'm just doing one at a time clamping them in place giving it ten minutes

and moving on to the next row

It actually gets easier the higher you go and it's actually starting to come together it's far from perfect

but, it's sort of working

I need to make two handles

I'm going to laminate them together the same as this rim and they need to be a bit wider than the rim as well

So rather than make it a new form, I've packed it out with some cardboard

I'll put some packing tape around it and then that should be good to go and

The handle I can do one either end as well

That wasn't the best glue-up it was a bit of a wrestle but fingers crossed it works out

The handles could have been better

But overall I think it turned out pretty well considering it was made with a bunch of short pieces of scrap wood

Anyway, hopefully you enjoyed the video. If you did, please like and subscribe. Thanks for watching and I'll see you on the next one

For more infomation >> Homemade Picnic Basket - Scrapwood Challenge ep24 - Duration: 15:57.


Neighbors of the couple who injured 5 HPD officers still in shock - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> Neighbors of the couple who injured 5 HPD officers still in shock - Duration: 2:08.


《你是最棒的》杀青,邓伦比开机时胖一圈,粉丝任拍邓伦说话超暖 - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> 《你是最棒的》杀青,邓伦比开机时胖一圈,粉丝任拍邓伦说话超暖 - Duration: 3:41.


Denis Suarez set for Arsenal with model girlfriend – day after she LEAKED transfer news - Duration: 2:29.

 Barcelona have announced Denis Suarez has joined Arsenal on loan until the end of the season

 The versatile midfielder will link up with former manager Unai Emery at the Emirates, just a day after his girlfriend appeared to leak news of a deal

 Suarez's girlfriend Nadia Aviles (@nadiavilesgarcia) took to social media yesterday, wishing her partner luck ahead of a switch

 Aviles posted a photo of Suarez on her Instagram story, with the caption, in Spanish, reading: "Good luck my love

I'm very happy for you and for being able to share this new experience with you." The post came ahead of any confirmation about a move to London, with Aviles' comments suggesting she will join the 25-year-old in London

 The model is an Instagram sensation with over 140,000 followers, ensuring her message was picked up by plenty of eagle-eyed Arsenal fans

 Meanwhile, Denis' Barcelona team-mate and namesake Luis Suarez also wished him luck with the move

 The Uruguayan posted a picture of the pair, accompanied by the caption: "Good luck little Galician in this new challenge

" Suarez will stay at Arsenal until the end of the 2018/19 season and the Gunners will then have the option to sign him

 Barcelona confirmed Arsenal will pay the midfielder's salary during his spell at the Emirates

 Suarez has also signed a new contract with Barca, extending his deal until 30 June 2021

 He made 71 appearances for Barcelona in three seasons, winning five trophies at the Nou Camp - La Liga, two Copas del Rey and two Spanish Super Cups

For more infomation >> Denis Suarez set for Arsenal with model girlfriend – day after she LEAKED transfer news - Duration: 2:29.


A hundred words - Duration: 5:38.

They say that there are a hundred words for rain in galician

I don't know if that's true

but some days, it seems like you could use all of them

as a photographer, I have one word for rain


rain can be the worst element to shoot in

it gets everywhere, it can ruin your gear

it's very hard to keep you filters and lenses clean of drops

even more challenging during long exposures

but if you can overcome these problems, the reward can be big

this is the land of the rain

it comes to life with water

only when it rains can you see its true face

rain has captured the imagination of local poets for centuries

this one is a short poem from almost 100 years ago

For more infomation >> A hundred words - Duration: 5:38.


Vintage Monster Truck Shootout - BIGFOOT SST vs. BIGFOOT Crunch Arena - Duration: 5:11.

Alright, so I've always been a little obsessed with monster trucks.

I grew up in the '80s and '90s, so yeah, monster trucks, mud racing, tractor pulling, that

kind of stuff was cool.

So Bigfoot, King of the Monster Trucks, I ended up with several of these little toys.

This one, the Playskool SST Bigfoot, it's a little bit before my time.

It was made in the early '80s and I actually ended up getting this one at a yard sale.

You can see underneath here, 50 cents.

Oh yeah, that was a deal.

It still works, four wheel drive and two wheel drive.

It is missing the key, and the bed cover and roll bar, and all that and some decals but

it's still cool.

Then these Bigfoot Champions Crunch Arena set.

I had Bigfoot 8 or 10 or whatever you want to say.

These were built in 1990, so let's just say Bigfoot 8 and then there's an earlier Bigfoot

body here which has no decals on it but it's still pretty cool with the blower sticking

out of the hood.

Both of these worked.

I played with these basically my whole childhood and later got this one at a yard sale.

But what was really cool is my daughter, who is five years old wanted to play with some

monster trucks and she was curious about what I used to play with as a kid.

And I said you're in luck, because I still got the ones I played with as a kid.

So we took them out, got some fresh batteries in them, made sure they all still worked and

they did.

And we had a little bit of fun.

We had a little shootout to see which one would climb the best, had a little drag race.

It was a lot of fun so check it out.

So here are some of my other vintage monster truck toys.

I've got another SST sitting in the box there.

It's pretty rough, it was another y yard sale item.

Then we got some Galoob Tuff Trax.

These, I played with.

I had almost all of them, except maybe the only one I was missing was No Problem.

But I got rid of all of them and then found a couple of these at a yard sale.

So I got a couple of Grave Diggers and then some Matchbox Super Chargers, some more Bigfoot

Champions, small ones with the removable tires.

I liked those a lot.

That was big time fun as a kid.

And let's see, I also got a Bigfoot versus Snakebite slot car track, which as I understand

is pretty rare.

I still got the trucks but I'm not sure where the track is.

It was something my mom had ordered off of TV or out of a catalog or something.

Who knows, but I still got the trucks, maybe one of these days I'll find the track that

goes with it.

For more infomation >> Vintage Monster Truck Shootout - BIGFOOT SST vs. BIGFOOT Crunch Arena - Duration: 5:11.


İnsan Genom Projesi Ve Çin'in Ve Dünyanın Genetik Olarak Tasarlanmış İlk Bebekleri - Duration: 4:19.

I am confident that this definition of the human genome project is a step taken to design our own universe in this huge universe. This is actually a step that can bring us to an end.

Year 1990 scientists started the Human genome project, but the goal is to map the human gene so that we can now learn the genes thoroughly, as well as what tasks they do and what they do.

The human genome project was completed when the project was completed in the year 2003, when the project was completed. Now we can learn almost everything as a map of human genes.

Billions of lira was spent, why do you think? The beginning of this project began to grasp the understanding of the human body of healing genetic diseases, but do you think this strength will only be used to treat diseases.

When the year 2019 is now the human genome project has evolved to a different size has evolved to perhaps know that the first designed babies in China was born with the newly developed technology, scientists now upload data to our genes

think about it as a hardisk, it is a micron size of data from the GBs. At first glance, it may seem like a wonderful thing, but as always, it will be used for malicious purposes.

Nowadays, we are in the process of rebuilding the design so that we can design more handsome, beautiful, powerful, fast-running, durable, perhaps smarter, intelligent babies. The most obvious example is on mice

Some of the experiments are faster and more muscular and powerful, but it is not an experiment that has worked in every mouse, so many mice have died in this experiment.

when they unravel, we will be one step closer to our own end. In the simplest example, consider more powerful soldiers than intelligent people, perhaps not open to the thirsty people living creatures that do not overpower the worst of a generation

You can be sure of a world where the noble noble people are more intelligent than the other, which will only include the rich people, the slave has been in this process for years, but the history always goes back to this order.

Someone has announced his voice or tried to publicize it. But now the foundations of a generation that is not dealt with a little research and comments in the comments to share your people now hasa allah, the role of impersonating

We cannot create the power of creation, which is the power of God, from nothing, but we can create our worshipers if we have managed to clone a living thing in the past....

If you watched up here you liked the video you can subscribe to my channel like the video or comment with comments and comments to the next video you want to offer suggestions to comment on the next video to say goodbye goodbye.

For more infomation >> İnsan Genom Projesi Ve Çin'in Ve Dünyanın Genetik Olarak Tasarlanmış İlk Bebekleri - Duration: 4:19.


Denis Suarez set for Arsenal with model girlfriend – day after she LEAKED transfer news - Duration: 2:16.

 Barcelona have announced Denis Suarez has joined Arsenal on loan until the end of the season

 The versatile midfielder will link up with former manager Unai Emery at the Emirates, just a day after his girlfriend appeared to leak news of a deal

 Suarez's girlfriend Nadia Aviles (@nadiavilesgarcia) took to social media yesterday, wishing her partner luck ahead of a switch

 Aviles posted a photo of Suarez on her Instagram story, with the caption, in Spanish, reading: "Good luck my love

I'm very happy for you and for being able to share this new experience with you." The post came ahead of any confirmation about a move to London, with Aviles' comments suggesting she will join the 25-year-old in London

 The model is an Instagram sensation with over 140,000 followers, ensuring her message was picked up by plenty of eagle-eyed Arsenal fans

 Meanwhile, Denis' Barcelona team-mate and namesake Luis Suarez also wished him luck with the move

 The Uruguayan posted a picture of the pair, accompanied by the caption: "Good luck little Galician in this new challenge

" Suarez will stay at Arsenal until the end of the 2018/19 season and the Gunners will then have the option to sign him

 Barcelona confirmed Arsenal will pay the midfielder's salary during his spell at the Emirates

 Suarez has also signed a new contract with Barca, extending his deal until 30 June 2021

 He made 71 appearances for Barcelona in three seasons, winning five trophies at the Nou Camp - La Liga, two Copas del Rey and two Spanish Super Cups

For more infomation >> Denis Suarez set for Arsenal with model girlfriend – day after she LEAKED transfer news - Duration: 2:16.


LIHO - Her - Duration: 4:05.

(music starts)

You seem to

Count me in

But you don't know me like i do

You mean to

Keep me in

A secret place alone with you

When i'm with you

I want it too

But not the same as you

That's just me

You're asking me

Way too much on me

But maybe you want someone else

I'm not her

I'm not her

I'm not her

I'm not her

I'm not her

I'm not her

I'm not her

You need to

Always win

But it don't work that way with me

So easy

Yea, you believe

That you got something i need

When i'm with you

Sure i want it too

But not the way you do

That's not me

You're asking me

Way too much on me

But maybe you want someone else

I'm not her

I'm not her

I'm not her

I'm not her

So when you're off and

You're thinking thoughts

You don't know what &

You don't know what i am

Don't make it harder

I know you want it

But you don't know &

You'll never know cause

I'm not her

I'm not her

I'm not her

I'm not her

I'm not her

I'm not her

I'm not her



I'm not her

I'm not like her








(music ends)

For more infomation >> LIHO - Her - Duration: 4:05.


Returning Ravio To His Mommy!? Zelda Plays SSO - SpecialZeldafan | Ep 2 - Duration: 9:17.

Hello everyone! My name is Princess Zelda & today I am back playing Star Stable Online.

You guys really liked it and it got a lot of views so why don't we go ahead and play again?

And I just logged on and there's this weird... wind thing saying we're close?

So why don't we... go follow the wind?

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