Thứ Tư, 23 tháng 1, 2019

Youtube daily report Jan 23 2019

Eh gad, Brain, the highly anticipated sequel to both Unbreakable and Split is finally

here, to really, at best mixed reviews.

To be clear, Glass has nowhere near as much well done tension as Split, or Unbreakable, and nowhere near

as much character development as Unbreakable, or Split.

Or really that much Glass, but I think why Shyamalan made Glass is more interesting.

I'm not going to spoil anything, and I'm not going to give even a real summary – all

I'll say is Unbreakable is film from M Night Shyamalan from 2000.

It stars Bruce Willis And Samuel L Jackson, essentially as they discover that Willis'

character has superhuman ability.

In Split, from 2016, we follow James McAvoy's character as he portrays a number of different personalities

trapped in the same body.

To the surprise of many people who first saw Split, but no one now that Glass is out, Split

turned out to be part of the same universe as Unbreakable, and Glass essentially casts

together the hero of Unbreakable against the antihero of Split – even though it's called

Glass, and he's neither of those things.

M Night Shyamalan, when he gives interviews, he usually gives quite shallow interviews.

Interviewer: What inspired the [split personality character] 23 or 24 personalities? And can you name them all?

Shyamalan: Oh! That's such a good question! Oh my god.

When he's asked a question, he's quite obtuse.

Interviewer: Parts of the public thought you had become a joke.

Shyamalan: Maybe, I just don't know who doesn't do this journey.

You're describing the journey of an artist.

Shyamalan: You're saying that specifically?

Interviewer (Offscreen): Yes, I'm just curious-

Shyamalan: I had a question in my folder. The folder that had all the notes.

I'm trying to think of saying it without saying anything.


Handsome bald man: And I don't blame him, that isn't a criticism,

he can play it however he wants to play it.

However it does mean that I'm really unsure there's any artistic reason to Glass coming

into existence almost twenty years after the only other film where that character appeared

for more than thirty seconds.

Many Shyamalan fans argue that Unbreakable is the director's finest film, and although

I'm not a fan of everything he's done, I agree.

Unbreakable is restrained.

It has a lot of build up.

It's careful in its choices.

And I think one of the reasons it's successful, is that it has a pretty definitive ending.

It certainly comes across that way, and I'd bet it was written that way.

I think that Unbreakable will always be a film I can enjoy, but Split and Glass, far

more so Glass, do change Unbreakable.

Just as the Star Wars prequels inform the way people watch the original trilogy, by

virtue of filling us in on the backstories that were sort of more interesting when we

didn't know them, Glass too informs Unbreakable.

In terms of analysis, perhaps Unbreakable should be separately. But then perhaps so should any film.

That's a lot easier to say than do. I don't think many people will be able to look at Unbreakable and not think about Glass.

Unbreakable ended with a post-script, but it did end.

I'm sure lots of people wanted to know what happened to the characters – but here's

the temptation film-makers must resist.

And then in the sequel, Ferris Bueller gets his realtor liscence, moves to the southside, gets fat, goes bald,

and realises he's a figmnent of that thin kid's imagination.

But don't let this change the first film for you.

My point is that by giving us more, Shyamalan has changed what many consider to be at very

least, classic Shyamalan, not by changing it Lucas style, but adding a lot of crap that

didn't need adding, Lucas style.

The conclusion of Glass really hammers in that this film is about something different to Unbreakable/

It feels as though the script was for different characters, and also heavy handed andd rushed.

From the outside, it looks as though Glass is trying to capitalise on the warm reception

to Split, a lot of which I think is down to James Macavoy, but at the same time go right

back to high Shyamalan and capitalise on the good will of a fanbase.

Shyamalan is senstive and anxious – the lack of acclaim sincerely hurts him.

Shyamalan: If the universe wants me to fail three more times to teach me to a ... even higher level of the characters,

I, I believe in that.

See there, he talks of failure – but just previously he declared the film a success.

Interviewer: Don't call it a comeback, it's not a comeback.

Shyamalan: Whatever happes with Glass, it's great and good.

Artistically, Shyamalan says, Glass is what he wanted. So where's the failure?

The numbers, box office and tomatoey, matter to him.

I think writing films with sequels in mind, can work.

Unbreakable wasn't that.

If there was more story to tell, why wait nineteen years?

There's no narrative reason for that.

Logistically, Shyamalan could have made this film at any time since 2000 (release of Unbreakable).

It kind of looks like Samuel L Jackson, who's

meant to a dangerous mastermind, has just been hanging out waiting for the film to start.

Spraying his hair everyday, just in case.

It doesn't help that Glass really isn't a standalone film, and I think would really struggle if Unbreakable had never existed.

But if Unbreakable had never existed, Glass would never have been made.

Why did Shyamalan make Glass? Because of issues of ego, and he wanted to stay relevant.

I think Shyamalan often finds himself between wanting to be an artist, and wanting to be

Steven Spielberg – not Spielberg the director, but Spielberg the golden child. Spielberg the success.

But what do I know? I've never met him. This is just what I observed. I could be totally wrong.

But I don't think so.

Shyamalan: *Laughs. In 18 years I'm gonna make a trilogy! No!

When this came out (he touches a bound copy of the script to Unbreakable), it had a kind of...

wonky reception. I felt hurt. I felt like the reaction was 'what is this? Is this a comic book?'

'It's not scary!' That was the main thing.

If Shyamalan made Glass because he's still hurt about the reception Unbreakable got then

that's not a great reason to make a film, but also, I can't wait for Lady Out Of The

Water, and sequels to everything then.

You can't make a film because your other film didn't get enough claps – that's squandering

your position.

Maybe the jokes on me, maybe the fact that a film called Glass is mostly about James

MacAvoy - maybe it's being really meta

and I'm just missing something.

Honestly, I think M Night Shyamalan should take some time, and just do what he wants to do.

As I've said before, I think he has a lot of talent. I think he's good at building tension and characters.

It's really frustrating to see him do this.

One of the reasons Unbreakable is good - one of the reasons anything is good, on a fundamental level

is that I think Shyamalan didn't make it for himself but he didn't make it for critics nor crowds. He was true to himself in what he did.

I think if he's being honest about it, he didn't make Glass in the same way. It's much more about reputation and

adulation. And I'm sure he doesn't want that to be the case.

But I think it is.


Shyamalan: It's probably the only time I would do this.

Everyone has been asking me, especially people who've seen the movie (Glass), 'is there more?'

I'm going to say no, for right now.

For more infomation >> On Shyamalan And Legacy - Duration: 8:47.


OFFSET x RAP FRANÇAIS | GQ - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> OFFSET x RAP FRANÇAIS | GQ - Duration: 2:35.


ATEEZ(에이티즈) - 'Say My Name' MV Reaction - Duration: 5:27.


2, 3

8 makes 1 team

Hello, we're ATEEZ

ATEEZ's music video reaction by ATEEZ


This is the first time~ x2

I haven't watched it on purpose

It's around 6 o'clock

Should I click it?

Do it!

Let's see the advertainment first

It's stopped at the moment

How can I take a volume up?

I can do it

Why are there so my people?

There are many

You guys don't know this scene, right?

Let's play first

I filmed this scene myself


When did you film it?


I shoot this after you guys left

Oh~ Say My Name~

It looks beautiful

It was hard to hold laughing at this time


I don't remember how many times I danced this in the filming set

Right, it was the first filming set

He looks so hot

The set is awesome


I didn't even know I would look like that

Load an arrow!

I like the set

The set was funny

It was hard to hold laughing while looking each other

Holding my laughing

I feel wired the scenes that we filmed were edited like this

It's amazing

Oh~ Jung Wooyoung~


It looks amazing x2

Individual shot

I should say something, but I don't know what to say

The coat fits nicely for Mingi

I didn't know the scene would be edited like this

I acted so hard at that time

I looked in the mirror and there was Yeosang in the mirror

Is he Yeosang?

San looked in the mirror but there was Yeosang in it

I'm not the one in the mirror

I looked at the mirror myself, but that wasn't me

A handsome guy~

Head butt~

It looks so good

Yeah~ Seonghwa~

I was the most…..haha

He got out from the military

I missed it!

The camera came up to here at that time

Ah, really?

I can recognize who that is even he wore a mask

Yeosang's face looks amazing

This is the first time to watch

I couldn't watch and hear over there

That was me in the teaser~

Right x2

I got goosebumps

He found out that was himself

I see

There is a story

Choi San~

Looks good~

What is the content of this story?

How will it be ended?

I have no idea who is who

What is the last?

Is there something left?

It has 3 to 5 seconds more


I think….

Can I tell about this?


Ah, it's done

We heard when the music video starts

I think I heard this

That is

Actually, if I give you some help to interpret the story

We heard when this starts

This is a prequel of the first album 'Treasure'

So, it the story before that

Yeah, the story before that

So, it's about the story we are gathering around

It's about how we gather and…

Stop it~

Up to here

It's awkward~

Also, in my individual scene, there is a picture

If you look at the picture minutely, you can find the previous album's…

No more~

Don't give too much detail

Just help them to interpret

I think the best scene is that Seonghwa look himself in the mirror

But, when he takes off a mask

he found out that was himself

I think that is the best scene

In this music video, members acted more than the previous one

Right, we acted a lot

It was awkward to watch because of the acting

Can we watch it one more time?

One more time~

Let's say goodbye first

We're going to watch one more time after saying goodbye

I believe that you guys would watch a music video of 'Say My Name' a lot, don't you?

Please watch it a lot~

For more infomation >> ATEEZ(에이티즈) - 'Say My Name' MV Reaction - Duration: 5:27.


Lucas Ferreira - Tattoo Timelapse | London Tattoo Convention 2018 - Duration: 1:01.

Visit for tattoo machines, tattoo inks, tattoo needles/cartridges, tattoo aftercare & more!

For more infomation >> Lucas Ferreira - Tattoo Timelapse | London Tattoo Convention 2018 - Duration: 1:01.


Gina Rodriguez Met Her Fiancé When He Stripped for Her on Jane the Virgin - Duration: 6:24.

-Welcome back. You've got some big news.

You have a pretty big rock on your finger, right there.

-Oh, I do. -Yeah!

[ Cheers and applause ]

You got engaged! -I got engaged.

I got engaged to the most amazing man ever.

-Aww. -Yeah.

I feel very lucky -- very, very lucky.

-Who -- who is he? And how do we know him?

[ Laughter ]

-Jospeh LoCicero I met on the set of "Jane."

-You did? -Yeah.

So, "Jane" gave me a lot of things --

not only an amazing life, and a dream come true,

but they gave me my live -- the love of my life.

So, he came onto "Jane."

He was playing Don Quixote, the stripper.

[ Laughter ]

[ Wolf whistling ]

[ Drums play ]

-Hey. Thank you, Quest, for that.

-So, he came on as -- he was a male stripper.

-He came on as a stripper that my mother hired

for my bachelorette party.

And Jane is, like, super against it,

and super terrified, and just, like,

doesn't know what to do with all that.

But Gina does.

[ Laughter ]

I was like, "Hey, hold on a second, there."

But actually, it was a little different.

I met him, like, six months later, in the boxing gym,

after we shot together.

And it was the boxing gym that brought it together.


-Oh! Oh. -We have a photo of the first time you guys met

on the...

Look at this. You've got to frame this.

[ Laughter, cheering ]

You have to frame this.

Gosh. Yeah. Oh, my gosh.

Good-looking couple, right there, yeah.

-He's like a walking Photoshop.

Like, perfection. It's so terrifying.

-Did you realize that day that's your future husband?

I mean, that's... -It was that moment.

[ Laughter ]

I think I was, like, drooling,

and trying to remember my lines, at that moment.

But, um...

-Any wedding plans yet, or have you started planning?

No. -No.

I barely made it here.

[ Laughter ]

-I know you're busy. We have "Miss Bala" to talk about.

-And I just wrapped "Jane."

I was directing an episode of "Jane"

that I wrapped last night, then jumped on a plane to come here.

[ Cheers and applause ]

-That's why we love you.

'Cause I love that you're directing.

This is the -- this is the final season of "Jane the Virgin."

-Yeah, it is.

-I've directed two of them so far.

I directed the season premiere of "Jane" that will come out

March 27th, and...

[ Cheers and applause ]

Everybody gets to see what happens with Michael.

Ooh. -Yeah.

When would you have time to get married, then, maybe?

-Um, if he was backstage, and you were ordained,

we'd probably do it right now. -Really?

-Yeah. Are you down? -I would, but --

-He's not backstage. -He's not backstage.

[ Laughter ]

Would you do that, though?

-Yeah. 100%.

We just want to -- we just want to be together.

We don't care. Today, tomorrow, whenever -- it doesn't matter.

-Yeah, but it's not about you. You know that.

-I know. I'm learning that. I'm learning that.

-Your wedding's not about you. It's about your family.

-Yeah, I know. That's what people tell me.

-Of course. And you have big family, don't you?

-Puerto Rican. -Yeah. All right.

[ Both talking indistinctly ]

-Like, all you have to do is stare at one of us, and bam,

we got, you know, three coming out.

Like, through osmosis. We got this.

You know what I'm saying?

-Osmosis. -We love to love.

-And he's got a big Italian family.

-And he's Italian. So...

-These are two good, fun, party families.

You can't -- you have to have a wedding.

-But I got super lucky, because my parents eloped,

which was awesome. And so, when I was like,

"Oh, I don't know what's gonna happen.

I don't know. It's a lot of pressure,

and a lot of planning, and..."

she was like, "Do what I did. Go elope."

-Really? -And I was like,

"Wait, mama, hold on." -Yeah. Wow.

-I was like, "Wait a second. You eloped?"

It was, like, the first time I was hearing that, too.

In my imagination, they had this grand wedding.

That never -- definitely didn't happen.

-Either way, you'll have a big party.

-Yeah. -Yeah, of course.

-With that music that y'all played for me to come in.

-We just -- yeah, I know.

We're still feeling it from Puerto Rico.

-Puerto Rico.

-We went down to Puerto Rico,

and did the show there a couple weeks ago.

-Can I just say "thank you so much" for doing that?

I think someone of your magnitude going down there

and shining light on our island right now

was so incredibly necessary.

We can't stop thinking about Puerto Rico.

[ Cheers and applause ]

And so, to see you down there, to see you with [indistinct],

to see you with your band down there,

walking [Spanish] which I grew up doing,

[Spanish] there, to see you with Bad Bunny --

it just brought me so much pride and so much excitement,

because we do still need to continue

efforts of rebuilding. -Absolutely, we do.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. All right.

If you guys want to give,

Also, World Central Kitchen, Jose Andres.

-Amazing -- as well as Ricky Martin.

He has an organization right now, too,

that's helping Puerto Rico.

Jennifer Lopez -- Unidos. Like, there are so many ways --

-There's so many ways to give.

Oh, you know the best way? Go on vacation in Puerto Rico.

-Yes. Yes. -That's the best way to do it.

It's a win-win, that way. -Yes. Yes. Yes.

-Let's talk about "Miss Bala."

It is action-packed.

You are a badass in this movie!

Oh, my gosh.

[ Cheers and applause ]

If action-packed is what you want,

get a bag of popcorn... -Yes!

-...and go, and be like...

And go to a place with a big, loud sound system...

-Yes! -...and enjoy it.

-Yeah. It's a roller coaster.

It's so much fun. And I'm just so proud of it.

95% Latinx in front of and behind the camera.

That never happens.

-Is that right? -It never happens.

-Good for you, for doing that.

-Sony. It was a big studio.

And we are re-imagining an amazing Mexican film,

contextualizing it for today.

You'll see a woman with an agenda, and agency, and --

you all know.

You have strong, amazing women in your life that,

when something happens, they get down to business.

-Yes. -So, it was nice to see that reflected on the screen.

And I get to do that. -And you get to totally do it.

And with Anthony Mackie -- who we love, as well.

-Oh, I love him. -Yeah.

It's called "Miss Bala." I want to show everyone a clip.

Here's Gina Rodriguez in "Miss Bala."

[ Tires squealing ]

-Got to stay with him. What you got?

Come on, keep up. [ Speaks indistinctly ]

-What? -Keep up! Keep up!

Now, slow down.

[ Horn honks ]

All right. I'm right on this corner.

Park the car real close to the curb.

Take your phone, and meet us up the hill.


-[ Speaks Spanish ]

[ Yells ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

-Congrats on "Miss Bala."

Congrats on "Jane the Virgin."

-Oh, thank you.

-Not only did it give you a Golden Globe Award,

a Peabody Award, but it also gave you your husband.

-Aww. I love you, Joe.

-Yeah. Oh, please. I love you, Joe, too.

-Yes! -Gina Rodriguez, everybody.

For more infomation >> Gina Rodriguez Met Her Fiancé When He Stripped for Her on Jane the Virgin - Duration: 6:24.


大坂なおみ4強で日本人最高世界3位、Vなら1位へ? - Duration: 9:46.

For more infomation >> 大坂なおみ4強で日本人最高世界3位、Vなら1位へ? - Duration: 9:46.


If you're Happy and you Know it | Types of Police vehicles and their names | Super Fun Box - Duration: 24:41.

If You're happy and you know it Clap your hands,

If You're happy and you know it Clap your hands,

If You're happy and you know it and You really want to show it

If You're happy and you know it Clap your hands.

If You're happy and you know it Stamp your feet,

If You're happy and you know it Stamp your feet,

If You're happy and you know it and You really want to show it

If You're happy and you know it Stamp your feet.

If You're happy and you know it Shout hurray!


If You're happy and you know it Shout hurray!


If You're happy and you know it and You really want to show it

If You're happy and you know it Shout hurray!


If You're happy and you know it Snap your fingers,

If You're happy and you know it Snap your fingers,

If You're happy and you know it and You really want to show it

If You're happy and you know it Snap your fingers.

If You're happy and you know it Do all 4!


If You're happy and you know it Do all 4!


If You're happy and you know it and You really want to show it

If You're happy and you know it Do all 4!


For more infomation >> If you're Happy and you Know it | Types of Police vehicles and their names | Super Fun Box - Duration: 24:41.


【MUKBANG】 Easy Melted Cheese Cabbage Lasagna Recipe Using Hot Plate!! [4000kcal] [CC Available] - Duration: 5:59.

hello it's kinoshita yuka



i'm going to use just this hot plate...

to make a really simple recipe, it's like an individual party

let's see that now

"let's put on the oil"... ah! that's wrong!

let's put first the oil on the hot plate

and we cook the minced meat

when the color change, we add some mirin sauce

and soy sauce

with miso

and mustard

and we mix it

and after that we take the meat

in the same hot plate we put a layer of cabbage

and we use this canned white sauce

and after that we put the cooked meat again

and we put another layer of cabbage

white sauce again...

and the rest of the cooked minced meat

we done by adding cheese on top

we put the lid, and we wait for 10 min

aah, the smell is so good, let's open the lid


cheese is so melty

jaaan, and by that we made Cheese Cabbage Lasagna Recipe Using Hot Plate

and for today, i made Chicken Meatballs soup

waa, look at this, it looks so tasty


waa, this cheese is so stretchy

looks so yummy

and because we are using in this lasagna, cabbage instead of noodles, it's so healthy

waa, cheese is so melty

it looks so hot


this is like cheese fondue

the cabbage goes so well with cheese


the texture of the cabbage still crispy and this is so good


and the taste of meat is strong and notable and this is very delicious


this cheese is so stretchy, isn't that ?

it's so hot

and this taste of the miso sauce is so good too

and if you want to add some sweet taste to it, you can add honey

mmmm, with a strong and tasty tasty

and cheese is so thick and stretchy


the flavor of the minced meat is so good

and because the taste is so strong and thick, it goes so well with the rice

waaa! so hot

really hot !

and now with the chicken meatballs soup


this chicken meatball is so fluffy

and this melty cheese is the best

mmmm, it's so stretchy in really amazing way

and the miso sauce goes so well with cheese too

and the strong texture of the cabbage is so good

the juices flow as soon as you bite the cabbage

mixing white sauce with cheese made it so thick and heavy

anyone can make this dish

ah, now it's warm


the last bite, itadakimasu



Cheese Cabbage Lasagna was so tasty

we used plenty of cheese, and mixing that with white sauce, made it so thick and heavy

and the taste of the miso and the minced meat was so good

and the soup was so delicious too

and because this was so tasty, why you don't try this as well ?

And as always thank you for watching !

if there's anything You want me to do

please tell me in a comment Section below

if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons

and i wish for everyone happy and tasty day

bye bye

all rights reserved. copyright © 2018 Kinoshita Yuka

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 Easy Melted Cheese Cabbage Lasagna Recipe Using Hot Plate!! [4000kcal] [CC Available] - Duration: 5:59.


[롱버전 영상] "지뢰를 발사하는 무서운 무기를 만든거 아닌가요?!" : 레고 창작(총), 강우진 (KOR/ENG sub) - Duration: 11:40.

(Please introduce yourself.)

My introduction? Are you shooting now?

I'll get started.

Hello, I'm Kang Woo Jin, LettleGoround.

(What's the LEttleGOround?)

I'm making LEGO guns out of Battlegrounds.

'LEttleGOround' is a word that appropriately includes 'Battleground' and 'LEGO'.

'LEttleGOround' is a word that appropriately includes 'Battleground' and 'LEGO'.

'LEttleGOround' is a word that appropriately includes 'Battleground' and 'LEGO'.

(Age?) I'm 13. a sixth grader in elementary school.

I graduate in a week.

When a subscriber requests a comment, I am making a gun with LEGO.

When a subscriber requests a comment, I am making a gun with LEGO.

I made guns with LEGO, MK16, Micro Uzi, AUG, M762...

I made guns with LEGO, MK16, Micro Uzi, AUG, M762...

I made guns with LEGO, MK16, Micro Uzi, AUG, M762...

QBZ, sawn-off,

QBZ, sawn-off,

Flare Gun, M249, Vector,


(You remember everything~) Yes. and I made AWM.

And Groza.

(When did you make your YouTube channel?)

I made MK14 three months ago.

I tried to break it down for a month and it was too bad to break it down.

So I made it for youtube video and I broke it.

This is a Designated Marksman's Rifle. It is a combination of an assault rifle and a sniper.

I thought this was the first video on YouTube.

I thought this was the first video on YouTube.

Generally, LEGO gun is a single shot, but it can shoot in a row.

Generally, LEGO gun is a single shot, but it can shoot in a row.

I also made it possible to take out the casings.

(Why do you make a gun for the game with LEGO?)

When I play Battleground, I'd like to buy a BB gun or gas gun, airsoft gun.

But it's too expensive. So I think 'let's just make it up'.

SCAR was the first gun I made with Lego.

I messed up because it was my first creation. (Messed up?)

I messed up because it was my first creation. (Messed up?)

The next one was GROZA.

it's messed up too.

The second one was made well.

I played for a while and crashed. Then I made GROZA version 3.

It's a good.

The power is good. When I load it, it will release the shell.

I think the Iron site is well expressed.

The silencer of Groza 3 is unique.

Remove the front grip and attach the silencer.

It can not be fired if you put a silencer.

It can not be fired if you put a silencer.

I liked the Gloza in the game.

This is because damage per second is very high.

This is because damage per second is very high.

(Will you also make ver.4?)

Ver.4? I do not need to create ver.4 because ver.3 is uploaded.

Ver.4? I do not need to create ver.4 because ver.3 is uploaded.

(If you like guns, do you study separately?)

I'm not a Military Mania.

I'm just studying enough to know how to make Lego guns.

This is M249.

Light machine gun. I tried to compare it with the picture,

but the expression was good.

butt plate, backsight, foresight,

butt plate, backsight, foresight,

I even paid attention to magazines and cartridge belt.

It's usually fired when the cartridge belt climbs up.

I didn't do that.

It can actually load like real gun.

I made the loading motion equal to the actual.

I made the loading motion equal to the actual.

With a new bullet, and There's a cartridge belt here...

Like this.

There are backsight and foresight.

I think it's nice to aim through this.

There's a grip on the top I made.

In the movie like Rambo, shoot like this.

My guns have almost rails on the top.

This is how it fits. When I aim...

It's got rails on top of the actual guns, and guns in the Battleground

That's why I made it.

This is a hologram sight.

And this is red dot sight.

This is a 4X Scope, made out of Lego tires

I also make a 15X Scope with tires.

It can't actually zoom but the aim shape is same in the game.

It can't actually zoom but the aim shape is same in the game.

(Can you take aim with it?)

Aiming is good. But

This isn't very helpful.

(For display only?) that's right.

(What if you have an unfortunate part?)

I can take out this Bipod, but it's a little loose.

It is fixed firmly,

and it seems to be long.

They're a little shorter than a real gun.

If I take a lot of Lego bricks, I'd like to make them as big as a real gun.

(You'll not have enough bricks...)

I only have two or three guns, and then I leave one of them and I make something new again.

I only have two or three guns, and then I leave one of them and I make something new again.


Broke it.

I tried to make an internal magazine when I made Kar98K.

I tried to make an internal magazine when I made Kar98K.

Because it is a bolt action rifle, I pulled back and pulled the shell out.

Because it is a bolt action rifle, I pulled back and pulled the shell out.

(There are different colors than other guns.)

I did not want to destroy the gun I had made at the time.

Maybe it was M249 and AWM.

So I made it out of color.

But because I have to be different from other people, I am putting the colors together.

(How do you make it?)

I make first the magazine.

Make the part of fire principle and then stick it with Lego.

Make the part of fire principle and then stick it with Lego.

I use the principle of open bolts.

A part with a rubber band pulls the bullet out.

(Is not it making something else?)

I make an idea out of it.

But I do not plan and create it perfectly.

But I do not plan and create it perfectly.

Because I make trial and error while making it, I make it considering it.

This is a Scorpion.

I made this because this gun recently appeared in the game. There were many requests.

I made this because this gun recently appeared in the game. There were many requests.

I can put a bullet in the magazine.

and it can fire.

And It can pull the trigger continuously and fire without load.

It was hard to make this because I did not have many white bricks.

It was hard to make this because I did not have many white bricks.

backsight, foresight,

I also expressed the grip.

(When did you first meet LEGO?)

When I was 4, my parents gave me a present.

I have been making it for 10 years since then.

It seems that LEGO has been working since the age of five.

At that time, I liked the house and the car.

Oh, this is also the car that appears in the game. 'Mirado.'

Oh, this is also the car that appears in the game. 'Mirado.'

This is a flare gun.

This isn't a killing gun. Signal gun.

In games, this is only used in custom matches.

In game, if you put a bullet in to the sky, the supply drops.

I load it like this and put the shot.

(It broke well.)

It's not broken right now.



I made a VECTOR. It's a SMG,

It's about the same size as a real gun.

VECTOR's got a lot of slopes.

I think I cared a lot about this.

I can increase the butt plate.

and I can fold up the butt plate to reduce the volume and store it.

If I lower the selector, the trigger won't pull.

Trigger pulls when raised.

So it fires.

And it has one more selector.

Single shot, Point shoot, and Continuous firing,

but this gun has no function.

There's a detachable frontsight and backsight.

This is the vertical grip. This is how I hold it and shoot it.

This also releases the casings.

When I load, it pops out like this.

When I shoot...

(Oh powerful? It's more powerful than I thought.)

But it doesn't hurt.

(Do you have a dream?)

I want to design a ship or a car by majoring mechanical engineering.

I want to design a ship or a car by majoring mechanical engineering.

I thought that I wanted to do something to make something while I was working on LEGO creation.

(How many guns do you see in BattleGround?)

More than 30.

(If you make it all, will you stop creating?)

The gun that does not appear in the game is requested and made.

The gun that does not appear in the game is requested and made.

(Is there anything you would like to say to your subscribers through video?)

I do not want to be rude when subscribers ask me to make a gun. It is very difficult to make a LEGO gun.

I do not want to be rude when subscribers ask me to make a gun. It is very difficult to make a LEGO gun.

(Why do you keep making things difficult?)

I made a LEGO gun and uploaded the video,

and I feel very good if I made a comment that I made it well.

and I feel very good if I made a comment that I made it well.

For more infomation >> [롱버전 영상] "지뢰를 발사하는 무서운 무기를 만든거 아닌가요?!" : 레고 창작(총), 강우진 (KOR/ENG sub) - Duration: 11:40.


저희 너무 오래 기다렸습니다 - Duration: 10:06.

This was broke, too, but I got this thing repaired.

And the big camera is broke again, and that's one of the reasons why my posting has been delayed so much.

In my high school, I used to live in dormitory.

So, this used to be my dormitory.

It's opened!

There might be some people studying.

There's someone studying alone.

Someone is studying.

Back then, I depended a lot on my friends who shared the same dream of getting into the great universities.

And then after I got into university,

I depended on those who were trying to get into nice companies and...

But we all get to do different works as time goes by.

And I'm one of them doing different work obviously.

But this is something I'm realizing lately.

It's just so boring to talk to someone whose dream is just a form of occupation.

Let's say your dream is simply to get a certain 'job'.

If the form of the job itself constitutes the whole dream,

imagine how boring it can be to talk about as a person who don't want that job.

Or, like...

Imagine how irrelevant it is to someone who doesn't dream that job at all.

It's not that all of my friends are Youtubers,

but when it comes to those who I still can talk about work and things about life,

they never consider a certain job or company as their final dream.

It's just a stage or tool that they will come through.

That's just it.


My favorite artist.

I know it's so random.

He's the only artist that both I and Nicola like at the same time.

I know many of you are already fan of him,

but he truly monopolized his own musical style.

He never obtained that uncopiable style for free,

but he tried going through the way that others never...

Anyone who understands what I'm saying?

There's no one here?

Alright then.

It's okay there's no one.

I'll rather close my coffin on my own.

This is another sample that Nicola has just sent me.

Nicola is literally sitting at her desk all day long,

and trying her best discussing stuff.

We're really almost there.

I think we're 80% done.

This is what I asked to Nicola.

A calm and reserved guy with some rebellion,

and deviating from what is mainstream.

That kinda feeling.

I made a difficult request but Nicola never said a word to complain.

That's where I ran through to get here.

I'm on the mid point.

It's 4 km until here,

and all I need to do is to go back.

And one day, my mom told me this.

Did you really have to do that?

Design work takes this long time.

Did you really need it?

I and Art make videos,

Kenny the King makes music,

and Nicola does design work.

But in the end, we're all presenting the same thing.

To me, meeting up and working with that kinda people is like...

Ever since I realized I enjoyed so much about writing essays,

I've always thought I'd be doing something weird in the future.

Didn't know what kinda job I'd have,

I just had no idea,

but I was sure as a kid that I'd be doing something weird.

What I was doing with Nicola was exactly the weird thing I wanted.

Like that guy is probably thinking I'm currently doing weird stuff,

it's the exact weird thing I wanted.

I mean, it took longer and was harder than I thought,

but had much fun.

I've gotta say thanks to Nicola again,

and I know I haven't been posting much.

My life in Unseo here is fine other than video-making.

My time spent with my girlfriend,

like my parents also visited here,

and I actually really like this place.

The best thing is obviously the beautiful landscape of Walmi-do and Incheon Bridge right in front of me,

and the fine dusts blocking all of them.

You can enjoy both of them.

Seems like all I'm doing in Unseo is just exercising.

Screw it.

For more infomation >> 저희 너무 오래 기다렸습니다 - Duration: 10:06.


Chờ Đông (Ngân Giang) - Đỗ Khanh | MV OFFICIAL - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> Chờ Đông (Ngân Giang) - Đỗ Khanh | MV OFFICIAL - Duration: 4:14.


SUPERHERO BABY WILD LION ANIMAL DANCE 💖 Play Doh Cartoons For Kids - Duration: 10:52.

Hi Luka's fan. Today we continue with another episode on WOA Luka Channel:


If you feel this video is some kind of cool stop motion animation.

Please hit "Subscribe" and "Like"

buttons below to see better episodes on WOA Luka Channel.

And don't forget ro hit the ♪BELL♪

For more infomation >> SUPERHERO BABY WILD LION ANIMAL DANCE 💖 Play Doh Cartoons For Kids - Duration: 10:52.


12분안에 다먹으면 공짜!!! 홍대 괴물짜장면 먹방!! 짜장면 먹방 Hongdae Jajangmyeon Mukbang - Duration: 7:08.


We are at Chinese homemade meal restaurant.

We are here to eat Monster Black Noodles.

With my friend (Leeby)!

Here we go!

Can't you do it? (The poster is looking for challengers)

It' free if finished in 12 min (Monster Black Noodles: 17,000 won)

With help of chili powder.

Black Noodles are on the table.

It's 17,000 won.

It's about five double-sized black noodles combined.

After you are ready with mixing the sauce and the noodles, you can ask an employee to time the eating.

The employee: START!

It's out of focus... Plz do your work!

It's a strange way of using chopsticks for large portion of food

Leeby: do your best!

Mind my chopsticks

- 1min past.

It's already greasy, right?

2 min

No, 3 min has passed.


Oh, two minutes passed!

I am really sensitive right now. Be precise in time calling! - What'd you say?

Don't speed down

- I started off with one danmuji* and now ended up with two. * Pickled sliced radish

- I told ya. I mean you end up eating like four pieces because the food is too greasy!

- Have I been eating something? (It's still there!)

With the help of danmuji

8 min left.



Jjajang* sauce too! * Black noodles

Dear chili powder, plz help me!

- Did it decrease? What has decreased?

- It's my life expectancy!

The noodles got so soggy that I thought it were fen hao zi noodles for a moment!

(But the black noodle sauce is so good, which makes you keep eating)


HA"L"J: In love! * Korean idiom that expresses one's emotions: Happiness, Anger, Love and Joy

H"A"LJ: Anger!

5 min left



Let's compare it with how it was at the start

This much before

This much now

- Do you want me to sprinkle more chili powder? - Yes!

Trying to imitate Geum Jan-di style of eating - Is that how Ku Hye-Sun eats black noodles?

Geum Jan-di, not Ku Hye-Sun* * South Korean Actress whose role was Geum Jan-di

This is the scene* I was trying to imitate. * A scene from a TV series called Boys over Flowers.

It's Geum Jan-di!

- You are not gonna throw that radish at me, right?

Throwing at me!

Black noodles are so nice even it's not a challenge.

1:30 min left

I am done for..

- I think you may have finished half? No?

Knew it in my bones that I failed.

Meaningless last minute time crunch.

20 sec left

I am so sorry...








It's so greasy!

- That's what I mean!

It's hard to finish the food here not because one's stuffed, but because of greasiness.

- Black noodles have become fen hao zi noodles. LOL!

- Taking the challenge itself is meaningful though.

Typical excuse of a loser

Trying the challenge as a normal person is meaningful..

I am sorry.

Even if the time is up, I will finish the rest for the mean time.

- You've got no time left though?

You got no time!

- Oh not the timer. I meant the time left for us!

- I thought you were talking about 12 minutes in the timer.

I will pay 17,000 won just like this and go back home!


Leeby's turn!

Why is it not decreasing?

She is doing her best!

We almost finished the chili pepper and danmujis on the table.

This is the end!

As most of you have expected, I failed. (I am sorry Mr. Black noodles)

Leeby told me she would buy a pair of shoes at ABC mart, so I followed her along

only to find out there is none.

We've arrived at the ABC mart company HQ.

Didn't you say you are going to buy a pair of boots?

- Well, we are at the HQ!

Thank you for watching the video today!

For more infomation >> 12분안에 다먹으면 공짜!!! 홍대 괴물짜장면 먹방!! 짜장면 먹방 Hongdae Jajangmyeon Mukbang - Duration: 7:08.


Triathlete Trail Runs Across Australia In 7 Days - Duration: 18:28.

I always need a challenge and what you can fit into seven days

just one week, to me is always amazing.

You take a country as big as Australia

and you figure what can I do in seven days?

so I set myself the challenge to find the best eight trails in Australia,

and not go and hike them, nope, we we're going to run them.

Race them, see how quick we could go and do them

and in true Australian style. The challenges that get thrown up;

The wildlife, the climate, you've got beaches, you've got desert,

you've got snow, you've got rainforest. This country,

it's one hell of a place and it's just truely amazing.

So day one. Kings Canyon.

Central Australia, Alice Springs is probably one of the

most picturesque places in Australia.

Four hour drive out of Alice Springs and it's

a fun little drive out on the dirt, you know

you'll need to take a four wheel drive out with you.

This is the jewel of central Australia, Kings Canyon.

So it's like Australia's little Grand Canyon.

To run over it the rocks like really grippy

and it's great trail running, it's rocky, but it's a lot of fun to run,

you're going over bridges, you've got 200m drops while you're running

next to the cliffs and you know it's one of

the best hiking trails in Australia but

if you're a runner, it's definitely a

place I'd go out to visit and if

you're really keen, go for two laps.

That's it, that's the loop of Kings Canyon,

oops I better stop my watch.

32 minutes including the Garden of Eden,

to be honest it's a short run but this could

be possibly, like I said, one of the greatest runs in Australia.

That's Alice Springs done, off to Adelaide.

So down to South Australia we flew into Adelaide

and this was the big drive.

So it was about five hours driving up to the Pound,

up into the northern Flinders Ranges and ah,

that's when the trouble started

So obviously not real smart driving at night

but we didn't really have a choice so,

driving along and there was just roos

coming out of everywhere.

I'd never seen anything like it, I thought Canberra was bad,

but I've never seen anything like it.

Eventually it was like Russian roulette,

and eventually we hit one you know,

he wasn't huge, but a pretty decent size eastern grey

came out and whacked the four wheel drive.

We hit a roo last night,

lucky they gave us a car with a bull bar.

Yeah, that was kind of the first real (deep breath) moment

but we got to the Pound and I got up, because of timing

I had to get up first thing and run in the dark.

5:30am, we got in late last night out of Adelaide,

a five hour drive and I'm in the Flinders Ranges so this is it.

The actual formation of The Pound itself is something really to look at,

and to be up there running on it and look out along

kind of the ridge line, second day I'm thinking this is even better

than Kings Canyon and then probably one of the

nicest trail runs I've had coming home,

coming down back into the resort there at The Pound.

Just magic running, I was just smiling to myself

thinking this is life for me, I'm happy, really happy.

That was the end, I mean that trail,

that loop was amazing! That's one of the best trails

I've run anywhere full stop.

So we've got to drive back to Adelaide now

which is a long haul, it's about a five hour drive

and then jump on a plane to Perth and

ah no rest for the wicked.

So we were five hours back to Adelaide and then next stop was Perth.

Third try lucky.

Story of my life checking into hotels.

Good morning from WA,

we got in in the dark last night and we've got

another cracker day in the sun

but we're just down the road from Busselton,

which is about two and a half hours south of Perth.

Originally we'd planned to run what I thought

would be the jewel of the running week

was the Sterling Ranges, which is down the south of WA.

Unfortunately it had bushfire damage,

but like the whole week went, I think it was actually

for the better because we ended up

picking the Cape to Cape track,

started down in Yallingup down

in the Margaret river area of WA, and it delivered.

I mean the weather was absolutely amazing and look at the water,

how blue it is and the actual first, probably half

of the running trail was as good as any I've run on.

Now we're talking!

I mean it was enjoyable, it was fast running, the scene,

you know the scenic area we're running was just amazing.

Then the hiking track started so it was soft sand and tough going

it was a hard run. And then the second hiccup

of the week happened, where ah,

Shane lost the keys to the car.

Just got a message on my sat tracker,

Shane's actually lost, he's lost the key to the car.

Went looking for Courtney, I don't know where he was,

hopefully fingers crossed they've got my key.

I'm out of water a long time ago and ah

I've got to work out what's the easiest way for me to

get out of here at the moment to get picked up so.

As you could imagine, it's not only stressful on me

it's stressful on everyone who's actually trying to help me do this as well.

At that stage, I got a message on my tracker.

This is the best message I've got all day,

have a look at this. I've found the car key,

I'll meet you at Moses Rock. We're not derailed yet!

Eventually after two hours a local guy on the beach

had found the keys and the way Shane explains it,

you know a little, a little bit of the tag sticking out of the sand,

they found it and enough people on the beach knew

that Shane was looking for the keys that ah yeah,

we got them back.

Back driving, Courtney's at Moses Rock

so I'm on my way to go pick him up, he'd be very dehydrated by now.

I've never been so glad to see anyone in my life.

I was dehydrated. At the end of it I was pretty smashed

you know it was 30km.

Three hours , the second half of the run was pretty much in soft sand

four wheel drive tracks, which really isn't that enjoyable.

So, if I recommended someone who wanted to run it

to go down there I'd actually just do the run from

the top of the Cape to Yallingup.

I mean that was probably 12km or so and it was

probably some of the nicest run trails.

Like we said, we went there looking for the best run trails

and I'd go as far as saying it's some of the best

run trails in the country that first part.

That night, I'm trying to get out of WA and I'm delayed now

until 1:45am which is actually 3:45am back where I'm going in Melbourne,

for a four hour flight so I know I'm going to cop it, I'm not going to get much sleep.

I arrive in Melbourne, get off the red eye only to find

my bag not come out on the conveyer belt, so I don't have a bag.

So after all that, my bag is the one bag that hasn't come.

So not only are we delayed but we are running short on time

and now my bag.

At the moment, we're changing flights, we're going to make the flight later,

decided to call it and make a whole day of it here in Melbourne

so I don't know, we can go now enjoy the 12 Apostles.

So day four and we're down on the Great Ocean Road,

two and a half hours outside of Melbourne and we're running to the famous,

iconic 12 Apostles. See you at the other side.

First time at 12 Apostles and ah, yeah I mean the scale was grand,

it was bigger than I thought it'd be and ah definitely,

there's a great run down there so if you're a runner

and you're visiting the place it's a great place to go for a trail run.

I mean it is an enjoyable trail, you don't get a lot of views

but it's the highlight at the end when you get to

stand out there on the walk-way and see the famous landmark

that makes it all the worth while to go down and have a look.

You know, this is one to tick off, a bucket list place

because it is one of the true iconic locations here in our country.

Day five, again we've arrived in the middle of the night

so the next morning I get up and we are in Tassie.

Day…five, is it day five already or is it day four? Yeah day five,

so day five and we are down in Tasmania and going to

run around the Wine Glass Bay circuit and it's actually quite nice.

So that little island down the south of Australia, Tasmania,

we're down in Wine Glass Bay, we're about 2-3 hours on the east coast

away from Launceston and this place is amazing.

Wine Glass Bay is the highlight, it's probably one of the whitest beaches you'll see

and crystal clear blue water next to it, but it's all the

technical tramping to get up to Mount Graham to see the views

that really is the highlight of this loop and of this trail.

As far as a hike goes, it's great, it'd be a great hike around there.

As far as a run goes, it's a tough one,

I mean Mount Graham has quite a challenging little pinch up to it.

So next stop, or next photo opp, will be up on top of Mount Graham.

So I've booked the hotel for the wrong day, ah, non-refundable,

so first port of call is actually trying to find a new hotel - and being

our nation's capital during the week,

it's a nightmare to find accommodation.

We're trying to work that out but at the same time I need to do a run that evening.

Decided just to come down and get this run done

so it's 5km around Lake Burley Griffin

and we'll see how quickly we can get around it.

So we're running in the city centre around Lake Burley Griffin,

you have Parliament House as your backdrop, it's a 5km track that's actually

quite popular, so I've thrown my head lamp on in the freezing cold

in the middle of the night.

I'm running around Parliament House,

this circuit where Olympians, because of the Australian Institute of Sport

is in Canberra, you've got Olympians that have run the course before,

ah, it's a popular lunchtime run but I'm running it in the middle

of the night with a head lamp on as quick as I can

and this is after running 30km in the morning down in Tassie.

I think that puts things into perspective,

how much I'm actually challenging myself on the running at each location,

you know I'm running at close to, you know full speed, racing speed at these locations.

Four hours sleep after running around Parliament House

last night and we're on our way to, day six, Thredbo.

We're up in the dark again and we're on our way this time to Thredbo.

So down to the snowy mountains and the goal is,

in the middle of winter, to get to the highest peak in Australia.

Here we go! Kozi. Day…six.

So we've been up there on a previous project before,

in absolutely appalling conditions, in no snow, but appalling conditions.

This time I was just fingers crossed you know

with mountain weather in the middle of winter.

I was running pretty much in shin depth snow a lot of the time.

Here we go, so heading for ah Kosciuszko

Some good, some good running,

and then there's some ah just shit.

Pretty soft old snow makes it pretty tough going.

So I've got up to the top of Kosciuszko and as we got there,

we've run up in white out pretty much the whole way and

then it just opened up like this, blue skies, sometimes you get lucky!

Sun's been good to us all week,

Queensland tomorrow you better hold your own.

Instead of catching the lift down from up there at Eagles Nest

we jumped on the snowboard and had a bit of fun for the day,

kind of felt like I was on holiday for about all of an hour.

I'm up the top of Australia at midday,

flown into Townsville that night.

Arrived again midnight, so limited sleep,

and then first thing 7am in the morning, we are on a boat.

And we are off to Hinchinbrook Thornsborne trail,

is a good one to save for the end,

not only is it my home state, so probably a bit bias there.

Alright! here we go day seven, back home in Queensland,

Hinchinbrook Island, good to be back in Queensland!

Truly one of the most untouched environments left in Australia!

Talk about the wildlife, crocodiles, you know true tropical northern Queensland environments.

As an ambassador for Queensland Tourism,

I do a lot of stuff around Queensland, and this is one that I still hadn't been

and I'm now going as far as saying that it rivals

anything that I've seen along the Queensland coast.

There's days that I run and I catch myself smiling,

and today it's one of those days.

Queensland, had a bit of everything on those trails; you've got beach,

you're up in the jungle, it gets dry, rocky, water holes, waterfalls.

Good place to finish, I'm going to go and sleep for a few days.

A lot of time went into choosing what trails

I believed were the best in each state and territory in Australia,

and at the end of all this I don't regret any of them;

I reckon I've made the right choice on all of them.

So where do I go from here, what's next?

We will see where the next trip takes us.

For more infomation >> Triathlete Trail Runs Across Australia In 7 Days - Duration: 18:28.


KunKun Play Cleaning Toys Kitchen for Kids Learning Colors Cars Construction - Duration: 15:51.

I'm hungry. Oh overthere, I should find something to eat

Oh no. It's inedible

How delicious the food is!

So Good!

"Leaving garbage like this isn't right, we should take out the garbage into the bin"

oh no

Who did leave the food on the floor like this? Let's tidy it up!

Let's tidy up the house!

Where is my cleaning set? I need it.

Oh So many toys vehicles.

My T-shirt gets dirty. I think I should change it!

No no it's too big for me.

Oh no It's pink

It's light purple. no no

This one's is the best.

This shorts are not okay.

Oh clothes should be put in order.

Wow that's clean now.

Let's go to the room!

No no. Why he throws his clothes on the floor?

You should tidy it up.

Oh I have to fold them.

What a nice car! I'll drive it.

Oh no! I've just cleaned the house. Why did you drive the car and make the floor so dirty?

You must stop right now! The power wheels leave marks on the floor. You should clean it again!

Oh no, must I clean it one more time?

It's clean now. Yeahhh

There are some pictures to paint.

Oh I've poured color on the floor.

Let's try this new game.




Oh what's he doing?

Oh my god what are you doing? You make the house very dirty, you know?

We should not make the house become dirty like this my friends. The house looks so dirty right?

On the floor... On the door... Oh no

So tired!

Oh I'm so tired. I think I should take a rest!

Take a nap and do it later.

I'll help my little sister. She must work hard because I mess the house up.

Redeeming my mistake by doing chores is worth doing.

For more infomation >> KunKun Play Cleaning Toys Kitchen for Kids Learning Colors Cars Construction - Duration: 15:51.


華為「年度嚇人技術」:石墨烯電池+5000mAh+10GB,30分鐘充滿 - Duration: 12:31.



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榮耀Magic 2代採用6.




























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首款搭載GPU Turbo技術的產品是--榮耀Play。

榮耀首款GPU Turbo產品


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樂趣AR; 2018潮流新配色




​ 如此前預告



正式揭曉「很嚇人的技術」——革命性圖形處理加速技術GPU Turbo。




















而GPU Turbo通過軟硬體的優化協同




GPU Turbo打通了EMUI作業系統以及GPU和CPU之間的處理瓶頸






華為和榮耀的機型將在本月開始陸續升級GPU Turbo技術

免費贈送GPU Turbo技術升級。

​ 6月6日




它就是:GPU Turbo。


GPU Turbo











GPU Turbo同時自帶HDR特效以提升顯示效果。


華為和榮耀的高中低端將陸續升級GPU Turbo。


GPU Turbo擁有高性能、
















即「革命性圖形處理加速技術」GPU Turbo。


這次華為發布的很嚇人的技術就是革命性圖形處理加速技術GPU Turbo


GPU Turbo通過軟硬體的優化協同







嚇人技術終於要來了 就叫GPU Turbo 軟硬體協同圖形加速技術 圖形處理效率提升60%

即使是新一代晶片也提升不了這麼多 60%的提升!!!這已經是GPU晶片一到兩代的提升效率了!! 華為去年研發投入超過蘋果 .


36個聯合創新中心 .

有了GPU Turbo


高中低端手機將來會陸續升級GPU Turbo 給安卓系統給來前所未有的超越 .


開槍感受到了後坐力 6月6日




華為消費者BG CEO余承東親自站台


它就是華為通過軟硬體協同實現的GPU Turbo技術


擁有GPU Turbo的手機







用余承東的話說這是:"用軟硬協同的方式解決了長期困擾安卓的問題 更給安卓系統帶來前所未有的超越。

」 在發布會上


如圖 華為表示












會覆蓋4 6 8系列晶片

For more infomation >> 華為「年度嚇人技術」:石墨烯電池+5000mAh+10GB,30分鐘充滿 - Duration: 12:31.


Laura's story - Duration: 3:12.

So Steven was like a big kid. He was a really really caring person

He loved his family. One of the things he was most proud of was being a dad

Started out really like a normal day. He told me that morning he had been feeling

a little bit unwell you know a little bit breathless we were getting the

babies all sorted you know getting the twins ready for a nap, getting Harry ready for bed

He took something out to the bins

I don't even remember what it was and then he was in the kitchen and I could hear

him struggling for breath I suppose. So I was in the living room with the three kids

and then he shouted and Laura can you get someone I said what do you mean someone?

I said like like an ambulance? And he said yes. I phoned the ambulance

and went into him in the kitchen while I was on the phone he was heaving for

breath and he was sweating and he was clearly in distress and then he

collapsed and you know just completely just completely went limp and

went down onto our kitchen floor so I was doing chest compressions and and

then I remember the moment that Stephen stopped breathing

He sounded actually like he exhaled and then that was it.

He started to go blue

When I tell people that Stephen had an asthma attack and it killed him they

can't believe it I mean they genuinely are lost for words. Some of our family

didn't even know that Stephen had asthma that's how mild it was considered

I don't think that Stephen had enough asthma care and maybe you know if he had

an action plan we could have looked and said well you've been using your inhaler

this much you know so this means maybe it's time to make an appointment or you

know there's something going on here your asthma is changing so you have to be

aware that if you have asthma that you have to make sure you have action plans

you have to make sure you're going to your checkups you have to push for those

things it just needs to be taken so much more seriously that it is

and I really really hope that sharing Stephen's story can go some way to doing that

because then it has meaning and it has maybe a positive influence

Maybe it'll even be life-saving

For more infomation >> Laura's story - Duration: 3:12.


The New Ford Ranger. Tow whatever the hell you want! - Duration: 1:16.

Filmed on a closed track with professional drivers.

Please do not try this yourself.

In fact, don't even think about it.

Tow 3,5 tonnes of whatever the hell you want.

New Ford Ranger

For more infomation >> The New Ford Ranger. Tow whatever the hell you want! - Duration: 1:16.


Is Chinas censored internet winning? | DW Feature - Duration: 3:50.

remember when the internet was supposed to spread freedom and democracy around

the world it's helped people organize protest and fight for democratic reforms

but increasingly authoritarian regimes are using the Internet to undermine

democracy by the monitoring citizen's silencing critics or just simply cutting

the cord altogether in fact according to one study the number of Internet

shutdowns has doubled since 2016 and more than 70%

of Internet users now live in countries where people were arrested for posting

political social or religious content and when it comes to controlling the

internet experts saying there's one country that's leading the way and

teaching others how to do it China it's it's basically pioneered and just

dominated this form of kind of Internet control and you look at it and you go ok

we can do that let's try that it's not too difficult to

seek to track the trend in Beijing's influence and Beijing's training and all

these forms of Internet control that China pioneered appearing in Africa for

two decades China has been building its own version of the internet sealed off

by the Great Firewall which blocks sensors and controls anything that the

ruling party doesn't like and now China's trying to export its model the

internet around the world Beijing calls this cyber sovereignty

something President Xi Jinping promotes to other leaders at China's annual world

internet conference ginger Wong look they kind of crafted this doctrine of

cyber sovereignty it says look just as we control what goes on inside the

physical borders of our country we should be able to control absolutely

what goes on in the you know cyber borders of our country it's basically

using sovereignty arguments and national security arguments as a justification

for censorship China isn't just spreading its ideology it's also sharing

its technology companies with links to the ruling party like Huawei are

building Internet infrastructure in countries all over the world

particularly in Africa experts believe that this could give those nations the

same surveillance powers that China has there are lots of places that you can

see this investment and then see this yeah this spike in censorship China has

also trained leaders from nearly 40 different nations on its surveillance

tactics including Uganda after its 2016 elections in the wake of that election

when the government was complaining about people how people are organized in

social media and explaining why it had to you know shut down social media

people sounds good and some Ugandan officials did go to Beijing and openly

said we are going to Beijing to learn how to deal with this problem with the

internet come in the wake of cracking down on dissent in Uganda you know I

think it was pretty clear what they were hoping to learn from from Beijing there

are two competing models of the internet one is China's the other is more open

and decentralized but right now it looks like China's is making serious progress

that's partly because the open model has so many problems of its own from fake

news and political hackings to real-world violence

China is able to say these aren't really problems in China because we tightly

control our internet and we tightly police them if countries that care about

the internet of companies that care about Internet and organizations don't

come up with a effective new model then you know I think we will see a trend

towards a more top-down government control as in China as in Russia as in

much of Africa you know we'll see that even in countries that have typically

you know stuck up for a free inner



For more infomation >> Is Chinas censored internet winning? | DW Feature - Duration: 3:50.


SKAM FRANCE EP.1 S3 : Mercredi 10h34 - Tu crois que je suis bête ou quoi ? - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> SKAM FRANCE EP.1 S3 : Mercredi 10h34 - Tu crois que je suis bête ou quoi ? - Duration: 2:34.


Manuel Charr has suspension lifted, ordered to defend WBA title against Fres Oquendo - Duration: 2:29.

The WBA's secondary titleholder at heavyweight, Manuel Charr, was hit with a backdated six-month suspension last September when he failed a VADA drug test leading into his mandatory title defense against Fres Oquendo

But Charr wasn't stripped of his title and has been let loose a little early after his team contested the way his urine samples we handled by VADA

The specific issue with regards to the the handling of Charr's samples was that he was entitled to have a representative present when his 'B' sample was opened, but apparently that didn't happen, per an ESPN report

"Although VADA and the WBA had reason to assume that Charr did not intend to have a representative attend the opening and testing of the B sample, Charr claims that his requests regarding the B sample testing were not acknowledged," the WBA wrote in its resolution, a copy of which was obtained by ESPN

"Regardless of the disputes over communications and notice, Charr did not have a representative attend the B sample testing

Charr provided a third sample to VADA on Sept. 29, 2018, and the sample tested negative, according to a VADA communication of Nov

6 2018." The WBA went on to rule that because of the time lapse since the samples were taken and the miscommunication regarding Charr's 'B' sample, they've recalled his suspension with several conditions in place

The first condition is that Charr makes his mandatory title defense against Oquendo within the next 60 days

The second is that the winner of that bout must face the winner of another WBA-ordered fight between interim titlist Trevoy Bryan and Jarrell Miller within 120 days of Charr-Oquendo

In the meanwhile, Charr will continue to be randomly tested by VADA, and should he test dirty again, he will be immediately suspended and stripped of his title

Charr (31-4, 17 KOs) has been out of action since late 2017, when he took a decision over Alexander Ustinov, and Oquendo (37-8, 24 KOs) hasn't fought since mid-2014, but has been owed a shot at heavyweight title for what seems like forever now

We'll see how things go this time around.

For more infomation >> Manuel Charr has suspension lifted, ordered to defend WBA title against Fres Oquendo - Duration: 2:29.


Queen Royal - Queen's favourite chocolatier STOCKPILING ingredients amid Brexit fears - Duration: 3:33.

 Charbonnel et Walker, the Monarch's number one truffle maker, has been building up goods in the event of border delays after the March 29 exit from the bloc

The chocolatier said in a statement it has been stockpiling "for some time to ensure supply is not interrupted" post-Brexit

Charbonnel et Walker, founded in London in 1875, make their chocolates in West Dorset and made profits of £1

6 million this financial year. The firm cited the lavish wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle in Windsor in May, which was celebrated by the firm with the creation of a chocolate crown filled with champagne truffles that went down a treat with royal fans

 Recent new products include coconut truffles by the company, which boasts of its popularity with tourists from the Middle East, US and Japan

 The news follows the revelation that the Queen herself could be the saviour Brexit needs to make it happen

 Eurosceptic MP Mark Francois said: "Some MPs, some very senior civil servants and others are basically conspiring, and I use the word deliberately, in order to try and prevent us from leaving the EU

They have never accepted the verdict of the British people in the referendum. They think the British people made some horrendous mistake or didn't know what they were doing and it's their job to save the people from themselves

 "And I think the more that becomes obvious, as it will over the next few days and weeks, I think the angrier people will get with their MPs or any MP who goes along with it

" TalkRadio interviewer, Julia Hartley-Brewer agreed, adding: "The reality is, in terms of any attempt to control the business in the House of Commons, the Speaker, who's clearly a Remainer and made it very clear that he is, they'd still need to pass an act of parliament to stop us leaving on the 29th March

 "That act of parliament would only be law if it had royal assent." When asked to confirm if the Queen could save Brexit, he said: "Well, under our constitution the monarch is the ultimate constitutional backstop

" Theresa May presented her Brexit plan B to Parliament on Monday, though it did not offer much in the form of changes made from plan A - to keep the uK tied to the EU customs union and single market

 She has vowed to return to Brussels to finally solve the Irish backstop issue however, which is the major sticking point for the plan not getting a nod from MPs

 A vote on her plan B is pencilled in for January 29.

For more infomation >> Queen Royal - Queen's favourite chocolatier STOCKPILING ingredients amid Brexit fears - Duration: 3:33.


Balance de lecturas 2018 || Mejores y peores [CC] - Duration: 14:13.

For more infomation >> Balance de lecturas 2018 || Mejores y peores [CC] - Duration: 14:13.


Były szef NSA: Stany Zjednoczone muszą postawić na operacje ofensywne w cyberprzestrzeni - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Były szef NSA: Stany Zjednoczone muszą postawić na operacje ofensywne w cyberprzestrzeni - Duration: 3:29.


YUGI H5 - Tuyển tập những trận đấu hay server China (23.01.2019) - Thầnbà YugiH5 - Duration: 10:54.

For more infomation >> YUGI H5 - Tuyển tập những trận đấu hay server China (23.01.2019) - Thầnbà YugiH5 - Duration: 10:54.


#1 Luxurious AC Buses of Bangladesh - Part 1 - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> #1 Luxurious AC Buses of Bangladesh - Part 1 - Duration: 3:28.


Marilyn (Secret Story 2) célibataire et maman : "Je n'ai pas le temps" - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> Marilyn (Secret Story 2) célibataire et maman : "Je n'ai pas le temps" - Duration: 2:47.


For more infomation >> Marilyn (Secret Story 2) célibataire et maman : "Je n'ai pas le temps" - Duration: 2:47.


ホンダ 新型N-BOX vs スズキ 新型スペーシア ! スライドドア付き軽自動車の金字塔2車種をガチ比較 - Duration: 13:11.

For more infomation >> ホンダ 新型N-BOX vs スズキ 新型スペーシア ! スライドドア付き軽自動車の金字塔2車種をガチ比較 - Duration: 13:11.


For more infomation >> ホンダ 新型N-BOX vs スズキ 新型スペーシア ! スライドドア付き軽自動車の金字塔2車種をガチ比較 - Duration: 13:11.


SKAM FRANCE EP.1 S3 : Mercredi 10h34 - Tu crois que je suis bête ou quoi ? - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> SKAM FRANCE EP.1 S3 : Mercredi 10h34 - Tu crois que je suis bête ou quoi ? - Duration: 2:34.


For more infomation >> SKAM FRANCE EP.1 S3 : Mercredi 10h34 - Tu crois que je suis bête ou quoi ? - Duration: 2:34.


Abstract Painting in Acrylics with a painting knife | Lorian - Duration: 4:22.

Thanks for watching this video.

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If you want to go further and become an abstract painter, I have created

a DVD called Abstract painting Secrets to help you.

And best off, you can get this DVD for free!

It's in the description below the video!

See you soon ;)

For more infomation >> Abstract Painting in Acrylics with a painting knife | Lorian - Duration: 4:22.


For more infomation >> Abstract Painting in Acrylics with a painting knife | Lorian - Duration: 4:22.


The New Ford Ranger. Tow whatever the hell you want! - Duration: 1:16.

Filmed on a closed track with professional drivers.

Please do not try this yourself.

In fact, don't even think about it.

Tow 3,5 tonnes of whatever the hell you want.

New Ford Ranger

For more infomation >> The New Ford Ranger. Tow whatever the hell you want! - Duration: 1:16.


For more infomation >> The New Ford Ranger. Tow whatever the hell you want! - Duration: 1:16.


Comment configurer une imprimante HP sans fil depuis Android | Imprimantes HP | HP - Duration: 5:11.

For more infomation >> Comment configurer une imprimante HP sans fil depuis Android | Imprimantes HP | HP - Duration: 5:11.


For more infomation >> Comment configurer une imprimante HP sans fil depuis Android | Imprimantes HP | HP - Duration: 5:11.


Les vraies raisons de Céline Dion arrivée surprise à Paris ! - Duration: 6:23.

For more infomation >> Les vraies raisons de Céline Dion arrivée surprise à Paris ! - Duration: 6:23.


For more infomation >> Les vraies raisons de Céline Dion arrivée surprise à Paris ! - Duration: 6:23.


Bon pour les personnes qui dormentl|LSF TV - Duration: 4:09.

For more infomation >> Bon pour les personnes qui dormentl|LSF TV - Duration: 4:09.


For more infomation >> Bon pour les personnes qui dormentl|LSF TV - Duration: 4:09.


고아성X고아라, 'SKY캐슬' 염정아 응원 "결방 아쉬워" - KN Channel - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> 고아성X고아라, 'SKY캐슬' 염정아 응원 "결방 아쉬워" - KN Channel - Duration: 1:12.


For more infomation >> 고아성X고아라, 'SKY캐슬' 염정아 응원 "결방 아쉬워" - KN Channel - Duration: 1:12.


ইরান-ইসরায়েল যুদ্ধের দিকেই যাচ্ছে! পৃথিবীর ইতিহাস থেকে ইসরাইলের নাম মুছে ফেলতে চায় ইরান - Duration: 10:13.

কে ঢাকা উত্তরের নগরপিতা? জাহাঙ্গীর কবির নানক তাবিথ আউয়াল বাহাউদ্দীন নাছিম আতিকুল ইসলাম রুবানা হক

সংলাপ কেন শুভেচ্ছা? এইচটি ইমাম ও ওবায়দুল কাদের ভিন্ন বক্তব্য কামাল হোসেন মির্জা ফখরুলের ভিন্নমত

ওয়াটারফ্রন্ট রিসোর্ট গাজীপুর WATER FRONT RESORT GAZIPUR Fantastic & enjoyable annual office picnic

বাংলা সকল পত্রিকার সংবাদ শিরোনাম॥ প্রধানমন্ত্রীর সংলাপ ঐক্যফ্রন্টের সিলেট যাত্রা Online news today

For more infomation >> ইরান-ইসরায়েল যুদ্ধের দিকেই যাচ্ছে! পৃথিবীর ইতিহাস থেকে ইসরাইলের নাম মুছে ফেলতে চায় ইরান - Duration: 10:13.


For more infomation >> ইরান-ইসরায়েল যুদ্ধের দিকেই যাচ্ছে! পৃথিবীর ইতিহাস থেকে ইসরাইলের নাম মুছে ফেলতে চায় ইরান - Duration: 10:13.


Donald Duck | Crazy Over Daisy | Molly Bell - Duration: 2:33.

PLEASE, LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE and SUBCRIBE my video! Thank you very much!

For more infomation >> Donald Duck | Crazy Over Daisy | Molly Bell - Duration: 2:33.


For more infomation >> Donald Duck | Crazy Over Daisy | Molly Bell - Duration: 2:33.


(EN/日) SoRi 'I'm Ready' MV Making EP3 [소리] - Duration: 8:04.

SoRi's Youtube Channel

To the back to the back

(SoRi warning the cameraman)

Are you OK?

(Showing off in front of the fancy lighting)


(First , MIKUNANA part)

We are outside

Take care on your back

(SoRi warning the cameraman)

Be careful

I will work hard

(SoRi's solo part)

This is a new shooting place.

(Suddenly she started again to act like is her house)

The atmosphere

The atmosphere in a box

Oh there are flowers there too

Be careful here

What is this?

For what is this used?

But that one is not too much plucked from its roots?

Are you OK?

Here is really nice

(SoRi showing off in front of the fancy light)

The color is really nice

(broken SoRi)

(the shooting of the dance part started again)

Is it hard?


Is fun



I am shooting at the scene

And also I shot outside

But like this

Just shooting to a place just like it is

Doing like this

Filming in a fabric like this, is the first time for me

I was thinking it will be a little bit scary and cold

Comparing with what I was thinking, is really fresh

I really like it

How do you say cute in Korean?

Cute (saying in Korean)

It's difficult

(overusing the word "cute" without reason)

I only learned it through making a heart with my hand

Did you practiced a lot?

No, we only practiced for 2 days

But 3 of you are quite synchronized

Oh really? Yey

We only had 2 days but we practiced a lot

As SoRi already practiced by herself before coming

I had no advise to give to her

But she was the one who gave us advise

"What do you think if we dance like this?"

and asking like this was really nice

We did well because of you

We are enjoying it

But we didn't finish yet

It starts from now

Outside it got really dark


(Behind the steel-barred window)

I feel like I am at zoo

(sudden change)

(Posing like a pro)

For more infomation >> (EN/日) SoRi 'I'm Ready' MV Making EP3 [소리] - Duration: 8:04.


On Shyamalan And Legacy - Duration: 8:47.

Eh gad, Brain, the highly anticipated sequel to both Unbreakable and Split is finally

here, to really, at best mixed reviews.

To be clear, Glass has nowhere near as much well done tension as Split, or Unbreakable, and nowhere near

as much character development as Unbreakable, or Split.

Or really that much Glass, but I think why Shyamalan made Glass is more interesting.

I'm not going to spoil anything, and I'm not going to give even a real summary – all

I'll say is Unbreakable is film from M Night Shyamalan from 2000.

It stars Bruce Willis And Samuel L Jackson, essentially as they discover that Willis'

character has superhuman ability.

In Split, from 2016, we follow James McAvoy's character as he portrays a number of different personalities

trapped in the same body.

To the surprise of many people who first saw Split, but no one now that Glass is out, Split

turned out to be part of the same universe as Unbreakable, and Glass essentially casts

together the hero of Unbreakable against the antihero of Split – even though it's called

Glass, and he's neither of those things.

M Night Shyamalan, when he gives interviews, he usually gives quite shallow interviews.

Interviewer: What inspired the [split personality character] 23 or 24 personalities? And can you name them all?

Shyamalan: Oh! That's such a good question! Oh my god.

When he's asked a question, he's quite obtuse.

Interviewer: Parts of the public thought you had become a joke.

Shyamalan: Maybe, I just don't know who doesn't do this journey.

You're describing the journey of an artist.

Shyamalan: You're saying that specifically?

Interviewer (Offscreen): Yes, I'm just curious-

Shyamalan: I had a question in my folder. The folder that had all the notes.

I'm trying to think of saying it without saying anything.


Handsome bald man: And I don't blame him, that isn't a criticism,

he can play it however he wants to play it.

However it does mean that I'm really unsure there's any artistic reason to Glass coming

into existence almost twenty years after the only other film where that character appeared

for more than thirty seconds.

Many Shyamalan fans argue that Unbreakable is the director's finest film, and although

I'm not a fan of everything he's done, I agree.

Unbreakable is restrained.

It has a lot of build up.

It's careful in its choices.

And I think one of the reasons it's successful, is that it has a pretty definitive ending.

It certainly comes across that way, and I'd bet it was written that way.

I think that Unbreakable will always be a film I can enjoy, but Split and Glass, far

more so Glass, do change Unbreakable.

Just as the Star Wars prequels inform the way people watch the original trilogy, by

virtue of filling us in on the backstories that were sort of more interesting when we

didn't know them, Glass too informs Unbreakable.

In terms of analysis, perhaps Unbreakable should be separately. But then perhaps so should any film.

That's a lot easier to say than do. I don't think many people will be able to look at Unbreakable and not think about Glass.

Unbreakable ended with a post-script, but it did end.

I'm sure lots of people wanted to know what happened to the characters – but here's

the temptation film-makers must resist.

And then in the sequel, Ferris Bueller gets his realtor liscence, moves to the southside, gets fat, goes bald,

and realises he's a figmnent of that thin kid's imagination.

But don't let this change the first film for you.

My point is that by giving us more, Shyamalan has changed what many consider to be at very

least, classic Shyamalan, not by changing it Lucas style, but adding a lot of crap that

didn't need adding, Lucas style.

The conclusion of Glass really hammers in that this film is about something different to Unbreakable/

It feels as though the script was for different characters, and also heavy handed andd rushed.

From the outside, it looks as though Glass is trying to capitalise on the warm reception

to Split, a lot of which I think is down to James Macavoy, but at the same time go right

back to high Shyamalan and capitalise on the good will of a fanbase.

Shyamalan is senstive and anxious – the lack of acclaim sincerely hurts him.

Shyamalan: If the universe wants me to fail three more times to teach me to a ... even higher level of the characters,

I, I believe in that.

See there, he talks of failure – but just previously he declared the film a success.

Interviewer: Don't call it a comeback, it's not a comeback.

Shyamalan: Whatever happes with Glass, it's great and good.

Artistically, Shyamalan says, Glass is what he wanted. So where's the failure?

The numbers, box office and tomatoey, matter to him.

I think writing films with sequels in mind, can work.

Unbreakable wasn't that.

If there was more story to tell, why wait nineteen years?

There's no narrative reason for that.

Logistically, Shyamalan could have made this film at any time since 2000 (release of Unbreakable).

It kind of looks like Samuel L Jackson, who's

meant to a dangerous mastermind, has just been hanging out waiting for the film to start.

Spraying his hair everyday, just in case.

It doesn't help that Glass really isn't a standalone film, and I think would really struggle if Unbreakable had never existed.

But if Unbreakable had never existed, Glass would never have been made.

Why did Shyamalan make Glass? Because of issues of ego, and he wanted to stay relevant.

I think Shyamalan often finds himself between wanting to be an artist, and wanting to be

Steven Spielberg – not Spielberg the director, but Spielberg the golden child. Spielberg the success.

But what do I know? I've never met him. This is just what I observed. I could be totally wrong.

But I don't think so.

Shyamalan: *Laughs. In 18 years I'm gonna make a trilogy! No!

When this came out (he touches a bound copy of the script to Unbreakable), it had a kind of...

wonky reception. I felt hurt. I felt like the reaction was 'what is this? Is this a comic book?'

'It's not scary!' That was the main thing.

If Shyamalan made Glass because he's still hurt about the reception Unbreakable got then

that's not a great reason to make a film, but also, I can't wait for Lady Out Of The

Water, and sequels to everything then.

You can't make a film because your other film didn't get enough claps – that's squandering

your position.

Maybe the jokes on me, maybe the fact that a film called Glass is mostly about James

MacAvoy - maybe it's being really meta

and I'm just missing something.

Honestly, I think M Night Shyamalan should take some time, and just do what he wants to do.

As I've said before, I think he has a lot of talent. I think he's good at building tension and characters.

It's really frustrating to see him do this.

One of the reasons Unbreakable is good - one of the reasons anything is good, on a fundamental level

is that I think Shyamalan didn't make it for himself but he didn't make it for critics nor crowds. He was true to himself in what he did.

I think if he's being honest about it, he didn't make Glass in the same way. It's much more about reputation and

adulation. And I'm sure he doesn't want that to be the case.

But I think it is.


Shyamalan: It's probably the only time I would do this.

Everyone has been asking me, especially people who've seen the movie (Glass), 'is there more?'

I'm going to say no, for right now.

For more infomation >> On Shyamalan And Legacy - Duration: 8:47.


참피디님... 감사합니다... 후후... / 공포의 내장 먹방 들어갑니다잉 [자막 on] - Duration: 5:12.


Always enjoyable food test

Cooking gangsta!

Food brought today.

It is a pig built for sale by an amateur.

I think I got it within a week after I ordered it.

It's 4,800 won for a pack.

If it is 4800 won for 1KG, is it cheaper than the back meat for the last time?

Of course, it's not a popular part because it's a pig's appendage.

It is the part that comes with a lot of appendages when you eat it.

If you go to a house of tteokbokki In fact, I like the built-in interior that comes next to the sundejimyeo, you do not even have a sundae?

There's a way to eat

5 minutes in the microwave You can use it for 7 minutes in boiling water at 100 degrees Celsius!

Oh, but I've been to the pungkok house or tteokbokki house

Have you never seen them boil or heat them in a microwave?

Are all steamers steamed? I will steam.

I just opened it. As the pig's stomach comes out, the water comes in.

I've washed my buds once. (And trimmed all the dirty parts while grooming).

I do not think that it is a built-in porcine part and it will be clean.

Wash more if you want to wash it personally.

This is a gourd for everyone. It's a giblet. I smell like a pig.

This part is pig. It's a badge.

It is big.

Yogurts are a bitter.

There is a hole in the lungs. The word "Hole in the lungs" came out here.

When I look at the ingredients, I see that there are a lot of pork goblets.

Everything smells like pigs.

If you are sensitive to the smell of pigs, you can not have a pig inside.

Only those who are sensitive to the smell of pigs

There is a smell in the goblet and the rest are moderately fried Ying-

I can not eat it all alone, so I'll cut it a little and steam it to the steamer.

But I just go and have a lot of giblets.

There is not much to eat .... There are a lot of them, not just a lot of them.

I've got your fairy ready, too.

The rest seems to be about three-fifths remaining.

I do not just steep it in this condition I'll have some shochu too.

I have cooked everything. I prepared three kinds of seasonings.

Salt, pepper powder, shrimp, and pepper paste.

I'm just curious about how it tastes.

Ah, the liver ... is always the hardest guy, is not it?

It's hot now, it's hot.

I'll take salt pepper powder.

I smell pigs, but I still eat. It's the same as selling it outside.

It's the same without the difference.


You got a hole?

Lipid salt

It is delicious even if I eat the rice cake with the sauce

It is very corny. I smell pigs.

I can not help it. The smell of pigs ... So I do not know if it is more delicious if I take the sauce.

Next is the kidney.

I'll also taste the kidneys.

It looks like it's the first time to eat only the built-in parts without a glaze.

Oh kidney is delicious.

And finally, it's a goblet.

Everything smells a little bit. I think it is good to put shochu when I stick.

You can boil the envelope Do not turn on the microwave.

If you like, steam it and put some shochu in the steamer. I still smell a bit.

I can not imagine how much it would smell if I just turned it into a microwave oven.

This gulp is more delicious to eat!

Never prohibit anyone who does not like to smell

A giblet pot stewed with this giblet next to it. Hors d'oeuvre

You have to have something with your weapon.

Just put all the stuff in it. If you eat

I'm bitten and tired.

Yes, I've eaten it by type. I do not have any special evaluation.

걍 It's good to be caustic. I still have about 3/5 of what I just eaten.

That's all you got 4800 won Is this really cheap? But if you get a courier service, it goes up to 8,000 won again.

But is there anything I can do to consume that much? (It is built, so you have to eat it all at once)

And, It does not come in a similar way.

Please send a small portion of the lesser I send a lot of parts that come out a lot.

Is there a significant percentage of the giblets? So, to handle this

I think it's a little difficult.

Still, it was fun to enjoy it as a gourmet once.

I will continue testing food today.

Next, have more delicious food I will return.

Thank you

For more infomation >> 참피디님... 감사합니다... 후후... / 공포의 내장 먹방 들어갑니다잉 [자막 on] - Duration: 5:12.


【MUKBANG】 Easy Melted Cheese Cabbage Lasagna Recipe Using Hot Plate!! [4000kcal] [CC Available] - Duration: 5:59.

hello it's kinoshita yuka



i'm going to use just this hot plate...

to make a really simple recipe, it's like an individual party

let's see that now

"let's put on the oil"... ah! that's wrong!

let's put first the oil on the hot plate

and we cook the minced meat

when the color change, we add some mirin sauce

and soy sauce

with miso

and mustard

and we mix it

and after that we take the meat

in the same hot plate we put a layer of cabbage

and we use this canned white sauce

and after that we put the cooked meat again

and we put another layer of cabbage

white sauce again...

and the rest of the cooked minced meat

we done by adding cheese on top

we put the lid, and we wait for 10 min

aah, the smell is so good, let's open the lid


cheese is so melty

jaaan, and by that we made Cheese Cabbage Lasagna Recipe Using Hot Plate

and for today, i made Chicken Meatballs soup

waa, look at this, it looks so tasty


waa, this cheese is so stretchy

looks so yummy

and because we are using in this lasagna, cabbage instead of noodles, it's so healthy

waa, cheese is so melty

it looks so hot


this is like cheese fondue

the cabbage goes so well with cheese


the texture of the cabbage still crispy and this is so good


and the taste of meat is strong and notable and this is very delicious


this cheese is so stretchy, isn't that ?

it's so hot

and this taste of the miso sauce is so good too

and if you want to add some sweet taste to it, you can add honey

mmmm, with a strong and tasty tasty

and cheese is so thick and stretchy


the flavor of the minced meat is so good

and because the taste is so strong and thick, it goes so well with the rice

waaa! so hot

really hot !

and now with the chicken meatballs soup


this chicken meatball is so fluffy

and this melty cheese is the best

mmmm, it's so stretchy in really amazing way

and the miso sauce goes so well with cheese too

and the strong texture of the cabbage is so good

the juices flow as soon as you bite the cabbage

mixing white sauce with cheese made it so thick and heavy

anyone can make this dish

ah, now it's warm


the last bite, itadakimasu



Cheese Cabbage Lasagna was so tasty

we used plenty of cheese, and mixing that with white sauce, made it so thick and heavy

and the taste of the miso and the minced meat was so good

and the soup was so delicious too

and because this was so tasty, why you don't try this as well ?

And as always thank you for watching !

if there's anything You want me to do

please tell me in a comment Section below

if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons

and i wish for everyone happy and tasty day

bye bye

all rights reserved. copyright © 2018 Kinoshita Yuka

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 Easy Melted Cheese Cabbage Lasagna Recipe Using Hot Plate!! [4000kcal] [CC Available] - Duration: 5:59.


10 reasons driving instructor pass rates mean nothing - Duration: 13:23.

hi everyone and welcome to this video where we're going to take a look at why

driving instructor pass rates mean very little I'm gonna give you ten good

reasons why you shouldn't trust them and I'm gonna leave you with a little riddle

to think about at the end a little puzzle which will get you thinking about

why instructors with the highest pass rates they're not necessarily the best

instructors number one is that driving instructors can choose which results

recorded and which ones are not recorded so the way it works is when an examiner

gets in a car to do a driving test they pick up the instructors badge which

looks like that the green badge means you fully qualified I've read of a pink

badge means you're not fully qualified you're still training and the examiner

will write down the number on the back of the badge and then when the test

result is recorded it gets allocated to your badge number and that's how

instructors build up a pass rate. Now the problem is you don't have to have

this badge on display during a test if you're giving paid tuition you need to

have it on display but if it's a driving test you can just take it out so that's

the way the instructors can fiddle it if you take your people for a test and you

don't think the pupils very good if they don't have a very high chance of passing

you just take your badge add the car and the result of the file won't be recorded

if you get it people is really good and he's very likely to pass you can leave

your badge in the car and the result is recorded and you get a pass but all

those fails are not being recorded so there you go straight away from just

reason one alone we've still got nine reasons to go yet and reason one alone

is why the whole system doesn't work because you can simply take your badge

out if you choose to. Now I'm proud to say I've never once done my badge has

always been in the car for every test I've ever done but some instructors do

do that they just had a badge a and if ever you've done a driving test you've

noticed your instructors badge is missing

that means your instructor thinks you're gonna fail so a good tip for you now in

your driving test have a look at the bottom left corner with a windscreen

where it should be well the tax disc used to be and if

the badges in there they probably think you're gonna fail now you only must have

your badge on display for paid tuition but a driving test isn't

not paid tuition when my car was stolen just over a year ago they also stole

everything inside my car my badge and I phoned up the devious eye and they said

to me remember you can't be paid tuition unless you've got a badge on display so

for a few days I couldn't charge for lessons it's not the same of a tester

you can do a test without having your badge in the car because it's not paid

tuition even though the people may be having your time in your car it's not

classed as paid tuition so that's the main reason why pass rates mean nothing

because simply as instructors we can fiddle them if we choose to number to

pass rates don't tell you how long the instructor has been teaching for let's

imagine you've got an instructor who's brand-new and they've done one test and

add one pass they've got a hundred percent pass rate now I've been teaching

for fifteen years I've probably done of strana working out before this video

I've done somewhere around seven to eight hundred driving tests maybe I've

done a thousand I don't know so of course my pass rate it's going to be

lower because I've done so many tests I've been doing it for years and years

and years so if you compare my pass right to a brand-new instructor he's got

a hundred percent you might think that I instructor with a hundred percent is

better but they're not because they've only done one test goodbye to the

hundreds that I've done would you rather learn with someone who's done one test

or some leads to an 800 that's up to you it's not fair to cross all instructors

as the same when some of us have been doing it for years and years and years

and our pass rates are bound to be lower simply because of the sheer number of

tests that we've done number three every area is different if you work in

an area like ID like Birmingham the past writers sent us here and this is the

official test underpass right when I monitor how many people are passing or

failing regardless of whether the badges in the car Warnock in Birmingham at the

moment it's around 30% which is low Birmingham is a very hard place to drive

it's a very busy city lots of road rage lots of stress not crazy drivers are

you'll know if you watch my videos it's harder to pass in Birmingham that

somewhere like for example in Scotland where it's very quiet and rural

there's hardly any traffic it's very open the roads are simply easier in some

areas than others now it's very hard to compare to

instructors pass right so and one of them is working in a busy city law

Birmingham and the other one is working in the countryside because one

instructor obviously works in a much easier area I have covered the city

centre can you imagine what it's like covering city centres our Birmingham

that takes a lot more skill than it does to teach in a rural area where there's

nothing but fields an open countryside and the only hazard you're gonna come

across he's a sheep called Colin he likes to walk across the road in front

of you sometimes so there you go it depends on the area that you're in

mister that can affect your past right quite severely number four automatic

cars some instructors have a higher pass rate because I simply do testing

automatic cars and of course it's easier to drive an automatic because you Dan

had the whole thing about gears clutch stalling is rarely a problem you can

stall automatics I did it myself once but it's quite hard to do and so yeah if

you take your test in an automatic car when you get instructors do automatic

instructors that's what we call them they're not actually automated

themselves but we call them automatic instructors you can have a high pass

rate generally because you're making it easier for people to pass number five is

the car that you choose to use so some instructors have cars like this one this

is a very advanced car yes it's a Ford Fiesta don't before by the name it's

very advanced I've got things on here like a button you can press press that

you won't let you go over the speed limit so you can press the gas down and

you won't let your speed I've got cruise control you can press

that button on that and the car does the speed for you you just cruise is it a

set speed you don't have to press the gas this is an advanced car yes but

those are features now that more and more cars are having when I'm talking

about some instructors use things like cars with electronic hand brakes

you see I've still got an old-fashioned hand like you have to pull up and down

some cars have a button you just press the button on/off and you can even do it

for you so it's not fair to comparing different instructors when we all use

different cars if you've got really Vance top-of-the-range car you cannot

pass this because some cars for example there were certain cars out there when

you change gear you can lift the clutch as badly as you want but you know how

normally goes bang and shakes around this car will bang and shake around some

cars don't do that because there'll automatically they electronically

monitor how fast you lift in the clutch its we call an electronic clutch and if

you're doing a question correctly it takes over and does it for you so you

got nice smooth connection on the clutch how nice would that be so that people

could change badly like that they've been the clutch up and you would never

bounce around be lovely to have a car like that but I don't know because I

can't afford one but because I choose to teach in a car that will banged around

so that peoples know what's going to happen if they did that in their own car

because most pupils are not going to pass and go and buy a fancy car it's got

that kind of system number six these instructors that teach people to pass

the test now I've mentioned this many times in videos before some instructors

not many but some just teach people how to pass the test and if he was can pass

a test but then I don't know how to drive

now I've never done that I've always focused on how to drive not passing a

test so I could type people's eye and I could say when you get to this Junction

do this and the examiners watching for this or practice the same junctions over

and over and over again and then when that people pass these thinking out big

problems because all I've done is learn how to drive a specific route to a

junction so yeah you can teach people how to pass the test and get a higher

pass right but the thing is those pupils are going to be having big problems

after the past so I've never done that and if you teach properly you will

generally have a lower pulse right because you're not just teaching people

the same routes and the same roads more people might fail the test which is a

shame but at least they're driving better they may not be doing that

particular Junction better they might be failing but they can drive better

overall and that to me is much more important than just passing a test and

then having in a crash because you didn't actually know what you were doing

on other junctions number seven is a test only shows that people's ability

not the instructors let's say for example

I tell people for a test that I haven't taught to drive this has happened many

times when I've had instructors who are friends and a real although going on the

holiday and I said I've got a test next week can you take them for me they'll

say yeah I'll take him for the test so I tied them on the test they pass and I

get a pass it goes on my pass rates and I get a good pass and I haven't even

told them because it's showing the other instructors ability it's shown in Steve

pupils ability it's not showing my ability so just because you pass through

an instructor doesn't mean you learn with them it any means you're dealing

well not that the instructors doing well number eight is a you might be surprised

to learn that some driving instructors rarely ever do driving tests at all I

knew an instructor once he would only teach people to turn left turn right and

then as soon as I got to stage where they wanted to do roundabouts and cross

roads they just let them go and I asked them why they did that and I

said I just don't feel comfortable driving a bank so I'll keep getting lost

now don't know where I am and a finding really hard to do those lessons and I

also find that quite bizarre but it's instructor taught for many years she

trained people to drive doing left turns right turns me even off and as soon as

they were getting to a decent level she'd get rid of them which i farm

bizarre not because she was about instructor she was a very good

instructor but she rarely ever took people on tests I think she said she

only did about two tests a year so her posture is going to be really high

because he's only doing two tests so yeah conveyed to me I would do about a

30 to 40 test for number nine is that Sun driving instructors actually quid

the pass rights of their driving school not of themselves so they might say you

know people ask you what's your pacifier and I say 85% and that's actually the

schools pass right because maybe they take a handful of their instructors look

at their pass right and I put out forward as their overall pass right

which of course means nothing because he cherry-pick the best instructors and the

best passes and then you ignore all the other instructors who aren't

contributing their pass rights it means nothing

so always check that you're checking the instructors pass right not the school's

pass right number ten is the most obvious one of them all but

it's quite sad say some instructors just lie they seem to lie about the past

right they just say my pass rates 95% and

that's it there's no proof there's no evidence they just make it up and I've

had times when pupils have said to me on the first lesson what she passed right

and I'll say 100% and I say really I'll say yeah no one's ever found even though

ever in 15 years never had to fail and they'll say yeah of course I'm joking

you know you can make it up how do people's no pupils haven't got a clue

how can I tell what the pass rate is and there are many rules I dated protection

acts and whenever which currently stopped people some being able to see

what an instructor's pass rate is now those things may be changing soon but

for all the reasons I've given you in this video but don't recommend you take

any notice of pass rights whatsoever the main one is of course number one the

fact that we as instructors we can fiddle the past rights by simply

removing our badge that alone is a good enough reason to not take any notice of

past rights but I had this videos giving you a quick insight into why you should

never trust driving instructor pass rates high so I just got home after

filming that video and it realized whoops I forgot to film the puzzle the

riddle that I told you about so here we go this is all about choosing the best

person for the job and how people can easily be fooled so

imagine you've just moved to a new town you want to get a haircut like mine you

on this classic you know expensive haircut I've got here you want the best

curb you can get say go and visit the time center and you find out there were

only two hairdressers in the whole of the area so you go to the first one and

his hair is amazing it looks brilliant there's a cut that you want that's what

you want to look like you go and visit the second hairdresser and his hair is a

real mess it's terrible it looks awful any things one would have wanted up like

that which one of those hairdressers would you have a haircut from and why if

you can choose the correct one and why they're better let me know in the

comments below and the answer will be written in the description at the very

bottom of the description so thanks for watching and I'll see you again soon for

more videos

For more infomation >> 10 reasons driving instructor pass rates mean nothing - Duration: 13:23.


Merkel e Macron, un patto per l'Europa "È la nostra risposta al populismo" - Duration: 6:16.

For more infomation >> Merkel e Macron, un patto per l'Europa "È la nostra risposta al populismo" - Duration: 6:16.


Arsenal have done an Arsenal in their negotiations with Barca for Denis Suarez [Mundo] - Duration: 2:41.

 Arsenal are running out of time to make some much-needed loan signings in January

 Just over a week remains of the winter transfer window and rumours suggest the Gunners are chasing deals for Barcelona's Denis Suarez and Manchester United's Eric Bailly

 In terms of Bailly - which was always a long shot - United have turned down Arsenal's approach because they don't want to assist a Premier League rival

 Pretty understandable, it has to be said.  As for Suarez, who was reportedly keen to join Arsenal, Emery stated earlier this week that the club are "working" to get the deal done

 "The club is working [on] a situation [that] can help us," Arsenal's manager told the press

 "I cannot speak about individual players.  "But I know we are working on different possibilities that can help us for these four months for our competition

 I believe they work. I know It's a difficult window for the transfer market.  "If one player comes in to help us, I'm happy

The club is doing that. I'm going to wait."  Arsenal's intention was to sign Suarez on loan and allow Aaron Ramsey to complete his move to Juventus in January, rather than the summer

 However, according to Mundo Deportivo, talks between Arsenal and Barcelona have broken down and Suarez is set to stay

 The report explains that Arsenal and Barcelona couldn't agree on a mandatory purchase clause that would see Suarez join permanently in the summer

 Barca were prepared to make it an option rather than an obligation in case Suarez signed a new deal with them, but now the Spaniard has said he wants to stay until the end of the season

 Sorry Arsenal fans, it doesn't look like it's happening.  Emery will now have to look elsewhere to bolster his attacking options, but with so few players available on loan in January he may struggle

For more infomation >> Arsenal have done an Arsenal in their negotiations with Barca for Denis Suarez [Mundo] - Duration: 2:41.


Darwin - EXID 待望の日本1stフルアルバム発売決定!リード曲は☆Taku Takahashi(m-flo)プロデュース - Duration: 6:00.

For more infomation >> Darwin - EXID 待望の日本1stフルアルバム発売決定!リード曲は☆Taku Takahashi(m-flo)プロデュース - Duration: 6:00.


Williams refuses to blame injury after crashing out of Australian Open - Duration: 6:27.

Serena Williams refused to blame a jarred ankle after suffering a remarkable Australian Open collapse in the quarter-finals against Karolina Pliskova

From a set and a break down, the title favourite turned things around to lead 5-1 in the deciding set and had four match points but lost six games in a row to fall to a 6-4, 4-6, 7-5 defeat

Williams had her first match point at 5-1 but, after being called for a foot fault on what appeared to be an ace, she jarred her left ankle and did not win another point on serve during the match

Serena Williams refused to blame an ankle injury for her incredible collapse at Australian Open Williams appeared to jar her ankle on match point and went on to lose six straight gamesThe other three chances came with Pliskova serving at 4-5 but the Czech was rewarded for bravery on her forehand, and Williams insisted afterwards it had been her opponent who had won the match rather than she who had lost it

Williams said: 'There's nothing I did wrong on those match points. I can't say that I choked

She literally played her best tennis ever on those shots.'I don't really take losses well

But Karolina played lights out starting 5-1, 40-30. Literally, I've never seen anything like it

If anything, I think that's a little bit easier to know, OK, next time I'm up 5-1 against anybody, I just need to make sure I play lights out when I have match points

Share this article Share 'It's little things like that that I used to do, always do, that I need matches to know that, OK, this is when you go psycho

'Pliskova was happy to agree with Williams, saying with a smile: 'I'm not going to go against Serena

'Normally I'm having lot of comebacks, but maybe from being a set down or a break down, so nothing like this

I think it's going to be the best comeback ever so far in my life.' Karolina Pliskova was delighted to book her place in the semi-finals as she spoke to the media Williams reacts after losing a point during her narrow Australian Open quarter-final defeatAsked why she had not called the trainer after the ankle incident, Williams said: 'I really hate calling the trainer out

And at that point I didn't feel like I needed it, or I didn't feel like it would be a big deal

So I just kept going. I like to just kind of tough it out. It was fine.'Having won her 23rd grand slam singles title in the early stages of pregnancy here two years ago to move within one of Margaret Court's record, the pursuit of 24 has been a crazy rollercoaster

After losing in the final of her second slam back at Wimbledon to Angelique Kerber, Williams then suffered her infamous meltdown in New York in the US Open final against Naomi Osaka

Now comes this unexpected setback, and the 37-year-old said: 'It's definitely not easy for me

From day one, I expect to go out and, quite frankly, to win. That hasn't happened

Pliskova produced some remarkable tennis which drew significant praise from her opponent'But I do like my attitude

I like that I don't want to go out here and say, I expect to lose because I had a year off

It hasn't happened yet, but I feel like it's going to happen.'This was Pliskova's second high-profile victory over Williams at a slam after she also won their semi-final meeting in New York in 2016 to reach what is so far her only final

The straight-talking 26-year-old stands out for her refusal to be intimidated by Williams, and she said: 'I think maybe she didn't expect it from the beginning

She looked like she was a little too passive. Then she just went for it because I believed from the first ball I can win

I think that was the biggest victory for me today.'Even Pliskova's belief was tested at 1-5, with the Czech admitting in her on-court interview that she was almost in the locker room

Williams lifts her ankle off the court - but refused to blame her defeat on injury post-match'This is I think not happening often, maybe once in life,' she said later

'But I went for it. Maybe this can be over, but let's just try this game. I was with the wind, which kind of helped me a little bit

I just went for my shots.'For sure it was in her head. Lot of things happened. I saw a chance and I just took it

'In the last four, Pliskova will take on fourth seed Osaka, who extended her winning run at the slams to 12 matches with a 6-4 6-1 victory over Elina Svitolina, who was hampered by pain in her shoulder and neck

The Japanese player is now in pole position to take over as world number one at the end of the tournament, although intriguingly Pliskova and Petra Kvitova are also still in contention

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For more infomation >> Williams refuses to blame injury after crashing out of Australian Open - Duration: 6:27.


ASMR Eating Sound - Let's Eat Mie Gaga Goreng Exra Pedas Jalapeno - Duration: 13:39.

Mie GAGA Goreng Extra Pedas Jalapeno

Yesterday i made a video "Mie GAGA Kuah Extra Pedas Jalapeno" so this time fried noodles version

I cooked 3 Mie GAGA

If you haven't watch me eat Mie GAGA Kuah Extra Pedas Jalapeno, Klik link above me. okay :)

Let's eat :)

With nugget & fried egg on top of noodles

For more infomation >> ASMR Eating Sound - Let's Eat Mie Gaga Goreng Exra Pedas Jalapeno - Duration: 13:39.


Formed Reds defender call time on playing career - Duration: 2:06.

 Former Liverpool defender Glen Johnson has announced his retirement after 16 years in the game

  The 34-year-old, who also represented West Ham, Chelsea, Portsmouth and Stoke City during his career, said he made his decision after being released by the Potters at the end of last season

 "Today is the day I'm officially saying I've retired," he told TalkSport. "I knew I was going to retire at the end of last season

I knew halfway through last season I was going to call it a day.  "I always wanted to retire at an age where my body still felt good

"    Johnson moved to Merseyside from Portsmouth in a £18.5m deal after lifting the FA Cup in 2007 and being named in the PFA Team of the Year in his second year with the club

Video Loading Video Unavailable Click to play Tap to play The video will start in 8Cancel Play now  The full-back made 200 appearances during his time at Anfield and was part of the side that won the League Cup in 2012, before he was released in 2015 - joining Stoke City on a free transfer, where he remained until suffering relegation from the Premier League last season

 A graduate of West Ham's academy, Johnson won the Premier League and League Cup with Chelsea, as well as representing England at two World Cups and a European Championship, earning a total of 54 caps

More Reds tales

For more infomation >> Formed Reds defender call time on playing career - Duration: 2:06.


【野球】阿部慎之助の出身クラブの小学生とリアル野球盤!?プレゼントも! - Duration: 5:32.

For more infomation >> 【野球】阿部慎之助の出身クラブの小学生とリアル野球盤!?プレゼントも! - Duration: 5:32.


Những Pha Xữ Lý Nói Lênh Độ Thông Minh Khi Chơi Gamer Liên Quân | ROV Highlight 좋아하는 사람 2 명 - Duration: 6:05.

For more infomation >> Những Pha Xữ Lý Nói Lênh Độ Thông Minh Khi Chơi Gamer Liên Quân | ROV Highlight 좋아하는 사람 2 명 - Duration: 6:05.


Arsenal transfer news: Man Utd deal centre-back blow to Gunners after Denis Suarez setback - Duration: 4:40.

 The Daily Mail claim the Gunners wanted to sign Bailly on loan until the end of the season with a view to later making the move permanent

 The defender has only played once under Ole Gunnar Solskjaer so far, although has missed three matches due to suspension

 Yet he has been an unused substitute in three Premier League matches under the Norwegian interim boss, only playing in the 4-1 win over Bournemouth - when he was sent off

 The Ivorian has only made six Premier League starts all season and was hauled off after just 19 minutes by former manager Jose Mourinho against Newcastle at Old Trafford in October with United 2-0 down at the time

Trending  That has cast huge doubt over his long-term future, with Arsenal looking to pounce given their defensive weaknesses

 But the Mail say that United are keen to keep the 24-year-old for the remainder of the season

 And it is reported that the Red Devils particularly do not want to help a direct rival, with Arsenal and United both competing to qualify for next year's Champions League

 Arsenal's 2-0 win over fourth-placed Chelsea last weekend sees both the north London outfit and United sit three points off the top four

 The Mail add that Bailly himself wants to stay in Manchester and prove himself after falling out of favour under Mourinho

 Bailly initially appeared a smart acquisition after he joined for £30million from Villarreal in the summer of 2016 but he was hit heavily by injuries in his second season at the club and made just three Premier League starts after the New Year

 That curtailed his progress at United and he is behind Victor Lindelof and Phil Jones in the centre-back pecking order currently

 Arsenal had hoped that with Bailly only a back-up option for Solskjaer as it stands that they could steal him away to boost their ranks

 Rob Holding has been ruled out for the rest of the season after rupturing his knee ligaments against United back in December, while Hector Bellerin will also be sidelined until 2019-20 with a similar problem

 Arsenal are however restricted only to loan signings this month and have reportedly also been dealt a setback in their hopes of landing Denis Suarez from Barcelona

 While Barca boss Ernesto Valverde revealed he is willing to let fringe players such as the midfielder leave the Nou Camp this month, reports in Spain suggest the deal has stalled because Arsenal do not want to commit to buying the Spain international permanently in the summer

 It is believed Arsenal were willing to pay a €2million (£1.7m) loan fee but did not want to include a compulsory clause to sign Suarez after his temporary spell in the English capital

 And Barca's back-up plan is thought to have been to try and tie the 25-year-old to a new deal so as to avoid losing him on the cheap this summer, when he will have just 12 months remaining in Catalonia, but the player is said to have refused an extension

 Bailly's long-term United future meanwhile is still unknown with his contract expiring in 18 months' time

 United have an option to extend his current deal by a further two years, say the Mail, but will wait until the summer when they have appointed a new permanent boss to decide whether or not to exercise that option

 Bailly could feature when United take on Arsenal in the fourth round of the FA Cup at the Emirates this Friday night (7


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