Thứ Bảy, 26 tháng 1, 2019

Youtube daily report Jan 26 2019

What's up guys, Rogue-9 here and we have been once again blessed with the Rainbow Six

Siege Designer notes, which give us a closer insight into how each operator is currently

performing and how much they are picked.

As always, this also includes a bit of a background explanation from the devs, giving us their

reasoning behind the upcoming nerfs and buffs for Caveira, Rook, Doc, Clash and Kaid.

So, why don't we take a look at these stats to see what they can teach us?

How are the individual operators performing and how have they changed since last season?

Follow me!

Many thanks to Massdrop and the PC37X gaming headset for sponsoring this video!

If you have been following my Twitch streams over the last couple of months, you will have

seen me wear this headset quite extensively and I have been really happy with it!

Sennheiser is of course known for making great quality speakers and great speakers translate

into great sound quality.

The microphone automatically mutes itself when flipped up and you also get a volume

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Light and comfortable to wear even over long time periods, I would say that this headset

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The item currently has 563 reviews on the Massdrop website, with a great customer rating

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So if you're in the market for a new headset, I can definitely recommend the PC37X and if

you use the link in the description below it shows Massdrop that you came from me!

Before diving into the stats, let me quickly walk you through what you will see in these charts.

On the X axis of the chart is the pick rate in percent.

This shows us how popular an operator is.

For example Ash is picked around 72% of the time, which means that in 7 out of 10 rounds

of Siege played over the last 3 months, there is an Ash on the attacking team (that's quite a lot).

On the Y axis, we have the Win Delta in percent and this stat is an indicator for the operator's performance.

It is calculated by taking the win percentage of team including the operator and subtracting

the win percentage without that operator.

So if over the last 3 months, attacking teams with an Ash won, let's say 49% of the time

and teams without an Ask won 48% of the time, the thousands of rounds taken into consideration

would indicate that on average teams with an Ash are slightly more likely to win than without her.

I hope that makes sense?

Yes, I see you all nodding vigorously, so let's move on.

One last note is on how we should interpret this information and indeed, how the developers interpret it.

The fact is, that these stats alone are NOT guaranteed proof of an operator being over-

or underpowered and the developers only use these charts as an initial indicator to see

which operators they need to take a closer look at.

They then go away and examine additional stats, as well as player and pro-player feedback,

before they make any decisions regarding nerfs or buffs.

And that's actually quite important because the win deltas can fluctuate quite a lot without

any specific reason.

Take for instance Kapkan.

In season 2 he was one of the worst defenders of all and then, without any specific changes

to him (apart from the general recoil change for all guns) he became the second most powerful

defender in season 3.

Now, in season 4, once again without any change, he's backed off a little and is only at

a win delta of around +0.6% (in my eyes not even enough to really conclude that he is

over performing).

Another great example here is Finka.

Last season her win rate was only around 0.25% and this season she's back up to over 2.5%

making her the best performing attacker.

Long story short: fluctuations can occur and it's important that you do take these figures

as what they are; an indicator of performance, not irrefutable proof of being over- or underpowered.

So, now that we have reminded ourselves of these principles let's see who the best

and worst performers are this season and who has had significant changes.

I already mentioned Finka, queen of all attackers… except that she's still only picked about 6% of the time.

But hey, that's still 3 times more than last season so a drastic rise in popularity…

compared to a very humble starting position.

Why has she soared to such a high win delta?

Well, there's not been a change to her since season 2 so it can only be down to players

starting to pick her a little more and using her more effectively.

She is still significantly under picked though and given her pretty mediocre performance

last season, I think when it comes to nerfing, a wait and see approach is absolutely fair here.

Blackbeard is also still a very strong performer, despite a slight decrease in pick rate and

win delta over last season.

For most players, his appallingly bad weapons and slow movement speed make him an OK pick

but since these stats are based on ranked matches at the plat or diamond level only,

he does quite well as always.

I understand that at high levels of play, the couple of extra bullets to the face he

can tank make him overpowered and even downright broken but for most normal players he's

in an OK place and I even understand when players think he's weak nowadays.

All in all, I can again understand why he's not getting nerfed, despite being one of the

best performers on these charts.

And besides that, I would call all the other operators decently balanced from a win delta perspective.

Between + and – 1.5% is really nothing that would scream: "OMG this character is so

horrible, please do something!!"

I understand that at various skill and experience levels, different operators can feel really

frustrating to play against.

I think this frustration factor is a great term that Get Flanked mentioned not so long

ago on one of our Hot Breach Podcasts (available weekly on YouTube, SoundCloud, iTunes, Google

Play, Stitcher and TuneIn).

It basically covers operators that can feel overpowered when they take you down but that

aren't actually that great when we go to play them (and also are not that great in

the win delta department).

Blitz is a perfect example here.

Getting rushed, flashed and melee'd by him can make me feel downright cheated but then

when I go to play him, I get melee'd through the front of the shield by the first enemy I flash…

ok then.

And his win delta over the last two seasons pretty much reflects this.

That's not to say, that increasing player comfort is not on the dev's agenda (as we

will see later) but at the very least, it explains why some of these frustrating ops

are not yet getting nerfed.

A few more interesting things I want to point out before we move on to the defenders.

Ash and Twitch have both increased their pick rates by a couple of percent or so and they

are still the most popular attackers by a country mile.

In fact, most attackers are always statistically under picked because every other match has

both of these ops on the team.

Their win deltas are also up slightly compared to last season but at +1%, there is no strong

indication that they are too powerful.

I do find it slightly sad though, that an operator that brings no vital utility to the

team gets picked in 7 out of 10 rounds.

I get that she's a good fragger and all but I personally find operators with interesting

and useful gadgets more appealing.

Does Ash need a nerf?

Maybe not.

I personally think that the speed advantage of 3 speeds is still infinitely more valuable

than the armour advantage of 1 speeds and I would like to see the movement of the three

types of ops brought a little closer together still.

I have seen some arguments in the past for making all operators the same speed and I

do fully agree that that would solve a whole bunch of issues I experience when playing.

But I also see that it would change the feel of the game quite a bit and it's debateable

whether that would be the right thing to do.

Nevertheless, slowing down 3 speeds would definitely be a great way at reducing Ash's

pick rate without having to nerf her specifically.

Glaz' performance has come down a bit and I wonder what his expected rework will do

to his performance and pick rate…

I guess we will see in about 3 months' time (if the rework goes live with the start of year 4)!

Last but not least, I think it is also worth mentioning the new operator Nomad.

I was expecting her to be an underperformer due to her lacklustre guns and the pre-release

nerfs to her gadget.

But hey, look at that, she's actually doing quite well with a mildly positive win delta.

GG devs, you got it right, I was wrong.

But now let's head on over to the defenders and here we will also get some explanations

on why certain characters are getting changed.

Rook has been the best performing defender for 4 seasons in a row now.

I mention it every time I make a video about these charts.

He is underappreciated for sure.

His gadget is deployed at the beginning of the round and as long as everyone grabs a

plate, there is no possibility of failure.

Almost every other gadget, requires the operator to say alive in order to get the most out

of it but as Rook, you can increase the chances of winning gunfights for each and every one

of your teammates before the round even starts.

You are then free to peek whatever you want, your job is done.

Doc has increased both in popularity and performance since last season and so there we have our

explanation for the MP5 nerf.

Caveira has also increased in pick rate and win delta and even at plat and diamond level,

she is currently one of the best performing defenders in the game.

We don't have any data at lower ranks but it is likely that she is even more of a menace there.

The devs highlight this in their commentary where they explain: "We are trying to make

her less frustrating to play against and reduce her power level at low to medium levels.

Lowering the damage, the number of bullets that need to hit the chest of an enemy to

put them in a DBNO state should be the same as before, but we reduce the penalty of being

hit by one shot.

Thanks to this, we can also normalize the falloff curve to be more consistent with other

pistols, which gives Caveira increased ranged and versatility."

All of that is pretty much in line with what I mentioned in my recent test video but one

thing I did miss was the aspect of getting shot once.

Before the upcoming changes, a single hit at close range is still pretty much a death sentence.

Any Gu mine, electrical wire or even a fart in your general direction is enough to take you down.

Now at 65 damage, her pistol is still a 2 shot weapon but at least one shot won't

be so devastating for the attacker anymore.

A lot of players argued that she did not need a nerf and I think they are completely right.

The nerf was not needed as such but the objective of the changes is not necessarily to change

her performance but to make her less frustrating to play against.

We will see how this plays out but I still believe that she will be fine in the long run.

Lesion is another of the highest picked and highest performing defenders and interestingly,

his stats are virtually identical to 3 months ago.

He's a very useful operator to have in the team but again, not really in the territory

of being too powerful.

Jaeger and Bandit are quite interesting because they have basically changed places throughout the year.

Bandit used to be the most picked defender in season 1 & 2 but was overtaken by Jaeger in season 3 & 4.

Both have remained quite stable in terms of their pick rate over the last 3 months but

performance has increased just that little bit.

Kapkan and Frost are another interesting pair to look at since their stats in relation to

each other are basically unchanged but they have both slipped to the left and down.

This continues the interesting trend that the devs pointed out last season, that these

two ops seem to rise and fall in tandem.

Many of the underperforming ops are also not changed all that much.

Smoke, Castle and Tachanka sit comfortable in the bottom left corner of the table with

slightly changed performances.

Bikini has obviously not been pulling his weight in season 4 it seems because Tachanka's

performance has once again fallen to the very bottom edge of the chart.

Must try harder next season… unless we're getting a re-work…

That's not a hint by the way I'm literally just taking a wild guess and it may or may

not happen; please don't get your hopes up or the pitchforks out (whatever your opinion would be).

Clash has had a pretty miserable season.

She was new three months ago and not getting picked all that much even then but now, her

pick rate is the lowest of all and her performance is so abysmal that the devs had to add her

win delta separately.

Over the last season, if you had a clash on the team, you were almost 11% less likely

to win than with any other character instead of her.

And that's at plat and diamond level where you would expect the teams to be the most

organised and to be able to take advantage of her the most.

That's a clear "Yikes" from me and perfectly explains why they are switching the SPSMG9

over to full auto.

Last but not least, the new op Kaid has also been quite week since introduction.

His shotgun and sniper pistol can do a lot of damage in the right hands (even after the

nerfs) but single shot weapons will always be harder to use than full auto guns and his

AUG A3 is simply one of the worst SMGs in the game.

The Dev's are buffing the gun slightly in the next patch and this is how they are explaining

it: "Kaid is performing below our expectations; we want to take a deep look in the future

to make him more attractive for the utility and creativity that he brings to a team."

That's perfectly fair.

There are a few cool things you can do with him, like tricking hatches on certain sites,

but all in all he's just not been used to his fullest potential yet and especially his

weapons make him an underwhelming performer in ranked.

The devs go on to say that: "For now, the ADS of the AUG A3 was too slow, closer to

an Assault Rifle than an SMG."

Eeeeehmm, yeah no.

His ADS speed was not closer to a rifle.

It was the exact same 450ms that we see for all rifles and as much as this explanation

makes it seem that this was a conscious choice, my money is still on the fact that this was a mistake.

It just never made any sense for this one SMG to be slower to ADS than all others.

And "in before" anyone comments: "But the AUG is a rifle!

You don't know guns!"


The definition of a submachinegun is: a select fire carbine in pistol calibre.


If you take a short rifle and put pistol bullets in it, then it is by definition and SMG and

Kaid's AUG in real life is called the AUG Para and it is chambered for 9x19mm ammo.

So thank you to everyone who commented in the past (with varying degrees of courtesy)

telling me that I don't know what I'm talking about but no, this is really an SMG.

Thank you for attending my TED talk.

And those are pretty much all the most interesting operators in terms of their pick rate, performance

or the change in stats from last season.

What do you think about the positions of your favourite operators?

Is there anything in this season's stats that surprised you?

Leave a comment below and with that thank you for watching, I hope you enjoyed the video

and I will see you in the next episode!

For more infomation >> Designer Notes explain the Nerfs & Buffs - Rainbow Six Siege - Duration: 15:51.


PES 2019 MYCLUB TOP AÇILIMI w/ PES YANİ - Duration: 12:08.

For more infomation >> PES 2019 MYCLUB TOP AÇILIMI w/ PES YANİ - Duration: 12:08.


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How neurons work in telugu

For more infomation >> How neurons work ? in telugu #నాడీ వ్యవస్థలో సమాచార ప్రసారం | General science biology in telugu - Duration: 4:34.


💃Dişi Muhabbet Kuşu Sesi.KUŞUNUZ ÇILDIRACAK.🐥 - Duration: 10:50.

For more infomation >> 💃Dişi Muhabbet Kuşu Sesi.KUŞUNUZ ÇILDIRACAK.🐥 - Duration: 10:50.


GTA 5|Đua Cùng Thánh TROLL|Cái Map Troll Ác Quá|Khôi Michael - Duration: 20:16.

For more infomation >> GTA 5|Đua Cùng Thánh TROLL|Cái Map Troll Ác Quá|Khôi Michael - Duration: 20:16.


Thái bình quê lúa//Thịt chó nướng riềng mẻ ngày cận tết ngon thơm khó cưỡng - Duration: 15:16.

For more infomation >> Thái bình quê lúa//Thịt chó nướng riềng mẻ ngày cận tết ngon thơm khó cưỡng - Duration: 15:16.


Новости Дом 2 от 26 января 2019 (эфир 26.01.2019) - Duration: 10:06.

For more infomation >> Новости Дом 2 от 26 января 2019 (эфир 26.01.2019) - Duration: 10:06.


Nikki and Brie Bella Embarrass Each Other with Stories of Lice and Peeing in Public - Duration: 6:30.

-How is the baby, by the way?

The last time you were here, you talked about her.

She was talking for the first time. -Yes.

She was saying "wow." So now she's saying "bye-ee."

-It's so cute. -But it's, like, slang,

which is like -- because that's how we get off the phone with each other.

We're always like, "Bye-ee."

So we were leaving the pediatrician, she turned around,

and she's like, "Bye-ee."

I was like, "Oh, my gosh."

-Like two words almost? Like "bye-ee"?

Yeah, "bye-ee." -"Bye-ee!"

-Yeah, like three Y's and three E's at the end.

-And a hand goes like this. -Oh, no way, little hand?

-Yeah, the hand. -The hand goes up, too.

-Even when I lay her down for a nap,

she looks up at me, and she goes, "Bye-ee."

-Ohh, come on! -It's so cute.

-I told Bryan, I go,

"Should I tell her the right way to say 'bye?'"

And he's like, "Ohh." And I'm like... -Absolutely not.

-Don't stop her from doing that. -No, right?

-It's so cute. She's so cute in the show, and I just love --

-Thank you. -Even when, like --

Just her little face is so cute. -It's so cute.

-She actually has changed my nickname.

So they all call me "Coco," but she calls me "Dodo."

-Yeah. -She can't say "Coco."

And I'm like, "Brie, I think we need to change that one."

Brie goes, "No." And I'm like, "Great. So now I went from 'Coco' to 'Dodo.'"

-She's Dodo. -Growing up with you guys,

did you always -- because now you're business partners,

you're sisters, you're on the show together,

wrestle together... -Yeah.

-...have you always had each other's back?

Did you always get each other's back?

-Always. -Actually, no.

-What?! I have always had your back.

-Okay, and I'm going to tell you why she hasn't.

So there was this situation. -Wow.

-I know, I talk to my therapist about this all the time.

-Really? -Yes.

-Really?! It gets juicy. -Geez, I want to hear.

-We go back to first grade.

I was dressed like a clown because there was a play we were doing,

and it was rehearsals.

And let me tell you, when you're in first grade, rehearsals are serious.

It was, like, this big school play.

So it was, like, I don't know,

probably kindergarten all the way to eighth grade,

which felt like to college.

So we were doing it, and I went to the teacher, and I said,

"I have to use the restroom really bad."

And she goes, "Rehearsals are almost done."

So, no, she told me no.

I'm first grade. -Yeah.

-So I went back in my clown outfit,

wig, everything, and I peed my pants.

-She started peeing on the stage.

Literally, everyone started running off the stage.

So I started running, and I see the saddest clown

standing like this and just peeing.

And I was like, "That's not my sister,"

which I knew it was my sister.

And I ran, and I left her on the stage. -You totally sold her out?

-I sold her out. -So when you say, "Had she always had my back?"

-Wow! -She was a peeing clown!

-[ Laughing ] Oh, my God! A peeing clown.

-I was Little Red Riding Hood. I was like, "No." -Oh, my gosh.

-I asked to go to the restroom. -That is definitely therapy-worthy.

That is definitely therapy. -Right?

-Yeah. -I still talk about it.

-I mean, the whole school freaked.

I mean, I felt bad for her when we got home.

-But you know what? She gave the whole school head lice.

I actually feel bad for her. -Oh, my gosh.

-Dude, what is happening?! -She did!

-I was the first one who itched and admitted.

-[ Laughing ] Oh, my gosh!

-And that sounded really bad.

I swear it was lice. -Oh, my gosh.

-But, yes. -Wow!

-But guess what? They checked the whole school.

We all went home with head lice. -Okay.

-Oh, I can't believe she -- Everyone blamed me for that.

Like, you all sat there with itching heads.

I was first one to be like, "This don't feel right.

I'm out." -This is why it makes a good show.

This is why I watch "Total Bellas."

-Anything else? -Because it's this the whole time.

It's fantastic. -Yeah. And this was all first grade.

-In the family, yeah.

I watched the first episode of this season,

and I've got to say, it's so good,

but it's a tough episode.

I felt bad for you, pal. -Yeah. Right?

-Yeah, I love ya. -Aw, thank you.

That was sweet. Thank you. -Yeah, of course. No.

I care about you. I know you're going through a tough thing.

It's been a tough breakup. -It's been tough.

But, actually, I'm, like, doing so amazing.

And that's, like, what you see more on this season.

It's this, like, freedom Nikki and this, like, new Nikki.

And I know some of these people say that I'm like, "Blah."

But it's, like, actually, like, just, I don't know.

She thinks I'm having a midlife crisis,

but, like, I like to drive Ferraris

and go fast and, you know, smoke cigars.

I don't think there's anything bad with that.

Actually, that was one day, and then I woke up with a sore throat.

I was like, "Never again." -It's nice to see her more free

and, like, moving on. It is good.

But, you know, like, you do see tough times,

but that's why you have a sister to help you, like, put on dates,

put her on dates. -Yeah, she's the worst.

-Put her out there. -I heard your mom is setting you up, too.

-My mom -- This is what New York City does to you.

So she went bar hopping with my brother and sister,

decided to make laps for me while I was working

for the Evolution match,

and invited a guy to dinner, to a family dinner,

and set me up on a blind date. -Oh, poor you, it was a Brazilian model.

It could have been way worse.

-Yeah, that's actually not bad.

-I don't care if it was Elmo from Times Square.

You guys literally brought --

-That actually would have been amazing.

-Actually, I might have liked that. -Would you ever date Elmo --

Times Square Elmo would be fantastic. -I don't know.

-No, we just always drive by and there's like eight of them,

and it freaks us out. -I'm like, "Who do you pick?"

-They're a gang. -And you see their face.

-They're a gang that goes around Times Square.

-I feel like Birdie would be traumatized if she went to Times Square.

-"Hurry up, come on, give me $5." -Yeah.

-"Take a picture with Elmo. Let's go."

-I'm like... -It's like, "Tickle me!"

Don't say that. Don't say that.

Yeah, don't do that. -I don't do that on the first date.

-Yeah, first date you don't do that.

-No tickles. -But you actually did start dating on the show.

-I did. I'm kind of, I don't want to say playing the field,

because I'm not like that, but, like, I'm having fun,

like, going on dates with a bunch of people.

Like, some that I, like, know, like Artem.

-You know something. -Yeah, I'm married,

so I get to, like, see this, how uncomfortable and awkward she is,

and I love it 'cause I'm never going to be like this for the rest of my life.

-[ Laughs ] And then making you laugh. Oh, my God.

-It is embarrassing to watch yourself back on dates.

It's -- Like, the first one, I literally was so buzzed.

And I'm like -- -Peter from "The Bachelor," by the way.

[ Audience "Ooh"s ]

-She loves using "The Bachelor." I don't get it.

She's obsessed. I'm not. -I was like, "Did he give you a rose?"

And she's like, "Stop." I'm like, "Okay."

-She used all the jokes. -I do it all the time.

-I love that. -But I was, like, so buzzed.

My lips were purple 'cause I drank way too much wine.

-I watched it back, and I was embarrassed for her.

I was like, "Whoa, that's how you are on dates?"

-Oh, my gosh. But she hasn't dated in a while.

-I know. It's weird. -Exactly.

-I feel like I need to teach her. -Exactly.

Eww. You? -I feel like I'm married and I know more.

-Oh, my God. -No. Because you watch "The Bachelor"?

-Yeah! -Exactly!

There's always ten Hannah's on "The Bachelor."

-It's like, "Hannah C." -Yeah, it is. It's true.

-"She's having a big problem with Hannah B.

Now, Hannah D. didn't really like" --

It's like, "Oh, my gosh." And everyone's an entrepreneur.

-Oh, yeah, everyone.

-No, they can't say what they do.

Yeah, profession of a peeing clown.

-Yeah. [ Laughter ]

-Yeah, girl!

For more infomation >> Nikki and Brie Bella Embarrass Each Other with Stories of Lice and Peeing in Public - Duration: 6:30.


The Spider Verse Collection! Spider Hulk Defeat Venom And Carnage - BAAM BAAM Toys - Duration: 10:34.

The Spider Verse Collection! Spider Hulk Defeat Venom And Carnage - BAAM BAAM Toys

For more infomation >> The Spider Verse Collection! Spider Hulk Defeat Venom And Carnage - BAAM BAAM Toys - Duration: 10:34.


After INDICTMENT Roger Stone JUST Went On FOX And ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE On CNN And Mueller(VIDEO)!!! - Duration: 12:52.


Roger stone joins us tonight he's been in the news all day he's the author of a

new book called the myth of Russian fusion Roger stone thank you for joining

us thank you good to be here Tucker I'm a little tired but I'm glad to be here

so just just to get the mechanics of what happened this morning out of the

way we've seen the tape shot by CNN which remarkably was across the street

from your house very early this morning and we saw the very large number of

armed federal agents bringing you out of the house is there something we don't

know do you have an arsenal at home had you

made threats against prosecutors sorts of violence I mean is there context that

we don't have no first of all it's disconcerting that CNN was aware that I

would be arrested before my lawyers were informed that's disturbing if it was a

dangerous situation which would merit the SWAT team well then CNN's cameramen

would be in danger I don't know why they would be allowed to be there I had no

firearm in the house I don't have a permit for a firearm I don't own a

firearm only my wife my two dogs and my three cats were at home I'm not a flight

risk in fact I think my passport has expired or it will expire in a few days

I have no record of criminal past and frankly they just could have contacted

my attorney and I would have voluntarily turned myself in the proof of this is

that only hours later the judge granted me a $250,000

surety bond meaning on my signature with no funds put forward because I'm not a

flight risk and as far as the government's

contention that they were concerned that I would destroy evidence they've been in

my email and my text messages and my phone calls for two years probably

longer because the New York Times reported on January 20 to Gerry 20th 17

that I was among three people in the Trump campaign under active surveillance

hopefully we'll learn something about that in

discovery of okay so so that's actually that gets right to the heart of the

charges against you which are primarily for lying to Congress and one of the

things that you're accused of lying to Congress about is whether or not there

was any evidence you had evidence of communication between you and an

intermediary and Julian Assange did you guess yeah again given that you knew

that they had your electronic communications and would know the answer

already wouldn't that be a stupid thing to lie

about what is this charge yeah yeah yes and do it it's really simple I did

forget that I had text messages from an old cellphone that were entirely

exculpatory which proved that everything I had said about critical being my

source regarding the significance and the October release date of the

WikiLeaks material was accurate I believe he lied to the grand jury about

that that's been reported but he appears not to be being prosecuted for perjury

but I forgot exculpatory information and therefore I will if anybody had bothered

to read my my website the stone-cold truth they would know that I'm basically

refuted and documented the refutation of virtually every charge in this

indictment the indictment is thin indeed so what is this about

it's about silencing me there's a war on alternative media there's a war where

they're trying to criminalize political expression there's a war where they're

trying to criminalize free speech the efforts to shut down my show at Infowars

the efforts to silence Alex Jones who's one of my greatest supporters and

proponents are part of this war so I intend to plead not guilty I believe I

will be vindicated it's funny to watch Preet Bharara on CNN say this is a slam

dunk calls me a liar here's a guy who a federal judge lashed for lying in the

William Walton case you're the liar Preet so and then watching reporters

jump to conclusions Tucker and say oh well the the were the Trump campaign

official who directed stone to find out about WikiLeaks was Donald Trump no it

was not there are several things in here in the

indictment that are simply not true so who was it if it wasn't the president

who is well I have to speculate about that because since it never happened it

appears to me that they have composed testimony for someone perhaps Rick Gates

perhaps Steve Bennett perhaps someone is bearing false witness me but knowing

what's in my email and my text messages there is no corroboration whatsoever for

this and as for my email exchange with Steve Benton everything I told him in

the exchange was publicly reported information Politico reported that after

Assange announced on October 1st that he had nothing that day but would have

releases every week for the next ten weeks and that all information on the

election pertaining the election would be released in the weeks before the

election that was public information and it also been reported that Assange had

security concerns that day so the two things I told Ben and were public

information not the slightest bit controversial for the claim that when

and how did you learn that WikiLeaks had these stolen emails when Julian Assange

said it on CNN on July 22nd 2016 and then repeated it on Fox on August 24th

this was not a state secret Randi credito was the source who told me that

the material was significant dynamite a bombshell and so on and then it would be

released in October there's also I think a reference to dr.

Corsi in here dr. jerome corsi who told me in an e-mail when he was an

italy august 2nd that the WikiLeaks disclosures would come shortly

thereafter and there'd be another one immediately after that in August that

all turned out to be incorrect so there's no evidence that I received

anything whatsoever from WikiLeaks that I knew the subject or the content of

this material right well that's used to silence not even that's not even in here

the allegations as far as I'm reading it is is that you you lied to this

congressional committee have you spoken to the president about this I have not

but again if you watch CNN or MSNBC you wouldn't

oh that because they act as if stone act as the conduit between the Trump

campaign and WikiLeaks are between Donald Trump and WikiLeaks when the

president answered the written interrogatories he correctly and

honestly said Roger stone and I never discussed this and we never did so he

it's clear I mean it's clear from reading the indictment and you've been

saying it for at least a year that the feds were spying on your texts there's

there's no question about it there's no question I agree based on based on the

indictment that they released today so given they're reading all of your texts

you text with a huge not happen to know a huge number of journalists including

me and some of them you know work for CNN even maybe all of those texts were

being read by a federal prosecutor what do you think those journalists some of

whom are talking about this case right now on TV think of that you know the

that's the amazing thing is the press is not coming out and standing up against

this war against free expression this war against the First Amendment which is

really a war against the press look Tucker oh I think we both know the game

here we're stoned down financially make sure that he's broke so that he has to

plead guilty to these charges even though he didn't commit them and then

try to flip me against the president I'm facing two million dollars now in

potential legal fees people can go to stone Defense Fund calm to help me stone

Defense Fund calm I'm in for the fight of my life but I will not quit

I will not fold I will not Bend I will not bear false witness against the

president I intend to fight because this indictment is is is fabricated this

indictment is thin as as can be my attorneys are highly confident that

they can win an acquittal if I can get a fair trial in the District of Columbia

what are the potential consequences you face what are your lawyers telling you

they believe prosecutors will push for in terms of a sentence it's impossible

to say they have not yet had discussion the only other thing I do want to say is

the FBI agents this morning were were extraordinarily courteous

after the initial confrontation in which I was handcuffed but I was then taken to

the federal courthouse where I was shackled hand and foot and went through

and had to sit in the holding cell before the judge the judge was

imminently fair a issuing bond I'm restricted in my travel I can only

travel to the District of Columbia New York City and southern Florida but I'm

not a flight risk I'm 66 years old and I'm essentially broke since the leaks

from the special counsels office over the last two years have dried up my

consulting business since the censorship and shadow banning on face book have

substantially dried up my book sales as you know I had to end my life and health

insurance in December because I could meet the premiums anymore

every dollar I scrape up has to go to this fight but still I fight on I mean

do you notice a theme here it seems like everyone who gets ground up in the gears

of this investigation lacks the resources to really fight back I mean I

noticed that no one called Podesta has been pulled into this but it's you who

can't afford health insurance it's Papadopoulos who I seems broke as Carter

Paige who do you expect the prosecutor will indict next if anyone where's this

going well I have no idea they seem to be in hot pursuit of dr. Jerry Kersey

dr. Corsi said a number of things about me that are not true but he says he

won't testify against the president I have the emails and text messages and

metadata to prove that many of the allegations he's made against me are not

true but he clearly is referred to blindly of

course in this indictment I mean just take three steps back who cares no

offense to Jerome Corsi who seems like a nice guy but does anyone in America

believe that Jerome Corsi is in any way or any sense a threat to American

national security our way of life or democracy I mean is he it seems crazy I

don't think I don't think so nor do I that legitimate political or

journalistic inquiry regarding of what the topic of the WikiLeaks disclosures

is should be criminalized I never received any any purloined material and

no I never knew that John Podesta Z mails had been stolen in advance and my

tweet is not a reference to that and a research memo that Jerry Corsi wrote me

regarding the Podesta is extensive and lucrative business dealings in Russia is

not part of a cover-up because no cover-up was required so let me ask you

there's a last question when you when you watch the clip that we played I

don't know if you had time to watch the coverage of you on television today or

you read the internet and see people cheering for you to get raped in prison

or people celebrating your indictment what do you make of that where does that

come from well I must tell you we're at a very bad place in terms of our

politics I get four or five death threats a week I can't go out to a

public restaurant or an airport or travel by myself now because people want

to mix it up they don't want to just yell at you some of them want to take a

swing at you you know I don't feel that way about them I disagree with them but

I'm not for violence I don't think violence solves anything green so it

means again now I need security for my family for myself and that costs money

which is why I've asked the the public for help Roger stone we'll be following

it thanks for coming up thank you very much

thank you Tucker thank you god bless you and God bless america

For more infomation >> After INDICTMENT Roger Stone JUST Went On FOX And ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE On CNN And Mueller(VIDEO)!!! - Duration: 12:52.


드래곤 길들이기? 아니 장난감 만들기. 내마음대로 공룡메카드 시즌2 21탄. 플레시오사우루스에서 티타노보아 그리고 진화. - Duration: 5:35.

For more infomation >> 드래곤 길들이기? 아니 장난감 만들기. 내마음대로 공룡메카드 시즌2 21탄. 플레시오사우루스에서 티타노보아 그리고 진화. - Duration: 5:35.


How to Beatbox? | 日本語 - IK Part.2 - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> How to Beatbox? | 日本語 - IK Part.2 - Duration: 0:58.


(Eng Sub)매운 낙지볶음 모형 만들기 Fake food replica food Spicy octopus stir-frying - Duration: 6:58.

This is a octopus mold. Pour PVC into the mold and put it in the oven for 15 minutes.

It makes spring onions.

make onions. The seasoning is red. So make the onion a little red.

Put in a 200 degree oven for 15 minutes.

Take out a model of the ingredients.

Color the octopus with an air brush.

Color the green onions.

This is plastic noodle

heat it up and make it look pretty.

onion slices

Put an air cap on the plate and show it to the volume.

Set the materials on the plate.

Fix with adhesive.

Lets make seasoning. It'll make make it look spicy.

The material for the sauce are epoxy resin and acrylic paint.

Apply it with s brush.

Red powder - red pepper powder and yellow poder - garlic.


Put the noodles up and sprinkle the sesame seeds.

Apply acrylic lacquer over the noodles and Spread sesame seeds.

Tonight's menu.

thank you for watching

For more infomation >> (Eng Sub)매운 낙지볶음 모형 만들기 Fake food replica food Spicy octopus stir-frying - Duration: 6:58.


Hậu Cáo - Đột Nhập Nơi Dành Cho Những Đại Gia Đốt Tiền || Chợ Tết Hải Dương - Duration: 10:32.

For more infomation >> Hậu Cáo - Đột Nhập Nơi Dành Cho Những Đại Gia Đốt Tiền || Chợ Tết Hải Dương - Duration: 10:32.


ザギトワ連覇ならず サモドゥロワが欧州選手権V?フィギュアスケート - Duration: 5:46.

For more infomation >> ザギトワ連覇ならず サモドゥロワが欧州選手権V?フィギュアスケート - Duration: 5:46.


Most Unique Stunning Waco Vacation Rental The Helm by CargoHome - Duration: 3:38.

Most Unique Stunning Waco Vacation Rental The Helm by CargoHome

For more infomation >> Most Unique Stunning Waco Vacation Rental The Helm by CargoHome - Duration: 3:38.


冯提莫《挥着翅膀的女孩》 - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> 冯提莫《挥着翅膀的女孩》 - Duration: 3:06.


이번엔 테트리스 염색하기 도전!! 과연 결과는 성공? 실패? [ENG SUB] Try dyeing hair in tetris shape!! Success or Fail? - Duration: 2:46.

Hi guys, and my Ryunas

It's Kyung-Ah from Ryu's Penna (Fashion Youtuber traveling life)

Today, I'm finally here to try section hair color again.

This time, I'm going to do a tetris hair dye.

I don't know if dyeing will succeed.

It's probably better than hearts, right?

I'm becoming a silver teletype again!!

I've got the entire dye except for the part where I'm going to put the pattern in!

I look like a Teletubbies. LOL

Yosang : This isn't a red color, it's a burgundy red color, it's not a red color, it's a red color.

Yosang : So, We have to choose whether to change the pattern to that similar tone or to look at this one separately and go a little bit more primitive.

I want this part to pop a little bit more.

Y.S : Then I'll just go into the color of my hair instead of burgundy!

Yosang is becoming a section dyeing engineer! lol

He painted it this way!

Y.S : Tada~

Y.S : it's like this.

Y.S : I've put my heart and soul into it. LOL

I hope it looks pretty! (I really liked it!)

I'm looking forward to it.

Y.S: I think it's going to look pretty this time.

Now let's dry my hair!


It looks a little like a pixel!


Can you see well?

Because there are many customers at the hair salon, I'm filming alone at home to finish the video calmly.

Isn't it pretty?

What do you think of this hair?

I actually really like it.

I like all colors and overall color harmony.

What's a little bit disappointing is this.

I wish it had been as clear as the Tetris blocks.

That's what I thought it would look like when I applied the dye.

I think I should have bleached my hair once more.

So, it's a bit disappointing, but since I know the ropes and the problems, I think it'll look better next time.

I'll have to think about developing this next time and making it clearer or another pattern.

Please leave comments on how you like this hair and what you think!

Well guys, this is the end of this clip

If it was fun or useful, likes and subscribes please (Instagram @cornu_ryu)

See ya next time


For more infomation >> 이번엔 테트리스 염색하기 도전!! 과연 결과는 성공? 실패? [ENG SUB] Try dyeing hair in tetris shape!! Success or Fail? - Duration: 2:46.


江泽民,朱镕基,温家宝等退伍军人签署了一份文件,阻止习近平的个人崇拜。 政变对习近平。 习近平将被取代? - Duration: 11:46.

For more infomation >> 江泽民,朱镕基,温家宝等退伍军人签署了一份文件,阻止习近平的个人崇拜。 政变对习近平。 习近平将被取代? - Duration: 11:46.


Đưa Gái Xinh Đi Ăn Lẩu Hải Sản - Sung Vlogs - Duration: 10:51.

Subscribe to a channel to help me motivate more good clips!

For more infomation >> Đưa Gái Xinh Đi Ăn Lẩu Hải Sản - Sung Vlogs - Duration: 10:51.


THE BLUEMATICS Chigago Blues 2/ - London - January 2019 - Duration: 8:38.

For more infomation >> THE BLUEMATICS Chigago Blues 2/ - London - January 2019 - Duration: 8:38.


Opel KARL 1.0 ecoFLEX Cosmo Climate control - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> Opel KARL 1.0 ecoFLEX Cosmo Climate control - Duration: 1:22.


Mind control des élites - Online Epistemology - Duration: 1:08:12.

SE: Hi, do you hear me?

IL: Hello, hello?

SE: Hello, can you hear?

IL: Yeah, I can hear. Sorry, I took some time.

SE: No worry, I was doing something.

IL: Can you hear me well enough?

SE: Yeah, that's fine.

IL: Fine, ok.

SE: So, you're having a good morning?

IL: Yeah, fine, but the thing is, I was planning on stopping discord a little, because,

people here are too…

They are not getting it.

SE: Yeah, I saw you… IL: And events are repeating.

SE: I see you are very active on discord these days. Constantly posting videos.

IL: [laughs] Yeah, indeed.

SE: On several servers.

IL: [laughs] Yeah, yeah.

Yeah, simply because…

I'm quite young, but...

people don't dig enough.

For them, it's just politics, it's a smoke screen.

They don't understand that, lots of people have testified

about things happening that seem surrealistic, etc... You see?

SE: Hmhm.

IL: So, when you face sceptics, it's sad to say, but it is a waste of time.

SE: and, so…

IL: Because those people are programmed, precisely, to think that way.

I mean, I'm not questioning their scepticism,

just saying that with the events that are occurring,

people are being killed for saying things.

We have to stop being sceptical and understand that stuff is really happening.

There are very harmful people out there who are creating all this shit we are in.

We always wonder about the source of the problem and say: "oh, that's just random, etc", but no.

Some people are producing it, always with an objective.

SE: Ok. What do you mean by "people don't dig enough"?

Do you mean they don't verify information?

SE: They just doubt beforehand? IL: They are naive

IL: They are very naive.

Those people, most of them, don't dig further.

For them, if some guy says it's the truth, then it's the truth.

And this is where the elite comes in.

I'd say, the elite is playing with people's emotions.

Sometimes it makes people confident, and after, it makes them fear, etc.

That's the elite's domain.

Then, you end up with very aggressive people.

When you tell them there are Luciferians and Satanists,

they say: "No, you're crazy, it doesn't exist",

when in fact, some people absolutely proved that it exists,

those fucking cults.

That's a cult, some political parties too, but not just in politics.

Do you know Ronald Bernard?

SE: No, don't know him.

IL: I posted the "Taku files" on my server. You can look at it,

and you will find all the people I have, quote unquote, "certified".

Just I have not posted much yet.

It includes the MKUltra, the mind control...

The thing is, when you look at the true reality of things, you think to yourself: "fuck, that's insane".

SE: What do you think is happening, then?

You are saying that a satanic elite is doing "mind control" on people to control society, is that right?

IL: Not just satanic. There is Luciferianism, and...

SE: What's the difference between Satanism and Luciferianism?

IL: Um, the difference is that Satanism is about practicing the occult,

and lucifeianism is fake light, which means, people who...

by the power of money, welcome people to the fake light, to the success.

More precisely, the elitist success.

People who, sadly, are slaves.

I'm talking about artists who are slaves of the Babylonian system we live in.

A slavery system.

They are programmed and go through mind control processes.

Processes of manipulation of the brain, etc…

hypnosis, etc… And if you want, I can show you videos right now, you'll be shocked.

SE: Hmhm.

IL: Do you know what it is?

SE: Mind control? IL: It happens a lot in the US. Yeah, the mind control.

That's terrifying.

SE: Ok…

IL: It's… I don't know if you know about it.

SE: Um, no.

IL: Ok, so, "mind control" is a program endorsed by the CIA to control people,

to make them perform terrorist attacks,

submerge or duplicate their personality and produce dissociative identity disorders.

You see?

It's like being broken after a rape. It's the same.

SE: I see… IL: Some people, after a rape...

you see they are no longer the same.

SE: If... IL: The person is traumatized.

SE: If you had to put your confidence in a scale from 0 to 100 that that theory is true,

Where 100 is: "I'm absolutely sure, can't be wrong",

where would you be?

IL: I'd be at 90.

SE: Gotcha, and… IL: Simply because society is based on mind control.

SE: What is the main reason why you concluded that?

IL: All the events that have occurred.

SE: Would you have one good example that would represent what you mean?

IL: Um, the September 11 attacks,

that was mind control.

We had a propagation of self-fulfilling images in people's spirit,

before they did the attack, precisely, the 11th of September.

Before 9/11, there were already premeditations pointing to an attack.

SE: Um… IL: There are proofs.

SE: What do you mean "premeditations"? What was it?

IL: In movies there are subliminal messages explaining that, on such date, something will happen.

SE: What does it look like?

IL: For example, in "The Matrix",

at one point, Neo is brought to a police station.

Did you watch "The Matrix"?

SE: Yes, I did. IL: At one point, Neo is being interrogated by the agent.

SE: Not sure if remember the scene exactly, but I watched the film.

IL: That's the scene when the agents identify him

and say: "We know who you are and what you want"

SE: I think I remember.

IL: So, he is facing two agents, and in this scene,

when you are attentive, you notice that Neo's ID expires the 11th of September 2001.

That predates the event, so, it was premeditated.

And there are loads of successions of films that explain the way they premeditated it.

SE: But, let's take this example.

How does the fact that Neo's ID expires the 11/09/01 makes you think that it premeditates the attack?

Could it be a coincidence?

IL: Of course, because everything has been enumerated,

but people don't see that.

Subliminal messages mean: "I tell you what's going to happen,

for you to understand it, you have to exit the reality I created around you"

SE: Are we…? IL: Because they created an illusory conception.

Their world is illusion.

SE: Then, could we predict future events by analysing subliminal messages occurring today?

IL: Oh, yeah, of course.

Of course, of course.

Politics is just that, just subliminal messages.

They use Newspeak,

they make people believe they will help them.

Right now, they are more playing the victim, that's their goal.

They are pretending to be afraid,

they have to do that.

They are bound by the Rothschilds.

this government is bound by the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers…

um, also, Soros, a madman.

But people don't know that.

SE: So, right now, can you interpret subliminal messages today, and predict a future event?

IL: Um, I'm not a medium,

but I can assure you that a terrorist attack will occur.

A mind control is being performed for quite some time on the "yellow jackets" movement.

And people don't even realize that.

They are being made highly emotional to end it up in a slaughter.

SE: Hmhm.

IL: And the money pot… Not sure if you know about that.

The "Leetchi" money pot…

SE: I don't know. IL: … funds raised for the boxer.

SE: Ah, yes.

IL: The boxer who, um...

I believe he became famous for helping the yellow jackets, is that right?

SE: The one who punched the policeman?

IL: exactly

SE: Yeah. IL: Exactly.

So, that guy, curiously,

funds were raised for him...

Funds were raised for him, in the website "Leetchi".

And this website, um...

who owns it? It's a woman that, um...

the founder of the site is a woman who supports Macron.

SE: Yeah.

IL: So, they made fake donations.

SE: But…

IL: You can find that on the internet.

SE: Hmhm.

IL: The articles, the proofs, if you want I send them to you, no problem.

SE: But, when you predict a terrorist attack based on the subliminal messages you see,

what kind of messages do you see to predict that?

Do you have an example?

IL: Um, do you know Albert Pike?

SE: Can you repeat?

IL: Do you know Albert Pike?

SE: Um, no, never heard of him.

IL: 33rd degree Freemason. In the 18th century or something, he wrote a message, um...

explaining how the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd World Wars would happen.

He had already anticipated what would happen now.

And that's exactly what's happening.

SE: So, if I understand correctly, you think based on this prediction that a 3rd World War will occur.

IL: Yes, but I think it will be a spiritual war.

Not necessarily a…

I think, there will be a collapse.

Not entirely sure about the collapse.

maybe. No certainty.

I think this way of putting things is more to make people fear.

To say, like, the system is going to collapse, etc…

It's a way to warn conspiracy theorist, which I am too, a conspiracy theorist.

But I don't think there will be a collapse of the system.

That's not impossible, but I don't see things that way.

SE: When you say a terrorist attack will occur,

do you have a time limit before which it will happen?

SE: This year?

IL: I tried to predict a little.

I though it would happen on the 17th …

or the 22nd , I don't really remember.

But it did not happen, because amazingly,

miraculously, people didn't fell into the elite's trap.

So, we felt a little dumb.

And, we thought: "Ok, not finished yet".

But we were very confident that an attack would happen, etc.

But they were deviated...

Because, originally, they were supposed to go see Macron, isn't it?

at his house or something.

SE: I don't know. I don't really follow the news.

IL: Oh, ok. I do follow the news a lot.

SE: Yeah, I don't watch TV, so...

SE: I probably know less than you do.

IL: I recommend watching it.

TV is a mass propaganda tool... to manipulate the masses.

They will hypnotize people with TV.

Because, you know, some people are very naive.

I find it hilarious, people who say: "I don't watch TV, I know everything".

But, hey, man, do you know what the elite is doing, above?

The Marrakech pact and all.

SE: Yeah, I don't watch TV, so, I don't know about anything.

IL: Oh, you don't know about anything?

SE: Not a lot,

because, the news, like, what happened yesterday, I have no idea. I haven't checked.

IL: Yeah, that's why we shouln't stop watching TV.

SE: Maybe. IL: TV is like a...

IL: It's like a guide, in some sense.

It tells you bullshit, in general,

but, behind, a message is being sent.

And people say: "Oh, I don't watch TV because they are lying to us", etc.

Yeah, of course they lie.

But not only.

Sometimes, they let go some insight that makes you think: "Oh, really?"

SE: But, for example, about you 90% level of confidence

on the mind control, subliminal messages and all,

When you tried to predict the attack and the prediction failed,

Did your confidence decrease?

IL: No.

No, because you have to...

OK, it was not this time, but, um...

better safe than sorry.

SE: What if...

IL: I don't like the fact that some whistleblowers are very careful

and act as if it were something extraordinary, etc.

But, first things first,

a social movement, whatever the objective may be, is not spontaneous.

A movement is not spontaneous.

It can't be.

There is no spontaneous movement, that's impossible.

You can't, overnight, raise a mass of 1 billion, 1 million persons. That's impossible.

That's planned.

SE: OK, but... IL: It's obvious.

SE: Let's say, we meet again, two years from now,

and in these two years, no attacks occurred.

Would that decrease your confidence?

IL: No.


Because I am not necessarily trying to be right,

I anticipate

SE: Hmhm.

IL: I don't necessarily hold the truth, but I make hypotheses.

SE: Yeah.

IL: I know, I have been criticized.

People say: "you act as if you have the truth", etc.

They criticized me a lot, but I tell them: "stay in your illusion".

Just continue looking at your wonderful world collapsing.

People are trying to warn you, but you continue insulting them.

But, you guys, are the ones who should be insulted, it's because of you we ended up here.

Because you are so naive.

Um, I'm not talking about you, just in general.

But people are so naive,

they think the government will let them do their stuff. You see?

SE: Hmhm.

IL: When I see people who are convinced that...

Marine Le Pen, etc... um... Asselineau, will help them,

in what world do we live in?

When will people understand that politics is the art of manipulation?

It's about how to manipulate public opinion.

SE: But, you say you are 90% sure.

It means that there is 10% chance you are mistaken.

SE: so, let's consider... IL: yeah, that's possible.

SE: I'm not saying this is the case, but if you were mistaken,

if we could not read subliminal messages in the news

and we couldn't predict future based on that, and no mind control.

What would you need to discover, what would need to happen for you to conclude that?


I have no idea, but I can assure you that subliminal messages exist.

I watched a movie, recently.

You'll laugh. Do you know, um... "Taken"

SE: The game? [nope]

IL: Um, no, the movie.

SE: A film on the game? [Nope] I know the game but not the movie.

IL: There is a famous actor in it, don't remember his name.

And he did another movie named... um...

"The commuter"

SE: Hmhm.

IL: A very interesting movie I watched recently.

Really interesting.

Um, how could I explain that...?

It's about a guy who loses his job,

and is forced to take part in a conspiracy.

A government conspiracy

to kill a witness.

SE: Hmhm.

And, oddly enough, there are subliminal messages concerning Rothschild, Goldman Sachs, etc.

SE: So, what are the subliminal messages?

IL: It talks about Goldman sachs.

It puts emphasis on the banks and all. You see?

SE: Because they...? IL: that's how they play with it.

SE: Because, in the film, they mention some banks?

IL: Um, yeah, exactly.

IL: Conspiracies, etc... The FBI controls a secret organization.

IL: It's about killing a guy from the FBI, because he is an inconvenience.

SE: is it poss...? IL: Because he knows to much.

SE: Is it possible, for someone writing a scenario,

to mention those things without necessarily put subliminal messages?

IL: What do you mean? I don't understand.

SE: I mean, for example, let's say you want to write a script.

For a video game or for a film.

I guess it is possible you'd mention the Rothschilds in the story...

or other things based in real life,

IL: Yeah.

SE: but without necessarily putting subliminal messages.

Isn't it?

IL: Yeah, but the thing is, They do that almost everywhere.

We are submerged by subliminal messages.

Even in video games like Assasin's Creed Origins

Assassin's Creed, when you look at it, you see the freemason symbol.

SE: Hmhm.

IL: Freemasonry.

IL: I played the Assassin's Creed, um, the one in Egypt.

"Origins", sorry.

And, what do we see? We see the New World Order.

SE: Yeah, but, um...

IL: A table with people around it conspiring on how to manipulate people.

SE: I think... IL: In the game.

SE: If I remember correctly the little I played it, that's actually the very story of the game.

The idea of a historical global conspiracy...

trying to, um...

I don't really remember, but, indeed, the Templars are conspirators and all.

IL: Exactly, they try to make the bad guys into the good guys, and the good guys into bad guys.

SE: But, could they do that, just as a story,

just because it is a writing trope, something everybody does,

but without subliminal messages?

IL: Yeah, looks like you've got a problem with subliminal messages. [laughs]

Yeah, I understand, but the thing is, it's everywhere.

Look, I'll tell you something that might interest you,

and I think it will make you curious and you'll try to decrypt.

But you can look at anything.

Even the magazines, there is symbolism.

Look at the "Time" magazine.

Um, do you know the magazine "Time"?

SE: I know it by name, never read it.

IL: Ok, wait, the one with Emmanuel Macron.

The "Time" magazine is specialized in subliminal messages.

We'll see if you notice the subli message.

Um, I'll send it.

They even do that with "The Economist", etc... They are really good.

Do you see the message?

SE: Um, wait a little.

So, it is a photo of Macron.

Um, hum...

No, not sure.

I don't think I see it.

SE: What's the message? IL: You don't see the occult symbol?

IL: You don't see the occult symbolism?

SE: No.

IL: See how complex this is?

SE: Ah, ok, are you referring to the "M" that can do horns?

Devil's horns.

IL: Exactly, exactly. This is not the first time.

I'm sending you another.

"The great manipulator"... "Time".

And, so... you conlude...?

Do you conclude from that, that "Time" is in the occult?

That it is a Luciferian magazine or something to that extent?

IL: Correct, an elitist magazine.

Narrator: From now on, and for the next 11 minutes, I was kind of paralyzed.

So, I'll give exemples of questions I could have asked, had I not been in the daze.

IL: Completely.

SE: Ok, um, but...

Narrator: What message is the "Time" sending?

That Macron is the devil? Or is the "Time" satanic?

If I am a trainee working for "Time", and I don't like Macron,

can I deliberately put devil horns on him without being in the occult?

How to discern between all these hypotheses?

IL: Let's go further.

SE: Hmhm.

IL: All these things.


Don't remember where I found that.

But you can do your own research, you'll see, you'll be shocked.

At first, I did not believe it.

I was naive but not too much.

I wasn't paying too much attention.

But at one point, you understand reality. When it hits you right in the face.

You assimilate it, and understand it.

IL: Fuck, that's insane.

SE: But, look at this case.

Since you asked me to search a message,

I concentrated on the idea.

But would it be possible that, by concentrating on those things,

we see signs where there is nothing but coincidences?

IL: What do you mean, coincidences?

Narrator: Here, he asked me to define coincidence, and I don't really do it.

It may have been important, because he might think that...

... no concurrence of events could happen without causal link, without hidden messages.

But it looks like he puts more emphasis on the quantity.

SE: I mean that, here, the presence of a "M",

just the name of the magazine,

so, for the "M" not to show up above, they'd have to make the photo very big

Or make Macron very small.

Most of the times.

IL: Yeah, but that's deliberate. People don't pay attention to that.

When you discover that cards created in 1980, already predicted... um...

that two towers would explode.

With a terrorist attack. How do you explain that?

How so? Exactly two towers.

I'll send them. Even the pentagon! look.

See how those people are evil, they anticipated it all.

They have an agenda. There are not in...

I don't know how to put it. They are not in the same reality we have been molded in. They are...

SE: What are the cards you sent me, where do they come from?

IL: From the New World Order, 1994, Illuminati card game

SE: Illuminati card game?

Narrator: Who made this card game? Why? Sold where? to whom?

Are there other monument exploding in the card game, that haven't exploded yet?

How many?

If I produce a card game today,

with one hundred famous buildings exploding in it.

If 50 years from now, one or two of these building happen to have exploded for some reason,

should we conclude that I put subliminal messages in it?

SE: What was that? a game?

IL: A game, exactly, where they already talked about the HAARP project, etc...

They are insane.

Nuclear accident... what happened at Fukushima...

And, I even found testimonies that explained...

I'm not sure if you know what happened in Japan.

You know? Fukushima, etc... Yeah, you probably know.

SE: At the time of the tsunami and the nuclear power plant? Yes.

IL: OK. I can assure you it was not a tsunami.

It was... I mean, according to my hypothesis, and I'm not the only one.

It was machines... funded by Russia and America,

earthquake machines.

SE: Hmhm?

IL: And there was a discussion... um... when they were...

I mean, when the Japanese investigated that, they said it was impossible...

to explode a nuclear power plant. Almost impossible.

SE: You mean, impossible, by a tsunami?

Or by an earthquake?

IL: What they were saying is that there never was a tsunami.

But you will never find these videos on the internet. You really have to...

I swear, I found incredible coincidences.

Some movies summarize subliminal messages "911"

And, don't know if you know about it, but, at one point...

Do you know about "synchronicities"?

SE: No.

A synchronicity is when you have, quote unquote, "flashes",

and you make link between them, and everything coincides.

...[inaudible]... coincidence.

And, look, I'll go further.

They had already planned 9/11, with the simpsons

So, now...

can't you see the proofs are before you?

SE: hum...

IL: But I can understand scepticism.

SE: Just imagine, if we find another magazine like that, with a "8" in place of the "9".

IL: Ok, try to find it, then. No worry.

SE: But, if it existed, would it...

IL: Yeah?

SE: I mean,

when we look up things like that, is it possible that you concentrate on the coincidences?

Making it stand out of the lot.

IL: What do you mean, coincidences?

SE: I mean, if we had a "8" here, it would have no meaning.

IL: Yep.

SE: But, because there is a "9", it's supposed to mean something.

IL: But, that's not all, there is an enormous amount of symbolism.

And this is why conspiracy theorists have always been discredited, because they know...

OK, a lot are delusional, but others are pretty close to truth.

I'm pretty close to truth myself, but I don't really try to force it on people, you know.

Because I have the truth.

More or less.

SE: For exampl...

IL: But when you say you know something, people consider you are egocentric, etc...

That's typically "reality television 2.0" and it's tiring.

You can no longer talk about that with people.

SE: for all those...

IL: I'll go even further...

Oh, sorry, you want to say something.

SE: Yeah, sorry, there is a slight delay.

sometimes we begin to talk without hearing the other yet.

SE: But, if you take all those signs. IL: No worry.

You just put them on a table.

Then, you make different persons interpret these signs independently from each other.

If they use the same method you do, do you think we should expect them to all agree...?

I mean, not all, but would a consensus stand out, some kind of logic in the interpretations,

or do you think it will be mostly random interpretations?

IL: That's tricky because it depends on the person.

SE: Hmhm

IL: Some will be in complete denial like...

Um... like... not like you, but like a lot of people I have known.

They say: "no, you're crazy, rambling about reptilians again".

This is where the elite played well, and I tip my hat to them,

they managed to discredit that.

But, now,

people have begun to notice they have been lied to, for quite some time.

So, not good, you see?

SE: Imagine a world where this satanic elite doesn't exist.

What would be different?

IL: We'd still have luciferianism, human sacrifice, testimonies, the pizza gate...

Too much things!

SE: So, all those things, for example, the "9" on the magazine,

all those things, would not be there? If there were no Luciferian elite.

IL: For me, they exist. [laughs] They exist.

But I was born on the 9th of September [laughs] don't know if that's a coincidence.

Narrator: If somebody interpreted from your birth date that you are an Illuminati,

how could we disprove this hypothesis?

How did I miss that opportunity?

IL: Look, for example, today, it's "Act 9" [Yellow vests]

Act 9 and all.

At one point, it becomes necessary to understand that reality is difficult to accept.

It's difficult to accept, but, constantly being sceptical is not good, because you give them credit.

SE: Hmhm.

IL: You see?

SE: Yeah. (!)

IL: But i don't... what annoys me is seeing so much people thinking theoretically.

Because, when it will fall on you, you'll think : "shit, I should have paid more attention to this subject".

Because everything will collapse.

SE: This is why I think it'd be good to have a reliable method...

... preventing us from believing too much false things.

Because, in all those theories, some are false. How can we identify the false ones?

IL: Yeah.

For example, I don't know about reptilians, I haven't dug up the subject too much.

But this idea of "reptilian brain" , maybe, because I know of people with insane behaviors.

People insanely materialistic.

Um... you see? People without principles.

I met some people... I mean... I understand why they rise in the pyramidal hierarchy,

because this people have no principle, they are programmed.

We are programmed since birth, anyway. The mass conditioning.

That's what brought us to a state where some think there are conspiracies and some don't.

So, now, I don't waste my time. I just know. Everything was planned.

IL: That's a conspiracy, a global conspiracy.

That's how it is. That's how I see things.

For example, I discovered something recently.

Do you know the Statue of Liberty?

SE: Yeah.

IL: I can assure you, in the writings of the Statue of Liberty, there is the Masonic symbol.

SE: Hmhm.

IL: That's freemasonry

I mean, the american freemasonry, but that's freemasonry.

That's the Illuminati, you see?

Even if people laugh when you say "Illuminati".

But they exist, because they are the ones who control media, etc...

That's why there are subliminal message and the eye, etc.

Even when I when on holiday... because I travel a little,

there are things I find incredible, I think to myself: "how is that possible?"

SE: For example... IL: They can't go that far.

SE: For example, do you see my profile's picture? With the match and the flame.

And the fact that I do videos asking questions to people,

trying to understand how they came to their beliefs and all these behaviors.

If someone thinks I am a... "sceptic of the system", or something like that,

and comes here and says:

"look at this guy doing manipulative videos,

and the picture, it's a flame in the dark, like he brings light to the darkness, that's Luciferian symbolism!"

IL: [inaudible]

SE: Can we conclude I am an Illuminati?

IL: No, not necessarily, but that's people who...

The thing is, for me, it's no longer balanced.

Some people are too much in conspiracy theories and some are too much in the virtual world.

The more you are in conspiracy theories, the crazier you get, because you'll see conspiracies everywhere.

But, what I see as a conspiracy is what, for me, is reality. You see?

SE: Yeah.

IL: But, I also live my life besides that.

SE: Yeah, cool.

IL: I'm not too eccentric, I just anticipate things.

SE: I think I just... IL: I try to analyse...

SE: I think I just have one last question except if you have something to add.

SE: If I remember correctly... IL: No problem.

SE: When I asked you what you could discover to change your mind, you said you don't know.

SE: You had no idea. IL: Yes.

SE: Is it possible, then, for all this conspiracy and all, to be false, but you have no way of discovering it?

IL: Yeah, that's possible. But I'll be honest,

I don't mind being right or wrong.

For example, if in the end we prove to me that I was wrong,

it would, at least, have been a good experience.

SE: Would you want to know if you are wrong?

IL: Oh, absolutely.

I'm searching for truth.

I don't mind being ostracized, if it is for truth. That's who I am.

SE: Then, we are similar.

IL: It's not that I don't care about human, but, just... I stopped wasting my time.

I'll sound egocentric, but I know so much... I mean, I know a lot.

But when you say you know things, people say: "you're egocentric", etc.

OK, shut the fuck up and stay in your shit.

Always here complaining about you're conditioning, and don't even search the reasons.

Stop whining, in this case.

I'm 22 years old, I have other things to do, you know.

But, in fact, it's thrilling.

I find that fascinating.

There is so much...

In fact, at first, I thought life was shit.

But now, wow! There is so much to know.

SE: Hmhm.

IL: When you leave the framework of individualistic conformism, etc...

you discover that, in reality, the world is...

You don't even need to watch series.

I almost don't watch series anymore, apart from a few anime,

but I spend most of my time on conspiracy theories.

Because it is so interesting.

When you know that there are Christians, etc... Because there is also a part of religion.

I'm not sure if you are religious; or you are agnostic?

SE: Yeah, I am agnostic.

IL: Yeah, me too, so, I don't pay much attention to god, etc,

though I believe somebody created the universe, obviously.

But, I'm not into the kneeling and worshiping and all.

But, people do what they want, I respect that.

But, the thing is, there is a pure fanaticism that, I think, has been exploited.

Whatever the religion.

"We'll kill you for this and that, etc..."

We are humans, we are able to feel when something is wrong.

But, now, we've lost that...

I think the elite is doing everything to strip us of our sense of morality and immorality.

The elite wants immorality.

Just look at the children, nowadays.

Um, children, nowadays, 13/14 years old, they look like they are 17, is that normal?

I'm shocked.

SE: shocked that, children, today, are more developed than before?

at 14?

IL: Yes! I'm being told it is theory of evolution and social engineering,

but, who is causing all this shit?

Who sexualize and hypersexualize children?

Who agreed for children to consent, nowadays, at 11?

We're in delirium.

I despise the dogmatic world.

An elite ruling the world, okay, but, it being immoral, no.

Narrator: I never was able to ask him how it would affect his confidence...

... if he stopped believing there are subliminal messages.

Maybe there is a deeper, more fundamental reason.

IL: I can't accept that.

I can be in a dogmatic world where I have to work, etc. make a living, etc.

But if it becomes immoral... it becomes my enemy.

SE: How should the world look like for you not to consider the elite immoral?

IL: a healthy world. Because today we see that the people above are destroying it.

They blame the population while being the ones destroying the world little by little.

And they lay the blame on people, that's their project.

SE: so...

IL: People, these days, talk about... um,

Look at global warming. There is no global warming.

That's bullshit.

It is not global warming at all, it's more like... um...

The earth isn't... I mean, we clearly see it's not heating.

SE: You "clearly see", how?

Based on how you feel the weather?

IL: Yeah, we clearly see it is not becoming warmer.

We clearly see.

People saying it'll be hotter, etc. should just stop rambling.

It's more like the reverse. It'll be colder and colder.

SE: If we...

IL: Sometimes... I was scandalized when I was in France... um

In France, um, I don't remember if it was cold or hot,

but, at one point, it was freezing cold.

SE: I think the... IL: I was shocked.

SE: I think the global warming thing is more about something like a 0.5 °C average rise worldwide.

Do you think you would you be able to feel that, if it were true?

SE: A 0.5 average worldwide? IL: I don't believe those guys.

IL: They are all lying through their teeth, that's why they are with the system.

All who are credited by the system are harmful people.

All who are discredited by the system are people who deserve attention.

SE: does that mean...?

Nobel Prizes are conditioned people.

Those who won the Nobel Prize are people conditioned in dogmatic... dogmas, precisely.

And those who are rejected by the system are people holding truths that can be a bother.

So, they are erased. It has always been like that.

SE: Imagine we don't go through them.

And we decide now, over the next 2 years,

to gather the data of temperature in New York, Tokyo, Sourth Africa, France...

and we calculate the average temperature,

Without resorting to scientists.

If, at the end of these 2 years, we, indeed, observe a 0.5 °C average rise compared to 1990,

would you conclude global warming is happening?

IL: Maybe.

Yeah, possible.

But so much is happening, things that people don't realize.

Well, people don't realize... English and Americans, they know that,

but in France we have a scepticism against conspiracy theories, etc. and that's a serious problem.

SE: But... IL: That's a serious problem

SE: Sorry, I'm back to the question, what do you mean "maybe"?

Does that mean that even if we observed it in the data, you would not conclude the global warming?

IL: As soon as you prove to me a truth is true, pff, I jump to something else.

SE: Hmhm.

IL: Even if I spent my time saying: "no, that's not true!"

If you prove it to me,

ok, good.

SE: You are more interested in the more... subversive subjects? at least for now.

IL: Yeah, things that are evasive.

Let me read what Albert Pike wrote in his letter, the 3rd World War plan.

"The Third World War must be fomented

by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati"

between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World."

"The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World)

and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other."

"Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight

to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…"

That's exactly what is happening.

[Disclaimer: this letter doesn't exist]

SE: Could that happen even without Satanic elites?

SE: that sort of things. IL: You have a problem with Satanism? [laughs]

SE: No, if that's not an important point, never mind.

SE: I'm talking about the idea that the elites want that. IL: No worry.

SE: Would it be possible that the elite don't control anything?

Just complete chaos and mismanagement.

IL: Um... I think that... Even if I'm gonna sound like a defeatist again,

I think they are just pretending a little.

They are nervous, but they know that by acting as if they are afraid,

because people are naive, people think they will win.

I can tell you France is dead.


France is completely dead, no hope, that's why I left.

I left because I felt that, 4/5 years ago.

SE: You mean dead economically, culturally?

IL: Economically, spiritually, um...

The values have been trampled by Zionism.

Also by this satanic elite.

Um... In France, everything is going to hell.

Are you in France?

SE: Yeah, close to Paris.

IL: Ah, OK, you can see, then, France is dying.

SE: Maybe, yes.

IL: Yeah.

Those people that accepted the "Schiappa law", or didn't pay attention.

Such a thing would have been impossible before.

Their social engineering was so good, humans were so formatted,

people didn't even realize they have become completely stupid.

You know?

Today, people are proud of their stupidity.

Proud of knowing nothing, proud of being an idiot,

proud of doing nothing with one's life.

SE: Simply loosing themselves in entertainment.

IL: Yeah!

Yeah, and that's terrible and unhealthy because they could do something with their life,

but they've been manipulated so much by the system, that they feel like shit.

On the outside, for society, they act as if they are fine and all.

This is why France is a country of depressed people.

I think this is the country with the most antidepressant medication.

The highest consumption.

SE: Yeah, I heard that.

IL: The rift between the being and the appearing.

It's the same old routine day in day out.

I saw how it was in Paris, How can people live like that?

Such a horrible way of life.

How can you live like that? Why not just kill yourselves?

I understand people who leave France.

Not just France, but there is something unhealthy in France.

IL: Something unhealthy is taking place.

SE: I also think people are passive and relatively stupid

and are completely reduced to slavery by traditional wage-employment and other things.

But do you think it would have been different without a manipulative elite?

IL: Um, no, it could have happened naturally too.

SE: Yeah.

IL: But I think they hastened their project, because I think the New World Order began with...

This is my personal theory.

I think the New World Order began with the first trauma, 9/11.

Even I lived the 9/11.

Because... Yeah, yeah, born in 1996

Yeah, I lived it.

SE: I was young, but I remember it too.

IL: I think we all saw that. I think this is something...

Plus, there is something a little paradoxical.

I saw a documentary where they explained that it would have been impossible...

... for the towers to collapse like that, with two planes.

and, also,

why is that, that before...

Wait, before the... um, before the impact,

as if by chance, the media were looking at the towers?

SE: "The media", the cameras?

IL: Yeah

yeah, yeah.

SE: Were some cameras turned somewhere else?

IL: Um, maybe, but they were all looking at the towers.

[Disclaimer: Only one recording of the 1st impact exists]

IL: As luck would have it. [Disclaimer: Only one recording of the 1st impact exists]

And I think we waited something like 5 minutes, before the first plane crashed.

People didn't even question that.

As always, the devil is in the details.

Quote unquote "devil", I mean.

IL: They are evil. SE: What kind of...

SE: What kind of proofs would you need to be even more confident than 90%?

What would confirm, for everyone, your theory?

IL: we'll see what happens to France.

I'm sure France is destroyed. Macron has an ideology.

He has to honor his deal with the Rothschilds.

The Rothschilds are the masters of mass manipulation.

They are the ones who fomented the 1st and 2nd World War.

With the help of the Warburgs, etc.

(?), etc.

as you can see, I know what I'm talking about. [laughs]

IL: But yeah, this is...

Just look at the motto of freemasonry.

I find it hilarious.

It's "Ordo ab chao"

SE: "Order of chaos" or something? IL: "Controlled order".

IL: "Order of chaos" or "controlled order".

To create order, you produce disorder, if you want.

SE: Of which freemasonry is it the motto? All?

IL: All.

They all have the same goal, whatever the system,

they all use a pyramidal system;

meaning that, for them, humans are made to be exploited.

Without going into New Age, I'm not into New Age stuff.

SE: Where did you find that motto?

IL: Um, everywhere, just type... um...

You find it on... how do you call that? Um, structures, buildings.

SE: Are you sure it is their motto?

SE: Written on buildings?

IL: Yeah.

Oh, yeah, completely, but in France, you even have buildings with... Um...

buildings with pyramids, I mean, buildings with pyramidal shapes on it.

Judicial buildings.

Do you want me to show you something? [laughs]

SE: Ok, Why not?

IL: Do you know the Illuminati are part of...

Um, wait a second.

Or Freemasonry, yeah, it's the same anyway.

Did you know the Illuminati were part of the Declaration of the Rights of Man?

SE: Um, no, I did not.


Let me send you something.

I'll send you so that you can see for yourself.

See for yourself how is composed the french system we live in.

We talk about "Declaration of the Rights of Man"... as if men were free.

Men might be free physically, but not mentally, they are still conditioned.

I'm not in this conditioning... no longer, let's say.

SE: Ok, I'm looking.

Oh, I guess you are referring to the pyramid and the eye above the Declaration. Isn't it?

IL: Of course.

SE: Um...

Let's say we do research,

IL: [laughs] No problem.

SE: and we find out that this symbol is a Christian symbol.

IL: The "eye of providence"

No, no, it's not, it is a Luciferian symbol.

That's "the Eye of Providence". See? I found the name.

SE: Um...

SE: Are you saying this symbol doesn't represent Christian Trinity?

SE: The triangle: the father, the son and the holy spirit, plus God's eye.

IL: Let's put it simply: Trinity is an evil thing. Why is it being taught?

SE: Hum, I see.

IL: Religious domains were the first to be reversed.

IL: Same for the Quran. Everything. SE: Are you saying...

SE: Are you saying Christianity has been infected by the Illuminati or that they are, originally, the Illuminati?

IL: Oh, good question. No, no, they were, um...

It's like if I give you a text, with truths in it, true truths, not created.

And, overnight, I change everything,

still, I keep telling you this is the truth, but I know I'm lying.

But, for you to believe in my ideology, I'll tell you this is true.

SE: You mean, the Christian texts and doctrines have been modified over time?

IL: Every single doctrine, every single one.

SE: Is it...

IL: The system... When I understood that, I understood why...

when you go to church, you have to make an offering.

I mean, "have to"... you kind of feel like you have to do it.

Because they tell you: "see? we have to touch foundations, etc"

This is fucking bullshit, even if the foundations are true, I'm not denying that.

But that's Semitic crap.

Do you know Paul Ponssot?

SE: No.

IL: A guy a lot crazier than I am, and who helped me a lot.

For all the truth seeking stuff. Not only him, I follow a lot of people, not just...

I don't just have one fixed perspective on things.

SE: Yeah, by the way, I don't want to keep you too much,

but if you know people with strange theories and willing to talk to me, I'm interested.

SE: This kind of theories IL: Yeah, cool.

SE: But about what you said, the Christian doctrine and all, being modified over time.


Don't doctrines modify themselves naturally, over time, even without manipulation?

IL: No, I think there is always manipulation, this is why we are trapped by people practicing human sacrifice.

SE: You mean, voluntary manipulation?

IL: Yes, it's voluntary.

It's voluntary because those guys are in pure materialism, they have no empathy.

When I see the Yellow Vests, I know it makes the elite laugh.

They just laugh.

Sometimes, the elite gets a little nervous and do a little fix, but...

You know, I feel a little... can't say I'm proud, I mean, I'm not proud,

but devastated to see such a stupid country.

Not in the sense it has no intellect, see what I mean? But it has no knowledge.

This country is destined to fail.

SE: Maybe, but...

IL: And the social engineering really had its effect.

SE Are there some places in the world that are not affected by this elite?

Some countries unaffected by it.

IL: I'd say the islands.

The islands where...

Oh, I noticed something one month ago.

Look at National Education.

Did you graduate from school and all that?

SE: Yes, I have some diplomas.



Have you noticed that they always want to teach us what the "United Nations" is? Um...

Um, they teach us about Europe, globalization, etc.

SE: You mean they talk about it in civic education class or things like that?

IL: Yeah, even in history, geography classes, they made me swallow their globalization.

I was the top of my class in history and geography, so...

"Globalization", etc...

SE: With what course was it associated? Was it the focus?

Or were they talking about history, and it was connected?

IL: No, it was in the program of the final year of "economic and social".

We talked about globalization, finance, um...

I studied "Economic and Social", you see?

SE: I see.

IL: I wasn't a wanker.

I was conditioned too, but I broke out of it because I knew it wasn't interesting.

It was superficial crap, in short, just finance.

"Yeah, we have markets, bla bla blaaa"


Nothing interesting behind, just numbers.

There was no magic, you know? Never about people and cultures.

I am more interested in cultures, you see?

It was empty. Just numbers, "calculate this, count that". Horrible.

SE: Now that you mention that, you told me before that the islands were places, on Earth,

that escaped the elite's manipulations.

Are people, in those islands, more cultured and less stupid than, for example, french people?

IL: Of course.

Because they were not exposed to the same conditioning than people in urban areas.

SE: What do they do differently? IL: Even people on the countryside are more intelligent

IL: and a lot more lucid than formatted and individualized people.

Capitalist logic itself.

SE: So, how could we recognize them? What do they do differently compared to us?

They learn more things? What do they do?

IL: They are healthier.

SE: "healthier"? Physically? IL: They don't consume...

IL: Healthier physically, mentally, that's the most important.

Well, I am a consumer, myself, of all kinds of chips, hamburger, etc.

IL: But I manage to stay lucid. SE: Yeah, same here.

IL: Yeah. Some people always say: "you shouldn't eat that",

Shut up! If I want to relax, stop pissing me off.

Yeah, Veganism and all, it's good, but no need to force it on people.

That's the thing, you always have dumb people forcing things on you.

And because of those idiots, we'll never progress,

because they always think they hold the truth about everything.


SE: Yea...

IL: Some think Jesus will come and just kick everybody's ass, etc...

some think it'll be a socialist regime.

This is where social engineering was very efficient.

Now that they are conditioned, humans are completely manipulated.

Without noticing it. People are convinced they are right, when in fact, they might be manipulated.

This is why I don't really want to be right, I just go my own way.

This is how I do things, and if I am mistaken, it's alright.

What do I have to lose?

SE: OK, cool, I think I'm done, except if you want to add something,

and if one day, you want to talk again about something, just contact me.

IL: No problem, I'll move to VK, because I'm bored by this server.

As you probably noticed, it's full of sceptics.

I'm tired of explaining. Did you see "Mutant"?

SE: Yesterday? Yeah, that's when I was talking to you.

IL: Ah, OK.

SE: Well, he was just sarcastic.

IL: Hum, he was ironic?

SE: If I understood correctly, yes.

IL: Yeah, he was ironic, but...

No, but you clearly see that he doesn't know.

He uses irony because he doesn't know.

It's his way of diverting me, to tell me I'm saying shit.

He said: "oh, of course, obviously the boxer is a reptilian"

Hey, nigga, when did I say the boxer was reptilian?

The boxer is just friend with the system.

The manipulation is obvious.

It's obvious.

Oh, looks like you can't hear me.

SE: I hear, I hear.

IL: Ah, OK.

SE: I just don't have anything to say, so... IL: Yeah, that was interesting.

SE: If you want, we can stop here.

IL: OK, cool.

I'll subscribe to your channel. Are you on VK?

SE: No, as I said, I never heard about it. Is it like discord?

No, I think you said you put videos on it?

IL: I had a bug.

SE: Yeah, you got disconnected.

SE: Yeah, VK, is it a video platform like YouTube or more something like discord? What is it?

IL: it is more like...

similar to Facebook,

and there are some videos that were deleted on YouTube because...

YouTube people were not pleased... We all know who owns YouTube.

Therefore, the videos are on VK.

I'll go there, cause there is nothing left on YouTube.

SE: I see. IL: Only things seen over and over again.

SE: Well, I'm trying to make a channel that talks about critical thinking.

I talk with people who have beliefs about anything,

like, they believe in a god, they believe in Karma or aliens,

and I just ask questions to try to understand how they came to such conclusions.

IL: Oh, yeah, I was the same at one point.

At one point I was taking every information,

thinking: "maybe he is right or maybe that guy is right..."

But with time, I understood the answers were obvious.

So, what was complicated before became simplicity.

But if you want to understand current events, I can only advise you to look at the... [inaudible]

SE: Look at what? You cut.

IL: Look at the details.

SE: Hum. IL: Everything is in the details. Everything.

SE: Everything, but is it interpretable? Does that lead to truth?

IL: It can.

SE: Or it can lead to error? IL: It can.

IL: It may, too. That's why we are in a game.

IL: We are playing right now, it is a game.

SE: Is it the most reliable way to find truth?

IL: Um, yeah.

Some people did that, and were thought to be crazy,

but in the end, they were right.

Do a little research, you'll see.

SE: Hmhm...

OK, I'm done. Have a nice day.

IL: OK. I'll go watch the news about the Yellow Vest.

SE: Bye.

For more infomation >> Mind control des élites - Online Epistemology - Duration: 1:08:12.


Liverpool fans respond to Marko Grujic's stunning team goal for Hertha Berlin - Duration: 2:33.

 All signs are pointing to a season of great success for Liverpool this year.  The side currently sit four points clear at the top of the Premier League table, losing only one game in the process

 Jurgen Klopp clearly has a vast pool of top talent at his disposal. The front three of Mohamed Salah, Roberto Firmino, and Sadio Mane are widely considered one of the best in Europe

 Meanwhile, the dominant displays of Virgil van Dijk at the other end of the pitch have offered Liverpool the defensive balance they've so sorely missed in recent years

 Even outside of the starting XI there's a wealth of talent waiting. Naby Keita is yet to cement his place in Klopp's best side, along with Xherdan Shaqiri and Daniel Sturridge who've proven to be valuable plan B's

 One Liverpool player who is currently out on loan is Serbian midfielder, Marko Grujic

Despite Klopp often declaring his desire for Grujic to one day infiltrate the Liverpool senior team, he's failed to do so thus far

 During his most recent loan spell at Hertha Berlin, however, the 22-year-old has shown fans what he's capable of

   In the Bundesliga, Berlin are still unbeaten when Grujic has played, tallying 20 points out of a possible 24 in that time

 However, it's the Serbian's most recent contribution that has left fans drooling

 During Friday night's clash with FC Schalke, Berlin equalised in the 39th minute with a stunning team goal that was started and finished by Grujic himself

 Check it out here:  How's that for teamwork?  Naturally, the goal has drawn the attention of Liverpool fans, many suggesting Klopp should consider him as a focal point of the side's plans next season

 You can check out how some Reds fans reacted to the goal here:  What do you think of Marko Grujic's chances at Liverpool? Should he be given the chance to shine, or would he be too far down the pecking order? Let us know in the comments

For more infomation >> Liverpool fans respond to Marko Grujic's stunning team goal for Hertha Berlin - Duration: 2:33.


Catalina Saison 1 Épisode 7 | Televisa TV - Duration: 41:00.

For more infomation >> Catalina Saison 1 Épisode 7 | Televisa TV - Duration: 41:00.


For more infomation >> Catalina Saison 1 Épisode 7 | Televisa TV - Duration: 41:00.


Le vide n'est pas vide. Extrait de Black Whole - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Le vide n'est pas vide. Extrait de Black Whole - Duration: 3:36.


For more infomation >> Le vide n'est pas vide. Extrait de Black Whole - Duration: 3:36.


REVIEW MÀU SAKURA KOI - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> REVIEW MÀU SAKURA KOI - Duration: 1:32.


For more infomation >> REVIEW MÀU SAKURA KOI - Duration: 1:32.


Comment remplacer roulement de roue, moyeux de roue arrière une AUDI A3 1 (8L1) [TUTORIEL AUTODOC] - Duration: 5:14.

For more infomation >> Comment remplacer roulement de roue, moyeux de roue arrière une AUDI A3 1 (8L1) [TUTORIEL AUTODOC] - Duration: 5:14.


For more infomation >> Comment remplacer roulement de roue, moyeux de roue arrière une AUDI A3 1 (8L1) [TUTORIEL AUTODOC] - Duration: 5:14.


La fin de l'histoire d'amour - l'argent|LSF TV - Duration: 3:59.

For more infomation >> La fin de l'histoire d'amour - l'argent|LSF TV - Duration: 3:59.


For more infomation >> La fin de l'histoire d'amour - l'argent|LSF TV - Duration: 3:59.


Céline Dion avec un sex-symbole d'Hollywood - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Céline Dion avec un sex-symbole d'Hollywood - Duration: 1:19.


For more infomation >> Céline Dion avec un sex-symbole d'Hollywood - Duration: 1:19.


Keanu Reeves, ça chauffe avec Halle Berry, la preuve - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> Keanu Reeves, ça chauffe avec Halle Berry, la preuve - Duration: 1:33.


For more infomation >> Keanu Reeves, ça chauffe avec Halle Berry, la preuve - Duration: 1:33.


Tout ce que Meghan Markle a fait était différent de Kate quand elle a accouché - Duration: 6:48.

For more infomation >> Tout ce que Meghan Markle a fait était différent de Kate quand elle a accouché - Duration: 6:48.


For more infomation >> Tout ce que Meghan Markle a fait était différent de Kate quand elle a accouché - Duration: 6:48.


小さな恋の歌/MONGOL800 (cover) - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> 小さな恋の歌/MONGOL800 (cover) - Duration: 4:25.


For more infomation >> 小さな恋の歌/MONGOL800 (cover) - Duration: 4:25.


اكثر فيديو طلبتوه 🇫🇷🇩🇿🇲🇦🇹🇳 je vous ai fait ce vous m'avez demandé - Duration: 19:37.

For more infomation >> اكثر فيديو طلبتوه 🇫🇷🇩🇿🇲🇦🇹🇳 je vous ai fait ce vous m'avez demandé - Duration: 19:37.


見取り図 今も悔しいM―1の9位…上沼恵美子の助言生かし「新しい漫才を」 - Noticians 24/7 - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> 見取り図 今も悔しいM―1の9位…上沼恵美子の助言生かし「新しい漫才を」 - Noticians 24/7 - Duration: 1:14.


STORYA TAG GLASSES + GIVEAWAY!!! - Duration: 5:55.

I will be announcing the winners...

or.. or I will... I will be anno... asdghjlkl

hey guys what's up it's me Clark! and welcome to another video

and for today we're going to do a product review brought to you by is *an online optical store that offers prescription eyeglasses

so yeah, that's what we're going to do today and make sure to stay till the end I will be giving away

one of the products that I have Firmoo gave me one free pair of glasses

so if you have your own eyeglasses you'll receive it in a pouch and this is the case of the eyeglass

So let's go through the eyeglasses that I bought one by one and each of the glasses also has

a micro fiber cleaning cloth wow microfiber HA HA so the first one is...

I look smart so cool the design it has a gold plate not really sure what it is

it's simple but I like it so this frame is the frame #S4600R

the size of this is medium good for round faces like me.. i guess not really sure lol

i like this i dunno this one is silver so let's see, tadaa

now this one is the frame #S3567X it's also black but the accent is silver

so my style now is gold and silver I dunno why for me it gives it a better feel that it has an accent to it

like for this one this is the black and silver and then the last one is the black and gold

but the previous one is more on black than gold also this is the same size as the first one medium

there are different frame sizes that fits in every face shape so mine is round and there are

square shapre there are diamond there's a lot more face shapes just measure and just see

on what looks good on your face and now for the last one I think this one is my favorite

it's more elegant, the word I'm looking for if there's a gold accent

I really like the fit of the glasses it has the same size this is the frame #S6376X

this one is gold but also has a color in silver and tortoise I don't really know why I love the gold right now

i just like how elegant it looks like sophisticated and like I feel so awesome and cool

also at first glance if you can see it clearly it looks thin but if you take a good look at it

it's actually durable it does not feel thin at all and I think it will last long

so I wonder which one looks best on me I want to know comment down below

number 1, number 2, number 3

anyway it's actually my first time buying eyeglasses online my first impression on their website is

a lot of cool and nice designs there are so many to choose from and I got confused on what I want

also while scrolling through their website, I thought about would it look weird on me once it arrives

but suprisingly it's not every glasses that I have is a perfect fit because they have this feature

on their website that you try on the eyeglasses before you even order it

just upload an image of your face automatically it places the eyeglass that you chose on your face

for you to compare if the design fits with your face and they also have prescription glasses

if you prescription you can upload it and they will take care of it for you according to the prescription

they also have non-prx if you want only for fashion or style but for me my current glasses has

blue light blocking so they also have that feature what I mean by blue light blocking

that the light from your computer screens or cellphones or any gadget that can affect your eyes

so when you order just choose what you like what fits best on you and that's what I like from them

cause they really thought it through being an online store there can be doubts like me I had doubts

when it arrive what it looks and feels like on my face with all those features on their website

i'm confident that when it arrives it will look good on my face

so if you're wondering about the prices it's actually of course it's a bit pricey than the usual

but it's much cheaper than the one's here in local optical stores but currently all of these

are priced at 1,200+ pesos converted from US with this price and with these quality I can really say

that it's worth to get one so overall I'm very satisfied with these eyeglasses and on their website

on their process and the flow of the shipment this is not biased this is my honest opinion

I would buy from firmoo again if I need more glasses be sure to check out the link in my description

Firmoo is giving you your first pair for free so check out the link below

alright so you made it to the end of the video so this is your chance to get one of these glasses

that I already wore so all you have to do is make sure to subscribe to my channel and follow me

on all of my social medias instagram twitter and the facebook page and once you did that

comment down below #HoorayFirmoo so I would know that you're joining the giveaway

so yeah I will be announcing the winner on Friday February 1, on my instagram story

so be sure to follow me there so that you'll know if you won

so that's it for today's video I hope you guys enjoyed it and if you did please give it a big thumbs up

and don't forget to subscribe to my channel for more I upload videos every thursday and saturdays

if you wanna see more just click over here and follow me on all of my social medias

Thank you guys for watching and I'll see you when I see you! BYE!

For more infomation >> STORYA TAG GLASSES + GIVEAWAY!!! - Duration: 5:55.


REVIEW MÀU SAKURA KOI - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> REVIEW MÀU SAKURA KOI - Duration: 1:32.


FORTNITE.exe #17 - Duration: 4:05.

ye man i got him

oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh




oh my god he didn't see me

oh my god













Maaan how should I win against this guy

He has pro skin xD

U know what I have to do?



For more infomation >> FORTNITE.exe #17 - Duration: 4:05.


Sergey Lavrov's Press Statement Following His Visit to Morocco - Duration: 5:11.

Dear Mr. Minister, Ladies and Gentlemen,

First of all, I would like to express our gratitude to our Moroccan friends for the hospitality and warm hospitality extended to my delegation.

Special thanks are due to His Majesty the King Mohammed the Sixth for the welcome and rich confidential conversation covering all areas of our cooperation.

Ascertained the focus of both countries on the full implementation of the agreements that were reached between the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and His Majesty the King Mohammed the Sixth,

including the 2002 Strategic Partnership Declaration and the Statement on In-Depth Strategic Partnership, adopted during His Majesty's visit to the Russian Federation in 2016.

We have noted progress in the areas of trade, economic and investment cooperation.

We also reviewed the results of the regular meeting of the Intergovernmental Mixed Russian-Moroccan Commission for Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation held in October last year in Rabat.

We agreed on how we can achieve more effective implementation of the decisions taken there.

We discussed how the documents that were signed during the visit of Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev during a visit to Morocco in October last year were discussed.

We agreed to further aim all our departments at deepening the strategic partnership, because Russia and Morocco want this term not to remain only on paper, but to be translated into practical actions.

During an audience with His Majesty the King Mohammed the Sixth, and with my colleague and friend, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Morocco, Nasser Bourita, examined the current problems of international life.

Special attention was paid to the situation in the region.

We have a common position on the need to respect international law, sovereignty, the territorial integrity of all states, to seek solutions to crises and conflicts by exclusively peaceful political and diplomatic means without outside interference and with respect for the right of peoples to choose their own destiny.

We talked a lot about the Syrian and Libyan settlement.

We are in favor of finding solutions in both cases through an inclusive dialogue with the participation of all the political forces of these countries, as it should be done in relation to any other conflict.

We stand for strengthening security in the Middle East and North Africa.

We are convinced that this cannot be done without resolving long-standing conflicts, such as the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, as well as with regard to Western Sahara.

Both conflicts require their solution, as well as strictly implementing the agreements enshrined in the decisions of the UN Security Council, including the search for mutually acceptable solutions with the participation of all parties to a particular crisis situation.

As I said, we talked about the Syrian settlement.

We spoke in detail about the efforts that Russia is making together with Turkey and Iran, the guarantors of the Astana process, as well as the initiators of the Syrian National Dialogue Conference held a year ago in Sochi.

We talked about how work is now being done on the formation of the Constitutional Committee, which should begin its work in Geneva and, ultimately, be an important step towards the implementation of UN Security Council resolution 2254.

Syria needs to intensify the efforts of the international community to provide humanitarian assistance and create conditions for the return of refugees.

In this we also see a serious reserve of the work that must be carried out to implement the decisions of the UN Security Council.

We are interested in Syria restoring its relations with the League of Arab States and returning to the Arab family.

In general, very satisfied with the results of the negotiations.

Once again, my gratitude to our Moroccan friends.

I expect that my colleague and friend will be able to visit the Russian Federation at a time convenient for both parties.

My invitation has been transferred.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> Sergey Lavrov's Press Statement Following His Visit to Morocco - Duration: 5:11.


01 Photoshop Introduction for Beginners | Basic Of Photoshop History of Photoshop 2019 - Duration: 13:49.

01 Photoshop Introduction for Beginners | Basic Of Photoshop History of Photoshop 2019

01 Photoshop Introduction for Beginners | Basic Of Photoshop History of Photoshop 2019

01 Photoshop Introduction for Beginners | Basic Of Photoshop History of Photoshop 2019

For more infomation >> 01 Photoshop Introduction for Beginners | Basic Of Photoshop History of Photoshop 2019 - Duration: 13:49.


佐野勇斗:本郷奏多は「優しい兄貴」 W主演映画「凜-りん-」で初共演 - 芸能 ニュース - Duration: 1:45.

  ボーカル・ダンス ニット「M!LK(ミ ク)」の佐野勇斗さん 俳優の本郷奏多さんが 5日、スペースFS汐 (東京都港区)で開か たダブル主演映画「凜 りん-」(池田克彦監 、2月22日公開)の レミアム試写会に登場

本郷さんとの初共演に いて佐野さんは「事務 の先輩なんですが、( が)事務所に入る前か 知っています。ミステ アスな役が多い印象で そういうイメージを持 ていたら違った

優しくて、LINEを 換してくれたりして、 しい兄貴です」と語っ 。  一方、本郷さん 、佐野さんの印象を聞 れると「真っすぐ可愛 子って感じです。(撮 で)ずいぶん一緒にい したが、一瞬たりとも ークな部分が見えない でいい子なんだろうな 思います

今のところ……」と答 て、観客を笑わせてい 。試写会には、須賀健 さん、亀田侑樹さん、 井圭佑さん、平祐奈さ 、石田ひかりさん、池 監督も出席した。   笑いコンビ「ピース」 又吉直樹さんが脚本を き下ろし、2007年 2月に上演された舞台 品が原作

「100年に一度、子 が消える」という神隠 の伝説が伝わる村の学 を舞台にした青春群像 スペンス。 タグま め

For more infomation >> 佐野勇斗:本郷奏多は「優しい兄貴」 W主演映画「凜-りん-」で初共演 - 芸能 ニュース - Duration: 1:45.


Pundit pinpoints what Higuain signing means for Hazard's future - Duration: 3:40.

 The arrival of Gonzalo Higuain at Stamford Bridge will free up Eden Hazard to play his best football, claims Pat Nevin

  Chelsea completed the signing of Higuain from Juventus on Wednesday night and although he was not be eligible for Thursday night's EFL Cup semi-final second leg clash with Tottenham Hotspur, the former Chelsea winger believes the Argentine's arrival is good for Hazard's future at the club

 The first half of the season has seen the Belgian deployed in a false nine role, leading the line for the Blues

But many believe that Hazard is at his best when he is supplying the lead striker rather than serving as the main forward himself

   When asked if Hazard was wasted as a false nine, Nevin told BBC 5 Live Sport: "In simple terms he is, to some degree, even though he is getting the most goals, the most assists for Chelsea at the moment

 "But I think that's short-term and the fact that [Gonzalo] Higuain has been acquired obviously makes the point that he's not right for that position

 "I've yet to meet the wide winger type player in the last 20 or 30 years who basically wanted to stand on the wing

Because you're utterly dependent on the amount of ball that comes to you. You want to be inside, you want to be going to find where the ball is so you can attack

 "So that's what you want but sometimes you need to sacrifice yourself to the team

Eden's not that type. You have to sacrifice yourself to some degree but you have to know how much to sacrifice yourself

When Eden Hazard sacrificed himself too much under Jose Mourinho and ended up playing left-back half the time, that was too much

He'd gone too far."    Former Everton and Manchester United boss David Moyes also believes that Hazard is better suited to a slightly deeper role, saying the 28-year-old works best cutting in from the left

 "Well, first of all, you have to say that Hazard's a top player," Moyes explained

 "Obviously, he's not as good being an out-and-out number nine because he wants to come and get more of the ball and he wants the assists and goals as well, not just being at the end of thing

So I think he's better playing off the left, the inside-left."    He added: "I actually think Chelsea did really well to keep a hold of Hazard in the summer because I actually think he was sort of saying 'I'm thinking about going to Real Madrid

I'd like to go.' And - it's only my opinion - it wouldn't surprise me if maybe the deal was done and said: 'We'll stay one more year and we'll go next year'

"   Keep up to date with the latest news, features and exclusives from via the free football

london app for iPhone and Android . Available to download from the App Store and Google Play

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