Thứ Bảy, 26 tháng 1, 2019

Youtube daily report Jan 27 2019

welcome back to my channel

today i'm going to show you how to propagate African violet from leaf cutting

it's a mother plant of African violet

now simply cut the healthy leaf with the petiole or leaf stem

we can also snapping it off neatly at the stem of the plant

make sure the healthy leaf cuttings and leaf stem should be cut about ½ or 1 inch for best results


i'm going to pot the leaf cuttings

i just take some small cups and make a drainage hole


now i'm just putting the coco peat in the cups

now i just trim about half inch of leaf stem


insert the leaf stem into the growing medium

and then water it thoroughly

keep the soil lightly moist and avoid getting the leaves wet

keep them in shady and bright light place but do not place in hot areas

after 4 weeks new leaves and plants will start to peeking through the growing medium

after 45 days

we can see the new leaves and plants appear at the base of the leaf stem


it's time to re pot the plants

i just remove the plants from the cups


re potting the plants

soil mixture for African violet -coco peat or peat moss, sand and some compost or or composted cow manure

now fill the soil mixture into the pot and re plant the new African violets

after re potting water it thoroughly

after re potting them keep the soil lightly moist and avoid getting the leaves wet

water it every two to three days

if hot summer, water it every day

fertilize every 3 weeks with a plant food in summer growing season

thanks for watching

For more infomation >> How to Propagate African Violet From Single Leaf WITH UPDATE - 100% SUCCESS METHOD //GREEN PLANTS - Duration: 7:54.


Как же я раньше не додумался до этого!))Экспериминт с эпокидкой 3D светильник #forestlamp.#Epoxy - Duration: 13:58.

For more infomation >> Как же я раньше не додумался до этого!))Экспериминт с эпокидкой 3D светильник #forestlamp.#Epoxy - Duration: 13:58.


James McAvoy Monologue - SNL - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> James McAvoy Monologue - SNL - Duration: 3:04.


The Male Virgin - SNL - Duration: 4:15.

For more infomation >> The Male Virgin - SNL - Duration: 4:15.


Thái bình quê lúa//Cảnh chợ tết trên quê lúa //Không khí tết tràn ngập quê hương p1 - Duration: 16:00.

For more infomation >> Thái bình quê lúa//Cảnh chợ tết trên quê lúa //Không khí tết tràn ngập quê hương p1 - Duration: 16:00.


最新!中國人在新加坡生活費出爐,2019年竟要花這麼多錢! - Duration: 6:12.

最近總有人在後台問椰子在新加坡生活一年要花多少錢?今天我們就打開中國小夥伴的小帳本一起算算看! 中國人在這邊除了生活(公民 & 永久居民)就是留學生


咱們先來看下基本生活費再看下各類人群分別花多少~2019年最新消費標準哦 基本生活費 住 住房是剛需不管買還是租都是生活的首要花銷 住房一年多少錢?租一個房間 政府組屋(HDB)這個要看地點和房型(普通房

主人房)一般來說新加坡房租600-1000新幣/月 裕廊東普通房 圖源:99co總計:7200-1萬2新幣/年 公寓 公寓租金上不封頂了 一般來說一間房間1000-1500/月 金文泰普通房 圖源:總計:1萬2-1萬8新幣/年 租一整套房子政府組屋(HDB)根據建屋局最新資料新加坡租房價格如下: (*下滑看完整列表




中國永久居民最喜歡住在西部地區四房式組屋:2000/月一年總計:2萬4新幣 公寓西部地區公寓:4200/月起5萬新幣買房貸款買房還月供要看情況1500-2000新幣左右雙職工一般來說用公積金就可以還貸了看家庭成員工作/身份和買房貸款等情況 45萬的房子




每月還貸1737新幣吃看完了住房花費感覺身體被掏空但是飯還是要吃的~ 吃飯一年多少錢?自己煮新加坡菜價水果價還有米價等感受下 生鮮等價格感受下 自己煮飯一個月200-500新幣/人一年總計:2400-6000新幣外食新加坡外食方便有國民食堂小販中心一頓3-5新幣 小販中心價格排行榜: 詳請點擊:新加坡小販中心價格排行榜出爐



情侶約會飯費約500-800新幣/月一年總計:6000-9600新幣 如果沒事喜歡小酌一杯新加坡酒價可是全球最貴之一一罐啤酒4塊多新幣 行上班上學坐地鐵巴士或者搭Grab你是哪一派別的呢? 內容未完結


交通費一年多少錢?今年新加坡車費漲了一丟6分錢-1毛新幣公共運輸2019最新版公共運輸費一般來說坐地鐵起步8毛3最遠2塊多新幣坐公車一般1-2塊新幣 (點擊圖片可放大)公共運輸費一般100-120新幣/月一年總計:1200-1440新幣Grab或者開車早上6點的航班?周三凌晨1點嗨皮玩回家?Grab和計程車是唯一選擇如果每周坐兩次交通費要加120新幣/月一年多出1440新幣 開車呢?咱就當是全款買了車沒貸款保險=250新幣油費=300-500新幣路費:60新幣/月ERP=40新幣/月停車費=100新幣/月一個月多出750-950新幣一年多出至少9千新幣 生活 今年!水電煤氣費微微下調but你能用最新款蘋果手機那請受我一拜 生活費一年多少錢?完全看你生活方式只能粗略的算一下~水電煤氣費今年第一季度電費和煤氣費都下調了水費一般比較穩定 (最新季度資費標準)根據SP Group最新資料一個4房式組屋水電煤氣費要160新幣/月公寓是197新幣/月 人均30-50新幣/月一年總計:360-600新幣電話網費電話預付卡和簽合約一個月20-60新幣寬頻網一個月40-60新幣一年總計:720新幣-1440新幣 娛樂時尚費買衣服300新幣/月每周看一場電影一個月約60新幣一年旅遊經費5000/人 一年總計:9320新幣 學費來來來

前方高能預警看看新加坡一年學費 學費一年多少錢?你娃多大了?看看一年學費有多少漲價了

2019年最新版!幼兒園新加坡幼兒園600-2000新幣/月看學生身份和公立私立一年總計:7200-2萬4新幣 詳情:新加坡最貴&最便宜的幼兒園大盤點


最便宜的就是公民身份的學生【公民學雜費】小學:13新幣/月156新幣/年中學:25新幣/月300新幣/年大學前教育:33新幣/月396新幣/年 圖源:新加坡教育部官網【永久居民】小學:193新幣/月2316新幣/年中學:340新幣/月4080新幣/年大學前教育:427新幣/月5124新幣/年【中國學生】小學:713新幣/月8556新幣/年中學:1270新幣/月15240新幣/年大學前教育:1627新幣/月19524新幣/年2019年最新月費: 圖源:新加坡教育部官網 理工 理工學院學費差不多我們用SP學費來舉例2019/2020學年公民:2991新幣永久居民:5921新幣外國學生:10557新幣 (*學費補助) 大學【NUS 新加坡國立大學】公民:8200新幣起永久居民:11500新幣起外國人:17550新幣起2018/2019學年 【NTU 南洋理工大學】公民:8200新幣起永久居民:11500新幣起外國人:17550新幣起2018/2019學年 研究生 今年





不變! 內容未完結


就拿NUS AY2017/2018工程修課課程的學費來說國際學生有補助的是20100新幣/年沒補助是36550新幣/年 娃 就這樣還敢養娃的 那都是壯士 養娃一年多少錢?女傭費女傭一般是550-650新幣/月Levy今年看漲了如果家庭沒有需求人群每個月300新幣 圖源:8頻道一年總計:1萬新幣起生活開銷奶粉尿布:200新幣/月衣服玩具:300新幣/月補習:300-500新幣/月一年總計:9600新幣-1萬2新幣 一年生活費多少?各類人群花銷不同我們分別來看看*每個人的情況不同此處只是粗略計算給大家一個參考具體情況以實際為準哦大學留學生學生比較節儉我們都按最低消費標準算學費是不包含補助住:7200-1萬2新幣吃:2400-6000新幣新幣交通:1200-1440新幣生活:1500新幣學費:17550新幣一年總計:約2萬9新幣-3萬8新幣約14萬-19萬人民幣 無房無車工作人士稍微奢侈一點衣食住行都升級了住:1萬2-1萬8新幣吃:6000-9600新幣交通:2500新幣生活:6500新幣一年總計:約2萬7-3萬7新幣約13萬-18萬人民幣 有房有車有娃住:0(CPF還貸)-2萬4(租整套)吃:6000-9600新幣交通:9000新幣生活:1萬新幣幼兒園費:7200-2萬4新幣女傭費:1萬新幣養娃生活費:9600-1萬2新幣一年總計:至少5萬1新幣外國人花銷翻倍約25萬-50萬人民幣 一年掙多少錢?那麼問題來了在新加坡工作能賺多少錢呢?新加坡去年的月薪中位數是4323新幣不算花紅

有13薪的話一年總計:約5萬7新幣椰子也給大家總結過今年新加坡各大公司2019年版本月薪標準 感興趣的戳:扒一扒新加坡各大公司的工資水平!(2019年最新版) 新加坡公民補助如果是新加坡公民生活上可以獲得各種補助可以減少一些學費

生活費等 今年!新加坡政府給每個公民最高12萬新幣補貼


For more infomation >> 最新!中國人在新加坡生活費出爐,2019年竟要花這麼多錢! - Duration: 6:12.


How my photo became a 48' wide billboard – Art Pop Street Gallery - Duration: 8:26.

In this video I am going to take you behind the scenes of this bold blue beauty shot and

show you how it wound up on a 48 foot wide by 14 foot tall ArtPop Street Gallery billboard.

Stay Tuned!

Hey gang!

This is a fun shoot that I did about 6 months ago.

Because of some recent exciting events - I wanted to share its story with you and of

course take you behind the scenes of how I made the shot.

So let's start with today and then work backwards.

Today and for the next 12 months - this photo is residing on a billboard that is just off

Rt. 309 in Allentown, Pennsylvania.

Yeah - a micro four thirds image - tack sharp - on a 48 foot wide by 14ft tall billboard

- pretty cool eh?

How did this happen?

I am honored to have to have been selected as the People's Choice Award Winner in the

ArtPop Street Gallery 2019 Billboard Competition in my area.

So what does that mean?

Well - there is this awesome organization called ArtPop Street Gallery who's mission

is to promote local artists work and make art accessible to communities through available

media space.

ArtPop was founded by a woman named Wendy Hickey in Charlotte, NC back in 2014.

In the years since she has grown the program to include competitions in 14 cities across

the United States.

Wendy partners with billboard advertising companies like Adams Outdoor that is the advertising

company who is hosting my billboard - and these companies graciously donate unsold advertising

space to host the winning billboards - turning roads, highways and thoroughfares into opportunities

for artistic appreciation.

The winning artwork can be seen on billboards, buses, news racks and at airports.

ArtPop Street Gallery which is a non-profit organization partners with local art organizations

to organize and promote the annual contests.

I have included a link in the description below so that you can learn more about ArtPop

Street Gallery and maybe even have your artwork featured on a billboard!

People very falsely assume that you need extremely large files and tons of megapixels to print

a photo on a billboard and they very falsely assume that once the photo is printed on the

billboard that it looks really blurry up close and then really sharp when you are a hundred

of yards away - BOTH assumptions are VERY wrong.

Printing technology has come a long way and as you have heard me say MANY times - megapixels

are highly over-rated.

I had images printed on billboards 16 years ago taken with a 2.7mp Nikon D1 that produced

an image that was only 2,000 pixels wide.

The file that was required to print this billboard…. only 7,300 pixels wide at 300dpi.

That is only 24 inches wide.

The color profile was also set to CMYK to facilitate the printing process that is used

to print the images on vinyl.

It was actually quite impressive to watch the billboard being installed - total time

start to finish - including removing the previous billboard was just 27 minutes with a three

man crew from Adams Outdoor Advertising.

After the vinyl billboard is stretched across the backing, it's held in place with PVC pipes

that are slid through the sleeves on the edge of the vinyl and then tension strapped to

the back of the billboard.

I routinely scour looking for costume retailers, Chinese fashion retailers - just

about any one who sells interesting and unusual and colorful things that I can use for a photo.

In this case I found this bright blue set of Cosplay wigs and that is what I decided

to build my shot idea around.

The blue material draped around my models shoulders was something I already had in the

studio and used in this photo and the white sunglasses are left over from this set of

images that I did just over a year ago.

I always look for ways to re-use props as long as it's not too obvious that they are

showing up in several images.

I knew from the beginning that I was going to do a composite background on this shot

and I was originally thinking along the lines of a Japanese anime type of feel.

While I was in the studio I remembered that I had these blue plastic balls and realized

I could use them to create another one of my calm in the middle of chaos types of shots.

I wanted this to have a bright and commercial kind of vibe to it so I went with a 28"

beauty dish mounted directly in front of and above my subject.

The white Wal-mart reflector just underneath and out of frame - serves two purposes in

this shot.

It provides some fill from below to create the faux clamshell effect and it is the reflection

that you see in the bottom half of her glasses.

The purple tint is from the sunglasses - that was not added in post - but I did add saturation

to it in post.

The real challenge was maintaining the symmetry in the glasses with the reflection of the

beauty dish and foam core - it required very slow and deliberate communication with my


It was important to keep her calm and focused and to reminder her not to move.

I told her that breathing was completely optional - just don't move!

I did this shot in front of an Ocean Blue Savage Seamless paper Background and used

two lights one on either side to light the background evenly and then another two lights

- one on either side - aimed back at the model to create the rim highlights on her wig and


This was a total of 5 Interfit Honey Badgers - but you could easily do it with speedlights

or pocket flashes.

When I was done photographing my model - I photographed the blue play ground balls separately

so that I had several variations to be able to composite in later.

The shot was made with my Olympus E-M1 Mark II and the M. Zuiko 45mm f/1.2 PRO lens which

is a 90mm full frame equivalent.

The ISO was 200 which is the base ISO for the Mark II and the shutter speed 1/250th

of a second and the aperture was set at f/8 .

I was shooting tethered with the TetherPro cables from Tether Tools and using the Olympus

Capture software to manage the camera and downloads.

In camera my images were saved to Delkin Devices V90 Power Cards

The final image of the model required very little post production beyond the usual color,

contrast and sharpening and of course removing of blemishes - I say this just as reminder

of the importance of great hair and makeup.

My next step was to remove her from the background in photoshop and then extend the image sides

to a 16x9 format.

Then in photoshop I added the blue balls in one at a time - added some motion blur and

then a radial blur to achieve the final result.

Inexpensive props and costumes and bright colors = fun photographs - so have fun - I

sure do.

Also PLEASE - don't overlook the importance of organizations like the ArtPop Street Gallery.

Art is important and even though we are all creators - we also need to support organizations

that support us.

Please do visit their website - the link is in the description below the video.

I hope to see your work on a billboard soon.

And last but not least….

please - worry less about gear and how big and how much and who says what… instead

enjoy the art of creating with a camera.

Hey, I hope this gives you some ideas, so please - take this idea and run with it - go

create and show me what you come up with.

Until next time, Please hit that thumbs up and subscribe so that you don't miss any

videos and don't keep all this cool stuff to yourself - please share it with your photography


Remember - photography is not a competition - its a passion to be shared.

Now go pick up that camera and shoot something because your BEST shot - it's your NEXT

shot, so keep learning, keep thinking, keep shooting.


For more infomation >> How my photo became a 48' wide billboard – Art Pop Street Gallery - Duration: 8:26.


[SFM/BatIM] The Reel (SHORT) - Duration: 1:12.

BEAST BENDY: [roars angrily]

[grunts, stomping]




[confused grunt]

[intrigued growl]

[happy snort]

HENRY: [grunts]


[happy growl]


[roars happily]


[growling happily]


[confused grunt]

[sad grumble :(]

[reel drops]

[angered growl]



???: [footsteps]

For more infomation >> [SFM/BatIM] The Reel (SHORT) - Duration: 1:12.


Gov. Gavin Newsom suing Huntington Beach over lack of low-income housing I ABC7 - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> Gov. Gavin Newsom suing Huntington Beach over lack of low-income housing I ABC7 - Duration: 1:59.


黎明小誓要豬年迎二胎!19歲女友近照曝光,女兒快1歲還未轉正! - 娛 樂 新 聞 - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> 黎明小誓要豬年迎二胎!19歲女友近照曝光,女兒快1歲還未轉正! - 娛 樂 新 聞 - Duration: 3:15.


GRWM How I do my makeup (Eng/Kor subs) - Duration: 21:50.

Hey everyone, welcome back to my channel.

I thought that today, I would do something a little bit different and shoot a GRWM video.

A lot of you guys have been asking for a GRWM because my before and after are pretty

drastically different.

I'll show you what I use.

I'm back.

I've put in contact lenses and have rolled my hair.

Also, if you're wondering, I sleep with my hair tied in this way because it curls

my hair.

I'm really bad at using heat to curl my hair, so I sleep like this after I've taken a shower and it makes

nice curls.

I'll reveal this to you in the end, and show you what it looks like at the end.

I'm going to start with some sunscreen, because it's sunny outside, and even when it's not

sunny outside, you should still be wearing sunscreen to protect your face from UV rays.

I actually really like Etude House's sunscreen, and this one is the... surprise...

"Sunprise" Must Daily, and it's SPF 50+, PA+++.

It smells really good.

This is one of my favorite foundations.

I used to use BB cream but now I use foundation because I feel like BB cream is too much for

me now.

But back when I had blemishes because my hormones were raging, I used to use Etude House's BB

cream, but it's not very good for your face.

And I'm going to apply it by putting a dollop onto my hand.

And then I'm going to take this.

My sister gave it to me maybe a few years ago.

I put some water on it and squeezed it out.

Then just pat my foundation all over my face.

I'll just take some of this concealer.

I think it was part of a 1+1 sale at Ulta and my sister just gave me one even though

I rarely use concealer.

I just want to put it where I want to highlight my face.

Under my eyes, where I want to cover my pores- in between my eyebrows.

And then I definitely want to highlight my chin because my chin is tiny.

As you can see, the texture of my skin has been corrected well.

The next part is my eyebrows, and it's the most important part for me, maybe because

I feel like it makes the biggest difference.

I go through 2 steps.

First I use this- it's the Etude House eyeshadow palette.

I think it's the "cafe" palette.

You can see I only use 2 colors from here.

I used to use this one for my eyebrows, but now I use this one.

Ooo sorry about my nails.

They're so gross.

But yeah, now I use this one because the darker color looks better for me.

I take this, dab some on, shade in my eyebrows first... with this dark brown- it's kind of

an ashy brown eyeshadow.

We want to get to the second part of my eyebrows- or the making of my eyebrows.

We are going to color them in using Etude House Drawing Eye Brow Pencil.

I love this so much.

I use this for everything, as you'll see.

So I start sort of messily in the beginning, and more meticulously toward the end of my


Then I just want to feather the front part of my eyebrow out with the screw brush attached

to the other end of this eyebrow pencil.

Actually, I guess I go through 3 steps for my eyebrows somedays... but, you shall see.

So next, I want to shade.

For a lot of my shading toward the center of my face, I use this Too-Faced chocolate

bar palette.

As you can see, I only use two...

I use this color for shading.

We're going to take a brush, not too big, flat-edged brush.

We're going to blow on it and cover our eyelids.

I don't know why, but every time I do something to my eyes, my mouth opens automatically.

I don't know if it happens to you guys too.

It kind of bothers me... because I look so stupid.

We're going to move on to the nose.

I have a pretty round nose and I want to make it sharper because it makes you look thinner.

I'm going to do the sides of the nose and then do the other side in the same way...

and then do the middle because I have a weird bump in the middle of my nose.

Then we're going to do the eyeshadow.

We're going to use this base, it's a light brown mixed with a little bit of orange.

And I'm using this brush- it's sort of pointy and works well with eyeshadow.

Then I'll use this brown color and apply it to the outside- the outer corner of my eye-

and the inner corner as well, to give a bit of depth.

Then I'm going to take some of this with my finger; anything glittery- any glittery eyeshadow

that you want to apply to your eyes and really want pigmented- you want to use your finger

for it because it really helps enhance the pigmentation.

Apply it to my eyelid, starting from the center of my eye outwards.

And then maybe apply a little bit down here.

Also I love this palette because it smells like chocolate and I love chocolate so much.

Then we're going to apply some eyeliner.

I sometimes apply brown eyeliner, depending on what I'm wearing for the day.

If I want to be more warm-toned that day, I apply brown, and I use a different foundation

to become more warm-toned.

Today I'm going for a more cool-toned look, so I'm going to use black eyeliner.

I used to use liquid eyeliner, but now I'm lazy and I just use pencil.

I don't really want to do the center of my eye, but I am going to do the inner corner

because it looks more natural when I close my eyes.

For the center of my eye, I just want to do my eye liner- the inner part of my eye.

I like pencil liner because it's really easy to fix your mistakes.

You just sort of smudge the parts you don't like off, and shape your eyeliner with your

fingernail sometimes too.

So we're done with eyeliner.

Now- okay, I've been having trouble with this eyelid these days because my crease is becoming

super weird.

Because I want to even out the top part and lower part of my eyes, I want to take my eyebrow

drawing pencil from before and shade in the bottom corner.

Wide in the beginner, and then narrower- sort of in a triangular method.

I'm also going to draw... my eyelid ends there- the crease ends there, so I want to extend

it to the end of my eyeliner to make it look like I have bigger eyes and to make my eyeliner

look more natural.

So now you can see I've extended it.

Now I'm going to curl my eyelashes... with this- wow, it's really dirty.

But I swear, beneath that caked mascara, it says Shiseido.

These are the best eyelash curlers ever.

I can apply some mascara.

I use the Colossal Volume Express by Maybelline.

I like this one because the brush is curved to fit the shape of my eye.

I sort of zig zag from the roots of my eyelashes upwards to prevent clumping.

And then I'll apply it to the bottom in the same way.

Then I do 2 coats of this.

I'm going to curl again after it's dried a little bit to make sure my eyelashes stay

curled the entire day.

And I know some people like to curl their under lashes; I don't have enough- they're

not long enough for me to do that so I'm going to skip that part.

I don't always have this much trouble with my eyelid, but when I do...

It's probably because I cried yesterday while watching a movie.

It's a Korean movie called "Always".

It has So Ji Sub and Han Hyo Joo in it and it's so good.

You have to watch it if you haven't already.

It's like a melodrama and it's just really sad... but happy.

I don't know, I don't want to spoil it for you if you have yet to watch it, so go watch


I'm going to fix this eyelid using some eyelash glue.

I have some Duo eyelash glue and I'm just going to wet one of the ends and

find the crease that I want and pull toward the inner corner of my eye.

That way, the glue has stuck your crease together and you can always apply more if you want.

And if you think it shows too much, you can always apply primer, but I don't own primer,

and I don't care that much.

I think it looks fine so I'm just going to leave it.

So now, I've become pretty decently human, but there are still some final touches I want

to make.

First, I want to apply blush.

Blush is one of my favorite parts, probably after my eyebrows, because it's just fun.

I'm using this Canmake.

It's from Japan.

It looks like this and has this tiny brush that I use.

It's a very light, sort of strawberry milk cheek.

I'm going to use my eyebrow drawing pencil again and sort of make the under parts of

my eye more accentuated- accented (?), by drawing a little line under there.

You can do that with eyeshadow if you want, but I prefer using this.

I want to shade my nose a bit more too, so I'm going to draw some lines there and just

use my fingers to spread that out.

For my cheeks, I also like using this Mad Matte Clio palette.

It's actually lipstick but I like using some of the colors for my cheeks because it's very


I'm going to use some of this matte red color and apply it to my cheeks.

Then I also want to apply this dark pink color to the center of that.

Now I want to go into shading.

I first like to use this.

It's Too Cool for school art class by Rodin.

Too Cool for School is a Korean Brand and a lot of Korean people who like makeup love

this bronzer.

I personally don't think it's strong enough for my tastes.

I'm going to use this brush and start with my chin, then my forehead.

Using this Canmake...

So now that all of my shading is done, I'm going to use the same eyebrow palette, and

do the rest of my eyebrows with this tiny brush.

It has a flat end and it's small and stiff.

I just like to put some of this dark color on it and draw extra hairs at the beginning

of my eyebrow to make it look more natural and fuller.

If you already have thick eyebrows, you don't have to do this.

That's pretty much it for most of my face.

I do want to apply lipstick.

I'm really into this color.

It's Mad Matte Mocha Chip.

It's my favorite color; it's sort of a dusty rose color- a pinkish, brownish color.

It really helps with my lips- it helps them look bigger.

I'll show you how I extend my lips using this.

This is really potent, so people with small lips like me only want to use a few drops.

I basically apply 5 drops of this and use my finger...

Then I do that to make it naturally fan out past my natural lip line, to smudge it out

and make my lips look bigger in a natural way.

I use this thing from Etude House.

I've used it for so long that everything is erased now, but this is a glitter stick.

I use this to highlight my inner corners, my nose, the middle of whatever this thing

is called, my chin, and sometimes my cheeks.

This is the finished look.

I'm going to unfurl this to show you what my hair looks like.

It looks like this- they're really big waves and I can brush them out to make them look

more natural if I want to.

This is what my bangs look like right now.

I'm going to do my hair and put on some clothes, and I'll be back.

For more infomation >> GRWM How I do my makeup (Eng/Kor subs) - Duration: 21:50.


Demonstrators Arrested After Protest At Rockefeller Center - Duration: 0:22.

For more infomation >> Demonstrators Arrested After Protest At Rockefeller Center - Duration: 0:22.


Necaxa 0-0 Morelia - RESUMEN - Liga MX - Clausura 2019 - Cuarta Jornada - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> Necaxa 0-0 Morelia - RESUMEN - Liga MX - Clausura 2019 - Cuarta Jornada - Duration: 2:01.


Pachuca 1-0 Pumas - GOL Y RESUMEN - Liga MX - Clausura 2019 - Cuarta Jornada - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> Pachuca 1-0 Pumas - GOL Y RESUMEN - Liga MX - Clausura 2019 - Cuarta Jornada - Duration: 1:55.


CBS 2 Weather Watch (10 P.M. Jan. 26, 2019) - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> CBS 2 Weather Watch (10 P.M. Jan. 26, 2019) - Duration: 3:07.


RRPD officer with history of crashes gets appointed to Crash Review Board - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> RRPD officer with history of crashes gets appointed to Crash Review Board - Duration: 2:03.


Zindagi Ka Safar || Taza Fikr || تازہ فکر - Duration: 6:41.

For more infomation >> Zindagi Ka Safar || Taza Fikr || تازہ فکر - Duration: 6:41.



All right, good morning guys

So it is now



So I really did sleep in because I was quite tired

I'm still


I'm really just dragging myself out today because I promised myself that I wanted to

go see some of the markets so I'm gonna drag myself out

See what I can find. I'm not gonna be out for too long. It's just

Like my body is just not willing today

How much is this one?

You have one color?

Do you have a mirror?

It's too too bright though

They have one size or basically they call it a free size.

How is everything one size?

This is more of a high end store. They have really nice stuff. These pants are beautiful.

Alright, so I feel like I'm done being there.

Its just floors and floors of the same thing.

So I'm gonna try and get a taxi to the leather market.

Thats where I wanted to go initially.

So hopefully I can get a taxi. I know getting a taxi is gonna be a bit of a mission. Yeah, because

Its so strange here how you can hail a taxi and then if he doesn't want to go there he's just like no. Or

A lot of them pretend like they don't know English

When you very well know that they do

I mean, they totally understand what's on the paper. So you're just pointing to it but a lot of them will just pretend that they dont know.

So I'm going to try and get a taxi now. Lets see how this goes.


Oooh I found a taxi and he looks like a nice guy.

Sir I need to go here. I'll show you


So that was relatively easy, I managed to hail down a taxi and it actually stopped.

That doesnt often happen here and I showed him on the card that I need to go to the leather market and he seems to know where to go.

Guys, so I left my one bag in the frikkin taxi. Im so annoyed.

But it was just a dress that I had bought for my niece.

And now I found a guy, actually he found me when I was getting off the taxi...

He is gonna go and show me a bag place basically.

Okay, it's an actual store

Okay, so I'm currently trying to negotiate the price

I'm not very good at negotiating to be fair.

It is 4.30 local time.

My wakeup call is in 4 hours. I dont know what I'm still doing out to be honest.

But let me just get this water at 7 eleven and walk back to the hotel

For more infomation >> CHINA VLOG | COME SHOPPING WITH ME | SOUTH AFRICAN YOUTUBER - Duration: 15:01.


Tuneo Nuevo para el Cobra! - Duration: 12:30.

Good afternoon everyone!

Hope you're having

a great day

today I finally

have the new tune in

and i'm

trying to load it


with my sct x4 tuner

which I got when

I bought the car

just perfect for the car

I actually have

older models of sct tuners

for my gt

and my old gt500

so this new x4

is rather cool

so right now

I need to follow the instructions

to download it

and see if after this

the car fixes

the issue it has

that it won't go over 5k rpms

which i doubt it

but you never know

so after I download

the tune

i'll go out

and drive around

to see if its fixed

so lets see

ok so you see my

91 oct tune

the 93 oct

and the new 91 r tune

and now

ok so because its a custom tune

it seems to show

extra info

which I have

never seen


i'm going to call

my tuner

and ask him

what I should do


Because I had

never seen that

I decided to call my tuner

and make sure

before I hit continue

so now it tune is downloaded

i'm going to turn the car on

and see if

anything feels

or sounds different


I had a

regular tune

based of what my car has

the mods


with 24 bucks

the tank is full

so again

as I was saying

I had a regular tune

based on the mods I have

which aren't much

so now

I have a cutom tune

after doing a datalog

so the tuner knows

what my car needed

or how it was running

so now its a matter of just


and i'm on my way

to pick eusebio up

to go to homedepot

and buy some tools

I need

to try and install

the strut bar


on the mustang gt

so i'm going to do that now


just to fast forward you guys

who read this

and are in a hurry to leave

the tune didn't work

it didn't fix anything

the car still limits at 5k rpm

but it feels like its breathing better

before I could feel and you could see

how much gas the car was


but now

it sounds like the car is breathing better

so now I need to take the car

to my mechanic

and he will fix the fuel pump

or the fuel system

that it seems that is the problem

so thank you for watching

and i'll let you guys leave now

see you in the next one!

if you have any questions

leave a comment!

For more infomation >> Tuneo Nuevo para el Cobra! - Duration: 12:30.


Athens man finds woman's body in hallway - Duration: 0:16.

For more infomation >> Athens man finds woman's body in hallway - Duration: 0:16.


Tuneo Nuevo para el Cobra! - Duration: 12:30.

Good afternoon everyone!

Hope you're having

a great day

today I finally

have the new tune in

and i'm

trying to load it


with my sct x4 tuner

which I got when

I bought the car

just perfect for the car

I actually have

older models of sct tuners

for my gt

and my old gt500

so this new x4

is rather cool

so right now

I need to follow the instructions

to download it

and see if after this

the car fixes

the issue it has

that it won't go over 5k rpms

which i doubt it

but you never know

so after I download

the tune

i'll go out

and drive around

to see if its fixed

so lets see

ok so you see my

91 oct tune

the 93 oct

and the new 91 r tune

and now

ok so because its a custom tune

it seems to show

extra info

which I have

never seen


i'm going to call

my tuner

and ask him

what I should do


Because I had

never seen that

I decided to call my tuner

and make sure

before I hit continue

so now it tune is downloaded

i'm going to turn the car on

and see if

anything feels

or sounds different


I had a

regular tune

based of what my car has

the mods


with 24 bucks

the tank is full

so again

as I was saying

I had a regular tune

based on the mods I have

which aren't much

so now

I have a cutom tune

after doing a datalog

so the tuner knows

what my car needed

or how it was running

so now its a matter of just


and i'm on my way

to pick eusebio up

to go to homedepot

and buy some tools

I need

to try and install

the strut bar


on the mustang gt

so i'm going to do that now


just to fast forward you guys

who read this

and are in a hurry to leave

the tune didn't work

it didn't fix anything

the car still limits at 5k rpm

but it feels like its breathing better

before I could feel and you could see

how much gas the car was


but now

it sounds like the car is breathing better

so now I need to take the car

to my mechanic

and he will fix the fuel pump

or the fuel system

that it seems that is the problem

so thank you for watching

and i'll let you guys leave now

see you in the next one!

if you have any questions

leave a comment!

For more infomation >> Tuneo Nuevo para el Cobra! - Duration: 12:30.


How important are Targets in a Business? Alok Kejriwal explains in this #Dhandhekibaat A-Z series - Duration: 3:46.

Welcome to Dhandhe Ki Baat.

This is Alok Kejriwal.

Today we are going to tackle a sensitive topic.

'T' for Target.

So, targets is a very common occurrence in all our lives.

I'm sure you have a target.

I have a target.

We all have a target.

It seems like sometimes, we are prisoners of targets.

I think in this age of large numbers, everything has to go up.

The graph should always be up.

Targets are the greatest tool to deploy.

Make a target and the person will achieve it by any means.

So, targets are a very dangerous tool.

Personally, I don't believe in targets.

I think they do more negative than positive.

So, what goes wrong in a target?

Earlier, people used to use formula - like increase the sales by 25% of this quarter.

The GDP is not increasing by 25% that you will be able to increase your sale.

They are unrealistic.

Sometimes, people just are under so much business pressure, they pass on that pressure to targets.

"Please make this much sale. I need the money. Do it by any means."

Doesn't work like that.

It is unreasonable and unjust.

And, finally, I think, people who sometimes set targets haven't understood how to achieve

them themselves.

So, that's a big problem.

It's set by people who don't know what they are talking.

What are the targets that work?

I mean, targets work, right?

So, there are targets which are not always aligned with revenue but can lead to revenue.

For example, in the product business - "Hey product manager, this quarter I don't want

any of your games to be less than 4.5 stars".

It's a quality target.

Achievable if you do a good product.

It's something that can be measurable and that can be easily attainable with effort.


"Hey HR, I don't want anyone in my company to go home after 8PM".


So, it's a quality target that helps me improve employee morale.

There are many many positives of targets if you pursue them.

Second, targets are very big science.

I would suggest this method.

I call it the arithmetic of target setting.

So, there is a formula - a*b*c*d=e.

What does this mean?

There are many variables that you assume, you hope for, you say, this should become

this leading to an output.

I would suggest, anybody who is watching and who is receiving targets to understand the

math of targets very carefully before you give them or accept them.

So, work with whoever you are working with or with yourself and say

What parts of my formula are realistic?

What parts are optimistic?

What parts are normal?

And what could be the variance on this target?"

Don't just give arbit targets because they don't work.

So, this is very important.

Finally, right, this is a very personal matter I feel.

Don't make targets a bullying tool.

It is a very very bad way to bully people - like this is your target, now you achieve

it and show. It never works.

Negatives of targets can sometimes be lethal.

You know, some companies I have seen, bill excessively in March to fulfil a target and

all those goods are returned in April.

People lie.

People do all kinds of scams.

Avoid this because it's not going to help you.

In the end, I'd love to quote one of my favourite shlokas from the Gita

"Karmanye va dhikaraste maaphaleshu kadachana"

What does it mean?

Do not always keep thinking of the fruit aka the target, believe in the effort.

So, I hope this helped.

Set targets carefully, Accept targets even more carefully.

Learn some Gita shlokas.

Keep watching Dhandhe Ki Baat.

Give us some love and tell me what else can I work on and what else can I review for you.

Subscribe to the channel if you haven't.

Thank you so much.

For more infomation >> How important are Targets in a Business? Alok Kejriwal explains in this #Dhandhekibaat A-Z series - Duration: 3:46.


HỘI ĐỒNG XỔ SỐ TUYỆT MẬT XSMB_SỐ CHUẨN 100%_HỘI ĐỒNG XỔ SỐ NGÀY 27.01.2019 - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> HỘI ĐỒNG XỔ SỐ TUYỆT MẬT XSMB_SỐ CHUẨN 100%_HỘI ĐỒNG XỔ SỐ NGÀY 27.01.2019 - Duration: 2:57.


What is Upselling? How does it work? Alok Kejriwal explains the concept in the #Dhandhekibaat series - Duration: 4:26.

Welcome to Dhandhe Ki Baat.

This is Alok Kejriwal.

Today we are going to talk about the alphabet 'U' and I have chosen Upselling.

Selling has been done but how to take it up that is what we are going to talk about.

What is upselling?

I will tell you a story.

Many years back, we had booked ourselves for a very beautiful, exotic Norwegian cruise.

We were going to all the Norwegian countries and the booking turned

out to be quite heavy on my pocket.

When we were all set and all the bookings were done, we were about to get up from the

agent's office after finishing the deal when the agent said, "Sir, one last thing."

So we said, "Yeah sure."

He said, "Suppose, God forbid, if you are unable to take this cruise then you will lose a lot

of money." We suddenly lost heart. By God, we never thought of it.

It was so expensive for 4 of us as a family.

Then he saw our face and he said, "No no Sir, don't worry.

I have a remedy for that also.

There is a small insurance for this cruise wherein you will receive your money back if

you are unable to take the cruise.

So, I suggest you take this."What a beautiful example of an upsell.

No one in their right mind would say no.

What did he do?

What was the upsell?

First, he extracted so much money out of me, after that he made me happy, then he scared

me and said that if you take this you will have no need to fear.

Such a beautiful example!

So, I just started with an example of a great concept of upselling.

Now, why is upselling important?

It's important for three reasons.

Firstly, the regular work that you are doing diminishes gradually.

Margins reduce.

Competition arises.

You can't always increase prices or decrease the cost to be competitive.

So, you have to think of some way to increase your margin.

And, that is a great example of upselling.

Take a look at the economy airlines or regular airlines, one thing is that they sell the

business class and first class.

That is a regular sale.

But, so often when you are checking-in, the lady says, "Sir, only for so much you can

upgrade to the X-Class."

Even when you are sitting in the plane, they now tell you, "Only for this amount of money

you can upgrade."

They are upselling.

Now, if a really obnoxious person is sitting to next to you who is eating your head, you

say, "I can spend Rs. 5000 and upsell and go ahead."

This is a great example.

So, one is to increase revenue.

What is the second?

The second is, sometimes, sampling.

You know, you have a great business.

You have different products in your business.

How do you make it available to your customers without giving it free?

Take Dominos for example, when they introduced their cheese garlic sticks, when they introduced

their dessert, I remember, it used to be given away at a very nominal price.

Rs. X, you will receive this, Rs. Y you will receive this.

Almost on the phone we used to be like give it , we don't care.

We are not dying here for a mere Rs.10-20.

They were upselling.

They were giving you something which now you want and you start to order.

The third - this is going to shock you.

Upselling in itself is a business, Boss.

In our mobile games, the ones we make are are absolutely free.

100% free.

No cost.

Download for free, play for free.

Then, who will fill our pockets?

How will we become rich?

It is the act of upselling.

So, what we do is, after the consumer plays the game, a lot of ads appear.

The person gets really irritated.

We say, "Sir, pay 99 cents and get rid of ads."

Then, we provide him with only one bad car.

The poor thing is very unhappy with the bad car.

So, we give him an offer to buy better cars and we keep upselling.

Upselling becomes our business module.

So, please apply the concept, if you haven't already, to your business even to your profession.

Upsell yourself.

If you are a professional, learn some skills and offer those.

You know, if you are a lawyer, say, "I also do these things."

You can upsell anything and everything.

And, apply it in a way that you see you can enhance not just your income but also the

way you evolve because upselling is almost like a way of life.

You need to keep getting better, faster, higher and yet in a nice kind of non-cheating way.

So, think of upselling.

Thank you for watching Dhandhe Ki Baat.

Subscribe to the channel and keep giving us your love.

For more infomation >> What is Upselling? How does it work? Alok Kejriwal explains the concept in the #Dhandhekibaat series - Duration: 4:26.


Meghan Markle Royal - Inside Baby Sussex's nursery in Prince Harry and Meghan's new home - Duration: 3:54.

 Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are understandably very excited to meet their first child later this year

 Like all expectant parents they are making the preparations for their lives to be turned upside down when Baby Sussex arrives in the spring

 One of the biggest jobs is getting the nursery ready, and you won't be surprised to hear the little royal will have a VERY lovely room

 Meghan and Harry will be leaving Kensigton Palace and moving into Frogmore Cottage in Windsor ahead of the birth

 They've currently overseeing a huge £3 million refurbishment and are expected to move in as soon as possibe

   We've had a look at some of things which have been reported about their new nursery so far

The designer  The nursery really will be fit for a royal, as the couple have enlisted the help of designer Vicky Charles

 Vicky is behind the design of the trendy Soho Farmhouse, a favourite hangout of Meghan and Harry and where Meghan is believed to have spent three days on her hen do

  Gender neural  The couple don't know if they are having a boy or a girl, so they nursery will be completely gender-free

 While some parents who know they gender opt to use pinks or blues, Meghan and Harry will have picked something more neutral

 Greys, yellows and greens are popular choices. Vegan paint  According to a source Meghan wants to use vegan paint, which is infused with eucalyptus and rosemary oils, in the nursery

 Some paints use milk products or beeswax as a binder and can be tested on animals before being deemed safe for use

 As a result, Meghan has opted to use the Organic and Natural Paint Co, and is going for neutral whites and greys, reports The Sun

 An insider said: "Meghan has been looking long and hard at paints for the Sussex nursery

 "Rather than opt for fashionable Farrow and Ball paint in favoured shades such as Wevet, Peignoir and Pavilion Grey and Salmon, the Sussexes are much in favour of The Organic & Natural Paint Co's Auro range for the nursery

" High tech  Meghan and Harry's new home is going to be filled with all the latest tech and it's likely that they'll be able to control many different things from their phones

 A source told royal expert Katie Nicholl: "They are going all out with the refurbishment of the house, and as Harry loves his gadgets, it's going to be very cool

 "They'll be able to control everything from their smart phones."  It's understood that one the couple are also having a £50,000 eco boiler installed, which means they will have access to hot water at all times

Childproof windows  As part of the refurbishment Meghan has reportedly asked for childproof windows at Frogmore Cottage to ensure their little one is safe at all times

For more infomation >> Meghan Markle Royal - Inside Baby Sussex's nursery in Prince Harry and Meghan's new home - Duration: 3:54.


For more infomation >> Meghan Markle Royal - Inside Baby Sussex's nursery in Prince Harry and Meghan's new home - Duration: 3:54.


Motorozási technikák, 7. rész: Elindulás emelkedőn - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> Motorozási technikák, 7. rész: Elindulás emelkedőn - Duration: 2:44.


For more infomation >> Motorozási technikák, 7. rész: Elindulás emelkedőn - Duration: 2:44.


布ボールの型紙:作り方 How to make fabric ball pattern - Duration: 1:27.

Make pattern with CAD software.

Set up X and Y.


10cm diameter×3.14=31.4cm circumference

6 panels fabric ball, 31.4÷6=5.2333…cm=about 5.23cm (1 panel)

Y=31.4cm circumference÷2=15.7cm

d cm diameter, n panels, X=3.14d÷n, Y=3.14d÷2

Straight line command. 3-point arc command. Offset command. Add a seam allowance. It's done.

For more infomation >> 布ボールの型紙:作り方 How to make fabric ball pattern - Duration: 1:27.


For more infomation >> 布ボールの型紙:作り方 How to make fabric ball pattern - Duration: 1:27.


George et Amal Clooney, le divorce, elle fuit avec ses jumeaux, photos choc - Kudo News - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> George et Amal Clooney, le divorce, elle fuit avec ses jumeaux, photos choc - Kudo News - Duration: 1:55.


For more infomation >> George et Amal Clooney, le divorce, elle fuit avec ses jumeaux, photos choc - Kudo News - Duration: 1:55.


How to Propagate African Violet From Single Leaf WITH UPDATE - 100% SUCCESS METHOD //GREEN PLANTS - Duration: 7:54.

welcome back to my channel

today i'm going to show you how to propagate African violet from leaf cutting

it's a mother plant of African violet

now simply cut the healthy leaf with the petiole or leaf stem

we can also snapping it off neatly at the stem of the plant

make sure the healthy leaf cuttings and leaf stem should be cut about ½ or 1 inch for best results


i'm going to pot the leaf cuttings

i just take some small cups and make a drainage hole


now i'm just putting the coco peat in the cups

now i just trim about half inch of leaf stem


insert the leaf stem into the growing medium

and then water it thoroughly

keep the soil lightly moist and avoid getting the leaves wet

keep them in shady and bright light place but do not place in hot areas

after 4 weeks new leaves and plants will start to peeking through the growing medium

after 45 days

we can see the new leaves and plants appear at the base of the leaf stem


it's time to re pot the plants

i just remove the plants from the cups


re potting the plants

soil mixture for African violet -coco peat or peat moss, sand and some compost or or composted cow manure

now fill the soil mixture into the pot and re plant the new African violets

after re potting water it thoroughly

after re potting them keep the soil lightly moist and avoid getting the leaves wet

water it every two to three days

if hot summer, water it every day

fertilize every 3 weeks with a plant food in summer growing season

thanks for watching

For more infomation >> How to Propagate African Violet From Single Leaf WITH UPDATE - 100% SUCCESS METHOD //GREEN PLANTS - Duration: 7:54.


唔開心要做的事 - Duration: 4:31.

For more infomation >> 唔開心要做的事 - Duration: 4:31.


How my photo became a 48' wide billboard – Art Pop Street Gallery - Duration: 8:26.

In this video I am going to take you behind the scenes of this bold blue beauty shot and

show you how it wound up on a 48 foot wide by 14 foot tall ArtPop Street Gallery billboard.

Stay Tuned!

Hey gang!

This is a fun shoot that I did about 6 months ago.

Because of some recent exciting events - I wanted to share its story with you and of

course take you behind the scenes of how I made the shot.

So let's start with today and then work backwards.

Today and for the next 12 months - this photo is residing on a billboard that is just off

Rt. 309 in Allentown, Pennsylvania.

Yeah - a micro four thirds image - tack sharp - on a 48 foot wide by 14ft tall billboard

- pretty cool eh?

How did this happen?

I am honored to have to have been selected as the People's Choice Award Winner in the

ArtPop Street Gallery 2019 Billboard Competition in my area.

So what does that mean?

Well - there is this awesome organization called ArtPop Street Gallery who's mission

is to promote local artists work and make art accessible to communities through available

media space.

ArtPop was founded by a woman named Wendy Hickey in Charlotte, NC back in 2014.

In the years since she has grown the program to include competitions in 14 cities across

the United States.

Wendy partners with billboard advertising companies like Adams Outdoor that is the advertising

company who is hosting my billboard - and these companies graciously donate unsold advertising

space to host the winning billboards - turning roads, highways and thoroughfares into opportunities

for artistic appreciation.

The winning artwork can be seen on billboards, buses, news racks and at airports.

ArtPop Street Gallery which is a non-profit organization partners with local art organizations

to organize and promote the annual contests.

I have included a link in the description below so that you can learn more about ArtPop

Street Gallery and maybe even have your artwork featured on a billboard!

People very falsely assume that you need extremely large files and tons of megapixels to print

a photo on a billboard and they very falsely assume that once the photo is printed on the

billboard that it looks really blurry up close and then really sharp when you are a hundred

of yards away - BOTH assumptions are VERY wrong.

Printing technology has come a long way and as you have heard me say MANY times - megapixels

are highly over-rated.

I had images printed on billboards 16 years ago taken with a 2.7mp Nikon D1 that produced

an image that was only 2,000 pixels wide.

The file that was required to print this billboard…. only 7,300 pixels wide at 300dpi.

That is only 24 inches wide.

The color profile was also set to CMYK to facilitate the printing process that is used

to print the images on vinyl.

It was actually quite impressive to watch the billboard being installed - total time

start to finish - including removing the previous billboard was just 27 minutes with a three

man crew from Adams Outdoor Advertising.

After the vinyl billboard is stretched across the backing, it's held in place with PVC pipes

that are slid through the sleeves on the edge of the vinyl and then tension strapped to

the back of the billboard.

I routinely scour looking for costume retailers, Chinese fashion retailers - just

about any one who sells interesting and unusual and colorful things that I can use for a photo.

In this case I found this bright blue set of Cosplay wigs and that is what I decided

to build my shot idea around.

The blue material draped around my models shoulders was something I already had in the

studio and used in this photo and the white sunglasses are left over from this set of

images that I did just over a year ago.

I always look for ways to re-use props as long as it's not too obvious that they are

showing up in several images.

I knew from the beginning that I was going to do a composite background on this shot

and I was originally thinking along the lines of a Japanese anime type of feel.

While I was in the studio I remembered that I had these blue plastic balls and realized

I could use them to create another one of my calm in the middle of chaos types of shots.

I wanted this to have a bright and commercial kind of vibe to it so I went with a 28"

beauty dish mounted directly in front of and above my subject.

The white Wal-mart reflector just underneath and out of frame - serves two purposes in

this shot.

It provides some fill from below to create the faux clamshell effect and it is the reflection

that you see in the bottom half of her glasses.

The purple tint is from the sunglasses - that was not added in post - but I did add saturation

to it in post.

The real challenge was maintaining the symmetry in the glasses with the reflection of the

beauty dish and foam core - it required very slow and deliberate communication with my


It was important to keep her calm and focused and to reminder her not to move.

I told her that breathing was completely optional - just don't move!

I did this shot in front of an Ocean Blue Savage Seamless paper Background and used

two lights one on either side to light the background evenly and then another two lights

- one on either side - aimed back at the model to create the rim highlights on her wig and


This was a total of 5 Interfit Honey Badgers - but you could easily do it with speedlights

or pocket flashes.

When I was done photographing my model - I photographed the blue play ground balls separately

so that I had several variations to be able to composite in later.

The shot was made with my Olympus E-M1 Mark II and the M. Zuiko 45mm f/1.2 PRO lens which

is a 90mm full frame equivalent.

The ISO was 200 which is the base ISO for the Mark II and the shutter speed 1/250th

of a second and the aperture was set at f/8 .

I was shooting tethered with the TetherPro cables from Tether Tools and using the Olympus

Capture software to manage the camera and downloads.

In camera my images were saved to Delkin Devices V90 Power Cards

The final image of the model required very little post production beyond the usual color,

contrast and sharpening and of course removing of blemishes - I say this just as reminder

of the importance of great hair and makeup.

My next step was to remove her from the background in photoshop and then extend the image sides

to a 16x9 format.

Then in photoshop I added the blue balls in one at a time - added some motion blur and

then a radial blur to achieve the final result.

Inexpensive props and costumes and bright colors = fun photographs - so have fun - I

sure do.

Also PLEASE - don't overlook the importance of organizations like the ArtPop Street Gallery.

Art is important and even though we are all creators - we also need to support organizations

that support us.

Please do visit their website - the link is in the description below the video.

I hope to see your work on a billboard soon.

And last but not least….

please - worry less about gear and how big and how much and who says what… instead

enjoy the art of creating with a camera.

Hey, I hope this gives you some ideas, so please - take this idea and run with it - go

create and show me what you come up with.

Until next time, Please hit that thumbs up and subscribe so that you don't miss any

videos and don't keep all this cool stuff to yourself - please share it with your photography


Remember - photography is not a competition - its a passion to be shared.

Now go pick up that camera and shoot something because your BEST shot - it's your NEXT

shot, so keep learning, keep thinking, keep shooting.


For more infomation >> How my photo became a 48' wide billboard – Art Pop Street Gallery - Duration: 8:26.


europe travel vlog pt.2: MUNICH & PRAGUE - Duration: 8:37.

For more infomation >> europe travel vlog pt.2: MUNICH & PRAGUE - Duration: 8:37.


Perisic to Arsenal: Fans will love what the Inter ace has said about a move - Duration: 3:02.

 Time is running out for Arsenal to bring in new players this month with the transfer deadline on Thursday evening

 The Gunners have been linked with a number of players so far but the fact they can only bring players in on loan has made things very difficult indeed

 A move for Denis Suarez is now up in the air with Barcelona wanting him to leave on a permanent basis before the deadline, while Paris Saint-Germain's Christopher Nkunku is now an option as he wants to leave the French capital for regular first-team football

 According to the BBC, Inter Milan's Ivan Perisic could be a shock arrival with the Gunners keen on signing him on loan with an option to buy in the summer for around £35million

 The Croat star has been linked with a Premier League move in the past with Manchester United interested in signing him over the past couple of summers

 While a move to Old Trafford looks unlikely now Jose Mourinho has left, a move to Arsenal could well come to fruition

 Speaking ahead of his side's Champions League game against Spurs in November, the 29-year-old did admit that he would be open to a move to England

  "I have always said that [playing in the Premier League] is my dream," he said

 "In football everything is possible, we will see in the future. Now, I'm focusing on Inter

"  A key player for the Nerazzurri since his arrival at the San Siro, Perisic's time in Milan may well be coming to an end

 "Perisic is a very good player, of course there's rumours about him during the transfer window," manager Luciano Spalletti told the press

 "If a player is good, it's obvious that every club would want him. Of course, then the figures must be adequate for things to go trough

 "He knows his job and he also knows that we expect him to keep working just like he has done so far

" Keep up to date with the latest news, features and exclusives from via the free football

london app for iPhone and Android . Available to download from the App Store and Google Play

For more infomation >> Perisic to Arsenal: Fans will love what the Inter ace has said about a move - Duration: 3:02.



For more infomation >> FUN WITH COCA-COLA | NGHỊCH CÙNG COCA-COLA - Duration: 11:45.


How important are Targets in a Business? Alok Kejriwal explains in this #Dhandhekibaat A-Z series - Duration: 3:46.

Welcome to Dhandhe Ki Baat.

This is Alok Kejriwal.

Today we are going to tackle a sensitive topic.

'T' for Target.

So, targets is a very common occurrence in all our lives.

I'm sure you have a target.

I have a target.

We all have a target.

It seems like sometimes, we are prisoners of targets.

I think in this age of large numbers, everything has to go up.

The graph should always be up.

Targets are the greatest tool to deploy.

Make a target and the person will achieve it by any means.

So, targets are a very dangerous tool.

Personally, I don't believe in targets.

I think they do more negative than positive.

So, what goes wrong in a target?

Earlier, people used to use formula - like increase the sales by 25% of this quarter.

The GDP is not increasing by 25% that you will be able to increase your sale.

They are unrealistic.

Sometimes, people just are under so much business pressure, they pass on that pressure to targets.

"Please make this much sale. I need the money. Do it by any means."

Doesn't work like that.

It is unreasonable and unjust.

And, finally, I think, people who sometimes set targets haven't understood how to achieve

them themselves.

So, that's a big problem.

It's set by people who don't know what they are talking.

What are the targets that work?

I mean, targets work, right?

So, there are targets which are not always aligned with revenue but can lead to revenue.

For example, in the product business - "Hey product manager, this quarter I don't want

any of your games to be less than 4.5 stars".

It's a quality target.

Achievable if you do a good product.

It's something that can be measurable and that can be easily attainable with effort.


"Hey HR, I don't want anyone in my company to go home after 8PM".


So, it's a quality target that helps me improve employee morale.

There are many many positives of targets if you pursue them.

Second, targets are very big science.

I would suggest this method.

I call it the arithmetic of target setting.

So, there is a formula - a*b*c*d=e.

What does this mean?

There are many variables that you assume, you hope for, you say, this should become

this leading to an output.

I would suggest, anybody who is watching and who is receiving targets to understand the

math of targets very carefully before you give them or accept them.

So, work with whoever you are working with or with yourself and say

What parts of my formula are realistic?

What parts are optimistic?

What parts are normal?

And what could be the variance on this target?"

Don't just give arbit targets because they don't work.

So, this is very important.

Finally, right, this is a very personal matter I feel.

Don't make targets a bullying tool.

It is a very very bad way to bully people - like this is your target, now you achieve

it and show. It never works.

Negatives of targets can sometimes be lethal.

You know, some companies I have seen, bill excessively in March to fulfil a target and

all those goods are returned in April.

People lie.

People do all kinds of scams.

Avoid this because it's not going to help you.

In the end, I'd love to quote one of my favourite shlokas from the Gita

"Karmanye va dhikaraste maaphaleshu kadachana"

What does it mean?

Do not always keep thinking of the fruit aka the target, believe in the effort.

So, I hope this helped.

Set targets carefully, Accept targets even more carefully.

Learn some Gita shlokas.

Keep watching Dhandhe Ki Baat.

Give us some love and tell me what else can I work on and what else can I review for you.

Subscribe to the channel if you haven't.

Thank you so much.

For more infomation >> How important are Targets in a Business? Alok Kejriwal explains in this #Dhandhekibaat A-Z series - Duration: 3:46.



For more infomation >> ❤️ OLGA FRYCZ TRENUJE Z MAŁYM BOBASEM. MŁODA MAMA NIE ZAPOMINA O FORMIE! | Polska 24H - Duration: 3:35.


GFRIEND、音楽番組で5冠に…ファンに感謝を伝える「信じてくれる分、誇らしい歌手になる」 -Taka News - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> GFRIEND、音楽番組で5冠に…ファンに感謝を伝える「信じてくれる分、誇らしい歌手になる」 -Taka News - Duration: 2:06.


2019 Morning Routine! - Teresa Rose - Duration: 3:15.

Good morning!

Morning smile!



It's so cool, it's so fun!

We have Nutella.

We have an egg and Nutella sandwich!

Good bye!

Next, we are going to change clothes!

Let's pick an outfit!

It's really cold, so today, we have to bundle up!

Let's look.

This is so cool!

Isn't it gorgeous?

Next, we need pants.

We're going to choose pants.

I like that one.

Next, we need, warm socks.

We have socks right here.

Now let's pick a jacket!

How about this one?

We need to take the jacket off.

It's a ghost!

Now, it's time to change!


Ok guys!

Thanks for watching my morning routine!

And remember to subscribe!

Click the bell button!

Like, leave a comment!


See you later!

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