Thứ Ba, 22 tháng 1, 2019

Youtube daily report Jan 22 2019

People love sugary drinks.

In fact, they account for roughly 7%

of all the calories consumed in the United States.

But in terms of nutritional value, they really fizzle out.

Most have little or no nutritional value at all.

Here are some reasons you'll want to skip the soda fountain

and head to the water fountain.

Hydrate and feel great.

Boost your mood.

People who stay hydrated tend to be in a better mood.

Keep your cool.

Water is like an instant air conditioner.

Drinking more of it allows you to sweat more,

helping your body keep cool and avoid overheating.

Keep headaches bottled up by drinking a bottle down.

Dehydration can cause headaches.

Put out that fire.

Fight a fever.

When you're sick, drinking water can limit the rise

in your body's temperature.

On your mark, get set, H2O.

For more infomation >> Sugary Drinks vs. Water | Consumer Reports - Duration: 1:20.


DARPA's 'Glide Breaker' A Hypersonic Missile Killer, Stopping Mach 20+ - Duration: 5:20.

For more infomation >> DARPA's 'Glide Breaker' A Hypersonic Missile Killer, Stopping Mach 20+ - Duration: 5:20.


Colin Jost Is Afraid Michael Che Is Going to Get Him Murdered - Duration: 5:07.

-You just did a fundraiser for public housing

here in New York City, which is fantastic.

-I did, I did. Thank you. -A stand-up show...

-They weren't that impressed, but...

[ Cheers and applause ] -It was very cool, yeah.

A lot of people -- Schumer came out,

Jeff Ross, Michelle wolf. It was awesome.

-And you raised over 100 grand, which is fantastic.

-We did, yeah. [ Cheers and applause ]

We raised it. -"We raised it."

And this is -- And it was --

It's the public housing you grew up in, yes?

-That's true. I grew up in public housing.

So this is -- That's the thing I did for them.

And now I'm never gonna do anything else.

[ Laughter ]

-You more than made up for it.

Jost, you did a charity event last year.

What did you do? -We did it together.

-Okay. -For Puerto Rico.

-Right, he also came and did mine, as well.

It was very fun and nice of you to do.

-So you raised some money for Puerto Rico.

-We raised, like, 100 grand for Puerto Rico last year,

'cause after the hurricane, we did gringo bingo together.

[ Laughter ] Hosted bingo.

Realized we do not know how to do bingo.

-Okay, gotcha. -Harder than it looks.

-Really? -We raised a lot of money,

and then Che always says

that he thinks I'm doing it for Puerto Rico,

because I have a second family in Puerto Rico.

-Oh, gotcha. -Yeah, so...

-Yeah, you're always in Puerto Rico.

And I just find that to be odd. [ Laughter ]

-But you do like Puerto Rico. -I love it.

-So it's very nice that you would do that.

-Yeah, it was fun. It was fun to do.

The same for Che's event. It's like, anyone...

You want to hang out anyway, so you might as well do it

and do something fun that actually helps people.

-Yeah. -Versus just getting paid.

-I really wanted to help out public housing,

because there's a good chance

I'm gonna say something really bad

and then I'm gonna have to live there again, so...

[ Laughter ]

-So you're gonna get, like --

You're gonna get one of the nice ones now.

Guys, I want to ask about this.

So, Che, you went on Instagram and wrote this post about Jost.

-Well, yeah. Well, yes, I did. I did.

And you know -- Yeah. You want to read it?

[ Laughter ]

-Let me explain, by the way, what I --

I don't go on Instagram,

but I get e-mails from friends that are like,

"Do you see what Che is saying about you on Instagram?"

And I'm like, "What,

is it something kind of fun and goofy?"

And they're like, "You should take a look."

[ Laughter ] -Here's what it looks like.

I'm gonna show you guys real quick,

then I'm gonna read it.

"The thing that burns me up the most about Colin is

that deep down inside, I think he's a nice guy,

but he hides behind this cool-guy persona

that makes him push me down and make fun of my hair

and put dog food in my lunch and gum in my chair

and prank-call my parents

to make them think I was in a terrible car accident

and rip up my paychecks

and plant hard drugs in my desk and tip off the police.

And that gets so annoying."

[ Laughter and applause ]

Now... [ Cheers and applause ]

Now, I think most -- most people...

-Planted hard drugs in your desk,

and your response would be, like, "Annoying"?

-Most people would think that's a joke,

but not everybody. -Not everybody, no.

-Yeah, so, then somebody wrote to you --

-To me, oh, yeah. -So, this is to him, right?

-They wrote to Che, first. -Yeah, "What a disgusting man.

So sorry you have to work with him.

It's a shame he can't even try to be decent for a day

to help people. He's a monster."

And then you, instead of saying, "Oh, man, he's my pal.

Just joking around," wrote back,

"I just got to get through this season in one piece."

[ Laughter ]

"Sometimes he attacks me physically."

[ Laughter and applause ]

-You're -- You're joking.

You're gonna actually get me murdered.

Someone is going to murder me. -What's this one?

-Maybe you should stop pushing me down.

[ Laughter ] -Did you fake a text exchange?

-Oh, yeah, Colin text-- Colin texted me.

-What?! -I asked him to.

-You faked my own text messages.

-All right, how about you --

I'll read mine and you read yours, okay?

I'll be blue. -See if this seems like me.

-"Hey, Colin, I know you're busy and all,

but could you help me with my charity show

for the people in public housing?"

-"Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Fat chance, loser."

[ Laughter ] Don't those bunnies have enough

without sucking from our government's teat?"

[ Audience groans ] -"Oh, Colin.

That's really unnecessary, man."

-"You're unnecessary, and my grandpapa

is gonna shut down your little charity,

just like Mr. Trump shut down the government."

[ Laughter ]

-"That is uncalled-for."

[ Laughter ]

-Do you want me to read the last one?

-Yeah, there's one more that you sent me.

-"Yeah, besides, I have my own charity event.

It's to take children in private schools

big-game hunting in Africa." [ Laughter ]

-You're, uh... [ Cheers and applause ]

-You're gonna get me --

-Somebody wrote back to Che, "Didn't think

this piece of [Bleep] could make me that mad, but he did."

And then you wrote back, "I don't know what to do.

Every time I try to stand up to him,

he just pushes me on the ground."

[ Laughter ]

"And everybody laughs."

I got to say, a lot of -- you know, just know

that whoever does eventually come and assault you,

based on this, know they're dumb.

[ Laughter ]

For more infomation >> Colin Jost Is Afraid Michael Che Is Going to Get Him Murdered - Duration: 5:07.


Welcoming Remarks and Special Address - Duration: 1:02:40.

For more infomation >> Welcoming Remarks and Special Address - Duration: 1:02:40.


Colin Jost Talks About a Sketch Michael Che Begged Him Not to Do - Duration: 3:53.

-Welcome back. We're here with Colin Jost and Michael Che.

Jost, you guys both made some sketch appearances,

which doesn't happen that often on the show.

You were in a Kool-Aid commercial, which --

There you go. -Yes.

Michael Che cast me in his Kool-Aid commercial.

-Yeah. -We're basically only

put in sketches -- at least me --

when they say, "We have no cast available."

-Right. -The shoot's at 5:00 a.m.

Only Jost will come.

-You're cheaper than hiring an extra?

-Yes. I'm just like an extra.

-Che, you have done some cast work on the show, as well.

There you are. You're the Scarecrow right here.

-Yeah. [ Laughter ]

-In a version of "The Wiz" with, of course, Ryan Gosling.

Who else would be in "The Wiz"?

But it was -- the best burn on Che is that he's a Scarecrow.

You cannot tell it's him, and he spent like six hours

in makeup all the time to get into it.

-The best is everyone calls me "Black Scarecrow,"

and I'm like, "It's just Scarecrow."

[ Laughter ]

-You were in a Scientology ad, Jost?

-I was -- Scientol -- yes. -You're very believable.

-I know. That's really one of my finest.

-You played Lester Holt on the show.

-Yes. -Which was wonderful,

but then there was an article.

The title of the article is "Watching History:

Find out all the familiar TV faces

covering the final lap of the 2016 election."

And so this was an actual newspaper article,

or online newspaper article.

Anderson Cooper, Megyn Kelly, and then you.

[ Laughter and applause ]

-Yeah. -Your Lester Holt was so good...

-Yeah, shout-out to the makeup department.

[ Laughter ]

-But this is very -- you did -- This was a bit you did

on "Update" where you played Gretchen.

-You went undercover as a white girl named Gretchen.

-Yes. [ Laughter ]

I went undercover as a liberal white woman named Gretchen,

and I didn't use makeup, but it was still believable.

-Yeah. [ Laughter ]

-And then you guys had an idea, like a second round of this.

-Yeah. -Now, so the idea --

Explain how it was supposed to work.

-The last show, we had an idea that got cut --

that was -- I said to Che, "Well, you went undercover

as a white woman named Gretchen

to try to figure out that situation."

And I had been reading all this terrible stuff about R. Kelly,

so I thought maybe I could go undercover

as a black teenage girl to try to entrap R. Kelly.

[ Laughter, audience groans ]

[ Laughter ] -Yes.

Yes, exactly, boos. Thank you.

-That's, uh -- You know what?

That sounds like a man of Manny Manimals.

[ Laughter ]

-Well, the idea was, I knew it was the worst idea ever.

-Right. So you did not shoot it.

-No, the idea was Che would stop me

and point out how awful of an idea that was,

and I would say, "Really? It doesn't go both ways?"

And he was like, "Absolutely not."

And I was like, "Oh, yeah, that makes sense."

-Gotcha. -And then it said, "The more you know."

Like the little -- [ Laughter ]

♪ "The more you --" ♪ Yeah, you could tell.

We're glad it was cut. I think that seems fair.

The audience approves. -I begged him not to do it.

[ Laughter ]

-How often -- one of my favorite things you guys do,

that you did for the Christmas show, right?

Where you make each other read jokes

that the other one has not seen first.

-Right. -You seem to have a lot of fun

putting each other in uncomfortable situations.

-Oh, yeah. -He made --

The slug came up for one he made me tell,

which was National Rosa Parks Day came up,

when the joke he made me tell without having read it,

and my family said they were all -- like, lost their breath.

[ Laughter ] And they were like,

"We're watching our son's end right now."

[ Laughter ] -Do you remember the joke?

-No, I don't. -That's for the best.

James McAvoy this week. He should be fantastic.

-Oh, my God, yeah. He's great.

He already plays 12 different characters in "Split."

-Yeah. That's basically a whole episode.

-There you go. We're good.

We'll just do each of those. He's great.

He was on your show. -He's incredibly charming,

great actor, so I'm really looking forward to that.

Gentlemen, it's always so great to have you here.

Warm up. We got you a space heater

back in your dressing room. [ Laughter ]

Colin Jost and Michael Che, everybody.

For more infomation >> Colin Jost Talks About a Sketch Michael Che Begged Him Not to Do - Duration: 3:53.


The Loud House Family Band Guide 🎸| #TryThis - Duration: 6:30.

Now who wants to have fun?

The Louds are starting a family band.

But before they start rocking the crowd, we gotta figure out a job for each Loud.

Put your hands together for The Loud House Family Band Guide.

Let's jam!

You can't have a band without music,

so we'll start with a rock goddess, Luna.

She can play guitar and write the music to all their hits.

♪ Who is that in the mirror? ♪

♪ Looking back, I don't know her ♪

Just promise to stay true to yourself, Luna.

[playing guitar]

That's more like it!

Now that we have the music, we need lyrics. So who's gonna write those?

- Lily? - Pooh-pooh!

Well, since the only word she knows is pooh-pooh,

I don't think she'd write the catchiest tunes.

What about Lisa?

♪ Yippee-ki-yay, yo, yo, yo ♪

♪ I make this Bunsen burner Start to overflow ♪

♪ Mix some dope rhymes With a little H2O ♪

♪ My idiom for indium is shine like gold ♪

Those rhymes are fire, but we need some lyrics that are a little more relatable.

Lucy on the other hand, is a poet and we all know it.

Her lyrics will be scary good,

and stick with us for days like a haunted spirit.

The end is near, give up all hope.

Ooh, I just got the chills.

And what are lyrics without a voice to sing them?

Who's gonna be our lead singer? Maybe Lily can do that.


Hm, maybe not. Luan?

I couldn't carry a tune if it had a handle.


OK, so Luan's out.


Dudes, Charles wants to sing lead!

While that is incredibly cute, I think we should leave this to our

verified vocalist, Luna Loud.

♪ Play it loud, play it proud ♪

♪ I live it, I breathe it Don't tell me I don't need it now ♪

This is coming together.

So, we've got music lyrics and someone to sing 'em.

Now we need someone to slap that bass.

That's it, bro! You got it!

It looks like Lincoln is the man with a stand-up bass plan.

Groovy! Now we need a DJ to complete the rhythm section.

Could Lisa be our DJ supreme?

He beats are scientifically proven to make you shake your booty.

And have you seen her moves?

You know, being in a famous band can come with a lot of pressure.

Uh! Come on, Luna. What are you thinking?

You just used the word 'yolo'.

So, it's nice to have a therapist on hand.

Luckily, Lisa's got experience with that too.

I've been known to dabble in the soft sciences. Take a seat.

So, that's when I started hearing things.

All signs indicate that Lisa will be our group's DJ and therapist.

She can handle two jobs, right?


Now, we've got a fever and the only cure is a whole lot of cow bell.

There's only one Loud we know who loves cow bell,

- and it's Papa Loud. - Ka-pow!

And while he's rocking the cow bell, Mama Loud will be rocking that tambourine.

Heaven help us.

This is music to our ears.

Speaking of music, let's crank it up by adding some back-up singers.

Leni, can you sing back-up?

♪ Back-up, back-up, back-up ♪

That's not what we meant. Leni, maybe you can be a back-up dancer.

Hey guys, I'm a back-up dancer. Ah!

OK, that's too dangerous.

Let's let Leni do what she does best, and design the costumes for the band.

Look, I turned this night gown into jeans.

Oh, wait. Now I don't have a night gown.

Now Lola's the glamorous one in the fam.

And no band can truly jam without the glam.

Should Lola be in charge of hair and makeup?

Yes, yes, yes!

OK, Lola. The job is yours!

♪ It is hard to make Lookin' this good look easy ♪

♪ And it takes a few mistakes To be just right ♪

Looking good, really good.


That is not looking good.

No bass for Lincoln, but what is he gonna do?

I know, he can be the choreographer.

And since it takes two to tango, Clyde will help.

♪ And the beat goes on and on Even if we get it wrong ♪

♪ 'Cause friends don't think They're just in sync ♪

♪ Best buds, amigos, the list goes on ♪

Looks like Lily wants to help choreograph too.

Let's see those moves, Lily.

♪ Best, best, best thing ever ♪

♪ Oh-oh-oh ♪

♪ Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh ♪

Oh, baby! Everyone's gonna want to learn that toddler two-step.

This band's gonna be amazing, and that means a lot of fans.

And a lot of fans means we need security.


Lynn already kicks butt, so this job is perfect for her.

You wanna go?

OK Lynn, just don't hurt the talent.

And if she needs help, Charles can be watch dog.

Now, a killer band like this needs to put on a killer show.

And for that, we need lights and visual effects.

Luan is already a master show woman, should she tackle this job?

♪ Every now and then I think the world's a scary place ♪

♪ But I remember it looks better With a pie thrown at your face ♪

Well, if the effects look half as good as that,

then we're in for some pretty funky shows, dude.

And if we're putting on shows, then we need a way to get there.

That's where our tour bus, or Vanzilla, comes in.

But who's gonna keep it running?

There was a crack in the cylinder block, so I just rerouted the exhaust manifold

past the carburetor and then...

Don't ask if you don't really wanna know.

Lana will make sure Vanzilla's in touring shape.

But more importantly, that all the toilets at the venues work.

♪ A plumber's job is never done ♪

♪ Especially in this house ♪

♪ I've been dubbed the number one To get the number twos to go down ♪

And finally, we need a way to promote this band online.

Who do we know who's a wiz with their phone?

I know, Lori's the perfect PR professional.

Not to brag, but I kind of feel like I've mastered the selfie.

That's it, we did it! We are ready to rock!

Luna, take a solo!

Nah, this is a family band, dude.

Yeah, but you're the only one who can actually play.

Wait a minute. This band doesn't have a name.

What should we call this band?


- That's already taken. - Pooh-pooh!

Uh, we'll think about that one, Lily.

What do you think The Loud House family band should be called?

Let us know in the comments below, and we'll reply to the winning name.

See you next time on The Loud House Family Band Guide.

For more infomation >> The Loud House Family Band Guide 🎸| #TryThis - Duration: 6:30.


重大突破!该领域中国又拿下一个"世界最大",跨入世界先进水平 - Duration: 5:39.

For more infomation >> 重大突破!该领域中国又拿下一个"世界最大",跨入世界先进水平 - Duration: 5:39.


►拉姆有幾噗◄ 戴頭套也能嗨玩逗貓棒 幾噗玩樂時間┃Cats playing time ♧ - Duration: 5:14.

For more infomation >> ►拉姆有幾噗◄ 戴頭套也能嗨玩逗貓棒 幾噗玩樂時間┃Cats playing time ♧ - Duration: 5:14.


PWF 20118 Emeya S. Angelism (All Languages Subtitles) - Duration: 2:03:33.

Hello mighty friends!

It's my first time here.

My name is Emaya.


So many people in Poland, I speak in Poland language.

And my husband Mateu translate for English language.

I would like to thank you for the invitation.

We thank you, Nicola.

Thank You!

I'm very happy and exited to share my story, two years story.

Of living in Breatharian concieousness.

So I'm very happy to share this story with you.

This story begun about 5 years ago when I first did the Pranic Process.

At that time I had two small children.

So the family was quite nervous and panic about that.

And two years ago, a day after my birthday

I started my Pranic Process.

And since then I knew that this path will be my path

and I'm not going back to eating.

So it began. I had my note book.

Where I written down my path and my aims.

And I didn't do much of, from this list

because it is also written that I can taste some food, time to time.

But I didn't

Yes, so I...

Got locked in this state of being.

Without eating.

After a while I felt a need of sharing my experience

to other people by recording some videos on YouTube.

And there also, people started to appear

that I took to the process.

All my live I been working with people

from this very

hard conditions to

the being lighter.

I was born as a

psyche, light...

psyche... The person who sees the light.

So after my process I started to see even more clear

what each person needs to achieve the next state.

Next level in consciousness.

And also was my personal

process of becoming better.

Because I stated...

So this journey is been two years so far.

There were moments where I

didn't drink for three days and then

next three days I drunk.

So initially I was three days with drinking.

Then three days without drinking and then I sarted to increase

the days without drinking.

It was very ...

It was very... Chaotic.

Strong process of fighting with...

With myself.

Because then you can see what really

is inside.

In the base of your roots.

You can feel it. You can see.

The other things that is beneath.

I most say that many things surprised me.

The things I discovered then.

Because, you know, most of the time we live our perfect "me".

But in the meantime you start to discover the real you.

The real state at the moment.

The light and shades, shadows... Everything together.

So I meet my shadow.

And I started to love the shadow, my shadow.

To get closer to it.

To get to know it better.

And I was ready to enter

14 days




And this was the real fight with the body.

At the bottom of my heart ...

At the bottom of my heart...

At the bottom of my heart I gave myself to God.

And there were moments where I was very weak.

That I thought I'm not going to survive this.

I stood in the window, and I asked the question: - Do you really want me there?

Is it the time for living this life now? Really?

So... - If your really want to take me, you can take me but I'm not going to drink

any drop of water.

I was weaker, weaker, weaker... I could not even walk.

I was meditating, praying...

I had three places of being at the house, that was the...

The garden,


and the bedroom.

That was my...

My words.

And I was traveling between this places.

All the time.

I remember one of the weaker days

when I woke up suddenly

full of energy.

There was my friend, my husband wasn't there...

And I asked my friend: - Magda!

Can you see me?

Am I still alive?

She said: -Yes! But what happened?

And, you know, the everything I could see was so vivid, so defined and alive.

I seated in the bathroom while taking a shower and I cried of happiness.

Later, during my 26 day of this process...

Something unexpected happened.

I always had this medium skills.

Channeling skills.

But at that moment the beings of light came to me and it was so real.

And at that moment I received a message

from this beings about next nine months of living.

I started to talk in different languages.

That I didn't know but I understood them.

It is a miracle that he is still with me.

Because this moments were very wierd.

Thank you! Thank you.

I remember my 36 day of this process.

This day was the Christmas day.

And we had many guests.

And I cooked.

I tried this cooking...

This food was little bit processed, little bit raw.

And besides that I also had some normal dishes...

Like traditional ones.

Yeah! And I couldn't seat together with my family, so I was....

Making courses from the table to the kitchen all the time.

And it wasn't because I wanted to eat.

The taste and smell of the food was making me

feeling off.

I couldn't handle it fully so I asked my husband to

host the guest.

And I was just doing my thing with the dishes.

And sometimes I had to go to the bathroom

and seat on the floor.

Take a deep breath.

And just put myself together because it was very hard for me.

While not eating and serving all the dishes.

Somehow nobody asked questions about this.

That was his job... To entertain others and make the nice atmosphere.

Pretend that nothing is going on.

After this 41 days of not eating and not eating...

I felt that there was no more challenge for me.

It was very easy to listen to this story.

40 days without eating and drinking.

But as you know, as you might imagine is pretty hard...

to do.

And after this experience I had

eleven days.

11 days without drinking and 13 days of drinking.

Not drinking.

And for three days I had some sorbet, ice cream.

That was the kind of

present for myself for all of this hard work I did.

There was one hard thing that helped me on this very hard moment.

It's called shewing and releasing, I don't know the English word...


I took some food to my mouth.

I shew it.

I tasted it and then spit it.

And I also did some... I used some water with lemon.

Water with lemon to flash my mouth.

So this helped me a lot to continue the process and stick to the plan.

For me 21 days process is just like a start.

it's a good base to continue.

The work is not the end.

My children, 15 years old and 18 years old

also did the process.

With a lot of trust in this, to follow me.

And then I had a group of 23 people

That also did the process and finished it.

And it was also incredible for me to ...

That this people actually trusted in me, and followed me to the end.

Not everybody wants to stop eating

while joining the process.

For most cases

the people change their consciousness.

That's the base.

They change the habit of eating.

I strongly advise diet without animal base products.

Because I understood that if you can live without food...

Phisical food.

That is why you cannot

ad to the suffering of others.

Respecting every path.

Without judgements.

Only informing about this.

Showing my path.

My ***

I'm sure that you are here from...

Most of you, maybe, probably

don't eat. Some of you are thinking about not eating.

It'ss worth it.

It's worth to see that what we've been told for the hole life...

Is not the full truth.

And if we take one of this things

that we have the courage to


Suddenly we are open for the hole res.

For me Inedia, Breatharianism is the path of freedom.

Not only from eating or not eating.

But the freedom of life.

And changes on every single level of your existence.

Maybe there is something we don't like.

A job, a place we're living.

Pranic life shows us a lot of opportunities and new ways of expressing it.

And this for me was the most important, that I have a choice.

And the side effect from this is that we start to see much more and to feel much more.

We start to attract to our lives amazing people.

Like we...

would change, like, some kind of personal contract.

We start to live fully.

Sometimes, most of the cases we

end our old relationships desapear.

The only thing we can do about this is let it go.

Look ahead of you and...

Just see new things coming to your life.

Because miracles are just ...

Behind the corner.

They are very close.

I used to look at people

that haven't been eating for many years...

And I thought to myself: "God, what they been given instead?"

That I don't have.

But during my two year experience


I had 200 , about 200 people that I...

broad to the process.

And it showed me that everybody is


Everybody has this ability.

I remember that when my friends join me

meditating, in meditation...


They started to talk.

They said: - Yeah! But you are different, you are special, you have always been like this, since the beginning.

But after the process, they also proof themselves that they can do it and start a new life.

There is no way that there is an option of somebody being worse or better.

We are here to talk, that's why I'm talking.

But I have moments when I want to just close my mouth

and close my eyes and communicate through heart.

Because the most information are given by hearts.

When we open our hearts we don't see only the surface.

We can see the aura.

Dancing colors.

Yeah! You can see this by your closed eyes.

You don't have to have your eyes always open.

Because what you can see, this bodies are only

vehicles that we get inside.

But there is this spark of consciousness inside.

If we just take this as the truth.

And if we just imagine this and move

our energies to the field next to us

so that we can all connect.

Just try and fell for your self this warm that is going throught your body.

Because we are not our bodies.

We are not our thoughts.

It's all passes it's just a moment.

We are pure energy of love.

There is no separation.

Just look at the sun how beautiful it is.

Yeah! Because when heart connect whit everything is simple.

I really thank you for you being here.

I would like you for a moment to close your eyes.

And start to breath smoothly.

You know that we have something like

bio fields.

Usually it has about 1 meter maybe 3 meters for people who meditate.

If you now connect to the cosmos

throughout your chakra crown.

And also the 8th, 9th and 10th and 11th chakras above your head

And then

the energy will flow throughout this chakras.

And with every single breath you are going to extend your field...

Until we become one field of consciousness.

And we say to ourselves:

- I allow myself for the


The real kingdome is inside me

I ask for a cleaning for my personal field.

The real kingdom is beyond me.

I ask for clearance of my

life field.

And when we take a breath we say to ourselves.

I am.

And on the exhale... Love

I am (Inhale sound)

Love (exhale sound)

And 3 times.

I am

(Inhale sound)


(Exhale sound)

I am

(Inhale sound)


And now on

on taking the breath "I am"

On exhale "infinitive".

I am

(Inhale sound)


(Exhale sound)

I am


And now

I am

And now on exhale "forever"

I am



I am


And focus on your

sensations around your heart.

Sending to the hole universe

Pure intention.

Of loving and being love.

In natural way.

And this is the connection, this is the state of being close.

And at this moment we stop thinking.

Making judgements

We are free

And we can look at other beings

other person, other human.

Without any judgement.

Only love.

Only the exchange of energy from one heart to another.

And the true reason of us being here is to build new earth.

And on this new earth, new beings.

New humans

are ready to live on this way of being in bless.

Just like this.

Can you imagine this.

That it wouldn't be just a second or one minute.

It would be our personal eternity.

The true being together, close.

A while ago I was in Peru for three months

living in the middle of jungle with

local people.


The materialistic height was very poor.

For people...

For people visiting from outside.

But you know how rituals inside...

Because there was no

self phones.

There was no place to hide or escape.

escape from another person.

If there was not enough communication skills....

I had to communicate in different ways.

We use to seat together in a circle.

And we looked at each other

in the eye and connected our hearts.

And there was so much information flowing.

And the language wasn't a barrier anymore.

They could learn a lot from us as a civilization that went so much foward.

But my derance.

But we could

remind ourselves.

What is the true ...

The true...

Being together.

The true trust.

Because this is the



Wath's the real love and loving someone

that is coming to your life.

I believe

from deep of my heart

that every one of you

Has this desire of the bottom of the heart.

Because we are here

because we are looking for something more.

Because we felt that new house, new car,... Is not everything.

There is something more.

And it's for free.

Is closesnest, being together.

And is not about...

A relationship between a men and a women.


Initially the mind started to look for this kind of feeling.

And is picturing it as being

close with a female or a man.

When you start to work with the energy

you can start to

to see this clear

qualities and relationship.

And the next person is just...

Is a soul inside a body.

There is nothing here to be ashamed of.

You can smile.

Be yourself.


When we live in the big world.

We are forced to put many masks.

But when I personally started to live in Pranic World

I thought to myself:

"You can judge me, I don't care".

I'm going to make million mistakes.

I'm going to be happy of it.

Because they build me again

as my new self.

Maybe some of them I'm going to just leave.

Because for the system is a mistake but for me is happiness.

So, don't be afraid of being yourself.

Now I would like to say


something about 21 one day process.

And then we are going to make some space for asking questions.

Why I chosse 21 day


According to the scheme.

With seven days without liquids.

First of all

I'm sure that I can handle

6, 8, 10 people

during this time.

And it's incredible because it's breaking some

eating habits.

Every body says is impossible to live without eating and drinking.

This is the start that people...

That after seven days we should be weak.

We should be practically dead.

But in reality it looks, it shows up

that the 6th and the 8th day of the process

The hole group is going to swim during winter in the sea.

Nobody feels any cold.

We can go to walk for couple hours.

Is nothing happenint to this people.

So it's showing us that many more possible things

Can happen.

What I always recommend after finishing the process.

Is to become in the Inedic estate.

For the time of three months.


Because this is the time you need for building

new neuron conections.

We, people from Europe.

We like tasks.

We have 21 days

And our brain starts to manipulate.

And start to live with

possibility drinking with no limits.

And the 70% of this people

stayed in this state.

And I started to think: - Why?

That's why I'm saying this to you.

Because I believe that knowledge shouldn't be limited.

And not only being sold.

It should flow as well.

And another thing that is going to help you

to stay in this inedic state.

I most say this are my personal experiences, you don't have to agree.

And this is one of the things you could do

is to clean your...

To make the deep cleaning of your


Because if you have a litlle bit of

food there..

I remember that very often you have


things, some food

older than 10 years.

All our body is going to give signal to our head.

Eat something.

Because is going to want to

get read of it.

Sometimes people say: - My God! I have compulsion.

Is not compulsion is the wisdom of our body.

So, if you do dis.

Depending on your personal diet.

For example, if some body for the last year has been eating

animal base products.

It needs about six

times of this deep cleaning.

Vegan people need about 4 times.

And the people who eat fruits and vegetables,... maximum they need 3 times.

Usually two.

Another thing is cleaning your liver.

There is a lot of toxins there, lots of stones.

You can see the yellow


leaving your body.

Most of the cases, the parasites.

There is no mystery about it.

We are also feeders of this

If not the parasites problably other things rot inside.

So our task is to clean our body from inside.

The same way we clean ourselves from outside.

And it really helps you to

not go back to eating.

And also what is really important is

to have a plan for yourself.

When I work with people I also work with them as a coach.

So I ask them,

I ask people:

- What you want to do next few years? What is your plan?

And also about the Inedic state.

Because during this process we are, like, in a bubble.

A little bit separated from the reality.

But then we eventually go back to

the normal life, to the market and job and etc...

It's very rare that you say to your family:

- You, you and you, from tomorrow you stop eating.

When we have children...

Spetialy we, the women

we have to cook.

So during this process you should plan this.

Imagine your life after coming back.

I you imagine something is like you would

Throw your eye or a big ball.

In a window, in a future window.

The sensation start to appear in your body.

And when this ball, this eye comes back to our body

We are more prepared with what's going to happen in our normal life.

And it really helps.

If we are not ready at the moment to live

100% prana

It would be great to write down

how my process would look like.

In one year, two years.

Seating your self for ...

And be... Seating your self and preparing your self in the time of being Inedic.

Two years, three years.

And make for yourself, plan for yourselves small steeps.

Because our brain is constructed in this way.

The older part of your brain, called the

reptile brain.

Really doesn't like changes.

Doesn't like risk.

And it really doesn't like big steps.

I like a small panic child.

Who wants something now

And it would be great if it would be something like a pleasure.

So that's why if you make small steps it wont notice it so much.

And we are going to reward ourselves.

You know how fun it is.

You know how fun it is to have like birthday everyday.

Our subconscious and our reptile brain wont notice this changes.

It will be exited.

Because if it receives rewards now what is going to happen next year?

And started to

move us forwards.

At the very...

A very interesting period for yourself is

reward is like a present

Before you enter this Pranic Process.

If you could give yourself one month.

For only on fruits.

Starting from 12 and finishing at 4 o'clock.

You can start observing what happens to your emotions.

It will give you a clear signal of how ready you would be

to become inedic.

The most hunger appears after the process.

And you suddenly start eating things that you haven't been eat for 10 years.

That you wouldn't even thing about before.

One more extra thing for you being in the process.

When you start to

fell that you really want to get something

Just seat for 3 minutes in quiet.

Let's say you are thinking about eating chocolate.

Just visualize it.

If it would be chocolate.

And ask yourself what kind of emotion is connected to this

need of eating chocolate.

I had very similar experience

about me wanting to drink hot chocolate.

Reminded me of when I was 4 or 5 years old

I stayed in my grandmother's

and she cooked great cakes.

And the cake wasn't so important as the hot chocolate.

Because I felt her love.

You know, parents are usually very busy during the week days

working and doing a lot of things.

And when I went to my grandmother's

she was all for me.

And I connected with this need.

I couldn't name it so my subconscious show me this hot chocolate.

So in this way you can

find out for your self what is really


all needs.

Your brain doesn't recognize what's ...

If something is happening

now or you are imagining it.

Is the same for the brain.

So, if you imagine this your brain is gona

feel as it would recieve


think you want.

It only takes self consciousness.

And the moment that you can catch.

to avoid tasting.

I'm thinking about more tips that I could give you...

If you stay in this 3 month of

just drinking.

And suddenly you are going to feel the desire of

eating something... Because

latter on maybe I won't have this chance.

Do it in a fruit way.

Yeah? Fruits!

Because fruits wont toxify you.

The fruits are very spetial because they have something

And I'm observing this...

looking at people after processes.

But they come back for a week of eating fruits and then

suddenly they stop and continue

drinking again, just drinking.

I personally, really, didn't like the taste of water.

But I really like the coconut water.

You need to find your own taste.

The very good is water, frozen and unfrozen.

It has completely different taste.

And it really, really gets to your body.

Because it's very hard to get quality water this days.

And another thing that I really like doing

in last 4 months.

Because words of Nicola

I took as challenge.

It was shewing ice cubes.

It is also great.

There is another great thing about our body that is very easy to program.

We are build

by water.

My greatest fear before the process was

not to be too skinny.

Do you imagine 40 years old women

looking like skeleton, talking to others,

saying others what to do.

Follow me.

So I started to program my body.

I started to observe my body, and

build up that tissue.

Some times standing in front of the mirror.

Clapping my... touching my body, my legs.

My legs are...

I called my legs, like men, men energy. Because...

Because they need to be strong, they carry me so I call them like they are guys legs.


And I used to say: - Guys! Come on! Lets do some work.

You need to carry me.

Look after me.

And I imagine the muscles started to grow.

I had them a little bit by exercises.

And I started to walk.

I mean 10, 20 km per day.

There where moments where I was weak but I continue to say: -Encourage them. Guys, come on! Let's do this.

I looked like someone that just left the hospital.

You know! Something like that! (hard breathing)

But I got myself together and I continue walking.

And, you know, there is this exercise called desk.

Is perfect.

I helped my body and I continue working on my estructure, on my body.

When I started my process I was 56 kg.

58, sorry.

And now I'm 46.

And this is my ideal weight that I imagine.

And I always see this, this number.

At the beginning I checked my weight every day.

And I droped to 43 kg.

You know way?

Because I was panic.

I got read of the scale.

It helped me in this way that my weight.

I had this special scale that measured

many, many aspects of your body.

So there was for example two of them that weren't perfect so I threw them away.

Then after two or three months I checked my weight again.

And there was 46 and a half.

I got all my weight.

Drinking, a week, maybe 6 glasses of water.

Is possible.

What's more, there are no impossible things.

You are the miracle on this earth.

Who can stop you?

No one.

Only your mind.

Very often I visualize my brain as a

external hard drive.

Not inside.

I take advantage of this hard drive.

I give the orders.

Sometimes we think that there is a voice inside telling us how to live.

Imagine this moment that you take this hard drive and you just put it away.

You make the decisions.

Can you imagine a car

that you get inside.

You turn on the engine.

And the car starts to drive in weird directions.

You drive the car so this is the same way of driving your life.

And this is beautiful.

What you really need is just a few steps, a few moments to learn "new you".

Your true self.

And there will be a moment when you are amazed of how fine it all works.

And now I open space for asking questions.

Any questions?

The question is how to clean your guts?

I'm not shure if every country but there is a way, a treatment



is called.

And it's a, in other words, a deep cleaning of your guts.

So you can go to a place where they do it.

You can find it.


But if there is no such place you can also do the


And when it comes to animaback

To the water you ad a little bit of lemon juice.

Not coffee.

Because when you are in Inedic state is not very healthy.

So at the beginning you start from half a litter, or maybe 700 ml.

After you absorb all the water.

You start to make some massage on your tomy.

Layed on you left side and then layed on your right side.

And then release all the water.

Of course you can do more water but then

but then the water is going to come out straight away

so is better to use this measure, between 500 and 700,

ad it with some lemon juice, make a massage. Yeah?

ad some massages and then just release.

Some times it happens that together with water you can see some other


Just don't panic, accept it.

Just is normal for

most of people it happened also to me.

After 3 months of doing that

You have clean body.

Because there is a gravity.

Yeah! So is good to help yourself pushing the water towards your top.

Helping it.

So, this is the information to for your body, when you do this, you communicate that there is something

that needs to be released.

By helping it. Yeah?

Sometimes, when you touch your body you can feel like a small thing, small ball, something like this.

This is the...

it is the stuff.

The food and other things

in your body.

When it comes to cleaning your liver.

Is good to, is ideal to drink some

grape juice wormed.

And some oil.


Olive oil, for example.

There is lots of information about it.

Very often it's...

It's good to...

Very often you can find a way to...

Very often you can find a way of drinking water with some sea salt.

And doing some exercise while drinking it.

After drinking it.

It's on YouTube for sure.

And then the body doesn't treat this as food.

So it allows it to go deeper.

Personally I didn't do it, but I know people who did it and it works.

And always, and also eating fruits

it's a way of cleaning yourself because that's how it works.



like strawberries, mango...

Bananas, for example, are a bit too

too hard for...

They are not recommended, bananas are not recommended.

More soft fruits that you can...

Like you didn't have teeth.

And what would you choose? What kind of fruits would you choose... The soft ones, yeah?

So yeah! There a three ways of doing that. Like three ways for you for doing that.

Is there any more questions?

She is asking how many times per week can you do

Cleansing of ... like enema. How many times a week?

At the beginning you can do it once a day.

Once a day, in the morning or in the evening. Just before you go to sleep.

One time a day.

Once a day.

It's important that you drink a little bit of lemon juice.

Natural, without sugar.

While doing this.



The stuff you make the bread of. I don't know what is called.

Bread acid?

Not, the acid.


It is also a good idea to drink this.

Because it helps you to unglue.

the stuff that are stick to your guts.

And it doesn't work as a

cleaning stuff.

You can work with it, it takes a while before you


When you start doing this and for example

you are full of

different things because maybe you have been eating meet.

Is good idea to..

Oh, sorry, not meat, bread.

It helps to drink


It works as a cleaning method.

But this is the natural way, and doesn't harm you.

And is good not more than once a week.

If you like alternative ways,

ways of cleaning yourself.

I recommend.


The stuff from frog.

Because kambo

kills all of the..


and bacterias.

It also cleans your blood and your brain.


This is like a toxin from a frog.

It's a frog that lives in amazon.


Yeah! If you do your research you can find more about it.

What you do is usually...

You make like a small burns on your body.

So that, this substance can get inside.

And it's like a natural medicine.

But when I'm at with compulsions

And I had many costumers with this problem.

So I started to meditate and look for answers of how to help them.

There was this period that came to me that is calles "Chillsanango".

And it told me about Ayahusca.

And it helped and it happened that it helped many people many times.

I'ts... Most important is to have open mind.

And look for yourself for the best posible tools.

And ways of doing this.

Everybody is very unique and diferent.

And just be open for anything that comes to you.

Because it comes to you as an answer to your questions.

Is there any more questions?

Yes, my question is:

Do you know an exercise or something to get

blood pressure normal because

here at the festival my blood pressure is very low

and it changed but it gets

after one hour it gets low and then it gets really high and then now...


Working with energy will help you sustain this, stable blood pressure.

Ok, and do you have...

Can you tell me what's your... Do you have to high blood pressure or too low?

To low is the problem.

Emaya will be glad to talk to you after

personally about this.

Emaya can find what is the true reason for this with you so...



Ok, thank you

Our body is build up of water so you can really do a lot of things with it.

There is one more lady will like to ask some question. The lady in white.

Why did you decide to do 40 days without drinking?

In the beginning of you Pranic Process

And I'm still doing long periods without water

You are still doing...

It was a challenge for me.

And I really like challenges in my life. Always...

Want to see how...

What more can I do with my body. Where is the limit.

I knew that I'm going more and more towards breatharian state.

And I wanted to know where is my limit.

Now, when I drink water I don't have so much need.

Because I know there is nothing that can feed me.

After this. So there is no more challenges in this field.

After you realize that, you know...

Yes, so the maximum time without water, without drinking was 3 months.

3 months.

Yes, so I came back to drinking because that was my choice of

having a little bit of taste in life.

But it wasn't because it was my need.

It was just a choice.

After all.

The pure breatharian state

it's not at the moment my

my reality.

The pure breatharian state.

At the moment this is not the way for me to be higher

for me.

You mean, without water?

100% breatharian life, no water, nothing.

So I don't really know now what kind of being I would become after such beat of manifesting.

I want to be with you just for a little bit longer.

As a human being, not only...

Looking as human from the outside.

And from inside also.

At the moment I see enough, a lot of things.

For now for me is enough.

Without water I could read all the thoughts at the same time.

For everybody.

Is not easy.

What is your way to walk with the people.


When I do workshops, Pranic workshops

of 7 days.

That take place in Poland for now.

So this is the time with no water.

No food.

I prepare people

10 days before the start of the process.

I work a lot energetic clean with people during the processes.

And I work very actively, a lot

we work with energy and making changes

the peoples fields and energy.

Because most of the changes

can happen only when you allow them, when you use your free will

of... For this.

So that's why I work, we meet in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening.

Sometimes there are meditations, sometimes...

Very active meditations...

The 5th, and the 4th day, there are the days of complete silence.

Because this is the time where...

When most of changes are taking place.

And before the process I talk to each individually.

I ask for the intention,

we come up together with a plan.

So that's why during this two days I look at the

movement of the energy of every person.

So that every body can get what they came for.

And what they need.

And the most important thing is to receive what you need

And then receive what you want.

Another way of working is

also do the process in Bali.

Takes 11 days.

Because this extra days is for adjusting the new climate.

The diet base on fruits and juices.

And also, of course, you have

this 10 days of preparation before you start the process.

In Bali you can also experience some

spiritual places.

And in Bali we do maximum 6 people.

And this is very intense work.

Like men to men, human being work very close.

I have, I know that every, each of us need individual work because everybody is different.

So if there is a person that really wants to be inedic

after the process.

I'm going to do everything to make it happen.

But when there is a mix of people.

Some of them want to be inedic, some of them

just wanting to change habits of eating.

I try to, I prefer to

separate this groups.

Because is a different energy flow within the group.

And so is also important to keep the right weight after.

So for example, the people who prefer to be inedic.

Need a lot more energy work.

Inedic means a person that just drinks liquids.

There are three levels of breatharian state for Emaya.

The first one is Inedia.

The difference between inedic person and a person that feeds itself...

Itself by liquids.

Is that inedic doesn't feed itself from the liquids.

Despite drinking collects the energy from Prana.

It can drink or not drink and nothing is going to happen to it.

The second level is waterianism.

The person only drinks pure water.

And this is the guaranty that is not going to feed itself by any calories.

So the body doesn't change despite only drinking water.

And the last level is breatharian state that you,

you just are.

You are just a part of the universe. That is it.

That's my point of view.


First of all thank you for being here.

I wanted to ask if

Pranic people,

Pranic person, just became,

just become breatharian...

Can have Ayahuasca or is it of any danger.

To him.

Is it danger for Pranic people, you ask?

At the beginning? If is dangerous for people who start being inedic. If is dangerous?


Absolutely not.

But is very important who you drink Ayahuasca with.

Pranic people and the people after process...

They can drink only 20 ml. of the medicine.

They don't drink the full portion.

Because the full portion opens the process behind the conscience.

A person who really knows how to work with Ayahuasca.

Can lead your process only with 20 ml. of medicine.

And it's absolutely safe.

And you need to be sure about the medicine, what is made of.

It needs to be made of the Chakruna leafs.


So this is the true medicine.

Some times yo can meet other Ayahuasca that are

maybe prepared in Europe.

And it doesn't always work in this way and very often is very strong.

So this, kinds of Ayahuasca is man's energy.

But the real Ayahuasca, the original Ayahuasca from

Peru or other countries is female energy.

And is full of love.

And the real Curandero, Chaman, can guide the energy level, it can set the level

and then switch it off, is up to the Curandero, the real Curandero.

Is very important to do the research to ask other people

before you decide for such move.

So, there is nothing external, there are only tools. We are build

build of energy, and working with plants.

It's natural.

Some times I'm thinking that

I could drink

would be Ayahuasca.

And that is it.

Because at the moment for me just a little bit of water is more than enough

for happiness.

And Ayahuasca helps me in reaching in people's

energy and cure

or transform the things that really nedd attention.

And there is one more thing that I would like to say.

I remember when I finished my process.

And I asked people about their point of view, about their

experience after the process.

So, when you... When people enter

this heavy energies of other people.

And then, when you think about this heavy energy of other people.

People start to come out of this idea of eating to lower their vibration.

At that moment when I heard this observations I was at the beginning of my path.

And I remember that I went to this Graffiti Jam Festival

So I was ready that I'm going to meet a lot of people who drink a lots of alcohol, take drugs...

So I took with me some nuts to, as an option

for lowering the vibrations so I can be together with this people.

And I remember that I took one nut.

And then another one.

And I thought to my self: "Well, Iower my vibrations enought".

I felt awful.

I felt heavy.

I had pain in my tomy.

I had a headache.

And I had a pain that I actually did it.

And I ask my self in a meditation: -Do I really have to do it?

Sometimes you do something.

Because for other people, for others it my be the solution.

But something deep inside you

Is not yours.

And I thought to myself.

And I ask myself:

- Do I really have to

- Do I really have to do it?

- Do I really have to turn off my light?

- Can I just bring the light to others lifes?

- Does it really have to be like this, I cannot communicate with

beings with different vibrations?

And I received this answer.

And the recipe.

It look like this.

If I go to a place, a normal place where people eat meat and just do normal things.

And there life is not very spiritual...

Before I go there I

send my energy there.

In the same way I ask you to bring your light

there, as an invitation when we started to talk.

So my intention was, before I actually went there:

I love you for what you are at the moment.

You are myself from my past.

I was one of you.

Please, accept me for what I am at the moment.

Because I felt the need of the change.

And of thinking of going there

I didn't want to change anybody or any situation.

And when I was walking there physically.

I didn't have any problems of communication.

So I didn't feel any

disqualification pulse from them.

That's why I think that we can communicate with everybody

On every level.

Of experience of a path.

And you don't have to

Lower your vibrations.

Just lite your light.

Wherever you go, whoever you meet.

Because there is a respect for other that you carry inside of you.



And gives new space for communication.

Respect, love, consciousness.


There is nothing more you need.

Just trust

to what's really, like,

trust your inner music.

Because all the answers are

inside of you.

The person you meet is just a sing.

You don't take sings on your back.

It will be quite heavy after a while.

Just see for yourself.

Ask yourself: - What's important for me at this moment and take what you need.

At the end of my speech I would like to wish you.

Miracles to happen in your life.

And your worthy life.

Everybody of you, each of you is very special.

And don't let anybody change this.

Be a new seed of new earth.

And the new earth needs our light.

So lets lite.


Thank you

For more infomation >> PWF 20118 Emeya S. Angelism (All Languages Subtitles) - Duration: 2:03:33.


Những Vận Động Viên Vĩ Đại Nhất Trong Lịch Sử Có Thể Bạn Chưa Biết - Tốp 5 Lạ Kỳ 🔥🔥🔥 - Duration: 10:50.

For more infomation >> Những Vận Động Viên Vĩ Đại Nhất Trong Lịch Sử Có Thể Bạn Chưa Biết - Tốp 5 Lạ Kỳ 🔥🔥🔥 - Duration: 10:50.


free robux on roblox hack​ - roblox robux pc​ - how to get free robux 2019 - free robux codes - Duration: 3:37.

free robux on roblox hack​ - roblox robux pc​ - how to get free robux codes.

For more infomation >> free robux on roblox hack​ - roblox robux pc​ - how to get free robux 2019 - free robux codes - Duration: 3:37.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat Style - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat Style - Duration: 1:22.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat Urban - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat Urban - Duration: 1:13.


辛普森卡通神预言 美国总统特朗普又被言中 阴谋论还是巧合?难道我们真的被操控着? [脑洞乌托邦 | Mystery Stories] - Duration: 12:13.

For more infomation >> 辛普森卡通神预言 美国总统特朗普又被言中 阴谋论还是巧合?难道我们真的被操控着? [脑洞乌托邦 | Mystery Stories] - Duration: 12:13.


نصيحة للناس الدين يسافروا لأن!!!!!😰😰😰😵 - Duration: 5:50.

For more infomation >> نصيحة للناس الدين يسافروا لأن!!!!!😰😰😰😵 - Duration: 5:50.


Significato dei Cognomi Sardi ( Quarta Parte ) | Curiosità dalla Sardegna - Duration: 19:31.

Meaning of Sardinian Surnames (Fourth Part) Curiosities from Sardinia

For more infomation >> Significato dei Cognomi Sardi ( Quarta Parte ) | Curiosità dalla Sardegna - Duration: 19:31.


ESOcast 191 Light: A Fleeting Moment in Time - Duration: 1:27.

A Fleeting Moment in Time

ESO's Very Large Telescope has captured the last breath of a dying star.

The ghostly shell of the planetary nebula ESO 577-24 surrounds the simmering remains of a red giant star... out its twilight years as a small but dense dwarf star

Once it began to exhaust its hydrogen reserves, the vast red giant contracted...

...causing its core to reignite under the immense pressure and eject its outer layers into the void.

Intense radiation from the core ionised these ejected layers, making them glow.

As this evanescent shell expands, it will grow dimmer, slowly becoming invisible.

For more infomation >> ESOcast 191 Light: A Fleeting Moment in Time - Duration: 1:27.


For more infomation >> ESOcast 191 Light: A Fleeting Moment in Time - Duration: 1:27.


Autism & Anxiety: The Meltdown Curve - Duration: 1:05.

So today we're going to talk about the anxiety curve.

A lot of you may think this is your standard curve, but it's not,

and it can help explain why someone might be having so many meltdowns.

The standard anxiety curve starts out with little then goes up

to the highest point of anxiety then back down in recovery.

But when it comes to meltdowns this may be missing something vital.

A meltdown is an extreme response to stress.

It's external: crying, running, screaming.

It's not for attention - it's to escape, so we might call it a fight-or-flight response.

On a curve it's stages would look like this - you see the dip?

It's like an extra recovery stage. During this stage someone might feel:

quiet, shut down, tired, sleepy, or hungry.

Talking about the issue might just cause someone to shoot right back

all the way to the top of the curve again.

So make sure they're safe and give them time to recover.

For more infomation >> Autism & Anxiety: The Meltdown Curve - Duration: 1:05.


For more infomation >> Autism & Anxiety: The Meltdown Curve - Duration: 1:05.


Significato dei Cognomi Sardi ( Quarta Parte ) | Curiosità dalla Sardegna - Duration: 19:31.

Meaning of Sardinian Surnames (Fourth Part) Curiosities from Sardinia

For more infomation >> Significato dei Cognomi Sardi ( Quarta Parte ) | Curiosità dalla Sardegna - Duration: 19:31.


For more infomation >> Significato dei Cognomi Sardi ( Quarta Parte ) | Curiosità dalla Sardegna - Duration: 19:31.


分手18年,张柏芝与他再合体献唱,上演"世纪大复合"? - Duration: 11:35.

For more infomation >> 分手18年,张柏芝与他再合体献唱,上演"世纪大复合"? - Duration: 11:35.


For more infomation >> 分手18年,张柏芝与他再合体献唱,上演"世纪大复合"? - Duration: 11:35.


Đồ Chơi Tài Xỉu - Tài Xỉu Chống Thầy Thợ Và Các Đồ Cờ Bạc Bịp Công Nghệ Cao 2019 - Duration: 7:10.

For more infomation >> Đồ Chơi Tài Xỉu - Tài Xỉu Chống Thầy Thợ Và Các Đồ Cờ Bạc Bịp Công Nghệ Cao 2019 - Duration: 7:10.


For more infomation >> Đồ Chơi Tài Xỉu - Tài Xỉu Chống Thầy Thợ Và Các Đồ Cờ Bạc Bịp Công Nghệ Cao 2019 - Duration: 7:10.


Raleigh City Council to address $190M government complex overhaul, Airbnb rentals - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> Raleigh City Council to address $190M government complex overhaul, Airbnb rentals - Duration: 2:15.


Don Papi - I'm Rollin - Duration: 2:28.

(God gang) (Yeh woah)

(shortie say I lift weights see I pull up) (shortie say I carry that wait yeh I pull up)

(prepare for launch in 3,2,1)

Lets go I be go hard I be go hard I need some more yeh - uh?

I be go hard I be go hard I need some more yeh - uh?

Pull up the car and they following me Pull up that rock and they calling me

Yeh uh buss on that block and I pull up and like SKKRT

Yeh when I buss up the block and I pull up and like SKKRT

Yeh with the music I'm taking to blow - out the way

You sending your army and know I aint scared to go die today

I'm primo rolling some wraith your boss cut DOA

Testing me on the mic go ask him if he's ok I'm stacking laughing the cash no crash on

the interstate I'm smashing the gas crass it won't last when

I penetrate

It's time to get going (yah yah yah) I'm rolling stopping for no one (yah yah yah)

I'm rolling - see me I'm balling (yah yah yah)

I'm rolling - money is calling (yah yah yah)

Can't see you the same when you playing the masked raid

RIP to the game with the flame lets go pass a wake

I spoiled right and rhyme bamboozle you with the cook up

Boiling over like rice and you noodles are getting shook up

Quit the train a stickup for scaring away your hiccup

Flow in this so amazing in this part now pick your lip up

Flashin' the hands put your dukes up don't call me daisy

The doctor locked me away Said that honestly I'm too crazy - help me

What you wanna do?

I told you I was pouring it all like the batter mix in a waffle quick fix

I got too many tricks and these ain't just for kicks

It's a real henney Let me get it back

Thought it out today Mirror mirror up on the wall look at me and

tell me who's the greatest MC of all

Told me a different name so I shattered the mirror

Why you replacing me with windex so we seeing clearer

Got me familiar with other rappers who can't compete

Switching the mix up got a digit like I'm pistol pete

Go keep calm all a long like I'm Huey Pete It's mano y mano thats the motto when it's

you and me Who coming to see?

It's time to get going (yah yah yah) I'm rolling - stopping for no one (yah yah

yah) I'm rolling - see me I'm balling (yah yah

yah) I'm rolling - money is calling (yah yah yah)

I'm rolling - It's time to get going (yah yah yah)

I'm rolling - stopping for no one (yah yah yah)

I'm rolling - see me I'm balling (yah yah yah)

I'm rolling - money is calling (yah yah yah)

(God gang)

For more infomation >> Don Papi - I'm Rollin - Duration: 2:28.


PUSHP RANGOLI Designs Daily - Simple 8*2LINES*2 DOTS MUGGULU - Duration: 11:22.


8 Dots With 2 lines

side line dots

lining middle 4 dots

combined flower petels

For more infomation >> PUSHP RANGOLI Designs Daily - Simple 8*2LINES*2 DOTS MUGGULU - Duration: 11:22.


Dayton Standoff - 1/22/2019 - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> Dayton Standoff - 1/22/2019 - Duration: 1:16.


【 志祺七七 】影片內容有誤就是智障?從理科太太事件來看知識創作者所遭遇的各種挑戰!《 YouTube 觀察日記 》EP 012 - Duration: 7:00.

For more infomation >> 【 志祺七七 】影片內容有誤就是智障?從理科太太事件來看知識創作者所遭遇的各種挑戰!《 YouTube 觀察日記 》EP 012 - Duration: 7:00.


Bonga Cycling is inspiring the new wave of South African cyclists - Duration: 1:31.

Currently the club is structured into two programmes.

Some of them they come for cycling,

and some of them, they come for running.

All the kids that are on the running programme are the kids on the waiting list,

because we currently don't have enough bikes to give to every kid.

We keep them engaged and we keep them motivated

so that when they get the bikes,

they're actually not as unfit as a person who has just started cycling.

Education became part of what we can offer to the community.

There are challenges. You see kids' academic marks are not very good,

even their speech is not very good.

Our kids here, they practice spelling on a continuous basis

and then we have an annual event that we do in August.

The kids nowadays, they like competition,

so we're using competition,

but education into that part of competition.

It develops that confidence,

that "I can do it. I'm good at this."

We want to equip them, we want to educate them,

we want to inspire them,

because I strongly believe that an inspired kid

will never do any negative thing.

For more infomation >> Bonga Cycling is inspiring the new wave of South African cyclists - Duration: 1:31.


Finger Family | Bob The Train Cartoons | Nursery Rhymes For Children | Songs For Kids - Duration: 18:32.

We are the Finger Family!

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

For more infomation >> Finger Family | Bob The Train Cartoons | Nursery Rhymes For Children | Songs For Kids - Duration: 18:32.


WHO DECIDES IF YOU'RE A VICTIM? - Dreams Around The World - Duration: 5:38.

So some of you know my story, some of you don't - when I first moved over to Europe

in 2012, I moved to Hamburg and this was towards the end of my first year of

travel. I left Canada at the start of that year, I moved to Costa Rica and then

New York and my best friend who was living in New York at the time was

moving over to Germany and I was following this goal I had. I don't even

remember where it came from but this goal of living in five countries before

I turned 30 and I didn't know what country I wanted to live in, so I

followed him over to Germany. Now before that 2011 was an insanely rough year for

me. I was going through a lot of issues with that, with confrontation, with just

not very enjoyable things so fast forward here and I'm in Germany and I'm

talking with my friend and I was talking about life and how easy I've had it and

he looked at me really strange, like: What are you talking about? You've been

through some shit, man! And I thought back to a number of things that I'm not gonna

bring up not just the year before but throughout my life, a lot of things, and

it's like - yeah but I haven't been and I kind of argued, but then I thought

objectively, like pulled myself out of my own head, and looked at my life. It was

like yeah you've been through some things you've had some hardship, some

traumas and what I realized in that moment is for me I just never gave

myself the opportunity to look at myself as a victim.

I've always been focused on the future, I've always either been looking at like

what I want or what I want to do or what's gonna happen and I've never

really taken a lot of time to look back and make up excuses and I don't

necessarily know why that is but I just don't really think that would ever serve

me, would it? Like we can look at our parents and some of us have had good

parents, some of us have had bad parents, I personally think I've had pretty

awesome parents and actually I should point out now if you don't listen to the

podcast yet - I have a podcast - and I will be doing a lot of episodes with my mom

who is traveling South America on her own for six months and so we're doing

some really cool shows together, so if you are older or thinking about

traveling solo or anything like that - subscribe to the podcast because it's

gonna be cool. So back to my parents - I think they're great but I'm sure if I

went to a psychologist I could find some issues in their marriage or their

parenting or something that would be a reason for me to have a bad relationship

or to feel bad or to have some kind of issue I'm positive of that

but what real purpose would that serve? Now I'm not necessarily talking here

about extreme trauma or extremely serious issues we may have developed in

childhood. There's definitely time for therapy and for psychologists and I'm a

firm believer in seeking that kind of medical help but I'm just talking about

our overall attitudes. I think we all know some people who tend to explain to

you why they aren't where they want to be, there tends to be this reason or that

reason, sometimes they blame themselves but even with blaming themselves they're

focusing on the excuses. They're not telling you where they want to be,

they're not telling you about what excites them, they're just saying - yeah

and then this happened and I had this problem then bla bla bla and I get it -

things have happened to all of us and I personally if I were to talk to you, I

would care and I would let you tell me about these bad things that have

happened to you, but that's not going to serve you really, is it? Is it going to

serve you to relive that or are you gonna be better off thinking that life

is good, that good things happen to you and that you aren't a victim because

once you decide you're a victim and once you focus on the past and focus even worse

are the people who are victims in the future like bad things haven't even

happened to them but they've decided that because of who they are for

whatever reason bad things not only have happened but they will happen in the

future and sometimes actually when you break these people's lives down, they've

actually had pretty awesome lives but somehow they're still victims. Listen, I

get it, we've all had very different lives and maybe growing up in Canada I

am more privileged than other people and I bet there's other people more

privileged than me, that's not what I'm here to do, I'm

here to compare all of us, I'm saying for you as someone that I honestly care

about and want to have a better life. Just think about it - does it serve you to

ever consider yourself a victim? Does it serve you to make excuses and if you're

one of my subscribers I can almost guarantee that you don't think of

yourself as a victim because you're someone who's trying to improve and

trying to make a better life and so maybe if that's the case and for some

reason you've watched this long - share this video with someone you know may be

subtly, don't try to offend them too much but share this video with someone, you

know, who is a bit more of a victim and maybe you can help them turn from

looking at the past, looking at the bad to looking at what could be and change

their orientation on life and hopefully that means that even more and more good

things will start happening to them. Thank you for watching! If you are not

yet a subscriber I publish new videos every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday so hit

that subscribe button and the bell and I'll catch you in another video soon.



For more infomation >> WHO DECIDES IF YOU'RE A VICTIM? - Dreams Around The World - Duration: 5:38.


How to Increase Instagram Engagement (Get More Likes, Comments, & Followers!) - Duration: 5:43.

- What's up everybody?

Welcome to Business Thoughts.

Today, I'm gonna teach you guys

how to increase your engagement on Instagram.

♪ Workin' on a Wednesday, then up again the next day ♪

♪ Someone's soul was poppin', man I skip 'em like a leg day ♪

Now, before we get all crazy, I want you guys

to first subscribe, (button snaps)

join the notifications, (bell dings)

and make sure that you stay up-to-date

to all the videos that we produce.

Two to three times a week,

we're gonna start throwin' in some lives now.

Things are gonna get crazy.

It's gonna be fun, we're gonna go deep, deep, depp

into a lotta stuff, but if you wanna go deep now,

that's what she said, check out our Instagram course.

It gives you everything A to Z,

that you need to know on everything from your beginner,

to really how to grow and scale an actual business,

service business, or how to leverage that for e-com,

and different things like that.

So you wanna get more Instagram followers in 2019.

See, the big thing with Instagram now, as you're growing

your Instagram, the more engagement you have the more

the algorithm says, okay, this person's for real,

there's a lot of stuff comin' on here,

people want to follow this person,

hence stay on the platform.

Boom, let's raise this person's Instagram up, right?

How do you do that?

Well, there's a few different ways.

There's a ton of different ways.

If you wanna get on like a checklist

and figure out all those things,

we have a checklist and it's right here.

So just click and you can check that out,

but I'm gonna tell you some stuff right now.

So tip number one, you gotta get active in stories.

This is probably the strongest tip,

that's why I wanna go first,

just in case you end up not watching the entire video.

You wanna get really good at stories.

If you go into stories, and you take a picture,

you do a video, and you click on the little happy face,

you're gonna see that there's a lot of different ways to

create engagement with the people.

Now, the people that're watching Instagram,

for the most part, the most important people there,

are the ones that're watching your stories.

And I cannot validate this 100%,

but I'm pretty sure that Instragram

basically gives those people more value than the people

that just go like your picture, because more bots

and things like that can happen inside of that.

But only real people can engage with your story,

hence Instagram gives you a spike.

So in your stories, there's way you can have conversation.

There's a way you can create video,

but then there's a way you can engage.

You can ask questions on stories.

You can also create poles on stories.

You can also setup little competitions,

challenges and give aways, and actually setup

a countdown timer inside of stories,

and let people know that it's expiring.

You need to do Z, Y and Z to engage, to setup

your competition, or challenge, or whatever the case, right?

So, those three things immediately

are gonna spike up your stories, and more people

are gonna start seeing and engaging if you are engaging.

If you're just posting pictures

of your pizza, and maybe like a shirtless selfie,

and your car and stuff like that,

then you're just kind of a boring person.

Why would I wanna follow you?

Hence, I don't wanna engage with you.

But, if you create a conversation with me,

and then you poll me, for example like, hey guys,

today I'm gonna teach you guys

how to start leveraging Instagram to make money.

Before I do that, I'm gonna poll you guys.

Who wants to make money and who likes nachos, right?

You just do some funny stuff like that.

I do that stuff all the timwe.

And then people will say,

I like nachos, or, I wanna make money.

Okay, cool, so everybody said they wanted to make money.

I'm gonna show you how to do this in the next five videos.

Boom, they're hooked, five more videos, right?

You've created engagement in a bunch of different ways

through this.

Thing number two, way more basic.

And I told you guys a bunch of times,

you can go to Telegram, you can DM people,

and you can start a small engagement group

to start conversations inside of your actual feed.

The other way that you can do this, to start conversations,

I don't love it, make memes.

You can make memes with your face.

You can make memes with bunch of other people's faces.

Right now, I'm gonna try to find this.

There's a meme going on, and it says you have 12 dollars,

and you can pick between all the entrepreneurs.

This first line is six bucks.

This next line is four bucks.

And this next line is two bucks.

Who would you pick, and why?

And it's creating a flood of people.

I know a lot of people who are using that meme

in the business space to create engagement.

I would pick Elon Musk, Gary Vaynerchuk, and Jessica Alba,

or I would pick Grant Cardone,

and so, and so, and so, and so.

You suck dude, you suck.

But it's creating engagement, right,

you're creating a conversation inside of your platform.

You gotta look at this as, this is your platform.

What do you want people to talk about?

You can be funny, you can be witty, you can be something.

You can use memes.

At the end of the day, you know for a fact

that you follow at least two to three meme pages.

I at least follow five.

I just deleted like 17.

You know I still got like my five,

my five heavies that I like to rock.

Everybody swipes and they're like,

ha ha ha, and that gets shared, that gets saved.

You wanna create sharable stuff,

and you wanna create stuff that is saved on Instagram,

because Instagram also values the saves.

And the more engagement Instagram sees with your stuff,

the more Instagram is gonna go,

boom, let's give this guy love.

Using stories for stuff, and then creating conversations

inside of your feed.

If you don't wanna go the meme route,

the last thing I'll say,

is create something of conversation.

Make a good post, and then ask a question in there.

Be aggressive about stuff.

Go against something, right?

If everybody like Gary Vaynerchuk is saying like,

hustle, hustle, hustle, you would wanna do,

and I'm just going business

'cause I do business stuff, right?

You'd wanna go hey, Gary Vaynerchuk, tag him.

He has no idea what he's talking about.

Hustling makes no sense.

You need to build structure

and business, and then you can chill.

It might spark some feathers, right,

it might piss some people off.

They're gonna go in there

and be like, you suck Los, or this is happening,

or yeah, I agree with you, whatever.

I don't care, all press is good press.

It's all good, we're gonna talk.

You're gonna have engagement in there.

Now, you're gonna view my stories,

that're gonna be more engaging.

Then, I'm gonna have a good conversation with you.

You're gonna like me, know me,

trust me, swipe up, buy my stuff.

So, that's it for this one.

So, if you guys have any ways that you're creating

engagement inside of Instagram,

let me know in the comments.

Maybe I can swipe some of these ideas,

or maybe let me know if you're using the ideas

that I'm telling you in this video.

You can just click down here,

and you can check out our Instagram course.

We go in-depth on everything,

and I'm always updating that thing,

because the algorithm's always changing.

So that's it for me guys.

I appreciate you, love you,

and I will see you guys (button snaps)

on the next episode. (bell dings)

(light pop music)

For more infomation >> How to Increase Instagram Engagement (Get More Likes, Comments, & Followers!) - Duration: 5:43.


Touch Off - UVERworld (Yakusoku no Neverland OP) - Duration: 1:42.

How much more of our freedom do we have to sacrifice?

Na na na na na na na


It's my turn now, and I'm battling first.

And before I could figure out where I messed up,

A burning fuse was lit inside me.

(It's on fire)

There's no God to pray to nor are there stars to wish upon

But even so, I never stopped having a glimmer of hope.

Or else I'd be taken over by fear and regret.

(It's on fire)

The things I want to forget are things I can never forget.

The path to Heaven is one that passes through Hell.

Even the smallest of sparks can turn into a mighty blaze.

So let's chase after a path that will bring us to a better future.

We're cutting it right to the wire. To get to a place where we wished we could've been.

And there's no way we're going to stop now!

Na na na na na na na

We're piecing our hearts back together. After giving up and neglecting them for so long.

What can we hope to find in a future like that?

Na na na na na na na

But there's no way we're gonna stop now!

Na na na na na na na

For more infomation >> Touch Off - UVERworld (Yakusoku no Neverland OP) - Duration: 1:42.


Emiliano Sala latest: Cardiff City 'concerned' for striker -police confirm he WAS on plane - Duration: 3:00.

 Emiliano Sala was on the missing plane travelling from Nantes in France to Cardiff in Wales

Police sources in France confirmed the news. A French reporter, Arnaud Tousch, who works for RTL France, quoted an AFP police source in a tweet: "Striker Emiliano Sala is on board a plane disappeared at sea between Nantes and Cardiff (police sources at AFP)

" Cardiff chairman Mehmet Dalman has also released a statement. Dalman said: "We are very concerned by the latest news that a light aircraft lost contact over the Channel last night

 "We are awaiting confirmation before we can say anything further. We are very concerned for the safety of Emiliano Sala

" Concerns were first raised when the Cardiff forward failed to respond to messages on social media

 A lifeboat was launched from Alderney at 8.50pm last night and today it emerged Cardiff's January signing Sala may have been on board

 Guernsey police said "no trace" of the missing aircraft had been found. The plane, a Piper Malibu, had two people on board and lost contact near the Casquets lighthouse around eight miles north-west of Alderney

  It left Nantes at 19:15 and had been flying at 5,000ft when it contacted Jersey air traffic control requesting descent

 The plane lost contact while at 2,300ft. Alderney and Guernsey RNLI have a coastguard rescue helicopter and crews searching in the area around the island's lighthouse

 Guernsey Police said: "A search and rescue operation is currently underway off the north of Alderney after a light aircraft disappeared from radar several hours ago

 "Two helicopters alongside the Guernsey and Alderney lifeboats are searching for it

" Cardiff recently signed Emiliano Sala for a club record £15m from Nantes. The Argentinian has been among the top scorers in France in recent years and had scored 13 league and cup goals this season

 When the signing was announced, Sala said: "It gives me great pleasure and I can't wait to start training, meet my new teammates and get down to work

" And Cardiff Club chief executive Ken Choo said: "I'm sure all Cardiff City fans will join me in that and we can look forward to seeing our record signing in a Bluebirds shirt

For more infomation >> Emiliano Sala latest: Cardiff City 'concerned' for striker -police confirm he WAS on plane - Duration: 3:00.


Knicks Roster & Starting Lineup vs. Thunder; Gauging Frank Ntilikina Trade Rumors | - Duration: 7:37.

Knicks Roster & Starting Lineup vs. Thunder; Gauging Frank Ntilikina Trade Rumors |

The New York Knicks and Oklahoma City Thunder will kick off Monday's full slate of NBA games.

The Knicks enter today's contest on a five-game losing skid, while the Thunder are looking to snap out of a recent funk themselves.

With a record of 10-34, it is clear that Head Coach David Fizdale is investigating which youngsters on his roster can help New York in the future.

Prior to Monday's game, ESPN's Ian Begley revealed that Fizdale is interesting in getting two of his younger big men more minutes over established veteran Enes Kanter.

With that change in the rotation in mind, here is a look at what the Knicks' rotation will look like against the Thunder.

*Notates expected starter.

PG: Emmanuel Mudiay*, Frank Ntilikina, Trey Burke.

SG: Tim Hardaway Jr.

*, Damyean Dotson, Allonzo Trier, Courtney Lee.

SF: Kevin Knox*, Mario Hezonja, Lance Thomas.

PF: Noah Vonleh*.

C: Luke Kornet*, Mitchell Robinson, Enes Kanter.

Latest Frank Ntilikina Trade Rumors.

The Knicks' first pick in the 2017 NBA Draft appears to be on his way out of New York. Ntilikina, a 20-year-old French point guard, has been the subject of a wide range of trade rumors since the start of the regular season.

Despite a bevy of gifts on the defensive end, Ntilikina has ceded time to Mudiay.

It is clear that the Knicks are focused on making a splash in the summer of 2019, which could drive them to shed the $4.8 million that Ntilikina is owed for the 2019-20 season.

According to the New York Daily News' Stefan Bondy, the Orlando Magic and Phoenix Suns have expressed interest in acquiring Ntilikina.

Along with those potential suitors, Bondy explained that the Knicks approached the Atlanta Hawks about a potential trade centered around their young point guard.

Despite the Knicks' clear lack of confidence in Ntilikina, teams have inquired about the 20-year-old, with the Magic and Suns expressing interest, according to a source.

And this is where it gets interesting.

There seems to be a debate within the Knicks on whether to deal Ntilikina.

He was drafted by Mills and has supporters in the front office.

But, according to a source with knowledge of the situation, Perry, who took the job after Ntilikina was drafted, recently approached the Atlanta Hawks to gauge whether the team was interested in dealing for the guard (Hawks have Trae Young and weren't interested).

Here are two Ntilikina-centered trade ideas that could work between the Knicks and interested parties.

All trades are verified through ESPN's NBA Trade Machine.

Knicks receive: Elie Okobo (PG), Dragan Bender (F/C), a future second-round pick.

Suns receive: Frank Ntilikina (PG).

This isn't the flashiest trade, but it is functional for both sides.

The Knicks receive a young point guard at a reduced salary in Okobo.

New York would also get to see Bender up close for the final portion of the season before he becomes an unrestricted free agent.

In the end, this a way for the Knicks to get a look at two young players while also clearing valuable cap space.

For the Suns, Ntilikina's upside on defense makes him an interesting fit alongside Devin Booker.

From the first time he enters the lineup, Ntilikina could relieve Booker from tough defensive duties.

Knicks receive: Wesley Iwundu (SF), Khem Birch (C), a future first-round pick (lottery protected).

Magic receive: Frank Ntilikina (PG).

Once again, this isn't going to move the needle for most fans in New York.

The important thing is that the Knicks clear space, get a look at a pair of young players, and recoup a draft asset.

For the Magic, parting with a first-round pick could be tough to swallow.

Ntilikina is potentially an ideal fit in Orlando.

The Magic's future is currently built around the ridiculous length of Jonathan Isaac and Mohamed Bamba.

Adding Ntilikina to the mix would give Head Coach Steve Clifford an unreal amount of flexibility on defense.

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For more infomation >> Knicks Roster & Starting Lineup vs. Thunder; Gauging Frank Ntilikina Trade Rumors | - Duration: 7:37.


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Emiliano Sala's last Instagram post as Cardiff City's record signing's plane goes missing - Duration: 2:09.

 Emiliano Sala posted to Instagram less than 24 hours ago, saying goodbye to his Nantes team-mates

  The Argentina striker signed for Cardiff on Saturday for £15million, becoming the club's record signing

 It is believed the 28-year-old was on board a plane that has gone missing over the English channel

 The aircraft was flying to Cardiff from Nantes on Monday evening when it disappeared near the Casquets lighthouse

 A wide-scale search operation is currently underway for the striker.  Sala was in France bidding farewell to his team-mates, after spending three-and-a-half seasons at the club

Read More Emiliano Sala missing plane LIVE updates as Cardiff City admit 'genuine concerns'   He posted a photo to his Instagram and Twitter accounts on Monday afternoon posing with the rest of the Nantes squad

 Sala captioned the photo: "The final [heart emoji] goodbye @FCNantes."  The forward had scored 48 goals in 130 appearances for the club

 After putting pen to paper with Cardiff, Sala said: "I'm very happy to be here

It gives me great pleasure and I can't wait to start training, meet my new team-mates and get down to work

 "For me it feels special (to be the club's record signing). I have come here wanting to work and to help my team-mates and the club

I can't wait to get to work straight away and do everything I can."   Follow the latest updates here

Read More Emiliano Sala: Missing plane latest

For more infomation >> Emiliano Sala's last Instagram post as Cardiff City's record signing's plane goes missing - Duration: 2:09.


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Meaning of Sardinian Surnames (Fourth Part) Curiosities from Sardinia

For more infomation >> Significato dei Cognomi Sardi ( Quarta Parte ) | Curiosità dalla Sardegna - Duration: 19:31.


NBA Finals 2018: Kendrick Perkins issues the Warriors a warning - Duration: 1:28.

 Stephen Curry didn't like the fact Cavaliers center Kendrick Perkins didn't move his legs at the end of the third quarter Sunday

 Perkins gave Curry a warning via the media Tuesday.  "I don't know why people keep wanting to pick battles this way," Perkins told reporters, via the Boston Globe

"Might want to choose that f— wisely, man, [rather] than f— with me. I don't think I'm the problem that they want, though, might want to pick another battle

" Curry was upset that Perkins didn't move his legs out of the way— Warriors on NBCS (@NBCSWarriors) June 4, 2018  The Cavaliers trail the Warriors 2-0 in the NBA Finals

Read This

jpg?t=1311068253&w=178 NBA Finals 2018: Warriors reportedly upset over 'dangerous play' by Kendrick Perkins in Game 2 E

Jay Zarett  Game 3 is scheduled for 9 p.m. ET in Cleveland at Quicken Loans Arena Wednesday

 Perkins will be waiting. 

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