Chủ Nhật, 27 tháng 1, 2019

Youtube daily report Jan 27 2019

Howdy folks, today i'm going to show you some secret hidden locations where you can find

chests with rare items, as well as crafting materials like embers, they don't appear to

be well known atm so at least within the demo youll be able to get some solid loot and they

do respawn.

I'll also go over a few really good weapons that will serve you very very well in Free

roam, missions and strongholds whether you are playing solo or with a group and some

solid tips and tricks to give you a head start in gearing up and leveling.

So for starters those Secret Hidden Chests as let's face it, that's likely what you're

mainly here for.

There are numerous chests to be found in freeroam, but most of them are fairly easy to spot,

there are a few around the Eddian Tree in the Eddian Grove area, this is located North

North East of Fort Tarsis.

One of which is actually inside the tree a little way up, in this hollow you can find

a cortex imprint with some lore on the tree, a chest if it hasn't been opened recently

as well as some Ranger scrap.

The first hidden chest in close by.

From inside the tree, look through the southern hole, you will see a waterfall that goes over

an old piece of Shaper Tech that is shaped like a huge ring, this waterfall comes from

the river that has many of these same ring shaped shaper tech pieces the width of the

river about half submerged.

Fly toward there and through the ring.

You will now be swimming through some deep water, the river is actually more of a blocked

gorge, swim all the way to the back, somewhat near to the surface, look to the left on the

back dead end and you'll see an underwater cave, head in there and it will continue upward

where there is a hidden cave with air.

On the 2 cave entrances, take the right one, though I should note, it is very small and

you will go to the same place regardless.

About 10 meters or so in is a chest location, grab what's inside and let's go for another.

As you enter into the wilds from Fort Tarsis in free roam, you will be spawned on a platform.

This platform is above a huge plateau of water with sources many rivers and ravine, it is

like a huge and more picturesque niagra falls.

Pretty much the way you are facing from that platform, directly down is a ravine with water

at the bottom which the plateau partly feeds into, fly down into the ravine on the closest

end to Fort Tarsis and head into the water, right at the bottom is a chest just on the


Those are the 2 hidden ones I have found, I expect there are more.

They drop a large array of items from Common, Uncommon and Rare, potentially Epic though

I have yet to be able to confirm this myself, they also drop UnCommon and Rare Embers, again

potentially epic or Masterwork Embers is very rare cases.

They also often contain other crafting materials.

They are a fantastic extra source of quick loot to check as you are freeroaming, so always

keep an eye out for chest, they are everywhere.

Another good thing to keep an eye out for are the Material nodes for Chimeric Alloy

and Chimeric Compounds, Alloy nodes are usually rock or metallic, they can be interacted with

for a piece of Chimeric Alloy and often also drop Uncommon and Rare embers, it is likely

they may also drop Epic Embers to, and something very strange, I do not know when this happened,

I suspet it was while I was running the Stronghold.

I somehow received 50 Masterwork Embers, this is almost certainly a bug, 50 is a ridiculous

amount to obtain and from what the crafting in the demo states so far, is enough to create

10 Masterwork items.

I most likely received these from either a Node inside the Stronghold or a Chest from

one of the boss encounters, I'll be posting the Stronghold run and while editing I will

being reveiwing the footage with a fine tooth colm to see if it ever popped up or whether

it just bugged in for no apparent reason.

So keep an eye out for that.

The Compound nodes usually look like tropical plants, quite large, sometimes like venus

fly traps, other times like a large fungal cluster, these can drop Embers like the Alloy


It would also seem that Instance nodes drop embers at a far greater rate, especially on

high difficulties, I popped in an instance solo and harvested a bunch of these, got embers

every time, a mixture of uncommon and rare.

As I tried completing it solo on hard, I died a few times and each time I died and was placed

at the beginning, the nodes almost always reset, so there's a very easy farming method

for quick crafting within the Demo.

Of course, be aware folks that the demo has hugely increased drop chances for just about

everything, these crazy rates do not reflect what you should expect on launch.

Also that the VIP Demo is said officially to be Identical to what will be available

for the Open Demo next week so all this will be useful then as well.

There is talk of potential surprises for the open demo, but I imagine that would be adding

things, not taking them away.

For weapon recommendations, I would highly suggest you get yourself a Hammerhead Assault

Rifle and a Deadeye Sniper Rifle, I was lucky to get both on the first day and used the

Deadeye to amazing effect, It takes turrets down in the stronghold pretty quickly, the

uncommon version I got at level 12 can one shot standard mobs with a head shot on Hard

Difficulty, it is a pretty damn good weapon and will serve you well no matter what playstyle,

especially on Harder difficulties when running through the horde of mobs will have you fall

instantly and so shooting from cover is often required.

The Hammerhead is a medium rate of fire but very hard hitting Assault Rifle, slow enough

to be very accurate and shoot for weak points, but powerful enough to take out enemies very

very quickly.

Those are my 2 loadout weapons for my Ranger, for My Colossus I would likely switch out

the Deadeye for Flamer, Grenade Launcher or Rail Gun, I have yet to test these heavy weapons

properly, so unfortunately, cannot share my recommendation just yet.

For some general Tips and Tricks, while flying and fighting is damn fun, it has you extremely

exposed and on Hard difficulty will often have to fall pretty sharpish, It's actually

quite viable to solo on Hard, even with half uncommon gear, you just need to use tactics.

The basics of which would be constant movement, but keep low, use the landscape as constant

cover to have as few enemies in your line of sight as possible, preferrably, just the

ones you are actively damaging.

Use AOE weapons, this stands for Area of Effect and essentially means stuff like Grenade or

Missiles that does blast damage and so hit more that just one target and instead hit

an area.

The Ranger is perfect for Solo outings, under large swarms the others are certainly viable,

but the ranger seems to have the most solo capability at least currently.

Identify the weak points of your enemy, those huge Scar guys with a giant shield and a flame

thrower, their weak point is the cannisters both on their back and the one attached to

the flamer, shoot those for much much higher damage.

You can use a missile to stagger them, if they are facing you, this will open them up

as they move their shield away.

Big enemies also have big attacks, shielded or armoured enemies will do more damage and

take more to down than the standard lot.

Watch for what these attacks do, they will be on a timer and that timer is defined by

it's cooldown, when it finishes it's cooldown, it will use the attack again, for the big

guys with the shields this is a devastating flame thrower attack, for some other mobs

it will be a horrendous machinegun style attack, for some elite Dominion, this will be a magical

type death orb.

Look out for these attacks and take note of how long of a break you have between each

so that you can time when you are out of cover.

Shields are really annoying, they recover very quickly, so save a few cooldowns such

are your missiles and grenades and pound them all at once, when the shield is down shoot

the weakpoint, which is usually the head and finish them off with no time to recover.

When you take a few more hits than you had hoped for and your shield is down, sometimes

cover isn't possible, so just fly, and fly low if you can, you are harder to hit when

flying and mobs don't despawn at short range, so you can fly around a bit in evasive maneuvours

allowing your shield to regen.

Movement in general is very important whether solo or not.

It is also quite viable to solo large mini boss creatures like an Ursix.

On the first day, I was free roaming and saw a world event, so swooped down, it called

an Ursix so I thought I'd give it a go, it took about 10 minutes to kill at level 10

on Normal, My gear was the default, but as long as you can take 1 indirect melee hit

without being taken out, you can take it down without too much trouble.

An enemy like this is Melee focused, but it will also have a ranged attack.

The Ursix had 3 attacks, a Charge attack where it move incredibly quickly toward me ending

with a devasting blow.

Providing you keep some distance and or note the beginning of it's attack animation, this

is fairly easy to avoid with jumping.

It's second attack is a close quarters melee, which I didn't get hit by, but I imagine it

would be an attack designed to one shot you.

So just never get close enough and you can avoid that attack.

The last attack is a ranged Rock Throw, it is easy to identify the animation as he will

turn around and grab at the earth behind him, as he does this, time yourself to jump and

fly for a second the moment he begins to turn back or just slide behind some solid cover.

So just learn the attacks, avoid them, and hit him with your cooldowns whenever possible

with Gun fire between.

At this point I had no idea what my ultimate attack was, and so never used it, I imagine

it would be much easier to defeat if you used it.

You could also use a Bulward if you have it equiped to avoid the rock throw while still


The last tip I will say so far, is that if you see a fellow Freelancer doing a world

event, why not jump down and help out, squad or not, by joining in you will also be rewarded.

By being rewarded, you will not take any of the loot the other player was going to get,

you will just create more overall loot.

If they have fallen, whether in your group or not, repair them as the encounter will

go quicker the more people there and actively engaging.

Bioware seem to have taken the best parts of many MMO's and then refined some things,

they reward team play, and don't just decrease the loot per person the more you gain.

I love soloing content for the personal challenge, but I am also thoroughly enjoying the matchmaking

and team play I've been doing with Khraze.

The Colossus is an exception, This is regarding instancing with a group.

The Colossus is a support class, and it relies, in large encounters, on the team, so if the

team isn't organised, it isn't going to be fun some of the time, but I'll be going over

that with Stronghold and Raid tactics in a later video.

I hope this video has been helpful to you and wasn't too much of my usual brand of information


If you want more of this kind of content and upcoming super indepth guides for Anthem,

with lots of stats, analysis and theorycrafting, be sure to subscribe and hit the notification

bell and select all notifications to not miss out.

Like, Share, I have a Patreon to, have a fantastic day folks!

For more infomation >> ANTHEM SECRET HIDDEN CHESTS, BEST WEAPONS & COMBAT TIPS & TRICKS - Duration: 10:58.


This Week in Unnecessary Censorship - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> This Week in Unnecessary Censorship - Duration: 1:15.


禁止向華為出口晶片!高通卻幾乎被華人收購,出價萬億毫不手軟 - Duration: 13:15.
















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For more infomation >> 禁止向華為出口晶片!高通卻幾乎被華人收購,出價萬億毫不手軟 - Duration: 13:15.


光是波还是粒子?双缝干涉实验和泊松亮斑都是怎么回事?李永乐老师讲波粒战争 - Duration: 17:01.

For more infomation >> 光是波还是粒子?双缝干涉实验和泊松亮斑都是怎么回事?李永乐老师讲波粒战争 - Duration: 17:01.


[ENG] 스콘에 꽂혀서 주구장창 스콘 만들고 있는 일상 브이로그 - Duration: 19:27.

Good morning! I'm making a sandwich for my breakfast.

Cook the focaccia with ham, brie cheese, and berries on top.

I cooked one with the pan and another with the air fryer.

Finish off with rucola on top.

I'll try it.

Sweet and salty sandwich.

I was invited to my friend's for lunch. This is a present for her.

It's been long since I listened to music on the bus alone.

A lunch meal by a friend who is a fantastic cook! A day to remember.

It was even more pleasant to be with a cute puppy accompanied us.

Cowardly Coco

Steamed kimchi! I want to have it again.

Friends have arrived.

Attempting contact with Coco.

Fish oven bake, steamed kimchi, and abalone salad!

Pretty plates

Having it with wine.

Tricking the puppy.

As soon as I woke up, I had doughnuts my husband brought.

Along with an energy booster.

I finally finished my book. I want to stay off working late nights for some time.

I'm preparing the plates to bring to the Thai food video session today.

Pasta for lunch.

I bought it online and it was overly safe packaged as it's fragile.

I bought it directly from a foreign company.

I chopped garlics finely, as well as mushrooms and shallots.

I need to get a boiling pan for long pasta.

Battling with the pasta.

Fry with chopped garlic, salt, pepper and later add anchovies in olive oil.

Add mushrooms and poached cauliflowers to the frying mix.

Finally add cheese and I'll give it a taste.

Top with olive oil, grana padano cheese, parsley and it's done.

I'll try it.

Pasta noodles are wide.

Trying out various pasta noodles.

It's difficult to eat because the pasta is heavy but has good texture.

If you don't eat large portions, 3 strands would be enough.

It's not cheap but pretty satisfying.

On my way for dinner.

I came to have the spicy steamed galbi.

It's my favourite spicy dish.

Being jealous of the university students sat table in front.

Nowadays, I prefer coming to Shincheon than Hongdae.

A free gift I got with the drinks.

Whole-wheat scones made last week.

Having it with clotted cheese spread on it.

It comes in such small size. I feel I'll finish it at once.

It was delicious!

It matches the scones well.

This product isn't my type.

Heading to the dentist again.

Beautiful Seoul.

I had a bread as soon as I was done.

It's meant to be bread with cream, but there is no cream...

I went to a cafe I always wanted to go since I had some time to kill.

First-time seeing this neighbourhood.

Nice to meet the Jeolmi's book here.

I had coffee while looking around books.

Fresh strawberry milk and cafe latte.

A photo to remember.

Unexpected visit to the cafe was extra fun.

Getting some bread on the way.

Heading to the shopping mall.

Food court is named Eatopia...

Cold noodles and dumplings.

I'm starting the meal while my husband went to get the burgers.

Hesitating as I feel like I'll finish it all.

If he took longer, it may have been too late...

Delicious burger.

Taking a look at some clothes.

A day ended after going to IKEA to buy additional plate shelf.

Making some toasts with the bread bought yesterday.

Baked toast with rucola, burrata cheese, walnuts, honey, and olive oil on top.

Finish off with honey.

I'll try it.

It's like wrapping cheese with bread.

Added more of the walnuts and honey.

Cooked Braised Spicy Chicken for dinner.

I'll make a whole pot full so there is no need for other dishes.

Added healthy ingredients and cooked rice in iron pot.

I mixed the seasoned vegetables with miso paste and placed on top of the rice.

Put garlic, squash, and miso with seasoned vegetables on top of the rice, cover the lid and boil it for another 10 minutes.

Having some cookies as appetiser.

It's so tasty I could have 20 more.

I'll try the meal.

No additional seasoning is needed as there is miso.

It's good.

You can add chilli paste in the mix.

I came to the studio.

I'm making scones again.

I spread too much flower so had to remove some later (laugh).

Repeat the process of cutting the middle and re-stacking.

Leave it in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.

Divide the dough into 8 pieces and place squash on top.

Apply the egg water and it's done.

Finished scones.

I'll try it.

Scone straight out of the oven is love.

It's first time to make squash scone and it was delicious!

Alike pasta, scones are good as you can add various ingredients.

For more infomation >> [ENG] 스콘에 꽂혀서 주구장창 스콘 만들고 있는 일상 브이로그 - Duration: 19:27.


新一届国家队大名单,仅7人获得过国际单项奖,张常宁李盈莹为零 - Duration: 7:07.

For more infomation >> 新一届国家队大名单,仅7人获得过国际单项奖,张常宁李盈莹为零 - Duration: 7:07.


【 志祺七七 】同婚專法不算是歧視?專法派 vs 民法派 の 倫理激戰! - Duration: 14:00.

For more infomation >> 【 志祺七七 】同婚專法不算是歧視?專法派 vs 民法派 の 倫理激戰! - Duration: 14:00.


お出かけの準備.日常.メイク.カフェ.購入品.Relaxing weekend.ENG - Duration: 5:55.

Today I am going shopping with my friends from now

I think I will return home in the evening

After I return home, I will cook dinner

I will set my hair with a flat iron

It is like this

Because it's cold we need a hat ....

Also, I am concerned about the color of the hair

Just recently, I went to dye my hair

I will bring a bag made by my friend

There is a school near this place

So sometimes I will come to buy clothes at this place

it was delicious

I got tired because I walked.

I will make dinner from now.


I want to sleep a little.

My eyes are hurting

My parents are making rice

My hands are very cold.

Water is cold in winter

I will introduce today's purchased items




Smartphone accessories



It is a product I was interested in.

I would like to drink this evening.

Check schedule

Please subscribe to my channel!

My account.Please follow me(Instagram.twitter)

For more infomation >> お出かけの準備.日常.メイク.カフェ.購入品.Relaxing weekend.ENG - Duration: 5:55.



alright guys this is our interview black smoke matters it's real issues it's real

for today it's real for every one of you if you're driving a truck I ask you to

listen to this these guys okay because there are old-timers like me that it's

easy to get hot-headed in these issues very easy cooler minds will pervade the

issue are still the issues even if cooler Minds do pervade the issues

prevail I should say the issues are still the issues and you'll see that the

things in the day of these guys it progressed and it changed as it went on

to the betterment of everyone but check it out try to stay to the end listen to

what they had to say make your decisions and I'll talk to you afterwards ok

alright guys today we're here with the good guys from black smoke matters and

they're gonna tell us about the fight that they're fighting for us take it

away hi folks my name's Marc Davis I'm from

Effingham runcam transport it's all about safety and regulations mega

carriers are just setting the rules for themselves and you know ata is against

this it's about safety they're you know they're using the LD as a safety issue

and it's actually not there's no safety to their knowledge and that's our that's

our protest you know we're the guys that know the industry the people in

Washington don't know it so we're just asking that they listen to us and hear

what we've got to say to make things the way it should be

we've got family on the roads too so we're out for safety we're like

everybody else the regulations the mega carriers are backed by ata or they by

kPa which is basically a lobbyist in Washington that's what they are and

they're against us the mega carriers are paying them to fight against all of us

and we're actually the safest Suites on the road the mega carriers are the ones

that are having the accidents but we're the one paying the price so we're just

trying to get awareness to the public that you know we need to stop this we

need to really get the image out there that we're not what they say we're not

killers we're safe we've got family on the roads too we want to get home safe

too so it's just this it's basically the little man if I can later and they've

got to say so because they've bought at the power in Washington and that's

basically I mean basically us as independent contractors

research have always been a threat to the mega carriers just on that little

bit and they didn't that little bit that carries us through our day take it

that's true we we actually as individuals and small companies we

outnumber all in making carriers put together I don't know to you do you have

any numbers like 85 90 percent I know it's all its way up there you know we

outnumber them so yeah we are a threat to them

and we've literally stood back now we've tried to make a living and go on and

we've let them taking control and cause these issues and it's time that we all

stand up together and bring them back bring it back to the issues where it

used to be let us run the industry we don't we don't need them telling us how

to do things we you know we're safe look at our records they can you know they

pretty much run however they want they get an accident since they're

self-insured so they pay it off underneath the table they go on making

money and we pay the price through our teacher trainings so it's just the fact

that the regulations and it's a pay-to-play situation that's about it if

you don't pay you're not gonna play this game I've seen congressional interviews

about the e LDS and they totally admitted that people isn't about safety

it's not about the numbers it's just about control and my evening the playing

field right but it didn't even the playing field is just the opposite I

can't even the playing field when you got 20,000 drugs versus five trials and

I like to look at it as like the difference between Walmart pushing the

little small market out of business and that's what they're doing to us

there's 325,000 VOT numbers out there right now $300,000 via two numbers have

less than 10 trucks 25,000 we have more than 10,000 correct and what 23% up this

year on people coming in with their own authorities so these things do matter

they matter to us to our families and everyone that's a spinoff of our life

right but our livelihood is based off of safety because if we don't have the

safety then we're gonna be put out of business it's the only way I can keep my

business going is if my guys don't have biologists don't have tickets look good

on an audit all my paperwork lien but the first time I get one mistake one

that goes on my record is a bad mark and no broker no cake no contract and

there's no movies gonna want to deal with me because I'm so small that one

violation mattered me but I'm a bigger company they can have 15,000 deaths and

it's like no big deal to them you know I kill one person I'm going to

jail well with our safety record gets hit for that reason what do they do they

go out and buy out another guy yeah there's no safety rating look at ya look

what's happened then they borrow five times for that

I made it back to Joplin Missouri and I did 2015 389 it's like twenty six

thousand dollars in damage they got their own pricing did I get any downtime

no no no I've had it happen to it man you know I mean death letter and my

biggest gripe is you know ei they gotta have them they're not going to work

because their training programs we're going to training is so weak

and they're killing our earth our families out here on the road man

they're killing innocent people families where I hear these he is this family it

were lit and there nothing that happened yeah there there's one sighs it's got to

come to a stop you know quick kill the people that they

already brought up on murder charges what some is name but it's the rules are

designed to protect the weakest among us and when maybe that's the segment that

needs to be weeded out yeah sure but but we've dropped the ball on this matter


because they talked about it they talk to sauna Top Gear's yeah and nothing

ever happened so everybody kind of just sat back and then when we didn't know it

they snuck it into map-21 and nobody knew it was gonna happen now it's right

here what we're doing today this is a start

a lot of you guys is old enough to remember the early 70s and how tough

tough it was I went and driving but I'm from trucker family and I remember

watching the news every day now we got to be careful in my opinion not to let

something resort to that area because that really put up negative we're not

gonna resort to that that is something we are strictly doing away from we want

no violence I don't have the way y'all speaking on

the right line and well we're promoting safety we're not out here to do violence

we're not out here you know we're not gonna we're not gonna be shutting people

down we're just asking for the support

there's no violence involved we don't want to know we're doing what our

god-given rights this is American citizens we're standing up for our

rights and that's what we're doing our constitutional rights our forefathers

fought for and it's we got all these groups out here on face care you know

what I'm not even gonna mention some of them except collimator they want to

break this down they're the ones hollering slashing tires and all this

other shit not us we do not condone any kind of violence our fight is not

against other drivers it's in some states government okay fellas

well I really appreciate those times I believe in what you are doing I think

that my subscribers will 100% get behind this awesome okay that's it we're gonna

have another blazer behind and I should traffic that'll be a big turnout and yes

USDA United States Transportation Alliance I asked everybody to get

involved with that group those guys are owner-operators madam in DC personnel

they're guys like us they are up meeting with the people in Washington they are

doing the job that ata and FM SDA is supposed to us in DC right now and

they're our voice and we got it we got to side down guys and girls from side

down listen there are 120 sound strong

they're putting this stuff together to their their members of I don't do but

these guys man hey they contribute they contribute a lot to this drug in this

mystery man I got that

this is the ground trying to educate these people that they can't ride right

we could get back to those days I mean people just don't judge me

if you was brother down the style about I'd stop making a peanut butter and

jelly sandwich everybody's mind flips you off their heart about safety and I'm

just gonna pregnant because nobody wants to bring this up but they're talking

about bringing our 18 year old kids out here on the road safety

come on 18 and I'm not knocking it everybody's gotta learn at 18 19 I Drive

truck okay I was raised in the industry but but to bring these kids out of the

city that we're not ready and doesn't know nothing about it and to turn them

loose out here at 18 years old they don't even have to go to themself how

can they control it that much but the ones that they're bringing out of the

city you know crime and all your bigger companies that are bringing out of their

court system to thing is the right song with the 18 year olds they're an 18 year

old can already get a driver's license and go drive truck

so what's the difference at the kids ride ship Dubuque Iowa two pellets of

Bluffs Iowa we can't cross in Nebraska so what would really be the difference

if he went all in my opinion the feeling should be give them a radius and let

them get used to that driver just Francis white damn I mean if you know

for kid lives in Texas he can go 800 miles and never cross beloved and the

joy of doing the job and have pride in it and I agree political ad say it goes

back to the Train there's my point bands these mega carriers are gonna give them

props train but then kind of bring a man in carnival I think I also read

something that with the 18 year olds that they own the trucking they have to

have a military background or someone else okay now I have no problem with

somebody's got a little bit of sense of responsibility right but you like they

were trying to be know what these limitations were going to be and one of

them was going to be a military background or something else so that way

when you're in the armed force reserves at 17 and 18 years old when you come

home you go driving correct right I don't have a problem with that

right you're not waiting when I was 17 I was 12 years old

a lot of these guys are going and then they go into the National Guard reserves

that's where it all goes down to in the training that's where it starts for

safety and everything I mean it all starts in the training I'm sure when you

learn you just one throat Seventeen's and said here's what it is you got but

we were howling grain like that correct no the city driver names your yard

person so I had been hundreds of miles are diverse and a jockey and around the

yard and everything else right then somebody quit one day and they said are

you 18 yes my bitch here June they say good 30th of June you go take the test

and they had a truck sitting there I can do anything in that truck but I couldn't

shift gears when I got my driver's I got my license

I think you learned from that we are but I mean how is it about what their

responsibility thing perhaps was a 5:00 happy hour eyes people I trained 14

years and the responsibility thing is the difference is there a lot of us we

grew up with this right isn't how we learn gas from the cities and I feel bad

to say it a lot of it ain't never seen nighttime right they come this didn't

even have a license last week how can you train that in six weeks I've never

really trained six months and I'm just tired

I just I turned a new owner he's 24 years old that's driving for five years

already he's got more expansive world guys are

alive and I took a chance with him at 24 years old I at least know young but you

know what he's a good driver

it cost me a lot of money I want I'd rather spend a lot of money on insurance

for somebody has a love for challenging than somebody that got kicked off my

factory job and they're just coming out of years old that's a huge difference

Doris I got to do it preciate it thank you

my prick sit down here for a minute kind of join in on a conversation I'm sure

you can get on you know what I mean Brown was on the block the highways for

us to get back to the fair and we were so terrible

well before I ran them you have before to Brian out of me over here yesterday


I thought there were some flak over that you get a man you know and I rethought

it just a police call means that you know you see what I think that I was

watching that interview yes talking to the girl and I

you know I can't afford that so when y'all went over to the right lane I was

like I can just happen well there was good reason you know uh

57 down we remember and the married has had a lot of crashes in Alaska haribol

haribol my schedule and I thought about that when they called and they were they

weren't disrespectful they were very 40 but I remember a

Reuben is Anthony would you please reconsider or move your right because of

this I think you're trying to gain public support so let's not be stupid

about this you know and looking turned out amazing that's a great move I think

yeah it's the police from the police were on our side yesterday everybody I'm

going to say please put out the morning or what everything that seriously people

I got is just if tickets get feedback whatever nothing their leg is crazy yeah

yeah this is gonna be a shit show basically

put what I was bigger I didn't everybody was wanting that overpass of sports Wow

Wow made it all worthy been a lot of work last few days without the help of

all these guys if there's an idea you don't mean one that came together

right it looks like make sure I did it one day if you know maybe maybe the

state that was gonna place me in with is what took it that far you know that seem

to seem to get a lot of response both good and bad the state police on this

the end are a lot more understanding and they're farmers to they come from

families but we did well if the come one was the same way they come a medicine

before left and fruit you know thanked us for for everything and to be right

there along with us we had any problems whatever and we got a period every game

call about this correct out here you know he just said I want you know you

guys pulled this off very professional very good job that made a lot when we

pulled in here and they blocked the roads off I can yeah

that was just totally good well good job thank you sir thank you for Shaffers

everybody's robbed like I said I'm just just a driver who's over trying to make

live these guys out here brothers and sisters yeah exactly

let's see how your room and a felt this in 30 years you know really heavy yeah

well I'll get everybody I hope you stayed in the video to get to this point

okay you if you did and if you could hear because we was at the petrol in the

dining area and it was very very noisy right there all good old boys they are

all the kind of guys that you want on your side they're the kind of guys that

if you break down on the side of the road or you have a trunk problem you

want to stop and help you that guy in that nut company truck you don't know

anything okay these kind of guys my kind of guys they

know they know it all let's just be let's just say straight I don't care who

I make mad they know it all because they've done it all you have the

experience you have the knowledge so they do have authority in this issue to

speak now they're still Mia and all men are fallible okay at the end I was

talking to the main organizer of this particular group in Illinois and they

were talking about they was going to shut down I shouldn't say shut down it's

a bad word they were going to slow down to a slow row in both lanes for a

hundred miles and the State Police did talk him out of that that means that

he's a reasonable man but maybe he was initially led by emotions right and

emotions lead all of us we can't say it doesn't we're truck drivers we are we

are definitely high bound to emotions you know our emotions

our emotions our to reach out and choke people our emotions our - to show you

why you are wrong I can understand that I'm the first to jump into a fight or to

get violent and then my other self right my my other self my military training

says calm down brother calm down right that's the same thing that affected this

guy State Police talked to him he thought about it he said you know what

you're right this is a hundred mile stretch of roads there that there have

been 248 accidents this year that's a lot of accidents right so they he said

we're gonna stick to the right-hand lane I would have stuck to the right-hand

lane no matter what I think that's the only issue it is the only issue with

black smoke matters in my book that's a problem with me that's why I can't

officially join any of these groups yet I'm not saying it won't happen I cannot

condone shutting down a highway I cannot condone slowing down a highway it's just

wrong because that takes us back to 1970 to 1971

it takes us back to those bad old days when the truck driver is the enemy and

we do not need to be the enemy if you're going to be an enemy to declare all-out

war but don't declare a passive war a passive war is not gonna get anyone

anywhere but if you're gonna declare a b-nice war that's great those kind of

wars don't get you somewhere you either go all-out war or be nice work but the

middle war get you nowhere I really like this group

I like their passions I like their knowledge I like the group that's

my opinion okay I'm just one guy one guy that's an old guy just like them guys

all right seen it all done it all run my authority had my business do you know

right but if if you're an owner operator this matters to you even if you're at

least driver this matters to you if you're a company driver running on a

percentage and such it matters to you if you're running fur for some company that

don't you don't do that then maybe it doesn't matter but it may matter to you

tomorrow or six months or six years down the road so you need to listen pay

attention and learn thank you everybody y'all have a great day I really

appreciate the guys that black smoke matters letting me interview them you'll

have a spectacular day bye



Come fare un Oreo gigante | Cucina Buttata - Guglielmo Scilla - Duration: 16:56.

For more infomation >> Come fare un Oreo gigante | Cucina Buttata - Guglielmo Scilla - Duration: 16:56.


[ENG SUB] 애니만 8000판! 애니유저도 모르는 챌린저 애니의 궁극기 사용의 비밀! - Duration: 6:47.

Hello, this is CuteMAU.

Today, I am going to tell you how to use Annie's most important skill, (R) Summon : Tibbers.

This video will explain about the important parts that most Annie players miss,

and tips on using Annie's ult.

Let's begin.

(R) Summon : Tibbers's first level cooldown is 120 seconds. The ultimate's cooldown reduces by 20 seconds after every level, and it remains for 45 seconds in every level.

The 45 seconds does not affect Tibber's cooldown,

and if you keep Tibber until it vanishes, your ultimate's cooldown will be 75 seconds ( 120 seconds minus 45 seconds equal 75 seconds )

1)Maintaining Tibber for as long as you can is the key point.

(lv 6 after killing the cannon)

You should keep the three stacks, and take time to use your ultimate.

Fizz is threat at level 6, but if you use your ultimate boldly, Fizz cannot come near Annie until he gets enough health.

If you have Flash, you can try killing Fizz, but if you don't have flash, you can take lane advantage and abuse the benefits of it.

If you used ult but the enemy jungler ganks you, you can block skills with the remaining Tibber.

In need, you can use Tibber to fight two to one.

By using lane advantage, Annie's activity range increases and if you have time, ward the map.

The enemy feels great burden by scorch and Tibber's damage, so by saving Tibber's health, you abuse the enemy.

The minion wave isn't good, but let's go to stop Fizz from roaming.

(W flash combo)

Enemy's ADC and SUP were in sight, and we have Tibber, so i can dive safely.

If you dive with Tibber, you have to keep three of four stacks and hit q and w at once.

If the Tower attention changes to Annie from Tibber, block the tower damage with e as much as you can.

When you get to lv 8, Annie becomes an assassin that can delete most of the dealers with ult and ignite.

I could not get a kill because of spell and distance, but I can get lane profit and tower gold gains with tibbers

Of course Fizz dies. (lol)


Pushing lane by using Tibber

※You should dirtyfarm only when you have time, "after checking your jungler's current route."

(Challenger tier actual gameplay)

Annie's counter Syndra has lane advantage.

(Turns on predator)

You poke with Tibber to retake lane advantage.

The enemy won't give any range for Annie to attack.

Because of that, Syndra's current health is at an almost full state, but if she keeps distance,

you can abuse her by not giving her xp from minions, and lv up faster than Syndra.

Now you have lane advantage, so take care and ward the map.

(Scorch looks like it's gonna sting)

You clear lane, and join the teamfight.

It ended up being a killtrade, but Syndra risked all her minions to join the fight, so Annie has the benefits.

(btw, the Gen G Crown always chooses lulu when confronted me. xd)

Lulu has ult but Annie recommends that you *always use 6lv ult when you have a chance

Now, let's keep our stacks.

I think we have a kill here. By using Tibber and taking him front, you need to damage the enemy as much as you can before they use flash.

(A kill by using Tibber)

This is all I've got for today, Thank you for watching my video. Please like and subscribe

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] 애니만 8000판! 애니유저도 모르는 챌린저 애니의 궁극기 사용의 비밀! - Duration: 6:47.


Janitor Found A Puppy Dumped Outside A School – And The Note Left With It Was Just Heartbreakin - Duration: 7:10.

a janitor found a puppy dumped outside a school and the note left with it was

just heartbreaking a janitor had to do something slightly

outside of his job description one cold evening

the floors might have been gleaming in the cobwebs swept away but nothing could

have prepared him for what happened next and the note that held such a

devastating message in his account of the story the janitor was working at a

school in Detroit Michigan when he was suddenly called to the rescue all the

children had left for the day in the school was empty but the janitor wasn't

alone for long there was a rapping at the door but who could be visiting the

school at such a strange time the janitor recalled what happened saying

that he had rushed straight to the window to see who the visitor was

instead of someone waiting patiently at the door he spotted a young boy

sprinting away he went to open the door and was greeted by something wholly

unexpected there waiting for him was a cardboard box with a note stuck to its

side the biggest surprise of all was what was inside a puppy abandoned to its

fate the glossy black pooch was set in a box

vulnerable and scared why anyone would have wanted to get rid of such a cute he

was a mystery until the janitor read the note that explained everything the note

said sorry it didn't have a home and it was cold so we were going to give it to

you please do let it go find a new home thank you

it seemed that someone hadn't known what to do with the puppy and it left it

hoping that a kind soul would rescue her the janitor wasted no time in taking

steps to ensure the puppy's safety the janitor contacted a teacher at the

school straightaway knowing she had a soft spot for dogs she then came and

collected the puppy and took her home and once she had the puppy back home she

and her boy decided on the puppy's new moniker snowflake a strange name

considering her black glossy fur but this was the start of her new life and

now she had a new name to match snowflakes stay with the teacher was

short she got in touch with the Detroit pit crew dog rescue and asked to take

snowflake under their wings so that the pupper could receive proper care and

treatment the crew were only too happy to help out Detroit pit crew Dog Rescue

is a non-profit dedicated to rescuing straight pups in

Detroit once they're taken off the street every dog is immediately taken to

the vet for any treatment or vaccinations they're then given refuge

in a foster home or a shelter the volunteer team are constantly on the

streets trying to save Annie in all dago's and desperate circumstances

Theresa Sumpter the founder of Detroit pit crew dog rescue shared her thoughts

on why the young boy might have abandoned snowflake in the first place

she told the dodo I guess this child had wanted a better

life or a home for the puppy we've never been able to make contact with him but

it looked like he was trying to take care of the puppy in fact the state of

the box snowflake was left and suggested that the boy wanted her to go to a good

home Sumter told the dodo in the box was a blanket for the puppy there was some

dog food and some slices of lunchmeat he actually poked holes in the box so

the puppy could breathe with all the comfort she could ever desire why would

snowflake want to leave her box not only was it snuggly she knew it would be safe

and was reluctant to come out she was a bit more than seven weeks old so Sumpter

let her stay in the box to avoid upsetting her and gave her another

blanket however she couldn't stay in the box forever no matter how cozy it was

she had to be taken out to be vaccinated and dewormed these vaccinations should

be administered once the puppy is eight weeks old to keep the puppy protected

against parasites such as round worms and hookworm they're vital as a puppy's

immune system has not developed fully at this stage now that snowflake was fit

and healthy it was time to put her up for adoption but Sumter had reservations

she said we never know what the backstories are with these dogs

so for safety's sake we ever on a stray hold just in case someone comes forward

and says hey that's my puppy I didn't know what happened to it it got out of

the yard and maybe the child picked it up and the only thing they knew to do

was put it in a box and take it to school they had to keep snowflake at the

center until the story was confirmed when it came to her breeding to the team

were stumped they began calling her Heinz 57 Detroit's special owing to her

various characteristics she appears to be a mixing pot of all kinds of breeds

including Terrier and chow snowflake arrived at the rescue

during the busiest time of year subtor revealed that the number of dogs rescued

during winter almost doubled because every dogs case was considered urgent

due to harsh conditions to put it in perspective in winter 2017 the shelter

rescued 29 dogs in the space of two weeks it was now time to find snowflake

a foster family the center advertised snowflakes ability to be adopted on

their Facebook page saying snowflake available for adoption the post received

more than 2,000 reactions and nearly a thousand shares attached to the post was

an adorable step of snowflake in her Christmas getup the post Ocelot rekted

some wonderful comments with people saying how much they wanted to adopt the

cute popper one user wrote if there wasn't a distance cut off I'd be there

adopting her today I live about an hour and a half away in Jackson County though

another road oh she's such a doll I don't live in Maycomb County but if I

did I would fill out adoption papers others simply wished her well with one

saying snowflake is beautiful I love the Santa coat sweater and the Christmas

picture so adorable prayer shall get loving family members and forever home

another wrote what a cutie patootie all dressed up for Christmas I wish I

lived closer good luck sweetie hope Santa brings you an awesome loving

family it looked like snowflake was taking the internet by storm

a snowstorm just three days before Christmas 2017 the center posted a very

exciting update it read hi my name is snowflake and I'm happy to announce that

I've officially been adopted judging by the photos it looks like snowflake has a

much bigger housemate to contend with the comments poured in congratulating

snowflakes new family and giving thanks that she found a forever home Sumter was

delighted with the result she said she's doing wonderfully they

have some dogs there that are really mothering to her so she's enjoying life

in her foster home with snowflake around it looked like this family we're going

to have a white Christmas after all

For more infomation >> Janitor Found A Puppy Dumped Outside A School – And The Note Left With It Was Just Heartbreakin - Duration: 7:10.


空港ツアー in ロサンゼルス!LAX Airport Tour!〔#751〕 - Duration: 4:44.

For more infomation >> 空港ツアー in ロサンゼルス!LAX Airport Tour!〔#751〕 - Duration: 4:44.



That goalkeeper was bribed

Servus and welcome to a new video

Today I challenged Konzi

We'll challenge each other in three different categories

We'll start with the crossbar


The two freekickerz old-timers will now

A 2017 challenge

Rock paper Scissors

Well actually it's almost the same but we'll do it anyways

Doesn't really matter who begins

I tried it three times

Michi doesn't show a pair of scissors, he shows three

I'd say, Michi begins

Each of us has three shots which we'll take consecutively

Whoever hit more crossbars after three shots wins

We'll have three rounds, then it's fair

May the better one win

So close

First try

It was super close

Whoever scores first can build up pressure

Both of them simply deliver here

At missing

Second try

We don't want marginal hits

We want hits

Oh, I heard something there

I heard it, too

Michi is a fair sportsman. He heard it, too

Michi, how did it sound?

Impossible to hear

-It had an upwards spin -Too bad, Michi. All three were close

And Konzi, the crossbar-king

I didn't want to win with that second try

What do you have to say for yourself?

The beginning is always hard

Crossbar, part two

That's Konzi's week side

Yeah, I'm completely lost. I don't know where I am

Three times too high and now too low

Michi builds up the pressure

I'm still without orientation here

Oh, yeah. It was a bit higher but still not good

Still bad niveau

But if Michi scores now...

This man shows nerves. And he shows his class

He only scores when he needs to

If he didn't score he'd already been out

Now i got to hit it as well

And Konzi simply shows his skills

from his allegedly weaker side

Now I just need to secure the win

And again he shows his class

Okay Michi, don't mind the pressure. You need to score

I had the feeling it would hit the target

Different post

Wrong post. He did leave you a chance

Good goal, but no crossbar

I wanted to make it too secure

Double, and tripple

Bonus crossbar

Michi can level the score again for this round

Let's see how he can handle it

He can't handle it

and misses but Konzi has got his last shot just for fun and

it hits the crossbar behind the goal

Konzi won

-Tight one -Nice aluminum scorer

After the first crossbar challenge which I was barely able to win

we come to the free kick challenge

We get suported by our keeper

No, not you. We've got another one with us

Alright, 2 rounds in total

No we see who will start

Rock Paper Scissors

I did it!

You begin

What do you think? How many will I save?

Let's see

what these two can do

Ok, 5 shots. You can choose your own speed

Whoever scores more goals wins this round

That one fit right in

Good save

Yeah, I should've shot low

But the one was crazy

The start was bad

And in the end I was unlucky

You can't score nice goals cause you will cheer and loose focus

Yeah you should only be focused on scoring

A bit of a tactic there

If I have to jump for the first shot, you've got a good chance

Not how I shoot

Now the pressure is high

Now I can extend the lead

Michi can end it right here

Yeah, unfortunately he can't get negative points

The first one was nasty

After the free kick challenge the score is 1:1

Michi won it with flying colours

This will be the third and last challenge

The bench challenge

by Jan

You pass the ball at the bench

it rebounds

then you have to shoot the ball over the bench

and score a goal

It'll be 2 rounds again, 5 shots each

Whoever scored more goals wins

He'll be the overall winner

I was ready all along

We'll decide who begins

You should've stayed with your tactic

The scissors are quiet popular with us

So let's see this

That's the tactic already

Michi is on fire since the second challenge

since I changed my boots

Does this one count?

We can't show this

That's just a joke now

I'm just so lucky

A bit risky

Yeah, but it would've been a good shot

But I'm glad we finally have a goalkeeper

The first two shots had me doubting

The goalie is bribed


Michi, that really wasn't on purpose

Just lucky for me

Cold as ice

What's up with him?

What about the keeper? Where is he?

I already thought we didn't have a keeper

You can't even take the help

Tight game

Didn't think it would be this close

I didn't dare to just smash it

Man, I just shoot way too hard

No more misses now?

Yeah, if I still want to win

Winning was never my plan

Just keep your hands away from the ball

I already saw that one inside of the goal

I saw the gap there

Jan, what are you doing?

I'm exhausted

*punchline in German which really doesn't work in English*

Show me the appropriate gestures

Michi drank some kind of precision potion today

Nice one

Too hard

Too bad

The safe version

For more infomation >> CRISTIANO RONALDO FOOTBALL CHALLENGES • KONZI vs MICHI - Duration: 13:26.


Những Động Vật Dưới Nước Nguy Hiểm Nhất Hành Tinh - Tốp 5 Lạ Kỳ 🔥🔥🔥 - Duration: 10:10.

For more infomation >> Những Động Vật Dưới Nước Nguy Hiểm Nhất Hành Tinh - Tốp 5 Lạ Kỳ 🔥🔥🔥 - Duration: 10:10.


Błoto i łańcuchy - zakładanie drugi raz 2, My second chaining up in mad - Iwona Blecharczyk - Duration: 16:06.

Hi, today we will put on tire chains

I drove onto two hills, on first one

I had no problem driving onto, I made it using locked differential

The second one I nearly made it, but I started to slip

at the end, so the tow truck helped me

Tow trucks that is here to tow everybody

He is recommended to use

But the third hill is like this,

you go down like this,

and you go up like this

I drove this hill one, when it was raining

Conditions weren't that bad, but I drove without chains

and it was pushing me so hard - my set weighs 63 tons

Those two semi-trailers, they pull you down

but they also break

So you can't brake, becasue they could break

You just have to accelerate

And the road is thin and off-road

So there is lower on the left and right side

So, chains aren't required

No offical messages came,

stating that it's required to put on chains

But I can see that mud here

isn't deep, it's not

like here - droven

This mud here is

slippery as ice. Drivers told me that

you will see that mud is slippery

It's better to drive on ice, that on this mud

it very treacherous,

slippery - I didn't belived, but I can tell you

I have seen now, that when I was driving, it pulled me to

the right, to the left, but I handled it

But that hill is.. Angel is very pretty

It's very pretty new set

No need for it to break or crease, or even worse go to destruction


How it can be thet the first side never gets recorded, damn

It's second time..

this happening

One side is putted on

We go to the other side

to prepare it firstly

Go deeper

You got it sweet hearh? Sorry? You got it?

Yea, yea, but I haven't used them for a while

and they are so mixed together. Oh I know mine road juggle

You want some help?

No, no I'm fine

You sure?

Yea, I will just

My rack doesn't

doesn't park, so my chains bounce everywhere, so you got to

Organize it - I know what you are feeling

There were like, all stick together, I couldn't find where was the end

and where's the beginning

Try to slip off now

I will throw you out

Can I ask you for paper?

Yes, absolutely

I was like..

Okay, that's the most important part. I know. Thank you

No problem

How many do you use?

I just put one on

For one side, right? Yea

I have so much fun, you don't even know

And only because I know I won't do it for long

if I would have a perspective like that then..

perspective of having fun with those chains daily

I wouldn't be so happy

Don't think that I'm just showing off

It's not like that

Now this one

The whole idea is

to fasten it as close as possible

To not correct it five times

This will go



I fastened the middle one a little to loose


I can't see what I'm doing


Look how it can tangle


Now we will drive a head a littel

and they will place evenly

And done

It's done, it went faster for that guy, but he told me once - I meet with him on

dining room and he told me

that on a last job he had

he putten on tire chians, so for him it's very easy to do

I won't screw this in

Those rubbers are retighting this chain


Now I will tell you what the biggest problem is

when it comes to putting on tire chains

The biggest problem is, when you drive off-road


you drive on unevens

that make everything

a big tangled mix

Starting with not beeing able to find flashlight

the one for forehead, in truck

It was on the shelf, but it dissappeared

Everything breakes here

There is no way to keep everything in order in car

I don't know where I have everything

Everything fell

Maybe it fell into bin

Starting with that you have to find everything

and everything moves their position in the car

and ending on the tangled chains

that i couldn't find beggining and the end

Those spikes interfered and tangled

I battled with them for a while, they hooked heavely

Everything slips away, you can't untangle that

Putting on tire chains alone

is not that

complicated, isn't that hard

The worse is

The worse is

getting to the moment of having everything

ready to put on chains

That's the biggest problem, by me

Chains were

Like this

So it's the end of this trip

I'm sorry for the audio quality

but on that job

I cant

allow myself to play with wires

They would be all muddy and I could damage the equipment

I couldn't use it

to record let's say "clear video"

That how it went

I have to

organize myself better, when it comes to

all the equipment, that is required to put chains on

because I can see that not the putting chains on it the problem, but

the biggest problem is

having tools needed near you

and here to make it stay in one place you have to glue it,

because if you bond it the it will tangle

When you glue it then maybe

You will just have to get it out

It's so messy in this truck

You just can't keep everything in order

Everything goes like this

Than you can imagine how everything looks here

Okay, thank you for watching

Second chaining up completed

For more infomation >> Błoto i łańcuchy - zakładanie drugi raz 2, My second chaining up in mad - Iwona Blecharczyk - Duration: 16:06.


Smiley Face Killers: Luke Homan - FULL EPISODE | Oxygen - Duration: 43:57.

For more infomation >> Smiley Face Killers: Luke Homan - FULL EPISODE | Oxygen - Duration: 43:57.


为什么总是苏霍伊为轰-6K护航战巡,歼-10不适合远海作战吗? - Duration: 6:05.

For more infomation >> 为什么总是苏霍伊为轰-6K护航战巡,歼-10不适合远海作战吗? - Duration: 6:05.


[ENG SUB] 애니만 8000판! 애니유저도 모르는 챌린저 애니의 궁극기 사용의 비밀! - Duration: 6:47.

Hello, this is CuteMAU.

Today, I am going to tell you how to use Annie's most important skill, (R) Summon : Tibbers.

This video will explain about the important parts that most Annie players miss,

and tips on using Annie's ult.

Let's begin.

(R) Summon : Tibbers's first level cooldown is 120 seconds. The ultimate's cooldown reduces by 20 seconds after every level, and it remains for 45 seconds in every level.

The 45 seconds does not affect Tibber's cooldown,

and if you keep Tibber until it vanishes, your ultimate's cooldown will be 75 seconds ( 120 seconds minus 45 seconds equal 75 seconds )

1)Maintaining Tibber for as long as you can is the key point.

(lv 6 after killing the cannon)

You should keep the three stacks, and take time to use your ultimate.

Fizz is threat at level 6, but if you use your ultimate boldly, Fizz cannot come near Annie until he gets enough health.

If you have Flash, you can try killing Fizz, but if you don't have flash, you can take lane advantage and abuse the benefits of it.

If you used ult but the enemy jungler ganks you, you can block skills with the remaining Tibber.

In need, you can use Tibber to fight two to one.

By using lane advantage, Annie's activity range increases and if you have time, ward the map.

The enemy feels great burden by scorch and Tibber's damage, so by saving Tibber's health, you abuse the enemy.

The minion wave isn't good, but let's go to stop Fizz from roaming.

(W flash combo)

Enemy's ADC and SUP were in sight, and we have Tibber, so i can dive safely.

If you dive with Tibber, you have to keep three of four stacks and hit q and w at once.

If the Tower attention changes to Annie from Tibber, block the tower damage with e as much as you can.

When you get to lv 8, Annie becomes an assassin that can delete most of the dealers with ult and ignite.

I could not get a kill because of spell and distance, but I can get lane profit and tower gold gains with tibbers

Of course Fizz dies. (lol)


Pushing lane by using Tibber

※You should dirtyfarm only when you have time, "after checking your jungler's current route."

(Challenger tier actual gameplay)

Annie's counter Syndra has lane advantage.

(Turns on predator)

You poke with Tibber to retake lane advantage.

The enemy won't give any range for Annie to attack.

Because of that, Syndra's current health is at an almost full state, but if she keeps distance,

you can abuse her by not giving her xp from minions, and lv up faster than Syndra.

Now you have lane advantage, so take care and ward the map.

(Scorch looks like it's gonna sting)

You clear lane, and join the teamfight.

It ended up being a killtrade, but Syndra risked all her minions to join the fight, so Annie has the benefits.

(btw, the Gen G Crown always chooses lulu when confronted me. xd)

Lulu has ult but Annie recommends that you *always use 6lv ult when you have a chance

Now, let's keep our stacks.

I think we have a kill here. By using Tibber and taking him front, you need to damage the enemy as much as you can before they use flash.

(A kill by using Tibber)

This is all I've got for today, Thank you for watching my video. Please like and subscribe

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] 애니만 8000판! 애니유저도 모르는 챌린저 애니의 궁극기 사용의 비밀! - Duration: 6:47.


Saint valentin poème Humour - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Saint valentin poème Humour - Duration: 1:27.


Simple and Easy Enchilada Sauce – Low Carb Keto Recipe │ Saucy Sunday - Duration: 2:23.

Welcome all! Papa G here. Today is Saucy Sunday. It's where we focus primarily on

low carbohydrate recipes for sauces, condiments, and dressings. Most of the videos will be

short and to the point. Just something to help add a little flavor to your low

carbohydrate diet. Let's get started. For this week's episode I present one of the

easiest enchilada sauces you'll ever make,

Oh, and did I mention it's only half the carbohydrates of the store-bought version and

has twice the flavor. Here's a comparison of my sauce versus that of a popular

store bought version. You'll see, not only does it have about half the carbohydrates,

it also has less calories, less sodium, and a few more health benefits. Let me

show you how to make it. Begin with the sauce pot on medium heat. Add 2 cups of

original V8 tomato juice; 1 cup of chicken stock; a generous amount of chili

powder; some garlic powder; smoked paprika; a little cumin; ground black pepper; and

whenever I use xanthan gum, I like to mix it with at least one or two spices to

help prevent any clumping. Here I mixed it with a little salt. Mix with a whisk

until the xanthan gum and all the other spices are blended well into the liquid.

It's important to note, the type of chili powder you use will make a big

difference in the spice level of your sauce. I'm using the basic chili powder

here, but if you use something different like this ancho chili powder, your spice

level will increase dramatically. So use a little caution. Simmer and stir until

you've reached the desired consistency you prefer. Use now, or pour into an

airtight container and let cool. Store in the refrigerator until needed.

There you have it folks! my low carbohydrate sauce. A super simple low carbohydrate recipe

to help bring Mexican cuisine back to your diet. I hope you enjoyed this video.

If you did, please like and consider subscribing. Thanks for watching and I'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> Simple and Easy Enchilada Sauce – Low Carb Keto Recipe │ Saucy Sunday - Duration: 2:23.


6 AMAZING 3X3X3 RUBIK'S CUBE PATTERNS - A Step-by-Step Tutorial - Duration: 11:59.

For more infomation >> 6 AMAZING 3X3X3 RUBIK'S CUBE PATTERNS - A Step-by-Step Tutorial - Duration: 11:59.


Android'de Oyun Banneri Nasıl Yapılır? (PİCSART) - Duration: 10:32.

For more infomation >> Android'de Oyun Banneri Nasıl Yapılır? (PİCSART) - Duration: 10:32.


আজব ও অদ্ভুত ৫টি পদার্থ || বিশ্বের অবাক করা ৫টি পদার্থ || ২০১৯ সালের সেরা ভিডিও || মায়া টিভি - Duration: 5:00.

Welcome to my channel

For more infomation >> আজব ও অদ্ভুত ৫টি পদার্থ || বিশ্বের অবাক করা ৫টি পদার্থ || ২০১৯ সালের সেরা ভিডিও || মায়া টিভি - Duration: 5:00.



Howdy folks, today i'm going to show you some secret hidden locations where you can find

chests with rare items, as well as crafting materials like embers, they don't appear to

be well known atm so at least within the demo youll be able to get some solid loot and they

do respawn.

I'll also go over a few really good weapons that will serve you very very well in Free

roam, missions and strongholds whether you are playing solo or with a group and some

solid tips and tricks to give you a head start in gearing up and leveling.

So for starters those Secret Hidden Chests as let's face it, that's likely what you're

mainly here for.

There are numerous chests to be found in freeroam, but most of them are fairly easy to spot,

there are a few around the Eddian Tree in the Eddian Grove area, this is located North

North East of Fort Tarsis.

One of which is actually inside the tree a little way up, in this hollow you can find

a cortex imprint with some lore on the tree, a chest if it hasn't been opened recently

as well as some Ranger scrap.

The first hidden chest in close by.

From inside the tree, look through the southern hole, you will see a waterfall that goes over

an old piece of Shaper Tech that is shaped like a huge ring, this waterfall comes from

the river that has many of these same ring shaped shaper tech pieces the width of the

river about half submerged.

Fly toward there and through the ring.

You will now be swimming through some deep water, the river is actually more of a blocked

gorge, swim all the way to the back, somewhat near to the surface, look to the left on the

back dead end and you'll see an underwater cave, head in there and it will continue upward

where there is a hidden cave with air.

On the 2 cave entrances, take the right one, though I should note, it is very small and

you will go to the same place regardless.

About 10 meters or so in is a chest location, grab what's inside and let's go for another.

As you enter into the wilds from Fort Tarsis in free roam, you will be spawned on a platform.

This platform is above a huge plateau of water with sources many rivers and ravine, it is

like a huge and more picturesque niagra falls.

Pretty much the way you are facing from that platform, directly down is a ravine with water

at the bottom which the plateau partly feeds into, fly down into the ravine on the closest

end to Fort Tarsis and head into the water, right at the bottom is a chest just on the


Those are the 2 hidden ones I have found, I expect there are more.

They drop a large array of items from Common, Uncommon and Rare, potentially Epic though

I have yet to be able to confirm this myself, they also drop UnCommon and Rare Embers, again

potentially epic or Masterwork Embers is very rare cases.

They also often contain other crafting materials.

They are a fantastic extra source of quick loot to check as you are freeroaming, so always

keep an eye out for chest, they are everywhere.

Another good thing to keep an eye out for are the Material nodes for Chimeric Alloy

and Chimeric Compounds, Alloy nodes are usually rock or metallic, they can be interacted with

for a piece of Chimeric Alloy and often also drop Uncommon and Rare embers, it is likely

they may also drop Epic Embers to, and something very strange, I do not know when this happened,

I suspet it was while I was running the Stronghold.

I somehow received 50 Masterwork Embers, this is almost certainly a bug, 50 is a ridiculous

amount to obtain and from what the crafting in the demo states so far, is enough to create

10 Masterwork items.

I most likely received these from either a Node inside the Stronghold or a Chest from

one of the boss encounters, I'll be posting the Stronghold run and while editing I will

being reveiwing the footage with a fine tooth colm to see if it ever popped up or whether

it just bugged in for no apparent reason.

So keep an eye out for that.

The Compound nodes usually look like tropical plants, quite large, sometimes like venus

fly traps, other times like a large fungal cluster, these can drop Embers like the Alloy


It would also seem that Instance nodes drop embers at a far greater rate, especially on

high difficulties, I popped in an instance solo and harvested a bunch of these, got embers

every time, a mixture of uncommon and rare.

As I tried completing it solo on hard, I died a few times and each time I died and was placed

at the beginning, the nodes almost always reset, so there's a very easy farming method

for quick crafting within the Demo.

Of course, be aware folks that the demo has hugely increased drop chances for just about

everything, these crazy rates do not reflect what you should expect on launch.

Also that the VIP Demo is said officially to be Identical to what will be available

for the Open Demo next week so all this will be useful then as well.

There is talk of potential surprises for the open demo, but I imagine that would be adding

things, not taking them away.

For weapon recommendations, I would highly suggest you get yourself a Hammerhead Assault

Rifle and a Deadeye Sniper Rifle, I was lucky to get both on the first day and used the

Deadeye to amazing effect, It takes turrets down in the stronghold pretty quickly, the

uncommon version I got at level 12 can one shot standard mobs with a head shot on Hard

Difficulty, it is a pretty damn good weapon and will serve you well no matter what playstyle,

especially on Harder difficulties when running through the horde of mobs will have you fall

instantly and so shooting from cover is often required.

The Hammerhead is a medium rate of fire but very hard hitting Assault Rifle, slow enough

to be very accurate and shoot for weak points, but powerful enough to take out enemies very

very quickly.

Those are my 2 loadout weapons for my Ranger, for My Colossus I would likely switch out

the Deadeye for Flamer, Grenade Launcher or Rail Gun, I have yet to test these heavy weapons

properly, so unfortunately, cannot share my recommendation just yet.

For some general Tips and Tricks, while flying and fighting is damn fun, it has you extremely

exposed and on Hard difficulty will often have to fall pretty sharpish, It's actually

quite viable to solo on Hard, even with half uncommon gear, you just need to use tactics.

The basics of which would be constant movement, but keep low, use the landscape as constant

cover to have as few enemies in your line of sight as possible, preferrably, just the

ones you are actively damaging.

Use AOE weapons, this stands for Area of Effect and essentially means stuff like Grenade or

Missiles that does blast damage and so hit more that just one target and instead hit

an area.

The Ranger is perfect for Solo outings, under large swarms the others are certainly viable,

but the ranger seems to have the most solo capability at least currently.

Identify the weak points of your enemy, those huge Scar guys with a giant shield and a flame

thrower, their weak point is the cannisters both on their back and the one attached to

the flamer, shoot those for much much higher damage.

You can use a missile to stagger them, if they are facing you, this will open them up

as they move their shield away.

Big enemies also have big attacks, shielded or armoured enemies will do more damage and

take more to down than the standard lot.

Watch for what these attacks do, they will be on a timer and that timer is defined by

it's cooldown, when it finishes it's cooldown, it will use the attack again, for the big

guys with the shields this is a devastating flame thrower attack, for some other mobs

it will be a horrendous machinegun style attack, for some elite Dominion, this will be a magical

type death orb.

Look out for these attacks and take note of how long of a break you have between each

so that you can time when you are out of cover.

Shields are really annoying, they recover very quickly, so save a few cooldowns such

are your missiles and grenades and pound them all at once, when the shield is down shoot

the weakpoint, which is usually the head and finish them off with no time to recover.

When you take a few more hits than you had hoped for and your shield is down, sometimes

cover isn't possible, so just fly, and fly low if you can, you are harder to hit when

flying and mobs don't despawn at short range, so you can fly around a bit in evasive maneuvours

allowing your shield to regen.

Movement in general is very important whether solo or not.

It is also quite viable to solo large mini boss creatures like an Ursix.

On the first day, I was free roaming and saw a world event, so swooped down, it called

an Ursix so I thought I'd give it a go, it took about 10 minutes to kill at level 10

on Normal, My gear was the default, but as long as you can take 1 indirect melee hit

without being taken out, you can take it down without too much trouble.

An enemy like this is Melee focused, but it will also have a ranged attack.

The Ursix had 3 attacks, a Charge attack where it move incredibly quickly toward me ending

with a devasting blow.

Providing you keep some distance and or note the beginning of it's attack animation, this

is fairly easy to avoid with jumping.

It's second attack is a close quarters melee, which I didn't get hit by, but I imagine it

would be an attack designed to one shot you.

So just never get close enough and you can avoid that attack.

The last attack is a ranged Rock Throw, it is easy to identify the animation as he will

turn around and grab at the earth behind him, as he does this, time yourself to jump and

fly for a second the moment he begins to turn back or just slide behind some solid cover.

So just learn the attacks, avoid them, and hit him with your cooldowns whenever possible

with Gun fire between.

At this point I had no idea what my ultimate attack was, and so never used it, I imagine

it would be much easier to defeat if you used it.

You could also use a Bulward if you have it equiped to avoid the rock throw while still


The last tip I will say so far, is that if you see a fellow Freelancer doing a world

event, why not jump down and help out, squad or not, by joining in you will also be rewarded.

By being rewarded, you will not take any of the loot the other player was going to get,

you will just create more overall loot.

If they have fallen, whether in your group or not, repair them as the encounter will

go quicker the more people there and actively engaging.

Bioware seem to have taken the best parts of many MMO's and then refined some things,

they reward team play, and don't just decrease the loot per person the more you gain.

I love soloing content for the personal challenge, but I am also thoroughly enjoying the matchmaking

and team play I've been doing with Khraze.

The Colossus is an exception, This is regarding instancing with a group.

The Colossus is a support class, and it relies, in large encounters, on the team, so if the

team isn't organised, it isn't going to be fun some of the time, but I'll be going over

that with Stronghold and Raid tactics in a later video.

I hope this video has been helpful to you and wasn't too much of my usual brand of information


If you want more of this kind of content and upcoming super indepth guides for Anthem,

with lots of stats, analysis and theorycrafting, be sure to subscribe and hit the notification

bell and select all notifications to not miss out.

Like, Share, I have a Patreon to, have a fantastic day folks!

For more infomation >> ANTHEM SECRET HIDDEN CHESTS, BEST WEAPONS & COMBAT TIPS & TRICKS - Duration: 10:58.


For more infomation >> ANTHEM SECRET HIDDEN CHESTS, BEST WEAPONS & COMBAT TIPS & TRICKS - Duration: 10:58.


Catalina Saison 1 Épisode 8 | Catalina FR - Duration: 40:56.

For more infomation >> Catalina Saison 1 Épisode 8 | Catalina FR - Duration: 40:56.


For more infomation >> Catalina Saison 1 Épisode 8 | Catalina FR - Duration: 40:56.


Crying Dog Sound In a Very Long Reverb - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Crying Dog Sound In a Very Long Reverb - Duration: 1:27.


For more infomation >> Crying Dog Sound In a Very Long Reverb - Duration: 1:27.


Au nom de l'amour Épisode 1 - Duration: 42:26.

For more infomation >> Au nom de l'amour Épisode 1 - Duration: 42:26.


For more infomation >> Au nom de l'amour Épisode 1 - Duration: 42:26.


Phim Chiếu Rạp Mới Nhất 2019 ♥ Aladdin ♥ Teaser Trailer ♥ Dự kiến khởi chiếu 24 05 2019 - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> Phim Chiếu Rạp Mới Nhất 2019 ♥ Aladdin ♥ Teaser Trailer ♥ Dự kiến khởi chiếu 24 05 2019 - Duration: 1:28.


For more infomation >> Phim Chiếu Rạp Mới Nhất 2019 ♥ Aladdin ♥ Teaser Trailer ♥ Dự kiến khởi chiếu 24 05 2019 - Duration: 1:28.


The Flexibility of Travel Nursing

For more infomation >> The Flexibility of Travel Nursing


お出かけの準備.日常.メイク.カフェ.購入品.Relaxing weekend.ENG - Duration: 5:55.

Today I am going shopping with my friends from now

I think I will return home in the evening

After I return home, I will cook dinner

I will set my hair with a flat iron

It is like this

Because it's cold we need a hat ....

Also, I am concerned about the color of the hair

Just recently, I went to dye my hair

I will bring a bag made by my friend

There is a school near this place

So sometimes I will come to buy clothes at this place

it was delicious

I got tired because I walked.

I will make dinner from now.


I want to sleep a little.

My eyes are hurting

My parents are making rice

My hands are very cold.

Water is cold in winter

I will introduce today's purchased items




Smartphone accessories



It is a product I was interested in.

I would like to drink this evening.

Check schedule

Please subscribe to my channel!

My account.Please follow me(Instagram.twitter)

For more infomation >> お出かけの準備.日常.メイク.カフェ.購入品.Relaxing weekend.ENG - Duration: 5:55.


Nawaz Sharif Heart Attack Reality | Dr Shahid Masood Will Release Soon From Jail | M Starter Tv - Duration: 4:18.

Imran Khan

For more infomation >> Nawaz Sharif Heart Attack Reality | Dr Shahid Masood Will Release Soon From Jail | M Starter Tv - Duration: 4:18.


Billie-Rae, Kayvahn - Oil & Water [CC Lyrics] - Duration: 2:57.

Billie-Rae, Kayvahn - Oil & Water

now i'm drunk and i'm feeling all this pain send a text it's in vain

feel a fire in my brain

now i'm drunk and i'm feeling all this pain

can't stop drinking champagne is this broken heart syndrome

let's check to see if we're still bad for each other i can make you fall in love

us together we're like oil and water it's not easy enough

now i'm drunk and i'm feeling all this pain gotta keep up the game

you make me wanna go home now i'm drunk and i'm feeling all this pain

feeling like i'm going insane can't stop watching the rain

now i'm drunk and i'm feeling all this pain can't stop drinking champagne

is this broken heart syndrome

let's check to see if we're still bad for each other i can make you fall in love

us together we're like oil and water it's not easy enough

let's check to see if we're still bad for each other i can make you fall in love

us together we're like oil and water it's not easy enough

let's check to see if we're still bad for each other i can make you fall in love

us together we're like oil and water it's not easy enough


For more infomation >> Billie-Rae, Kayvahn - Oil & Water [CC Lyrics] - Duration: 2:57.


I'm Gonna Feel Every Feelin' In The Book Tonight LYRİCS | Sex Education - MAEVE and OTİS - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> I'm Gonna Feel Every Feelin' In The Book Tonight LYRİCS | Sex Education - MAEVE and OTİS - Duration: 2:08.


FULL DAY OF EATING - Wie isst eigentlich ein Gewichtheber? - Duration: 15:30.

Good morning competitive sports friends

Welcome back on my YouTube channel

Today's topic is food

It is clear when approximately 1000 people ask what I eat all day

They got to be a video about it

With my nutrition I live after the Moto keep it simple

That means

Carbohydrates, proteins

and when I have time and fancy Some , then vegetables as well.

Because it supposed to be healthy

And that's actually how it is all day

My meals are Breakfast

After this I train and mostly only have a shake

Then lunch

After this a shake as well

And of course dinner

And when I am in preparation and I have to gain weight

a little shake as well

And I thought

I just take you with me when I cook and how I cook

Then you can see how I do it and if you like to you can do the same

But as already mentioned

we start with the breakfast

Then for lunch EDEKA is coming to visit me

today for their campaign

#reifeLeistung (#goodjob)

They going to bring me a whole bucket full of ingredients

from which I am going to cook today

We cook after receipt specially tailored for my needs

I was able to pick my favorite ingredients Which would be organic chicken


I'm already excited what we're going to cook and how is it going to taste

Afterwords we going to make dinner as well of course

Be excited have fun and

See you

Well my breakfast this morning looks like this

I make myself a porridge

That's pretty good for a good energy level within my training

And furthermore I will have some protein bread with salmon and avocado

Sounds pretty good and tasty

Won't have any problems eating that so have fun watching

I always recommend a kitchen scale

No question

Put a container on it

in which you can measure everything

We'd start with

120 g oats I like the one from Köln

I prefer the one with bigger oats otherwise it just gets too muddy

I mix them with hot water

Just take care that you don't take too much otherwise it turns into a soup

I think that's enough

You mix it up another time

Then I continue with Skyr the well-known proteins yogurt

We take 150 g from this


I Stew it

and put a handful of berries in it

They are frozen and when you put them into late

when the porridge already gets cold the berries are still frozen

That's the reason I put them in the right away and mix them under the porridge to defrost them

Now we're heading towards the protein powder

There was no smallest size available

That's nice and pure protein

From that we take about 40 g

I would recommend using vanilla

because it taste really good

So Vanilla Whey

I don't have any so I use this one that's pretty nice as well

Then mix it up another time I can probably take a bigger spoon

Then it goes a bit faster

Well and the "Grand Final" peanut butter

Peanut butter is not only delicious but it delivers a lot of calories

And therefore energy I always take two spoons

And mix them under the porridge

Sometimes I use coconut flakes as a topping

but I do not have any here today

So no Coco's flakes for me

but that's no problem

And what I really want to put on it is cinnamon

When the camera does as I please

That makes it more tasty than it already is

The next step is the salmon on the protein bread

That's it the protein bread And the salmon

And a avocado

Usually I eat the whole package

Since I had breakfast yesterday as well it's not too much left

And done

Now I will eat and heading toward training

So see you

As already mentioned earlier

EDEKA is coming to visit or is visiting me today

And I was able to pick my favorite ingredient

And EDEKA was so friendly

to write a receipt for me

I told them that I would like a receipt which I can eat before competition

Like in the span of time when I'm trying to lose a little weight to get back on my 81 kg

That I would like to eat something good for me and my body

And that's what they came up with Chicken salad

So let's try it

Before we start

We wash our hands -Yes right-

And that nothing can go wrong

Let's disinfect them as well

But not too little

The bacteria should not only die it should drown -Yeah OK-

Let's get it started -Yes-

You can buy all those items at EDEKA? -Yeah you can buy it all at EDEKA-

Who would've thought that right

That is amazing

Half an orange That's a whole

Lemons I already saw them they are there

Olive oil

And Soya sauce

-Max I think we got everything-

-You can count on me - OK then we can start

Great we made it As you can tell by looking at the kitchen

But it was worth it

Because that just look amazing

We added potatoes as well

Just to show that you can do it with Carbs as well

So you can choose between the version

with potatoes and the one without potatoes depends on your diet

I'm already looking forward to taste it

But if it's taste like it smells It was a success

you tidy up right ?

OK time for dinner This one is my own creation

And actually it's simply is

Chicken breast in a feta cheese tomato sauce

Tomato sauce with those kind of tomatoes

You know what I mean

And with this recipe white wine plays a major role as well

But maybe let's just start with the ingredients

Chicken breast from happy chickens

Then we need

Patros feta cheese and tomatoes

And a few spices

But first things first before we start

Disinfection of the hands

We cut the chicken into pieces

I cut it in half, that the pieces won't get too thick

Because when they're so thick they just need longer and that's not cool

Because time is money

and we don't have any money

Actually we can already start

Heating up the pan a little bit

So this is supposed to be 350 g

That should be enough for me

Who weights more should probably buy more

Let's spice it up as well Salt and Pepper

And actually we can take a little chilly as well

Then we put it all in the pan

At the same time

we take the tomatoes

approximately two hands

and cut them into quarters so that it looks more

Well this meal is useable multi functional

That means

you can add any kind of carbs to it

I decided I'm going to make them with spelt noodles

Available at EDEKA

At least here

I think they're really tasty and only need one minute to cook

Thats great

A pot with boiling water

put the noodles inside you know how it works

When the chicken starts turning golden

You can start adding the cheese

with a little bit of oil to it

Let it heat up a little bit

Add the tomatoes

And this all together


Has to cook a bit

When the cheese starts melting

You can pour a little white wine on it

That makes it a nice sauce

Water boils

so it's time for the noodles.

Try them! Those are my recommendation, they are great .

And as soon as the sauce gets a little creamy

That means that it's not thin from the withe vine anymore

You can turn the heat little bit down

And let it chill for a little bit

That it soaks a bit more

Well That's how it looks when it's done

That's nothing you need professional skills for

It is just fast healthy and it taste good

It includes just what I need And that makes it one of my favorite meals

And who cooks it as well should really leave a comment how it tasted


how the receipt can be improved

Enjoy it

As I will enjoy it now

Well the kitchen is clean It tasted great

I'm done

I hope I was able to show you that

my nutrition isn't such a big deal as you may have thought

Protein, carbohydrates and a little bit of vegetables

That's it

For me the nutrients are sometimes more important than the taste

But I think you can approve that by spicing it up Me personally I'm not a big spice fan

But OK

I really hope you like the video

I had to record it by myself because my cameraman got sick

Get well soon at this point :)

I would be happy if you like the video

If so thumbs up

If not thumbs even higher up

Tell your grandparents That they can watch me cook

And maybe they can even give me some advice

In the comments Would be great

I'm excited over every comment here If positive or negative

And I wish you a lot of fun with cooking my menu

Enjoy it And see you soon

That's it from over here Over and out

For more infomation >> FULL DAY OF EATING - Wie isst eigentlich ein Gewichtheber? - Duration: 15:30.


Arsenal signing Denis Suarez from Barcelona would have impact on Manchester United - Duration: 3:08.

 Arsenal want to sign Suarez from Barcelona this month, despite the Catalan giants so far thwarting their attempts to do so

 Unai Emery's side want to land the Spaniard on loan until the end of the season, with funds running low over in north London

 So far, however, Barcelona have prevented Arsenal from signing Suarez as they want to get the 25-year-old off their books

 Meanwhile, another player being linked with a move to the Emirates Stadium is Manchester United's Juan Mata

 Mata has emerged as a target for Emery, who previously managed the Spain international in La Liga with Sevilla

 The United star's contract expires at the end of the season and, so far, the Red Devils have been unable to tie him down to a new deal

 Yet The Mirror say that, should Barcelona sell Suarez to Arsenal, the Gunners will cool their interest in Mata

 That, despite the two players operating in different areas on the pitch. Meanwhile, La Liga expert Guillem Balague has claimed that Suarez only wants to move to Arsenal - despite having other offers on the table

 "Denis Suarez was out of Sevilla game and #FCB could take him out of squad if he doesn't accept Sevilla or Betis offer (they pay €20m)," he said, "He only wants #AFC but they not convinced of accepting clause to buy, so player had decided to stay #armwrestling"

 Mata, meanwhile, has insisted he is happy at United despite links with Arsenal. The forward recently said: "I've been in England for a while, but it's true that at times you miss home, your family, your friends "But I don't know if I'll return to Spain in the near future

Trending  "I'm calm, I'm at the fantastic club that is Manchester United, one of the biggest in the world

 "We are focused on finishing the season as well as possible and reaching our goal of a place in the Champions League

 "We would like to have other objectives but that is the reality. A coach came in who is a club legend and has give us confidence

 "I am sure there will be difficult times between now and the end of the season but we will give our all


For more infomation >> Arsenal signing Denis Suarez from Barcelona would have impact on Manchester United - Duration: 3:08.


Sorry Mr or Mrs ENFP...I GOT NEWS FOR YOU - Dreams Around The World - Duration: 6:55.

I remember when I was first starting out in business I'd probably spend like 80%

of my time 90% of my time in my head avoiding things thinking about things

worrying about things you know I'd have a client I would need to email and I

would spend so much time basically procrastinating that and putting it off

and then thinking of excuses but then thinking oh it's been too long since

I've emailed them so I don't know if I should (*cough* ENFP Mistake *cough*) and I remember this the other day

I was reading a comment someone wrote and they were talking about how they had

got an email from someone and it was an important email and they started to

think about it so they didn't respond right away cuz I wanted to think about

it and then a few days went by and then it was like six days and so they didn't

want to respond because six days seemed rude so then they just didn't say

anything and someone else commented on their comment just saying yeah that's

called being a flake and it's kind of true

the reality is people will judge you by your actions the world does not care how

you feel it does not care what you think it cares about what you do now I say

that as someone who cares about what you feel when you don't email me back for

three days I probably know why if I know your personality type I probably

understand what's going on in your brain what's going on emotionally and

personally as an empathetic person I care and if you're one of my friend and

I know you're more introverted and maybe emotional and you skip one of my parties

I'm not judging you because I know probably what's going on in your head I

know maybe the pattern or the process that's going on with you and so I

totally understand that and yet I will still say this it's so critical to

realize ultimately the world judges you by your actions not your thoughts and

not your feelings and the reason that happens is that's all other people can

go by listen if I send you an email and you don't respond for a week because any

number of things are going on but you never tell me about those you never let

me into your world what am I supposed to do go up into my spaceship beam down

into your head read your emotional state no I'm gonna judge you as flaky or

unreliable and I got to be honest as much as I understand my fellow enfps and

are similar types like infps and as much as I have been the person who's been

flaky in the past who's been unreliable who hasn't gotten back to people by

email I totally empathize with you if that's your situation and I have zero

hostility but if I'm talking to someone about a partnership or working together

or even being their coach and I see that behavior I usually write them off

because ultimately that's what I have to go by with your behavior right if I'm

thinking about coaching someone I care about your ability to get results if I

work with you and you aren't able to follow through and you aren't able to

achieve what it is you want to achieve when you hire me that reflects on me but

more than that is it's frustrating because if I work with you I'm so

invested in your success that if you don't get there it's going to hurt me as

well and so even in my case someone who totally understands why people might not

respond to an email or skip an event or when people go through ups and downs and

highs and lows I totally understand that and even I ultimately come down to often

judging people by their actions and not even their words but especially not

their feelings so here's something that I found really interesting with myself

is when I started thinking this way more with myself I noticed a big difference

judging myself by my actions and not my feelings because if you

expect other people to judge you by your feelings or by what emotion you had and

not what you did you know you expect other people to excuse you skipping a

meeting or being late to something because of how you felt then you're

definitely going to expect that of yourself to write you're definitely

going to be really laid back with your own judgement of your own behavior like

I felt this way who cares whatever and what I found with myself is when I

started judging myself more by actions and just getting out of my own

head and saying you know talking to myself like a crazy person but saying

hey den shut up either do it or don't you know getting all Yoda on myself

right do or do not there is no try and just say to myself listen focus on the

action sometimes in the morning when I go off to a cafe to do some work I don't

want to go I would love to sit on the sofa and occasionally I do and I put off

going to the cafe but what I've learned to do is get out of my head get out of

the emotion and just say Dan put your shoes on and show up right just show up

and that's my takeaway for you here is my own experience I have found that

focusing on my actions and on showing up has allowed me to become a lot more

reliable and to be someone that people can count on and that's what I'm going

to leave you with is just show up if you have a meeting show up if you need to

respond to an email just send anything it doesn't have to be perfect it doesn't

have to be masterful just send a reply that's your email version of showing up

if you will and start looking at your actions and not your feelings and being

a little bit harder on yourself I'm not saying beat yourself up but look at what

you do and not what you feel and not what you think

or what even you say look at what you do and I have a feeling that when you start

looking at what you do you're going to start doing more and you're gonna lean

towards becoming more of the person you want to be and being someone that other

people can count on that other people respect and ultimately that other people

want to work with and spend their time with now that is just about as much

Stern father figure advice as I can give in a day so let's end the video there if

you're new to the channel by the way my name is Dan if I missed that in the

beginning this is dreams around the world and I publish new videos every

Sunday Tuesday and Thursday all about helping you become your best self and

creating the most awesome life for you and those you love and usually it's a

little more upbeat and positive but I had to play some bad cop here I think

it's a really important lesson in something that can make a huge

difference in your life thank you for watching do

that subscribe button if you are new here and hit the bell and I'll catch you

in another video soon ciao


For more infomation >> Sorry Mr or Mrs ENFP...I GOT NEWS FOR YOU - Dreams Around The World - Duration: 6:55.


小さな恋のうた - MONGOL800|Cover 歌ってみた - Duration: 4:08.

For more infomation >> 小さな恋のうた - MONGOL800|Cover 歌ってみた - Duration: 4:08.


Making brain health a way of life - Duration: 6:23.

If you watch these videos I do every week, you know that I've been on a bit of Blue Zone

kick lately.

The Blue Zones are the rare places in the world where thing like cognitive impairment,

or diabetes or heart disease are all but unheard of.

The thing is, these people don't try not to get Alzheimer's.

They don't go to the gym.

They don't ask, "Are these oats steel cut?"

They just are lucky enough to live in places where the lifestyle is so conducive to wellness

that they don't experience these chronic health conditions.

For them, it's a way of thinking and a way of living that keeps them healthy, and it

can be for us, too, if we're intentional about it.

So today, I want to show you seven signs that you have developed a brain healthy mindset.

Hi, I'm Tony Dearing, of, the website for people with mild cognitive impairment.

If you have been diagnosed with MCI, your doctor surely has talked to you about things

that give you the best possible chance of slowing or even stabilizing that cognitive


These can be things you do, or even better, they can become the way you live.

So in that spirit, here are seven signs that brain healthy behavior has become ingrained

in your thinking.

No 1 — When you used to automatically look for the parking spot closest to the door,

and now you automatically look for the further parking spot from the door.

No. 2 — When you find yourself standing in front of a vending machine, and your eyes

are immediately drawn to the pistachios and not the peanut M&Ms.

No. 3 - When you look at a green smoothie and you find yourself thinking, Man, that's

a nutrition bomb of brain health and not you used to think, which was, Man, that sure looks

like a glass of green puke.

No. 4 — When you play Sudoku several times a day because you find it enjoyable and relaxing

and satisfying, but you don't kid yourself into thinking that it provides any cognitive

protection, and for that, you turn to things like real brain training instead.

Are you with me so far?

OK, let's keep going.

You know you have a brain healthy mindset when:

No. 5 — When you walk into a Starbucks and see a white chocolate mocha Frappuccino with

its 410 calories, 15 grams of fat and 63 grams of sugar, and say, "Why would I poison the

most brain healthy beverage know to man?"

And you order a cup of black coffee instead.

No. 6 — When you hear people talking about how much they're looking forward to binge-watching

Gotham or The Black List this weekend and you find yourself asking, at a time when we

know sitting is the new smoking, how did television binge-watching become glamorized as the ideal

leisure activity?

And No. 7 — When the office phone you had on your desk for years and worked perfectly

well is replaced by this new high-tech, cloud-based phone system that you can't figure out how

to use and can't even place a simple call on, and instead of resorting to profanity,

you say, "How wonderful, learning to use this new technology will trigger neurogenesis,

which will create new pathways in my brain that will put me at greater protect against


Although in this case, as a fall-back position, I do reserve the right to resort to profanity

when I'm talking about this .. . . new phone system that they've given me.

There, with that cleansing burst of obscenities, I have concluded my list.

Now it's your turn.

Here's what I want to ask of you.

If you've spent any time on my website,, you know that I have a free library of guidebooks,

tip sheets, checklists and videos that address many of the major big concerns that people

with MCI have.

I'm always adding to the library, and I thought this list would be a fun addition.

But it needs to be little longer, maybe 10or 12 things, and not just seven.

So I'm asking you to help me add to it.

Give me one way that you can tell you've developed a more brain-healthy mindset.

If I can get two or three or four more suggestions from people like you, I'll add them to the

list and put it to the library.

I'll personally send you a copy, and it'll be available to others when they visit my


To make your contribution to my list, leave it a comment, or you can send it to me by

email at

I hope to hear from you, and I hope to see you again next week.

Until then, as always, be kind to your mind.

For more infomation >> Making brain health a way of life - Duration: 6:23.





激情過度「留吻痕」的6位女星,而最後一個未婚也有?太尷尬…… - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> 激情過度「留吻痕」的6位女星,而最後一個未婚也有?太尷尬…… - Duration: 2:36.


Arsenal transfer news: Goalkeeper Lafont reveals Gunners snub over £5m move - Duration: 2:42.

 But the Fiorentina goalkeeping sensation is refusing to rule out a switch to the Emirates in the future

 Lafont, 20, left Toulouse for Fiorentina instead in a £5million deal and has made the No 1 position his own despite his tender years

 The France youth international has kept six clean sheets in Serie A and is quickly carving out a reputation as one of the best young stoppers in Europe

 And he revealed he has always been a fan of the Gunners. "Since I was little I have really liked Arsenal," he said

 "I would like to play later in a five-star club. But I'm keeping my feet on the ground

" Arsenal signed Bernd Leno at the start of the season after failing to land Lafont

 And they are expected to be busy in the January transfer window once more as manager Unai Emery looks to bolster his squad

 Their immediate concerns appear to be further forward and they are understood to be interested in Inter Milan winger Ivan Perisic

 The Gunners are struggling to raise funds for transfers but the Croatian could come on on loan before signing a permanent deal in the summer

 He has previously admitted he would love to play in the Premier League after being linked with Manchester United following Croatia's successful World Cup campaign

 Barcelona's Denis Suarez is another reported target and the Spanish midfielder was expected to move to the Emirates at the beginning of the winter window

 Again, Arsenal want to loan him initially and that is said to be holding up the move

 Suarez could come in as a replacement for Aaron Ramsey who is set to leave after more than 10 years at the club

 Ramsey is expected to join Juventus when his contract expires at the end of the current campaign

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