here is an update about our growing carrot
at kerala using organic fertilizers and no pesticides.
it's a seasonal crop , we can experiment this november-january season.
cold climate
is must for these type of veggies.
it's main root
is converting as output, those information already covered in our previous posts.
seeds used here, i have purchased from an online store,
zero pesticides applied on this, never used even organic pest control.
as mentioned
earlier quality of the potting mix played key role, soil
is treated with lime. then waited for 2 weeks, mixed with rotten cow
dung ,
goat manure, neem cake, bone meal etc. cabbage, cauliflower, beetroot are
the other veggies can try during this period.
For more infomation >> carrot growing kerala output getting ready - ക്യാരറ്റ് കൃഷി അവസാന ഘട്ടത്തിലേക്ക് - Duration: 5:07.-------------------------------------------
Only Ultra Legends Will Find It Funny V12 - Duration: 13:30.
Only Ultra Legends Will Find It Funny V12
Funny Baby Reaction to Everything - Fun and Fails Baby Video - Duration: 10:13.
Hello everyone! Thanks for watching! Wait to see more new video everyday on Fun and Fails!
【ENG SUB】 섻! 마다마다! 요시! 정신일도! - Duration: 17:42.
(TL, Placement match)
There's really like no exp for catapults
2? 3? You can say there's no exp
(Twitch Chat) We need Rich in dev team
No... Bz is doomed now
Unless if I'm something like director
they will not listen to my words
They'll say like "This patch will hurt visuality"
or "This change can hurt the entire game"
Tho all I want are changes that the game needs
If I have to go to HotS dev team, I must be in high rank like director
Minions hit me even if you don't
Quite absurd for you
"Hey! It's Deflect! Stop dealing!"
but it's like "Yeah~ Who cares~"
(Answer to Twitch Chat) Q : If you are director of dev team, will you make characters for newbies?
There are no such things like 'characters for newbies'
In aos games, there's only characters. You can't say what's for newbies or what's for experts
If I'm director, I won't put limits on each character
I will make lots of things and make characters strong, which will eventually make strong guys fight each other
If you think like 'simple is easy', all characters in HotS are for newbies
If you compare LoL's Garen and HotS's Sonya
Garen is much harder
(Twitch Chat) Is Imperius live?
Just think it simple. HotS is not "Blizzard All stars game"
It's rather "Fake game of Bz"
"Fake Bz All stars game"? Something like that
Some parts are missing lol
It's more like fan-made game. It's quality is not what can be made by professional Bz-HotS dev team
Electronic action figure game. Ok, that sounds nice
It's electronic action figure game, but also that figure is missing something
Genji is just perfectly disgusting character
Listen to his quotes. Saying Mada mada when retreating
and saying Sei! when using E
What, at least they made Overwatch characters well?
What about D.Va?
Yeah, you must not include D.Va.. She cannot be Overwatch character
You'll die Diablo...
I can't just leave you alive!!
Hell yeah, Colossus Smash-man
Just think Agile Dismount and Dragon Claw as one
You jump, activate Dragon Claw
Dragonblade of course
Like this
(Answer to Twitch Chat) Q : Is dragon Claw usable for just one time?
But you can use it twice when you are skilled. Let me show you how
Not yet... I would've died
I was expecting for Medivh's shield!
Whatever, clear this bruiser
Azmo started his strategy!
That is like...
a macro play you cannot react
"Back door play"
Please don't do that, Zeratul!
How's this?
What a strategy....
? Didn't activate?
What an unbelievable macro play..
What the hell are they doing?
Varian isn't with them, and those three are hitting the Boss..
They must be frustrated
Lucio, Garrosh and Medivh... lol
I must activate Dragon Claw
If I was dev team, when nerfing Genji,
I would've decreased E's damage on minions
while increasing pvp damage
This hero must be made as pvp hero
The biggest problem with this character in tournaments was that
He is strong, but
he can also play macro
With his disgusting mobility, he dominates the entire map
So cool! I used E.. I'll go..!!!
Look at Azmo! What a macro play!
Even if we are winning the fight, we can lose this game because of him
Dive! Go in!
You know that?
Using Agile Dismount every time when it's ready is faster than moving with mount
Zanshin? Reflect-Zanshin?
Got it. W build. Reflect-Zanshin
Deflect deflects tower damage huge
Especially with Reflect talent
Got E cooldown reduction as well
So I'm super cooldown reduction Genji
D, W, E cooldown reduction
(It's not Genji's fault. It was just typical Genji's behavior. Genji just 'genjied')
Yup.. Genji did nothing wrong
2 Dragon Claws!
Didn't know they took the Boss
Then play Genji ^^
But our structures are bad
thanks to Azmo's macro play
It's too strong...
Why is Boss so strong?
We also have Boss, guys...
It's Varian who should've defended the Keep
Varian? He was a famous troll for years
He always trolled. Not that surprising
How was it?
Cool? I did awesome
This is King-Zanshin
If Zeratul comes back.. It's here!
(Twitch Donation) That's Rich. Best in HotS world
What perfect character in HotS! Gen-shit!
Well, actually, it's not HotS that made Genji. Overwatch made it and HotS just brought him.. but whatever
Blackflies by Robert Munsch Read Aloud by Books Read Aloud For Children - Duration: 7:52.
By Robert Munsch.
Illustrated by Jay Odjick.
Helen got up very early one morning, looked out the window and said, "No snow!
"The snow is ALL GONE!
She opened the front door and heard Nnnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeee!
"Oh no!" said Helen.
"It's the mosquitoes!
It's the blackflies!
They're here!
"AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" and she ran and hid under her bed.
Then she got an idea.
"I think," she said, "that I will see how bad the bugs really are."
So she went to her little sister and said, "Megan, could you go outside and tell me how cold it is?"
"Well," said Megan, "I guess I can, but I get to watch MY TV SHOW when I come back."
"No problem," said Helen.
So Megan opened up the front door and ran outside in her pyjamas.
Sixteen gazillion blackflies and mosquitoes landed on her!
The sixteen gazillion blackflies and mosquitoes picked Megan up and carried her across the road to the black spruce forest where the wolves and bears live.
"Oh dear," said Helen.
"The bugs are worse than I thought."
Then Helen's father came downstairs and said, "Where's Megan?"
"Well . . ." said Helen, "I think Megan is in the woods in her pyjamas."
"In her pyjamas!" yelled Helen's father.
"I'm going to go get her right now."
And he ran out the door in HIS pyjamas.
Helen said, "I don't think that's a good idea."
Sixteen gazillion mosquitoes and blackflies jumped on him, picked him up in the air
and carried him across the road to the black spruce forest where the wolves and bears live.
"Good heavens," said Helen, "I have to do something."
So she looked for bug spray.
She found a can that said, "Really Yucky Bug Glich," gave a little spritz and said, "Yuck! But not strong enough."
She found another can that said "Super Strong, Really Yucky Bug Glich," gave a little spritz and said,
"Yuck! But still not strong enough."
She found another can that said "Super Strong, Extra Yucky, Even Knocks Out Wolves Bug Glich,"
gave a little spritz and said, "YUCK! GLACK! GLUBAHHH! That's strong enough."
Then Helen ran across the street and into the woods, spraying the bug spray in front of her.
She came to a big pile of blackflies and mosquitoes.
From underneath, something was yelling, "Oooowwww! Aaaaah! Oooowwww Aaaaah!"
Helen sprayed the pile for a while and finally the blackflies and mosquitoes flew away.
Underneath was a wolf, and Helen was spraying the bug spray right into the wolf's face.
The wolf yelled, "YUCK! GLACK! GLUBAHHH!" and fell over.
"Sorry," said Helen.
Helen walked some more and she came to a bigger pile of blackflies and mosquitoes.
From underneath, something was yelling, "Ooowwww! Aaaaah! Oooowwww Aaaaah!"
Helen sprayed that pile for a while and finally the blackflies and mosquitoes flew away.
Underneath was a bear, and Helen was spraying the bug spray right in the bear's face.
The bear yelled, "YUCK! GLACK! GLUBAHHH!" and fell over.
"Sorry," said Helen.
Helen walked some more and she came to another pile of blackflies and mosquitoes.
From underneath, something was yelling, "Oooowwww! Aaaaah! Oooowwww Aaaaah!"
Helen sprayed that pile for a while and finally the blackflies and mosquitoes flew away.
Underneath was Megan, and Helen was spraying the bug spray right in her face.
Megan yelled, "YUCK! GLACK! GLUBAHHH!" and ran around bumping into trees.
"Sorry," said Helen.
Helen and Megan went farther into the woods until they found another big pile of mosquitoes and blackflies.
It was jumping up and down, yelling, "Oooowwww! Aaaaah! Oooowwww Aaaaah!"
"I hope," said Helen, "that this is my dad. I do not want to meet another bear."
Helen sprayed that pile for a while and finally the blackflies and mosquitoes flew away.
There was Helen's dad, and Helen was spraying the bug spray right in his face.
"Sorry," said Helen.
And they all stood still and heard a sound like this: Nnnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
That was sixty-four gazillion mosquitoes and blackflies getting ready to come back,
because they had decided that they LIKED the bug spray.
"RUN!" yelled Helen's dad, and they all ran really fast through the woods, across the road,
through the front yard, and into the house.
Then after breakfast they all came out wearing bug jackets and bug hats and went for a walk in the woods,
because it was, after all, springtime.
But, unfortunately, there are no hats or jackets to keep away BEARS!
Are you big on small talk? Learn what it means in The English We Speak - Duration: 2:40.
XXL-Babybauch: Jessica Simpson im Schwangerschafts-Endspurt - Duration: 1:05.
[코브] 포켓몬 시리즈 사상 가장 불쌍한 주인공 - Duration: 7:00.
How to Beatbox? | Tiếng Việt - Thai Son - Duration: 1:26.
Hello My name is Thai Son from Vietnam
Today I will teach you beatbox in vietnam
Hello everybody
we have 3 basic sounds of beatbox
For the first sound (B)
Imagine that you are eating and spit something out
It's like B sound
(maybe Vietnamese culture) Imagine that you are making the child peeing
and you cut it
Imagine that you have a heat mouth
and breath in heavily
And you have 3 basic sounds with B T K
I show you again
So you already have 3 basic sounds with
"Peeing", "Spiting" and "Heat mouth" skills
Good luck and see you again
Press Conference: Meet the Co-chairs of the Annual Meeting 2019 - Duration: 36:37.
HC -【學長我不想繳費】Official Music Video - Duration: 2:37.
호주에서 설명할 수 없는 기괴한 구름이 발견되었다? - Duration: 3:01.
In Australia you can see one of the world's rarest weather phenomena
It is said that the form of a bizarre cloud called 'snake cloud' because it looks like a snake can not reveal the principle to date.
The bizarre cloud shape that seems abnormal seems to move about 1000km from the sky
Let's take a look at the bizarre clouds that show up most in September and October each year.
No one could figure out what this long, strange cloud was about.
But the results of the scientists were not uncommon
The unique shape of the clouds is presumed to be caused by sudden drops in temperature or atmospheric pressure. As the air in front of the clouds rises, the back air comes down at the same time and the clouds seem to roll down the cylinder
That is, a vertically generated tornado appears to have been created horizontally
Even now, every year from September to October, people admire the bizarre cloud.
Unexplained bizarre clouds made in Australia
I am amazed at how this shape can be made.
Bulletproof Skin - Duration: 2:35.
Can humans become bulletproof?
What sounds like a superhero power, is now a reality.
Scientists have injected spider DNA into goats
to create super silk 3 times stronger than Kevlar, and that is jus t the start.
Spider silk is composed almost entirely of protein.
It is about three times stronger than Kevlar and about ten times stronger than steel
and more elastic than nylon.
We grow large amounts of spider cell gene.
We cut the gene, we splice it into the goat DNA and we splice it together.
Then, we take that and transplant that embryo into a goat.
The goat ends up with a baby goat that now has the spider cell DNA in it.
But Dutch artist JALILA ESSAIDI and her team had an even bolder idea.
They merged the silk with lab-grown human tissue.
We provided the artist with spider cell fabric, then her collaborators actually grew the skin
layers on top of that fabric.
And of course, there is only one way to test this - by shooting a bullet at it.
They placed the new fabric over ballistic gel and pulled the trigger.
The spider silk withstood the speeding bullet!
Scientists have also begun to use silk-worms with spider DNA,
and the U.S army has a $1million deal for future body armour.
Deltarune - Asriel的抽屜(不同的保存檔) - Duration: 0:41.
INTER 0-0 SASSUOLO | DEFENSIVE SOLIDITY | Extra Time - Duration: 6:13.
Welcome back Nerazzurri fans,
Extra Time is back this evening,
the first episode of 2019.
Serie A is back up and running,
as we begin the second half of the season
with a 0-0 draw at San Siro against Sassuolo,
who once again prove tough opposition for Luciano Spalletti's side.
We're into the New Year but our team is the same:
hello Massimo Paganin.
Hi Federica and Alberto.
Good evening
and a Happy New Year as well,
since we didn't get a chance to send our wishes.
Welcome back to you too, Alberto.
Hi Federica, hi Massimo.
Good evening all.
We dive into our analysis with the tactical focus.
Max, what are today's 4 points?
We've already touched on one:
defensive solidity,
which is an obvious one.
There's not much to argue about here,
but it's very important.
Politano's incisiveness
and Vecino's return,
two very important players.
And then the right side of the team,
which performed really well.
The left wing did well too,
as the side looked fairly balanced in the game,
but our best moves, especially in the first half
came from that area of the pitch.
Let's start with the first point.
Our defensive solidity speaks for itself.
and there are images to back it up.
I think it all starts from Handanovic,
who gives his defence confidence.
He's been through some difficult moments
and made an error in the reverse fixture,
but he's continued to improve significantly.
We can now see the solidity and calmness
that he gives to the backline,
starting from the right-backs D'Ambrosio and Vrsaljko.
The team is in good shape
and at centre-back,
although Miranda is playing less often,
behind Skriniar and De Vrij,
we remain solid,
especially in one-on-ones,
where we don't give many chances away.
They did at this well in the first half.
Asamoah is on the left and doing really well.
He's recovered excellently after his mistake against PSV Eindhoven,
so if we take the defence as a whole,
they're doing superbly,
but that solidity also comes from the fact
that the whole team is doing the necessary sacrifices in defence
to stop the opposition from having good chances.
Now let's focus on Matteo Politano,
up against his former team.
Yes, we do this after every game,
looking at the player against their former club.
It didn't affect him that much;
in my opinion he played well,
especially in the one-on-ones.
Here we see him in the first half
this is perhaps our first chance,
at around the 30th minute if I'm not mistaken.
He goes to put pressure on the other team
and it all starts from there.
Inter played very high,
Spalletti was right.
They did well at pressing them high
and caused Sassuolo problems.
Here Politano gets on the end of the ball
and in this case Icardi drops off.
Politano knocks it down,
but he can't get hold of it and Sassuolo claim the ball.
However, Inter are playing really advanced.
Asamoah intercepts it here
and gives it to Perisic,
who puts it in the middle
and again Politano pops up in the area,
on his own,
to strike the ball,
but Consigli does brilliantly to keep it away from goal.
An incredible save to keep the score level.
As I said before,
had we scored here it'd have been a completely different game,
but it didn't happen.
Here in the second half,
he again shows his strength in one-on-ones.
They'd doubled up on him,
but even still he manages to find a way out.
When you have a player who can beat you like this,
it gives you a numerical advantage
and they were forced into fouling him.
He's in great shape physically
and he gives you an extra man
when he creates numerical advantages
by beating his marker in a one-on-one.
And Vecino's return?
He's only started 10 games this season
and found it difficult at the beginning
after the World Cup.
We see here how he receives a forward pass from Joao Mario.
The midfield was a bit unusual,
with he and Joao Mario ahead of Brozovic.
He gets the ball and holds onto it well,
gives to D'Ambrosio before getting into the box.
D'Ambrosio was offside,
but he showed his qualities here:
receiving the ball and attacking the space.
Again we see Politano in a one-on-one,
Brozovic on the edge
and Vecino in the box.
We got into the Champions League last year
thanks to his goal,
so this is another great strength of his:
getting into the area at the right time
and finding himself with chances to score.
Here we see how he passes the ball,
look at the link here:
Ambrosio to Vecino who plays Politano in behind.
That could even have been a penalty to tell the truth.
It wasn't reviewed but it could've been given.
We've already seen the link down the right here:
D'Ambrosio, Vecino and Politano working well together.
Now a look at the right wing,
as against Sassuolo Inter attacked mainly down the right.
Yes, as I was saying,
it was fairly balanced between left and right,
but in my opinion the best moments came from the right,
where both Vecino and Joao Mario ventured occasionally.
Here we see Vecino give the ball to D'Ambrosio
and Politano attacking the space.
He lifts his head and gives it back to D'Ambrosio,
who plays it back inside to Vecino.
Their timing was excellent
and Locatelli did really well to cut it out,
otherwise Vecino would've had a shot on goal inside the box.
Another move here, Politano to D'Ambrosio,
who lifts his head.
See how Vecino takes his marker away with him,
so Perisic can run in and shoot.
He was narrowly offside,
but you can see Vecino's movement,
vacating the area and taking his marker with him,
allowing Perisic to run into the space
and shoot at the far post.
Another good chance for Inter that was well worked
thanks to the good movement on the right,
which created a number of chances.
Minecraft【蠢蠢的死法】10種弄死自己の方式 !! 超爆笑😂真男人就去跳岩漿 !! | 全字幕 - Duration: 19:21.
Chelsea's Maurizio Sarri 'holds 20-minute peace talks with Chelsea players after Arsenal surrender' - Duration: 3:36.
폴킴 (Paul Kim) - 눈 (A Snowy Night) - Official Video, neuron special, ENG Sub - Duration: 4:08.
On this snowy night I have nowhere to go
I am standing alone with the sorrow of our break up
The window seems to reflect my current feelings
I am barely holding on to not break down
The dreamy moments were just a flash
Hope all of it disappears when I close my eyes
Tears are welling up for no reason
I don't think you know of these loneliness
When will these feelings feel numb to me
Since I have to act as nothing happened
It's so difficult for me
If by some chance I run into you
I'm not sure how I would really feel
Even if I want to go back to you I know it's not possible
I know all these things but what do I truly want
Tears are welling up for no reason
I don't think you know of these loneliness
When will these feelings feel numb to me
Since I have to act as nothing happened
It's so difficult for me
I wish all these were just a dream
I don't want to lose anything
As all these white snows stopped falling
Now everything has cleared up for me
I'm sure
From now on
I don't want to ever cry again because of you
I am going to love myself more now
I really wanted to say
Thank you to you
On the snowy night
Me of yesterday who was missing you
Finally time to say goodbye
윷가락도 윷놀이하려면 없는 법! 12가지 윷가락 만들기 [B몽4몽 꿈별이야기] - Duration: 6:18.
YUGI H5 - Những trận Quyết chiến hay của các PRO China (22/01/2019) - Thầnbà YugiH5 - Duration: 10:48.
'ब' Letter Poem || Learn Hindi Varnamala (हिन्दी वर्णमाला) || Hungama Kids - Duration: 1:54.
Hello Kids, Welcome to the series of Hindi Varnamaala Poems.
Today, we will be looking at some interesting words beginning with the letter 'BA'.
So, Let's Go...
We would request you to share more words in the comments section below.
And don't forget to like and share this video.
ANME Wrap Up 2019 - Duration: 1:43.
Hey gang, greetings from ANME!
We have been here shopping some U.S. surplus
Anssi, how did your buying pants worked?
Thanks for asking they worked very well!
the whole budget got spent again in a couple of hours
This year we focused mainly on the accessories & equipment side
Because the trade war between the U.S. and the EU has raised
an additional tax of 25% that did not encourage us too much
But let's take a look at the haul:
Yeah, we grabbed a good batch of line cutters just like last year
Proper good stuff!
Then assorted collection of pretty modern combat gloves
Last time these sold like hotcakes and this time we got plenty of these
Then some some sleeping bags, pouches, combat vests, protective eye wear, canteen cups etc.
We also got woobies in MarPat & Woodland patterns
And as a last surprise :
a one man combat shelter in UCP-pattern!
These goodies will soon start to make their way towards Finland
and appear on our webstore during the spring
keep an eye on our webstore since these will sell really quickly when they finally come out!
For more infomation >> ANME Wrap Up 2019 - Duration: 1:43.-------------------------------------------
Renaud furieux, son geste qui en dit long aux photographes - Duration: 1:17.
For more infomation >> Renaud furieux, son geste qui en dit long aux photographes - Duration: 1:17.-------------------------------------------
白色 CX-5 為何一直撈不起來?炮擊大馬無能的最好先看!絕對不是想象中那麼簡單! - Duration: 12:56.
白色 CX-5 為何一直撈不起來?炮擊大馬無能的最好先看!絕對不是想象中那麼簡單! (高淵21日訊)人是找到了
你要求這個發展中國家一天搞定? 根據美國發明家培佛(Raymond N.
Pheifer)的Underwater vehicle recovery method
打撈沉車的方式通常有以下幾種: 浮筒式:它是將水密浮筒灌水後沉到水底
如此大的封號折了陽壽? 幾個月後
半點不由人! 此時的趙禎已過而立之年
03 眾多婚後的男人難以割捨的就是初戀
張貴妃 或許宮中受寵的女人
04 此後的時間
宋真宗 趙禎的年號為仁宗
宋徽宗的生育能力有多強? 宋徽宗 據宗室傳記載:在被俘虜之前
就為大家分享一些吧! 一、
日本人也怕s 提起日軍
飛機炸彈打水漂——跳躍轟炸 跳躍轟炸的動畫演示 二戰中
For more infomation >> 白色 CX-5 為何一直撈不起來?炮擊大馬無能的最好先看!絕對不是想象中那麼簡單! - Duration: 12:56.-------------------------------------------
Welcome to my youtube channel, again me pink moony, today we are going
just talk about how to melt belly but before getting to the heart of the subject
remember to subscribe. , like and comment , but also think about the notification bell
, think also of my new pink chain Moony naturaupathe
lose up to 8 cm of waist with this recipe in 3 nights non stop
for this recipe you will simply need of two lemons
like that and a ginger like this about 100Gr
you're going to slice off as you see there once
it's okay it'll just pass all in the mixer
so here you see we'll add a whole little bit of water a little bit
of water that's why it's so thick so that's very important that
that it has a consistency, creamy, pasty, thick as you can see the
then you'll just add a tablespoon of toothpaste
once you finished the evening before going to
bedtime you simply apply on any the area to treat, you massage well. take
the time to do it, let it dry, do that every day between 10 and 15 days you
go see that all that is cellulite, skin dead, dirty grease all that on the area. treated
will be gone, as I say quite often in addition pay attention to your diet
and you will see that it will melt the fat who stagnates, whether it is the belly the abdomen,
the saddlebags, it will be gone so here, and especially think well to use the
zest of your lemon this is what activates drastically the weight loss, the
fat melting simple easy and yet very very powerful
for you so here are my friends do not hesitate so here are my loves I you
thanks for watching this new video to the end I tell you
see you soon for new videos by then take great care of yourself and know
I carry you in my heart XOXO
For more infomation >> PERDEZ JUSQUA 8CM DE TOUR DE TAILLE AVEC CETTE RECETTE EN TROIS NUITS NON STOP! - Duration: 3:41.-------------------------------------------
Swing: comment driver sans slice facilement pour avoir de beaux draws - Duration: 10:13.
For more infomation >> Swing: comment driver sans slice facilement pour avoir de beaux draws - Duration: 10:13.-------------------------------------------
Welcome to my youtube channel, again me pink moony, today we are going
just talk about how to melt belly but before getting to the heart of the subject
remember to subscribe. , like and comment , but also think about the notification bell
, think also of my new pink chain Moony naturaupathe
lose up to 8 cm of waist with this recipe in 3 nights non stop
for this recipe you will simply need of two lemons
like that and a ginger like this about 100Gr
you're going to slice off as you see there once
it's okay it'll just pass all in the mixer
so here you see we'll add a whole little bit of water a little bit
of water that's why it's so thick so that's very important that
that it has a consistency, creamy, pasty, thick as you can see the
then you'll just add a tablespoon of toothpaste
once you finished the evening before going to
bedtime you simply apply on any the area to treat, you massage well. take
the time to do it, let it dry, do that every day between 10 and 15 days you
go see that all that is cellulite, skin dead, dirty grease all that on the area. treated
will be gone, as I say quite often in addition pay attention to your diet
and you will see that it will melt the fat who stagnates, whether it is the belly the abdomen,
the saddlebags, it will be gone so here, and especially think well to use the
zest of your lemon this is what activates drastically the weight loss, the
fat melting simple easy and yet very very powerful
for you so here are my friends do not hesitate so here are my loves I you
thanks for watching this new video to the end I tell you
see you soon for new videos by then take great care of yourself and know
I carry you in my heart XOXO
For more infomation >> ELLE A PERDU TOUTE LA GRAISSE DU VENTRE EN DORMANT AVEC CECI EN SEULEMENT 24 H ! - Duration: 3:41.-------------------------------------------
HOW TO Restore & Repair Rusted Quick Release Trigger Bar Clamps - Part 1: Removing Rust #DIY #Tools - Duration: 6:45.
Today, we go from this, to this, to this and to this.
I have found 2 quick-release trigger clamps in the trash and decided to restore them.
One because, in the woodworking community, it is a common understanding that "in the
woodworking shop, you can never have enough clamps, clamps, clamps, clamps, clamps"
I also decided to restore them, because those clamps offer over 4 feet of clamping capacity
that I currently do not have, and because new, they can be quite expensive.
There are however a few issues to solve: There is a lot of rust.
The movable jaws are ceased and no longer move.
Both fixed jaws are missing.
So, let's tackle each challenge one at a time, starting by checking if the movable jaw can
be set in motion.
If the mechanism of the moveable jaw is damaged or broken, the clamp is useless altogether,
so seems a good place to start.
For this, let's apply the first rule of DIY
Now the jaw is moving, my original plan was to give the rusted bars a white vinegar bath
which means I had to remove the movable jaw from the clamp.
I however changed my plan as I realized that removing the jaws from the clamps would mean
fiddling with metal plates and springs and could result in a nightmare to build them
I therefore moved to plan B brushing directly white vinegar on the bars with an old toothbrush.
Since there is a small curve at the center of the bar, the vinegar will naturally sit
in the middle and soak gently into the iron.
After 2 hours, I used a piece of aluminum foil to act as a cleaning pad to brush away
the rust particles.
I then used an old rag to clean up the mess.
Before, after!
Satisfied with this first cleaning, I went to apply the same recipe to the other side
of the clamps.
As I could not give the bars a full white vinegar bath, I still have here and there
patches of rust that I will now take care of with sand paper.
80 grids for the prework, 240 grids for the finish.
A word about tools, guys.
I'm not a tool enthusiast.
I cannot get excited by shiny looking tools.
For me, the best tool is the one that you can find without searching for it.
It is an object that you use to do some work, it is not a fashion accessory.
So, while restoring the clamps, I will therefore aim at bringing them back to a decent state
where they can be used, not make show models out of them, since to me at least, this delivers
no value nor excitement.
At that stage, I'm satisfied with the cleanliness of the bars since it assures an effortless
motion of the movable jaw.
The next step will be to protect the bars from rust.
For this, I opted to use plain old Vaseline, since it acts both as a lubrication agent
for the parts and provides, in my environment, sufficient protection against rust.
After applying a good layer, I can check and confirm that all is working as designed.
I can now start cleaning up the mess I made, since I believe I have rust up till my but*****,
and start thinking about the last part to finish this restoration project: the making
of two new fixed jaws.
I'm sure you kept wondering why my hands always look so beautiful during this project?
Well, I keep them hydrated with moisture surge 72-hour auto-replenish hydrator, that not
only is good for your hands, but also for your d***.
For more infomation >> HOW TO Restore & Repair Rusted Quick Release Trigger Bar Clamps - Part 1: Removing Rust #DIY #Tools - Duration: 6:45.-------------------------------------------
Salarié ou entrepreneur : Que choisir ? - Duration: 6:19.
For more infomation >> Salarié ou entrepreneur : Que choisir ? - Duration: 6:19.-------------------------------------------
Am fost și eu la Catedrala Neamului Românesc - Duration: 24:05.
Pilgrim at the Romanian Nation Salvation Cathedral
There are exactly 100 years since the Great Union of all Romanian provencies
the centuries-long desire of our people, has been fulfilled.
Although we have not been able to keep it whole, as our forefathers left it to us,
I strongly believe that Romania still treasures the inherited values from them!
I was a patriot from childhood.
I read on a heartbeat ilustrated history books,
I made myself swords, shields, guns, machine guns,
and reanacted battles with other children.
I wanted to be an aviator to defend the country in need,
but life allowed me to serve her only on the social field.
"This cathedral is sanctified, with the patrons of the Ascension of God
and the Saint Apostle Andrew-the first called, the Protector of Romania,
by sprinkling with Holy Water and anointing with the Holy and Great Myrth
in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit"
I think it should be good to do more this year
to honor the memory of our ancestors.
Besides the Cathedral and the Monument of the Great Union at Alba Iulia,
there have been only a few events
but even those have failed to resonate at the national level,
although they have swallowed enormous budgets...
So, something in my consciousness as Romanian
has asked me to be present at this great event of the Centenary Year.
I knew I would not be able to enter the Cathedral,
but I hoped I could find a place in front of the church yard.
Unexpectedely, tens of thousands of people were everywhere,
and still pouring from of all the avenues leading to the Arsenal Square.
Priests with groups of believers, townspeople, people coming
from the countryside, tricolor flags waving everywhere.
The tall cathedral, with the spires in the fog,
the religious ceremony performed by a large group of orthodox priests,
all impressed me strongly, so I decided to illustrate my pilgrimage
in this holy day of the Romanian nation
in some beautiful video clips.
I would have liked to have free passage to film everywhere,
but anyway this huge crowd of Romanians gave me more
than I needed to make this movie.
Even since the works have begun at the site,
the necessity or the opportunity to have a National Cathedral
it s an ongoing topic on the internet...
Eminescu was the first to have the initiative to build this church,
which he called "The Cathedral of the Nation Salvation "
and after him, kings of Romania and many other personalities
of the Romanian social and political life have the same goal.
The vicissitudes of our history have not allowed to be built until now.
God has taken care that we are the ones to build it!
Perhaps, if His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel did not have the courage to start this project now,
it would not have been possible in the future to make it!
Even now, the opposition of the secularists was extremely strong,
and the fact that we are now participating in it' s inauguration
it' s by itself a Holly miracle!
"Long time ago it was used that the Divine Liturgy to be done on the tomb of martyrs.
When a martyr was killed, a liturgy was celebrated on his grave.
Since then, it has been the custom
that Holy Table must have Holy Relics in it. "
"Let us all pray!"
I also donated, like every Romanian, „the widow' s two pennies",
that at least couple of few bricks to come from me.
I was looking through the camera screen and admired how well they were built!
There were a few dozens... and I said to myself, jokingly:
"Are these the ones came from me?"
then I lifted my eyes, and for the first time
I felt that the Curch is quite beautiful,
so sleek, shrouded in the fog as in a smoke of incense...
I compared it to a huge Koliva of the Romanian people, (wheat grains cake simbolizing the people of the Curch)
blessed by a vast number of patriarchs, bishops, priests, and deacons!
It is our offering, the sacrifice of Romanians of today,
as gratitude for their immolation, the sacrifice of Romanians from all times!
How many millions of bricks had been built in the cathedral body?
Are they enough to have one for each of those who gave their livesf through out the centuries
so that we have this country, so small or big, so poor or rich,
that almost all of us blame and are always dissatisfied with?
But they loved her to the supreme sacrifice,
hoping that we would appreciate the inheritance left by them.
I feel somewhat embarrassed that I was a little cheap and gave only two pennies...
- "How do you look at the church service, do you resist the cold?"
A TV reporter disturbed me.
He was not asking me, but an old man behind me.
- "Young man, you know you are getting colder than me
My uncle served two winters on the battle front.
He was terribly cold out there. But God helped them."
The microphone moves away, but the old man continues for us:
- "He later died in a battle and 4 children were left orphans...
Vasile Moreanu-hero... His name is written
on the list they placed in the Holy Altar."
His eyes are moistened... because of emotion... or maybe the cold...
The bell began to ring. I'm pleasantly surprised by his gentle and velvety sound.
I was expecting to be very loud, since I was quite close.
A kid reads on the phone that the sound has a frequency of 130 Hz,
so it spreads up to 15 km
and that it is the biggest church bell in the world.
And we have another record also: it is the highest Orthodox cathedral-120 m.
I did not even know that!
There are big chances to keep those forever,
since the other nations already have their cathedrals with their bells.
We are all charmed!
No doubt it is the most pleasant bang I've ever heard!
I feel like a little of the joy of the young
bell-making master in Tarkovski's movie
when he listened the sound of his very first bell he made.
Even the boyars were happy, althought they were so cheap
and hardely accept to melt their silver,
without which the bronze would not have sounded so beautiful, enjoyed.
From time to time I see someone I know
We greet each other discreetly because we are not allowed to cross the street.
The gendarmes are a little tight, but maybe that's for better.
There are over 50,000 pilgrims already and they are still coming.
The most of them have chosen a place to stay and they are watching the religious service.
There are giant screens all over, so you can see what's going on inside the church.
The organization seems pretty good to me,
given that there are so many pilgrims.
They hindered a bit the official convoys.
Because the National Cathedral was sanctified, it was natural and expected
to come as many officials of the Romanian State
and diplomatic representatives as possible.
Perhaps it would have been better to come a little earlier,
or at least with the sirens off...
the people even prayed here in the street ...
I believe in one God, the Father Almighty,
Maker of heaven and earth,
and of all things visible and invisible.
And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only-begotten,
begotten of the Father before all ages.
Light of Light; true God of true God;
begotten, not made; of one essence with the Father,
by whom all things were made;
who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven,
and was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, and became man.
And He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate,
and suffered and was buried.
And the third day He rose again, according to the Scriptures;
and ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of the Father;
and He shall come again with glory to judge the living and the dead;
whose Kingdom shall have no end.
And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Giver of Life, who proceeds from the Father;
who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified;
who spoke by the prophets.
In one Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.
I acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins.
I look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen.
The fog persists, the sun hesitates to appear, but I'm still not cold;
only my fingers are numb on the cold tripod.
I see a movie team making a documentary;
I'm attracted like a magnet to their super camera,
but to my surprise I am not envious.
Maybe just a little...
I feel like David in front of Goliath. I, with my small camera on a stick,
are more mobile than them, so I'm heading to the entrance queue.
"And send us the divine Grace and the Grace of the Holy Spirit, let us pray!"
"Lord have mercy!"
The people inside started to leave, so the gendarmes
let in groups of 50 people.
Here I have experienced some cramping;
But I realized that the phenomenon is inevitable
when hundreds of people, try to pass through a 2m opening,
doesn t matter if they are soccer fans or pilgrims.
A lady is mad because of the situation...
she was separated from the group she had come with.
"Poor organization, sir!"
I ask: Could be anybody blamed for this?
Look at the screen, the altar is full! so is the church...
The inner courtyard, although it is large, is crowded too!
But do not worry, the Grace of God has descended upon us here in the street!
A reporter lady approached a well dressed young man:
Why are you here today?
Because I am Romanian and Orthodox!
And even if I was not an Orthodox, I could not be absent
absent at the most important event of the Centenary Year.
- What is your profession? - I'm in the IT business.
-And don t you think that too much money was spent on this huge cathedral?
-How much should we have spent on
a church raised in the memory of the heroes of this nation?
And how big should be the national cathedral
of a country that is orthodox for 2000 years?
And whatever you answer, there will surely be many who will object
that there is too much, or that we are too poor.
- And yet, insists the reporter, there is so much need for hospitals, schools...
I think that if there would be no more stealing,
if public money would be used with responsibility
and, especially if we put our hope in God, we can do all of those!
Look there: you can see the foundation of a future hospital, right there, top of the arts!
I read earlier on the net that the church built such medical centers all over the country.
Anyone can find out if he wants to look for information.
While talking, he finds the article on the phone.
Look what it s written: "Over the past 10 years, the Curch has spent
150 millions euros in social-philanthropic activities,
out of which 24 million only in the last year.
The reporter thanks him half-heartedly...
However we congratulate him for his words.
- Well, I spoke in vain, I did not give the answers he was expecting...
A lady complains she was filmed while waiting in line for the toilet.
She said to the cameraman: Boy, now, even our
biological needs are news topics?
He replied that he was in public space and filmed what he wanted.
Otherwise he left immediately to hunt for special scenes,
a granny crashed by fatigue, or low blood sugar, a drunkard,
or a mentally weak person, to ask some questions...
Saint Basil's suggestion come to my mind:
seek everywhere, like bees, the nectar of the teachings of the good...
and I think that the flies are not attracted to any flower
but rather to the dirt...
Mihai Eminescu said that the Orthodox Church is the spiritual mother of the Romanian people.
Getting such an event nasty and easely addressing injuries to the Church
is like cursing your mother...
But the Curch must be like a mother:
loving, patient and forgiving!
"If the Lord would not build the house, in vain, those who build it will be troubled
If the Lord did not keep the city, in vain would watch the keeper."
How big was the trust of St. Stephen the Great in the help of the Lord,
and how he succeded to build so many monasteries after each war?...
Did his people disagree with him the way doing now; That only the land was ravaged by the heathen!...
How much good to our nation, his foundations did?!
that they were all oases of spirituality and culture,
as well as healing places for bodily diseases!
God does not need them, it is us!
It's so simple and yet hard to understand to many of us...
"Beloved pilgrims, thank you for coming in great number
at the sanctification of the Altar of the National Cathedral!
We pray to the Almighty God to give you
health and salvation, peace and joy,
and please, take home the blessing
of our Savior Jesus Christ and Saint Apostle Andrew
who are the protectors of this holy cathedral.
We wish you many and blessed years!"
"It is an important moment for us,
for Romanian Christianity, for our country!
The gendarmes are organizing everything. The people will be in good order.
At this moment there is a lot of people in the cathedral and we ask them all to move a little bit faster!
Each of us can manifest our piety more quickly!
There are people who have come from hundreds of kilometers,
there are people coming from outside the country who want to enter...
those of you who are from Bucharest you can come in the next few days. The cathedral remains open."
It's good they think about this too.
People are understanding and retreat. So will I.
I will visit my relatives in Bucharest and come back the next day to worship
and film something in the church.
It was a day full of emotions!
Even so, in the street, I felt communion with
tens of thousands of Romanians coming from all corners
of the country and of the world to be present
at this central moment of the Centenary.
The next day I find the yard full of people coming to worship.
I realize that it will take 2-3 hours for me to enter the church,
but, paradoxically, I'm glad that there are thousands of people in the queue.
I remember when I was a kid,
once a week I had to get up early in the morning,
to get in line in front of the grocery store to get pretzels or yogurt;
and from time to time for other foods.
"What it s sold here?", I ask in my imagination...
In front of me, it seems like someone answers me: I do not know kid, but I'm sure something that is good."
"What is to be had? Spiritual joy and a little of grace."
I put myself in a row, we talk to each other,
we pray and the time will go fast.
Every once in a while I come out to film from a more interesting angle.
Up close, the Cathedral seems to me more imposing.
I see again how all the heroes of the nation are now bounded,
like wheat grains glued in the Koliva,
embodied by the millions of bricks united by the cement of our prayer!
If up to me at least parts of the exterior walls could be left without plaster,
that good the bricks are laid...
And the bronze doors with the saints in the bas-relief are gorgeous!
I use my imagination how all of them will open at the end of a Divine Liturgy
and thousands of believers will come out at once...
The line is getting longer!
Last night on TV everyone said that the people stayed outside, that they pushed each other...
there was no mentioning of the huge number of pilgrims
and there were no scenes filmed from above with the crowded streets, full of people...
Today I m finding that they were 100,000, exactly the number
of Romanians who were 100 years ago
at the Great National Assembly in Alba Iulia!
Strange ... Nowadays, journalists would say
that such a crowd in a stadium
or at a show is normal,
but for they seems unbelievable such a "rabble"/crowd is gathering just to pray.
I used the word in quotation marks... and even if those who used it
thought it appropriate to describe the simple people who came to the sanctification,
it would still be tendentious, because it seemed to me all the social classes of Romania
were well represented...
Nevermind, it is just as natural to us.
2000 years ago, people were cramming to see and listen Christ.
Some, „more godly", forced their way,
just to touch the bottom of His coat to heal any helplessness.
There were even 4 "hooligans" who have broken the roof of a house
to come before Him with their paralyzed friend.
The owner must have gotten upset for damages, some would have been scandalized that they stumbled in front,
onother one was pissed off that they came on Saturday, which was forbidden,
but it is certain that the Savior had pity on them and healed that man.
In the distance you can see the silhouette of the Parliament Palace. I'm making a joke and ask:
- Have it ever been done the sanctification service at the "House of the People"?
-Of course not! my neighbor replies. That's why they are constantly fighting and are always in disagreement.
For so long they have not been able to put Romania on its feet.
Time has passed and I entered the door.
My group headed for the altar, but I am standing still and amazed at the entrance.
Yes, it is huge, better said great,
but you are not overwhelmed, you don t feel small at all in its immensity.
The ceiling is not too hight and there is a net of very massive metal structures.
It will surely withstand the 8.5 degree Richter shakes, as it was designed.
In front, all the wall of the Holy Altar is finished.-
It's impossible not to attract your attention as you come in.
It's just wonderful!
From far away, it's just like a normal one ones, but if you get closer,
it's becoming pixelated and you start to distinguish the millions
of colored pebbles arranged with so much skill by the painters.
I have admired the monumental mosaics of Saint Sophia or Ravenna,
but this one here it s over them!
I have no doubt that it will be the most beautiful Orthodox national cathedral!
A few months ago I visited the Cathedral in Sofia (Bulgaria).
I liked the architecture, but the interior did not impress me too much.
But I admit that I was envious of the Bulgarians.
For centuries they were under Turkish rule and they longed for freedom,
so right after the Independence War they decided to raise a cathedral.
So did our King Carol I... The Bulgarians finished it in 1912,
but Romania had other „priorities", and only after a century we succeeded.
The evening service begins at the church on the Metropolitan Hill
and it is broadcasting live on the Cathedral screens.
Immediately I realize that the acoustics are very good.
I see some holes in the walls and I think they are made
just to improve the sound quality.
I read somewhere that in an old church near Chisinau
the artisans had placed large clay pots into the wall.
Someone is approaching me and is watching me
as I rotate the camera using the stabilizer.
I'm afraid he'll argue because I'm filming without approval.
Not the case, the man is from the construction company. So I ask him about those alveoli.
-Oh, no, not by far... We had to make those tracks
to support a rather complicated scaffolding system.
God has enlightened us to find this ingenious solution,
otherwise we would have had to rent some special scaffolding
and that would have cost us a lot of money.
-Very interesting, I say. But how did you manage to not exceed the project deadlines,
or not double the budget, while this is the case
with all of Romania's big construction companies?
- Well, that may be the case, since that we see on the news every night...
but here the things are quite different.
The Patriarch himself, plus those in charge, have been very involved.
In the meantime, we became so effective that we could give advice to others.
I'm kidding, of course... But we cannot pride ourselves too much
because we could not finish the last spire...
I found out from him that the bricks were manufactured at Câmpulung Moldovenesc
and is of the highest quality! as well as special glass, steel and concrete,
all were made in Romania!
And, of course, the marble is mined from the Ruschita mountains!
I shake his hand congratulating him. -May God help you further
and, above all, thank you very much!
People worship and pray quietly in the altar. I do the same.
We receive a gift as a reminder of our pilgrimage at the sanctification
of the Altar of the Romanian Nation Salvation Cathedral.
It was two fantastic days!
Oh, Almighty God, forgive us that we are such a stubborn and ungrateful people!
You know we can be even better
However, please keep watching over our country
and make that Romania will have a future!" Amen! translator: Cristina Mirica-Oanca
For more infomation >> Am fost și eu la Catedrala Neamului Românesc - Duration: 24:05.-------------------------------------------
【GMV】I'm Not Scared Anymore l League of Legends Cinematic - Duration: 4:11.
You know we've been fooled Go bring the tears in night
Don't know if I'll see the morning light
It's hard to resist then when he was here
Easy to, easy to get swept in
I found my place in the great design
Now I see the way that the humble ride
It's hard to know you're low when you think you're high
Hard to see the way in the reckless
Been living in a darked out paradise
Hate to say I've been fooled all this time
If I don't get out of here alive
At least you'll always know I really tried
Go ahead and take your aim
I refuse to fight your war
Go on win the bets you made
Nothing scares me anymore
♫ Feel the beats ♫
Life, Life
Been living in a darked out paradise
Hate to say I've been fooled all this time
If I don't get out of here alive
At least you'll always know I really tried
Go ahead and take your aim
I refuse to fight your war
Go on win the bets you made
Nothing scares me anymore
Nothing scares me anymore
♫ Feel the beats ♫
Un desesperado Villarejo intenta ahora justificar sus chanchullos con el 11-M porque se cerró !!! - Duration: 2:40.
Anda desesperado el comisario ; El abogado del comisario jubilado y en prisión provisional José Manuel Villarejo, Antonio José Cabrera,
ha afirmado este lunes 21 de eenero de 109 que solicitará al Consejo de Ministros que se desclasifique la información relativa a un hecho luctuoso que ha definido como acto terrorista y que ha dejado entender que es el 11-M,
para que su patrocinado pueda contar todo lo que sabe sobre un caso que a su juicio, se cerró en falso y del que se derivaron intereses económicos ocultos .
García Cabrera hacía estas declaraciones al salir de la Audiencia Nacional donde Villarejo ha prestado declaración durante cerca de tres horas en relación a la operación Kitchen y donde,
de motu propio, ha abordado también la llamada Operación Trampa, un supuesto encargo del BBVA por el que espió a altos cargos del Gobierno de José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, de la CNMV y de la constructora Sacyr en 2004.
El abogado, como ya hizo la semana pasada al término de la primera declaración de Villarejo, vincula el espionaje para el BBVA con luctuosos sucesos para España.
No puedo ser más preciso, ha dicho ante la insistencia sobre si tiene que ver con el 11-M, que ocurrió el mismo año. Es fácil de deducir por ustedes mismos.
Queda mucha información que según ha manifestado el señor Villarejo, debe desclasificarse sobre el origen, los intereses nacionales e internacionales, los intereses económicos que se derivaron de ese acto terrorista, ha especificado.
Según ha dicho, la Operación Trampa no es simplemente un encargo profesional privado y detrás del mismo hay intereses estratégicos del Estado.
Se aprovecha una coyuntura donde el BBVA necesita una información, nada más que esto, de carácter defensivo para una operación de Estado, ha apuntado el abogado.
BBVA digamos que es un actor ocasional que nada tiene que ver y que incluso es muy posible que desconociera la trascendencia económica, internacional, política de esa operación inicial.
Nomad – "A remény hídjai" (A Dal 2019) Interview @ Heat 1 | wiwibloggs - Duration: 2:21.
Elodie Esbert : profession Area Manager - Duration: 1:36.
IQ Option Millionaire Trading Strategy - Part 17 (English Version) - Duration: 15:52.
Warning, trading online carries a high level of risk and as a result, online trading may not be suitable for all investors
This video is for education purpose. Adnan Trading Tips Channel don't advise any one to take risk in binary or forex trading
Welcome t Adnan Trading Tips
If you want free trading tips and live signals check channel link in video description
These are the basic principals of online trading
These are the famous currency pairs EUR/USD GBP/USD AUD/USD USD/CAD USD/CHF USD/JPY
How to start trading
Login into iq option account select one chart EUR/USD
Chart type should candle select 1 minute as time interval
Chose indicator bollinger bands 10 period
Chose indicator oscillator default period
Set chart size 15 minutes and select 6 charts for trade
This is hammer candle stick
It's tail is double than its body and there are three normal red candles before this hammer
Hammer forms at the lower band of bollinger bands
It's tail is lower side of band and body inside the band
If there is hammer like this we call it perfect hammer and put the trade to higher at 31 seconds
This is shooting star. It,s tail is double than it's body
There are three green candles before this shooting star
And shooting star is at the upper band of bollinger bands
Tail is upper side of band and body is inside of the band
When perfect shooting star forms i put my trade o lower at 31 seconds
Thank you for watching our channel
Subscribe our channel and click on bell icon next to the subscribe button
This is Adnan Millionaire Formula and today we trade according to day 17
We will use 4350 per tade size and there will 10 trade with 70% margin we will get 29400 profit
And our target is 72000 for today
Guys you can see that at day 22 we will reach at one million target with four to five days
Let's start today trade. We have balance $41455 and we will use $4150 per trade
I have opened six charts. EUR/USD, NZD/USD, AUD/CAD, EUR/GBP, USD/CHF
Guys here is low trend signal and i will put it to lower at 32 second
Now i will show you trade in big screen and explain you lower trend signal
This is green doji and after doji next red candle went down and touched lower line so i putted my trade to lower at 31 seconds. This is lower trend strategy
This is our first trade
I am using $4150 per trade
Yes we won our first trade
Now i will put one more trade to lower side
Guys this good lower trend and candles are normal and touching to below line. At this trend we can win 8 trade out of 10
We won our 2nd trade also
Guys here two signals available. One hammer at GBP/USD and one shooting star at EUR/GBP
Because this is perfect hammer. it' tail is double than its body and. There are tow red candles before this hammer. Hammer is at the lower band of bolliner band
This perfect shooting star. It's tail is double then it's body and there are two to three green candles. Shooting star is at the upper band of bollinger bands
Guys we won our these two trade successfully
And i will use this type of trade when the per trade amount will exceed $20000
This is lower trend signal and i putted my trade to lower here
This is lower trend signal. There one green candle and after that red candle went down
This lower trend strategy
We won our this trade
Guys i always wait for good signals
If there are no perfect signals i don't trade even all the day
Here i putted my trade to higher as upper trend strategy
After red candle two normal candles started from middle band and crossed upper band
We won our trade also
Our balance is now $62454
I putted this trade to higher as upper trend strategy because there red candle before this big green candle. I consider this big candle as two normal green candles
yes we son our this also
Now our balance is $65940
Today market is not good there no hammers and shooting stars so i am trading on lower and upper trends
Only two trades remaining to achieve the today target
Guys this is good example of lower trend
I putted this trade to higher according to upper trend strategy. Don't consider this candle as shooting star. This is upper trend
If here is shooting star don't trade to lower wait for next candle
So we won also this trade
Now our balance is $69509
Our today target is about $73000
We need one more successful trade to achieve the target
So guys i am putting this last trade here as lower
Guys if you liked our videos don't forget to like and comment
Make sure to subscribe and click on bell icon next to subscribe button
So guys we won our last trade and achieve our daily target $72954
Thanks you very much for watching our channel
Chelsea's Maurizio Sarri 'holds 20-minute peace talks with Chelsea players after Arsenal surrender' - Duration: 3:36.
News24 - Transfer news LIVE: Higuain to Chelsea today, Man Utd deal, Liverpool to sell FOUR - Duration: 4:57.
Gonzalo Higuain is set to join Chelsea from Juventus todayArsenal are closing in on a deal for Barcelona ace Denis SuarezPaul Pogba wants to sign a new contract at Manchester UnitedPremier League DONE DEALS: All the confirmed signings this month08
10: UPDATE: Bayern eye Premier League double Bayern Munich are set to make it a double raid on the Premier League with a bid for Manchester City starlet Rabbi Matondo, reports say
The Germans are already close to finalising a deal for Chelsea winger Callum Hudson-Odoi after reports claimed he was set to turn down the Blues' latest contract offer of £85,000 per week
Welshman Matondo, 18, is out of contract next year and the Sun say Bayern Munich are willing to part with £10million to snatch him from City in the January transfer window
It is also claimed he is wanted by Bayern's Bundesliga rivals Borussia Monchengladbach as well as Everton and Southampton
07.50 UPDATE: Arsenal identify next Cech replacement Arsenal have lined up Emil Audero after Petr Cech announced he will retire in the summer, says Italian transfer guru Gianluca Di Marzio
Cech announced his retirement last week and will bring his career to an end in the summer
And Di Marzio, who works for Sky Sport Italia, claims Arsenal are keeping tabs on the 22-year-old goalkeeper's performances
And they are apparently interested in getting him on board once his stint at Stadio Luigi Ferraris ends
07.30 UPDATE: Eden Hazard has discussed his future again "I have won everything in England, apart from the Community Shield, but that doesn't mean that I'm leaving," he said
"I have always said that I wanted to explore something different after England. But there are also things that might make me stay
"After the World Cup, I wanted to leave, but in the end I stayed at Chelsea and I'm playing one of best seasons so far
"So I don't think that I need a different challenge. "But that doesn't mean that I will become better
"07.15 UPDATE: Higuain to arrive today Gonzalo Higuain is set to arrive in London today to complete his move to Chelsea
Express Sport understands the Argentine is due in the capital to finalise his loan move from Juventus
Higuian was left out of the AC Milan squad to play Genoa yesterday ahead of the move
And he will join Chelsea in time to face Tottenham this week in the Carabao Cup semi-final second leg
07.00: UPDATE: Arsenal close in on Suarez Arsenal have moved a step closer to signing Denis Suarez on loan from Barcelona after Kevin Prince Boateng completed his move to Spain
Boateng joins Barca on loan for the rest of the season with the option to make the deal permanent in the summer
And that has seen Suarez edge towards a move to Arsenal. Arsenal are hoping Suarez will give them more options in midfield as they look for a top four spot
Trending 06.30 UPDATE: Paul Pogba wants new Manchester United deal Paul Pogba is set to sign a new Manchester United contract, according to the Sun
Pogba looked set to quit the club under Jose Mourinho but has been revitalised under Ole Gunnar Solskjaer and now wants to stay
And the Sun report that he is now ready to sign a new deal - although he wants parity with top earner Alexis Sanchez
Emiliano Sala: Who is Cardiff City's Emiliano Sala? Was he on the missing plane? - Duration: 1:46.
Cardiff City striker Emiliano Sala is feared to have been onboard a plane that went missing on Monday night
A light aircraft was reported missing over the English Channel island of Alderney
It was travelling between the French city of Nantes to Cardiff last night. Two people were reportedly onboard the Piper Malibu plane – with fears Sala was a passenger
A coastguard rescue helicopter was dispatched to search for the plane near Casquets lighthouse
A spokeswoman said: "HM Coastguard helicopters from Solent and Newquay have been helping to search overnight with nothing found
" The Met Office also issued a statement following the disappearance, stating 'there were some showers around, but nothing too intense'
Express Sport has rounded up more details about Emiliano Sala.Who is Emiliano Sala? Cardiff signed Sala on January 19 for a club-record fee thought to be around £15million
The ex-Nantes front man has scored 13 goals in all competitions for the French club this season
Speaking after the move, he said: "I'm very happy to be here. "It gives me great pleasure and I can't wait to start training, meet my new teammates and get down to work
Blueface - Thotiana - Duration: 2:18.
[Intro] Blueface, baby
Yeah aight Bust down, Thotiana
Yeah aight I wanna see you bust down
[Chorus] Bust down, Thotiana (Bust down, Thotiana)
I wanna see you bust down (Over) Pick it up now break that shit down (Break
it down) Speed it up, then slow that shit down, on
the gang (Slow it down) Bust it (Bust down), bust down, bust it, bust
it Bust down, on the gang (Over)
Bust down, Thotiana (Bust down, Thotiana) I wanna see you bust down (Over)
Pick it up, now break that shit down (Break it down)
Speed it up, now slow that shit down, on the gang (Slow it down)
Bust it (Bust down), bust down, bust it, bust it
Bust down, on the gang (Over)
[Verse] Blueface, baby
Yeah aight, I'm every woman's fantasy (Blueface, baby)
Mama always told me I was gon' break hearts I guess it's her fault, stupid, don't be mad
at me (Don't be mad at me) I wanna see you bust down (Bust down)
Bend that shit over, on the gang (Yeah aight) Make that shit clap
She threw it back so I had to double back, on the gang (On the gang)
Smackin', high off them drugs (Off them drugs) I tried tell myself two times was enough (Was
enough) Then a nigga relapsed, on the dead locs
Ain't no runnin', Thotiana, you gon' take these damn strokes (Thotiana)
I beat the pussy up, now it's a murder scene Keep shit player, Thotiana, like you ain't
never even heard of me (Blueface, baby) Bust down, Thotiana, I wanna see you bust
down (Bust down) Bend that shit over (Bend it over)
Yeah aight, now make that shit clap, on the gang (Make it clap)
Now toot that thing up (Toot it up) Throw that shit back (Throw it back)
I need my extras, on the dead locs
[Chorus] Bust down, Thotiana (Bust down, Thotiana)
I wanna see you bust down (Over) Pick it up, now break that shit down (Break
it down) Speed it up, then slow that shit down, on
the gang (Slow it down) Bust it (Bust down), bust down, bust it, bust
it Bust down, on the gang (Over)
Bust down, Thotiana (Bust down, Thotiana) I wanna see you bust down (Over)
Pick it up, now break that shit down (Break it down)
Speed it up, now slow that shit down, on the gang (Slow it down)
Bust it (Bust down), bust down, bust it, bust it
Bust down, on the gang (Over)
Tom Brady shared delightful, expletive-laced moments with Bill Belichick and the Patriots - Duration: 1:53.
Tom Brady reached the ninth Super Bowl of his legendary NFL career on Sunday, and he was super happy
Like, so happy. If there's one thing we've learned about a happy Tom Brady, it's that he curses a lot when he's happy
We heard as Brady dropped an F-bomb during his postgame interview, and the expletive-laced jubilation continued with his head coach Bill Belichick
"BRaDy anD BeLIcHicK HatE EacH otHEr" 😂 — Boston Blabber (@BostonBlabber) January 21, 2019 Brady said: "What a (expletive) game! Would we have it any other way?" And Belichick, who can indeed smile, was happy as well
At least for that brief moment, the Belichick-Brady relationship was great. Brady's excitement carried into the locker room as well
He greeted teammates, apologized to Cordarrelle Patterson for getting him hit on a slant and dropped plenty of F-bombs
Brady dropping F-bombs all over the place!! 😂😂😂 Also thought it was kinda cool that despite all the celebrating and all that, Brady still remembered the slant play where Patterson got popped and apologized to him
#EverythingWeGot — #NobodyDied (@ftbeard_17) January 21, 2019 Hey, he's 41, and he's going to another Super Bowl
We'll excuse the language. More NFL!Tom Brady played up underdog role in emotional postgame moment with WR: 'I'm too old!'It sure looks like Tom Brady had a laser pointer pointed in his face late in AFC title gameSomeone trolled Chiefs fans with a crafty edit to the Wikipedia entry for 'neutral zone'
Chút Kỷ Niệm Buồn Cover | Micro Thu Âm AMI BM900 - Duration: 5:09.
Celine Dion confirmed to headline BST Hyde Park and our wigs are suddenly missing - Duration: 2:53.
Celine is coming to London (Picture: Ian Laidlaw) Stock up on the tissues, get practising your high notes and get ready to be so, so very extra – because Celine is coming to town
There's sure to be a record number of wigs being filed missing today, as Celine Dion has confirmed she is headlining Barclaycard presents British Summer Time at Hyde Park this July
In a European exclusive, the 50-year-old will be headlining the Great Oak Stage on 5 July, one month after she wraps up her second record-breaking Las Vegas residency
In a video announcement, the Think Twice singer said: 'I've got a big craving for some bangers and mash and sticky toffee pudding, definitely, so I'm heading over to London this summer
And while I'm there, I'm going to headline Barclaycard presents Hyde Park BST on July 5th
Can't wait to see you guys!' Advertisement Advertisement Celine added: 'It's my first time doing a show in beautiful Hyde Park… I'm so excited
I love London, and it's a great honour for me to be part of the Barclaycard presents BST Hyde Park concerts
I can't wait… summertime in London, here we come!' Special guests are set to be announced in due course – but it's literal Celine Dion
Surely that's all the incentive you need? Celine has sold over 240 million records worldwide, which is more than any other BST Hyde Park headliner to date, and has gained worldwide hits with The Power Of Love, It's All Coming Back To Me Now and, of course, My Heart Will Go On from the Titanic soundtrack
More: Festivals Ja Rule is out here blasting the new Fyre Festival documentaries When is Coachella 2019, where is it and how can you get tickets? Snowbombing 2019: A bonkers ski festival in the Austrian Alps The five-time Grammy Award winner last sold out 25 shows across Europe and the UK in 2017
This announcement comes after it was confirmed that Florence + The Machine will headline on 13 July, while Robbie Williams leads the bill on 14 July
Tickets for Celine go on sale at 9am on Tuesday 29 January. Got a showbiz story? If you've got a story, video or pictures get in touch with the Entertainment team by emailing us, calling 020 3615 2145 or by visiting our Submit Stuff page - we'd love to hear from you
MORE: Kylie Jenner is totally pulling a Kendall as she teases 'exciting project' – that isn't a baby MORE: Cheryl looks ready for war in first look at The Greatest Dancer captains picking their final nine acts Advertisement Advertisement
Roxanne Pallett's Celebrity Coach Trip co-stars 'worried about being associated' with her CBB backla - Duration: 3:16.
Roxanne will be joining the show in just a few days after filming the series before CBB (Picture: Channel 4) Celebrity Coach Trip: The Road to Benidorm stars watched anxiously while former coach companion Roxanne Pallett endured a public backlash on Celebrity Big Brother in 2018
Union J's Jaymi Hensley says contestants were worried about being associated with the CBB fallout, only weeks after filming their own reality TV appearance with the Emmerdale actress, which is due to finally air in two days
Roxanne will pop up on the Channel 4 travel reality show, which was filmed last summer before she entered CBB, on Day 8 of the show, this week
It will be her first time back on screens since facing criticism over 'exaggerated' abuse allegations she made against actor Ryan Thomas, who went on to win CBB thanks to viewer support
Stars on the coach journey include Lisa Mafia, Mutya Buena, James Jordan, Ola Jordan, Charlotte Crosby, Josh Ritchie, and Bobby Norris (Picture: Supplied by WENN) However, before all of the drama went down, Jaymi says 'she wasn't the same person that she was in Big Brother' and he 'got on with' her
Advertisement Advertisement He told The Daily Star: 'It's going to be interesting to see how she is on Coach Trip, I remember us all saying it when it happened in CBB
We were quite worried about the show coming out. 'It's difficult, it was such a big thing that happened in the house and we were worried we would be associated with that
'The thing that people need to remember is that this was way before CBB, and it was a completely different environment.' Roxanne and Britain's Got Talent star George Sampson will join the team later this week at a winery in Denia
And Nadia Essex, for one, is looking forward to Roxanne's appearance, even if it is to take the heat off herself
More: TV Angelica Hale 'nervous' about facing Susan Boyle in America's Got Talent final Piers Morgan threatens 'uncontrolled violence' if Good Morning Britain lose at NTAs Dancing On Ice defends Vanessa Bauer amid claims she is 'icy' in rehearsals She told this week: 'I'm like "get Roxanne on that coach, immediately! So I'm not the most hated woman in Britain for any longer!"' 'It's certainly going to take the heat off me, trust me!,' she added
'I am all for Roxanne joining that coach ASAP. Seriously, it's crazy.' Made In Chelsea stars Sam Thompson and James Dunmore were the first pair to be eliminated on Friday night
Contestants still on the coach include Charlotte Crosby and boyfriend Josh Ritchie, as well as James and Ola Jordan
Advertisement Advertisement Got a showbiz story? If you've got a story, video or pictures get in touch with the Entertainment team by emailing us, calling 020 3615 2145 or by visiting our Submit Stuff page - we'd love to hear from you
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