Thứ Hai, 28 tháng 1, 2019

Youtube daily report Jan 28 2019

Before we get into things, I should mention that this video is part of a collaboration

with Medium D Speaks, so I recommend going and checking out his video after this one

as it provides a lot of context for the premise of this video.

That said, let's talk Eminem.

Em is regarded by some as the greatest rapper of all time in terms of technical skill.

But despite his reputation and the respect for his craft that's pretty much global, for

years his music has been received, well….

Not well.

Since The Marshall Mathers LP 2, all of Eminem's albums and projects have failed to hold the

same positive reception his early and middle career albums achieved, despite him arguably

improving at the actual art of rhyming words together in clever ways.

Even some lifelong fans were losing interest.

I'll let Medium D Speaks give you the details on that, but what I'd like to talk about is

the absolute firestorm that was Kamikaze.

Kamikaze dropped out of nowhere, and all at once, Eminem became relevant again.

YouTube blew up with videos about him, hell I even made some, every hip hop radio show

and podcast was talking about him, and Genius and XXL couldn't stop writing articles about


The biggest talking point that probably came from it was the beef that came out between

himself and MGK.

Everyone made videos on this subject, whether it was me, BlackySpeakz, or this slug in a


Everyone was talking about it.

So why, after flops like Revival, was Kamikaze so successful and impactful?

Well, there are a bunch of different reasons but I think that the biggest one is that this

album is a RETURN TO FORM for Eminem.

As has been stated, Eminem was popular not just for his lyrical ability, but for the

content of his music and the drama of his life which he never shied away from showing

in his lyrics, giving us an incredibly raw inside look at his failures, his successes,

his insecurities, traumas and triumphs.

Even something as personal the lengthy hiatus brought on by his drug addiction was a topic

of discussion in his music for a long time.Kamikaze fed into the underlying narrative of his life,

whereas after Relapse and Recovery, and arguably Rap God, he cleaned himself up and let go

of a lot of the resentments and anger that fuelled a good amount of his music.

It felt like we'd heard everything at that point.

His lyrics were still clever of course, but at that point the weight of what he was saying

was just diminishing.

Kamikaze showed that the spark and passion found in his earlier work still existed, it

just needed to be provoked for it to reach its full potential.

Of course the second reason and likely a larger part of how Kamikaze made Eminem relevant

again is the ridiculous amount of disses it included.

According to this graph someone over on Reddit decided was worth their time making, over

150 bars out of a total thousand were dedicated to disses, with a sizeable percentage of them

being directed at the man we mentioned previously, MGK, who had thrown some jabs at Eminem a

couple times before.

He provoked Em, and Em fired back hard on Kamikaze.

And there was a reason why this was so effective at creating discussions.

Eminem was famous for his disses and calling out anyone and everyone who had an issue with

him, in or out of the rap game, and in the early 2000s this sort of thing made a huge

splash given Em's status so pop culture reporters and talk shows ate it up and loved


By dropping so many disses in this album which were largely fueled by a similar anger and

a well earned pride, Eminem caught that kind of attention again.

Another part of this is his approach to mumble rap and the state of the rap game.

As a sort of living legend of rap, comparable to Jay Z or Snoop Dogg at this point, what

Eminem has to say about the game is taken seriously, unlike some other people, and Em

actually addresses this in the album.

15 separate times apparently.

So, Em makes it clear that he understands the appeal of rappers like Lil Yachty and

such, but that he is disappointed that this is the legacy of the genre of music he grew

up with and was so inspired by and later partially molded.

Yachty wasn't even offended by this, on the contrary as a kid who grew up on Eminem he

had a pretty positive reaction, as did Hopsin, who Eminem nodded to as one of the artists

he is happy to have inspired.

Em's passion mixed with his platform led not just fans, but the rap community to take

this album seriously.

He not only made explicitly clear what and who he was not happy with in the rap game,

but who he was happy with through certain features on the album which of course included

Joyner Lucas, who has sometimes been compared to Eminem and is obviously hugely inspired

by him.

By promoting artists like this who haven't fully broke through to mainstream audiences

yet, he was also creating a platform for who he would like to see become his eventual successors

to carry his specific legacy going forward.

Then, the media circus was for once embraced and handled expertly by Em, who has often

admitted that he is terrible at all things technology, internet and social media related.

He did a 4 part interview with Sway that garnered millions of views and gave us that intimate

inside look into his mind and thought process that was missing from his more recent projects,

and the album itself was dropped with no warning which of course caused the internet to absolutely

break as no media outlet was prepared for it and had to race to create reviews and content

surrounding it.

Really , this is a brilliant play on Em's part, as these days everything from movies

to TV shows to albums and video games have trailers for their trailers and crazy amounts

of hype built around them that costs millions of advertising and marketing dollars, but

that gives media outlets a chance to be ready and have content made that they basically

just need to fill in the blanks for after they've heard, played or watched the product

the second it comes out.

By giving no warning, Eminem forced everyone and anyone who reports on music or pop culture

to have to listen to the album to be able to be the first to have the most appealing

title and thumbnail on the fly for when people Google "Kamikaze".

So, basically by returning to stylistic form in being vulnerable and passionate, as well

as having anger and pride as fuel for raw, modern, and relevant disses mixed with the

forced media frenzy nobody was ready for created the perfect storm for endless buzz which was

exactly the "Revival" Eminem needed.

And this project's impact wasn't fleeting.

The feud that followed with MGK and him making diss tracks back and forth had the world on

the edge of their seats, as people fantasized about how hard Eminem would tear this kid

apart, and lead to even more media coverage which was all free advertising and publicity

for the album.

Of course, if the album hadn't have been good in and of it's own merit, I don't think any

of this would have happened, but truly Eminem made the stars align for him, and now we have

Em's name back in our discussions about the rap game.

Kamikaze would go on to have significantly better first week numbers than Revival, and

higher first week consumption than artists like Cardi B, Kanye West, Migos & J. Cole

did with their 2018 albums, and that is all we really need to see that Kamikaze was what

Eminem needed to place himself directly back


the spotlight.


For more infomation >> How Kamikaze Revived Eminem's Popularity - Duration: 10:07.


What If Cupid Was Real? - Duration: 7:33.

Love is in the air… people snogging everywhere… ahh… love.

Aint it the best.


While it can be beautiful, it can also seem hopeless and random and difficult.

There is no better feeling than being in love, but no worse feeling than loving when it isn't



The most powerful human emotion.

But what if love wasn't always up to us mere mortals – what if there was something

or someone else that could control it at whim?

what if it was as simple as being shot with cupids arrow….

Hello and welcome back to Life's Biggest Questions – that channel that loves to answer

all manner of questions from science to science fiction, history to pop culture, legendary

to just down right whimsical.

I am your host Rebecca Felgate and today we are celebrating love….or lust… as we ask

What if Cupid was Real?

Before we get into this video I just want to talk about a fun and flirty next generation

dating app called "Quiz Date Live!"

Basically, there's a live game show featuring a beautiful Bachelorette and anyone who downloads

the app can participate.

You answer all the trivia questions about the Bachelorette correctly you will win a

Michelin-star dinner or a helicopter ride date with her.

It starts from a series of multiple-choice questions, just like HQ Trivia".

They will test you on the compatibility with the Bachelorette.

For example, *** here I am going to give example questions provided by you.


Then, there will be a free text question.

People who answer wrong will be eliminated.

3 finalists will be invited to the live stream and asked to impress the girl.

And finally she picks the winner, who as we mentioned before will get a Michelin-star

dinner date or a helicopter ride with the Bachelorette.

If this takes off then Quiz Date Live will be playing with Bachelors, too!

If this sounds like your thing, I have put the link to the app in the description box

below, so check out the trending app "Quiz Date Live!"

Okay, so…….back to Cupid!

Firstly, anyone wonder why cupid is portrayed as a chubby little kid cherub with wings and

a bow – let me tell you!

And lovers… listen up!

So Cupid is winged because lovers are flighty, he is boyish and immature because love is

irrational and he has a bow and torch because love can both wound and ignite the heart.

If Cupid were real, wouldn't we be like….

Woah…winged naked boy, what are you doing here… want to put some pants on mate?

Maybe for that reason he would fly above us and try to remain concealed?

Perhaps occasional cupid sightings would lead to local headlines about freak birds or UFOs?

If Cupid were real?

I wonder how he would make his selection process of who to shoot with his arrow?

Is it random, or does he observe people and decide who to make fall in love?!

I don't know how comfortable I feel with the notion that love is at the mercy of a

flying pre-pubescent?

Would this not fundamentally change our understanding of what it is to be human?

I'd like to love someone by choice, not because I was struck by an arrow… wouldn't

we all then question whether love was real or not?

Although maybe If cupid was real and we all only fell in love at his bidding, it would

be kind of refreshing to know about it!

We could all relax and stop chasing love, because we don't have any control over when

it happens to us anyway.

If that were the case I personally would feel liberated.

Perhaps if cupid was real, though, he would only exits as a mischief.

Love as a human emotion would exist but the false love, the spiked love, he offered would

be to mess with us.

Maybe cupid is actually kind of evil.

The devil fools with the best laid plans and all that.

Cupid is said to have two arrow heads, one golden arrow filled with desire and one blunt,

lead end that is filled with aversion and encourages those hit with it to flee.

If Cupid were real, does that mean that all the ghosts out there were actually the victims

of a savage arrow attack and like… they wanted to text us back.. but..uh oh, arrow.

I guess the whole cupid's arrow thing could be used to explain how some people seem to

fall in and out of love so quickly.

If Cupid were real, I really hope he would reveal himself to us because like, how great

would a cupid reality TV show be?

I am for it!

Okay, maybe not for everyone, but if cupid was real and we knew about it wouldn't he

become the worlds number one most wanted?


And I mean everyone… has suffered some form of heartache.

If there was a kid with magic arrows that you could point at someone to make them love

you…or stop loving someone else…do you not think that would be pretty damn lucrative?

Love is more valuable than oil…

I imagine big businesses would try and harness cupids power for the greatest power mankind

knows… capitalism.

BUT ….if we could buy and trade in love… wouldn't the world become like… total

and utter chaos?

Beyond the shallow and greedy, how about we negotiate with cupid and get him to use his

arrows on people for good?

Or is the brand of love – aka pure desire - ever a force for good?

Can we get him to water it down a bit and make people like Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump

bestie mates for the sake of world peace?

Or would that annoy the God of war…


OH YEAH THAT'S RIGHT – Cupids parents are the Goddess of Love, Venus, and the God

of War, Mars….Cupids clearly messed up psychological upbringing is probably the reason he wants

to mess with human relationships so much… what happens when love and war meet?

Lust in the best case, jealousy in the worst?

If cupid were real would it mean other Roman gods were real too?

That would be a whole other can of worms that would include there being a Goddess of Door



Okay, we have had our fun, but maybe cupid does kind of exists today in the form of dating


The algorithm is the modern day cupids arrow, connecting two random people and suggesting

that they fall in love… or.. you know… something shorter term.

Which brings me nicely back to Quiz date live!

Thank you "Quiz Date Live!" for making this video possible.

Don't forget to check out this trending app.

It's so much fun that anyone can participate and win a luxury date with a beautiful bachelorette.

Find the link in the description box below.

So that is that for this video….

What do you think would happen if cupid were real?

Let me know…and let me know how you get on with Quiz Date Live!

LIKE AND SHARE ETC Thanks for watching this video.

I am your host Rebecca Felgate…

I just want to remind you all that the greatest love of all is the love you have for yourself,

so if you are single, or even if you are in a relationship…don't forget to be good

to yourself and realise how great you are.

I'll catch you guys in the next video, but until then, do stay curious stay alert, keep

your hearts open and never ever stop questioning!

For more infomation >> What If Cupid Was Real? - Duration: 7:33.


Лучший волейбольный турнир! Превью «Зенит-Казань» - «Кнак» / Preview «Zenit-Kazan» – «Knack» - Duration: 3:57.

Champions League returns to Kazan after 2 months!

The winner of the last tournament «Zenit-Kazan» will host volleyball club «Knack» from Belgium.

«Zenit» opened the European season home match against «United Volleys»

from Franfurt already in the 20th of November.

That meeting, as well as two away games agaimst «Knack» and «Halkbank» ended with victories of «Zenit»

Vladimir Alekno`s team in case of victory practically guarantees access to the playoffs.

Recall that this year, teams will playing in quarter and semi-finals of the matches at home and away.

And the winner of both the mens and womens tournaments will be determined on one weekend

in the classic final match, which will be held on May 18 and 19. But let`s back to our days!

«Zenit» won last match against «Dinamo-Moscow» and in a good mood have a pre-match training

In full squad, including Matthew Andreson, who missed the last three games.

It is important that the meeting with «Knack» will be an excellent task

by preparing for the Saturday match against «Kuzbass» Kemerovo

where «Zenit» will fly on February 1st!

Team from small city Roeselare this season has already won the SuperСup and will play in the Belgian Cup final.

In the championship, the team takes the second place, But on the European arena «Knack»,

in addition to the «Zenit», also defeated by the «Halkbank» and won only «United Volleys» from Franfurt.

Three opponents of «Zenit» have just one victory after 3 matches,

which seriously reduces the chances of getting out of the group.

This season, in the quarter-finals, there will be 5 group winners and a 3 best teams of second places.

«Zenit» played with «Knack» 5 times and won it all, just lost only one set! But it was just a month ago in Belgium!

The leaders of the Belgians are all the same guys Hendrik TUERLINCKX, Matthijs VERHANNEMAN

and a head coach Steven VANMEDEGAEL

The match of the European Champions League between «Zenit-Kazan» against «Knack»

will start on January 29 at 19-00 Moscow time.

We are looking forward to seeing you in the Volleyball Center!

For more infomation >> Лучший волейбольный турнир! Превью «Зенит-Казань» - «Кнак» / Preview «Zenit-Kazan» – «Knack» - Duration: 3:57.



For more infomation >> MY DAUGHTER'S 15TH BIRTHDAY IN FLORIDA! - Duration: 13:55.


2019 Lexus UX 200 F Sport: Review – - Duration: 4:26.

As automakers rush to add more crossovers and suv's to their lineups

they're starting to stretch the definition of what a crossover or an SUV

is. take this model right here it's the entry-level Lexus UX 200

subcompact it's new for 2019 and Lexus calls it a luxury crossover for the

modern urban explorer while it does deliver on the luxury front

in some ways in others it feels more like an economy car if you like the

design direction Lexus is taken with all of its sharp angles and edges there's a

good chance you'll like the look of the UX 200 because it follows that theme and

it builds upon it with some interesting unique hues this is an F Sport version

which is Lexus's mid-level performance trim and it has a different version of

Lexus's signature spindle grille twin spoke 18-inch alloy wheels and different

bumpers the UX 200 taillights are just as dramatic as its

massive front grille it features a hundred twenty LEDs that run the width

of the car and it's a new look from Lexus that really makes us stand out

when it's illuminated there are also these miniature tail fin like elements

at the edges of the light bar you also get the Lexus experience inside as the

UX has the same type of upscale materials and interfaces that you'd find

in one of the brand's more expensive SUVs F Sport models offer this red and

black color scheme and the seats are finished in simulated leather upholstery

that does a good job mimicking the real thing other F Sport cues include a

digital instrument panel with a moveable section an F sport steering wheel with

shift paddles and aluminum pedals Lexus continues to evolve its remote touch

multimedia system and the UX incorporates some of these new features

besides the familiar trackpad and buttons on the console there are these

new dials on the leading edge of the armrest for things like tuning and

volume the additional controls improve usability but this remains one of the

harder systems to use when you're driving because of this trackpad and how

you have to interact with it and the screen apple carplay smart phone

connectivity is standard and while the apps look great on the

dashboard widescreen display it's not a touchscreen so you still have to use the

trackpad to navigate through the carplay interface you get used to it after a

while but carplay is really designed for touch screens so it's a little more

cumbersome than it could be even though the UX 200s cabin looks nice enough for

an entry luxury SUV it's snug accommodations don't make you think

luxury the up sports front seats are comfortable for longer drives but the

back seat is pretty small with not a lot of extra space for adult passengers if

anything it's more like a subcompact hatchback than one of its competitors

like the BMW X1 which is considerably roomier inside and if a serene

effortless driving experience is important to you well you've come to the

wrong video that's just not what the UX 200 offers it's powered by a hundred and

sixty nine horsepower 2-liter four-cylinder engine that works with a

continuously variable automatic transmission the combination gets good

gas mileage it's gets an EPA estimated 33 miles per gallon and combined driving

but the driving experience pays the price

acceleration is sluggish especially at highway speeds where the engine makes

more noise than passing power and if you want to get all-wheel-drive you have to

step up to the UX 250h hybrid because the UX 200 is front drive only the ride can

feel choppy at times on the highway and firm in general all models get 18-inch

alloy wheels but the F Sport gets different springs and stabilizer bars

for a sporty or feel according to Lexus The problem though is that the bumpy ride

doesn't make you feel like you're in a luxury car rather it makes you feel like

you're in an economy car even though certain aspects of the UX 200 are

luxurious it's small cabin and driving performance dragged down the overall

experience a split personality isn't always a bad thing but in this case

there's too much economy car and not enough luxury car in the UX and with the

price of around $35,000 that just doesn't work

For more infomation >> 2019 Lexus UX 200 F Sport: Review – - Duration: 4:26.


BRUTE vs. BIRCH | "Locking The Door" feat. MrCreepyPasta | Crypt TV Extended Universe | Creepypasta - Duration: 7:19.

- [Narrator] They say there's no proof.

That you're crazy for believing

that monsters are real.

All over the United States there's legends surrounding

a mysterious door in the woods that acts as a barrier

to keep an alleged monster with brutish instincts

from running rampant.

This story was shared on a forum

dedicated to monster sightings.

Out of respect for the dead, the events remain unchanged.

"Do it now!" Bo screamed.

The heavy wooden door stood before us, menacing and imposing

with the warning Beware carved into the face of it.

A heavy iron chain attached to an equally heavy iron lock

secured the door so that it couldn't be opened.

Bo's punch had my nose bleeding onto the iron lock.

"I want you to knock on the door and then, say it!"

Bo and his cronies had me cornered.

I couldn't run anywhere.

The other two kids, Bo's partners in crime,

less physically mature than him, closer to my size,

though both were still a head taller than I was.

In my hand was my birch figure.

A figure made of sticks that my mom had fashioned

from twine and twigs from a birch tree.

My mother had given it to me before she passed.

"Carry this with you", she would tell me.

"And say the words, she'll come."

My mom never told me who she was.


Bo pushed me again.

So hard this time that I dropped my birch figure

but not before I whispered the words my mom taught me.

For thee who makest me I will come.

He who breaks me shall come undone.

I was terrified.

Everyone in town knew about the door,

but we thought that it was just a tall tale.

Ask 100 people in town about the door in the woods

you'll get 100 different stories about where it was,

how to open it and the whereabouts

of the legendary one-armed girl.

But as different as those stories about the door were,

every version had the same message.

The door was meant to stay locked.

Bo and his cronies were quiet as I recited the chant

they forced me to say.

I nervously finished the chant.

Brute go back in your hole.

Spare the living one, or soul.

We all stood quiet, for what felt like minutes,

waiting for something to occur.

I broke the silence.

"Were you expecting someone would knock back Bo?"

I asked incredulously.

His friend broke out in a fit of laughter

after hearing the zinger I had sent at the man-boy.

I may have even laughed myself, but I think it was more

in relief that the door in fact, had just been a tall tale.

Bo, on the other hand, didn't find my snark amusing

and his idea of a retort usually involved violence.

He landed another solid fist into my nose.

I flopped onto the forest floor,

then dragged my limp body up against the base of a tree.

I had dropped my birch figure

and was reeling from Bo's ham-hocked hand.

But then, to our surprise,

(door clicking) we heard a click.

And rustling clatter of iron against wood.

The lock had popped open and the chain had come undone.

The door in the woods had opened.

(ominous music) As the four of us waited

with baited breath to see what was on the other side.

It did not emerge slowly,

but instead it arrived thunderously.

(monster roaring)

This hulking thing, this grotesque, monstrous brute

burst from the doorway with a furious rage.

He was a mass of sickly yellow flesh.

Tall, lean and ready to kill.

Its face was featureless aside from a massive shark-toothed

mouth and a strange rune etched into its forehead.

It tackled Bo to the ground.

He started to cry, squealing out to his mommy,

over and over again until the thing tore out his throat.

After that, he could only manage the occasional gurgle.

(Bo gurgling)

His friends retreated

but I was too dizzy to get up and follow.

The creature mauled Bo until his corpse was unrecognizable.

When it was done with him, it turned its sights on me.

I quickly reached for my birch figure,

I couldn't move out of fear.

The creature closed the distance between us

with a step and then leapt towards me.

I shut my eyes and prepared for death.

But death never came.

When I opened my eyes,

I was looking at not one monster, but two.

This new monster was standing between the brute and myself.

It was a tall, powerful, living birch tree

with ghastly human features.

I tried to make sense of who, or what it actually was.

(creature growling)

The brute circled the birch, but the birch quickly

swotted it to the ground with a heavy wooden arm.

The brute yelped like a wounded dog

and scrambled back to its feet.

It lunged at me but once again,

the new creature knocked it to the ground.

There was a flurry of strikes and blows from both sides.

The brute let out the cries of evil incarnate

as they scratched and clawed at each other.

Black blood and bark over the forest floor.

Skin torn from the brute and splinters scratched

from the birch. (creatures roaring)

After trading blows and deafening screams

the two monsters backed off without taking

their eyes off each other.

They were even foes.

Then the brute charged and leapt into the air at the birch.

Its jaws were wide open,

intent on crushing whatever it caught.

The birch quickly reacted to the oncoming attack

with an ear-piercing roar.

It swept at the brute with such force it knocked

the monstrous beast back into the hell hole it came from.

The brute was in its hole

and getting back up for another attack.

I had to do something to protect my protector.

It was my turn to be brave.

So I quickly picked up the lock

and forced my weight against the door.

I fastened the heavy chain on the door

and worked quickly to snap the iron lock to keep

this wretched monstrous brute behind the door in the woods.

By the time all was said and done,

exhaustion had finally caught up to me.

I stood up and held my head in my hands.

I could not believe the magnitude

of what I had just witnessed.

Monsters, real monsters, fighting.

When I turned around to thank the birch tree,

it was nowhere to be seen.

Hidden, amongst all the other trees

surrounding this door in the woods.

(door slamming)

For more infomation >> BRUTE vs. BIRCH | "Locking The Door" feat. MrCreepyPasta | Crypt TV Extended Universe | Creepypasta - Duration: 7:19.


¡Lucía Méndez habló de Yalitza Aparicio en su cumpleaños! | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> ¡Lucía Méndez habló de Yalitza Aparicio en su cumpleaños! | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 2:25.


White House Press Briefing with Sarah Sanders, live stream | January 28, 2019 - Duration: 1:01:00.

For more infomation >> White House Press Briefing with Sarah Sanders, live stream | January 28, 2019 - Duration: 1:01:00.


Trump administration unveils sanctions against Venezuela - Duration: 5:53.

For more infomation >> Trump administration unveils sanctions against Venezuela - Duration: 5:53.


¡Felicidad y amor en la boda de Larry y Kenia! | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:27.

For more infomation >> ¡Felicidad y amor en la boda de Larry y Kenia! | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:27.


If You Think Aim Assist Is OP Watch This Video... (Controller Fortnite Aim Assist Abuse) - Duration: 10:18.

Hey what is going on guys, in this video today we're gonna be diving into what is probably

the most debated topic throughout the entire Fortnite community, aim assist.

Wanna start the equivalent of a virtual war between controller fortnite players and mouse

and keyboard fortnite players?

Just bring up aim assist, it's really that easy.

And to understand how heated these aim assist arguments can get from both sides, let me

share with you 2 tweets from pro players which pretty much highlights the extremes of both

view points.

Representing one side you have Ghost Kayuun saying "I really don't understand this debate

between controller players with aim assist vs PC players.

Like dude, they're playing the game using two plastic sticks.

If you're a good PC Player, you're going to hit your shots anyways.

And if you're not, go play some csgo, please."

And now the opposite from razzero, this tweet was in response to someone saying that since

mouse players aim with their entire arm, aim assist for controller players is fair game:

"I hate this excuse so much, literally whenever someone says that I gave up on his IQ already.

Imagine u make the decision to use a worse setup ( as they say, stick instead of mouse)

and justify use of an aimbot with that...."

So, that kinda showcases the very contentious nature of the aim assist debate as a whole.

And, at the end of the day, I don't really think you can truly summarize everything to

do with aim assist in just a 140 character tweet.

My hope is that this video will be a very open and fair discussion covering all things

aim assist, and it'll take a look at the arguments from both the PC and the console side of things.

So, without further ado let's get right into it.

Alright, so I want to make it very clear at the beginning here, that this video will not

be debating whether or not controller players should have aim assist.

As I say every time this is brought up, aim assist is 100% a necessity for all players

that play Fortnite with any kind of a controller.

Without aim assist it would almost be impossible to consistently hit shots no matter how great

your aim is.

And in the past when I've said that in my videos, I'll see some people bring up PUBG

or other games without aim assist and say things like "How are you gonna say nobody

will be able to hit shots on Fortnite without aim assist when plenty of controller players

do just fine on PUBG?"

What you need to realize is that the combat system in Fortnite is way different than all

of those other games.

With how good players have become at building, the majority of chances you get to deal damage

now comes and goes in a matter of split seconds.

Missing 1 or 2 AR shots is a huge deal, because as soon as you miss those shots, any half

decent enemy will throw a wall up immediately, and now they're safe.

In PUBG for example, there is no building.

If you get behind a guy it isn't a huge deal if you miss 1 or 2 shots because there's nothing

he can really do to protect himself.

And those split second damage opportunities are even more prevalent in close range shotgun

fights, which are basically the bread and butter of Fortnite engagements.

And also, if you take away aim assist there goes ANY chance whatsoever, that controller

players would ever be able to truly compete against mouse and keyboard players.

Even now, WITH aim assist, there's probably about 20 mouse and keyboard pro players for

every 1 controller pro player.

That's in large part due to the fact that there are so many advantages of playing with

a mouse and keyboard compared to playing with a controller.

Even in a world where controller players are totally separated from mouse and keyboard

players, I still wouldn't want aim assist removed.

And now, with Epic making it clear that every one will competing together in competitive

events no matter what equipment you play with, simply removing aim assist isn't even an option.

So, now that that's established, let's get into what the real aim assist debate should

be, is Fortnite aim assist for controller players too strong?

Now, I'll admit right off the bat here, that there are definitely certain very specific

situations where aim assist can be a little too strong.

I know most of you guys watching this are gonna be controller players, so you may think

that I'm kinda betraying you by saying that, but seriously, I think I can change your mind

with this one 8 second clip.

So yeah, that was a clip of aim assist literally being able to track and hit an enemy that

was totally covered by the in-game fog.

And, on top of that.

I'll be the first person to admit that a weapon like the deagle, is probably a tad bit overpowered

when used by a player who is really good at taking advantage of aim assist.

And yeah, it is true that Fortnite does have one of of the strongest levels of aim assist

of any shooter game out there.

However, I'm sure that a lot of you guys have probably seen other short 10-15 second clips

similar to the one I just showed, of people, and most of the time it's non-controller players,

trying to quote unquote expose the power of aim assist.

One example I remember specifically was a clip from a few weeks ago, of mongraal connecting

a controller and using it at the very end of a scrim game where he had high ground.

And he basically ended up lazering like 2-3 different enemies with it.

And a lot of people saw that and were like "oh yeah there you go, that's 100% proof that

aim assist is overpowered."

Like, really?

You're telling me that because maybe the most mechanically gifted gamer on the entire planet,

was able to get 2 kills with a controller, that settles it?

Like he doesn't do that same thing practically every single game with a mouse?

And, what a lot of non-controller players don't even realize is that taking advantage

of or "abusing" aim assist, is honestly a skill in itself.

If aim assist was as grossly overpowered as so many people think, then why is there such

a huge skill gap when it comes to aim on controller Fortnite.

Other than people asking me for my sensitivity/settings, the #1 most common video request I get, is

to make videos which contain tips on how to aim better.

I mean if you believe some of these people you see online, all I would have to do it

make a 10 second long video saying "spam LT while you're shooting", and then bam every

body who watched it would have nickmercs or aydan aim just like that.

No matter what aim assist haters say, you can't just press LT in the general direction

of a player and have your crosshair teleported onto them.

Aim assist will certainly help you when aiming down sights, but, for it to actually move

your crosshair onto an enemy, you need to be really close in the first place.

And a lot of PC players also don't realize that having aim assist does have a fair share

of negatives.

There are certain in-game situations where aim assist can do more harm than good.

Examples of this include aim assist locking on to vehicles, zombies, and items like the

mounted turret when you're instead trying to shoot enemy players.

Also, there are random places on the map, like certain windows inside of tilted, which

for whatever reason don't give you aim assist if you're shooting at someone through them.

And, another disadvantage of aim assist that I don't feel people give enough attention

to, is the fact that it makes it way harder for you to practice aim.

PC players have aim training programs like kovaaks, a wide variety of in-game aim training

courses, and even something as simple as just going into playground and practicing flick

shots on random objects will help.

Because of aim assist, pretty much none of those things are available to controller players.

To my knowledge there's no controller equivalent to Kovaaks, there are very few aim training

courses that are controller friendly because only 1 specific prop provides aim assist,

and because of the fact that no inanimate objects give off aim assist, flick shoting

trees or rocks will probably end up hurting you more than helping you.

Plus, the fact that every single shooter game on console has a different type/strength of

aim assist certainly doesn't help as well.

Now, I do want to make it clear that I understand where mouse and keyboard players that dislike

aim assist are coming from.

Some of those people go way too far and say some pretty stupid things, but, I've also

seen that happen from the controller side of things as well.

Does playing on Mouse and Keyboard undoubtedly give more of an advantage than playing on

controller, of course, but that's doesn't mean that it still doesn't take an unbelievable

amount of skill to use.

I've tried playing a game or 2 with a mouse and keyboard before and it made me look like

someone who was playing with my feet instead of my hands.

And, I'm sure that any mouse and keyboard player who tries to use a controller for the

first time in their life, would be the same way even if they had the most powerful aim

assist in the world.

This topic of aim assist isn't as simple as one side being totally right and one side

totally being wrong.

And, I'm interested to see how the whole aim assist debate continues to develop, because

aim assist abuse is still kinda a relatively new thing.

Although top controller players have been doing it for a while, it really became super

popular to the general public when Aydan showcased it at PAX West, and that was at the beginning

of September.

And the last thing I'll say is that if you're a mouse and keyboard player that thinks aim

assist is overpowered now, remember, it actually received a considerable a few months ago,

it used to be even stronger.

For more infomation >> If You Think Aim Assist Is OP Watch This Video... (Controller Fortnite Aim Assist Abuse) - Duration: 10:18.


Fan Club member wins RONA room makeover - Duration: 2:25.

Well hello, my name is Isabelle. I'm the godmother of Alexandre Brosseau.

Alex won the RONA Dream Room contest with the Montreal Canadiens.

It's been three years now that I've been registering my two godsons and my son to the Canadiens Fan Club,

and then, plot twist, I got the call.

So Alex is going to finally get the room he's been dreaming of having for a really long time.

He doesn't know about all the surprises that are coming with his room.

He's just hoping that the walls get painted,

because at the moment they're pink: it's his sister's former room.

Alexandre -- it's been four years that he's been playing hockey, he started when he was three-and-a-half, four.

Currently he plays Novice, but he loves hockey. When he sleeps, all he thinks about his hockey.

In the morning, when there's a practice or a game,

he's the first one up: "Dad, okay, let's go, we're going to the arena."

He loves it.

What did they come do today, you think?

Renovate my room?

And so?

How do you find it?


It's so nice!

Do you prefer this room, or the one before?

This one!


My favourite player is Brendan Gallagher because he scores a lot of goals and attacks like me.

Yeah, listen, it's just magical, when you see the room.

I think every kid dreams of having a room like this.

Andrew Shaw's stick, Brendan Gallagher's autographed sweater, it's a nice room, I think.

I would have liked to have had a room like this when I was young, that's for sure.

Go Habs Go!

For more infomation >> Fan Club member wins RONA room makeover - Duration: 2:25.


【ハムスター】パーカーに登るために頑張った結果が笑撃すぎた!おもしろ可愛い癒しThe result of hamster attempting to climb hoodie is funny - Duration: 3:31.

Hello I am a cheese Jr.

Today I will introduce my new goods

that is

It has 3 colors

please read description

Cheese Jr want to climb the clothes

I want to climb



no good


Why can not I climb?


What should I do?


His muscles are twitching…Lol



This foot is too cute


Almost there!

That's it

I got it.



What is wrong?



Cheese Jr adventures in clothes

Where does he come from?

I was satisfied

For more infomation >> 【ハムスター】パーカーに登るために頑張った結果が笑撃すぎた!おもしろ可愛い癒しThe result of hamster attempting to climb hoodie is funny - Duration: 3:31.


Actor que interpreta a El Chapo asiste a su juicio | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> Actor que interpreta a El Chapo asiste a su juicio | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 1:58.


SAG Awards Fashion Hits & Misses - Duration: 6:11.


Welcome back.

Here to break down the fashion hits and misses

from last night's SAG Awards,

is style expert Mr. Robert Verdi.


Let's get started with good ole Emily Blunt.

She won last night, but did she win on the red carpet?

She did, I love this dress.

It's a Michael Kors dress.

This is an iconic Michael Kors silhouette,

but it was made a lot more exciting

with this interesting wired detail.

Which some people said,

it reminded them of a vagina.

Yeah, it does have a vagine quality.

Although, I've never seen one quite that big,

or actually up close.

Right, exactly, exactly.

No, but I thought it was a beautiful dress.

It was a great dress.

And I'm a big fan of Michael Kors

collection always.

It was a good choice, and you know,

what I look for is something, that's like,

kind of unexpected and exciting,

and I think she delivered, with a really simple dress.


It's nothing that's like, outrageous.

Clean and simple, gorgeous.

So next up, who do we have?

Lady Gaga. Lady Gaga.


I mean, I mean, I mean, Bevy.

I mean, I feel like a star is born

on the red carpet.

She is, she is a red carpet super star.

But I think that what really made her exciting

was these outrageous things that she brought

to the red carpet.

I want to see her like, crawl out backwards

with a bottle and (mumbling).

Like, I want to see like a spider costume.

I want to see a meat, I want to see that craziness.

But she's now a serious actress.

You know, she's nominated for Academy Award.

She can't climb out of an egg.

She can't wear a meat suit.

I know.

Maybe she's a vegan now and that's the reason why

she's gone away with eggs and meat.

She does look like she's channeling

Charlize Theron here.

She's kind of inspired,

I think it's a very Charlize Theron look.

It is a Dior Haute Couture dress.

I feel like it's, it's kind of a nod to Charlize.

I don't know if that was intentional or not,

but it does kinda look copy cattish.

But I think it's beautiful.

I think it's a really classic old Hollywood silhouette,

which is something that we use constantly,

but I think she really nailed it.

And I like, the kind of like, Marcelled hair.

I like that Marcelled hair.

I like that really deep, really rich lip,

and I love the jewelry.

Okay, I mean I get it.

Like I think she's a progressive fashionista,

but she, kind of the face looks like a little bit

like a mime, right?

You kind of were waiting for her to be like.

Let's move on to someone that we both love,

is Yara Shahidi.

We love Yara Shahidi. Oh I love, I love her.

You know, I do love seeing young Hollywood on the red carpet

because I think they take more risks,

and they do exciting things.

You know what's great here is that you get this,

kind of, princess feel, without it looking like a sweet 16.


It's like a sexy version of it.

And the thing that I love most about this

is that you've never seen a cat suit look so elegant.

See underneath there guys,

that's actually a one piece, kind of like, jumpsuit,

but it's skin tight.

It's so sexy but without it being too risque,

because she is a lovely young lady.

And so, you know, I also love the ringlets.

But let's go for that shoe.

I love the ringlets.

Oh, the ringlets are great.

I mean, she is a beautiful young woman,

but the shoe, they look like it was in the trunk of the car.

It was like, it's like did you forget the shoe

you were gonna wear?

I did not think that the shoe was the shoe for this look.

It did look like an uh-oh moment.

An uh-oh moment?

Well shout out to Fendi Haute Couture,

it's offering Jason Bolden

for puttin' in this gorgeous look.

Jason Bolden, who is a spectacular stylist.

He does a great job.

Let's talk about Emma Stone.

She's one of my favorites.

She is.

You know, again, this to me delivers

because it's unexpected.

It's pants, and I just love it.

It's Louis Vuitton.

I think it's great, and I happen to love,

and I know you and I don't agree on this,

I love the grooming, I think it's easy.

Yeah, I think it's too easy,

because with the pants, and the like,

kind of a plain Jane face,

it kind of gives me, I'm going to the office,

and the asymmetrical, you know, one shoulder moment.

Like it looks like she's trying to do,

from day to night.

I have an office, and if anybody walked in like this

I'd be happy, I'd give 'em a raise.

But nobody, I can promise you nobody comes into the office.

I thought it was a great choice,

and again, another unexpected choice.

It's something really simple,

but it's something that really delivers a high impact.

Well she is quite the fashionista, I will agree with you.

She is, yeah.

Next up, our girl, Lupita Nyong'o.


The best thing about Lupita is that, from day one,

she came out, she came to slay,

from the minute she hit the red carpet in Hollywood.

What's amazing about her is the canon

of amazing red carpet moments that she has now.

From look one, this is not my favorite of them,

but I love it in the landscape of her looks.

Where I thought it delivered was on stage.

I didn't like it on the red carpet.

It felt a little like I didn't understand the look,

until I saw it under the glistening lights onstage.

And it was a little risque and peek-a-boo.

I loved it, and you loved it, the box braids.

And then we give a shout out to the box braids,

and the corn rows.

I love it because it's very wakanda forever darling,

and they won last night for best picture.

She's staring into the camera there

like children of the corn though, huh?

She looks a little like, scared.

Let's do Alison Brie.

Okay, yeah, this is a dress.

That's a fly away.

Yeah, this is a dress, I love bat wings,

she wasn't hanging upside down,

but this is a dress for an amazing portrait

in a salon with a chandelier,

and you're perched on a...

You're in Versailles.

You're in Versailles.

Horst P. Horst is shooting you,

Scavullo is shooting you, all the dead icons.

I mean, who sat behind her at the SAG Awards?

You like, really girl? Really?

Like that's a dress for a portrait,

for a beautiful editorial, it's not a red carpet dress

because I think, also it delivers so much more from behind,

like a lot of people.

Exactly, but you know what's really interesting

about this, it took four people to put her into this dress,

and I'm surprised that not one person out of the four said,

"Girl don't do it."

I mean four people to do what,

hang a bow on your back?

I could do that, I do that on a Christmas tree every year.

But you know what else is interesting about that?

The bow is detachable.

They should've detached the bow.

Well thanks for being here Robert.

For more information on these looks

go to

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> SAG Awards Fashion Hits & Misses - Duration: 6:11.


Это бомба! Новый суперскилл 19-летнего вундеркинда Барселоны | Лучшие моменты и голы недели | 2019 - Duration: 5:42.

For more infomation >> Это бомба! Новый суперскилл 19-летнего вундеркинда Барселоны | Лучшие моменты и голы недели | 2019 - Duration: 5:42.


Buckle Up for Lightning McQueen's Racing Academy! - Duration: 0:44.

(energetic rock music) (engine roars)

- The Lightning McQueen Racing Academy

here at Disney's Hollywood Studios

is an all new attraction we're really excited to bring you.

This is a chance to meet McQueen in-person,

he's talking to the whole audience, interacting with them.

Telling you his tips and tricks.

And you'll get to meet all your old favorite gang

from Radiator Springs as well.

Lighting McQueen's Racing Academy is the first time

we've ever had an intimate experience

with Lightning McQueen in a theater-like atmosphere.

There's plenty of humor and fun, and action.

But at the same time I think there's also good messaging

about what it means to work together as a team.

We're so excited about all the new story-telling

we're able to put into the Racing Academy

that we've never done before.

Fun, excitement, racing, it's all there.

In Lightning McQueen's brand new Racing Academy.

(energetic rock music)

For more infomation >> Buckle Up for Lightning McQueen's Racing Academy! - Duration: 0:44.


Weather: Schools make tough choices - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Weather: Schools make tough choices - Duration: 3:01.


Is The President's Massive Tax Cut Plan Falling Flat? | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC - Duration: 7:32.

For more infomation >> Is The President's Massive Tax Cut Plan Falling Flat? | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC - Duration: 7:32.




For more infomation >> STEWIE2K CAN NEVER LOSE! FAZE UNREAL FIREPOWER! CS:GO Twitch Clips - Duration: 10:41.


Insurance Claims From Deadly California Wildfires Top $11.4B - Duration: 0:32.

For more infomation >> Insurance Claims From Deadly California Wildfires Top $11.4B - Duration: 0:32.


WATCH: Cardi B, Steve Carell, Lil' Jon in Pepsi's Super Bowl Commercial "OK" - Duration: 1:05.

 The Super Bowl brings out the most random commercials.      In Pepsi's latest ad, Steve Carell meets up with Cardi B and Lil' Jon to show which soda reigns supreme during Super Bowl 53

Together the three answer the age old question, "Is Pepsi OK?"    Pepsi is definitely more than OK

It's OKAYYYYYY or Okurrrrrrr or whatever Steve Carell uses as his next catchphrase

#PepsiMoreThanOK — Pepsi™ (@pepsi) January 28, 2019     Pepsi even release some addition footage of the trio for everyone's enjoyment


For more infomation >> WATCH: Cardi B, Steve Carell, Lil' Jon in Pepsi's Super Bowl Commercial "OK" - Duration: 1:05.


Dubstep legends create a track in 3 hours | Plastician's Lab - Duration: 7:28.

For more infomation >> Dubstep legends create a track in 3 hours | Plastician's Lab - Duration: 7:28.


纽约时报又黑中国,但却被这个美国人啪啪打脸! - Duration: 12:12.

For more infomation >> 纽约时报又黑中国,但却被这个美国人啪啪打脸! - Duration: 12:12.


Warum Deine Selbständigkeit kein Ponyhof ist. - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Warum Deine Selbständigkeit kein Ponyhof ist. - Duration: 1:01.


reacting to temptation island... plz explain - Duration: 9:20.

hi my name is Sydnie welcome to shenanigans and welcome back to the

shenanigans today I'm going to be reacting to a new TV show that I found

on YouTube ummm seems like a ripoff of love island you'll you'll see the

premise just in a just in a second. Four couples who are at a cross roads and their

relationships have decided to embark on a journey to answer the question are

they meant to be together. so the premise of the show is that they're going to be

but be dating other people to see if they're really meant to be together on

TV they they signed up for this so okay. standing in front of you

are 24 single men and women all here for one

reason that's to find love this is huge I'm putting a lot on the line for this

and maybe even lovers it's crazy like we're basically single and these girls

are confident they're ready to get my guy if I guys freaking hot I have to

propose or shes going to leave me. i love my girl

sounds like that's a hard one to love

it's a fantasy experience that will answer their ultimate question

should we really be together or is there someone out there better for me

we've together since we were 16 you're ready to to take this on hi Karl welcome

glad to have you here good that's good I have invested at two and a half years

into Karl and I and he's genuinely my first love and I'm you know putting

myself out there to kind of risk that either going good or bad John hi John

we've been expecting you of course.

every single one of the girls is wearing a

skin-tight bodycon dress I'm freaking out I'm kind of wondering what the hell

we sign up for and what's gonna happen what to expect did we make the right

decision coming here I have no idea and you're hoping that you'll find the

answers of those questions here so you've agreed to go on a journey a

journey where you're gonna date other people simply put hopefully that will

help you figure out the most important question whether you guys are meant to

be together or not everything is that risk by going through this experience my

entire future is that risk I am and why are you doing it I feel like the

pressure is on and we will be tempted and grab my hands always have your back

and I'm here to find love he's great with his hands no adjustments

my name is Jeffrey I'm a flight attendant and I've traveled all over the

world but I've yet to find love oh my god I'm hoping my he's into her he's

like oh let's just get I was gonna zoom in on him real quick John he's like ooh

Oh world but I've yet to find love I'm hoping landing on this island changes

that not having it I think she waved at me I think she winked at him hey I'm

James support Lauderdale I have a master's in communication so I've

mastered the art of persuasion but don't let my degrees fool you I know how to

have a great time persuasion butt cheeks up that's funny

if I said she was laughing is to hide that she is very intimidated I think

that she can't handle beauty and brains you can tell they're dating women are

vicious took her hand and pulled her away I mean I thought of bullshit no bro

here we go hi babe take care first yes um they're not gonna last through this

hot just bizarre to me that I'm even like going through with all this all I

remember about you is he said you're not her prize I'm dr. Johnny I'm from New

York City all of the guys are just surrounding one

girl you're just here to like bringing yourself up or you actually I'm yes I'm

here right whether it's a good thing or bad thing you're gonna know exactly what

I'm thinking at all times so at least these women don't know that I'm gonna be

honest with them on the yoke front with them and if they're getting games at

home they're not gonna get games of major compliments to readdress cuz that

so much temptation out there that's why you have to take care of your man or

you'll lose him these people are ruthless I have this box right here and

in this box I have some necklaces these necklaces simply are for you to wear

while you're here on the island they correspond with your partner's color of

necklace and just as a simple reminder of your relationship okay

I think my biggest fear has been and still is that these women are gonna be

aggressive towards my band that are already being aggressive towards your

man if you'd like to you'll simply place this around the neck of the single that

you'd like to block from dating your partner and then they will not be

allowed to date your partner all the way through the time on the island up until

the final dates where the blocks will be removed now just because they're blocked

doesn't mean they can't hang out at the villa all they want it just simply can't

be chosen for a date I do catherine was the hottest at about all of them it kind

of made me feel like Katie is now really getting concerned

it's okay John will still live to get I don't know how to feel this is a

really uncomfortable show man I blocked Roman she's a big sucker for country

boys game on I definitely am going to pretend that this isn't even here and

other than you know obviously we can't date outside of the house but that's not

gonna stop me in Gaza there's nothing that's gonna stop me from talking to him

or interacting with him as if he was a boyfriend but she probably will be

unfortunately dinner is over this is the last time you'll be together until you

leave the island there's a very real possibility that for some of you guys

this is goodbye forever

that's a big word Jesus that's intense see you ten minutes so we get 10 minutes

to say everything they need to say because they may never be with each

other again like we're not gonna see each other for 25 is well-aware

wonderful like it matters and like I realized that my shepherd also along all

right couples that's 10 minutes they're not gonna last like he stays strong and

just realizes everything that we've been through and how close we are and come

here to fall in love I came here to resist temptation

I've yet to not get what I want can I trust coming in for the kill

you yeah I'm afraid that those the old traits of mine are gonna resurface hello

there he keeps thanks to another girl that you normally supposed to me I

thought that I would come here and actually develop feelings for somebody I

feel really betrayed I would be so lucky to have a guy like him she's wanting to

look leave his girlfriend for me somebody's flower man

temptation I always got the best of me are you gonna stay together or are you

gonna break down Wow okay I think I'm gonna start watching the show now that

so basically they go to an island as a couple then they have to split off and

not be a couple and then they date and from what it looks like from previews

none of them are gonna remain couples those girls were ruthless what why why

is this a show it looks bomb though so you know I'm

gonna be tuning in yeah I might react to other episodes because I really like

reality show I don't watch reality shows but I really enjoyed that well I guess

that's it for this week's shenanigans it wasn't super talkative because that was

enthralling but yeah if you like this leave a like down below so I know if you

guys want this to be series but make sure you hit the subscribe button to be

around for every single week's shenanigans also hit that notification

bell because I don't upload on the schedule so I hope you all have an

amazing day and I love you all my

For more infomation >> reacting to temptation island... plz explain - Duration: 9:20.


Don't get comfortable.. - Duration: 0:33.

C'mon peek..

my minis now bud

Thank God


For more infomation >> Don't get comfortable.. - Duration: 0:33.


ASMR Dog Eating Different Types of Fruits: Funny Dog Bailey - Duration: 3:59.

ASMR Golden Retriever Bailey Eating Fruits

For more infomation >> ASMR Dog Eating Different Types of Fruits: Funny Dog Bailey - Duration: 3:59.


For more infomation >> ASMR Dog Eating Different Types of Fruits: Funny Dog Bailey - Duration: 3:59.


Screen Time and Young Children - Are today's children developmentally ready to start school? - Duration: 8:20.

For more infomation >> Screen Time and Young Children - Are today's children developmentally ready to start school? - Duration: 8:20.


For more infomation >> Screen Time and Young Children - Are today's children developmentally ready to start school? - Duration: 8:20.


John Bolton Admits US Wants To Take Venezuela's Oil - Duration: 5:06.

Well, it's the first Monday following the government reopening this past week, the end

of the week.

So a lot of furloughed workers are returning to work today, national park starting to reopen

after the cleaning process begins.

Uh, but what's really interesting is the fact that Republicans over the weekend, we're attempting

to distance themselves from the government shutdown that lasted 35 days and became the

longest in US history.

You had people like Susan Collins and Marco Rubio going on the Sunday talk shows, trying

to say, listen, we shouldn't ever shut down the government.

It's a bad negotiating tactic.

It never works.

And usually it hurts the people who instigated it.

Uh, you know, that's actually what Marco Rubio said.

It hurts the people who instigated it.

So Rubio, there is admitting Donald Trump instigated it.

Republicans instigated it and they lost big time.

So he and Susan Collins are out there saying, look, we shouldn't ever do this again.

This is bad policy.

Nobody likes this.

Let's, let's move on.

And then you have people like Mick Mulvaney, you have Kevin McCarthy, the House minority


You have Ted Cruz.

Those folks are out there trying to distance themselves from the shutdown in another way.

They're actually blaming the Democrats for the shutdown even happening there.

Just abdicating all responsibility and saying, look what these Democrats did to you.

Ignore the video that's still viral right now with Trump saying he'll own the shutdown

and he's going to shut it down and he'll take the blame and it's all on him.

Forget that.

That even happened.

Let's just keep calling it Schumer shut down.

In fact, let's make a clever little Hashtag of Schumer shut down, which is what Ted Cruz


It's what Mick Mulvaney was saying.

He said Republicans were the only ones who were trying to bargain seriously here.

McCarthy said that Donald Trump was doing a great job with his negotiating tactics.

Yeah, that's not true.

None of this is true.

Your Guy Lost Your guys shut down the government.

Your guy and your party repeatedly refused to take up democratic passed legislation that

would have reopened the federal government and given furloughed workers their back pay.

That was all you.

You did that, but right now what we're witnessing is republicans attempting to rewrite history

specifically the last 40 days or so.

They want us to think that it was either the Democrats' fault that had happened or that

every republican who joined in it really regrets it and they'll never do it again and they've

learned their lesson and they're going to move on.

The truth is that we're only three weeks away from another government shutdown.

The Democrats are not going to budge and they should not budge.

Nancy Pelosi, you know, a lot of people had concerns about her becoming how speaker, again,

I was one of them and I will freely admit that and I will also freely admit that I guess

on this particular issue I was wrong.

Nancy stood up.

She stood her ground and she forced Trump into a corner and he was forced to back down.

So I am proud of Nancy Pelosi for that.

I'm proud of everything she has done during this shutdown and I hope that she continues

it and I hope that three weeks from now when Trump understands he will not get the funding

for that wall.

We do not go through another, another government shutdown and he decides to cut his losses.

Tell aunt ann coulter to basically go live in a hole somewhere because nobody wants to

hear from you and we're going to get by with government as usual.

That's what needs to happen.

Trump needs to turn off the Fox News.

He needs to stop listening to Ann Coulter.

Stop letting rush limbaugh tell them what to do and he needs to do what's best for this

country and what the American public wants.

And that is to not shut down the government.

And more importantly, not build a wall of steel slats along our southern border.

For more infomation >> John Bolton Admits US Wants To Take Venezuela's Oil - Duration: 5:06.


2019 Nonrecurring Request #2: T. Ed Garrison Arena/Conference Center - $3.2M - Duration: 0:45.

(piano music)

For the Garrison Arena, by adding the conference center and also the other outdoor

ring, it gives you the advantage to take bigger horse shows, bigger equine events.

And uh, you know, every horse that comes to a show is accompanied by two-and-a-half people.

And they're not only paying for their horse, they've got to stay in a hotel room, and they're

not bringing their kitchen, so they're going to eat in our restaurants.

Everybody benefits when the Garrison Arena is busy.

(Graphic appears on screen with aerial shots of the T. Ed Garrison Arena.

It reads: T. Ed Garrison Arena Conference Center $3.2M.

The addition of an education and conference center at T. Ed Garrison Arena would allow for increased event

adaptability and attract more tourism dollars to the South Carolina Upstate.

Invest in Clemson.

Top Quality Education.

Prepared Work Force.

A Strong Economy.

For a strong South Carolina.)

For more infomation >> 2019 Nonrecurring Request #2: T. Ed Garrison Arena/Conference Center - $3.2M - Duration: 0:45.


【ハムスター】パーカーに登るために頑張った結果が笑撃すぎた!おもしろ可愛い癒しThe result of hamster attempting to climb hoodie is funny - Duration: 3:31.

Hello I am a cheese Jr.

Today I will introduce my new goods

that is

It has 3 colors

please read description

Cheese Jr want to climb the clothes

I want to climb



no good


Why can not I climb?


What should I do?


His muscles are twitching…Lol



This foot is too cute


Almost there!

That's it

I got it.



What is wrong?



Cheese Jr adventures in clothes

Where does he come from?

I was satisfied

For more infomation >> 【ハムスター】パーカーに登るために頑張った結果が笑撃すぎた!おもしろ可愛い癒しThe result of hamster attempting to climb hoodie is funny - Duration: 3:31.


DIY Flower TUTORIAL - How To Make FLOWER From Wire and Beads. - Duration: 8:02.

Welcome to the creative channel to the Gilda Workshop!:)

In this video I'm going to show you how to make a flower

made from wire, crystals and seed beads

I previously made similar

floral brooch with the same technique.

If you haven't seen it yet,

please check the link below in the description

Don't forget to subscribe and click on the bell icon

to not miss new videos!

Let's start

Enjoy watching!

I want to ask you to visit my online store

You can order hair vines, hair combs

and other accessories from all my video tutorials

You will see the link on the screen and in the description

We will send your order to any country

via Express or regular mail service

If you will order accessories in my online store

You will support my channel

and help me to make new videos.

Don't miss our regular discounts

and purchase handmade jewelry today!

You need: Seed beads, Sequins Leaves

Large and small petals, Wire

Bend in half an 80 cm wire

Twist alternately 3 beads

Add the elements as shown in the video

Twist the wires

Do the same

Make two more petals with another wire

Connect all the details

Attach the crystal beads on the pins

and add them to the center of the flower

Fix the metal part on the back side of the flower

I would like to know your opinion about this jewelry

please write to me what kind of tutorial

you would like to see on my сhannel

and I will try to make it for you in next time!

Support my channel with your subscription

and put your thumbs up

Thanks for watching!

See you soon,


For more infomation >> DIY Flower TUTORIAL - How To Make FLOWER From Wire and Beads. - Duration: 8:02.


Mount and Blade: Story [TRAILER] "Rhodok Chant" - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> Mount and Blade: Story [TRAILER] "Rhodok Chant" - Duration: 1:40.


reacting to temptation island... plz explain - Duration: 9:20.

hi my name is Sydnie welcome to shenanigans and welcome back to the

shenanigans today I'm going to be reacting to a new TV show that I found

on YouTube ummm seems like a ripoff of love island you'll you'll see the

premise just in a just in a second. Four couples who are at a cross roads and their

relationships have decided to embark on a journey to answer the question are

they meant to be together. so the premise of the show is that they're going to be

but be dating other people to see if they're really meant to be together on

TV they they signed up for this so okay. standing in front of you

are 24 single men and women all here for one

reason that's to find love this is huge I'm putting a lot on the line for this

and maybe even lovers it's crazy like we're basically single and these girls

are confident they're ready to get my guy if I guys freaking hot I have to

propose or shes going to leave me. i love my girl

sounds like that's a hard one to love

it's a fantasy experience that will answer their ultimate question

should we really be together or is there someone out there better for me

we've together since we were 16 you're ready to to take this on hi Karl welcome

glad to have you here good that's good I have invested at two and a half years

into Karl and I and he's genuinely my first love and I'm you know putting

myself out there to kind of risk that either going good or bad John hi John

we've been expecting you of course.

every single one of the girls is wearing a

skin-tight bodycon dress I'm freaking out I'm kind of wondering what the hell

we sign up for and what's gonna happen what to expect did we make the right

decision coming here I have no idea and you're hoping that you'll find the

answers of those questions here so you've agreed to go on a journey a

journey where you're gonna date other people simply put hopefully that will

help you figure out the most important question whether you guys are meant to

be together or not everything is that risk by going through this experience my

entire future is that risk I am and why are you doing it I feel like the

pressure is on and we will be tempted and grab my hands always have your back

and I'm here to find love he's great with his hands no adjustments

my name is Jeffrey I'm a flight attendant and I've traveled all over the

world but I've yet to find love oh my god I'm hoping my he's into her he's

like oh let's just get I was gonna zoom in on him real quick John he's like ooh

Oh world but I've yet to find love I'm hoping landing on this island changes

that not having it I think she waved at me I think she winked at him hey I'm

James support Lauderdale I have a master's in communication so I've

mastered the art of persuasion but don't let my degrees fool you I know how to

have a great time persuasion butt cheeks up that's funny

if I said she was laughing is to hide that she is very intimidated I think

that she can't handle beauty and brains you can tell they're dating women are

vicious took her hand and pulled her away I mean I thought of bullshit no bro

here we go hi babe take care first yes um they're not gonna last through this

hot just bizarre to me that I'm even like going through with all this all I

remember about you is he said you're not her prize I'm dr. Johnny I'm from New

York City all of the guys are just surrounding one

girl you're just here to like bringing yourself up or you actually I'm yes I'm

here right whether it's a good thing or bad thing you're gonna know exactly what

I'm thinking at all times so at least these women don't know that I'm gonna be

honest with them on the yoke front with them and if they're getting games at

home they're not gonna get games of major compliments to readdress cuz that

so much temptation out there that's why you have to take care of your man or

you'll lose him these people are ruthless I have this box right here and

in this box I have some necklaces these necklaces simply are for you to wear

while you're here on the island they correspond with your partner's color of

necklace and just as a simple reminder of your relationship okay

I think my biggest fear has been and still is that these women are gonna be

aggressive towards my band that are already being aggressive towards your

man if you'd like to you'll simply place this around the neck of the single that

you'd like to block from dating your partner and then they will not be

allowed to date your partner all the way through the time on the island up until

the final dates where the blocks will be removed now just because they're blocked

doesn't mean they can't hang out at the villa all they want it just simply can't

be chosen for a date I do catherine was the hottest at about all of them it kind

of made me feel like Katie is now really getting concerned

it's okay John will still live to get I don't know how to feel this is a

really uncomfortable show man I blocked Roman she's a big sucker for country

boys game on I definitely am going to pretend that this isn't even here and

other than you know obviously we can't date outside of the house but that's not

gonna stop me in Gaza there's nothing that's gonna stop me from talking to him

or interacting with him as if he was a boyfriend but she probably will be

unfortunately dinner is over this is the last time you'll be together until you

leave the island there's a very real possibility that for some of you guys

this is goodbye forever

that's a big word Jesus that's intense see you ten minutes so we get 10 minutes

to say everything they need to say because they may never be with each

other again like we're not gonna see each other for 25 is well-aware

wonderful like it matters and like I realized that my shepherd also along all

right couples that's 10 minutes they're not gonna last like he stays strong and

just realizes everything that we've been through and how close we are and come

here to fall in love I came here to resist temptation

I've yet to not get what I want can I trust coming in for the kill

you yeah I'm afraid that those the old traits of mine are gonna resurface hello

there he keeps thanks to another girl that you normally supposed to me I

thought that I would come here and actually develop feelings for somebody I

feel really betrayed I would be so lucky to have a guy like him she's wanting to

look leave his girlfriend for me somebody's flower man

temptation I always got the best of me are you gonna stay together or are you

gonna break down Wow okay I think I'm gonna start watching the show now that

so basically they go to an island as a couple then they have to split off and

not be a couple and then they date and from what it looks like from previews

none of them are gonna remain couples those girls were ruthless what why why

is this a show it looks bomb though so you know I'm

gonna be tuning in yeah I might react to other episodes because I really like

reality show I don't watch reality shows but I really enjoyed that well I guess

that's it for this week's shenanigans it wasn't super talkative because that was

enthralling but yeah if you like this leave a like down below so I know if you

guys want this to be series but make sure you hit the subscribe button to be

around for every single week's shenanigans also hit that notification

bell because I don't upload on the schedule so I hope you all have an

amazing day and I love you all my

For more infomation >> reacting to temptation island... plz explain - Duration: 9:20.


[FREE] Future x Southside Type Beat 2019 - "Magic" | feat. 21 Savage | Rap/Trap Instrumental 2019 - Duration: 3:56.

Download link in description

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