people doing stupid thing
For more infomation >> Must Watch Funny videos 😂 Comedy Videos 2019 || people doing stupid thing p194 - Duration: 3:04.-------------------------------------------
Seungjae "Did you eat my Dad..?" [The Return of Superman/2019.01.27] - Duration: 16:08.
Sian, I brought you here because you cried.
I'm not crying now.
- Do you feel better? / - Of course.
Will we see their brotherly love again?
- They're holding hands. / - What is that?
Seungjae, let's eat something.
- We worked hard. / - That's right.
"We worked hard. That's right."
Please give us French fries.
- I have money. / - Does he carry money?
Here you go.
- It's a secret that we came here. / - Okay.
Don't tell my dad.
They said they will go to the toilet.
- Don't write a letter. / - A letter?
Okay. Please take a seat.
- Okay. / - Okay.
I'm exhausted.
Why are you exhausted?
I'm exhausted because of your dad.
I know.
My dad is a soccer player,
so he trains us too hard.
It was hard to pull the girls' sled.
I know.
I'm so exhausted.
Is every day like this for you?
Yes. My dad is a prankster.
A prankster.
Things have been hard for me.
Your food is here.
They're sharing French fries after commiserating.
It looks delicious.
- Eat up. / - Let's hurry up and eat.
Let's eat it with ketchup.
It's hot. Be careful.
- Gosh. / - My goodness.
Is he feeding Sian?
(Gosh, then I better give you some too.)
- My goodness. / - Gosh, the two of them are so cute.
(They're caring for each other.)
(It's true friendship.)
They're young,
but their friendship is strong.
It tastes better when you eat it like that.
I wonder what my sisters are doing.
I bet they're training.
Meanwhile, the twins are pulling the dads on the sleds.
Of course it doesn't work.
Dad, why are you so heavy?
You're the one who chose me.
Hurry up!
- Jiyong must be relatively lighter. / - That's right.
It's hard, right?
(The winter training is harsh and endless.)
- Bye. / - We should go too.
- Let's play some more. / - Okay.
Are they playing more instead of returning?
- They'll get caught. / - They're runaways.
Let's play until 12 a.m.
Let's play until it's 11:50 p.m.
It's an arcade.
- I'm going to win. / - I'm going to win.
No blocking.
Captain power!
Bellybutton power!
I think they forgot about their dads.
They're having so much fun.
(Goal! Another goal!)
(The power of DNA is showing at the arcade.)
Let's go one more time!
- Let's stop. / - Why?
Because Sian keeps winning.
I should win once too.
Let's go play that.
(What game did Seungjae pick?)
(It's a VR balloon popping game.)
Is there such a game?
Time passes quickly when they get into the game.
Oh, no.
What are you two doing?
- They got caught. / - Oh, no.
They didn't even notice Donggook approaching.
What are you two doing?
- They can't hear him. / - My goodness.
(He's canceling the game.)
(Why did it stop all of a sudden?)
What are you two doing?
- Seungjae froze. / - You said you had to pee.
What are you doing here?
Did I tell you it's okay to do this?
You came in here for the toilet, right?
- Right? / - Yes.
What did you do after coming here?
I'll forgive you if you're honest.
- We ate fries. / - Did you eat fries?
You only made us do difficult things.
Did I make you do difficult things?
(We were tired all day.)
Was it too hard today?
We came here to play.
- They came to play. / - But I trained you.
Were you able to get rid of your stress?
Seola and Sua are training very hard.
Everyone was waiting, but you didn't come back.
Put your arms around each other.
No, just one side.
You have to sit on "one",
then stand up on "two". Got it?
"We're one." Ready, go.
- We're... / - We're...
- Two. / - One.
- We're... / - We're...
(The two boys became one at the arcade.)
Was my dad scary?
No, he didn't punish us much.
- Was it fun earlier? / - Yes.
It was nice because it was just the two of us.
That's right.
We love each other.
Yes, but we're just friends.
- "Don't cross the line." / - Be my friend forever.
- Gosh. / - Gosh.
We fell over suddenly.
Thank goodness your nose isn't bleeding.
The captains hid a lot of treasures.
- What? / - What?
This time, go out and just look for treasures.
- Okay? We'll watch. / - Yes.
Guys, I'll say "treasure", and you can say "go!"
- I'll say "treasure"... / - Go!
They don't work well together. Just say, "let's go!"
- One, two, three. / - One, two, three.
- Let's go! / - Let's go!
"Let's go" is what insiders say.
- Insiders. / - What's that?
It's when you make friends on SNS.
(Does "insiders" mean friends on SNS?)
(Don't agree to it.)
You're so outdated.
- Go on a treasure hunt. / - Okay.
Good luck!
It's okay. It's okay.
- Follow her, Sian. / - Sian, follow them.
I'm going to find the most treasure.
I'm going to win the treasure hunt.
- That's right. / - The area is too big.
- It's too vast. / - Beside you!
- Were they buried? / - He found one.
It's a treasure!
Sian found one. That's fake.
Did they hide fake ones?
What's this?
(Is this a treasure?)
We can just dig some and put it in.
- They'll think it's special. / - Are they all fake?
You can't be lazy if you want to play pranks.
You should be energetic and diligent
to be able to play with his kids.
There's a snowman inside this.
Yes, it's snow.
- She got one too. / - Gosh.
(Snow here, snow there)
It's just snow.
What? What is it?
- What is this? / - She's angry.
- What? / - It's just snow.
Try going to the grass field.
Try going there.
Those are fake too.
- He's incorrigible. / - Where is it?
There's nothing here.
Is there really treasure?
Come here.
(Stop wasting time and gather around.)
Dad, did you play another prank?
- It's a coup. / - Why wasn't it there?
Where did your dad go?
Wait, Seungjae. Where is your dad?
Seungjae's dad?
He's changing the subject.
He went down because you guys took so long.
Where did he go? Hold on.
Did he get eaten by a polar bear?
A bear might have caught him.
- Seungjae's serious. / - He's scared.
What do we do?
He went to where the treasure hunt was.
(My dad is in the snow?)
Sian and Seungjae, you should go check.
(Are the two boys being dispatched?)
Your dad disappeared.
Your dad's feet must be so cold.
His feet are cold?
- Is that a hint? / - Good luck.
Seungjae, find your dad, okay?
He's out of sight.
(They can't find even find a trace of him.)
Dad, where are you?
Where are you, Uncle?
Dad! Where are you?
Boys, keep going straight.
Where are you, Uncle?
Maybe he was eaten by a bear.
There's something...
- Come here. / - Did he find something?
Isn't he over there?
(Is my dad over there?)
What is it? I can't see anything.
- I don't either. / - What is it?
(Let's go check it out.)
Over there. Never mind.
Yes, what is that in the snow?
- The pile? / - There's a pile of snow.
What is that thing?
Something's strange.
What's over there?
(Everyone's suspicious of one place.)
See? It's so random.
- That. / - Where is he?
(Where is he?)
(My goodness.)
He was startled.
Who are you?
(Who is this white beast?)
Who are you?
When I monitor your section of the show,
I noticed that you play a lot of pranks.
- He's the master. / - Do you do any research?
- "Research"? / - It's hard to research all the time.
We can't play pranks after this golden time passes.
- When he grows up... / - I've tried many times,
but I have a low success rate.
I don't think he ever succeeded.
It's not like you can get lessons on pranks.
Anyway, I prepared something.
I'll go get it.
This is a ghillie suit.
This ghillie suit fooled his children before.
Are they using it in the snow?
(It's going in the snow?)
It's perfect.
- He's really something. / - I couldn't find any.
(The kids are busy searching for treasure.)
(On the other side...)
(People are starting to murmur.)
You look like walking snow.
There's a white suit too.
(White ghillie suit)
Where did he even get those things?
I'm a fan, Lee Donggook!
- Did they go there just to do this? / - Jiyong.
(He's directing the scene.)
More, more, more.
If there's any red,
- it pops out too much. / - Is he
- picking the location? / - He's a true director.
(Lead actor, Ko Jiyong)
(The ice monster is here.)
Can you hear me? Make a circle if you can.
They're even communicating.
Jiyong, you have to get down.
That's right. He can't get caught.
(He's coaching like crazy.)
Get down low. Get low.
- Aren't you cold? / - No, I'm okay.
Of course the kids didn't see him.
I really thought
- he was a pile of snow. / - It's perfect.
Can you pile up some snow around me?
Jiyong, if this harms your health in any way
- like your temperature dropping, tell me. / - Okay.
This is just a prank.
There's no need to put your life at stake.
It's more important to survive.
My feet are cold.
It's not easy playing with kids.
The snow monster Jiyong was hiding
under Donggook's coaching.
Will he succeed this time?
You can't tell if you just glance over.
- I really can't tell. / - Where is he?
(He's enduring the cold.)
It's hard to tell what it is. Wait.
Why is he so happy?
He was always the lead actor,
and this is his first time directing.
- It's a different kind of joy. / - Who are you?
Who are you?
Try moving forward.
Like this, like this.
It's like a horror movie.
- Stop coming to us. / - I'm sorry.
Jiyong is laughing too much.
- He's dying. / - Who are you?
(This white furry lump is...)
Seungjae was startled.
Are you a bear?
He's laughing right now, right?
- A polar bear! / - He's giggling.
(Sian kept on making logical guesses.)
Maybe he was eaten by a bear.
They're still kids. I thought
they'd notice it's Jiyong by now.
Did you eat Seungjae's dad?
He's dumbfounded.
He said yes.
- Seungjae will cry. / - He ate your dad.
- Don't get found out. / - He ate your dad.
What do we do?
Did you eat my dad?
Did you really eat him?
That was his dad.
What do we do?
Why is a variety show so sad?
Look at those tears.
What are you going to do, Seungjae?
Is it true?
Where's my dad?
Is he going to say he's in his tummy?
He says he's in his tummy.
Sian is good at making the situation worse.
He's so sad. "My dad."
Wait. Is Sian holding back his tears?
Why did it suddenly become a drama?
Your dad must be somewhere.
Can't you return my dad to me?
Bring his dad back.
You're making him sad.
Their reactions weren't what we expected.
Did you see his hat?
(His hoodie is sticking out.)
Your pants fell off,
but they didn't notice. Aren't your knees cold?
Your pants came off.
He's pulling them back up.
He's pulling them back up in this sad situation.
Some people just aren't cut out for it.
What's wrong?
Get up and walk over here.
(He's exiting quietly.)
(He can walk on two feet?)
I want to join too. I desperately
want to be in on a prank.
Is it a person?
Bring Seungjae's dad back!
(Pulling up his pants)
(Run, snow monster.)
It wasn't me.
(Thank you for being fooled.)
Hey, what are you doing?
- What are you doing? / - They must know.
Of course the twins would know.
Just take off his mask.
What's this?
Did I get you?
He's smiling now.
- Of course. / - "How can you fool me?"
- A dad shouldn't do that. / - You surprised me.
- What's wrong? / - He'll cry louder this time.
What is it?
See? I knew he'd cry.
Don't cry, Seungjae.
Don't cry.
(I thought you were eaten by a bear!)
- Were you scared? / - Sian is calm.
(I was worried about you, Dad.)
I was only trying to have fun with you.
The dads must have had fun.
- They're relieved now. / - I'm glad.
- Dad. / - Were you worried?
you need to experience things like this.
You grow stronger through them.
Señora Acero 5 | Capítulo Final | Telemundo - Duration: 14:56.
Any similarities to actual people, names, stories,
or any other events are purely coincidental.
There are so few of us left.
And I'm the worst one.
You're wrong, you son of a bitch!
Run, Danielito, run!
Where is my son?
Mecha took him.
Where did she take him?
No, no, answer me!
Give him one of your pills.
It might help him.
What's the point, though? He's already screwed.
We're here like dumbasses without money, weapons,
or jack ---- else.
You're leaving him when he needs you most.
I was given a second chance and I made the wrong choice.
Do you really trust whoever sent you that message?
I don't know, but I need to find Teca Martinez
so I can finally put an end to all this.
Heads up.
I have information you need.
Before you continue, I'm going to make sure you're unarmed.
Hands on the car.
No microphones or tracking devices.
Like what all of you use?
-Everybody's got their tricks. -He's clean.
What's up, Brutus?
You going to tell me where Teca Martinez is?
Where is my son? Where is Danielito?
I have no idea where your son is.
All I know is that old lady from the inn took him.
Teca doesn't have him.
If you don't know where Danielito is, why'd you come?
Because I want to hand you Teca Martinez.
Oh really?
You think we're stupid or what?
No, no, no.
Teca doesn't have men or weapons or anything.
In fact, he's wounded.
Why the hell are you selling him out?
To survive.
You think we're just going to trust you?
You got any proof? Did you bring anything?
Watch it!
These are the plans to where he's hiding.
Stay there and don't move.
Can you spare any change, mister?
We haven't eaten.
Here, ma'am.
I appreciate it, but this is too much.
Please take it.
If we don't have each other's backs, who will?
Get the kid something to eat.
Take it.
God bless you.
What's wrong with him?
He hurt his hand, which is why he has a fever.
You're not from around here, are you?
People who come here only come for one reason:
to enter the US.
What we want to do is to cross the border into Mexico.
I couldn't pack anything before leaving
and now we're stuck.
To Mexico?
I don't know if you believe in Providence or fate,
but there must be a reason our paths crossed.
This is a maze.
Going in would be like walking into the lion's den.
No, I can assure you that Teca isn't familiar
with any of that.
He's only their to gather strength
before escaping again.
He doesn't know about that.
If this -------'s telling the truth,
this is our only option to get to Teca.
Almeida, hold on.
Any info on the plans I sent you?
<i> Yes, Alberto.</i>
We sent a reconnaissance drone,
and the complex does exist.
It's got a sewer system and limited access.
If Teca were looking for a hideout,
this would be the perfect place.
Can we find out if anyone else is in there?
Any thermal imagery?
Yes, but not from any human beings.
If Teca's there, he doesn't have many men.
Keep me updated.
Come on, buddy.
The lady and kid are desperate.
But they don't have any money. I can't cross them.
It's too dangerous.
I swear to God I'll pay you when we get to Mexico.
I'll even pay you with interest just don't leave us here.
Yes, but it's the desert, ma'am.
It is too dangerous!
We've been wandering it for two days, what's one more day?
Help them out.
Look at my little boy. Come on.
That little shrimp is your son?
Yes. Come on.
What do we do?
I told you.
I think this is a risk we'll have to take.
We'll be in Mexico soon.
We're approaching Miner's Pass.
What's that?
It's Immigration! Run!
Run, Danielito!
Give me your hand!
Don't shoot, sir!
Don't do it!
Don't shoot!
Stop, stop! I don't have guns!
Shut up, ------------!
Alright, people. Let's go! Come on!
Hey, stop!
Don't hurt him, you son of a bitch!
Shut up! Come on!
Don't shoot!
That's a woman, idiot!
Take a seat.
Run, honey, run.
Hey, wait!
----, man!
What is your ------- problem here?
I won't let you ------------- throw me in a cage.
You animals!
You lock people up in cages and then...
She's a woman.
------- boy.
Boss, Brutus betrayed us!
He just sold us out to the Aceros.
The rats are always the first to abandon a sinking ship.
But even these are still here.
Brutus is a snitch.
He was born a snitch and he'll die a snitch.
Let me kill him, boss.
We may be in a sewer,
but it's my sewer!
The Aceros will try to surprise us,
but it'll be them that are surprised.
We've got him.
If this information is no good, you're a dead man.
Take him away.
Nothing to hide, nothing to fear.
Yeah, sure.
We leave in three minutes.
Rooster, I need you and Azuceno to head to that location.
But like right now.
Vicenta, it's me.
Mecha, how are you? How's my son?
I don't know how to tell you this.
Is Danielito okay?
<i> I don't know.</i>
After we left Mr. Nice Guy's house,
we tried crossing the desert into Mexico,
<i> but Immigration showed up.</i>
<i> I'm being held</i> <i> at a detention center,</i>
but Danielito ran off and I don't know where he is.
He's lost?
This is Alberto.
Where was the last time you saw him?
<i> Miner's Pass.</i>
I'm so sorry.
I should've guarded him with my life, but he got away.
All I do is screw up.
Tell me which ICE center you're at so we can help you.
Danielito's lost in the desert.
Calm down, we'll find him.
Calm down.
I'll take care of this.
Fine, but take some men.
I don't need men!
I know the desert, and my son is there alone.
You can't go off alone.
Listen to me, Alberto!
Take care of this bastard.
Smoke Teca Martinez out of his hole.
I'm going to the desert to get my son.
And I'll need some contacts to get Mecha released
from ICE custody.
Let's go!
Everybody in your vehicles.
We have to find the kid and the other one.
<i> Help me!</i>
<i> The beaner who escaped</i> <i> ran like a rabbit</i>
<i> behind those bushes.</i>
It's over there, in the sewers.
Let's keep going.
Should I go first...?
Get going!
We don't have time to be at each other's throats.
You snitch!
Be grateful you're alive
because you should be minced meat after snitching, -------.
Move! Before they catch us.
We've got a deal, you hear me?
-Shut up, snitch! -If not, I'm leaving.
Keep your eyes peeled. They could come from anywhere.
Boss, they're headed your way.
On your toes, Alberto.
You too, Azuceno.
It's down there.
How the ---- do we know you're telling the truth?
Because I am!
Rooster, that's enough.
Don't trust this piece of ----.
We're exposed out here.
What's up with those drones?
They've just entered the main tunnel.
We lost some drones.
Damn it.
We've still got a few others.
Help me.
Allow me, boss.
There they are.
Take cover!
It was you, wasn't it?
This bastard sold us out!
No way!
The plan went to ----.
We've got to somehow make it out of here alive.
I've got them.
Look at them scurry like rats.
Azuceno, cover us!
What are you doing, fool?
Let go of me!
Wait! I'll cover you!
Let's go!
I don't plan on dying in this sewer.
Get me out of here.
Yes, sir.
Follow me.
Let's go!
------- it!
I promise you it's that way.
Help him!
You okay?
Go get Teca!
You okay?
Go get that bastard.
Hey, relax. Where are you going?
Getting out of here.
You must be dumber than I am
if you're still following that loser.
Calm down, Brutus. Don't you get it?
Now we're really going to ------- kill the Aceros.
Obviously without you, you ------- traitor.
You should be ashamed of yourselves.
You wipe your asses with our rights.
We are not animals!
Stay put!
That boy was my responsibility,
but you all don't give a damn.
Shut up!
You don't give a damn!
I need your help finding that child.
I said stay put!
You're nothing but a dumb gringa.
Shut up!
No, you shut up, bitch!
Mommy, I'm scared.
I'm lost.
Jugar con Fuego | Capítulo 05 | Telemundo - Duration: 17:27.
This program contains material unsuitable for minors
and includes episodes with violence, sex, and inappropriate
or provocative language. Viewer discretion is advised.
You nervous?
This is the first time this has ever happened to me.
I mean it.
The first time.
Martina, I'm really scared because I'm risking it all.
Is it worth it?
Andrea is Martina's daughter,
and Camila's crazy about you.
Don't tempt the devil.
The devil and I are great friends.
<i> Your husband doesn't</i> <i> make you happy.</i>
<i> A woman like you</i> <i> deserves to feel wanted.</i>
This is going to sound crazy...
but I can't live without you.
I was thinking, and I really would do anything
to change my life.
Ever since we started talking, something in me awoke.
Something I thought I'd never feel again.
Thanks to you,
I discovered what I've been missing in my life.
You understand?
<i> I think a woman</i> <i> might be involved.</i>
<i> A married woman.</i>
<i> Otherwise, why would he be</i> <i> so secretive?</i>
Aren't you going to say anything?
Martina, that's not how these things are done.
What do you mean by that?
Martina, what a success.
This is beautiful. Congratulations.
Camila, I'll wait for you in the car.
This little guy's heavy.
With all these people here, I hadn't seen you.
Let's go.
What? The party just started.
But for us, it's over. Thanks.
What's the rush?
It's not like anyone's at home waiting up for us.
Let's just go. You look very tired.
I am not tired.
We'll talk at home.
I said I wanted to stay.
And how will you get home? On foot?
I don't know.
-Somebody can give me a ride. -Goodnight.
-Besides, I'm not tired. -Let's go.
You can't meddle in one's marriage.
Well, I have to go.
No, don't go.
I have to go.
I agreed to meet a friend. Bye.
Probably a woman, right?
No, a guy friend, not a woman. Have a good night.
I'm certain it's a woman.
His name's Poncho and you know exactly who he is.
-You're not going anywhere. -Camila!
Darling, what are you doing?
Diego's in the car with the nanny.
Jorge took off ahead of me with Martina
like a bat out of hell.
He didn't even say goodbye.
Well, that's how he is. What's strange about it?
Well, if the host of the party can leave, then so can we.
Let's go.
Goodnight, Fabrizio.
-See you soon, Fabrizio. -Goodnight.
Have you seen Fabrizio?
Uh, he was just here, but I guess I lost sight of him.
Yeah, he's around. I'm sure he'll be by soon.
Where's your friend?
Did you like her or...
She went home because her mom's sick.
I need Fabrizio. I need him.
I promise he's around here.
I'll find him. You keep dancing.
See you.
I catch everything.
Here you are, cutie.
And where were you?
Me? Missing you.
Let's go.
I have to tell you about the most amazing thing
that happened to me.
I have to tell you.
You scared me, darling.
I want to tell you everything and spill all the details.
I've had the most magical night.
It really was special.
I took some pills
and my head feels like it's going to explode.
I had such a hard day.
This is how I like to wake up.
Seeing you.
You're so beautiful.
The most beautiful woman in the world.
Hey, I've got a surprise for you.
I love surprises.
What is it?
No, it's a surprise. You'll have to wait.
And in the meantime?
This isn't the final revision.
Are you sure?
Yeah, I didn't sign it for that reason.
Going out?
Yes, I'm going into town to run some errands.
I'll let the driver know.
There's no need.
Is something wrong?
I can't find my car keys.
I'm very worried about you, honey.
Lately you don't know where your head is.
I know exactly where it is.
Or not.
Could I use your car?
Gildardo can take you.
It'd be my pleasure to take you.
Where do you remember having them last?
Look there.
Ask Luisa to help you.
They're right here.
Please be very careful. I'm really worried about you.
Where are they?
Right there.
I won't be back for lunch.
I want to know where she's going, for how long,
and with whom.
I want a detailed report.
From now on, I want you to shadow her.
Whatever you say.
Go on.
I told you I had a surprise for you, didn't I?
Don't move.
I'm enjoying this surprise.
You're... an amazing woman.
Excuse me, sir, but I can help you find
what you're looking for.
And pick that up.
Yes, sir.
My mom's acting weird.
Like she's not there. It's strange.
I'm worried about her.
Did you tell her about us?
I tried, but I couldn't.
It's best if you don't.
Weird how?
I don't know. Forget it.
Where have you been all my life?
I had a right to be happy before now.
But don't let it go to your head.
Because we're from different worlds, Andrea.
How do you mean?
Very different worlds.
You want to know the truth?
I want to.
I'm a son of a bitch, Andrea.
Why do you say that?
You're smart and well travelled.
My mother is a prostitute.
I don't know who my father is.
Absolutely nothing is going to change how I feel about you.
What planet are you from?
The same one as you.
The same one as your mom too.
I'm nobody to judge her for being a prostitute.
Maybe the money she made was how she was able to raise you.
Did you ever think of that?
Juliana & Valentina ep.62 part 5 (english subtitles) - Duration: 1:15.
You know what? Let's not look for each other anymore and that's it, okay?
take me to the office.
Are you okay?
Not now, please.
I want to be alone.
I'm willing to give up whatever I have to give up, I'll fight with anyone.
- I don't care if it's with my friends, my family. I don't care so long as I can be with you. - No Val. No.
- No? - No.
[How are you? I know things are getting complicated. Are you in for a coffee and a hug?]
美國經濟現農場破產潮後,美國製造損失更大,美國人:離不開中國貨 - Duration: 11:12.
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Juliana & Valentina ep.62 part 2 (english subtitles) - Duration: 1:41.
How are you?
I knew it was you. I'm happy it's you.
I'm so excited to see you.
How have you been?
Dubious, honestly. Dubious.
So many things have happened since you left.
How are you?
I could be better. My tires were stolen...
- I can't buy new ones because I don't have a cent. - Poor baby.
And I can't find a job.
I'll buy you the tires.
No, it's okay.
But it has been a little more difficult than I thought.
That's life.
And you? How are you?
It's also been a little more difficult than I thought.
I didn't except them to react this way at the University, honestly.
Everybody took Lucho's side and well-
Maybe these are the things that have to happen,
so we can finally live the life we want.
We have to suffer a little bit, yeah?
You know.
The truth is, everything is easier when we're together.
Please don't distance yourself.
I won't.
I promise.
Besides, I want you to meet Renata.
Let's run away the four of us together please.
3 Funny Minutes with Baby - Cute Baby Video - Duration: 3:43.
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Memorial For Misty Holt-Singh Vandalized In Stockton - Duration: 2:25.
영어 발음이 좋은 사람들의 특징 - Duration: 5:25.
Katy Perry teilt seltene Urlaubs-Momente mit Orlando Bloom! - Duration: 0:55.
Juliana & Valentina ep.62 part 1 (english subtitles) - Duration: 1:50.
Good morning Alirio, how are you?
Good morning, very good.
I need to talk to you.
Of course. Tell me what can I do for you.
I've been told that you've been taking Valentina to see her friend Juliana.
I need to ask you some questions. Come.
Of course, miss.
First thing I need to know-
Where are you going, my child?
To buy some medicines.
I'm going to have a bath.
Don't take too long.
All good.
Juliana, right?
Yes. How are you?
I'm impressed.
First you seduce Valentina,
then you come to live here in my Chivis's house.
What do you want to do next?
Live in my father's house?
I know that Vale is very innocent and she lives in her yuppie's world,
but I don't.
I'm her older sister and I'll always be here to protect her from people like you.
Look Eva, I don't have any bad intention. I don't want to take advantage.
What I feel for Valentina is real.
Look, I don't have anything against gays.
I'm serious.
I'm all in for sexual diversity.
Let them adopt kids, get married, organize their marches,
but all of that far away from my family.
So I'm going to ask you to get away from my sister
before you destroy her life.
Or I will have to destroy yours.
Juliana & Valentina ep.62 part 4 (english subtitles) - Duration: 1:27.
Are there people really your friends?
Were my friends.
I also can't believe your sister Eva came to tell me to get away from you.
And that you're an opportunist.
I don't know what's really happening.
I don't understand.
Val, I don't know if we should keep going with this.
With what?
With us being together.
And the pact?
We were too naive, Val.
I'm willing to give up whatever I have to give up, I'll fight with anyone.
- I don't care if it's with my friends, my family. I don't care so long as I can be with you. - No Val. No.
- No? - No.
- No? - No. My mom just got out of the hospital.
The narcos are looking for her.
What does that has to do with-
- I don't even know how long I'll be in this city! - It doesn't matter!
- Why are you bringing that up now?! - It does matter!
- I don't understand why are you talking about that now. - Val, I don't know how will my mother react.
It doesn't matter how will your mom will react Juliana! What are you talking about?
Look Val, don't you understand? Everything's getting more and more complicated?!
- No, I don't care! - And I don't want to affect your life anymore!
You know what?
Let's not look for each other anymore and that's it, okay?
Notizheft in Lederoptik * DIY * Leather Look Cover [eng sub] - Duration: 8:10.
We are going to need SnapPap,
a rubber cord, a piercer, an ink pad,
glycerin - this one I got in the pharmacy,
a spray bottle, notebooks
and if you like an embossing template.
The notebook is a little bit smaller than DIN A6.
They measure 14cm x 9cm.
We are goinng to cut out a piece of the SnapPap which measures 15cm x 21cm.
In hight it measures 1cm more
and lengthwise it is twice as long as the notebook and further 3 cm.
I filled a little bit of water into the spray bottle
and now we are going to fill half of the quantity glycerin to it.
So we have 2 parts water and 1 part glycerin.
Now, we going to spray this onto our SnapPap.
And then we press it down.
We do the same at the back.
When it got soft, we can crumple it cautiously.
Then we repeat the process.
If you like you can use an embossing template.
Either with an embossing machine or a rolling pin.
Now we let this dry.
When everything is dry, we can take a stamping pad and run it over the wrinkles.
Next, we fold it in the middle.
And we mark 2 points, which are 1 cm away from the edge and from each other.
and 1 point in the center.
Now, we take the piercer or a hole punch.
Next, we take the rubber cord in the middle and run it through the hole in the center.
We lay the cord around the cover
and see if it is tight enough.
And then we are going to make a knot.
Next, we take one end
and run it through the lower hole at the top
and through the upper hole.
We do the same at the bottom.
Now, we run the upper cord through the hole at the bottom.
And we run the cord at the bottom through the upper hole.
Then we run the cords through the other hole.
When everything is tightly spanned,
we make a knot with the ends of the cord.
Cut off the excess.
Then you take the notebook,
open it in the middle
and lay a cord into it.
Now it is attached to it.
Theoretically it is possible to attach a third notebook.
You only have to let the ends of the cord more loose.
Now, we are finished.
EL COMIDISTA | Porchetta: el irresistible cerdo asado italiano - Duration: 4:14.
Juliana & Valentina ep.62 part 3 (english subtitles) - Duration: 1:35.
- Val. - Hey.
No, wait, wait, come here.
What is it?
What happened?
Your sister just left.
- Eva? - Yes.
Why? What was she doing here?
- What do you think? - I don't know, I've no idea. That's why I'm asking.
She came to tell me to get away from you, Val.
Are you serious?
I can't believe it. What's happening?
Why is everyone against us?
I don't know.
- You don't have an idea of how she talked to me, she didn't even greeted me. - Do something!
I'm so upset about this-
Wait. Wait a second.
Juliana, who was at the door?
It's Valentina, Mom. We're going out.
We can't talk here.
Let's go somewhere else.
Val, can you wait for me?
I'm sorry, but miss Juliana can't get in the van.
Excuse me?
I have orders from Mrs. Eva.
- None of the drivers can allow her to get in the vans or enter the properties. - Are you serious?
Look Alirio, I've had a really bad day, so I'm asking you to get out of the way-
- Please miss Valentina don't get me in trouble. - Alirio, what are you doing?
- Move please! - Valentina, calm down!
Don't shout to him. It's not even his fault.
Let's go.
Voice of the Streets Ep.02 - Spitfire - Duration: 1:00.
Kalam tha main ragadta kagazo pe kaksha gyarvi se,
Main aur mera yaar dono the sapne sath jeete, ek din sunaye usne sir bohemia,
Main khata hun kasam kalam ki likhna tab shuru kia,
Shukhta gala hai tar pasine me wo baap mera, maa ki shadiyo ke chhed se chamakta khwab mera,
Raag hun khuredta main kagazo pe aag banke,
Chandni kahani meri kehta hun jo raat banke, baag hai gali meri ye phool si kala tabhi,
Ye sadke bolti hai jo kahaniya wo sur bani, guru sakha ye maa bhi mera pyaar isko kya kahu,
Gali ki meri dhool maangta hai aasmaan bhi.
Raúl Jiménez "on fire", hace doblete y le guiña el ojo a Martino| Telemundo Deportes - Duration: 1:47.
Dr. Dre Many Women And 7 Children - Duration: 4:32.
Andre Romelle Young more known as Dr. Dre is a legendary beat maker to say the least
of it.
He formed the sounding of hip-hop in 1990s of the whole west coast as well as popularized
such a musical genre as G-Funk.
Before becoming a solo artist, he was a member of a group World Class Wreckin' Cru and
later a rap-group N.W.A that stood at the origins of gangsta rap.
His first solo album The Chronic was released in 1992 and became platinum three times.
In 2001, the second album turned out to be even more successful and so, Andre started
producing for 50 Cent, Eminem and other celebrities.
Dr. Dre can boast of 83 official singles, 8 releases, 6 Grammys and two victories in
MTV Video Music Awards.
Dr. Dre's father Theodore was a singer in a band called The Romelles.
At that time he was dating Verna who was a teenager.
At 15, she gave birth to their son, who is a famous gangsta rap pioneer.
The mother Verna had been married to Theodore for less than a decade until the divorce followed.
Raising a child on her own and at such a young age was a difficult task and many told her
to abort.
Nowadays, she is glad she made the right decision.
She was married two more times and produced four more kids.
From mother's marriage to Warren Griffin, there is a step-brother Warren who is very
close with the music star.
It was exactly Warren who introduced Dr. Dre to Snoop Dogg, who later became his protégé.
Warren is a rapper himself and is very successful.
He is also married but there is no information whether he has children.
From Verna's marriage to Curtis Crayon, there are three more half-siblings.
Shameka is the only child who is alive now.
Jerome passed away from pneumonia.
Tyree died in 1989, at the age of 21.
He was involved in a gang-related attack that left him with a broken neck, meaning no chances
for surviving.
The brilliant artist's personal life is as interesting as his musical career.
He met his first love Cassandra Joy Green while studying in a high-school.
This relationship led to her pregnancy at 15.
She raised a child on her own far from Andre for 20 years until a big reveal.
Lisa Johnson was another short-time girlfriend in a high school, who also has a child from
the artist.
The third short-term relationship was with Jenita Porter and she also produced a child
with Dre.
The rapper's first serious relationship began in 1987 and lasted for the next 9 years.
His girlfriend and later even a fiancé was Michel'le Denise Toussaint.
The couple worked together and also became parents to a baby-boy.
However, this love-story was over in 1996.
The famous artist led an attorney Nicole Young down to the altar in 1996 and the two love
birds have been living happily ever since that time.
It seems like Dr. Dre finally found the love of his life.
In total, the celebrity has 7 kids.
With Green, there is a son Curtis, who was born in 1981.
For two decades the rapper had no clue he had a son and only after a DNA test proved
it, he met Curtis and is now in good relationship with him.
Like a dad, Curtis is also a rapper.
He is married and has four kids.
With Johnson, there is a daughter La Tanya, who was delivered in 1983.
Andre is a son with Porter and he came to this world in 1988.
At the age of 20, he was found dead from an overdose of heroin and morphine.
Marcel was born in 1991 and he is a son with Michel'le.
Tyra is a daughter from an unknown woman and the rap pioneer keeps cordial relationship
with Tyra and knows she is his biological child.
In a marriage with Young, there are two more kids with a son Truth being the oldest one.
He was born in 1997.
A daughter Truly became a wonderful addition in 2001 and is the youngest child of a rich artist.
She likes social media platforms a lot and often uploads photos and videos.
HOW TO DRAW GARFIELD 4/5 | Best Comic Book Characters Drawing For Kids | BLABLA ART - Duration: 5:04.
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Promis news - Surviving R. Kelly: A&E zeigt Skandal-Doku auch in Deutschland - Duration: 1:27.
All James Bond Movie Girls Then and Now(Before And After) 2019 Part- 1| Top Most Fabulous Bond Girls - Duration: 10:48.
Warplanes:ww2 Dogfight Offensive Misson#1 | Practice of dive bombing - Duration: 10:54.
L'humoriste Laurent Gerra se moque publiquement de Brigitte Macron -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 3:14.
For more infomation >> L'humoriste Laurent Gerra se moque publiquement de Brigitte Macron -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 3:14.-------------------------------------------
Promis news - Surviving R. Kelly: A&E zeigt Skandal-Doku auch in Deutschland - Duration: 1:27.
For more infomation >> Promis news - Surviving R. Kelly: A&E zeigt Skandal-Doku auch in Deutschland - Duration: 1:27.-------------------------------------------
Disney Pixar Cars 3 Grand Prix 2019 1st : Race : First preliminaries : TOMICA - Duration: 10:11.
This time...
I will do Cars 3 Grand Prix with this 16 cars TOMICA
I will do this grand prix five times.
The first four times are qualifying.
A racer gains 1 point each time he wins.
The winning racer gained 3 points.
And the top four racers who had many points earned by qualifying four times can advance into the final game.
Then, I will make a lottery to decide on opponents immediately.
It is the result of the first qualifier.
Who is the racer to advance into the final?
For more infomation >> Disney Pixar Cars 3 Grand Prix 2019 1st : Race : First preliminaries : TOMICA - Duration: 10:11.-------------------------------------------
Les symptômes sous-estimés du cancer - Duration: 2:39.
For more infomation >> Les symptômes sous-estimés du cancer - Duration: 2:39.-------------------------------------------
Comment configurer une imprimante HP LaserJet sur un réseau sans fil depuis Android - Duration: 5:58.
For more infomation >> Comment configurer une imprimante HP LaserJet sur un réseau sans fil depuis Android - Duration: 5:58.-------------------------------------------
新型マツダ3 海外初試乗...... Mハイブリッド/2.5Lガソリンの印象は「必要にして十分」・・・ディーゼルやSKYACTIV-Xに期待大 - Duration: 14:37.
How Liverpool should line up against Leicester - Does Van Dijk start? - Duration: 5:47.
'I can't see illness keeping Van Dijk out' James Pearce: Virgil van Dijk played with two cracked ribs earlier in the season so I can't see illness keeping him out of the visit of Leicester City I'd start the Dutch centre-back alongside Joel Matip
I know Dejan Lovren is fit now but I thought Matip did well against Palace With James Milner banned, if Fabinho is fully recovered then I'd play him at right-back
He has the experience from playing there for Brazil. Gini Wijnaldum needs to come back into the midfield alongside Jordan Henderson
I'd play 4-2-3-1 with Xherdan Shaqiri on the right, Sadio Mane on the left and Mo Salah and Roberto Firmino through the middle
My team (4-2-3-1): Alisson, Fabinho, Van Dijk, Matip, Robertson, Henderson, Wijnaldum, Shaqiri, Firmino, Mane, Salah 'Fabinho at right back' Paul Gorst: Writing up a Liverpool team has largely been a straight forward task this season
The back five and front three usually pick themselves, leaving just a midfield debate to be had, but the visit from Leicester is proving to be a real head-scratcher
The ongoing problems at right-back persist with injuries to Joe Gomez and Trent Alexander-Arnold as well as the suspension of James Milner
Luckily, Liverpool have another who has right-back experience in the shape of Fabinho and despite his growing influence in midfield, I'm going to have to name the Brazilian in defence ahead of Rafa Camacho
That's no slight on the Portuguese, as his time will come, but it's a case of needs must for Jurgen Klopp right now
Virgil van Dijk is another who is a doubt after his bout of illness, but unless the £75million Dutchman has contracted the Bubonic Plague, I'm tipping him to battle through it alongside Joel Matip and Andy Robertson
Fabinho's defensive duties leave midfield options stretched, so I'm selecting Jordan Henderson, Gini Wijnaldum and Xherdan Shaqiri, with Naby Keita waiting in reserve
Up top, it's Sadio Mane, Roberto Firmino and Mohamed Salah. My team (4-3-3): Alisson; Fabinho, Van Dijk, Matip, Robertson; Wijnaldum, Henderson, Shaqiri; Salah, Firmino, Mane
'I'm going 3-4-3 - with Camacho at wing-back' Theo Squires: This Liverpool team is going to look a little different! The main dilemma surrounds Fabinho
If he's fit, where do you play him? Centre-back, right-back or centre-midfield?Virgil van Dijk might have returned to training after illness but I wouldn't risk him against Leicester City, so with that in mind Fabinho starts centre-back for me
Video Loading Video Unavailable Click to play Tap to play The video will start in 8Cancel Play now However, I'm going for a 3-4-3 with the Brazilian joining Joel Matip and Dejan Lovren at the back
Rafa Camacho comes in for a first Premier League start - I feel much more comfortable fielding him as a wing-back rather than a full-back
Andy Robertson takes up the same role on the opposite flank with Jordan Henderson partnering the returning Gini Wijnaldum in the middle
Xherdan Shaqiri and Naby Keita just haven't been delivering in recent outings so they both take up places on the bench, with the traditional front three leading the line
My team (3-4-3): Alisson; Fabinho, Matip, Lovren; Camacho, Henderson, Wijnaldum, Robertson; Firmino, Mane, Salah
'I have to scratch the Naby Keita itch' Joe Rimmer: Virgil van Dijk is made of stern stuff, so I'm hoping he fights off a bout of illness to take his place at centre-back alongside Dejan Lovren, who I feel has the edge of Joel Matip
I like what Fabinho gives Liverpool in midfield, so I'd play him there alongside Naby Keita in a more central position - I just need to scratch that itch! That means Rafa Camacho makes his first start for the Reds at right-back, with Andy Robertson at left-back
Then it's Sadio Mane, Roberto Firmino and Xherdan Shaqiri behind Mohamed Salah in a 4-2-3-1
My team (4-2-3-1): Alisson, Camacho, Lovren, Van Dijk, Robertson; Fabinho, Keita, Shaqiri, Firmino, Mane, Salah
Tyson Fury reacts brilliantly to being called the challenger for Deontay Wilder fight - Duration: 2:29.
To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 video Tyson Fury insists he is not the challenger for his championship showdown with Deontay Wilder on 1 December
Wilder and Fury came face-to-face at their first press conference on Monday, and were given a flashy entrance by the BT Sport studio team
But Fury was annoyed when BT Sport presenter Jack Dempsey called him the challenger in the WBC title fight
Wilder is the WBC champion, and Fury will be bidding to strip the American of his strap
'I am no challenger. I am the lineal heavyweight champion of the world,' Fury said after he was introduced as the challenger
Advertisement Advertisement Fury then demanded Dempsey restart his introduction, and forget about calling him the challenger
More: Boxing Former world champion George Groves calls time on boxing career Dillian Whyte teases Anthony Joshua fans by declaring next fight has been agreed Anthony Joshua speaks out on potentially fighting British rival Tyson Fury To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 video 'I'm not savouring nothing, all I'm savouring is smashing Wilder's head in, Fury said
'I'm in the mood for no messing. I will prove what I can do to this idiot. If we fought 30 times I would win 30 times
' Fury and Wilder engaged in several tense exchanges during a fiery press conference, where the Brit continually interrupted his opponent and his team
'I say I'm the best, I say I hit the hardest, I say I'm the baddest man on the planet,' Wilder said
'I believe every word I say. He is going to feel pain that he's never felt before
' Fury interrupted: 'You're not ready for me. I am gonna make you f**k yourself.' Sorry, this video isn't available any more
MORE: Deontay Wilder takes aim at 'coward' and 'con artist' Anthony Joshua Advertisement Advertisement
World News - Paddy McGuinness and Freddie Flintoff brave the cold for Top Gear - Duration: 4:53.
They're set to present the hotly-anticipated new series of Top Gear, taking over from former host Matt LeBlanc
And Paddy McGuinness and Freddie Flintoff appeared in great spirits as they filmed scenes for the motoring programme by South Wales' Tenby Harbour on Saturday
The comedian, 45, and former cricketer, 41, were in good company as they joined co-star Chris Harris, who got behind the wheel of a bright blue hearse, named The Overtaker
Braving the chilly conditions, Paddy wrapped up in a red hooded jacket and indigo jeans while on set
Meanwhile, A League of Their Own star Freddie looked equally cosy as he sported a green parka jacket and dark-wash bottoms
Share this article Share Automotive journalist Chris, 44, who has appeared on the show since 2017, took on a bold challenge as he took a converted funeral car out for a spin
The scenes are set to air later this year, after Matt's episodes are aired, starting from next month
Paddy and Freddie will replace former Friends star Matt in a two-year deal which The Sun reports will be worth £500,000 for each star
Take Me Out host Paddy and sportsman Freddie will take over the BBC2 series, after impressing bosses with their 'infectious' chemistry in a secret run-through at a test track last week
Friends actor Matt, 51, announced he was leaving the show after two years back in May, with producers hoping to emulate Jeremy Clarkson, James May and Richard Hammond's chemistry in the show's heyday with the new trio
Rory Reid, who has co-presented Top Gear since Series 23, will be stepping down from his duties on the main show, but staying within the popular programme's family as he moves to spin-off show Extra Gear
The new team were officially unveiled at a photocall in October on the banks of the River Thames in central London – flanked by a red Aston Martin DSB Superleggera and a blue Porsche 911 GT2RS
Lancashire lads Paddy and Freddie will begin production on Series 27 of the hugely popular BBC Two show in early 2019, with their episodes premiering later in the year
In a statement, Take Me Out host Paddy said: 'Getting the Top Gear gig is a real honour and I'm thrilled the BBC have given me this opportunity
To be hosting a show I've watched and loved from being a small boy is beyond exciting
'Top Gear fans worldwide are a passionate bunch and I consider myself one of them
Now let's start up this Great British machine and see what it can do!' Freddie added: 'It's not often you have the chance to do both of your dream jobs, but I'm now lucky enough to say I will have
I've always been passionate about cars and I'm so excited to be joining the Top Gear team
'Meanwhile, Chris enthused: 'I think you can tell just how much fun we're going to have making Top Gear with Paddy and Freddie
'They're both brilliant, natural entertainers – and their mischief mixed with the most exciting cars on the planet is sure to take the show to the next level
My dream job just got even better.'
Live For Yourself - Motivational Video - Duration: 4:45.
Live For Yourself - Motivational Video
We will face all kinds of challenges in life, no matter when, we must preserve a positive
and optimistic attitude towards life, smile to face the difficulties in life.
A good mentality determines your attitude towards life, life is a mirror, the person
in the mirror is you, you are the director of your life.
Find ways to make yourself to have the courage to face life and don't be defeated by life.
You should keep smiling even when you are tired.
Laugh out your strength, so that the people around you sincerely feel admiration.
Life itself is to live to see for yourself, not for the sake of others, live out of your
own confidence.
Living is a practice itself.
When facing life, you have to be as tough as an ascetic, because life itself is a practice.
Living is tiring, but we still have to live well, in order to let ourselves become satisfied
with ourselves, for it to pay our own efforts and doesn't leave any regrets.
But for us ordinary people, we just have to take care of our life, treat life well, the
sweetness of life will come slowly.
Nothing is unachievable, do whatever you can, and leave the rest to the time.
Live is not easy and it should be cherished.
Life is easy, but it's hard to live.
Living itself is not easy, learn to cherish the beauty of the present, cherish the people
The behavior in life determines what kind of person you will become, live for yourself,
live to show yourself, you don't need others to judge your life.
Because everyone's life path, circumstances are different, what you can do is to be yourself,
live well, and cherish.
There is no need to be annoyed about what is lost, nor is it too much to be liked.
Be kind to yourself is to be kind to your life.
Life is never fair, how much you get, you have to rely on that to do the best, work
hard to go on.
The bits and pieces of life are worth remembering, you should pay attention to the good things
in life so that your mood can be improved.
Live out yourself and live a strong life.
Life is about living for yourself.
We have to live out ourselves and live a strong life.
You will live well when you think you are living well, and when you don't think so,
you will live badly.
Psychological cues are important, getting up every morning and cheering yourself up
in the mirror, hinting at the start of a new day.
Always encourage yourself, when you achieve some small achievements, give yourself some
reward, don't deny your hard work, that will only add to your distress and you will
lose the confidence to treat life.
Love life and obey yourself.
We must obey our hearts and maintain our passion for life.
Love life and try to get better.
Do not easily go against your own wishes, even if it is difficult to do, you need to
If you just want to have a good material life and forget why you start, then you will really
get the material satisfaction, and you will not be much happier.
The source of happiness is to really love life and refine the details of life.
Live happily is more important than everything, desire is never satisfied, you need to know
contentment, a contented person is always happy.
Live out of yourself, live out freely, face life with a smile, love life, life will give
you a little novelty every day.
Life is to live for yourself, grasp your own good every day, every day will be wonderful
because of you.
Norwex Body Cloths - Extended Mini Moment with Linda - Duration: 5:00.
Norwex Body Cloths are my most favorite product in the Norwex range. When I
hosted my party in September 2008 I earned a pack of them for free and I
remember talking to my two friends who had had parties before me
and they're like, "Lin, they're so good - you just use them without water to clean
your face you don't need your cleanser anymore" and I'm like I don't know about
this all right I'll give it a go and because I decided to give them a go
I have not used cleanser, toner or face scrub on my face in over ten years.
They clean and they lightly exfoliate your skin when you use them just with
water so in the morning I use the Body Cloth to clean my face, I wet the cloth,
I wring it out a little, I clean my face and my neck and chest area, back of my
neck of course and then I wring it out a little bit more and I do my t-zone which
is a little oilier than the rest of my skin and the reason I wring it out a
little more is that the more wrung out our microfiber is the more grabby
it will be - so this applies to our cleaning cloths as well - if you want it
to have more grab power you need to wring it out a little more if you've got
sensitive skin or dry skin or you want to make sure that you don't pull all the
oil off your face then you wring it out a little bit less. I had one lady ring me
not long after I started with Norwex and she'd purchased a pack of Body Cloths
and she's like "Linda I'm not very happy with these Body Cloths - my nose it's very
red" and I was a bit scared I got to admit there's a new consult and I wasn't
used to complaints and I said, "Oh, so tell me how you used it" and she said, "well I
used it in the shower and my nose felt so soft and smooth afterwards that I
took it with me and while I was watching TV I kept rubbing my nose with it" and I
said, "so how long do you think you were rubbing your nose" and she said "Oh
maybe about 10 minutes" and I'm like okay that's where you've gone wrong because
you've turned a light exfoliation into a heavy exfoliation so just be careful
with how much you rub your skin - a couple of wipes over is all you need and it
seems incredible that it could work so well with water and with the cloth being so soft but it honestly does
For people with acne that you know struggle with their skin we recommend to use an Norwex
Body Cloth - you want to make sure that you wash the cloth quite often - for me I
can go a whole week without having to wash my cloth but with someone with the
skin condition we want them to wash the cloth more frequently and of
course make sure the cloth is well rinsed and wrung out after every use
the wonderful thing about the Norwex Microfiber as you may know from hearing
about how our fibers clean surfaces is that it picks up and holds on to
bacteria so the same will happen when you're cleaning your face or your body
with Norwex Microfiber - it'll not transfer bacteria from one side of the
face to the other and so that is fantastic when you're dealing with
issues like acne. Norwex Body Cloths have also been helpful for customers of mine
who have had skin conditions like eczema where they've had to be careful about
the soaps that they use on their skin so they can just use a Norwex Body Cloth
with water - you can use shower gel or soap with the cloths but you don't need to
if you do use those products with the fiber just make sure that you give them
a good rinse out and wring out after use and just be aware that while ever
there's product on the cloth that it won't exfoliate like it does with water
because the products will coat the fiber and reduce its cleaning power so
remember our cloths that have back lock on the label means it's got our natural
antibacterial agent which will help keep bacterial odor and mold at bay in
the cloth and that's a fantastic thing when it comes to a washer - now it
depends on what state you live in as to whether you call it a flannel or a washer
I remember when I was a kid we'd go on a road trip and we'd be a couple hours
down the road and we'd have something to eat and Mum would pull this washer
out of a plastic bag and it just reeked and I just thought I would just
rather her do that on my face than use this stinky cloth!
These are fantastic for travel because of the BacLock it means they can stay
in a plastic bag or waterproof bag for a long time without getting smelly so
they're really a fantastic product if you've not tried them already I really
encourage you to give them a go
Norwex Kids Towels - Mini Moment with Linda - Duration: 2:22.
Kids love Norwex Kids Towels because they come in these super bright, cool colors
They're really absorbent and they're very soft - they are a generous size and
they're actually double-sided so one side is a little fluffier than the other
If you have difficulty getting your child dried off after bath time
you're gonna love how you can just wrap this towel around them and the
Microfiber will suck the water straight off their skin and then once they've
absorbed all that water off their body they dry fast as well. They have a handy
hook here on the side of the towel so even if you hanging this in the bathroom
because you've got limited drying space or you're hanging it around a pool it's
actually going to dry just like that. You just want to be careful that when you're
using the towels at the beach or at the pool that you don't drop them in dry
leaf litter or grass or bark because the Microfiber will want to pick up and hold
on to those little bits and pieces you can check out my video about that called
Norwex No's and you'll see what happened to my son's towel when he dropped it in
a bunch of bark - it wasn't pretty. So my kids actually have had their Kids Towels
for about seven years so they last a very very long time parents and carers
love them as well because of how fast drying they are and because the BacLock
keeps that bacterial odor and mould at bay. You can just wash them by
throwing them in the washing machine and of course using them with Norwex Laundry
detergent or liquid laundry is going to mean that the towels say softer because
they don't contain fillers that can build up in your towels and in your
Microfiber and make them feel crunchy so I hope to hear about how much you and
your kids love the Norwex Towels - don't forget we have some fantastic
companion products to go with these including the Kids Bath Sponges
Arsenal transfer news: Denis Suarez deal update - this is how much cash Barcelona expect - Duration: 2:45.
That's according to football finance expert Kieran Maguire who insists the Catalans don't want mega money for the midfielder
Emery worked with Suarez at Sevilla and wants a reunion with the midfielder. However, negotiations have become increasingly drawn out
The Gunners have been reluctant to make any major spending commitments this month
They splashed the clash last January and in the summer which has left their coffers depleted
Maguire, however, insists Barca will take just £20m for Suarez who is deemed surplus to requirements at the Nou Camp
"I don't think they're looking for a huge amount," he told the Daily Star. "In today's market, they'd be happy with £20m – if they got £25m they'd be absolutely delighted
"That's about a far as it goes." Ex-Tottenham boss Tim Sherwood has questioned if Gunners bigwigs have been honest with Emery regarding their cash flow issues
"It would be interesting [to know] what he was told when he came into the club," he told The Debate
"He must have felt there would be money to spend. "I would suggest he's been taken by surprise to realise in his first window there's only going to be loan signings to the football club when they're desperate for defenders, that seems to be the case
"Is it comparable to Jurgen Klopp at Liverpool in his first window? "Possibly. I'm sure Arsenal are going to give him time as well
"They're used to that. "They don't like sacking managers, we saw that with the previous one
It did drag on a wee bit. "But I think they've made the right decision. "The guy is good
They had an unbelievable unbeaten run, 21 games or whatever it was, which was fantastic
"He's turned it on in two London derbies against Chelsea and was fantastic at the weekend
"They were poor against West Ham which is another London derby so something went wrong there
"For them to be challenging right at the top of the league and be real contenders for top four I think they need to get some consistency in there
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