L: I'm gonna say the thing
T: No
L: I'm gonna do it
T: nooo L: I'm sorry
T: please don't
L: I'm here with Tyler Willis of Last Week Lolita news once again
L: Welcome back T: Thank you
L: this is not my home location we are at G-Anime
L: please comment down below if you would like to see Tyler at some Southern Ontario cons
please consider her
L: which means you get to roast more people
L: and I get to compliment them
L: are you ready for this? T: no but let's do it anyway
-dialogue on screen-
L: in our last video we made the best of filming under not great conditions
L: and y'all were so supportive I hope you can enjoy this video
L: even with this poor quality
L: so the first one is not a lolita T: Oh
L: I made an exception because he is my very dear friend
L: he dresses more in 6% dokidoki and monster fashion
L: and he's like a huge fan of yours and he wants you to roast him
L: so have at it ! This is Creep-P
T: Oh noooo
T: Oh god why L: he's like a monster boy I love it
T: alright ok
T: I really like that the abominable snowman is starting to accessorize
T: The monochrome look was ok like a decade ago
T: but it's 2019 and I like that he's starting to work with color
T: and that's all I have to say because
L: Daniel I love the head arrangement
L: that is amazing there's so much going on there
L: and it's so well put together
L: and it's so pretty T: aww
L: I love this pvc I would wear this, I want to wear this
L: next we have melty bun bun
L: and bonus points for having a corgi in your shot
because I love them
T: that corgy knows what's up
T: that corgi is desperately trying to escape the frame
T: and this outfit should do the same
L: *screaming* why what's wrong with it
T: you told me to say mean things
L: I know but back it up T: back it up?
-dialogue on screen-
T: can I say something nice? am I allowed to?
L: Yeah
T: I actually like this coordinate
T: but I have to say something mean
T: I saw the dog and that's where my brain goes
T: Don't cry, make her feel better
L: I love charlotte's bear it's an amazing coordinate
L: and it's so hard to do in different ways because it's a onepiece
L: but this is a really unique fun take on it
L: there's a parasol with it and I wish I could see the shoes more
L: the grass is covering the shoes but the tights are cute
L: and corgi so cute
L: I want you to take a picture with the corgi sitting up in a bow
hey it's me editor Lor
I just wanted to throw this in
I really like your makeup too
I don't know why I didn't mention it while we were filming
I like that you did a dark makeup look with a bitter sweet coord
and it's really creative and cute
L: the gingerbread princess
T: alright I gotta look at this for a sec
L: there are pigs on this T: wtf I thought those were flowers
L: PIGS I believe that she made this dress
L: and like...
-dial up sound effect-
T: ok they say people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones
T: people who live in gingerbread houses shouldn't wear pigs on their dress
T: that's all I got to say
L: I really want to know why they choose this fabric
L was this an ode to Shane Dawson?
L: is this a shane dawson inspired coord because I love that
T: that is a cursed image
-Shane Dawson conspiracy intro-
warning what you are about to watch may make you question everything you thought you know
T: what would you want to die in? what would you want to be buried in Lor
T: we need to know the world needs to know
L: I don't know T: *laughs* Oh god
L: ok probably one of those big extravant AP dresses
L: that are not printed the big frilly fuh fuh fuh
T: you're taking on ott dress to the grave L: yeah
L: and I want to be posed like this T: *laughs*
L: all proper and have the dress be like fuh fuh fuh
T: 80 years old in an AP dress dying in my apartment
L: yeah exactly
L: what do you want to die in? *laughter on and off camera*
T: you know what b*tches?
T: I'm taking milky chan the fawn with me L: awww
T: you can not have that shit it will not end up in goodwill
T: full milky chan the fawn coordinate I'm taking that sh*t with me to hell
L: why why I wanna know why pigs
T: *laughs* why pigs
L: Look at the construction of this like it's so good
L: seeing it from far away T: I thought it was flowers
L: you thought it was flowers and it looks like a brand dress
L: I love that, it tricks your mind
L: It's creative
L: deerylou the fawn
L: I was really excited about this one
T: there's a wall of weeb kibble behind her
L: top ramen T: top ramen
T: It's not even good weeb kibble top ramen is sh*t
L: I'm confused about the ground like are you in a storage container are you ok?
T: that explains the shoes because she's traveling and you want to be comfortable
T: and she's in a container with the weeb kibble and she's going places thats what this coord says
T: I don't know if it's good places but this girl's going places
T: That's all I've got L: that sounded like a compliment
T: It was a shady compliment L: mmm
T: I'm trying here
L: I'm guessing this is at a con cause she has a badge
T: wait so she's not in a storage container?
L: I'd like to this she's in a storage container I'd like to think that
L: someone is getting their delivery of cup noodles and she just pops out like SURPRISE
L: she also wanted me to show you T: ok
L: another coord of her's cause she admittedly was not proud of that one
T: aww ohh L: but look at this!
T: can I be nice now? L: yes
T: am I allowed since this is not the one I'm roasting
T: and it's milky F***ing chan the fawn
T: amazing L: it's so good
T: you rep milky chan
T: aw I love it so much
L: full circle weeb kibble to milky chan the fawn
L: glitter and memes I already love your username handle
T: It took me a second because her legs are a right angle I'm trying to figure out what she's measuring against
T: I gotta say the coord is really balanced
T: I like that you used this right angle with your legs to measure out the right pieces
T: I feel like you did a really good job doing that
T: they could use you in a hardware store good job
L: I know it's really really good
L: it's really well balanced with all the colors and black
L: sometimes when you do an all black base
L: like black tights black shoes black blouse
L: you look like you're wearing one of those full body suits, what are they called?
T: a zentai suit
T: only perverts wear those
L: it's still the same color but has so much balance and interest in it
T: the sheerness L: the sheerness and the patterns
L: the patterns aren't overwhelming either
L: i think this is a cute pose I want to know how you balanced like that
T: she's in the grass with heels!
L: did she do this on self timer like 1-2-3-GO
T: she fell over right after this L: yeah yeah yeah
L: or does she have perfect balance and posture
L: in that case I'm impressed I mean I'm impressed either way
L: oh I don't know how to say this name
L: I'm so sorry I'm gonna butcher it
L: Muhen-G-I-ou
L: how would you say G and then J then A T: Ga-jiggy-ow
L: Gah-jiiig-ow T: GAh-JIGGY-OW
L: muhen-gyaou?
T: I'm look at that and I gotta say
T: I can't even look at the coord cause my brain is thinking fire hazard
L: Ooooh T: yeah
T: I'm seeing outlets, nice fabric, electrical equipment
T: you could say they're fairy lights maybe that's fine
T: man I'm having a hard time with this one
T: it's difficult look at it
T: it's got flowers and a cute lil hat L: are the shoes the right color?
T: yeah brown matches the trim
L: It's the right brown too T: matches the trim
T: the carpet isn't obnoxious I don't see any weeb kibble in the background
T: there's no flip flops or dog trying to escape the frame
L: the carpet doesn't match it but it's not over powering it either
T: are you saying you have to match your dress with your carpet? L: NO!
T: does that carpet have to match the drapes? L: no no no no
T: is that what you're trying to say?
T: I thought I was supposed to roast them apparently all of you have to match your dresses with your flooring now
L: NO! I was saying it doesn't do that I was thinking of your video
L: where you show the couch and the matching dress
T: and classic lolitas can be found by sitting on enough grandma's couches
T: until one of them grunts in discomfort
T: please note that they can also take the form of love seats, wallpapers and suitably dusty tapestries
T: suitably dusty tapestries *slower*
L: that's a problem with classic
T: that never happened, I don't know what you're talking about
L: insert clip here
T: suitably dusty tapestries *slower/deeper*
L: I think this coordinate reminds me of a storybook
L: I love this set dressing I was thinking maybe
L: the bed is normally infront of it T: did they move their whole bed?!
L: because that's what it looks like to me like a canopy
L: or maybe they built it just to take this picture but like
L: this is giving me Larme magazine vibes
L: it reminds me of the sort of set they do and I'm really inspired I want to do something like this
L: this coordinate is perfectly balanced your hair color is perfect with it
L: and I'm really impressed you found the right brown shoes to match the perfect brown
T: mmhmm a lot of brown shoes come off black
L: mmhm or more orangey too T: I can't say nice things
L: or they don't balance but this is good
L: uh marianne emmanuelle you've met her she's at this convention
L: you have to say her name with a proper french accent
L: but I can't really do it
T: yes yes I've talked with her several times
T: which is what I'm about to say is very hard for me
T: why is your dress touching that weird rusted wall?
T: your whole dress you're not even leanin'
T: you're completely on that rusted out wall
T: oh my gosh L: I don't see what you're talking about
T: you don't see that what is this?!
L: no because she's camouflaging I can't see anything
L: did she submit a coordinate? I don't see the-
T: that dad joke was OVER 9,000
T: oh my god L: I tried
T: there's nothing wrong with the outfit it was the wall
T: why are you touching the wall?
L: and there's bears in it T: There's bears?!
L: yeah do you see the outline of the bears?
T: what is with these hidden figures?!
L: but it's still camouflage I want to see more cuts like this
L: can you imagine if Angelic Pretty did a cut like this with a sweet print
L: this is so cool Marianne can do so many different styles of lolita
T: she looks completely different L: she can pull it off
L: so well and just do anything
L: Kiranebula? kiranebula! T: yeah
T: fishnets.....
L: I was gonna say you roasted me on fishnets so you- T: fishnets
T: Lor also wore fishnets
L: I wear fishnets with lolita all the time
T: she had an excuse though, she was in the Gavelston bay area
T: so the fishnets had an alternative use
T: I will not retell that joke you know what I'm talking about
T: I don't see any ocean in this picture
L: she might be somewhere where it's really hot
L: fishnets are so good and we're allowed to do it now because AP released fishnets
L: so it's allowed
L: this is my friend Lee from california
L: her username is x_haro_x
L: she also goes by Haro
T: I don't even know where to go with this one we've got bunny ears
T: and a nurse cap, it's a nurse cap right?
T: are they doctors? L: I think they're doctors
T: they look like nurses L: this one kinda looks like a witch
T: wait oh yeah wait no that's not a stethoscope that's a tie
T: are you mixing themes?
T: ok yeah she's not mixing themes
T: that is a pill bottle this is a medical theme print
T: she's not mixing themes our research has confirmed it
T: I like that she's outside of a Japanese food establishment
L: yep she's in Little Tokyo T: are you serious?!
L: she's in Little Tokyo in LA yep
T: OMG this one is hard because this outfit would be hard to pull of in general
T: but she's balanced it really well and I have to think about it
T: you know the last time I had to pass it was also a nurse coordinate
L: Oh yeah that's true T: like the nurse bunny or something
T: she had the lazy oaf bunny
L: yes yes yes T: what is it with the nurses?!
L: You have a soft spot for nurse coords
L: maybe you should do one
*tyler taps nails*
L: that's not a read
T: I'm too sick inside to be a nurse
T: nurses are supposed to cure you not make you worse
♫ Disturbed- Get down with the sickness ♪
T: I can't think of anything to say about this one
T: I got nothin' my brain is dead
L: This is an amazing coordinate that's her real hair
T: that's her real f***ing hair?
L: yes it always looks perfect I don't understand
L: even in California's dry hot weather and everyone else is sweaty she still looks perfect
L: this is how she looks in real life this isn't just a lucky photo this is how she always looks
L: Darthelle!
L: I'm really really scared that she's so close to a pool
T: that's what I was thinking
L: the first thing I thought when I saw this was OH NO you're so close to a pool I'm very scared
T: I feel like she has an insurance policy though because
T: the first thing I thought when I saw this was she has the balloons
T: so if she falls backwards she'll just float away L: awww
T: maybe she'll get snagged by a low slung tree
T: and she'll be able to climb back down
T: I just can't ignore the pool that's where my eyes go
T: I'm worried for you L: oh no brand
L: Chlorine T: Angelic Pretty RIGHT INFRONT OF A POOL
T: What were the balloons for? that's what I want to know
T: I need your detective eye on this
L: I feel like it's a party- OH MY GOSH SHE HAS A MEOWTH TATTOO
T: OMG L: that's so cool
L: ok so merry making party, party theme and she has balloons
L: it's probably for her birthday or a birthday coordinate
L: or a party coordinate of some sort there's definitely a party vibe
L: maybe this is her coord shot before her party
T: ok that makes sense
L: I also first loved this because
L: the way she's holding balloons and how they are clustered it immedaitely made me think of Pennywise
T: you're supposed to be making them feel better
T: why are you comparing her to a serial killer clown?
L: because I think he has style
L: the new Pennywise T: Oh no
L: he's like an ouji, a creepy ouji T: oh no...
T: I'm picking on you L: no no no
T: It's hard cause she's cute as hell and I got distracted by the pool
T: so I'm just like ugh god
T: what do you even roast about this I mean you get people who are like 'she's got tattoos'
T: but I don't wanna feed into that
L: her tattoos are really cute and they're not distracting from the coordinate
L: I'm not staring at her tattoos
L: I get messages from people all the time asking 'I have tattoos can I wear lolita?'
L: 'Do I have to cover them?' No just do it
L: If you wanna cover them go ahead cover them
L: if you don't and you wanna show them then don't cover them and do it, show them
L: I don't think that it takes away from it
L: I love that she's proud and showing her tattoos and they are really cute!
L: I love them T: cute lil fandom tattoos
L: I think that's it! T: that's everybody?
L: that's everybody we did it T: holy sh*t yay!
L: I mean there was a lot more submissions....
L: those are for future videos
T: you went easy this time
T: It was hard I don't know if it was the sleep deprivation the travels
T: or what talking but that was hard
T: i don't know if you guys are stepping up your game
L: you have to do it
L: you were so lovely in this video Tyler!
T: hu-hu-hu-ha
T: st-
T: stay lovely
L: yeah T: I thought you were the rolly chair
L: Milky fawn the chan? T: Milky fawn the chan
L: Milky?
L: fawn?
T: Lovely Lor isn't a real lolita hashtag FAKER
L: Milky chan the fawn? T: yes
T: Milky chan the fawn
L: I just second guessed myself it all blurs together
T: there's so many characters it's not even worth it
T: don't even worry about it
For more infomation >> Roasting my followers AGAIN w/ Last Week Lolita News - Duration: 18:05.-------------------------------------------
Dem Sen: Stone Collusion Report Is Blockbuster, Rebuts Wikileaks | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC - Duration: 8:25.
Tucker: Democrats target former Starbucks CEO - Duration: 6:13.
Howard Schultz defends position on 'Medicare-for-all' - Duration: 8:41.
Roger Stone pleads not guilty to 7 criminal charges - Duration: 10:21.
Billionaire Couple Is Taking On Big Pharma To Lower Your Prescription Drug Prices | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 2:49.
Are US intelligence chiefs at odds with Trump? - Duration: 6:04.
Models under fire for promoting Fyre Festival - Duration: 5:31.
Third Graders Shave Their Heads To Support Their Friend With Alopecia | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:15.
22-Year-Old Falls To Her Death In Time Square Subway Stop | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:33.
Stars Who Fell In Love With Their On-Set Siblings - Duration: 4:38.
On-set romances between Hollywood co-stars aren't exactly uncommon, but these relationships
don't usually involve actors who play siblings.
These are just some of your favorite celebs who just happened to fall for their on-screen
brother or sister.
Peter Krause and Lauren Graham played brother and sister Adam and Sarah Braverman on Parenthood
from 2010 to 2015.
"You need to find her."
"Your daughter."
"That's your advice?
Thanks, big brother!"
Since then, they've been a real-life couple, and they're almost too cute to stand.
Krause told Live!
With Kelly and Ryan that they kept their relationship "pretty quiet" in the beginning but eventually
went public when it got serious.
Krause also revealed that Graham tried to date him almost 15 years earlier when they
both guest-starred on Caroline in the City, but he didn't pick up on her flirting.
He explained:
"She had me move some furniture into her apartment for her back then.
She had got some thing.
I didn't catch the signal."
Graham has been forthcoming about their romance, which is still going strong to date.
She wrote in her memoir, Talking as Fast as I Can:
Talk about an '80s dream team!
Jennifer Grey and Matthew Broderick, who starred as siblings Jeanie and Ferris Bueller in Ferris
Bueller's Day Off, were a cute couple off the big screen.
Unfortunately, their relationship was marred by tragedy.
According to People, while vacationing together in Ireland in 1987, Grey and Broderick, who
was behind the wheel, were in a car accident that left them both injured and that killed
the occupants of another vehicle - a 28-year-old woman and her 63-year-old mother.
Grey later admitted that she was never the same after the accident, which occurred just
days before the opening of Dirty Dancing.
She told People:
Michael C. Hall and Jennifer Carpenter starred as incestuous foster siblings Dexter and Deb
on Dexter - and they fell so in love off-set that they actually got married.
"I mean, it's one thing to be in love with your brother, but it is a whole 'nother level
to be in love with your brother who's a g------ f------ serial killer."
Carpenter and Hall tied the knot in December 2008, People reported, but the bliss didn't
last long.
Hall and Carpenter separated in August 2010 and divorced in December 2011.
The exes were relatively amicable and continued to work together after their split.
People reported that they even frequently went out for platonic meet-ups.
In 2013, Carpenter teared up at a Dexter fan event when asked about working with her ex.
According to Us Weekly, she admitted:
Maggie Grace and Ian Somerhalder played step-siblings Shannon and Boone on Lost, and after being
killed off the series, they quietly dated in real life from 2006 to 2007.
They kept their romance mostly under wraps while they were together, but they spoke fondly
of one another after their split.
In January 2015, Grace told New You magazine:
Though the pair appeared cozy at a Lost reunion in 2014, they are simply pals.
Somerhalder married Twilight actress Nikki Reed in April 2015.
The Brady Bunch stars Barry Williams and Maureen McCormick, who starred as siblings Greg and
Marcia Brady, respectively, had the hots for one another on the set of the show.
Sparks didn't fly immediately, as filming began when McCormick was 12 to Williams' 14,
but eventually the two actors did, in fact, begin canoodling.
In her memoir, Here's The Story: Surviving Marcia Brady and Finding My True Voice, McCormick
described her first kiss with Williams as "long, passionate and deep," but she also
The New York Daily News reported that she even admitted she would have lost her virginity
to Williams if his parents hadn't walked in on them getting hot and heavy at his house.
She also revealed a scandalous secret about The Brady Bunch episode in which Marcia and
Greg bicker about the attic bedroom.
She and Williams supposedly couldn't keep their hands off of each other in that very
Make a propane forge & burner (without welding) - Duration: 17:22.
It is the same size as a 20 lb propane tank
2"(T) X 24" X 24" CERAMIC WOOL
You can easily cut it with a hacksaw blade
I had a very thin coat,
After 24 hours, I closed the lid.
It can be easily cut like a tofu cut
The next day I made the first heat with a weak light.
3/8 inch valve.
1/4-20 tap
0.035 inch (0.9mm) contact tip
Thanks for watching
PG&E Officially Declares Bankruptcy | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:12.
Marathon 'El Chapo' Trial To Reach Verdict In Next Few Days | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:55.
Introducing Our New CHINESE CHARACTER READER COURSE | Yoyo Chinese - Duration: 1:42.
At Yoyo Chinese we know that learning to read Chinese isn't just about
memorizing hundreds of individual Chinese characters. You have to combine those
characters into words and complete sentences, and without enough context
reading Chinese can be extra challenging. With that in mind we've created a brand
new course to help you make that jump from learning characters to actually
reading stories in Chinese. Introducing our Chinese Character Reader Course,
based on three original fully illustrated Chinese language comic books
we've created just for this course. As you learn you'll step into the life of
Zhang Ming, a typical Chinese office worker.
Each lesson focuses on a few pages of the story with fun animations and voice
acting that bring the characters to life. [*voice actors speaking Chinese]. Both
the physical books and the online course feature breakdowns of the dialogue
including vocabulary, grammar, and cultural insights to help you understand
the language and get more out of the story. Once you're ready you can review
with interactive flashcards and a quiz to test your knowledge of the content.
Whether you've been studying Chinese characters already or just curious about
getting started, the new Chinese Character Reader Course is an essential
step towards learning to read in Chinese. So what are you waiting for?
Head to YoyoChinese.com and try the first two units of the course for free!
2019 CMC Message to the Force - Duration: 3:41.
You know this idea that one point we're going to reach this level and we're done it just doesn't exist.
Continue the attack implies that hey, we're always trying to get better, we're always moving forward.
We're always trying to knock down obstacles and improve things
so that if and when we have to compete on that combat battlefield, the ultimate competition,
that we're ready and we're going to be successful.
There's stuff we're doing really good. Number one is operationally, we're killing it.
Everywhere Marines are overseas, whether it's Syria, or Iraq, or Afghanistan, or Norway, or in the Pacific.
Everywhere we go people just rave about us.
The second thing we're doing really well is we're recruiting good people.
You can put yourself in that category.
And recruiting is hard. We're making mission. We have made mission every month
...shoot I think since 2006.
I mean we're in a world of global competition of peer adversaries.
Where we haven't been for many, many years. So I think it's important for Marines to realize
that just like we pay attention to what other potential adversaries do, they're paying attention to us
and we want them to pay attention to us because we may have to compete against them.
Finally, Marines have always adapted well to the changing demands
of the operating environment through innovation.
The battlefield is the ultimate competition and our nation expects if we compete on that battlefield
that we're going to win.
Where there is no other option.
So we have to be ready to go and you may not get a practice game.
You have to be ready to go tonight and you have to bring your A-game and you have to be successful.
The strength of an elite organization is the ability to self-correct.
To see where they're falling short and need to change
in order to remain effective without suffering a loss or defeat.
We've got to change and that's on me.
We must eliminate any conduct that prevents us from going to the next level of excellence.
Behaviors such as drunkenness, sexual assault, sexual harassment,
inappropriate conduct on social media, hazing, recklessness, and a general lack of discipline
do nothing to help our readiness and to prepare for the fight.
The path to success is simple. There is no rocket science here.
There is no substitute for hardwork and commitment, for grit.
When things get hard that's when we double down.
So in the year ahead we must continue the attack on multiple fronts.
I've never met anybody who hasn't had an issue or a problem or a some sort of trauma in their life
that they haven't had to overcome and there is no dishonor in acknowledging that
or saying sometimes you come up short individually.
But there is no honor in quitting. We just, you can't quit.
It's not part of what we are as Marines.
So we don't ever quit on each other, we never leave each other on the battlefield.
We never leave each other anywhere when a Marine is in need. It's just not the way we live our lives.
Once a Marine, always a Marine isn't some empty slogan, but it's part of a creed branded in our soul
from the first moment we earn that title.
I charge all of you to continue being Marines of character and virtue.
We have done these tasks for the past 243 years for the nation
and as long as the United States exists, Americans will expect their Marine Corps to be there to fight and to win.
After Roger Stone Arrest, Who's Next In The Robert Mueller Probe? | Hardball | MSNBC - Duration: 8:57.
Second round of bidding for Fox's RSNs will conclude Wednesday: Charlie Gasparino - Duration: 1:01.
Top 10 Cherry Blossom Spots in Tokyo | japan-guide.com - Duration: 6:08.
Tokyo is Japan's capital, most populated metropolis, and also boasts more cherry blossom-viewing
hotspots than anywhere else in the country.
Nestled amid its giant buildings and winding expressways are a plethora of parks, gardens,
tree-lined lanes and riverbanks that offer some of the best sakura experiences in all Japan.
Visitors from around the world flock to Tokyo each spring to take in the beautiful blossoms.
In the average year, the peak of sakura season occurs during one week in early April.
However depending on temperatures in the preceding weeks, the peak can start in late March or
last into mid April.
It is also worth mentioning that due to the variety of cherry trees found throughout the
city, even if you are visiting a few weeks on either side of this zone, you should still
be able to find a few blossoms.
With so many spots to choose from, we thought we'd make planning your perfect, petal-filled
trip a little easier by giving a quick rundown of our Top 10 cherry blossom locations in Tokyo.
Number 10: Koishikawa Botanical Garden
Belonging to the prestigious Tokyo University,
Koishikawa Botanical Garden is home to thousands of varieties of trees and plants as well as
a beautiful landscape garden.
During spring it doesn't get as crowded as other popular sakura spots around the city,
making for a pleasant atmosphere for visitors to enjoy the blossoms.
Numer 9: The Meguro River
The Meguro River is an attractive canal lined
with hundreds of cherry trees and a plethora of shops and cafes in one of the capital's
hippest neighborhoods.
During peak season, the many bridges which span the waterway provide picturesque views
of the river crowded by pink petals so don't forget to bring your camera.
Number 8: Koishikawa Korakuen
Among Tokyo's prettiest traditional gardens,
Koishikawa Korakuen is particularly famous for its weeping cherry trees, which take center
stage in spring among the park's many other picturesque features.
Number 7: Asukayama Park
This hilltop park in the north of the city
has been popular as an atmospheric hanami spot since the Edo Period and still attracts
a large number of cherry blossom lovers of all ages even now.
Number 6: Yoyogi Park
One of the city's more well-known parks.
Yoyogi sits across the street from the stylish Harajuku neighborhood and directly next to
the famous Meiji Shrine.
This expansive park is a hotspot for hanami parties, having enough space for a lively
atmosphere to prevail here throughout the season.
Number 5: Showa Kinenkoen
With over a thousand trees, this huge, family-friendly
park is located 30 minutes west of Tokyo.
The abundant blossoms here typically bloom a few days later than those in central Tokyo,
making the park popular with those who missed hanami downtown.
Aside from the cherry blossoms, the park also boasts other beautiful flowers and a variety
of facilities and amenities.
Number 4: Sumida Park
During spring the walking paths along the
shores of this picturesque river become lined with pink petals.
Located only a short walk from the famous Sensoji Temple in Asakusa, Sumida park is
an ideal place for visitors to take in views of the iconic Tokyo Skytree framed by cherry blossoms.
Number 3: Chidorigafuchi
One of the most photogenic sakura spots in
the city, Chidorigafuchi consists of a path alongside the sakura-lined moat of former
Edo Castle just west of the Imperial Palace.
For a fee, visitors can even rent a rowboat to paddle around in the old moat.
This atmospheric area makes for a charming petal-filled stroll both during the day, and
also in the evening during nightly illuminations..
Lastly, the nearby Yasukuni Shrine is home to hundreds more cherry trees, including Tokyo's
representative tree, which the meteorological agency uses to determine the state of the
sakura season for the entire city.
Number 2: Ueno Park
Ueno Park is the most renowned party spot
in all of Tokyo during sakura season, and is a true hanami haven packed with vistiors
enjoying the festivities both in the upper section where the wide central walking path
is located and also around Shinobazu Pond in the lower section.
The park's paths are lined with hundreds of cherry trees, and it's recommended to
get here early if you intend to get a place under one.
Number1: Shinjuku Gyoen
This large, family-friendly park stands as
a natural oasis in one of Tokyo's busiest districts.
This peaceful park boasts over one thousand cherry trees which span a range of species
and bloom at different times during the season, making Shinjuku Gyoen a great place to visit
for blossom enthusiasts who are in town a little before or after peak season.
One point to be aware of is that the park doesn't allow alcohol inside and so is not
a good option for visitors intent on enjoying their hanami with some drinks.
Nevertheless, with so many beautiful scenes and sakura viewing opportunities throughout
its vast and varied grounds, Shinjuku Gyoen takes the cake as our number one sakura location
in all of Tokyo.
So there you have it, our top ten cherry blossom spots in Tokyo.
Hopefully this video helps you to plan your perfect petal-filled trip.
More in-depth information on the cherry blossoms can be found in the dedicated section of our website
including this year's forecast, lists of the best sakura spots, tree varieties, and during sakura season,
daily cherry blossom reports from around the country.
For more information or to watch another video, click the links on the screen below now
or head to japan-guide.com, your comprehensive up-to-date travel guide first hand from Japan.
Thanks for watching and be sure to subscribe and click the notification bell for more videos about Japan.
Happy travels.
Rams CB Aqib Talib: 'We Gotta Prepare And Go Out There And Play Football' - Duration: 3:17.
2019 CMC Message to the Force - Duration: 3:41.
You know this idea that one point we're going to reach this level and we're done it just doesn't exist.
Continue the attack implies that hey, we're always trying to get better, we're always moving forward.
We're always trying to knock down obstacles and improve things
so that if and when we have to compete on that combat battlefield, the ultimate competition,
that we're ready and we're going to be successful.
There's stuff we're doing really good. Number one is operationally, we're killing it.
Everywhere Marines are overseas, whether it's Syria, or Iraq, or Afghanistan, or Norway, or in the Pacific.
Everywhere we go people just rave about us.
The second thing we're doing really well is we're recruiting good people.
You can put yourself in that category.
And recruiting is hard. We're making mission. We have made mission every month
...shoot I think since 2006.
I mean we're in a world of global competition of peer adversaries.
Where we haven't been for many, many years. So I think it's important for Marines to realize
that just like we pay attention to what other potential adversaries do, they're paying attention to us
and we want them to pay attention to us because we may have to compete against them.
Finally, Marines have always adapted well to the changing demands
of the operating environment through innovation.
The battlefield is the ultimate competition and our nation expects if we compete on that battlefield
that we're going to win.
Where there is no other option.
So we have to be ready to go and you may not get a practice game.
You have to be ready to go tonight and you have to bring your A-game and you have to be successful.
The strength of an elite organization is the ability to self-correct.
To see where they're falling short and need to change
in order to remain effective without suffering a loss or defeat.
We've got to change and that's on me.
We must eliminate any conduct that prevents us from going to the next level of excellence.
Behaviors such as drunkenness, sexual assault, sexual harassment,
inappropriate conduct on social media, hazing, recklessness, and a general lack of discipline
do nothing to help our readiness and to prepare for the fight.
The path to success is simple. There is no rocket science here.
There is no substitute for hardwork and commitment, for grit.
When things get hard that's when we double down.
So in the year ahead we must continue the attack on multiple fronts.
I've never met anybody who hasn't had an issue or a problem or a some sort of trauma in their life
that they haven't had to overcome and there is no dishonor in acknowledging that
or saying sometimes you come up short individually.
But there is no honor in quitting. We just, you can't quit.
It's not part of what we are as Marines.
So we don't ever quit on each other, we never leave each other on the battlefield.
We never leave each other anywhere when a Marine is in need. It's just not the way we live our lives.
Once a Marine, always a Marine isn't some empty slogan, but it's part of a creed branded in our soul
from the first moment we earn that title.
I charge all of you to continue being Marines of character and virtue.
We have done these tasks for the past 243 years for the nation
and as long as the United States exists, Americans will expect their Marine Corps to be there to fight and to win.
Icons Of Royal Rumble Event Wrap up - WWE Champions - Duration: 10:25.
hello everyone and welcome to another video it is the end of January and the
end of Royal Rumble event and on the end of the month-long event usually what I
do in this channel is do some pulls as a payoff to this event but I was worried
about this day you know on January 3rd when the even started I could say that
there were no safe you know vaults or no urns to do this video but what am I
going to do today is going to be the regular just some pulls from what I got
from this event so the final phase of the events are live the new enhance coin
and TP event and from this event I'm not going to do all those as I haven't done all
this month but I did play blitz I maxed out feuds and the tour's I
could play to get those keys and those key pulls
I'm going to open today as we have a history with the keys if you are playing
this game long enough we know that the keys aren't going to
give any rewards that are going to be amazing it's going to be somewhere down
the bottom I think to start bronze things and have run out of things that I
need from the bottom pack so anyways let's see what we are going to it the
last time I got something good was two stars silver Austin 3:16 and it was way
back from the keys
here we are first poster is two star bronze Andre don't need him right now
two starr bronze Kallisto it's going to be BookerT a two star bronze John Cena two star
bronze HBK he already has it he has been fused for a three star and I don't need
any more of those sin Cara well there is a possibility of shards fuse up tiers
to be changed I think they recently changed Brock lesner's tier so I will not
do the same mistake again and just use the shards on talent up events or
something I will save them this time a lot of characters I missed out on those
fuse ups because I used those training points or duplicate posters on their
moves during the talent up event and that's why I don't have a lot of full
three stars I think I am I should have
fused some characters like British Bulldog Iron shake by now if I hadn't
to use those duplicate posters I saw a Randy Orton at least one card was useful
okay those were the key pulls from the Royal Rumble month-long event this is
all I had well no vaults let's take this
well I calculated and I cannot get to the next milestone on the solo event or
I have to do the entirety of blitz event to get there but I don't think it's
worth it right now I will be ready for the next event
but before ending this video I want to do the headliner chips as well it has
reached round 10 it's 11 okay 11 pulls and this usually I do
headliners these days around 10 so from this what I'm looking for is hairsprays
just two more these days I am getting more hairsprays maybe the lever of
hairsprays has been pulled down and it's showboat time
kettlebell hairspray theres one I need one more one more and yes that ends the show
boat's journey to four star I still need four star gold tokens though
but these are something that I needed
I'm done with those right let's check yep all right I can do diamond pulls
someday and a showboat will be ready as well I have to make sure that I have
enough diamonds to do these and I think
what I see here is 390 diamonds I'm not going to try on this one
well I want to say that even after not attempting all the sub events I am at
12,000 rank how many players play this game I should be around 50 or 60,000 I
it's still good enough 12,000 days I
raised a reward at 16 maybe most of the players don't play these events entirely
there are not many players who actually play the event or the game not sure
anyways that was the event the Royal Rumble event this is the last video for
it and we are gearing up for the next event and intel bot on the discord
says it's going to be a birthday bash event this time we are going to have
safes so the safes are going to give us
diamonds headliners and a lot more resources from the event I guess and yet
to see if there are any superstars featured
I was hoping for bludgeon brothers in real life the bludgeon brothers are no
more I mean their gimmick is no more too late for the developers and they waited
too long to release them but I think NWO guys are the ones that are on hold for
such a long time they have been teased on the coming soon portion of the roster
page I don't know when they are coming whenever they come I think at least one
superstars we are going to get anyways guys stay subscribed and I'll see you
guys in the next one bye bye
Alex Lerner, Dan Gasby's Girlfriend: 5 Fast Facts | Heavy.com - Duration: 8:18.
Alex Lerner, Dan Gasby's Girlfriend: 5 Fast Facts | Heavy.com
Alex Lerner, the girlfriend of B.
Smith's husband, Dan Gasby, has been attracting the ire of the lifestyle guru's legions of fans.
Smith has been battling Alzheimer's disease since 2014.
Gasby went public about his relationship with Lerner in a Facebook post in December 2018.
Gasby shares the Facebook page with his wife.
Gasby is Smith's second husband, she was previously married to HBO executive, Donald Anderson, who passed away on January 18, 2018.
In 1992, Smith married Gasby in Manhattan.
Smith is the step-mother to Gasby's daughter, Dana.
Smith announced to the world in June 2014 that she was battling Alzheimer's and said that her decision to come forward was based in part on her desire to fight the stigmas associated with the disease.
Here's what you need to know:.
Gasby Says that 'You Can't Love the Past, You Can't Maximize the Now!'.
Gasby wrote in the post that he had been out for dinner with his wife and Lerner.
Gasby said that "a**holes" had been staring at the trio.
It took some time until a person inquired as to who Lerner was.
Gasby replied, "I take care of my wife and love her… I'm in love with Alex." Gasby said that he would love his wife until his dying breath and that he continues to take care of her.
He added, "You can't love the past, you gotta maximize the now!" Gasby concluded by saying, "F*** guilt, f*** religion, and f*** people who have a problem with my honest management of my life.
I'm now healthy happy on one side of the coin of my life and deal openly and honestly with the other side!".
In a post on January 28, Gasby wrote on Facebook, "I love my wife but I can't let her take away my life! 5-10 years from now when many of you who will have an almost predestined meeting with Alzheimer's because of genetics, obesity, and a myriad of inflammatory diseases, you'll be wishing for someone to share moments with and ease the pain of loneliness and despair.
The clock is ticking I know I can and have manage this but can you do it too?".
Lerner Is a Divorced Mother-of-Three.
In January 2019, the Washington Post published a feature on Gasby, Smith and Lerner's relationship.
That article refers to Lerner as a divorced mother-of-three.
The piece goes on to say that Gasby and Smith met at a Hamptons bar in 2017 and hit it off.
Lerner told the newspaper, "We were friends.
I didn't want to go out with a married man.".
Lerner, a native of Germany, goes on to say that when she saw Gasby with Smith she realized, "This is not a man cheating on his wife… What I admire about is that he takes care of her." Lerner says that she now has a room in Smith and Gasby's home and that she helps to take care of the famed restauranteur.
Lerner divides her time between the Hamptons and her apartment in Manhattan.
Gasby & Lerner Host a Radio Show Together.
Lerner and Gasby host a radio show together, Thank You Dan and Alex, that airs on 77 WABC, Sundays at 7 p.
Lerner's Former Boyfriend Was a Restauranteur Who Served 15 Months in Prison for Causing Brain Damage to Man.
Lerner formerly dated Dard Coaxum, of Harlem Shake fame.
In February 2016, Coaxum was sentenced to 15 months in prison after he was found guilty of assault following a June 2015 incident.
The New York Post reported at the time that Coaxum found Julio Torres credit card at a party and when he returned to him, Coaxum demanded a drink in exchange.
The pair's heated exchange was reignited when they ran into each other in a deli which resulted in Coaxum punching Torres, prosecutors said.
During their altercation, video showed Torres offering some of his potato chips to Lerner.
The pair began fighting in the store but the punch that actually caused brain damage occurred outside.
The Post quoted a prosecutor as saying, "[Torres] toppled over like a tree that had been chopped down, cracking his head on the pavement." During the trial, Lerner was pictured accompanying Coaxum to court.
Coaxum goes by the moniker "Harlem Gatsby.".
Gasby's Daughter Has Given Her Blessing to Her Dad's Relationship.
Gasby's daughter, Dana, told the Post that her father's relationship with Lerner has her blessing.
Dana said, "Thank God, I'm happy… B.
is my mom… She's in the house.
She's here every day.".
READ NEXT: Michigan School Teachers Admit to Making Adult Movies on the Side.
How to paint a Landscape with Acrylics|| For Beginners| Black History Series Pt 2 - Duration: 7:38.
Hey Guys and welcome back to my channel
In this video im going to be teaching you how to paint a landscape in acrylics
Welcome to my studio, if you guys are New around here consider subscribing
dont forget to hit the bell for all notifications I am your girl Danielle
from Creative girl of color
I will be featuring African Amaerican Artist Edward Mitchell Bannister
Yay born in 1882
Colleen Lopez HeartShaped Labradorite and Amethyst 18" N... - Duration: 4:46.
For more infomation >> Colleen Lopez HeartShaped Labradorite and Amethyst 18" N... - Duration: 4:46.-------------------------------------------
Howard Schultz Is TERRIFIED Of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - Duration: 13:37.
For more infomation >> Howard Schultz Is TERRIFIED Of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - Duration: 13:37.-------------------------------------------
How to solve for x given a right triangle - Duration: 2:01.
Welcome back to speller math tutorials in today's tutorial
We're given a right triangle and we have to solve for X
If you find this tutorial to be helpful, please subscribe and/or like and share
So here we have a larger triangle that's comprised of two smaller triangles and those two smaller triangles have right angles
Here we see an expression for that right angle, which is 3x minus 6. So let's rewrite that 3x minus 6
Remember that a right angle or a right triangle measures 90 degrees. So we're going to set this expression equal to 90 and
Then we're going to solve for X. So we begin by adding 6 to both sides
So we have 3x is equal to well 90 plus 6 gives us 96. Then we're going to divide both sides by X
I'm sorry divide both sides by 3 leaving us with just an X
So 3 goes into 9 3 times and 3 goes into 6 two times. So here we see the value of x is 32
Now let's verify that we have the correct answer by doing a direct substitution of 32 for the variable X
so here we have 3
Times 32 minus 6 and that there should give us 90
well 3 times 32 is actually 96 and then 96 minus 6 is what's left over and
Then 96 minus 6 is 90. So here we have 90 equals 90
So we see that our calculations are correct if you found this tutorial to be helpful
Again, please like share and or subscribe and as always
For more infomation >> How to solve for x given a right triangle - Duration: 2:01.-------------------------------------------
Les aliments plus riches en calcium que le lait - Duration: 10:21.
For more infomation >> Les aliments plus riches en calcium que le lait - Duration: 10:21.-------------------------------------------
Como decorar tus lápices con Búhos en Foami - Duration: 18:46.
Hello Art Friends in Your Hands, for today we are going to make these owls
for girls as for children we create one of each color so they also have
options to give them or to work and sell, I hope you join me in everything
step by step, that they give us their "Me Like "to subscribe to the channel, it's already
few days we share a project similar but it was with rabbits today we wanted
make another reason, then I hope that Join us here on your channel Arte en Tus Manos
and these are the materials that
we need then to perform the decoration of these pencils with shapes
of owl then we have foamy (rubber eva) in several presentations there are in frost the
traditional if they do not get the frosty we can also use
paintings then we can simulate texture to the pieces
here as you can see I have advanced a little and I have already cut the pieces
remember that we share the molds on the facebook page of Art
in Your Hands with Lili and Sam and also in the blog with the same name what
find the same in the lower part (description) of here the video is the link also the
list of materials so that then the take into account
we have taken then the foami (gum eva) frosted, the traditional,
acrylic paints, scissors, silicone hot
we have a blue pencil in this brushes case
# 000 number or can also use the one that only from # 0
It also helps us a lot, optional rule we can also use silicone
liquid for this project if they do not want use silicones can get
glue for foami, rubber eva they also find it in the market but
that I am going to use in this case the silicone, also siliconized cotton that
I do not have it here but remember that the list of materials we leave
here then we start
each piece was transferred by foami (rubber eva)
remember that normally I do not use pencil but an orangewood or a
skewer stick this end we mark and it gives us better carving in the foami
we cut and so we do not get stained by pencil, so now what I did was
thermos to form a little the foami, as well as I did with the rabbits I put the iron
I put a few seconds to give us like a little curve like it looks
this and I'm going to use hot silicone to paste here I'm going to take the pieces
will apply only a little
I wait for it to dry well and thick to paste on the other ends
As I am putting together owl boy and owl girl well also so that it serves us to
school season for children but also how they approach san date
valentine in some countries because in Colombia is not celebrated in this
date February 14, no, but it's September, the same then so that
make details and decorate them cute to put some chocolates and so
gift them for this date then here I already have the head or the head
body so to speak of the owl girl I'm going to take some cotton
silicone and leaving a hole when finish pasting leaving a hole in
the lower part of about two centimeters I'm going to start
introduce a little siliconized cotton so that we stay a little longer
Fill us in how you want to look
filling and it is not so flat we are going to start introducing cotton into your
inside we do the same with the body of the blue owl
when we are already well filled without let's go to damage the work of
all the contour then we seal the piece
now we are going to use this piece there
between the molds I leave you, that is the part that decorates like the chest, the
front of the owl's body then like this let's apply silicone
all around
and we will also locate it here
as it is hot then that too allows us to put pressure on the fund and that
that thermos forms and sticks perfect in the frosty foami
I already have an advance here
what would be the girl owl, which was already totally stuck here we do pressure
remember that usually there is always that holding it is a while for the
pieces stick well and more with this one that is frosty then you have to have more
patience with him is now this and now what we are going to do is start to paste
the wings that are two pieces we are going to put here aside and here is another
end like this so we do with both
now after having stuck the wings
in each of the owls can paste also what are the legs of the part
lower I'm going to apply a little bit of silicone
and located the what to paste to join or assemble is
the simplest thing now let's start when we have finished putting each one
of the pieces we started to decorate and You will see how beautiful it looks
here it is now I am going to put the ears in the back like that too
you will stick with little silicone the located in the back
A) Yes
or on the edge so they do not go to Be very saturated with silicone
in the back, so it's going to be in the back
and so we have the ears of the owl
now we will also locate the peak, before hitting the peak if the
owl what we're going to do is locate the piece, which is also found in the
molds that make up the eyes, if the we hit what the peak does,
and sticking our eyes this is going to be like with a kind of bagging, because they are
and many pieces of foami then what what we are going to do is locate them
approximately we can do it until outside, to locate how we would stay
the eyes and either with the stick of skewer or with a pencil we are going to mark
where we would be approximately, at mark
They know that I do not like it very much because I'm always going to do it here so that
see a little we mark it with a little pencil and let's remove what we're going to cut
that piece so that we will not be left
bulging the peak piece that way we would have the owl if this will be
the shape of the peak and when we put the eye will then be stuck here to a
side will not remain on the post on the frosty orange color but
that is going to be set aside so we do not it is so bulky and looks more beautiful and
better presented the project the same I'm going to do with the pink owl
I'll do the same the piece placed the eyes approximately
where are I going to put them and what little mark either with the pencil or with the stick but
like this is frost then we It makes it a bit difficult
track and successfully
and so then we paste it here Now we place the peak then
I'm going to take the two pieces that I cut in white oval shape and I'm going to apply too
all around the silicone, always taking care not to burn
around the contour applied the silicone here look how it is located
gives us the shape of the eye is much more cute
the other
I have them so I wanted to
and so we would all be left in the owl, in it the paste see how they are
ready now I will proceed then they can do it in black foami the part
internal I'm going to do in the eye but I will paint it with paintings
acrylic black and brush I'm going to start with this process
I'm going to paint then the inner part of the eye I am
using a triple zero brush are # 000 followed
can use thicker brushes or Thinner is your decision
I'm going to make them like the internal ovals in black
one here
we try to stay as the same size
and that they also have approximately same way
and now I give him some touches so that improve the size project here
I'm going to show the one of the owl and also what what can we do
As it is a girl we can also make her some eyelashes I take the brush
this truth is a triple zero also but we removed many hairs and
he was thin he was very thin then I'm going to make you some eyelashes too if
they want to do it or if it is not there they can leave like this
always try to leave as the same area to make the eyelashes not
I will do many already recharge it the truth she's already going with her
pink, lilac tone to all this we the they make it look very cute
that's fine and we improve the eyes of the blue owl
now let's give them some highlights let's use that pint tool
points if they do not have can also use the end of the brushes or tools that
have a tip that serves them well be round you can use it
you can with any of the extremes to make the decoration will take
then and I make the point almost finishing a little
the same in the other
we let it dry and we continue decorating then the other owl and also the
other details that we are going to do in they
now let's start making details so
in the yellow part all this part yellow of the wings let's start
make some short intermediate lines with a turquoise blue
you see if they want to do it black or another color I'm going to do here
this matter that I know that gives you a tone and highlights in this frosty blue that
we use to make the body, so all around
so then the points around of the wings and legs of the owl and let's go
to do the same in her what is I'm not going to make lines but points
who will use the orange stick (skewer) of the end and I will make are points
ready the points, then now what we are going to do is with a blue pencil in
all the outline of the eye here we go to start
to make him shade this we can also do it with blue paint we put it gouache
delineate all around the contour of this color of the same appearance
the same effect then we can do it like that
gives more expression
all right and you can see then how are the
eyes of this owl I will also do what same with the blue I'm going to do
exactly the same thing I teach you then how is it for now I'm also going to
start making the rolls that you put in the back to be able
introduce the pencil, I will take a piece that is already in the molds
which is 3 centimeters by 5 I'm going to take a pencil as a tool
support can start to roll it up like this as you can see
and I'm going to take hot silicone and I'm going to apply at the end
subject very well being careful not to burn suddenly
and wait for it to dry very well and it's already piece then we put it, the
we add in the back in the owls body
Now what we are going to do is paste the piece
in the body, we apply silicone hot we place it in the center,
we look well for the center
and we wait for it to dry and already with the supports that we have stuck
in the back we have finished the project since it is very easy to do it
simple and economical also in many can be made with scraps or remnants
that we have foami we take out the pieces and we can create these animals and
I hope you like the project already as I told them at the beginning how we are
also close to valentine's party in some countries they can perform
these dolls decorate then in a chocolate some detail that they want a
bouquet of flowers put it like a pin there additional and sure that you will love them
or so on these pencils and suddenly They want to share it with their children in the
schools, in schools so that they are also starting classes because
They know that they can do this for the children and so for girls I hope that
they like the project that they put it in practice
remember that we read all your comments, that we are creating ideas
for you and we want you to accompany each video here on your channel
"Art in Your Hands" remember to give us your I like it
Subscribe, there on the red button if still you have not done it, activate the little bell
to receive notifications every time we have a new video and
also share it with your friends and relatives then we'll see each other in a
new project, goodbye !!
For more infomation >> Como decorar tus lápices con Búhos en Foami - Duration: 18:46.-------------------------------------------
山东17个城市旅游经济大角逐,谁是仅次于青岛的第二大旅游城市 - Duration: 3:41.
For more infomation >> 山东17个城市旅游经济大角逐,谁是仅次于青岛的第二大旅游城市 - Duration: 3:41.-------------------------------------------
Otani Yoshitsugu (Sengoku BASARA) - Character Development - Duration: 15:15.
So, what's on the docket toda—wait, I recognize this music!
Ahahah, yes, Sengoku BASARA!
Now here's a series that certainly takes me back.
Seeing as I've been revisiting series that I haven't talked about in a while, I should
prrrrobably say that this was at the very top of the list, and I'm excited to have
a new opportunity to talk about it.
Sengoku BASARA is quite the fascinating case study.
It prides itself in its visual flair, especially its cast of eccentric and animated characters
designed with varying degrees of anachronism, on a scale of "okay, that's not too bad"
to "whatever the bloody heck this is."
But as over-the-top as Sengoku BASARA likes to be, its characters still draw from the
historical Japanese figures they're based on, often in subtle and clever ways that might
not always be obvious.
Honestly, I'm surprised this is only the second episode I've done on a BASARA character,
because there's all sorts of fun history and heroic folklore to talk about as far as
this series is concerned.
And for today's episode, I wanted to toss out a curveball of sorts, an unexpected choice.
Originally, I made plans to do a video on Sengoku BASARA's portrayals of Oda Nobunaga
or Date Masamune, since both are quite popular on their own merits and are based on well-documented
Japanese historical figures, but then I thought about some of the figures I first learned
about from playing Sengoku BASARA 3, which led me to Otani Yoshitsugu.
Yoshitsugu's a character that took me by surprise when I originally played Sengoku
BASARA 3; throughout much of the game, he's presented as a cruel and calculating strategist
eager to inflict misery upon all of Japan, but from his own perspective, he's a slightly
more tragic character, risking to go against his grim fate and exact revenge on those who
ridiculed him and his friend in Mitsunari.
With a description like that, it really makes you wonder how many layers his historical
inspiration is wrapped under, but as it turns out, history gets just as strange here.
I'm the Kitsune Hawk, and today, we'll be discussing Sengoku BASARA's bringer of
misery and tactician for the Western Army, Otani Yoshitsugu, and seeing where the symbolism
of his role and design connect to the real-life figure!
So get out your pencils, trivia enthusiasts, because this is Character Development!
I made it obvious from the preface to today's episode that familiarity with the actual history
of Japan during the Sengoku Jidai period is necessary for better understanding some of
the nuances in Sengoku BASARA's character design, so let's start with a focused overview.
The real-life Otani Yoshitsugu is, quite frankly, just as much of an odd character as his Sengoku
BASARA counterpart, in that his early life is murky and not entirely agreed upon, while
his later life was posthumously romanticized in the literature of the Edo Period.
As a result, what can be said for certain is fairly limited, so things might be a bit
short and/or vague today, but I'll try my hardest to make do with what I could find.
Otani Yoshitugu is speculated to have been born some time as early as 1558 or as late
as 1565, and just as his own birthdate is contested, so too is his family background.
Some theories posit that the Otani family was, at one point, loyal to the Rokkaku Clan
of Omi Province, located close to Kyoto, the political centre of Japan at the time.
But there are also similar theories which instead say that the Otani had been retainers
to the Otomo Clan in Bungo Province, located on the island of Kyushu, and if that's the
case, Yoshitsugu's father might have possibly served under Otomo Sorin.
(Yes, that Otomo Sorin.)
Around 1574, Yoshitsugu, aged somewhere between 9 and 16, was recommended to Hashiba Hideyoshi,
a retainer and general serving under the ambitious daimyo Oda Nobunaga, who was well into his
quest to re-unite Japan.
Traditional (and romanticized) accounts state that it was a young Ishida Mitsunari who personally
convinced Hideyoshi to enlist Yoshitsugu, as a way to set up their eventual friendship
and cooperation at Sekigahara.
More on that in just a few.
Yoshitsugu served under the Hashiba Clan during the Battle of Shizugatake in 1583 and the
Komaki-Nagakute Campaigns of 1584.
His role in each of these, however, is vague and contested by conflicting sources.
Some paint him as a cunning negotiator who helped Hideyoshi win with his wits, while
other accounts present him as a brave young soldier who might've even been in the Hashiba
Army vanguard.
This pattern of historical ambiguity begins to cease in 1585, when Yoshitsugu was given
the title of "Gyobu-shoyu" or "Minister of Justice;" although it was a minor title,
this position gave him the opportunity to become accepted amongst Hideyoshi's closest
companions, and soon, Hideyoshi himself.
However, Yoshitsugu's sudden rise into authority coincided with an unfortunate development:
he started to become gravely ill with a disease that would cripple him for the remainder of
his life.
The disease itself is unspecified in traditional accounts, but based on Yoshitsugu's attributed
symptoms and stories of what he was doing before showing strong, visible signs of ailment,
historians have surmised it was either leprosy or syphilis, typically the former.
Too weak to fight as a foot soldier or cavalier, Yoshitsugu served the newly-renamed Toyotomi
Hideyoshi as a strategist, aiding his lord during the Invasion of Kyushu in 1587, the
Siege of Odawara Castle in 1590, and the failed Invasions of Korea between 1592 and 1598.
It was during this stage of his career that Otani Yoshitsugu was said to have cultivated
a close friendship with one of his fellow strategists, the aforementioned Ishida Mitsunari.
And while their relationship was largely romanticized after their deaths, via popular literature
and similar outlets, these stories are still worth mentioning, given that they continue
to affect portrayals of both figures in popular media, with Sengoku BASARA as one of many
good examples.
Whatever the historical Yoshitsugu and Mitsunari's relationship actually was, it would not be
long before it would face a major test.
In September 1598, Toyotomi Hideyoshi died before his son Hideyori was old enough to
become the new Shogun of Japan, an event which quickly changed the political landscape of
Prior to his death, Toyotomi Hideyoshi named five of his most loyal retainers to form a
council of regents that would manage the country until Hideyori was old enough to accept the
title of Shogun.
The council was short-lived, however, as one regent, Maeda Toshiie, died within a year
of formation, while another, Tokugawa Ieyasu, was being raised as a rival contender to the
Japan became divided between those who supported Ieyasu as Shogun, primarily based out of the
eastern half of Japan, and those who sought to defend Hideyori's birthright, initiated
by Ishida Mitsunari and supported by the western half of Japan.
Initially, Otani Yoshitsugu expressed an interest in supporting Tokugawa Ieyasu and the Eastern
Army, but he was convinced (or possibly coerced) by Ishida Mitsunari to instead lend his talents
as a strategist to the Western Army.
Both sides continued to seek allies and support for their cause, and in October 1600, the
Eastern and Western Armies met for a decisive battle at Sekigahara.
Despite being blind and within the final years of his life due to the growing severity of
his illness, Yoshitsugu still chose to participate directly, though he needed to be carried into
his regiment's position via a palanquin.
He was put in command of a regiment of about 600 soldiers near the Western Army's vanguard.
Sekigahara began as somewhat of a stalemate, but the tide of the battle shifted when the
forces of Kobayakawa Hideaki were coerced to defect from the Western Army to the Eastern
This act set off a chain of similar defections which fostered the internal collapse of the
Western Army.
Otani Yoshitsugu's forces, which were the closest to Hideaki's, were soon severely
outnumbered and forced to retreat.
Faced with the great shame of his loss at Sekigahara, as well as the possibility of
enemy capture, Yoshitsugu chose to commit ritual suicide to preserve his honour.
Seeing as the plot of Sengoku BASARA 3 focuses on the buildup to Ieyasu and Mitsunari's
confrontation at Sekigahara, that extra bit of detail in today's history lesson should
make Yoshitsugu's role in the story easy to recognize.
Within his and other characters' stories, it's established that—similar to history—Yoshitsugu
was seemingly healthy until Hideyoshi's siege of Odawara Castle, when his disease
progressed to a state that robbed him of his livelihood.
Having become an object of ridicule and disgust, Yoshitsugu made it his personal goal to inflict
upon Japan the same amount of misery it had inflicted upon him.
To this end, he joined the Western Army, led by Ishida Mitsunari, but has since become
attached to his old ally in his quest for vengeance, and, depending on the way Yoshitsugu's
story progresses, the relationship challenges his goal of using the chaos to spread misery.
Yoshitsugu's design centres on references to his historical counterpart's sickly disposition;
his entire body, aside from his eyes, is covered in gauze, and the armour he chooses to wear
is minimal, to lessen the amount of weight being put on his body, as well as skeletal,
to reinforce his physical fragility.
The gauze might also be a way to reference Yoshitsugu's attributed pallor, or perhaps
his "White Face" nickname, without actually showing his diseased skin.
Dipping into a mix of gameplay and further design, Yoshitsugu is reliant on a floating
platform for movement, as a way of referencing the story of his personal palanquin at the
Battle of Sekigahara.
His weapon of choice is non-physical, as well, since Yoshitsugu utilizes a set of psychic
orbs to function as tools of combat, as well as extensions of his hands.
These orbs might also have an extra layer of significance to Yoshitsugu's ongoing
theme of misery, in that there's a bit of possible Buddhist inspiration to them.
They're similar in shape to a set of prayer beads, and there are exactly eight of them,
Eight is a special number in Buddhism, because it is associated with the Noble Eightfold
Path, the only way to end suffering, though it is a bit ironic that Yoshitsugu is using
his weapon to spread misery instead of relieve it, which leads me to doubt this assumption.
More reliably connected to religion, though, are the names of Yoshitsugu's techniques.
Rather than Buddhism, these carry references to Hindu astrology, known as the Navagraha,
which already lends itself to the name of one of Yoshitsugu's specials, Navagraha Strikes
This astrological system, at its most basic, worked by tracking the movements of 7 celestial
bodies, plus two "shadow planets:" Rahu, the rising lunar node, and Ketu, the falling
lunar node.
Of these 9 beings and their accompanying celestial bodies, Yoshitsugu's specials only name
Rahu, Ketu, and Shani in particular, and I think that's because of their associated
Rahu, the rising lunar node, is associated with chaos, often seen as the head of a snake
that swallows the sun during an eclipse, while Ketu, the descending lunar node, is understood
as the snake's tail, while also being linked with material loss and spiritual growth.
And Shani, the embodiment of Saturn, is associated with revenge and bad luck.
So, in using these names, it emphasizes three main elements to Yoshitsugu's character
and story themes: chaos, loss, and revenge.
Again, that ties into his gameplay: Yoshitsugu's attacks can place special tags called "Curse
Marks" on his enemies.
Enemies with Curse Marks are made even more vulnerable to Yoshitsugu's further attacks,
which we've established are named after beings associated with suffering of some degree.
And on top of that, Yoshitsugu's elemental affinity is darkness, meaning that he has
a chance to heal himself from every successful hit he deals.
He really does benefit from all the misery he spreads!
All of this might also help to explain Yoshitsugu's habit of stargazing in several of his cutscenes,
as well as his two other space-named techniques, Galaxy Splits and Comet Races.
But I feel like it would make a little more sense if Yoshitsugu had 9 orbs instead of
8, so that there'd be one orb for each of the Navagraha… or maybe Yoshitsugu himself
is supposed to be the ninth body, since his character title is "The Rampant Lone Star"?
Eh, pardon the rambling.
Just felt like throwing that out before I moved on.
Lastly, I want to go over another crucial element of Yoshitsugu's design: his recurring
butterfly motif, visible on his helmet, family crest, and the Curse Marks he leaves on enemies.
This brings us to a bit of animal symbolism, oh boy, oh boy.
As far as Japanese folklore is concerned, butterflies are seen as symbols of human souls.
White butterflies in particular are further associated with the recently departed, and
for someone like Otani Yoshitsugu, who lived on the verge of death for much of his life,
that symbolism couldn't be any better for his counterpart in Sengoku BASARA, pale from
leprosy and white from the gauze concealing it.
It's also worth a final mention that large swarms of butterflies can be interpreted as
an ill omen, which I… kind of want to connect with Yoshitsugu's whole Curse Mark mechanic,
but that's probably a bit of a stretch.
Otani Yoshitsugu really is a curveball through and through.
Just as I didn't expect him to be as compelling of a character as I did when I first played
Sengoku BASARA 3 in 2013, I didn't expect a deeper look into his actual—y'know—character
would be this dynamic.
Sengoku BASARA certainly takes its creative and, at the same time, clever liberties with
the historical figures in its cast, but Yoshitsugu is already based on a historical figure with
quite a degree of murkiness to him.
The way they fill in this hazy void, through the recurring themes of revenge and suffering,
the animal motif of butterflies, and even Hindu astrology hand-picked to reinforce said
personal themes all makes for fascinating food for thought.
Sure, he may not have been as famous as other figures of his time, like his ally Ishida
Mitsunari or Sanada Yukimura, but even 400 years after his death, popular media is still
trying to make sense of Otani Yoshitsugu, and this kind of informed creativity is absolutely
what I love to see.
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