What BIG Secrets will be Revealed in Classified? - Duration: 8:22.Hello everyone, today we are discussing a Charlie intel article that went under the
radar a while back.
The quote from Jason Blundell has massive implications on the zombie storyline.
In an interview with the creator of the modern game mode Jason Blundell stated:
"I think the other thing that's very exciting about that map is that there are a bunch of
really big questions the community has had for many, many years, and Classified will
finally answer them.
There are a handful of answers that are big ones, and they will send some ripples through
the community.
Classified will stir things up a little bit."
End quote
I imagine some of those ripples are going to be tough to accept because Jason and Craig,
who are the lead writers of the game mode, like to write the zombie story in contrast
with the community's expectations.
When I had the chance to talk with them at Black Ops 4's reveal event they made it
clear that there were answers the community didn't want to know.
At the time we hadn't heard anything about classified, but they could have been thinking
about those big questions they just answered while writing classified before the event
in May.
The reason Criag gave to me for actively avoiding answering big questions throughout the past
few years was because there are many influencers, redditors, or general fans who have decided
that "this is how the storyline went, and if not it is wrong.".
Craig went on to explained to me that hearing that mentality is tough for them because it
puts immense pressure on them to write the storyline the way fans want it.
You may ask, how would that add pressure?
Well, when these mentalities or beliefs of fans get to the writers ears they begin to
take into consideration how the fans feel instead of focusing on writing their story.
Writers will second guess their judgment more than they normally do despite writing a story
that captivated the very audience that is throwing the narrative in jeopardy.
Seeds of doubt enter writers heads when they hear the community react in a way completely
different from what they intended.
Some examples I heard from Craig were how fans put the character conversations in the
incorrect order or people were taking the meanings of some actions out of order causing
a new meaning.
I would suggest the most dangerous train of thought occurs around the lines of "We weren't
going to do that.
What if the fans hate what I wrote.
Should I give the fans what they expect?".
That last thought is by far the most damning to any creative process.
Giving the audience exactly what they want will destroy the product or art.
Now, to be clear, I am not saying fans should refrain from expressing their ideas, opinions,
interpretations, and hopes for their favorite games.
Quite the contrary, the community should be roaring with enthusiasm, but we should always
avoid mob mentalities when the story develops in new ways contrary to expectations.
There is plenty of room for constructive criticism by fans to developers while balancing the
needed distance writers need to creating good narratives.
Typically, the goal of any great narrative is to give fans what they want and everything
they never knew they wanted.
With that notion established, I would like to present my personal ideas and predictions
for classified's ripples that will affect our storyline.
The first being the blacked-out portrait in Kino Der Toten.
I believe this portrait identity will be revealed by the end of the Easter egg if not in the
Classified map itself.
I believe the character most likely to fit the portrait to be Gersh from Ascension because
of Doctor Monty's radios in Zombie chronicles.
Dr. Monty's radio explained that Gersh ran with the crew for a bit while Richtofen was
doing his own thing.
This could help explain why Richtofen already has a space suit in ascension when we enter
the map.
Gersh himself could have lore explanations for why the crew forgets about him due to
115 delusions or space time paradoxes.
Inside the Gorod Krovi easter egg we experience all kinds of hints towards Gersh's greater
The next prediction is an explanation to why peter McCain maters to the storyline.
This character has shown up in some ciphers, been seen dead in an intro cut scene, and
shown landing in Revelations.
What the hell is the purpose of this character?
We could get memos about what his true purpose was and how he impacted the story.
Peter could have caused something to happen during any of our past quests.
We know that Peter was a spy form America trying to infiltrate group 935 during the
original universe storyline.
This map is a great excuse to flesh out what has been teased for ten years now.
My next prediction is the explanation for where the location for Shangri la.
This was a detail that was deliberately changed in zombie chronicles.
You can check out a few videos I made in the past diving into the location of Shangri la
and the secrets hidden in the mountains for more information and some laughs.
Besides my own curiosity the change is significant enough to warrant an explanation.
Another explanation that could be answered are the picture frames shown in the original
FIVE map of Richtofen and Dempsey.
Both of those could easily be explained thanks to classified if they choose not to use the
community assumption that the portraits were seized at the Der Riese massacre.
If you are unfamiliar with the Der Riese massacre you can check out a video I made discussing
that too!
The unanswered question that will be answered because Jason hinted at it in his previous
two interviews were the questions concerning how did FIVE happen and where does it fit
into the story?
I will suggest that Richtofen initially caused FIVE.
In his grand scheme he needed something at the pentagon to get him to Grooms Lake in
order to travel to Moon.
Classified will fit before FIVE, but there is no indication to where FIVE actually fits
in this new iteration of the timeline.
Many are suggesting that the cycle is now broken due to blood vials.
I can get into detail about that in another video, but the quick version is: the blood
vials allows for the cycle to continue.
Revelations is named that because our characters realize that they are in a cycle.
When the Mob of the Dead Easter egg breaks the cycle, the characters are stuck and the
timeline changes.
The change could be classified.
Classified is most likely the last time we will ever get to see Ultimis, which is why
comments like Jason's make sense at this point.
In the article's interview he confirms this is Ultimis from Zombie Chronicles.
Meaning Classified will be directly impacted by the changes in chronicles including the
ascension red phones changing from FIVE audio to Call of the Dead audio.
It should go on to answer more questions like why the element 115 rock changed from red
to blue, what happened to Ultimis after moon, who is actually in control of the zombies,
and What impact did Richtofen's buried end game have?
Those are the big questions I could think of relating to Ultimis at this point in time.
I have neglected to talk about any questions relating to Primis because those should be
addressed in Blood of the dead.
What do the blood vials do and how do they protect Primis officially?
What happened to the children?
What happened to the inconsistencies in the comics?
And probably the most important what happens when we break the cycle in Mob of the dead?
If I have missed any big questions feel free to share them in the comments below.
This is meant to be a discussion to get our minds thinking about Classified's big secrets
that will be coming out during launch.
I am going to miss the Ultimis crew if this is their last map.
They are the reason I fell in love with zombies.
I hope Treyarch gives them a good send off.
Despite being stereotypes they helped me created many memories with so many friends.
It would be poetic to see the big stereotypes grow to be much more as characters by their
final appearance.
If you enjoyed this video consider subscribing to follow all my
black ops 4 coverage containing theories, guides, streams, and more.
All posters have been sent out besides one order.
All retro t-shirts are delayed until the 18th because my suppliers delayed their shipment
to me until the 17th to give all of you who ordered a heads up.
I hope you have a wonderful day and I will see you in the next video.
A Fountain Has Been Opened, Come and Drink - Paul Washer - Duration: 6:32.This same Jesus who was crucified -
He has risen from the dead
and it is God's public declaration
that Jesus of Nazareth was the Son of God
and that His death on that tree
satisfied justice once and for all.
And this Jesus has ascended up
and sat down at the right hand of God.
And He is King of kings
and He is Lord of lords.
All the empires of this world
come and go like the wind.
Their palaces crumble like the dust.
Their kings are nothing more than little boys playing royalty.
There is one Lord and it is not Caesar.
It is Jesus Christ.
And He is coming back
and He will judge the living and the dead
and the great books will be opened
and if you have not run to Christ,
then you will be justly given everything you deserve
according to everything you have ever thought,
everything you have ever spoken,
and everything you have done.
Does that make you afraid? It should.
But yet the Bible says a fountain has been opened up
in the house of David -
a fountain for cleansing.
The Bible says:
Are you thirsty? Come and drink.
Are you hungry? Come and eat.
Are you filthy? Come and be cleansed.
Whosoever will may be saved.
Whoever comes to Christ, they will not be cast out.
The most religious person in the world
needs to know that his religion cannot save him
and his good works are nothing but filthy rags.
He must be warned of his pride.
He must run to Jesus.
And yet the most filthy prostitute on the street;
the most hardened drug addict and criminal;
even the most vile murderer
needs to lift up their head and know this:
their sin is no greater -
is not greater than the grace of God in Jesus Christ.
Are you a sinner? Are you filthy?
Are you dirty?
Have you done things unspeakable?
So have we, but we were cleansed.
We were washed by the blood of the Lamb.
It was poured out for us on that tree.
You can be saved!
And not only saved, you can be changed.
If any man be in Christ, he's a new creature.
Old things pass away.
All things are new.
He can change your life.
One of the saddest things about preaching
is you can never say it as it ought to be said.
Sermons are always a failure
because Jesus is too beautiful to describe.
No words can explain the greatness of His love.
His sacrifice on the tree goes beyond
the power of men or angels to tell.
If you do not know Christ,
and you say, "Well, I'm religious;"
or you say, "I go to church;"
or "I'm orthodox;"
or "I'm Baptist," or "I'm Methodist;"
but listen to me.
If your life has not been changed, you're nothing.
Has your life been changed?
Do you love Jesus?
I'm not talking about a ticket to Heaven.
I'm not talking about you prayed a prayer one time in your life
and therefore you're okay.
Is there evidence of faith?
Has your life been changed?
Does it continue to change?
Instead of walking with sin now
do you struggle against it?
Do you want to love more?
Do you want to be more devoted to Christ?
These are the signs of a true Christian.
If you're not a Christian,
I beg you, repent!
That means change your mind.
You loved sin.
Change your mind.
Recognize how horrible it is
and desire righteousness.
You have ignored God all your life.
Change your mind.
Turn to God.
Realize how much worth He is.
Turn from your sin. Recognize it.
And fall upon Christ.
Trust Him. Trust Him.
Stop trusting in your own righteousness.
Stop trusting in your own good works.
Realize there's only one way to be saved:
faith in Jesus Christ.
If I died right now, I would go to Heaven.
Not because I'm a pastor or a teacher.
Not because our ministry helps the poor
and teaches kids to read.
If I died right now, I would go to Heaven
for one reason:
Jesus Christ died for sinners.
That is our only hope.
And the more sinful you are,
the more powerful He is to save.
I don't care what you've done.
I don't care what you've become.
He can and will save you.
He desires all men to be saved
and to come to the knowledge of the truth.
He is holding out His hand all day,
even when people don't listen.
"Come unto Me," He says.
He's the way, the truth, and the life.
There is no other name under Heaven
given to men whereby we can be saved.
There is one God
and one Mediator between God and man,
the man Christ Jesus.
And everyone who believes in Him will be saved.
And no one who ever believed in Him was disappointed.
Young person, listen to me.
Life is a vapor.
You're young one day
and you're old the next.
All the things of this world cannot fill you.
Run to Christ and know the fullness
of the love of God.
Maybe you've done horrible things,
unspeakable things,
shameful things.
You feel dirty, marred, and soiled.
He can cleanse you and make you new.
He doesn't just forgive your sins.
He forgets them.
He puts them as far from you and Him
as the east is from the west.
And what's so amazing is this promise is for all of us!
If you go to hell, it's because you chose to.
It was your doing.
He stands here and is mighty to save.
I can testify that Jesus can save the worst of sinners
because I was the foremost of all.
How many other people here tonight
can testify that Jesus saves sinners?
If you're not a Christian, look around at all these people.
They're all saying they were sinners.
They're all saying they could not save themselves.
And they're all saying that Jesus Christ
saved them and cleansed them.
Now Christians, I have a question.
How many of you have ever been disappointed in Jesus?
How many of you have ever been failed by Jesus?
It looks to me like Jesus has a pretty good record.
Charlottesville Under State Of Emergency As Anniv. Of Deadly Violence Approaches | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 2:07.-------------------------------------------
Cab Driver Faces Charges After Street Brawl, Smashing Vehicles - Duration: 1:40.-------------------------------------------
[Sub][Episode 11] Future Card Buddyfight Ace Animation - Duration: 26:26.This is sudden, but here's our story so far!
Yuga and Subaru clashed during the ABC Cup Semi-finals!
Yuga and Garga had lost to Subaru once before...
So for them, it was an unmissable chance for a rematch!
Both fighters knew each other well, and used that knowledge to fight with everything they had.
In the end, the goddess of victory smiled upon Yuga!
And so Yuga headed to the final match against Masato!
Finally! Tomorrow is my final match against Masato!
I'm so excited!
The battle between Agito and myself...
between myself and the Linkdragon Order will likely decide the outcome of the battle.
You guys defeated me, and you defeated Subaru.
You can definitely beat Masato!
I'm sure that you can become the champions!
Thanks, Ranma.
Yuga and Masato...
The final match will be a showdown between the Ace of Games and the Ace of Sports.
Let's make sure everyone's pumped up about this match in a big way!
Pumped up?
Let's do a special interview of you and Masato on Ran-Ga Channel.
And we'll have a cheer competition!
Sounds great!
Let's do it, let's do it!
ABC Cup Finals! Yuga versus Masato!
Tomorrow is the day of the big match.
I've built the deck I'm going to use against Yuga.
Attack Burn Guts!
In order to overcome that great fighting spirit, I need to train even harder.
Yuga! Ranma!
I got some footage that was totally aces!
What are you talking about?
I know this is sudden, but...
The truth is...
Oh! That sounds interesting.
You have my blessing!
Ran! Ran! Ga-woo!
Tomorrow is the ABC Cup final match at last!
Today, we've got a special segment!
It's a Double Ace special interview!
Now, let's have the two Aces introduce themselves!
Facing off in the final match are the Ace of Sports, Masato Rikuo...
And everybody knows our very own Ace of Games, Yuga Mikado!
Which Ace will stand tall as the champion?
Let's have the two Aces tell us about their ambitions!
For share!
I'm Masato Rikuo.
As soon as I transferred to Aibo Academy, I was given the great honor of participating in the legendary ABC Cup.
Whoa! What's going on?
Yuga Mikado is my wonderful friend and rival.
I'm filled with happiness that I can Buddyfight with him!
I feel the same way!
I became Buddies with Garga, and made friends with Subaru and Masato...
Right now, I'm having so much fun!
I'm so glad that I started playing Buddyfight!
It's all thanks to you, Ranma.
Thank you!
Aw, it's no big deal.
During tomorrow's final match... I'm not going to hold back!
In the spirit of sportsmanship, I'm going to triumph in the ABC Cup!
Buddyfight is the greatest game in the world!
And when it comes to games, I'm the ace! I'll be the winner!
Now, who do you support?
Be sure to cast your vote, everyone!
Yuga for sure, right?
I support Masato!
I vote for... uh... this one?
Who should I vote for?
It's so hard to choose!
They're both very popular.
You're right. But of course, I'm voting for...
So far, it looks like you're about even on votes.
Now it's time for the Supportive Message Corner, featuring each fighter's Buddies!
We members of the Linkdragon Order have trained hard together with Masato.
We've gotten way strong!
Victory will be ours!
Be sure to cheer Masato on!
I, too, have continued training daily.
Those who believe in myself and Yuga should vote for Yuga.
Gargantua Dragon!
Last time we were defeated, unfortunately.
But this time, we won't lose!
All right. Shall we celebrate beforehand by singing a bit?
Order's anthem! All together now!
The linked spiral is the chain of bonds!
What's with the singing?
Huh? The screen went blank.
I wonder what's going on?
Is it some kind of technical issue?
That's weird. We're still getting a signal...
What the...
What's wrong?
I don't know... it's acting weird.
Da-Dan! The great Da-Dan is here!
It's that evil PalTuber again!
Today, I'm sharing a special segment!
Yuga Mikado's made it to the ABC Cup finals, and Da-Dan is going to show you his most humiliating Buddyfight fails!
Did he say humiliating Buddyfights?
Here's a pic from yesterday's battle against Subaru Hoshiyomi, but...
If we use this new DaNow app that I developed, and turn on facial recognition...
If you use this app,
-you can make all sorts of weird faces! -What is this?
This is hilarious!
What does he think he's doing?
This is terrible!
I've done it again!
I'm just the worst...
Sulk, sulk...
He's taken over Ran-Ga Channel!
He's blocking our transmission and airing his own program!
This villain has gone too far in his mockery of Yuga!
This cannot be forgiven!
Hey, isn't that Aibo Academy?
That's right! He must be nearby.
We're going to find him no matter what!
Let's split up and search!
Leave it to me!
That way!
My diligent training has sharpened my senses to the utmost, and my senses say that way.
You can trust Garga!
Let's go!
We're going to follow them!
All right!
The Da-Dan Channel is sure to get more subscribers now!
Well, it's about time I got going.
Linkdragon Order! It's time for the hunt!
Okay, Masato!
Let's do this!
All right!
Take that!
Had enough yet?
All right! Ran-Ga Channel is back on!
For share!
This guy...
He's the one who was bullying my Miko the other day!
What do you think you're doing?
Using PalTube to cause trouble...
That's unforgivable!
That's right!
Apologize to all the Ran-Ga Channel viewers!
Shut up! You idiots! You dummies!
Hey! He's escaping!
I'll let you off easy today!
See ya!
We won't let him get away!
That's enough.
Let's leave him alone.
Good idea. We've got our big final match coming up, after all.
The next time we meet, he will receive no mercy!
Let's fight fair and square tomorrow!
Let's both do our best!
We had a few bumps in the road, but that's it for today's broadcast!
Well, our next video is coming up, so...
Check it out!
Ran-Ga Channel broke 200,000 subscribers!
Today's live broadcast was viewed by over 20,000 people!
It's a new record for us.
I'm not surprised. It was great!
Yuga and Masato's interview was the best.
And Garga's heroics, too.
Indeed, it is only to be expected.
So who won the online vote?
The thing is...
We don't really know. We had some interference in the middle, after all.
The way the voting was going, I'm sure Yuga would have won.
I'm sure everyone's looking forward to your Buddyfight, Yuga.
You think so? I'm getting pumped just thinking about it!
Miko, you'll be cheering on Yuga tomorrow, right?
Of course!
Good luck.
Thanks! I'm going to win for sure!
I can't wait for tomorrow's match!
Do your best!
Thanks for the meal!
I am grateful for this meal.
I'd better load up on fuel for tomorrow.
Me too!
And me too!
You should see your face, Ranma!
Right back at you, Yuga!
All right! I win!
Well, I know I'm better than you at this!
Take this!
Oh yeah? Take this!
-I'll get you for that! -You've done it now!
Hey, Ranma.
Tomorrow's final match.
Unlike last time, Masato has an impact card now.
Thunder Dragon Tornado, right?
Thunder Dragon Tornado!
How am I going to overcome that attack?
How can I block it?
That's the question.
I'm counting on you. You'd better win tomorrow, so we can have a major party!
I was thinking about what you said in the bath.
I just have a feeling...
That this will help you in your match, Yuga.
Combat Deity's Pulsation?
That card will definitely be useful to you, since you've got Dragod cards in your deck.
I'm sure of it.
If you're the one saying it, Ranma, it's a sure thing.
It'll definitely come in handy!
Thank you.
The only one who can use Garga properly is you.
I'm really glad that Garga came to you.
Hey, Ranma.
Once the final match is over, let's have another Buddyfight.
I really like having Buddyfights with you.
It's so much fun!
It's more fun than with anyone else.
But... if you win, you'll be more famous than ever.
And more popular.
Why would you bother Buddyfighting with me?
What are you talking about? That has nothing to do with us.
We're friends, right?
We've been friends for so long.
And we'll be friends forever.
You're right.
No matter what happens, we'll be friends.
Well, see you tomorrow!
Good night!
Good night!
All right! I'm going to do this!
I'm going to win the ABC Cup...
And I'm going to Buddyfight with Ranma again!
Yuga! I...
The truth is, I...
What's going on?
What is this?
I'm here!
I'm over here!
Can't you hear me?
This is your future.
Who said that?
Eventually, he will forget you.
Yuga Mikado will forget your very existence.
That's stupid.
Don't say such stupid things!
What you said... it's just not possible!
Finally, the ABC Cup is reaching its climax!
The time has come to decide which Buddyfighter will stand triumphant at the top!
It's finally time.
What sort of Buddyfight will my rival show me?
I'm looking forward to finding out.
This match will change the future of everything.
That's the feeling I get.
That was one creepy dream.
Huh? Did you say something, Ranma?
Oh. It's nothing.
Now, let's cheer Yuga on!
The showdown between the Ace of Games and the Ace of Sports is about to begin!
Which one will win?
When the match ends and the dust clears, who will have the last laugh?
Masato Rikuo?
Or will it be Yuga Mikado?
The final match begins now!
It's the ultimate battle of ultimate destiny, chu!
The linked spiral is the chain of bonds!
Spiral Linkdragon Order!
A Deity's Dragon Brigade descends!
Luminize! Dradeity!
Raise the flag!
Ancient World!
Dragon World!
Thunderaxe, Agito!
Gargantua Dragon!
The first move goes to Masato Rikuo!
Charge and draw.
I cast! Dragon Emperor Legend!
My gauge increases by 1, my life increases by 1, and I draw a card!
I equip!
Order's Axe, Wildaxe!
For share!
It's your time to shine, Linkdragon Order!
I call Kaina to the center and the left!
Let's do this, eh?
Here we go, Agito!
I'm ready when you are!
I Buddy call Thunderaxe, Agito to the right!
We of the Linkdragon Order battle by joining forces with Masato!
Joy, sadness, and strength!
Now is the time to share all of these with our comrades!
Dragon Share!
Due to Dragon Share, all cards have their critical increased by 2.
They gain an extra 3000 power as well as Double Attack!
Their battle formation is completed, chu!
They're coming, Yuga.
I know.
Agito! Attack the fighter!
His life!
Don't worry. The Buddyfight's only begun.
For share! That's it for my turn.
My turn!
Charge and... draw!
I call Glom Gardra to the left!
My name is Glom Gardra.
I suppose I could lend you my help.
Garga! Here's your cue.
Leave it to me!
I Buddy call Gargantua Dragon to the right.
All are powerless before my blade!
Equip! Deity Dragon Sword, Garblade!
Let's do this, Garga. Attack Kaina in the center!
As you wish!
Due to this attack, Glom's ability activates!
Now then, Agito.
You're going to be destroyed as well.
And I deal damage to the opponent, equal to the size of the destroyed monster.
Not bad. But Agito has Soulguard.
I'm not done yet!
And I cast. Undying Linkdragon Order!
The attack on Kaina is nullified.
And due to the effect, I gain 4 life.
That's Masato for you.
But Garga has Double Attack.
Attack Kaina in the center again!
As you wish.
This time for sure...
My ability has also activated once more.
Agito will be destroyed by my effect!
Is this the end?
Agito! Kaina!
The attack lands!
Masato Rikuo's center is wide open!
What incredible offense and defense!
Masato still has 14 life.
Yuga will knock it out of the park!
I think he might even finish the match during this turn!
I've never seen a Buddyfight like this.
Yuga really is strong!
I'm going to cheer him on!
He's our hero!
Good luck, Yuga!
Yuga! You can do it!
You're so cool!
Gargantua Dragon! G.Evo, activate!
Here it is!
Due to G.Evo's activation, Gargantua Dragon Sonic Mode has made its appearance!
You're doing great, Yuga!
Due to Gargantua Dragon Sonic Mode's appearance, I gain 2 life.
And I draw two cards.
Here we go, Garga.
All right!
The final match of the ABC Cup Tournament. As predicted, it's a fierce battle.
Will Yuga go on to defeat Masato?
Will Masato turn the tables in a shocking twist?
Friends, look forward to the stunning conclusion!
Witness it with your own eyes!
Everything will become clear in the next episode!
Ran! Ran! Ga-woo!
Hey, fans! Once again, we're going to be introducing a special card!
The card we're introducing today is this one!
Glom Gardra!
This size 1 monster has 3000 power, 1000 defense, and a critical of 2.
When a Dragod in your field that means Garga attacks, Glom Gardra destroys one of your opponent's monsters.
And deals damage equal to the destroyed monster's size!
Call him together with Garga and go hard against your opponent!
Each time you attack, Glom Gardra's ability activates.
So use Double Attack or G.Evo to attack several times in a row to
destroy your opponent's monsters en masse while dealing major damage!
What did you think of today's card?
I hope you'll all use this card to build the most powerful deck ever!
Now then...
We're off to work on our next video, so don't forget to... Check us out!
The final match of the ABC Cup continues.
Masato and I are going to fight as hard as we can.
Who will win?
Next episode: Who's the Academy's Best Fighter? The Card that Decides Victory!
Let's do this, Garga.
Join us for a Buddyfight!
Netflix Thrillers No One Is Talking About - Duration: 9:07.Looking for a thrilling movie night, but stuck on what to watch?
Don't worry, Netflix is jam-packed with great thrillers that'll send a chill up your spine.
From criminally overlooked heist flicks to gritty, hard-boiled revenge tales, here are
all the best thrillers on Netflix that nobody seems to be talking about.
Small Crimes
Directed by Evan Katz, 2017's Small Crimes takes Jaime Lannister out of Westeros and
sticks him in the middle of small town America.
Played by Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, Joe Denton is a corrupt cop recently released from prison
after carving up the local DA.
Now that he's a free man, this alcoholic narcissist is trapped in limbo, with everyone giving
him the evil eye.
His mom is pressuring him to clean up his life, his wife and kids won't talk to him,
and random strangers are trying to bash his head in.
E across Worse still, a sleazy police lieutenant wants
Joe to take out a dying gangster to make sure the mobster doesn't squeal on all the dirty
cops in town.
But really, this is a movie that defies plot description, as Small Crimes delves into some
twisty plotlines involving prostitution, drunken soldiers, and a deranged gangster with his
own personal torture dungeon.
Coster-Waldau is at his best here, and this complicated plot unfolds with a gut-punch
of a final showdown, one that will leave you looking at the deadbeat protagonist in a completely
different light.
Despite all the twists and turns, Small Crimes is ultimately a movie about forgiveness and
whether or not we deserve it.
The Crying Game
Directed by Neil Jordan, The Crying Game was hailed as one of the best films of 1992, but
in subsequent years, it's been overshadowed by some of its cinematic cousins.
That's a shame, because this moody thriller has it all, from heart-wrenching romance to
hair-pulling tension.
The film follows an IRA terrorist named Fergus who befriends a British soldier, played by
Forest Whitaker.
Unfortunately for their friendship, Fergus is supposed to shoot the poor trooper.
Whitaker's character asks Fergus to check on his girlfriend after he's gone.
Eventually Fergus leaves the IRA, travels to London, and meets Dil, the soldier's girlfriend.
He quickly falls for her, but that whole "I shot your boyfriend" secret is always looming
in the background.
It doesn't help matters that the IRA is busy looking for Fergus, wanting to bring him back
to the fold.
Honestly, there's a lot more going on in this film than we can possibly say.
So if you want to experience the entire emotional experience then you'll definitely want to
visit Netflix and try playing The Crying Game.
Cartel Land
Produced by Kathryn Bigelow and directed by Matthew Heineman, Cartel Land is a visceral
thriller that feels a lot like The Hurt Locker or Zero Dark Thirty.
The only difference is that Cartel Land is a documentary.
There are no actors, no script, just real-life people armed to the teeth.
This white-knuckle 2015 thriller follows two vigilante groups on opposite sides of the
border as they battle incredibly violent Mexican cartels.
We witness actual gunfights, real-life torture, and one of the most harrowing car rides in
cinematic history.
The movie also takes a nuanced look at the issue, showing how vigilantes are fighting
for their lives against gangs.
On the other hand, these vigilante groups have a tendency to go overboard, and over
on the American side, there's some horrible racism fueling their efforts to hunt down
people who come across the border.
"Why would you put two races in the same nation and expect them to get along."
Cartel Land plunges viewers right into the blood-and-guts-reality of the drug war, and
even though it's a documentary, it's as thrilling as any fictional film you'll ever see.
The Gift
Written and directed by Joel Edgerton, The Gift is a creepy little suspense flick from
2015 that will make you think twice when an old friend calls and wants to catch up.
The plot follows Simon and Robyn Callem, a seemingly happy couple played by Jason Bateman
and Rebecca Hall.
They've gone through some trauma, but now they're looking to start over in a new city,
in a new house, and with new lives.
Unfortunately for the couple, Simon runs into an old friend from school, a man named Gordo.
"Gordo the weirdo."
"That's not very nice."
"Everybody had a name."
At first, Gordo just seems a little too eager to please, but as strange gifts show up on
the Callems' porch and tensions escalate, it looks like Gordo might have more on his
mind than reminiscing about the good old days.
That's just scratching the surface of the story, and without saying much more about
the plot, The Gift is a tense and nasty little movie with unsettling performances from its
three brilliant leads, not to mention an ending that will likely leave you genuinely upset.
A Patch of Fog
If you've seen Boardwalk Empire, then you know Stephen Graham can be one intimidating
dude, and he brings that same manic energy to A Patch of Fog.
In this atmospheric 2015 film, Game of Thrones' Conleth Hill plays a famous author named Sandy
Duff who's living off the proceeds of a 20-year-old book.
When he's not giving lectures or appearing on TV, he spends his spare time shoplifting,
which majorly backfires when he's caught by a psycho security guard named Robert, played
by Graham.
However, Robert doesn't want to turn Sandy over to the police.
Robert just wants to be friends.
Obviously, when a super stalker wants to be your buddy, that's never a good sign, and
their freaky friendship soon escalates to a game of cat-and-mouse with some very serious
"You make it sound like I wanna stick pins in ya."
"I just wanna be your friend."
While we've seen similar stories before, the highlight here is the tension between Graham
and Hill, both playing characters we empathize with, even though we wouldn't necessarily
want to hang out with either one of them.
Buster's Mal Heart
Thrillers don't come much stranger than 2016's Buster's Mal Heart.
Written and directed by Sarah Smith, the movie finds Rami Malek playing a bearded mountain
man on the run from the cops.
This outlaw hobo is named Buster, and when he's not breaking into cabins, he's ranting
about an upcoming apocalypse he calls "The Inversion."
But how did Buster get to this place, with gun-wielding cops on his trail?
Well, you'll start to find out as the film jumps back to when Buster was a family man
named Jonah.
Clean-shaven and suffocating, Jonah is a hotel concierge who feels trapped by the system…until
a conspiracy theorist shows up with wild ideas about Y2K and robbing banks.
Making all this even stranger, we occasionally get glimpses of a third version of Malek,
lost at sea, adding to the uneasy dream vibe of the whole film.
Buster's Mal Heart has some twists that will keep you guessing, but ultimately, it's a
mind-bending movie that will cause you to praise Rami Malek's acting abilities while
questioning the nature of reality itself.
The Fury of a Patient Man
Set in Madrid, The Fury of a Patient Man follows a seemingly gentle man named Jose who falls
in love with a lonely woman named Ana.
Her husband, Luis, has been behind bars for his part in a jewel heist, and of course,
we all know things are going to get messy when he's finally released.
But just when you think you know where it's going, the movie sets off in an entirely different
This brutal 2016 Spanish-language film features some brilliantly suspenseful scenes, like
a tense moment in a boxing gym and a one-shot car chase that ends in a terrific wreck.
Bad Day for the Cut
Set in Northern Ireland, 2017's Bad Day for the Cut is gory proof that you don't mess
with farmers, and you especially don't mess with farmers' moms.
This film focuses on a middle-aged man named Donal, a farmer who's spent most of his life
taking care of his elderly mother.
But his quiet existence is turned upside down when she's killed after what seems to be a
home invasion gone wrong.
After joining forces with another victim, Donal sets out to collect an eye for an eye,
but he quickly realizes there are quite a few secrets in his family tree.
Still, that doesn't stop him from taking on an army of bad guys to take revenge against
the crime lord responsible for taking out his mom.
If you're a fan of crime flicks from the UK, Bad Day for the Cut will definitely be a good
time on Netflix.
Directed by Bryan Fogel, 2017's Icarus picked up the Oscar for Best Documentary at the 90th
Academy Awards.
The film opens with Fogel wanting to explore the world of performance enhancing drugs by
injecting himself with all kinds of chemicals before competing in a bike race.
His little stunt soon leads him to Dr. Grigory Rodchenkov, a colorful character and the man
in charge of Russia's anti-doping program.
Soon, Rodchenkov is fearing for his life, and we watch as he maneuvers around KGB agents,
escapes the country, and faces the possibility of assassination.
A documentary that will have you on the edge of your seat, Icarus is the perfect mix of
informative storytelling and real-life thrills.
Shimmer Lake
Sort of like Fargo crossed with Memento, Shimmer Lake is a backwards story of bumbling criminals
who can't stop screwing up.
Taking a page from the Christopher Nolan playbook, this 2017 Netflix Original starts at the end
and works its way toward the beginning, as a group of small-town crooks plan and carry
out a robbery.
"Yeah Chris, it's going real good. Super good!"
Without a doubt, the highlight of the film is Benjamin Walker as Zeke Sikes, a local
sheriff who walks softly, carries a big stick, and is forced to deal with everything from
idiot FBI agents to a devious femme fatale.
Rainn Wilson is also great as Zeke's brother Andy, a disgraced attorney who plays a key
role in the twisty plot.
If you've seen James Gunn's Super, then you know Wilson has impressive dramatic chops,
and he's pretty great here as a despicable, desperate loser.
"Where have I been?"
"Where have I been?
In a car, forever.
A corn field.
I spent the night in a junkyard."
And if the backwards timeline sounds a bit gimmicky, don't worry.
It pays off beautifully, making Shimmer Lake a dark tale that's totally worth unraveling.
30-Year-Old Worker Dies From North Texas Heat - Duration: 0:18.-------------------------------------------
Tin Mới 11/08/2018 - PHÁT HIỆN MỚI RÚNG ĐỘNG CSVN là NGUYÊN NHÂN khiến GIÁO DỤC KHỦNG HOẢNG - Duration: 14:44.-------------------------------------------
Omarosa Manigault In New Memoir Claims President Trump Is 'Racist,' Used N-Word | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 2:35.-------------------------------------------
Can the US and Mexico reach a deal on NAFTA? - Duration: 8:36.-------------------------------------------
Liberal New Yorkers Are Angry After What Just Showed Up On Street Corner For Trump - Duration: 4:59.Liberal New Yorkers Are Angry After What Just Showed Up On Street Corner For Trump
Uh Oh, Liberals are once again upset!
This time as Breitbart reports the focus of their ire is a Conservative artist who had
the audacity to erect a 20-foot pro-Trump display on the front lawn of one of his client's
homes in Staten Island.
The Trump art, along with a "crying DeNiro" was put up on an unidentified client's front
lawn on Harris Avenue this earlier this week.
"Here's my display to provoke emotion…and they love it," LoBaido said, referring to
people around the neighborhood.
The owner loves it so much, he apparently put up cameras to keep it safe: "He put
up security cameras all around the house.
We have a fence here.
And everybody in the neighborhood is on watch," the artist added.
The unnamed owner of the property has reason to be nervous since LoBaido's last piece
which was a large "T" lawn sign which was erected in Staten Island right before
the 2016 election in support of President Trump went up in flames.
Staten Island is one of the few New York areas where Donald Trump was able to beat Hillary
Clinton in the 2016 presidential election.
President Trump got 57% of the vote compared to Clinton's 40%.
Although Clinton was able to win the state convincingly with 59 percent compared to Trump's
Not a huge surprise since the state of New York is responsible for giving us someone
like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who has proven in interview after interview that she's
not even fit, or educated enough to run a lemonade stand.
Here is more on LoBaido via the
"Throughout my 50 years, people have often said I was born in the wrong era.
Long fascinated by post World War II America, glamour girls, the Rat Pack, big band music,
and all things classic Americana, I've always loved strong cultural symbolism.
Time though, especially for an artist, is an interesting thing.
Art for us exists in and long past neatly defined eras.
Brushes and strokes can transcend time and wind effortlessly through the past, present,
and future.
For me, art is the greatest time traveler.
It is also the simplest and most universal of statements – I am here.
We are here.
And it is our greatest hope to preserve our work for future generations – that will
be here.
With my art, I've sought to make a difference in the world as a man and as an American.
Whether a Boomer, Gen-Xer, or Millennial, it's easy in modern times to forget the
origins of our prosperity and freedom.
The wondrous and instant nature of our technology and culture can make it easy to forget how
we got here.
And so I became fascinated with preserving the symbols of the countless brave Americans
who stood, fought, marched, and sacrificed so much for our livelihood.
I am no history scholar but I sense in the basics of my being, preserving our past is
the truest way to honor our future.
For ten straight months during my last Fifty States Tour, my artwork promoted patriotism
without the use of political rhetoric deliberately.
As I trekked solo on an incredible grassroots journey, l eagerly soaked in veterans, families,
passer-bys and our collective stories mile by mile.
By the end of it, I had painted a U.S. flag rooftop mural in every single state.
Artistically I left a small token of preserved American symbolism behind, but the veterans
I saluted left even more with me.
Never once on did we mention the labeling words of Republican or Democrat.
It was bigger than labels.
It was about "We the People".
It was about pride, honor, and appreciation for all Americans who served our nation.
Patriotism is about all of us.
And it can't be hijacked by rhetoric, politicians, differences, or warring ideologies.
The great thing about America is the fact that it can always be better, and our gift
is that "we the people" have the freedom to make it better.
Anyone who knows me knows I passionately advocate for the First Amendment.
I encourage us all to passionately question, protest, express, assemble, and petition – but
always, always be grateful that you can.
As Americans, our past and future are intrinsically intertwined.
While traveling from state to state and painting American art, some saw a crazy man coloring
rooftops in their community, others saw an artist with a singular red, white, and blue
But this simple man is on a mission; greater than myself and past my own era, and the decades
While sitting in a quiet campsite, with soft Idaho soil caked underneath my boots, I realized
who I am: just one of the electricians, in a long line of creative light bearers, connecting
one wire to the next, and keeping the lights on."
What a great citizen who let this wonderful artist display his artwork.
In a day when most of us wouldn't dare walk out of our homes with a Trump hat or shirt,
or even slap a Trump bumper sticker on our cars, this Staten Island citizen is standing
up for all of us.
If only the rest of us would have this person's guts the Liberals wouldn't stand a chance.
Jets Rookie Quarterback San Darnold Makes His Debut - Duration: 1:55.-------------------------------------------
Obliterate cancer: Lucy's Story - Duration: 3:00.-------------------------------------------
Why Waluigi is Not in Super Smash Bros Ultimate - Duration: 8:16.Let's talk about Waluigi.
Something of a dark horse within the Mario universe, the character of Waluigi seems to
have been invented for the sole purpose of rounding out character rosters in sports titles.
Waluigi has never shown up in a meaningful way in a main series Mario game.
He's welcome to join in for kart rallies and tennis matches, but he's always left
on the sidelines when things get more serious.
And yet, the character has developed a frankly phenomenal fanbase among Western gamers.
Thanks in no small part to the comic efforts of Matthew Taranto, fans have fallen in love
with this oft-overlooked video game character.
All of this leads us to the current debate.
Why, when Waluigi is designed specifically to take up space in busy character-driven
Mario games, has he been left out of Nintendo's crowning jewel?
Why is Waluigi not in Super Smash Brothers on the Nintendo Switch?
The answer is simple: because Nintendo.
Special thanks to commenter The Bat with a Bow Tie Pro for suggesting this video topic.
Nintendo has always marched to the beat of its own very peculiar drum.
Where other games companies listen to player feedback or attempt to stay relevant in a
shifting media landscape, Nintendo is known for planting its head firmly in the sand and
refusing to move.
It's for this reason that the Switch still doesn't have a viable online service with
built-in voice chat.
It's also a big part of why Nintendo has managed to remain relevant where so many other
companies from the '80s have lost ground to newer upstarts.
Nintendo's basic strategy is to make the games they want to make, and force players
to engage with them on terms that the company sets.
This doesn't always work out, but even when Nintendo is forced to cede ground, it gives
up as little as possible.
Take the Wii U for example.
Nintendo's higher ups expected people to buy the system simply because it was the successor
to the Wii.
They envisioned a future where everyone had a console that could also be used in a handheld
When the Wii U bombed, Nintendo released the Switch.
This wasn't so much a concession that their Wii U idea was wrong, so much as it was an
insistence that, under the right circumstances, this form of gameplay could thrive.
Nintendo's rigid approach to game design is the reason why the Super Mario brand has
remained unchanged – and yet very much relevant – for over thirty years.
The formula worked then, and no matter what anyone else in the games industry is doing,
Nintendo expects that the same formula works today.
The one time Nintendo did allow Mario to change direction, we got the Super Mario Bros movie,
and it's clear that the company is less than eager to repeat this experiment.
This attitude can also be seen in Nintendo's recent lawsuits, which are directed at a pair
of ROM distribution sites.
It's impossible to get many retro Nintendo games on the Switch.
Gamers may then feel justified in taking matters into their own hands.
Not so, says Nintendo.
The company has forbidden people from getting these games through any legitimate means on
a modern console, and they will respond with severity if anyone attempts to undermine them
on this.
So what does this have to do with Waluigi?
Well, if Nintendo refuses to listen to outside feedback, then it doesn't matter how large
the fan outcry for Waluigi might get.
The developers of Super Smash Bros want someone else in the character slot that could have
been given to Waluigi, and that's final.
Fans can shout as much as they like, but Nintendo will not listen.
The company is not in the habit of kowtowing to the demands of its customers.
Instead, we are expected to play the Nintendo way, or not at all.
The next question is whether this is a bad idea.
Honestly, it's probably a good thing.
No, seriously.
It's worth pointing out the buzz among Japanese Nintendo fans surrounding the character of
Ridley, a new inclusion in the upcoming Smash Brothers.
Japanese gamers have begun referring to Ridley as "Captain America".
This is an allusion to the character's popularity in the United States, and a criticism of the
perception that Nintendo bowed to foreign fan demand when deciding to include Ridley
in the game.
On the very rare occasion when Nintendo does listen to its Western fans, its Japanese fans
And who can blame them?
When Western media panders to a foreign audience, it always feels a little uncomfortable.
Have you ever seen an American film that features a gratuitous trip to China?
Looper spends several minutes setting up Shanghai as a beacon of civilization.
Transformers 4 involves an extended scene of Stanley Tucci drinking Vitasoy amid Hong
Kong skyscrapers.
The Chinese cut of Iron Man 3 includes additional footage in which Tony Stark flies to China
and remarks on the nation's fantastic scientific development.
These scenes exist to try and make Western movies more appealing to an Eastern audience.
They often disrupt the flow of the narrative, and add little to the story.
This kind of filmmaking has been criticized by movie-goers for being shallow, manipulative,
and driven by nothing but profits.
The same thing happens when Japanese games include elements that appeal to an American
Local Japanese gamers can be understandably unhappy about their own culture being watered
down in order to pander to foreigners.
This is made all the more challenging considering that Americans typically get their way in
most entertainment media around the world.
Gaming is one of the only art forms in which Japanese cultural identity can thrive.
Obviously, Waluigi is of Japanese origin, and his inclusion in Smash Brothers would
be entirely without precedent.
It's also worth noting that he's a culturally complicated character to begin with, as the
mirror reflection of a Japanese interpretation of an Italian-American stereotype.
In spite of all this, it's easy to see why Nintendo of Japan might not want too much
outsider input while deciding on the character roster for Super Smash Brothers.
The game may be a celebration of many different kinds of video games from different cultures,
but the more this game caters specifically to Western tastes, the more difficult it is
to stay true to its own Japanese cultural roots.
It's up to you to decide whether you think a little integration and multiculturalism
within Smash Bros is a bad thing.
Certainly, it's hard to argue that this would be the greatest travesty in the history
of international relations.
It's also entirely possible that, with time, Nintendo might decide to include Waluigi after
As we've seen with Ridley, Western fans do often get their way eventually.
For the moment, though, bear in mind that Nintendo has good reason to be wary of bowing
to fan pressure too often, especially when that pressure is coming from fans that are,
let's face it, not the core audience for the game.
Today is not the day of Waluigi.
But that doesn't mean fans should give up hope just yet.
Route 495 Ramp Closes Tonight, Shut Down For Nearly 3 Years - Duration: 2:47.-------------------------------------------
Gangs Build Playground Together - Duration: 2:39.-------------------------------------------
Deaf Bing: Deaf Film Camp at CM7 with Convo - Duration: 5:05.Convo invited me to visit the Deaf Film Camp at Camp Mark Seven.
I've filmed 20 different "Deaf Bing" videos. Check it out!
See you later.
Deaf Bing: If you know someone can hear, you take advantage by yelling. You're lazy!
Deaf Bing: When you are signing and you knock off your glasses.
Deaf Bing: Watch this.
I can't see!
A nice thing about Deaf Gain is that you can talk through windows.
Hey! You alright?
Also, I can talk far away such as this.
Hey! You alright?
Hi! What's up?
Deaf Bing: When you have space you can sign, but when it is narrow, it's cramped.
You enjoying DFC?
It's fun! You?
Oh, I can't sign. It's better to wait until we're down there.
What did you say?
Deaf photographers bing what? An example is when I try to get people to move, I'll see my hand in pictures!
Deaf photographers bing: When you take images, you have to stop
because whoever is signing in ASL and is photographed,
they tend to have exaggerated facial expressions. It's hard to capture them.
I'll show you examples.
Deaf Bing That!
Deaf Bing What? Facebook Live, when I look at the phone,
my face moves to the phone and back again and again.
What? (Signing). What? The comments just scroll right up.
It's not real. It's just makeup. I have an acting role.
Deaf Bing: When lights flash, Deaf people move around in panic, thinking it is an alarm. But it's nothing.
Deaf Bing What? (Tapping)
What? What?
You know what all Deaf people tend to do?
Click and click to make sure it is unlocked.
(Clicking) I am making sure.
When you're driving for a long time on the road and it's quiet, what do you do?
You place your phone to watch "The Daily Moth" news.
But you have to be very responsible on the road.
Okay? Watch and drive. Don't follow or be like me, okay?
Deaf Bing: Deaf people use strange voices in public like this (shouts).
Whoa, relax. This isn't a zoo.
Deaf Bing:You're signing and when you're done…
That Deaf Bing.
Deaf Bing… Wait.
That Deaf Bing. When you sign, you have to close the laptop. It's hard to see the conversation.
One of the Deaf Bings is when you have bad sunburn and Deaf people tap me on the shoulders. It really hurts!
Deaf Bing: You are signing and you… (knocks cup).
That always happens.
When I go to a party, or a friend's house, my parents drop me off, and I have fun,
then my parents pick me up, I feel sad, but they meet their parents and they talk for another 45 minutes.
It's perfect because I spend more time with friends.
What's up?
What are you doing?
I'm vee-vee.
Vee hard.
Deaf Bing: Music at level 50… No!
Turn it up to 100! Feel the beats!
Deaf Bing…
That Deaf Bing! Thank you to the campers and staff for their creativity!
Drake: Dude Where's My Tour Bus? | TMZ Live - Duration: 2:05.>> AT THE DRAKE'S TOUR WITH
>> WHAT?
>> NO.
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 160 AMBITION Navigatie, Parktronic incl. Achteruitrijcamera Spiegelpakket Lic - Duration: 0:55.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 Ambition Stoelverwarming LM velgen PTS Audio - Duration: 1:08.-------------------------------------------
Leaving San Miguel de Allende! :( Packing and preparing to MOVE // Family Vlogs from Mexico - Duration: 10:32.we have scheduled our ride from San Miguel... to leaving San Miguel like hurts
it started to rain I guess... I got a sunburn. I don't know if you guys can
tell. We've got to do a bunch of catch-up stuff today, um I need to schedule
transportation because on Tuesday... so today is Saturday, on Tuesday we are
moving yeah, all the feels, lots of feels, lots of
emotions, we'll have to talk about that in a little bit, but our time in San Miguel is
up and we are moving to Guanajuato City. We're really excited but also
really sad but mostly right now stressed out because today's Saturday,
move on Tuesday, Jesse's got a major project that he is working around the
clock on that's due Monday and our house is selling back in the United States. we
had rented this house out, this was our house in Wilmington, we rented it out for
a couple of years and now we are selling it and
just like every day there's 19 emails of decisions that I need to make and
numbers I need to call, things I need to do to get that ready to sell, ah it has
sold, that's wonderful. it doesn't feel real. I won't believe it
until the paperwork is signed and everything is done but we are now trying
to figure out how to get the closing papers, print them, get them notarized and
get them FedExed back to the United States so that's all kinds of fun and
delightful joyous happy times so you know just livin' the life here, livin'
the life... I also want to try to find Harper a new backpack today, a bigger
backpack that can fit all of her toys that she can carry and maybe I can free
up some space in my suitcase so yeah that's what we're doing it's gonna be so
much fun I know you guys are just hopelessly jealous
glamour, and the sunburn. sunburn was worth it though that pool was awesome. I looked up
how much the hotel costs per night, it is, let's just say not a hotel that Jesse
and I will probably ever stay in ourselves, so yeah I don't think they'll let
me live there but it sure was nice hanging out at the pool and if you've
got the cash you should definitely stay there because top notch. okay let's get
this day started. There are just a few people in Centro today
we have scheduled our ride from San Miguel to Guanajuato city, it's gonna
pick us up at our place, drop us off at our new place, $75 US dollars, I
100% know we could get that cheaper but it is so convenient to go with them and
we used their service when we came here from Queretaro so we were really happy
with it, decided just to go with them again Harper
has found a stick and she is dipping it into little puddles and turning it into
a paintbrush. My sunburn is the worst in two basically two big stripes yeah and they
are exactly here and here right under my backpack straps
oh yeah the rain is getting on your drawing?
it was starting to sprinkle so Harper and I ducked into this cafe and
yet another like little magical place... I'm gonna relax here and see if it
starts raining a lot I left the umbrella at move
so yeah guys leaving San Miguel like hurts
we had already booked our time in Guanajuato city and I know we're gonna fall
in love with it there too, we're gonna spend the month of August in Guanajuato
city and then we actually have booked our time Costa Rica for September... yeah
it's gonna be interesting to see how we feel about each place, like are we gonna
fall in love with everywhere we go or are there gonna be clear winners and how
difficult is this decision gonna be like
okay let's go find a backpack!
so, it started to sprinkle...
I don't... started to sprinkle so we ducked into that cafe, spent a while there
came out, and then it promptly started to pour
so we're huddled under this tree
okay so Jesse just left to pick up dinner and I am doing laundry and
starting to gather stuff to pack uh at least it's better than the last time we
packed when we were coming here we have limited stuff I just got to get it, put
it into a suitcase and then start putting this rental back together. Let's go
Harper will randomly start vlogging, it is the cutest thing in the world
You feel better at Mamie and Pop's house later when we come there for Christmas and open presents. Bye bye.
so um it started to rain I guess... Jesse: yeah, it started to rain. Then it got torrential
you didn't get my text to take a cab I'm guessing
No I was busy walking through the rain. I just hope my phone still works
Dinner time! After Jesse gets dried off
all right we got tacos al pastor, a quesadilla with chicken and
cheese and queso fundido, giant thing of melted cheese. Jesse: came with flour tortillas
all right
Carlos Diaz tries his hand at cheese sculpting - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
What does confirmatory mean? - Duration: 0:34.-------------------------------------------
Volvo V60 2.4 D6 AWD PLUG-IN HYBRID SUMMUM EXCL. BTW! LEER/AFN. TREKHAAK/DVD+SCHERMEN - Duration: 1:09.-------------------------------------------
Guitar Solo: Rocking Improvisation over E major Chord - Duration: 2:07.Guitar Solo: Rocking Improvisation over E major Chord
《中国新说唱》公演前吴亦凡就说犯困,就这态度,活该拿第一 - Duration: 3:43.-------------------------------------------
鹿晗发文公布喜讯,陈赫发文祝福,网友:网络又要瘫痪了! - Duration: 2:03.-------------------------------------------
鹿晗34秒吻戲甜掉牙!溫柔撫摸關曉彤,還在片場吻了一小時? - Duration: 2:17.-------------------------------------------
鹿晗關曉彤在日本逛街,站一起身高差成迷,關曉彤怎麼又長高了! - Duration: 2:08.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz CLA-Klasse 200 CDI AUT AMG-EDITION, Panodak, Vol leer, Navi, Xenon, Full - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
𝕋 𝕙 𝕒 𝕥 ' 𝕤 𝔻 𝕚 𝕤 𝕥 𝕦 𝕣 𝕓 𝕚 𝕟 𝕘 - Duration: 0:05.To Become The Most Hated Thing In The Entire Game?
*Cracking Neck And Shit*
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Harry Jets Away To Africa Vacay Alone After Meghan's Caught Pulling N*sty PR Stunt - Duration: 4:42.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Harry Jets Away To Africa Vacay Alone After Meghan's Caught Pulling N*sty PR Stunt - Duration: 4:42.-------------------------------------------
Omarosa Manigault In New Memoir Claims President Trump Is 'Racist,' Used N-Word | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 2:35.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Omarosa Manigault In New Memoir Claims President Trump Is 'Racist,' Used N-Word | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 2:35.-------------------------------------------
Investigation into Cascade County jail riot continues - Duration: 1:03.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Investigation into Cascade County jail riot continues - Duration: 1:03.-------------------------------------------
𝕋 𝕙 𝕒 𝕥 ' 𝕤 𝔻 𝕚 𝕤 𝕥 𝕦 𝕣 𝕓 𝕚 𝕟 𝕘 - Duration: 0:05.To Become The Most Hated Thing In The Entire Game?
*Cracking Neck And Shit*
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Comment se débarrasser des talons secs et fissurés ET des pieds secs et crevassés - Duration: 4:00.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Comment se débarrasser des talons secs et fissurés ET des pieds secs et crevassés - Duration: 4:00.-------------------------------------------
Epiphany | Speedpaint | I'm the one I should love #EPIPHANY #LOVEYOURSELF #ANSWER - Duration: 3:21.-------------------------------------------
BMW 5 Serie Touring 520d High Executive | M-Sportpakket | Remote Parking | Panoramadak | Gesture Con - Duration: 0:56.-------------------------------------------
BMW 6 Serie Gran Coupé 640I HIGH EXECUTIVE M-EDITION 320pk Aut, Pano, Alle mogelijke optie's - Duration: 1:14.-------------------------------------------
BMW 6 Serie Gran Coupé 640I 640 I HIGH EXECUTIVE M-PAKKET NED.AUTO, HEAD UP, CAMERA'S RONDOM, XENON - Duration: 0:55.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse 250 BLUETEC - Duration: 1:08.-------------------------------------------
BMW 6 Serie Gran Coupé 640D INDIVIDUAL M-SPORT AUT8, Panodak, FULL -NW PRIJS 138.255,- - Duration: 1:10.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse 250 CDI BlueTEC Avantgarde AMG-Line aut, Panodak, Leer, Navi, full - Duration: 1:14.-------------------------------------------
After Live Compare : Surric X Jackson vs Rig Mod box vapeAmp - Duration: 48:52.-------------------------------------------
Text messages bring some of Carvalho's reasoning for turning down NYC job to light - Duration: 1:55.-------------------------------------------
NAACP president on Trump: 'I have no other conclusion but to say he is a racist' - Duration: 3:28.Derrick Johnson, the president of the NAACP, said President Donald Trump "is a racist" and bashed his administration for its racially charged rhetoric and policies in an interview with Politico published Friday
Johnson said Trump has "demonstrated both in words and in deeds and in policy implementations racist tendencies
"He cited Trump's reported reference to African nations, El Salvador, and Haiti as "s—thole countries" and his role in perpetuating a conspiracy theory regarding former President Barack Obama's place of birth
"I have no other conclusion but to say he is a racist," Johnson said of Trump, adding he doubts the president's administration has "any interest in expanding its reach outside of a small set of individuals who all look alike
" The NAACP president also slammed Trump for not addressing his organisation, with which every single US president has met since 1947
Johnson said the NAACP has repeatedly invited Trump to speak to the group and its members, even when he was still a candidate
"We have not seen this White House engage with any African-American organisation," Johnson said
"For their part, I'm not aware of any true engagement with any Latino or other communities of colours outside of seeking basic photo opportunities
" The White House didn't respond to a request for comment on Johnson's remarks.Johnson's sharply worded comments about the president and his views on race come on the eve of the anniversary of the white supremacist "Unite the Right" rally that took place in Charlottesville, Virginia, last August
The rally ultimately turned deadly when Heather Heyer, a counterprotester, who was killed when a man plowed his car into a crowd of people
Trump was widely criticised for his response to the events in Charlottesville after he blamed "many sides" for the violence
Critics on both sides of the political aisle said the president had wrongly established moral equivalency between the white nationalists and neo-Nazis who participated in the rally and those who came to protest them
Though the ire surrounding Trump's reaction to Charlottesville was particularly strong, the president has routinely faced backlash over his approach to race-related topics
He currently has a 13% approval rating among black Americans, according to Gallup
General Win Prediction: CIG 2018 Short Video Competition - Duration: 5:18.-------------------------------------------
why never love me /leer descripcion// - Duration: 0:29.-------------------------------------------
Get ready for the first step in crowning true welterweight king - Daily News - Duration: 5:09.The week before Gennady "GGG" Golovkin and Saul "Canelo" Alvarez finally meet in their long-awaited rematch in Las Vegas, Barclays Center will be host to a potentially more explosive matchup when Danny Garcia faces Shawn "Showtime" Porter with the WBC welterweight title at stake
The former champions will collide Sept. 8 in what can be legitimately viewed as the beginning of the elimination process toward an undisputed king in boxing's 147-pound division
There are still plenty of contenders, including Keith Thurman, who has been out with injury; Errol Spence, the very impressive IBF champion; WBO champ Terrance Crawford; Manny Pacquiao; and perhaps Mikey Garcia
While it figures to takes months, if not years, before one of them will be considered the best of the era, Garcia versus Porter feels like a step in that direction
"The main event is sensational," said Lou DiBella, who is promoting the card. "If you're a boxing fan and you understand that styles make fights and who's who in boxing, you can't make a much more compelling or interesting matchup than Porter and Garcia
Everyone says a fight [is] can't-miss and it's mostly hyperbole, but in this case, it's not really hyperbole
Garcia is pretty much a straight-ahead guy that fights, and Porter is a pressure fighter who is never in a bad fight
As a fan, I love the main event." Showtime will televise. Garcia lost the WBC title in a split decision to Thurman in April 2017
Thurman hasn't fought since undergoing surgery, while Garcia bounced back with a stoppage of Brandon Rios in February
Porter won the IBF belt in 2013 by beating Devon Alexander at Barclays Center but lost it to Kell Brook a year later
Porter (28-2-1, 17 KOs) has won twice since. The winner Sept. 8 is sure to get another megafight early next year, if not sooner
"There have been big fights previously," DiBella said, mentioning Garcia's unification fight with Thurman
"And Garcia and Porter will continue to have quality careers after Sept. 8 if we have the kind of fight that we anticipate
But someone is taking a step closer to supremacy in the division. The winner of this fight is pretty much a final-four welterweight
" Garcia (34-1, 20 KOs) said he belongs in that group. see also Keith Thurman outlasts Danny Garcia in a fight to forget It was more of a clunker than a classic, with
"I'm excited for this fight because I'm a world championship-level fighter and this gives me the chance to be back where I've been for so long," he said
"It doesn't matter who it's against. I'm just happy to be back and fighting for the title
" Porter is happy, too. "After watching Danny do what he does and hearing him say what he'd do to me, I got stirred up to the point where I really wanted this fight," Porter said
"I made that known after his fight against Brandon Rios. This is a great opportunity to get the fight I wanted for my career
I'm thriving right now, and you'll see it on fight night." Garcia is from Philadelphia, while Porter is from Akron, Ohio, but both feel at home at Barclays
This will be Garcia's seventh fight in the building, while Porter is making his fifth appearance
"It's a great way to restart Brooklyn Boxing in post-summer," DiBella said. "The Barclays Center has become a home venue for both of them
" Tickets remain available.
Wolves news: Nuno Espirito Santo insists he doesn't have to prove anything to anyone - Duration: 3:16.Nuno's men entertain Everton this evening with and he has been bashing into their skulls that they need fear to fear no one
"In my opinion all my players could play in the top six sides," he said. "For me, my players are the best players in the world
I'll say it again – the best players in world. It sounds absurd to you maybe but the way I look at them, I admire them
"I don't make comparisons with anyone – for me, they are the best. I hope they feel the same way
" Nuno believes his men will not be crushed by the weight of expectation on them before a ball has even been kicked
He has spent big on a side which led the Championship for the whole of last season before winning it at a canter
"It is also about team spirit and conviction," he said. "In my eyes each of my players is the best one
I try hard every hour, every day to make that. "This is not a dream – it's reality
We're here and we live here. It's going to be tough, but we're ready for it. "I don't have to prove anything to anybody
The big challenge was last season building a team. There's still a long way to go but personally I don't have to prove anything to anyone
" Nuno knows there is no shortage of people who are tipping Wolves for a top-half finish after splashing £63m this summer
"We can't control expectations," he said. "It doesn't affect us. We're confident, we're happy and we're ready
"Everton will be tough. Marco Silva is a friend of mine. We'll have a glass of wine afterwards, for sure
" The Wolves boss is also determined not to fall foul of the new guidelines for touchline behaviour after a number of bust-ups with his excitable approach last season
He added: "I will try to be myself. After a couple warnings you are out, so I'll be careful
Last season some people made bad representation of some moments but I'm a very respectful person
I will be respectful to refs other managers and other teams." Wolves vs Everton kicks off at 5
30pm on Saturday.
SL Virtual World Live Streaming: The Rhoeth Chonicles: OMGS Suicidal Unborn and Ghoul 50% off SALE - Duration: 45:19.-------------------------------------------
Selena Gomez - Back To You (Anki Remix) - Duration: 4:15.I know I'd go back to you
I'd go back to you
I'd go back to you
I know I'd go back to you
I'd go back to you, I'd go back to you
I know I'd go back to you
I'd go back to you
I'd go back to you
I know I'd
I know I'd go back, back
If I could do it all again
When I'm lyin' close to someone else
I wanna hold you when I'm not supposed to
I know it's forward, but it's true
But when it heals, it beats for you
You could break my heart in two
This isn't what it could be
And I'll regret it if I didn't say
everybody knows, we got unfinished business
And what's the point in hidin'
Overthinkin' every word and I hate it 'Cause it's not me
Playin' and replayin' old conversations
We never got it right
I know I'd go back to you
I know I'd go back to you
If I could do it all again
You're stuck in my head and I can't get you out of it
When I'm lyin' close to someone else
I wanna hold you when I'm not supposed to
I know it's forward, but it's true
But when it heals, it beats for you
You could break my heart in two
Even though I do
And I gotta convince myself I don't want it
Every single word builds up to this moment
And every time we talk
Let a couple years water down how I'm feelin' about you
Thought that I could chase you with a cold evenin'
Took you like a shot
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