Thứ Năm, 9 tháng 8, 2018

Youtube daily report Aug 9 2018

The Law of Attraction

I'm not here to put down The Law of Attraction

so the basic thing that Neville taught me

and a lot of this is from the teachings of Neville

Neville Goddard who died in the 1970s,

he basically said

that all of us have within us

this amazing

capacity to manifest and attract

anything that we want into our life


how we call it

what what words that we use

we have to be able to say you know

in The Secret they say

you get what you want

you know and what is missing

and what Neville said and what has come to me

and what I got from the

I am discourses

what I get from the New Testament

which I read before I do that

is that you you say

I will attract into my life what I am

not what I want

and I am capable of attracting all things that

that the source is capable of attracting


that's the difference it's like

you get what you are rather than what you want

so you want to become

you can't go around and ask these devine beings

angels whatever you want to call them

can ask them to help me out

you have to

you have to become like they are

when you're when you become angelic

when you become a divine being yourself

when you are giving when you are serving

when you are in that place

they will come to you

that's what happened to you in India

you then begin to see yourself in everything

that's what the daodejing teaches as well

they call it your original nature

your original nature is

reverence for all of life



and service towards others

that's Lao Tzu 500 years before the birth of Christ

saying that's our original nature

reverence for all of life


kindness service towards other

giving, offering, serving

and when you get to that place

where you no longer have

any judgement within you

towards any of God's children

that means

no condemnation

no criticism

no judgement

towards anyone

even the Osama bin Laden

that's just what my mission is

it's just to teach people

that you are loved you are divine

put that into your imagination

I am well

I am happy

I am content

I am fullfilled

even if your senses tell you

that you're depressed

one of your people that called me

when we did a pre-interview on here

said well if I'm feeling depressed

I'm supposed to fool myself

and say I am feeling well

you don't say I am depressed

because if you say I am depressed

you connect with depression

and the universal source God

whatever you want to call it

it will align in such a way to

offer you whatever it is

so by placing into your imagination

what you want

and assuming the feeling

of that wish has already fulfilled

you go through your life feeling that

when enough of us do that

we will transform this planet

I'm telling you it can be done

us sitting here right here together

it's all part of this perfection

For more infomation >> The Universe Doesn't Have Your Back Unless You DO THIS | Law Of Attraction - Duration: 3:12.


Feelings Are Liars Sometimes - Duration: 7:31.

Is drinking hot tea while it's 110 degrees outside masochistic? Maybe. Am I

gonna do it anyway? You betcha. Tea is about 90 percent of my personality at

this point. So I was in my space having a think... I don't ever do that. I was having

a think about things I would like to talk about in videos and lo and behold

somebody asked me a question on tumblr about that very thing, so yeah. Strap in

buckle up, have fun and be yourself, cuz we're gonna do this. "I have

a really hard time connecting what I know with how I feel. As in, I can know

that a certain person or thing won't suddenly fix my problems or bring

lasting happiness, yet I still feel like they should and feel this unhappiness /

loneliness, so I pursue it anyway." Casually extremely relatable question

there, friend. I am in constant battle between the things that I know versus

the things that I feel. Pretty much come to the conclusion that I'm gonna be at

odds with those two things for my entire life.

Feelings a lot of the time are not to be trusted. They're to be felt. They're very real but they're not to be trusted.

My emotional brain is really emotional. I'm a highly emotional person. I know

that may be shocking for some of you to hear but I'm a really emotional person.

Sometimes when I get extremely emotional, I start behaving like a person that I

don't want to be. When I'm angry, I lash out at people. When I'm lonely, I make

self-destructive decisions. And it goes back to that sort of like instant

gratification addict brain that is just still fricken in there that just always

wants to feel better right now. My brain has become extremely good at doing

things that it needs to do to protect itself from the feelings that I feel.

Sometimes it takes that too far and it creates more problems and that's not

good. Example: right, I know that the people in my life particularly the

people that I work with care about me. They trust me. They think I do a good job.

I know all of those things. What I feel: they all hate me

and want to get rid of me at a moment's notice. Those are different things. When

I'm feeling that level of paranoia, what I know does not help.

Paranoia is like such an irrational emotion. It is something that is just

it's so just latched on to every tiny little detail that it then ratchets up

to the highest volume and nothing makes sense. Something I've learned about

feelings is that for feelings, things don't have to make sense for them to

resonate. I love my feelings. I don't want I don't want this video to sound like I

don't love them, because I love my feelings. I love just how much things

matter to me you know? When they happen, I love how moments affects me. I love how I

can completely give myself over to an experience in that moment because of my

emotions. But nothing in this world is all good and all bad because sometimes I

let myself go completely into a moment and it's bad for me. Sometimes I feel

things in response to situations that are just not real whatsoever and based

purely on perception. And where on the one hand I can fully archive and enjoy

and experience a moment, on the other hand I can be completely paralysed by it.

One of my most used tools in my individual toolbox is is my

self-awareness. I know how I get. I know how it be sometimes, and sometimes it be

like that. The hard part is using that knowledge and stopping yourself from

creating those bad experiences and those bad behaviors that you don't want do.

Dear anonymous messenger who sent me this message, you're talking about people

and relationships too and oh boy do I relate to that. I spent three years

without a social life in person extremely violently lonely. I made some

choices to invest myself in some people and and I thought it was good for me. I

felt it all was about the feeling of it all and I ignored the things that I knew.

I ignored the backdrop of situations. I ignored the behaviors of other people to

the point that I just got walked on all over. What you know, what you feel, life isn't

in binary so you gotta have both. If you're just making

reasonable measured fact-based choices throughout your entire life you're not

gonna take any risks whatsoever and you're gonna be bored and you're gonna

be lonely. If you make choices only on your feelings constantly throughout your

entire life you're gonna be a mess. You're gonna be an absolute mes s of a

person. I say that from experience as I've dabbled in both of those things.

What I'm attempting in my life right now is to try and find a balance between the

two. I've done all this work trying to piece together my individual story and

to understand why I behave the way I behave and why certain things affect me

the way they do. I've done so much work on that. At the same time though one of

my best qualities is the degree to which I feel emotion. It is never a bad thing

to care deeply and to feel deeply. I don't want those things to ever be

considered bad. And when you put those two things together I think you can get a

really healthy person, at least is what I believe. That's kinda what I have to

believe because it's what I'm spending a lot of time and energy doing. I have so

many people who like message me and send me things and a lot of time they come

from this perspective of belittling their own experience. I have a lot of

emoters a lot of feely types who come and and they talk about how their feelings

feel like a detriment to them. Your feelings are not a detriment to you.

Nothing is all good and nothing is all bad and feelings are incredible. They

allow things to matter in our lives. They allow things to to take us to different

places to different feelings different worlds memories all these things. I

think emotions are just, I love them. I also hate them.

I hate what they can be. I hate what they can do to me. And in the end I'm allowed

to do all of those things. What I want to kind of leave this video with is is an

attempt to both talk to myself and to others and that's: who you are and how

you experience the world is not a bad thing. I think and believe and know that

every single human being on this planet has something to offer the world and I

want to help that. I want to help that process.

Yeah I'm sad a lot of the time I am lonely a lot of the time. I sometimes

really dislike life, but I still believe that and I hope to continue believing

that and I hope that you guys believe that too. That's about it.

uh-huh yeah I am very sweaty right now very sweaty right now. I would love to

hear what you guys have to think in the comments down below. I've been loving

reading comments it just makes me feel very empowered and very supported. You

guys are wonderful. If you've missed a bunch of my last videos I do not know

how effective or how much the algorithm likes me right now in this moment but

but if you've missed some of my last videos there will be a playlist at the

end of this, end screen bits, where you can click and watch some of my face if

you want to see my face. I don't understand why you'd want to do that. And if you're

subscribed on patreon be sure to check out the bonus video that has gone up

there as well. I'm gonna go. My lower back is drenched because it's over 100

degrees outside and once again drinking hot tea and masochism at its best I love

you a lot and goodbye

For more infomation >> Feelings Are Liars Sometimes - Duration: 7:31.


10 MOST DIFFICULT ENGLISH ADJECTIVES | Pronunciation Lesson - Duration: 22:40.

Well hello! I'm Emma from mmmEnglish!

Now I have to admit that I'm a huge fan of adjectives.

I mean, I probably overuse adjectives

if I'm being completely honest with you,

but they are such a beautiful part of any language.

They allow you to go into detail, to add colour, flavour

and personality to all of your thoughts and your ideas.

One of the most noticeable differences between

intermediate level English speakers and advanced ones

is their use of adjectives.

Because yes, you can add meaning to your sentences

by using simple adjectives

like 'happy' or 'sad' or 'nice' or 'bored'

but life can be so much more

spectacular than that, can't it?

Your English can be much more colourful than that,


Using a wider range of adjectives will help you to

be more expressive, to show emotions and feelings

and to sound more interesting when you use English.

So if you need to refresh your memory about

how to use adjectives in English sentences,

then check out that lesson up there.

But right now, I've got ten adjectives for you

and I've specifically chosen them

because they're adjectives that English learners

often mispronounce.

They're all a little tricky.

There's a few silent letters, some strange vowel sounds,

different pronunciation of the same letter

in the same word.

But don't worry!

By the end of this lesson, you're going to have

all of these adjectives completely down!

You're going to be saying them much more confidently

and more often.

Let's start with...

Now if you haven't heard this word pronounced before,

it looks a little tricky.

There's two C's and two S's.

Of course, you know that in English, a C can sometimes

be pronounced in the same way as an S.

Many of my students,

they look at this word and take a guess and say


which is a nice try, I can see why

you would pronounce it that way but actually,

each C in this word is pronounced differently

and that's made clear

when you look at the phonemic script.

The first C is pronounced as a /k/ sound

at the end of the first syllable

and the second C is pronounced as a

/s/ sound at the start of the second syllable.

Now the second syllable is the stressed

syllable in this word and that's why you hear it

pronounced more strongly

while the first syllable is short and lower in pitch.

The final syllable is also unstressed.


The pronunciation is the same

throughout the word family. Success, successful,


And as frustrating as it is, that the same letter

is pronounced differently in the same word,

just accept it, practise it, remember it.


So 'successful' is used when someone achieves

the result that they want.

They're really happy and they're satisfied with the result.

He's a successful businessman.

We've had quite a successful year so far.

Anxious. Are you anxious looking at this one?

It's a little tricky!

There are three consonant sounds here together

which makes it quite challenging.

In the first syllable, the stressed syllable,

the strong vowel sound A

is followed by the /ŋ/ consonant.

And that consonant sound is usually made by the letters

-ng like in 'song'.

So my mouth is open slightly when I make this sound

and the back of my tongue is right up at the soft palate

in the back of my mouth.

For the second syllable, you'll hear the /k/

and the /ʃ/ consonant sounds.

So you're pushing that air through your mouth

to make the sound /kʃ/

Make sure you exaggerate this sound

while you're practising.

Pretend you're like a superhero fighting a monster.

And the following vowel sound will be unstressed,

the weak schwa sound /ə/


So this adjective is usually used to describe a person

and it's to do with their emotions or their feelings.

An anxious person is worried or nervous because

they think that something bad might happen.

I'm feeling really anxious about my interview tomorrow.

My friend doesn't like flying so he's always

quite anxious when we go travelling.


Over the years as an English teacher,

I've heard this word pronounced in several

different ways and all of the problems coming from

those two vowel letters in the middle.

The first common mistake is assuming that there are

four syllables but there's not, there's only three.

And the first syllable 'val' is the stressed syllable

the strongest one.

But the second syllable is quite tricky.

There's an extra consonant sound added,

one that you can't see in the written word.


So this adjective is really handy to know

because it can be used in a few different ways.

Now you often hear this adjective used for things like

jewellery or houses or cars

to tell that something is expensive

or worth a lot of money.

My grandmother gave me her sapphire brooch.

I think it's quite valuable, though I'd never sell it.

It's quite valuable.

But this is also an excellent adjective to describe

a person's qualities

and often used in a professional context.

So 'valuable' can not necessarily be about money

but about how important or useful someone is.

James is a really valuable member of our team.

That's a valuable piece of advice. Thanks.


Now most of the pronunciation problems with this

adjective relate to syllable stress.

There are four syllables.

The third is the strongest,

though the first one is also stressed.

The remaining two syllables are unstressed

so they reduce down, they become the schwa sound

which is always short and low in pitch.

Can you hear how the two weaker syllables

fade into the background?


This adjective is used when something is increasing

or growing really quickly.

The company has experienced exponential growth

over the last two years.

The renewable energy market is growing

at an exponential rate.

Complex. Now in standard British English,

there's just one way to pronounce this word

with the stress on the first syllable.


In American English, there is a difference between

the adjective 'complex'

and the noun 'complex'.

But the real pronunciation challenge here

is the cluster of consonants that are pronounced

at the end.

The letter X usually produces a sound that has

two consonant sounds pushed together,

/k/ and /s/

which is what makes this sound difficult.

Two consonants together is tough.

The sound is produced right at the back of the throat

while the sound is made with the tongue and the teeth

at the front of the mouth.

So really, creating this sound successfully is about

switching between these two these sounds smoothly.

So this adjective is used to describe something

that consists of many different and connected parts

that makes it quite difficult to understand or manage.

It's a complex issue but we need to find a solution.

The relationship between the general manager

and the marketing team is quite complex .

They've never really seen eye-to-eye.


The /r/ and the /l/

sounds in this word make it a real challenge

but there's actually a little variation

between English accents for this word

which is really common.

Officially, the correct pronunciation is 'rural' with a /ʊə/

vowel sound as the stressed syllable.

But I want to share a little tip with you because

in Australia, our pronunciation of this word is

much more relaxed.

So if you're having trouble pronouncing this word,

put on an Australian accent and say 'rural'.

You can use this adjective to describe characteristics

of the countryside rather than the city.

So usually it's

farming land or a small village in the country.

So the opposite of rural is 'urban'

which is characteristic of cities and towns.

The government will help rural communities

affected by the floods.

People are moving to rural areas

to live healthier lifestyles.

It's a bit of a tongue twister, isn't it?

Rural areas.


The stress is on the middle syllable here and there are

two things to pay attention to with this word.

One is the consonant cluster at the start of the word.

The consonant sounds

/s/ and /p/ together.

So if you're having some trouble with this,

we're going to go to the gym for a minute

and do a little workout.

Practising pronunciation is just like training at the gym.

We just need to train your muscles in your mouth to be

more comfortable doing something a little different.

/s/ and /p/ are both unvoiced consonant sounds

and the sound is made by pushing air

through your mouth.

So I want you to slowly bring these sounds together.

Now are you ready for your workout?

Take a deep breath and move back and forth

between these sounds really quickly, ready?

If these consonant sounds are too difficult

for you to pronounce, you need to do this workout daily.

Now the second challenge with this word is

the final consonant sound - the consonant at the end.

Make sure that you finish this word

on the consonant sound.

Don't get lazy and forget it. It's not 'specifi'

It's 'specific'.

And you can use it to explain that something is really

exact or detailed.

There are some general issues

that I need to discuss with you

but there's one specific issue that's quite urgent.

If you have any specific questions about

the accommodation, then please ask Sarah.


There are a lot of vowel letters in this word

which makes it a little confusing to work out

how to pronounce each syllable

and which one is stressed.

The first syllable is the strongest, the others relax.

For some reason this word is one

that native English speakers

sometimes get wrong as well. You might hear people

say 'mischievous' with four syllables

but that's incorrect. There are only three syllables here

and the stress is on the first syllable /ˈmɪs/

which means the second syllable reduces a little,

the vowel sound is short and fast.

There's also two difficult consonant sounds here 'ch' and /v/

So with both of these consonant sounds,

your lip position is really important

so I want you to exaggerate the position of your mouth

while you're practising with me just to make sure

that you're pronouncing and your producing

the correct sound.

So for 'ch', see how my lips are really flared, exaggerated,

and this sound is controlled by my tongue

in a similar way to the /t/ sound.

The tip of my tongue.

But also my tongue is tense all the way

along the sides here.

And they're pushed up against the inside of my top teeth

so we move through tʃɪ/

through the unstressed vowel sound to /v/

making sure that your top teeth

are touching your lower lip.


Now if you have cheeky children in your life, this

could be the perfect adjective to describe them.

So usually it's an adjective to describe children but it's

okay to describe adults with it sometimes or even pets.

It describes someone who has fun by being silly

and creating a disruption but not in a negative way,

not in a way that's

really annoying or that really harms anyone.

It's kind of a cute or funny attribute.

I was quite a mischievous child.

There are a few mischievous children in the classroom.


Now, this is a wonderful, descriptive adjective

that means harmful or damaging in some way.

So looking at this word,

it's the third syllable that is the strongest

and just like 'exponential'

the first syllable also has a secondary stress

so we can hear that one clearly as well

which means that the other two reduce.


But the second syllable is the most difficult here

because of the consonant cluster /trɪ/

with an unstressed vowel sound.

So it's like the noun 'tree', but with a shorter,

weaker vowel sound.

So as I said, the adjective 'detrimental' suggests that

something is creating a negative effect.

It's harmful or it's damaging in some way.

It had a detrimental effect on the company's growth.

The infection was detrimental to her recovery.

It was detrimental.


I've talked about this adjective before

in another pronunciation lesson

but it's so common and it's so often mispronounced

that it had to be included in this lesson as well.

The correct pronunciation of this word uses only

three syllables which means that this vowel

is completely silent.

So notice that the first syllable is the stressed one

and the following syllables reduce down

to the schwa sound.

Now you may hear native speakers using a tiny, tiny, tiny

extra syllable and say 'comfortable' which is fine too,

it's just a difference in accent or dialect.

And you may think that it's easier to pronounce

this word with four syllables, particularly if it's difficult

for you to pronounce the /f/ and /t/

consonant sounds together.

Of course people are going to understand you

whatever you say but please, please, please

make sure that that syllable is super, super tiny.

So hear how short and quick those schwa sounds are?

Like I said, 'comfortable' is the more

common pronunciation

so I recommend that you practise using that one.

I'm not comfortable doing that.

Are you comfortable with the decision?

Well that's it, ten tricky English adjectives

that English learners often mispronounce.

So I hope that this was a useful lesson for you.

Remember that if you haven't subscribed yet

to the mmmEnglish Channel please do it.

You just need to hit that red button right down there.

You can turn on the notifications

so that I notify you when I've got a new lesson ready!

But if you are ready right now

to keep practising with another lesson,

then check out these ones right here.

Thanks for watching today

and I'll see you for another English lesson next week.

Bye for now!

For more infomation >> 10 MOST DIFFICULT ENGLISH ADJECTIVES | Pronunciation Lesson - Duration: 22:40.


Chills - Sidelined (Official Music Video) - Duration: 2:34.

Ain't it funny

You with him, you say you love me

I've been trying to get away for sometime

Part ways with the life I chose

Take back what's mine

But it's all good

Ain't it funny

You with him, you say you love me

Thoughts stay here in my mind

Then you just act like its all fine

Mixed signs

Sick of trying

But it's all good

Ain't it funny

You with him, you say you love me

You're my saving grace

All in the worst ways

Let's just get away

Leave a good home ablaze

Ending our lives

But it's all good

Times change, people change, you just stay the same

Big respect my darlin'

You really have no shame

But when flames fade

You afraid of change

Don't know why I really care in the first place

Acting like a psycho

Named Norman Bates

Infinite lust

Look like figure eights

We get so high

Make me feel right

Let's end it all tonight

See the other side

Ain't it funny

You with him you say you love me

I've been trying to get away for some time

Part ways with the life I chose

Take back what's mine

But it's all good

Ain't it funny

You with him you say you love me

Thoughts stay here in my mind

Then you just act like it's all fine

Mixed signs

Sick of trying

But it's all good

Everclear shot end the sorrow

Lucky thing I had the whole bottle (Whole Bottle)

One word text saying sorry (Saying sorry)

And for a second, yeah, you really got me (Really got me)

This feels so real but only partly (Only partly)

Not coming over, Guess I'm tardy (Tardy)

See me in the sky where the stars be (Stars be)

Let the fire blaze, I feel so free

Ain't it funny

You with him, you say you love me

Ain't it funny

You with him, you say you love me

Ain't it funny

You with him, you say you love me

I've been trying to get away for some time

Away for some time

For more infomation >> Chills - Sidelined (Official Music Video) - Duration: 2:34.


Liverpool transfer : Roma president rues Mohamed Salah and Alisson deals ● News Now ● #LFC - Duration: 2:29.

ROMA president James Pallotta has admitted that the Italian heavyweights were powerless

to stop Mohamed Salah and Alisson completing moves to Liverpool.

Salah set a new Premier League record for the most goals in a 38-game season with 32.

His 44-goal haul across all competitions saw him rack up a number of individual accolades

as he formed a formidable front-three alongside Sadio Mane and Roberto Firmino.

The forward's first year at Liverpool makes the £37.9million fee that they spent on the

ex-Chelsea man appear a bargain - although it's easy to forget that it was widely questioned

when he first moved to Merseyside.

Liverpool returned to Rome for another big signing this summer, splashing a then-world

record fee on a keeper of £65m - £56m guaranteed with a further £9m in add-ons - on goalkeeper

Alisson last month.

Jurgen Klopp had long been linked with a move for the Brazilian shot-stopper but had been

put off by Roma's price demands.

Pallotta called Salah an "unbelievable bargain" in hindsight back in April, bemoaning that

he only had one year left on his contract and that UEFA were monitoring the club over

the Financial Fair Play rules - backing Roma a corner.

And in a Q&A interview with Roma players Kostas Manolas and Justin Kluivert on the club's

official YouTube channel, Pallotta opened up on the difficulty of losing Salah and Alisson.

Asked who was the hardest player to lose, the American businessman said: "I liked

Salah a lot.

"Unbeknownst to a lot of people, or a lot of people don't seem to know, is that we

didn't have a choice in him leaving.

"It was difficult.

He had one year left and he asked to leave and he felt like he had something to prove

back in the Premier League.

Salah's sensational first season saw him pen a new five-year contract with Liverpool

last month, improving his wages to £200,000-a-week to make him

the club's top earner.

For more infomation >> Liverpool transfer : Roma president rues Mohamed Salah and Alisson deals ● News Now ● #LFC - Duration: 2:29.


Manafort judge admits he was 'probably wrong' to scold prosecutors - Duration: 4:49.

For more infomation >> Manafort judge admits he was 'probably wrong' to scold prosecutors - Duration: 4:49.


Why Scientists are Giving Robots Human Muscles - Duration: 5:51.


As robotics has become more advanced, we're starting to see

more robots that look and move just like humans.

But there's still some room for improvement, like to robotic faces.

It's a complicated thing, the face.

We're still working on getting out of that Uncanny Valley, there.

And one way we might close that gap is to replace

clunky robotic parts with human ones.

While this might sound like Bicentennial Man, human-robot hybrids or

biohybrid robotics isn't a sci-fi dream, it's a real field that already exists.

And it's not just a way to make more life-like robots.

By mimicking our bodies better, biohybrid robots

might help scientists learn more about how we move,

why we're built the way we are, and how to fix

all these moving parts when something goes wrong.

Just like a human body, a robot generally needs a skeleton,

and ways to move that skeleton.

These include motors and actuators,

which can deliver rotational or linear forces to the joints of the skeleton.

In biohybrid robots, that movement comes from live muscle tissue.

Of course, scientists aren't just taking

entire muscles from humans and throwing them on a robot.

At least if they are, they're not telling us.

You don't know what they're doing in that weird volcano lair.

But, the legitimate scientists, they grow their own muscles.

This happens in a lab by culturing myoblasts,

embryonic cells with the unique ability to

differentiate into different muscle cells in a process called myogenesis.

To make muscles grow how they want,

the scientists create a scaffold in the form of a hydrogel,

a special water-based gel that's great at absorbing and retaining cells.

Inside the hydrogel, the cells form into muscle fibers,

long strands of muscle cells that all pull together in the same direction.

By altering the shape of the hydrogel,

the alignment of the muscle fibers can be tweaked and adjusted,

giving scientists control over the direction they pull in.

And once these fibers are formed, a tiny electric shock

is all it takes to make them contract.

They are then ready to be connected to the joints of a robotic skeleton, and voila!

A biohybrid robot is born, or built, I guess.

We don't have whole human replicates running around, though. Not yet, anyway.

Scientists at the University of Tokyo just managed

to get small muscle pairs working in early 2018.

That's because there are a number of limitations

that need to be overcome before biohybrid robots really take off.

These lab-grown muscles don't have any way to repair themselves,

so they only last a few days to a week.

In your body, muscles receive spare parts via your blood.

But biohybrid robots don't have that fluid exchange system,

so once the tissue wears down, that's it.

And this breakdown is accelerated by the friction generated when the muscles move.

So, your muscles are surrounded by epimysia and fascia,

connective tissues which separate individual muscles

and help them glide smoothly past each other.

So to last longer, biohybrid robots need

some kind of biocompatible lubricant to reduce friction, like bio-WD40.

Also, the electrical stimulation part could use some work.

While it does get the job done, it's difficult to control precisely

how strongly the muscle contracts, especially for sustained contractions.

So fine motor movements aren't really possible yet.

The electricity also contributes to wear and tear.

The muscles have to stay wet, so using electricity inevitably causes some of that water

to separate into hydrogen and oxygen gas, a process called electrolysis.

These gas bubbles, in turn, further damage the muscles.

One possible way to get around that is to grow motor neurons

in the muscle tissue and let them command the muscles instead.

Which seems a little too close to a Westworld host for my comfort.

But there are some good reasons to continue

perfecting these biohybrid robots, even if they seem pretty creepy.

One big advantage of using real muscles is that they are flexible.

And the idea of using soft, flexible moving parts

is the driving force behind the field of Soft Robotics.

These robots use things like cables and

inflatable bladders to move instead of metallic motors.

And their flexibility allows them to adapt better to new tasks.

Biohybrid robots could lead to better soft robots,

including ones that would be safe to use on or even in our bodies,

since they won't have as many sharp bits or cell-harming chemicals in them.

But what's really exciting to scientists is that biohybrid robots can move like us.

That means they can help us understand why we move the way we do,

how our brains control our bodies, and how to fix things if they go wrong.

The human body is an incredibly complex machine.

Hundreds of muscles are responsible for moving the joints in our limbs

that allow us to work and play and do things like

click that button below to subscribe to SciShow. Yep.

Several muscles can be responsible for a single movement,

and a single muscle can contribute to several different movements.

And that means if someone develops a motor impairment,

it can be difficult to understand exactly what's going on.

For example, people recovering from a stroke

sometimes experience hemiparesis, or weakness on one side of the body.

Others may have muscle synergies, where activating

one set of muscles results in the involuntary activation of another.

Both conditions may be a result of missing or mixed communication from the brain,

changes to the muscles themselves, or some combination of the two.

Having a biohybrid robot that mimics a human arm might help scientists

better understand how these conditions arise and, more importantly,

how therapists can best work with patients to help them recover.

Basically, we have to build ourselves from scratch to fully understand these marvelous bodies.

Which I'm fine with, so long as we stop short of that full-on Westworld scenario,

where I'm not sure whether Caitlin's real or not.

Also I wouldn't mind if we made some progress on those faces. It's not good.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow!

If you want to continue learning about how humans work,

stick around by clicking on that subscribe button, using all your muscles!

And if you want to learn more about how your muscles work

and how to make them, you can check out our episode on proteins.


For more infomation >> Why Scientists are Giving Robots Human Muscles - Duration: 5:51.


WATCH LIVE: #HolyFire Threatens Homes In Lake Elsinore - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> WATCH LIVE: #HolyFire Threatens Homes In Lake Elsinore - Duration: 1:37.


"Лесник. Своя земля". 48 серия - Duration: 56:22.

For more infomation >> "Лесник. Своя земля". 48 серия - Duration: 56:22.


Woman Warned Of Machete-Wielding Man In Queens - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> Woman Warned Of Machete-Wielding Man In Queens - Duration: 1:38.


The Biggest Bird! - Duration: 3:30.

[ ♪ INTRO ♪ ]

Guess what we saw this morning!

[Squeaks is too excited to wait]

Sure, you go ahead and tell them, Squeaks.

Which birds did you spot?

Yeah, we saw a bunch of crows!

… and a hawk …

… and we even saw a tiny hummingbird zipping around!

I think it would be fun to fly like one of those birds, too, Squeaks.

But with all the beautiful birds out there, I also love birds that can't fly.

Especially ostriches — huge birds that live in Africa!

Ostriches can grow to be 2 meters, or 6 feet tall — that's taller than most grown-ups!

[Squeaks squeaks]

I know!

That is one big bird.

And I bet you can guess why they can't fly …

It's because they're so huge!

Their wings aren't strong enough to lift them into the air — they're too heavy.

Instead, ostriches are built for life on the ground, and they use their legs to get around.

It helps that ostriches have some of the most impressive bird legs out there!

When they need to get somewhere quickly, they can run up to 70 kilometers an hour, or about

45 miles an hour.

That's faster than cars drive down some streets!

Ostriches normally walk along the ground, looking for plant seeds to eat, but if a predator

that wants to eat them gets close, they can run away really fast.

[Squeaks asks a question]

Oh, Squeaks wants to know how many other birds don't fly.

While most birds do fly, there are fifty kinds of birds that get around by walking or swimming


We talked about some of them once — penguins!

Remember, Squeaks?

Instead of flying, penguins waddle around on land.

But what they're really good at is swimming through the water.

Not being able to fly really changes things for a bird!

But even though flightless birds move differently, ostriches and flying birds still have a lot

in common.

Can you think of anything, Squeaks?

[Squeaks thinks, then squeaks some answers.]

Great idea, Squeaks.

Ostriches still lay hard eggs, just like other birds.

Ostrich eggs are some of the biggest in the world.

They're bigger than a softball!

If I had one here, it would barely fit in my hand.

Instead of making a nest in a tree, ostriches lay their eggs on the ground, and keep them

safe by staying close and scaring away any predators that might want to eat their eggs.

What else do you notice that's the same about ostriches and other birds, Squeaks?

[Squeaks answers]

Yes, ostriches still have wings and feathers.

Instead of using their wings to fly, ostriches use them for balance while they run so they

don't fall over!

Their feathers are a bit different from other birds', too.

If you look closely, the feather is a bit spread out, so it's very fluffy and light.

Those feathers make an ostrich's wing look kind of like a big paper fan — like this


And it works the same way.


We can use this fan just like an ostrich uses its fluffy feathers, Squeaks!

I could use a chance to cool down after sharing all of this awesome animal knowledge with


Would you rather be a flying bird, like a crow or a sparrow, or a flightless bird like

an ostrich?

Which other amazing animals would you love to learn about?

Ask a grown-up to help you leave a comment below, or send us an email at

We'll see you next time, here at the Fort!

[ ♪ OUTRO ♪ ]

For more infomation >> The Biggest Bird! - Duration: 3:30.


The History of Spider-Man Games Part 4: A New Day | Playing With Powers | NowThis Nerd - Duration: 9:36.

Hi, I'm Moose, this is 'Playing With Powers,'

and you've made it to the final episode of our history of Spider-Man games!

Last time, we looked at the tie-ins inspired by Sam Raimi's movie trilogy,

and today, we're exploring the last few years of Spidey's evolution,

all the way up to the new game from Insomniac studios.

So refill your energy meter,

enter the Spider-Verse,

and party like it's 2099,

because this is

Part 4: 2008 - 2018

Before we get into any alternate dimensions,

we've got to talk about a AAA Spidey game that almost went under the radar,

'Spider-Man: Web of Shadows'

Spider-Man games have always been a product of their times.

The '80s and '90s were rife with brawlers and 2D platformers,

the 2000s embraced the open world,

and by 2008, the new hotness was moral choice systems.

Say 'goodnight,' Manuel.

You cannot silence me! My voice must be heard!

That might have been a little extreme, Commander.

'Bioshock' and 'Mass Effect' had just come out the year before,

offering players the opportunity to pick whether they'd be a moral Paragon,

or a Little Sister-slaughtering Renegade.

Developers everywhere started started cramming morality systems into their games,

and Spider-Man was no exception.

'Web of Shadows' uses the symbiote suit to let Spider-Man embrace his dark side,

with different moves and plot developments depending on what costume you use in combat,

and how nasty you want to be.

Like in most games of the era,

your choices aren't as impactful as the marketing made it seem.

There are only seven major decisions to make,

like whether you give in to the Black Cat's advances,

or decide to rip symbiote Wolverine in half.

I'll kill you for this!

Wolverine is safe. Get back here and pick him up.

Your choices and actions in the wide open world lead to one of four possible endings,

including one where MJ where breaks up with Peter,

which is harsh, but not as bad as when she died in the bad ending to 'Spider-Man vs. The Kingpin.'

Mary Jane!

'Web of Shadows' is no slouch as far as Spidey games go,

even it's DS port is a solid take on a webslinging Metroidvania,

but it exists in a weird space in the Spidey canon.

Memories of the Raimi trilogy were still fresh,

and salt still lingered from the poor reception to 'Spider-Man 3.'

It may have been too soon for an all-new take on the character,

but two years later,

fans were ready to embrace four, in

Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions

Spidey is one of the most versatile characters in all of comics,

and he's been translated into dozens of elseworlds and alternate realities,

from 1602 to Spectacular Spider-Hams.

Is that a... Cartoon pig?


'Shattered Dimensions' was an attempt to unite four very different takes on the character,

as they assist Madame Web in her quest to unite the cosmic macguffins known as the Tablets of Order and Chaos.

Gameplay wise, it strays from the wide-open structure of its predecessors,

in favor of a linear, dimension-hopping adventure.

Each Spider-Man has their own unique look and combat style.

The mainstream 'Amazing' Spidey lives in a colorful comic world,

using his arsenal of web-based weapons to control crowds.

Ultimate Spidey is ensconced in the symbiote suit,

giving him God of War-style brawling abilities in a cel-shaded style.

Spider-Man 2099 was focused on speeding through a bright neon future,

and Noir's stealthy sections have a realistic tone and filmic filters that made it resemble the Batman: Arkham series.

It's an awesome tribute to Spidey history,

Especially when you consider each version is voiced by someone who's played Peter Parker in the past.

Amazing is voiced by Neil Patrick Harris from the 2003 MTV show,

Noir is played by Christopher Daniel Barnes of the '90s Animated Series,

Miguel O'Hara is Dan Gilvezan, from 'Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends,'

and Josh Keaton from the Spectacular Spider-Man plays Ultimate Spidey.


I really hate this fella.

C'mon! He's a blast to kick in the face!

Pal, you got SHOCKED!

The universes aren't exactly like their comic counterparts,

but it's an awesome tribute to some interesting iterations of Spider-Man, courtesy of writer Dan Slott,

who was inspired by his work on 'Shattered Dimensions' when he created the 2014 'Spider-Verse' comics event,

paving the way for the amazing-looking animated feature.

How many more Spider-people are there?

Save it for Comic Con.

What's Comic Con?

The game was followed up by 'Spider-Man: Edge of Time,'

which played similarly but halved the number of playable Spider-Men,

with only Amazing and 2099 making the cut in the time-travelling sequel.

It's still a solid game,

but a lot of it feels rehashed from 'Shattered Dimensions.'

And speaking of rehashes,

We've finally come to

The Amazing Spider-Man

As far as the Marc Webb movies go,

I'll just be kind and say they were a mixed bag.

Andrew Garfield was definitely a more energetic Spidey,

he and Emma Stone were a way better couple than Kirsten and Tobey,

and hell yeah, mechanical webshooters!

but overall, the movies just feel like joyless, cynical cash-ins churned out by Sony in a desperate attempt to force their own cinematic universe.

If you liked them, more power to you,

but I'd rather play the games.

The first 'Amazing Spider-Man' game returned to the open world exploration of 'Spider-Man 2,'

and took inspiration from the 'Arkham' games, with it's rhythmic, counter based brawls,

but sadly, it regressed to the PS1-era web swinging mechanics.

Once more, you automatically shoot webs into the sky where they stick to god knows what,

although the addition of the "web rush" mode was a cool compromise that let you plot a stylish path across the city,

even when you're playing as Stan Lee.


The story, such as it is, is actually a sequel to the movie,

where Spidey and the Lizard team up to stop Alistair Smythe and his Spider Slayers.

Other non-movie appearances include Vermin, the Scorpion, and a mutated Rhino,

who would be immediately retconned as Paul Giamatti in a mech suit in the next movie.

I am the Rhino! I told you I would be back!

'The Amazing Spider-Man 2' also inspired a game,

although this one has even less to do with the film.

Electro is barely in it,

instead Spidey has his hands full dealing with Kraven, Kingpin, and Carnage.

I do appreciate that it ties up the loose end of Uncle Ben's killer,

Horrible. But at least it's finally over. The man who took Ben from us will never hurt anyone again.

might have been nice to see that in the movie itself, but hey,

and the web swinging makes a little more sense compared to the first game,

with each shoulder trigger controlling a separate shooter.

This was also Spidey's first appearance on PS4 and Xbox One,

unless you count the LEGO games,

but 'Amazing 2' was developed with the older systems in mind,

so they couldn't go HAM with the graphics.

We just finished level 3 and need to tighten the graphics a little bit.


And my mom said I would never get anywhere with these games!

This was the last Spider-Man game before Activision lost the license in 2014,

which, by the way, is the reason so many of the games we covered in this series are no longer available for purchase.

For a little while, there was simply more money in

Mobile Games

Big movie studios eventually realized that it didn't make much sense to spend millions of dollars making a AAA game,

when they could just slap their IP over a Bejeweled clone and rake in way more dough.

There have been Spidey games on cell phones going back to 2003,

and more recently he's appeared in 'Contest of Champions,' 'Avengers Academy,' and about a million other Marvel mobile games with microtransactions out the wazoo.

There are some deserving of a shout-out, like 'Total Mayhem,' a legit third-person action game,

and 'Spider-Man Unlimited.'

Not to be confused with the extremely bizarre follow up to the '90s animated series,

'Unlimited' is a Temple Run-style endless runner with boss fights, tons of bonus costumes,

and an energy system that makes you pay if you want to play without waiting.

For a while, this looked like the future of superhero gaming,

but in 2016, Sony announced an all-new AAA title simply titled


There's never been that one masterpiece that defined Spider-Man for the medium of videogames the same way 'Arkham's' polish and prestige did for Batman,

but the upcoming PS4 exclusive might just fit the bill.

Insomniac Studios has made a lot of promises for their upcoming 'Spider-Man:'

a return to the physics-based webswinging and wide open world of 'Spider-Man 2,'

a commitment to classic costumes and comic book lore ala Neversoft's Spidey,

and all-new opportunities to flesh out characters like MJ and Miles Morales,

who never really got their due in videogames.

It seems like the studio has taken lessons from all the games that came before,

and incorporated them into a gorgeous new adventure set in a brand new universe.

It could be a return to greatness after decades of so-so Spidey games.

Our friendly neighborhood hero has appeared in over 30 games since he first swung from a pixelated web in 1982,

Many have been spectacular,

some were amazing,

and a few were straight-up awful,

but at this point, Spider-Man is as much of a videogame character as Link or Solid Snake,

It's a testament to his enduring popularity,

and how his powers and personality translate perfectly to the medium.

For more infomation >> The History of Spider-Man Games Part 4: A New Day | Playing With Powers | NowThis Nerd - Duration: 9:36.


Trump's Friends From Mar-A-Lago Have Become The New Shadow Government - Duration: 4:02.

According to a major new report by ProPublica, Donald Trump has been using a group of, I

guess you'd call them shadow advisors or maybe even a shadow government at this point of

his wealthy donors and wealthy members of Mar-a-Lago.

See, here's what's happened, there is a group of three people according to ProPublica who

are members of Mer-a-Lago.

They're very good friends with Donald Trump and they have basically been calling the shots

at the Department for Veterans Affairs.

You know that department that Republicans tell us has been destroyed for years and Liberals

destroyed it, even though it was actually George W. Bush who underfunded it and really

turned it into a crap hole.

But nonetheless, rather than having members of the military come in and explain how to

make it better or maybe even medical experts, Trump is using these three men, three wealthy

men from Mar-a-Lago to help make decisions.

Here's what ProPublica actually reported here.

Last February, shortly after Peter O'Rourke became chief of staff for the Department of

Veterans Affairs, he received an email from Bruce Moskowitz with his input on a new mental

health initiative for the VA.

"Received," O'Rourke replied, "I will begin a project plan and develop a timeline

for action."

Now Moskowitz, the man who sent that email, is not in any kind of authority role over


He's not even in the Government, he never even served in the military.

He is just a wealthy doctor from Mar-a-Lago who happens to be one of the three men who

is now advising groups like the VA on what they're supposed to be doing.

The other two, Ike Perlmutter, the reclusive chairman of Marvel Entertainment and a lawyer

named Marc Sherman.

Now according to ProPublica, these men have had input on all sorts of things.

Ike Perlmutter is actually one of the first people Donald Trump calls whenever he has

a question about what should happen at the VA according to reports or people down there

at Mar-a-Lago.

Perlmutter's the guy that Donald Trump calls first to get his input on it.

If you wanna know why, ProPublica explains that as well.

All of these men have some kind of financial stake in business that gets done through the

Veterans Administration.

They're doctors, they're lawyers, they're in the entertainment industry and they've

also created an app that would allow veterans to find local medical facilities.

Sounds good on the surface, but it would actually just make them a ton of money and they don't

care about the quality of service.

Here's the problem.

This type of informal advisory council is not legal.

Now, there are a legal avenues to go through that could make this totally legit and on

the level, but they would have to have Government overside, they would have to have a budget

committee, they would have to have all sorts of people looking over their shoulders.

They don't have that.

These happen to just be extremely wealthy people that Donald Trump likes to associate

with and now he's letting them call the shots at one of the most dysfunctional government

agencies that we have today.

The VA could be fixed and it could be serving our veterans in the way that they deserve,

but instead Trump is letting his wealthy friends from Mar-a-Lago call the shots, which is not

going to help anyone coming back from serving this country get the care that they deserve.

They put their lives on the line.

They least we could do is take care of them and maybe put somebody with some medical and

military experience in charge of that, not this group of three billionaires and millionaires

sitting down in South Florida trying to make a quick buck off the pain and suffering of

these soldiers coming back from overseas.

But unfortunately, that is exactly what is happening today.

For more infomation >> Trump's Friends From Mar-A-Lago Have Become The New Shadow Government - Duration: 4:02.


Hamster 's stepping tail are too cute!【Funny & cute hamster make your feel at ease】 - Duration: 2:19.

Thanks for subscribing to my channel!Please RT!

For more infomation >> Hamster 's stepping tail are too cute!【Funny & cute hamster make your feel at ease】 - Duration: 2:19.


Man arrested in fatal Kroger shooting - Duration: 0:24.

For more infomation >> Man arrested in fatal Kroger shooting - Duration: 0:24.


It's Real - Duration: 5:11.

Hey Mike! How was your weekend?

It was great!

I Didn't look at the news a SINGLE TIME !

I feel SO clean!

Uh, are we out of coffee?

Trump started a trade war with Brazil, Colombia, AND Ethiopia on Saturday over twitter.

Coffee is now thousands per cup and only the mega-wealthy drink it.

Coffee? Well la-dee-da!

Mr. Moneybags over here, amirite?

This idi-oat over here didn't read the news all weekend.

[hysterically laughing] idi-oat!!!


Oh, Trump couldn't stop calling reporters that at the press conference...

...after the pee tape came out on sunday.

It's a meme now.

It's kind of dated, already.

P...Pee tape?! Must read news now!

No don't do it! It's too much all at once!

What's happening to that bellhop?

[long scream]

I get his coffee mug.

Ah, another staged mass shooting.

Where do they get all these crisis actors?

I'll take a tall coffee and a banana nut muffin.

I'm sorry. We're out of muffins

Hmmm. Oh, I see what happened here.

The FBI and the UN are hoarding these delicious baked goods...

to feed ISIS shock troops housed in empty Wal-Marts in Texas!

Once the terrorist infiltrators eat your ill-gotten muffins,

they'll have the energy to launch an attack— imposing sharia law...

so Hillary Clinton can personally castrate every gun- loving American patriot!

So... what do I put on the cup?

Make it anonymous.

So, is that cash or credit?


[dramatic music]

Well, that's the last muffin in the city.

Yes. And now to begin opperation soy boy.

Quick grab all the real milk!

[heavy breathing]

[gun shot]

A killer is on the loose.

[gun shots]

Or rather KILLERS are on the loose.

[gun shots]

No man, woman, or child is safe...

From the Trigger Fingerz!

Dammit! That's our precinct's fourth officer-involved shooting ... today!

Explain yourselves!

Meet Sloppy Cop.

I was just cleanin' my bang-bang and it went off.

[gun shot]

Just like that!

Scaredy Cop.

I got scared.

Sergeant Barks Alot.

And Gunther, the Nazi cop.

I'm just a huge racist. Big time.

OK. Your stories check out.

Now get back out there!

There's a whole community to terrori- I mean, protect!

Trigger Fingerz!

Coming to a neighborhood near you,

whether you like it or not!

Welcome ladies.

You're a ten. You're a nine. Yourinate.

Excuse me?

I said URINATE, on the bed.

Nyet! No tinkle.

Look, I paid for pee stuff, okay?

Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Get it nice and wet, right there where Obama slept.

All of you now! What? Not you bellboy.

Now get some in the bowl. Yeah. Just like that. Fantastic.

So, did you want make sex now...or?

I got what I want. The pee of three slavic goddesses

Now for the rest of the ingredients.

Huge goat tongue. Eye of newt...Gingrich. Trump steak.

And the pièce de résistance, a pair of my daugher's panties.

Mmm. Delicious.

[slurp] Mmm. Tangy. Someones been eating borscht.

Uhhh...Can you read this?

Peerictus Urethra Pee-ezlebub.

[demonic noises] [screams]

[demonic howl]

Who dares trap the prince of darkness?

Donald Trump- You have performed the urine ritual!

I must grant you one wish in exchange for my release.

We did this before when I made your hot daughter.

What dost thou desire? Hire ratings?

Already the highest.

A fourth wife?

Not yet.

The American Presidency.

Sounds awful.

Then what?! Free me from-

Big Mac and a Diet Coke.

This foreign food hurts my tum-tum.

Wait, is that two things?

You know what? I'll cut you a deal, pee boy.

Another great deal for Donald Trump. Ok.

Hey, Can I get Fox News on this thing?

So, what are you all doing later?

Eight million rubles! This never sees the light of day right?

Oh, absolutely. It's secure VHS tape. Not like your uh...e-mail.

For more infomation >> It's Real - Duration: 5:11.


The FBI Made A Shocking Admission About Prosecuting Hillary Clinton - Duration: 15:17.

For more infomation >> The FBI Made A Shocking Admission About Prosecuting Hillary Clinton - Duration: 15:17.


News Corporation beats on earnings - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> News Corporation beats on earnings - Duration: 1:10.


Trump's Space Force will help deter adversaries: Former NASA astronaut - Duration: 4:41.

For more infomation >> Trump's Space Force will help deter adversaries: Former NASA astronaut - Duration: 4:41.


Bronx Bodega Where 'Junior' Was Killed Reopens - Duration: 0:38.

For more infomation >> Bronx Bodega Where 'Junior' Was Killed Reopens - Duration: 0:38.


Design Challenge: Analog Breadboard Synth - Duration: 5:01.

Hi, I'm Shinichi, and today we're gonna learn about how sound is made through

analog technology. In this case, we will construct a synthesizer on a breadboard

circuit. This creates sound through electric current and resistance. Towards

the end, we'll hook this up to a pencil line drawing where the graphite provides

some additional resistance. For today's exercise, we're going to use a Tech Will

Save Us kit, which puts all our components together in a convenient easy

to assemble package. You don't need this kit to create the synth. You can also

find the components through electronics retailers such as Fry's Electronics or

online through a website like Adafruit. So here are the components you'll need:

breadboard, jumper wires, resistors and capacitors, potentiometers, integrated

circuit chip, speaker, 9-volt battery clip, and 9-volt battery. A breadboard is a

medium that makes it easy to create circuits without having to solder. This

is a safe way to configure and reconfigure a circuit and it's a great

way to troubleshoot or to create a prototype. The wire ends of components

are placed in nickel silver clips underneath the holes on the half

breadboard which is used here. You can identify the coordinates of specific

holes on the board by letters through A through J, which is like the x-axis and

numbers 1 through 30 which is like a negative y-axis. This is important to

know when it comes to placing your components. First, place your red and

black power wires on the board. Next, place your integrated circuit in the

middle of the board above the ravine or the groove in the middle of the

breadboard. Afterwards, place your blue gray brown and purple jumper wires on

the board. Identify resistors and place them on the board. Here you want to look

at the color of stripes very carefully as the difference in one or two stripes

helps identify which ones they are. It doesn't matter which end you place

and which hole with your coordinates as these resistors are not polarized. With

the capacitors, pay attention to which wire end is long and which one is short.

Unlike the resistors, capacitors are polarized and it does matter which hole

you place which end into. Place the button near the integrated circuit then

place potentiometers on the left side of the board. Get your green and yellow

jumper wires with their matching alligator clips and place them at the

top-right that starts with J. And getting to last, attach your speakers to the

lower side of the breadboard. And finally, attach your 9-volt battery

clip and then attach the battery after you have attached the green and yellow

jumper wires. Create a pencil line drawing using the number 2 pencil. Make

the line thick as the graphite from the pencil led provides the resistance in

making the noise. You can think of your drawing as a secondary circuit attached

to the breadboard synth you had just built. The starting point of your line

drawings should be at the edge of the paper where you will connect the green

alligator clip. You will use the tip of the yellow alligator clip to drag it

along the pencil lines.

Push the button and have the tip of the yellow alligator clip make contact to

make your music. Experiment with the drawings to see which of the lines and

which of the shapes provide the most resistance for making the sounds. Where

do you find limits with the lines? Which drawings allow the signals to travel as

far as possible? Which shapes do you get the which shapes you get the most out of

your drawing? Let's let's rock and roll!

For more infomation >> Design Challenge: Analog Breadboard Synth - Duration: 5:01.


A Letter to Miguel [ENG.& Spanish subs] - Duration: 1:51.

Hello, Miguel! How are you? My name is Jocy

Me and you have one friend in common and it's a little bird

And this little bird told me about the news the doctor gave you not that long ago.

I want to give you 3 reasons why this isn't too bad

1. Although it'll be done differently, you can still play sports

You can also learn how to play music! I start playing when I was 8!

2. You're going to drive better than those that can drive jajajajaja

3. You're going to have up-close seating in the movies and the best tables at restuarants

And the very fun part, is that everyone will spoil you!

Miguel, I'm not going to lie to you.

It will be a little hard, but I want you to remember this

When you are having hard times

I want you to make a list of all the things you can do

And I want you to remember all of these wonderful things you can do because these things will make your life very happy

Miguel, using a wheelchair is not a bad thing.

It can be very fun!

Miguelito, have fun with your life. Make it fun

Enjoy your life, and life will be enjoyable to you

Well, take care of yourself and behave, and I wish all the best to you and your family.

~si se puede!~

For more infomation >> A Letter to Miguel [ENG.& Spanish subs] - Duration: 1:51.


Chelsea transfer news: Eden Hazard, N'Golo Kante to Real Madrid claim from Sky Sports man - Duration: 2:34.

 That's according to Sky Sports pundit Paul Merson, who says Maurizio Sarri's side would be mid-table without the key duo

 Chelsea have experienced a summer of change buoyed by the high-profile arrivals of Jorginho, Kepa Arrizabalaga and Mateo Kovacic at Stamford Bridge

 But they face the prospect of potentially seeing Hazard and Kante following in the footsteps of Thibaut Courtois, who left them for Real in a £35m deal

 Real have until the end of August to complete their remaining business and the Chelsea duo are of the required calibre to star at the Bernabeu

 Merson claims Chelsea might field offers for Hazard and Kante if Real wave goodbye to Luka Modric, who's being chased by Inter Milan

 "I don't know what's going to happen at Chelsea, if I'm honest," Merson told Sky Sports

 "You have to remember, the Spanish window hasn't finished yet. "If Luka Modric does go and Real Madrid have all that money to play with, they go for Eden Hazard and N'Golo Kante and then suddenly, Chelsea are a mid-table team

" Merson has also raised doubt about Chelsea's decision to make Kepa the world's most expensive goalkeeper

 "I like Jorginho, he's top drawer," Merson added. "Mateo Kovacic from Real Madrid could be anything, but the goalkeeper is only 23 - you tell me how many world class goalies there are at 23, if any

 "In time, it could be a good transfer, but not now. "This is going to be hard for Kepa, he will probably turn out to be great, but that is a lot of money for a kid and in goalkeeping terms, he is a kid

 "It's very rare you get goalies that young going for that much. "It's a lot of money

" Meanwhile, Chelsea missed out on a deadline day deal for Nabil Fekir with Lyon chief Jean-Michel Aulas said to have bumped up his price tag to a mega £72m

Chelsea transfer news: What business did the Blues do this summer? In Jorginho (Napoli) £57m Robert Green Free Mateo Kovacic (Real Madrid) Loan Kepa Arrizabalaga (Athletic Bilbao) £72m Out Mitchell Beeney (released) Wallace Oliveira (released) Trevoh Chalobah (Ipswich) Loan Nathan Baxter (Yeovil) Loan Reece James (Wigan) Loan Dujon Sterling (Coventry) Loan Lewis Baker (Leeds) Loan Jake Clarke-Salter (Vitesse) Loan Danilo Pantic (Partizan) Loan Jonathan Panzo (Monaco) Undisclosed Eduardo (Vitesse) Loan Kenedy (Newcastle) Loan Jhoao Rodriguez (Tenerife) Loan Jamal Blackman (Leeds) Loan Todd Kane (Hull) Loan Mason Mount (Derby) Loan Jeremie Boga (Sassuolo) Undisclosed Mario Pasalic (Atalanta) Loan Nathan (Atletico Mineiro) Loan Jacob Maddox (Cheltenham Town) Loan Victorien Angban (Metz) Loan Kasey Palmer (Blackburn) Loan Kyle Scott (Telstar) Loan Thibaut Courtois (Real Madrid) £35m

For more infomation >> Chelsea transfer news: Eden Hazard, N'Golo Kante to Real Madrid claim from Sky Sports man - Duration: 2:34.


For more infomation >> Chelsea transfer news: Eden Hazard, N'Golo Kante to Real Madrid claim from Sky Sports man - Duration: 2:34.


Chelsea transfer news: Eden Hazard, N'Golo Kante to Real Madrid claim from Sky Sports man - Duration: 3:56.

 That's according to Sky Sports pundit Paul Merson, who says Maurizio Sarri's side would be mid-table without the key duo

 Chelsea have experienced a summer of change buoyed by the high-profile arrivals of Jorginho, Kepa Arrizabalaga and Mateo Kovacic at Stamford Bridge

 But they face the prospect of potentially seeing Hazard and Kante following in the footsteps of Thibaut Courtois, who left them for Real in a £35m deal

 Real have until the end of August to complete their remaining business and the Chelsea duo are of the required calibre to star at the Bernabeu

 Merson claims Chelsea might field offers for Hazard and Kante if Real wave goodbye to Luka Modric, who's being chased by Inter Milan

 "I don't know what's going to happen at Chelsea, if I'm honest," Merson told Sky Sports

 "You have to remember, the Spanish window hasn't finished yet. "If Luka Modric does go and Real Madrid have all that money to play with, they go for Eden Hazard and N'Golo Kante and then suddenly, Chelsea are a mid-table team

" Merson has also raised doubt about Chelsea's decision to make Kepa the world's most expensive goalkeeper

 "I like Jorginho, he's top drawer," Merson added. "Mateo Kovacic from Real Madrid could be anything, but the goalkeeper is only 23 - you tell me how many world class goalies there are at 23, if any

 "In time, it could be a good transfer, but not now. "This is going to be hard for Kepa, he will probably turn out to be great, but that is a lot of money for a kid and in goalkeeping terms, he is a kid

 "It's very rare you get goalies that young going for that much. "It's a lot of money

" Meanwhile, Chelsea missed out on a deadline day deal for Nabil Fekir with Lyon chief Jean-Michel Aulas said to have bumped up his price tag to a mega £72m

Chelsea transfer news: What business did the Blues do this summer? In Jorginho (Napoli) £57m Robert Green Free Mateo Kovacic (Real Madrid) Loan Kepa Arrizabalaga (Athletic Bilbao) £72m Out Mitchell Beeney (released) Wallace Oliveira (released) Trevoh Chalobah (Ipswich) Loan Nathan Baxter (Yeovil) Loan Reece James (Wigan) Loan Dujon Sterling (Coventry) Loan Lewis Baker (Leeds) Loan Jake Clarke-Salter (Vitesse) Loan Danilo Pantic (Partizan) Loan Jonathan Panzo (Monaco) Undisclosed Eduardo (Vitesse) Loan Kenedy (Newcastle) Loan Jhoao Rodriguez (Tenerife) Loan Jamal Blackman (Leeds) Loan Todd Kane (Hull) Loan Mason Mount (Derby) Loan Jeremie Boga (Sassuolo) Undisclosed Mario Pasalic (Atalanta) Loan Nathan (Atletico Mineiro) Loan Jacob Maddox (Cheltenham Town) Loan Victorien Angban (Metz) Loan Kasey Palmer (Blackburn) Loan Kyle Scott (Telstar) Loan Thibaut Courtois (Real Madrid) £35m

For more infomation >> Chelsea transfer news: Eden Hazard, N'Golo Kante to Real Madrid claim from Sky Sports man - Duration: 3:56.


For more infomation >> Chelsea transfer news: Eden Hazard, N'Golo Kante to Real Madrid claim from Sky Sports man - Duration: 3:56.


Renault Mégane Estate BWJ 2013 1.5 DCI 111 PK BOSE CLIMA/CRUISE/LMV/PDC/HALF LEER/LED/PANORAMADAK/N - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Renault Mégane Estate BWJ 2013 1.5 DCI 111 PK BOSE CLIMA/CRUISE/LMV/PDC/HALF LEER/LED/PANORAMADAK/N - Duration: 1:10.


For more infomation >> Renault Mégane Estate BWJ 2013 1.5 DCI 111 PK BOSE CLIMA/CRUISE/LMV/PDC/HALF LEER/LED/PANORAMADAK/N - Duration: 1:10.


FOTOS: "El Betito", el presunto capo en CDMX que se operó para no ser reconocido - Duration: 1:25.

 Renato Sales Heredia, comisionado Nacional de Seguridad, y Raymundo Collins, titular de la Secretaria de Seguridad Pública de la capital, llegaron a las inmediaciones de la Secretaria de Gobernación para dar detalles de la detención, en la delegación Tlalpan, de Roberto Moyado Esparza "El Betito", presunto líder actual de la organización criminal "La Unión de Tepito"

 Sales Heredia detalló que la detención de Moyado Esparza se realizó sin violencia y que le fueron leídos sus derechos tanto a él como a su hermano José "N"

 De igual manera, el Comisionado Nacional específico que "El Betito" se sometió a cirugías estéticas para evitar su reconocimiento por parte de los elementos policiales

 "El Betito", se realizó prótesis capilar y un bypass gástrico para cambiar su apariencia

Fotos: Cuartoscuro

For more infomation >> FOTOS: "El Betito", el presunto capo en CDMX que se operó para no ser reconocido - Duration: 1:25.


For more infomation >> FOTOS: "El Betito", el presunto capo en CDMX que se operó para no ser reconocido - Duration: 1:25.


Chelsea transfer news: Deal held up over FFP and £5.8m wage squabble - Duration: 2:13.

 Chelsea are keen to ship out flop signing Bakayoko this summer. Milan are happy to snap up the France international and Bakayoko seems open to leaving Stamford Bridge

 But any hope of a deal being done this Thursday appears slim. That is according to Italian broadcasters Sport Mediaset, who have divulged details about the proposed transfer

 According to the report, Chelsea are willing to meet Milan's demands that the transfer be done on an initial loan deal, with an agreement to make it permanent in the summer

 But a lack of cash at Milan's end is currently threatening the transfer. Sport Mediaset claim Chelsea are just about convinced of Milan's offer to pay £30m for the midfielder in 2019

 That would come at a £10m loss for the Blues, who spent big on him last year to prise him out of Monaco

 But the big problem for Milan right now is Bakayoko's wages. He supposedly earns £5

84m a season at Chelsea and Milan cannot afford to cover his weekly salary during the loan spell

 The San Siro giants are already under heavy scrutiny after breaching Financial Fair Play rules this summer and must stick within their budget - hence the desire to bring Bakayoko in on loan until the next financial year

 Milan hope Chelsea will agree to cover part of Bakayoko's wages in order to facilitate the transfer

 But, with the Blues currently working on signing players ahead of the 5pm transfer deadline, an announcement on Bakayoko today looks unlikely

For more infomation >> Chelsea transfer news: Deal held up over FFP and £5.8m wage squabble - Duration: 2:13.


SsangYong Kyron M 200 Xdi 4x4 Sport - Grijs kenteken - Automaat - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> SsangYong Kyron M 200 Xdi 4x4 Sport - Grijs kenteken - Automaat - Duration: 1:12.


Hamster 's stepping tail are too cute!【Funny & cute hamster make your feel at ease】 - Duration: 2:19.

Thanks for subscribing to my channel!Please RT!

For more infomation >> Hamster 's stepping tail are too cute!【Funny & cute hamster make your feel at ease】 - Duration: 2:19.


Channel Announcement | QnA for 1k - Duration: 0:30.


I just want to start off by saying...

I'm sorry my dudes.

I don't think I'll be able to do anything for a 1k special.

Cause' I procrastinated too long. :p


The least I can do is a QnA.

So leave your questions below.

And have a great day!

For more infomation >> Channel Announcement | QnA for 1k - Duration: 0:30.


Feelings Are Liars Sometimes - Duration: 7:31.

Is drinking hot tea while it's 110 degrees outside masochistic? Maybe. Am I

gonna do it anyway? You betcha. Tea is about 90 percent of my personality at

this point. So I was in my space having a think... I don't ever do that. I was having

a think about things I would like to talk about in videos and lo and behold

somebody asked me a question on tumblr about that very thing, so yeah. Strap in

buckle up, have fun and be yourself, cuz we're gonna do this. "I have

a really hard time connecting what I know with how I feel. As in, I can know

that a certain person or thing won't suddenly fix my problems or bring

lasting happiness, yet I still feel like they should and feel this unhappiness /

loneliness, so I pursue it anyway." Casually extremely relatable question

there, friend. I am in constant battle between the things that I know versus

the things that I feel. Pretty much come to the conclusion that I'm gonna be at

odds with those two things for my entire life.

Feelings a lot of the time are not to be trusted. They're to be felt. They're very real but they're not to be trusted.

My emotional brain is really emotional. I'm a highly emotional person. I know

that may be shocking for some of you to hear but I'm a really emotional person.

Sometimes when I get extremely emotional, I start behaving like a person that I

don't want to be. When I'm angry, I lash out at people. When I'm lonely, I make

self-destructive decisions. And it goes back to that sort of like instant

gratification addict brain that is just still fricken in there that just always

wants to feel better right now. My brain has become extremely good at doing

things that it needs to do to protect itself from the feelings that I feel.

Sometimes it takes that too far and it creates more problems and that's not

good. Example: right, I know that the people in my life particularly the

people that I work with care about me. They trust me. They think I do a good job.

I know all of those things. What I feel: they all hate me

and want to get rid of me at a moment's notice. Those are different things. When

I'm feeling that level of paranoia, what I know does not help.

Paranoia is like such an irrational emotion. It is something that is just

it's so just latched on to every tiny little detail that it then ratchets up

to the highest volume and nothing makes sense. Something I've learned about

feelings is that for feelings, things don't have to make sense for them to

resonate. I love my feelings. I don't want I don't want this video to sound like I

don't love them, because I love my feelings. I love just how much things

matter to me you know? When they happen, I love how moments affects me. I love how I

can completely give myself over to an experience in that moment because of my

emotions. But nothing in this world is all good and all bad because sometimes I

let myself go completely into a moment and it's bad for me. Sometimes I feel

things in response to situations that are just not real whatsoever and based

purely on perception. And where on the one hand I can fully archive and enjoy

and experience a moment, on the other hand I can be completely paralysed by it.

One of my most used tools in my individual toolbox is is my

self-awareness. I know how I get. I know how it be sometimes, and sometimes it be

like that. The hard part is using that knowledge and stopping yourself from

creating those bad experiences and those bad behaviors that you don't want do.

Dear anonymous messenger who sent me this message, you're talking about people

and relationships too and oh boy do I relate to that. I spent three years

without a social life in person extremely violently lonely. I made some

choices to invest myself in some people and and I thought it was good for me. I

felt it all was about the feeling of it all and I ignored the things that I knew.

I ignored the backdrop of situations. I ignored the behaviors of other people to

the point that I just got walked on all over. What you know, what you feel, life isn't

in binary so you gotta have both. If you're just making

reasonable measured fact-based choices throughout your entire life you're not

gonna take any risks whatsoever and you're gonna be bored and you're gonna

be lonely. If you make choices only on your feelings constantly throughout your

entire life you're gonna be a mess. You're gonna be an absolute mes s of a

person. I say that from experience as I've dabbled in both of those things.

What I'm attempting in my life right now is to try and find a balance between the

two. I've done all this work trying to piece together my individual story and

to understand why I behave the way I behave and why certain things affect me

the way they do. I've done so much work on that. At the same time though one of

my best qualities is the degree to which I feel emotion. It is never a bad thing

to care deeply and to feel deeply. I don't want those things to ever be

considered bad. And when you put those two things together I think you can get a

really healthy person, at least is what I believe. That's kinda what I have to

believe because it's what I'm spending a lot of time and energy doing. I have so

many people who like message me and send me things and a lot of time they come

from this perspective of belittling their own experience. I have a lot of

emoters a lot of feely types who come and and they talk about how their feelings

feel like a detriment to them. Your feelings are not a detriment to you.

Nothing is all good and nothing is all bad and feelings are incredible. They

allow things to matter in our lives. They allow things to to take us to different

places to different feelings different worlds memories all these things. I

think emotions are just, I love them. I also hate them.

I hate what they can be. I hate what they can do to me. And in the end I'm allowed

to do all of those things. What I want to kind of leave this video with is is an

attempt to both talk to myself and to others and that's: who you are and how

you experience the world is not a bad thing. I think and believe and know that

every single human being on this planet has something to offer the world and I

want to help that. I want to help that process.

Yeah I'm sad a lot of the time I am lonely a lot of the time. I sometimes

really dislike life, but I still believe that and I hope to continue believing

that and I hope that you guys believe that too. That's about it.

uh-huh yeah I am very sweaty right now very sweaty right now. I would love to

hear what you guys have to think in the comments down below. I've been loving

reading comments it just makes me feel very empowered and very supported. You

guys are wonderful. If you've missed a bunch of my last videos I do not know

how effective or how much the algorithm likes me right now in this moment but

but if you've missed some of my last videos there will be a playlist at the

end of this, end screen bits, where you can click and watch some of my face if

you want to see my face. I don't understand why you'd want to do that. And if you're

subscribed on patreon be sure to check out the bonus video that has gone up

there as well. I'm gonna go. My lower back is drenched because it's over 100

degrees outside and once again drinking hot tea and masochism at its best I love

you a lot and goodbye

For more infomation >> Feelings Are Liars Sometimes - Duration: 7:31.


Chef Liam Hopkins makes his famous duck ravioli - Duration: 1:56.

We're cooking our duck ravioli. We have these beautiful little raviolis

So these raviolis we're gonna slip right into the water. What we have inside is a

little duck confit made of the leg and an actual whole duck egg yolk so I'm

gonna drop these right into the water and my sous-chef Carter is starting our

our sauce. We're just going to start by sweating off some shallots and what

we're going to be adding there is a little bit of duck jus we're gonna

reduce that or do a little montée au beurre we're also adding in the duck prosciutto

and now our Brussels sprout leaves that have just gone into the

liquid, our duck jus reducing they're just going to soften up a little

bit we're gonna add in a nice big pile of butter and we're just going to

sort of emulsify that gently. One of the last things going in there is going to

be that that duck prosciutto that I was talking about. Really lovely stuff. We've

got the raviolis almost ready to come out of the water. They don't take too

long it's just to sort of soften up the outside of the dough and we want to keep

it nice and runny in the centre. And now we're ready to go I'm gonna pull

these pull these raviolis out we're going to drop them right into the pan

now it's just a question of getting them nicely coated with that sauce. We're

going to add in some nice fresh chives, a little bit of seasoning, in goes the duck

prosciutto the raviolis are ready to come out of the pan we're gonna pop them

right onto the plate. Just pour some of our sauce and our Brussels sprouts and

all that beautiful panchetta and to finish just a nice pile of fresh

parmesan grated right on top there and those are looking perfect. And you should

have a nice runny centre. Absolutely perfect.

For more infomation >> Chef Liam Hopkins makes his famous duck ravioli - Duration: 1:56.


Here's What I Think About Buying a New Volvo Car and More - Duration: 3:55.

Rev up your engines, Michael says, Scotty I have a 2015 Volvo V60

T5, what are your thoughts on it, I have no problems so far, I'm curious about issues,

ok it's only a 2015, Volvo used to make great cars, I had an Aunt that had a P1800, those

little cute sports cars, and and she had over a million miles on that thing, but this was

in the 1960's, now Volvos are European high tech cars,

if you like it and you're having fun with it great,

just realize when it gets older it's going to turn into a money pit,

all of my customers that bought one in the last decade and a half never bought another

one if they kept it for long, because they found out that,

oh my god I have to spend a fortune fixing this thing and it breaks down all the time,

but yours is new enough and you bought it, take car of it and drive it,

because if you try selling it now, you're going to find out how much money you're going

to lose selling it, I mean you're going to lose probably 70-80%

of what you paid for it, so don't sell it now, take car of it and you

never know it might last for a really long time,

it's not going to last you know, 15-20 years or even longer like the old Volvos and the

modern Toyotas still do, Sing says, my car's air intake got flooded

with water, it's fixed but it makes a high pitched sound when I start it, it makes a

metal spinning sound when driving, ok odds are the engine was damaged, if your

intake got flooded with water, especially if it was while you were driving,

air and fuel mixture compresses with the pistons, then the spark plug ignites it to make it

go, if you get water in there, water cannot compress,

so the water gets sucked in and when the piston goes up, it can't compress it and the valves

are closed so what happens is, it bends the piston rod,

you can't see it, and a lot of times you can't even test for

it, but when it starts doing that, and then you

get an internal noise, it means the engine is shot and you'd have to rebuild the whole

engine and as I said earlier, modern cars cost so much money to rebuild correctly, hardly

anybody does it, so find a mechanic like me, or make a video

of it, upload it to me, I'll watch it, and I hear the noise, and if I hear it's the pistons

going, get rid of it, don't even think about fixing it,

or put another engine in the car, sometimes guys get lucky and they get used

ones from a salvage yard for $600-$700 and they put them in and they run good,

but actually rebuilding them costs so much money it's not really worth it,

Daniel says, do I need to change my front brakes at 80,000 KM, my brakes have never

been changed, well that's what, like 44,000 miles or so,

if it works ok and it doesn't shake when you step on the brake why bother,

I've got customers that go 100,000 miles in modern cars and they haven't worn out yet

so they just leave them alone, leave them be,

I mean if you're curious, just take off your right front wheel, that's the one that wears

out first, and if you see it's still pretty thick, don't

even worry about it, modern braking systems can really last a long time, they're pretty

well made, rocket racer says, Mr. Kilmer, what was your

first car and do you miss it, yeah first car i ever had was an Opel, and

I used to have dreams about it all the time, by wife said, you're nuts, you're still dreaming

about that car, I said yeah you know, it was one of those

sports car, and yeah it was me, my first car was a German car, but I only paid $500 for

it, so you know it was only like 6 years old,

it only had like 60,000 miles on it so, and I miss it from that extent that it's sentimental

but hey their nothing compared to Toyotas I mean,

since then my own personal cars, I've owned 2 Toyotas you know,

so when was a Corolla SR5 and the other is the Celica I have now so,

you know you're talking about 30 something years, I'd rather have the Toyotas by far,

so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos, remember to ring

that bell!

For more infomation >> Here's What I Think About Buying a New Volvo Car and More - Duration: 3:55.


Man Utd transfer news: Jose Mourinho told to sell Paul Pogba and sign Tottenham star - Duration: 2:02.

 Pogba has been linked with a move away from Manchester United in recent weeks. Barcelona made a £50m plus Andre Gomes and Yerry Mina offer earlier this week, but that was rejected by the Red Devils

 Barca remain keen on Pogba and will still be able to approach United after today's 5pm transfer deadline, as the Spanish market is open until the end of August

 Dembele himself has been linked with a move away from Tottenham and Merson says United should snap him up

  "I'd buy Dembele tomorrow morning," he said on Sky Sports News. "I think he's one of the best players in the Premier League

 "If I was Man United, I would be selling Pogba tomorrow morning for £100m and buying Dembele

All day long. "I think Dembele's up there with the best of the best. I really do

"   Former Tottenham striker Darren Bent agreed with Merson, saying Dembele would suit United

 "I agree with what Paul is saying there," Bent said. "If you're going to get £100m for Paul Pogba, you've got the ideal replacement in Dembele

 "The amount of times I watched Spurs last season, I'm not sure he gave it away three times in all the games I've seen

 "He's fantastic on the ball. If I'm Man United, I'm going to get Dembele." 

For more infomation >> Man Utd transfer news: Jose Mourinho told to sell Paul Pogba and sign Tottenham star - Duration: 2:02.


How to avoid over-scheduling - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> How to avoid over-scheduling - Duration: 3:14.


Let's Play Need For Madness 2 Stop Hitting Me! (Rage) - Duration: 40:24.

First let's play I'm doing, and it's a good one, I think.

I 'd show the cars but ya know, I'm lazy.

First stage? This finna be a breeze!

Get out de wae.

Do a barrel roll!


Can't touch this

Front flip for style!


Move bitch! Get out the way!

Do another barrel roll!

U wot m8



I'm outta here!


Les get it


What the Fuck


Front Flip for Style





Wow, what a stunt.


Fuck da Police!

Oh shit

Wait, I'm sorry!


*Tokyo Drift*

Aw Crap

SoJ: Get over here Bitch!

Oh no

SoJ: Beep Beep Motherfucker!


Fuck my life


SoJ: Come here!

Is he behind me?

SoJ: This is the NYPD, Pull over NOW!


SoJ: Pit Maneuver!


Backing Up, Backing Up.

SoJ: Get back here!



Aw damn it!

Oh shit

Nailed It.


Oh noes!


Every Time!

Hell Yeah!!


Time to lay waste on these Noobs.




SoJ: Here Comes The Boom!


Lead Oxide used Run Away!



YES! wait.....



(Skip to 26:02 if you don't want to see me fail at wasting Drifter X and Sword of Justice.



For more infomation >> Let's Play Need For Madness 2 Stop Hitting Me! (Rage) - Duration: 40:24.


🔴 ARK | Trying to learn mysteries of this game (Island single player) - Duration: 2:43:47.

For more infomation >> 🔴 ARK | Trying to learn mysteries of this game (Island single player) - Duration: 2:43:47.


Chelsea transfer news: Eden Hazard, N'Golo Kante to Real Madrid claim from Sky Sports man - Duration: 2:34.

 That's according to Sky Sports pundit Paul Merson, who says Maurizio Sarri's side would be mid-table without the key duo

 Chelsea have experienced a summer of change buoyed by the high-profile arrivals of Jorginho, Kepa Arrizabalaga and Mateo Kovacic at Stamford Bridge

 But they face the prospect of potentially seeing Hazard and Kante following in the footsteps of Thibaut Courtois, who left them for Real in a £35m deal

 Real have until the end of August to complete their remaining business and the Chelsea duo are of the required calibre to star at the Bernabeu

 Merson claims Chelsea might field offers for Hazard and Kante if Real wave goodbye to Luka Modric, who's being chased by Inter Milan

 "I don't know what's going to happen at Chelsea, if I'm honest," Merson told Sky Sports

 "You have to remember, the Spanish window hasn't finished yet. "If Luka Modric does go and Real Madrid have all that money to play with, they go for Eden Hazard and N'Golo Kante and then suddenly, Chelsea are a mid-table team

" Merson has also raised doubt about Chelsea's decision to make Kepa the world's most expensive goalkeeper

 "I like Jorginho, he's top drawer," Merson added. "Mateo Kovacic from Real Madrid could be anything, but the goalkeeper is only 23 - you tell me how many world class goalies there are at 23, if any

 "In time, it could be a good transfer, but not now. "This is going to be hard for Kepa, he will probably turn out to be great, but that is a lot of money for a kid and in goalkeeping terms, he is a kid

 "It's very rare you get goalies that young going for that much. "It's a lot of money

" Meanwhile, Chelsea missed out on a deadline day deal for Nabil Fekir with Lyon chief Jean-Michel Aulas said to have bumped up his price tag to a mega £72m

Chelsea transfer news: What business did the Blues do this summer? In Jorginho (Napoli) £57m Robert Green Free Mateo Kovacic (Real Madrid) Loan Kepa Arrizabalaga (Athletic Bilbao) £72m Out Mitchell Beeney (released) Wallace Oliveira (released) Trevoh Chalobah (Ipswich) Loan Nathan Baxter (Yeovil) Loan Reece James (Wigan) Loan Dujon Sterling (Coventry) Loan Lewis Baker (Leeds) Loan Jake Clarke-Salter (Vitesse) Loan Danilo Pantic (Partizan) Loan Jonathan Panzo (Monaco) Undisclosed Eduardo (Vitesse) Loan Kenedy (Newcastle) Loan Jhoao Rodriguez (Tenerife) Loan Jamal Blackman (Leeds) Loan Todd Kane (Hull) Loan Mason Mount (Derby) Loan Jeremie Boga (Sassuolo) Undisclosed Mario Pasalic (Atalanta) Loan Nathan (Atletico Mineiro) Loan Jacob Maddox (Cheltenham Town) Loan Victorien Angban (Metz) Loan Kasey Palmer (Blackburn) Loan Kyle Scott (Telstar) Loan Thibaut Courtois (Real Madrid) £35m

For more infomation >> Chelsea transfer news: Eden Hazard, N'Golo Kante to Real Madrid claim from Sky Sports man - Duration: 2:34.


Chelsea transfer news: Eden Hazard, N'Golo Kante to Real Madrid claim from Sky Sports man - Duration: 3:56.

 That's according to Sky Sports pundit Paul Merson, who says Maurizio Sarri's side would be mid-table without the key duo

 Chelsea have experienced a summer of change buoyed by the high-profile arrivals of Jorginho, Kepa Arrizabalaga and Mateo Kovacic at Stamford Bridge

 But they face the prospect of potentially seeing Hazard and Kante following in the footsteps of Thibaut Courtois, who left them for Real in a £35m deal

 Real have until the end of August to complete their remaining business and the Chelsea duo are of the required calibre to star at the Bernabeu

 Merson claims Chelsea might field offers for Hazard and Kante if Real wave goodbye to Luka Modric, who's being chased by Inter Milan

 "I don't know what's going to happen at Chelsea, if I'm honest," Merson told Sky Sports

 "You have to remember, the Spanish window hasn't finished yet. "If Luka Modric does go and Real Madrid have all that money to play with, they go for Eden Hazard and N'Golo Kante and then suddenly, Chelsea are a mid-table team

" Merson has also raised doubt about Chelsea's decision to make Kepa the world's most expensive goalkeeper

 "I like Jorginho, he's top drawer," Merson added. "Mateo Kovacic from Real Madrid could be anything, but the goalkeeper is only 23 - you tell me how many world class goalies there are at 23, if any

 "In time, it could be a good transfer, but not now. "This is going to be hard for Kepa, he will probably turn out to be great, but that is a lot of money for a kid and in goalkeeping terms, he is a kid

 "It's very rare you get goalies that young going for that much. "It's a lot of money

" Meanwhile, Chelsea missed out on a deadline day deal for Nabil Fekir with Lyon chief Jean-Michel Aulas said to have bumped up his price tag to a mega £72m

Chelsea transfer news: What business did the Blues do this summer? In Jorginho (Napoli) £57m Robert Green Free Mateo Kovacic (Real Madrid) Loan Kepa Arrizabalaga (Athletic Bilbao) £72m Out Mitchell Beeney (released) Wallace Oliveira (released) Trevoh Chalobah (Ipswich) Loan Nathan Baxter (Yeovil) Loan Reece James (Wigan) Loan Dujon Sterling (Coventry) Loan Lewis Baker (Leeds) Loan Jake Clarke-Salter (Vitesse) Loan Danilo Pantic (Partizan) Loan Jonathan Panzo (Monaco) Undisclosed Eduardo (Vitesse) Loan Kenedy (Newcastle) Loan Jhoao Rodriguez (Tenerife) Loan Jamal Blackman (Leeds) Loan Todd Kane (Hull) Loan Mason Mount (Derby) Loan Jeremie Boga (Sassuolo) Undisclosed Mario Pasalic (Atalanta) Loan Nathan (Atletico Mineiro) Loan Jacob Maddox (Cheltenham Town) Loan Victorien Angban (Metz) Loan Kasey Palmer (Blackburn) Loan Kyle Scott (Telstar) Loan Thibaut Courtois (Real Madrid) £35m

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