Thứ Hai, 14 tháng 1, 2019

Youtube daily report Jan 14 2019


How did you know about WINNER?

My sister is the one who made me like K-Pop

She asked me to watch this group because they're good and handsome

I saw Bigbang's video

And then because they have the same agency


I watched WINNER and I thought G-Dragon and Mino are brothers

That's why I searched about WINNER more

What is your height? Are you taller than VoBo?

So Woozi is taller than me

When did you become a Carat, Inner Circle?

I'm not really sure when I became a Carat or Innercircle

I learned about SEVENTEEN thru my friend, Ariz

She's tweeting photos of them

And then I asked her, "why is there a foreigner in the group?"

So I searched about them, because of Vernon

Vernon is the foreigner in the group

I'm going to answer all the K-Pop related questions to keep this video short

The lyrics is really good

Whenever iKON releases a new song

it's always heartwarming and relatable

You had an overtime at work. After your work, you received a text.

"You have your overtime today, right? I'll wait for you outside. I'm using my red sports car. License plate: SV1717."

You rushed outside bec. you don't want him to wait for you

You easily found the car . Who doesn't right?

You ran towards the car, opened the door and you saw him in the driver's seat.

You were shocked because he even bought you flowers.

"Sorry. Did you wait for me for too long?"

"No, it's okay. You're worth the wait." (Then he gave you the flowers)

It's so good!

It's really good!

I had goosebumps for the whole video

Especially when the song hits its climax

For more infomation >> GFRIEND - 해야 (Sunrise) M/V (REACTION VIDEO) | Sel Daria - Duration: 8:56.


NISSAN V MOTION 家族全新高智能 SUV! 即將成為 TOYOTA C-HR 最強對手! - Duration: 12:55.

NISSAN V MOTION 家族全新高智能 SUV! 即將成為 TOYOTA C-HR 最強對手! 對於 Nissan 在2015年 IAA法蘭克福車展 中發表的 跨界 概念車

先前紛紛傳出會否將預示新一代 Juke 或是未來 Z Crossover 車系的設計概念。

而這輛被正式定名為 《Nissan Gripz》 概念車款




搶佔日益興盛的跨界與 SUV 市場

這樣一來日產全新的 Crossover 即將與豐田C-HR和本田HR-V對決! 以1970年代Nissan的經典拉力賽車 240Z 賽車 以及自行車為設計靈感來源的 Gripz概念車







同屬 B-Segment 級距的跨界基礎。





雖然同樣保留了 V-motion 水箱護罩

























Nissan還為Gripz嵌入名為「 dashcam 」的攝影機鏡頭























動力來源Nissan則是運用 Leaf 電動車的技術為基礎

導入名為「 Pure Drive e-Power 」的 Hypid複合動力 系統。









Gripz概念車將不會是取代Juke或者是 Qashqai 這兩款暢銷跨界SUV的概念作品。









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該拿的我們必須拿!大力share出去! 最近FB流傳了關於公積金給予帛金的消息


這裡我們為你努力的翻KWSP網站找出相關信息給大家啦! 是的








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逾時無效 一切還是以KWSP官方馬來文版作準

所以想了解更多的朋友可以在以下網址了解: KWSP官方福利詳情:http://www.



my/portal/en/members/member-responsibility/registration/benefits-as-an-epf-member 那身為EPF會員的你是否知道你有權事前應許任何一個人在你不幸去世后領取你在EPF里所有的存款呢? 網友們也一致表示






















可以說是國人的驕傲了 而在近日




































然而誰落得了好下場? 確實華為對Linux內核有很大的貢獻
















For more infomation >> NISSAN V MOTION 家族全新高智能 SUV! 即將成為 TOYOTA C-HR 最強對手! - Duration: 12:55.


버거킹 몬스터X, 콰트로치즈와퍼 먹방- 버거 크기 실화임? - Duration: 7:28.


Todays Menu is

Burgerkings Monster X burger and

Double Quarter Pound Cheese .... Oh thats McDonalds Menu

What was the name?

Ah, Quatro Pound Cheese

Pound Cheese

Burger (Which is a wrong name)

And of course Fries

were upgraded to cheese fries

Todays Menu Burgerkings MonsterX burger and Quatro Cheese Whooper

I am not sure this is a new product of burgerking

But its been a while since i ate burgerking

I realized there is such menu named as monsterX burger so i ordered it

wow it is really big , can i take a bite of it?

Should i take my glasses off before eating it?

I will try a bite

look at the patty

there is beef and cheese

and also fried chicken inside it

i droped a bit


Cheese Fries

How should i eat this its so big

Sorry guys

I cant eat this cleanly

The burger is too big

Really too big

its nonsense

How should i shove it in my mouth

I dont think it will match my mouth size

The burger is too big

Since i grabbed it too strong, now the burger is falling down

The burger is dead

I thought i could eat this with the normal way of eating a burger

but i guess i was wrong about it. its too big

Uh too big


Lets clean up the mess first

and than start round 2

For more infomation >> 버거킹 몬스터X, 콰트로치즈와퍼 먹방- 버거 크기 실화임? - Duration: 7:28.


ASG Recenzja | Specna Arms Edge | Teaser - Duration: 0:57.

Hi its Maniek44, during my last visit at Gunfire

i had a chance to take a look at new Edge series replica from Specna Arms

and yes, you guessed it

it is my mystery replica that i used on my last two games

new body finish

rotary style hop up chamber

Build in mosfet

two midcaps in box

quick motor change system

and of course

Licenced Trademarks By American manufacturer Rock River Arms

these are few from meny new features

but in depth i will tell you in review that will be soon

so have your eyes peeled

this is not a review this is just a Tribute

For now thanks for watching and see you next time!

For more infomation >> ASG Recenzja | Specna Arms Edge | Teaser - Duration: 0:57.


Visa FREE Countries for Indians | Countries where Indians can Travel without Visa | Part 2 - Duration: 10:24.

Part 2 video of Free visa for Indian

Hello friends,

welcome in our channel 'Top 10 Hindi'

Friends, who do not want to travel the world,

even once in life, it is the dream of

everyone to travel this world

But this is not that easy, if you have money,

but there will not be one thing then this dream can

never be fulfilled, and that thing is "Visa".

Yes, friends, without this visa,

we can not stay in another country,

the visa is a government document wherein

we give the written permission from the government

of the country in which we are going

But this is not easy to get, standing in a long

line and having to rotate the visa office repeatedly.

But do you know that there is some place in the world

where we do not need visa for Indians to go,

if you do not

see our previous video on this subject, then definitely

through the link given in the description box

if you have not subscribed to our channel make sure

to subscribe so you will get updates when we upload

videos so you will know interesting facts

let us see which are those countries

10. Antarctica

An Antarctica is located on the southernmost corner of the earth,

where there is no resident living

Surrounded by the southern ocean, this

continent is called the snowy desert.

Here only animals like penguins, seals and

tundra are found. The owner of this continent

is not a single country, so there is no need

for a visa to go here. But to get here, you also need

special permission

and help of a scientist.

So if you want to go to Antarctica then increase

friendship with a scientist

who is doing research here.

For more infomation >> Visa FREE Countries for Indians | Countries where Indians can Travel without Visa | Part 2 - Duration: 10:24.


Что ВНУТРИ ЭКРАНА смартфона? ▶️ COMFY - Duration: 6:26.

This is the screen of the smartphone under a microscope ... and this is not a finger.

This is a special tool. like a pencil or rather

its sharpest tip ... thick less than a millimeter.

Just what would you understand how tiny are here

these points.

Let's dissect the screen smartphone and see

what are these points like from they get colorful

and juicy picture as well take a look right under working


The first thing to know before going deep

in the topic of displays - why they have multiplied so much.

Scrolling through the characteristics on sites or reviewing

card on the shop window, you can meet the most different

names of matrices starting from the usual IPS and AMOLED, ending

PLS, LTPS, POLED and more marketing Retina and eaea with them.

But this does not mean that all they are radically different

apart, no.

The fact is that manufacturers constantly invent something

and improve their screens.

Changes are not always significant, but market laws oblige

patent this whole thing come up with a new name

and promote under the guise of - "It's revolution Johnny."

In fact, everything is easier.

Smartphone screens can divide by just two types:


The first is now the most popular.

If I go shopping and randomly point the finger

on the screens, then somewhere in 70% cases get on the LCD.

Pls, LTPS and of course everyone's favorite


So, more to the point.

How do the LCD screens of smartphones and how do they look inside?

If you lift all the top display layers then in the very

bottom we will see a bright light - this is the backlight, from here

the creation of the picture begins.

And it seems that shines all basis, but it is an illusion.

Ray flow is created total a dozen diodes, plus or minus,

here they are, tiny.

And then the light hits on a reflective substrate,

which distributes it throughout the area.

Here you can see how much sags the screen brightness

if you tear this mirror, in quotes.

But the picture is still visible, so look what will

if you continue to remove layers at the working screen right

"On living".

He certainly did not last long.

Following are a few scattering light layers and immediately after

remove the first of them on the screen finally

brightness is lost from the diodes.

Only echoes are visible pictures at the very bottom

of them.

But what brings this very picture?

Main element in this The sandwich is on top,

over all filters - layer liquid crystals.

Here's how it looks under a microscope.

Green, blue and red strokes are subpixels.

Which due to filters miss only one

color spectrum.

Together three such strips make up that same pixel

small colored dot on your screen.

And the construction scheme is called as RGB, from English - red,

green and blue.

If you look even deeper in subpixel itself, then we

see such a scheme.

The main role is played here. LCD molecules that change

its construction under the action voltage and pass

more or less light.

Millions of molecules constantly move and due to this

changing pixel brightness.

Some become brighter others are darker, one gives out

more green the second is red.

All this happens every millisecond.

And so the picture is built, which you see before

by myself.

And the screens are called LCD or Liquid crystal display - liquid crystal


Well, with the first, the most popular type sorted out.

But the most attentive of you must have noticed that

pixel at the beginning of the video the grid was completely different.

And shone strange - were she has some black islets.

It was a screen of the second type, based on organic


AMOLED applies to him, SuperAMOLED, POLED and other derivatives

from this type of matrix.

Unlike LCD, where the light created by backlight diodes,

here it radiates by itself subpixels, those multi-colored


If there was such a genre as horror movie for smartphones

then probably this video would claim an oscar.

Now you see how the fishing line broken screen

IPhone 10, more precisely, the display separated from the protective


A terrible sight.

But it needs to be seen, because that the first differences are immediately clear

OLED from LCD.

Here it is, the display itself ... That's it!

This one, not afraid of it the words are leaf, and there is the whole


The difference for a long time to search is not need to.

As you can see - there are no diodes backlights and multiple layers.

The display is thinner and at the same time pretty good bends.

Moreover, despite all the bullying here

so shabby it can be connected back

and it will work after all.

The more interesting to look inside and understand how to build

a picture in such a matrix ..

Organic LED consists of several layers

polymers that are under action voltage capable

emit light.

This is if very simplistic.

And then the scheme is about is the same.

Only one color pass through filters and creation

single point image from subpixels.

And that's what it gives.

Unlike LCD, where necessary constantly energize

even on dark pixels, in OLED, you can simply turn them off.

That's where these black holes come from under the microscope.

Pixels just don't burn.

So do not consume energy.

Also due to this they give a picture of this

black and high contrast

Even so close look what a clear

transition from bright color fields in the dark.

That's why when I test autonomy of smartphones

with IPS and Super Amoled, the first can hold out for 7 hours and

the second is all 11.

Same battery, diagonal, iron, brightness about

- and time is different, because that the screen is more economical.

And for the same reason, when IPhones switched to OLED, all

indignant - "where is the black topic, damn it?

And it seems to be still outraged because in the new dozens

no ... correct it, if I am mistaken.

This, by the way, is in the topic "It's revolution Johnny. "

Although it is already a thought for an individual video.

Now, in the story with the displays, I will not put the point.

Suddenly want to know more about the features of some

specific matrix and figure out that she was fastened this,

because of what she got give a special name

know in the comments.

If it was interesting, put Like, subscribe to

our channel and necessarily press the bell - in smartphones

and in general - digital technology, much more can be told!

So I hope for your support

In the meantime, look how they work mobile cameras with this

The topic we have already figured out.

See you later!

For more infomation >> Что ВНУТРИ ЭКРАНА смартфона? ▶️ COMFY - Duration: 6:26.


Did Marie Set Nicole Up? 'Sneak Peek' | Cartel Crew - Duration: 3:13.

Hi, babe.

Hey, how are you?


So what the ... happened the other night?

I was ... What was that?

Yo, I couldn't even sleep, I was like,

"Wait, hold up. Did that really happen?"

I never thought Marie was gonna turn her back like that,

like a fake ass bitch.

Like I just came to support Marie-

That was like insane-

I came to support your brand.

And I really think she set me up.

They're bullies, literally. That's what they are.

Back when I was in high school,

I used to get bullied by everybody. everyday.

I didn't want to go to school.

Back then, I really couldn't defend myself a lot

and now I love myself so much, I'm not going back.

And then Stephanie's shady ass

bringing up the whole badge thing, girl, please.

Oh, she could not hold badge ...

like you think you was doing something with that?

You posted it, nobody else posted it,

you have nothing to hide.

Right. Years ago, that cop badge

was my mom's brother's cop badge.

Like that's not my fault that my uncle is a cop.


I barely even remember posting that cop badge.

What is this? What is this?

I don't ...

What is this? You posted the NYPD.

Bitch you have a lot of time to go back to 2013

just to try to prove that my family

is not really cartel affiliated?

Just because I have a family member in the police

doesn't mean I'm lying about my background.

Like, what, you think you doing something with that?

You're not doing ... with that.

I would've been like,

your dad got a couple cop badges behind him too.

Because listen, word around the street is that

Stephanie's dad was snitching.

Shut the ... up.

Apparently he had all these crazy charges

but got released early form jail so barely served any time.

I don't know if it's true or not,

but if the rumors are starting

it's because something has to do with it.

Oh yeah, so she wanna pull out cop badges on me

but your dad got short time.


That's ... crazy, I didn't even know that yo.

Stephanie just trying to get the attention away from her own ...

she's trying to make it seem like I was in with the cops

when her dad just got out early?

That's way worse than me posting a cop badge six years ago.

So I'm going to call Marie and I want to meet up

with her one on one, face to face,

and I wanna clear some things up 'cause I think she set me up.

You're the one who contacted me, to model for her line,

like I didn't have to do that.

But I did it, you know what I'm saying?

Like what're you gonna do about Stephanie?

Another I'ma have a talk with,

I'ma talk with everybody if I gotta do that, you feel me?

I don't give a ... who the ... you are, where you came from,

who the ... is your man. I do not give a ...

I'ma have a talk with you and that's what it is.

For more infomation >> Did Marie Set Nicole Up? 'Sneak Peek' | Cartel Crew - Duration: 3:13.


Bruno Mars "Finesse" 🌴Xavier's Performance | LSBS | #MusicMonday - Duration: 1:58.

[music playing]

♪ Ooh, don't we look good together? ♪

♪ There's a reason why They watch all night long ♪

♪ Yeah, know we'll turn heads forever ♪

♪ So tonight I'm gonna show you off ♪

♪ When I'm walkin' with you I watch the whole room change ♪

♪ Baby, that's what you do No, my baby, don't play ♪

♪ Blame it on my confidence Oh, blame it on your measurements ♪

♪ That's right ♪

♪ We out here drippin' in finesse It don't make no sense ♪

♪ Out here drippin' in finesse You know it, you know it ♪

♪ We out here drippin' in finesse It don't make no sense ♪

♪ Out here drippin' in finesse You know it, you know it ♪

♪ Fellas grab your ladies If your lady fine ♪

♪ Tell her she the one She the one for life ♪

♪ Ladies grab your fellas And let's do this right ♪

♪ If you're on one like me in mind ♪

♪ Yeah, we got it goin' on Got it goin' on ♪

♪ Don't it feel so good to be us, ay? ♪

♪ Yeah, we got it goin' on Got it goin' on ♪

♪ Girl, we got it goin' on ♪

♪ Yeah, we got it goin' on Got it goin' on ♪

♪ Don't it feel so good to be us, ay? ♪

♪ Yeah, we got it goin' on Got it goin' on ♪

♪ You know it, you know it ♪

♪ Yeah, we got it goin' on Got it goin' on ♪

♪ Don't it feel so good to be us, ay? ♪

♪ Yeah, we got it goin' on Got it goin' on ♪

♪ You know it, you know it ♪


For more infomation >> Bruno Mars "Finesse" 🌴Xavier's Performance | LSBS | #MusicMonday - Duration: 1:58.


Are Trump's accomplishments being forgotten with government shutdown? - Duration: 4:45.

For more infomation >> Are Trump's accomplishments being forgotten with government shutdown? - Duration: 4:45.


FBI debated whether Trump followed Russia's direction - Duration: 10:23.

For more infomation >> FBI debated whether Trump followed Russia's direction - Duration: 10:23.


Liberal media goes crazy over several reports that President Trump was investigated for being a Russ - Duration: 4:06.

For more infomation >> Liberal media goes crazy over several reports that President Trump was investigated for being a Russ - Duration: 4:06.


這幾個生肖,在2019年將會飛黃騰達,走上人生巔峰 - Duration: 6:12.

For more infomation >> 這幾個生肖,在2019年將會飛黃騰達,走上人生巔峰 - Duration: 6:12.


Suspect in Jayme Closs kidnapping to appear in court on murder charges - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> Suspect in Jayme Closs kidnapping to appear in court on murder charges - Duration: 1:50.


Homeless man rewarded for helping Kansas City Chiefs player stuck in snow get to game - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Homeless man rewarded for helping Kansas City Chiefs player stuck in snow get to game - Duration: 0:41.


Development & growth of teeth - Part II: Bell stage & root formation - Duration: 7:43.

The development and growth of teeth is a complex process of interactions between the primitive

oral epithelium and the underlying ectomesenchymal cells.

The epithelium is derived from the ectoderm of the first pharyngeal arch while the cells

of the ectomesenchyme are neural crest in origin.

Since the neural crest cells are primarily derived from the ectoderm and eventually give

rise to mesenchymal tissues, they are called ectomesenchymal cells.

Tooth development, though a continuous process, can be divided into three stages called the

bud, cap and bell stages.

These stages are so named because of the shape the enamel organ assumes in each stage.

In this stage, the enamel organ continues to grow and assumes a bell shape.

Before we get into details of the events happening in the bell stage, let's have a look at

the different types of cells constituting the whole tooth germ at this stage.

Like the cap stage, the early bell stage comprises of an inner enamel epithelium lining the concavity

of the bell and an outer enamel epithelium lining the periphery of the enamel organ.

There are capillary plexuses established near the outer enamel epithelium which bring in

nutrition for the cells of the enamel organ.

The inner enamel epithelial cells differentiate in this stage to become tall columnar ameloblasts!

Some cells between the inner enamel epithelium and stellate reticulum become spindle shaped

and form a layer called stratum intermedium.

These cells are speculated to work in tandem with the inner enamel epithelium to form enamel.

The rim of the enamel organ at the cervical region where the inner enamel epithelium meets

the outer enamel epithelium is called the cervical loop.

The cervical loop is an important part of the tooth germ in that, it gives rise to the

root sheath, which proliferates to form the root.

The cells below the concavity are called dental papilla and those surrounding the enamel organ

and the dental papilla constitute the dental follicle.

The dental papilla cells near the inner enamel epithelium differentiate under their influence

to become odontoblasts.

The bell stage is marked by two events called morphodifferentiation

and histodifferentitation, both happening simultaneously.

Morphodifferentiation refers to the establishment of the shape of the crown and histodifferentiation

refers to the "coming of age" moment, when the dental papilla cells differentiate

to become odontoblasts and the inner enamel epithelial cells become ameloblasts.

Odontoblasts form dentin and ameloblasts form the enamel.

Another important event happening in the bell stage is the fragmentation of the dental lamina.

The dental lamina disintegrates, separating the tooth germ from the oral epithelium.

These fragments of the dental lamina degenerate.

However, they may sometimes persist giving rise to supernumerary teeth, odontogenic cysts

and tumors.

It was initially thought that the ectomesenchyme exerted pressure on the inner enamel epithelium,

giving it the bell shape thereby determining the shape of the crown.

However, that is not the case.

Just like the cap stage, the enamel organ assumes a bell shape because of differential

growth of cells.

Let's try to understand how this happens and remember that morpho- and histo-differentiation

happen simultaneously.

The inner enamel epithelium, in the early bell stage secrete growth factors and signalling

molecules which help in differentiation of dental papilla cells to odontoblasts.

Simultaneously, the inner enamel epithelial cells corresponding to the future cusp tip

position begin to differentiate into ameloblasts.

Once differentiated, they stop proliferating!

However the adjacent inner enamel epithelial cells that have not differentiated continue

to divide, exerting a pressure.

Also, the inner enamel epithelium is constrained and restricted by the cervical loop.

So, the pressure exerted by the dividing cells and the confinement of these cells by the

cervical loop results in these cells buckling and assuming the shape of the cusp of the

corresponding tooth being formed.

The inner enamel epithelium and the dental papilla continue to differentiate from the

cusp tip down the slopes of the cusp to the cervical region.

Hence the deposition of dentin and enamel begins at the cusp tip and ends cervically.

The advanced bell stage is marked by the formation and mineralization of the enamel and dentin.

When enamel and dentin form incrementally, the stellate reticulum collapses.

Finally the ameloblasts and the outer enamel epithelium fuse with each other, forming the

reduced enamel epithelium surrounding the entire crown!

Once the crown is formed, the rim of the enamel organ at the cervical portion comprises the

inner and outer enamel epithelium and is called the cervical loop.

This cervical loop starts to proliferate to give rise to the Hertwig's epithelial root sheath

At the beginning the root sheath bends at an angle of 45 degrees towards the pulp constricting

or narrowing the wide cervical opening of the crown.

This is called the epithelial diaphragm and the opening would eventually become the apical


The epithelial diaphragm remains constant and the free end does not grow.

What rather happens is that the root sheath grows coronal to the diaphragm.

As the root sheath proliferates, the inner layer of the root sheath induces the differentiation

of the adjacent dental papilla cells to odontoblasts and these odontoblasts form dentin.

As dentin is formed and is mineralizing, the adjacent root sheath cells start to disintegrate.

Now it has to be understood that the root sheath, is never continuous, as it keeps disintegrating

as it grows.

Most of the disintegrated cells move away from the root surface, and cells from the

dental follicle interact with the dentin.

On interaction these cells differentiate to form the cementoblasts and lay down cementum.

Some of the disintegrated cells do not migrate and may persist in the root area.

These cells form the epithelial rests of Malassez.

As for multi-rooted teeth, the root sheath proliferation takes place in the same manner

as single rooted teeth.

However, the diaphragm develops tongue like extensions two or three in number depending

on the tooth being formed.

These extensions fuse with each other dividing the opening into two or three openings.

For more infomation >> Development & growth of teeth - Part II: Bell stage & root formation - Duration: 7:43.


A bright spark: The English We Speak - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> A bright spark: The English We Speak - Duration: 2:45.


INSTAGRAM MUSIC ON GUITAR | Superzoom Rock Medley 🎸 - Duration: 1:28.

<Instagram Superzoom Music>



TV Show




Subscribe for more fun videos!

For more infomation >> INSTAGRAM MUSIC ON GUITAR | Superzoom Rock Medley 🎸 - Duration: 1:28.


「ストレガ」オールアップ! Strega - ALL DONE!!! - Duration: 2:32.

Alright! And so...










Hey! To all you fuckin' nerds that doubted us...

Talking shit while hiding behind your little computers an' shit!




Let's go home...

I hope my heart's okay...

Aaaaaand, we finished at.....

We did it!!! We fuckin' did it...!!!

- Come back for the next one, okay? - I will!

Just getting started!

Gotta sell them VHS'!!!

I'll have a new kajin made for me! One even better than this one!

Ummmm, can someone get a plastic bag for my under mask?

The theatrical poster says : "I'm gonna do a lot of bad things"

It speaks for Bueno too though.

Strega. My partner.

You too Taniguchi-san!

No injuries neither!

Allow me to introduce myself. I'm the screenwriter, actor, driver, assistant director...

...for the film "Strega", Ryo Kumaoh.

We managed to clear all the action scenes for the movie without any injuries whatsoever.

The only scene left to shoot is a very sensuous scene involving Bueno and some sushi.

Strega is looking to be a very fun film and we hope you enjoy it as much as we did making it.

I sound so stuck up.

For more infomation >> 「ストレガ」オールアップ! Strega - ALL DONE!!! - Duration: 2:32.


ALIMENTAÇÃO - Duration: 11:42.

For more infomation >> ALIMENTAÇÃO - Duration: 11:42.


Website design do's and don'ts - Duration: 4:04.

Look, you've heard the expression,

"You only get one chance to make a first impression," right?

Well, it also holds true online as well.

We're going to talk about avoiding the common mistakes

in your website design that can actually drive visitors away.

We'll cover how to make sure your pages load faster,

making your site is more mobile-friendly,

improving general accessibility

and also improving the quality of your content.

Right, first you need speed.

Internet users aren't famous for patience, and if your page

takes too long to load, they'll probably leave.

There are lots of technical things

that you or whoever builds your website can do to speed things up,

like choosing the right technologies or hosting solutions,

but there are also some simple fixes.

If you have images on your pages, use the smaller ones you need.

Ditch large high-resolution files

if they're only going to appear as thumbnails.

Plenty of software programs can resize or actually compress images

to make them smaller, and this translates to a faster loading time.

Simplify your design.

Generally, the more you limit what your visitors browsers have

to download and reuse, the faster the pages will load.

Use the same background image across many pages,

and ask whoever's building your website to be efficient with code and scripts.

If you want to test how you're doing, try opening the site on your mobile,

using a data connection and not Wi-Fi, just to see how quickly it loads.

You need to make sure your website is easy to use on a mobile.

Let's be frank.

More and more people are using their smartphones as their primary device

to browse the web, and if your site is difficult to use on these devices,

you'll potentially lose customers.

The easiest way for you to have a mobile-friendly site is to build it

that way from the start.

You can use an approach like responsive design,

which automatically detects the type of screen being used

and displays the site accordingly.

It does things like stacking text and photos vertically

on a smartphone when it's being held upright.

if you want to get a sense of whether your site is mobile friendly,

try Google's mobile-friendly test tool.

Keep in mind things like swiping or tapping,

which are unique to touchscreens.

Be sure the components of your website respond properly

to these kinds of inputs.

Use widely recognized icons.

Making content clear and well-organized will help

visitors using smaller screens actually find what they're looking for.

You'll want to make it easy to find your address and phone number.

Most devices are equipped with GPS and mapping features

which can help visitors when they're actually on the go.

And of course when they're accessing your website from a mobile,

it should be easy for visitors to give you a ring.

You'll also want to remember that people are viewing your site

on different browsers like Chrome or Firefox

and also different platforms like Windows or Mac.

Do a test run from as many computers, devices and browsers as you can.

Does your site look right on every case?

Are you prompted to download plugins?

This could be an extra step that may send visitors away.

Lastly, remember that your website is not just for selling.

It's also for solving.

Imagine if you're a visitor-- ask yourself why am I here?

What am I trying to do or what problem am I trying to solve?

For example, if you own a bakery that makes custom cakes,

someone is probably visiting your site because they need one.

You could write pages about your decorating style

and maybe even some inspirations, but a testimonial and photos

from a real-life customer might be a better bet.

Those are some common mistakes that trip up many websites.

To avoid them, make sure your pages load quickly, look great

and behave properly no matter what device and browser a visitor uses.

Think of your customers when you create content.

Answer their needs and you'll have a better chance of bringing them in.

For more infomation >> Website design do's and don'ts - Duration: 4:04.


SILLY SALMON! คนจริง555+ - Duration: 0:08.


He really jump

For more infomation >> SILLY SALMON! คนจริง555+ - Duration: 0:08.


Anne-Marie & James Arthur - "Rewrite the stars" The Greatest Showman: Reimagined (Live cover) - Duration: 4:32.

sup I'm Bianca welcome back to my channel if you haven't already please

subscribe and turn on your notifications so you can always see when I'm uploading

today I have my good friend Aaron with me and he's gonna sing and play "Rewrite

the stars" with me so we hope you enjoy

you know I want you it's not a secret I tr to hide you know you want me so don't keep

saying our hands are tied

you claim it's not in the cards fate is pulling you miles away and out of reach from me

but you're here in my heart so who can stop me if I decide you're my destiny

what if we rewrite the stars say you were made to be mine

nothing can keep us apart you'd be the one I was meant to find

it's up to you and it's up to me no one

can say what we get to be why don't we rewrite the stars maybe the world could be ours tonight

you think it's easy you think I don't wanna run to you but there are mountains

and there are doors that we can't walk through

I know you're wondering why because

we're able to be just you and me within these walls but when we go outside

you're gonna wake up and see that it was hopeless after all

no one can rewrite the stars how can you say you'll be mine

everything keeps us apart and I'm not the one you were meant to find it's not up to

you it's not up to me when everyone tells us

what we can be how can we rewrite the stars say that the world can be ours tonight

all I want is to fly with you

All I want is to fall with you

so just give me all of you

It feels impossible (It's not impossible) Is it impossible say that it's possible

How do we rewrite the stars

Say you were made to be mine

Nothing can keep us apart 'cause you are the one I was meant to find

It's up to you and it's up to me, no one can say what we get to be

why don't we rewrite the stars changing the world to be ours

You know I want you it's not a secret I try to hide but I can have

you we're bound to break and my hands are tied

thanks so much for watching guys I really hope you enjoyed

it if you did please give it a thumbs up because that really helps my channel out

there will also be a free link to a download down below if you really liked

it other than that I hope you guys have a wonderful week and I'll see you in my

next video bye

For more infomation >> Anne-Marie & James Arthur - "Rewrite the stars" The Greatest Showman: Reimagined (Live cover) - Duration: 4:32.


Jordan Peterson, Cathy Newman & Gender Pay Gap Deutscher Untertitel #2 (3/3)| JORS - Duration: 5:38.

For more infomation >> Jordan Peterson, Cathy Newman & Gender Pay Gap Deutscher Untertitel #2 (3/3)| JORS - Duration: 5:38.


something like vlog - Duration: 9:38.

For more infomation >> something like vlog - Duration: 9:38.


Kia Picanto Picanto JA MPI 4Z 1.0 EconomyPlu - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Kia Picanto Picanto JA MPI 4Z 1.0 EconomyPlu - Duration: 0:55.


Honda DELSOL // Motor İçini Yeniledik! | Motor İçi Detaylandırma Nasıl Yapılır? - Duration: 17:06.

Hello friends,

We haven't done Delsol in a long time.

Our clever friend will make your car ...

The paint of this car is in very nice condition

there is only one shortcoming,

this beauty does not suit under this hood,

oil leaks,

there are precipitated oil droppings,

we will clean them all.

The cylinder head cover has been discarded,

this is the paint that the factory throws,

After the paint is completely scratched, it will be painted in another color.

The heat shield of the exhaust manifold is gone,

room with other pieces to be painted.

Bigtube carbon fiber filter,

But it's not even clear that she's in such bad shape.

A new filter head will be installed ...

Electrical installation will be overhauled,

we want to get a very plain and clean image under the hood.

The radiator and battery holder will change.

Battery heads will be renewed.

To reach every corner of the coastal corner of the engine first.

Be sure to thoroughly isolate the electronics before washing.

Then scrub the dirt inside the engine with the engine cleaner and scrub them with small and not too hard brushes.

First, start washing from the hatch so that the dirt can go down from the top

Now that the washing is over, we can remove valve cover...

We removed and painted valve cover.

the chassis strut bar was also painted.

Today we're going to overhaul the electrical installation

Some of these cables will be replaced.

Some of the cables will also be hidden.

When we open the bonnet for a simpler appearance ...

The radiator holds the water container and the radiators will be painted ...

Let us first proceed to the rest of the electrical installation and then continue ...

Valve cover ready,

put your gaskets on

we will close the cover ...

To prevent oil leaks

The seals under the cylinder head cover must change each time they are opened.

In this way, when the engine runs, the oil from the cylinder head cover does not run out.

We'il keep this clean image for a long time.

Now put the stamps on,

Before that, let's put the oil cap on the engine so that the dirt cannot escape ...

our oil cover Password: JDM brand ...

Friends are coming to an end,

cold air cabin,

Simota Big Tube pulls some hot air for staying in the engine

we built such a cabinet to isolate,

have cold air inlet underneath.

This way, he can draw a little more cold air.

We painted the cylinder head cover with a special green.

Green color is very difficult to match the vehicle

that's why we chose the green tone so that it matches the outer color ...

All hoses were replaced with Samco silicone hoses in blue.

Spoon brand tank cover are used to prevent hydraulic flow.

Cable piles were unnecessary,

we've hidden them,

We rebuilt the tubes.

In the same way there was a lot of this side,

There were cables passing through.

We have zero mind

the rust on the bottom will be cleaned.

Quikrelease Battary Head

Hello friends,

We're at the end of the car.

we painted the cylinder head cover and chassis tensioner.

The engine is fully assembled and assembled.

There were some disconnected cables in the electrical installation and hiding.

used products Password:JDM

We thought it would be green and blue.

The battery terminals can be removed and replaced without a key.

They are also very useful for security purposes

When there is a shortage of electricity leakage, you can open the hood and immediately cut off the electricity.

All obsolete bolts changed with Password:JDM Fender Washers.

Password:JDM Radiator Stay

Samco Silicone Radiator Hose Kit

Intake heat shield

As you know, the luggage covers of the Delsolos do not open from the inside or from the inside,

can only be opened using the key,

We opened it with the button.

We can open the luggage with the help of a button inside the luggage lock.

we put the button inside the tank on which the arm is opened ...

You hear the sound of the lock engine we put on the tailgate ...

Trunk opened.

Thanks for taking the time to watch ...

For more infomation >> Honda DELSOL // Motor İçini Yeniledik! | Motor İçi Detaylandırma Nasıl Yapılır? - Duration: 17:06.


Volkswagen Touran 1.4 TSI 170pk DSG 7 Highline 1e eigenaar! - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Touran 1.4 TSI 170pk DSG 7 Highline 1e eigenaar! - Duration: 1:13.


Jordan Peterson, Cathy Newman & Gender Pay Gap Deutscher Untertitel #2 (3/3)| JBPD - Duration: 5:38.

For more infomation >> Jordan Peterson, Cathy Newman & Gender Pay Gap Deutscher Untertitel #2 (3/3)| JBPD - Duration: 5:38.


Hugh Grant Twitter: Actor urgently appeals for unlikely item after his car is broken into - Duration: 1:58.

Hugh Grant Twitter: The actor's car was broken into over the weekend (Image: WENN) Hugh Grant spoke out in view of his 335,000 Twitter followers yesterday evening in the hope of getting a stolen item back

The Hollywood actor's car was broken into and his bag was taken, however it was something else that was more of a concern

The 58-year-old said if anyone knew who was behind it, could they "persuade them" to return a script

He said there was "weeks" of work detailed on it but said it was "unlikely" that anyone knew of its whereabouts

Related articles Hugh Grant and the cast of Four Weddings and Funeral reunite on set Love Actually: Hugh Grant calls THIS moment 'EXCRUCIATING' Please try and persuade them to at least return my scriptHugh Grant Hugh tweeted: "In the unlikely chance that anyone knows who broke into my car tonight and stole my bag, please try and persuade them to at least return my script

 "Many weeks worth of notes and ideas. And perhaps my children's medical cards. Coach Films, Ealing St Mary's Ealing Green W5 5EN

" David Baddiel was one of the birth to reply, joking responding: "I'm sorry. I've had very bad writer's block

" Meanwhile, Kevin Pietersen also wrote: "B******s! Our street being invaded by scumbags?!" Huh is currently working on an upcoming Guy Ritchie movie, Toff Guys, alongside the likes of Matthew McConaughey, Michelle Dockery and Colin Farrell

 But he'll also be returning to the small screen in drama The Undoing with Oscar winner Nicole Kidman

For more infomation >> Hugh Grant Twitter: Actor urgently appeals for unlikely item after his car is broken into - Duration: 1:58.


Marseille-Monaco : l'OM n'arrange pas son cas - Duration: 4:48.

For more infomation >> Marseille-Monaco : l'OM n'arrange pas son cas - Duration: 4:48.


For more infomation >> Marseille-Monaco : l'OM n'arrange pas son cas - Duration: 4:48.


Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 DIG-T Aut. N-Connecta (NAV/PDC/LMV/BT) - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 DIG-T Aut. N-Connecta (NAV/PDC/LMV/BT) - Duration: 1:13.


For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 DIG-T Aut. N-Connecta (NAV/PDC/LMV/BT) - Duration: 1:13.


Bernard Tapie face au cancer, sa fureur suite à une détestable calomnie - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Bernard Tapie face au cancer, sa fureur suite à une détestable calomnie - Duration: 1:23.


For more infomation >> Bernard Tapie face au cancer, sa fureur suite à une détestable calomnie - Duration: 1:23.


劉詩詩大方公布中國風孕照,端莊典雅 - Duration: 5:24.

For more infomation >> 劉詩詩大方公布中國風孕照,端莊典雅 - Duration: 5:24.


For more infomation >> 劉詩詩大方公布中國風孕照,端莊典雅 - Duration: 5:24.


涉性侵害《巴清传》开播无期!高云翔3亿财产遭冻结…… - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> 涉性侵害《巴清传》开播无期!高云翔3亿财产遭冻结…… - Duration: 2:37.


For more infomation >> 涉性侵害《巴清传》开播无期!高云翔3亿财产遭冻结…… - Duration: 2:37.


Honda DELSOL // Motor İçini Yeniledik! | Motor İçi Detaylandırma Nasıl Yapılır? - Duration: 17:06.

Hello friends,

We haven't done Delsol in a long time.

Our clever friend will make your car ...

The paint of this car is in very nice condition

there is only one shortcoming,

this beauty does not suit under this hood,

oil leaks,

there are precipitated oil droppings,

we will clean them all.

The cylinder head cover has been discarded,

this is the paint that the factory throws,

After the paint is completely scratched, it will be painted in another color.

The heat shield of the exhaust manifold is gone,

room with other pieces to be painted.

Bigtube carbon fiber filter,

But it's not even clear that she's in such bad shape.

A new filter head will be installed ...

Electrical installation will be overhauled,

we want to get a very plain and clean image under the hood.

The radiator and battery holder will change.

Battery heads will be renewed.

To reach every corner of the coastal corner of the engine first.

Be sure to thoroughly isolate the electronics before washing.

Then scrub the dirt inside the engine with the engine cleaner and scrub them with small and not too hard brushes.

First, start washing from the hatch so that the dirt can go down from the top

Now that the washing is over, we can remove valve cover...

We removed and painted valve cover.

the chassis strut bar was also painted.

Today we're going to overhaul the electrical installation

Some of these cables will be replaced.

Some of the cables will also be hidden.

When we open the bonnet for a simpler appearance ...

The radiator holds the water container and the radiators will be painted ...

Let us first proceed to the rest of the electrical installation and then continue ...

Valve cover ready,

put your gaskets on

we will close the cover ...

To prevent oil leaks

The seals under the cylinder head cover must change each time they are opened.

In this way, when the engine runs, the oil from the cylinder head cover does not run out.

We'il keep this clean image for a long time.

Now put the stamps on,

Before that, let's put the oil cap on the engine so that the dirt cannot escape ...

our oil cover Password: JDM brand ...

Friends are coming to an end,

cold air cabin,

Simota Big Tube pulls some hot air for staying in the engine

we built such a cabinet to isolate,

have cold air inlet underneath.

This way, he can draw a little more cold air.

We painted the cylinder head cover with a special green.

Green color is very difficult to match the vehicle

that's why we chose the green tone so that it matches the outer color ...

All hoses were replaced with Samco silicone hoses in blue.

Spoon brand tank cover are used to prevent hydraulic flow.

Cable piles were unnecessary,

we've hidden them,

We rebuilt the tubes.

In the same way there was a lot of this side,

There were cables passing through.

We have zero mind

the rust on the bottom will be cleaned.

Quikrelease Battary Head

Hello friends,

We're at the end of the car.

we painted the cylinder head cover and chassis tensioner.

The engine is fully assembled and assembled.

There were some disconnected cables in the electrical installation and hiding.

used products Password:JDM

We thought it would be green and blue.

The battery terminals can be removed and replaced without a key.

They are also very useful for security purposes

When there is a shortage of electricity leakage, you can open the hood and immediately cut off the electricity.

All obsolete bolts changed with Password:JDM Fender Washers.

Password:JDM Radiator Stay

Samco Silicone Radiator Hose Kit

Intake heat shield

As you know, the luggage covers of the Delsolos do not open from the inside or from the inside,

can only be opened using the key,

We opened it with the button.

We can open the luggage with the help of a button inside the luggage lock.

we put the button inside the tank on which the arm is opened ...

You hear the sound of the lock engine we put on the tailgate ...

Trunk opened.

Thanks for taking the time to watch ...

For more infomation >> Honda DELSOL // Motor İçini Yeniledik! | Motor İçi Detaylandırma Nasıl Yapılır? - Duration: 17:06.


For more infomation >> Honda DELSOL // Motor İçini Yeniledik! | Motor İçi Detaylandırma Nasıl Yapılır? - Duration: 17:06.


Être Français À L'Étranger!!! La Vérité! | STORY LIFE | (2019) Eng Sub - Duration: 7:27.

Hello my pikachu with basil!

today we meet for a new video! we're gonna speak

about being french abroad!

every cliché on us!

it's a question that i heard a lot

how to be french abroad

i don't say

that it's everywhere like that

but it's gonna be in general

let's go

like i said in my last video

well previously

not a long time ago

i told that when i say that i'm french

first thing that people say

why you left! why you don't stay in france!

for foreigners france is a country

it's a wonderful country to live and it's true

to spend all your life!

and it's in the top 5 of countries you need to visit!

for everyone who never went in france

so for sure if you say you are french

people love you! oh yeah!

but be careful

but that's depend of the country

there is country where french people are wanted

it's a big issue, like in australia

french people are not appreciate anymore

for a lot of reasons like

they steal

they act like shit

it's the big issue with french people

but you need to see in general

we are not like that everywhere

i want to say

in every nationality there is asshole!

so you need to see that in general

but in some country they start to say that french people

are asshole

but wait!

before to be asshole

we are lovers!

oh yeah i tell you !!

if you say that you're come from Paris!

omg the city of love!

the city of romance

it's insane! french kiss and everything!

i have to say!

when you say you are french!

you are a romantic person!

it's amazing

and what is amazing is our accent!!

you're gonna see a lot of people

if you start to speak english in a foreign country

they're gonna say "omg you are french!"

"humm yeah"

that's just mean that your accent is shit...

well you're gonna think that!

but for everyone

who is not french!

our accent is...

muy caliente!

i'm not kidding

everyone say that. The french accent is amazing


so it's gonna be good for you!

for me

and for every french who go abroad

ok i can see that coming boys!

french guys can hook up in a foreign country

i don't know!

we're not gonna speak about that now!

but it's a good thing no worry

when you say you're french it's good !

there is a lot to speak i have to say...

so after voice and language

there is also one thing that people say!

"so you're already eat snails??!!"

"or frogs!!"

i heard that a lot

they're gonna speak about foods

they're gonna speak about wine

and cheese...


it's kind of funny

it's cliché but not really

because in france we like wine, cheese

french food!

and it's great to heard that

our country

has a strong culture


a thing that i like about that

with my company i'm bartender time to time

so i need to serve wine

and every wine's name

are french

sauvignon blanc, pinot gris, pinot noir

so yeah

so everytime people ask me a glass of wine

so i just say the right name of the wine!

i don't create an accent

and someone tell me one day

"you're way to say sauvignon blanc is amazing!"

"yeah but it's my language soo"

so it's normal

so it's a bonus


a stylish thing

to our language

and people like that

yeah people like french accent

and what is amazing is

even if now there is issue in france

media in a foreign country

show bad pictures

about civil war

in paris or others towns

it's funny because

i don't think that it change

the view of people about french

even if something like that happen

they still think that france

it's france, it's amazing

it's awesome and you really need to visit this country

and i think

it's not weird but...

but if i see a civil war

in prague... if i see terrorism or stuff like that

i'm gonna think

hummm prague hummm i don't want to go there

humm yeah it's ok i'm ok!

but yeah people are like paris is still amazing and beautiful

but they know something!

it's one of the most dangerous town in the world

one on three chinese have been stole

on the champs élysées

it's really racism...

it's amazing


people know the risk

but yeah it's ok


so yeah that's the representation of french people

during my travel

but it's just my thinking

there is more i think

if you see that and you have others stuffs to say

or if you have good story when you said that you are french

don't hesitate to tell me by comment it's really funny

and i don't think that i say everything

so don't hesitate

being french in a foreign country

it's really good

i think we are one of the most appreciate nationality

people want to know our culture

they want to speak with us and it's a good bonus

so don't hesitate to travel

if you are french you're gonna find a lot of friends everywhere

last thing to say is see you next time! hope you enjoyed

if you enjoyed don't forget a like

subscribe if it's not done! You who is new here!

you're gonna enjoy

and yeah comment don't hesitate to tell me your point of view

it's cool

btw there is a guy who put a red thumb in all my video

if you see that!

fuck yourself!

so yeah

damn i'm an asshole

open your eyes and have a free mind

see you next time


For more infomation >> Être Français À L'Étranger!!! La Vérité! | STORY LIFE | (2019) Eng Sub - Duration: 7:27.


For more infomation >> Être Français À L'Étranger!!! La Vérité! | STORY LIFE | (2019) Eng Sub - Duration: 7:27.



we will talk about the different ways of use it Johnson baby oil .... Know one

never you could learn 2-3 small things…

But first of all, what is the Johnson baby oil?

this oil is relatively unknown in France, unlike the United States or

England where she is recognized and appreciated for a long time for its moisturizing qualities.

Little more to know: Many US stars use it to get that pretty glow on

the body as they roll on the carpet red. You see what I want to talk about,

is not it ?!  I told you we could use it

on the skin for Getting a nice glow will give it instantly

a healthy side to the skin

Make up the eyes

Nourish / hydrate her cuticles, but also Treat dry hair and prevent

forks, not to mention pelicles, hair brittle, sick hair ... in short

Just like the rest of your body, your cuticles can benefit from moisturizing properties

baby oil.

The oil is ideal for detangling hair dry and prevent split ends. Yes

your hair or scalp are very dry, mix in a small vase as you

see a spoon of toothpaste and 4 spoons of baby oil, apply the mixture

on your hair then wet well with water so that it touches the whole

head and let it rest for 20 minutes then shampoo. Result? A mane

worthy of the most beautiful Disney princesses for miss and. I revitalize my hair

In this video, Eva and I are using it separately for our hair, I have hair

very dry short filled with dandruff and very poor, she has

long hair sex and also very damaged

So me. Put a spoon of toothpaste and three spoons of Johnson oil and she

put it the same except that it adds an oil to the fines in addition, why I do not know

no, she loves

Then we put everything on the hair taking care to lather and leave

20 minutes, finally we rinse like you see in the video, and to allow them

to stay well fed for a long time and to be very hydrated, soft and shiny we add this keel

which is not fat, and yet that makes very quickly grow hair,, this is

absolutely to test at home

Same if you have your hands or even damaged feet

Add a teaspoon of sugar a few drops of oil and rub your

hands. Tadam they are very sweet and cleared of their dead skin! The same thing is

possible to exfoliate the body, just simply to increase the quantities; )

It's in African shops , has 5 ea about and has two euros on Amazon

Do not hesitate if you like to read read and share so that it reaches a maximum

of people also think to subscribe






Ligue 1 : sous les huées, l'OM bute sur Monaco - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> Ligue 1 : sous les huées, l'OM bute sur Monaco - Duration: 4:05.


For more infomation >> Ligue 1 : sous les huées, l'OM bute sur Monaco - Duration: 4:05.


IMHO, THIS IS POWERFUL EMOTIONAL BEAT! ⚡ royalty free music no cost - Duration: 3:49.

Emotional beat visualization for you! This is stylish royalty free music no cost animation.

Epic hip-hop beat, with classical music, chorus and heroic emotions.

For more infomation >> IMHO, THIS IS POWERFUL EMOTIONAL BEAT! ⚡ royalty free music no cost - Duration: 3:49.


For more infomation >> IMHO, THIS IS POWERFUL EMOTIONAL BEAT! ⚡ royalty free music no cost - Duration: 3:49.


Bruno Mars-If I knew ( NasR Cover) - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> Bruno Mars-If I knew ( NasR Cover) - Duration: 2:12.


For more infomation >> Bruno Mars-If I knew ( NasR Cover) - Duration: 2:12.


Описание картины Николая Пимоненко «Брод» обзор - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> Описание картины Николая Пимоненко «Брод» обзор - Duration: 2:17.


For more infomation >> Описание картины Николая Пимоненко «Брод» обзор - Duration: 2:17.


Tài Xỉu Bịp + Cách Sử Dụng Máy Báo Rung Tài Xỉu Mới Nhất 2019 - Duration: 6:39.

For more infomation >> Tài Xỉu Bịp + Cách Sử Dụng Máy Báo Rung Tài Xỉu Mới Nhất 2019 - Duration: 6:39.


For more infomation >> Tài Xỉu Bịp + Cách Sử Dụng Máy Báo Rung Tài Xỉu Mới Nhất 2019 - Duration: 6:39.


GFRIEND - 해야 (Sunrise) M/V (REACTION VIDEO) | Sel Daria - Duration: 8:56.


How did you know about WINNER?

My sister is the one who made me like K-Pop

She asked me to watch this group because they're good and handsome

I saw Bigbang's video

And then because they have the same agency


I watched WINNER and I thought G-Dragon and Mino are brothers

That's why I searched about WINNER more

What is your height? Are you taller than VoBo?

So Woozi is taller than me

When did you become a Carat, Inner Circle?

I'm not really sure when I became a Carat or Innercircle

I learned about SEVENTEEN thru my friend, Ariz

She's tweeting photos of them

And then I asked her, "why is there a foreigner in the group?"

So I searched about them, because of Vernon

Vernon is the foreigner in the group

I'm going to answer all the K-Pop related questions to keep this video short

The lyrics is really good

Whenever iKON releases a new song

it's always heartwarming and relatable

You had an overtime at work. After your work, you received a text.

"You have your overtime today, right? I'll wait for you outside. I'm using my red sports car. License plate: SV1717."

You rushed outside bec. you don't want him to wait for you

You easily found the car . Who doesn't right?

You ran towards the car, opened the door and you saw him in the driver's seat.

You were shocked because he even bought you flowers.

"Sorry. Did you wait for me for too long?"

"No, it's okay. You're worth the wait." (Then he gave you the flowers)

It's so good!

It's really good!

I had goosebumps for the whole video

Especially when the song hits its climax

For more infomation >> GFRIEND - 해야 (Sunrise) M/V (REACTION VIDEO) | Sel Daria - Duration: 8:56.


Chelsea make 'opening £26.8m offer' to Zenit St Petersburg for midfielder Leandro Paredes in January - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> Chelsea make 'opening £26.8m offer' to Zenit St Petersburg for midfielder Leandro Paredes in January - Duration: 3:00.


Citroën Jumpy 2.0 BlueHDI 150 Club M S&S - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Citroën Jumpy 2.0 BlueHDI 150 Club M S&S - Duration: 0:52.


Mazda CX-5 2.0 GT-M 4WD | Navigatie | BOSE | Vol leder | Schuif-/Kanteldak - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Mazda CX-5 2.0 GT-M 4WD | Navigatie | BOSE | Vol leder | Schuif-/Kanteldak - Duration: 1:24.


Fiat Punto Evo 1.3 M-Jet Dynamic NAVI/ECC/PDC - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Fiat Punto Evo 1.3 M-Jet Dynamic NAVI/ECC/PDC - Duration: 1:13.


Fiat Punto Evo 1.3 M-Jet Dynamic NAVI/ECC/PDC - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Fiat Punto Evo 1.3 M-Jet Dynamic NAVI/ECC/PDC - Duration: 1:13.


ナチュラルな暮らし/インテリア/北欧/A day in my life/interior/ENG - Duration: 7:42.

Hello.I'm TOKO.

At the shop called Momo Natural in the New Year

I bought a lucky bag for 5000 yen

It is a simple and natural interior shop

Just not to introduce the contents of the lucky bag

I will introduce the contents of a lucky bag while living

A friend comes and I will go buy sweets

I decided this bag

Photo frame ... thinking

Let's see the photos taken so far

Let's decorate good pictures

I did not have a good photo

A friend will come soon

My friend drank tea and I drank coffee

In a meeting

About music activities

I talked with my friend about 3 hours

Good color

Maybe a bit small

Cute basket

Because there are many productions on a personal computer

I use a massage machine

I am reading a favorite magazine

While reading, studying page layout

What do you use it for?


Let flowers move because it burns

It was an introduction of the contents of a lucky bag

How was it?

I am satisfied with this lucky bag

I will also buy it next year

For more infomation >> ナチュラルな暮らし/インテリア/北欧/A day in my life/interior/ENG - Duration: 7:42.


Anne-Marie & James Arthur - "Rewrite the stars" The Greatest Showman: Reimagined (Live cover) - Duration: 4:32.

sup I'm Bianca welcome back to my channel if you haven't already please

subscribe and turn on your notifications so you can always see when I'm uploading

today I have my good friend Aaron with me and he's gonna sing and play "Rewrite

the stars" with me so we hope you enjoy

you know I want you it's not a secret I tr to hide you know you want me so don't keep

saying our hands are tied

you claim it's not in the cards fate is pulling you miles away and out of reach from me

but you're here in my heart so who can stop me if I decide you're my destiny

what if we rewrite the stars say you were made to be mine

nothing can keep us apart you'd be the one I was meant to find

it's up to you and it's up to me no one

can say what we get to be why don't we rewrite the stars maybe the world could be ours tonight

you think it's easy you think I don't wanna run to you but there are mountains

and there are doors that we can't walk through

I know you're wondering why because

we're able to be just you and me within these walls but when we go outside

you're gonna wake up and see that it was hopeless after all

no one can rewrite the stars how can you say you'll be mine

everything keeps us apart and I'm not the one you were meant to find it's not up to

you it's not up to me when everyone tells us

what we can be how can we rewrite the stars say that the world can be ours tonight

all I want is to fly with you

All I want is to fall with you

so just give me all of you

It feels impossible (It's not impossible) Is it impossible say that it's possible

How do we rewrite the stars

Say you were made to be mine

Nothing can keep us apart 'cause you are the one I was meant to find

It's up to you and it's up to me, no one can say what we get to be

why don't we rewrite the stars changing the world to be ours

You know I want you it's not a secret I try to hide but I can have

you we're bound to break and my hands are tied

thanks so much for watching guys I really hope you enjoyed

it if you did please give it a thumbs up because that really helps my channel out

there will also be a free link to a download down below if you really liked

it other than that I hope you guys have a wonderful week and I'll see you in my

next video bye

For more infomation >> Anne-Marie & James Arthur - "Rewrite the stars" The Greatest Showman: Reimagined (Live cover) - Duration: 4:32.


Hugh Grant Twitter: Actor urgently appeals for unlikely item after his car is broken into - Duration: 1:58.

Hugh Grant Twitter: The actor's car was broken into over the weekend (Image: WENN) Hugh Grant spoke out in view of his 335,000 Twitter followers yesterday evening in the hope of getting a stolen item back

The Hollywood actor's car was broken into and his bag was taken, however it was something else that was more of a concern

The 58-year-old said if anyone knew who was behind it, could they "persuade them" to return a script

He said there was "weeks" of work detailed on it but said it was "unlikely" that anyone knew of its whereabouts

Related articles Hugh Grant and the cast of Four Weddings and Funeral reunite on set Love Actually: Hugh Grant calls THIS moment 'EXCRUCIATING' Please try and persuade them to at least return my scriptHugh Grant Hugh tweeted: "In the unlikely chance that anyone knows who broke into my car tonight and stole my bag, please try and persuade them to at least return my script

 "Many weeks worth of notes and ideas. And perhaps my children's medical cards. Coach Films, Ealing St Mary's Ealing Green W5 5EN

" David Baddiel was one of the birth to reply, joking responding: "I'm sorry. I've had very bad writer's block

" Meanwhile, Kevin Pietersen also wrote: "B******s! Our street being invaded by scumbags?!" Huh is currently working on an upcoming Guy Ritchie movie, Toff Guys, alongside the likes of Matthew McConaughey, Michelle Dockery and Colin Farrell

 But he'll also be returning to the small screen in drama The Undoing with Oscar winner Nicole Kidman

For more infomation >> Hugh Grant Twitter: Actor urgently appeals for unlikely item after his car is broken into - Duration: 1:58.


메리 브이로그| 마지막까지 맛있는 음식 잔뜩 먹기. 드디어 삿포로 떠나는 날(Sapporo trip vlog 4) - Duration: 5:57.

today is the day come back to home

morning meal. convenient store lunch boxes(Japan store family mart)

I like this can coffee(tully's coffee)

I like chicken!


last night, I plan to morning meal lunch boxes. so I was happy.

come here, eggs!



like puding!

very soft

I like clean my room before leaving.

it's Pekoe character can(a Japanies). it's empty can, but very cute. so I collects!

Thank you for a lovely time .

every moment was precious because leaving Sapporo after few hour

this moment is the people living there daily life, but to me this is precious trip time

last looking around in lawson (crying)

my favorite desert is mocha roll. but it was sold out.

there are look like "egg roll". that's good, too.

so many soup. next time, I'll try it

I walked slowly in sapporo, and took my eyes of the beautiful landscape

good bye sapporo

I found a cute cafe.

I ordered cheese cake and today coffee.

this lovely mood makes me relax .

sapporo cheese very cool


it's not special flavor, but enough

mild coffee! I love milk


when I came to cafe early morning, it's quiet here.

I bought coffee by Marumi cafe

I arrived at sapporo department "parco"

I like this style

natural brand. looks like "Aesop". so I like it.

oh, it's my wish list coat of "Danton"

too expensive and fabric was thin. bye...

vintage shop

love this design, so lovely knit sweater

if I have more time, I look in the secluded this place.

vintage furniture

adorable, do you come to my house with me?

hard walk haha

omg.. too small so cute(francfranc store)

and then ended up I bought it. haha

and I bought this hat. cute, right?

bye, my tsutaya. see you soon!

I wanna be to take home this cute tram

take me!

I'm going to last lunch. haha

it's famous noodles restaurant "kiraito ramen"

cosy warmth mood

I ordered "miso ramen(was created in sapporo)"


this soup is very good, but too salty to me

buy the way, it was my first time Japan ramen! so I'm happy

after the meal, the storeowner some candy into my hand. so she was sweet haha :)

the last city view

I want to walk around the this place to sapporo again

so, I'am leaving!

sapporo trip was too short, but and then every moment's precious

it was best milk ice cream.(airport store)

in-flight meal, haha

I like this movie<little forest(Korea version)>

I would also like to live "made my forest for me" now

thank you for watching

For more infomation >> 메리 브이로그| 마지막까지 맛있는 음식 잔뜩 먹기. 드디어 삿포로 떠나는 날(Sapporo trip vlog 4) - Duration: 5:57.


Breaking News Today - After Trump attacks Cohen, House committee chairs warn Trump not to 'obstruct' - Duration: 4:01.

On Saturday, Donald Trump made an apparently impromptu call-in to a Fox News program to push back against new press stories that revealed the FBI had launched a counterterrorism investigation to determine whether the sitting president was working as an agent for the Russian government

He refused to specifically answer whether the allegations were true, deflecting by saying it was "the most insulting thing I've ever been asked" and that "they found absolutely nothing

".But Trump also made what seemed like a public threat towards his longtime attorney Michael Cohen, scheduled to testify before Congress on his actions on behalf of Trump

Along with a string of insults aimed at Cohen, Trump also mused that Cohen should instead "give information maybe on his father in law, because that's the one that people want to look at," he suggested to host Jeanine Pirro

"I don't know [his name], but you'll find out, and you'll look into it because nobody knows what's going on over there

".(Trump also insisted he had not "left the White House in months", despite being widely photographed in Texas just last Thursday

).The televised public attacks on a soon-to-be congressional witness, including against that witness' family members, did not go unnoticed

Reps. Elijah Cummings, Adam Schiff, and Jerrold Nadler, chairs of the Oversight, Intelligence and Judiciary Committees, issued a joint statement today in response to that Fox News interview warning Trump that he is not above the law

The integrity of our process to serve as an independent check on the Executive Branch must be respected by everyone, including the President

Our nation's laws prohibit efforts to discourage, intimidate, or otherwise pressure a witness not to provide testimony to Congress

The President should make no statement or take any action to obstruct Congress' independent oversight and investigative efforts, including by seeking to discourage any witness from testifying in response to a duly authorized request from Congress

If the purpose of Trump's attacks on Cohen and his family was to pressure Cohen to soften his congressional testimony or to discourage him from giving it, it would count as witness tampering

That may be among the least of Trump's current worries, as U.S. officials continue to investigate Trump's finances, his campaign's myriad links to Russian figures and interests, and his Russia-supportive actions as president, but it is an impeachable offense on its own

The blunt language the Democratic committee chairs are using here is an indication that now they will not be ignoring such threats as recent Republican chairs have so persistently done

For more infomation >> Breaking News Today - After Trump attacks Cohen, House committee chairs warn Trump not to 'obstruct' - Duration: 4:01.


#StreetPrize Winners - DG6 4AN in Kirkcudbright on 12/01/2019 - People's Postcode Lottery - Duration: 1:37.

So it's a gorgeous day here in Kirkcudbright - perfect for a Street Prize!

Let's go see if I can find some winners.

How are you? Well it's good to meet you!

Shall we see how much you've won?

- Yes.

I never expected this! I mean, I played just for the simple fact of supporting the

charities, you know. I never, ever wanted to win anything.

- You happy with that?

- I am very happy with it!

I thought, you know, it'd be £1000 or £500, something, but I couldn't believe what I did get. That was

marvellous. I support a lot of charities, and I've got family, I've got grandchildren, and

we've just had our ruby wedding anniversary so we might have a little treat

for that. It's a lovely extra bit of cash that I

never had and I can do things with, and maybe help other people that I wouldn't

have been able to do without it.

- So we've had a fantastic day here in Kirkcudbright. It's part of the draw promoted

by War Child. If you're not playing and you fancy signing up, here are all of the

details. You never know, one of us could be knocking on your door.

For more infomation >> #StreetPrize Winners - DG6 4AN in Kirkcudbright on 12/01/2019 - People's Postcode Lottery - Duration: 1:37.


Mes conseils pour bien se préparer au ski - Duration: 10:32.

For more infomation >> Mes conseils pour bien se préparer au ski - Duration: 10:32.



we will talk about the different ways of use it Johnson baby oil .... Know one

never you could learn 2-3 small things…

But first of all, what is the Johnson baby oil?

this oil is relatively unknown in France, unlike the United States or

England where she is recognized and appreciated for a long time for its moisturizing qualities.

Little more to know: Many US stars use it to get that pretty glow on

the body as they roll on the carpet red. You see what I want to talk about,

is not it ?!  I told you we could use it

on the skin for Getting a nice glow will give it instantly

a healthy side to the skin

Make up the eyes

Nourish / hydrate her cuticles, but also Treat dry hair and prevent

forks, not to mention pelicles, hair brittle, sick hair ... in short

Just like the rest of your body, your cuticles can benefit from moisturizing properties

baby oil.

The oil is ideal for detangling hair dry and prevent split ends. Yes

your hair or scalp are very dry, mix in a small vase as you

see a spoon of toothpaste and 4 spoons of baby oil, apply the mixture

on your hair then wet well with water so that it touches the whole

head and let it rest for 20 minutes then shampoo. Result? A mane

worthy of the most beautiful Disney princesses for miss and. I revitalize my hair

In this video, Eva and I are using it separately for our hair, I have hair

very dry short filled with dandruff and very poor, she has

long hair sex and also very damaged

So me. Put a spoon of toothpaste and three spoons of Johnson oil and she

put it the same except that it adds an oil to the fines in addition, why I do not know

no, she loves

Then we put everything on the hair taking care to lather and leave

20 minutes, finally we rinse like you see in the video, and to allow them

to stay well fed for a long time and to be very hydrated, soft and shiny we add this keel

which is not fat, and yet that makes very quickly grow hair,, this is

absolutely to test at home

Same if you have your hands or even damaged feet

Add a teaspoon of sugar a few drops of oil and rub your

hands. Tadam they are very sweet and cleared of their dead skin! The same thing is

possible to exfoliate the body, just simply to increase the quantities; )

It's in African shops , has 5 ea about and has two euros on Amazon

Do not hesitate if you like to read read and share so that it reaches a maximum

of people also think to subscribe




郭富城護駕嘴饞大肚妻 亂停500萬Audi新車 - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> 郭富城護駕嘴饞大肚妻 亂停500萬Audi新車 - Duration: 1:51.


What Liverpool ace has said about Arsenal amid Mohamed Salah diving allegations - Duration: 3:22.

 Liverpool star Mohamed Salah has been in the headlines recently, and not all for the right reasons

 The Egypt international, who was the Premier League's top scorer last season, has been at the centre of a diving storm in three of the Reds' last four Premier League games

 On Saturday he won the penalty from which he scored from in the 1-0 win over Brighton & Hove Albion, and did so win wins over Arsenal and Newcastle United last month

 Many in the media as well as rival supporters have suggested that Salah has gone to ground far too easily in all three incidents, sparking up an allegation over diving in the process

 However, Reds left-back Andrew Robertson has jumped to the defence of his teammate and pointed the finger at the Gunners for their 'desperation' which has prompted such accusations

 "Every time it happens, we go back, everyone looks at the video, and you go, 'well, it's not a dive'

"He is not that sort of player, so how many times is it going to happen?," he told the Telegraph

 "I was at the edge of the box (against Brighton) and it was a stonewaller. "If people are starting to say Mo has gone down easily, it's not fair

 "The one against Arsenal, especially, he got clipped three times. They still appealed

It's a bit of desperation."  In other Arsenal news, club legend Ray Parlour has urged head coach Unai Emery to prioritise the FA Cup and Europa League after falling six points behind Chelsea in the top four race

  "Poor performance from Arsenal but for me it's all about the cups this year," he said on talkSPORT

 "Realistically, top four would have been so difficult to make with the teams they're up against with Chelsea and Tottenham going well and watching Liverpool beat Brighton and Man City

United could go on a run with their new manager in tow.  "I'm looking at the Europa League from Arsenal's point of view and the FA Cup

 "Over the years the FA Cup has probably kept Arsene Wenger in a job so these are the sort of trophies they've got to try and win this year

"   Keep up to date with the latest news, features and exclusives from via the free football

london app for iPhone and Android . Available to download from the App Store and Google Play

For more infomation >> What Liverpool ace has said about Arsenal amid Mohamed Salah diving allegations - Duration: 3:22.


Breaking News Today - White House reportedly asked Pentagon for military options to attack Iran - Duration: 5:35.

"People were shocked. It was mind-boggling how cavalier they were about hitting Iran

".President Trump's National Security Council asked the Pentagon in September for military options against Iran, the Wall Street Journal reported on Sunday

The request was made shortly after an attack near the U.S. embassy in Baghdad, which the White House blamed on Iranian proxies in Iraq

The request from the National Security Council troubled many at the Pentagon and State Department, especially given that the attack caused no casualties and little damage

"It definitely rattled people," one former senior U.S. administration official told the Journal

"People were shocked. It was mind-boggling how cavalier they were about hitting Iran

".Months later, it remains unclear whether the proposed military actions were provided to President Donald Trump, and even whether he knew that the request was made

U.S. foreign policy towards Iran has seriously escalated since April, when John Bolton became national security advisor and Mike Pompeo became secretary of state

In May, the White House released a statement announcing that Israeli intelligence proves that "Iran has a robust, clandestine nuclear weapons program

" According to U.S. intelligence, Iran does not have a nuclear weapons program. The White House later corrected the statement to the past tense, without issuing a formal correction online

A few days later, Trump withdrew from the Iranian nuclear deal, despite repeated confirmations from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) that Iran was complying with the agreement

As part of that withdrawal, the United States re-imposed nuclear-related sanctions on Iran, which took effect in November

The upheaval has seriously affected the Iranian economy, with an approximately 60 percent decrease in the Iranian rial last year and inflation soaring to about 40 percent

Both Bolton and Pompeo are Iran hawks and have advocated for regime change in Iran

Bolton is a strong supporter of the Muhajideen-e Khalq, a cult-like diaspora group that advocates for regime change in Iran

Bolton has been paid by the group and spoke at MEK conferences even when the group was still on the State Department's list of foreign terrorist organizations

(It was removed from the list only in 2012). In 2015, while the Iran nuclear deal was being negotiated, he wrote an op-ed in the New York Times titled "To Stop Iran's Bomb, Bomb Iran

".Pompeo has also been a vocal opponent of the Iran deal. Shortly after it was announced, Pompeo declared in a National Review op-ed that the deal "strengthens Muslim extremists

" One year later in 2016, Pompeo maintained that it was a bad deal and called on Congress "to change Iranian behavior, and, ultimately, the Iranian regime

" On Thursday, Pompeo gave a speech in Cairo blaming many of the problems in the Middle East on Iran

In December, Trump announced a withdrawal of U.S. troops in Syria and Afghanistan

Since then, multiple generals have left the Trump administration, including Chief of Staff John Kelly, Defense Secretary James Mattis, and Special Presidential Envoy for the Global Coalition to Counter ISIL Brett McGurk

For more infomation >> Breaking News Today - White House reportedly asked Pentagon for military options to attack Iran - Duration: 5:35.


Planes: Fire & Rescue [usa-movie] (2014) - AC/DC's Soundtrack - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> Planes: Fire & Rescue [usa-movie] (2014) - AC/DC's Soundtrack - Duration: 4:05.


Liverpool news: Andy Robertson hits back at Mohamed Salah diving critics: 'It's not fair' - Duration: 3:31.

 That's according to Salah's team-mate Andy Robertson. The Reds beat Brighton 1-0 on Saturday to bounce back from their first defeat of the season, with Salah scoring the game's only goal after being felled in the box by Pascal Gross

 Liverpool have now had four penalties in their last four Premier League matches, with Salah winning three of them and also dispatching the same number

 But the 26-year-old has been accused of exacerbating contact inside the area, particularly after a contentious spot-kick in a 4-0 defeat of Newcastle on Boxing Day

 Ex-Liverpool boss Rafael Benitez - in charge at Newcastle - lambasted the penalty decision as "soft"

 Such criticisms were apparent again against Brighton, where he was booed by the home fans afterwards, although Seagulls manager Chris Hughton admitted: "Mo Salah is probably the best in the country in one-on-one situations, it was hard for Pascal

I certainly apportion no blame."  Salah has developed a reputation for adjudged simulation on social media but in response to such suggestions Jurgen Klopp was recently forced to say: "Do we need blood for a proper penalty? I think no

We don't have divers and that was not a dive."  That came after Salah won another penalty in a 5-1 win at Arsenal, in which the winger allowed team-mate Roberto Firmino to take Liverpool's second attempt from 12 yards of the day to complete his hat-trick

 And Robertson believes claims that the joint-top Premier League goalscorer is diving are simply "desperation"

 "He's not that type of player," declared the left-back. "Every time it happens then we go back and everyone looks at the video and you go, 'Well, it's not a dive so how many times is it going to happen?' "I'm not sure if the Brighton players did say it was a dive or not and I'll need to see it back but I was at the edge of the box and for me it was a stonewaller

 "If people are starting to say Mo has gone down easily it's not fair because the one against Arsenal, especially, he got clipped three times on his way down

 "They still appealed it so it's a bit of desperation." However, Gross has declared Salah made the most of minimal contact to earn a foul from referee Kevin Friend

 The Brighton star said: "My first feeling was that he put his arm around me. "I put my arm around him, but I had the feeling that I pulled my arm away at the right moment and he just stopped so that I could fall

" Liverpool return to action with the visit of Crystal Palace to Anfield on Saturday (3pm) having lost three of their last four home games against the Eagles

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