Thứ Năm, 29 tháng 12, 2016

Youtube daily report Dec 29 2016

It's Christmas and most of the fronts have gone quiet as winter has set in.

Not all of them, though, and there are still actions both major and minor throughout Europe,

but a major political bombshell is dropped this week in Russia, as Rasputin is assassinated.

I'm Indy Neidell; welcome to the Great War.

Last week the Battle of Verdun, raging since February, came to an end.

In Romania, the Central Powers were gearing up to attack the Russo-Romanian forces once


The British captured El Amish, an important supply point, on the Palestine Front, the

Germans took Russian positions near Kovel, and the turmoil in Greece continued, with

the Allies demanding control of the post, the telegraph, and the railways.

Both Verdun and the Somme were over.

The Western Front was quiet.

Here's what went on during quiet: let's look at December 28th.

Between the Aisne and Oise rivers near Quennevieres, French artillery pounded German positions

during the day.

The Germans were forced to evacuate their trenches.

On the left bank of the Meuse, the Germans bombed the French positions between the Meuse

and Avocourt all day long.

The Germans also made several grenade attacks in this sector, but they were unsuccessful.

That night British troops made a successful raid against German trenches east of Le Sars.

Also that night the Germans attacked NW of Verdun on a three-kilometer front between

Hill 304 and Dead Man's Hill.

French machine guns and infantry stopped the Germans but the accounts from Berlin say that

they penetrated to the 2nd and 3rd French lines, taking 222 prisoners, 4 of them officers,

and seven machine guns.

Berlin also says the French were unable to retake the trenches.

"The closing days of the year were not marked by any important military operations on either


Though no great attacks were attempted, the old business of trench warfare being resumed,

the opposing forces continued to harass and destroy each other at every opportunity...

This period of "peace" was really one of ceaseless activity...

To prevent the building of defenses, or smash them when built, to concentrate gunfire on

communication trenches so as to render them impassable, to destroy reliefs coming in or

going out, to carry death to the foe in ditches and dugouts - in short to injure him in any

way that human ingenuity and military science could devise- such were the tactics employed

by belligerents during the days and nights when in official language there was "nothing

to report"."

There was much to report on another German front, though, in Romania.

General Erich von Falkenhayn's men attacked the Russians at Rimnicu Sarat, but to his

surprise, they did not retreat.

Instead they offered spirited defense and the attack bogged down.

Also, on Falkenhayn's right, the Danube Army under s August von Mackensen did not

advance, so the Russians could take units from opposite them and throw them at Falkenhayn.

Falkenhayn, of course, asked Mackensen to please attack, but he refused, thinking that

if he did so he'd expose his own flank to the enemy.

Finally, on the 24th, the Germans broke the Russian trenches on the far west flank, and

there was a lot of hand-to-hand bayonet fighting, but still, after two days of battle with not

much to show for it, Falkenhayn thought he'd lost the battle.

The night of the 24th he sent his reserves in, and on Christmas Day Mackensen finally

began to move, though he didn't make much headway because his artillery hadn't damaged

the enemy trenches.

On the 26th, the reserves stormed the Russian lines at 1 PM, and took the second and third

trench lines.

On the afternoon of the 27th, the German reserves entered Ramnicu Sarat and the Russians retreated

along the whole line.

Over the six day battle the Germans took 10,000 Russian prisoners and 58 machine guns.

And speaking of Russians, there was big news in Russia itself this week.

Now, there were enormous political machinations in Russia in 1916.

Boris Stürmer had been Prime Minister for much of it.

Here's what the Story of the Great War has to say about him, "Stürmer, where his predecessors

had been merely incompetent, now set about consciously to make a separate peace with

Germany, and this object he hardly took the trouble to hide.

Through censorship he suppressed the loyal press and encouraged a number of papers which

openly denounced Russia's allies and demanded a separate peace with the Kaiser... so openly

that it was known all over Russia, even among the peasants, that a separate peace was being


Stürmer suppressed democratic organizations, had Sergei Sazanov - who admired the British

and French - removed as Minister of Foreign Affairs, and personally replaced him.

Yep, he held both offices simultaneously.

He was ALSO the Minister of the Interior.

During his tenure there he was responsible for food shortages in the cities.

He even encouraged a group of financiers to take control of food supplies, thereby making

a huge profit himself at the expense of his people.

And now we introduce Alexander Protopopov, who became Stürmer's Minister of the Interior

in September.

Protopopov and Rasputin were tight, as were Stürmer and Rasputin, and it was Rasputin's

influence at court that got Protopopov his position.

Rasputin by this time had enormous power over the court of the Tsar and Tsarina, and we're

kind of re-introducing Protopopov since we mentioned him last month as having been in

Stockholm informally meeting with Germans to talk about a separate peace.

(story) "Of a deep significance... was the appointment of Alexander D. Protopopov as

Minister of the Interior.

This was the man who was finally to kick aside the last wedge shoring up the tottering walls

of the Russian autocracy...

It was undoubtedly he who conceived the idea of staging a revolution in Russia, of creating

or precipitating a premature uprising, as had been done in 1905, but for a different


The purpose was to create such internal disorder in Russia that the government would have a

pretext for making a separate peace with Germany.

You could use the revolutionaries to cause the disorder, make the peace while everyone

was occupied with the uprising, then bring home the troops and easily put down the revolution

with the millions of trained soldiers you'd just brought home.

Simple, right?

So placards began appearing in factories calling for demonstrations and strikes.

Actual police agents went undercover into industrial plants and preached revolution.

Protopopov was deliberately breaking the machinery of a nation to facilitate a Russian defeat.

The Duma, which hadn't met since February, opened November 14th, and it was the last

hope of the people.

Stürmer was sacked after it was proved that he had received bribes from food speculators,

for his policies of "stupidity or treason", and though Alexander Trepov became the new

Prime Minister, in actuality it was now a battle between the Duma and the Russian people

on one side, and Protopopov on the other.

But his forces included Rasputin, the Tsarina, and- unconsciously- the Tsar.

"Protopopov now began persecuting the members and leaders of the social forces... he endeavored

to have Paul Milukov (leader of the Constitutional Democrats) assassinated but the assassin revealed

the plot... he gathered together former members of the Black Hundreds and recruited them into

the police force and trained them in machine gun practice.

And finally he renewed the energy with which he had begun to organize revolutionary disorders

among the workers."

But this week a spanner was thrown into Protopopov's works.

On the evening hours of December 30th- yes, one day in the future, but some sources say

it was the 29th.

Anyhow, a group of men drove up to Prince Felix Yusupov's house.

Among them were Grand Duke Dmitri Pavlovitch and former Interior Minister Alexei Khvostov.

They entered the house.

A policeman nearby heard shots fired but didn't dare to pursue inquiries because of the rank

of the house's owner.

The next day a hole was found in the ice of the Neva River.

Further search revealed the body of Rasputin.

Now, there are a lot more details about this killing and we'll cover them in a special

bio episode about Rasputin.

Anyhow, the Tsarina was hysterical and Protopopov fainted when he heard the news.

Rasputin was buried with pomp usually reserved for the royal family, with both the Tsar and

Protopopov as pallbearers.

The people of Russia treated this as if it were a great military victory and celebrated.

The details of the assassination were printed in the papers, including the names of the

men involved, and they went unprosecuted, mostly because of rank, but still.

And that's where we stand as the week comes to an end.

Russians retreating in Romania, day to day actions continuing unabated on the Western

Front, the British capturing Magdhaba in the Sinai, defeating a Turkish force of 3,000,

and on December 27th, Joseph Joffre, whose calm and sangfroid had very much saved France

in the early days of the war, was "promoted" to Marshal of France and shuffled out of the

way to relative obscurity.

And it was Christmas.

But of course there would be no Christmas truce this year.

Not on any of the fronts.

And Rasputin was assassinated.

And this was a blow to Protopopov and the conspiracy to intentionally destabilize Russia

from within in order to betray its allies and make peace with Germany.

Rasputin had wielded great power.

Would the separate peace conspiracy die with Rasputin?

We shall see in 1917.

If you want to watch our christmas special from last year, you can check out the story

of the SMS Emden right here.

Our Patreon supporter of the week is Diego Bianco.

Help us on Patreon or visit our amazon store to spend all that christmas money you got

from aunt Ruth.

See you next year.

For more infomation >> Turmoil in Russia - The Assassination of Rasputin I THE GREAT WAR Week 127 - Duration: 10:37.


7 Things Of Women That Make Men Crazy - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> 7 Things Of Women That Make Men Crazy - Duration: 2:34.


Siri Loves Super Mario Run! Response Compilation - Duration: 2:00.

Super Mario Run has been out for some time exclusively for Apple devices.

At least for now.

But what you may not know is that Siri is really excited about this.

In fact, thanks to Nintendaan, Dverkruijssen, and lydon42 on Twitter, we can actually see

how Siri reacts when you ask about Mario Run.

Even better, she has some things to say when you mention that it's Mario time.

Thanks to all three for the screenshots and let us know if you find any new ones on your


For more infomation >> Siri Loves Super Mario Run! Response Compilation - Duration: 2:00.


The History of Late Night: Wilder Westen | Gute Arbeit Originals - Duration: 4:48.

For more infomation >> The History of Late Night: Wilder Westen | Gute Arbeit Originals - Duration: 4:48.


VII Batallón de la Muerte - La Orden de los Caballeros Australes - Duration: 2:53.

The condemned by the Fatherland are dragged away, traitors and beasts who are looking at the ground.

The Argentine People awaits eager that the finished (scums) pass through the fire.

As the skulls of the subhumans crack, they ask for mercy and they're pleading in vain.

We say in front of them, so we could be remembered: don't forget that the Fatherland suffered because of you!

The Order of Terror against subhumans! Our Sun rises when we ride!

Men of the Fatherland are standing loyal to the Order of the Southern Knights!

Agonizing cries are heard on one side, while death comes to the condemned.

Their eyes crystallize as their skulls crack but the anguish comes when the wolves roar.

Ten steps forward, towards the fence, awaiting the sentence by the jury.

They walk towards the black Circle of Death, covered by the blood of inert corpses.

We bring death to the condemned! Our Sun rises when we ride!

Men of the Fatherland are standing loyal to the Order of the Southern Knights!

For more infomation >> VII Batallón de la Muerte - La Orden de los Caballeros Australes - Duration: 2:53.


KENTO BENTO CHANNEL UPDATE | Upcoming Changes - Duration: 2:18.

I was halfway through editing our next video, then I stopped

I didn't want to do it anymore

I didn't want to do this video

It was suppose to be on heartwarming Japanese commercials, in case you were wondering

but we're not putting it out anymore

As much as filming that video was fun, I realised I personally needed a more stimulating topic

And then I realised, I've been feeling that way for a while now

I mean that for only some of our videos though, as there are many that I'm quite happy about

But I do want to do topics of substance, more consistently

ones that require more research and thought

Actually if you look at our videos from earlier on, we had that

I enjoyed making videos on The Hiroshima Atomic Bomb, The Japanese Emperor

The 2011 Tohoku Earthquake & Tsunami, The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster

Also the less serious ones, yet still informational like our first natto video, our first ramune video

Answering...why Asians are yellow, who the most influential Asian superheroes are

If you wanna check them out, the links are in the description below

The reason these kinds of videos are less frequent now is because of time

I usually cannot get them out within a week

They take closer to 2 weeks

And posting a video once every 2 weeks seems like a bad idea if we want to grow our channel

especially with YouTube's algorithm favoring channels that post more frequently

And we also didn't want you guys waiting too long for the next one

But YouTube shouldn't be about picking video topics based on time constraints

or gaming the algorithm

It should be about our own personal expression and interests

I know this can't always be the case as YouTube is a business for many people, but for me personally

if I'm not maximizing the enjoyment of this process, I don't think it's sustainable

Anyway, where I'm getting at is, we're going to change our channel for 2017

It will still be on Asiany topics, but ones that provoke more thought and interest

for me and hopefully for you guys as well

I'm also planning a different presentation style so it will be interesting to see how people find it

That is the Kento Bento channel update and our direction for 2017

We really appreciate all of you who watch our videos

and those who have supported us, you know who you are!

Feel free to drop a comment if you have any thoughts or suggestions

Our ears are open

That's it for now, hope you are all having a wonderful Christmas and New Year's break

I'll see you soon

For more infomation >> KENTO BENTO CHANNEL UPDATE | Upcoming Changes - Duration: 2:18.


Will This New Fusion Reactor Mimic The Sun's Energy? - Duration: 2:04.

Hey reactors, Trace here for a DNews short.

If you're a regular watcher of DNews you know nuclear reactors come in two flavors -- fission

and fusion.

Fission is about breaking atoms apart to release energy.

Fusion is about squishing atoms together to release energy.

"Nuclear power" is fission, but we really wanna figure out this fusion thing.

It's better.

In December 2015, a new fusion reactor was tested and it's more efficient than any before

it -- the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator.

It even sounds cool… oh, and it looks like a donut.

A variety of fusion reactors have been proposed, with mixed levels of success.

Tokamaks and Stellarators seem to be the best way forward.

Though they're very different designs, at their core, they both create magnetic fields

to contain donuts of this superheated plasma.

The stellarator is less popular because they're tougher to build; it took 19 years to construct

the W-7X but once it turned on, it briefly contained plasma at "80 million degrees centigrade

for a quarter of a second."

Unfortunately, 80 million degrees isn't quite enough to mimic what we think happens inside

the sun.

The sun is fueled by the fusion of superheated plasmas of hydrogen that are smushed together

(or fused) inside the sun's core, forming helium.

If scientists can get the temperature over 100 million degrees celsius, the electrons

of hydrogen would be stripped away, and the nuclei would smash into each other and fuse…

creating energy.

Hydrogen is the most abundant material in the universe -- if we can figure out fusion,

we'll have an "almost inexhaustible" source of energy.

So, this isn't ready yet.

It took more energy to make the flash of plasma in the stellarator than they got out of it.

But, if they can hit their specifications and keep it running for 30 minutes… that

could change everything.

The current record?

A French tokamak was on for 6-and-a-half minutes.

We're not there yet, but we're on our way.

If you want to know more about tokamak and other fusion reactors, check out this video.

Do you have questions?




How's things?

Tell us in the comments and please subscribe for more DNews.

For more infomation >> Will This New Fusion Reactor Mimic The Sun's Energy? - Duration: 2:04.


Foundation Makeup Routine for Glowy Pale Skin | Cruelty Free @phyrra - Duration: 4:25.

Hey guys, welcome back to my channel and hello to you new people too.

Just a quick reminder, be sure that you've clicked on the little bell button below so

that you are subscribed to my videos and you'll get notifications whenever I post a new video.

Anyway, today I'm going to be sharing what I believe is going to be my new complexion


This is like a new prep spray that's hydrating, it smells kind of like coconut, so kind of


It says that it has highly purified vitamin B3.

It's supposed to improve tone and texture and brighten and smooth the skin and the coconut

water gives you moisture.

I'm just spraying this on my face.

I just love how it smells, it smells so good.

Next I'm going to take the new Urban Decay Optical Illusion Primer and this primer has

smoothing rose hip and argan oil in it and it's supposed to be pore perfecting.

I really do like it.

Basically I just put this all over the face.

The next thing I do is, I go in with my concealers and these are the Kat Von D Lock-It Concealers.

The shade is L1 and I'm going to kind of put this around like the highlighting parts of

the face and then I'm going to take L3 Warm.

I'm going to attack it with my beauty blender.

I'm basically bouncing it on the face.

I have a small damp beauty sponge too.

Now I'm going to go back and add a tiny bit more on my chin and by the sides of my nose.

I'm going to take the Glossier Perfecting Skin Tint in Light.

Light is actually a little dark for me but with the way I did the concealer, it'll work

just fine or at least it did yesterday.

I'm going to go back with the beauty blender.

Then I'm taking this Kat Von D brush, just to kind of blend.

Now you can see some of my natural blush from rosacea poking through, which I like it when

Mickey does it.

When I do it, I'm kind of iffy on it.

I'm going to go ahead and finish putting on some face products, finish my makeup really,

is what I'm going to do.

Taking this face brush and I'm just using it to blend out the bronzer shade, all the

contouring bronzing shades.

Now that I have a little bit of contour on I'm going to put on a little bit of highlight

and then I'm going to go in with blush.

Today I'm going to use Makeup Geek Glitz.

I'm going to take Urban Decay Score blush.

Coming back with a little bit of Makeup Geek Glitz.

The last step that I'm going to do is seal it in with All Nighter spray.

I think right now I'm a really big fan of using the Kat Von D Lock-It concealers in

two different colors to basically do part of my face and then put the Glossier Perfecting

Skin Tint in Light on top because I feel like it kind of makes it look like it's just skin,

like I don't feel like it looks like I'm wearing heavy makeup or a lot of makeup.

Yeah, I'm really happy with it and I have to say that I think the Quick Fix and the

Optical Blurring Primer are the bomb, they're awesome.

I love this primer.

I don't think I've ever used any face primers from Urban Decay before, so I'm blown away

by how awesome this one is.

Ever since I got it I've been using it more than the Hourglass or anything else, which

the Hourglass is my go to, so we'll see if this becomes my new holy grail face primer.

Anyway, what do you think of this complexion routine?

Please be sure to let me know in the comments below.

If you found this video helpful and you loved it, please share it.

I love it when you share my videos, it makes my day.

If you haven't already, go ahead and click the subscribe button so you don't miss my

next video.

Thanks so much for watching.

For more infomation >> Foundation Makeup Routine for Glowy Pale Skin | Cruelty Free @phyrra - Duration: 4:25.


How To ROCK Your Chest Voice! - How To Belt - Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy - Duration: 8:23.

How to find our chest voice-or how to belt with our chest voice.

Well, this is actually again, a very expansive subject, and it's really cool because sopranos,

you are kind of at a disadvantage, in that you are often taught to bring your head voice

down really low into your chest registration, so you are: (Sings from high to low, bottoms

out on low notes).

And you have this really weak, Flutie hooty kind of sound.

It's true for some altos, as well.

I want you to think of it like this, okay?

It's going to be a silly analogy, but you'll relate to this.

If you're in a restaurant, and you go to the bathroom, and you asked somebody to watch

your stuff.

And let's say you leave your phone on the table.

And you go to the bathroom and you come back and you see some guy and he runs across to

the table and grabs your cell phone and he bolts out the door.

You wouldn't say (in a weak, heady voice) hey!

Stop that guy!

He's got my phone!

Oh, ooh, hoo, hoo!

No. You'd go: "HEY!!!! THATGUY!!!


STOP HIM!!! NOW!!! Right?

You'd Call Out.

It's called the CALLING or Belting Register.

So you'd belt out to that guy.

You'd say, you know, that guy just stole my phone.


Well, as strange as it sounds, that is your call register.

Now we can't do this with that kind of intensity when we sing, but the idea is that we understand

what that is so we know how to grow it and then curb it or control it safely.

So we do these exercises in the belting register.

Now there's two registrations in your call and your speaking register.

So right now I'm speaking to you in my speaking register.

And there's actually what's called Primo passaggio.

There is a, let's call it a gear – shifting between my speaking register "Heeey, yeah,

yeah, yeah, yeah!"


When I kind of move into that sound, that kind of belting register, all of a sudden

I kind of have to shift gears to get up into it.

So as I'm speaking I have to understand that I have to shed or get rid of a lot of

the weight from my speaking register to get into my belting register.

Otherwise there's too much girth, or too much mass that's brought up into the throat.

Well, that's also true when I go through secondo passaggio, the "passageway".

Remember we talked about mix voice in one of my videos, where I had to "Heeeeey!"

And I want to go up into that sound.

I have to thin out the sound, make it smaller.

Thin, not as in "weak" but thin as in small, and thin out that sound to get through

the passaggio to go up into my head voice or mixed voice and combine those two sounds.

So we could do some exercises, and we're going to do them now and there's a simple

one, actually there's two of them I'm going to do…

This is going to be a little complicated at first, so bear with me, 'cause

I think you'll appreciate this, but it's going to be:



Ah, ah, ah.

Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah…

Just do just that with me.

First, real quick.



Ah, ah, ah.

Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah…

Next one: La.


Ah, ah, ah.

Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah…

Now ladies, you're getting up pretty high especially if you're an alto.

If you're a soprano your kinda just cruising what's easy for you.



Ah, ah, ah.

Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah…

Now don't forget.

I have a whole thing on support, which is super important.

And also, how to relax and release tension as I'm going through this, so I'm not going


I'm not killing it on the bottom.

I'm being really gentle.



Ah, ah, ah.

Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah…


I want to add one more component to this mixed voice/chest voice predominantly chest voice


So we're going to do this again, the first two are going to happen the same way.



Ah, ah, ah.

Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah…

And this is going to help strengthen that chest voice that you're looking to do.

Now, by the way, there's more to this, as well.

There's vowel modifications if you notice I'm going to do this quietly for a second

so I'm not shouting at you.

La, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah… (lightly) like I have these different vowel modifications

and I have this whole section in my singing course about how we modify the vowels to

make it smaller as we go up top, so that we're not over-singing or over-exploiting the vowel


We're actually corralling, or literally lassoing that vowel, kind of pulling it in and making

it smaller and compressing the vowel as we go up.

So let's do the next one…



Ah, ah, ah.

Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah…

Now don't forget…


Ping is king.

If you watch my other videos about ping, ping is king, that brightness.

That Open Throat.

Keep that throat nice and open.

Let's do it again…



Ah, ah, ah.

Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah…

Now, by the way…

As you get good at this you're going to speed it up.

And I'm going to give you kind of a ridiculous example:



Ah, ah, ah.

Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah…

And you'll want to kind of get to the point where you can kinda have agility in the throat

too, so theres not so much mass that builds up and you feel like you have to struggle

with the notes themselves because they're so thick in the throat.

You can make them small.

In fact, another cool thing to do is, this is like getting way off track but I'll throw

it at you guys anyway, because I think you're smart.

It's Ha.

Ha, ah, hah.

Ha, ah, ha.

Ha, ah, ha, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah…

Where you actually have to kind of land the vowel placement in the throat with each note

along the way.

It's pretty advanced.

And I cover this also in my singing course.

But what that does is when if you're ever going to hit a high note, all of a sudden

you feel the placement in the throat and you don't have to struggle for it.

From the bottom or the top or whatever.

You've already worked out the muscle memory in the throat to get to that placement.


I hope you guys enjoyed this lesson.

Until next time.

Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy.

Please like and subscribe to my channel.

Check out my course, How To Sing Better Than Anyone Else.

Also, check out my singing forms here.

I have close to 10,000 members in there now where we discussed all this stuff.

Find me on Pinterest, tumbler, Twitter, Smule, You name it!

I'm out there, guys!

So check me out, and until next time guys…



For more infomation >> How To ROCK Your Chest Voice! - How To Belt - Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy - Duration: 8:23.


[4K] Image Synthesis From Text With Deep Learning | Two Minute Papers - Duration: 4:06.

Dear Fellow Scholars, this is Two Minute Papers with Károly Zsolnai-Fehér.

This is what we have been waiting for.

Earlier, we talked about a neural network that was able to describe in a full sentence

what we can see on an image.

And it had done a damn good job at that.

Then, we have talked about a technique that did something really crazy, the exact opposite:

we wrote a sentence, and it created new images according to that.

This is already incredible.

And we can create an algorithm like this by training not one, but two neural networks:

The first is the generative network, that creates millions of new images, and the discriminator

network judges whether these are real or fake images.

The generative network can improve its game based on the feedback and will create more

and more realistic looking images, while the discriminator network gets better and better

at telling real images from fake ones.

Like humans, this rivalry drives both neural networks towards perfecting their crafts.

This architecture is called a generative adversarial network.

It is also like the classical, evergoing arms race between criminals who create counterfeit

money and the government, which seeks to implement newer and newer measures to tell a real hundred

dollar bill from a fake one.

The previous generative adversarial networks were adept at creating new images, but due

to their limitations, their image outputs were the size of a stamp at best.

And we were wondering, how long until we get much higher resolution images from such a


Well, I am delighted to say that apparently, within the same year.

In this work, a two-stage version of this architecture is proposed.

The stage 1 network is close to the generative adversarial network we described.

And most of the fun happens in the stage 2 network, that takes this rough, low resolution

image and the text description and is told to correct the defects of the previous output

and create a higher resolution version of it.

In the video, the input text description and the stage-1 results are shown, and building

on that, the higher resolution stage-2 images are presented.

And the results are... unreal.

There was a previous article and Two Minute Papers episode on the unreasonable effectiveness

of recurrent neural networks.

If that is unreasonable effectiveness, then what is this?

The rate of progress in machine learning research is unlike any other field I have ever seen.

I honestly can't believe what I am seeing here.

Dear Fellow Scholars, what you see might very well be history in the making.

Are there still faults in the results?

Of course there are.

Are they perfect?

No, they certainly aren't.

However, research is all about progress and it's almost never possible to go from 0 to

a 100% with one new revolutionary idea.

However, I am sure that in 2017, researchers will start working on generating full HD animations

with an improved version of this architecture.

Make sure to have a look at the paper, where the ideas, challenges, and possible solutions

are very clearly presented.

And for now, I need some time to digest these results.

Currently I feel like being dropped into the middle of a science-fiction movie.

And, this one will be our last video for this year.

We have had an amazing year with some incredible growth on the channel, way more of you Fellow

Scholars decided to come with us on our journey than I would have imagined.

Thank you so much for being a part of Two Minute Papers, we'll be continuing full steam

ahead next year, and for now, I wish you a Merry Christmas and happy holidays.

2016 was an amazing year for research, and 2017 will be even better.

Stay tuned!

Thanks for watching and for your generous support, and I'll see you next time!

For more infomation >> [4K] Image Synthesis From Text With Deep Learning | Two Minute Papers - Duration: 4:06.


2013-2014 Mustang Roush Rear Side Splitters Review & Install - Duration: 3:44.

What's going on, guys?

I'm Alex from, and this is my quick review and breakdown of the Roush

rear side splitters fitting your 2013 and 2014 Mustang.

So in this video, I'm gonna talk about the construction and materials that went into

this kit, who this might appeal to, what you should expect to be spending, and then we'll

take a quick look at the installation.

We're gonna be looking at a pretty easy one out of three wrenches in the difficulty meter,

and about an hour to get these on to your car.

So this kit should definitely appeal to any 2013 and 2014 Mustang owner that's looking

to incorporate a very subtle but aggressive-looking modification to the rear of your car and,

in my opinion, really sets it off nicely.

Not only that, in the event that you're gonna be lowering your car in the future or if it's

already lowered or if you're gonna be running a larger tire or if you already are, these

are gonna complement the sides of your Mustang as well as the rear that much better.

Now, one thing I do wanna add is that if you're gonna be looking into these, I would definitely

recommend checking out Roush's corresponding side splitters as you're essentially gonna

be tying together the rear with the sides of your car, which is gonna make it flow that

much more nicely.

So taking a closer look in the materials here, we're gonna see that these are gonna be made

out of a thermoform or a TPO type plastic material, which is gonna be pretty close to

an ABS plastic or what you may find on most, if not all, exterior accessories for the Mustang


Additionally, this is gonna be finished off in a textured black stippled finish, which,

in my opinion, is gonna mesh very nicely with both light and dark colored cars.

Now, again, I do wanna mention that definitely check out Roush's side splitters if you're

gonna be looking for the full effect as if you're gonna install these on the rear of

your car without anything else, it might look a little bit on the goofy side, but you could

definitely get away with doing it, but it's just something to think about down the road.

So taking a quick look at the pricing here, you should expect to be spending only about

100 bucks for this kit, which, in my opinion, is definitely a steal, considering that most,

if not all, Roush parts do have a tendency to carry along a heftier price tag.

Again, for the money here, you're gonna be picking up a very inexpensive and easy-to-install

mod, which we'll talk about pretty soon, but one that's gonna make the rear end of your

Mustang look that much more aggressive in comparison to the next car on the road.

So switching gears to the installation portion of the video, just like I had said in the

beginning, you're gonna be looking at a pretty straightforward one out of three wrenches

in the difficulty meter and about an hour to get these on to your car.

But I do wanna point out that there is gonna be the slightest amount of drilling that's

gonna need to be done.

And if you're not comfortable with doing this, there's absolutely zero shame in taking this

down to your local body shop or even your dealer to have them perform the work for you.

So looking ahead, some of the things that I'd make sure that you're gonna have handy

is gonna be a quarter-inch drill bit, seven-millimeter socket, a little bit of rubbing alcohol, and

some scotch tape to get these on to your car.

So to start, what you're gonna wanna do is take the supplied template that Roush is gonna

provide for you and then mock this up on the rear of your car with a little bit of scotch


Now, once that's in place, simply drill your holes, take the template to the other side,

and repeat the process.

Now, once that's completed [inaudible 00:02:49] you're done, and then all you're essentially

gonna need to do is to take a little bit of rubbing alcohol and then essentially put that

on the underside of this right here as well as under your car.

Now, that's gonna be to reduce any type of grease or road grime or debris that you might

pick up from underneath your car so that you can help the 3M double-sided tape adhere that

much more effectively.

Now, once that's completed, you're gonna take your supplied J-clips from Roush right here,

spread your spruce, and you're good to go.

All right, so just to wrap things up here, if you're the Mustang owner that's looking

to incorporate a very inexpensive and easy to install modification that's gonna give

the rear end of your car some very subtle but aggressive looks, I would definitely suggest

checking out this kit for your Mustang.

So that's my quick review and breakdown for the Roush rear side splitters fitting your

2013 and 2014 Mustang available right here at

For more infomation >> 2013-2014 Mustang Roush Rear Side Splitters Review & Install - Duration: 3:44.


Top 5 Canadian Athletes of 2016: Andre De Grasse | CBC Sports - Duration: 1:31.

We are now down to the top two

of our top five Canadian athletes of 2016.

Here's what you might have missed.

Golfer Brooke Henderson was in the number five spot.

Paralympic swimmer Aurelie Rivard took the number four,

and number three belonged to Sid the Kid.

Who's taking the number two spot?

"A new Canadian record for Andre De Grasse."

If you're Andre De Grasse, how do you even begin to top 2015?

He burst onto the scene at the NCAA Championships,

won double gold at the Pan Ams,

bronze in the 100 at the worlds,

and signed a multi-million-dollar deal with Puma.

But 2016 wasn't too shabby either because it was all about introducing him

to the world.

The stage: The Olympics.

The name: Usain Bolt.

And the flare: Bromance.

These two made the usually boring heats entertaining.

But Bolt capped off his Olympic career with three more golds.

De Grasse won the bronze in the 100,

won the silver in the 200,

and anchored the relay team to a bronze medal.

He will also forever be in one of the coolest sports pictures of all time.

The torch was officially passed.

De Grasse made history by becoming the first Canadian ever to medal in all three sprint

events, and is only number two on our list.

Number one comes tomorrow.

See you then.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Canadian Athletes of 2016: Andre De Grasse | CBC Sports - Duration: 1:31.


New Year's Eve Security Preps - Duration: 1:48.




Reporter: THE CITY IS





















































Reporter: THIS YEAR 57th







For more infomation >> New Year's Eve Security Preps - Duration: 1:48.


Tow Truck Driver Killed In Hit-Run On I-95 - Duration: 0:25.













7:00 A.M..


For more infomation >> Tow Truck Driver Killed In Hit-Run On I-95 - Duration: 0:25.


I Almost Took Steroids + How To Force Muscle Growth - Duration: 8:36.

In today's video I'm going to illegally trespass on the 13th hole of a private golf course

and tell you why I almost took anabolic steroids, why I stopped eating clean for an entire month

and what I call the trifecta of muscle growth.

I'm going to share a trick with you at the end of this video, how you can literally force

muscle growth into your training sessions.

Let's dive right into it.

All right guys, so real talk from the 13th hole and I know I've fucked with you guys

in the past, but this is a true story.

100 percent not lying, so pay very close attention because I have a feeling that it's going to

mean something to you guys and it might be something you guys have mentally gone through


Last month, I'd say like starting five - six weeks ago I was going through a really stressful

time in my life where - nothing to do with the channel or anything like that, but I had

a business partner owed me thousands of dollars, kind of stressed out about that.

I had a birthday little over a month ago and everything in my life just felt so heavy.

I was like holy shit, I'm a year older.

I'm not happy with where I am.

I thought I would be so much farther in my life.

I thought I'd be millionaire by now.

I just have these big goals that I set for myself, so a birthday is a milestone of you're

another year older and you kind of - at least me, personally, I kind of line myself up with

where I think I should be and where I am and it's like I thought I would be here and I

was kind of like right here.

Then my training took a major hit.

My training - I wasn't even that motivated to go to the gym.

There were days when I would go to the gym, literally 15 minutes I'd walk in and I'd walk


I just didn't have it.

I felt like I had been training so hard for so long and I've just hit this plateau and

I just didn't really have the motivation to train for a couple of weeks.

I got thinking, I was like I know for a fact the majority of the big fitness YouTubers

are taking steroids.

I know what they're doing.

I go to the fitness conventions.

I talk to people.

I know what's going on on a lot of big fitness YouTubers, a lot of big fitness models.

I thought to myself for the first time in my life I'm actually going to take anabolic


I figure I'm the perfect candidate.

I've been training all natural for ten years.

I've pretty much reached like 90 to 90 percent of probably my genetic potential.

I've been doing the right thing for so long, if I just go on like a nice safe, first cycle

I'm going to see really good results and hopefully minimize the downside.

I start searching like online and I'm searching all over the internet.

I'm doing my research.

And this stuff is really complicated guys.

Anyone who's going to start taking anabolic steroids, you have a lot of things to figure


A ton of research goes into this.

Not only like what you're going to take your first cycle, but how you're going to get it

and everything because it is a shady underground thing going on the dark web for the people

who are taking anabolic steroids.

I did research for a very, very long time.

I knew how I was going to get it.

I knew exactly what I was going to do.

I knew what I was going to take on cycle, my PCT, everything.

So close to actually placing the order, which I won't even tell you how you do.

I'm on my computer one night and I'm on my iCloud storage.

I'm looking at all these pictures from like trips I've taken over the past couple years

and I find this album from when I was in Barbados.

In fact, if you look on the channel, a year and a half to two years ago I shot these videos

in Barbados.

I'm wearing like a shirt with a tiger on them.

I'm shredded.

I look like a fricking action figure not even going to lie in those videos.

Super lean, supper ripped.

I find all these pictures of myself at the beach and I'm looking at them and I'm like,

I like how that person looks.

I look super ripped.

I'm lean.

I look natural.

I don't look like a bodybuilder, but I look like an action figure, which is what I always

wanted to look like just someone who's super ripped, someone who looks athletic, someone

who's muscular, but also looks like an athlete.

I don't want to look like some big dumb bodybuilder who can't jump, who can't run.

I'm looking at this picture from two years ago and I'm like, I like how that person looks.

I look fucking good.

Then I thought to myself, taking steroids isn't going to really help me look better.

I was basically overreacting to a lot of things going in my life emotionally and I felt like

my workouts - I was here and I kind of went back to here and I thought that steroids were

going to help me go get to right here.

I was thinking I like how that looks.

And I'm thinking two years have gone by, I'm stronger on every compound lift.

I've got five to seven more pounds of lean muscle mass right now than I did back then.

If I cut down, if I straighten my diet out, straighten my training out for the next three

months, I will look way better than even in that picture and I will literally look precisely

how a fitness model should look.

So I'm like - so here's the thing that I'm getting at.

How you feel emotionally in the short term, you cannot let that dictate your decisions

in the long term because here's the thing, I go on, I take anabolic steroids for eight

to twelve weeks, accelerate my muscle growth, but then there's a very good chance that for

six to eight weeks after that, I stop taking the cycle, my energy levels and natural testosterone

levels are going to plummet.

I'm going to probably feel like shit for six to eight weeks.

Then another thing I'm probably - I literally could increase my chance of losing my hair.

I could have massive acne on my shoulders and my back.

Those are like the two dead giveaways that someone's taking anabolic steroids.

Me, I want to get back into acting.

I want to look really good just aesthetically, like my face and everything.

I don't care about looking like a giant beast who has 30 pounds more muscle mass on me with

acne and like a receding hairline.

I was like it's not even going to make me look better, so why the hell should I do it.

It's kind of funny, I just literally stumbled on a picture and that's what caused me to

not place the order and now honestly my motivation is higher than it ever has been before.

I'm back to eating clean.

I'm back to running sprints.

And another thing too, I figured out, packing on five to seven pounds of body fat made me

look a lot smaller and kind of fucked me up in the head because I thought that I actually

lost muscle mass even though I really didn't because my strength is still there.

Packing on body fat kind of fucked me up in the head as well.

So for you guys, just stay with the course.

Go the all-natural route.

There are just so many negative side effects that go from cheating and it's just a really

vicious cycle.

Now enough of my story.

I want to share with you guys the trifecta of muscle growth that I've been doing recently

that is going to literally force muscle growth into your body.

So what you're going to do is you're going to do three elements of this exercise in every

single workout.

Say for instance you're trying to bring up your chest, what I want you to do is you want

to go four to six repetitions eccentric overload on a chest press like a compound movement.

Say you're doing the bench press that means you're going down to a count of three eccentric

overload for three seconds and back up.

But I want you to go heavy eccentric overload so something that you can only do four to

six times at your max.

So go really heavy on eccentric overload on either a major dumbbell or a major barbell

press, so you want to have that element into your workout.

The other element I want you to have is lactic acid training.

I want you do to a shaper where you're doing 20 to 30 repetitions, so say you're trying

to bring up your chest; you do the eccentric overload on the bench press.

I want you to do a shaper, so say we're doing the low cable fly, I want you to do really

high rep, channel that mind muscle connection, get that deep burn and go 20 to 30 reps, just

squeezing the shit out of the muscle the entire time.

This is the hard core bodybuilding training that's going to actually help you pack on

muscle right onto your chest.

And then the trifecta, the third element into your training, is right after you get done

training, I want you to do isometric holds.

You can do it right after your training or you can do it right after your sets.

But do isometric holds, so just flex and tense, like I feel the shit out of my chest right

now just doing it and I haven't even worked out today.

So do these isometric holds.

So to actually force muscle growth into a particular muscle group, you've got to have

the trifecta going, so heavy, eccentric overload, lactic acid, high repetition training with

a shaper movement and then the isometric hold.

All right guys, so I'm on my way home from filming and got kicked out by the security

guard at the golf course so let me know if you have any questions about the trifecta

of muscle growth in the comments below.

For more infomation >> I Almost Took Steroids + How To Force Muscle Growth - Duration: 8:36.


【APH Spain】Antichlorobenzene【Hetaloid Cover + PV】 - Duration: 3:20.

It's so painful, It's so sad,

It's so frustrating, I want to stop it

But even that isn't allowed.

I just end up

losing everything

It's so painful,

I hate it so much,

It's so meaningless,

I want to erase it

I just want to

throw everything away.

I just want to jump out and scream

at the top of my lungs!



Without knowing anything,

you jump out into the night city

Without saying anything,

I just watch you

Lining up cheap words,

where is the goal?

There are no rules there

and you easily crumble apart

I say that I'm going to

make everything in this world right

I deceived a stray cat by saying

I can make everything right

I make a promise I can't even keep

and drown myself in self-satisfaction

Everyone knows, they understand.

That's why even to this day,

I'm exposed,

I'm rusted,

I'm broken,

I'm crumbled

Even the fake rumors

that are going around,

eventually became

the truth

Even if it's a lie, I don't care.

We are always right

I will take your

sinful corruption

and crush it!

Is there any meaning to this song?

There's no meaning to this song

Is there a sin to this song?

There's no sin to this song

Is there a meaning to that song?

There's no meaning to that song

Is there a meaning in that song?

The sin in that song is...

Then I realize,

doing this won't make anything

What value do you have for living?

The cat was thrown in the water

You dance and get thrown around

by meaningless words while losing everything

What is "good"

What is "good" and what is "evil"?

I don't know anymore

Come, let's go insane

What do I sing for?


I sing without understanding the meaning


I beat evil by brandishing around justice


Everything around us stops,

but we don't notice our stupid act

There's no way I can forgive

this unstoppable feeling

This pain, this hate,

I will pierce it and shoot your heart

It's so painful,

It's so sad,

It's so meaningless,

I want to erase it

But even that

wasn't allowed.

Only giving up

will save me

But it's okay, I don't care,

I will forgive it, I will approve of it

Even the smiles, even the jealousy,

I could almost instantly fall in love with it

"Good" is fine, "Evil" is fine,

Let's do *, Let's fall asleep

No more, I'm tired.

Will we be saved?

For more infomation >> 【APH Spain】Antichlorobenzene【Hetaloid Cover + PV】 - Duration: 3:20.


Mother Of 3 Killed In Hit-And-Run - Duration: 1:51.

















Reporter: 39-YEAR-OLD















































For more infomation >> Mother Of 3 Killed In Hit-And-Run - Duration: 1:51.


Pinks Baby ist da: Das ist Söhnchen Jameson Moon - Duration: 0:35.

For more infomation >> Pinks Baby ist da: Das ist Söhnchen Jameson Moon - Duration: 0:35.


Mecano - Un año más | LIVE | Cover by Aries 🎄 [Subtitles] - Duration: 4:36.

At Puerta del Sol Same as last year

Again the champagne and the grapes and the tar, lay the foundation

The firecrackers that erase yesterday's sounds and get people excited

to accept that one more went by And in the age-old clock

like year by year 5 more minutes to the countdown

we take stock of the good and the bad 5 minutes before the countdown.

Sailors, soldiers, bachelors and married people, lovers, walkers and the occasional

absent-minded priest. Among screaming and whistling Spanish people,

big, small, do for once something at the same time

And in the age-old clock like year by year

5 more minutes to the countdown we take stock of the good and the bad

5 minutes before the countdown. And even though there are some new faces here for the grapes,

we will miss those who aren't here anymore and hopefully those of us who are alive will liven up

and next year we'll laugh 1, 2, 3, 4, and it starts up again

Because the fifth is the first and the sixth is the second and thus the seventh is the third

And we say goodbye and we pray to God that next year

instead of a million let it be two

At Puerta del Sol Same as last year

Again the champagne and the grapes and the tar, lay the foundations

For more infomation >> Mecano - Un año más | LIVE | Cover by Aries 🎄 [Subtitles] - Duration: 4:36.


Compare Loom & Leaf

For more infomation >> Compare Loom & Leaf


Funny Cartoons for Kids

For more infomation >> Funny Cartoons for Kids


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 CDI Ambition Navi, Xenon Led, ECC, 17inch LMV - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 CDI Ambition Navi, Xenon Led, ECC, 17inch LMV - Duration: 1:09.


Hair Fall Remedies For Women | Remedies For Hair Fall Control | Hair Fall Solution For Women At Home - Duration: 1:12.

hair fall remedies for women hair fall remedies for women

hair fall remedies for women hair fall remedies for women

hair fall remedies for women

For more infomation >> Hair Fall Remedies For Women | Remedies For Hair Fall Control | Hair Fall Solution For Women At Home - Duration: 1:12.


Love FouseyTube?

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For more infomation >> Love FouseyTube?


How to Make a Saddle Disne...

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For more infomation >> How to Make a Saddle Disne...


Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse Estate 180 BUSINESS CLASS 125! AVANTGARDE Autom, N - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse Estate 180 BUSINESS CLASS 125! AVANTGARDE Autom, N - Duration: 1:48.


For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse Estate 180 BUSINESS CLASS 125! AVANTGARDE Autom, N - Duration: 1:48.


Foundation Makeup Routine for Glowy Pale Skin | Cruelty Free @phyrra - Duration: 4:25.

Hey guys, welcome back to my channel and hello to you new people too.

Just a quick reminder, be sure that you've clicked on the little bell button below so

that you are subscribed to my videos and you'll get notifications whenever I post a new video.

Anyway, today I'm going to be sharing what I believe is going to be my new complexion


This is like a new prep spray that's hydrating, it smells kind of like coconut, so kind of


It says that it has highly purified vitamin B3.

It's supposed to improve tone and texture and brighten and smooth the skin and the coconut

water gives you moisture.

I'm just spraying this on my face.

I just love how it smells, it smells so good.

Next I'm going to take the new Urban Decay Optical Illusion Primer and this primer has

smoothing rose hip and argan oil in it and it's supposed to be pore perfecting.

I really do like it.

Basically I just put this all over the face.

The next thing I do is, I go in with my concealers and these are the Kat Von D Lock-It Concealers.

The shade is L1 and I'm going to kind of put this around like the highlighting parts of

the face and then I'm going to take L3 Warm.

I'm going to attack it with my beauty blender.

I'm basically bouncing it on the face.

I have a small damp beauty sponge too.

Now I'm going to go back and add a tiny bit more on my chin and by the sides of my nose.

I'm going to take the Glossier Perfecting Skin Tint in Light.

Light is actually a little dark for me but with the way I did the concealer, it'll work

just fine or at least it did yesterday.

I'm going to go back with the beauty blender.

Then I'm taking this Kat Von D brush, just to kind of blend.

Now you can see some of my natural blush from rosacea poking through, which I like it when

Mickey does it.

When I do it, I'm kind of iffy on it.

I'm going to go ahead and finish putting on some face products, finish my makeup really,

is what I'm going to do.

Taking this face brush and I'm just using it to blend out the bronzer shade, all the

contouring bronzing shades.

Now that I have a little bit of contour on I'm going to put on a little bit of highlight

and then I'm going to go in with blush.

Today I'm going to use Makeup Geek Glitz.

I'm going to take Urban Decay Score blush.

Coming back with a little bit of Makeup Geek Glitz.

The last step that I'm going to do is seal it in with All Nighter spray.

I think right now I'm a really big fan of using the Kat Von D Lock-It concealers in

two different colors to basically do part of my face and then put the Glossier Perfecting

Skin Tint in Light on top because I feel like it kind of makes it look like it's just skin,

like I don't feel like it looks like I'm wearing heavy makeup or a lot of makeup.

Yeah, I'm really happy with it and I have to say that I think the Quick Fix and the

Optical Blurring Primer are the bomb, they're awesome.

I love this primer.

I don't think I've ever used any face primers from Urban Decay before, so I'm blown away

by how awesome this one is.

Ever since I got it I've been using it more than the Hourglass or anything else, which

the Hourglass is my go to, so we'll see if this becomes my new holy grail face primer.

Anyway, what do you think of this complexion routine?

Please be sure to let me know in the comments below.

If you found this video helpful and you loved it, please share it.

I love it when you share my videos, it makes my day.

If you haven't already, go ahead and click the subscribe button so you don't miss my

next video.

Thanks so much for watching.

For more infomation >> Foundation Makeup Routine for Glowy Pale Skin | Cruelty Free @phyrra - Duration: 4:25.


For more infomation >> Foundation Makeup Routine for Glowy Pale Skin | Cruelty Free @phyrra - Duration: 4:25.


'La La Land' Movie

For more infomation >> 'La La Land' Movie


Check Out We Love You

For more infomation >> Check Out We Love You


ZHIYUN RIDER M | BEST GOPRO GIMBAL 2016 | review | atolavisuals - Duration: 5:02.

every time I watch my GoPro footage I

want to fucking yak cha feel so I'm

excited to introduce you guys

the Rider M

hi this is Kitty with the atola visuals

and this is the Zhiyun Tech Rider M

with the GoPro Hero 5 mount Its made out of

sturdy metal and not cheapo plastic but

it remains lightweight the motors are

butter smooth and it's very amateur

friendly with this little gimbal you

will not need to do any balancing

out-of-the-box the rider m comes with

manuals two sets of 3.7 volt lithium-ion

batteries charger micro USB cable two

charging cables to charge your GoPro

camera protection sticker GoPro

accessories adapter a selfie stick and

the gimbal itself with the GoPro 4

mount it was a very unexpected surprise to

see that this came with a selfie stick

however i did struggle with it to the

point of breakage most of us have our

own selfie sticks already so I had a

backup on hand but i did miss how small

this one was immediately this gimbal is

very GoPro friendly it has a standard

quarter inch thread for easy mountability

and has a gopro adapter for other GoPro

accessories one thing I did notice was

that unless you have a motorcycle or

vehicle with lots of suspension mount it

on a chest strap or a helmet strap we

don't have a motorcycle but we do have

an e-bike in san francisco that's the

close enough

you can change the gimbal angle manually

simply by holding it in the position you

want for a few seconds the rider m has

three simple modes follow mode lock mode

and the selfie mode the rider m can

also sync up with a wireless remote to

pair them first turn on the gimbal and

make sure the mode switch is up then

power on the remote the stable blue

light means it is paired hold a joystick

down and then boom you can also

calibrate and control via the Zhiyun

Assistant app plus the wireless remote and

the app also controls the Zhiyun Crane

my final thoughts as you already know

I'm a fan of the Zhiyun Tech products and this

one does not disappoint to the features

that provides to the extras that they

throw in the price point that's cheaper

than the Karma grip i can say i'm

satisfied the battery life on here is

amazing as always you'll run out of card

space before one set of batteries gives

out a few issues i noticed was that on

the GoPro Hero 5 it's hard to get to the

power button but you do have that

feature to record with the shutter even

when the cameras off so have your video

settings dialed in beforehand or else

you're going to have to unscrew the mount

another design issue is the battery door

screw it be better if it was one of

those clicky doors the doors with the


what's the word whatever just get rid of

the damn screw

it's easy to lose something this small

and there's no extras

this will definitely up your production

value for any type of GoPro footage if

you're looking to purchase or learn more

check out the link in the description

box below also don't forget to subscribe

if you haven't already and show some

love with thumbs up

Mmm done!

oh my god I can't do this late night my

brain is not functioning

For more infomation >> ZHIYUN RIDER M | BEST GOPRO GIMBAL 2016 | review | atolavisuals - Duration: 5:02.


BMW 3 Serie Touring 318d aut M Sport MEGA VOL!! NIEUWPRIJS CA - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie Touring 318d aut M Sport MEGA VOL!! NIEUWPRIJS CA - Duration: 0:58.


Foundation Makeup Routine for Glowy Pale Skin | Cruelty Free @phyrra - Duration: 4:25.

Hey guys, welcome back to my channel and hello to you new people too.

Just a quick reminder, be sure that you've clicked on the little bell button below so

that you are subscribed to my videos and you'll get notifications whenever I post a new video.

Anyway, today I'm going to be sharing what I believe is going to be my new complexion


This is like a new prep spray that's hydrating, it smells kind of like coconut, so kind of


It says that it has highly purified vitamin B3.

It's supposed to improve tone and texture and brighten and smooth the skin and the coconut

water gives you moisture.

I'm just spraying this on my face.

I just love how it smells, it smells so good.

Next I'm going to take the new Urban Decay Optical Illusion Primer and this primer has

smoothing rose hip and argan oil in it and it's supposed to be pore perfecting.

I really do like it.

Basically I just put this all over the face.

The next thing I do is, I go in with my concealers and these are the Kat Von D Lock-It Concealers.

The shade is L1 and I'm going to kind of put this around like the highlighting parts of

the face and then I'm going to take L3 Warm.

I'm going to attack it with my beauty blender.

I'm basically bouncing it on the face.

I have a small damp beauty sponge too.

Now I'm going to go back and add a tiny bit more on my chin and by the sides of my nose.

I'm going to take the Glossier Perfecting Skin Tint in Light.

Light is actually a little dark for me but with the way I did the concealer, it'll work

just fine or at least it did yesterday.

I'm going to go back with the beauty blender.

Then I'm taking this Kat Von D brush, just to kind of blend.

Now you can see some of my natural blush from rosacea poking through, which I like it when

Mickey does it.

When I do it, I'm kind of iffy on it.

I'm going to go ahead and finish putting on some face products, finish my makeup really,

is what I'm going to do.

Taking this face brush and I'm just using it to blend out the bronzer shade, all the

contouring bronzing shades.

Now that I have a little bit of contour on I'm going to put on a little bit of highlight

and then I'm going to go in with blush.

Today I'm going to use Makeup Geek Glitz.

I'm going to take Urban Decay Score blush.

Coming back with a little bit of Makeup Geek Glitz.

The last step that I'm going to do is seal it in with All Nighter spray.

I think right now I'm a really big fan of using the Kat Von D Lock-It concealers in

two different colors to basically do part of my face and then put the Glossier Perfecting

Skin Tint in Light on top because I feel like it kind of makes it look like it's just skin,

like I don't feel like it looks like I'm wearing heavy makeup or a lot of makeup.

Yeah, I'm really happy with it and I have to say that I think the Quick Fix and the

Optical Blurring Primer are the bomb, they're awesome.

I love this primer.

I don't think I've ever used any face primers from Urban Decay before, so I'm blown away

by how awesome this one is.

Ever since I got it I've been using it more than the Hourglass or anything else, which

the Hourglass is my go to, so we'll see if this becomes my new holy grail face primer.

Anyway, what do you think of this complexion routine?

Please be sure to let me know in the comments below.

If you found this video helpful and you loved it, please share it.

I love it when you share my videos, it makes my day.

If you haven't already, go ahead and click the subscribe button so you don't miss my

next video.

Thanks so much for watching.

For more infomation >> Foundation Makeup Routine for Glowy Pale Skin | Cruelty Free @phyrra - Duration: 4:25.


Nemra- Daisy (Live Acoustic Session at NS studio) - Duration: 4:44.

You're the rising sun That gives them light and heat

I'm a falling star I hear a thousand dreams

Do you make a wish When I'm falling down

Or do you reach your hands To catch and hold me tight

Now you're leavin' baby But I'm not ready

You trusted a daisy Are you crazy ?

Now you're leavin' baby Dreams are hazy

Tears are pretty Smiles are dirty

You are going straight to hell Girl I know that road so well

More than once I have been there

Wait baby

You are going straight to hell You locked up our dreams in jail

Leaves of promises just fell

Now you left me baby Streets are empty

No birds in the alley Days are rainy

Now you're leaving me baby Will you miss me

You trusted a daisy You were crazy

You are going straight to hell Girl I know that road so well

More than once I have been there

You are going straight to hell You locked up our dreams in jail

Leaves of promises just fell

You are going straight to hell Girl I know that road so well

More than once I have been there

You are going straight to hell You locked up our dreams in jail

Leaves of promises just fell

With one turn of a wheel

Many suns have gone

With every black dried tear Brand new stars were born

You've shown your red warm gun They will always run

They'll escape from you They will find somebody new

For more infomation >> Nemra- Daisy (Live Acoustic Session at NS studio) - Duration: 4:44.


AMAZING WOMAN body TRANSFORMATION Freeletics, BBG to Gym MUSCULATION ! - Duration: 4:58.

One Round left to finish. It wakes me up !

For more infomation >> AMAZING WOMAN body TRANSFORMATION Freeletics, BBG to Gym MUSCULATION ! - Duration: 4:58.


The Yellow Sea/황해 - Brutal First Fight Scene (1080p) - Duration: 8:20.

For more infomation >> The Yellow Sea/황해 - Brutal First Fight Scene (1080p) - Duration: 8:20.


Volvo V60 2.0 D3 163 PK AUTOMAAT MOMENTUM ECC PDC NAVI STOEL - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Volvo V60 2.0 D3 163 PK AUTOMAAT MOMENTUM ECC PDC NAVI STOEL - Duration: 1:19.


10 Immature Dating Habits You Need to Lose This Year If You Want to Find Love | Adam LoDolce - Duration: 8:01.

Hey there.

Adam LoDolce today from where I help the 21st century woman create

a love life that she absolutely freaking loves.

In this video, right now, since it's the new year, I want to talk about the ten immature

dating habits everyone needs to lose this year if you really want to find love.

Keep watching.

Now it's the new year and habits can be really hard to change but that's the beauty of the

new year.

This is the time when people are willing and open to looking themselves in the mirror,

and being like "Look, I need to make some serious changes in my life."

So, I decided to compile a list of ten habits that I think both men and women are very guilty


These are some things that you can really take that hard look in the mirror and say,

"Look, if I'm guilty of any of these, maybe it's time to actually work on these and really

be a little bit more mindful about the actions that I take in my dating life."

Let's jump right into it.

The first one is using passive communication.

If he stays out too late with his buddies, and then you go out with your friends just

as late, just to show him how it feels, then you know what?

You are guilty of using passive communication.

Basically what that means is communicating to someone through other means than just outwardly

saying what it is that you're thinking.

I get it.

Telling someone what's on your mind can be really hard sometimes.

Maybe you don't want to be overly confrontational so you end up resorting to passive communication.

I got to tell you, it can very quickly go from passive to manipulative type of behavior

if you're not open about some of the issues that are going on in the relationship.

Try to be a little bit more direct and have that real conversation with someone when something

is on your mind.

Number two is thinking that you need to be impressed by him rather than be impressive

to him.

Now, I can't tell you how many women that I've worked with over the years as a dating

coach who sit back, let men come to them, and expect every single guy to impress them.

Yet when I talk to them and I really dive deep into their life, they don't have the

same expectations for themselves that they do for the men in their life.

A quick exercise that you can do is really take a hard look at all the things you want

in a man or in a relationship, and then take a look at yourself.

See if you are meeting those same expectations.

If you're not, then you might want to take a look at that and start elevating yourself

first before setting those expectations for guys.

Number three is impulse texting.

There was once a time where if we had a thought about someone or something, we would have

to wait until the next time we say that person to be able to share that thought with that


If it was really, really important, we would have to actually pick up the phone, dial a

number, let it ring until they picked up, and then explain exactly what's on our mind.

Now we live in a society where if you have any thought at any time and any feeling, you

can go ahead and text that person.

It can result in a lot of issues in your dating life.

So, avoid every time you get any type of impulse or feeling to just share that with the person.

Take a little bit of time, take an hour or two, or even a day depending on what's on

your mind, to actually share what's going on there.

Then if it's still appropriate, sure.

Send that text.

Even better, give them a call.

Number four, ghosting on someone.

Now look, dating nowadays is crazy.

The vast majority of people that you meet, you won't end up dating seriously.

At the end of the day, if you make plans with someone, you've got to stick with those plans.

You got to call that person and let them know that it's not going to work out.

Courage is so critical throughout all this because it's super nerve-wracking to actually

be open with someone, especially when it might hurt their feelings.

The worst way you can do it is by completely disappearing someone or ghosting on someone.

I'm such a firm believer in dating karma, and life karma.

So, if you don't want to get ghosted on, then don't be ghosting on other people.

Number five is hacking someone's phone.

This really doesn't require any type of explanation.

Don't hack his phone.


Number six, threatening to end the relationship if you don't get what it is that you want.

The worst tactic you can use to get what it is that you want in a relationship is to constantly

be threatening to move on.

That is a manipulative tactic.

It is not a tactic that's going to work for a long-term healthy relationship.

Instead, be open about what it is that you truly want and why it is that you want it.

Also, be open about what it is that your partner wants.

Got to be a two-way street.

It's got to be two-way communication.

Number seven, publicly posting your relationship frustrations on social media.

Here's a perfect example of a very inappropriate way to communicate with your partner on Facebook.


That relationship is not going to work out.

Number eight, keeping guys you don't want romantically in your orbit.

Now, there is some women out there, they'll go out, give out their phone number.

They'll meet guys online.

They'll just be talking to a lot of different guys at one point in time.

Now, there is nothing inherently wrong with that, but what is wrong is continuously leading

on guys that you're not ever, ever interested in romantically.

The only reason you're talking to that particular person is because it gives you some sort of


Of course, both men and women are guilty of this, but in my experience, women can be more

guilty of this.

Of keeping guys along, stringing them along, and keeping them within their orbit without

any real plans of doing anything with them.

At the end of the day, you are hurting feelings.

You're keeping a guy ... you're keeping his hopes up.

He's thinking that there might be a chance.

She's texting me.

Why's she texting me at this point?

Maybe there's still a chance.

If you're one of those types of people then it's immature and it's something you really

got to stop doing.

Only keep your options open with the type of people that you're actually interested

in potentially dating.

Don't text someone just because you're feeling lonely and want attention.

Text someone because you have good intentions for that person.

Number nine, comparing your relationship to other people's relationship.

Number ten, giving up on a relationship the moment that it loses even a little bit of


Sorry single ladies out there, I got to tell you something.

At some point when you do get in a relationship, he's not going to want to have sex with you

every single minute of every single day.

Relationships develop and they change as time goes on.

The massive amount of sexual tension that you get from men right now does begin to dissipate

as time goes on because you know what?

You're in a relationship.

Things change.

You start to get comfortable with one another.

You're going to probably feel the same way as well.

I think one of the biggest mistakes that people make when it comes to dating is assuming that

this glorious, magnificent feeling that they get during the earlier stages of dating is

something that's going to last forever.

It's not.

Of course, the relationship does develop in other ways.

You actually begin to love that person and have different set of love chemicals, bonding

with that person; but it's a very different feeling.

So, if a relationship within the first ... after about three to six months, starts to lose

a little bit of steam, it's not as hot and heavy, don't freak out.

It's okay.

It's perfectly natural.

What you're going to start doing is feeling a lot closer to that person in many other

ways as well.

There you have it.

Those are ten immature dating habits that you may want to lose this year if you want

to find love.

I want to ask you, which one are you going to focus on this year?

Comment right there below.

Also, if you want to get a kick-start on your dating life this particular year, go ahead

and click this link right here.

It will take you on over to where I have a few incredible new resources

that are going to help you through every single stage of dating and relationships.

Finally, if you enjoyed the video, please give it a like on YouTube.

That really helps me out a lot.

Don't forget to subscribe for more videos just like this every single week.

Thank you so much for watching.

I'll speak to you next Thursday.

For more infomation >> 10 Immature Dating Habits You Need to Lose This Year If You Want to Find Love | Adam LoDolce - Duration: 8:01.


8 Intelligences: Are You a Jack of All Trades or a Master of One? | Best of '16 - Duration: 9:02.

Currently I think there are eight intelligences that I'm very confident about and a few

more that I've bene thinking about.

I'll share that with our audience.

The first two intelligences are the ones which IQ tests and other kind of standardized tests

valorize and as long as we know there are only two out of eight it's perfectly fine

to look at them.

Linguistic intelligence is how well you're able to use language.

It's a kind of skill that poets have, other kinds of writers, journalists tend to have

linguistic intelligence, orators.

The second intelligence is logical mathematical intelligence.

As the name implies logicians, mathematicians, scientists have that kind of intelligence.

They're able to do mathematical proofs.

They're able to do scientific reasoning and experimentation.

And it's great to have language and logical intelligence because most tests really focus

on that.

And if you do well in those tests as long as you stay in school you think you're smart.

But if you ever walk out into Broadway or the highway or into the woods or into a farm

you then find out that other intelligences are at least this important.

So the third intelligence is musical intelligence and that's the capacity to appreciate different

kinds of musics, to produce the music by voice or by an instrument or to conduct music.

And people say well music is a talent.

It's not an intelligence.

And I say well why if you're good with words is that an intelligence but if you're good

with tones and rhythms and timbres nobody's ever given me a good answer which is why it

makes sense to talk about musical intelligence.

And at certain cultures over history musical intelligence has been very important.

The fourth intelligence is spatial intelligence.

That's the intelligence which allows us to handle and work in space that's close


A chess player would have spatial intelligence.

A surgeon would have spatial intelligence.

But there's another variety of spatial intelligence which we use for a much broader navigation.

That's what an airplane pilot or a sea captain would have.

How do you find your way around large territory and large space.

Similarly with the fifth intelligence bodily kinesthetic intelligence it comes in two flavors.

One flavor is the ability to use your whole body to solve problems or to make things.

And athletes and dancers would have that kind of bodily kinesthetic intelligence.

But another variety is being able to use your hands or other parts of your body to solve

problems or make things.

A craft person would have bodily kinesthetic intelligence even if they weren't particularly

a good athlete or dancer.

The sixth intelligence and seventh intelligence have to do with human beings.

Interpersonal intelligence is how you understand other people, how you motivate them, how you

lead them, how you work with them, how you cooperate with them.

Anybody at any workplace with other people needs interpersonal intelligence.

Leaders hopefully have a lot of interpersonal intelligence.

But any intelligence can be used in a pernicious way so the salesman that sells you something

you don't want for a price you don't want to pay, he or she has got interpersonal intelligence.

It's just not being used in a way that we might prefer.

The seventh kind of intelligence is difficult to assess but it's very important.

It's intrapersonal intelligence.

It's the understanding yourself.

If we go back a way in history and prehistory knowledge of yourself probably wasn't that

important because people did what their parents or grandparents did whether they were hunters

or fisherman or craftspeople.

But nowadays especially in developed society people lead their own lives.

We follow our own careers.

We often switch careers.

We don't necessarily live at home as we get older.

And if you don't have a good understanding of yourself you are in big trouble.

So that's intrapersonal intelligence.

The eighth intelligence which I added some years ago is the naturalist intelligence.

And that's the capacity to make important relevant discriminations in the world of nature

between one plant and another, between one animal and another.

It's the intelligence of the naturalist, the intelligence of Charles Darwin.

I missed it the first go around when I wrote about it but I tried to atone by adding it

to my list.

And by the way you might say well but nature isn't so important anymore.

But in fact everything we do in the commercial world uses our naturalist intelligence.

Why do I buy this jacket rather than another one?

This sweater rather than another one?

One hair style rather than another?

Those all make just the naturalist intelligence because the brain is very adaptive.

And when an old use of a brain center no longer is relevant it gets hijacked for something


So we're all using our naturalist intelligence even if we never walk out into the woods or

into the savannah of East Asia.

The two other intelligences which I'm interested in, one of them is called the teaching or

pedagogical intelligence.

The intelligence which allows us to be able to teach successfully to other people.

Now you could have two people who have exactly the same expertise and knowledge in the field

but one is a very good teacher and the other isn't.

That probably doesn't surprise individuals so much.

But what got me fascinated was as young as two or three kids already know how to teach.

Now what does that mean?

You show a child how to do something let's say a three or four year old and then you

ask the child to explain it to an older person or to a younger person.

And even the three or four year old will explain it very differently to a young person, will

go through details, point things and speak slowly.

And with an older person it would be much more elliptical and say well you do this and

that and then you can figure it out.

So that shows as young as three let's say we already have teaching intelligence.

The other one is one which I think is going to be difficult to prove to a skeptic but

I call it existential intelligence.

And existential intelligence is the intelligence of big questions.

Philosophical questions, artistic questions.

What does it mean to love?

Why do we die?

What's going to be in the future?

My pet bird might have more musical intelligence.

The rats who are scurrying around the floor might have more spatial intelligence.

But no other animals have existential intelligence.

Part of the human condition is to think about questions of existence.

And I like to say every five year old has existential intelligence because five year

old are always asking why this, why that.

But the difference between a five year old and a philosopher is the five year old doesn't

pay too much attention to the answer whereas philosophers and other people who develop

existential intelligence are really very interested in how we attack questions like that.

So again where there's eight intelligences or ten or twelve is less important to me than

having broken the monopoly of a single intelligence which sort of labels you for all time.

I think if we lived forever we could probably develop each intelligence to a very high degree.

But life is very short and if you devote too much attention to one intelligence you're

not going to have much time to work on other kinds of intelligences.

And so the big question is should you play to strength or should you bolster weakness?

And that's a value judgment.

Scientists cannot give you an answer to that.

If, for example, you want to be a jack of all trades and be very well rounded then probably

you're going to want to nurture the intelligences which aren't that strong.

If on the other hand you're dead set on really coming to the top of some particular

heap then you're probably going to find the intelligences that you're strongest

at and really push those.

And, you know, if a parent came to me and said well should we supplement or should we

accentuate I would say well tell me what you would like your child to do.

Or better let the child tell you what he or she wants to do rather than say well science

says you should do one or the other.

I think it's a question of values, not of science.

Some people think there's such a thing as humor intelligence.

But, in fact, I don't.

I think humor intelligence is simply the operation of a logical intelligence in some realm like

human nature or physical nature or the workplace.

And what happens is in humor there's a certain expectation and you flip that expectation

so it's logic but it's logic that's played out in different kinds of ways.

People had mentioned there's such a thing as a cooking intelligence, a humor intelligence

and a sexual intelligence.

And I quipped well that can't be intelligences because I don't have any of them.

For more infomation >> 8 Intelligences: Are You a Jack of All Trades or a Master of One? | Best of '16 - Duration: 9:02.


My Boyfriend Does My Voice Over (Platinum Hair Tutorial) (Dark Comedy) - Duration: 2:19.

Hi guys!

It's Michael and um so this video was supposed to be my boyfriend doing my voice over while

I do my hair cause that's a really fun thing but he well he said that he was going to the

store but that was like two days ago so he's still not back yet but that's okay you know

but the show must go on so I'm just gonna do my best impression of him instead.

So I'm you're you're putting the bleach on your hair and um [sobbing] um who you know

who else bleaches their hair.

Not the guy that I'm not texting.

I don't know who Lawrence is even.

Yeah I know I know you didn't say the name Lawrence or anything but um you know I just

I assumed that that was who you were going to be referring to and that's not even um

I don't know who that is so you know who is Lawrence?

And you know what?

I saw the emails.


Like you can't convince me that - that it didn't even happen when I saw the emails.

Like I read the emails.

Like I even found your posting on Craigslist.

I'm pretty sure I found your Grindr profile too and I am right about that.

Like I'm right.

I'm not wrong.

Like [sobbing] you can't convince me that - that you didn't do anything when I saw it


And I don't know why you're trying to.

Like I'm not stupid.

And um and you're done and your hair is bleached and now you've got platinum.

For more infomation >> My Boyfriend Does My Voice Over (Platinum Hair Tutorial) (Dark Comedy) - Duration: 2:19.


Obama Says He Could Have Been Elected To A Third Term - Duration: 3:16.

Obama Says He Could Have Been Elected To A Third Term.

by Jack Davis.

President Barack Obama believes he could have won a third term because, he says, America

embraces his vision.

�I am confident in this vision because I�m confident that if I had run again and articulated

it, I think I could�ve mobilized a majority of the American people to rally behind it,�

Obama said in the The Axe Files podcast, produced by the University of Chicago Institute of

Politics and CNN.

�I know that in conversations that I�ve had with people around the country, even some

people who disagreed with me, they would say the vision, the direction that you point towards

is the right one,� Obama said.

Despite telling voters before the election that voting for President-elect Donald Trump

would in effect be a repudiation of everything he stood for, Obama said he is confident that

he has left an indelible stamp upon America.

�In the wake of the election and Trump winning, a lot of people have suggested that somehow,

it really was a fantasy,� Obama said.

�What I would argue is, is that the culture actually did shift, that the majority does

buy into the notion of a one America that is tolerant and diverse and open and full

of energy and dynamism,� he added.

Obama said Trump�s victory came because Republicans no longer understand issues properly.

�Trump emerged out of a decade, maybe two, in which the Republican Party, because it

had to say no for tactical reasons, moved further and further and further away from

what we would consider to be a � a basic consensus around things like climate change

or how the economy works,� he said.

Obama also used the interview to attack media outlets that differ with his vision.

�I brought up Fox News, but it was Rush Limbaugh and the NRA and there are all these

mediators who are interpreting what we do, and if we�re not actually out there like

we are during campaigns, then folks in a lot of these communities, what they�re hearing

is Obama wants to take away my guns,� he said. �Obamacare�s about transgender bathrooms

and not my job, Obama is disrespecting my culture and is primarily concerned with coastal

elites and minorities.�

Obama admitted that he failed to properly defeat the media outlets whose coverage did

not repeat his perspective on the issues.

�Part of what I�ve struggled with during my presidency and part of what I think I�ll

be thinking a lot about after my presidency is how do we work around all these filters?�

he asked. �And it becomes more complicated now that you�ve got social media, where

people are getting news that reinforces their biases and � and separates people out instead

of bringing them together.�

What do you think? Scroll down to comment below.

For more infomation >> Obama Says He Could Have Been Elected To A Third Term - Duration: 3:16.


FREE "Quit Pornography Addiction" COURSE! ► Quit Porn Addiction | NoFap, YourBrainonPorn - Duration: 1:59.

What's good YouTube?

This is KreativeVein and today I'll be giving you a free course on quitting pornography


This is something I've struggled with for very long and many YouTubers and celebrities

are talking about the effects of porn as well.

Just last week MysticGotJokes released a video on this topic.

If you have lost self-esteem due to porn-induced erectile dysfunction and fetishes, have low

energy, or have started to see every single thing sexually and want to solve these issues,

then I'm going through how to finally kick the habit.

It will be hard work and I can't guarantee anything unless you follow the process.

Currently there are only a few lessons posted, but each week there will be new additions.

A few ideas are: how to get over relapses, how to stop urges, and many other topics that

will be covered.

Each video will have a task involved at the end and you have to do these to take action

to solve your problem rather than just learning about it.

These methods have worked for me and over time as I improve myself, the course will


If you want to join, the link is in the description below.

Take action and join today if you are serious about quitting pornography addiction.

I made it free for a reason: when I was first starting out on solving this everything out

there in a course form was paid, so this is my way of giving back for the holidays.

Thanks for watching, KreativeVein.

For more infomation >> FREE "Quit Pornography Addiction" COURSE! ► Quit Porn Addiction | NoFap, YourBrainonPorn - Duration: 1:59.


Buying well-fitted pants online - Mr2ndopinion - Duration: 8:11.

how to buy well-fitted pants online so

these days we may have gone a little

fatter because of the holiday season

I know I call a tummy going on or not

maybe you're just looking to buy your

pants and that pants is going to be bought online

stay tuned because i'm going to give you

tips to make sure you buy the right

pants online

tip 1: what measuring system do they use what does a 34

stand for really is it a Chinese size

a European standard, American standard

if you don't know ask the

shopkeeper before you buy in my case if

i'll see you web shop and they failed to

explain to me what the size means in

centimeters or inches i'm out

tip 2: measure your lower-body

i'll go over the essential measurements and the less

essential measurements that these may be

as important to you as they are to me

some of the non-essentials are more

important to me because i have thicker thighs

from squatting and I need to keep

an eye out for pants that have more room

on the top anyway here are the essentials

the waist is the place where you wear your

pants you take a meter you go around

your pants and you have your waist size

the hip is around the ass you take the ass

area with it that will give you so extra

inches some extra centimeters be sure to

measure it if you have a big ass

even if you have a small ass do measure it

as you can see it's a little bit below

the waist size, measure in the middle of the ass

gentlemen and ladies who are also

part of the audience obviously

according to my stats

welcome also measure

entire length of your pants start from

the top all the way to the bottom all

the way to the bottom of the floor i

know you guys can see it's because i am

filming on my own

sorry guys I'm having some real trouble

video taping this all i had a

fucked up day but yeah I'm trying to

make the best of this video for you guys

so also important but less important for

some people is thigh size at the crotch

you go under the crotch sextion, area

under the crotch area, you go around your

leg and you measure it

so you know the thigh size, also important

when you are going to buy some pants

better websites out there will say they

will tell you what the size, what the

measurements of the pants are at the

thighs, another good idea is to measure

from the waist down to the crotch

for me and this pants, it's 24 centimeters

it would have been better with if it was 22

or maybe even 21, for me, for some some people those

those things aren't essential measuring for

the most people, the waist, hips and the

length is the most important

but certain people have really big thighs and

also think the size from the waist to

crotch is important because i can tell

you when i was young i had pants that

were twice the size at the crotch and I

didn't really need that, I got baggage

no worries about that but those pants were

just fucked up if you know what I mean

there was a lot of fabric just flapping around

at that place

also make sure it's not too little

because that's very unpleasant if you

want to take a sit

tip 3: what is made from

and will it shrink nowadays it"s not

something you should be afraid off but there are

still teenagers and young adults out there

they may go to college or live on

on their own pretty soon and they

haven't washed any of their clothes you

might screw it up washing it too high

don't go to high washing your clothes

it'll be permanent check the isabel

always check the label and what the

fabrics in it can have

Tip 4: is there a return policy at the company

if so, how long will it take

does it cost you anything extra

what kind of effort do you have to put in

to return these goods, what are the conditions

when you do the return, check it

double check and don't disappoint yourself

afterwards it's always a bitch to be disappoint

Tip 5: Can you get it tailored at an

affordable price, i wouldn't recommend this

but if you do make sure you made

a slip up buying a bigger size than a smaller

size than you think you need, you can

still get it tailored, if returning isn't an option

but make sure you're pretty close

to your measurements and i want to add

to that thing for a second and add two

to four centimeters or a couple of inches to

watch you measure

ok and last tip, tip 6:

and the last tip, tip 6 my computer shuts down

I get no peace of mind, I'm working my ass off

everything I get nothing in return

I do get something in return

Just having a fcked up day, tip 6:

spend a little bit extra but because good fit great quality

get you long, here we go again, i can keep on going, time

do make sure you make up your mind before buying

the pants you like I want to refer to my


where you can find a free ebook that will help

you make up your mind as soon as you

subscribe for the newsletter we will get

you discounts in the future

the book will tell you on how to buy

items you won't regret that's it

that's all folks

by knowing these amazing tips you'll be

happier with what you buy in the future and

that's what I'm all about making you happier

i had a shitty day myself and

this video sucks in the quality

but I wanted to make it anyway for you guys

I'm mr2ndopinion

I'll see in tomorrow

For more infomation >> Buying well-fitted pants online - Mr2ndopinion - Duration: 8:11.


What I Got For🎄Christmas🎄2016 | When,WenWen? - Duration: 17:23.

I'm very sorry about the quality of the clip after the intro guys, I didn'y realize it. Sorry

For more infomation >> What I Got For🎄Christmas🎄2016 | When,WenWen? - Duration: 17:23.


GUN GAME CRAY - Call of Duty Modern Warfare Remastered - Duration: 7:25.

Happy Holidays everybody and welcome

back to my channel i'm your host Veller

and today we're going to be doing

something really special were going to be playing

one of my favorite game modes of all

time and that game mode is gun game I've

been playing this game on quite a bit

lately and cannot seem to get a handle on

using the snipers. I just find it so difficult

to use these snipers when there's no

perks attached to these weapons because

stopping power is a huge benefit me or when

you're sniping and any other game modes so

if you guys have any suggestions on how

to use these snipers properly

or any tips or tricks please leave a

comment down below and let me know how

you guys get it done with the sniper

rifles so guys without further or do let's

get right into this game mode

I'm pumped let's go talk

I do not like this sniper whatsoever

see we can do here hopefully a guy walks in this


oh, come on

we are about to achieve victory commerades

come on

Lets go baby

hey there's a w

Unreal, well that was pretty awesome hope

you guys enjoyed this video as much as I

enjoyed making it, if you guys liked this

video please smash that like button.

If like me and you want to see more

of my videos please hit that subscribe

button thanks again guys and I'll see

you in the next one


For more infomation >> GUN GAME CRAY - Call of Duty Modern Warfare Remastered - Duration: 7:25.


3D theme for Google Chrome,how to Customiz Google chrome like 3D,Chrome Browser ,HD - Duration: 12:16.

3D theme for Google Chrome,how to Customiz Google chrome like 3D,Chrome Browser ,HD

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