Chủ Nhật, 13 tháng 1, 2019

Youtube daily report Jan 13 2019

hey everybody welcome back to let's talk this is me Mira all right

I've come I've come up with such an odd funny but odd words which are obviously

a part of English vocabulary and if you actually use these in your day to day

life or your messages or your mails probably I'm sure and I can assure you

that your English will certainly sound very decorated okay are you excited for

this because I am and did you if you ask me how did I how did I find all these

words I'll tell you how so since childhood have been watching a

lot of American TV series and they used to use these words of course I couldn't

understand at that point of time but when I watch them today I know exactly

what it means and I want to share it with you all so let's get started with

our first very funny yet a useful word which is blubber where of course it

sounds very funny and you wouldn't know what it means unless until I use it so

let me try and use it in a sentence and let's see if you can figure out what it

means okay okay here it goes all right stop blubbering

like a two-year-old did you guys can you figure out what it means so some of you

might have figured out it means to cry or to throw tantrums like a child and

that's how I used it okay to cry or throw tantrum so you can use it that way

that stop blubbering like a two-year-old my two year olds or my kids have been

blubbering since morning okay so I would tell if you know you can tell your

husband I have been taking care of the kids they have been blubbering since

morning you take care of them now right so you can use it very often

blubber remember this moving forward from blubber

we have doozie okay so do Z remember it's always used with earth all right ah

doozy it actually means if you want to express

something that is extraordinarily good or bad you can use a doozy

so hey so let's just figure this out okay so that show was embarrassing or if

the host did you know a few mistakes made a few mistakes and you want to just

talk to your friend about it so this is how you can say hey do you remember that

show oh yeah that just was a doozy right so you just mean that it was really

embarrassing for the horse and everyone felt bad about it okay you feel for the

person alright so it just means really bad or good so another example

did you eat french fries at that restaurant it's a doozy you just mean

it's really good and yummy and tasty okay moving from a doozy we have

flabbergasted flabbergasted can you hear it can you can you see how funny it is

right okay it just means something when when you're really astonished or

surprised so here's an example for you I checked the price of the dress online

and I was flabbergasted means extremely surprised okay I'm so glad that you guys

are getting to know these new words because I want you guys to use it I'm

telling you you would feel better each day when you use these fancy and funny

words in your daily life alright another word for flabbergasted could be I heard

her pregnancy news and I was flabbergasted simple right and it just

means surprised alright moving from here we have fests tuned

for me this word really sounds like a party word or it feels a very 60s or

70's style party word but you know what it's actually a part of that vocabulary

it actually means to decorate or decorate it okay the strips are

festooned with lights during festivals or I have festooned my Christmas tree

this time right simple festooned remember this word you can use it for

decoration or decorated okay or you can hate you can only say hey your english

is festooned you're just trying to say how decorated your language or your

vocabulary is fun right so use it all right moving from festoon we have

fuddy-duddy again really funny but something very useful it usually means

something that when people have old beliefs right when you believe in

something that is old-fashioned that's when you say that that person is

fuddy-duddy so my grandfather always asks us to keep our hands off the table

while dining because he's such a fuddy-duddy right so someone with

old-fashioned beliefs old-fashioned

right old-fashioned belief system

alright moving from fuddy-duddy you can we're going to move to gibberish have

you heard this word before ever do you remember you're hearing this word

okay especially you can use this whenever you

or probably your friend gets drunk you can say oh I do none Durst and what this

person wants he's speaking gibberish did you guessed by now what it means it just

means a language that no one can understand or my two-year-old has

started talking and he speaks gibberish that just means a language that no one

understands I really like this word because it really so especially when

someone talks mathematics or numbers to me I'm like oh hold on hold on

you're speaking gibberish to me speak English that really means I cannot

understand or I cannot do maths well so for me that language is gibberish did

you get it now alright then moving from gibberish we have

shenanigans shenanigans this actually means problematic activities or tricks

that some people do so for example you've got to stop all this and you need

to start working otherwise your shenanigans are going to get you into

trouble right that means problem activities or I

can get into my classroom and say all of you all of you stop with your

shenanigans right now did you get it okay just means problematic activities

or tricks let me write that down

okay squabble my parents have been squabbling since morning did you get it

what is it it just means fight and that for a very small reason for

very very stupid something which is very stupid so stop squabbling about where to

eat let's just go and find someplace to eat right so whenever you fight with

your friends for something so stupid I want to go to this restaurant no I want

to go here you just have to say stop squabbling about it let's just go okay

so just means fights stupid fights right

stupid fights I'm sorry for that but I'm sure you would get it stupid fights

alright wishy-washy this is something my mother

used to say to me and still say is at times that you've got to be you've got

to stop being wishy-washy about your decisions what does that mean that means

you have to stop being indecisive indecisive means someone who's very

confused while making decisions right so you have to decide what you want don't

be wishy-washy about what you want to eat just be calm and decide something

very simple a very simple example okay let me write that down

someone who's confused making

confused making decisions wishy-washy all right okay and the last one for the

day hodgepodge most of you might have a table which is completely hodgepodge

what does that mean untidy untidy your wardrobe is completely hodgepodge

arrange it right now untidy cupboard and wardrobes something very relatable

something that you can think yourself to be in the same position right okay so

these were really really funny words which I use in my day-to-day life I'm

sure all of you will from now on make sure that you do all right okay

so that's all for today guys if you want to see any more of my videos there would

be right flashing somewhere right here by now I would be seeing you very soon

with some interesting topics until then go crazy stay calm I'll smile a lot guys

and I would see very soon this is me Mira signing off for the day bye

For more infomation >> 10 English Words That Would Crack You Up! Advanced English Speaking Vocabulary Lesson - Duration: 10:56.


Adiestramiento Canino - Trucos SENCILLOS para Enseñar a tu Perro - Duration: 7:04.

For more infomation >> Adiestramiento Canino - Trucos SENCILLOS para Enseñar a tu Perro - Duration: 7:04.


CDC #19 - LE PROGRAMME DE 2019 - Duration: 6:17.

For more infomation >> CDC #19 - LE PROGRAMME DE 2019 - Duration: 6:17.


Nightcore - Zombie (Bad Wolves) (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:47.

Lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Zombie (Bad Wolves) (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:47.


😜ИГРОВЫЕ ПРИКОЛЫ №6 [18+] THE BEST GAME COUB/Приколы из игр - Duration: 10:02.

For more infomation >> 😜ИГРОВЫЕ ПРИКОЛЫ №6 [18+] THE BEST GAME COUB/Приколы из игр - Duration: 10:02.


I TURN 2 HEX NUTS into a 1 Ct DIAMOND RING - Duration: 12:13.

For more infomation >> I TURN 2 HEX NUTS into a 1 Ct DIAMOND RING - Duration: 12:13.


洛南高校 vs 清風高校 春高バレー2019男子決勝 2セット目 字幕推奨 - Duration: 10:20.

For more infomation >> 洛南高校 vs 清風高校 春高バレー2019男子決勝 2セット目 字幕推奨 - Duration: 10:20.


12 Best Aliexpress Products 2019. Gearbest. Banggood | Review Goods. China Gadgets. Shopping Online. - Duration: 7:35.

Hello, dear friends!

Now you will see another selection of cool products from Aliexpress, Gearbest and Banggood


All links to the products in the description below the video.

Subscribe on my channel and click on the bell.

Let's go!

All links to the products in the description below the video.

Subscribe on my channel and click on the bell.

Push like.

So today we had a selection of cool products from AliExpress, Gearbest and Banggood sites.

Links to all goods I left in the bottom under the video.

If you liked at least one of the goods, push like.

And do not forget to leave a comment, which of the goods you liked the most.

If you have not seen these videos, be sure to look, and of course do not forget to subscribe

to my channel because in the future there will be a lot of cool




For more infomation >> 12 Best Aliexpress Products 2019. Gearbest. Banggood | Review Goods. China Gadgets. Shopping Online. - Duration: 7:35.


【韓国旅行】ソウルで夜までやってる市場(夜市)で食べ歩き!初めて見たもの食べてみる&スンデ、トッポギ、あんまん【モッパン】 - Duration: 14:28.

For more infomation >> 【韓国旅行】ソウルで夜までやってる市場(夜市)で食べ歩き!初めて見たもの食べてみる&スンデ、トッポギ、あんまん【モッパン】 - Duration: 14:28.


VLOG/잘 비우고, 잘 사용하기/제로 웨이스트샵 방문/Zero waste shop/minimal life/미니멀라이프 살림 - Duration: 4:55.

I roused the silence of the morning.

My family is not good at rejecting.

So there was a lot of unnecessary things.

I'm going to share things that I didn't use.

I'll put the box in the elevator.

Fortunately, they took these in 30 minutes.

I went to a zero-waste shop.

You can buy food here by preparing bottles or bags.

I drank tea.

This is a zero-waste magazine.

We must refuse for the sake of the environment.

I respect everyone who works for the Earth.

I bought some things.

kitchen brush, toothbrush, shampoo, sanitary cup, straw...

I decided to use wooden brushes, not plastic ones, for the environment.

Stainless Stow I don't use plastic strokes.

Stainless Stow I don't use plastic strokes.

I will also use natural ingredients in the kitchen.

This is baked oatmeal.

I eat yogurt, milk, and salads.

my veranda garden

This place gives me a lot of things.

I put soap on the stone.

This is not a nice new product.

This is a wonderful natural gift for me.

For more infomation >> VLOG/잘 비우고, 잘 사용하기/제로 웨이스트샵 방문/Zero waste shop/minimal life/미니멀라이프 살림 - Duration: 4:55.


This Week in Unnecessary Censorship - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> This Week in Unnecessary Censorship - Duration: 1:35.


Tea Eye Winner: JerAx [RU SUBs] - Duration: 18:07.

For more infomation >> Tea Eye Winner: JerAx [RU SUBs] - Duration: 18:07.


【 志祺七七 】你也害怕掉進負面情緒の漩渦嗎?三個看待情緒的新方法! - Duration: 7:00.

For more infomation >> 【 志祺七七 】你也害怕掉進負面情緒の漩渦嗎?三個看待情緒的新方法! - Duration: 7:00.


ANTA KT4 Pro 无限接近球员版的篮球鞋 难道水平就这样? - Duration: 12:14.

For more infomation >> ANTA KT4 Pro 无限接近球员版的篮球鞋 难道水平就这样? - Duration: 12:14.


Activity of the four cures - Duration: 2:23.

No more.

I don't want them to suffer.


stop time.

What are you saying?!

Precures don't give up!


I think we'll go through a lot in our lives from now on!

This is nothing serious!

We're not alone!

We believe in miracles!

We'll make them happen!

I need to prune them.

The weeds around the big-bloomed flower wither it up.

There're no plants named weed!

No matter how small flower, it has a name!

Stop it!

You can do what I can't do.

I can do what you can't do.

Together we can do great things!


What kind of person do you want to be?


Don't escape from yourself you've been aiming at!


don't give up!

We'll get back our future!

We're finally on the same stage.


You can do anything.

You can be anything.

Hug your bright future.

Don't give up, Hana!

We're finally all alone in this world.


Its flower language...

is eternity.

For more infomation >> Activity of the four cures - Duration: 2:23.


Boondocking at Ocean, RV Repairs, & Salt Life - Duration: 13:45.

good morning all you beautiful people of YouTube and the other ones you know who

you are just kidding it is a chilly January

morning here in Florida 29 degrees Celsius 85 degrees good morning Florida

I think I'll go start my day off in the ocean hmm but first the official Cologne

of Florida sunscreen

yeah I think also the reason why it's a little warmer this morning is because

there's a 50% chance of rain right now doesn't seem like it but actually those

clouds over there do look a little meaner man I love life I'm gonna whip up

some lunch here in the parking lot it's two dollars and 70 cents an hour to park

here and have access to the beach over there and although we're not getting

tons of solar I do have the panel's tilted because that's that's wet north

that's where the sun's at so having no problem staying cool here with all the

fans and the solar and stuff gonna be going on down south a won a today to

explore possibly past Fort Lauderdale today we shall see all right we're

leaving this beach this is not permanent that this is where I'm storing the buddy

heater right now not gonna be permanent it's gonna cutting off part of Jax's

room and I did dig out my Daytona NASCAR leather jacket

I just wanted to clean it up I got to find my leather conditioner actually

what was that I'm gonna get this nice and ready not that I'm saying anything

about NASCAR or Daytona

but we can't boondock here this place closes at 10:00 you can't even pay for

it so you got to get on down the road and find another spot I do love these

coastal beach areas though even though everything costs so much more and it's

really hard to park sometimes it just cracks me up this is also paid parking

there's a cop I'm not breaking the law because I am NOT parking or not stopping

the RV east of the a1a right I'm parked on the west half of the road east of the

a1 a would be over there but it is three dollars an hour to stop and park but

look at the beach I love the palm trees just makes me smile man it's cool but I

have seen enough beaches you know I like Fort Lauderdale I just don't like the

big cities because they they change as far as boondock me these palm trees are

beautiful down the highway very nice so gonna bypass the city of Fort

Lauderdale okay it's really cool though right off the highway like literally on

the other side of the highway now there's Beach access people out there

sunbathing and out in the ocean it's kind of a neat interesting area but you

can't have an army here after 10:00 p.m. anywhere in the city

oh boy okay sorry I'm not showing you as much guys I don't have the Grom today

I'm driving the RV and so I got a park where I can park I come back and show

you something funny though here I love it

the B ocean hotel shaped like a cruise ship and plus it's right on the water so

it totally fits right I like it let's see what the front looks like pretty

cool it's got the decks and balconies just like the real boat and the naked

crab restaurant pretty sweet well change of plans

actually gonna stop here at Home Depot actually had a subscriber on Instagram

inviting me out for food and beer tonight he said once I get out of the

Fort Lauderdale area I should hit him up that's a good way to get a hold of me

guys the case you think I'm coming through your spot Instagram private

message or an email or something and food beer speaking my language yeah

thank you good deal so I'll do that tonight near

here for right now I do need to go into Home Depot I will probably overnight

here as well I got a problem inside that I gotta fix

oh sure yeah so I guess this is kind of actually a little update to this table

that I got in September that I paid two hundred and eighty five dollars for the

mechanism and 20 bucks for the table top and you can see what's going on right

now right jack says on it and he's not supposed to be no the angle it's not

nothing to do with Jack's buddy you're not even allowed on tables now you're

not even allowed so that window is level you can see what the table is doing here

right and it doesn't matter where it's at you put it slide it over there you

can now see now it's sloped down like this it's it's very crummy it should be

here and the reason why this has happened is I'm gonna do with weight or

any other issues it's just it's all shaved off right there I'm gonna lift

this up so you can see how much plays in there that wasn't there when I first got

this table so you got black shavings down there from this whole mechanism

that hates turning now yes I could shim it I could put some metal aluminum or

something in here but it's not gonna last very long I'm just not happy with

the way the table has functioned thus well just not happy with it I think it's

a piece of crap I don't have a permanent replacement solution but I've been

thinking about how I can make this work oh also you can't even put a drink on

this table just slides right off it's bad it's pointless it does hold a laptop

I'm gonna work what I'm gonna do is go in and get some some one by ones or two

by twos how do you say those anyway and I'm gonna put one right here so that I

can't really do this one-handed but I can lift the table up and prop it on one

of those hopefully that'll work and then I'll

have one on this wall as well to help that side pop that up like that right in

theory does that make sense so I do have my Rio B jigsaw and table saw so I'll be

able to cut the parts and make this happen

really kind of irritated with this Lagoon Lagoo swivel mount I like the old

one better go get my shopping done first you safety gear don't do it I do yadda

yadda yadda

all right let's do some test-fit see how my redneck fix here works so lift the

table up that'll be there and I'll bolt that into there that works and for when

I'm sitting down

I'm crafty sometimes not going for perfection just need it to work right

I'll get these guys bolted and they look good to go

I just turned off that fan for this video but there's the finished product

as you can see the tables level I just gotta pick it up and physically put it

on that one when I'm sitting at the table when I'm not using it pick it up

and rest it on that one and we are good now for now but I'm looking for your

placement later

geesh glad I got here early it was difficult to find a spot for the RV cuz

I had to take up four spots in order to fit there's no way to back up my butt

over an edge or anything this is I'm not even parked in the right parking lot

right now good walk over here I'll show you I'm supposed to go right now we're

in the right law that's cool so this is Flanagan seafood bar and grill here

think I'm outside of Fort Lauderdale I'm sorry and keep getting confused all the

cities and everything I'm inland farther inland towards the Everglades so I'll

find out when my buddy wants to get over here and see if he wants to be on camera

and then I'll let you know what we're gonna do

well here we are in Flanagan's got a table outside even have some visitors

look down below ders nice cool Chris and I can a look at the menu big thanks to

my friends Ernie and Kelly thanks guys for having me

where I look the menu over find some good grub making a hamburger walk around

and look at a few things around here

these are very alluring it's a cool place though

I love it and a pretty night and guess what I ordered I've got the burger guys

yeah my guess is he's not

I am stuffed that may have been like top three burgers I've had in Florida in

fact really good really good burgers there at Flanigan's and I really enjoyed

hanging out with my subscribers there Ernie and Kelly that was great

it's uh it's always different because there's like that two-way mirror of

YouTube where I'm always surprised that people know so much about me and I'd

really don't know much about you yet you know so I always have lots to talk about

and lots to learn about people and of course I love answering questions and

finding out what people's goals are to live on the road and stuff like that so

it's always exciting for me to meet subscribers I want to do it more often

but we got to get out of here because this place does not allow overnight

parking this little area mall here so gonna go back over to Home Depot Jack

see he keeps sitting up there like he wants to draw attention to himself

yeah so this is home for one night home depot a Fort Lauderdale huh I actually

have only been kicked out of one home depot anywhere in the country and that

was here in Florida about four years ago ironically it's gonna be fine it's gonna

be fine oh let me show you what Ernie and Kelley

got for Jax could all use Jax treats a kitty Kong with catnip eggs and bacon a

whole body one that he can get when his back feet and some more catnip and some

treats salmon flavor treats and the one that literally almost made me cry Kelley

found a new mr. Quackers just like the one Jax has had since he was a baby

kitten some eight and a half years ago and two got on the stick a brand new mr.

Quackers to replace his childhood favorite one oh I love it so much thank

you guys what his Jax think I knew mr. Quackers

he's fresh oh you're gonna nuzzle him you gonna cuddle with him oh it's like

okay bring the food dad food bowls over here dad get those treats out dad

yeah okay good night everyone thank you for watching my video we'll see you in

about three days bye bye


For more infomation >> Boondocking at Ocean, RV Repairs, & Salt Life - Duration: 13:45.


כאן מסבירים | במשך כמה זמן מותר לאכול מקופסאות במקרר? - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> כאן מסבירים | במשך כמה זמן מותר לאכול מקופסאות במקרר? - Duration: 2:39.


Beyond the Deepening Shadow: The Tower Remembers - Duration: 8:51.

For more infomation >> Beyond the Deepening Shadow: The Tower Remembers - Duration: 8:51.


Top Trends 2019… according to Pinterest ! ǀ Women's & Men's ǀ Justine Leconte - Duration: 9:57.

Hi everyone, it's Justine. Welcome back to this channel. I love to look at what

people pin onto their Pinterest boards. I'm very curious... it's super insightful

because it tells you what they like what they have on their minds what they might

want to buy a shop in the future. Sso if you put all those pins together over

time you get really clear trends and Peaks Pinterest collects that

information and really it is a trend report every year their new report is

out so here are 14 trends for 2019 with examples and where I think they're coming

from because sometimes you can really see them coming you'll see what I mean

and we'll start with menswear and then move on to womenswear, let's go. first men's

wear by the way I ranked the keywords the trends in order of search volume

growth from small to big so the more we go through this list the bigger the

trends are on Pinterest at least the first one is light-wash denim full-on

nineties revival I've mentioned in a video I think two and a half years ago

on this channel that the 90s were coming back big-time and that the 80s would be

over soon we are in the middle of it right now

it's peaking soon so clueless is back in mom jeans have been around for some time

the next big thing I'm sure will be those headbands the huge one also so 90s

what was missing was beached anymore nothing says 90s more than bleached

denim and distressed denim so expect this trend to grow even bigger in 2019.

then mismatched prints remember that we're in menswear we're mixing prints

and colors is not exactly normal yet it's still quite a bold thing to do I

would say compared to the classic menswear style so the new creative

director could she have an influence there he makes his prints a lot so most

likely because he's been very influential in the last season's but not

just him also generation of designers who are coming from street wear street

art and who are mixing media on paper or on fabric

that calls for super bold mixes of of colors and of textures. then vintage

watches if you've seen many sponsored posts of nice wristwatches

that are not fitness watches on Instagram lately that's no coincidence

brands like these are advertising like crazy and their hype because they

represent a quality alternative to the booming market of fitness watches which

are mainly in plastic actually I have a board about a watches on my Pinterest

account this is my Pinterest name I kept it private so far but I will make

it public if you're looking for inspiration

other than Fitness watches I like traditional ones you will find

inspiration there. next: 1/4 socks. remember how last year was all about

sheer socks that was a trend coming from Asia and it was both in menswear in me

twins where it was all over the place and huge on Pinterest well this year

it's quota socks things change because it shows between the shoe and the hem of

the pants which is usually cropped more on this in a minute because that's

another trend that's huge and growing it's an opportunity to set an accent of

color in an otherwise maybe monochromatic outfit. then plaid pants:

it's a fast-rising and oh-so-British trend. so the British people among you

will say that's nothing new we've had forever and you're really really good at

making plaids there is huge know-how in your region of the world but in 2019 the

trend will be not just regional really global think McQueen Vivienne Westwood

Scottish clothing which I'm a huge fan of this is your year.

then corduroy: you know it's this fabric that you can pet in one direction or the

other and it changes the colour I don't like it so much because it's not very

durable it can rub off very quickly from sitting down in the bum area or on the

knees but ok every couple of years corduroy is back in this year apparently

is a year of corduroy. Crop trousers is another huge word,

growing like crazy, it has been a thing for a while already on in high-fashion

tailoring the gentleman on the red carpets of this world have been wearing

cropped pant suits for at least one or two years so four seasons it goes really

well with the quarter socks trend that I've mentioned earlier it's it's

matching really but if you're watching from Berlin

you have been to Berlin you probably think in Berlin we've been wearing

cropped pants with colored socks for years way more than five years already

and it's through that in terms of street style Berlin is often ahead of other

regions of the world it's a good source of inspiration. Sling bags:

this search grew by over a thousand hundred points versus last year so it's

a boom it's the biggest trend in menswear for

2019 according to Pinterest it's more elegant than a backpack it gives you

more freedom of movement it's focusing on craftsmanship if you look on

Pinterest all the bags are very high-quality and premium materials the

biggest trend of this year in menswear is in fact an accessory it's funny

moving on to women's wear for women's wear the trend Peaks are going from plus

200 to plus 2,000 points so the peaks are a lot bigger.

The first one is African print fashion: do you know for instance what buttock is

dat I K I'm not sure to pronounce that property probably not please let me know

you design a pattern with wax onto a piece of clothes then you die that piece

of fabric and the dye won't go where you had the wax so it's a resist dining

technique then you remove the wax and that gives you the pattern it's very

time intensive and hard to make by hand but now mass-market and ready-to-wear

brands are finding inspiration in that traditional technique and they try to

mimic the kind of patterns you would get with the hand technique. Then oval

sunglasses. because ladies and gentlemen cat eye sunglasses are out

according to Pinterest now sunglasses should be oval and and really thin so

they sit here on the tip of the nose and you can really still look above them I'm

pretty sure that this trend was started by the models so the likes of Gigi Hadid

in the Kardashians may I also add that that's definitely a thing we got from

the 90s as well think clueless. Then snake print: animal prints are always in

in some way at least if you look at Italian

it's a classic for them but the animal varies depending on the year and this

year apparently it's the snake if I'm honest I'm not sure why so do you have

any idea where where this train is coming from next one (sit tight)

Biker shorts: + thousand three hundred points in searches versus last

year. this trend is I believe definitely a Kardashian trend and I think it was

Kim Kardashian who first wore biker shorts among the major influencers

combined not with a gym outfit but with the Sheik evening outfit outraged at

that time all the critics made fun of her now it seems that she

single-handedly started the whole new trend that's real influence. Statement

sneakers: for several years now sneakers have been invading the runways more and

more now even Chanel Couture is showing sneakers on the runway together with Haute

Couture looks sneakers have become a pair of shoes that you can really wear

every day so you don't own just one pair that you were to go to the gym anymore

you own several pairs and so looking for statement sneakers means that you need a

specific style to mix and match with specific outfits this trend makes total

sense and it will no doubt keep growing this year.

Bamboo bags: bamboo is really really trending right now and here is why

plastic bags plastic cutlery plastic is being banned from supermarkets in many

countries little by little especially in Europe by law so that's not going to be

an option anymore one day hopefully soon then the interest

for sustainability is growing globally across industries not just in fashion

bamboo comes in at this point it is very affordable it's extremely light and it's

super environmentally friendly so bamboo is being used more and more in all

industries including to create fibers that serve the textile industry if you

enjoyed this trend review thumbs up thank you very much which trend did you

like most all that trends where you thought never

heard of it do we need that why is it that big on Pinterest let's discuss I'm

looking for to your comments there is one more thing

that I urgently need to tell you we have crossed half a million subscribers on

this channel I would like to thank you for all your support for your interest

for spreading the word... imagine half a million so if each one of you talks so

just one more person that's 1 million already it's such a big number. so many

zeros... thanks also to everyone who has been spending time to translate my

videos to add subtitles under my videos this is extremely helpful for the people

who don't speak English correctly but still would like to watch and understand

thank you for them in a nutshell thanks to all of you very much I will see you

soon in a new video and until then take care, bye bye!

For more infomation >> Top Trends 2019… according to Pinterest ! ǀ Women's & Men's ǀ Justine Leconte - Duration: 9:57.


Sagan om Klimat-Greta ~ När Barn blir Politiska Sköldar - Duration: 10:36.

Hi everyone! Today we're gonna get a new perspective on the term "grooming"

Leftist morality is the worst morality. The media recently made a teenager famous just for having opinions about climate change.

Oh yeah, she cut class to sit with a sign outside of Parliament. So she did that too.

Countless articles were published about what a hero and role model she is.

It even spread to other countries, where further journo-salutes continue.

She even wound up on Time Magazines list of most influental youngsters that year.

Along with a K-pop band and a Palestinian nationalist.

Clearly hipsters are writing these articles.

Would Greta get this celebrated if she skipped class to protest tax increases?

Even SvD (somewhat right-wing) declared her a saint, with the conclusion: "Even the young can play prominent roles in our time."

Aaaah, so it's important to listen to kids? Good you brought that up.

Then we should lower taxes and make it mandatory to deport criminal migrants, since that's what a class of 5th-graders wanted (PM) Stefan Löfven to do.

But that didn't get much media headlines?

Even though children are prophetic truth-tellers who play prominent roles in our time.

But then again, would our good media describe kids that way had they been protesting the rape import or the great displacement?

I don't know! So one could only hope a bunch of teens get the idea to do that...

Call both mainstream- and alternative-media there, theoretically speaking that would be best...

to get BOTH and see who shows up.

Otherwise I'm forced to just speculate on this, and so all of this is really just.... theoretical.

(Jokes aside) The climate is a legitimate issue we all should take more seriously.

So it's annoying with the intellectual shallowness that's so mandatory with the Swedish debate.

Which ties into how politics is generally done in Sweden.

Media's hyping how an American celebrity supports 16-year old Greta, which is ironic.

Since DiCaprio took a private jet to pick up an award, then flew back to France to continue partying.

Not the first time he's been criticized over his environmental habits.

He messes up the climate far worse than any Swedish working man.

But Greta describes him as environmentally aware and just thinks it's "awesome" to get his attention.

Of course, she's a 16-year old girl!

I'm not gonna judge a teenager for having undeveloped opinions and hormones.

But we SHOULD judge Swedish media for using children as political shields.



Then Aftonbladet continues: "It's been told that you get the truth from children and drunks."

"Rarely has that proverb applied better to anyone than Greta Thunberg."

Ok not a kid, but I AM a drunk

And since Jonna Sima just described me as a truth-teller I'ma fill you in on dat truth

But first I wanna analyze this headline more since it's so archetypically media.

I know the Left is usually desperate, but "agree with me or DIE" has to be a new record low.

One might wonder how the Left would've reacted if someone wrote a debate article headlined:

"Listen to Jimmie, otherwise mooslims will RAEP UR DAUGHTERS"

Would you call that HORROR propaganda maybe? Hm, oh, well, I don't know!

It's not like the Left constantly does what they accuse others of doing.

Notice how it's okay to talk "apocalypse" and "social collapse" when it comes to their issues,

But when Swedes notice how multiculturalism made their country worse, they're just "paranoid stingy racists".

PEASANTS so uneducated they can't understand that resources are actually infinite!

Also contemplate the following hypocrisy: Scientists at Lund concluded having children is worse for the climate than car and flying.

At the same time Africans and Afghanis are having 5 kids per family, some Arab countries are higher than Swedes too.

Yet the climate debate focuses more on white men driving cars. Why are only whites expected to be socially responsible?

The Left says the apocalypse will reach us in mere decades,

while attacking Hanif Bali, because he insulted a Somali for having 2 children.

When he already has 9 kids, and has been on welfare for 6 years.

Either the Left doesn't believe their own values, or they just hate white people.

So the message here is that blacks should procreate at expense of the climate, while whites die out and become the minority instead.

And since the Left complain about the structural racism that arises, when a majority lives side-by-side with minorities,

That clearly isn't a desirable position to be in. So antiracism is just a code-word for anti-white. Good to know.

And when it comes to Greta there's reason to doubt the hype. She started striking the 20th of August.

The same day Aftonbladet wrote an article, probably due to Ingmar Rentzog. After that every paper picked up.

And just 4 days later Greta "accidentally" releases a book she wrote with her celebrity mom, Malena Ernman.

Famous PC-profile and media pet. Therefore shouldn't surprise anyone when DN give them gratious advertisement with a longer interview.

But I do wonder how much of the book is the mothers opinions, and how much is the childs.

The mothers stardom isn't the only factor to success tho, Ingmar Rentzhog is the one who "discovered" Greta.

His PR-company brag about playing a "central part" in making Greta a national and global celebrity.

In accordance with the company's business model, which is digital advertisement.

Rentzog is also CEO of GU, a leftist think-tank who've written opinion pieces for DN together with Malena Ernman.

Rentzhog and Ernman have also been to climate conferences together.

Thus I'm forced to wonder how organic the hype is. The last straw was when the "top meeting" where "Greta spoke to world leaders",

Took place in an empty lot. Not many world leaders.

Yet state media want people to think the whole world is super-interested in what Greta has to say.

They describe her as a superstar constantly forced to write autographs, and how "everyone wants to associate with the 15-year old from Sweden".

Really? I can't tell from your recordings.

But when people point out empty chairs, SVT's tax-funded journalist screeches about conspiracy theories.

And accuses investigators of "poisoning the social climate".

NO, your lies are poisoning the social climate.

That's such a cowardly accusation. You take 8 billion (SEK) of our tax-money for your lousy reports,

Then exercise contempt towards those who question how that money is spent, with full validity.

There's difference between news and marketing. And in the fairy tale of Climate-Greta, journalists clearly transcended.

Nobody asked you to write so much about a teenager whose opinions you like,

And nobody asked you to exaggerate how popular she is. (Or?)

But it's true she held a speech for UN general secretary that same day, which was uploaded to the PR-firms Youtube channel.

It took place in a small conference room and didn't look as bombastic as they presented it.


Then this image doesn't work as well. So assumingly you got greedy, trying to work the collective associations.

Also doesn't seem to be hard to get a meeting with the UN, if you got mainstream opinions.

Gaming feminists Anita Sarkeesian and Zoe Quinn got to talk about how the internet should be censored.

So feminists don't have to deal with critique over disgusting behavior or extreme opinions.

So it's not like the UN has high demands on strong integrity.

The media has exaggerated how popular Greta is, because she represents their opinions in addition to her own.

And by putting their ideas in a young persons body, then presenting them as a prophetic truth-teller,

You accomplish two things: 1) Play on the fact that children are unusually honest.

Thus it's implied they know better, so shut up.

2) Play on the fact that children are children, they're so innocent and fragile. They know nothing of the world.

And so it's mean to criticize their opinions - which happen to be the journalists opinions.

So just let them think whatever, stop being so CYNICAL and adult, stop being MEAN


Not kidding, that's the reasoning of Sweden's biggest paper.

When a right-winger complains about having to pay taxes so SVT can present a teenager as climate expert,

It's reinterpreted as "bullying and attempts to silence".

OK! So according to you this teenager is super-intelligent, if we don't listen to her we ALL DIE, and she's way more intelligent than MOST adults,

But she's not intelligent enough to handle people questioning her on the internet.

Interesting definition of intelligence you got there. So the kid knows better than all adults, and especially those who vote right-wing,

But it's still a kid, y'know. Not an adult.

So they don't have the emotional development and strength to handle criticism, y'know.



It shouldn't surprise anyone the Left has children as role models.

It's been clear all these years they've poisioned the public debate.

It's about manipulation.

The Left uses children as shields for their ideas, since they noticed how tired people are of their ideas.

Or to quote a Swedish archlibertarian: "Climate-Greta has to be the years most cynical example of child labor."

For more infomation >> Sagan om Klimat-Greta ~ När Barn blir Politiska Sköldar - Duration: 10:36.


Seat Ibiza 1.0TSI 95pk Style Limited | Cruise Control | Climate Control | - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Seat Ibiza 1.0TSI 95pk Style Limited | Cruise Control | Climate Control | - Duration: 1:12.


THE SHEIK OF ARABY, by The Hot Shots, feat. Eddie Pless & Niels Flipper Stuart - Duration: 5:24.

For more infomation >> THE SHEIK OF ARABY, by The Hot Shots, feat. Eddie Pless & Niels Flipper Stuart - Duration: 5:24.


(4k) 수달ㅣ 한국의 야생동물 l 자연다큐VLOG ㅣEurasian OtterㅣWildlife Vlog ㅣ(ENG CC) - Duration: 4:22.

On the way back home after filming Black Stork

I saw something on the frozen lake alongside the road


What's that?

Wow This is a huge jackpot

Two Eurasian Otters are playing to each other

Eurasian Otter!

They are endangered species currently

Due to environmental pollution and hunting for fur

They were on the brink of extinction once in the past

Especially, during Japanese colonial period

Nowadays, their population has bounced back

and they are seen in urban stream sometimes

I am glad they are ok now

Oh they just came out

wow they are coming right in front of me

They are coming closer

I think they have no idea that I am here

Look at that

Wow This is beyond my imagination

I didn't expect to meet otters here

While I was searching for black storks on the way back home

I found something moving on the other side of the lake

With my binocular

I saw a single juvenile White tailed eagle and this otter were staring at each other

I was like "wow jackpot!"

and I moved to here asap

White tailed eagle flew away after he saw me coming

and these two otters kept playing to each other

they pop down and up again and again

Because of their extreme cuteness

Let's just watch them without saying anything

The little one seems more playful

I feel like I'm watching my cat. She always bites my foot for asking "play with me"

While I'm editing the videos


The sound they make during playing was so cute

but it's sad that I can't record sound while I record the video at the same time

The little one bit from the behind lol

Normally wild animals always work on saving their energy as much as they can

But they don't. They are full of energy

They literally don't stop playing even a second

Oops... I think it just found me

oh no

Just wait. It will come again soon

I'm not sure if it noticed me or not..

Back then when I was filming it

I didn't know there is a leftover fish on the rock

Now it's clear that it was trying to get leftover fish even it noticed me

See ya~

Now They ended playing

and seems like they went back to their home

It was a pleasant surprise for me

I'm so happy now

I failed to find black storks though

But I met otters instead

Actually it's a jackpot

nocturnal animals like them is not easy to meet during day

Two of them, playing right in front of me

They made my day

I have long way to go today

I want to see them more but

I have to leave now

I think my next short video

is just made right now


Speaking of which, here is my cat

What's up?

Wat's up?Dal

Do you wanna play?

Are you gonna bite me again?

Are you?

I knew it! you little..!

What did you just try..? huh?


(Tail taps = Not feeling good)

Please, Go away~


You little badass



Subscribe now~

For more infomation >> (4k) 수달ㅣ 한국의 야생동물 l 자연다큐VLOG ㅣEurasian OtterㅣWildlife Vlog ㅣ(ENG CC) - Duration: 4:22.


閃靈CHTHONIC【合掌】One Thousand Eyes Official Lyrics Video - Duration: 5:17.

For more infomation >> 閃靈CHTHONIC【合掌】One Thousand Eyes Official Lyrics Video - Duration: 5:17.


For more infomation >> 閃靈CHTHONIC【合掌】One Thousand Eyes Official Lyrics Video - Duration: 5:17.


CDC #19 - LE PROGRAMME DE 2019 - Duration: 6:17.

For more infomation >> CDC #19 - LE PROGRAMME DE 2019 - Duration: 6:17.


For more infomation >> CDC #19 - LE PROGRAMME DE 2019 - Duration: 6:17.


when you wear a band tshirt to a party - Duration: 0:19.

[party music]

Oh, hey.

Nice shirt.

Hey, thanks!

So, what, are you a fan?

Yeah, I'm a pretty big fan!

Oh really?

Name three t-shirt companies.


For more infomation >> when you wear a band tshirt to a party - Duration: 0:19.


For more infomation >> when you wear a band tshirt to a party - Duration: 0:19.


Samsung Galaxy J4 Ekran Değişimi 🇹🇷 - Duration: 10:48.

For more infomation >> Samsung Galaxy J4 Ekran Değişimi 🇹🇷 - Duration: 10:48.


For more infomation >> Samsung Galaxy J4 Ekran Değişimi 🇹🇷 - Duration: 10:48.


Who is Leader of Bnp? Khaleda zia Tarek Fakhrul Dr. Kamal Hosain ধানের শীষ নয় বিএনপি এখন ধানের চিটা! - Duration: 8:24.

প্রধানমন্ত্রী। মন্ত্রী ।প্রতিমন্ত্রীরা সরকারি কী কী সুযোগ সুবিধা পান facilities of cabinet member's

তরুণ-নবীণদের ঢেউয়ে হেভিওয়েট মন্ত্রীগণকে টপকে মন্ত্রী ২৪ প্রতিমন্ত্রী ১৯ উপমন্ত্রী ৩জন election 2018

For more infomation >> Who is Leader of Bnp? Khaleda zia Tarek Fakhrul Dr. Kamal Hosain ধানের শীষ নয় বিএনপি এখন ধানের চিটা! - Duration: 8:24.


For more infomation >> Who is Leader of Bnp? Khaleda zia Tarek Fakhrul Dr. Kamal Hosain ধানের শীষ নয় বিএনপি এখন ধানের চিটা! - Duration: 8:24.


Cách Chống Rung Video Đơn Giản Nhất - PremierePro #premiereprocc2017 #quayphimchốngrungđiệnthoại - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> Cách Chống Rung Video Đơn Giản Nhất - PremierePro #premiereprocc2017 #quayphimchốngrungđiệnthoại - Duration: 2:56.


For more infomation >> Cách Chống Rung Video Đơn Giản Nhất - PremierePro #premiereprocc2017 #quayphimchốngrungđiệnthoại - Duration: 2:56.


I TURN 2 HEX NUTS into a 1 Ct DIAMOND RING - Duration: 12:13.

For more infomation >> I TURN 2 HEX NUTS into a 1 Ct DIAMOND RING - Duration: 12:13.


奇葩情侶唱歌Time| 真是懷念的一首歌☺ - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> 奇葩情侶唱歌Time| 真是懷念的一首歌☺ - Duration: 2:19.


The REALITY of GOOD and BAD LUCK - Dreams Around The World - Duration: 9:11.

Hey Dan here and if you've ever thought about yourself as lucky or unlucky if

you have certain people in your life who are always having bad things happen to

them and they say you know what I just have the worst luck or maybe you just

consider yourself unlucky and stick around because in this video I guarantee

your luck will change from what you're going to find out now if you're new here

my name is Dan and this is dreams around the world where my mission is to help

you become the best version of yourself all while creating the most awesome life

possible for you and those you love a lot luck luck it's one of my favorite

topics and actually in this video I'm going to share one of my favorite

studies it's one of the most interesting studies I have ever read and I think

you're going to love it concept of luck if you have to choose to

be unlucky or lucky I'm sure right now as you're watching this it's already

popped into your head if you have a belief about whether you're a lucky

person or an unlucky person right so acknowledge that with yourself right now

and let's continue with the video my belief is if I was choosing between

feeling that I am an unlucky person or lucky person no matter what the external

circumstance is I would always choose to think I am a lucky person and the reason

is if you watch my videos on empowering beliefs before then you know that what

we believe ultimately affects our actions and I'm not necessarily getting

into some law of attraction like you believe something and it goes off and

then the genies come and they float the magic carpet and you get your dream

house all when you send $99 to I don't necessarily mean in that way but

ultimately think about it you believe you are an unlucky person are you gonna

take a risk and start in a business that would be insane you're unlucky don't

start a business nine out of ten businesses fail and you're unlucky don't

do it right if you believe you're unlucky are you gonna walk up to that

stranger and start talking to them and maybe start a new relationship maybe

meet the love of your life of course not you're unlucky right you're an unlucky

person the most rational thing to do is to lock yourself in a bunker and prepare

for World War 3 right and of course we all know that's gonna lead to a really

happy and fulfilling life ultimately what we believe is going to shape our

actions if you believe you are lucky you're going to go out and take a risk

you're gonna try a new business you're gonna take a trip you're gonna move

abroad you're gonna talk to that stranger and then

things are going to happen because you have taken action and then those actions

are of course going to affect your life right so ultimately and I'm gonna share

my belief about luck and myself at the end it might surprise you a little bit

how little I've thought about this personally but what you believe is going

to affect your actions and this is where my favorite study in the world comes in

here top 10 favorite studies I don't want to actually get too nailed down on

one favorite study here but one of my favorite studies where they brought

people into this experiment and they asked them do you consider yourself a

lucky or unlucky person and then they had them complete this exercise where

and I'm paraphrasing this year I haven't read the study in a couple years or

really reviewed it because I guess I'm just being lazy today so you can google

it if you want after for the exact details the exact numbers but they had

people say whether they were lucky or unlucky and then they had them read

through a newspaper and their job was to pick or to count I should say the amount

of photos in the newspaper and the experiment was we're going to count how

long it takes like we're gonna time you how long does it take you to go through

the newspaper and count the amount of photos in it and that is your

measurement of success right and so they had the unlucky people go through it and

I think on average again I'm thinking back a bit here but something like two

minutes or a minute and a half that it took them to go through this paper and

count all the photos and there was something I think it was 42 photos let's

say right and so okay took them about minute and a half let's say then they

had the lucky group the people who said hey I'm a lucky person good things

happen to me they had them go through the paper and guess how long it took

them on average most of them about two seconds why did it take them two seconds

to go through this paper well on the second page of the paper there was a big

thing that said stop counting there are 42 pictures in this paper

you're done huh so interesting right I think now there's a couple ways we could

look at this we could say that everyone who is unlucky is unlucky because they

have a terrible sense of perception and they just miss all the opportunities in

life and that could be the case there could be like a correlation where you

have a bad sense of perception you don't see opportunities

then you think you're unlucky and then that makes you miss opportunities but I

think in many cases it's that when people are the type of people who

consider themselves unlucky who think bad things happen to them they just miss

opportunities they're closed off the way their mind is is they don't see the

gifts given to them I mean that is a gift you have to count the amount of

images and it says that's how many images there are that is a gift given to

you the same way maybe there's a business opportunity or maybe you're

sitting out at a cafe and the potential love of your life sits down beside you

like the universe have given you a gift but you're like oh no I have to read

about the bad news and the world's going to end and you never see that

opportunity that was given to you because you're focused on the bad and of

course you miss opportunities and then you feel like you have bad luck because

all your friends and the other people they get good luck they see those

opportunities but it never happened to you so when I started filming this video

like as I was filming it I was thinking to myself am I like I know I know I

don't consider myself an unlucky person at all but do I consider myself a lucky

person and I can't ever remember thinking to myself that I'm lucky I mean

I thought of it in a gratitude sense like wow I have a great life I am

fortunate to have this and I probably use the word luck as you guys know

sometimes I'm a little loose with my language I'm just whatever comes to mind

first so I've maybe said I'm lucky in that

sense but I've never really thought of myself as a lucky or unlucky person at

least in the last decade or so and one of the reasons for that is my own belief

which may be something you want to adopt for yourself it's something that I

develop doing personal development work working with coaches reading books and

working on myself in my early 20s was that I create my own life I create my

own destiny if you will and what happens to me my life is my responsibility so if

something is bad you know if something comes up for me it

whether it's like I hurt my foot running or I'm taking on a new business project

or a member of my family has medical issue first thing I do is turn to

education learn as much as I can about it look for solutions look for things I

can do and yeah I'm not claiming to be dr.

house here that I can solve every problem but the attitude that I formed a

long time ago is to find solutions and not to assume that I'm helpless not to

assume that this bad thing has happened so there's nothing I can do everything

that happens I basically at least do my best I can't say it always works but I

do my best to see it as a challenge right this has happened I want to solve

this or I want this thing to happen like hey I want to go live in New York how

can I make that happen and so because of that attitude that again I learn from

other places and I was able to really adopt and make my own I don't think of

it as luck in either case and sometimes there's a downside to that we're going

off on a bit of a tangent here but I hope you're okay with that sometimes it

does mean maybe being too hard on myself because if everything is your

responsibility and everything is in your own making

then you might you know be too hard on yourself and sometimes you need to give

yourself a little slack a little like hey stuff happens relax take it easy

right but overall I found this belief to be really empowering

so ending this video here what I would encourage you to do is really think

about your beliefs around luck and about what happens in your life and I know if

you're someone watching this video if you're a subscriber on my channel you're

someone who's trying to improve your life you are actually I should say

improving your life working towards becoming an even better version of

yourself and so you are a problem solver you are someone who wants to keep

getting better and better and so I'd encourage you to look at any of the

beliefs you have about luck or destiny that might be negatively or positively

affecting you if they're positive just acknowledge them write them down and

maybe use them even more in your life and if they're negative then think about

that maybe you want to adopt a new belief and I'll link to a video here on

Will Smith mind-control which is one of the ways I actually rewired some of my

own beliefs and can work for you it's super easy you'll see in the video and

yeah just think about that because as a study made very clear what we believe

about ourselves has a massive impact on our actions and the opportunities that

we miss thank you for watching if you have not yet consider subscribing to the

channel I publish new videos every Sunday Tuesday and Thursday at 6

a.m. Eastern and I'd love to have you here so hit that subscribe button and

the Bell catch you in the next video soon


For more infomation >> The REALITY of GOOD and BAD LUCK - Dreams Around The World - Duration: 9:11.


Welcome to SpeakBritishEnglish - Duration: 2:09.

Get serious about improving your accent

in 2019

by joining SpeakBritishEnglish

the online British pronunciation school.

Hi, I'm John

and I'm the creator of SpeakBritishEnglish.

I spent 10 years

teaching British pronunciation in London

to people from all over the world,

and now you can benefit from my experience

wherever you are

by joining my online school.

My first course

is called The Vowels of British English.

This course will give you a deep,

practical knowledge

of the most fundamental aspect

of proper pronunciation:

vowel production.

It will serve as a resource

that you can return to time and again

as you continue your journey

into the British accent,

and it will give you the knowledge base that you'll need

for my future courses.

In this course

you'll learn the ten fundamental vowel sounds

and five simple mouth-shapes

that form every word in English,

regardless of spelling.

You'll learn subtle details of tongue position

that native English speakers know intuitively

but which most students of English will never know.

You'll get dozens of vocal exercises

so that you can practice daily,

see hundreds of usage examples

and get loads of quizzes

to test your knowledge along the way.

you'll get access to regular webinars

where you'll get live feedback from me,

and, best of all,

enrolling in this course

will give you access

to all future courses

on SpeakBritishEnglish.

The next step

is to take a look at the free preview

and enrol in the course.

I look forward to helping you with your accent.

For more infomation >> Welcome to SpeakBritishEnglish - Duration: 2:09.


Nightcore - Zombie (Bad Wolves) (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:47.

Lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Zombie (Bad Wolves) (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:47.


Boondocking at Ocean, RV Repairs, & Salt Life - Duration: 13:45.

good morning all you beautiful people of YouTube and the other ones you know who

you are just kidding it is a chilly January

morning here in Florida 29 degrees Celsius 85 degrees good morning Florida

I think I'll go start my day off in the ocean hmm but first the official Cologne

of Florida sunscreen

yeah I think also the reason why it's a little warmer this morning is because

there's a 50% chance of rain right now doesn't seem like it but actually those

clouds over there do look a little meaner man I love life I'm gonna whip up

some lunch here in the parking lot it's two dollars and 70 cents an hour to park

here and have access to the beach over there and although we're not getting

tons of solar I do have the panel's tilted because that's that's wet north

that's where the sun's at so having no problem staying cool here with all the

fans and the solar and stuff gonna be going on down south a won a today to

explore possibly past Fort Lauderdale today we shall see all right we're

leaving this beach this is not permanent that this is where I'm storing the buddy

heater right now not gonna be permanent it's gonna cutting off part of Jax's

room and I did dig out my Daytona NASCAR leather jacket

I just wanted to clean it up I got to find my leather conditioner actually

what was that I'm gonna get this nice and ready not that I'm saying anything

about NASCAR or Daytona

but we can't boondock here this place closes at 10:00 you can't even pay for

it so you got to get on down the road and find another spot I do love these

coastal beach areas though even though everything costs so much more and it's

really hard to park sometimes it just cracks me up this is also paid parking

there's a cop I'm not breaking the law because I am NOT parking or not stopping

the RV east of the a1a right I'm parked on the west half of the road east of the

a1 a would be over there but it is three dollars an hour to stop and park but

look at the beach I love the palm trees just makes me smile man it's cool but I

have seen enough beaches you know I like Fort Lauderdale I just don't like the

big cities because they they change as far as boondock me these palm trees are

beautiful down the highway very nice so gonna bypass the city of Fort

Lauderdale okay it's really cool though right off the highway like literally on

the other side of the highway now there's Beach access people out there

sunbathing and out in the ocean it's kind of a neat interesting area but you

can't have an army here after 10:00 p.m. anywhere in the city

oh boy okay sorry I'm not showing you as much guys I don't have the Grom today

I'm driving the RV and so I got a park where I can park I come back and show

you something funny though here I love it

the B ocean hotel shaped like a cruise ship and plus it's right on the water so

it totally fits right I like it let's see what the front looks like pretty

cool it's got the decks and balconies just like the real boat and the naked

crab restaurant pretty sweet well change of plans

actually gonna stop here at Home Depot actually had a subscriber on Instagram

inviting me out for food and beer tonight he said once I get out of the

Fort Lauderdale area I should hit him up that's a good way to get a hold of me

guys the case you think I'm coming through your spot Instagram private

message or an email or something and food beer speaking my language yeah

thank you good deal so I'll do that tonight near

here for right now I do need to go into Home Depot I will probably overnight

here as well I got a problem inside that I gotta fix

oh sure yeah so I guess this is kind of actually a little update to this table

that I got in September that I paid two hundred and eighty five dollars for the

mechanism and 20 bucks for the table top and you can see what's going on right

now right jack says on it and he's not supposed to be no the angle it's not

nothing to do with Jack's buddy you're not even allowed on tables now you're

not even allowed so that window is level you can see what the table is doing here

right and it doesn't matter where it's at you put it slide it over there you

can now see now it's sloped down like this it's it's very crummy it should be

here and the reason why this has happened is I'm gonna do with weight or

any other issues it's just it's all shaved off right there I'm gonna lift

this up so you can see how much plays in there that wasn't there when I first got

this table so you got black shavings down there from this whole mechanism

that hates turning now yes I could shim it I could put some metal aluminum or

something in here but it's not gonna last very long I'm just not happy with

the way the table has functioned thus well just not happy with it I think it's

a piece of crap I don't have a permanent replacement solution but I've been

thinking about how I can make this work oh also you can't even put a drink on

this table just slides right off it's bad it's pointless it does hold a laptop

I'm gonna work what I'm gonna do is go in and get some some one by ones or two

by twos how do you say those anyway and I'm gonna put one right here so that I

can't really do this one-handed but I can lift the table up and prop it on one

of those hopefully that'll work and then I'll

have one on this wall as well to help that side pop that up like that right in

theory does that make sense so I do have my Rio B jigsaw and table saw so I'll be

able to cut the parts and make this happen

really kind of irritated with this Lagoon Lagoo swivel mount I like the old

one better go get my shopping done first you safety gear don't do it I do yadda

yadda yadda

all right let's do some test-fit see how my redneck fix here works so lift the

table up that'll be there and I'll bolt that into there that works and for when

I'm sitting down

I'm crafty sometimes not going for perfection just need it to work right

I'll get these guys bolted and they look good to go

I just turned off that fan for this video but there's the finished product

as you can see the tables level I just gotta pick it up and physically put it

on that one when I'm sitting at the table when I'm not using it pick it up

and rest it on that one and we are good now for now but I'm looking for your

placement later

geesh glad I got here early it was difficult to find a spot for the RV cuz

I had to take up four spots in order to fit there's no way to back up my butt

over an edge or anything this is I'm not even parked in the right parking lot

right now good walk over here I'll show you I'm supposed to go right now we're

in the right law that's cool so this is Flanagan seafood bar and grill here

think I'm outside of Fort Lauderdale I'm sorry and keep getting confused all the

cities and everything I'm inland farther inland towards the Everglades so I'll

find out when my buddy wants to get over here and see if he wants to be on camera

and then I'll let you know what we're gonna do

well here we are in Flanagan's got a table outside even have some visitors

look down below ders nice cool Chris and I can a look at the menu big thanks to

my friends Ernie and Kelly thanks guys for having me

where I look the menu over find some good grub making a hamburger walk around

and look at a few things around here

these are very alluring it's a cool place though

I love it and a pretty night and guess what I ordered I've got the burger guys

yeah my guess is he's not

I am stuffed that may have been like top three burgers I've had in Florida in

fact really good really good burgers there at Flanigan's and I really enjoyed

hanging out with my subscribers there Ernie and Kelly that was great

it's uh it's always different because there's like that two-way mirror of

YouTube where I'm always surprised that people know so much about me and I'd

really don't know much about you yet you know so I always have lots to talk about

and lots to learn about people and of course I love answering questions and

finding out what people's goals are to live on the road and stuff like that so

it's always exciting for me to meet subscribers I want to do it more often

but we got to get out of here because this place does not allow overnight

parking this little area mall here so gonna go back over to Home Depot Jack

see he keeps sitting up there like he wants to draw attention to himself

yeah so this is home for one night home depot a Fort Lauderdale huh I actually

have only been kicked out of one home depot anywhere in the country and that

was here in Florida about four years ago ironically it's gonna be fine it's gonna

be fine oh let me show you what Ernie and Kelley

got for Jax could all use Jax treats a kitty Kong with catnip eggs and bacon a

whole body one that he can get when his back feet and some more catnip and some

treats salmon flavor treats and the one that literally almost made me cry Kelley

found a new mr. Quackers just like the one Jax has had since he was a baby

kitten some eight and a half years ago and two got on the stick a brand new mr.

Quackers to replace his childhood favorite one oh I love it so much thank

you guys what his Jax think I knew mr. Quackers

he's fresh oh you're gonna nuzzle him you gonna cuddle with him oh it's like

okay bring the food dad food bowls over here dad get those treats out dad

yeah okay good night everyone thank you for watching my video we'll see you in

about three days bye bye


For more infomation >> Boondocking at Ocean, RV Repairs, & Salt Life - Duration: 13:45.


Enesse - Focused (Türkçe Çeviri) - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> Enesse - Focused (Türkçe Çeviri) - Duration: 3:13.


These Instagram Hashtags Updates will blow your mind away... - Duration: 6:54.

what are we going to speak about we're gonna speak about the hashtags we're

gonna speak about a lot about hashtags today I mean how hashtag work in a comment

how hashtag work in your post why hashtag

doesn't work sometimes why your content is so important it's all coming

right after this intro it's my first video in 2019 my name is Mike and

welcome back to Mike The Dope Toast right now last week before 2019 before new year

how Instagram trying to test the horizontal feed it's kind of horrifying

there is a lot of announcement about that a few months ago in fact I even

talked about it in one of my videos trying to push more advertisement on

Instagram that is a very clear sign that they're trying to push ad because in

story everything is in horizontal so when you scroll is horizontally horizontally

in either way and there is a lot of ads it could actually apply horizontal feed

if that's true for your homepage and explore page there's a lot of people

reporting to Instagram issues an apology statement on their Twitter and social

media which is kind of funny said that is a mistake apparently it was not a

mistake it was a test that is confirmed what do you guys think if Instagram is

going to really rolling out horizontal feed instead of vertical I low-key wanted

to try it I don't know about you I actually went through one of those

videos on YouTube you can basically use hashtag in your comment again and again

changes up hashtag so you can get more hashtag impression you probably get new

engagement because of the new group of hashtag so when I remove the hashtags

from my existed post and I put a (new) hashtag in my comment section is actually working

it's really effective when you're doing this way give yourself a try but if you're

trying to boost your already doing well post to even better you can absolutely

use this trick as well all the hashtags that you have been used

hashtag impressions still maintains right there (Reddit) this person posted it and

it shows the top five hashtags he is using in his Instagram analytics I

really needed this information this is so great it's so vague that you get 3K

hashtags but what are those hashtags that's performing you try to guess right

it's gonna be amazing if this is official because I don't have it yet I

don't know about you have you get to see your top 5 performing hashtags if you do

please comment down below let me know I'll be very happy to learn more about

that I basically trying to be more consistent in my content so video works

for me and of course I mix it with very nice photos of something that they can

relate it to in between all the posts for me that my consistency is probably

trying my best to post every day because it gets more attention so in fact that

I'm gaining some followers it's great I mean when I check my analytics I gain about

11-12 followers I mean 11-12 doesn't mean just 11-12 I probably gained about 30 and

lose 15 so that's why they say I gained 11 for the sense I mean my math doesn't

make sense but anyway you lose some you gain some so as long as that you are

able to attain positive gain you are doing good for now so organic growth

almost does not exist but that's why it all lies down to your content if your

content is amazing they will engage with you I still get a lot of hashtags

impressions every single time I post something but the reason is because that

I'm actually have a good content and getting pushed at the top so there's more people

coming and see that post so it's like a snowball effect

it's not about because that hashtag helped me to do well yeah hashtag can be

effective but your content will actually propel you to do better

rather than hashtag what I'm actually trying to target is the audience that

love to draw that also want to learn marketing so I mix my hashtag with

marketing and sketching and maybe just one or two relevance and I post it in a

comment to know more about hashtags can absolutely watch my videos I have plenty

of videos about hashtags this channel focus a lot on hashtags and that's why

I also want to make it clear the overall engagement is absolutely depends on your

post quality not your post quantity like overall your account

needs to get the attention from the others so posting every day actually

help you but of course some people can't manage to do it I would say that just

keep up with your own schedule for myself I give myself this challenge

to post every day so I'm trying to push out content or try to re-purpose content so

that's what I need but for you if that's not for what you need there is no one

way to go there is always many ways that you can go so it all depends on what you

are setting for yourself so far its first week of 2019 is you know pretty

exciting because I told myself that I need to do something every day that's

the best way to start off this year because like we are just in the first

week you still have like the rest of the year to do a lot of things so why not

make use of everyday and don't take it for granted that you're still able to live

here so I'm going to waste my time on nothing last year was pretty

experimental I tried a lot of things knew that what I needed is that I need

to focus on marketing so that is my main niche I think I make very clear so if

you have any question about Instagram or even you can ask about Facebook and as

well as YouTube you can absolutely send me a DM if you're serious with it you

want to grow your social media with me you can absolutely email me at that's what I have right now responded to one of those questions

I get can I actually make a video about YouTube growth for now I probably have

about 40 left subscribers to get 500 I actually want to make a video about

YouTube but I don't think that I need to make it right now probably a little

later you know after I get more people coming in and really really have like a

consistent growth in my youtube I will basically share some of this very

important steps that you need to really do in order to really grow your channel

in a healthy way they might be slow but those baby steps are going to help you

to actually do really well and even when you're offline that your videos still

getting a lot of attention start off this year maybe a little rocky but you

know who knows that you probably get a lot at the end

keep grinding have to grit keep up the passion just do whatever you want I

always try to send you some message but you know anyway that let's work it

together let's uplifting together that's how this community should be right

subscribe to Mike The Dope Toast subscribe

for Draw With Mike you know Unlocking The Instagram Mystery and hit the

notification so you wouldn't miss any new content I will see you guys very

very soon peace out

hi everyone I'm in Pavillion Kuala Lumpur is Chinese New Year so wishing everyone has a

blessing Chinese New Year 2019

For more infomation >> These Instagram Hashtags Updates will blow your mind away... - Duration: 6:54.


📌В Тюмени осужден бывший руководитель за злоупотребление полномочиями при расходовании средств - Duration: 1:18.

For more infomation >> 📌В Тюмени осужден бывший руководитель за злоупотребление полномочиями при расходовании средств - Duration: 1:18.


Liverpool legend Robbie Fowler makes Everton accusation - 'it's worrying for fans' - Duration: 3:11.

 Fowler has accused their boss Marco Silva of looking like a 'lost soul' on the sidelines

 He says he is yet to be won over by Everton's performances and he claims 'a lot of Evertonians feel the same'

 Silva was put under pressure at the club's AGM this week when majority shareholder Farhad Moshiri slammed the team's lowly position in the table

  Everton, who have been on a miserable run of form, sit 11th. "I was interested to hear Farhad Moshiri speak at Everton's AGM - because there's no doubt some of it was aimed at the manager," Fowler told the Mirror

 "The owner telling the fans about the club's aspirations and where they should be, saying the current position simply isn't good enough, hardly helps when Marco Silva is under pressure

 "But maybe that's the point. I'm yet to be won over with the team's performances under the new boss and I know a lot of Evertonians feel the same

 "Sometimes, he looks like a lost soul on the sidelines and that is worrying for the fans

 "The thing is, he goes into the Bournemouth game under far more pressure from fans than he'll ever be from the board

  They won't put up with him looking lost for much longer. They want to see a boss who is decisive and has belief in what he does

 "And they want to see a team which reflects that. "I get where Moshiri was coming from

He's invested a lot of money, will invest far more in a new stadium and wants to ensure they have a winning team when they move into it

 "For me, that means backing the manager. If you are going to talk about where you want the club to be and what your ambitions are, then you have to give him the resources to meet those demands

" Silva was appointed in the summer to replace Sam Allardyce, who finished eighth but failed to win over the fans

  The style of football is more attractive under the Portuguese but Everton have won just once in the last seven games

  Fowler added: "Silva said he would have to get rid of players before he brings any more in

  "That's understandable with a big squad, but really it is time to back the manager and see if he's the right man to lead Everton into the future the owner talks about


For more infomation >> Liverpool legend Robbie Fowler makes Everton accusation - 'it's worrying for fans' - Duration: 3:11.


TRANSFER NEWS LIVE: Ake 'in line for shock return to Stamford Bridge' - Duration: 6:29.

The January transfer window is well underway and clubs are beginning to show their hands as they eye reinforcements

Sides at both ends of the Premier League table - as well as those elsewhere in Europe - are searching for the extra quality that can secure a title, or help beat the drop

So stick up-to-date with all the latest news and developments with Sportsmail's live coverage

Nathan Salt  Host commentator Auto-update 10:40 Everton ready to let Tosun, Schneiderlin and Niasse leave in January  SIMON JONES: Everton are ready to offload over £60million worth of signings this month as they listen to offers for Cenk Tosun, Oumar Niasse and Morgan Schneiderlin

Tosun, signed a year ago for £27m, will be allowed to go for £20m this month while Niasse and Schneiderlin are also free to leave

The pair cost £13.5m and £20m respectively but can also go for cut-price fees. FULL STORY HERE

10:28 Aaron Ramsey 'set to have Juventus medical in London' today  NATHAN SALT: Arsenal midfielder Aaron Ramsey is 'set to have his Juventus medical in London on Sunday' as the Italian giants look to finalise a deal for the Welshman

  Ramsey's contract expires in north London in the summer and as he is free to discuss terms with teams abroad, it appears Juventus are closing in on a smart free transfer

   According to Gazzetta dello Sport and Corriere dello Sport, Ramsey will undertake part of his medical in secret in London, just a day after Arsenal suffered defeat to city rivals West Ham

   FULL STORY HERE.  10:12 Nathan Ake 'in line for shock return to Stamford Bridge'  SAM MCEVOY: Chelsea are 'considering activating the buy-back clause in Nathan Ake's contract' just two years after selling him to Bournemouth

The 23-year-old is highly regarded by the Blues but could have to pay £40million to re-secure his services – double for what they sold him for in 2016

The Stamford Bridge outfit will weigh up their options for the centre back in the summer, according to the Sun

FULL STORY HERE.  09:56 United reluctant to buy in January after winning run under Solskjaer  JOE BERNSTEIN: Manchester United's recent revival under Ole Gunnar Solsjaer has reduced the chances of moving in the January transfer window

United chiefs were always reluctant to spend this month, despite Jose Mourinho's appeals

They would prefer to wait until the summer in order to make a big move for a centre-half like Napoli's Kalidou Koulibaly in the summer

FULL STORY HERE.  09:41 Leeds winger Jack Clarke attracting Premier League interest  ROSS HEPPENSTALL: Jack Clarke is being tracked by a growing number of Premier League clubs as Leeds United look to tie down the promising teenager on a new long-term deal

The 18-year-old winger has progressed through the vaunted academy at Elland Road and taken the Championship by storm in recent weeks

He made his debut against Brentford in October before a number of eye-catching substitute appearances marked him out as a special talent

FULL STORY HERE.  09:27 Callum Hudson-Odoi wants to be allowed to join Bayern Munich in £35m deal after losing faith in Maurizio Sarri's commitment to developing him  ROB DRAPER: Callum Hudson-Odoi wants Chelsea to allow him to leave this week in a £35million  move to Bayern Munich, insisting that he needs to play in order to develop as a player

The 18-year-old, who is only now getting his chance under Maurizio Sarri since Bayern demonstrated their interest in him, wants to join the Bundesliga champions as they are in a rebuilding process, with wide players Arjen Robben and Franck Ribery quitting at the end of the season

Bayern want Hudson-Odoi to be part of their immediate future whereas Chelsea, who have signed wide player Christian Pulisic for £58m, have previously stressed the need for patience

FULL STORY HERE. 09:18 Morning all!  Hello and welcome to day 13 of the January transfer window

   We are rapidly approaching the midway point for club's to get some winter business over the line and after another round of Saturday matches, it is becoming clearer and clearer to some managers what is required

 Some desperately need to add goals while others need cover at the back.  Stick with me throughout the day as I keep you up to date with all the moves and deals as they happen


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For more infomation >> TRANSFER NEWS LIVE: Ake 'in line for shock return to Stamford Bridge' - Duration: 6:29.


Tik Tok Những Video Triệu Views Cực Cute - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> Tik Tok Những Video Triệu Views Cực Cute - Duration: 3:43.


Mature students. Stepping Further #25 - Duration: 4:42.

For more infomation >> Mature students. Stepping Further #25 - Duration: 4:42.


How to live track a mobile number in Urdu/hindi - Duration: 5:54.

subscribe my channel

For more infomation >> How to live track a mobile number in Urdu/hindi - Duration: 5:54.


Mãi Yêu Em Sơn Tùng M TP MV Lyrics - Duration: 5:11.

For more infomation >> Mãi Yêu Em Sơn Tùng M TP MV Lyrics - Duration: 5:11.


竟比'雲霄飛車'更恐怖😱!差點被謀殺?DEC'18 日常 VLOG ep1|WONDER QUEEN - Duration: 16:27.

For more infomation >> 竟比'雲霄飛車'更恐怖😱!差點被謀殺?DEC'18 日常 VLOG ep1|WONDER QUEEN - Duration: 16:27.


🏈 NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS: significado, pronúncia e origem do nome do time da NFL 🏈 - Duration: 0:37.

The trio were all part

of the New England Patriots dramatic Super Bowl XLIX victory

over the Seattle Seahawks.

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