Thứ Bảy, 12 tháng 1, 2019

Youtube daily report Jan 13 2019

After nearly 2000 years, the Sith Empire was a great and technologically advanced civilization

ruled by the force sensitive Lords of the Sith Order, who trained all their lives in

the dark side.

However the ultimate authority rested in their leader the Dark Lord of the Sith, a title

which only the strongest and most ambitious among them could possess.

Over 5100 years before the battle of yavin, following the death of the most recent Dark

Lord, two challengers emerged to vie for the title, resulting in a duel where Marka Ragnos

beheaded his rival Simus.

Yet Lord Simus was so powerful in the force he was able to survive as a disembodied head,

becoming a respected member of the Sith Council.

Marka Ragnos, a half breed who claimed descendant from one of the Dark Jedi founders of the

Empire, was an enormously powerful dark side force user, with a brilliant mind for political

and military strategy.

Throughout his life, he advanced by using cunning and manipulation to maneuver his enemies

into fighting against each other, or else destroying those who opposed him in short

but brutal military campaigns.

After taking the mantle of the Dark Lord, he ruled in much the same way, purging the

empire of all his enemies and any eliminating any who might prove a rival.

Though Ragnos was large and immensely strong, with strong force defenses and an aggressive

fighting style, he was not only a great warrior and strategist, but also an academic, studying

history to become one of the only Sith Lords who knew about their ancient connection to

the Jedi, and the war that nearly destroyed their ancestors.

As a result, Ragnos chose not to expand the empire much further, not wanting to risk coming

into contact with the Republic and starting another war.

And so he instead focused on building upon what they'd already conquered by growing

the power of their existing territories, while also maintaining his own rule with iron fisted


As a result, his long reign brought about stability and prosperity, ushering in a golden

age for the Sith Empire.

Early in his reign, in the year 5100 BBY, a 13 year old sith pureblood named Tenebrae,

appeared before the Dark Lord on Ziost, after having conquered his homeworld of Medriaas

and savagely slaughtered his enemies.

Ragnos was so impressed by his intelligence, ambition and incredible dark side powers,

he bestowed upon him the title of Lord Vitiate, allowing him to be the ruler of Medriaas which

was later renamed Nathema.

In the end the Dark Lord was right to see potential in Vitiate, as he lived for thousands

of year, ruled two dark side empires and was considered by some to be the most powerful

Sith Lord of all time.

Ruling for over a hundred years, strength power and strategy came to define his reign,

with Marka Ragnos earning a legendary reputation, known for his talent with lightening, force

draining, alchemy and sorcery, wielding a Sith Sword in battle, which was imbued with

dark side magic.

The sword was hidden inside a sceptre, which had the ability to absorb dark side energy

and imbue it upon someone to make them force sensitive.

He also wielded gauntlets which flowed with dark side energy, and so while fully armed

and armoured, Mark Ragnos proved immensely strong both physically and with the force,

which coupled with his strategic mind, made him one of the most powerful Sith in history,

with none able to successfully challenge his authority throughout his lifetime.

Though he ruled for many years, Marka Ragnos died of old age in 5000 BBY, and was entombed

within the valley of the dark lords on Korriban.

However he was so powerful that his spirit endured, and even appeared before the Sith

Leadership as they worked to decide the issue of succession.

With the mantle of Dark Lord now available for the taking, two new contenders, with opposing

views emerged, as Naga Sadow, the apprentice of Simus, wanted to use their strength to

expand the empire further, while his rival Ludo Kressh wanted to preserve their strength

and keep what they'd already won.

As they duelled to determine the next leader, the spirit of marka Ragnos appeared and informed

them about their ancient connection to the Jedi Order, urging them to act wisely, as

the fate of the Sith Empire hung in the balance.

When his spirit disappeared, Ludo Kressh attempted to make peace but Naga Sadow refused, and

conspired against his enemy to eventually become Dark Lord, resulting in expansionist

policies and the Empire's invasion of the Republic, known as the Great Hyperspace war

of 5000BBY.

Throughout the years after his death, the spirit of Marka Ragnos lived on, occasionally

appearing before important individuals, like in 3996 BBY, when he was summoned by Exar

Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma through the use of sith talismans.

Ragnos saw great potential in these men, believing they might restore the Sith Empire, and so

bestowed upon Exar Kun the title of Dark Lord, while Qel'Droma was named his apprentice.

Thousands of years later, after the Sith had been reformed by Darth Bane, the spirit of

Ragnos continued to endure, appearing before Bane's heir Darth Plagueis in the waning

days of the Galactic Republic, admonishing the Dark Lord for abandoning the traditions

of Korriban.

After Darth Sidious enacted the revenge of the Sith, destroying the Jedi Order and Republic

to create a galactic Empire, a rebellion emerged aided by Luke Skywalker, the last Jedi with

a connection to the old order, as he'd been trained by Obi Wan Kenobi and Grand Master


After the defeat of the Sith, Skywalker started a New jedi Order, recruiting force sensitive

children to train in the ways of the light side.

Yet the sith with continued to exist as well, with a dark side cult known as the Discpiles

of Ragnos, hatching a plot to revive the ancient Dark Lord they worshipped.

And so in 14 ABY, Tavion Axmis travelled to Korriban and used the force energy she collected

with the Dark Lord's sceptre to summon Marka Ragnos, who then took possession of her body.

Unfortunately Ragnos was defeated by the powerful jedi apprentice Jaden Korr.

Yet even as spirit was being forced back into his sarcophagus, the Dark Lord was defiant, vowing to one day return.

For more infomation >> Star Wars Legends: Marka Ragnos (Sith Golden Age) - Duration: 6:45.


The Interaction Between the Spirit and the Mind - Duration: 23:01.

CAROLINE LEAF: We have access through our spiritual nature to

the wisdom of God, should we choose to access the wisdom of

God because coming along with our love design and God creating

us out of love is the option to choose not to follow wisdom.

(Singing) I know my God has made the way for

me. I know my God has made the way for me.

ANNOUNCER: The brain is the point of interaction between the

spirit and the mind. Today, Kenneth and Gloria Copeland

welcome Dr. Caroline Leaf. Join in as they reveal how to guard

your heart and mind so you can think like God.

KENNETH: Hello everybody. I'm Kenneth

Copeland. Welcome to the Believers Voice of

Victory Broadcast. Let's have a word of prayer. We'll get

right into today's Bible lesson. Father, we thank you today. We

give you praise and honor and glory for this broadcast and we

pray for this entire television, radio audience all over the

world. We lift our faith to you, Lord, for revelation from

heaven. GLORIA: Mm-hmm. Thank you. KENNETH: We open our hearts

and ears and we thank you for it, in Jesus' name. Amen.

GLORIA: Amen. KENNETH: Praise God. We have a wonderful guest

today and she's no stranger to the Believers Voice of Victory

network and to the Believers Voice of Victory Broadcast and

to all of our long time partners, glory to God, Dr.

Caroline Leaf is here. Praise the Lord. Come on. Come on.

Amen. CAROLINE LEAF: Thank you. KENNETH: Amen. Glory to God.

CAROLINE LEAF: Thank you. KENNETH: Thank you, Caroline,

for coming. We're going to be having a good time, all this

week and next. And, we're going to be studying from Caroline's

new book, Think, Learn, and Succeed. Understanding and Using

Your Mind to Thrive at School, the Workplace, and Life. Glory

to God. Let's start with this scripture. 2nd Timothy 1:7. For

God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of

love and of a sound mind. A sound mind needs a healthy brain

through which to work. CAROLINE LEAF: Exactly. KENNETH: You

know, we've talked about this many times before, but it's

amazing to me that it still has to be thought through, even

today. CAROLINE LEAF: Yeah. KENNETH: That you don't lose

your mind because your mind is part of your soul. CAROLINE

LEAF: Exactly. KENNETH: And, your soul, is inside your

spirit, the real you. CAROLINE LEAF: Exactly. KENNETH: The

problem is with the brain. When the mind cannot express itself

or in some way malfunctioning and people say, "He's lost his

mind." That ain't lost his mind. He's got a health problem with

the brain. That can be proven very easily. You remember the

rich man that died? Carried into hell. He recognized Father

Abraham and Abraham said, "Remember, remember." His memory

was intact. In fact, it was working better than it had

before because he'd never met Abraham, but he knew him. So,

where was the brain? It was in the ground somewhere, where the

rest of his body was decaying, but his mind, and he's still

emotional. He was emotional over his family. His emotions were

intact. His mind was intact. His memory was intact. So, once you

realize that the mind needs the brain. The brain is a physical

organ. So now, I've said my piece and I'm going to just get

to set here now for the next 10 days and just listen. GLORIA:

Y'all believe that, don't you? KENNETH: Come on, Gloria. Give

me a break. I've learned so much from this woman and been so

inspired by her and by her books and so this is a new one. I'm

going to learn right along with you today from Caroline's new

book. CAROLINE LEAF: Thank you. You always get the points. You

always say it so well. I remember you and I spending a

couple of hours discussing this Scripture. It was fascinating

and you know, if you look at it from a scientific angle, what

I've been studying for the last 30 years is the mind/brain

connection. The research specifically that I've done and

developed theories on and clinical application and that

kind of thing, is on understanding that our spiritual

nature is actually the 99% of who we are and then our physical

nature, which is the brain and the body, is only the 1%. So, it

doesn't mean the brain and the body aren't important, you've

got to look after them because the mind works, the nonphysical

spiritual works through the brain. So, it's very important

that we look off to both and recognize what we call dualism,

the dualistic interaction between the spirits and the

physical. So we need to look after our mind, and we need to

look after our brain and our body. So it's literally being a

steward of creation when you look after what your mind is ...

so when you started with that scripture, which is one that I

quote every time I open my mouth, literally to teach this

stuff, the first thing you said is we have a power, our mind is

powerful. The second thing you said, love. And the third thing

you said is soundness. And those are three things that I have

researched scientifically, because why scientifically? Well

science comes from the word Sclura, Sclura means knowledge,

and all knowledge is from God, we know that. So when you talk

about science, you're not just talking about brain science or

physics or chemistry, we're talking about knowledge, all

knowledge. And all knowledge comes from God. So if we look

the way I see the connection between spirituality and science

is a very strong connection to help us understand the

mind-brain connection, or the mind-body connection. Because

science is God's stuff. So science shows us how to use this

powerful mind. How to renew our mind, how to bring thoughts into

captivity. So science is simply God's How-To of the spiritual

principles. So it's such a logical link to bring science in

and mix it in with spirituality. I mean you can't understand the

one without the other. KENNETH: That's right. CAROLINE LEAF: So

I often tell people if I don't say another scripture today, it

doesn't mean that I don't respect the scriptures. It means

that I'm speaking God's knowledge, because I'm speaking

science which is the practical side of God. If you want to put

it that way, it's the How To. KENNETH: A number of years ago,

a survey of university campuses in the United States with this

question. Do you think God understands radar? CAROLINE

LEAF: Oh what a question. KENNETH: And it was shocking how

many college age people said, no. Come on. I mean you where

they first got the idea of radar, from a bat. CAROLINE

LEAF: Exactly. KENNETH: God created the bat, he had radar

long before anybody else did because he's blind but he never

misses a target. CAROLINE LEAF: Exactly. KENNETH: And so to

ignore science is foolish. CAROLINE LEAF: Very foolish.

KENNETH: To misuse science is equally foolish. CAROLINE LEAF:

Exactly. KENNETH: To put science in a place above the word of God

is stupid. CAROLINE LEAF: You won't interpret the science

correctly if you don't interpret it spiritually. KENNETH: Amen.

CAROLINE LEAF: So you have to have that balance, you know in

science we talk about the non-physical, in scripture or in

the bible you are talking about the spiritual. It's the

equivalent thing. So your spirit is that 99% where your mind is,

as you said, and that's your thinking, and your feeling, and

your choosing. And it's filled with power, and its design is

one of love. So if we look at scientifically, what does it

mean to have a powerful mind? Well the word power means that

it's going to at least impact, power means that there's going

to be change as a result of whatever. And love, if we look

at that scientifically, we see that the brain and the body, and

the mind are wired for love. So- KENNETH: Well they were created

by love. CAROLINE LEAF: Exactly. So if that's our default mode,

our default mode of operation is one of love, power, and

soundness. That means that we are capable of operating in that

zone that we're supposed to operate in which is that love

zone. Where we think, and feel, and choose to succeed

meaningfully, and that can impact in love, and fulfill the

purpose that we call to fulfill. So essentially what I'm trying

to teach people in all my work, including in this book, is that

that is your design. So we need to learn how to access that

design. And there's something in these years of research on the

science of the brain, that is something that I have been

trying to understand, and now finally science has really shown

this. But when we read that scripture, bring all thoughts

into captivity, it's all part of that whole bringing down

strongholds, and so on. But bring all thoughts into

captivity. Most people say that scripture without really

thinking what that means. The average person thinks about

30000 to 180000 thoughts a day, something in that range maybe

more. And we're supposed to bring all 30000 to 180000

thoughts into captivity to cross Jesus every day. That means that

every waking moment, and every sleeping moment, we're supposed

to be capturing those thoughts in a very self-regulated way. So

they may look at science and think well how on earth do I

control my every single thought? I mean think of that it's

actually quite a challenge. KENNETH: Let's read that

scripture. Because you just fired- CAROLINE LEAF: I just

fired- KENNETH: In my thinking. In 2 Corinthians 10, "For the

weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God

to the pulling down of strong holds" And the thought that came

across my, just flashed across my mind while you were talking

there, those numbers are impossible. CAROLINE LEAF:

They're huge. KENNETH: To the natural mind. CAROLINE LEAF:

Exactly. KENNETH: That's just too much. CAROLINE LEAF:

Exactly. KENNETH: But not when you're using the mighty weapons

of our warfare which are spiritual and not carnal.

CAROLINE LEAF: Exactly. KENNETH: That not only makes it doable,

it makes it mandatory. CAROLINE LEAF: Essential. Exactly it's

essential. KENNETH: This is not optional. CAROLINE LEAF:

Exactly. KENNETH: Casting down imaginations, or reasonings, and

every high thing that exhausts itself against the knowledge of

God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience

of Christ. CAROLINE LEAF: So that's an instruction. KENNETH:

Yes. CAROLINE LEAF: And so does God give us an instruction

without equipping us to carry out the instruction? Exactly.

KENNETH: Because the weapons are mighty. CAROLINE LEAF: Exactly.

So therefore we have access through our spiritual nature to

the wisdom of God. Should we choose to access the wisdom of

God. Because coming along with our love design, and God

creating us out of love, is the option to choose not to follow

wisdom, or to follow wisdom. So that option choice always gives

us the option of going in the wrong direction. So we can

either choose to access that powerful, spiritual nature which

is linked into God because it's through that spiritual nature,

in him we love, move, and have our being. So therefore, what I

try and show people is what is the spiritual nature? And how do

I access the spiritual nature? What is the design practically

that enables us to do this? So we see from the brain research,

that this will blow your mind in a good way, we are designed to

regulate our thoughts every 10 seconds. So six times every

minute, we can consciously, deliberately, and intentionally

bring our thoughts into captivity to cross Jesus, going

into a state of what we call super position in quantum

physics. And I can explain that in more depth in a moment. But

we are designed to capture those thoughts every 10 seconds. How

many of us six times a minute are talking to God? Are

accessing the wisdom of God? That's what we're supposed to be

doing, that's renewing the mind. We our entire being is designed

to do that. So when we don't, we then mess up the physical brain

because we're not using the power of our mind. So that

brings back to the Timothy scripture, we have a powerful

mind. Your mind is so powerful that your brain is attuned,

because your mind and your brain are not the same thing. You

brain is part of your physical nature, and it's designed, and

attuned to your mind. Your mind is way more complex that your

brain. And your brain, we only understand about 10% of the

brain. The brain is extremely complex, but it has to be

complex in order to house the power of the mind. The mind, the

non-spiritual, I mean the spiritual mind ... the mind is

housed within spiritual as we said, and the spiritual nature

of man according to science, is quantum. Quantum means beyond

space and time, infinite, always, incredibly fast. So it's

like when we charge our cell phones, or we charge our

computers, or we're plugging into a source, that is what

we're doing. And Professor Keith Ward is an Oxford Theologian,

and Philosopher, and Scientist. He's in his late 80's and he has

over the years researched this whole, the concept of the power

of man and spirituality, and so on. And he's had a lot to do

with Quantum Physicists, and Quantum Physics is an area that

I'm also involved in. And he actually shows with all his

research, that quantum physics is the most fundamental, and

accurate of sciences. And it displays the spiritual nature of

man, and the power of man to have effectiveness of choice. So

Deuteronomy 30:19, " I lay before you life and death,

blessing and cursing, choose life" exactly you choose, "so

that you and your descendants may love." So there's power in

our choices, and quantum physics, the science of quantum

physics alongside the other science, but foundation shows

the very powerful emergent, dynamic, quantum nature of our

spiritual man, that is constantly be sourced by God.

Bishop Barkley was alive 350 years ago, he was also a

theologian, and a scientist that was way ahead of his time. And

he said that, the only reason we exist, and I love the way he

says it, is because God is looking. So because God is

looking, the energy for us has to be plugged in. So all

humanity's plugged into this beyond space and time, quantum

nature of God. So when we get caught up in the Newtonian

physics, which is brilliant physics, but the Newtonian

Physics are seeing us just as physical, and that's not what

Newton actually ever said. But it's how his works been

interpreted. So Newton and the scientific method took away,

through the spiritual aside, see the 99% doesn't matter. And what

does matter is this physical. And if you can't see it, touch

it, hear it, feel it, well then it doesn't count. So therefore

your mind, your spirit, you true nature, your ability to choose

this power, this affect that you have on generations, your

generational impact of thoughts, the alive, the spark that comes

into being with every thought that you think, the creative

power, they ignore all of that. Meanwhile, we instinctively

know, and spiritually we know from the scriptures, the power

of thought, which produces the power of the spoken word. So I'm

trying to blend, and show people that this is real, and how do

you access? How do you immerse yourself in the wisdom of God?

KENNETH: Any time, I've noticed this over the last, I've been so

enthralled in just what you're talking about ever since I found

out about spirit, soul, and bonding. CAROLINE LEAF: It's

fascinating. KENNETH: And the natural man has no idea how

powerful he is. CAROLINE LEAF: No idea at all. KENNETH: No

concept. And when they cut the study of the spirit-man out as

you were saying. CAROLINE LEAF: Yeah. KENNETH: They dumbed man

down. CAROLINE LEAF: Dehumanized us. Took all the humanity away.

KENNETH: And even suggested we're just another form of ape.

CAROLINE LEAF: Or biological automatism which is even worse.

Like a computer. KENNETH: That goes into where people don't

even understand what that means, but they know what an ape is.

And you get to that point, it is to completely ignore God-

CAROLINE LEAF: The spiritual nature- KENNETH: On purpose. But

those days are over for good. CAROLINE LEAF: Well there's a

history to that point. Because 350 years ago, up to 350 years

ago the spiritual nature of man was what informed philosophy and

science. Then Newton's Laws were discovered in the scientific

method, and Newton himself was a believer in God. And he said

that these laws give us an indication of the magnificence

of the creator. Of the workings of knowledge. But his work was

taken, and as I said, the spiritual thrown out, and we've

had this 350 year decline which hit about 50 years ago. And 50

years ago we had a massive, very interesting reversal in trends.

And I don't know if you're aware of this, but around about 50

years ago there was a massive shift in how we see, even more

negatively, how we see ourselves in the spiritual nature of man.

And also there was a massive change in how we look after our

mind and our bodies. Now we see between 2014 and 2015 the CDC

released results showing that research trained, and results

that is very, very, very alarming, and that for decades

the trend of people living longer has been increasing

because of the advances in medicine and technology. So

we've been living longer, and advancing, and suddenly it

reversed. So people instead of living longer, are now living

much shorter lives. And in fact, the next generation after us are

going to live 15 to 25 years younger. The average person

currently now, and the next generations are living lives 15

to 25 years shorter, and they're dying 15 to 25 years younger

from preventable, lifestyle diseases. Preventable. So we

have a change, and this shift started occurring 50 years ago

when we really got to peek in science, and even in religion,

laws, we started forgetting about the dynamic intellectual,

profoundly, intrinsically inspirational, creative nature

of man made in the image of a creational brilliant God. We

forgot about our brilliance. And there has been a trend in

religion to say don't be spiritual, don't be

intellectual, you must be spiritual. Well that is a slap

in God's face. Because you're saying okay well God's not

intellectual, God is the designer of intellect. So when

we start saying things like that, and then in science

disregarding the fact that we have the ability to think, and

feel, and choose, which has happened, not all science, it's

an interpretation. It's not what science says at all, it's the

interpretation, the incorrect interpretation of certain

approaches to science. That then ignores the fact that we have

this ability to choose. But the irony of it, is that these kind

of scientists, and people in the world of religion that say that

we're just pre-programed and so on, what they are doing is

they're choosing to say that. So they say that we don't have free

will, but they use their free will to say we don't have free

will. So it's basically contradicting exactly what

they're saying. KENNETH: In this last minute here, as this new

generation began to decline because of the way they're using

and not using the faculties that God has given them, and replaced

it with a video game, and that kind of thing. But anyway, I

believe as that happens, the knowledge, even to the natural

man of the power and the reality of the new birth, is going take

a sound place, already has in a lot of places, in the scientific

community. But even more, than it has in times past, and that's

part of your job, and that's the reason we love, and support you

because you've introduced this now for last many years, and

affected a lot of scientific people. A lot of the things that

she said 35 years ago, and was soundly ridiculed because of it,

is accepted science today. And we're out of time. CAROLINE

LEAF: Already. KENNETH: Praise the Lord, we'll call my grandson

Jeremy in here, and we'll see you later. Hallelujah.

ANNOUNCER: We hope you enjoyed today's teaching from Kenneth

Copeland Ministries. And remember Jesus is Lord.

For more infomation >> The Interaction Between the Spirit and the Mind - Duration: 23:01.


Evelyn Taft's Weather Forecast (Jan. 12) - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> Evelyn Taft's Weather Forecast (Jan. 12) - Duration: 2:03.


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For more infomation >> PES 2019 ANALİG TRABZONSPOR 5.BÖLÜM - Duration: 11:52.


First Bill Of The New Senate Is A Complete JOKE - Duration: 20:18.

For more infomation >> First Bill Of The New Senate Is A Complete JOKE - Duration: 20:18.


Whale Carcass - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Whale Carcass - Duration: 0:52.


RV explosion kills dog, leaves injured woman without home - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> RV explosion kills dog, leaves injured woman without home - Duration: 2:38.


Manhunt for murder suspect in Colorado Springs - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Manhunt for murder suspect in Colorado Springs - Duration: 2:37.


Shutdown Housing Food Bank - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> Shutdown Housing Food Bank - Duration: 2:47.


HMW Joshua Espinoza & Captured - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> HMW Joshua Espinoza & Captured - Duration: 1:09.


Kauai Fatal Crash - Duration: 0:34.

For more infomation >> Kauai Fatal Crash - Duration: 0:34.


North Shore High Surf - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> North Shore High Surf - Duration: 2:26.


Hàng Ghế Đầu | Tập 15 Full HD: Ngọc Trinh Phải Gọi Thuỵ Mười Là Cụ Vì Độ Sang Chảnh - Duration: 29:30.




In this Episode "FAME BEAUTY SALON" Am I not beautiful enough?

That amount of money is for customers to release their anger

OMG! You're so kind

What do you want me to do?

I don't want to do anything, just want to talk

Buy it? - Take this one please

Take it off! Here is my bag of gold

In this Episode: WHO IS WHO During that time, my mum sold lottery on the street.

When the film was introduced, people asked "Why are you so mean?"

You're so mean and selfish

I'm afraid of every thing. I'm afraid that I'd make mistake

I don't dare to try anything

I don't care about the quantity but the quality


Good evening, ladies and gentlemen

I, Ninh Hoàng Ngân, has been back

How was your last week?

As for me, I always wait eagerly for the program at 11.00 AM every Sunday on HTV7 Ho Chi Minh City Television

So I can share with you new and useful information

And our co-host today is Emmy Nguyễn

Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen

I'm very happy to be with you again after a hard working week

Today you look a bit stressful. What's the matter?

I planned to go shopping

But I run out of money. I have been so sad since yesterday

But this problem is also serious for sure

It's really a big problem. I wish I had a lot of money.

So I can go shopping whenever I want

And I don't need to care about the price tag

It isn't true. Having a lot of money doesn't always make you happy

Why? When are you unhappy when you have money?

Not sure

Because sometimes you don't feel happy but miserable when you have lots of money

I don't believe

If you don't believe, I'll take you to meet with a person

She is a customer of Fame Beauty Salon

But I'm sure that after watching it, you'll believe

There are so many customers of Fame Beauty Salon

Why do you want me to see?

Not only strange but very strange

Let's watch


NEXT I'm MISS Milk Tea

How are you? I'm fine, and you?

I'm fine, too Are you also very well?

Well, I kept talking but forget to introduce myself

I'm Nguyễn Thị Thảnh Thơi (literally, Nguyễn Thị worry-free)



MISS Milk Tea: Khánh Phương You look totally different with a new hair style

Thank you. Do I look beautiful?

Nice! How can't it be beautiful when I did it?

Listen! You're a Miss

With this hair style, I'm sure that other Miss beauty can't be compared with you

Owner of Fame Beauty Salon: Ngọc Trinh Not yet! Wear this one! You look perfect!

As a Miss, you need a crown

Wow - Let's me help you

You see? She's so detailed

It's Fame Beauty Salon

So wonderful! I love it

Done! You look perfect!


You're really the No.1 Beauty Salon

I promise to come here every day

Come here! You'll serve you heartily


I come here, I don't have money

What do you mean?

You make my hair so beautiful

I also like to be a make up artist

What if I become your apprentice?

I think you're a Miss. You may feel embarrassed

No problem

Do you know why? I find it precarious to be a Miss

That title is only for decoration

OK! If you want so

My salon is in need of such a beautiful staff as you

Am I not beautiful enough?

As for me, a bit beautiful

But I don't know how customers think

I intent to ask some of my friends

Miss Black Sesame Bubble Tea and Miss Rice Paper Salad

to come here to work as an apprentice

What is your title?

I'm Miss Milk Tea


it's time for me to go to an event

I have to leave now

I'll come back later

Bye bye

I think if she works here, she may pour milk tea on our customers' heads

Don't say like that

I think she like to be better

I think those beautiful girls can't do anything

Do my hair please! - OK

Beautiful? - Yes

Your hair has become beautiful because of your hair care.


OMG! Drop my bag of gold


I have had no disease since I was born

Since the day I wore some gold jewelry I have had joint diseases



Sis, Sis

Huh? Sis!

How are you?

Why do both of you become more and more beautiful?

How are you?

I'm fine, and you?

I'm fine, too

Are you well, too? - Yes

Have you had your lunch?

I'll have lunch later - Really!

And you, have you had lunch?


Is she our frequent customer?

I don't know

Wait for me


Have you had lunch?

Yes, I have - Yes

What did you have for lunch?

Vietnamese Caramelized Fish (Cá kho tiêu), and you?

I had caramelized pork and eggs (Thịt kho trứng)

I don't ask you about it

What did you ask? I asked if you have had a siesta

What's happening?


I haven't had a siesta

Excuse me, what's your name?

Sorry I forget to introduce myself

I'm Nguyễn Thị Thảnh Thơi (Literally, Thảnh Thơi = worry-free)

Ahhh - Yes

Why is the name so strange?

I don't know either

I have just come here

at first strange, now familiar


You mean you've come here for the first time

OMG! I think you're our frequent customer

No. I wanted to come in the past but I didn't have money

Ahh - Now I have a lot of money, so I come here

So could you tell me what service you want us to do?


Please find something the most expensive

the highest class, so called V-I-P

What is V-I-P

The service which is called V-I-P

I heard that it is the best service Ah VIP (Very important person)

VIP service - Ahh yes VIP

Yes, we have it

You have it, right? - Yes

That service is named "Spending money as you want"

Right! I want that one Yes

How do I spend money? Please tell me in details

OK I'll give you a simple example

For example you sit on this massage chair. It costs VND 500 thousand but if you pay VND 5 million, I'll also take it.

Or you want to do manicure

It cost VND 1.2 million. If you give me VND 6 million, I'll also take it.

Or simply you dry your hair,

it takes only VND 1 million, but if you give me VND 4-5 million, I'll also take it.

It's simple that whatever customers give, I'll take it

You mean you agree with what the customer want, right? Yes

We don't take the difference for our own sake

We take it for the charity fund "Lonely old people"

Why do you give your service fee to a charity fund?

Let me explain it for you. Give me the way please

That amount of money is for customers to release their anger

Do you know...

we can't use all money customers bring here so they're angry

customers complain with me, so the motto of our salon is to satisfy all customers

Really? - Really!

I like that service

I'll spend all my money on the service

OMG! You're so kind

Thank you on behalf of the salon owner and others

all of those who will get the money you pay, thank you very much

What do you want to do now?

I don't want to do anything. I just want to talk

OK! - It's OK

Bring a chair here Talk, right!

You're so rich. Why are you sad?

I'm unhappy because I'm rich Huh?


Being rich makes me sad I don't understand

I also don't understand

You don't understand? - NO

I was very poor in the past

Poor as people often say

I wished I had been rich for a day

but now it's better than what I wish. I'm rich every day

That makes me sad


Being too rich makes me sad - Yes

Do you see? I'm the owner of many international Fame Beauty Salon

I don't have enough ability to own such sadness as hers

I haven't been the owner of anything. I really want to be sad like you for once

Don't think that being rich is happy

In the past I was very poor. I did the farming to bring up my two children

Luckily my husband was hard working

You see? They do the farming

They we work hard. Ask her the secret to be rich

I think it's fate

Is it true?

Did you and your husband accidentally find a kind of vegetable which is very precious?

or a kind of chicken which is very special, so you're rich?


Why? - We won lottery, 12 lottery tickets


I think that you and your husband are lucky because there are many people who never win when buying lottery tickets

I think if you put that money into a piggy bank

you'll also be rich after 10 years

Right? - I don't know

But in the past, doing the farming was subordinate to buying lottery tickets


After becoming rich, I'm very miserable

You've just have a shallow talk, right? Yes

Please have a deep talk. I don't get why you're sad OK

Now, I'm sad because I don't know how to spend money

When we became rich, my husband took up some bad habits

He went to the massage parlour

Right, that's the point why she's sad. Tell me more please

OMG! It's very sad that he goes there day and night

He doesn't remember his way back home

He goes back home for only 1 hour a day

to take money

He is at home for 1 hour at most when it needs more time to get money

OMG! If I were you, I'd learn how to give a massage to keep him at home

No, I can't. The importance is the look

I'm old and ugly

If I touched on his body, he'd yell loudly "It hurts"

He doesn't allow me to do so

For such a beautify lady as you, when you touch, he'll feel softly

All of his diseases will disappear

I'm so sad

My friends told me

to go to Fame Beauty Salon

to meet the staff there, they'll help you to be beautiful to keep your husband

It's so sad What's the matter?

Do you know Ngọc Trinh? Yes

I don't know who she is

Now he reads news about her every day when he goes online

He stores her image in his mobile phone

Ngọc Trinh who has a waist of 56, right? Right

In the movie Waist of 56 cm Yes

Now the picture in his wallet is Ngọc Trinh's. Just like the image of his national ID

I get so angry. I'm his wife but he put that girl's picture

Please help me

Yes - Your skin is so beautiful

Please make my hand skin similar to yours

Make it less rough but as smooth as yours OK!

OK? - Yes

Now please make me as beautiful as you

OK! We...

Is it OK? - Yes

Please make me as tall as you

Ahh this one... Is it OK?

You only can grow from the age of 3 to 25

You're a bit...

You mean I'm old, over age, right?

No. I mean you're too young and it's difficult to grow

Now please make me beautiful to attract my husband back

I'm so sad when he mentions Ngọc Trinh day and night

I think your problem is a kind of mental illnesses

What? - Yes

Mental illness?

The key point is that your husband likes massage

It isn't your beauty. Now even you become beautiful, your husband still likes massage

If you buy this massage chair for your husband, he'll love it


He sits on the massage chair? - Right!

OMG! I'm not that good

You feel as if you are sitting in someone's arm and that one is giving you a massage

I feel so comfortable as if someone is giving me a massage

This is Ogawa Massage Chair

You feel soft and comfortable when sitting on it

No other chemical can replace it

What chemical? Mouse glue trap or something?

Sorry I mean no hands can be compared - Right

I get it. How much is it? Give ten

No. I don't sell this one. I bought it for the customer

If you want to buy, I'll tell you the address I want to take this one

Take it off. Here is my bag of gold

Please don't! we don't sell this one Yes

If I like something, I'll do it immediately. That's what I am

Now I have too much money. Do you get it?

I have to spend it No No, Sis

I say it and do it Please don't

Please stop her Let me

Wait Wait! Hold this for me please

Who do you call? Wait a moment! Don't ask!

Hello! Is this Tư Ba Gác?

Now you come to Fame Beauty Salon Perhaps to take her home

and carry the massage chair to my home please No, sis

Right, I'll hang up now

I think he'll take you home

No, don't do it, Sis

Help me to carry it. Only gold, so heavy

OK! OMG, Sis

It's OK


It's the first time I've seen someone who experiences such hardship when being rich

I don't urge for money anymore

What about shopping? Do you intent to quit it?

It isn't easy to quit it. I just set a limit

I love fashion to much

I wish I was as beautiful as Kendall Jenner

About Kendall, I have a lot of information

Kendall Jenner started her career when she was only 14

She is a familiar face at the most famous fashion weeks in the world

Like New York, Milan and Paris

Now she is the model with the highest income in 2017 and 2018

Please review her fashion in her 10 years on red carpets

In 2008, Kendall Jenner was only 12 years old

She dressed up in an outstanding color with her sister Kylie at Wango Tango Concert

In 2009, a year later, Kendall started to select more girly dresses

In 2010, at the age of 14

The model, Kendall Jenner at two events, Wango Tango and Teen Vote

in California, worn more mature outfits

In 2011, she showed her advantage in her height

Now she is 1.78 cm tall

In 2012, she knew how to show off her long legs with short skirts

However she didn't have as beautiful posture as she does

In 2013, at the age of 18

She looked more style

In 2014, she became a real model

at British Fashion Award in London

In 2015, she made her first appearance in Victoria's Secret Fashion Show

She appeared at the party of the show with very sexy outfits

In 2016, Kendall attended MET Gala 2016

and she worn a dress which really matched the theme " Fashion in an Age of Technology"

She also appeared a simple silky dress at the party after Victoria's secret fashion show 2016

In 2017, she appeared at the party after Golden Globe Award at Beverly Hill

and at Cannes Film Festival 2017,

which received a lot of attention from the international fashion industry

And in 2018 she made a splendid appearance in the Golden Globe Award

with an impressively designed dress which showed off the beauty of her body

WOW it's true that she comes from a famous family

We have to admire her fashion sense

Right! Kendall was born in a family whose members are famous in showbiz

So her way to become famous is also easy

Mentioning it reminds me

that in Viet Showbiz, there is a person who started his career by chance

There is no one in his family who works in the industry.

I still can't guess who he is. Can you tell me?

That's Tuấn Trần, an actor

He is lovely called a God (Nam thần, hot boy)

He is handsome, good at acting, gentle as well as lovely

It isn't the end

Tuấn Trần has an ideal height of 1.85 cm

He is many girls' ideal type

I know that many audience know him

especially fan girls who are sleepless for him

When he acted Khải Minh in "Mùa oải hương năm ấy" (Lavenders Love Story)

and in MV "Anh cứ đi đi" (Just go away) performed by Hari Won, right?

Right! but not enough

I acted in a lot of Vietnam TV series and movies

Lời nguyền gia tộc (the curse), Xưởng 13 (Workshop 13), Lao công bí ẩn (Secret Labor)

Chạm vào danh vọng (Fame), Kế mẹ chồng (Mother-in-law's plot), and Thế thái nhân tình (Life)

Wow It's admirable

What's more admirable is that he started his acting career accidentally

He learned by himself for all of his characters

as for his talents

I start to feel eager

Let's start the session "WHO IS WHO?"

NEXT It's one of my weaknesses

Attended a beauty contest

but I don't why I'm now an actor

I like it then I wear it

Luckily I look like a Korean


Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, in the session "WHO IS WHO"

I'm Tuấn Trần

Tuấn Trần, an actor

is known with the character in Mùa oải hương năm ấy (Lavender Love Story)

He also acts in many Vietnam TV series and movies

such as Lời nguyền gia tộc (the Curse)

Xưởng 13 (Workshop 13)

Lao công bí ấn ( Secret Labor), Chạm vào danh vọng (Touch the fame)

Kế mẹ chồng (Mother-in-law's plot)

Thế thái nhân tình (Life) and

MV "Anh cứ đi đi" (Just go away) sang by Hari Won

The multi-talented actor, Tuấn Trần

has an ideal height of 1.85 cm

He's lovely called "God" (Nam Thần, Hot Boy) in Vietnamese cinema

He's quite young in terms of age and experience

but Tuấn Trần can be proud of what he has achieved

Did you dream of becoming an actor when you were small? I dreamed of becoming a teacher

standing on a high platform and receiving attention from students

being addressed "Thầy" (Teacher) every where I went to. This made me happy

You look like a "dude". What was your childhood like? I don't think I'm a dude

When I was small, I showed that I was brave

During that time, my mum sold lottery on the street

When my mum sold the lottery tickets one by one

I asked to help her

I did it like a pro

"Every one, enms em.."

I had lisp at that time

But I almost sold out the lottery ticket that day

Was becoming famous your initial intention? At first it was PR campaign. At that moment the topic of tutoring was hot

I thought that I would open a lot of centers


And earned a lot of money every month like that

I made my dream come true and could earn money at the same time

But I don't know why I am an actor now

Maybe the career selects me. I don't know why

How did you start your acting career? When I was at the university, I attended a beauty contest

I thought "well, just try to attend the contest"

Luckily, I got the first prize

I got a lot of invitations to take photos

Advertisement photos

A man asked to cast for a role in a film

I went to the casting. I was nervous at first

Because you had to act a foreigner with Vietnamese origin

Because I look like a Korean

After the casting

the director called to tell me to take the role. I was surprised

Then my acting career started

What difficulties did you have in your first movie? In that movie, I acted a villain which is often hated

When the film was introduced, other people asked "Why are you so mean?"

"You're so mean and selfish"

They shouted at my face

At that time I just started. I couldn't stand the pressure

I felt hurt

I was depressed partly because

I didn't have lots of chances when I started

I wondered if I should continue to act

My mum said "It's no problem"

"Just do what you want"

I thought I would get back to my PR job

At that moment I got an invitation

When you got another invitation, did you think that you would become a professional actor? What makes me happy is to make my mum happy

So I don't care what job I do

I only know that I can take care of my mum, the life is full,

which makes me happy

At that moment I didn't know what job I would do

Whatever job I made me feel safe

and could bring happiness to my family I would do that job

I hadn't identified what my passion was

Until a very recent period did I know what I really want to do

I dared to try more divers fields

I faced more challenges

I defined my image

Because I am someone who likes to be in a safe zone

I was afraid of every thing. I was afraid of making mistakes

I didn't dare to try anything

I always thought I had a stable income

I didn't need try this one, that one...

What if I make mistakes, who would help me?

Which role gave you the best impression? Even though I am a young actor, I've tried many different characters

For example, a director

a mason,

a killer

a handsome guy, I've acted all those characters

As for me, the most impressive role is Đại in Xưởng 13 (Workshop 13)

That character is very campy, interesting

Personally I am a boring person

I have to say I'm boring because I rarely share my feeling with any one

That's why when I took that role, I was under pressure

Next one is the one in Gia đình Mén (Men's family)

A weird

Have you had a role of your lifetime? To find out a role of the lifetime

I don't know any

Because each character makes a different impression

As for me, when I act

the most importance to me

is the recognition of the public

Do you have any difficulty in getting rid of a role? One of my strengths is that I'm someone

who spend a lot of time to study the character before filming

I try to be into the character

So sometimes when I take a role, not say about some happy characters,

some roles like a pervert or a killer, people around me get scared

because I don't share my feeling.

So people say I am a multi-personalities

My personality is not clearly defined but it depends on the movie that I join

It's also one of my weaknesses

My weakness is that I can be into the role but it takes me a lot of time to get rid of that role

What about love scenes? Those are under my control

When I acted the character

I tried to love in that movie

But when I stopped filming, I could control it


What do you do to act better? In the past I didn't have time to talk to other people

So for materials to learn to act the character, I would watch movies

and I like observing

When I take a role, I will go out

and watch a lot of movies

and if there is a motif around me

I'll pay more attention

Do you think you are a fine actor? Until now, I don't recognize myself as a fine actor

Each period of time we will have a different way of acting

It's experience

When we have experience, we can deeply act the role

But at least people can recognize that this one has ability

if I recognize myself as a fine actor

I don't think I am

I don't care about the quantity but the quality

If I read the script

and I can feel the character, I'll act

I don't care how much time

The importance is that we like that role and we can do it

Whether it's a hit or not, it depends on the audience

For an actor, what he needs to do is to act naturally

to make the movie as well as possible

to work as seriously as possible

As for me, those are the most important

Are you reluctant to change yourself for a role? When I take a role, I need time

to discuss with the director

I don't want to act the same type of characters

That makes the audience lose their trust

If it's an interesting character

I will change myself for that character

Hair style, all, I'm not afraid of being ugly

Have you had conflicts in a filming team like being hated, boycotted, blocked? As for me, till now

No one hates me

because I am a lovely person

So other people love me

Luckily I have chances to work with seniors

who often help and love me

I'm a young actor

I need to work seriously

Being polite too. As for me both are important

So people love me and I haven't faced those situations

Do you think that a talented, handsome actor should have a manager? I think it's also very important

Because in the past I didn't define what I really want

what my image is

Luckily I have been working with my manager for 1 year

She lets me try different areas

For example, MC

When we do it, we think that "Oh I can do it"

It also gives me lots of positive energy

I feel happy too

I think that I become more diverse

I have more experience

Basically it helps me to do my job better

You have a style like a Fashionista. Do you dress up yourself or do you have a stylist? I don't consider myself as a Fashionista.

I like it then I wear it

And what is important is that you must be handsome when you go out

When you are on the street, you show your respect to others by your appearance

You should be tidy

About stylish, there are some projects

I have some cooperation with some stylists

But in majority, I match them myself

I only think that what I like, I may wear it

Really I wear what I like

I don't highly think of brands

I think it's beautiful

the most importance to me is to respect other people

Do you choose smart phone or shoes when you spend a big amount of money on fashion?

I already have a smart phone

so perhaps I will buy shoes

But those must be the shoes I like

I can't waste my money

I should save my money for my family with my wife and my children in the future

Do you have plan to do some business? I think it's interesting

When I was at the university, I thought of opening a cafe

A beautiful and quiet place

At first I will take part in movies, game shows

or MC roles

At this moment, I'm developing my youtube channel

to share my life style

my experiences

Thank you for listening

Thank you, the producer, for letting me

talk about myself

I hope more and more people will support this program

and my products as well

Thank you, everyone

Bye bye

Quick Q&A with Tuấn Trần

Have you ever thought of getting married?


Order: Love, career, yourself

Career, myself, love

What do you never want to buy?


What do you never want to buy? Clothes

Phones, shoes

When are you the ugliest? Sleep

Do you dare to post your ugly photos on Social network? I think I'll hide them


WOW after this session, I really admire Tuấn Trần

Handsome and talented at the same time

Look at you! Smile with your eyes

Right, I'll tell you something

Tuấn Trần's fanclub now have one more member who is beautiful and lovely

Who is that?

It's me

Do you know who my idol is?

I don't know

That is a singer who have had 5 awards

An Asian award by MTV

and Asian legend as well

Is that Mỹ Tâm?

WOW you guess correctly

Why do you ask about Mỹ Tâm?

Is there anything new?

Because we have interesting news about Mỹ Tâm

Because Mỹ Tâm has made her fans restlessly recently

when she appeared in a movie titled "Chị trợ lý của anh" (My Dear Assistant)

This is also the first project that Mỹ Tâm started her acting

I also have another news

Let me tell you to see if it is correct

The movie "Chị trợ lý của anh" (My Dear Assistant)

is about a beautiful and talented girl

named Khả Doanh acted by Mỹ Tâm

and a young successful businessman named Phúc Nam

To avoid being acquired by a foreign company,

Khả Doanh gave up her position as a Vice Director

to be the assistant of Phúc Nam with a duty that she has to find him a girlfriend

"Chị trợ lý của anh" (My Dear Assistant) also marked the cooperation between Mỹ Tâm and Mai Tài Phến once more

The couple had great chemistry in a very successful MV

Don't aske me in 2017

I also know that after refusing many invitations of famous producers,

Mỹ Tâm suddenly agreed to join the movie My Dear Assistant

which attracted a lot of public's attention


I'm eager to watch the movie

Or should we join Mỹ Tâm's fanclub together?

No, stop! Don't you want to say goodbye to the audience?

Thank you for watching Front Row

This program is sponsored by OGAWA massage chair

and please don't forget

we have a meet at 11 A.M. every Sunday on HTV7, Ho Chi Minh City Television

Emmy and Ninh Hoàng Ngân, Goodbye and See you again


For more infomation >> Hàng Ghế Đầu | Tập 15 Full HD: Ngọc Trinh Phải Gọi Thuỵ Mười Là Cụ Vì Độ Sang Chảnh - Duration: 29:30.



For more infomation >> 🔥TXT - 10 NĂM RỒI MỚI ĂN LOẠI CÁ NÀY : CÁ CHẠCH NƯỚNG SIÊU NGON ! - Duration: 11:28.


simple summer frock / toddler girl frock with straps cutting and stitching - Duration: 5:35.

hello friends

in my frocks today I am showing how to make a summer frock

this is a beginner level stitching tutorial

This is very easy and simple

this I am making from the leftover cloth of a Saree blowse

All you need is 1 meter cotton cloth , 0.5 meters of lining cloth

I am taking lining because my cloth is very nice and thin

I am takin this lase for shoulder strap , you can take satin ribbon like things also

lets see how to cut this, if you have not subscribed yet please subscribe my channel

I am taking this for the yoke portion of frock

and the remaining for skirt

Here I am taking chest width as 12.5" including sewing allowance

The cloth is folded into two ,cut the yoke portion with 12.5 length and width of 5.25 inches as shown

shoulder 2.5 inches also will come after stitching the strap ie total top length will become around 7 inches

here it is 2 pieces, front and back piece of yoke , please make a lining cloth in the same measurement

Here I am taking 2 laces or straps of 6" length, this is for shoulder

fold the cloth like this, and mark the neck width as 2 " , total 4 inches when unfolding

Now place the strap as shown and stitch

Now place the strap as shown and stitch

now I have stitched strap on the yoke portion

Strap you fix the back according to your kids measurements

now lets see how to make the skirt portion

take a cloth of 17 " length

cut it into two and attach to top with pleats as shown

do it like in both back and front portion

now stitch both the sides and fold and stitch skirts bottom , then stitch the bands also

Now our frock is ready

you can stitch satin flower , fabric butterfly etc for making it more beautiful

I have made a tutorial on DIY satin flower and fabric butterfly, link I am providing below

Hope you found my tutorial help ful , pls comment , share & subscribe , Thank you

For more infomation >> simple summer frock / toddler girl frock with straps cutting and stitching - Duration: 5:35.


13News Now Weather Jan 12, 11pm - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> 13News Now Weather Jan 12, 11pm - Duration: 3:39.


Brian Fernández, consigue el 2-1 de Necaxa - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> Brian Fernández, consigue el 2-1 de Necaxa - Duration: 2:50.


Cruz Azul 0-1 Chivas - RESUMEN Y GOL – Clausura 2019 - Liga MX - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> Cruz Azul 0-1 Chivas - RESUMEN Y GOL – Clausura 2019 - Liga MX - Duration: 1:59.


高橋大輔が現役続行明言!B級戦に!国際大会も視野?自身がデザインしたマンションのPRをする高橋大輔? - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> 高橋大輔が現役続行明言!B級戦に!国際大会も視野?自身がデザインしたマンションのPRをする高橋大輔? - Duration: 3:22.


The Incredible Hulk | Islands Of Adventure - Duration: 1:35.

Initiating Gamma Exposure.

Hulk Transformation: Accelerating...

...Do not be afraid. (Echoes)


For more infomation >> The Incredible Hulk | Islands Of Adventure - Duration: 1:35.


Sonya Deville Throws Shade at Carmella for Taking Up a Spot in WWE - Duration: 1:41.

Hi Friends welcome to C4E Wrestling News Sonya Deville Throws Shade at Carmella for Taking

Up a Spot in WWE Carmella is a former SmackDown Women's Champion However the timing of her

reign might have been needed so Charlotte Flair could take some time off to get some

corrective cosmetic surgery Recently Mella turned babyface and dance breaks have become

a favorite part of SmackDown Live for some fans However it seems like not everyone is

enjoying what Carmella is doing Sonya Deville seemed pretty frustrated when she vented about

the Princess Of Staten Island on Twitter Sonya Deville didn't like the fact that Carmella

got a #1 contender's match and seemingly wasted the opportunity The fact that Carmella

has a #30 entry in the Royal Rumble match really makes Deville want to put her hair

up and square up Sonya Deville said The fact that THIS is what took my spot in the triple

threat match last week AND is gonna take up some more wasted space in the rumble It looks

like Mandy Rose has Naomi to battle with as she carries on in her scandalous storyline

with Jimmy USO Now Sonya Deville could be keeping herself busy with Carmella If anything

we will patiently await The Princess Of Staten Island's reply Friends what are your thought

about this Have your say in the comments section below

For more infomation >> Sonya Deville Throws Shade at Carmella for Taking Up a Spot in WWE - Duration: 1:41.


[Tik Tok] Muốn Cả Thế Giới Biết Anh Yêu Em | Lục Triết - Hạ Kính Hiên | 讓全世界知道我愛你 | Gió BEAT ♪ - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> [Tik Tok] Muốn Cả Thế Giới Biết Anh Yêu Em | Lục Triết - Hạ Kính Hiên | 讓全世界知道我愛你 | Gió BEAT ♪ - Duration: 4:22.


Poopsie Slime Surprise DIY Kendi Slime'ını Kendin Yap Unicorn Slime Nasıl yapılır Poopsie Sürpriz - Duration: 12:03.

For more infomation >> Poopsie Slime Surprise DIY Kendi Slime'ını Kendin Yap Unicorn Slime Nasıl yapılır Poopsie Sürpriz - Duration: 12:03.


For more infomation >> Poopsie Slime Surprise DIY Kendi Slime'ını Kendin Yap Unicorn Slime Nasıl yapılır Poopsie Sürpriz - Duration: 12:03.


[Tik Tok] Muốn Cả Thế Giới Biết Anh Yêu Em | Lục Triết - Hạ Kính Hiên | 讓全世界知道我愛你 | Gió BEAT ♪ - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> [Tik Tok] Muốn Cả Thế Giới Biết Anh Yêu Em | Lục Triết - Hạ Kính Hiên | 讓全世界知道我愛你 | Gió BEAT ♪ - Duration: 4:22.


For more infomation >> [Tik Tok] Muốn Cả Thế Giới Biết Anh Yêu Em | Lục Triết - Hạ Kính Hiên | 讓全世界知道我愛你 | Gió BEAT ♪ - Duration: 4:22.


Описание картины Николая Богданова-Бельского «Устный счёт» обзор - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> Описание картины Николая Богданова-Бельского «Устный счёт» обзор - Duration: 2:09.


For more infomation >> Описание картины Николая Богданова-Бельского «Устный счёт» обзор - Duration: 2:09.


Philippe Coutinho: Why Liverpool will LOSE money if Barcelona sell to Man Utd - Duration: 3:15.

 The Brazilian has been linked with a shock move to Manchester United after falling out of favour at the Nou Camp

 And that could be bad news for Liverpool, who included a number of clauses when they sold him in just over a year ago

 The deal which took him to Barca was a complicated one that could eventually see the Reds pocket £142m

 But a large chunk of that is based on appearances and that means they could lose a huge chunk of income


4m every time Coutinho plays 25 La Liga games for the club up to a maximum of 100 appearances

 He has currently pulled on the Barca shirt 33 times in the Spanish top flight so Liverpool have already received their first appearance-related payment

 However, if he now leaves the club, they could lose out on a further £13.2m. They are also due another £4

4m if they qualify for the Champions League next season - which they are certain to do

 And, Barca have agreed to another payment of £4.4m if they win Europe's top competitions this season, taking Liverpool's potential income to £21

7m Reports in Spain claim the 26-year-old has hit rock bottom having struggled to settle

 He was brought in to replace Neymar after his £200m move to Paris Saint-Germain but has recently fallen behind Ousmane Dembele in the pecking order

 He has been accused of indiscipline both on and off the field, while Barca assistant Jon Aspizu admits his performances have declined in recent weeks

 "Perhaps he's not at the level he was last year," he said. "Dembele has overtaken him a little bit, but he's a player we consider to be a starter and he'll be very important for us for the rest of the season

 "When [Ousmane] Dembele wasn't playing, everyone was asking about him. "Now Coutinho isn't playing and it's the other way around

 "When a player isn't playing or isn't happy, he has to fight to revert the situation


For more infomation >> Philippe Coutinho: Why Liverpool will LOSE money if Barcelona sell to Man Utd - Duration: 3:15.


(Eng Sub)【麦锐男孩】Makeup Episode 1 - Duration: 5:24.

[A face without makeup]

Staff: You still don't have makeup on?

Staff: I'll shoot it later

Eben: Don't have

Eben: I...


E: have to find them

E: to borrow cosmetics

Staff: When will you go look for them to borrow?

E: Let me go right now

[Suddenly singing]

E: From now on~

E: Without you behind my back~

E: Hi~

Zeawo: Hi

E: I am coming...for help

E: I need your cosmetics

[Suddenly realized]

Z: All right

Z: What will save you

Z: What do you need? I will give it to you

Z: This is a mask

Z: Then this is Isolation cream

Z: Then an eyebrow pencil

E: Right now, I'm just taking the basics?

Z: Right, You take this

Z: and this

Z: this is

Z: This is something like an air cushion

Z: Just use a thinner makeup and use it

Z: Then I didn't bring any liquid foundation

Z: And also, what are your shadows?

E: What? These ones I don't know how to use

Z: You can call JonZzy to help you

E: Let me go make a base

Z: Yes

E: Let me make a base first

Z: You have to make a base

E: Thank you

Z: It's nothing

E: Hi~

E: I am coming, I borrowed cosmetics

JonZzy: Hi~

J: I have a bit of a cold today so (I'm wearing a mask)

E: I didn't rob you first

E: What can help me?

J: What do you need right now?

E: I don't know

J: Let me see, I will help you look E: He gave me a bunch

[Teacher Yao: I explained in vain??] E: Gave me a bunch and I don't know how to use it

J: Everyone knows that I

J: Know very well

E: By the way, help me analyze

E: What is available?

J: This also isn't a mask

J: That should still be missing

E: Have to wait

E: What eye makeup is eyeshadow? Help me to draw

E: Ok?

J: Sure

J: As long as you don't disappoint me,

J: Oh, I have painted you

E: Correct

J: My technique is not bad

E: Not bad, not bad

E: I will come back to you later

J: Ok ok that's fine

J: Then I will continue to practice

E: Hi Danny~

Danny: What?

D: You need to borrow something?

D: You need to borrow

E: I don't know

E: I am taking a bunch right now

E: I'll think about it

E: Do I need to wait in order to use your loose powder?

D: Do you want to take it right now?

E: I don't want to take it away

D: Okay, You need to borrow it

E: Can you draw a shadow?

D: I can

E: You can?

D: Yes

E: Then can you help me draw a shadow?

D: Sure

E: Are you sure?

D: I'm sure

E: Can I trust you?

D: You can trust me

D: I paint shadows very well

E: Then I will come to you in a bit alright?

D: Ok

E: Higlight

D: Alright

D: Ok

D: Bye bye~

E: All right

E: I have to make a base first

E: Don't shoot. Ok?


E: This is

E: Yao Chi's

E: This is called an air cushion or what?

E: They taught me

E: Air cushion should be like this

E: Beat

E: Is it not?

E: Can't be so embarrassed [You are right]

E: I can do this now

E: My base

E: It's quite natural

[Sincerely waiting for affirmation]

E: What is missing?

Staff: So is this the limit of what can be done?

E: In fact, I can also paint my eyebrows

E: But I think I paint asymmetrically

Staff: Can't you draw it first?

Staff: Then let Yao Chi help you fix it

E: Ok

E: I painted one side

E: I think my painting here is quite good

E: I can't paint here

E: Damn

E: Here I really can't

E: No, I am going to ask for help

E: Hi~

E: That

E: Teacher Yao is doing his hair

[Let's find someone first~]

E: Drove me out

J: I'm coming

E: Help me draw my eyes

J: Let me make a comparison for everyone

J: Exquisite makeup

J: I'll show everyone first

J: The makeup I'll use today

J: Once I was in the group,

J: I also explained to everyone

J: With the eye shadow

J: Start with light colors

J: Just want to

E: You must be so

J: Let me see

E: Do you have to carry the ukulele?

J: Oh~ I forgot

J: Next, use a little darker color

E: Beat it here

J: The double eyelid line is here

J: Use eyeliner brush

E: Actually, I really can't see the makeup

E: Is there a difference?

E: Give me

E: A super

E: Rock eyeliner

J: Don't worry

E: Eye shadow

E: What do you think of the eyeshadow?

E: "Dark Night Asks For Daytime"

E: It's that kind of look

E: Half a day~

J: Close

J: Who painted your eyebrows?

E: I painted them myself

E: The right side

E: The left side is still not painted

J: All right, he is finished

J: Teacher Lou has already finished the eye makeup

E: What else do I need to paint?

J: I have to practice

Staff: Are you satisfied?

E: I am looking at it

E: I don't see much of a difference

E: The eyes are a little bit darker

J: The eyes will look deeper


E: Teacher Yao!

E: Teacher Yao, is it ok?

[Are Zhou Xiangheng's eyebrows saved?] [Why did Peng ChangHua write on Teacher Zhou's face] [How is the final makeup effect?]

[All the answers are in tomorrow's next makeup episode]

For more infomation >> (Eng Sub)【麦锐男孩】Makeup Episode 1 - Duration: 5:24.


Youthful Beautiful - Maaya Uchida (SSSS.GRIDMAN ED) - Duration: 1:53.

It's all about to fall apart.

The sights that I see

The blueness of the sky, all of it.

Left by the sweaty season...

The answer to the emptiness...

is something that nobody knows.

Even if I can't remember it, surely, our meeting had to be... (Youthful)

Somewhere, somehow, we were connected. (Connected)

We'll be together

tomorrow and the day after that

and beyond that!

Whether or not you're waiting for me,

I'll run.

If my legs keep moving,

I'll become light.

Who knew this fleeting moment could be

so beautiful,

so loved,

filling the hole in my heart.

For more infomation >> Youthful Beautiful - Maaya Uchida (SSSS.GRIDMAN ED) - Duration: 1:53.


[Synthesia] Youthful Beautiful - Maaya Uchida (SSSS.GRIDMAN ED) - Duration: 1:52.

It's all about to fall apart.

The sights that I see

The blueness of the sky, all of it.

Left by the sweaty season...

The answer to the emptiness...

is something that nobody knows.

Even if I can't remember it, surely, our meeting had to be... (Youthful)

Somewhere, somehow, we were connected. (Connected)

We'll be together

Tomorrow and the day after that

And beyond that!

Whether or not you are waiting for me,

I'll run.

If I keep my legs moving,

I'll become light.

Who knew this fleeting moment could be

so beautiful,

so loved,

filling the hole in my heart.

For more infomation >> [Synthesia] Youthful Beautiful - Maaya Uchida (SSSS.GRIDMAN ED) - Duration: 1:52.


When Banksy Met Wanksy (wendy, mo deen and more) - Duration: 7:45:09.

For more infomation >> When Banksy Met Wanksy (wendy, mo deen and more) - Duration: 7:45:09.


The Incredible Hulk | Islands Of Adventure - Duration: 1:35.

Initiating Gamma Exposure.

Hulk Transformation: Accelerating...

...Do not be afraid. (Echoes)


For more infomation >> The Incredible Hulk | Islands Of Adventure - Duration: 1:35.


✅ Breaking News - Itoje asks the biggest powers of rugby to reconsider their decision - Duration: 3:00.

England lock Maro Itoje has urged rugby's power brokers to reconsider shortening the off-season after severe injuries hit an all-time high

Player safety was brought into question this week when the RFU's injury audit revealed that average recovery time is at its highest since records began in 2002

Stars such as Billy Vunipola, Joe Marler and Anthony Watson have pleaded for fewer games to be played, but instead the season length is set to be extended

Share this article Share That will result in a shorter stand-down period in the summer, with Saracens star Itoje claiming that will be detrimental physically and mentally

'In an ideal world, the off-season would be longer than what we already have, not shorter,' said Itoje

'For me personally, mental recovery is more important than physical recovery. That's half the battle

What I would say is that players still need a decent off-season. 'You have to be wary of encroaching on that because while five weeks off may seem like a lot to someone in a normal job, in rugby it's not really that much

 'You have two or three weeks off then you start getting into shape for pre-season because you don't want to start pre-season at ground zero

'It's especially hard if you're an international and you have even shorter pre-season

Your mind starts thinking about rugby well into the time when you're supposed to be relaxing

'Under the new structure, in place from 2019-2022, players will be given enforced breaks during the season

 On the flip-side, players could in some cases end up being in action for 11 months of the year given the demands from club, country and the Lions

'I know there are a lot of moving parts in English rugby but I would be very wary about encroaching into that time off,' said Itoje

 'The clubs have their own agenda, England Rugby have their own agenda but it's important that we don't put all those agendas above the players' welfare

It has to be a coordinated approach where everybody wins.'  Maro Itoje is a Land Rover ambassador

Land Rover has a heritage in rugby, sharing and understanding the values of the sport

. Share this article Share

For more infomation >> ✅ Breaking News - Itoje asks the biggest powers of rugby to reconsider their decision - Duration: 3:00.


Prague Travel Guide by Drone 4K - Prague, Czech Republic History - Duration: 2:44.

Prague beauty is very hard to explain by words.

Everything is so damn old and beautiful

It is a marvel of architecture and culture.

So let´s take a look on it,

this is the Charles bridge

it spans the Vltava river and is adorned with many statues of the saints

When you walk in Prague,

every step you make tells a story of the past.

Both Charles Bridge and This Emmaus monastery were founded by king Charles IV

Monastery is unique because it was the first place where ceremonies were not held in Latin but in local language.

It was allowed by pope in a condition that it will be the only monastery of this kind in the empire.


National Theatre which also called the alma mater of Czech opera is the national monument of history and art.


Prague Castle which has been a seat of power for kings of Bohemia, Holy Roman emperors, and presidents.

It is also the largest ancient castle in the world.


The Castle Vyšehrad is fortified Castle with a loads of legends and mysteries.

Vyšehrad was also the place of the first settlement which later became Prague

PETŘÍN TOWER (smaller copy of Eiffel Tower)


ASTRONOMICAL CLOCK installed in 1410, the oldest astronomical clock in the world.

For more infomation >> Prague Travel Guide by Drone 4K - Prague, Czech Republic History - Duration: 2:44.


Klopp reveals what pleased him most about win over Brighton - Duration: 2:53.

 Jurgen Klopp has detailed why he was so pleased with Liverpool's performance today despite admitting that it was "not the best of the season"

 The Reds travelled down to Brighton to take on Chris Hughton's side in a tough test at the Amex Stadium

 It was a hard fought contest as the home side sat deep and Liverpool had to work hard, concentrate and be patient in order to wait for an opening as the Seagulls allowed them very little time or space on the ball in the final third

See how Liverpool rated in the victory here  The first-half was a frustrating period for the Klopp's men as they worked the ball back and forth to try and prise an opening but it was not to be

 Their patience, though, paid off only five minutes into the second half when Mohamed Salah found himself with a moment of time to skip away from Pascal Gross in the penalty area before being hauled down and slamming the spot kick into the left corner

 The German boss hailed his side's patience and called it "the most mature performance of the season"

Video Loading Video Unavailable Click to play Tap to play The video will start in 8Cancel Play now  "We are not the Harlem Globetrotters, we have to deliver results," he said

 "It's difficult enough but for that we need to perform.  "The performance was good

It was not the best performance of the season in a few parts.  "But from a maturity point of view, I would say it was the most mature performance of the season

It's so important.  "On a good day, everybody can win a football games. On an average day, not a lot of football teams can win football games

 "On a bad day, pretty much only a few teams can win football games.  "Today was not a bad day, it was a difficult day for us

It was just a difficult game because Brighton is doing really well.  "We played a lot of times against a 4-5-1 system, but how they do it is different

I'm really happy that the boys took the game like it is."

For more infomation >> Klopp reveals what pleased him most about win over Brighton - Duration: 2:53.


Rumah minimalis sederhana tapi mewah di desa | Desain rumah 3 kamar tidur 1 lantai 7 x12 - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> Rumah minimalis sederhana tapi mewah di desa | Desain rumah 3 kamar tidur 1 lantai 7 x12 - Duration: 3:11.




For more infomation >> VIETNAMESE FOOD #166 | WIND ROME DOYAGI KOREAN RESTAURANT - Duration: 4:04.


В старый Новый год желаю! От души - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> В старый Новый год желаю! От души - Duration: 1:22.



[Chorus: B.I] I'm OK

Wilohaji ma dongjeonghaji ma Gyeot-e iss-eo jul pil-yo eobs-eo

Gwaenchanh-eunikka I'm OK

Geogjeonghaji ma singyeong sseuji ma Chalali honja issneun ge nan

Igsughanikka I'm OK

[Verse 1: Bobby] Deudgi silh-eo mo kde un him-i doeneun maldeul

Hyeonsil-i mugeowo deulji moshae jam-eul Chaeul geol chajdaga chaewojineun jandeul

Memaleun nae gamjeong-e soljighaejiji gakkeum Mudeomdeomhaji eotteon sanghwang-i wado

Honjain ge pyeonhal ttaedo oeloum-eun naleul jabgo

Hagopeun ge manh-ado mugilyeog-e muneojyeo Jal jinaenyaneun mul-eum-e nae dabbyeon-eun

balg-eun miso

[Pre-Chorus: Song, Chanwoo] Sesang sog moduga

Naege deung-eul dollin deushae Cholahan nae moseub

Han-eobs-i jag-ajine Dagaol oeloum-e

Samuchyeoss-eul ttae Nae nunmul-eul boge doemyeon

Budi moleuncheoghae jwo

[Chorus: June, Jinhwan] I'm OK

Wilohaji ma dongjeonghaji ma Gyeot-e iss-eo jul pil-yo eobs-eo

Gwaenchanh-eunikka I'm OK

Geogjeonghaji ma singyeong sseuji ma Chalali honja issneun ge nan

Igsughanikka I'm OK

[Verse 2: B.I] Deudgi silh-eo modeun him-i doeneun maldeul

Nan gwaenchanh-eunde wae yunan tteoneunji dadeul

Ibyeol-i nalkalowo jogeum geulghyeoss-eul ppun

Geumbang naajigessji halu iteul jinamyeon Chimmug-ui uimineun kkog haengboghalago

Nunmul-ui uimineun jinsillo salanghaessdago Geunyeo tteonagandago

Nan jugji anh-euni Saeng-i kkeutnan salamcheoleom nal boji mal-a jwo

[Pre-Chorus: June, DK] Balam-i seuchimyeon

Nag-yeob-i heundeulligo Padoga seuchimyeon

Badaga heundeullideus Salang-i seuchin nado

Heundeullyeoss-eul ppun Nae nunmul-eul boge doemyeon

Budi moleuncheoghae jwo

[Chorus: June, Jinhwan] I'm OK

Wilohaji ma dongjeonghaji ma Gyeot-e iss-eo jul pil-yo eobs-eo

Gwaenchanh-eunikka I'm OK

Geogjeonghaji ma singyeong sseuji ma Chalali honja issneun ge nan

Igsughanikka I'm OK

[Bridge: Jinhwan] Nae seulpeum-eun byeolgeo anilaneun deus

Us-eoneomgilyeoneun nega nan wonmangseuleowo Leave me alone naege dagaoji ma

Eochapi tteonagal salam jeongdeulkka bwa museowo

[Chorus: June, Jinhwan] I'm OK

Wilohaji ma dongjeonghaji ma Gyeot-e iss-eo jul pil-yo eobs-eo

Gwaenchanh-eunikka I'm OK

Geogjeonghaji ma singyeong sseuji ma Chalali honja issneun ge nan

Igsughanikka I'm OK

[Outro: DK] Amugeosdo moleujanh-a neon

Da aneun cheoghaji mal-a jwo Nal wihandaneun mal

Ojilapdo neolb-eusyeo Honja issgo sip-euni

Nal jom naebeolyeo dwo


For more infomation >> IKON -I'M OK [MIRRORED] DANCE PRACTICE( ROMANIZED LYRICS) - Duration: 3:49.


"Guns, Germs, and Steel" by LL BOF (Official Video) - Duration: 2:15.

You hear the sound from my smoke alarm It's only caused by my fire arms

Don't go to the gym cause I'm already James Listen to these rhymes cause you know they're

flames Cash in my left hand, bills in my right

Making these Franklins all day and all night I'm all about guns, germs, and steel

This is LL BOF and I'm keeping it real

Call me a germ, my fame is spreading Career's going uphill, it ain't easy sledding

If you're feeling sick and you start to cough

It's not a virus, it's LL BOF Crowd's getting ill, i'm über contagious

Driving you crazy, my raps are outrageous I'm all about guns, germs, and steel

This is LL BOF and I'm keeping it real

I bleed black and gold, I'm from the steel city

I'm so super, PA committee Rhymes so hot, I'm dropping steel bars

Taking you to school, I'm teaching seminars Sit down buddy, you ain't getting good grades

I was born in the dark and made to throw shade.

I'm all about guns, germs, and steel This is LL BOF and I'm keeping it real

Showing off these guns, the right to bear arms

Bars so sick, these germs can cause harm Pitt is my city, you know I'm made of steel

Haters get out, like you're Jordan Peele They try to shut me down like a trade embargo

My homie Yali asks "why so much cargo?"

I'm all about guns, germs, and steel This is LL BOF and I'm keeping it real

For more infomation >> "Guns, Germs, and Steel" by LL BOF (Official Video) - Duration: 2:15.


j'ai lu un fanfiction bizarre sur harry styles et je pense que ça m'a donné une maladie - Duration: 13:30.

I read a fanfiction about Harry Styles

but he's a serial killer in a psych ward

and that's all the context that you need!

This story is "Psychopath" by weyhey_harry on WattPad

and it really is one of the weirdest things I've ever read.

It starts with our protagonist explaining the psych ward, which is called Wickendale

and already nothing in this story makes sense.

Like, okay

she's in the middle of distributing food to the patients

but she's not wearing any shoes?

Like you do

when you're in the middle of doing your job.

Our protagonist is named Rose.

She's a nurse in a clinic for the criminally insane in the 1950s.

And if you think it's important that it's a historical story


You're wrong.

Rose is very beautiful, but if you're curious about her personality,

she doesn't have one.

Anyway, man, that's not important"

What is important is that a new patient,

Harry Styles,

arrives today!

It would be foolish to introduce someone who isn't Harry Styles

in the first chapter of your fanfiction.

It's explained by a friend of Rose, a psychologist named Kelsey,

that Harry Styles is a serial killer who has skinned many women.

But he's also hot so...

Immediately Rose begins to fall in love with Harry Styles

...completely ignoring the fact that he has murdered many women.

The only person in this story who doesn't fall for Harry is the diabolical headmisstress, Mrs. Helman.

And she is important so

don't forget.

So, Rose meets Harry for the first time in a situation what makes no sense.

Harry Styles is in his room

and it's time for supper.

So Rose goes to give him supper



...supper... this serial killer...

...with no guards.

When she arrives Harry Styles immediately commences sexually harassing her.

...but...don't worry...

...he's a snacc, so...

In this story Harry Styles is SO charming

He smokes all the time.

All the rooms he's in are cloudy

because they're full of smoke.

In the first conversation he has with Rose he asks her,

and I'm reading this

"Are you a virgin?"

"Do you want to be touched?"

"Do you want someone who can make you feel good?"

And while he askes her this her starts touching her in a situation where this is not allowed.

"we love a sex offender"

At the same time that Harry starts harrassing her she starts dating another guy who works at the clinc.

His name is James. He's a guard. He's nice.

Who will win the love of our protagonist in this fanfiction about Harry Styles?

After that Rose tells Kelsey that Harry Styles touched her and she didn't like it.

And Kelsey responds with,


"You're lucky."

"I want him to touch me."

Touches her and then

skins her.

Touch and then kill

Classic Harry Styles.



She ignores the fact that Harry Styles is sexually harrassing her and becomes more and more close to him.

up until she shares the store of how her dad left when she was a child.

Daddy issues.

Suddenly I understand this story more.

Then there's a power outage and all the doors on the patients cells stop working

so now the hallways are just FULL of the criminally insane.

and Rose decides it'll be a good idea to go there.


She goes into the ward

and then she's attacked by a bald rapist named Norman.

You know he's evil because he...

doesn't have any hair.

It's like it was a bad idea to enter into a group of the criminally insane.

But, it's fine,

Harry Styles arrives immediately to save her.

SO, none of that was important.

What's important is that Harry Styles goes to the basement

which is not locked

and he finds the bodies of twenty skinned women!

Yes, it's true. In this Harry Styles Fanfic Harry Styles is not a serial killer.

He's innocent!

There's a conspiracy with the psych ward

to do


To put Harry Styles in the clinic?

Oh, and what I said about Harry Styles

that he's not a serial killer

and that he's innocent?

I was lying there.

He's a serial killer, but he killed people with fire.

He didn't skin nobody!

Okay, so the relationship between Rose and Harry becomes more and more inappropriate.

And it's clear to everyone that it's inappropriate.

The do little kisses.

They embrace where the guards can see them.

And nobody don't care.

"nobody don't care."

"i love when i forget how to speak"

"like a fat fucking"


Now, forget the fact that she's basically Harry Styles's girlfriend

because she continues to date James.

And one day they go to his house

and it's revealed that



Oh my god. What a surprise.

The romantic rival in the fanfiction

is a villan????

He has a Buffalo Bill moment.

When he says to Rose,

"Y-y-your skin. It's so beautiful. I want-"


What I love the most about this fanfiction is that

weyhey_harry is so cReAtIvE.

So Rose attacks him.

A little punch to the penis

and then she runs away into the forest.

And then this chapter ends.

In the next chapter she continues to work WITH James.

The serial killer who tried to kill her.

She doesn't call the police. Or the media.

Or nobody.

She's just like "oh well."

Harry says that James is the son of the warden, Mrs. Hellman.

But it isn't a revelation because everybody in the story knew that.

But I don't-I didn't

It's never really explained but everyone in this fanfic knew that.

Anyway, Rose goes to Harry Styles room/cell

and they start making out.

For the first time something important happens.

Like, a nurse sees her

and then Rose and Harry lie

and say Harry raped her.


Rose is admitted as a patient of Wickendale

and nobody questions the decision.

So, she arrives and Harry Styles decides it's time to leave

because the only reason he does anything in this story is love.

Ignore the fact that love is an illusion,

we will all die alone

and fall into the unknown.

These a plan for the *exhaust* but it makes no sense so I'm not explainig it.

"wow i'm a fucking hick"

"i said exhaust when i mean to say escape."

"when you're french canadian but you need to learn your mother tongue."

Some stuff happens between when they make the plan and the night they leave

but, uhm,

It's worthless.

It's just a series of makeouts

which becomes weirder and weirder with every chapter.

In the bathroom,

in the art room,

in the kitchen.

w h a t

The guard can't hear them?

And if you're curious

do they ever have sex?


Thank God.

It's the night they leave and it's like a boss battle from a video game.


Like they fight all the villains from this story,

one after the other after the other,

in a couple hours?

First there's James, the serial killer.

And it's resolved so fast, omg.

I mean, fuck, it's like a couple seconds.

Harry Styles gives him a little punch and then

lets him live.

If there's somebody who needs to be dead at the end of this story

...well, it's Harry

but after that it's James.

Then...then they fight Norman, the rapist.

Remember him?

He is...

in the story again.

Then they fight Mrs. Hellman.

Who is like a sixty year old lady.

An Harry has no problem attacking her.

And then they leave and there is one more person to fight.

Guess who.

You can't because she wasnt in the story until right now.

It's a girl from the most dangerous ward.

Ward C.

and if you're curious as to why I haven't brought it up until literally right now it's because

It's fucking worthless. (There's a theme here.)

The patients and Ward C are too dangerous to be with the other patients.

But this is a little girl.

"What did she do?"

Cut off her legs and then sewed them on backwards?

Wow. Scary.

Harry Styles could just give her a little slap and then run.

She can't run, her feet face the wrong way!

Like I know it's just here to gross us out but she couldn't think of anything scarier than that??

What can she do?? Her legs face the wrong way!

We know Harry Styles is a devil who has no problem attacking women, so why doesn't he do that here?

So the lovers go into the forest and they find a little hut.

They go inside, they make a little fire.

Ignore the fact that that's a fire hazard.

What happens after that?

Does James hunt them? And that's the reason he doesn't die.

Do the police find them?

Does the girl with the backwards legs find them.

I don't know.

Guess what the end of this story is.

They do sex.

d e a d

In this story about these big conspiracies, serial killers, the criminally insane

the end is that they smash.

Ah, yes, that was what I was very concerned with.

Does she die a virgin?

If this video makes no sense, that's just the experience of reading

of-of reading of reading THIS.

There were a lot of parts where I didn't know where to put them.

Like, there is, Harry Styles gets electroshock.

Like, there's a part where she asks Harry, "Who do you love?"

And he answers, "Oh, I'm in love with a girl called Emily."

Who was killed by James.

It's romantic, eh?

I'm sorry that this is junk

But that's how that is how.


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