Prisons also known as a correctional facility, Jail, Goal, Detention center, Remand center
or internment facility and the justice systems have been around for hundreds of years.
They are used to keep criminals inside to keep the society safe.
It's always been a political debate about how to fairly sentence someone for certain
You guys know that famous saying if you do the crime than do the time, well how long
is the time, that's the big question.
Prisons are supposed to rehabilitate the convict, and possibly transition them back into society.
Well there are some inmates who don't care much about staying out of trouble in prison
they act up, seeking attention of some sort.
Being in prison can be a very scary place because you don't really know what horrible
crimes the person next to you has done.
Well how's it going you guys I am your host for this one, Landon Dowlatsingh and welcome
back to another most amazing video.
Make sure you guys hit the subscribe button for more content.
Alright, So let's take a look at the top 10 scary
prison freaks out.
Starting us off at number 10.
Let's start of talking about the man we saw in the intro of this video who was freaking
out yelling he can't breath.
Well this is a very sad situation.
not sure if you guys heard it but the officer was saying if you don't put your hands behind
your back you will be gased hes talking about pepper spray.
And if you can't breathe I don't think your first reaction is to put your hands behind
your back.
I am not sure what crime this big guy committed but I feel really really bad for how he was
The guy was pepper sprayed and hand cuffed and he was taken to the showers to get cleaned
He was complaining again about not breathing and he started to freak out again till he
fell to the ground.
the man was saying sorry sorry but the officers just thought he was faking it.
Well in the end he was taken back to his cell and was ignored for his plead to seek medical.
Well that guy was Michael Sabbie and he was found dead on July 22, 2015.
Very sad and tragic way to die and the family right now are sueing everyone involved with
Sabbies death.
Moving into number 9. this person isn't even in jail yet and they are freaking out.
This took place in Portland County Jail and they maintain a zero resistance policy.
The officers were booking her into jail.
They have to mug shot her, finger print her empty her pockets and see if she has anything
she shouldn't have on her, but this woman wasn't having it.
She was just so angry and she might actually still be drunk.
Moving into number 8 we have a fight that is about to break out.
There is a prison term called lacing up.
It means when the inmate starts tieing up his shoes they are getting ready to attack
And that's exactly what happened.
This inmate just starts freaking out and attacks someone.
prison just seems to be a very scary place, you can just look at someone wrong and be
Number 7. is this real life right now, who the heck does she think she is, or I should
what the heck animal does she think she is a tiger.
This is why drugs are bad for you.
Always say no to drugs kids or you can end up like a tiger.
Or maybe a crazy woman who laughs for no reason.
I really hope this woman gets the much needed help that she needs.
Her behavior is obviously not normal.
Number 6. this guy is just losing his mind and you know what I would be as well if I
was in that tiny cage.
I don't think that guy can even sit down its so small.
Not sure if that's even inhumane.
what the heck did that woman just say, an intervention was un-successful.
Not really sure what kind of intervention strategy it was to talk to a man who is trapped
in a very very tiny box.
Maybe if this guy was able to be hand cuffed in a much bigger room he would react better
but I don't know I am not an expert.
Moving into number 5.
We are about to see a very very angry dude. after this guy was yelling and cusing at the
officers he head butted one of them.
"Please don't show the head butt to violent" so that guy was accused of robbing a Mississippi
store but now he is facing more series charges for assault an officer.
Alright number 4.
We have a frightened teenager who freaked out after his sentencing.
He was very afraid of going back to jail.
I actually feel terrible for this kid because he's claiming he never committed the crime
who knows if that's true, but he is terrified of returning back to jail, he thought that
he was getting a chance to go home.
Right now his bail was set at 300,000 dollars.
His family was also freaking out when the judge made the decision.
Now at number 3 we have a woman who just goes insane.
this woman is totally bio-polar because at the beginning she was pretty calm and than
all of a sudden she freaks out.
so that was an interview of a serial killer 1 day before execution.
So her freaking out are the last moments of this womans life.
its insane how calm this woman can get, and than all of a sudden shes yelling.
Her is the ending of the interview.
Moving into number 2.
We have a woman who started to freak out while she was serving a jail sentenced for DWI.
The woman was sentenced to 45 days in jail for driving while intoxicated this was the
harshest punishment the county has ever sentenced someone for a DWI.
The woman got really angry and started freaking out on officers, she freaks out so much to
the point that officers had to retrain her to a wheel chair and had to put a bag
her head.
it must be very scary to be strapped to a chair like that but its for her own safety
at this point.
Now its time for 1 man verses 20 police officers who would you have your money on.
This guy makes his way into number 1. we have the hulk freaking out on officers.
so this is the beginning of the clip and as you can see there are currently 2 officers
trying to calm this man down.
This goes on for quite a while.
The convict was able to take down both of the officers.
Another officer calls for back up.
And this officer right here he doesn't seem to be doing much but being a spectator maybe
he placed his bets and is seeing who wins.
lets fast forward to this part right here you can see 10 officers in the room now trying
to calm this guy down.
This would be a great time to plan a prison escape because all the officers in this prison
seem to be in this room.
take a look at this part, many of the officers pepper sprayed this man and than they all
backed up.
Its crazy but this man gets up from the floor and continues freaking out as if he is unaffected
by the pepper spray its insane.
The officers get out there peper sprays again and continue spraying him.
Than another brawl breaks out again.
And this time take a look at this.
There seems to now be almost 20 officers in the room is this really that necessary.
is this real life right now how strong is this guy that 20 officers are needed to sit
on this guy to finally hand cuff him.
I for sure wouldn't want to be in the cell with this guy.
Well there you guys have it.
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