Chủ Nhật, 13 tháng 1, 2019

Youtube daily report Jan 13 2019

Prisons also known as a correctional facility, Jail, Goal, Detention center, Remand center

or internment facility and the justice systems have been around for hundreds of years.

They are used to keep criminals inside to keep the society safe.

It's always been a political debate about how to fairly sentence someone for certain


You guys know that famous saying if you do the crime than do the time, well how long

is the time, that's the big question.

Prisons are supposed to rehabilitate the convict, and possibly transition them back into society.

Well there are some inmates who don't care much about staying out of trouble in prison

they act up, seeking attention of some sort.

Being in prison can be a very scary place because you don't really know what horrible

crimes the person next to you has done.

Well how's it going you guys I am your host for this one, Landon Dowlatsingh and welcome

back to another most amazing video.

Make sure you guys hit the subscribe button for more content.

Alright, So let's take a look at the top 10 scary

prison freaks out.

Starting us off at number 10.

Let's start of talking about the man we saw in the intro of this video who was freaking

out yelling he can't breath.

Well this is a very sad situation.

not sure if you guys heard it but the officer was saying if you don't put your hands behind

your back you will be gased hes talking about pepper spray.

And if you can't breathe I don't think your first reaction is to put your hands behind

your back.

I am not sure what crime this big guy committed but I feel really really bad for how he was


The guy was pepper sprayed and hand cuffed and he was taken to the showers to get cleaned


He was complaining again about not breathing and he started to freak out again till he

fell to the ground.

the man was saying sorry sorry but the officers just thought he was faking it.

Well in the end he was taken back to his cell and was ignored for his plead to seek medical.

Well that guy was Michael Sabbie and he was found dead on July 22, 2015.

Very sad and tragic way to die and the family right now are sueing everyone involved with

Sabbies death.

Moving into number 9. this person isn't even in jail yet and they are freaking out.

This took place in Portland County Jail and they maintain a zero resistance policy.

The officers were booking her into jail.

They have to mug shot her, finger print her empty her pockets and see if she has anything

she shouldn't have on her, but this woman wasn't having it.

She was just so angry and she might actually still be drunk.

Moving into number 8 we have a fight that is about to break out.

There is a prison term called lacing up.

It means when the inmate starts tieing up his shoes they are getting ready to attack


And that's exactly what happened.

This inmate just starts freaking out and attacks someone.

prison just seems to be a very scary place, you can just look at someone wrong and be


Number 7. is this real life right now, who the heck does she think she is, or I should

what the heck animal does she think she is a tiger.

This is why drugs are bad for you.

Always say no to drugs kids or you can end up like a tiger.

Or maybe a crazy woman who laughs for no reason.

I really hope this woman gets the much needed help that she needs.

Her behavior is obviously not normal.

Number 6. this guy is just losing his mind and you know what I would be as well if I

was in that tiny cage.

I don't think that guy can even sit down its so small.

Not sure if that's even inhumane.

what the heck did that woman just say, an intervention was un-successful.

Not really sure what kind of intervention strategy it was to talk to a man who is trapped

in a very very tiny box.

Maybe if this guy was able to be hand cuffed in a much bigger room he would react better

but I don't know I am not an expert.

Moving into number 5.

We are about to see a very very angry dude. after this guy was yelling and cusing at the

officers he head butted one of them.

"Please don't show the head butt to violent" so that guy was accused of robbing a Mississippi

store but now he is facing more series charges for assault an officer.

Alright number 4.

We have a frightened teenager who freaked out after his sentencing.

He was very afraid of going back to jail.

I actually feel terrible for this kid because he's claiming he never committed the crime

who knows if that's true, but he is terrified of returning back to jail, he thought that

he was getting a chance to go home.

Right now his bail was set at 300,000 dollars.

His family was also freaking out when the judge made the decision.

Now at number 3 we have a woman who just goes insane.

this woman is totally bio-polar because at the beginning she was pretty calm and than

all of a sudden she freaks out.

so that was an interview of a serial killer 1 day before execution.

So her freaking out are the last moments of this womans life.

its insane how calm this woman can get, and than all of a sudden shes yelling.

Her is the ending of the interview.

Moving into number 2.

We have a woman who started to freak out while she was serving a jail sentenced for DWI.

The woman was sentenced to 45 days in jail for driving while intoxicated this was the

harshest punishment the county has ever sentenced someone for a DWI.

The woman got really angry and started freaking out on officers, she freaks out so much to

the point that officers had to retrain her to a wheel chair and had to put a bag


her head.

it must be very scary to be strapped to a chair like that but its for her own safety

at this point.

Now its time for 1 man verses 20 police officers who would you have your money on.

This guy makes his way into number 1. we have the hulk freaking out on officers.

so this is the beginning of the clip and as you can see there are currently 2 officers

trying to calm this man down.

This goes on for quite a while.

The convict was able to take down both of the officers.

Another officer calls for back up.

And this officer right here he doesn't seem to be doing much but being a spectator maybe

he placed his bets and is seeing who wins.

lets fast forward to this part right here you can see 10 officers in the room now trying

to calm this guy down.

This would be a great time to plan a prison escape because all the officers in this prison

seem to be in this room.

take a look at this part, many of the officers pepper sprayed this man and than they all

backed up.

Its crazy but this man gets up from the floor and continues freaking out as if he is unaffected

by the pepper spray its insane.

The officers get out there peper sprays again and continue spraying him.

Than another brawl breaks out again.

And this time take a look at this.

There seems to now be almost 20 officers in the room is this really that necessary.

is this real life right now how strong is this guy that 20 officers are needed to sit

on this guy to finally hand cuff him.

I for sure wouldn't want to be in the cell with this guy.

Well there you guys have it.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Scary Prison Freakouts - Duration: 11:39.


What If An Asteroid Destroyed 90% Of Earth? - Duration: 7:30.

It's a very real fear - an asteroid hurtling through our solar system, avoiding the protective

gravitational tug of our best friend Jupiter - and revving up like a Super-Saiyan Goku

right through our atmosphere before plummeting straight into the deep blue sea - BOOM, hellfire

and pain and 90% of the Earth's population snuffed out from existence.

It happened to the dinosaurs, heck - it probably happened a few times after that too.

Our society is obsessed with the thought of an Extinction-Level Asteroid Event - or, well,

the Hollywood heroic avoidance of one.

Armageddon, Deep Impact - and a million other B-Movies that paint the picture of a post-apocalyptic

post-asteroid society.

Well, what would that world look like?

How would the few survivors maintain their fragile existence?

Well - let's find out, shall we?

Hello internet - and welcome back to the most inquisitive channel on YouTube - Life's

Biggest Questions.

As always, I'll be your disembodied floating voice - as we look to the skies, shield our

eyes from the brilliantly bright blinding light - and curiously ask the question, What

If An Asteroid Destroyed 90% Of Earth?

Now before we approach the latter half of this question, we have to first paint the

picture of the initial asteroid impact event.

The actual devastation caused depends on quite a few factors, such as the size, speed, angle

- and landing point of the cosmic destroyer.

If it's 10 feet across - in all likelihood it would skip across the atmosphere like a

far flung skimming stone and burst into a pretty little fireworks explosion in the sky.

100 feet across - and people start getting a little twitchy - and it would cause a massive

explosion like the one witnessed at Tunguska in Russia on the morning of June 30th 1908.

If it's a quarter mile wide - it would take out an entire region roughly the size of Virginia

- and the subsequent fallout would be a game-changer for how our civilization develops into the


And if it's 10 kilometres wide - then we're all pretty boned, and the ones who are initially

vaporized by the global impact are the lucky ones.

And that's the asteroid that we'd be looking at to answer this question - likely being

flung out from the Oort Cloud - a thick bubble of icy debris that surrounds our solar system.

An extinction level event.

The end of all things.

The big - rocky herald of the likely goodbye of humanity.


At 10 kilometres wide, the asteroid would travel at around 30 kilometers per second

- which is roughly 90 times the speed of sound.

Unlike smaller meteors - an asteroid that size would be unstoppable - and have no semblance

of slowing down as it travels through our atmosphere.

It would punch through in less than three seconds like it's not even there - like

a hot knife through butter and all other synonyms that relate to things passing through things

with ease.

Err - like a perturbed ghost through a wood-paneled wall.

You get the picture.

Either way - when it hits the surface - it would hit so hard that it wouldn't even

matter where the point of impact occurred.

Land or sea - it's not good guys.

Most people within a one hundred mile radius would either drop dead from the initial concussion

of the compression wave - or, perhaps even more likely - be completely vaporized by the

wave of destruction and devastation.

And you know what?

That's possibly the most comforting end - they're the lucky ones - because they

would most likely never even know what hit them.

Because what would remain would be a world much worse than The Road, Mad Max and The

Walking Dead combined.

There would be nothing left.

It would be the literal definition of a wasteland - and the 10% of Earth's remaining population

are in for a pretty tough remainder of their fragile lives.

The energy of the impact would likely vaporize a large amount of the Earth's crust - throwing

all of the subsequent ejecta into the air - unleashing devastating winds across the

planet, filled with debris and rock and destruction that could reach more than a thousand miles

an hour.

Umbrellas ain't gonna save us this time.

Unimaginable earthquakes would follow - shaking the planet to it's very core and likely

bringing ruin to our most iconic cities on a global scale.

The ejecta would continue through to the atmosphere - heating it up to temperatures possibly near

900 degrees - AKA - that sweet sweet melting point that turns lead to liquid.

It would trigger global forest fires - and likely cook anyone and anything not sheltered

deep underground.

But - 10% of Earth's population is roughly 750 million people.

And, well - that's a lot of survivors to throw into this equation.

And a lot of people who were smart, concise - and lucky enough to get shipped into a deep,

underground bunker - to shield them from the years of destruction waging its way across

our fair planet.

Essentially, it would be the plot of 1998's Deep Impact.

But what we're concerned with are the years that would follow - IF, of course, our underground

safety bunkers did their job - and we didn't succumb to chaos and mutiny inside, killing

each other in a frantic post-apocalyptic existential panic - I'm looking at you Vault 19.

The combination of dust, debris and soot from the ejecta's influence would remain in the

atmosphere for several years - blocking out the Sun - and without the glorious power of

our Solar Overlord - PRAISE THE SUN - the vast majority of Earth's plant life would

die, and as a result, the entire food chain would collapse.

So, we better hope that our bunkers are stocked with some highly resourceful agricultural

technology - because we wouldn't be growing anything out in the open for quite some time.

Also - pizza is probably off the menu - and don't even get me started on what a bleak

existence that would be.

But - and as always, this is a very big but - there is hope for us all.

Humanity is a very resilient species - it's the reason that we are who we are, and the

reason that we've managed to clamber through the primordial soup and build colossal monuments

into the sky.

A survivor population of 750 million would bring us roughly back to the global population

of the 1600s - a time where humanity was shaking off the shackles of feudalism and stepping

out into a brave new world.

With the same population, we'd essentially be given a fresh start - once a decade or

so had passed, and the planet had began rejuvenating its delicate yet resilient ecosystem.

However - this time, the survivors would have the foresight that humanity's future is

fragile - because they've seen the consequences, they've lived through them - and the fear

of a similar man made catastrophe would become the benchmark that would rebuilt our civilization


Unfortunately for them, the dinosaurs never had a second chance - but maybe we would.

Well - there we have it folks, why don't you let us know your thoughts in the comment

box down below.

Before we depart, let's take a look at some of your more creative comments from over the

past few days.

Malik Jones says -- Hi Danny Burke sorry if I spelled your name wrong.

-- and hey Malik Jones - no worries buddy, it's spelled J-A-C-K F-I-N-C-H.

I know, no worries - it's a tough one.

Super Franky says -- OLD MUSIC WAS BETTER -- but, on the flip side to that -- phugwellsmind

says -- New music?

About time.

-- So, I guess the struggle continues - and it remains the same that you can't please

everyone, right?

Well, unfortunately that's all we've got time for in today's video - cheers for sticking

around all the way till the end.

If you were a fan of this video, make sure to hit that thumbs up button, as well as that

subscribe bell - and we'll be seeing you in the next one.

As always, I've been your disembodied floating voice Jack Finch - you've been watching

Life's Biggest Questions - and until next time, you take it easy.

For more infomation >> What If An Asteroid Destroyed 90% Of Earth? - Duration: 7:30.


Jillian Michael's 6 health keys to conquer aging - Duration: 8:03.

Aging is a subject matter that for no good reason seems to be shrouded in all kinds of


And the reality is that there is nothing in our genes that tells us to age or tells us

to die.

So we naturally have to ask then why do we?

And it appears that there are six hallmarks of aging, six body processes that are responsible

for how we age and they can work for us or they can work against us.

And how we live is what determines the outcome of those results.

So the first key, this is kind of how we've listed them, myself and my cool author Myatt

Murphy who is fantastic, is stress, stress adaptation.

So when we think of stress we often think stress is evil, stress is the devil, it's

so bad, but in reality stress is designed to make us stronger, whether it's emotionally

or physically, like we can be literal here.

Somebody has osteoporosis or osteopenia, their bone density is becoming compromised with

old age.

Well, why do we recommend working out, in particular with weights?

The idea is that stress is an injury, we're injuring the muscles, we're enjoying the

bones, stress with regard to fitness in this particular case, and it creates these little

micro fissures in the bone.

Well of the body, we jump to our second key, which is inflammation, has an inflammatory

response, sends in bone cells and says all right whoa we've got to heal this, we've

got to get all this back together.

The bone remodels and becomes more dense.

So again, stress when properly managed, be it emotional or physical, is designed to either

make you wiser, smarter, stronger, more depth, more empathy or your bones become more dense,

your muscles become leaner and stronger.

And when you look at all of the amazing things that our body does to adapt to stress you

see that it's there to make you better.

The second being inflammation.

So without inflammation you couldn't cure the common cold.

However, when information becomes chronic, just like stress you've got this little

army of white blood cells are like we've got to go to war with somebody, well when

the key of inflammation becomes ongoing and chronic it starts to attack healthy tissue.

This is when you get into issues like rheumatoid arthritis, for example, a perfect example.

Another big one is metabolism.

we're looking at a body process in particular called autophagy.

So autophagy is really where our body goes in and culls dead cells.

It's like the garbage trucks come in, they break down the old and they rebuild the new.

When we're eating constantly, so food timing is very important, and not only that but how

much we eat is very important.

So when we consume food we've got to break it down, we oxidize the food, which creates

oxidative stress.

So okay the less food we eat, within reason we're not trying to starve ourselves, but

we also don't want to eat too much food and we put this in a place of what I call

calorie restriction.

So calorie surplus you're at a healthy weight and you're eating more than you burn in

a day, that's too much food we need to restrict that and match calories in with calories out

so it's the simple law of thermodynamics.

And unless you have weight to lose we don't want to get into calorie deprivation because

now we're starving the body.

So unless we have fat stores or stored energy, that process of autophagy where we cull the

dead cells, turns on healthy tissue and go after healthy bone, healthy muscle and so


So food timing of eating every three to four hours, breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner in

particular, and creating a 12 to 16 hour window of fasting.

Fasting not to be confused with starvation.

And it has become synonymous with that concept these five two diets and days of eating 500

calories, that's not what fasting is.

Fasting is a period of your day where you're not eating.

It actually has nothing to do with how much you re eating, that thermal dynamics and that's

what we just talked about with calorie restriction.

So that 12 to 16 hour period is really optimizing your body's ability to, A, not focus on

oxidizing food and free itself up energetically speaking to focus on other things like boosting

your immune system for example, culling those dead cells through autophagy.

And in addition it's less oxidative stress because you're not eating all day long and

you're not eating as much so just one example on the third key.

Another one, telomeres, the length of our telomeres.

So our telomeres are those little caps at the end of our chromosomes and every time

our DNA replicates itself we shave off just a little bit of those telomeres.

Well, when the telomeres are gone our chromosomes can fuse together, you can get genetic abnormalities

and that can build up over the years and cause a host of health related issues.

In addition this is how we start to see things like gray hair because our pigment cells start

to die.

Telomeres super, super, super important key and you have your epigenetics or your epigenome.

So people say this is genetic.

This is all a genetic.

What is?

The way your genetics express themselves is fluid.

It's not static it's a dynamic and, of course, it is effected by the way we live,

but what's most responsible for that expression is your epigenome.

So your epigenome is kind of like that overbearing parent so if all of our cells share the same

genetic information what's telling this cell to become a bone cell or that cell to

become an immunity cell and so on?

Well, that's your epigenome.

And what's choking off certain parts of your DNA and loosening up on others saying

okay express this component, choke off that component and we can make this work for better

or for worse.

And in fact studies are showing us that our epigenome is actually effecting what we're

passing off to our offspring.

So, there was this study on Holocaust survivors and it was found that their offspring, their

children have a better resistance or more resilience to emotional stress.

So again, this can be a super wonderful fantastic thing just like all the keys can really work

for us and make us the best version of ourselves for years and years to come, or conversely

they can predispose us to cancer and what have you.

And here's another perfect example of what the epigenome can do and how we can make it

work for us, when we say muscle has memory, it's true.

It's your epigenome that's remembering and marking your muscles so to speak so that

when you start training again your body gets in shape more quickly.

So it's easier to get back in shape than it is to get in shape the first time.

Moving on to our macromolecules, which is our cells, the health of our cells.

how our cells are communicating with one another, how they're duplicating and so on.

But our cells are literally our macromolecules are made up of proteins, fats, carbohydrates

and nucleic acids.

Macronutrients, protein, fat, carbs, macromolecules made up of the same things so that should

be a foreshadow that any diet seeking to remove a macronutrient is inherently horrible for


For more infomation >> Jillian Michael's 6 health keys to conquer aging - Duration: 8:03.


Mauricio Pochettino 'worried' about Harry Kane injury in Manchester United defeat - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Mauricio Pochettino 'worried' about Harry Kane injury in Manchester United defeat - Duration: 0:53.


INTENSE INAUDIBLE ASMR TO SLEEP FAST: kisses, cuchi, puchipu, tico | ASMR | Asmr with Sasha - Duration: 16:53.

Hi my "corazon", how are you? Every promise is a debt.

at 5000 like the next "inaudible" in the channel

as always, I invite you to sleep very well

activate the bell to receive all notifications of all my videos

Now let's start this new inaudible video to sleep very quickly.

For more infomation >> INTENSE INAUDIBLE ASMR TO SLEEP FAST: kisses, cuchi, puchipu, tico | ASMR | Asmr with Sasha - Duration: 16:53.


Unfinished Business - I Discovered An Old Path On My Way Out - Duration: 34:51.

Hello :).

Hmm, what do you think?...

I was (once again) on my way somewhere else...

But this spot looked interesting.

It's iron.

The first good signal.

It's a deformed lead bullet.


But let's check this one out.

Hmm, "something older".

When I have other destination point, it is difficult to keep patience.

I have to look at the bigger picture.

Relatively modern piece of metal.

I will take a quick look at those bushes and keep moving.

Rabies vaccine.

Well, it was a waste of time.

I will move towards the spot of my choice.

I hope to find something on my way.


I mean, something else.

I got away with it. He could bite me.

Part of a bronze ring?

Maybe Roman?

GPS ("POI") #1.

I will look around...

A musket ball.

Another musket ball.

Iron, but I have to look at it.

Could be a Roman nail. Maybe even connected to the ring...

I have to move on after a short check...

I'm on a path.

The previous signal.

The soil looks already disturbed.

A bottle cap.

One short look at this slope...

Another musket ball.

I'm moving on...

I have limited time today.

That's iron.


Probably part of a pocket knife.

And the next musket ball.

A shotgun cartridge.


A very old looking nail.

WWII shrapnel.

A weak signal.


A relatively big musket ball...

The hole is not even 4" (10cm) deep...

I have to keep moving.

I'm close to my location, but I don't know if I make it.

I could probably detect it for a few minutes only...

A WWII part...

This section is full of trash...

I think, I will have to quit and get back to the train station.

Mission aborted...

Where am I anyway.

I decided to take the next train, but I still have some time left.

Usually I pack my gear, but not this time.

Maybe I should swing the coil a little bit...

Hmm, old iron.

I usually don't expect to find anything at spots like this...

Paths like this are often "renewed" and filled with garbage from construction sites.

It's a (old looking) button!

OK that doesn't mean anything.

A squirrel probably dropped it from above on this path...


A different setting.


Don't worry, I will turn it off any second.

A "horseshoe" from a cow?

Maybe this path IS older...

A piece of foil.

A button.

It keeps getting interesting...

It's a ring!

With a gem.

And silver shining through...

The lower part is made of something else.

I have to change my approach now.

Something from a horse?

I can't take it right now. I can't take care of more iron at home.

Just a bullet.

I saw something shiny.

I think, this could be a silver earring.

But I'm not sure about it.

The target.

The musket balls.


The button.

Another button.

Part of a bronze ring?

The ring.

The other side.

Silver is sticking out.

The gem still inside.

A silver earring?


And treasure. Detecting time: 1h:25min

For more infomation >> Unfinished Business - I Discovered An Old Path On My Way Out - Duration: 34:51.


Trump Campaign Staffers Try To Rig 2020 Convention To Avoid Embarrassing Trump - Duration: 4:11.

If you remember back to the 2016 Republican convention where they officially nominated

Donald Trump to be their nominee for president, um, there was a time when never Trump republicans

kind of started making a Ruckus on the floor because they did not want Donald Trump to

be the nominee.

It was embarrassing for the would be president and most of these people, it turns out were

supporters of Senator Ted Cruz.

And when Ted Cruz gave his speech and did not endorse Donald Trump in that speech, it

made Trump angry.

And that's not something that he is forgotten in the years since that 2016 convention.

So now the Trump campaign is trying to actively influence the process and essentially rig

the upcoming 2020 convention in Charlotte, North Carolina so that Trump does not get

embarrassed again.

Now I have to start by saying I think it's really cute that they think that this guy

is still going to be in office in 2020 able to run for president again.

But nonetheless they're doing everything they can to rig the process and keep out any person

who doesn't blindly support Donald Trump.

And here's how they're doing it.

Recently you had former White House aide, a nick trainer.

He started this initiative on behalf of the Trump campaign after working closely with

Trump for quite a while, and what they're doing is they're going out right now with

the state Republican parties electing their leaders, you know, these are the leaders that

are going to take them into the 2020 convention and they're trying to influence the process.

They're creating these teams to go out, go to these states, talk to the people running

for the party leader, makes sure they're diehard Trump people, and if they're not, then they're

supporting the other people in the party who are Trump supporters who also want to be the

state party leader.

They're doing the same thing with staffing for these state Republican parties because

all of them are going to be sending delegates to the convention.

And that's the other piece of the puzzle.

We don't want any non Trump delegates.

We don't want any never Trumpers out there holding up your state sign.

So they're actively getting involved in the delegate selection process to make sure that

Donald Trump doesn't get embarrassed at the 2020 convention.

Uh, they're also in some states we've seen so far trying to change the rules so that

nobody can challenge Donald Trump.

A Republican challenger could not emerge to challenge Donald Trump.

So they're trying to rig the entire system, not just to protect this man, but to protect

is very fragile ego.

Donald Trump cannot stand descent.

He cannot stand not being surrounded by blind loyalists.

That is what he is all about.

It doesn't matter what policies it is, it doesn't matter what business venture, as long

as the people around him tell him they love him, he is good to go.

He is good to go and he's been that way his entire life because there is something severely

psychologically wrong with this man.

All you have to do is feed his ego and he will embrace you.

And that's what he wants to happen at this Republican convention in 2020.

He wants to walk into a room of thousands of people and have them just faint in adoration

for him, and then he will embrace them.

Then he will tell them he loves them and they're so great, but if there is dissension in the

ranks, if there's a raucous on the floor of never Trump republicans, that not only is

that going to make them unhappy, but it's also gonna make him very sad because his fragile

little ego is going to take another hit when he realizes that most people in this country

really can't stand him, and more importantly, can't wait for him to not be president anymore.

For more infomation >> Trump Campaign Staffers Try To Rig 2020 Convention To Avoid Embarrassing Trump - Duration: 4:11.


Invicto in Naperville is not your typical Mexican fast food joint - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Invicto in Naperville is not your typical Mexican fast food joint - Duration: 2:05.


Upgrade || Finish the Job [HBD RAZOR] - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> Upgrade || Finish the Job [HBD RAZOR] - Duration: 2:27.


ゆっくり工魔クラフトS6 Part32【minecraft1.12.2】0199【ゆっくり実況】 - Duration: 10:16.

For more infomation >> ゆっくり工魔クラフトS6 Part32【minecraft1.12.2】0199【ゆっくり実況】 - Duration: 10:16.


Top 5 Scary & Haunted Museums You Need To Pray Before Entering - Duration: 7:47.

Museum's are designed to hold the world's most precious historical findings -- items,

skeletal remains, writings, drawings, you name it -- every possible things of historical

value from around the world can be found housed inside of museum for safekeeping -- and for

the public to view.

So today we're going to be listing of the Top 5 Scary and Haunted Museums You Need To

Pray Before Entering.

Now -- I'm not talking the Warren Occult or Zak Bagans museum here -- I'm talking,

world famous museums from around the world that you had no idea was haunted.

Let's jump in.

5 Frederic Remington Museum Located in Ogdensburg New York, this museum

was built in 1810 by David Parish -- before eventually being occupied by American painted

Frederic Remington, who would later die in 1909.

His home would later go on to house his most notable artworks -- opening its doors in 1923,

remaining open to this day.

Now -- with a house that has seen a lot of death -- it's not crazy to believe that

it is housing many a spirit that has yet to pass on.

Now, according to museum director, Laura Foster, the most prominent entity residing in the

museum is that of Madam Ameriga Vespucci -- a woman from the 19th century who was reputed

to, I quote, to be "won in a game of cards" -- aka, killed.

Now -- in March of 2015 a psychic medium, Freda Gladle conducted a walk-through of the


She noted that although there are no full-time spirits lingering within it's bricks -- she

did in fact encounter a lot of residual energy within its wall.

Including that of a woman -- believed to be Vespucci, who informed the investigators that

it was not cards that killed her -- but instead a nasty owner of the neighboring museum -- according

to the transcriptions of the walk-through.

Now -- Laura Foster has been quoted in saying that a lot of these reports have been embellished

-- and perhaps the ghostly talks of the museum are getting the better of it -- but still

-- supernatural reports keep coming in.

4 Merchant's House Museum Now a museum, the Merchant's House was originally

populated by the Tredwell family from 1835 to 1933, and who are rumoured to be haunting

the old museum.

Many visitors have reported seeing ghostly figures that match up the images of the Tredwell


Gertrude, the youngest daughter is most prominently seen roaming the halls -- she passed away

in 1933.

Every year paranormal investigators flock to the museum -- including Dan Sturges -- who

documents the ghostly activity through recordings and pictures.

Though no firm evidence has come out of his investigations -- that does not stop the reports

that keep rolling in.

Communications manager at the museum, Emily Wright has stated, "The museum would never

come out and definitively say, 'yes, we're haunted'.

Yet visitors have matched reported sightings with images of the family."

Very creepy.

3 Torquay Museum Now -- I just HAD to include this one on our

list -- not only because it's creepy as fuck -- but also because it's in my neck

of the woods.

Devon, England.

Torquay museum was founded in 1844, and holds a dense collections of artifacts from across

the globe.

Now -- there is no firm evidence -- or folk tales reported on the museum -- but there

have been two unexplainable occurrences over the last ten years that even paranormal investigators

can't seem to wrap their heads around.

To begin -- On the 19th of July 2015, an article was published on the Daily Website seemingly

showing a woman in old fashioned clothing emerging from the floors of the museum.

Take a look.

Now -- looking at it, you may just think that it's a hazy picture of a girl in front of

a fire -- however, this picture was taken during one of the ghost hunting evenings at

the museum -- and according to multiple sources -- nobody was in the room.

Manager of the museum, Carl Smith said "We saw something in the middle of the photo and

when we adjusted the contrast we clearly saw the woman.

It was a bit of a surprise and pretty creepy.

From the angle of the photograph it looks like she is submerged into the floor, almost

like she is below floor level."

Creepy stuff.

However, -- this isn't the only unexplainable evidence to emerge out of the museum, a year

later CCTV footage capture this moment from the museum's gift shop.

Take as look

Now -- paper's flying off shelves isn't abnormal -- but the rate and speed in which

it happens certainly is.

I'm calling ghostly farm-girl spirit for sure.

What do you guys think though?

2 Smithsonian Institution Building Opening its doors ten years after our previous

number is the Smithsonian Institution Building -- and it is rumoured to host many spirits

within it's museum.

Including founding donor, James Smithson, whose remains have resided in the museum since


Now -- in 1973 Smithson was briefly disinterred after claims of his spirit wandering the halls

of the museum at night began to surface.

The coffin was opened and his skeleton was still in its rightful place -- though reports

still come in of his unsettled entity roaming the building.

Smithson isn't the only spirit to supposedly be haunting the building -- Spencer Fullerton

Baird is another sighting written about by the Washington Post.

Baird was the museum's first ever curator and he is also rumoured to be walking the

halls with Mr. Smithson.

Other sightings include, explorer Emil Bessels, secretary Joseph Henry, and paleontologist

Fielding B. Meek who died in one of the Castle's towers with his cat.

Have you been to the Smithsonian?

If so, have you seen anything otherworldly roaming the halls -- crying for help?

1 The Cleveland Museum of Art Not only a world famous art museum -- but

the museum located in Cleveland may now be most notable for housing the spirit of Claude

Monet, the infamous French Impressionism painter.

If you don't know, Monet had a distinctive look -- a full salt and pepper beard and would

typical be pictured wearing bowler hats.

So when reports started rolling in of staff spotting a man that resembled this description

surveying the museum, people got interested.

After a new installation arrived at the museum, named, Painting the Modern Garden: Monet to

Matisse, a staff member snapped this shot of a man that looks frighteningly similar

to Monet overlooking the new piece.

Now -- many have accused the museum of setting the picture up themselves in order to draw

in the public -- however, with the museums history of ghostly residents, it seems unlikely.

Former museum director William Mathewson Milliken has known to be spotted from time to time

wandering around the museum, as well as the subject of "Portrait of Jean-Gabriel du

Theil at the signing of the treaty of Vienna" by oil painter Jacques Andre Joseph Aved -- has

been know to be spotted observing his own likeness.

There are far too many reports to go on -- otherwise we will be here all day -- but I highly suggest

you look into the ghostly accounts from the Cleveland Museum of Art.

Truly creepy.

Well, there we have it!

Have you ever visited these museums?

Were there any that we missed?

Leave us all your thoughts and feelings in the comments down below and perhaps we can

do a part 2.

Before I go though, I just want to respond to a few comments from one of our previous

videos, Top 5 Scariest SCP's Caught On Camera.

Nightmare Files said "I think two more people can fit in your hoodie….jk" -- Honestly

nightmare files, you're not wrong.

In our next video I'll be picking two lucky winners to come spend a day in my hoody with

me -- just thumbs up this video to enter.

Sara Po said "I am so interest in the SCP Foundation!

Thank you for making these videos!

-- You are very welcome Sara, I'm glad you're a fan.

Usually SCP is Jack's forte but he kindly shared a video or two with me.

Diocletian said "Lmao you can tell she did not want to narrate this video" -- actually

what you're saying there is my one singular expression.

I only have one.

Cool Duck L1 said "I like that she straight up says that these are fake" -- you're

welcome Cool Duck, at the end of the day, everything's fake.

If you haven't already be sure to give this video a big thumbs up, subscribe, and turn

on notifications so you never miss another scary vid.

And until next time, see ya later.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Scary & Haunted Museums You Need To Pray Before Entering - Duration: 7:47.


Low Carb Eggroll in a Bowl - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> Low Carb Eggroll in a Bowl - Duration: 3:06.



For more infomation >> #ON NUMARA BU KUPONLA ŞİFRESİ ÇÖZÜLDÜ - Duration: 4:37.


Liverpool fans notice Virgil van Dijk going absolutely mad at team-mate ● LFC News - Duration: 2:14.

LIVERPOOL star Virgil van Dijk lost his cool with Trent

Alexander-Arnold in a heated moment during the win over Brighton.

Van Dijk was fuming that right-back Alexander Arnold was out of position and he proceeded

to launch into a verbal barrage.

Not that it worked.

The Dutchman couldn't seem to get his message across so he ended up resorting to windmilling

his arms in the air to make a point.

Whatever Van Dijk said clearly worked in the end as Liverpool returned to winning ways

- and kept a clean-sheet - in 1-0 victory.

Van Dijk is already an Anfield hero but his antics against Brighton made him all the more

popular among Liverpool fans.

Footage of the incident was retweeted thousands of times with fans rushing to pay their own


"True captain," wrote one while another said "This the real leader and defender....we've

been missing for years."

"He was directing traffic all game long," said one Kop supporter and a fellow fan wrote.

Van Dijk was partnering Fabinho in the centre of defence with Dejan Lovren, Joel Matip and

Joe Gomez all injured.

He tweeted after the match: "Hard earned win!

Buzzing with the 3 points & clean sheet.

Proud also to have played my 50th game for Liverpool."

Mo Salah scored from the spot as Liverpool downed Brighton 1-0 on Saturday - and Klopp

hailed his side for no longer being "childish" in controlling matches.

"I think it was the most mature performance we have made so far," Klopp said.

"There were a few situations where we could have been a bit more inspired, creative and


"We know we can control the game and we are not that childish anymore.

For more infomation >> Liverpool fans notice Virgil van Dijk going absolutely mad at team-mate ● LFC News - Duration: 2:14.


Fog is a photographer's best friend || Medium Format Bronica and Ilford HP5+ - Duration: 17:29.

Good morning, everyone. It is freezing out here, but it is so beautiful

We've been having this foggy weather for the last few days, and I'm just here trying to take advantage of it

I spent the last couple of days doing some scouting and I took some photos or images with the digital camera

But today I decided to grab the bronica. I'm gonna revisit some of those compositions that I think

they are promising and have some potential. This is the first of them

this is like an old... I don't know if it's abandoned because the lights are on, but this is like a gas tank that

was serving the town until not too long ago, I believe

I think that with this fog and those lights on it looks pretty dramatic

And that's the first composition that I'm gonna be capturing today, but there are so many more

so let's do it

I'm gonna make an image of this railroad now. It looks pretty cool in the fog

This is one of the very few cases where you should not use a tripod

It can get very dangerous if the train comes and you have to move really quick with the tripod and everything

So I'm gonna be handholding my bronica. That's one of the reasons why I love pushing HP5

I'm shooting it at 1600 so it gives me that flexibility of

shooting the bronica without a tripod and yeah, I'm gonna be shooting at 1/500sec, f/4

f/4 is not gonna give me everything in focus and that's really fine

That's what I'm after actually because I want to have some part of the railroad the foreground, the very foreground, immediate foreground out-of-focus

So it kind of draws you in more in the image. I kind of like

doing that in my images. So yeah, that's what I'm gonna be doing

Okay, so this is my next

composition. We're still next to the railroad and this tower / building

I guess it was doing something, servicing the railroad somehow a few years ago

I would say, I'd bet that is totally abandoned now for the look of it

But I think it looks pretty cool in the fog. Actually, everything looks cool in the fog

And today is really really foggy like almost too much

That's why I'm using the orange filter, trying to get a little bit of extra contrast here

The settings are pretty much the same 1/500sec and f/4, f/4.5

But yeah, pretty much the same I could be shooting handheld

but I like to use the tripod because it

slows me down a little bit and it makes me think a little bit more about the composition

but yeah, I'm gonna take this shot and hopefully it works out

And that right there is my next composition that is a tree with... I don't think you can see it

But it is like a little cabin or a structure there

It looks very cool again in the fog. The good thing about the fog it is that it helps isolating subjects

So this subject wouldn't work in a regular

any other day or regular day because the background is very busy and there are a lot of trees and a lot of

noise that doesn't add anything to the composition because you just want to capture that tree and that cabin, so the fog helps us

just making everything else disappear. Now, granted, it's very foggy

So it's almost making disappear that tree and that cabin as well

But I hope I can recover some of that darker tones in post

So that's what I'm gonna try to capture

No tripod this time and I'm gonna have to do it quick because I left the car in the middle of the road.

I haven't seen another car this morning just yet, but you never know. So I'm gonna take it really quick handholding the camera

And that's it for this roll, I'm gonna load more HP5

I also have FP4, but I like being able to shoot at 1600 because as I said

I can shoot without the tripod for situations like this. So yeah, I'm gonna load more HP5 and keep pushing it to 1600


So I would normally be

writing here the speed I shot it at and the date, but I'm gonna be developing this roll and the next one

hopefully today, so I'm not gonna forget. Also, it's freezing

also as I said, this is not the best spot to be at

this is the road, as you can see is not much of a road

but there are cars passing by every once in a while. So yeah

If that last shot that I just took of that tree and that cabin worked out, and I'm showing it to you

I just wanted to mention that I usually do

that kind of composition trick

when I have something kind of far away like a tree or a house or something, and there is like a

hill or a field, I like to leave a lot of negative space and that could be a

either a lot of sky or

a lot of land that leads to the to the object that I'm photographing

I think that it helps the composition or the overall balance of the photo and

that negative space makes the

image feel more calm and serene and I kind of like that stuff

That's why you see many of my forest of trees in the distance or any other kind of object actually

To have a lot of negative space on the bottom, or the top

Depending on the subject and the situation. Got more HP5 loaded here. So let's keep going

Not a very peaceful location but

Almost goes without saying but on any foggy day you gotta capture your power lines

they are almost perfect subjects for days like this because they are like perfect lines that disappear

in the horizon, and they look pretty cool very mysterious

I've got a few this in my portfolio already, but you can never have too many

So that's what I'm trying to do here, I'm taking all the photos today with my normal lens

I only have this one and the

I'm taking all my shots with the normal lens today. I have this lens and the 150mm

That's the only two lenses that I have for the bronica

I gotta admit that sometimes I miss the wider angle that the 50 was giving me, and I kind of regret selling that lens but

yeah, I think I'm fine. I'm fine. I don't need a new lens. So let's make this shot and yeah, move on

So the negative space in this case, in this image, is the sky, the fog, the white

emptiness, and the of course the power lines go through it and they create the

interest in this photo. I'm still capturing a little bit of the

ground of this field to give some context because otherwise it would look like you are just pointing up to the power lines, and

the distant trees that are completely, not completely, but kind of hidden by the fog

It creates a very mysterious and dramatic atmosphere in this image. I believe. I hope it turns out

as I'm seeing it here. And yeah, the settings are the same f/4, 1/500sec, orange filter, focusing to infinity

Photography is pretty easy. Once you find something that you like. I really love this kind of weather. That's why I'm out here

I'm photographing and capturing it because I want to remember it and I think it looks pretty cool

But once you find the subject that interests you and something that you think it's interesting

You just need to find the right conditions and the right light and just be there and make the images

So what I'm looking for is

layers, I think I talked about this in my video about how to compose in square, gonna leave the link

somewhere around there

but yeah the idea here, is that the fog creates layers

because the more distant objects are brighter

Like for example trees are brighter than the ones that are closer to you

so in this case, this is a scene that might work, I'm trying with the longer lens because we have a group of

nearby trees, another group of farther away trees and then another ones that are even farther away. So the fog creates those

different tones, the trees that are next to us or closer to us are darker and the other ones are brighter

and I'm hoping to create two or three layers here. I think it has potential

I'm gonna be using the orange filter here, too

The good thing about the two lenses that I have for the bronica is that they both have the same filter thread 67 millimeters

So I can share all the filters between them and that saves a little bit of money.

I think that higher would work better. But the problem with this tripod is, at this height

I cannot see through the viewfinder that well, so I have to lower this a little bit

I wish I have the other viewfinder too, but it's just

I wish I had the wide lens. I wish I had the other viewfinder

It's just more and more stuff that is, you know, very heavy to bring everything in your backpack

I couldn't have asked for better conditions or a better day for photography. It's already 11:00 in the morning and it's very foggy

I'd say that even foggier than before. This is not normal

this is not something that happens here very often. We get fog very often

but it clears up really quick, in half an hour or an hour after sunrise

but today it's sticking here. And I feel like it's gonna be this foggy for a few hours

if not the whole day. So yeah, this only happens very few times a year, usually in the winter

so I feel very lucky and thankful that I was here and able to go out on one of those days

I feel almost like cheating because it doesn't really matter what I point the camera at, it looks beautiful in this viewfinder

I have an amazing camera

to enjoy this morning. So I'm having a great time here. This is what photography is all about

And yeah, I'm really enjoying myself here

And that was the last frame of this roll. I'm shooting almost way too much

I have another roll here, but I think it's the last one. Then I will have to go back to the car

Ok here, there we go

so yeah, roll a half so far today, I guess it's not too much but

So the fog has cleared up quite a bit in the last half an hour

I guess pretty much just said that it was really really foggy and was not normal and now it's... not gone,

but it almost looks like a regular cloudy day

so I'm gonna keep driving because maybe the fog has moved to another part and

just in case, but I think I'm done talking today, if I find another composition

I'll try to show it to you in the video, but I'm not gonna be talking about it anymore today

I hope you enjoyed the video. I did enjoy this morning out here

Thank you so much for watching. See you the next one

For more infomation >> Fog is a photographer's best friend || Medium Format Bronica and Ilford HP5+ - Duration: 17:29.


Christmas Haul 2018 |Eeveeemmy| - Duration: 9:01.

Hi everyone! If you're new to my channel, my name is Eevee. Everyone else welcome back to my channel EeveeEmmy.

Today's video is going to be my what I got for Christmas haul. I'm just going to be showing you all

what I got from my Husband Joel

and from Santa because I got presents from Santa at 25 almost 26

which is awesome. Let's just start with what Santa brought me.

The coolest thing Santa brought me was the PlayStation light that I have wanted for a while. Every single time

I went to go buy this it was sold out for some reason

It was just hard to get here in Melbourne in Australia, but I'm really excited to finally have this.

It's just a light up of the PlayStation logo button kind of thing. It's pretty cool

I like the way that it looks turned off as well because they're pastel, all kind of muted colors.

Can we get it out? Bam! ooh, aah.

Love it. I've got to find a place to put it

I kind of want to put it on my desk, but I'm stuck in the position where I have too much stuff on my desk

But yeah, so in the back

There's a spot where you can put a power cord into it and actually comes with it. Comes with the USB

power cord to put into it, but not the plug.

So you have to have your own plug for it or you can do batteries

So you have the choice of both which I thought that was cool kind of cool for this

I don't like putting batteries in things

I'm still scared from the nineties when like half of my toys the batteries melted did so I don't trust them.

I don't care that if batteries are better and not doing that these days I'm scared. It was a long time ago, still scared.

Alright the other two things that Santa got me were dolls cause I like dolls

but I generally don't buy dolls anymore cause I like expensive dolls, but I got these cute little dolls.

From Santa and Santa got them from Miniso

and this one comes with a cute little scooter and this one comes with a bed that you can make.

I think it comes in pieces and you just put it together. Yeah, and then - ooh!

It comes with a little vanity and a chair. Oh that's cute.

So there's this little pack to put the bed together

Let me know if you guys would like to see a propfer unboxing of these dolls cause I don't really want to do that today.

It's kind of warm out.

I'm also really excited about these doll sets because the dolls are relatively small

so I have been getting things like small doll houses and stuff like that and then little things like this because I want to

set them up with some of my dolls. So I do have-

What is it? It's not a Blythe. I think it's Adelle Angelic pretty doll. And some of these with the new Nendoroid

dolls might be able to go with these cause these are only a bit taller

but they can still kind of go it with it in like a cute oversized way and just figures I have

So I thought these were pretty cool to get. So yes.

Alright, and now for the things from my Husband Joel. Firstly he got me, two expansion packs for the Sims

He got me Get Famous. What was the other one?

Get Famous and?

I on't remember what the other one he got me. Seasons! I think he got me Seasons for Christmas.

I have most of the proper expansion packs now

I don't really have a lot of the stuff packs

But I'm working on it cause I have been playing a lot more Sims 4 at the moment.

But besides that he did give me a couple of Nendoroids and a Rement set.

So, some of these things didn't arrive until just after Christmas

but they arrived like two days after Christmas.

On Christmas Day I got the 90th anniversary

Mickey Mouse Nendoroid, which is pretty cool. Yet again I'm not gonna spend time opening these up today.

I just wanted to show you the haul of what I got and

I can make separate videos for these if you guys want soon. But this one's really cute

I love the feet and the arm things on these. Are like Mickey Mouse's feet.

It kind of creeps me out a little bit, but I also really love it. So I'm like

Yes, I think I'm leaning more towards yes than creeped out so that's good.

I'll show you the Rement set next. One of those stacking tree ones

Where you get all the different Pokemon and you can stack all the different tree stumps and it turns into a big tree.

So the top of this one is, that's Jirachi, isn't it? So you can you can get Jirachi. There's one with Pikachu and

Caterpie, there's Charmander, there's Mimikyu, there's also like Togepi and

Exeggcute. There's one with Hoothoot upside down, There's an Eevee sitting on a branch up here.

Behind the sticker a little bit. But yeah, so. This is a full set

so I will be able to make the whole tree and I'll make a video for you guys on that one as well.

Two more Nendoroids, which I'm really excited about these. One of them actually isn't a Christmas present

But it did come with this stuff cause it kept getting delayed

I don't know why Nendoroid was having issues with it, but I'll show you that one first.

So this one is not a Christmas present

This is something that I bought but it got shipped with the rest of the stuff. It is the Nendoroid doll Emily.

They came out with two characters so far and they're doing a whole series of these dolls and these dolls are more

posable than a Nendoroid. Most Nendoroids don't have bendable joints, arms and stuff

and so this little one is actually taller

than the normal ones and you can also buy just bodies of these ones now in the

girl style and the boy style ones and they come in three different skin tones

Emily and the boy character

Just come in. I think this is just the

What was it called? It's either called peach or cream this skin tone

I can't remember but she's pretty cute and they're going to be bringing out different outfits for them and stuff

But the really cool thing about these is you can put any other

Neendoroid head on this and you can use these bodies with the other Nendoroids.

Granted not all the colours will match the skin tones.

The three skin tones are pretty much a lot of the skin tone colours for

Like humanoid coloured skin so there is a dark, a really light one,

and then an I think this one might be the more like mid tone one.

I wish there was a bigger range

but I don't know how big of a range the Nendoroids have gone at this stage

but I'm guessing they'll bring out more as it goes, but you can also buy packs with more hands and stuff

so the hands can do more things, but I'm so excited about this because

the thing that I'm most excited about which seems weird to me is

That the shoes are separate from the feet in these so you might be able to see in this box here.

Excuse the glare but the shoes actually go on her feet and I think that's just really cool.

But, there's also Alice in Wonderland one's coming out soon. That is another just a Nendoroid

designed one which isn't connected with anything Disney or anything like that.

These are literally just standalone. Nendoroid originals.

So they have their own original Alice coming out soon and I'll be getting her and I think I've ordered another body

Just a plain body and then arms so hopefully those will come out on time, but this was delayed

I think two or three months which was unfortunate, but she got here.

Alright back to Christmas presents. The last one I got is

another Nendoroid, and its Sora and it's so beautiful. I also really like this

smaller box. A lot of the other night Nendoroids come in these big boxes

But I like when they come in the smaller box like this. This slimline kind of thing put everything in less packaging

to me is always better.

Sora comes with Keyblade also with

the Nightmare Before Christmas Keyblade, this one, and then he also comes with a Paopu fruit, which I'm excited about.

Ooh, aah. If you've ever wondered what this tattoo is, it's this little thing, which is a Paopu fruit.

But I'm super excited to open this one up too. I think I will make videos opening up Nendoroids for you guys

and I'll definitely do one for the Rement, but let me know what you would all like to see first.

Yeah. That's that concludes my what I got for Christmas haul.

I hope you're all well.

I'm gonna go to the beach now cause it's warm, gonna take my UV parasol

and stay out of the sun while also being in the Sun. I'm gonna lather myself in so much sunscreen.

Alright, have a good one. Bye!

For more infomation >> Christmas Haul 2018 |Eeveeemmy| - Duration: 9:01.




For more infomation >> SHROUD CUSTOM MOUSE LEAK! SCREAM IS ON FIRE! CS:GO Twitch Clips - Duration: 11:21.


Anchored in Japan - Duration: 4:59.

So I actually heard from quite a few people that, coming out to seventh Fleet was going to be really tough.

Honestly, pretty scary.

When I got orders to Japan I was highly nervous, I had just got out of A school and such.

So I came just with my two boys, not knowing anybody going overseas, no family,

I heard a whole bunch of stories about how 7th Fleet is real stressful, real high tempo.

And there was a lot of like, scary at the time seeming factors,

But I don't think it should weigh heavy on you. Because everything else makes up for it.

I've been in Japan for just about three years now and I absolutely love it.

I was in Japan almost my whole adulthood.

I'm on my second tour in Japan.

I got here when I was nineteen.

I'm on my second tour in Japan.

I feel home when I'm here, I know where everything is at.

We got here in June of 2012.

I had my first everything here.

I've been on in Japan for 13 years now.

The great thing for families out here is just the level of security I think.

Initially the culture shock was the people, they were really nice.

They're so willing to help, if you just ask.

Yeah, I felt like it would help me grow as an individual and see more culture than I'd ever seen before.

I think that first weekend I was here I was already exploring.

To Mount Fuji , to cherry blossom season, to Spanish festivals...

It's always a new experience and there's always something to do somewhere.

to getting my certification as a ninja.

It's very family friendly, they have a lot of festivals.

They got the big old Gundam statue, Godzilla, things that kids of all ages can get into. Man, if you don't like big robots I don't know (laughs).

And that's something that I've done since I got to Japan was get on a train and just go to a random spot on the map and just explore it.

My goal was to go somewhere that I could become the best at my job. I wanted to be completely in the mix of things, I wanted to be underway, I wanted to be fully immersed in what the Navy is.

A lot of this knowledge that you're getting just from your job day in and day out at a high operational tempo,

that's the kind of stuff you're going to be seeing on your advancement exam when you're going up for third, second and first especially.

It makes you a better Sailor just with all experience you get out here.

It's a lot more fun and not nearly as scary once you actually experience it.

The people on board, they work with you,

they become it they welcome, you become a family and that's what I think that helped more.

Because we know that this is it. This is our family away from home.

Professionally, if you want to be the best at your job that

you can be, come come to 7th Fleet.

Although I did not initially choose my first set of orders,

I chose my second set because I love Japan and I thank the Navy so much for letting me be here.

At first I was like "Career yes, family yes, yes", but, it's done both.

I don't know, I could talk about Japan for like five days straight and still not be done. So I'm not-

My first LPO told me if you have a successful tour in 7th Fleet in your rate, you can pretty much handle anything in the Navy.

I'd do five more tours here if I could.

Yes, I live by that wholeheartedly.

I was always one of those people who thought to myself,

"Hmm, that'd be pretty cool, but I'll never probably do it."

I took the leap. I came to Japan and I absolutely love it and I really hope that it can work out for you as well.

For more infomation >> Anchored in Japan - Duration: 4:59.



For more infomation >> MINIMALISMO | DESAFIO DE 30 DIAS DE DESAPEGO 👋👋👋 - Duration: 10:35.


What If An Asteroid Destroyed 90% Of Earth? - Duration: 7:30.

It's a very real fear - an asteroid hurtling through our solar system, avoiding the protective

gravitational tug of our best friend Jupiter - and revving up like a Super-Saiyan Goku

right through our atmosphere before plummeting straight into the deep blue sea - BOOM, hellfire

and pain and 90% of the Earth's population snuffed out from existence.

It happened to the dinosaurs, heck - it probably happened a few times after that too.

Our society is obsessed with the thought of an Extinction-Level Asteroid Event - or, well,

the Hollywood heroic avoidance of one.

Armageddon, Deep Impact - and a million other B-Movies that paint the picture of a post-apocalyptic

post-asteroid society.

Well, what would that world look like?

How would the few survivors maintain their fragile existence?

Well - let's find out, shall we?

Hello internet - and welcome back to the most inquisitive channel on YouTube - Life's

Biggest Questions.

As always, I'll be your disembodied floating voice - as we look to the skies, shield our

eyes from the brilliantly bright blinding light - and curiously ask the question, What

If An Asteroid Destroyed 90% Of Earth?

Now before we approach the latter half of this question, we have to first paint the

picture of the initial asteroid impact event.

The actual devastation caused depends on quite a few factors, such as the size, speed, angle

- and landing point of the cosmic destroyer.

If it's 10 feet across - in all likelihood it would skip across the atmosphere like a

far flung skimming stone and burst into a pretty little fireworks explosion in the sky.

100 feet across - and people start getting a little twitchy - and it would cause a massive

explosion like the one witnessed at Tunguska in Russia on the morning of June 30th 1908.

If it's a quarter mile wide - it would take out an entire region roughly the size of Virginia

- and the subsequent fallout would be a game-changer for how our civilization develops into the


And if it's 10 kilometres wide - then we're all pretty boned, and the ones who are initially

vaporized by the global impact are the lucky ones.

And that's the asteroid that we'd be looking at to answer this question - likely being

flung out from the Oort Cloud - a thick bubble of icy debris that surrounds our solar system.

An extinction level event.

The end of all things.

The big - rocky herald of the likely goodbye of humanity.


At 10 kilometres wide, the asteroid would travel at around 30 kilometers per second

- which is roughly 90 times the speed of sound.

Unlike smaller meteors - an asteroid that size would be unstoppable - and have no semblance

of slowing down as it travels through our atmosphere.

It would punch through in less than three seconds like it's not even there - like

a hot knife through butter and all other synonyms that relate to things passing through things

with ease.

Err - like a perturbed ghost through a wood-paneled wall.

You get the picture.

Either way - when it hits the surface - it would hit so hard that it wouldn't even

matter where the point of impact occurred.

Land or sea - it's not good guys.

Most people within a one hundred mile radius would either drop dead from the initial concussion

of the compression wave - or, perhaps even more likely - be completely vaporized by the

wave of destruction and devastation.

And you know what?

That's possibly the most comforting end - they're the lucky ones - because they

would most likely never even know what hit them.

Because what would remain would be a world much worse than The Road, Mad Max and The

Walking Dead combined.

There would be nothing left.

It would be the literal definition of a wasteland - and the 10% of Earth's remaining population

are in for a pretty tough remainder of their fragile lives.

The energy of the impact would likely vaporize a large amount of the Earth's crust - throwing

all of the subsequent ejecta into the air - unleashing devastating winds across the

planet, filled with debris and rock and destruction that could reach more than a thousand miles

an hour.

Umbrellas ain't gonna save us this time.

Unimaginable earthquakes would follow - shaking the planet to it's very core and likely

bringing ruin to our most iconic cities on a global scale.

The ejecta would continue through to the atmosphere - heating it up to temperatures possibly near

900 degrees - AKA - that sweet sweet melting point that turns lead to liquid.

It would trigger global forest fires - and likely cook anyone and anything not sheltered

deep underground.

But - 10% of Earth's population is roughly 750 million people.

And, well - that's a lot of survivors to throw into this equation.

And a lot of people who were smart, concise - and lucky enough to get shipped into a deep,

underground bunker - to shield them from the years of destruction waging its way across

our fair planet.

Essentially, it would be the plot of 1998's Deep Impact.

But what we're concerned with are the years that would follow - IF, of course, our underground

safety bunkers did their job - and we didn't succumb to chaos and mutiny inside, killing

each other in a frantic post-apocalyptic existential panic - I'm looking at you Vault 19.

The combination of dust, debris and soot from the ejecta's influence would remain in the

atmosphere for several years - blocking out the Sun - and without the glorious power of

our Solar Overlord - PRAISE THE SUN - the vast majority of Earth's plant life would

die, and as a result, the entire food chain would collapse.

So, we better hope that our bunkers are stocked with some highly resourceful agricultural

technology - because we wouldn't be growing anything out in the open for quite some time.

Also - pizza is probably off the menu - and don't even get me started on what a bleak

existence that would be.

But - and as always, this is a very big but - there is hope for us all.

Humanity is a very resilient species - it's the reason that we are who we are, and the

reason that we've managed to clamber through the primordial soup and build colossal monuments

into the sky.

A survivor population of 750 million would bring us roughly back to the global population

of the 1600s - a time where humanity was shaking off the shackles of feudalism and stepping

out into a brave new world.

With the same population, we'd essentially be given a fresh start - once a decade or

so had passed, and the planet had began rejuvenating its delicate yet resilient ecosystem.

However - this time, the survivors would have the foresight that humanity's future is

fragile - because they've seen the consequences, they've lived through them - and the fear

of a similar man made catastrophe would become the benchmark that would rebuilt our civilization


Unfortunately for them, the dinosaurs never had a second chance - but maybe we would.

Well - there we have it folks, why don't you let us know your thoughts in the comment

box down below.

Before we depart, let's take a look at some of your more creative comments from over the

past few days.

Malik Jones says -- Hi Danny Burke sorry if I spelled your name wrong.

-- and hey Malik Jones - no worries buddy, it's spelled J-A-C-K F-I-N-C-H.

I know, no worries - it's a tough one.

Super Franky says -- OLD MUSIC WAS BETTER -- but, on the flip side to that -- phugwellsmind

says -- New music?

About time.

-- So, I guess the struggle continues - and it remains the same that you can't please

everyone, right?

Well, unfortunately that's all we've got time for in today's video - cheers for sticking

around all the way till the end.

If you were a fan of this video, make sure to hit that thumbs up button, as well as that

subscribe bell - and we'll be seeing you in the next one.

As always, I've been your disembodied floating voice Jack Finch - you've been watching

Life's Biggest Questions - and until next time, you take it easy.

For more infomation >> What If An Asteroid Destroyed 90% Of Earth? - Duration: 7:30.


"Close" - Dancehall Afrobeat Type Beat | WizKid Instrumental - Duration: 2:59.


For more infomation >> "Close" - Dancehall Afrobeat Type Beat | WizKid Instrumental - Duration: 2:59.


Oskus - Chujowy Związek (official music video) - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Oskus - Chujowy Związek (official music video) - Duration: 1:24.


Ajándék a világnak (Magyar felirattal) - Duration: 9:22.

For more infomation >> Ajándék a világnak (Magyar felirattal) - Duration: 9:22.


PHOTOSHOP TUTORIAL - How to do make in fotos best kvalitet contrast :D - Duration: 1:36.

Crtl + Alt + Shift + N

Crtl + Alt + Shift + E

Crtl + Alt + Shift + N

Crtl + Alt + Shift + E

For more infomation >> PHOTOSHOP TUTORIAL - How to do make in fotos best kvalitet contrast :D - Duration: 1:36.


For more infomation >> PHOTOSHOP TUTORIAL - How to do make in fotos best kvalitet contrast :D - Duration: 1:36.


张钧甯妈妈泪忆"20年独自过年"想让女儿被夫家疼 如今女儿俩事业亮眼成她最大后盾 - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> 张钧甯妈妈泪忆"20年独自过年"想让女儿被夫家疼 如今女儿俩事业亮眼成她最大后盾 - Duration: 4:07.


For more infomation >> 张钧甯妈妈泪忆"20年独自过年"想让女儿被夫家疼 如今女儿俩事业亮眼成她最大后盾 - Duration: 4:07.


Christmas Haul 2018 |Eeveeemmy| - Duration: 9:01.

Hi everyone! If you're new to my channel, my name is Eevee. Everyone else welcome back to my channel EeveeEmmy.

Today's video is going to be my what I got for Christmas haul. I'm just going to be showing you all

what I got from my Husband Joel

and from Santa because I got presents from Santa at 25 almost 26

which is awesome. Let's just start with what Santa brought me.

The coolest thing Santa brought me was the PlayStation light that I have wanted for a while. Every single time

I went to go buy this it was sold out for some reason

It was just hard to get here in Melbourne in Australia, but I'm really excited to finally have this.

It's just a light up of the PlayStation logo button kind of thing. It's pretty cool

I like the way that it looks turned off as well because they're pastel, all kind of muted colors.

Can we get it out? Bam! ooh, aah.

Love it. I've got to find a place to put it

I kind of want to put it on my desk, but I'm stuck in the position where I have too much stuff on my desk

But yeah, so in the back

There's a spot where you can put a power cord into it and actually comes with it. Comes with the USB

power cord to put into it, but not the plug.

So you have to have your own plug for it or you can do batteries

So you have the choice of both which I thought that was cool kind of cool for this

I don't like putting batteries in things

I'm still scared from the nineties when like half of my toys the batteries melted did so I don't trust them.

I don't care that if batteries are better and not doing that these days I'm scared. It was a long time ago, still scared.

Alright the other two things that Santa got me were dolls cause I like dolls

but I generally don't buy dolls anymore cause I like expensive dolls, but I got these cute little dolls.

From Santa and Santa got them from Miniso

and this one comes with a cute little scooter and this one comes with a bed that you can make.

I think it comes in pieces and you just put it together. Yeah, and then - ooh!

It comes with a little vanity and a chair. Oh that's cute.

So there's this little pack to put the bed together

Let me know if you guys would like to see a propfer unboxing of these dolls cause I don't really want to do that today.

It's kind of warm out.

I'm also really excited about these doll sets because the dolls are relatively small

so I have been getting things like small doll houses and stuff like that and then little things like this because I want to

set them up with some of my dolls. So I do have-

What is it? It's not a Blythe. I think it's Adelle Angelic pretty doll. And some of these with the new Nendoroid

dolls might be able to go with these cause these are only a bit taller

but they can still kind of go it with it in like a cute oversized way and just figures I have

So I thought these were pretty cool to get. So yes.

Alright, and now for the things from my Husband Joel. Firstly he got me, two expansion packs for the Sims

He got me Get Famous. What was the other one?

Get Famous and?

I on't remember what the other one he got me. Seasons! I think he got me Seasons for Christmas.

I have most of the proper expansion packs now

I don't really have a lot of the stuff packs

But I'm working on it cause I have been playing a lot more Sims 4 at the moment.

But besides that he did give me a couple of Nendoroids and a Rement set.

So, some of these things didn't arrive until just after Christmas

but they arrived like two days after Christmas.

On Christmas Day I got the 90th anniversary

Mickey Mouse Nendoroid, which is pretty cool. Yet again I'm not gonna spend time opening these up today.

I just wanted to show you the haul of what I got and

I can make separate videos for these if you guys want soon. But this one's really cute

I love the feet and the arm things on these. Are like Mickey Mouse's feet.

It kind of creeps me out a little bit, but I also really love it. So I'm like

Yes, I think I'm leaning more towards yes than creeped out so that's good.

I'll show you the Rement set next. One of those stacking tree ones

Where you get all the different Pokemon and you can stack all the different tree stumps and it turns into a big tree.

So the top of this one is, that's Jirachi, isn't it? So you can you can get Jirachi. There's one with Pikachu and

Caterpie, there's Charmander, there's Mimikyu, there's also like Togepi and

Exeggcute. There's one with Hoothoot upside down, There's an Eevee sitting on a branch up here.

Behind the sticker a little bit. But yeah, so. This is a full set

so I will be able to make the whole tree and I'll make a video for you guys on that one as well.

Two more Nendoroids, which I'm really excited about these. One of them actually isn't a Christmas present

But it did come with this stuff cause it kept getting delayed

I don't know why Nendoroid was having issues with it, but I'll show you that one first.

So this one is not a Christmas present

This is something that I bought but it got shipped with the rest of the stuff. It is the Nendoroid doll Emily.

They came out with two characters so far and they're doing a whole series of these dolls and these dolls are more

posable than a Nendoroid. Most Nendoroids don't have bendable joints, arms and stuff

and so this little one is actually taller

than the normal ones and you can also buy just bodies of these ones now in the

girl style and the boy style ones and they come in three different skin tones

Emily and the boy character

Just come in. I think this is just the

What was it called? It's either called peach or cream this skin tone

I can't remember but she's pretty cute and they're going to be bringing out different outfits for them and stuff

But the really cool thing about these is you can put any other

Neendoroid head on this and you can use these bodies with the other Nendoroids.

Granted not all the colours will match the skin tones.

The three skin tones are pretty much a lot of the skin tone colours for

Like humanoid coloured skin so there is a dark, a really light one,

and then an I think this one might be the more like mid tone one.

I wish there was a bigger range

but I don't know how big of a range the Nendoroids have gone at this stage

but I'm guessing they'll bring out more as it goes, but you can also buy packs with more hands and stuff

so the hands can do more things, but I'm so excited about this because

the thing that I'm most excited about which seems weird to me is

That the shoes are separate from the feet in these so you might be able to see in this box here.

Excuse the glare but the shoes actually go on her feet and I think that's just really cool.

But, there's also Alice in Wonderland one's coming out soon. That is another just a Nendoroid

designed one which isn't connected with anything Disney or anything like that.

These are literally just standalone. Nendoroid originals.

So they have their own original Alice coming out soon and I'll be getting her and I think I've ordered another body

Just a plain body and then arms so hopefully those will come out on time, but this was delayed

I think two or three months which was unfortunate, but she got here.

Alright back to Christmas presents. The last one I got is

another Nendoroid, and its Sora and it's so beautiful. I also really like this

smaller box. A lot of the other night Nendoroids come in these big boxes

But I like when they come in the smaller box like this. This slimline kind of thing put everything in less packaging

to me is always better.

Sora comes with Keyblade also with

the Nightmare Before Christmas Keyblade, this one, and then he also comes with a Paopu fruit, which I'm excited about.

Ooh, aah. If you've ever wondered what this tattoo is, it's this little thing, which is a Paopu fruit.

But I'm super excited to open this one up too. I think I will make videos opening up Nendoroids for you guys

and I'll definitely do one for the Rement, but let me know what you would all like to see first.

Yeah. That's that concludes my what I got for Christmas haul.

I hope you're all well.

I'm gonna go to the beach now cause it's warm, gonna take my UV parasol

and stay out of the sun while also being in the Sun. I'm gonna lather myself in so much sunscreen.

Alright, have a good one. Bye!

For more infomation >> Christmas Haul 2018 |Eeveeemmy| - Duration: 9:01.


let's try Sonic Adventure DX and fail to go fast - Duration: 10:41.

For more infomation >> let's try Sonic Adventure DX and fail to go fast - Duration: 10:41.


Why is the Smith & Wesson M&P Shield soo Cheap? - Duration: 6:49.

Probably the best concealed carry firearm you can buy for the money.

The number one selling concealed carry gun in the country

is the Smith & Wesson shield.

But is it really that great?

We're gonna find out and we're starting right now.

What's up guys!

Ryan here with Tampa Carry.

If you're new to my channel, consider subscribing

and make sure you hit that little bell icon,

So you'd be notified of any new videos.

Now, the Smith & Wesson shield is such a high quality firearm.

And what's really shocking about it,

its how inexpensive this gun is.

You can buy a Smith & Wesson shield

for as low as $299,

which is epically badass.

On average, I see them for sale for about 350

and a high side is about 400 bucks.

I mean, for a fighter on that cost

$300, you really can't beat it.

I mean, it's super sexy. Very good-looking.

It's made by Smith & Wesson.

So, you know

it's going to be a super high quality gun.

And they make this firearm with a manual thumb safety and also without.

Honestly, if I was buying this gun for myself,

I would prefer to have one without a manual thumb safety.

You can notice that the thumb safety is very flat,

Which I really don't like.

It's a little bit hard. This one's actually not too bad.

But many are the ones that I've played with is really difficult to operate that safety with one hand

And it just really drives me nuts.

Same thing kind of with the slide release.

People really struggle with operating that slide release and

Unfortunately, nobody has made an extended slide release like what's available for a Glock.

But all-in-all,

Super high quality gun and it just work whenever you need it to work.


Alright, so one thing about the shield that

Drives some people crazy -- Is this little half horseshoe safety.

So, it kind of operates as a trigger safety.

So if you were to put try to pull the trigger at the top,

the trigger just does not work at all.

Now, what that means is --

if you're used to gripping the top of the trigger,

you're gonna have a hard time.

So it's not gonna work.

Your finger really has to be at the bottom

and you see how it kind of moves that little pin out of the way?

So that's the safety mechanism

and if you pull it at the bottom,

then it's gonna work.

Not that big of a deal,

but it does cause an issue for some people.

So, let's see if with this bigger gun I could actually get some shots on target on that very far target.

The recoil is very light and honestly,

I did a test not too long ago where I went back and forth

with a Smith & Wesson shield and the Glock 43

to see which one had more recoil.

Believe it or not, the Glock actually had a

substantial more recoil than

the shield does, which is really interesting.

So, if you haven't seen that video,

I'll put a card up right here, so you can watch my review of the Glock 43.

So I had my kids, I literally have

massive ammo cans full of ammunition in my garage.

And a couple nights ago,

I dumped out all the ammo onto the ground

and I had my kids

Try to sort and sift through the bullets

and I mean, I've probably got 5,000 rounds or so in

ten different ammo cans.


They did a good job.

I'm proud of 'em but man, there's 45 rounds in 380.

And they're all mixed together, it's a mess.

Now, with the shield,

this is the original version of the shield which they make it in 9 40 and 45

But they recently came out with the shield 2.0,

And the grip is a little bit different.

I think it's got some serrations on the slide that are just a tad different

but relative almost the exact same gun.

It's kind of like iPhone.

They come out with a new one every year with very minor differences.

Come on.

Now, I think the reason that I missed so many times that time

was because Isaac, my cameraman,

I think he was breathing on me and

the breath, you know, cause it's a curve an angle a little bit.

So, that's my story.

All right, look at that.

All right, so this is Isaac.

Isaac's an electrical engineering rockstar.

Him and I are gonna hack the CIA together.

Step out a little bit.


What do you think about that gun, Isaac?

Pretty easy to use, not heavy, and very accurate.

Very accurate, like it? Nice.


All at all. I really like the Smith and Wesson M&P shield.

It's super inexpensive.

It's really, really high quality

and it's made by Smith & Wesson,

Which most of the gun Smith makes are really good guns.

I really love it.

It's a gun that I really believe is gonna work

when I need it to work in a self-defense moment

and it is the perfect

Concealed carry gun.

So if you're looking for a good gun,

you don't want to spend a ton of money,

300 bucks and you got yourself the best gun in the country.

If you've ever used this shield, if you own a shield,

Or if you know the difference between the shield one and the shield two,

leave a comment below because I need some education.

Until next time, stay safe.

For more infomation >> Why is the Smith & Wesson M&P Shield soo Cheap? - Duration: 6:49.


Florentino broken dancing hero gameplay - Arena of Valor. - Duration: 17:01.

For more infomation >> Florentino broken dancing hero gameplay - Arena of Valor. - Duration: 17:01.


Teen Mom/Young Mom Tag||MummaJandBabyK - Duration: 6:07.

For more infomation >> Teen Mom/Young Mom Tag||MummaJandBabyK - Duration: 6:07.


Irlanda | Cómo recuperar impuestos - Duration: 7:14.

We already know that Ireland is an expensive country and that there is a lot of job opportunities here

we also know that the minimum wage here in Ireland

It is the second highest minimum wage in Europe.

But just as you have a good salary, you also have to pay a lot of taxes,

but ... did you know that you can get part of those taxes returned?

If you didn't know, you know now!

In this video, I'm going to tell you about it.

Sharing my experiences

with all of the people

that as well as me

embrace a new journey

Welcome to my channel.

Hi guys, I'm Frankie and welcome one more time to my channel

As I said at the beginning of the video, today I will be talking about how to get part of your taxes back,

I mean, the taxes that you have paid while you've been working

during a a whole year.

In any case, I have to start by saying that you can request the review of your taxes

for the last four years

that does not include the current year,

because you still have not finished that year, then you can not request a tax review

So, since we are in 2019, we can not request the revision of taxes for this year

because we are just beginning it but we can request the revision of the year 2018, 2017, 2016 and 2015

because they are the last four years in which we paid taxes

This request can be made in person at the Revenue offices

which is the office that handles taxes,

but that's the most complicated part because if you do it in person you have to go to the office

but we have the advantage that we can do it online, ok?

from the comfort of your home, your office or the comfort of your school

you can do it online, through the computer

and you can also do it through the Revenue application,

you can download it on your mobile or you on your tablet

but for my convenience, I always do it from the computer

So, I have to say that what is going to be done is a request for the revision of the taxes

that have been paid for the years that you select

but you can do it for the last four years.

In this review they can tell you that you overpaid,

meaning, you paid more taxes than you should have paid

and they will return part of the taxes

or they can tell you that you paid less taxes than you should have paid

and they will ask you then to pay

Then, this can be a double-edged sword.

Obviously if you are here as a student,

then the chances of you paying a lot of taxes is low

but anyway, as a student you also have the right to request a review of your taxes.

So, how is it done online?

you go to the Revenue website,

anyway, below I'll leave the link to the page

and you have to login to your account ...

if you have not created an account you can do it and it's super easy

you only need the PPS Number, your date of birth, obviously your name, the passport number

and the normal info that they ask for ...

They can ask for your bank account number, in case they need to return some money at some point

they can return it to you through a check or they can return it to you through the bank account

you need to set up a password and everything else.

Once we enter to our profile, we will see a page with four options.

Each option has a different color,

we are going to select the blue color

that blue color is called PAYE Services and we're going to select the second option

that second option will say Review Your Tax and it will give you the year

in this case, how we are in 2019, it will say 2015 to 2018

we select that option

and there, it will appear a list of all the years in which you can make the request

of the tax review

surely, it will appear 2018, 2017, 2016 and 2015

Then, one every year you will have two options

We will select the first option that says P12

we're going to ignore the second option which is P21

in case if you are going to do 2018, 2017, 2016 and 2015

you will need to select the first option, P12 and click on Request

and then, they will ask you for information about what you earn last year

and what taxes you paid and all that kind of information

Where will you get that?

that's going to be on your P60,

which is a form that your employer or the company where you work gives you at the beginning of each year

as we are only in January

then remember that the employer has to give it to you within the first 45 days of the year

and you have to wait then for your employer to give you that P60

but you do not have to ask for it, they know that they have to give it to you

and as I said before, follow the instructions

you just fill in the information they ask you there,

you send that and then you will receive an email with the confirmation that you made the request

and then you will get a confirmation of what the result was

or you get a letter with a check and the amount of money they are going to return

In any case, if you have to pay for instead, they tell you how much you have to pay

So to recap, what do you have to do?

get the P60, obviously have your details and go to the Revenue website,

create an account if you have not created it and if you have one, login,

you select the first option that is PAYE Services,

then select the second option of the Tax Review

and then you select the year in which you are going to request tax review

You start there to fill out the information and wait for the money to be sent or, in any case, the check.

And as I said at the beginning, that applies to all the people who have worked here in Ireland,

whether you have worked a month, two months, three months ...

if you are a student or if you are from the EU,

if you have worked part time, if you have worked full time

if you paid more, you have to get money back but you have to make the request

if you paid less, then you do the request and they will tell you:

"Hey, you paid less ... you have to pay"

and you have to pay unfortunately but hopefully that is not your case.

And if you liked this video, you know what you have to do:

click on Like here below

click on the bell so that YouTube notifies you every time I upload a video

subscribe to the channel, that's very important

and also share this video with all his friends

Until next time!

And if you like this video but you still have not seen my previous video,

What are you waiting for?

it is the one right here

and if you're looking for more content,

then, you will like this video in which I'm already working on

Until next time!

For more infomation >> Irlanda | Cómo recuperar impuestos - Duration: 7:14.


Paul Pogba's post-match interview after Spurs 0-1 Man Utd is damning for Jose Mourinho - Duration: 5:34.

Football News24/7  Manchester United's improvement since Ole Gunnar Solskjaer replaced Jose Mourinho as manager last month has been nothing short of remarkable

 A top-four finish looked beyond the Red Devils after they slumped to their fifth Premier League defeat of the season away at Liverpool on December 16

 However, the revitalised United now find themselves just six points off fourth-placed Chelsea - and level on points with fifth-placed Arsenal - after five league wins in a row

 Solskjaer recorded the most impressive win of his interim spell so far against title hopefuls Tottenham on Sunday afternoon

 Marcus Rashford scored the only goal of the game on the stroke of half-time, with David de Gea keeping United's clean sheet intact with one of the best individual performances of his career

(You can watch De Gea's saves HERE).  Paul Pogba set Rashford's goal up for a wonderful pass

The French midfielder, who won United's Player of the Month award for December, has looked a completely different player since Solskjaer's arrival

 Following the win over Spurs, Pogba conducted an interview with Sky Sports pundit Jamie Redknapp and explained why he's improved so much since Mourinho's departure

 "I'm enjoying playing football," he began. "It was really difficult playing in the system we used to play

I like to be more attacking, pressing, playing high - defending is not my best attribute

 "But where [I'm playing now] with the team, we attack and I think my position there is where I feel most comfortable

"  Asked if he's been given more freedom under Solskjaer, Pogba replied: "Yeah, that's what the manager has told me: 'get in the box, get goals - you will score goals if you're in the box'

 "My best example is Frank Lampard. He's the one who made those runs and created a lot of chances, he scored a lot of goals

"  That comment may raise a few eyebrows.  The Sun published a report last month in which they claimed Pogba asked Mourinho if Lampard had won the World Cup as he did last summer after the Portuguese coach told the Frenchman to play more like the Chelsea legend

 It seems we can file that story under the 'nonsense' category.  Redknapp then asked Pogba if having Nemanja Matic and Ander Herrera in deeper positions behind him in midfield has allowed him to flourish

 "Yeah, definitely, that helps me," he added. "I know Matic will be there, we can press high and when we get the ball I'm already there - I can shoot, I can pass, and that's what I've been doing since [Solskjaer] came

 "I know I have security behind me and freedom to go, so obviously yet [Solskjaer has] helped me

"  If it wasn't already abundantly clear, Pogba is far happier playing under Solskjaer than he was Mourinho

 The 25-year-old's comments are damning for Mourinho who, for one reason or another, was simply unable to get the best out of the World Cup winner

 Yet here he is under Solskjaer, showing exactly why United broke the world record transfer fee to bring him back to Old Trafford two-and-a-half years ago

 Watch Pogba's post-match interview in full here.

For more infomation >> Paul Pogba's post-match interview after Spurs 0-1 Man Utd is damning for Jose Mourinho - Duration: 5:34.


Glentoran keeper Elliot Morris scores incredible 70-yard free-kick - Duration: 2:57.

Glentoran were helped to an important win over Institute thanks to an incredible 70-yard goal from keeper Elliot Morris in the Northern Ireland Football League Irish Premiership

With just 10 minutes played, Morris lined up a free-kick midway inside his own half and proceeded to launch it over opposite number Martin Gallagher to open the scoring

It was Morris' first goal in 723 senior games as his side won 2-0 with a late Paul O'Neill goal sealing the points, but the 37-year-old insists the clean sheet was more important

Elliot Morris lines up a free-kick 70-yards from the opposition goal and prepares to send it long The ball soars towards the goal and the opposition keeper misjudges the flight Share this article Share Morris said: 'Its a bit surreal to tell you the truth

I'm more happy with the clean sheet if I'm brutally honest.'I said to the boys at half-time, I don't care about the goal, lets get the clean sheet'Thankfully the boys defended excellently and we managed to grind out the result

'Morris, who was previously on the books at West Brom before being released in 2002, insists he meant to have an effort on goal, to the shock of his team-mates

  He ends up palming it into the goal and has to pick the ball out of his net in disbelief The 37-year-old wheels away in absolute delight after scoring his first ever goal for GlentoranHe added: 'I looked up and I'd seen him on his 18-yard line and there was a bit of wind behind me

I basically put my foot through it and luckily it went in.'It was just one of those things, off the cuff, I went for it and thankfully it went in

'A few of the boys looked at me and asked "what are you doing?" and the next thing you know they are chasing after me, it was a bit surreal but it was good

 I've  only had three (clean sheets) all season. It has been a tough season with a good start and things took a massive dive

'Today we got a positive result and hopefully it continues.' The win means Glentoran are eighth in the 12-team league, while Institute are one place and five points ahead having played a game more

  Glentoran's players rush to mob their keeper after his wondrous early strike Share this article Share

For more infomation >> Glentoran keeper Elliot Morris scores incredible 70-yard free-kick - Duration: 2:57.


DETROIT BECOME HUMAN Gameplay Part 13 - WELCOME TO JERICHO ! - Duration: 21:34.


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