Hello everyone!
Last week we began the story of Nathanos in which we talked about his mortal life, being
called into service by Sylvanas and under going a powerful ritual which empowered his
body but sacrificed the life of his cousin.
Nathanos felt regret afterwards, but with Gul'dan opening up a gateway for the Legion
at the tomb of sargeras, there was little time to linger on those feelings.
The Alliance and Horde teamed up with Varian leading the alliance assault and suprisingly,
sylvanas leading the horde.
They hoped to nip this threat in the butt, but instead the legion proved to be far too
The Horde was eventually forced to call the retreat after many of their great heroes were
brought low.
Warchief vol'jin was struck down by the demons and he passed on the title of warchief
to sylvanas.
Varian in turn was forced to sacrifice himself to buy his people the time they needed to
escape and the horde retreating was seen by some as a massive betrayel.
His son anduin took up the mantle of leadership and with the legion threat still looming in
the distance, it became our job to scour the broken isles and gather the pillars of creation.
With these ancient relics we should be able to seal off the gateway at the tomb of sargeras,
but Nathanos points us towards the warchief who lets us know about another objective as
we go into Stormheim.
"I think often about our future hero.
My people can not reproduce.
Are we not destined then, to wither away eventually?
The Forsaken will never stop fighting.
Not while I reign.
Not when there are still beings out there with the power to stop death"
There is more power to be found in Stormheim besides the pillar, the power to create more
Seeing how those beings are the ones responsible for keeping her out of hell and also her means
of creating more forsaken troops, which is of course a grerat prize for sylvanas.
But the Alliance gets wind of their plans and isn't too happy with the Warchief.
Genn Greymane lost Gilneas and his son to the banshee queen, Rogers lost her home of
soutshore to the blight, both of them are keen on striking out at the Horde and do so
when the oppertunity presents itself.
We're sitting duck out here!
Sow yourselves you cowards..."
"The Alliance will be upon us soon, and we have no where to run.
Organize our defenses beginning with the reat.
I want bat-riders in the air and catapults at the ready!"
"My queen, your safety must be our first concern.
Surely we can leave a few ships behind to –"
"DO not question me, Nathanos.
Now go – make for the Eternity, and bring this hero with you."
"Yes, of course.
Come along...' hero'.
Together with Nathanos we take care of business, take care of the assaulting alliance troops
and place some volatile vials aboard their ship ready to send it down.
"Meet me on deck when the vials are in place.
There is someone here I want to kill personally."
You have no place in this world!"
"You call us monsters?
How rich.
Stop holding back, old man!
Show us the real you."
"Rrrrgh, ENOUGH!"
'Ah, there you are!"
Greymane eats nathanos for a bit, ship explodes.
Our mission is somewhat of a success with the alliance airship blown out of the sky,
but the banshee queen is missing and we have to track her down.
"We got the queen into a rowboat, but she didn't want an escort.
Told us to stay behind and fight.
My guess?
She landed somewhere up the coast and continued on foot."
Find the plagued arrow and corpse
"No sign of Sylvanas in the hills.
What have we here?
That's one of hers alright."
Our queen has eluded the alliance and it appears like she doesn't want to be followed, not
by us or anyone else.
Her will is her own and it's not Nathanos' place to question.
Only to obey.
So it is that we continue our mission of proving our worth and gathering the pillar of creation,
a mission that eventually takes into hellheim, the domain of helya.
It is there where we encounter the warchief again...
"Remember our bargain, banshee.
Do not dare to cross me..."
She has made somekind of bargain with helya but doesn't let us in on the specifics.
Instead we're told to find our own way out of Hellheim, which we do, and outside we're
send to Nathanos again who caught up with the dark rangers.
They were sent forward aboard the Oblivion on a secret mission from Lady Sylvanas herself!
Unfortunately the Alliance caught wind of our plan and now Greymane, who has survived
the crash, is attacking the outpost.
This will not stand of course so we take out the worgen assault our base, use our catapults
and place some delicious explosions.
Not even this is enough to kill the king of the
Worgens as we'd find out soon enough.
Sylvanas had us prove our worth to gain acces into the vault, the vault which contained
her so desired prize...
"Treacherous Banshee!
Argh, you know not what you are meddling with."
"The val'kyr are mine!"
"Howl, Sylvanas...."
The deal between Helya and Sylvanas granted her the use of the Soulcage, a magical lantern
which she tried to use on Eyir to make her submit.
Eyir in turn is a titan watcher with the power to create more Val'kyr so by enslaving her,
by making her submit, Sylvanas could potentially be kept alive forever or atleast given the
power to create and empower more forsaken like they had done with Nathanos.
Unfortentatly Genn Greymane proved to be very hard to kill and he shattered not only her
lantern but also her dreams.
This storyline sadly never really continued in Legion, instead it focuses on the pillars
and the war against the Legion with the faction only really taking towers from eachother.
That means that the details of the bargain, what helya would get in return has never really
been revealed.
But perhaps that will still happen in the future since one of the island expeditions
quests mentions her making a return after we defeated her in the trial of valor raid.
Perhaps but in Legion the faction war took a backseat while heroes rose up and took the
battle to the Burning Legion even going as far as imprisoning the dark titan sargeras.
Before they could, the lord of the legion pierced the world with his mighty sword wounding
IT and the titan spirit itside.
The world bleeds with all across its surface azerite popping up, a powerful resource that
would change the face of war in warcraft forever.
"This will change...everything..."
And while both factions go out to gather as much of it as they can, Nathanos informs his
queen about what is going on within the Undercity.
Her role as warchief has some members of the horde critize her for not showing the other
races enough attention while her own people say that she has been giving them too much
and a void of power has developed in the undercity.
A void that has been filled by the desolate council.
They're not another putress or anything, they have no intention of siezing power from
the dark lady, they're just making sure that there's a governing body to tend to
the population's needs.
The forsaken resurrected by the val'kyr are granted free will, which means that they
have the freedom to disagree with the banshee queen's choices.
She has seen hell and wants to stay alive forever, but some have begun to wonder if
they were even meant to do so.
How much should they do, how far should they go, just to keep existing?
That's a question arising amongst some of the forsaken as well as emotions and memories
to their days amongst the living.
As crazy as it might be, a meeting between the living and the forsaken is eventually
set up to reunite family members with their lost ones.
At first Sylvanas believes that the cease-fire is a mistake.
It will only lead to pain for her people.
They cannot be human, and to dangle this temptation of reunion with loved ones will result in
them growing discontented with who they really are – Forsaken.
They will deteriorate to heartbroken shells, wanting something they can never have.
She has no wish to see them suffer so, but Nathanos argues that she could use this to
her advantage.
If she would authorize this experience – this reconnection with people they loved in life
– and present it to them as something that she has generoulsy granted them, perhaps they
will be more amenable to accepting her solution: finding ways to keep the forsaken as a race
from going extincts.
It is after all, only for a single day.
Give them this hope, this moment with people they thought they'd never see again.
Then she would hold power to their happiness, at least in this aspect.
Or they might decide they hate the living and be all the more devoterd to their dark
Either way sylvanas would win and so it was that Forsaken and humans reunited in the fields.
Not all reunions were happy ones though.
Despite a vigirious screening process, some of the living decided at the very last moment
that they couldn't go through with this.
They left the meeting, breaking what remains of the Forsaken hearts.
They returned to their queen truly desolate.
But others actually had a great time, so much so that they did not want this moment, this
day to end.
Amongst the priests overseeing the meeting was Calia Menethil, sister to Arthas menethil
cloak and hidden whom had promised Anduin that she had no intentions of causing trouble.
She had no plans of rallyin the Forsaken away from Sylvanas, but when they called for her
help, she stood with them.
She rallied those Forsaken willing to come with them to abandon their queen and run to
the alliance side.
Their defecting sylvanas realised and this would not stand.
Her dark rangers fly out over the field and kill all of the forsaken, even those that
tried to run back to Sylvanas.
My queen, what are you doing?, Nathanos asked.
Sylvanas heard the shock in her normally calm champion's voice.
She chose to overlook it.
On the surface, what was unfolding below – the firing of arrows, the screams and pleas of
the desolate council as they tasted their last deaths could seem perplexing and disturbing.
The only thing I can do and still hang on to my kingdom as it is, she said.
They were defecting.
Some were running back here to safety, he replied.
They were, she agreed.
But how much of that was fear.
How tempted were they until that point.
She shook her head.
No nathanos, I cannot take the risk.
The only desolate council members i trust are the ones who returned to me early on,
broken and bitter.
Truly desolate.
All the others...I cannot allow that sentiment, that hope, to grow.
It is an infection ready to spread.
I have to cut it out.
Slowly, accepting her words, he nodded.
The warchief was smart and decided not to kill any of the humans, only her own people
so that she was not the one to start a war on this day.
Calia was not a member of the alliance though so she was shot down only to be resurrected
by Anduin later on, but that's a different story.
In essence, the reunion between forsaken and humans was a bust and we can see Nathanos,
normally so sillent and extremely loyal, be rather shocked at the choices of his queen.
The war did not start on that day, because Sylvanas wasn't quite ready yet.
They needed some more time to make their plans, gather azerite and figure out how to utilize
When she did finally feel ready, all she had to do was convince other members of the horde
to go along with it, amongst them saurfang.
Secure peace for the Horde by wiping out their enemy once and for all.
Her possition as warchief had been threatened before in Stormheim and the Alliance was a
clear threat to her goal of staying alive as long as she could.
So it was that they made their plans to capture the world tree Teldrassil to splinter the
unity amongst the Alliance.
The Alliance would seek vengeance of course, but they would have citizens hostage, the
Alliance would not dare to strike at the Undercity for fear of their people.
It would take them years to muster a fleet to even attampt to do so.
How would gilneas respond to the alliance reclaiming Teldrassil before the home of the
Infighting, Anduin in his new rol of high king having to deal with a political crisis,
the respect the others give him is a courtery not an obligation.
If the Alliance will not march as one, each nation will act in its own interest.
Each army will return home to protect their lands from the Horde.
One single victory would cripple the alliance for years, destroy them from within.
Then they could strike peace with the individual nations and carve them away from the Alliance,
piece by piece.
Now the alliance had filled Orgrimmar with spies to keep an eye on things, something
that they could use to their advantage by having Saurfang and Nathanos fight in public,
pretend that they're going to march on Silithus rather then Darkshore.
Their plan worked, the alliance was put on a false trail and their forces marched towards
the home of the night elves.
Too their credit, the elves did put up a fight even forced Nathanos and Saurfang to find
an alternative route for their troops, but in the end....they stood little chance against
the might of the Horde.
Sylvanas even engaged Malfurion in combat with Saurfang striking a dishonorable blow
in his back.
Instead of taking the prize and the kill herself, she decided to let her high overlord finish
it, but that would be a choice she would come to regret.
It went against the orcs honor and he couldn't do it.
Empty handed he returned to his warchief and Nathanos wasn't happy.
Horde blood would spill because of his foolish pride, but while the 2 of them we're already
making new plans, were making ready to occupy the tree...Sylvanas gave the order to
"burn it."
The warchief's words cut through Saurfang's thoughts.
He stared at her.
Burn . . . what?
Nathanos looked just as confused.
They exchanged glances.
"Burn it!"
Nathanos turned without a word and motioned to the siege crews.
It happened fast.
Faster than Saurfang could comprehend.
A troll mage spread fire across the payloads, and with a pull of a lever on half a dozen
siege engines, the Horde flung death into the air.
"No," Saurfang whispered.
He watched, speechless, as fire arced across the ocean.
Every single payload hit its target.
Orange flames began to spread across Teldrassil.
Silence fell over the Horde.
Even the cries of the captured night elves vanished.
Everyone watched in disbelief.
"No," Saurfang whispered again, louder.
A second volley launched, and that broke the shock that had paralyzed him.
"No!" he roared.
"Stop firing!
It was too late.
The second barrage hit, and within moments, the lower half of the World Tree was engulfed
in flames.
The fire moved as if it were alive, climbing the tree, scrambling toward the city in the
heights of its branches.
"Why . . . ? Why . . . ?" Saurfang breathed.
He looked again at Nathanos.
The Forsaken's eyes were wider than the orc had ever seen.
With Malfurion surviving, Sylvanas decided to inflicht the wound his death would have
caused in a different way.
She decided to burn down Teldrassil and all those still inside.
This was never part of their original plan and Saurfang couldn't believe it.
They would come for them now, all of them.
There was no honor in this and yet the Horde followed their warchief into the battle for
Here we see the alliance forces gathered as without the hostage in the tree, they were
free to retaliate.
But Sylvanas is cunning and no easy prey.
She would have won several times through out the battle with her ruthless plans and abilities,
be it by killing and ressing her troops, using the blight or simply blowing the place up.
Jaina Proudmoore showed up just in time to make the difference for the alliance forces
as well as Alleria Windrunner, the void elves and gelbin mechatorque.
"Hahaha look who joins the fray.
I hope you'd show up to keep this interesting."
"I assure you, blightcaller.
The pleasure is all mine."
Now it's the Horde that had no way of winning the battle and while Saurfang decides that
enough is enough and he can no longer follow Sylvanas' commands, Nathanos remains loyal
as ever as she plans her final move.
"You know what must be done."
"Go...my champion..."
Nathanos nods
This scene can be seen in many different ways, but too me it looks like Nathanos is not too
happy about leaving his queen to the wolves, yet all the same he obeys and gets ready for
the explosion and their eventual escape.
This leads us into battle for azeroth where both sides track down new allies for the war
Where as the alliance targets the kul tirans, the Horde goes for the Zandalari.
None other then Nathanos leads the mission into Stormwind and the liberation of prophet
Zul and Princess Talanji, daughter to king Rastakhan leader of the zandalari.
Our mission is a success despite the alliance forces trying to stop us but the princes has
no intention of returning to orgrimmar, instead she takes us to her home, to Zuldazar.
"It appears the alliance dogs have lost our scent."
"Good, good.
Our journey is almost over."
"I hope the warchief's faith is well-placed."
"She seems very powerful, certain, in control.
"It is an honor to serve my queen."
And serve her he will as our adventures into Zandalar has us help out the princess with
threats from both within and without, securing their allegiance and their troops for the
Meanwhile Nathanos is ordered by his queen to focus on the war effort and secure footholds
within kul tiran territory...
"My queen."
"Is everything in order?"
"Yes, my lady,.
The banshee's waill is prepared to depart at a moment's notice.."
Work with our champion to determine where we will secure a foothold first."
"as you command, warchief."
"See it done, and dispatch reports of your progress to me."
"We will not fail you, save journey my lady."
Sylvanas begins to depart, then hesitates and glances over her shoulder.
Under his guidance, the Horde secures footholds within Tirigarde, Drustvar and Stormsong valley,
gathering a surprising amount of new undead forces to gain information and power.
Information that eventually leads us to collecting the abyssal scepter and stumbling upon the
corpse of Derek Proudmoore, brother of Jaina Proudmoore who died defending the world against
the first horde invasion.
I'm sure that his corpse will be put to good use in the future but while all of this
is going on, Malfurion and Tyrande took their time to heal and are ready to retake their
Horde heroes are called to darkshore as the forces stationed there are a little bit worried
with the dark moon in the sky.
The outposts claimed have yet to be reinforcened with their main forces and suddenly they've
found themselves outnumbered against the night elves.
Nathanos wants us to help uncover what has happened while also getting their lumber operation
back in working condition and geting them some reinforcements.
The Dark Lady has send him here with the valkyr brynja and signe, a great sign of cofidence
knowing how valuable these valkyr are to her and how many she's already lost.
With the aid of Brynja we can raise the slain night elves into our service, those are that
are unwilling...they're dealt with.
The hunt for information is done by kicking the crap out of the night elf lieutenants
but none of them is really talking while the warden Sila Moonwarden tracks our every move.
"Scamper back to your banshee queen.
We are coming for you."
As luck would have it, a little confused wisp shows up.
Bobbing up and down as if in a daze.
It follows us all the way back to camp where we use some persuasive methods to find out
what is going on, to see with our own eyes that Tyrande has gone through a ritual and
has become the night warrior.
That is why Elune, why the moon turned dark.
Quite unsettling and we'll have to accelterate our plans before we're overrun by these
newly-invigorated elves.
"There is one more asset to acquire.
One who resisted...and failed.
The Dark Lady was very specific in her wishes."
Before Sylvanas gave the order to burn down Teldrassil, she had a little chat with a dieing
night elf.
Delaryn had fought fiercely against the Horde forces, but would not die.
Not without trying to reach Sylvanas who remembers herself as a fool trying to stand up against
PRINCE Arthas as her kingdom fell.
"Life is pain," "Hope fails.
Now you understand."
Delaryn cries "Ahh, Don't grieve," "You'll soon
join your loved ones."
"I grieve for you," "You've made life your enemy."
"And that is a war you'll never win.
You can kill us… but you cannot kill hope."
And so the order to burn down the tree was given and in her final moments Delaryn cursed
The elf that dared to grieve for Sylvanas has become a prime target for the dark lady
to be brought back in undeath.
Sira: "THis is where it ends.
You have nowhere else to run."
"Ash'al theradas!"
Fight Sira Moonwarden
"Spare me the trouble and die!"
"Soon she will be here, and she will tear you to pieces."
"My, my...look what we have here.
The hunter has become the prey.
It's almost a cliche, when you think about it."
This...this was not..."
"What are you waiting for?
Finish her."
Nathanos actually gives us a choice, we can either take the kill ourselves and end Sira
or refuse too which Nathanos will do it himself.
"I knew you didn't have it in you."
"Where...is she...?"
We will raise these fallen elves into new champions for the forsaken and the Horde,
but Tyrande finally shows up as she has tracked down her pray.
"Now that we have the preliminaries out of the way, we can begin the ritual."
"Well, this is inconvenient.
Protect the valkyr!"
"You will not see another sunrise, monster."
"How uncouth for the...Queen of the Tree Elves, is it?
No, no I suppose that won't do...What exactly do you rule over these days?"
"I am no queen.
I am the kaldorei's vengeance."
"You are nothing.
Raise them!"
In the name of Sylvanas, the banshee queen, I bestow this gift upon you!"
Sira Moonwarden and Delaryn are raised as a dark warden and a dark ranger captain, new
forces for the banshee queen.
With the valkyr empowering him, Nathanos is actually able to hold his ground against Tyrande,
but she does not stand alone...
Any last words, priestess?
Soon you will share the fate of your dear friend SIra...and the noble Delaryn.
Reunions can be so...heartwarming."
"You cannot hide from meforever, elf."
"We do not stand alone.
"Your end has come."
'We require more time!
Finish it, Signe.
I will handle this."
Fight fight fight "You are too late...behold!"
"You must fight the shadow in your hearts, sisters!"
"We placed our faith in you."
"And you abandoned us.
Elune abandoned us!"
"We have nothing left.
We are forsaken."
"Never again.
Ash thoribas!"
Dark lady...I am...sorry..."
You shall pay dearly for that.
Let's move!"
"I will hunt them down."
We make our escape together with Nathanos and his new recruits but not before Tyrande
takes out Brynja.
That means that Sylvanas now has 3 Valkyr remaining of the pact with enough power to
bring her back and since it has taken multiple valkyrs to bring her back before, who knows
how many times they can still do it.
This was the reason why we saw the warchief make her deal with Helya in Legion, the power
to create more valkyr and potentially stay off death forever.
This was a big part of the reason why she instigated the war into darkshore to begin
Take care of the threat of the alliance, secure her position as warchief and keep going on
for as long as she can, to stay out of that realm of torment.
But as we know, Nathanos wouldn't mind spending eternal damnation if it would be at her side.
Like some amongst the Forsaken, those that we have seen in the novel before the storm,
some amongst them are wondering how long they should carry on their undead life and for
what reason.
This is where Nathanos' story ends for the moment, but I'm sure he'll have his role
to play in Battle for Azeroth and it's anyones guess where the story might take us.
In the case of Nathanos, one thing is clear, he is devoted to the dark lady.
It was her name that was the first spoken thing to come out of his undead mouth and
what ever she commands, he will do despite what he might himself might think about it.
And yet there are some cracks showing here and there, like after the ritual with his
nephew the feeling of regret.
Being hesitant as she gave the command to burn down teldrassil, hesitant to leave her
side in the undercity.
In the past I would have 100% connected his fate to what ever might happen to the dark
lady, but with those cracks and perhaps a necessary change of leadership amongst the
forsaken...I'm not as convinced as I used to be.
I do wonder how people would respond to Nathanos as their faction leader considering that he's
not exactly a character that's easy to love.
"Come here" "well done champion"
"Insert obnoxious quote here."
Even the comments on the part 1 video clearly shows that Nathanos makes an impact and an
impression which I'd say makes him a rather good character, not a fun one or relatable
one, some of you might know about my rants on him during the streams, but atleast you
do notice him and he invokes reponses which is always good to see considering he's a
character build up within World of Warcraft.
I really wonder what the future might bring, by all means let me know what you think his
fate going to be...those mysteries in the story of Battle for azeroth are what keep
me rather interested in the story.
For now though I hope you're more aware of what Nathanos has done.
What the road was that lead him to be leading the Horde forces in battle for azeroth and
as always....thank you very much for watching everyone!
Subscribe if you like my videos, leave a like if you enjoyed this one....and until next
time guys...see ya!
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