Thứ Ba, 15 tháng 1, 2019

Youtube daily report Jan 16 2019

Social media's obsession with other people's bodies isn't helping anyone.

The fact is we all do it.

We're constantly comparing ourselves to everyone else on the Internet,

and it's doing scary stuff to our brains.

One study found that the more time young girls spent on Facebook,

the greater their risk was of developing an eating disorder.

And listen, when our feeds are full of people who look unrealistically perfect,

and of people getting roasted for not meeting those standards

can you really be that surprised?

I mean, just look what happens to my character Davia when she shares photos of herself online .

Davia just got written up as a top body-positive Instagram influencer.

And the trolls are on the attack.

Like this bitch: "Why don't you stop drinking and hit the gym you cow?"

Not even clever

To all the closeted chubby chasers.

Why else would they be stocking my Insta on a Saturday night?

According to one survey, 94% of teen girls experience body shame.

And that has serious consequences.

More and more research shows that exposure to these messages

is making people less healthy.

For example, one study found that when women were aware of negative stereotypes about being

overweight it drove up their risk of developing depression and anxiety disorders.

But this isn't just an issue for women.

64% of teenage boys report being body shamed.

Studies have also found that men are struggling more and more with their body image.

And that those concerned about their weight are more likely to engage in

unhealthy behaviors, like binge drinking

Ironically, body shaming is sometimes masked as concern for our health.

AKA: concern trolling.

Well, here's the truth.

If we truly cared about each other's health we would shut the hell up about each other's bodies.

Studies show that weight-based bullying makes "overweight" children more likely to engage

in binge eating and other forms of disordered eating.

It can also drive people to try crash diets which almost never work.

The fact is this constant pressure to change our bodies sets us up for a hopeless fight against nature.

Studies show that most people's chances of losing a bunch of weight

and keeping it off forever is less than 5%.

So maybe, instead of telling people what they should hate about themselves

we should focus on what to love.

And the thing is, people don't get healthier when they feel bad about their weight.

They do get healthier when they feel good.

That's right, being happy with your body is healthy for people of all sizes.

And that's why I'm good trouble Davia is a body positive influencer.

Because, even though it can sometimes be a struggle,

and trolls with bad and good intentions do their best to get in the way,

we know that embracing your body is actually one of the healthiest, best things you can do.

And it's why we have to make social media a more welcoming, kind place.

Full of different kinds of bodies.

And a place where we can learn to embrace our bodies, whatever they look like.

So share this video if you support body positivity.

For more infomation >> Good Trouble | Emma Hunton on Body Positivity | Freeform - Duration: 3:29.


Adam Schiff: 'Astonishing' Trump Picked Mueller Critic For AG | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC - Duration: 10:51.

For more infomation >> Adam Schiff: 'Astonishing' Trump Picked Mueller Critic For AG | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC - Duration: 10:51.


Tucker: You're not allowed to question NATO - Duration: 7:06.

For more infomation >> Tucker: You're not allowed to question NATO - Duration: 7:06.


Gillette Ad About Toxic Masculinity & #MeToo Movement Draws Praise And Criticism | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Gillette Ad About Toxic Masculinity & #MeToo Movement Draws Praise And Criticism | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:24.


Nick Foles Loses His Powers at the Elimination Club | Gridiron Heights S3E20 - Duration: 1:13.

Welcome to Elimination Creek Country Club.

I believe you know your way around, Dak.

Just give me a drink.

This sucks.

We are very depressed.

The club is nice.

I'm getting almost as much rest

as I did in the Wild Card Game.


Now all the charities

know I have free time....



Phil, Phil, PHIL, PHIL!

Can I just run it?

Hey, maybe I—

Sorry, sir.

Starters only at the club.


I'll be one of Washington's

five starting quarterbacks next year.

Not again.




All right

well great season everyone.

See you next year! Much love.

By the way, man

I'm totally cool with outbursts.

So now that my fourth OC has left

I have to wonder

am I the problem?


Tough elimination, man.

That's OK!

This time last year

I was legally dead lol.





So the trick is to just have

your family yell at the owners—


Must be the players on the

playoff course across the street.

Can you throw it back?

It's only like 400 yards.

Why are you having fun?

This is a game.

For more infomation >> Nick Foles Loses His Powers at the Elimination Club | Gridiron Heights S3E20 - Duration: 1:13.


Judiciary Chairman: Trump 'Must Have Known' About Russian Contact | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC - Duration: 18:55.

For more infomation >> Judiciary Chairman: Trump 'Must Have Known' About Russian Contact | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC - Duration: 18:55.


The Washington Post: President Trump Frustrated, Isolated In Shutdown Fight | Hardball | MSNBC - Duration: 4:23.

For more infomation >> The Washington Post: President Trump Frustrated, Isolated In Shutdown Fight | Hardball | MSNBC - Duration: 4:23.


Chrisley Knows Best | Todd Rejects Savannah's Dress Choice | Funny Scene | Season 2 Episode 4 - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> Chrisley Knows Best | Todd Rejects Savannah's Dress Choice | Funny Scene | Season 2 Episode 4 - Duration: 1:46.


President Donald Trump AG Nominee Says Public May Never See Mueller's Report | Hardball | MSNBC - Duration: 9:33.

For more infomation >> President Donald Trump AG Nominee Says Public May Never See Mueller's Report | Hardball | MSNBC - Duration: 9:33.


Bill Maher: If We Don't Impeach President Donald Trump, Where Is The Bar? | Hardball | MSNBC - Duration: 9:50.

For more infomation >> Bill Maher: If We Don't Impeach President Donald Trump, Where Is The Bar? | Hardball | MSNBC - Duration: 9:50.


'I really don't' believe Trump acts in ways that help Russia, Sen. Risch says - Duration: 6:51.

JUDY WOODRUFF: Idaho Republican James Risch is the new chair of the Senate Foreign Relations


Nick Schifrin sat down with him today.

NICK SCHIFRIN: Mr. Chairman, it's a pleasure.

Thank you very much.


JAMES RISCH (R), Idaho: Thank you.

NICK SCHIFRIN: Let me start with the news.

The president felt compelled yesterday to come out of the White House and say that:

I am not a Russian agent.

The president's rhetoric is often defensive of President Vladimir Putin, and the president

of the United States often reflects Russian priorities rhetorically.

Do you believe the president of the United States acts in ways that helps Russia?


JAMES RISCH: You know, I really don't.

He has a list of things that he's done as far as Russia is concerned.

These are not good people that we're dealing with.

And we know it.

The president knows it.

And we put sanctions on them.

We're going to continue to do that.

So, as far as Russia is concerned, there is no feeling in this town by anybody that I

know of that we're dealing with human beings that can be trusted or that we should be embracing.

NICK SCHIFRIN: President Trump has parroted Russian propaganda about the Soviet invasion

into Afghanistan, about Montenegro, even calling the U.S. military's exercises in East Asia

war games, which is what Vladimir Putin calls them.


JAMES RISCH: I have talked to the president about Russia on a number of occasions, and

he's fully aware of the issues there and the kind of people that we're dealing with.

We're spending an inordinate amount of time now talking about Russia, simply because of

the factors that they have done lately.

The largest concern of ours should be China.

If they continue to go down ways that are not in keeping with the rule of law, that

is a serious, serious problem that we have got to counter.

A good example of that, the poster child, is probably the South China Sea.

I mean, that's a very aggressive move by China to expand their geographic influence and control.

The way that they have misappropriated everything we have got, from patents to artistic talent

and everything else, causes you to have to rethink the kinds of things that you're doing.

NICK SCHIFRIN: I was reading a story by The Post Register about Idaho potato farmers.

And the story said potato exports and values have dropped because of retaliatory tariffs

imposed in response to the president's tariffs.

So is the president's confrontational stance on trade worth it, if it causes short-term

pain for your constituents?


JAMES RISCH: Well, there's always short-term pain when you're elbowing to get a leg up

on the opposition.

Look, I'm -- my family is in the ag business.

We're in the same position.

And the markets in agriculture wax and wane.

In this particular case, the pain that's being felt is significantly more in China than it

is in the United States right now.

NICK SCHIFRIN: I want to move to the Middle East.

Should the United States withdraw from Northern and Northeast Syria?


JAMES RISCH: I think that the rollout of this was done on Twitter, as opposed to a deep,

in-depth paper on the position.

NICK SCHIFRIN: Should it have been done differently?


JAMES RISCH: But, look, the president understands that we can't leave the Kurds behind.

And he's been very vocal on that in recent days.

He also understands that, in Syria, we're going to have situations we very well may

have to respond to.

We have to have platforms to respond to it from.

And we have those platforms.

NICK SCHIFRIN: Outside of Syria.


JAMES RISCH: In adjacent countries, that's correct.

And that will work.

NICK SCHIFRIN: The number one goal has been to destroy ISIS.




NICK SCHIFRIN: And the withdrawal plan requires Turkey to go in and help with that effort

or complete that effort.

Turkey has called Syrian Kurds, the U.S. partner whom you mentioned, terrorists.

Is Turkey focused on destroying ISIS, rather than attacking the Syrian Kurds, and is it

capable of doing that by itself?


JAMES RISCH: The Turks, in my judgment, are not as sophisticated as they should be in

dealing with the Kurds.

They paint all the Kurds with the same brush.

With the Turks, they are allies of ours, but we cannot condone, nor will we condone them

going in and doing atrocities against the Kurds.

NICK SCHIFRIN: One of the administration's goals in Syria is to evict Iran.

That doesn't necessarily have to happen with U.S. troops.

But do you worry that the removal of U.S. troops from Northern and Northeast Syria reduces

the leverage of diplomatic efforts, of economic efforts to try to evict Iran from Syria?


JAMES RISCH: I would doubt that you can argue that 2,000 troops there would -- would get

that job done.

NICK SCHIFRIN: Secretary of State Pompeo delivered a comprehensive criticism of President Obama's

Middle East policy last week.

And President Obama pivoted away from Saudi Arabia, a historic U.S. ally.


JAMES RISCH: Well, he tried to...

NICK SCHIFRIN: Tried to pivot away from Saudi Arabia and toward Iran.

Do you fear at all that the administration has gone too far in the other direction and

defended Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, despite questions over the war in Yemen, which

has killed tens of thousands of civilians, and despite Jamal Khashoggi's murder?


JAMES RISCH: You have touched on the problem in the region, and the problem in the region

is Iran.

Every time we have a problem in the region, they have got their fingerprints in it.

The Iran regime is not a regime to be embraced.

The great hope there is the Iranian people.

They're a proud people with a long history.

They don't want what they have got going in there either.

And we ought to do everything we can to help them get to where they want to be.

NICK SCHIFRIN: But does confronting Iran require backing a young crown prince in Saudi Arabia?


JAMES RISCH: I think what you need to focus on is Iran.

That whole thing in Yemen could end tomorrow if Iran would just wash their hands of it

and step away.

NICK SCHIFRIN: You're an ally of the president.

Your predecessor was more critical of the president.

Do you see your role as conducting oversight on the president's foreign policy, or enacting

some of the president's agenda, or something else?


JAMES RISCH: Look, I want to work with the president.

If the president is successful, America will be successful.

Everyone in America should wish the president success.

Like all things, he -- some things, we agree on.

Other things, we don't agree on.

But when you have issues on these kinds of things, they are best resolved one-on-one,

and not arguing on the front page of the newspaper.

Now, your colleagues in the media would disagree with that.

But we have been very successful in Idaho as far as operating our state, and we have

done it by trying to resolve things personally.

And I will work on that with the president of the United States.

NICK SCHIFRIN: Chairman Risch, thank you very much.


JAMES RISCH: Thank you.

For more infomation >> 'I really don't' believe Trump acts in ways that help Russia, Sen. Risch says - Duration: 6:51.


GOP Fails Its Own 'White Supremacist' Standard, Protecting Trump | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC - Duration: 7:37.

For more infomation >> GOP Fails Its Own 'White Supremacist' Standard, Protecting Trump | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC - Duration: 7:37.


The Best Makeup Trends You'll Be Trying In 2019 - Duration: 5:15.

Curious to know more about the makeup trends you'll be seeing, and maybe using for yourself

in 2019?

Well, you've come to the right place.

Here are the trends to watch out for that experts say you'll want to try.

A glossy finish

Lip gloss is finally making its return to the makeup scene in 2019.

Don't be afraid, though — the new styles should be vastly improved compared to the

sticker kinds you may remember.

Makeup artist Natalie Kate revealed to us that brands have started to up their game

with new lip glosses that won't glue stray hairs to your mouth every time the wind blows.

Makeup artist Margina Dennis also predicts the spread of non-sticky gloss throughout


As she told us, "People are ready for hydrated lips."

The expert expects new treatment glosses to feature hydrating ingredients like plum oil

and hyaluronic acid, as well as glosses with a gel texture that last longer

on your lips.

For anyone who's ready to give up moisture-sapping matte lipsticks in favor of something that

holds water, this trend should come as a refreshing change of pace.

The "no makeup" look

Not everyone enjoys spending tons of time applying their makeup every day.

"Depends on what kinda of day you're having.

And how much in a rush, you really are."

For those who like to keep things simple, 2019 should be a treat.

Jessica Kendall, the founder of Beauty Asylum Hair and Makeup, says that she expects the

"no makeup look" to be a trend all year, and maybe even beyond.

As she put it, "It's a great change from the ultra sculpted, contoured cheeks."

Instead of chiseling out those cheekbones and defining your jawline with powder, the

natural trend focuses on a light airy look that is both refreshing and feminine.

There's also the emerging Korean trend of glassy skin, which beauty blogger Joan Kim

has described as looking clear, poreless, and dewy.

Contouring was fun for a while, but it's time to embrace something new — preferably something

that requires fewer brushes and a lot less time.

Glitter everywhere

Celebrity makeup artist Mary Irwin told us that glitter will be getting all over the

place in 2019, from more subtle metallics, to what she calls outright chunks of glitter.

Her prediction is off to a good start — in January, Glamour included a number of glittery

products in a list of the best new makeup on the market, which included glitter-based

eyeshadows and highlighter.

Celebrity makeup artist Carola Gonzalez told Refinery29 that you can expect glitter to

turn up all over the place.

As she put it, "I see glitter being layered over eyeshadows and primary-color eyeliners,

used as an eyeliner, or on its own all over the eyelid — there are so many options and

so much you can do."

Bushy brows

If you never mastered the heavily structured brows that were popular over the last few

years, you're in luck.

Makeup artist Natalie Kate told us that the Instagram-ready structured bold brow look

is quickly on the way out.

What's taking its place is the polar opposite — bushy natural brows.

As the expert explained to us, "Clear brow gels and even soap for brows have taken the

beauty industry by storm for this year, and the messier the better.

Brushing hairs up and creating more shape and volume to the brow is going to be huge

for 2019!"

If you're curious to try soaping up your own brows, all you need is a bar of something

glycerin -based — nothing fancy necessary.

Makeup artist Joanna Simkin says,

"No brow gel works as well as the soap to hold the brows up.

Soap brows will last you all day, guaranteed."

Geometric visions

Not every 2019 look will be about going natural and keeping things simple.

If you want to make a major statement, cinematic makeup artist Ulla Gaudin knows just the trend

you'll want to try.

She predicts the rise of one-color eyeshadow blocks, used in tandem with colorful eyeliner

for a trend that's been dubbed "geometric eye makeup."

Add some glitter to the mix, and you'll have a look that makes a real impression.

While you might expect something so bold to be paired with equally dramatic long lashes,

experts say that would only detract from the fun shapes and lines you've worked so hard

to create.

As Gaudin explained it, big lashes will be going away in favor of more natural lashes

and smaller extensions.

A bold statement lip

A standout bit of lip color, paired with minimal natural makeup, can totally revamp your everyday

look without too much effort.

Although a deep red shade may come to mind when you think of a statement lip shade, 2019

is expected to bring brighter colors out to play.

Makeup artist Natalie Kate predicts that colors ranging from bold corals, summer peaches,

to even neon pinks are going to dominate the year.

While you may have already experimented with some of these fun colors, pairing them with

the "no makeup" or glassy skin look could lead to fun and unexpected combinations.

Plus, the expert reminds us, it's not a trend that requires a ton of effort, which can feel


The easier the look is, the more likely we are to give it a go.

Bright eyes

If you're not on board with the bold lip trend, there are other ways to inject some color

into your life.

Makeup artist Jessica Kendall clued us in on a fun new trend she calls "vibrant mascara."

Although she admitted that she doesn't see this trend sticking around forever, she calls

it one that everyone will want to try at least once.

Brightly colored mascaras come in many hues, but you'll want to choose carefully.

As she puts it, "Pink, red, or orange would not accentuate the eyes in a way you hope;

these shades definitely know how to bring out the red in your eyes."

So don't go into this trend blindly.

If you're looking for a good color to pair with your everyday beauty routine, the expert

advises sticking to cool tones.

If you don't feel like taking a risk on colorful mascara, you can also try more vibrant options

in eyeliner and eyeshadow.

As celebrity makeup artist Mary Irwin told us, "We haven't seen this much creativity

with liner since the '60s."

The makeup artist also expects bright-colored, jewel-toned, and even neon eyeshadows to be

trendy throughout the year.

Of course, you don't have to try them all at once.

A simple wash of color across the lid will do just fine, she says.

It's simple, elegant, and striking — you can color us impressed.

For more infomation >> The Best Makeup Trends You'll Be Trying In 2019 - Duration: 5:15.


AG nominee Barr: Shocked when I saw Strzok and Page texts - Duration: 6:23.

For more infomation >> AG nominee Barr: Shocked when I saw Strzok and Page texts - Duration: 6:23.


Celebs With Embarrassing Drinking Stories - Duration: 5:24.

Like most people, celebs just want to blow off some steam after a hard day's work.

However, when the average person has one too many highballs, it's probably not going to

make national headlines.

These are the stars who have become known to enjoy a drink, and not be able to handle


Shia LaBeouf

By the time Shia LaBeouf was arrested in 2017 for drunkenly threatening police officers

in Atlanta, Fox News reported he already had a history of drunken run-ins with the cops,

including a DUI, bar fights, and an arrest in 2014 during a performance of Cabaret.

After that particular incident, LaBeouf started treatment for alcohol addiction, but one year

later, he was arrested again for public intoxication in Texas.

"I went through like an existential crisis…

I had some hiccups, y'know, some judgment error."

LaBeouf's 2017 arrest took an ugly turn after footage surfaced of the star yelling racial

insults, and threatening to kill an officer, according to TMZ.

He eventually apologized on Twitter, writing: "I am deeply ashamed of my behavior and make

no excuses for it."

Reese Witherspoon

Reese Witherspoon is such a classy Hollywood icon and versatile actress, that it's easy

to forgive, if not forget, what seems to be the sole ugly incident in her public life.

In 2013, Atlanta police pulled over Jim Toth, who subsequently failed a sobriety test.

Mrs. Toth, a.k.a. Reese Witherspoon, was sitting shotgun, and according to the incident report,

she demanded of the cops:

"Do you know my name?

You're about to find out who I am.

You're about to be on national news!"

Toth was arrested on a DUI, and Witherspoon got booked for disorderly conduct.

Witherspoon has profusely apologized for her behavior that night, saying in a statement,

"I clearly had one drink too many and I am deeply embarrassed…

I have nothing but respect for the police, and I'm very sorry for my behavior."

"Never drink to feel better.

Only drink to feel even better."

David Hasselhoff

Baywatch star David Hasselhoff became an unfortunate YouTube sensation in 2007 after his 16-year-old

daughter, Hayley, filmed him drunkenly rolling around the floor of his Vegas hotel trying

to eat a cheeseburger.

Having struggled with alcoholism, the actor had reportedly told his daughter to film him

if he relapsed.

Since then, the actor has remained sober.

In 2010, he expressed gratitude to his daughter for the wake-up call, telling WENN,

"When I found out about the tape, I was overcome with an amazing sense of calm.

God was basically saying, 'It's time to stop.'"

"Don't you worry, it's gonna be alright."

Christina Aguilera

When Christina Aguilera was arrested for public intoxication in 2011, fans were shocked.

The "Dirrty" singer didn't have a reputation for partying, plus, she had a 3-year-old son

at home.

"I really feel like in a past life I must have been an adult star."

But in Aguilera's defense, she had just gone through a divorce, and apparently this new

Christina was ready to live it up.

According to Page Six, Aguilera attended Seth MacFarlane's annual Christmas bash in 2015,

but she was allegedly too sloshed to sing a duet with the Family Guy creator.

Charlie Sheen

Following an overdose in the late '90s, Charlie Sheen managed to put his bad boy persona on

ice and become a respected TV actor and family man for a good chunk of the 2000s.

But by late 2010, an infamous meltdown unfolded.

"I was calling it a meltdown."


"Then I sort of changed my perspective, and I'm calling it a melt forward."

He was fired from Two and a Half Men, and made the dubious claim that he cured himself

of alcoholism with his mind.

Then in 2014, a couple at a Taco Bell drive-thru got quite the surprise when Sheen stumbled

up to their car and announced, "I'm so f---ing hammered" before showing off his tattoos and

offering relationship advice, according to TMZ.

To Sheen's credit, he hasn't made headlines like this since revealing his HIV diagnosis

on the Today show.

"I'm here to admit that I am in fact HIV positive."

He's spoken candidly about his life with the disease in the years following those drunken


Josh Brolin

Josh Brolin did not have a good 2013.

He spent New Year's Day in jail for public intoxication, and by November of that year,

he was in rehab after getting into fights with a bouncer and a cab driver all in one


And it probably didn't help that he was finalizing his divorce from wife Diane Lane at the time.

"I think we got it."

"Take two."

"That was it."

But after his stint in rehab, the actor was spotted looking quote "hot and healthy," according

to E! News, and so far, he's stayed sober.

He claims 2013 was a turning point, telling The Guardian,

"It made me think of a lot of things…

I knew that I had to change…"

Lindsay Lohan

After Lindsay Lohan blew up her career with constant clubbing and two DUI arrests, Oprah

tossed the troubled actress a life preserver in 2014 and set her up with a docu-series

on OWN that would chronicle Lohan's journey to sobriety and career comeback.

"You guys love this s--- when I cry.

It's a really f---ed up disease and it's really scary."

Needless to say, the show was a disaster that culminated when the actress allegedly got

drunk at the viewing party, according to the Daily Mail.

Winfrey pulled the plug on a second season.

Jennifer Lawrence

Over the years, Jennifer Lawrence has become famous for falling down at awards shows.

One of those moments was the 2014 Oscars, which Lawrence admitted to Seth Meyers was

the result of having too many drinks at the Dolby Theatre lounge with her best friend.

"We ran into Brad Pitt, and she was like, 'Get Brad Pitt over here!' and I was like,

'I can't do that!'

And she was like, 'Yes, you can!'"

She continued,

"And then so I just went, 'Hey Brad Pitt!

Hey Brad Pitt!'

And then he, like, came over.

He smelled like sandalwood."

In 2017, Lawrence's drinking went viral hit when Radar published video of the starlet

working the pole at a strip club.

The actress took the headlines in stride, but set the record straight on Facebook, writing:

"Look, nobody wants to be reminded that they tried to dance on a stripper pole by the internet…

I'm not going to apologize, I had a BLAST that night."

For more infomation >> Celebs With Embarrassing Drinking Stories - Duration: 5:24.


PG&E To File Bankruptcy Amid Multibillion-Dollar Liability Claims For CF Wildfire | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> PG&E To File Bankruptcy Amid Multibillion-Dollar Liability Claims For CF Wildfire | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:30.


Lord Conrad Black: British PM Theresa May will win confidence vote - Duration: 8:11.

For more infomation >> Lord Conrad Black: British PM Theresa May will win confidence vote - Duration: 8:11.


Citrus College Put On Lockdown, Man Arrested After Threat Against Campus - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> Citrus College Put On Lockdown, Man Arrested After Threat Against Campus - Duration: 2:59.


How To Get A Girlfriend In Khmer by Nivorth101 - Duration: 22:38.

How To Get A Girlfriend In Khmer by Nivorth101

For more infomation >> How To Get A Girlfriend In Khmer by Nivorth101 - Duration: 22:38.


'Hamilton' Begins Three-Week Run In Puerto Rico, With Lin-Manuel Miranda | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> 'Hamilton' Begins Three-Week Run In Puerto Rico, With Lin-Manuel Miranda | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:32.


How to solve for an angle of a equilateral triangle - Duration: 2:02.

welcome back to speller math tutorials in today's tutorial we're given an

equilateral triangle and we're solving for x if you find this tutorial to be

helpful please subscribe like and or share alright so here we have a diagram

of an equilateral triangle equilateral triangle is also equal angle ER meaning

all three angles are the same and for that to be true those angles have to be

60 degrees so here we're going to take the angle that we have explicitly at 60

degrees and set that equal to our expression X plus 25 so let's do that

here X plus 25 is equal to 60 now we just have a basic algebra equation we're

going to subtract 25 from both sides all right and doing so we just leave X on

the left hand side and we're going to do our regrouping here so we're going to

regroup make that 0 with 10 10 minus 5 is 5 and 5 minus 2 is 3 so here we have

X to be 35 and then lastly let's just go ahead and do a quick check well the

check is just do a substitution so we're going to put in 35 plus 25 and that

there should in fact come out to be 60 well I have a 3 in the tens place a 2 in

the tens place so that's 30 plus 20 to be 50 and then 50 plus 5 is 55 plus

another 5 is 60 so we see that we are correct because this expression here

does turn out to be 60 degrees all right again if you found this to be helpful

please like share and subscribe and as always thank you for watching


For more infomation >> How to solve for an angle of a equilateral triangle - Duration: 2:02.


For more infomation >> How to solve for an angle of a equilateral triangle - Duration: 2:02.


*NEW* VERGE SKIN SHOWCASE WITH ALL FORTNITE DANCES & NEW EMOTES! (Fortnite Season 7 Skin) - Duration: 15:51.

For more infomation >> *NEW* VERGE SKIN SHOWCASE WITH ALL FORTNITE DANCES & NEW EMOTES! (Fortnite Season 7 Skin) - Duration: 15:51.


For more infomation >> *NEW* VERGE SKIN SHOWCASE WITH ALL FORTNITE DANCES & NEW EMOTES! (Fortnite Season 7 Skin) - Duration: 15:51.


Azam Alshabaan - Yoksun أغنية تركية رائعة مترجمة - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> Azam Alshabaan - Yoksun أغنية تركية رائعة مترجمة - Duration: 3:23.


For more infomation >> Azam Alshabaan - Yoksun أغنية تركية رائعة مترجمة - Duration: 3:23.


【UTAUカバー】私ト一ツノ心臓ヲ(Me and a Heart)【柔音マタキ・アイノエルフ】 - Duration: 3:42.

Join your hands together on the gravestone,

the name that's been left behind on the wooden grave!

"Your Heart and I Becoming One / Me and A Heart"

Song, Lyrics, PV: Masa Translation: Despair Media


The arrangement of flowers where they become only one,


have disappeared on the seventh night.


The flowers counted that are blooming for several nights,

the poor flowers are being shredded right here!


The two of them have always been together, but


they both disappeared on that seventh day.


The remaining bits of the flowers for several nights,

try it for yourself, on your own.

I want to take back my love and put it inside your body that was eaten by worms.

The first unaccustomed cry of a child were elevated!

The taunting delights, the tears of the sisters.

You are now a part of me, and I have become you.

The idea of self-condemnation disappears quickly.

Even if you die, you'll be beautiful, I just want you!


If you listen to one you don't know, let them go.

At the end of the play, we deceived her and laughed.


The two of them existed to the end, but


they were playing dice with their blue sleeves dyed red.


You look beautiful dyed red.

If you looked at someone, you would kill them.

I want to take my love and put it inside your body that was eaten by worms.

The first unaccustomed cry of a child were elevated!

You and me, we were like a flower.

Holding ourselves together, making noises until the morning sun.

The idea of self-condemnation disappears quickly.

Even if you die, you'll be beautiful. I just want you.


The arrangement of flowers where they became only one.


Say, 'hello' to the final night.


The flowers counted that are blooming for several nights.

Say, 'goodbye' and just celebrate. It's your birthday!

"Your Heart and I Becoming One / Me and a Heart"

"Hey, it's over now.."

The Hannya masks of the sisters!

The first elevated cry of a child in our bloodstained heads!

The idea of self condemnation changes into joy!

Even if you die, you'll be beautiful. To you, now, we say,


Translation by Despair Media

For more infomation >> 【UTAUカバー】私ト一ツノ心臓ヲ(Me and a Heart)【柔音マタキ・アイノエルフ】 - Duration: 3:42.


For more infomation >> 【UTAUカバー】私ト一ツノ心臓ヲ(Me and a Heart)【柔音マタキ・アイノエルフ】 - Duration: 3:42.


See I'm Smiling #withcaptions - Duration: 5:12.

Sandy Gooen again and i'm going to be singing see I'm smiling from the last

five years please enjoy

music starts

I guess I can't believe you really came

and that we're sitting on this pier

see I'm smiling

that means I'm happy that you're here

I stole this sweater from the costume shop

makes me look like Daisy mae

see we're laughing I think we're gonna be okay

I mean we'll have to try a little harder and then things to and fro to make this

love as special as it was five years ago I mean you made it - I think you're

really gonna like this show I'm pretty sure it doesn't suck see you're laughing

and I'm smiling by a River in Ohio and you're mine

we're doing fine

I think we both can see what could be better I'll own when I was wrong with

all we've had to go through will end up twice as strong and so we'll start

again this weekend and just keep rolling I didn't know you had to go so soon I

thought we had a little time look whatever if you have to then you have to

so whatever it's all right we'll have tonight

you know what makes me crazy I'm sorry can I say this you know what makes me

nuts the fact that we could be together here together sharing our night spending

our time and you are gonna choose someone else to be with no you are

yes Jamie that's exactly what you're doing you could be here with me or be there

with them as usual gets what you pick no Jamie you do not have to go to another

party with the same twenty jerks you already know you could stay with your

wife on her fucking birthday you could g-d forbid even see my show

and I know your soul it must drive you crazy that you won't get to play with

your little girlfriends

no I'm not no i'm not and the point is Jamie that you can't spend a

single day and that's not about you and you and nothing but you marvelous

novelist you isn't he wonderful just 28 the savior of writing

you and you nothing but you miles and piles of you

pushing through windows and bursting through walls en route to the

sky and I

I swear to g-d I'll never understand how

you can stand there straight and tall

and see I'm crying

and not do anything at all

For more infomation >> See I'm Smiling #withcaptions - Duration: 5:12.



I gotta put hey guys, welcome back to my channel.

And if you're new,

my name is Alayna

and thank you so much for joining in today's

video is going to be a pretty little things haul

and I'm so excited

because I've literally

been holding these clothes for forever.

And I finally get to show them to you guys.

If you haven't already

go ahead and hit that subscribe button

and make sure you turn your post notifications

so you can be notified every time I post a video now

if you want to get ready to see

some cute ass clothes from Pretty Little Things,

make sure to keep watching So

as you guys can see I have a lot of stuff to go through.

I got a lot of things real things to try on

for you guys as well as stuff behind me.

So we're going to save that for last

but we're going to go ahead and just dig right in and see

what we picked up.

So the first thing I picked up was this sweater and let's see

what this is called.

This is the California oversized slogan sweater

and I got it in a size small.

I'll definitely have all the links to all

the clothing items that I show

in this Hall listed in the description box down below.

So make sure

that you go check the description box

if you see anything you like or you want something to pick up.

Okay, and this is what the sweater looks like.

I've literally been eyeballing this on pretty little things

for a while now and I finally decided to pick it up.

It's just a cute sweater

and you'll see it better in the try on haul.

I just thought this was something easy to Chunk

on when you just want to run errands you want to stay warm

and it's cute.

You can add like some chain necklaces to it

and you can wear this with leggings.

You can wear this

with jeans wear this with leather leggings with trainers.

Like I think it will be really really cute to dress up or down

and are you can wear this joggers as well?

So yes, I just love this piece will be so cute.

And I definitely will be using this.


So these are the shape black Jersey wide-legged trousers

and I got these in a u.s.

6 and I just think these will be so cute to pair

with like a graphic tee.

Tuck it in and blows it out a little bit or even

if you dress it up with a body suit,

you can wear these with heels.

I definitely think this is a piece

that I will be using to dress up pieces with Just love

the wide-leg trouser look

and I think it's just so cute with some pumps.

You can get you a cute body suits you

can add some accessories and I just think

that would be like the perfect outfit for like brunch going

on a light shopping day or anything or just

when you want to dress up and feel cute.

I feel like trousers are

definitely the perfect items you have in your wardrobe

when you want to make something look really cute.

So yes, I picked up these and you of course,

you got to get black because black goes with everything.

So that's why I picked up this shade.

The next item I got is the sand oversized zip-front sweater

in a size small and this is what it looks like.

I also picked this up in a different color

and that's something you're going to notice is

if I really like something I'm going to pick it up

and several different colors.

So this was definitely it I love this so much.

It has the zipper detail on the arms as Well,

it's inches in at the bottom and as the little zip at the top

as you can see,

it comes all the way up to the neck,

which I love that

and it's definitely a piece I can pair

in the wintertime when it's a little chilly outside

and I just love this color.

I love nudes.

I love Sands anything this color.

I've literally pick it up.

So yeah, this is this piece and I'll go ahead

and show you the other color.

I picked up.

I also picked it up in this gray color.

I love this color.

I think it looks so good on to it also has the same zipper

and a zipper detail on the arm as well since she's

at the bottom and this is what the gray.

Sweater looks like and I think this is just

like a better way to up like a regular sweater like this.

What I have on this one just has like more detail

and it comes up to the neck

and it'll keep you warm as well.

So this is why I picked up this piece.

So the next item I got is the shape Stone rib,

long-sleeve bodysuit and I got this in a size 6

and this is what it looks like as the rib pattern all over it

and it has the little

button details on the front three little buttons

so you can you know,

let the buttons down however low you want to

and this is what it looks like in the bottom.

This is definitely a thong bottom which I really appreciate

because I hate bodysuits

that you can see like your panty line

at the bodysuit line underneath.

I hate that so much

so I definitely appreciate Making this

in a thong like bodysuit at the bottom

and it's long sleeve

and this piece can definitely be dressed up or down

like I would wear this with joggers jeans leggings

like I would wear this with so many things.

I feel like this is a basic piece

that everyone needs in their wardrobe,

especially in this nude color.

And I think they also had a lot of other different colors.

If you don't like this color,

you can definitely see what other options they have

and I just think this is something really cute

and I think you know,

I like the option

that you can wear it all the way up or you can

but unbutton the buttons that was that item next item.

I picked up I was really excited for these

but I was also kind of nervous because I didn't know

if they're going to be too tight or how those going to run.

So I got the black faux leather high waisted leggings

and I got these The size

6 I wanted to go up on the sides because I didn't know

if they were going to be very stretchy or not.

But it definitely have some stretch to them,

which is nice,

but I definitely been seeing these all over Instagram

and that's why I fell in love

because people were pairing them with oversized sweaters

with t-shirts with all kind of different things

and they just pairs so perfectly.

I feel like they're better than just a standard pair of jeans

if you want to switch something up and add a little umph

to the outfit then I definitely think you should pick these up

they are perfect

and they fit amazing and I just love them.

I also insert a picture on Instagram

that I posted styling these and so you can see

how these were style

and I just love them so much.

So yeah, these are my little leggings I picked up.


So the next item I got um,

I actually got these in two different colors,

but I picked up some black joggers

or pretty little things.

And this is what they look like.

If you can see they have the little cuffs

at the bottom of the pants and they're just black.

They also have like

the little waist band so you can make it tighter

if you need to

and I love that detail

and these are called the black casual joggers

and I got them in a size small

and these are just something you know,

what if you want to be lazy and you want to just throw on

something these are perfect.

If and I like the fact

that now that joggers can be dressed up.

So you can also wear these with heels

when a cute body suit with a cute t-shirt

and wear these out

and have little accessories to dress up the joggers.

I love that so so much.

I also picked them up in a different color.

I've got this color.

Let me see what exactly color this is.

This is the Ash Gray casual joggers.

And I also picked this up

in a size small and this is what they look like.

Same thing have a little cuffs at the bottom.

And yeah, I definitely feel

like I'll carry these exact same way

and I'm just glad I picked up

and now that I've got them I really want to pick them up

in every color that they have

if you want to see

how I'm styling stitches definitely make sure

you're following me on my Instagram.

I will have the link down below that is

where I saw all my outfits and post some bomb-ass pictures.

So make sure you follow me on Instagram and going to check out

how I pair these pieces after this Hall.


So that was everything in the bag.

We were dump the bag

and I'm going to start picking up pieces from behind me

so you can see these clothes back here

because there are also from pretty little things

and so yeah, let's go ahead and get on to it.

So this next piece is the cream rib zip front.

Long sleeve sweater and I got this in a size us for

and I love this

because I feel like this is in a different material than but

as you can see it has like the detailing right here.

It has little cuffs on the end of the sleeves.

It's also in that rib material which I love this.

I definitely think this is something you can pair

when you want to, you know,

just run some errands or get out of the house

and you just want something that's not, you know,

just plain but something

a little bit cuter and you can do your makeup and stuff.

I definitely love pairing these types of sweaters to do

that because I just love

how they look and I always love to wear the high neck sweaters

because I feel

like they're just flattered you so much more will for me.

I feel like they do and

so yeah, this is this piece the next piece.

I'm going to show you guys is the Saint ultimate crop sweater

in the size small

and these are definitely some of my favorite pieces

from pretty little thing is the crop sweater.

I love these pieces and I

they have them in so many colors

so I only have two of the colors

but I'm definitely going to go pick up more

because I just love

how these look this is something that can be dressed up or down.

So as you can see

that's something I love to do their long sleeve and yeah,

these are so freaking cute.

I also picked up the crop sweater

in a different color and this is the ultimate crop sweater

in the beige color.

I do n't I feel like I'm camera

it kind of looks like the same color,

but believe me it's more

of a light peanut buttery looking color

and I definitely love this shade too.

And it's just like the other one.

I feel like you can This was so many things

and I just love having

these basic pieces in my wardrobe

because I feel

like that you can do so many things with basic pieces.

You can dress them up with so many accessories you

can pair these with so many different bottoms

and they all look so cute.

So yes, this is the other shade

the next item that I picked up is this little crop top

and you're supposed to wear this off the shoulders

and this is the shape chocolate brown ribbed long Sleek crop top

and I got this any size you asked for

and I just love this chocolate brown color.

I just think it is so pretty

and I love the off of the shoulder detail.

I feel like it flatters you so much.

You can highlight your chest and just make that area look

so just I don't know just so sexy you can wear

like the gold chain necklaces

like I have on now this Top with some cute earrings a cute pair

of light ripped jeans and some heels in honey.

You got you a cute outfit

to go out in and I just love just little pieces like this.

It also has the rib detailing all over it.

So this is this piece

that I love so so much and then the last thing

that I picked up from Pretty Little Things

is this little sweater thing

that I've been seeing all of Instagram.

I know y'all been seeing this shirt or the sweater

all over Instagram

because it has been

and this is the charcoal blue zip-front sweater

and I got this in a size you asked for

and I just love this.

I think this is something very cute that you could wear

with biker shorts wear with leggings.

I love that.

It has the zip up details so you can unzip it

how far you would like to show your chest

and it's a very thin material

so if it is a little bit hotter outside you could get away

with And this is cuffed at the sleeves

and I just love this color.

Like I don't really have this color in my wardrobe.

So that's why I decided to pick up this piece

because I feel like it's a different color,

but I love this piece

and I definitely know I will get a lot of use

out of this for sure.

And so yeah,

so that was all my items

in my pretty little things try on haul.

I hope you guys enjoyed this video as much as I did, please.

Don't forget to subscribe

to my channel internal your post notifications.

Don't forget to leave me a comment down

below and let me know.

What was your favorite piece in this Hall

and which one did you enjoy or might decide to pick up?

I would love to know and I will see you guys

in my next video.

Bye my love's.

For more infomation >> PRETTYLITTLETHING PLT TRY ON CLOTHING HAUL | Lipsticklayna - Duration: 14:22.


Please Stop Enabling the Ace Family (GASLIGHTING) - Duration: 14:49.

hello ladies and gentlemen today we're going to be talking about some very

important subjects such as gas lighting and enabling with the Ace Family so stay tuned what is up

everybody this is Chris from the rewired soul where we talk about the problem but

focus on the solution and if you're new to my channel my channel is all about

mental health and what I like to do is pull different topics from the YouTube

community to try to teach you how to improve your mental and emotional

well-being so if any that makes you subscribe and bring that notification

belt and all of my lovely patrons out there I just uploaded a brand new video

um I did something today to kind of clean up some of the mess from my past a

lot of you know I'm still sitting I'm six-and-a-half years sober yeah still 6

or so anyways I just did something huge today that I've been working on for six

and a half years so anybody who's over on patreon go over there check out that

new video all right but yeah I've had a lot of requests to

talk about the ACE family drama a lot of people asked me to talk about the

lollipop incident I didn't really see a reason to like what do you guys want me

to add to the conversation it was messed up it was stupid

well here's well who's what I'll throw in a little neuroscience you know that

prefrontal cortex I keep talking to you about it's responsible for logical

decision making and impulse control alright like think about the steps that

you had to go through to film that entire thing and think it was a good

idea to upload on the Internet right like somebody who's mindful and

strengthening their prefrontal cortex through things like meditation or simple

mindfulness of being more aware of the present moment never would have uploaded

that so Austin go meditate or something get your act together alright anyways I

do want to talk about this because I was just eating lunch and Tristan's not

gonna agree with this but I'm gonna make three videos today I think I'm gonna do

a video about the psychology of cinemasins

if you watch cinemasins let me know down in the comments below because I have a

really cool video planned I think if you guys are interested in it anyways I was

just watching tea spill as I'm eating lunch I'm like oh this ace family is

messed up alright I don't know much about

um the wife and I'm sorry I don't know her name I'm not a face family fan but

Austin he done messing up and we have some prime examples of gas lighting as

well as enabling alright so I was completely unaware of this hundred

thousand dollar basketball shootout giveaway all right cool thing so anyways

for those of you who don't know basically Austin McBroom announced a hundred

thousand dollar giveaway for the ACE family members right they call their you

know I call you guys the rewired soldiers he calls you know their

subscribers that these family members right so he announces this hundred

thousand dollar giveaway tells people to enter not about a dog right and he says

it's for ace family members and all these people are trying to enter they

want to get in there they want to you know be part of this give away $100,000

alright ton of people get benefit from this but when the list was actually

released it's a ton a ton of super rich youtubers and celebrities now here's the

thing here's the thing when they started getting backlash Aussie tweets out like

basically just gaslighting everybody like whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa we do

things for you all the time we just wanted to do something for you know our

our creators you know and celeb friends right

and it's like no that's not how this works gaslighting is a form of

manipulation in which you try to make the other person question their sanity

right and what are the tactics that they use is that they're going to try to make

you feel guilty so what he was doing there is that he's trying to to bring up

the fact that they've done so much for you so you need to back up on us about

this which if he if he would have come at this situation saying like tag a

favorite celebrities and youtubers or whatever we're doing a giveaway for them

and all of that money is going towards charity but that's not how he framed it

he framed it as anybody can enter this giveaway right and he would he would

think it would be nice if people donated some of the money to charity

alright so this is really messed up and how does this relate to you you might

have somebody in your life who does this this is very common in abusive

relationships if you've ever experienced this let me know down in the comments

below a common scenario for is being in an abusive relationship

whether it's verbal emotional physical whatever it is but what they try to do

is say like oh how is it possible that I don't love you look at all the things I

buy you look at all these great things I do for you right

because here's one of the things and this is why I try to teach you guys

about you know being mindful and re-evaluating your value systems right

because if you are putting all of your value and stuff it is far easier to be

manipulated because when they're saying these things to you when they're telling

you look at all these things I bought for you look at all these things I did

for you if your values are placed on these objects you know what I mean then

it's easier to be manipulated but if your value system is based on the

relationships you have the emotional support that you have you know all of

these things then it's easier to catch that that manipulation tactic and be

like whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa all right so what he did there is a prime example

of it and I hope you learn from it all right but then it gets even worse when

they ended up doing this contest with all these celebs and youtubers and

things like that I've seen ends up getting a professional

basketball player who is also a friend to come in and this dude ends up winning

the hundred thousand dollars so people got completely bamboozled complete like

everybody everybody got screwed in this situation right so the other situation

that he's talked that TSP brought up was this app this app they're talking about

and they're 20 you know sell it to fans now there's part that I agree and

disagree with like here's the thing like people come at me people come at me

sideways look oh oh you're trying to like so your book you're trying to

difficut you're like I had somebody like say like oh oh you got a son to feed

like yeah people need to make money you know so like I don't I'm not gonna

necessarily like no harp on I'm too bad by like you know using like a sales

tactic of like hey come get exclusive content hell I just talked about it in

the beginning of this video that's one of the benefits of being a patron okay

but like they didn't even have content pre-recorded for the launch of the app

so the issue is is that people are paying for this app and

have any Catherine Paiz or Austin McBroom Content now what I will say this and this is not victim-blaming

but now let's transition into enabling you need to cancel your subscription

like if you're somebody watching this if you're some how an ace family number

cancel your subscription all right like it's that 8h old saying like screw be

once no no fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me

right and when we're talking about you know fooling me once that's the first

month of the payment with no content way after day you got a backup out of there

and you guys like I know I give some tough love but you gotta understand this

is also like not visit lessons that I had to learn but if I keep hanging out

with the same crappy people and the same crappy things keep happening or if I

have a friend who kids backstabbing me and I keep hanging out with them

eventually like at what point in my life okay maybe maybe I need to make better

choices my son actually just went through a similar situation he has this

it's not so great friend on Xbox who is just like like verbally abused my son

and just said like you know mean things and pull it and stuff like that and

don't get me wrong I barge in my son's room all the time like hey be nice right

but anyways he keeps playing with this kid they keep getting into it I'm like

dude just block him just put play with him there are millions of people playing

for tonight stop playing with him way but like my

son keeps we adding him and playing with him and then the kid does it again and I

straight up telling my ten-year-old son I said you know like I don't have any

sympathy I've told you this and you keep doing it right like at what point do we

take responsibility okay anyways sorry for that little tough love segment right

there but we need to quit enabling the ace

family so here's the thing we just talked about three things that you know

they've been doing over the past month or so okay from the lollipop incident to

this basketball thing to their app right there that video right behind me that

video right behind me has millions of views I think it's at 3.5 million I'm

not sure that thing has a pre add as well as multiple mid-roll ads I

think it might have four mid-roll ads okay and I'm on my desktop so the one I

just I tried to get that screenshot right there

and when I click through and did an on skippable ad which pays content creators

even more right so we are enabling their behavior alright and for anybody out

there and there's not really a solution there's I don't think maybe eight family

members are actually going to watch this video but you know I'm not in that way

that mentality of like you know mob mentality and these masked boycotts and

things like that but like you really do got to think about it for example Gus

Johnson Gus Johnson hilarious creator twisting actually got me into his

content but he made a video yesterday about Chris Brown I'm actually gonna

link it down below and he was just he was just pissed and

confused because with all the stuff going on with our Kelly and the

documentary and everything like that like basically Gus was sitting there

like why why are people still supporting Chris Brown and Gus did all this

research and laid it out how Chris Brown is just keep doing his same thing over

and over and over and over and over again right and we're the ones enabling

him people are enabling him and we lift these people to a point where they're

somehow above the law and in recent videos I've got a lot of backlash from

stands of other creators and stuff and that's cool but I do hope what am I like

my main goal my main goal is to help all of you but yeah I guess you know part of

it is to call out poor behavior on this platform because you gotta understand

somebody like Chris Brown started off messing up at a smaller level his first

major incident was with Rihanna but you keep getting away with it you keep

getting away with it you keep getting away with it right and then like

something that Gus brought up was that other celebrities that he idolizes are

endorsing Chris Brown too so why do people have the motivation to change if

they're being enabled constantly you know what I mean like Gus went through

IMDB for Chris Brown and just TV appearances

movie appearances you know um music all these things right so I I didn't want to

bring up the Gus Brown the Gus Johnson thing just Brown what are they related

because the Gus Johnson thing but it just popped in my head so in no way am I

saying what Austin is doing or the ace family is doing is anywhere near the the

physical assaults are countless physical assaults the Chris Brown is doing but I

just want to let you know this is how people get to that level cost in

enabling it starts out small so when you look at the Logan pulse when you look at

the Jake Paul's when you look at Rice gum when you look at the ace family when

you look at these people you've got to see we are enabling their

behavior and here's the thing I always say like doing YouTube cleanse right

like purge your YouTube list so for example I know a lot of you are

subscribed to creators just because you like watching the trainwreck right well

you are you are encouraging that trainwreck you see what I'm saying

did any of you see that episode of black mirror where it was like what was it

called like 1 million credits or something like that I'll have a

screenshot you know we're like there it was like that singing competition or

whatever but they were being encouraged like because based on this point system

this value system like black mirror does a good job of making us look at our

society and where it can end up but people aren't changing you know what I

mean so again like if you don't support

somebody and you don't support their actions please stop please stop watching

unsubscribe that's the only message that they're gonna hear you know what I mean

me personally there have been shows that I stopped watching

there have been musicians that I stopped listening to and all these things and

Mike and it's because I don't feel right supporting them and that's something

that helps me go to sleep at night and I told you guys you know if you look at

you know Freud and talking about the subconscious and things like that there

is a part of our brain that knows that knows what we're doing is wrong you see

what I mean by by knowing that that starts to build up your own anxiety

something that negative self-talk that you might have might because you are

supporting people who your morals do not aligned with does that make sense so

I just want you guys to think about this stuff when it comes to creators but also

the people in your life like I'm a recovering drug addict and alcoholic

people enabling me was killing me and I didn't get better I did not get better

until everybody shut me out the last thing that my mom ever did for me was

say the only thing I would do for you is to pay rent for your silver living and

I'm lucky a lot of people don't get that but my mom wasn't giving me money she

wasn't giving me a place to say friends family members all cut me off so the

only way she was gonna help me was by doing something that was gonna help me

get help right and sometimes you got a force a person's hand so in the context

of YouTube creators unsubscribe quit watching their videos and giving them

millions and millions and millions of views like you guys man adsense ain't

that great but when you do it millions of times

with a bunch of pre mid rolls they made a bunch of money off of screwing

everybody over all right but anyways I want you to let me know down in the

comments below have people gasp gasp let you in the past and try to manipulate

you with things all right or let's ask this - or can you relate to my story

have people enabled your bad behavior alright let's have a conversation down

in the comments below okay but anyways that's all I got for this video let me

know again down in the comments below if you'd be interested in the video title

the psychology of cinemasins you guys have a really good idea my head anyways

if you like this video please give it a thumbs up you didn't you make sure you

subscribe and bring that notification down because I make a ton of videos and

a huge huge thank you to everybody supporting the channel over on patreon

you are all amazing and don't forget there was a brand new exclusive video up

over on patreon so go check it out all right thanks so much for watching I'll

see you next time

For more infomation >> Please Stop Enabling the Ace Family (GASLIGHTING) - Duration: 14:49.


REREADING THE CRUEL PRINCE || reading vlog: jan. 7th-5th - Duration: 17:26.

["Galaxy' by Ikson playing]

Hello everybody and welcome back to my channel. Hi! It's been quite a while since

I've actually filmed a video. I'm actually sitting down in 2019 and doing

a video. I'm really excited to be back filming, I really missed it over the

course of the past month that I've been away, so yeah, I'm just really excited to

start getting back into a routine of filming things. If you didn't gather by

the title, this is going to be a weekly reading vlog. So right now it is 9

o'clock on Monday the 7th of January, and I have already actually finished two

books within the month, which is crazy to me

because usually I'm a pretty slow reader. So I'll kind of go through that and then

we'll get into the books that I actually want to read within this week. So the

first book that I read I finished it on the 4th of January is Spinning Silver by

Naomi Novik. This is a retelling of Rumplestiltskin and it follows probably

around five to six characters. So I gave this a 3.5 out of 5 stars. I really loved

the atmosphere of this book but a lot of things including characters missed the

mark for me a little bit. The next book that I finished this week, I finished it

yesterday, was Girls of Paper and Fire by Natasha Ngan. I rated this a 5 out of 5

stars. This is now one of my favourite books of

all time. So this is an Asian-inspired sapphic fantasy and it was so gorgeous.

The romance and the characters was just amazing, I found that the culture within

this book was just so rich it was explained so well, and I absolutely

adored the main character, I thought that she was so cute and I absolutely cannot

wait for the sequel of this. Alright, now that we've kind of gone over the books

that I have read already, I want to get into the books that I want to read this

week. So I think that I might be a little ambitious with this, but I want to read

four books this week, so we'll see how I do. It might just be two, it might just be

one, but whatever, I'm a Slytherin, I'm ambitious, I aim high! So the first

book that I want to read is The Cruel Prince by Holly Black. So this will be a

reread, I read this in the summer of 2018 so the summer of last year, which is

really weird to say but we're going with it.

So I enjoyed this book a lot, I gave it a 4 point 5 or 5 out of 5 stars. I just

thought that the world-building was so rich and the characters were really

unlikable, which I kind of like in a book, not gonna lie. So I'm gonna be

trying and finishing this either tonight or tomorrow. So the next book that I want

to read is of course The Wicked King by Holly Black. So The Wicked King actually

comes out tomorrow Tuesday the 8th of January and I'm just so glad that this

moment is finally here, because I know that literally everyone and their mother

has been waiting for this book to come out, and I'm just so glad that I can

finally read it and have it in my hands. So the next two books that I want to

read in this week, and of course I did say that it was ambitious

so don't @ me, but next two books are Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom by Leigh

Bardugo. So I do have the audiobooks of these so

I'm going to be reading along whilst listening to my audiobooks. So, yeah,

that's basically my reading plans for this week. We shall see if I do it,

because most of the time I don't do it, but this Slytherin b*tch needs to be more

ambitious this year so we're just gonna go with it. But yeah I'm gonna go and

start reading The Cruel Prince. I have my cup of tea here in this adorable

polar bear mug that I got for Christmas, and I'm just gonna just gonna cozy down

and read some of The Cruel Prince, so I will see you in a little bit!

["Views" by Ikson playing]

Sooooo it is the next day, so it is the 8th of January at around 3 o'clock. Today I

have been with my friend Clarisse, she's there hi we have been trying to find the

wicked King but I checked this morning and the entirety of Western Canada does

not have it in stock at all um so the chapters employee told me that it was

just because sometimes they get it shipped late from the publisher I'm just

gonna have to wait but it's ok cuz I have a lot of books on my TBR this month

so should be fine but yeah we're just kind of pitter-pattering around a little

bit oh I forgot to mention I'm currently on

page 120 of the cruel Prince Jude has just been appointed as one of the spies

for Prince Baelish I think I'll have to reread it that's probably incorrect but

this clip is awful it's a very sunny out so Clarice here is just the biggest poet

ever she's like oh look at the moon it looks like a nail clipping

what fuck oh my god I love you

hi everyone so it is what time is it I never know what time it is when I'm

doing these updates so it's 7:30 on Thursday January the 10th so I didn't

vlog yesterday because I was just feeling tired I went back to work for

the first time in two months yesterday so I was just like emotionally exhausted

from seeing all my co-workers again so I didn't vlog yesterday just kind of took

things slow but today I actually went out with a friend so I went out with I

know me from tea time with Naomi and I will link her channel down below but we

went to chapters and then we also went out for dinner and went to a couple of

clothing stores so I basically just had a really good day in terms of reading I

am on page 127 of the cruel prince and I really enjoying this reread it's nice to

take things a bit slower and kind of digest everything that actually happens

because I read this super quick when I read it last year and I'm just really

enjoying it I picked it up on so many more things than I thought I would and

I'm just kind of like seeing how much of an Taryn is like she's terrible um I

hate her and then I am also on page sixty two of six of crows so I'm reading

the audiobook for this one but I'm kind of like following along and I'm really

enjoying it right now it's a lot of world-building right now but so far my

favorite character is image I think she's kick-ass and awesome one

little gripe that I have about the audiobook is that I don't like the voice

actor for calves I think that he goes way too over-the-top for it but I think

it's just a personal preference I'm really actually very excited that the

narrator for image is the person who narrated the shadow and bone trilogy on

audiobook which was amazing I loved it so yeah it's kind of a nice thing to

have that alright so I actually have some unboxings to do and I'm so excited

because I emailed renko's books the other day asking if

they had any arcs of wicked Saints by Emily Duncan left and apparently they

did and I message her on Monday and it's now

Thursday and it's already here so I'm really excited to open it on camera

super stoked and then my boyfriend also picked me up a copy of the wicked King

and so I'm gonna unbox that one first cuz this is the first time that I've

seen it in person so here we are oh it's so beautiful so excited and then

I think that there is like an illustration oh yeah it is

oh it's so pretty I'm so excited I'm excited to have this so that I can jump

straight into it after I finished the cruel prints so yeah yeah and now we

have the package here here we go okay so I so I actually got a sampler of King of

scars in here too which is really exciting I didn't know that she was

gonna send this that's so cool how shiny it is I'm super excited for this to come

out too but oh my gosh oh my gosh okay so this is a wicked Saints by Emily a

Duncan and it is one of my most anticipated reads of 2019 I'm so excited

to be able to have a copy of this even so I'm gonna read you this synopsis now

that's in the book in a centuries-long war where beauty and brutality meet

there are three paths and twined in a shadowy world of spilled blood and

mysterious things we're forbidden romance threatens to tip the scales

between dark and light thank you so much to Raincoast books for sending this copy

over to me I am so excited to own this and I'm so excited to finally read it

are they gonna read this next month alright so I am gonna go to the gym now

and then I will be back in a little bit hi everyone so right now it is around

four o'clock on January 12th it is Saturday so I didn't film yesterday

because it's a work and I felt sad and tired so I just didn't film but I'm

filling today so I've been doing a little bit of editing I'm editing this

vlog and also my rudin rising review which is hopefully going up sometime

next week super excited about that it's like just in time for the reveal of the

shadow and bow and slash six of crows Netflix series which I am so excited

about by the way so excited but I figured I would just give you guys kind

of like an update which is to say that there is really no update because I

haven't really read anything in these past couple of days but I'm gonna try

and finish the cruel prints at least today and start on the wicked King which

means that I would have finished one book this week it's not what I wanted to

do but whatever so yeah I'm gonna do that my boyfriend is just grabbing me

some coffee which yes so excited about that but um yeah I'm just gonna do a

couple things of editing but yeah I'm just gonna do some editing and then some

reading and I will check back in with you later

these children so I posted that page to twitter because every time I think about

this page I just get overwhelmed with a lot of feelings and one of my Mutual's

decided to make this meme and I will show you because it needs to be shared

with the entire world because it's just it's an actual quote from the book I

swear is that not the most perfect thing you've ever seen like Wow actual quote

so like I'm reading through the cruel Prince and I just have like one question

what the heck are these fairies learning about in school and more importantly why

are they in school anyway they obviously don't have the same curriculum as humans

because they don't learn the same things but how is Mothe summoning important I'm

not trying to say that it's not I just don't know I have no like background on

what their curriculum looks like and I just want to know because it's also

alien and they're just like learning about the Stars and it's just weird so

that's like something that I'm curious about yeah just a random thought of the


hey guys so it's currently around 8 o'clock on the sea I never know what

time it is so it's currently around 8 o'clock on the 13th of January it's

Saturday and I just wanted to give you a little bit of an update before I go to

the gym so I'm on page 210 of the crow prints and I'm probably going to finish

it tonight I only have around like 160 pages left there is one thing that I

want to mention Ashley so on page 199 of the cool prints after Jude here says her

hand with the dagger it's talking about how she's like laying in the bedroom and

being in pain and stuff like that and tatter fell actually comes and tends to

her but it's kind of like they said I think the quote is tatter fell strokes

my head like I am a drowsy cat and it's really weird to me to see that because

it's like the fairies treat the humans like they're no more than like say a

deer or a dog and it's really strange to see that because it's like even though

humans are so close in consciousness to them they still view all of their

mortality as being no greater than a dog and it's it's just really strange I

don't know why I felt the need to mention it but I did so yeah probably

gonna finish this book tonight after I go to the gym and then I will check back

in with you tomorrow hey everybody so it is the next day and I am going to be

wrapping up this reading blog so unfortunately I didn't get everything

done that I wanted to but that's okay I am totally fine with it but I did finish

one book so I finished the cruel prince by Holly black 5 out of 5 stars again it

has now been put in my favorites list my ultimate favorites list on Goodreads

because I'm realizing now how much I love this book how much I love the

concept how much I love the writing style the characters just everything but

yeah so I read one book this week instead of or but again super ambitious

so I'm not too fussed about it if you liked this video then please give it a

thumbs and make sure to leave a comment down below and also if you would like

all of my social media links will be down in the description box you can

follow me there and yeah I'll see you again next week for another weekly

reading blog bye

For more infomation >> REREADING THE CRUEL PRINCE || reading vlog: jan. 7th-5th - Duration: 17:26.


Good Trouble | Emma Hunton on Body Positivity | Freeform - Duration: 3:29.

Social media's obsession with other people's bodies isn't helping anyone.

The fact is we all do it.

We're constantly comparing ourselves to everyone else on the Internet,

and it's doing scary stuff to our brains.

One study found that the more time young girls spent on Facebook,

the greater their risk was of developing an eating disorder.

And listen, when our feeds are full of people who look unrealistically perfect,

and of people getting roasted for not meeting those standards

can you really be that surprised?

I mean, just look what happens to my character Davia when she shares photos of herself online .

Davia just got written up as a top body-positive Instagram influencer.

And the trolls are on the attack.

Like this bitch: "Why don't you stop drinking and hit the gym you cow?"

Not even clever

To all the closeted chubby chasers.

Why else would they be stocking my Insta on a Saturday night?

According to one survey, 94% of teen girls experience body shame.

And that has serious consequences.

More and more research shows that exposure to these messages

is making people less healthy.

For example, one study found that when women were aware of negative stereotypes about being

overweight it drove up their risk of developing depression and anxiety disorders.

But this isn't just an issue for women.

64% of teenage boys report being body shamed.

Studies have also found that men are struggling more and more with their body image.

And that those concerned about their weight are more likely to engage in

unhealthy behaviors, like binge drinking

Ironically, body shaming is sometimes masked as concern for our health.

AKA: concern trolling.

Well, here's the truth.

If we truly cared about each other's health we would shut the hell up about each other's bodies.

Studies show that weight-based bullying makes "overweight" children more likely to engage

in binge eating and other forms of disordered eating.

It can also drive people to try crash diets which almost never work.

The fact is this constant pressure to change our bodies sets us up for a hopeless fight against nature.

Studies show that most people's chances of losing a bunch of weight

and keeping it off forever is less than 5%.

So maybe, instead of telling people what they should hate about themselves

we should focus on what to love.

And the thing is, people don't get healthier when they feel bad about their weight.

They do get healthier when they feel good.

That's right, being happy with your body is healthy for people of all sizes.

And that's why I'm good trouble Davia is a body positive influencer.

Because, even though it can sometimes be a struggle,

and trolls with bad and good intentions do their best to get in the way,

we know that embracing your body is actually one of the healthiest, best things you can do.

And it's why we have to make social media a more welcoming, kind place.

Full of different kinds of bodies.

And a place where we can learn to embrace our bodies, whatever they look like.

So share this video if you support body positivity.

For more infomation >> Good Trouble | Emma Hunton on Body Positivity | Freeform - Duration: 3:29.


Stunning Beautiful The A brand new Tiny House Fully Kitted | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> Stunning Beautiful The A brand new Tiny House Fully Kitted | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 2:17.


Why XRP is a Godly Currency - Duration: 2:30.

I'm not a financial advisor, I am bearable guy123.

I know this video will cause disruption within the XRP community, and that's why I can't

reveal myself yet.

XRP Classic, what a lame idea.

XRP and United Nations - what's new there?

CKJ blocked my messages for his channel, proving he prefers to pay attention to a rogue agent,

and finally Alex Cobb deleted my comment today on his live stream - what a surprise.

Well, that's us covered for the daily XRP news guys.

But now… time for the real interesting stuff.

Please stop watching if you suffer from gag reflex, I don't want you to ruin your mobile

phone or laptop just because you don't believe in what I'm about to tell you.





They go by many names.

Regardless of how you prefer to call them, I want you to think about the following…

Do they have any kind of financial system in place?

Is their existence also regulated by the necessity of giving a value to things they need to have

in order to exist?

Or do they create everything they want with their minds?

If that was the case, surely one of them would have already created a black hole by now,

that would have sucked everything into oblivion?

But yet, we seem to still be here, and if we are here, so they are, everywhere, even

closer than we think sometimes…

This simple break down is just to explain to you that yes, even higher beings feel the

need of having a notion of value, and a means of exchange.

Hopefully this will get you excited for what's coming next…

How many currencies do you think exist out there?

Would you be surprised if I told you that more than 95% of all intelligent life outside

of Earth's boundaries is using one single currency?

I sincerely hope that you start to understand that XRP is much more than our finally destination…

Subscribe and share this channel - we are on the the road to 100.000 subs.

Hasta la vista fellow XRP hodlers.

For more infomation >> Why XRP is a Godly Currency - Duration: 2:30.


Tulip Siddiq to delay BIRTH of her child to take part in Brexit vote - Duration: 9:34.

Apregnant Labour MP is delaying the birth of her child so she can take part in tomorrow's crunch Brexit vote

Tulip Siddiq - a leading Remainer - has postponed the date of her caesarean section by two days so she can vote against the deal

Rather than being in a labour ward in hospital in north London, she plans to be pushed through the division lobbies in a wheelchair by her husband Chris

Revealing the drastic decision, she said: 'If my son enters the world even one day later than the doctors advised, but it's a world with a better chance of a strong relationship between Britain and Europe, then that's worth fighting for

' She added: 'I am thinking about my child's future when I made this decision - his future in the world

'If it comes to an absolute emergency, I will of course prioritise the baby's health

'I'm choosing in a sense between career and my family life and I feel it's totally unfair and if we want more women in politics and we want people to come from different backgrounds, we need change and to introduce proxy voting

' Ms Siddiq, 36, Labour MP for Hampstead & Kilburn, had a difficult pregnancy with her first child Azalea, who is now two-years-old

What is the pairing system and why have MPs lost faith in it? Parliament has operated a pairing system for many years which allow those who are ill, pregnant, or cannot vote for another good reason

These MPs are 'paired' with a politician from the opposing side, so that neither of them take part in the vote - therefore cancelling each other out

But faith in the system was dealt a major blow last summer when the Tories broke it

Lib Dem Jo Swinson had been paired with Tory chairman Brandon Lewis so she did not have to leave her newborn baby at home to take part in the vote

But Mr Lewis took part in the knife-edge vote on the customs union last night.Number Ten insisted it had been a genuine mistake and that Theresa May apologised for it

But it sparked a major row and renewed calls for proxy voting to be introduced which would allow MPs to elect another person to vote on their behalf

She had originally planned to have a caesarean section on February 4, but doctors advised she gives birth either today or tomorrow after she developed gestational diabetes

But Ms Siddiq asked if she could delay the operation until Thursday and they have agreed

She told the Evening Standard: 'The Royal Free has been very clear on their legal and health duties

'This is a high risk pregnancy and I am doing this against doctor's advice.' Ms Siddiq spent the weekend in hospital under observation after having steroid injections to help accelerate development of the baby's lungs

Doctors had wanted these injections to be taken 48-hours before the caesarean, but that would still have meant she would have been in hospital at the time of the vote

Under usual circumstances, heavily pregnant MPs can be 'paired' with an MP from the opposing side, so that neither of them take part in the vote - therefore cancelling each other out

But Ms Siddiq said she could not trust the Tories to stick to the system after they broke a pairing deal in a crunch Brexit Commons vote last summer

Lib Dem Jo Swinson had been paired with Tory chairman Brandon Lewis so she did not have to leave her newborn baby at home to take part in the vote

But Mr Lewis took part in the knife-edge vote on the customs union last night.Number Ten insisted it had been a genuine mistake and that Theresa May apologised for it

Ms Siddiq said the experience had sapped her trust in the pairing system.She said: 'If the pairing system is not honoured, there's nothing I can do, and it's going to be a very close vote

I've had no pressure at all from the whips to come and vote but this is the biggest vote of my lifetime

'I've sat down with my husband Chris and he said to me this is my choice but that he would support me

' Ms Siddiq is a leading Remainer and lost her seat in Jeremy Corbyn's frontbench after voting against the introduction of Article 50 which set the two-year clock ticking on Brexit talks

Today, other female MPs who have had children called fr proxy voting rights.Labour MP Cat Smith MP, who returned to Westminster last week after the birth of her child, told MailOnline: 'This is yet another staggering example of why we need to have a system of proxy voting for MPs who are heavily pregnant or have recently become parents

'Both the Chair and the Chief Whip of the Conservative party should be ashamed that their actions last summer have forced a heavily pregnant MP to vote because she is unable to trust that the pairing system will be honoured

'A failure to drag Parliament into the 21st century by introducing proper parental leave will mean many women continue to feel like politics isn't for them

None of us would tolerate this kind of situation in any other workplace.'Parliamentary procedures must be updated to keep pace with a House of Commons that now has more women MPs than ever before

' Labour MP Harriet Harman - known as the mother of the House because she is the longest serving female MPs raised the issue in the Commons today and demanded proxy voting

She said: 'She [Ms Siddiq] should not have to choose between going through the division lobbies in a wheelchair nine months pregnant having postponed her caesarean or losing her right to vote

' Commons Speaker John Bercow said it is 'extremely regrettable' that proxy voting has not been introduced - and said many will find it 'uncivilized'

He said that if party chiefs can agree on allowing proxy voting to happen within the next 24 hours he will let Ms Siddiq a proxy vote have one

He added: 'I hope we can get progressive change and what better opportunity to do so than before our historic vote tomorrow

For more infomation >> Tulip Siddiq to delay BIRTH of her child to take part in Brexit vote - Duration: 9:34.


Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis - Duration: 12:31.

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand of New York announced Tuesday that she will run for the Democratic nomination for president in 2020, in a campaign that is expected to lean heavily on gender issues and imagery

She told host Stephen Colbert on CBS's "Late Show" that she believes she has "the compassion, the courage and the fearless determination" necessary

"The first thing I would do is restore what's been lost: the integrity and the compassion in this country," she said

"I would bring people together to start getting things done." Gillibrand, 52, is most well known for her efforts to combat sexual assault in the military and on college campuses, to repeal the military's policy of "don't ask, don't tell" and to make it easier for Capitol Hill staffers who have been sexually harassed or assaulted to report their experiences

The senator has latched on to the burst of activism prompted by President Trump's election and his policies, a movement that's largely driven by women

She called the 2017 Women's March on Washington "truly the most inspiring moment of my entire life" and joined the protesters who challenged Brett M

Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court last fall. She also stood up to fellow Democrats as the #MeToo era dawned, criticizing then-Sen

Al Franken of Minnesota and former president Bill Clinton for their alleged inappropriate behavior toward women

Gillibrand is also a vocal critic of Trump, and she has voted against his political appointees and positions at a higher rate than most Democrats

The president responded in December 2017 by attacking her in a tweet that she called "a sexist smear

" With the announcement made, Gillibrand plans to spend time with her husband and two sons on Wednesday in Troy, N

Y., where she lives and where her campaign will be headquartered. On Friday, she will start a three-day tour of Iowa

Gillibrand emphasized her family in Tuesday's announcement. "I'm going to run for president of the United States because, as a young mom, I'm going to fight for other people's kids as hard as I would fight for my own

Which is why I believe that health care should be a right and not a privilege," she said

"It's why I believe we should have better public schools for our kids because it shouldn't matter what block you grow up on

And I believe that anybody who wants to work hard enough should be able to get whatever job training they need to earn their way into the middle class

" Since Gillibrand was appointed to the Senate in January 2009 to fill the seat left open when Hillary Clinton became secretary of state, she has undergone a rapid and dramatic political shift, abandoning many of the centrist positions she held during her time as a congresswoman from Upstate New York and becoming one of the Senate's most liberal members

Trump's campaign manager Brad Parscale has seized on this transformation, pointing to Gillibrand as an example of Democratic "political contortionism" — even as Trump, too, has shifted in nearly all of his policy positions

Gillibrand has said that she developed a passion for politics while growing up in Albany

Her maternal grandmother was an influential political organizer, and her mother worked as a lawyer, had a black belt in karate and shot the family's Thanksgiving turkey each year

Gillibrand studied at Dartmouth College and the University of California at Los Angeles School of Law, then worked as a corporate attorney in Manhattan for more than a decade

She helped represent the tobacco company Philip Morris in the 1990s amid a federal investigation — controversial work, at least among Democrats, that she has struggled to defend

In the late 1990s, Gillibrand volunteered on Clinton's first Senate campaign and distinguished herself as an aggressive fundraiser, a skill that has been key to her political career

"In my adult life, politically, no one has inspired me to get off the sidelines and truly make a difference more than Hillary Clinton has," Gillibrand wrote in a January 2016 essay endorsing Clinton for president

Clinton wrote a foreword for Gillibrand's 2014 memoir. Gillibrand first ran for office in 2006, beating a four-term Republican in a conservative congressional district that includes the Albany suburbs

In the House, Gillibrand joined the Blue Dog Democrats, a centrist group, and embraced many conservative positions

Her support of gun rights legislation earned her a 100-percent approval rating from the National Rifle Association

She opposed amnesty for undocumented immigrants and voted to cut off some federal funding to New York City until the city cracked down on illegal immigration

She opposed legalizing same-sex marriage. When Clinton resigned her Senate seat in January 2009, New York Gov

David Paterson (D) appointed Gillibrand, who was then barely known outside Upstate New York — angering many Democrats who considered Gillibrand too conservative

On the Hill, members of the New York delegation nicknamed Gillibrand "Tracy Flick" after the bubbly, blond and ambitious character played by Reese Witherspoon in the movie "Election

" Some of her policy positions rapidly changed. The night before her appointment was announced, she called a gay rights group to profess her full support for same-sex marriage

As she voted for gun-control measures, her NRA rating fell to an F. Gillibrand said in a CBS News interview last year that as she expanded her views beyond "the lens of Upstate New York," she realized that her gun rights and immigration positions were "wrong

" "I just didn't take the time to understand why these issues mattered because it wasn't right in front of me

And that was my fault," Gillibrand said in the interview. "It was something that I'm embarrassed about and I'm ashamed of

" She won a special election in 2010 with 63 percent of the vote and followed with 72 percent of the vote in 2012, when she earned her first full term, and 67 percent in November

Her last campaign came as Gillibrand navigated intraparty divisions over how to handle the #MeToo movement

In November 2017, Gillibrand said that Bill Clinton should have resigned during his presidency following his affair with a White House intern

That angered some Clinton loyalists. Former adviser Philippe Reines, who tweeted: "Over 20 yrs you took the Clintons' endorsements, money, and seat

Hypocrite. Interesting strategy for 2020 primaries. Best of luck."Three weeks later, Gillibrand called on her colleague Franken to resign following accusations of sexual misconduct from several women

She was the first prominent Democrat to do so, and many others followed, although she also faced criticism from members of her party and some major donors

"Enough is enough," Gillibrand wrote in a Facebook post. "The women who have come forward are brave and I believe them

While it's true that his behavior is not the same as the criminal conduct alleged against Roy Moore, or Harvey Weinstein, or President Trump, it is still unquestionably wrong, and should not be tolerated

"A few days later, Gillibrand called on Trump to immediately resign because he had been accused of sexual assault by more than a dozen women

Trump responded the next day in a tweet: "Lightweight Senator Kirsten Gillibrand

 . . someone who would come to my office 'begging' for campaign contributions not so long ago (and would do anything for them), is now in the ring fighting against Trump

" Gillibrand said the tweet was "a sexist smear intended to silence me." One of the most prolific fundraisers in Congress, Gillibrand has raised more than $56 million during her political career, including $20 million between 2013 and 2018

But her prowess has led to criticism that she was too cozy with Wall Street. In 2013, the Daily Show's John Oliver confronted Gillibrand about campaign donations from Wall Street and said: "What I deeply want to know is: What do you have to do for that? What is required of you for that money? Because it makes me uncomfortable

" Gillibrand responded that it was her job to represent New York and its people, which includes those employed on Wall Street

She noted that she has called for more regulation of the banking industry and voted against the government bailout of banks

Nearly a year ago, Gillibrand stopped taking money from corporate political action committees, following the example of Sens

Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.). During her reelection campaign last year, Gillibrand promised that she would "serve my six-year term" and not challenge Trump in 2020

Her Republican opponent replied: "Honestly, I don't believe that." Two days after she was reelected, Gillibrand said in a late-night television interview that she was considering a run

"I believe it is a moral question for me," she said. "I've seen the hatred and the division that President Trump has put out into our country, and it has called me to fight as hard as I possibly can to restore the moral compass of this country


For more infomation >> Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis - Duration: 12:31.


✅ Breaking News - Robertson wins five games in a row against Williams - Duration: 3:34.

Neil Robertson produced a run of five straight frames to knock world champion Mark Williams out of the Dafabet Masters with a 6-3 first-round win at Alexandra Palace

Welshman Williams, the world number two and twice Masters winner, had opened up a 3-1 lead, producing a break of 74 to take the third frame

However, Australian Robertson responded, following up a clearance of 59 to snatch the fifth frame with a century break of 102 and then 69 to edge ahead 4-3

A 53 break from Williams was not enough to claim the eighth frame, with a safety error on the pink punished before Robertson produced another unanswered run of 88 to seal his place in the quarter-finals

Robertson, who failed to qualify for last year's tournament, said: 'I had to pick up the pace, it was as simple as that

Share this article Share 'I had to force myself to play the way I do in practice in terms of the tempo

That's what I did and I got going and felt absolutely fantastic.'To beat the world champion today was a huge step in the right direction,' Robertson added, in quotes on worldsnooker

com.Williams, meanwhile, admits he has some hard work ahead as he prepares to return to the Crucible in Sheffield to defend his title

'I played poor all the way through really,' the Welshman said. 'I was expecting to play like that, to be honest, because I've hardly touched my cue

'I'll have to start practising obviously with the World Championship coming up. It's the only tournament I'm looking forward to

'I'll have to put a bit of work in for that otherwise I'll play like I did today and go out in the first round

(and) it'll be my own fault.'Robertson will go on to face Barry Hawkins after his 6-2 win over Shaun Murphy in Tuesday's late session

Hawkins, the world number seven, had looked set for an early finish after he raced into a 5-0 lead following clearances of 86, 124 and 60

In doing so, Hawkins became the 20th player to reach 300 career centuries.Murphy, the 2015 Masters champion, sparked hopes of a comeback with a break of 74 to take the sixth frame before reducing the deficit again - but it was only delaying the inevitable

'Anything can happen in this game and if he goes 5-3 then all of a sudden I'd start feeling it a little bit more

I was pleased to get over the line at last,' Hawkins said.Murphy was unable to reproduce the form which saw him reach last month's Scottish Open final

'We all taste that horrible taste of defeat much more often than we have the excitement of winning,' he said

'It's something that you have to deal with as a sportsman and just move on.' Share this article Share

For more infomation >> ✅ Breaking News - Robertson wins five games in a row against Williams - Duration: 3:34.


[Installation & Use] Breakdown GIF Maker for SUBSTANCE DESIGNER - Duration: 3:54.

What's up guys Ymmanuel here

Today I'm going to show you how to install and use my new plugin;

the Gif Breakdown Maker for Substance Designer

But first,

I want to let you know that next month's Scripting and Tool Development Mentorship

is now available,

so be sure you check it out

Now, back to the Gif Maker

To install it all you need to do is copy the folder called "xolgifs" to the Substance Designer python plugins folder

usually located at

Once copied.

Open the folder and open the license.lic file;,

this is basically a text file, so you can use notepad

replace the: "YOUR LICENSE HERE" text with the license you got from Gumroad.

Save and close it.

Now open Substance Designer,

and if everything was done correctly you should see the new blue icon once you open or create a graph

click it and a new window will appear

at the top we will find the GIF configuration

here, you can select the file name,

duration per frame

and how many times you want the final image to be repeated in each cycle

then we have the watermark options

so you can add your own branding to the gifs

the ordering options

to add, remove and change the order of the images in the gif

and finally the create GIF button

so let's learn how to use it.

The first thing you need to do is select the nodes that will be part of the image,

you can select multiple nodes and click add or just add them one by one

the remove buttons as you can imagine are for removing the selected node

or to remove all of the nodes

next ones are the move up and move down buttons

those will help you reorganize the list as you wish

and the last button of this section is the find node,

as you can see,

it can be really hard if you have multiple nodes of the same type in the list

to identify and differentiate them,

that is why I added the ID in the list,

but an easier way to find a node is to select the it in the graph and click "FIND"

This will automatically select the node so you can easily identify its position in the list.

With all the nodes added to the list,


and after setting the GIF configuration,

just click "Create GIF"

this will ask for a path to save the file, so select a folder,

and the gif creation process will start

now if we open the folder

we'll see the GIF and an images folder

the resolution will be fully dependent of the resolution you are using in Substance Designer's graph.

In my case, 2k

Usually, when you share your breakdowns in Artstation or a similar platform,

you'll want to add you logo or your name ,

to set it up as a watermark all you need to do is select a node and click "Set Watermark"

for it to work correctly the node must have two special characteristics

ONE: the node needs to be the same size as the source images

and TWO: it needs to have an alpha channel

so we click create again

and we can see the gif with the watermark applied

It's important to notice that the watermark color is dependent of the source image channels,

so you need to be mindful while selecting rgb or greyscale nodes

Well that's all for now, so don't forget to tag me in all the cool GIF breakdowns you create !

and special thanks to Vincent from Ubisoft for inspiring me to create this tool,

don't forget to like and follow his Artstation, the link is in the description.

For more infomation >> [Installation & Use] Breakdown GIF Maker for SUBSTANCE DESIGNER - Duration: 3:54.


✅ Eri Johnson protagoniza nova comédia no teatro - Duration: 1:22.

Até o dia 24 de fevereiro, Eri Johnson protagoniza a comédia Eri Pinta e Johnson Borda no Teatro Fashion Mall, no Rio de Janeiro

É uma comédia divertidíssima com a intenção de pintar e bordar com o seu público, através de uma completa interatividade entre todos

Trata-se de um espetáculo teatral com início, meio e ï¬ m, onde o ator mistura histórias reais com ï¬ ctícias

Educação, relacionamentos amorosos, amizade e principalmente a família são alguns dos temas abordados e interpretados pelo ator

Serviço: Eri Pinta Johnson Borda Teatro Fashion Mall End: Estrada

da Gávea, 899 - São Conrado Temporada de 4 de janeiro a 24 de fevereiro Sextas, sábados e domingos Horário: 21h Ingresso: sexta e domingo R$70,00 / 35,00 Sábado: R$ 80,00 / R$ 40,00 Duração:01h15min Classificação 12 anos Notícias Relacionadas   04/01/2019 | 11h30m - Flavia Almeida Beldades prestigiam estreia de Eri Johnson   26/12/2018 | 11h00m - Flávia Almeida Anitta rebola muito à beira da piscina

Veja!   21/10/2018 | 16h20m - Giovanna Prisco Taís Araújo chora no Popstar e programa movimenta a web

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