(audience loudly clapping)
- Hi I'm Stephanie Bendixsen.
And strap into your flying cars.
We're off for an adventure into future modes of transport
in this episode of MOVE, where the sky is the limit.
(house beat techno music)
Here it is, the episode we've all
been waiting for, flying cars.
And not just flying cars but all new and exciting forms
of transport from the elusive Hyperloop, to personal
Sky Pods, to the Marty McFly special, the Hoverboard.
We may even be able to touch on
the even more radical concept of flying trains.
But probably not, because frankly
they just sound terrifying.
But flying cars are no longer just a flight of fancy.
I thought it was clever.
They are finally set to become a reality.
With new models ready for
commercial role out as soon as 2020.
Prototypes have already been built by companies including
Uber, Airbus, Kitty Hawk, Google, Ferrari.
There are luxury models, urban mobility models,
family wagon models, James Bond arch villain models,
ones which float on water, and the more practical
flying taxi already testing in Tokyo, Paris,
Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Rio de Janeiro,
Zempoala, New Zealand, and Australia.
One is with us here in this studio.
It's one of the world's first flying racing cars.
It's called the Alauda.
And the benefits seem obvious.
If you wanna fight gridlock, what better way
to do that than introducing a whole other dimension.
I mean, who's every heard of cube-lock?
Also, the sky has fewer issues with road works.
And it makes carjacking a lot harder.
And if a bird poops on your car
then you'll finally be able to go after it.
But, if we're having accidents on the ground
then surely we wouldn't be any better in the sky.
I mean, how much worse would it be when an everyday prang
means a vehicle plummeting from a great height.
So, is the average person ready to play sky driver?
We hit the streets or as, I'd like to think of them,
the skies of the past to ask.
(upbeat violin plucking)
- Flying car?
- Yeah, if it was safe I'd take
one for a test drive, slash fly.
- Not sure, I'm not sure.
I will wait for others to try that, yet.
- I've been waiting since The Jetsons, yeah.
- It just be fun, be cool.
- It could be scary, yeah.
- Oh, I think it'd be very, it'd be a lot of fun
providing it's, you know, there's some
sort of air traffic control involved.
- Does it come with a parachute (laughs)?
(loud electronic beeping)
- So it looks like our future
of flying cars will be in demand.
Tonight we have with us two guests who's pioneering spirits
have led them into this fantastical new field.
Please welcome the general manager for Uber Australia
and New Zealand, Susan Anderson.
(audience loudly clapping)
And Optus vice president of product innovation and strategy,
Deon Liebenberg.
(audience loudly clapping)
So, Susan and Deon, futurologists and movie makers
are obsessed with flying cars.
But, other than to satisfy our futurist fantasies,
do we really need them in our lives?
I mean, are they actually gonna help us
or hinder the human progress.
- They're absolutely gonna help us.
They're part of what we need in our future.
Right now, the ability to get to jobs
means that you have to live near the city center.
That means that people are all located in the same area.
And we know what that results in.
It results in high house prices, it results in congestion,
it means that it's hard for people to get around.
As soon as we can introduce flying cars,
that means that that journey from the central coast
to Sydney could take only eight minutes
instead of an hour and a half today.
Or if you've ever had to do the journey
from Melbourne airport into the city center there.
Rather than taking an hour, it takes eight minutes.
I know I want that time back so I
can get home and read my kids' stories at night.
- So absolutely, the future that
we're living in is a connected one.
Absolutely agree that everything will be connected.
It'll be flying cars, it'll be flying everything.
The challenge that we facing is,
we first need to connect this world.
We need to connect every single thing to allow
these flying objects to fly and drive autonomously.
And that's what keeps us evolving.
It took us a good 26 years to connect
six billion mobile phones in the world.
It's only gonna take us two years
to collect 50 billion things Stephanie.
It's happening.
It's happening, it's happening as we sit here.
It's changing at warp speed, our lives.
- I mean, it's an exciting but daunting prospect, isn't it.
I mean, are these the kind of vehicles we're gonna be able
to pop our kids in and send them off to school?
- So let's think about what will drive the adoption of it.
If, it's all around trust.
If you can trust something, then you'll probably do this.
It has to go mainstream.
As I was mentioned, it's not just
these cars that need to be connected.
Highways, airspace's, things around us, buildings.
If we don't map out a digital version of this world.
We refer to that as the digital twin, everything connected.
Then this won't happen.
Once that's happened, you build trust,
and absolutely, the world changes.
- But we do need to change the way we
move around and the way we think about vehicles.
We need to move this mindset from us owning our cars.
It's not gonna be about individuals having a fly car.
Or individuals having autonomous vehicles.
If that's the future, that is more congestion,
that is less safety, that's not the path.
We need to shift this mindset towards sharing
this infrastructure and using it as we need it.
And if we can do that, that means
private cars go off the road.
That means the safety because we have
you know, autonomous vehicles and we have autonomous
or experienced pilots flying the vehicles.
That's what we need to move towards.
So it's the connectivity, it's the vehicles,
but it's the mindset change.
We all need to get use to sitting with strangers
and traveling with them and embrace
that as part of how we get around.
- What's the impact gonna be on the human?
It's about how you take the adoption
between technology and the user experience.
Because it's, currently it's a point-to-point conversation.
I wanna have a point-to-purpose conversation.
Where am I going?
Why am I going there?
Do I need a Uber board?
Do I need a self-driverless car?
Do I need something to fly?
These things will happen.
They are busy happening and it's fueled through
massive data capturing, everything connected,
unlimited spectrum and capacity.
It will change the way we live, and travel.
- So, Susan I understand Uber is working
on a prototype for a flying taxi.
Can you tell us a little bit about that?
- Absolutely.
Uber Air, our vision for that is a fully autonomous,
fully electric, which means it's good for the environment,
vertical takeoff and landing vehicle.
I want you to imagine a large-scale drone.
That can move four or five people at a time.
Now rather than just going to the Uber app
and binging out to get in a car,
hit a button and it turn up in five minutes.
You'll be able to go to the app and you'll be able
to get that on demand air aerial vehicle
or aircraft that's gonna take you from point-to-point.
This is real.
I've met the master scientists.
They've been to Australia twice
to talk to us about how this works.
And we've got some of the best engineers
globally working on this problem.
And the reason why this will work
is because the best engineers want to work on this.
This is what they want to make happen.
- We mentioned safety.
I mean, a big topic of conversation
around flying cars is safety.
What are the challenges of putting
these vehicles in the air.
- Autonomous vertical takeoff and landing
vehicles will be safer than cars.
Autonomous technology will make it safer.
And this will be a technology which
is not about individuals having flying cars.
It's about a shared network.
And so working really closely with
Civil Aviation Authorities around,
how do we think about that future of urban aired travel?
Which will include drones delivering food.
It will include aerial vehicles
delivering people and how that will interact.
It needs to be able to interact with birds.
It needs to be able to interact
with other vehicles and operate in a safe way.
We believe again we have NASA scientists working
on that exact problem and talking with both
the US federal agencies as well as the Australian CASA
in terms of making sure that's a safe and a reality.
- So if autonomous planes were to be rolled out.
I imagine there are considerations that need to be had.
Such as the design of helipads and buildings and skyway's.
I mean, I imagine there'd be a number
of different players to kind of make that a reality.
What kind of conversations and major players
are having to make this whole thing work?
- We're working really closely with government.
We're working closely with partners to understand
exactly where we need to expand the network.
How we need to bold out capacity.
It's about latency, it's about always on.
It's about, I trust that if I have to swerve,
that the network will be there and it will be constantly.
You know 5G will change the way we engage.
5G will fuel this digital economy that we're talking about.
The future of these cars.
And we're very close to the New South Wales transport.
Very, very, very futuristic.
I salute them.
They are forward thinkers.
They're pushing the boundaries on a daily basis
and, you know, helping us to go create the future.
- The conversations we're having right now
is with transport authorities,
with the Civil Aviation Authorities,
but also with infrastructure and people
who own the infrastructure around our cities.
What this will need to be is,
Skyport's exist where we are today.
And so, I want you to think about on top
of the buildings you're working in, in these skyscrapers.
On top of car parks which will need to find a purpose
in the future when people are no longer using private cars.
But also very connected in with
the public transport network.
Imagine, that you're coming from your house,
you're going to get a e-bike, an e-scooter,
or maybe a shared ride to a Skyport's.
You will then get in your aerial aircraft.
Which will take you in and connect you to the train.
Which will get you your last mile to the office.
That's the way that we wanna think about transport.
It'll be multi-modalities, all accessed
through one app, or through your
virtual assistant. - Exactly.
- [Susan] Or through your kind of, being able
to access that within your house.
And that's how we need to think about transport.
What we need to move away from is, I've got my car,
this is how I'm getting around.
- Gone, no more. - This,
changing that is what we need
in order to be able to stop congestion
and really help us move and have future cities.
We've had the engineers speak to Australia already.
They've met with state governments.
We've met with the federal government.
We've met with the Civil Aviation Safety Authorities.
And let's talk about what this looks like.
And there's a real chance that Sydney and Melbourne
will be the third city to test this.
And that will be in 2020.
With commercial operations in 2023.
So this is real, it's happening, it's not just The Jetsons.
I think by the time my kids hit middle school
they can definitely think about getting flying cars.
- So how do we go about rolling out
this kind of new forward thinking transport
with the current transport that we have?
Because when you think about
autonomous vehicles, flying cars, everything.
It doesn't all just shift to this sort of new way of moving.
- No it does not.
It's habit forming.
So if you think back historically
before people were able to afford their own cars.
People had different ways of moving.
And then gradually, people bought cars
and then that became that habit.
We now to move into the next phase
where we start rebuilding our habits.
Part of that is thinking about
pooled technology, sharing vehicles.
We've launched UberPOOL across Sydney and Melbourne.
We're not sure, we were kind of not sure how it would go.
Would people be willing to share cars together?
Would they be resistant to it?
Actually, we found this subsection
of customers now who exclusively take UberPOOL's.
They get conversation but it's also so much cheaper.
And so we need to start building this habit.
Which is you'll open an app,
you'll plan your journey end-to-end.
You'll think about, what is the best way
for me to get to this point to that point?
And for it to include multiple modes.
Looking for, how do we take congestion out?
How do we make our cities more environmentally friendly?
More reliant on electric vehicles
and these types of technology.
And ultimately quicker and just a nicer way to get around.
- We keep on investing in all major cities, rural Australia.
To build the best capable network.
That will fuel all things connected
including cars, self-driverless cars.
Including superhighways, including everything.
Because it's not just about the car
it's about the entire ecosystem around that.
- And moving sideways Deon, the major
transport issue for many is their commute to work.
If in future we're able to go through the air
or telepresence technology, will that be able
to solve some of these commute issues?
If we're working in different ways?
- So we had a long conversation or rather quite frankly,
do we think people will need to travel in the future?
If everything is connected, you have unlimited connectivity.
The future of having a conversation
with someone real time through VR.
You know, work is no longer a place.
You know, it's an activity based task.
And we've found recently that more than 80% of people today
telecommute more than 40% per day of their life.
So the question is, is it about self-driverless cars?
Is it about, you know, VR?
Is it about how we consume?
We believe that in the future it'll be
by choice of the customer.
It will be fueled 100% by all these technologies and I think
it gives people options to spend time with their loved one.
- Well with it's giant sleeping planes Australia may be
the perfect place to trial these magnificent machines.
Which is why our field reporter Josh Phillipps went on
the hunt for a distinctly Aussie flying car prototype.
- These days everyone seems to be talking about flying cars.
And it's made me wanna try to make one of my own.
But I'd have to find a way to
differentiate myself in the market.
Mine would have to be uniquely Australian
and solve a uniquely Australian problem.
The Aussie Ute was first released by Ford in 1934
and quickly became the vehicle of choice
for many Australians living in the Outback.
Henry Ford even called it the kangaroo chaser
because it had to be sturdy enough to encounter
one of the biggest hazards on our Outback roads.
In Australia, kangaroos cause more road accidents
than all other animal collisions combined.
So, I reckon creating a flying version of the humble
Aussie Ute might just be able to solve this problem.
To build a flying car, first
you've gotta know how they work.
I'm here at Alauda Aeronautics, home of one of the world's
first flying racing car prototypes
to see if they can give me some tips.
- Alauda was founded about two years ago
by a civil entrepreneur Matt Pearson.
He always had a dream since he was a young kid
to be able to live like The Jetsons.
And the dream of, you know, of flying cars.
- We've been promised a flying car for a very long time.
But who made that promise?
And who's gonna make it?
- At Alauda, it's our goal
to make that dream become a reality.
This is the Alauda Mark two.
It's the, our attempt at making a 3/4 scale replica
of what we hope to eventually make in the future
as a full manned aerial vehicle.
- Everything that's been designed off the shelf today
is for much more drones and parts.
We've had kinda build it from the ground up.
- Obviously it's built off this sort of same platform
as a quadcopter but scaling it to this size?
There's a lot of challenges with that.
You're dealing with high powered electronics.
The flight control systems work
very differently at this scale.
- You become unable to source, off the shelf pods.
And you go custom pods.
- [Matthew] The power requirements are huge.
We've learned so much in terms of how to design,
and how to build, and how to get stuff manufactured.
- [Josh] So, the big question is,
what do you need to make a flying car
and could I do it myself?
- You need a lot of time and you need a lot of money.
I think those are the two things you need
if you want to make a flying car.
- [Vanja] What you need is a vehicle
and someone crazy enough to sit behind it and fly.
- I don't think anyone could just build a flying car.
I think it's easy to go online and see
YouTube videos of people making big drones.
It's very easy to make something hover,
very difficult to make it fly.
- So that's some pretty complicated stuff going on there.
I think we need to turn our attention back down
to the ground to see what other solutions
we can find to protect the roos and drivers on our road.
Luckily I've got a friend who's working
on that exact problem.
Let's go and have a chat to him.
- Hi ya Josh. - Hi, how you doing?
Hey, nice to meet you. - Good how are you?
Very good. - Now,
you're part of a team developing
a Smart Ute is that right?
- Absolutely. - Great.
Can you tell me, what is a Smart Ute
and what are you looking for it to do?
- Well, we're developing a Smart Ute.
Suitable for the Australian Outback.
So the car will detect a kangaroo on the road
and it will either slow down or it will stop
to ensure that there is no collision with any animals.
We're working with the Australian Centre of Field Robotics.
There's been a lot of studies around
human movement, around vehicles.
But not a lot has been done around the kangaroo movement.
So, the studies that we're doing now around humans.
We're transferring that into animal movements.
And we're predicting how the animal
behaves around a vehicle.
It's about the detection, it's gonna
be very difficult to deter an animal.
So, what this technology is doing now
is basically just avoiding any collisions.
We've got a huge issue with animals
on our roads in regional Australia.
This technology is gonna help avoid collisions.
Making our roads safer for everyone.
- Well, I think my flying Ute idea may be
a little bit harder than I originally thought.
But the Smart Ute that's currently in development
may be the answer to all or our problems
when it comes to detecting and avoiding animals
like kangaroos on our roads in regional Australia.
Or in other countries like Canada where they have
the problem of moose on the road, for example.
But I still wanna know, where's my flying car?
(loud electronic beeping)
- And bringing it back down to Earth,
what kinds of transformative technology
have you seen for pedestrians or those
who may be a more mobility challenged?
- We've really committed to investing into this space
to make sure that nobody's left behind.
That this becomes a network that everybody can access.
I think one of the things that's really interesting
is we're seeing a growth in people introducing
their parents to things like Uber.
You know, particularly for older people where
if they lose their license or
their no longer able to drive themselves.
It can feel like a real lose in freedom.
And already we're seeing, kind of,
people being able to connect in.
Their parents, getting them using the service.
Because it does give that flexibility and that freedom.
And it's affordable as well.
So, I think there's more in that journey.
But taking people on that way to make sure
nobody's left behind is absolutely critical.
- If I can link to that, we've actually done some work
with one of the largest airlines in Australia recently.
Re-imagining a travelers journey.
And we actually put ourselves five years ahead of time
and re-imagined the journey of an 80 year old traveler.
How that individual would travel five years in the future.
And we went through the customer journey.
And the questions we ended up with,
do you actually need luggage?
Will you not be able to print your luggage
when you arrive on the other side?
Maybe five years is a little bit short
but we re-imagined the entire journey of what someone
would go through five years down the line
with connected everything and everything supercharged.
- I'm not sure about printing my clothes.
- Absolutely. - I don't know how
that would work.
- These were printed.
Their (laughs).
- Were they really?
- No, but lets, work with me.
- But maybe we should just be renting clothes
when we arrive there, you know.
It's kind of, it's all about sharing.
- It's a sharing economy, exactly (laughs).
- Welp there's plenty of innovation happening to keep our
imaginations fired up and our technologists ready to go.
I for one will happily volunteer to jump
into the first formula one on air.
It's closer than you think.
That's all the time we have.
Thank you so much to Susan and Deon.
And thank you so much to you for watching.
I'm Stephanie Bendixsen, until next time, keep on moving.
(audience loudly clapping)
(house beat techno music)
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