Thứ Năm, 17 tháng 1, 2019

Youtube daily report Jan 17 2019

Beautiful ships hmm

Beautiful ships of Ruby hmmm so much potential mm-hmm


best Sears for shipping why guys you might be wondering when I was just doing well I was just looking at some beautiful

Gorgeous pics from the Ruby series so you guys have told me you have told me my friends that in Ruby

There's a lot of ships and in Ruby there's a lot of lore and this is why this series is perfect for me because

that's all my life that's all I do I ship and I talked about lore

but anyway no today I am going to be moving on to episode number six of

Ruby and I'm so excited because last time on Ruby this happened oh

No I should scare her

Oh God! Oh No she's not just scarran. Oh this oh!

Yeah there we go creatures here we go, oh


but I wait no we're moving on to episode number 6 I'm really excited about this because

the last time we left off there was a creature there was a creature and as you know I'm big fan of these creatures in

this series because ever since I saw the first trailer

I'm like yo I got to know more about these guys I need to know more about these guys as usual guys before we get

Into the episode let us tell you about the mists cat squad Clubhouse and some awards that you can get on a patreon page

take it away Derek hey Ruby fans for those who showed us nothing but positivity and support

We really appreciate your support for a squad reacts Ruby edition this is why we want to reward you guys for being such an amazing

support of audience with even more content and ideas for your favorite series Ruby

we are so happy to announce our new rewards for our patreon page by giving you guys new content such as the raveling Ruby podcast

a patron only Ruby related podcast that airs every Thursday right after the episode

uncut episodes every Thursday you get access to some behind the scenes quad reacts Ruby episodes

early access episodes you get Squad reacts Ruby episode so earlier right on patreon shoutouts

If you pledge $10 or more you'll be listed on the credits and you get to vote on topics mentioned on the Rambla Ruby

podcast top 5 reasons to love Ruby characters and many more rewards all you have to do is visit us on patreon at

slash miss cut squad the link is down in the description down below now let's get into the episode


Look I just really how dark this opening is actually is like

This so there I'm like thinking is I should go to be a revolution I want to know

The beans

And I'm so excited to read the mom gets here you have no idea here we go

It's foggy I hate when things are foggy yes my queen hello oh


Feel like she's not afraid of anything Oh


Nope oh

Wait embarrass or they're like bears of spikes on their bags excuse me oh my god

Oliver the slo-mo

Huh her hair her hair she met there bears

Never touch her hair wait

if they're bears and she has blonde hair it's Goldilocks it's chic Goldilocks, please

They're bears, okay

Yes I

Know you guys ship them

She saved her oh, oh

Yes here we go if I'm my bug will be buxom you know

You're trading you're trading

We train by the books

Ha ha

Portrait for mr. Tree

Third true though gotta work together girls come on my god

Yes load it

Yes yes yes okay so they're based on different types of animals all right wolves because yellow to red lighting lighting her riding hood

The fast levels are high sassy you guys go work together

Come on

She was gonna call her I was like girl

Poor trees you know hug the trees ooh-ooh

Black feather I must beat something yes there we go Bo bean

Device gunfire it seems some of our comrades have encountered the enemy yeah hopefully I'll make it out

This is a scratch

why, didn't you activate your aura, huh

your aura gesundheit do take

know what or is

of course nice yeah do you know it

Aura is the manifestation of our soul it bears our burdens

and use our heart always a go switch in and out like you were being watched without knowing that

they're gonna show us this while she's talking this technique

Good storytelling technique all my excuse me

There's a snake our aura can be our shield everyone has it even animals what about monsters I

love this voice

see what be true

Which is a Grimm so Grimm's fairytales

They are the darkness we are yes

Oh my god oh my god yeah

You came yang this

This isn't fair though two against one never fair conduits for aura, okay

You project yourself and your soul when fighting

It's like a force field oh

What the mother you just exploded its head now close your eyes and concentrate?


He's new be like extremely powerful that we achieve immortality?

through this we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all

and distance and unbound by death I release your soul and by my shoulder oh, she's just helping him I like this


it's alright I

used my aura to unlock yours oh the energy that protects you now is your own


You have a lot of oh good

I'm so happy oh I can't wait to see how his abilities go over time Oh God!

Come on up

All right so lots to talk about here and my favorite scenes so far from this episode mr. Berger stay

today what's definitely when they were talking about the auras and everything because

What this series does and again this is great for anyone out there, who, wants to do with like a type of storytelling

but this series does definitely do is it shows that it doesn't tell

You don't want to just tell a story you want to show it

So what they were doing was they had Wren I'm hoping I'm saying his name correctly I will I promise you guys I will

say their names correctly he was fighting with the snakes and with the Thea with the Grimm and

like they said they are the darkness we are the light but he was fighting with them and

while fira was

Talking so instead of her just explaining to it on the screen we as the viewers learned about it directly from the transition between

fira and

jean and to when he was fighting with with the with the grimm and everything so that is a really great technique that they used

there because you want to show your audience

That you just don't want to tell so the lore behind that very strong I'm also excited because

Like there's so many different like creatures and types of them


With like how they're how is their ranking you know I want to I want to learn like can they evolve into something I mean

is there like level one level two I want to learn but behind the lore of

this entire series with the creatures

Included so if they are based on any of the creatures and like the monsters or beasts is there anything

that are mentioned in like the fairy tales of like what the Grimm and I both Grimm and everything

that'd be really interesting because that's their names are called the Grimm, so maybe

It's like Grimm's fairy tales like I'm really excited to see what they do take away

from those fairy tales and what they do incorporate into this series so

My question I've been trying so hard to pay attention to see who is who you know like Ruby

obviously is

inspired not based because based on is

totally different than inspired and and

I've seen people talking about this all time because I used to work with

Publishing so this is why this is also a great series for me because I know all about the fairy tales that are all about

books and everything so that was my job previously before it went full-time on YouTube what I do know is

That when you see a book or a series or something is based on that basically means

it's not just incorporating some inspiration it's actually making

Like somebody actually a Little Red Riding Hood so this is not based on the fairy tales it is spired by the fairy tales

So she may have

similarities to little red here and there but she's not overall based on her character she was just

taken inspiration from that character to add to this lore of the series

So my question cuz I'm gonna go and try to go on to order because we figured out who Rubeus is

yang is our awesomesauce yang

Goldilocks because right now she was fighting three bears okay like if we go back to that scene and we're gonna show this on the

screen right now to show you guys, okay she is

fighting three bears alright there was a new three four or five bears and I think there were three

fighting three bears her hair is golden she they cut off her hair

Okay and then she freaks out so in that time period you know they use certain techniques in this series about

foreshadowing but also they use these techniques that you've seen a lot of like picture books and any type of book where they want a

hint they want to show they don't want to tell so they wanted to hint to us that with mr. Burger go over here

I'll just lay on you they they wanted to show us

instead of telling us who she is

So how they showed us is they want us to figure out like the lore here and there are little bits and pieces

by if her hair is cut alright a little piece

dangles and they want us to pay attention to that little piece dangling and being cut like it's not just

important her hair is very

Important to her character and she freaks out about it so when we see that we you want to question it

like this is how you really decipher lore and everything you want to really decipher things and go and question it you want to ask


Did they pick to do that well they're trying to?

showcase something to us they're trying to show us

That she might be Goldilocks I mean it might be I'm not sure but she's fighting three bears and she has golden locks and they

also cut off part of her golden locks which falls

which basically means which they do a lot and picture books if you read a lot of picture books like I did throughout my course

of my career

You'll notice that they do these little techniques that they want to show you they don't want to tell you so am

I right or am. I close to be right I don't know I just love figuring these types of things out I also loved is

We have a jean here that he feels like he is important when fear is said to him that

Wow yours is really strong now she didn't have to help him like that but she did I mean she could have probably been like

Twice why seems to really like hold everything to herself she seems to be the character that really just

wants to win and have merit and gain everything for herself instead of helping other people which I know probably will change over time because

Weis you know she's gonna have a lot of character development as these types of characters do do but with

Firoz she helps she knows that she doesn't have that big of an ego but she also helps people with

her confidence so like people like if you have like

people out there like if you have a big ego or you have a lot of confidence

instead of just using it for yourself use it to help other people and a lot of people such as myself you will learn over

time how to do that so

with Jean

He his little smile you know I feel like his character is he knows that like in his mind he wants to act very

confident like he's he said about in the last episodes he said oh dad just told me that girls just like confidence and

instead he's coming across at he's coming across as his confident guy because he's trying too hard

So in this moment when she did this for him it was very honest you know he saw his true self

come across because his eyes he saw his expressions butts expressions are very important to pay attention to

He was all that he felt important you know he felt like this importance overwhelmed him and

He was like wow I do have an ability

So like people out there you know like I keep seeing people out there because if you know anyone out there squad if you know

anybody who is like John who tries so hard to impress people

it's like instead of that instead of trying so hard just be your natural self and she seemed she seemed to pick out that he

has a natural strong aura

So it's very important to see like because instead of trying to be confident all the time

show those flaws show who you are but then maybe you'll see that your ability doesn't come within a strength that you thought you had

but it comes from a strength somewhere else completely different that you were like

Wow, I do have this ability

I do have this strength so it's very important to keep into mine if you're if you are like John if you're like John just

take a step back and just look within I mean I took away from the scene - is

John is the type of character that really needs to look within himself to discover his true

Strengths so instead of just looking at this as yeah it's an ability

Yeah awesome the or again this is a huge ability that was revealed to us and before our eyes like while that is so awesome


thing to take away is in a personal level in this personal level is John has to look deep within himself to really find out


He is and again his character is a beam and I'm really realizing


He is as this character but Fira I love her now I really do like

her because she didn't have to do that for him but she did and she's helping him

unlock certain things about himself and discover certain things about himself like nobody else could so I could see if people do ship them I

would love to know again

again this is a place

This is a channel this is a community where you guys can talk freely about your ships I mean your favorite types of ships so

If you had for me every ship is valid I am a professional shipper and a professional fangirl as I like to call myself

because this is what I always like to say to people

every ship is valid every single ship you could talk about here there may be

Arguments here and there but don't argue to try to prove a point are you to disagree to agree

have friendly types of arguments that's allowed here

but with ships and everything I

Say everyone is valid I mean I might have sit like favorite ships here and there and you guys might learn

who, my favorite ships are throughout the whole series

I'm beginning to really like Yang and Blake together I know a lot of you guys do like them in

that's a few scenes alone but I'll talk more about that but I want to know who you ship don't feel like you have to

hold yourself back with that talk about your ships here because you guys were saying to me like warning me oh this is where

like the toxics the toxicity is within the fandom is when

ships get involved but I want to shine a positive light on that you know like this series brought so many people together

Mr. Berger what are you doing

He's given me a problem tact

this series has brought so many people together and

It's just I want people to feel as if they can be themselves on this channel you know like

I'm able to be myself on this channel so why can't you this is what our community is all of us who never feel like

you have to hold back

without talking about freely about who you love is a ship because this is I mean again I might have favorite ships I might disagree

with you but to me every single ship is valid if you have fair not to share of them you can feel free to tweet

Me your fan er that you do create or if you want if you want to share fan fics and everything I want to get

The whole Ruby experience which someone just revealed to me that there is a game and a board game

So out because I want to be able to experience everything Ruby has to offer so that if there's anything that I am missing out

On or if there's a guide or

Something that will just really discuss the lore with me because I'm going in completely blind with this so after volume one before jumping into

Volume two as long as you guys do support this and you guys really want more of Ruby content on the channel?

what I want to do is go review everything that volume one has to offer and really look at my first thoughts of Ruby

So guys I really hope that you did enjoy this if there's anything that I didn't miss out on please let me know I usually

Like to I'm gonna start reading the comments like 15 minutes before I do

Like stop reading the comments because I don't want to be spoiled what I'm gonna do is when I'm finished with volume 1 of Ruby

And I'm all caught up I want to go back into the comments section read out some of your guys awesome comments

support this community as much as possible and see what you have to say about Ruby be sure to check out the Miss Catskill Clubhouse

That is directly on our patreon page for some awesome or rewards for you guys and also don't forget to subscribe if you want more

Ruby content they'll be more here on the channel every single week don't forget to hit the bell

notification if you want to be notified about

Episodes and don't forget to give this a big thumbs up because that helps me decide on what content you want to see more of


On the channel but anyway guys I hope you guys have an amazing

des stay safe out there and as always miss catsup to the next video

I'm Bruce Jenner fan girl and you're a fan boy every single day bye guys hey squad thanks so much for tuning in to this

episode of Miss cat squad if you want to follow our adventures outside of YouTube be sure to check out the description down below for

All these awesome fun links and if you really love what we're doing on YouTube I'm going to be part of the journey and to

contribute to it be sure to check out to our patreon page for awesome monthly awards thanks again squad and until the next video

embrace your inner fangirl hindering a fanboy every single day

For more infomation >> IT'S BUMBLEBEE! | RWBY Chapter 6 Reaction - Duration: 20:43.


8 Top Home Remedies For Instant Earache Relief - Duration: 4:16.

8 Top Home Remedies For Instant Earache Relief


Use cold or warm compresses

Icepacks or warm pads are often used to get rid of pain and ear infections at home.

You can also use both by alternating every 10 minutes to relieve ear pain, and is a safe

method for both adults and children – just make sure you place a small towel between

the compress and your child's ear to avoid any sudden tantrums!


Garlic eardrops

With its pain-relieving and antibiotic properties, garlic is a popular home remedy for an earache

in adults.

Garlic eardrops can also have the same impact as over-the-counter eardrops (2), so pop into

your local health pharmacy to ask for more advice.


Steam it up

You can help stop an earache fast and relax the blocked feeling with warm, moist air.

Taking a hot shower or long bath can have the effect of a steam so it may help ease

the pressure and pair in your ear and make you feel a lot more comfortable.


Olive oil cotton pads

If your ear pain has been caused by an infection, olive oil can be a good natural way to make

you feel balanced again.

It acts as a lubricant and stops the vibrating sensation in your ear.

You can apply drops directly or use a cotton pad soaked in the oil.


Neck exercises

Pressure in the ear canal can cause ear pain, so doing neck exercise can help relieve the

pressure and make your life comfortable again.

vinegar is a popular home remedy for earache


Dousing with vinegar

For an earache caused by an infection, vinegar can be a good remedy.

It's a time and tested solution across many cultures (3) – all you do is mix a little

vinegar (apple cider vinegar is a great option) with water and immerse a cotton pad in it.

Then plug the cotton in your ear for several minutes before draining the liquid out.

Dry it as much as you can (some people use hairdryers for this part).


Onion juice

Onions have antiseptic and antibacterial properties that make them a great earache remedy.

Grating an onion to extract the juice and heating it over low heat has been done throughout

time relieve earache (4).

Once cooled, put several drops in the ear to relieve yourself from the pain.

It might seem strange but it's been shown to work!


Avoid wearing headphones

This may seem obvious, but if you're dealing with earcahe or infection, avoid using or

sharing ear buds or headphones with anyone else.

The transfer of bacteria can be harmful if you have an infection and can stall the healing


For more infomation >> 8 Top Home Remedies For Instant Earache Relief - Duration: 4:16.


Pence declares ISIS defeat - Duration: 4:40.

For more infomation >> Pence declares ISIS defeat - Duration: 4:40.


Building A Bandits Box Fort / That YouTub3 Family I Family Channel - Duration: 14:50.

For more infomation >> Building A Bandits Box Fort / That YouTub3 Family I Family Channel - Duration: 14:50.


We Try '80s Windbreaker Jackets - Duration: 4:44.

For more infomation >> We Try '80s Windbreaker Jackets - Duration: 4:44.


Live PD: Closet Kidnapper (Season 3) | A&E - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> Live PD: Closet Kidnapper (Season 3) | A&E - Duration: 3:42.


Married to Medicine Reunion Part 3: Quad Webb-Lunceford & Gregory Lunceford Finally Face Off | Bravo - Duration: 7:15.

For more infomation >> Married to Medicine Reunion Part 3: Quad Webb-Lunceford & Gregory Lunceford Finally Face Off | Bravo - Duration: 7:15.


Is Balding A Deal Breaker? - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Is Balding A Deal Breaker? - Duration: 2:05.


See Hanson in action in rare Hidden Gem from 2005 episode of Raw (WWE Network Exclusive) - Duration: 0:59.

One, two [SOUND].

For more infomation >> See Hanson in action in rare Hidden Gem from 2005 episode of Raw (WWE Network Exclusive) - Duration: 0:59.


The legacy of The Vanguard Group founder John Bogle - Duration: 7:35.

For more infomation >> The legacy of The Vanguard Group founder John Bogle - Duration: 7:35.


GOLEM | Draw My Life - Duration: 6:03.

The golem is a living creature from the jewess mythology.

A being made of inanimate matter, with the shape of a human being.

A mystic power gives life to it so it can act following his orders.

Its name comes from the psalms in the Old Testament, where the word Golem means unformed

material- the human being that hasnt been completely shaped yet.

Its story has some pa(e)rallélism with the figure of Adam, who, according to the Bible,

was also created out of mud by God.

God created him in his own image and gave him life.

In this case, there are different ways of giving a Golem life, according to different


In some of them, people talk about a mystic ritual where the letters of the Hebrew (híbru)

alphabet are used to form a "shem", any one of the names of God.

This "shem" is written on a piece of paper and inserted in the mouth or in the forehead

of the golem.

Other legends say, in order to wake the Golem up, you must write the word "emet" on

their forehead, which means "truth" in Hebrew (híbru).

In order to deactivate the Golem, one would only need to remove the first letter of the

word, and leave it as "met", meaning "death" in hebrew.

The oldest story about Golems goes back to the 17th century in Poland, and its supposed

to have taken place a century earlier, with the rabbi (rábai) of Chelm as the protagonist

- the principal religious authority in this city located in the east of the country.

He made a creature out of dust and gave it life with the sacred word, so it would work

on the most difficult tasks.

But this creature kept growing and growing, until the rabbi feared for his own safety

and that of his fellow men - so he decided to take its life away.

The Golem resisted, wildly, hurting the rabbi, but in the end, the rabbi was able to remove

the sacred word from its forehead, turning it into dust again.

The most famous legend, and the one that shaped the myth, was that of the Golem of Prague

(prág), which takes place at the end of the 16th century in the Czech capital.

The rabbi there, known as the Maharál of Prague, created a Golem out of clay from the

banks of the Vltava (voltáva) River, and gave it life through hebrew (híbru) rituals,

in order to defend his people.

Back then, Jews lived all together in the ghetto, the neighborhood where they had been

isolated following Rudolf II instructions, the sacred roman emperor and archduke of the

Austrian Empire.

They suffered continuous hunts, some of them being even exiled or murdered.

The Golem would be in charge of protecting them from those attacks and keeping peace

in the ghetto.

People said it could turn invisible and even invoke spirits.

However, it was slow and clumsy when it came to moving, and not very intelligent.

One time, the rabbi's wife asked the Golem to go take water from the river, and he took

it literally.

He went to the river and started taking water from it, non stop, until the city was almost


It couldnt speak, either, so neither transmit feeling, only obey and follow orders.

Every Friday afternoon, the rabbi erased the sacred word from the forehead of the Golem,

so it could rest on Saturday, sacred day for jews during which they cant work.

But one of those Fridays, the rabbi forgot about it, and the Golem désecrated the tradition.

When the rabbi went to it to take its life away, the Golem resisted, provoking the chaos.

A different version says that one day, the Golem fell in love with a woman, and when

it was rejected, it turned into a violent beast, giving free rein to its murder instinct.

Both versions end with the rabbi confronting the creature in front of the synagogue (sínagog).

In the end, he immo(u)bilizes it, and extracts from its mouth the note with the sacred word,

and the body of the Golem was destroyed in pieces.

These pieces were stored in the attic of the synagogue, with no access to the public, and

where they could be collected in case they needed to wake it up again.

Truth is, the attic in the synagogue of Prague was completely remodeled in 1883, and according

to official sources, there was no trace of the remains of the Golem.

Some people say they were stolen and hidden in the cemetery of the Zizkov neighborhood,

where there is a tv tower nowadays.

Some others say they were recovered from the attic by a nazi agent during WWII, and their

location now is unknown.

But the agent was found dead - he had been stabbed.

The legend of the Golem of Prague was spread throughout the centuries, becoming a symbol

for the city.

If we walk around the old town, we will find lots of different figurines representing Golems

in the souvenir stores.

By mid 19th century, some authors, germans most of them, started capturing the legend

of the Golem in literature, making it famous worldwide.

Since then, apart from novels, there has been several cinematographic adaptations, the first

of them during the times of silent films.

The Golem has also appeared as a character in several comics, like DC's "Ragman"

or Marvel's "Strange Tales".

It's had its own "Treehouse of Horror" episode in the Simpsons.

It's one of the most common roles in the famous boardgame Dungeons and Dragons.

And it has even named a Pokemon!

Tho, its appearance is more similar to that of a Golurk.

Right now, in hebrew, the word Golem is used to call somebody "fool" or "airhead".

But really, the Golem, even tho it's a stoned colóssus, it's simply a creature victim

of the ambitions of its creator.

For more infomation >> GOLEM | Draw My Life - Duration: 6:03.


Play Time Controls on PS4 systems - Duration: 1:20.

For more infomation >> Play Time Controls on PS4 systems - Duration: 1:20.


Natale 2018 (solo per stomaci capienti) - Duration: 11:28.

For more infomation >> Natale 2018 (solo per stomaci capienti) - Duration: 11:28.


3D Products NANO PAIL SUPER SOAP car wash soap with foamer sprayer - Duration: 5:44.

thanks for checking out 3d products I'm Donald Williams we're very very excited

about our brand-new super cleaning products which are packed with the

already well-known nano packages now would you rather take what we've been

doing for years and take a five-gallon pail using a spigot maybe even a

measuring glass turning it over when all we're trying to do is get a ready to use

32 ounce bottle of product I think most of these things are 4 to 1 it's about as

strong as you can get them because they have to have water or is it going to be

a lot easier for you to take one of these nano pails and just fill the

bottle up with water get one pump and you're ready to go we're gonna go ahead

and show you how to do that I'll breakdown plus all the benefits of a

nano product in the nano systems check it out we're gonna show you there's


We are going to show you between the 3d super soap

also known in a nano pail or nano drums contrast to

the current product we have a 3ds pink car soap now both of them are great

products that's just how easy it is now for you to be able to get to those

finished goods so what we're gonna do is we're gonna show you what are the steps

to be able to break it down and we're doing through a foam cannon breakdown is

a little easier than just doing a regular bucket

so we've taken we filled this up to 800 milliliters of water because we have to

put 4 ounces of pink car soap in here we're gonna take the tip it down It's so pretty!

About 5 ounces of soap here but because of the thickness of it probably lose about 1/2

ounce of soap by pouring it in here. a little over 900 milliliters

of finished goods give it a little bit of back and forth and you're ready to hook

that baby up to a foam cannon now I've taken here we've actually been able to

provide the same amount of finished goods out of the 64 ounce nano pail

as you would get out of this five-gallon pail

it's pretty unique pretty awesome I actually enjoy it very much

and not only that, you get a beautiful raspberry type scent when you open this thing

so out of a 64 ounce super soap all you're gonna need is a 2/3 ounce pump

fill this baby up just about 900 milliliters sorry we were the United

States I know it's odd number and WHAM one pump and that's it some people might

call it a one-pump chump I have friends that know about that screw it

on a little bit of back and forth it's done now you're ready to foam cannon

this bad boy out and we will go ahead and show you the comparison if you

haven't seen it already they got six ounces of regular pink car soap and

there's 32 ounce bottle I'm going to fire this baby up

we got good foam to do this car with the soap and the idea is doing it's like

least amount as touch as possible do the same procedure we did before a little

back and forth look at how quickly and easy and mixes set it up and here we go

WOW!! look at that foam ability things amazing remember this is only

about 3/4 ounces not only does it have great foam ability but you'll see in a

second how much rinse ability we have here a nice little close-up on how much

this foam sticks on here look at that great build means breaking down loose

dirt particles and we're comparing this to I think we did four ounces maybe six

ounces of pink car soap and for those you use have used pink car soap the pink

car soap foams up really well you can see how much build we have on it also

depends on pressure and water and how much foam you're going to get

now we're gonna check out the rinse ability here Wow look at that comes

right off all that foam still comes right off not hard and the one thing

that's important about it is you know you want to make sure your little water

conscious as well so if it takes way more water you're going to spend more

water so you're not going to worry about that

so rinse ability check we've marked that off in the Box got very very good rinse

ability we'll look at the clean ability here looks very clean look at the tires

nice and clean the car looks nice so basically all we'll have to do now is

dry it off you guys appreciate you coming by and checking us out 3d

products and being able to check out our brand new nano pail system now the Nano

pails keep the same great finished goods easier to take out of these smaller

pails these hyper concentrates that are homogeneous that be able to make it so

that you can be able to take this hyper concentrated product and in one pump

create the same amount of finished goods that come with these five-gallon pails

broken down at four to one you can see how much easier it is to do and really

how much quality product you can get you get 100 32 ounce bottles of finished

goods these nano pills as opposed to a 100 32 ounce bottles and finished goods

out of a five-gallon pail it's just easier to get they're easier to store

and much easier to use when it comes to breaking down the product we hope this

helped you out hope it brought up some clarity of the benefit of the Nano pails

and we hope that you guys join look us up next time keep it up to date with all

3ds latest greatest innovative car care products until next time

I'm Donald Williams we'll see you then


For more infomation >> 3D Products NANO PAIL SUPER SOAP car wash soap with foamer sprayer - Duration: 5:44.


My Sketchnoting Toolkit - Duration: 7:49.

Hello and welcome to Verbal To Visual. Today I would like to share with you

my favorite sketchnoting materials and how I'm using them. So here, then, is my

sketchnoting toolkit. Let's start with the most inexpensive and easiest to find

of the materials that I use: copy paper and legal pads. I enjoy using those at

the early stages of anything that I'm working on for the initial brainstorming

and drafting of ideas that I might later polish up in some way. And whether I use

blank copy paper or lined legal pads kind of just depends on the mood I'm in.

For whatever reason, sometimes one is more appealing than the other. For

example, in the case of the creation of these weekly videos here, I often use

blank copy paper to experiment with how I might like to lay out the ideas. Here

I'm working on a video from a couple of weeks ago - my 2018

to 2019 annual review - just getting a feel for what goes where. Then, once I'm

comfortable with the layout, I might experiment a bit with the specific

visuals to include. That's what you see me working on here. Next let's take a

look at some legal pad drafting. Here you see me working out what the featured

images might look like for the new podcast that I launched just last week:

The Doug Neill Show. Each podcast episode has three segments to it and I decided

to include a mini sketchnote for each segment. And here you see me working out

what those mini sketchnotes might look like and how to also fit in the title of

the podcast and the episode number, working out those details in a

low-pressure way. And that's what I like about using those materials. I don't feel

any pressure when I'm making marks on the page. I'm not distracted by fancy or

expensive materials. My go-to pen for all of my small-scale sketchnoting is the

Pentel Energel 0.7mm tip, along with ink refills that I can buy in

bulk so that I don't have to keep picking up that plastic casing. I keep a

stash of those refills in a drawer in my office and also another stash in my backpack

so that I never have to worry about running out of ink.

One of my favorite journals to sketchnote in are the small thick-page

Moleskines. That's the notebook that I use

specifically for single-page, single-idea public sketchnotes - the sketchnotes

that I share on Instagram. I love the quality of those thick pages. I like

the small size - I find that to be a helpful constraint when sharing any

individual idea, and I like having a go-to place to share publicly maybe a

visual journal entry from my day, a book that I recently finished reading, or a

single idea that I came across that felt impactful and that I wanted to share. And

while I enjoy sharing some of my sketchnotes with others, I do think it's

important to have a space where you're taking sketchnotes only for yourself.

And that's what this next notebook is for - a dot grid DiaryFlex notebook that

I use for my personal sketchnotes of podcasts that I'm listening to or

articles that I'm reading. What I like about these notebooks is that they're

essentially just the inserts without the cover which keeps the cost pretty low. So

you can pick up just one cover and keep reusing that even as you fill notebook

after notebook. Shoutout to my friend Raven Henderson who sent me my first

DiaryFlex notebook. I got hooked pretty quickly and I've picked up many since

then. Here you see some notes from the Creative Pep Talk podcast, some notes on

articles that I read in The New Yorker, another podcast - The Accidental Creative,

and some quotes from a fiction book that I had just finished reading. I've enjoyed

the lightly printed dot grid on these pages because it provides structure when

you want it but you can ignore it when you don't need it. And that notebook has

been a nice place to capture some ideas that don't necessarily fit into any

current project but that interest me for one reason or another, and that I might

want to revisit in the future. My next go-to materials are foam boards:

large rigid surfaces that are 3/16 of an inch thick,

36 inches long, and 24 inches tall. Those are the canvases for sketchnote

videos like these. That's what I'm writing and drawing on right

now. I've been enjoying using those foam boards over paper because they feel a

little bit more permanent. It feels like this sweet spot in between paper that

you could crumple up and throw in the recycling bin and a fancy art canvas meant

to be hung from the wall. I think that helps me bring a little bit more care and

attention to the marks that I make when creating these videos, but not so much

that it adds unnecessary pressure and anxiety. To make those marks on these

boards within these videos I've been using the double-sided Permapaque marker,

that has a bullet tip on one end and a chisel tip on the other. I've been

enjoying the simplicity of just those two options to add a bit of a variety, a

bit of hierarchy to these videos, while also just sticking to a single black

color. And though I most enjoy using pen and paper tools when doing my sketchnoting,

I do have one digital go-to, and that's the iPad Pro along with the Apple

Pencil and the app Procreate. I use that combo of tools for what I consider to be

sketchnote illustrations - so, not rough first-time sketchnotes but slightly

more polished, presentable ideas. That's what I've been using for the thumbnail

images for recent videos here as well as for the featured images for my new

podcast that I mentioned drafting earlier on those legal pads. Here I've

been enjoying the use of a few colors, the use of layers, and the flexibility of

a digital sketching tool to move things around a bit and do the type of

editing that you can't do with pen and paper. And there is one final tool

combination that I wanted to share (moving back in the analog direction):

using index cards and a shoebox-sized organizer. I have been using that combo

to help me develop big projects. Specifically, I've been using it in the

development of the resource Build an Online Course with Sketchnotes. I've

been enjoying the ability to capture individual ideas on those white index

cards and then use the tabbed colored cards as I experiment with the overall

structure of the ideas that I'm sharing. So when it comes to

something like developing a new course or even writing a book, I think a tool

combination like this has a lot of potential and I'm excited to be

experimenting with it here for the first time. So there it is,

these here are my favorite sketchnoting tools and a bit about how I'm using each

of them. If any of them sound appealing to you do feel free to pick them up and

do some experimenting yourself, with the goal of finding those materials for you

that are best suited to their purpose. It's not about buying fancy materials

for the sake of having something that looks cool. Instead it's about gathering

the resources that help you to do the work that's important to you. So be sure

to keep that in mind as you do your own experimenting and as you build up to

your own sketchnoting toolkit. And if you'd like some more information about

how to use tools like these then check out the courses available at, links down below. Thank you so much for watching. I hope you enjoyed

seeing the tools that I use on a daily basis, and good luck as you seek out

those that will work well for you. Thanks again and I'll see you next time. Till then.

For more infomation >> My Sketchnoting Toolkit - Duration: 7:49.


CEOs cite recession as their biggest fear in 2019 - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> CEOs cite recession as their biggest fear in 2019 - Duration: 3:16.


Thousands Of Migrant Children Separated From Parents Before Zero Tolerance | Andrea Mitchell | MSNBC - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> Thousands Of Migrant Children Separated From Parents Before Zero Tolerance | Andrea Mitchell | MSNBC - Duration: 1:44.


Noticias Telemundo Mediodía, 17 de enero de 2018 - Duration: 21:36.

For more infomation >> Noticias Telemundo Mediodía, 17 de enero de 2018 - Duration: 21:36.


Conversation Skills: Considering Possibilities 🤔 "For the sake of the argument" and more! - Duration: 4:25.

Hi everyone. It's Jennifer. I have some suggestions if you want your listener to consider different

possibilities during a conversation.

First, "assuming that.:

This is a sentence starter. I want you to consider a possible situation and imagine the result.

"Assuming that" has a similar use as an if-clause. Do you remember conditional sentences?

"Assuming that"

basically means... if we assume that this is true or if we assume that this is the case, then....

So if we assume that, it won't snow tomorrow then

yes, we can drive.

So you think that it's likely it won't snow. If it doesn't snow we can drive.

Assuming that it doesn't snow, we can drive into Boston tomorrow.

Second, "let's say that."

This is another way to start a sentence in order to propose a possibility.

You're speaking hypothetically.

It's similar to "let's imagine that"

or "let's suppose that."

Here's an example.

Someone is considering a possible trip. They're not ready to commit yet.

They just want to think out loud and consider the possibilities.

Third, "for the sake of the argument."

This useful when you want to consider another alternative.

Maybe you think this alternative is not possible or likely, but as part of this conversation

you still want to consider it.

"For the sake of the argument" combines well with our second expression.

This expression can also work well when you want to prove a point, and you know that what you're proposing

isn't possible or realistic.

For practice, imagine a situation

where you could use one of these expressions.Write a dialog of two or three lines and post it in the comments.

Well, let's end here. I'll see you again soon for another lesson.

Please remember to like this video and subscribe if you haven't already. As always, thanks for watching and happy studies!

Become a member of my learning community click the JOIN button to become a member of my YouTube channel English with Jennifer.

You'll get a special badge, bonus posts, on-screen credit, and a monthly live stream.

Note that YouTube channel memberships are not available in every country at this time.

Follow me and gain more practice on Facebook and Twitter. I also have new videos on Instagram.

If you haven't already,

subscribe to my channel so you get

notification of every new video I upload to YouTube.

For more infomation >> Conversation Skills: Considering Possibilities 🤔 "For the sake of the argument" and more! - Duration: 4:25.


The 700 Club - January 17, 2019 - Duration: 57:59.

For more infomation >> The 700 Club - January 17, 2019 - Duration: 57:59.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 CDI Business Class Navi,Trekhaak,Cruise,Cv Hoge Zit Dealer onderhouden - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 CDI Business Class Navi,Trekhaak,Cruise,Cv Hoge Zit Dealer onderhouden - Duration: 0:52.


The legacy of The Vanguard Group founder John Bogle - Duration: 7:35.

For more infomation >> The legacy of The Vanguard Group founder John Bogle - Duration: 7:35.


Skoda Karoq - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Skoda Karoq - Duration: 1:05.


★★★Mandy★★★ Don't you ever think there's another me | Plus Size Model | Plus Size Curvy Outfit Ideas - Duration: 2:27.

★★★Mandy★★★ Don't you ever think there's another me | Plus Size Model | Plus Size Curvy Outfit Ideas

Model plus Fashion tips Plus size model Plus size fashion plus size Curvy model value fashion Street fashion Fashion model Fashion Bbw instatop fashion

For more infomation >> ★★★Mandy★★★ Don't you ever think there's another me | Plus Size Model | Plus Size Curvy Outfit Ideas - Duration: 2:27.


Looking For Self-Storage? - - Duration: 0:29.

Hi everyone, Meghan with RH Rebel Storage.These are our climate-controlled

units. Perfect to keep your belongings protected from the outside climate.

They come in a variety of sizes to meet any strong need you may have

& are surrounded by security cameras to keep you're belongings stay safe & secure.

Rent & move- in online 24/7 @ Check it out!

For more infomation >> Looking For Self-Storage? - - Duration: 0:29.


The Shaggy squad defending C! - Battlefield 1 (St. Quentin Scar) - Duration: 4:15.

For more infomation >> The Shaggy squad defending C! - Battlefield 1 (St. Quentin Scar) - Duration: 4:15.


Building A Bandits Box Fort / That YouTub3 Family I Family Channel - Duration: 14:50.

For more infomation >> Building A Bandits Box Fort / That YouTub3 Family I Family Channel - Duration: 14:50.


For more infomation >> Building A Bandits Box Fort / That YouTub3 Family I Family Channel - Duration: 14:50.


Cómo cambiar los brazo de suspensión delantera en VW CADDY 3 (2KB) [INSTRUCCIÓN AUTODOC] - Duration: 4:35.

For more infomation >> Cómo cambiar los brazo de suspensión delantera en VW CADDY 3 (2KB) [INSTRUCCIÓN AUTODOC] - Duration: 4:35.


For more infomation >> Cómo cambiar los brazo de suspensión delantera en VW CADDY 3 (2KB) [INSTRUCCIÓN AUTODOC] - Duration: 4:35.


Cómo cambiar los pinza de freno delantero en VW CADDY 3 (2KB) [INSTRUCCIÓN AUTODOC] - Duration: 5:36.

For more infomation >> Cómo cambiar los pinza de freno delantero en VW CADDY 3 (2KB) [INSTRUCCIÓN AUTODOC] - Duration: 5:36.


For more infomation >> Cómo cambiar los pinza de freno delantero en VW CADDY 3 (2KB) [INSTRUCCIÓN AUTODOC] - Duration: 5:36.


SYSTEMA # Norbert TANNERT getting in touch 2/2 - Duration: 2:57.

It's really important

You must relax

It's not that

We seek more adaptation to movements

And move his body behind

In short, the attack must be modified as little as possible

I'm trying to get my body out of the line of attack

It prevents him from stopping his attack to do another

I will move my body around

At this level, it's a game

Outside, it's never a game

Stress will keep us from being so light and responsive

Someone who will attack, it will be tense, fast and strong and if you do not move it will hurt

The whole body must remain relaxed

You have to practice

We have to go back to slow work, what we talked about yesterday is very important

Do not do things like that

It's for later

Do not neglect the steps and if someone does this to you, do not go into their game

Take the time to study

For more infomation >> SYSTEMA # Norbert TANNERT getting in touch 2/2 - Duration: 2:57.


For more infomation >> SYSTEMA # Norbert TANNERT getting in touch 2/2 - Duration: 2:57.


Où nous mène l'immigration massive et pourquoi nous la subissons - Duration: 8:15.

For more infomation >> Où nous mène l'immigration massive et pourquoi nous la subissons - Duration: 8:15.


For more infomation >> Où nous mène l'immigration massive et pourquoi nous la subissons - Duration: 8:15.


05f - Allowed Quantum Numbers - Duration: 6:25.

For more infomation >> 05f - Allowed Quantum Numbers - Duration: 6:25.


For more infomation >> 05f - Allowed Quantum Numbers - Duration: 6:25.


'왼손잡이아내' 이수경, 하연주 방해 뚫고 남편 찾을까[★밤TView] - KN Channel - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> '왼손잡이아내' 이수경, 하연주 방해 뚫고 남편 찾을까[★밤TView] - KN Channel - Duration: 3:00.


For more infomation >> '왼손잡이아내' 이수경, 하연주 방해 뚫고 남편 찾을까[★밤TView] - KN Channel - Duration: 3:00.


Fiat Punto Evo 1.3 M-Jet Dynamic Navigatie Ecc-Airco 15"LMV Leder Keyless Entry - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Fiat Punto Evo 1.3 M-Jet Dynamic Navigatie Ecc-Airco 15"LMV Leder Keyless Entry - Duration: 0:52.


PNK FME - Tho - Duration: 3:10.

You hit me like for real though Fuck my words

I don't know any way I don't

I don't wanna breathe when you breathe I'm soul stuck deep yeah

But you hit like for real tho But you hit like for real tho

But you hit like for real tho But you hit like for real tho

You hit me like for real tho Knee scrape heels off

You hit me like for real tho Knee scrape heels off

You hit me like for real tho You hit me like for real tho

You hit me like for real tho You hit me like for real tho

Don't break don't break broke

I'll leave you in a choke hold

I'm taking on a lot of shit No you don't You'll never know

you'll never know

You don't know what it's like to be in a choke hold

I was fucking cold I was fucking gone

You hit me like for real tho Knee scrape heels off

You hit me like for real tho Knee scrape heels off

You hit me like for real tho You hit me like for real tho

You hit me like for real tho You hit me like for real tho

For more infomation >> PNK FME - Tho - Duration: 3:10.


My Sketchnoting Toolkit - Duration: 7:49.

Hello and welcome to Verbal To Visual. Today I would like to share with you

my favorite sketchnoting materials and how I'm using them. So here, then, is my

sketchnoting toolkit. Let's start with the most inexpensive and easiest to find

of the materials that I use: copy paper and legal pads. I enjoy using those at

the early stages of anything that I'm working on for the initial brainstorming

and drafting of ideas that I might later polish up in some way. And whether I use

blank copy paper or lined legal pads kind of just depends on the mood I'm in.

For whatever reason, sometimes one is more appealing than the other. For

example, in the case of the creation of these weekly videos here, I often use

blank copy paper to experiment with how I might like to lay out the ideas. Here

I'm working on a video from a couple of weeks ago - my 2018

to 2019 annual review - just getting a feel for what goes where. Then, once I'm

comfortable with the layout, I might experiment a bit with the specific

visuals to include. That's what you see me working on here. Next let's take a

look at some legal pad drafting. Here you see me working out what the featured

images might look like for the new podcast that I launched just last week:

The Doug Neill Show. Each podcast episode has three segments to it and I decided

to include a mini sketchnote for each segment. And here you see me working out

what those mini sketchnotes might look like and how to also fit in the title of

the podcast and the episode number, working out those details in a

low-pressure way. And that's what I like about using those materials. I don't feel

any pressure when I'm making marks on the page. I'm not distracted by fancy or

expensive materials. My go-to pen for all of my small-scale sketchnoting is the

Pentel Energel 0.7mm tip, along with ink refills that I can buy in

bulk so that I don't have to keep picking up that plastic casing. I keep a

stash of those refills in a drawer in my office and also another stash in my backpack

so that I never have to worry about running out of ink.

One of my favorite journals to sketchnote in are the small thick-page

Moleskines. That's the notebook that I use

specifically for single-page, single-idea public sketchnotes - the sketchnotes

that I share on Instagram. I love the quality of those thick pages. I like

the small size - I find that to be a helpful constraint when sharing any

individual idea, and I like having a go-to place to share publicly maybe a

visual journal entry from my day, a book that I recently finished reading, or a

single idea that I came across that felt impactful and that I wanted to share. And

while I enjoy sharing some of my sketchnotes with others, I do think it's

important to have a space where you're taking sketchnotes only for yourself.

And that's what this next notebook is for - a dot grid DiaryFlex notebook that

I use for my personal sketchnotes of podcasts that I'm listening to or

articles that I'm reading. What I like about these notebooks is that they're

essentially just the inserts without the cover which keeps the cost pretty low. So

you can pick up just one cover and keep reusing that even as you fill notebook

after notebook. Shoutout to my friend Raven Henderson who sent me my first

DiaryFlex notebook. I got hooked pretty quickly and I've picked up many since

then. Here you see some notes from the Creative Pep Talk podcast, some notes on

articles that I read in The New Yorker, another podcast - The Accidental Creative,

and some quotes from a fiction book that I had just finished reading. I've enjoyed

the lightly printed dot grid on these pages because it provides structure when

you want it but you can ignore it when you don't need it. And that notebook has

been a nice place to capture some ideas that don't necessarily fit into any

current project but that interest me for one reason or another, and that I might

want to revisit in the future. My next go-to materials are foam boards:

large rigid surfaces that are 3/16 of an inch thick,

36 inches long, and 24 inches tall. Those are the canvases for sketchnote

videos like these. That's what I'm writing and drawing on right

now. I've been enjoying using those foam boards over paper because they feel a

little bit more permanent. It feels like this sweet spot in between paper that

you could crumple up and throw in the recycling bin and a fancy art canvas meant

to be hung from the wall. I think that helps me bring a little bit more care and

attention to the marks that I make when creating these videos, but not so much

that it adds unnecessary pressure and anxiety. To make those marks on these

boards within these videos I've been using the double-sided Permapaque marker,

that has a bullet tip on one end and a chisel tip on the other. I've been

enjoying the simplicity of just those two options to add a bit of a variety, a

bit of hierarchy to these videos, while also just sticking to a single black

color. And though I most enjoy using pen and paper tools when doing my sketchnoting,

I do have one digital go-to, and that's the iPad Pro along with the Apple

Pencil and the app Procreate. I use that combo of tools for what I consider to be

sketchnote illustrations - so, not rough first-time sketchnotes but slightly

more polished, presentable ideas. That's what I've been using for the thumbnail

images for recent videos here as well as for the featured images for my new

podcast that I mentioned drafting earlier on those legal pads. Here I've

been enjoying the use of a few colors, the use of layers, and the flexibility of

a digital sketching tool to move things around a bit and do the type of

editing that you can't do with pen and paper. And there is one final tool

combination that I wanted to share (moving back in the analog direction):

using index cards and a shoebox-sized organizer. I have been using that combo

to help me develop big projects. Specifically, I've been using it in the

development of the resource Build an Online Course with Sketchnotes. I've

been enjoying the ability to capture individual ideas on those white index

cards and then use the tabbed colored cards as I experiment with the overall

structure of the ideas that I'm sharing. So when it comes to

something like developing a new course or even writing a book, I think a tool

combination like this has a lot of potential and I'm excited to be

experimenting with it here for the first time. So there it is,

these here are my favorite sketchnoting tools and a bit about how I'm using each

of them. If any of them sound appealing to you do feel free to pick them up and

do some experimenting yourself, with the goal of finding those materials for you

that are best suited to their purpose. It's not about buying fancy materials

for the sake of having something that looks cool. Instead it's about gathering

the resources that help you to do the work that's important to you. So be sure

to keep that in mind as you do your own experimenting and as you build up to

your own sketchnoting toolkit. And if you'd like some more information about

how to use tools like these then check out the courses available at, links down below. Thank you so much for watching. I hope you enjoyed

seeing the tools that I use on a daily basis, and good luck as you seek out

those that will work well for you. Thanks again and I'll see you next time. Till then.

For more infomation >> My Sketchnoting Toolkit - Duration: 7:49.


Aniversário do Enzo | Inside #M12 - Duration: 10:13.

The one who scores more goals, wins.

Yes, we talk a lot. Watch out!

Watch out.


-Wait, wait... -You're the goalkeeper.




He's happy 'cause he spoke English.

My English is great!

I sound like a Japanese person talking.

Three hours later...

Remember that commercial?

Training day today.

It was light. I'm going home now.

And later there'll be Enzo's birthday party.

It'll be cool. A lot of kids, candy and games.

A lot of football, too. Stay tuned.


You look good! Are you getting a girlfriend?

Today is the day!

It's today!

This ball... You can...

Enzo got it from the club.

He gets a ball every day.

It's my birthday!



This is how you do it!

This boy is awesome!


I did it, but I can't perform a maneuver. I'm too afraid.

Go, Liam!

-Come take a picture. -Right.

-Okay. -Can't you speak?

-You don't speak Spanish. -But I can speak English.

Okay, look...

Don't do it anymore.


-No! -No?

You've got supporters back there.

I know how to speak. I do.

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday, dear Enzo

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you

Make a wish.

Lázaro gets the first slice.

I didn't play with him yesterday, that's why.

First slice!

What's up, guys?

As you could see, I had training this morning.

Everything was perfect.

Then we had Enzo's birthday party. He's nine now.

-Here... -I'm nine.

He's nine.

-I'm tiny. -He's tiny...

No, he's all grown up already.

The baby has grown.

Yeah, that's it.

I told you not to grow up, and you did.

But that's okay.

He's nine now. It was a beautiful party!

Exactly. He's grown, handsome and polite.

What else?

-Charming... -He's charming.

He'll give me a hard time with the girls from now on.

-Yeah. -But that's okay.

-That's life. -I don't want you to have girlfriends.

When you turn 12, no girlfriends.

All right.

Okay. The whole family is here.

Everyone's happy here, right?

The party is almost over.

There are still some hours left.

-It's almost over. -Almost.

-Almost. -We must start saying goodbye.

-No... -Did you enjoy your party?

I did.

-How many kids were here? -60!

-60? -Only from school. We are...

-We're popular. -No, we're...

We're exhausted. Too many kids.

-We're tired. -But that's okay. It was worth it.

Guys, subscribe to my channel.

-Thanks for watching. -Thanks.

Kisses from Marcelo, Clarice and Enzo.

And from Enzolino.

For more infomation >> Aniversário do Enzo | Inside #M12 - Duration: 10:13.


Anthem | Difficulty & Matchmaking Concerns - Duration: 7:46.

When Overwatch was originally unveiled and first tested by a selected number of content

creators, there was one thing a bunch of them worried about a lot, right at the start.

If this is a team based game, then how much fun are we going to have when we play solo?

Coordinating schedules with your friends isn't always the easiest thing depending on whether

or not you still go to school, your workplace or even timezones.

If a game is only fun with friends, then it doesn't really matter what game you play

because anything is more fun with friends anyway, right?

Now, knowing that Anthem will be a co-op focussed experience, I found myself asking the same


How fun is the game going to be..

In Solo?

And there are a few things we can take a look at for a good guess as to how this could play


First off: The Javelins.

It is clear that Javelins are designed to be stronger and weaker depending on their


Somewhat of a soft role system that allows the colossus to be bulky and tanky, trading

speed and maneuverability in turn.

Naturally, different gear specializations and modifications allow us to really go all

out on whatever we prefer when it comes to our playstyle.

In a Developer Livestream, the Anthem Devs have showed off an AoE focussed Gear Build

that worked really well when nuking down weak enemies in quick succession, making subsequent

attacks more powerful and reducing their cooldowns.

But when it came to taking on very few, maybe even bulky enemies, that specialization showed

its weaknesses.

And dungeon type content is likely going to further exacerbate that, tossing different

encounters at your group to make sure that there isn't an overpowered "one build

fits all" solution that is objectively the best to run at all times.

And this is really what it comes down to.

How was the content designed in the first place?

Was it made ridiculously easy to support the drop-in nature of their matchmaking system?

We have reason to assume as much, considering a tweet from Ben Irving, Lead Producer for

Anthem, in which he confirmed that there is matchmaking for every activity in the game.

If you've played something like Destiny for example, you can imagine how that could

potentially play out.

You're running into a public event type of scenario which really is just a glorified

shooting gallery, because the Developers need to make sure that random groups can take on

that content.

Further reinforcing that fear is another tweet that confirms matchmaking to be on by default,

and that a player has to opt out manually to not be matched up with randoms.

Decisions that make a lot of sense, especially when factoring in console play.

Having to navigate menus to get into random groups while using a controller is much more

of a hassle than on PC, and the lack of precision versus a mouse and keyboard makes grouping

up for right about anything much more attractive.

If we were to assume that this decision was made to keep console players in mind, then

as a PC player, you might rightfully worry about the difficulty level of the content

on display.

World of Warcraft, for example, had to scale down the difficulty to accommodate random

matchmaking in pretty much all of their PvE content.

Encounters that are very difficult on Heroic or Mythic Difficulty end up being so ridiculously

easy when using matchmaking, that a lot of boss mechanics can be outrighted ignored.

If Anthem decides to go for a similar approach, then yes, we are likely going to see content

that is very easy to beat, up to a certain point.

Which could mean that everything below the GrandMaster difficulty is a peace of cake

for a seasoned gamer, while GrandMaster itself could prove to be so challenging that you'll

need a premade group to beat it.

In WoW again, there is something called "Mythic+ Dungeons" or "Keystone Runs", which

is a type of PvE Content that you can matchmake into, but eventually rises in difficulty to

a point where most players won't even bother to enter it, unless they are bringing their

own squad.

That means that you can very easily beat Mythic+ Dungeons up to the, let's say a +8 modifier,

but starting from there, it becomes less and less appealing to matchmake into it because

every mistake a player makes has much bigger ramifications.

Now, we already know that Anthem also has a scaling difficulty system for some of its

PvE Content, and the Devs have also confirmed that some of the hardest content in the game

is also going to be beaten by the most prepared players.

What does that mean for our solo experience, then?

It is very likely that, if we want to have the full-blown Anthem experience with all

the difficulty the dev team has to offer, we won't get around squadding up eventually.

Which is fair and all, assuming that the content scales properly, but it likely also means

that, for players who are going to squad up from the very beginning- You are likely not

going to face too much of a challenge until you have grinded enough of the matchmaking

designed content to have the items you need to beat said difficult content.

Unless we talk about artificial difficulty like bullet sponges or taking on enemies that

are way outside your pilot or gear level just for the heck of it.

I know that certain difficulties have a barrier to entry in the form, what is essentially

your average item level, but we don't know how the scaling works in detail once we are

allowed to enter a new difficulty bracket.

If it scaled proportionally with our own power, then obviously it wouldn't pose much more

of a challenge anyway.

Really, it all comes down to how difficulty levels are going to scale.

We know that their dungeon equivalent can be beaten even when playing in a group that

features all the same Javelin types, so long that somebody brings any kind of support abilities

to the run.

That, to me, puts into question how difficult the content is going to be in the first place,

if all that's required is, for all intents and purposes, "enough damage and some amount

of support".

But of course, not everyone is looking to be challenged at all times, which means that

all these speculations I made are not necessarily a bad thing, if they turn out to be true.

I don't want to be forced into matchmaking to do content that is really difficult to

beat, because chances are that I can't trust my random teammates to be up for that challenge

in the first place.

Finding that balance of systems where players have to prove themselves to enter more challenging

difficulty levels, versus just locking them behind item level requirements that are easily

met just by playing regularly, is not easy.

In fact, I very often encountered players joining high keystone runs in WoW because

they met the gear requirements, but lacked the skill or experience to be an asset to

our group.

Which means, that, if you want to a real challenge without the whole process getting headache

inducing, you'll probably want to squad up with some friends.

In the first place, it is really good to know that matchmaking will be present in the game

from the very beginning, and that for every activity.

Of course, it would suck if the difficulty scale did nothing but increase HP and damage

output, but it is too early for me to say what kind of challenge their GrandMaster difficulties

are going to provide.

As much as the Devs claim that new mechanics are potentially added when switching to a

higher difficulty level, and as much as an improvement in AI behaviour sounds great in

theory- We'll have to wait and see how this plays out in practise, in the finished game.

But here's hoping that some type of modifier system alike Destiny 2 or World of Warcraft's

affixes are going to be implemented, just for the sake of variety.

But there is no doubt in my mind that the best experience in Anthem will always be had

when playing it with your own team, simply because specializing yourself really plays

into that power-fantasy that Anthem is trying to provide, over having to be a Jack of all

Trades, but a Master of none.

Particularly the combo system is begging to be used by seasoned squads that know how to

best take advantage of their abilities.

Thankfully, we are also able to switch out our Javelins at will, which means that we

can have different suits for different situations, like solo questing versus group dungeon crawling.

I have just recently gotten into looking at Anthem more closely, so I am hoping that I

didn't miss out any crucial information.

Considering how interesting this game is shaping up to be based on the Developer Livestreams

I have seen, I am actually really disappointed that I didn't keep up with it right from

the start.

Anyway, this is already it for today's video covering my hopes and worries when it comes

to the Solo Experience in Anthem.

If you enjoyed this video, then by all means, feel free to let me know by leaving a like

on your way out or dropping a comment down below.

Thank you everybody so much for watching, don't forget to subscribe if you want to

see more, and I hope to see you guys next time.

For more infomation >> Anthem | Difficulty & Matchmaking Concerns - Duration: 7:46.


How to build the Ultimate Workbench - part 11 - Building the Dust Roof and Router Box - Duration: 11:58.

Hi, I'm Thomas welcome back to Pilot´s Workshop! We are now in the final sprint to finish the workbench.

It is already fully functional at this point

but a good workbench should also help you to keep your workshop clean and organized.

And with an integrated router and a pattern of holes on the work surface. This workbench can make a lot of mess.

So in this video we are going to address both those issues.

At first I want to box in the router.

Even when a vacuum is attached to it a lot of chips and dust spread under the workbench when it is being used

The box will only leave one side open

Which is also necessary to reach the main switch on the router and to make sure it doesn't overheat.

The next thing we're gonna build is a dust roof under the main work surface.

I call it a roof because it looks and works like a roof when you look at a cutaway of the workbench

The point is to keep dust from piling up on the storage area underneath or small screws and bits from

getting constantly lost in there when they fall through the whole pattern, but instead come back out on the sides.

This creates a convenient space to lead a dust collection pipe to the router in from the other end,

which allows me to connect the dust collection of both my table-saw and the router in one spot

One spoiler I can already give at this point is that I should have chamfered these edges of the light in the support beams like that

to give more space for larger items to pass through.

I noticed this a bit late and I didn't want to withhold this information from you, should you want to build it yourself.

So let's begin by making the box. I made it from 15 mm MDF. (19/32 in)

Here I make hole for a dust collection hose to go through and I wish I had thought about this a bit more before drilling,

because I put it about five centimeters too high as I noticed later. I then took a rasp to open up the hole

ever so slightly because the dust collection hose would need to go through it at an angle.

As the box doesn't carry any load other than some vibration I went the quick and easy way and screwed it together.

I then drilled another large hole for the plug and cable of the router to pass through. The position of this hole was less crucial

but had to be in the rough area where the storage box in the left bottom corner would be

as that is where the safety switch for the router will be.

Routers are incredibly loud and rigidly connecting one to realize plywood surface doesn't make it any better

So this box isn't just good for dust control

But also sound control and to limit the echo and dampen the noise

I lined all inside surfaces of the box with isolating foam.

And this foam had to have three main qualities:

First to be self-sticking.

Second to have a closed surface so dust won't go into the foam.

And third being non flammable. The one I got fulfills all requirements for the automobile industry.

Then it was time to mount the box.

And because this is a very unpleasant position to work in I already prepared the bottom boards that the storage cabinets are gonna rest on.

And loosely put them in place so that I can lay down on them.

At this point the space around the router is getting quite cramped.

So I had a tough time designing it around all obstacles.

And therefore it was very important to make this part to very precise measurements.

However, it fit and a few screws hold it in place.

Then the permanent dust collection hose could be installed.

I let it go around the entire machine to avoid sharp corners in the dust collection system, hoping for a better airflow

and therefore a more efficient system.

Then I permanently screwed down the bottom of the storage and continued with the roof.

I first had to make the backbone that it would be attached to and since I didn't have any wood large enough and laminated it together.

Since the halves of the roof will be at an angle, I cut a relief into the bottom that could receive the two halves.

After cutting it to length

I pre-drilled for the screws that would hold it in place.

And because I didn't have any that were long enough, I first made a deep countersink hole

followed by through hole.

Attaching it went straight forward.

In hindsight I would say that it would be best to mount this beam before the top frame and leg assembly get joined

About the time of part six of this video series to avoid at least some of this overhead work.

Now we arrived at the to roof surfaces. I made them from 10 millimeter MDF.

I like using MDF for these kinds of things because it is relatively cheap

easy to work with and most importantly it is sound absorbent.

I cut off a thin strip on the edge at the required angle

to give me a narrow flat area on the sides so that dust and chips coming down from the slope

wouldn't just fall down but instead could be taken out with a vacuum cleaner in a more controlled fashion.

The two pieces are joined with the help of the same small wedges

That would hold them to the workbench and those I quickly made on the bandsaw.

Some quick sanding and the wedges were ready.

In order to manage this step with only two hands

I used a couple of clamps to hold everything together while I drill and screw together.

I put the screws in from underneath for two reasons.

The first one being that they hold better when gripping into the wooden wedges instead of the MDF sheet.

The second reason was that this way I could reach them

even when the roof is mounted to the workbench if it would be somehow necessary.

A bead of glue closed the small gap and stiffened the connection in the areas between the wedges.

After the glue had dried

the part followed that would be best done with an extra set of hands.

Again I struggled through it with the help of a few clamps, but other than being very unpractical this step was straightforward

but first I noticed during a test fit that I drilled that dust collection hole quite a bit too high as mentioned before.

And therefore had to cut out a portion in this part of the roof to allow the dust collection pipe to pass through.

The reward of a mounted dustproof was instant.

Small things that like to get lost will immediately come out of the side and not get trapped in some dark corner.

The final step I want to show you in this video is the installation of the long dust collection pipe that connects the router

with the other end of the workbench. I used a simple 40 mm drain pipe for the straight section.

And because I drilled that hole in the wrong spot I had to squeeze in an extra angle piece.

And with two wall mount pipe clamps this step was done quite quickly.

And that's it for this episode. All that's left to do now is the storage unit that will fill in the remaining space.

All of that will be done in the next episode.

So see you then.

And in case you want to build this workbench yourself, the plans are now available on my website. I´ll leave a link in the description below.

This is Pilot´s Workshop. Thank you for watching :)

For more infomation >> How to build the Ultimate Workbench - part 11 - Building the Dust Roof and Router Box - Duration: 11:58.


[H30.12.7] 早朝の苗穂周辺 前編~923Dに キハ40 1816(苗穂車)+キハ150-9(富良野色)回送連結~ - Duration: 11:04.

For more infomation >> [H30.12.7] 早朝の苗穂周辺 前編~923Dに キハ40 1816(苗穂車)+キハ150-9(富良野色)回送連結~ - Duration: 11:04.


Meaning of I OWE YOU ONE - A Really Short English Lesson with Subtitles - Duration: 0:51.

So in English when we say "I owe you one" it means that someone has done you a favour

and what you're saying to them is next time you need help I'll be willing to help you.

So a good example would be let's say you're moving.

You've found a new apartment or a new house to live in and a friend of yours comes and

helps you move, helps you get all of your stuff from your old place to your new place.

When you're done moving all of your stuff you would say to them "I owe you one."

which means the next time you need a favour, the next time you need help you can call me

because I'm recognizing the fact that I owe you one.

I owe you a debt.

I owe you a favour.

For more infomation >> Meaning of I OWE YOU ONE - A Really Short English Lesson with Subtitles - Duration: 0:51.


★★★Mandy★★★ Don't you ever think there's another me | Plus Size Model | Plus Size Curvy Outfit Ideas - Duration: 2:27.

★★★Mandy★★★ Don't you ever think there's another me | Plus Size Model | Plus Size Curvy Outfit Ideas

Model plus Fashion tips Plus size model Plus size fashion plus size Curvy model value fashion Street fashion Fashion model Fashion Bbw instatop fashion

For more infomation >> ★★★Mandy★★★ Don't you ever think there's another me | Plus Size Model | Plus Size Curvy Outfit Ideas - Duration: 2:27.


Wow ! Surprised with idea making a nice chair at home - Do creative Chair - Creative Cement Idea - Duration: 10:13.

Wow ! Surprised with idea making a nice chair at home - Do creative Chair - Creative Cement Idea

For more infomation >> Wow ! Surprised with idea making a nice chair at home - Do creative Chair - Creative Cement Idea - Duration: 10:13.


How to Split and Seed a Vanilla Bean - Duration: 2:54.

Hello Everyone, this is Amy Tong.

Today I'm gonna show you how to split and seed a whole vanilla bean and show you different ways of how to use them.

There are two varieties of vanilla, Planifolia, which is commonly called bourbon type and Tahitian.

The bourbon vanilla is usually slightly longer and has a subtle and earthy aroma.

On the other hand, the Tahitian vanilla is usually wider and it has a sweet and fruity flavor.

A fresh Vanilla Bean should be tender and pliable like this.

The best way to keep them fresh is to keep them in the original vacuum bag.

Or store any unused portion in a zip-top bag and keep them in a cool dark place such as your pantry or cabinets.

But in case if your vanilla beans dried out, you can still use them in different ways.

Check out our other video titled, "How to Restore a Vanilla Bean" to learn more.

To split a vanilla bean, you need a sharp paring knife.

Hold the bean on one side and cut right in the middle of the bean.

I usually cut the top layer of the beam without cutting it all the way through.

Carefully open up the sides of the bean.

With the back of the knife scrape out the seeds inside.

The seeds are the specs that you see in vanilla bean desserts and they provide a subtle sweet aroma.

You can use both the seeds and the bean pod when your recipe call for steeping.

The bean pod itself has a lot of flavors so please don't throw it away.

You can use the pod in your poached pear recipe or make vanilla syrup.

To make the vanilla syrup, simply melt equal part of water and sugar along with a bean pod together.

It will be wonderful in teas, cocktails, and punches.

You can also use vanilla beans to make your own vanilla extract.

Simply place 7 to 8 vanilla beans in an airtight container,

Pour in about one cup of vodka to cover the beans and let it steep.

In a couple of weeks, you can already see the color is much darker.

In just two months, you will have wonderful homemade vanilla extract.

After making vanilla extract, you can still use the bean pod inside.

Simply take one out, snip off the end squeeze out the vanilla seeds inside.

I use it to infuse my plain vanilla yogurt all the time and it is delicious.

Thank you so much for watching!

For more information and vanilla bean recipes, please visit Singing Dog Vanilla's Website.

For more infomation >> How to Split and Seed a Vanilla Bean - Duration: 2:54.


Los tiempos verbales en español | TUS CLASES DE ESPAÑOL - Duration: 5:36.

Yo hube cantado, yo hube volado, yo hube soñado... It can not be so complicated.

Hello! How are you? My name is Diego. This is 'Your Spanish classes' and I am going to

explain in the most practical and simple way and how the verb tenses work

in Spanish language. One of the biggest problems that

people who are learning Spanish have and even, ourselves, the natives themselves

is knowing how and when to use the verb tenses in Spanish. In

today's video I want to explain in the simplest way possible how you can

use the tenses to communicate without become crazy.

First of all, I would like to tell you that in this video I will not talk about any

of the names of the tenses. Why? Because I want it to be as practical

as possible and to focus on the use of verb tenses,

not on what they are called. The first thing you should know is that verbs are used to

describe an action. Study, play, look, run, talk. All of them are

conjugated in infinitive. The second is that verbs have two

characteristics: a time, which speaks of when the action occurs: in past,

present or future; and a mode, which explains the attitude of the person speaking. A

person can talk about real things, unreal things, hypotheses, desires or

even give orders. In this table that I have made, I used a little trick

that is to put real things underneath, just above the unreal and,

above all, the orders.

It is a small visual scheme that can help you better understand how

verb tenses work in Spanish language.

We start with the easiest: talk about something real in the present, that is,

indicative mode. We have many possibilities but I am going to talk to you

only about two so that you understand it very easily. Talk about something that

usually happens: 'yo estudio todos los días' or talk about something real that is

happening right now: 'yo estoy estudiando ahora mismo'. To speak of

something that is happening at this moment we use the verb to be and the gerund

of the verb to study, 'estudiando'. Well, now let's talk about the past. Real things

that happened in the past. It is important that you know, at this

point, that verb tenses can be simple or compound. The difference

is that compound times use the auxiliary verb 'haber'. My

advice is that the first verb you study in Spanish is the verb 'haber',

because if you know how to conjugate it, you will know how to conjugate the rest of the compound forms

of all the verbs. With the simple past we talked about two things: something that happened

and ended: 'yo estudié ayer' and something that happened and was

usual: 'el año pasado yo estudié todos los domingos'. With the past

composite we speak of two cases: something that has already happened but influences the present

'yo hablo español porque he estudiado mucho el año pasado'. As a trick, if you

look at this case, the verb to be conjugated in present because we are

talking about something that influences at this time. The second case is talking about

something that already happened and influences the past, the past of the past. 'Aprobé el

examen de ayer porque había estudiado mucho'. As you see, in this case, the auxiliary verb

'haber' is conjugated in the past because we are talking about something from the past. And,

what about the future? We can also talk about a simple future and a future

composite. Again, the difference is in the use of the auxiliary verb 'haber'. Two

cases, something we are going to do: 'yo estudiaré mañana' and something that

is probably going to happen: 'mañana yo habré estudiado los verbos en español''. If you

notice, in this case, the auxiliary verb 'haber' is conjugated again in the future

because we talk about something of the future. With which, as I said before, if you know

how to conjugate the verb you will have a very great advantage when

it comes to combining the compound forms of all the verbs in Spanish. We have already

talked about real things. Now let's talk about unreal things,

about hypotheses, about dreams. The famous subjunctive mood. First of all, I want to

tell you that in the subjunctive mode we are going to use the conditional to

talk about hypotheses, things that may or may not happen. We start with the present,

something that may or may not happen: 'mañana puede que estudie'. Maybe I study or

maybe not. The past also has simple and composite form. Again, the

difference is in the use of the auxiliary verb 'haber'. The past, in its

simple form, is used in subordinate sentences, which is when one sentence

depends on another. Examples: 'si yo estudiara más aprobaría el examen', 'puede que no

estudiara nada, pero aprobé el examen'. As for the future of subjunctive,

currently, in spoken language it is of its use and is only used in normative texts.

It can be replaced by the present indicative, present

subjunctive. Finally, we talk about the imperative mode: the one that serves to give orders,

for example, 'suscribíos al canal'. I hope this small explanation that serves

to know how to use the tenses in Spanish language

and, if you have any questions, you can leave a comment on the video. If you liked

the video, give 'like', share with all your friends, subscribe to the channel and

activate the notification bell to get the notices when

I post a new video. See you next Thursday, here, in 'Tus clases de

español'. Bye!

For more infomation >> Los tiempos verbales en español | TUS CLASES DE ESPAÑOL - Duration: 5:36.


Side Hustles: How To Pick Up & Make Deliveries With Uber Eats - Duration: 6:10.

hey y'all Nina pop here coming to you all with another video for our series on

side hustles and you know the topic is uber eats so today we are talking about

pickups and deliveries okay so that is what these tips will be so when you have

the app and you've already you know started working for uber you can go

online so you're first gonna press go online and once you go online you're

gonna be able to start getting hits it's gonna then say you're online

typically I don't wait very long but that can depend on where you're located

and where you're sitting but you're gonna hear like a dinging sound now

don't forget to set your settings which we talked about in a previous video you

can put it on a vibrate flashing light and all those different things so don't

forget to set all that stuff up so after that if you have your ringer on at least

for my phone if my ringer is on i'll hear the alert but if it's not on I'll just see

the flash & feel the vibrate so I don't know make sure you have your alerts and your

notifications on so you can make sure you get those alerts or you could just

look at your phone and it's gonna say it'll say something like pick up five

minutes away or something like it'll it'll tell you but when I do the

walkthrough with you all I'll try to insert exactly what that looks like um

not sure if I can get the sound cuz I use my phone to do videos but I'll try

and so you're gonna press it and then this is the phone you're gonna press the

uber app is going to then tell you exactly what restaurants you're going to

and how to get there all within the app so you'll just press navigate which is

on the side of the right side of the screen and it will take you to the

restaurant once you get to the restaurant it's going to show you the

customers name and the order number okay some restaurants will ask you for the

name some restaurants will ask you for the customer some restaurants will

ask you for the items if they ask you for the items the three little dots next

across from the customer's name is where you will find those items listed now if

it's something for instance like soda it's not gonna tell you what kind so

that's that and some restaurants will ask you to make the drinks from my

understanding we're not supposed to but sometimes I'm nice and I do it so it's

totally up to you but sometime they're busy and they just can't do it so that's

something to keep in mind at the top of the screen it will sometimes also say

restaurant notes so you can say pick up from bar or it can also say pick up from

drive-thru so things like that so those are some things that you do want to pay

attention to especially starting out also when you after you're done picking

up the order that usually the restaurant will hand it to you sometime is sitting

on the counter and you have to look at the name sometimes you sign a receipt

different things like that but you get your order mark it by

pressing it is gonna be a green bar at the bottom you're gonna slide it and it

usually says like start delivery so after that it's gonna then give you the

customer information now at this point you can call the customer if you need to

text the customer I usually and I'll leave a insert here as to what I do but

I usually put a hello such as such I'm such as such minutes away and that way

they're already ready and things like that but I'll tell them that and then I

start the delivery by pressing navigate you can also see the customer notes up

here because sometimes it'll say wait in car deliver to door be where my dogs are

buttholes like pink you can say anything so make sure you pay attention to that

you can also see the customers address if it's an apartment different things

like keep in mind if it's an apartment you

might have to contact the customer and figure out where the heck they are

because a lot of times with apartments they don't tell you and you'll be

driving around wasting time because you don't know

so with rest with apartments I literally just contact them instantly hey what's

the gate code and where do I go after I enter the gate usually they have no

problem with explaining it they'll say you know go straight then make a right

at your first like different things like that

after you've gotten to the person the customer you're gonna give them their

food and then you're gonna mark it so you'll press the check if the delivery

went well thumbs up or not well thumbs down and then you can mark it delivered

it would be blue at that point so you can swipe over mark it as deliver it and

then you can go on to your next order for me if I don't want another order in

between the time that I'm doing those orders I would press stop new request

that is something that you can do so you won't get a new order and then you can

just put yourself back on afterwards and press go so hope this video helps you

understand how to pick up orders and deliver them like I told y'all easy and

then it'll show you how much you got paid so hope you like this video hope you

like this series if you do give it a thumbs up if you didn't give it a thumbs

down but I hope you did and with that being said I'll see y'all in the next

one bye y'all

For more infomation >> Side Hustles: How To Pick Up & Make Deliveries With Uber Eats - Duration: 6:10.


[H30.12.7] 早朝の苗穂周辺 後編~735系ペア・Sとかち1号に原色増結車~ - Duration: 10:51.

For more infomation >> [H30.12.7] 早朝の苗穂周辺 後編~735系ペア・Sとかち1号に原色増結車~ - Duration: 10:51.


[H30.12.9] 早朝の苗穂周辺~923Dに キハ40 1771回送連結~ - Duration: 14:00.

For more infomation >> [H30.12.9] 早朝の苗穂周辺~923Dに キハ40 1771回送連結~ - Duration: 14:00.


Hoe een voorste remklauw / voorste remtang vervangen op een VW CADDY 3 (2KB) [HANDLEIDING AUTODOC] - Duration: 5:36.

For more infomation >> Hoe een voorste remklauw / voorste remtang vervangen op een VW CADDY 3 (2KB) [HANDLEIDING AUTODOC] - Duration: 5:36.


Liverpool ace Andy Robertson reveals why new contract was a 'no-brainer' and fires warning - Duration: 3:10.

 Robertson has had an outstanding season for Liverpool as they push for major honours and arguably been the best left-back in the Premier League

 Since joining in 2017, the 24-year-old has made 56 appearances in all competitions and scored once

 Given his form, Liverpool have moved quickly to tie down Robertson to what is only described by the club as a long-term contract

 And the Scotland international is delighted to extend his stay at Anfield. He told Liverpoolfc

com: "As soon as the club came to me, it was a no-brainer for me – I want to stay here, so as soon as they put an offer on the table it was signed as quickly as that

 "It was a pretty easy contract for me and I'm sure for the club as well. We both agreed very quickly, that's why it's been done so quickly

 "Getting to know the lads and working with all the staff at Melwood has been a pleasure

 "The best thing about work is when you love coming in every day – and that's what I do here

 "I am glad I have extended my stay and hopefully we have a lot of good days ahead

" And in a warning to opposition attackers, Robertson feels his best is still to come

 "Every day that I come into training I feel as if I am improving on something," said the Scotland captain

 "I am still young enough at 24 that I hope my best is still to come, that I can get better at the things that maybe are a small weakness or whatever

 "It's about improving on them every day and the things you think are strengths, to try to get better at

 "I feel as if I have done that - this season I have already got more assists than last season, which is massive for me because I wanted to give more in attack and make my final ball a bit better

 "This season I feel it has been better, but it can still improve. As a defence we've improved and of course, defensively, I feel as if I have improved under that

 "I am happy with that side of the game as well, getting better and better and I hope there is still a lot more to come


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