Thứ Tư, 2 tháng 1, 2019

Youtube daily report Jan 2 2019

hello it's kinoshita yuka

did you enjoy the first day of the year ?

to day is the 2nd day, ah my cat "lon" is here !


Jaaan !

isn't this amazing ?

recently the numbers of the subscribers achieved 5 million, isn't that ?

that's why i got this gift from UUUM

it's written "congratulation yuka kinoshita for the 5 million subs"

they made it by carving watermelon

and this...

jaan, do you know what is this ?

it's my character "mochiko"

it's a character that i designed by myself

and here bouquet of flowers

isn't so cute

i'll eat all this for today

on top of these fruits, they made this for me too

and if you look inside...

jaan! that's what you find

it's a book of messages

look! it's so cute




ah, that's wrong

la, that's wrong too




and here a lot of my thumbnails

a gift made from heart

i'm so happy

i'm always thankful to UUUM

thank you so much

and of course, i did not get 5 million subscribers alone

it's thanks to everyone who sees my videos and to uuum too

and to everyone who supported me to achieve that, i'm really thankful

aaaah, thank you so much

that's really cute

my precious friend shin-chan gave me this bouquet of flowers, thank you so much

i'm so happy

jaan, i cut it

it looks so tasty, isn't that !

the melon looks so yummy, and i really like it

eating all this watermelon is so good

and here i left the beautiful decoration of the watermelon


let's start with watermelon

mmm! this is really juicy and yummy

we are in winter, but still so sweet


let's add some salt too

watermelon goes so well with salt

mmmm! this sweet and salty taste is so good

and here melon


ah! juicy and really tasty !

and it's so soft too


it's always good to eat plenty of fruits

I have been celebrating with UUUM since the number was 10,000 subs

and now we are 5 million subs, and this is really amazing

this is something really touching

and all this thanks to all the viewers who watch me everyday from the beginning

sometimes i ask "What's the secret to success on YouTube?"

but i don't think i'm successful

i need to keep doing my best and working

and during all this time i met many people that help me to achieve where i'm now

and i'm really thankful to this chance that gave me youtube, UUUM, and those who translate for me everyday

thank you so much

this makes me so happy


the last piece of watermelon


the last bite, itadakimasu



UUUM's melon and watermelon was so tasty

it's so good to celebrate the 5 million subs by eating plenty of melon

and this happineess that i feel is thanks to all of you

and i'll keep doing my best to achieve 6 million, or even 10 million subs

and during this journey where are going to do a lot of fun things

And as always thank you for watching !

and because this was so tasty and really fun to do...

why you don't try it as well ?

if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons

bye bye

all rights reserved. copyright © 2018 Kinoshita Yuka

For more infomation >> CELEBRATING 5 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS】 Present From UUUM! 11Kg OF Watermelon & Melon [CC Available] - Duration: 5:48.



For more infomation >> КАК АМЕРИКАНЦЫ ПРАЗДНУЮТ РОЖДЕСТВО И НОВЫЙ ГОД! *влог сша* - Duration: 19:18.


《知否》顾廷烨5个字,让明兰以"嫡女"身份风光出嫁,众人偷笑 - Duration: 2:23.

《知否》顾廷 烨5个字, 让明兰以" 嫡女"身份 风光出嫁, 众人偷笑

《知否知否应 是绿肥红瘦 》正在热播, 在整部剧 中, 盛家的 嫡庶分的很 明显, 所以 经常吵架, 墨兰觉得自 己是庶女, 被欺负感到 委屈,

然后博同情, 让盛紘同情 她, 而如兰 从小就受到 王氏的熏陶, 知道自己 是嫡出, 经 常把嫡出挂 在嘴边, 然 后就会惹盛 紘不高兴, 因为盛紘就 是庶出。

说到明兰, 一 直是不争不 抢的角色, 说起来她也 是庶出, 但 嫁给顾廷烨 的时候, 是 以"嫡女" 身份风光出 嫁, 这个要 感谢顾廷烨 ,

顾廷烨刚开始 跟小秦氏说 的是要娶盛 家的嫡女, 其实是如兰, 后来如兰 另嫁他人, 顾廷烨就要 娶明兰, 但 没有告诉小 秦氏, 在小 秦氏那里,

还以为顾廷烨 是"非嫡女 不娶", 所 以明兰是嫡 女, 也就是 因为这5个 字, 让明兰 风光大嫁。

当时小秦氏来 盛家提亲的 时候, 说明 兰是嫡女, 明兰看了祖 母一眼, 然 后两人嘴角 上扬, 瞬间 明白了, 原 来是顾廷烨 故意的,

告诉小秦氏自 己娶的是嫡 女, 明兰和 祖母也没有 揭穿, 就这 样明兰和顾 廷烨成婚了 。

为此, 如兰还 赌气了一通, 觉得明兰 嫁的比她好, 但明兰说 要不他们交 换一下, 如 兰自然是不 乐意的, 虽 然如兰喜欢 的炎敬没有 顾廷烨家有 钱, 但如兰 还是喜欢炎 敬, 所以心 里也就平衡 多了。

For more infomation >> 《知否》顾廷烨5个字,让明兰以"嫡女"身份风光出嫁,众人偷笑 - Duration: 2:23.


Pot Pie | Brandin LaShea Feat. Cartier Lee - Duration: 13:07.

- What's up guys, it's your girl, Brandin LaShea,

coming back with another season of your favorite

stoner cooking show, Pot Pies.

I invite celebrities, influencers, actors, you name it,

onto the show and they bring some

of the ingredients to their favorite dishes.

(woman speaking foreign language)

I've got to either figure out what that dish is or not.

Feel like I'm on Fear Factor. - Okay, I know.

(upbeat techno music)

- Welcome back to a very special

New Year's Eve episode of Pot Pie.

Today's guest is one of my best friends.

She is an actress, she's a musician, My girl Cartier.

- Happy new year! I'm here with Brandin in LA

and she's gonna teach me how to cook

without burning everything.

I'm really excited.

We are cooking some pizza and yeah, so check it out.

- Hi boo! - Hey, oh my god, so excited!

- Thanks so much for coming all the way from

New York City with a bag of goodies.

- Don't know how to use any of these things.

- So we've got some tomato sauce.

- Yes. - Some balls, some mozzarella.

- Some more balls, of tomatoes.

- Cheese - Parmesan cheese, okay.

- Very Italian vibe.

- It's like my favorite ingredient, I was just saying.

I'm a cauliflower enthusiast. - You love cauliflower?

- It's my favorite vegetable.

- What if you get married and this is your bouquet.

- I could do that.

Eggs, okay.

Basil. (laughs)

A little red pepper flakes, and some garlic.

- It's to keep the guys away.

- So it's definitely Italian.

This is kind of throwing me off.

It's a giant head of cauliflower,

but I feel like we're gonna try and we'll make a pizza.

We'll do a cauliflower crust pizza and we'll blend

the eggs and the Parmesan, we'll make the dough.

- Damn, I'm excited. - Easy Peasy.

- Before we get into cooking,

we're gonna get a little baked.

We're gonna have a sip of an amazing drink

from our sponsors, Mood 33.

I'm gonna go with Joy.

- You're gonna go with Joy, I'll take Joy.

- Okay, so we'll kick it off with Joy.

- Okay let's do it.

- Cheers. - Cheers.

- Are we sipping, skoling?

- We'll sip. - Oh, okay.

- You wanna skol it? - (laughs) Always.

- Oh, isn't that one good? - Really good, it's like minty

- Yeah, it's peppermint matte.

- Oh my gosh, it's really yummy.

- Lemon peel.

So I feel like the first thing we should start doing

is getting this cauliflower all ground up

so we can start forming our crust.

- It's like so pretty. (laughs)

It shouldn't even be a vegetable.

It's like cool cause it's in everything now.

Like, you've got cauliflower rice, cauliflower pizza...

- I mean, you really can't taste

the difference with cauliflower fried rice.

I make it for my boyfriend and he has no idea it's not rice.

- Really? - Yeah.

- [Cartier] Do you ground it or just chop it?

- We're gonna use the same process

that I would use for my cauliflower fired rice.

You actually sort of grate it like you're grating cheese

and it turns into, like, the perfect little chunks.

- Really? - Yeah.

So we're just gonna take our grater

and I'm just gonna start with this smaller side.

- Do you want me to grate? - Do you want to?

- And you do the hard shit?

I can do this, I might cut my finger but we'll see.

- Don't cut your finger. - No, I got it.

(both laughing)

- Why do you trust me? (laughs)

- When you start anything off like "I might cut my finger"

- You're like "Um..."

- I'm like, uh, please don't lose a finger.

That's a liability.

- Brandin make this look sexy, I'm like.

It actually does smell really nasty when you're grating it.

It's like a combination of, like, egg yolk farts.

- We're gonna set this aside and you're gonna grate up some

You're so pretty, you're like a rabbit.

- Do you eat while you cook, is that why you're not,

you're so skinny, you probably don't. (laughs)

If I was a chef I'd be just piling shit

into my mouth, like, while I was cooking.

And then it would be dinner time

and nothing would be there to serve.

You don't trust me?

C'mon, I wanna try!

- Here, we can move this up from you,

and that way you can actually do without...

You don't realize that in an actual working kitchen

the reason why you get your food so quickly

is 'cause everything is prepped.

So all of your (speaking foreign language)

is there and you just fire.

You're not actually prepping anything.

You're not grating down.

You're not doing it step by step like this.

I'm gonna take this little portion

and add it to our cauliflower.

We're gonna combine it with one egg

and then some seasonings and it's super simple,

we're just gonna roll it out onto our pizza.

Alright so this is just a little salt and pepper.

You're gonna be there for a while

so I'll just keep doing stuff and tell you how.

- I'm trying not to cut my finger.

It takes a lot of focus.

- [Brandin] Watch out for your thumb.

- No no no, she's good.

- I just haven't had a guest lose a finger

or a piece of skin yet, so I don't want it to be you!

- What's the weirdest thing that's happened?

- Weirdest?

Have you watched the show?

(laughing) (distorted voices)

- I'm a sheep, bah, and a cow, moo!

(blow horn)

- I told you my favorite! - Everything weird.

We get weird on Pot Pie, that's why we're here.

I'm gonna add a little bit of basil right into this

cauliflower crust cause I like everything really flavorful.

- Same, I love Parmesan so much.

Let's put lots of it.

- If it doesn't have a lot of flavor, I don't want it.

And now I'm just gonna crack one single egg

right into the cauliflower.

We should have fun making crust.

- Get it all wet and oily. - Get it all wet and moist.

- Oh really moist over here.

I think that's the grossest word.

I did a poll on Instagram once,

like, how do you feel about moist?

"Doesn't bother me" or "Worst word ever".

Like, worse than grandma's nipples.

And people all voted worse than grandmas nipples.

- People do not like the word moist.


- Like moist lubricant, (laughs) it's fucking nasty.

Moist, lubricant, like, penetration.

They're all fucking gross words. (laughs)

- So we're just gonna, like, spread the oil.

- Like that, like this?

You can lick my fingers after, I promise.

- Just so it doesn't stick.

We start with this.

And you can roll this out on a parchment paper,

but since we're doing it in a cast iron

we're just gonna form it with our hands.

And this is just gonna go into the oven.

- And you bake it before you put the toppings in?

- Yeah we're gonna bake it and get it,

you know, to sort of set in its form.

So we have our oven perfectly set to 420.

- [Cartier] Is that your idea?

- We're just gonna keep that in for ten minutes.

Do you want to chop some of these tomatoes?

You're just gonna chop them, length ways, like this way.

- Could you stop looking? (giggling)

- You wanna do this-- - Look away, look away!

(lively, upbeat music)

Okay, I'll do this job.

I think I mastered it.

- I love the way that you're cutting it, it's just--

(both laughing)

Like this, look, look, look.

If you hold it here on either side.

- Isn't it easier to do it this way?

You have thin fingers, I have some chunky fingers.

- I don't have thin fingers.

- Do not zoom in on my fingers,

I'm actually really embarrassed by them.

- We got our tomatoes.

We're just gonna drain the water from this mozzarella.

- [Cartier] I'm eating only ingredients.

There's gonna be no pizza left.

I hope no ones hungry.

- [Brandin] We're just gonna do

thin little slices so that it melts.

So you know the trick to cutting basil

is just roll the leaves together

like you're rolling a joint. - And then you smoke it?

- So this pizza's about ready.

We're gonna pull it out of the oven,

then we can put all the delicious toppings.

- Make it pretty.

I also have a surprise for you.

Why do you look so scared?

- You see the immediate change in my face?

(dramatic music)

- Drum roll.


The story of these.

This morning at the crafts table,

I lost my Cheeto virginity.

I had one, just one. - Just one Cheeto?

You've never had a Cheeto? - No, I've never had a Cheeto

and I'm a Cheeto enthusiast now.

And I decided I can't eat unless we're eating on set.

So we're gonna put this on top of the pizza so I can eat it.

We're gonna crunch it up and it's gonna

add some New Year's flavor. (laughing)

That's what's happening.

- I love it, a surprise ingredient.

Wanna do that? - Yeah, I can do this.

I want to have one thing that I

don't look uncoordinated at doing.

Do I look like a chef, master chef?

- That's exactly how I cook, all of the time.

- Sex face the whole time, like seducing the camera.

- There's probably like food-- - Welcome to Pot Pie. (laughs)

- We already did a Pot Pie after hours.

- It's like delicate, nice and soft.

When guys are like, "I'll teach you".

Like us, we're like, it's a good view.

So then you just like, "Oh yeah, you got it.

"Oh my god, you're so good at this, wow!"

And then it's like, oh. (laughs)

- No, you're supposed to like,

"You got something right there".

- Oh, you got something on your face,

let me help you with that.

And then, really slow, it's like--

- And then they don't kiss, this is awkward.

Do you want to sprinkle this cheese while we--

- I feel like I'm gonna get in trouble,

everything I seem to do isn't nice enough.

I'm still getting over that kiss.

I'm a little excited, give me a second.

- Just get in there. - Just get, okay.

- And sprinkle, yeah.

It always has to be a Vogue moment.

Not into one pile! (laughing)

- Okay, I gotta focus. - You're such a good cook.

- I know.

Can we make a B and a C?

- Yeah if you want to do that. - I'm gonna do the B.

Wow, I shoulda been an artist.

Is that pretty? - Perfect.

- And then do you want this on top?

No, this is for after, right, the little leaves?

- Can you put those big ones, we're just gonna place them.

- [Cartier] Thank god you're here.

This woulda turned out differently.

It would be black burns.

- So this is gonna go back in for another 15 minutes.

And we'll be ready to eat it.

- It's going down the wrong hole. (laughing)

- Look at that beaut.

- [Cartier] Oh my god.

- She's a beaut, we'll let that cool for like two seconds.

I think we should set some New Year's resolutions.

- Okay, be better at co-hosting. (laughs)

I think in LA one, a really good one is

to surround yourself with the right people.

- Right, I think it's hard, you know,

you find yourself getting trapped and caught up.

- Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

We must zest!

- Oh, I forgot about the secret ingredient.

- You can break some up as well.

See get better at zesting is also a New Year's resolution.

How do you even make this thing work?

I'm determined. - There we go.

- [Cartier] Okay, thanks, ruining all the fun but whatever.

- Your secret ingredient made it onto the dish.

- Okay, do you know why I thought to try it today?

Cause I saw one of the Bachelor guys lying in front of it

and covered in Cheetos and I was like,

wow, they look really hot, like.

And I was like, I must try these Cheetos

'cause Cheetos may come with that man.

- Let's give it a whirl, Cheeto pizza.

- Ready, three, two, one, go!

Oh my god, sorry.

- Mm, those Cheetos are actually really good.

We did it. - We did it.

You did it, I supervised.

- I think it's time for the countdown.

Let's go meet everybody over in the living room.

Grab a drink.

(upbeat techno music)

- Thank you guys so much for tuning in

to a very special New Year's Eve episode of Pot Pie.

Thanks to my amazing guest Cartier

and our amazing sponsors Mood 33.

Happy New Year!

- [All] 10, nine, eight, seven, six,

five, four, three, two, one!

Happy New Year!

♪ For auld lang syne ♪

♪ We two paddled in the stream ♪

♪ From morning sun 'till dine ♪

♪ But seas between us broad have roared ♪

♪ Since auld lang syne ♪

For more infomation >> Pot Pie | Brandin LaShea Feat. Cartier Lee - Duration: 13:07.


Zungeneinsatz: Melli Müller leckt die Auto-Scheibe eisfrei! - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Zungeneinsatz: Melli Müller leckt die Auto-Scheibe eisfrei! - Duration: 1:00.


Tóm Tắt Star vs The Forces of Evil Season 2 (Part 4) | Toffee đã quay trở lại - Duration: 12:11.

For more infomation >> Tóm Tắt Star vs The Forces of Evil Season 2 (Part 4) | Toffee đã quay trở lại - Duration: 12:11.


敦马直言【马来人无法成功】是本身的问题!精彩内容 - Duration: 8:15.

For more infomation >> 敦马直言【马来人无法成功】是本身的问题!精彩内容 - Duration: 8:15.


TOP 5 WORST FILMS OF 2018! [SUB ITA] - Duration: 7:38.

Hi guys it's Debbie! As the end of 2018 has arrived, the time has come to look

back at what the world of cinema has given us this year. I already uploaded my

first video in which I speak about the best films of 2018, you'll find that

linked down below, so make sure to check it out! But today we're diving into

something else because here come the worst films of 2018! Before entering this

world of ghastly acting, I would just like to point out one thing: Did you

notice that this year nobody is speaking about the Fifty Shades film? We were just

like... "Shh.. We've made it through.. It was the last one, we've done it guys, just just

just don't speak about it!" The first film on my list today is "Blockers" the story of a

group of parents who try to stop their kids from having sex at prom. I guess

this could be a sufficient description and reason as to why this film is on the

list today, but allow me to just point out some other features. First of all

both parents and their kids are portrayed in the most stereotyped manner

possible. On one hand we have barely 18 year old kids planning on behaving as

individuals 10 years older than themselves, going out for a night and

having wild sex. If you've ever been to an end-of-school year party you will

know that it is usually held in the school's assembly room, with your gym

teacher screaming there the music's too loud and at 10:30 you're all in bed. Then the

parents in "Blockers" are shown as absolutely clueless people, and also

there are multiple families involved, married couples, but the film

conveniently picks only three people: John Cena (Hulk dad), Leslie Mann

(cute mom) and Ike Barinholtz (sad dads)... because that just sounds more fun!

And we were in for treats such as John Cena having alcohol pumped into his

anus, chewing his daughter's underwear, ingenious jokes based on eggplant and

banana emojis, never seen on screen concepts such as a character hiding in the

bedroom (even under the bed) while people are in the room. Instead of watching

"Blockers" I would recommend watching "Lady Bird", which is a down-to-earth

coming-of-age story of a teenager, who (if we have to draw comparisons based on a

"Blockers" level) actually has realistic sex, goes to realistic end of

school parties, fights with her parents and eventually has us all in tears. The

next film on the list is "Truth or Dare", a horror story of a group of friends who

get themselves caught in a deadly game of... truth or dare,

which either forces them to reveal really painful bitter truths or carry

out dangerous dares, with no way out of the game if not by death. The idea

behind the film is not actually that bad, it's a good idea for just a simple

summer horror flick. But it wasn't. Everything in this film (not considering

the actual game) is so detached from reality that there is no way the

audience can relate to the characters and be scared for them. All these

characters are just super wealthy, ridiculously beautiful teen idols,

there is a demonic game making the characters potentially die and they seem

to be worried about the gossip then the risk of death. As viewers once

we understood how the game actually worked, we could actually predict the

scary moments with great accuracy. The third film on this list is "Life of the

party" starring Melissa McCarthy as a mother who after divorcing and going

through a rather tough moment in her life, decides to enrol in college

alongside her daughter, thus experiencing all the wonders of the

young age but while having an older and presumably more mature mindset. Sounds

fun, right? It was lost in useless moments such as our main character describing

her vagina as a vagoogle which apparently knows everything and frightens people

but in an attractive way... All the characters were so poorly written that

the daughter basically just stands next to her mum for the whole film just

shaking her head and rolling her eyes and the mean girls in college had the

emotional span of a six-year-old who makes fun of her classmate during break

because of her hairstyle. The fourth film I would like to include here today is "I

feel pretty". Now since the moment I watched the

trailer for this film I was convinced this would have been the worst film of

the year. After watching it I must admit it was not AS terrible as I

was expecting it to be. "AS". It was still terrible. So in "I feel pretty" we have

Amy Schumer as a woman who is very upset about her appearances, she doesn't feel

confident about her body and this makes her very shy and stops her from living

her life at its fullest. One day at the gym she suffers a concussion and when

she wakes up she sees herself as embodying her ideal of the perfect woman.

This boosts her confidence, it creates a series of misunderstandings, she

understands the importance of inner beauty rather than outer beauty and all that good stuff. I

said it wasn't as terrible as I was expecting

because Amy Schumer actually did a good job at the beginning of the film, we

really felt for her sadness. But instead of building up something inventive from

there, something fun, something engaging, something with a message, from there on

it was just a roller coaster of terrible terrible jokes. The kind a

thirteen-year-old would say after hearing his older brother saying bad sex

jokes. The character development is limited to: I feel confident so now I'm

entitled to just be arrogant and do useless things such as underground

bikini contests in pubs. This movie wants to be about confidence but it ends up

delivering a message in a rather childish manner I would say. The fifth

and last film I'd like to speak about today is "Slender Man". "Slender Man" is a

horror film based on the urban legend of this mysterious figure who suddenly

appears out of the shadows and haunts, follows, harms people, especially children.

I really don't know why Slender Man was picked as a potential

bait for viewers as this used to be a scary internet trend back when my

friends and I were in school. I really don't think that most of the teens today

would even know who Slender Man is. But for the purpose of this video let's just

say that they are familiar with the whole topic. The film is bad in any case.

I seriously don't remember watching such a boring horror movie in years. So it

opens with this shot of a character sneezing

and her friend saying this ominous message, something on the lines of "Our

ancestors thought sneezes were demons coming out of the body", as if we were in

some artsy A24 film like "The VVitch". But then it just procedes with thi chaotic

boring story which never engages us. When I was actually talking about the best

films of this year I ended up speaking about horror films in general and about

how one of the big problems with bad horror films is that they are completely

detached from us, the events are presented in such a cold manner that we

can't relate to the pain, the fear the characters are feeling. And this is

exactly what happened in "Slender Man". So what are the worst films of 2018 in your

opinion? Let me know with a comment down below

and remember to watch the other video in which I speak about the best films of

2018! I hope you enjoy this video, if you did make sure to subscribe and I'll see

you soon, bye!

For more infomation >> TOP 5 WORST FILMS OF 2018! [SUB ITA] - Duration: 7:38.


WARNING - MAY BE UPSETTING - Rabid Dog - Duration: 1:28.

This is a rabid dog. He's been out here for a while


you can see he is foaming at the mouth

looks like he was involved in an attack but this is what they look like

Not a

not a joke. This is a serious situation we called animal control

The dog has been here for about 2 hours

We called animal control and it is the

it is been laying here just looking at the sky like this

and you can see, it is foaming at the mouth. This is a dog with rabies

Not a safe situation but FYI that's what it looks like

For more infomation >> WARNING - MAY BE UPSETTING - Rabid Dog - Duration: 1:28.


31歲趙麗穎宣布懷孕:生孩子是為了讓馮紹峰浪子回頭?我不需要! - 藝人故事 - Duration: 19:01.

For more infomation >> 31歲趙麗穎宣布懷孕:生孩子是為了讓馮紹峰浪子回頭?我不需要! - 藝人故事 - Duration: 19:01.


(EN/日) 일본에서 뮤비촬영 직전 안무연습! [소리] - Duration: 5:38.

Sori's YouTube Channel


Miku, and Nana!

So in two days, we shoot the music video, but this is the second time practicing choreography together.

Let's give our best!

Hi everyone, Sori here!

I'm currently at a studio to practice choreography for my second single, "I'm Ready"

The studio is located in Japan.

Here are two choreographers that will be featured on my music video: Miku chan and Nana chan~


- I'm Miku - and I'm Nana!

Nice to meet you~!

(in Japanese) We're gonna shoot the music video the day after tomorrow!

We're gonna practice haaaaaard!

(Sori, Miku, and Nana started the dance practice.)

We are discussing positioning and movement distance with Miku chan and Nana chan.

There was a slight change in one part of the song,

so we are coming up with new moves for that part.

So in two days, we shoot the music video, but this is the second time practicing choreography together.

Hopefully we figure everything out by the end of the day.

I think we can pull it off, needs a little more practice, but I think we can.

Why do I look so handsome today Reminds me of manga, "The Rose of Versailles"

Sori Oppa, call me oppa.

Have you eaten?

(What is this strange...whatever?)

I-I have no idea what I'm doing that came out far stranger than on top of my head.

Miku chan and Nana chan are far younger than I am.

Cute little babies~

It's not unnie, but oppa!

Since I dyed my hair and I look cool, oppa!

(What kind of logic is that?)

Isn't it cuter to say oppaya~ than oppa?

(Apparently someone knows some dialect...)

(Sori still wants to try rapping)

(Messes up!!)

Thanks for the hard work~!

It's a tough choreography.

"I'm Ready is tough"

Miku chan's abs are badass!

(Some washingboard abs!)

Compare to that I'm embarrassed.

So guys, today's dance practice has come to an end.

We have the last practice tomorrow.

Wait is it the day after tomorow?

We're gonna give our best on the day of shoot too!

So cute~!

We'll work hard!

What is ganbaru in Korean?

(S-sorry my Korean's still a bit rough...)

Yolshimi haja! (Let's work hard in Korean)

For more infomation >> (EN/日) 일본에서 뮤비촬영 직전 안무연습! [소리] - Duration: 5:38.


Pot Pie | Brandin LaShea Feat. Liz Nistico - Duration: 12:14.

- What's up guys it's your girl, Brandin LaShae,

coming back with another season of your favorite

stoner cooking show Pot Pie.


I invite celebrities, influencers, actors,

you name it, onto the show,

and they bring some of the ingredients to their

favorite dishes.

- Eat your shu-sugar.

- And I've got to either figure out what that dish is,

or not.

I feel like I'm on Fear Factor.

- Hey, I know.

(Upbeat music)

- Welcome back to a very merry episode of Pot Pie,

today's guest is one of my closest friends,

she's the lead singer of Holy Child,

one of my favorite bands, she's my girl, Liz Nistico.

- Hi, my name is Liz Nistico,

I'm the lead singer of Holy Child, I am here today,

to make some Christmas cookies with Brandin.

I cook these for everyone's Christmas gift,

so I'm excited to make them today.

- Hey cutie.

- Ho ho ho

- Ho ho ho, you look like Santa.

- Hi!

- You're so cute with your little bag of treats.

- Yeah, I've got some ingredients.

- I love it, I really like the bag too,

you really went all out.

- Yeah, you know, I figured it's Christmas,

and the holidays.

So. You can start taking

We're going to make some Christmas cookies.

I practice cookie diplomacy,

so I make these for anyone who's mad at me at any time.


- So, here's this sweet treat, don't hate me.

Yeah, so here are the ingredients.

We have one cup of butter.

- Softened butter, okay.

- Yeah, softened.

We've got flour, we're going to use two and a half,

two and two thirds cup.

- Okay, look at you.

- I know, I really know this recipe a lot,

usually I double it though so,

I'm trying to not go overboard.

- She's really apologetic.


- Please take them all, I'm really sorry.

Here are eggs, we all know about those.

- Eggs.

- Here's more flour, oh no, this is sugar.

Make sure you get it from 7-Eleven.

And then we have some more things, vanilla.

- So, I'm taking it we're going to make a sugar cookie?

- Yeah, butter cookies.

- Butter cookies!

- I know, I'm kind of vegan right now,

but I make an exception for these bad boys.

And these are some other fun things.

- Fun things to pipe and make some decor, I love it.

- Exactly.

- So you know this recipe, like back of your hand.

- I really do, yeah.

- Okay, before we jump into the recipe,

we're actually going to make a little cocktail,

with our mood33 beverages.

We're going to replace vodka, and use the Joy,

because it's a yerba mate,

sort of a green tea flavor peppermint,

and we're going to make a peppermint Moscow Mule.

- Okay, amazing, so how do you make it?

- So we're just going to grab these two cups first.

Let me grab some of my ingredients from this fridge,

with mood33.

- It looks like a parents house.

You know when you go to a parents house,

and you're like, oh, you have so many options.

- Or when you're like, I used to dream of being on cribs,

because, they'd open their fridges and you're like wow,

rich people are so organized.

- We can roleplay that right now.

Thanks for having me at your crib.

- Thanks for being here.

- Thanks so much, love your stocked fridge.

Can I help you?

- Yeah, you can just break off some of those mint leaves,

and put it into the bottom of our cup.

- I'm making them really minty.

- I like a lot of mint.

We're just going to take some ice cubes,

and we can put them in the bottom.

I like to create just a little bit of water,

and then I'm going to sort of crunch that all up together.

- This is professional.

- I don't really drink a lot of alcohol to be honest.

But when I do, I kind of like to make them,

you know, like mildly fancy.

- [Liz] Have you ever bar tended?

- No.

Here you go.

- Thanks.

Cheers. Cheers.

- Delicious right?

- It's so good.

- So it tastes just like a Moscow Mule,

but instead of the vodka,

we're gonna get just a nice little.

- I actually think it's better than a Moscow Mule.

- Right?

- Because I don't really like vodka.

- Me either.

- So, let's start with the butter and the sugar

- [Brandin] Perfect.

- We'll mix them together,

do you have any measuring cups?

- I do, I have these beautiful ones

that match our Moscow Mule mugs.

- Oh my god, so cute.

- We need two cups.

- So do you want to put that butter in here?

- Yes.

I really feel like I'm like, So fun

Six years old again., with my grandma

- I love it.

Yeah I make these cookies a lot.

So, this butter is softened.

- [Brandin] Do you want to use a whisk?

- Yeah we're gonna whisk it.

- It's soft so you can, you don't need to use your fingers.

- Cool, so now we're just going to blend these two together.

This is so good.

- Right? It's kind of like an elixir too.

You know?

- The elixir of life, I mean,

didn't pretty much everyone always

call it the elixir of life?

- It's like you're getting a buzz on

but you're actually also being really healthy.

- Yeah, 'cause it has the ginger beer?

Oop's I got a little, A little guy

but luckily I, luckily I read a Buzz Feed's life hack list.

Thank god.

- Did it tell you how to take out shells?

- Yeah.

- What's the trick?

- The trick is to use the shell,

so I don't know if you just saw but,

I cracked it and then I took the shell and took it out.

- Yeah.

- It somehow always works.

So then we'll mix this up.

And then the next thing we need is,

- Flour?

- Actually, The vanilla?


- And you just eyeball this,

so what would you say about a teaspoon?

- So I know that there is something in the recipe,

but for vanilla my motto is always more.

- More.

- Me too, it's so good.

- I'm always like, and then I.

- Yeah, yeah it smells pretty good.


Let's add a little bit of salt, just a pinch.

- Okay.

Salt is amazing because it actually

brings out the other flavors of everything you make.

- Exactly.

Now let's get the flour ready.

- So I'll get you one full cup, we'll start there.

- Okay wanna, wanna pour a bit in?

You should probably do like, half of it.

Like I said this is the,

I don't give a fuck version of, I'm sorry cookies.

For Christmas.

- I don't give a fuck but I'm still making you cookies.

- Yeah, like I don't give a fuck about the measurements,

but I care about our relationship.

- So we're just going to mix this all up,

and then we're going to set it in the fridge

for about an hour and let it chill,

then we'll roll it out and we'll make our cookies.

- Yes.

- Our cookie dough is just about ready,

but before we do that I think we should make a refill.

- Yes, I agree, this was so good.

- Well cheers to you. Cheers

Cheers to our cookie dough.

- It's going to be delish.

That's so good.

- It's so delicious, look at these cute little dough balls.

- [Liz] That looks like bread.

- So you want your dough really firm,

because when you roll it out you want it to,

obviously stick together and not be too pliable.

- And because, otherwise it won't cook properly,

because it's butter.

- Yeah, it'll just be melted you'll just have like soft,

melted puddles.

- Yeah.

- So tell me about some new music

that you're coming out with.

You've been killing it with the music videos though.

- Thanks.

- Killing it, and you're directing everything right?

- Yeah, by the time this is out we'll have two song.

- Two new songs?

- Yeah?

- So this is what we'll put them on,

to put them into the oven.

- Cool, usually I wait overnight,

and this dough is like, really.

- Like raw?

- Chilled.

Yeah it's really hard.

And then I take a piece of this with the fork.

And I always just make it look like that.

- Really?

- Mhmm, they look really cute after.

- Okay, so is it the lines that you're using as like.

- No, I just like it to look like textured.

- [Brandin] Okay.

- This is like, the exact way I make them.

- Really?

- Do you want to try some of this?

- Yeah.

- It's really good.

I don't know, I just feel like afterwards they look so cute.

- Do we need to put anything on this pan you think?

- Yeah I don't usually.

- The butter's gonna, take it all.

- [Liz] Just.

- So about seven minutes you'd say?

- [Liz] Yeah, it's really fast actually.

- Really quick, probably like five to seven minutes,

just depending on your oven.

- Yeah.

- So what do you usually do for the holidays?

Do you have any like, traditions with your family, or?

- I don't know, I'm not,

I feel like I'm not that traditional.

- Yeah we're like, we do Christmas,

but our Christmas is like, every year it's different.

It's like one year we'll do an asian theme dinner.

You know, so we're never like traditionally Christmas.

- [Liz] I like that more.

- Yeah, me too.

- Yeah my sister is like,

really all about tradition somehow.

My mom will be like, let's go see Cher in Las Vegas,

and my sister like people don't travel on the Holidays.

I'm like, yeah maybe not you, I live in California,

so I have to travel across the country.

- To come see you guys right?

- Yeah.

- See I think that's what's different too.

Is all my family is here,

so I don't leave for the holidays ever so it never really,

I mean it doesn't ever feel like Christmas.

- Yeah, I like staying in LA for Christmas,

'cause no one I know is here and I can just like,

stay by myself and have this weird existence

in a ghost city, and you're like.

It feels so cool.

- Yeah.

- You're like, I'm in the movie of my life, bitch.

That's how it is.

- I've actually, I've never made just like,

butter sugar cookies.

- Really? Yeah

I, actually really like these,

'cause I hate chocolate chip cookies.

- Really?

That's my new end of the night I eat dinner,

and I have to have chocolate chip cookies.

- Really? Yeah

I don't like milk chocolate.

I only like it if it's so dark, chocolate chips like,

they always use the milk chocolate kind.

- Gross.

- I just don't like it.

I'm actually allergic to chocolate.

It makes me sneeze, only if it's like good quality.

So the dark chocolate will make me sneeze.


- That' so weird, 'cause you don't like, inhale it.

You know?

- I know, it is weird.

- You're like, I have chocolate in my nose.


Wanna check those cookies?

- Yeah, let's do it.


- It's weird I wish I could smell them more.

- You can if you come right here.

- Oh.

- But watch out.

I think it needs like two more minutes.

Because you can see when they're done.

They get a wee bit brown.

- You've been directing other peoples music videos

as well right?

- Yeah.

- So you're really branching out, I love it.

- I'm really branching out yeah,

I've been directing a lot lately.

I've done like 30 music videos.

So, I'm moving on. Holy shit.

I wanna just do films.

- I'm gonna check these cookies.

Oh yeah, they're perfect do you wanna come check?

- Yeah.

- I'm gonna grab them.

(Christmas music)

They almost look like little shells or something,

with the way that the fork marks make them.

- I know, they smell so good.

- So good.

- Oh it smells like my mom, my mom makes these.

- Smells like my mom.


- Yum.

- Do you want to decorate like one or two,

and then we'll eat them.

- Yeah let's do it.

- Wow, it's really moist, wet, icing.

It's not thick at all.

It's dripping.

- [Liz] This one's thicker.

- [Brandin] Look at this.

- I'm trying to make something for the luthe.

- It looks like a Halloween cookie.

- I'm trying to make a yin yang.

This stuff really stains, look at my fingers.


- [Liz] Hold on I just gotta fix this one,

just a little bit more.

It looks better now.

Look at how stained my fingers are,

it looks like I was dying something.

Let's have one of these.

- Cookie cheers.

- Cheers.

- Oh my god, it's so good.

- Mhmm.

- It literally tastes like childhood.

Wow, these cookies are absolutely amazing,

thank you so much for bringing this recipe to us.

These cookies will go in our cookbook.

- Yay, thanks for having me. Heck yeah.

- Thank you so much to our amazing brand sponsors, mood33,

for our delicious Moscow Moods.

It sounds like I said nudes.

Thank you so much for my amazing guest Liz, from Holy Child.

- Thanks for having me.

- This has been another amazing episode of Pot Pie.

Merry Christmas!

- Ciao.

(Christmas music)

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> Pot Pie | Brandin LaShea Feat. Liz Nistico - Duration: 12:14.


周润发两任"妻子"对比,她用31年的守候换来了发哥一生挚爱! - Duration: 6:22.

For more infomation >> 周润发两任"妻子"对比,她用31年的守候换来了发哥一生挚爱! - Duration: 6:22.



For more infomation >> SÓ ASSISTA SE VOCÊ QUER QUE DEUS FAÇA ALGO NOVO NA SUA VIDA! - Momento com Deus - Duration: 3:21.


#RaccontamiCatania - #RaccontamItalia - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> #RaccontamiCatania - #RaccontamItalia - Duration: 1:00.


כאן דעה | מה הסיבה שבגללה אנחנו מצביעים לפוליטיקאים? - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> כאן דעה | מה הסיבה שבגללה אנחנו מצביעים לפוליטיקאים? - Duration: 3:06.


오레오 츄러스 먹방~~ ASMR~MUKBANG~Oreo Churros Eating Sounds - Duration: 12:36.

Press 'Subscribe Button' and 'Like Button' to give power to Prumir b^^d

b^^d = Prumir


Today's menu is "Oreo Churros" which sells in Myeongdong, Korea

And this is white cream.

Thanks for the food

Let's eat

For more infomation >> 오레오 츄러스 먹방~~ ASMR~MUKBANG~Oreo Churros Eating Sounds - Duration: 12:36.




For more infomation >> FREE ROBUX | FREE ROBLOX CODES | HOW TO GET FREE ROBUX - Duration: 3:05.


離婚後第一次發文,楊冪只10個字訴心聲,耿直女神做回自己!这到底是什么? - 娛 樂 新 聞 - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> 離婚後第一次發文,楊冪只10個字訴心聲,耿直女神做回自己!这到底是什么? - 娛 樂 新 聞 - Duration: 2:30.


The Penguins of Madagascar Herring Impaired Episode 1 - Madison Bell - Duration: 3:31.

PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, COMMENTS & SUBCRIBE Video! Thank you very much!

now that's a fine-looking poop deck I mean usually I have trouble with my poop

deck Oh Rika pass me the final whole section last piece this carcass vessel

last piece missing weeks of look wasted

Gorsky cover the privates ears I intend to use my angry words oh yes we can give

you the manufacturer it was a dress just not sure why you need it

primate this is a payback operation missing piece payback the less you know

the better feeling cysts there are no missing pieces apparently your model is

the SS fisken looked back actually no way you don't have a problem with the

norwegians do you skipper now I'm in bevel it towards us pure loving sense of

Viking they did invent the cheese slicer well point for Norway 100 years ago the

fisken looked sank in the new york bay with a full catch of brine preserved

tender mouth-watering herring fish your missing piece represents the breach

that sank the mighty vessel a solemn reminder of man's fragile and you're

still thinking about the herring aren't you an entire sunken fishing vessel

right for undersea retreival blablabla ripe is indeed the word skipper after

100 years of eating in brine that herring should taste somewhere between

nectar of the gods and snap delicious

damn the psycho compadre there's a time and a place for that kind of madness

really what list 18 minutes from now lower New York Bay

curse these Norwegian charts I mean who measures and metric beard

lengths nothing on sonar skipper stay just get us within five klicks of that

wreck Rica's and candy fish sense should kick in any mr. Kowalski hard to port

follow that beach

Walski herring Salvage option touchy operation skipper after a century of

saltwater that crate could follow

For more infomation >> The Penguins of Madagascar Herring Impaired Episode 1 - Madison Bell - Duration: 3:31.


Стиральная машина узкая Hotpoint-Ariston VMSL 501 B обзор - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> Стиральная машина узкая Hotpoint-Ariston VMSL 501 B обзор - Duration: 1:36.


오레오 츄러스 먹방~~ ASMR~MUKBANG~Oreo Churros Eating Sounds - Duration: 12:36.

Press 'Subscribe Button' and 'Like Button' to give power to Prumir b^^d

b^^d = Prumir


Today's menu is "Oreo Churros" which sells in Myeongdong, Korea

And this is white cream.

Thanks for the food

Let's eat

For more infomation >> 오레오 츄러스 먹방~~ ASMR~MUKBANG~Oreo Churros Eating Sounds - Duration: 12:36.


ドリフトにスタビは要らない!?NAなのにリヤ245サイズ!?V36のドリフトテスト/ No need rear sway bar for drifting!? #V36 #g37 #drift - Duration: 10:30.

For more infomation >> ドリフトにスタビは要らない!?NAなのにリヤ245サイズ!?V36のドリフトテスト/ No need rear sway bar for drifting!? #V36 #g37 #drift - Duration: 10:30.


VW T6 California - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> VW T6 California - Duration: 1:08.


VW T6 California - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> VW T6 California - Duration: 1:11.


YUGI H5 - Tuyển tập những trận đấu hay server Trung Quốc (02/01/2019) - Thầnbà YugiH5 - Duration: 13:20.

For more infomation >> YUGI H5 - Tuyển tập những trận đấu hay server Trung Quốc (02/01/2019) - Thầnbà YugiH5 - Duration: 13:20.


章澤天朋友圈疑曝光 "最喪的一年"竟被總結成這三個字 - Duration: 4:39.

For more infomation >> 章澤天朋友圈疑曝光 "最喪的一年"竟被總結成這三個字 - Duration: 4:39.


HOW TO DRAW SHOOKY FROM BT21 | Best BT21 Members Easy Drawing | BTS and LINE FRIENDS | BLABLA ART - Duration: 11:10.

How to draw Shooky, BT21

Don't miss any Blabla Art episode

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For more infomation >> HOW TO DRAW SHOOKY FROM BT21 | Best BT21 Members Easy Drawing | BTS and LINE FRIENDS | BLABLA ART - Duration: 11:10.


孟晚舟后,美国突然传来大丑闻!全世界哗然 - Duration: 12:41.

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攻克关键技术!涡扇15航空发动机成全球最强 - Duration: 12:13.

For more infomation >> 攻克关键技术!涡扇15航空发动机成全球最强 - Duration: 12:13.


That's the Spirit Best of 2018

For more infomation >> That's the Spirit Best of 2018


For more infomation >> That's the Spirit Best of 2018


Shanna Kress n'a pas pu aller dans les Princes et Princesses de l'Amour ! - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> Shanna Kress n'a pas pu aller dans les Princes et Princesses de l'Amour ! - Duration: 1:55.


For more infomation >> Shanna Kress n'a pas pu aller dans les Princes et Princesses de l'Amour ! - Duration: 1:55.


En dag på verkstedet - Duration: 15:22.

One day in the workshop.

Today we will visit Tove.

Let's see...

Here she is.



These days Tove use a lot of time in the workshop.

It's been less wildlife,

in November and December.

Every day you are outdoors with the dogs,


but you have hours at this place.

Your main project is the work with different burls.


Just look at all these!

oi - oi - oi!

Here I have one that is too moist ...


it has started to rot.

But I think I can save it.

That's good.

Yes indeed!

Look at the patterns.

Let's see.

I hope I have the possibility to save it.

I have to do something with it....


You are searching for trees.

And you see them easy if they are in the surroundings.

Oh - yes ;)

And then you boil them in the kitchen.

Yes, you have taped that prosess.

Yes, we will show it.

You remove the bark.

just after boiling the burl.

1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8...

Here it is,

I missed one of them.

I have to take care of them you see!

You have to take care of the burls.

Take care,

have a look at them every day,

and keep an eye on

the drying process.

The dinner for today ;)

Hi - hi.

Isn't in necessary to keep the bark under water?

Yes, but it's not room enough.

That's right.

Then you have to turn it around,

after a while.


Boil them for half a hour.

And then.....

it's just to start taking the bark away.

What do you want to make of this one?

Maybe a hedgehog ;)

He - he, it can turn out to be a hedgehog.

It's almost a hedgehog already.

Would have been cool to make a hedgehog.

But, you have a green birch burl,

and boil it as fast as possible,

then it's easy to turn off the bark.

If the burl is dry, it's impossible.


I want to move off the bark,

then it's easier to see what I have to work with.

Yes, in a way you can see

if it's something you can use or not.

This one looked like a smooth burl,

but it isn't.

It's separated in here.


And, if I really want to make a hedgehog

I have to take the bark away.


Do you want to tell what kind of burls which is useable?

It depends, but often....

the one with spikes, like this one,

have a lot of beautiful patterns.


Sometimes you use them to make knife handles.



But then the burl has to be bigger than this one

Look at the spikes.


You have to be careful to

not destroy the wood.


Now it's easy to remove the bark.

m - m

This is a exercise to be patient, Tove.


With this kind of work you are really


Maybe ;)

Yes, you are.

And these days you have a lot of ideas in your head.

I love it!

Why have you made this little hole?

Because it's easier to....

I think you have to follow me outside to chop this one.

It's easier to,

dig out when it is


It's easier to dig out the burl when it's green.

You start to dig a little hole,

and then the burl shall dry.

You are working more in the workshop now,

because of a hole in the wall?



What's this all about?



Look here!

Enja and Kiro are the reason!


Because Tove is a bit addicted to her friends.

They have their outdoor room here.

To get it


Morten has helped us to make

a little door.

And out here -

is the outdoorspace for the dogs.


Kiro, Kiro, Kiro!

Kiro, Kiro!

Here you are!

You have to go outside and chop on those.


I don't like that this one is cracked like this,

this is the best of them all.

Look at it!

Yes, it's beautiful.

Is it possible to stop the cracking

by using the ax?

Yes, I will chop away a part,

and then paste.


Paste the end grain, which will slow down the drying.

Maybe slow enough to prevent the cracking.

You have a little chop area outside...


I have ground the little ax too!

Possible to chop away a lot!

Of all the dreams and burls Tove has

it's not all that is successful.


Some cracks, and are destroyed in other ways.

Just now she tries to save this one.

What is possible to make out of this Tove?

The plan is to make kuksas.


Otherwise I can use them....

to whatever I want.

Knife handles.

Knife handles and kuksas.

The burl itself don't cracks so fast,

because the grain goes in different directions.


But I want to have a handle on the kuksa,


Look here,

This must be a part of the handle.

and I have to make it smooth for sure ;)

And here is the kuksa itself.

It will be nice.

When you have a piece of wood in your hands,

you start to shape it in your head at once.


I do!

Then you can imagine what it would be?


Then I know how to...

shape it too ;)

Finished the chopping.


At least finished two of them.

I have to look at the others too.

Tove, now you put on some glue.


To prevent the tree from cracking.

You want to save the burls.

Is this a smart trick?


It is usual to do this in the wood drying process,

then I guess it's perfect here too.

Here is something else,

we hope to show you more of this

another time.

Last week Tove has worked with these boxes too.

This is shaker boxes.

Two different boxes Tove has made.

This is decorated with runes.

And the symbol of the god Freyia in Norse mythology.

I want to show you...

The lid is perfectly adapted.


You use a lot of hours to make one shaker box, Tove.


Let me tell you!

It fits perfect -

like this.

And this one......

decorated with kolrosing technique on the lid.

To do this Tove cuts a pattern with a knife,

and then you apply bark?

Bark powder.

Bark powder

down into the carving.

The starting material for this box is....

You have one up beside the pictures.

It is a


piece of wood,

straight-grained wood, not bent yet.

This one.

You can see it under here.

We want to make a video of how

Tove bend the wood for shaker boxes.

You have to put it into water,

lukewarm water,

for a long time,

many hours,

and then

you bend it,

around a binding form.

Now you can show the cool burl up there.

Here, we have another burl.

Oi, it looks like a brain.

"To be or not to be!"

"That's the question!"

Oi - it cracks a lot.

Not good at all.

I think this one is for knife handles.

You want to make handles of it.

If I can save it.

Knife handles.

Here we have some blades.

You are going to make some knives.

You are doing a lot of different things.

Thinking and planning

different artwork.

Here you have material to three knife handles.

You have already worked a lot with these ones.

Creative processes like this

takes place in what other people may think is a mess.

But Tove know where to find what she want ;)

Here we have something else!

Never ending guiding ;)

Once upon a time,


made videos about a guy called Jørgen.

Do you remember that?

And Jørgen

met Torvald on his last trip, before

Jørgen was given to one of you.

Torvald has experienced a lot since then.

His head has been gnawed by Kiro.

This is Torvald.

Is this a new head, or the old one?

It's the old one,

but it is a bit damaged.

I haven't fixed it yet.

But it's no problem,

I can just cut of the old head and make a new one ;)

That's the advantage with Torvald as a carved "person".

If it's impossible to fix the head,

after what Kiro has done,

we just cut it of and put on a new one.


More difficult with us humans ;)

So you change your activity.

Yes I do.

The first priority today

is to look after of all my burls.


To take care of them.

Take care of the burls.

Most of them are birch burls,

and here you have linden wood,

the material you use to the dragon/viking kuksas


It's linden you use to Torvald and his companions too.


I just have to look how it turns out.

This will be a little "dram-cup" (a cup for a little shot)

For how long time should it dry now?

I don't know.....

I have to follow the process,

take a look at it now and then....


But if you have to suggest?

Half a year.

About half a year.

Maybe I will,

experiment with using the micro.


Never use the knife towards yourself ;)

That's true.

Except when you know what you're doing ;)

Now I will dig out again.

I just have to put on some glue first.

This one.....

Tove has a lot of different tools in her workshop.

The bandsaw.

Yes, I use it a lot.

It's an important tool.

You have to be skilled to use it!

Yes, that's the best!

It's necessary.

It's a dangerous tool.

The best thing

is to dig out some of the wood while the burl is green.

Some part of the carving before the drying process.


Is that because you want to prevent it from cracking?

Yes, the wood will dry faster,

and then

it's easier

to work with it...


No, what I want to say is....

the wood is softer!

The wood is softer when it's green.

So then you dig out a part of it...


and then it should dry for half a year or longer.

Yes, longer time is ok.

It depends what else I have to do.

That's true.

Just now I have some knife blades I want to work with.

For example, this.

It would be nice as a earring.

That's what I want to make.

You are digging.

Beware of your nose,

this is dangerous for noses.

Yes, I'm digging out

green wood.

My plan is

if you look at this one,

the cup will be just here,

and the handle out this way.

Then it will be pattern in the handle too.

It's a lot of work.

I think I hav 14 different burls just now.

Yes, then you have enough to do ;)

I don't stress - just do it when I want.


Bit by bit.,

and vary slightly between the different projects.


The next project I will start with,

is in fact....

I will start brushing these knife blade with sandpaper.

Make them shiny.

Until now I have just used the belt sanders,

now I wil brush them by hand.

I will start with sandpaper 80.

You can see my signatur just here.

It's written Tove.

Then I use the vices,

and start with sandpaper 80.

Thank you for showing us your workshop!

Just fun!

Guess I will make a lot of different stuff here

in the future.

Yes for sure,

in between your outdoor life you use your time here.

That's true.

But most of all, you look forward to....


Winter and snow,

and all your winter experiences.

Oh - yes!

Thank you for following.

Welcome back!

We appreciate comments.

And maybe you want to try a bit at home...

making different beautiful things ;)

Yes, just ask me if it is anything...

Maybe I can answer,

I will try.

Guess you can.


see you later!


Remember to subscribe!

Yes, don't forget that ;)

Ha det!

For more infomation >> En dag på verkstedet - Duration: 15:22.


For more infomation >> En dag på verkstedet - Duration: 15:22.


Peinture Abstraite - Démonstration Art Abstrait À l'Acrylique | Unixia - Duration: 4:06.

Thanks for watching this video.

If you loved it remember to like this video to encourage me

Think also to click subscribe and click on the bell to receive my new videos.

If you want to go further and become an abstract painter, I have created

a DVD called Abstract painting Secrets to help you.

And best off, you can get this DVD for free!

It's in the description below the video!

See you soon ;)

For more infomation >> Peinture Abstraite - Démonstration Art Abstrait À l'Acrylique | Unixia - Duration: 4:06.


For more infomation >> Peinture Abstraite - Démonstration Art Abstrait À l'Acrylique | Unixia - Duration: 4:06.


Volkswagen Polo 1.0 TSI Comfortline 95 pk (vsb 20832) - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo 1.0 TSI Comfortline 95 pk (vsb 20832) - Duration: 0:51.


For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo 1.0 TSI Comfortline 95 pk (vsb 20832) - Duration: 0:51.


Truth about Legendary Marketer

For more infomation >> Truth about Legendary Marketer


敦马直言【马来人无法成功】是本身的问题!精彩内容 - Duration: 8:15.

For more infomation >> 敦马直言【马来人无法成功】是本身的问题!精彩内容 - Duration: 8:15.


(EN/日) 일본에서 뮤비촬영 직전 안무연습! [소리] - Duration: 5:38.

Sori's YouTube Channel


Miku, and Nana!

So in two days, we shoot the music video, but this is the second time practicing choreography together.

Let's give our best!

Hi everyone, Sori here!

I'm currently at a studio to practice choreography for my second single, "I'm Ready"

The studio is located in Japan.

Here are two choreographers that will be featured on my music video: Miku chan and Nana chan~


- I'm Miku - and I'm Nana!

Nice to meet you~!

(in Japanese) We're gonna shoot the music video the day after tomorrow!

We're gonna practice haaaaaard!

(Sori, Miku, and Nana started the dance practice.)

We are discussing positioning and movement distance with Miku chan and Nana chan.

There was a slight change in one part of the song,

so we are coming up with new moves for that part.

So in two days, we shoot the music video, but this is the second time practicing choreography together.

Hopefully we figure everything out by the end of the day.

I think we can pull it off, needs a little more practice, but I think we can.

Why do I look so handsome today Reminds me of manga, "The Rose of Versailles"

Sori Oppa, call me oppa.

Have you eaten?

(What is this strange...whatever?)

I-I have no idea what I'm doing that came out far stranger than on top of my head.

Miku chan and Nana chan are far younger than I am.

Cute little babies~

It's not unnie, but oppa!

Since I dyed my hair and I look cool, oppa!

(What kind of logic is that?)

Isn't it cuter to say oppaya~ than oppa?

(Apparently someone knows some dialect...)

(Sori still wants to try rapping)

(Messes up!!)

Thanks for the hard work~!

It's a tough choreography.

"I'm Ready is tough"

Miku chan's abs are badass!

(Some washingboard abs!)

Compare to that I'm embarrassed.

So guys, today's dance practice has come to an end.

We have the last practice tomorrow.

Wait is it the day after tomorow?

We're gonna give our best on the day of shoot too!

So cute~!

We'll work hard!

What is ganbaru in Korean?

(S-sorry my Korean's still a bit rough...)

Yolshimi haja! (Let's work hard in Korean)

For more infomation >> (EN/日) 일본에서 뮤비촬영 직전 안무연습! [소리] - Duration: 5:38.


CELEBRATING 5 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS】 Present From UUUM! 11Kg OF Watermelon & Melon [CC Available] - Duration: 5:48.

hello it's kinoshita yuka

did you enjoy the first day of the year ?

to day is the 2nd day, ah my cat "lon" is here !


Jaaan !

isn't this amazing ?

recently the numbers of the subscribers achieved 5 million, isn't that ?

that's why i got this gift from UUUM

it's written "congratulation yuka kinoshita for the 5 million subs"

they made it by carving watermelon

and this...

jaan, do you know what is this ?

it's my character "mochiko"

it's a character that i designed by myself

and here bouquet of flowers

isn't so cute

i'll eat all this for today

on top of these fruits, they made this for me too

and if you look inside...

jaan! that's what you find

it's a book of messages

look! it's so cute




ah, that's wrong

la, that's wrong too




and here a lot of my thumbnails

a gift made from heart

i'm so happy

i'm always thankful to UUUM

thank you so much

and of course, i did not get 5 million subscribers alone

it's thanks to everyone who sees my videos and to uuum too

and to everyone who supported me to achieve that, i'm really thankful

aaaah, thank you so much

that's really cute

my precious friend shin-chan gave me this bouquet of flowers, thank you so much

i'm so happy

jaan, i cut it

it looks so tasty, isn't that !

the melon looks so yummy, and i really like it

eating all this watermelon is so good

and here i left the beautiful decoration of the watermelon


let's start with watermelon

mmm! this is really juicy and yummy

we are in winter, but still so sweet


let's add some salt too

watermelon goes so well with salt

mmmm! this sweet and salty taste is so good

and here melon


ah! juicy and really tasty !

and it's so soft too


it's always good to eat plenty of fruits

I have been celebrating with UUUM since the number was 10,000 subs

and now we are 5 million subs, and this is really amazing

this is something really touching

and all this thanks to all the viewers who watch me everyday from the beginning

sometimes i ask "What's the secret to success on YouTube?"

but i don't think i'm successful

i need to keep doing my best and working

and during all this time i met many people that help me to achieve where i'm now

and i'm really thankful to this chance that gave me youtube, UUUM, and those who translate for me everyday

thank you so much

this makes me so happy


the last piece of watermelon


the last bite, itadakimasu



UUUM's melon and watermelon was so tasty

it's so good to celebrate the 5 million subs by eating plenty of melon

and this happineess that i feel is thanks to all of you

and i'll keep doing my best to achieve 6 million, or even 10 million subs

and during this journey where are going to do a lot of fun things

And as always thank you for watching !

and because this was so tasty and really fun to do...

why you don't try it as well ?

if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons

bye bye

all rights reserved. copyright © 2018 Kinoshita Yuka

For more infomation >> CELEBRATING 5 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS】 Present From UUUM! 11Kg OF Watermelon & Melon [CC Available] - Duration: 5:48.


Parris Campbell NFL Draft Projection: Latest on Ohio State WR's Stock | - Duration: 6:13.

Parris Campbell NFL Draft Projection: Latest on Ohio State WR's Stock |

The Ohio State Buckeyes have yet another intriguing NFL draft prospect at the wide receiver position.

Senior Parris Campbell has put together an impressive collegiate career and is likely to hear his name called early in the 2019 NFL Draft.

After playing a big role in Ohio State's 2018 success, there's hype building around Campbell quickly.

The 6-foot-1 wide receiver's career didn't explode right out of the gate, as he redshirt in 2014, then played just four games in 2015 without recording a single catch.

It wasn't until Campbell's junior year in 2017 that he really began grabbing attention when he caught 40 passes for 584 yards and three touchdowns.

Campbell's encore performance this season jumped out in a big way, as he took strides forward and put himself completely on the draft radar.

Prior to the Rose Bowl matchup with the Washington Huskies, the Buckeyes receiver had racked up 79 receptions for 992 yards and 11 touchdowns in 13 games.

We're going to take a deeper dive into the Ohio State standout's current draft stock and projections ahead of the NFL Scouting Combine.

Parris Campbell's 2019 NFL Draft Stock.

There are quite a few people who have Campbell ranked as one of the top two or three wide receivers in the 2019 NFL Draft.

One of those is ESPN's Mel Kiper Jr., who listed him as the No.

2 player at his position on the most recent big board, behind only Oklahoma's Marquise Brown.

On the opposite side, Kiper's fellow draft analyst Todd McShay recently ranked him at No.

Kiper wasn't the only one to push Ohio State's top receiver up their draft rankings, as Walter Football was on board with the decision as well.

In their most recent breakdown, Campbell came in at No.

2, behind only Ole Miss wideout A.J.


While the praise is coming from a variety of directions, one thing that stands out is the fact that The Draft Network's five analysts all left Campbell outside of the top-10 on their latest rankings.

While most places seem to view him as a top playmaker and NFL prospect, that doesn't seem to be the case here.

Parris Campbell's NFL Draft Projections.

The hype behind Campbell is quickly building and the proof of that comes from Walter Football's latest mock draft which was done at the end of December in 2018.

They list him being selected with the No.

32 pick in the first round, going to the Green Bay Packers while citing his big-play ability.

Along with that, the mock write-up states that there's a belief Campbell could be the first receiver taken.

"Parris Campbell has big-play ability, but didn't live up to it statistically in the past because of some poor passing.

That has changed recently, as Campbell dominated Michigan in the regular-season finale.

There's a decent chance he's the first receiver drafted.".

But as noted above, we've seen that not everyone is as high on Campbell as others are.

On the mock draft subject, Draft Tek didn't have the Ohio State receiver coming off the board until the fifth round at No.

146 to the Minnesota Vikings.

Ohio State's pro day and the NFL Scouting Combine will be big for Campbell in terms of his overall outlook, but he's showcased major upside that deserves attention.

READ NEXT: Jake Browning NFL Draft Projection: Latest on Washington QB's Stock.

For more infomation >> Parris Campbell NFL Draft Projection: Latest on Ohio State WR's Stock | - Duration: 6:13.


Pot Pie | Brandin LaShea Feat. Liz Nistico - Duration: 12:14.

- What's up guys it's your girl, Brandin LaShae,

coming back with another season of your favorite

stoner cooking show Pot Pie.


I invite celebrities, influencers, actors,

you name it, onto the show,

and they bring some of the ingredients to their

favorite dishes.

- Eat your shu-sugar.

- And I've got to either figure out what that dish is,

or not.

I feel like I'm on Fear Factor.

- Hey, I know.

(Upbeat music)

- Welcome back to a very merry episode of Pot Pie,

today's guest is one of my closest friends,

she's the lead singer of Holy Child,

one of my favorite bands, she's my girl, Liz Nistico.

- Hi, my name is Liz Nistico,

I'm the lead singer of Holy Child, I am here today,

to make some Christmas cookies with Brandin.

I cook these for everyone's Christmas gift,

so I'm excited to make them today.

- Hey cutie.

- Ho ho ho

- Ho ho ho, you look like Santa.

- Hi!

- You're so cute with your little bag of treats.

- Yeah, I've got some ingredients.

- I love it, I really like the bag too,

you really went all out.

- Yeah, you know, I figured it's Christmas,

and the holidays.

So. You can start taking

We're going to make some Christmas cookies.

I practice cookie diplomacy,

so I make these for anyone who's mad at me at any time.


- So, here's this sweet treat, don't hate me.

Yeah, so here are the ingredients.

We have one cup of butter.

- Softened butter, okay.

- Yeah, softened.

We've got flour, we're going to use two and a half,

two and two thirds cup.

- Okay, look at you.

- I know, I really know this recipe a lot,

usually I double it though so,

I'm trying to not go overboard.

- She's really apologetic.


- Please take them all, I'm really sorry.

Here are eggs, we all know about those.

- Eggs.

- Here's more flour, oh no, this is sugar.

Make sure you get it from 7-Eleven.

And then we have some more things, vanilla.

- So, I'm taking it we're going to make a sugar cookie?

- Yeah, butter cookies.

- Butter cookies!

- I know, I'm kind of vegan right now,

but I make an exception for these bad boys.

And these are some other fun things.

- Fun things to pipe and make some decor, I love it.

- Exactly.

- So you know this recipe, like back of your hand.

- I really do, yeah.

- Okay, before we jump into the recipe,

we're actually going to make a little cocktail,

with our mood33 beverages.

We're going to replace vodka, and use the Joy,

because it's a yerba mate,

sort of a green tea flavor peppermint,

and we're going to make a peppermint Moscow Mule.

- Okay, amazing, so how do you make it?

- So we're just going to grab these two cups first.

Let me grab some of my ingredients from this fridge,

with mood33.

- It looks like a parents house.

You know when you go to a parents house,

and you're like, oh, you have so many options.

- Or when you're like, I used to dream of being on cribs,

because, they'd open their fridges and you're like wow,

rich people are so organized.

- We can roleplay that right now.

Thanks for having me at your crib.

- Thanks for being here.

- Thanks so much, love your stocked fridge.

Can I help you?

- Yeah, you can just break off some of those mint leaves,

and put it into the bottom of our cup.

- I'm making them really minty.

- I like a lot of mint.

We're just going to take some ice cubes,

and we can put them in the bottom.

I like to create just a little bit of water,

and then I'm going to sort of crunch that all up together.

- This is professional.

- I don't really drink a lot of alcohol to be honest.

But when I do, I kind of like to make them,

you know, like mildly fancy.

- [Liz] Have you ever bar tended?

- No.

Here you go.

- Thanks.

Cheers. Cheers.

- Delicious right?

- It's so good.

- So it tastes just like a Moscow Mule,

but instead of the vodka,

we're gonna get just a nice little.

- I actually think it's better than a Moscow Mule.

- Right?

- Because I don't really like vodka.

- Me either.

- So, let's start with the butter and the sugar

- [Brandin] Perfect.

- We'll mix them together,

do you have any measuring cups?

- I do, I have these beautiful ones

that match our Moscow Mule mugs.

- Oh my god, so cute.

- We need two cups.

- So do you want to put that butter in here?

- Yes.

I really feel like I'm like, So fun

Six years old again., with my grandma

- I love it.

Yeah I make these cookies a lot.

So, this butter is softened.

- [Brandin] Do you want to use a whisk?

- Yeah we're gonna whisk it.

- It's soft so you can, you don't need to use your fingers.

- Cool, so now we're just going to blend these two together.

This is so good.

- Right? It's kind of like an elixir too.

You know?

- The elixir of life, I mean,

didn't pretty much everyone always

call it the elixir of life?

- It's like you're getting a buzz on

but you're actually also being really healthy.

- Yeah, 'cause it has the ginger beer?

Oop's I got a little, A little guy

but luckily I, luckily I read a Buzz Feed's life hack list.

Thank god.

- Did it tell you how to take out shells?

- Yeah.

- What's the trick?

- The trick is to use the shell,

so I don't know if you just saw but,

I cracked it and then I took the shell and took it out.

- Yeah.

- It somehow always works.

So then we'll mix this up.

And then the next thing we need is,

- Flour?

- Actually, The vanilla?


- And you just eyeball this,

so what would you say about a teaspoon?

- So I know that there is something in the recipe,

but for vanilla my motto is always more.

- More.

- Me too, it's so good.

- I'm always like, and then I.

- Yeah, yeah it smells pretty good.


Let's add a little bit of salt, just a pinch.

- Okay.

Salt is amazing because it actually

brings out the other flavors of everything you make.

- Exactly.

Now let's get the flour ready.

- So I'll get you one full cup, we'll start there.

- Okay wanna, wanna pour a bit in?

You should probably do like, half of it.

Like I said this is the,

I don't give a fuck version of, I'm sorry cookies.

For Christmas.

- I don't give a fuck but I'm still making you cookies.

- Yeah, like I don't give a fuck about the measurements,

but I care about our relationship.

- So we're just going to mix this all up,

and then we're going to set it in the fridge

for about an hour and let it chill,

then we'll roll it out and we'll make our cookies.

- Yes.

- Our cookie dough is just about ready,

but before we do that I think we should make a refill.

- Yes, I agree, this was so good.

- Well cheers to you. Cheers

Cheers to our cookie dough.

- It's going to be delish.

That's so good.

- It's so delicious, look at these cute little dough balls.

- [Liz] That looks like bread.

- So you want your dough really firm,

because when you roll it out you want it to,

obviously stick together and not be too pliable.

- And because, otherwise it won't cook properly,

because it's butter.

- Yeah, it'll just be melted you'll just have like soft,

melted puddles.

- Yeah.

- So tell me about some new music

that you're coming out with.

You've been killing it with the music videos though.

- Thanks.

- Killing it, and you're directing everything right?

- Yeah, by the time this is out we'll have two song.

- Two new songs?

- Yeah?

- So this is what we'll put them on,

to put them into the oven.

- Cool, usually I wait overnight,

and this dough is like, really.

- Like raw?

- Chilled.

Yeah it's really hard.

And then I take a piece of this with the fork.

And I always just make it look like that.

- Really?

- Mhmm, they look really cute after.

- Okay, so is it the lines that you're using as like.

- No, I just like it to look like textured.

- [Brandin] Okay.

- This is like, the exact way I make them.

- Really?

- Do you want to try some of this?

- Yeah.

- It's really good.

I don't know, I just feel like afterwards they look so cute.

- Do we need to put anything on this pan you think?

- Yeah I don't usually.

- The butter's gonna, take it all.

- [Liz] Just.

- So about seven minutes you'd say?

- [Liz] Yeah, it's really fast actually.

- Really quick, probably like five to seven minutes,

just depending on your oven.

- Yeah.

- So what do you usually do for the holidays?

Do you have any like, traditions with your family, or?

- I don't know, I'm not,

I feel like I'm not that traditional.

- Yeah we're like, we do Christmas,

but our Christmas is like, every year it's different.

It's like one year we'll do an asian theme dinner.

You know, so we're never like traditionally Christmas.

- [Liz] I like that more.

- Yeah, me too.

- Yeah my sister is like,

really all about tradition somehow.

My mom will be like, let's go see Cher in Las Vegas,

and my sister like people don't travel on the Holidays.

I'm like, yeah maybe not you, I live in California,

so I have to travel across the country.

- To come see you guys right?

- Yeah.

- See I think that's what's different too.

Is all my family is here,

so I don't leave for the holidays ever so it never really,

I mean it doesn't ever feel like Christmas.

- Yeah, I like staying in LA for Christmas,

'cause no one I know is here and I can just like,

stay by myself and have this weird existence

in a ghost city, and you're like.

It feels so cool.

- Yeah.

- You're like, I'm in the movie of my life, bitch.

That's how it is.

- I've actually, I've never made just like,

butter sugar cookies.

- Really? Yeah

I, actually really like these,

'cause I hate chocolate chip cookies.

- Really?

That's my new end of the night I eat dinner,

and I have to have chocolate chip cookies.

- Really? Yeah

I don't like milk chocolate.

I only like it if it's so dark, chocolate chips like,

they always use the milk chocolate kind.

- Gross.

- I just don't like it.

I'm actually allergic to chocolate.

It makes me sneeze, only if it's like good quality.

So the dark chocolate will make me sneeze.


- That' so weird, 'cause you don't like, inhale it.

You know?

- I know, it is weird.

- You're like, I have chocolate in my nose.


Wanna check those cookies?

- Yeah, let's do it.


- It's weird I wish I could smell them more.

- You can if you come right here.

- Oh.

- But watch out.

I think it needs like two more minutes.

Because you can see when they're done.

They get a wee bit brown.

- You've been directing other peoples music videos

as well right?

- Yeah.

- So you're really branching out, I love it.

- I'm really branching out yeah,

I've been directing a lot lately.

I've done like 30 music videos.

So, I'm moving on. Holy shit.

I wanna just do films.

- I'm gonna check these cookies.

Oh yeah, they're perfect do you wanna come check?

- Yeah.

- I'm gonna grab them.

(Christmas music)

They almost look like little shells or something,

with the way that the fork marks make them.

- I know, they smell so good.

- So good.

- Oh it smells like my mom, my mom makes these.

- Smells like my mom.


- Yum.

- Do you want to decorate like one or two,

and then we'll eat them.

- Yeah let's do it.

- Wow, it's really moist, wet, icing.

It's not thick at all.

It's dripping.

- [Liz] This one's thicker.

- [Brandin] Look at this.

- I'm trying to make something for the luthe.

- It looks like a Halloween cookie.

- I'm trying to make a yin yang.

This stuff really stains, look at my fingers.


- [Liz] Hold on I just gotta fix this one,

just a little bit more.

It looks better now.

Look at how stained my fingers are,

it looks like I was dying something.

Let's have one of these.

- Cookie cheers.

- Cheers.

- Oh my god, it's so good.

- Mhmm.

- It literally tastes like childhood.

Wow, these cookies are absolutely amazing,

thank you so much for bringing this recipe to us.

These cookies will go in our cookbook.

- Yay, thanks for having me. Heck yeah.

- Thank you so much to our amazing brand sponsors, mood33,

for our delicious Moscow Moods.

It sounds like I said nudes.

Thank you so much for my amazing guest Liz, from Holy Child.

- Thanks for having me.

- This has been another amazing episode of Pot Pie.

Merry Christmas!

- Ciao.

(Christmas music)

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> Pot Pie | Brandin LaShea Feat. Liz Nistico - Duration: 12:14.


[퍼프아이돌] NCT 127 편 (PUFF IDOL : NCT 127) 예고 (ENG SUB) - Duration: 0:21.

For more infomation >> [퍼프아이돌] NCT 127 편 (PUFF IDOL : NCT 127) 예고 (ENG SUB) - Duration: 0:21.


Hogland - All Alone (Lyrics CC) - Duration: 3:25.

♪ I know I can be a little tough sometimes ♪

♪ And I know I'm having trouble to apologize ♪

♪ And I pray ♪

♪ I pray to God that you will understand ♪

♪ So let's push rewind this wasn't what I planned ♪

♪ Yeah I know I fucked it up ♪

♪ Fucked it up again ♪

♪ But I want you to know that you're my happiness and pain ♪

♪ And yeah I know I called you once ♪

♪ Texted twice a day ♪

♪ Think I'm going insane (going insane) ♪

♪ So baby let me explain (let me explain) ♪

♪ I don't wanna be alone ♪

♪ I wanna be with you ♪

♪ Tears are dripping on my phone ♪

♪ But I don't want them to ♪

♪ I don't wanna be alone, anymore (anymore) ♪

♪ I don't wanna be alone ♪

♪ I wanna be with you ♪

♪ Tears are dripping on my phone ♪

♪ But I don't want them to ♪

♪ I don't wanna be alone, anymooore ♪

♪ You know ♪

♪ This us not the way I want to be ♪

♪ So don't go ♪

♪ It will be better just believe (just believe) ♪

♪ You turned ♪

♪ Every bit of darkness into light ♪

♪ And now it's my time I'll turn my wrongs into rights ♪

♪ And, yeah I know I fucked it up ♪

♪ Fucked it up again ♪

♪ But I want you to know that you're my happiness and pain ♪

♪ And yeah I know I called you once ♪

♪ Texted twice a day ♪

♪ Think I'm going insane (going insane) ♪

♪ So baby let me explain (let me explain) ♪

♪ I don't wanna be alone ♪

♪ I wanna be with you ♪

♪ Tears are dripping on my phone ♪

♪ But I don't want them to ♪

♪ I don't wanna be alone, anymore (anymore) ♪

♪ I don't wanna be alone ♪

♪ I wanna be with you ♪

♪ Tears are dripping on my phone ♪

♪ But I don't want them to ♪

♪ I don't wanna be alone, anymooore ♪

♪ I don't wanna be alone ♪

♪ I wanna be with you ♪

♪ Tears are dripping on my phone ♪

♪ But I don't want them to ♪

♪ I don't wanna be alone, anymore (anymore ) ♪

♪ I don't wanna be alone ♪

♪ I wanna be with you ♪

♪ Tears are dripping on my phone ♪

♪ But I don't want them to ♪

♪ I don't wanna be alone, anymooore ♪

For more infomation >> Hogland - All Alone (Lyrics CC) - Duration: 3:25.


とろサーモン、テレビで騒動謝罪「本当に世間をお騒がせしまして、申し訳ないです」 - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> とろサーモン、テレビで騒動謝罪「本当に世間をお騒がせしまして、申し訳ないです」 - Duration: 2:56.


家で簡単に作るタピオカ [Vlog#182] - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> 家で簡単に作るタピオカ [Vlog#182] - Duration: 4:12.


2019年最初の野球あるある!お正月もみんな共感!プレゼントも! - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> 2019年最初の野球あるある!お正月もみんな共感!プレゼントも! - Duration: 3:41.


Audi A3 Sportback 35 TFSI CoD Sport S Line Edition 150 pk S tronic (vsb 22161) - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Audi A3 Sportback 35 TFSI CoD Sport S Line Edition 150 pk S tronic (vsb 22161) - Duration: 0:54.


ドリフトにスタビは要らない!?NAなのにリヤ245サイズ!?V36のドリフトテスト/ No need rear sway bar for drifting!? #V36 #g37 #drift - Duration: 10:30.

For more infomation >> ドリフトにスタビは要らない!?NAなのにリヤ245サイズ!?V36のドリフトテスト/ No need rear sway bar for drifting!? #V36 #g37 #drift - Duration: 10:30.


How To Hide YouTube Subscriber Count On Mobile And PC [2019] - Duration: 2:51.

You might wonder subscriber count even matters and if you're a smaller Channel

whether you should display your subscriber count at all? Well in this video I'm

going to show you how to hide your subscriber count on mobile and desktop.

So let's get started. Mike T Patterson Grow, influence, engage. Hi my name's Mike I'm a

content creators just like you and it's my goal to help other creators become

successful on YouTube, so they can go out there and start crushing it with their

channel. So it's your first time here and you want to grow your brand, supercharge

your influence and find new ways to engage with your audience, subscribe and click

the bell so you don't miss out. This video is packed full of value, so if you're

excited about learning stuff like this let me know by giving it a thumbs up. There

are two schools of thought when it comes to displaying subscribers on YouTube.

Firstly if you're a smaller Channel and you don't have many subscribers some

people prefer to hide the subscribe account until you reach about 500 to a

1000. As they believe viewers are less likely to view and subscribe videos

from smaller channels and the viewers who watch more of your content if they believe

you've got a larger subscriber base. The other school of thought is, you should never

hide your subscriber counts as it will have a negative impact on your viewers.

With this in mind let's look at how to hide the subscriber count on your

channel. Okay so on desktop login to your account and go to your creator studio

section, then go down to channel and select advanced, scroll down on this page

and you can toggle to show or hide your subscriber count. Pick the option you

want and select save. Easy right?

So to hide your subscribers on mobile you need to get a bit more inventive.

Currently you can't use your mobile app to hide your subscribers, so you'll have

to log into YouTube by searching for it on the internet and once you've logged

in click on the three dots on the top right hand side of the screen. Go down to

the desktop site option. Once here it's the same process as we've just followed.

Go to creator studio, select channel, then advanced. Scroll down to the bottom of

page and select whether you want to hide or display your subscribers. Then click

Save and that's it. So now you know just how easy it is to enable and disable

subscriber counts on your channel. But at the end of the day it's down to your

own personal preference how you are gonna use it. If you like me though I

don't like it when you can't see your channel subscriber count. It's almost

like they're trying to hide something you see I appreciate every view and

subscriber that I get. It's all part of my youtube journey and shows me exactly

how this channel is growing. Viewers like great content so continue to focus on

your content and the subscribers will follow. So the question of the day is do

you think channels should display or hide their subscriber count? Let me know

in the comments, look out for new videos every Wednesday and Saturday and don't

forget if you want to grow your brand, supercharge your influence and find new

ways to engage with your audience, like subscribe click the bell so you don't

miss out and I'll see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> How To Hide YouTube Subscriber Count On Mobile And PC [2019] - Duration: 2:51.


HAPPY 2019!!! 🥳🎉 (Yes, it's a bit delayed 😬) - Duration: 4:27.

You know the more I think about this, the more I realize this would have been more appropriate for Halloween

But you know what?

Happy new year!

oh my god!



I know you're probably thinking, what the f did I just watch?


Oh my god time's really flying by isn't it? it feels like 2018 was just yesterday

boss, literally yesterday was the last day of 2018

yeah that's the joke

oh my god... -get it?

subscribe already so he stops with these jokes


So I didn't upload last week because he wanted to spend the holidays with family and friends

I mean look at him. Do you really think he has any friends?

He's lying to himself...

and to you. He needs people like you, you can subscribe to become his virtual friend

Do you see what I did there

Okay, first of all, I had 80 subscribers

Now I have 79 like may I know what happened there?

I know who unsubscribe and if you think that by unsubscribing you're going to stop me?

you're wrong!

I know who you are, I know where you live and I know what you do...

and if you don't subscribe back, I will find you... and I will... oh my god

No need to start off this year with the wrong foot

Why don't we instead love each other and care for each other?

You should be a nice person this year a true caring and loving person just like myself

uhm excuse me...

how dare you interrupt me!!!, you piece of ...get the ... out

Sorry you had to watch that

like I was saying you have to be a very

humble and a truly exceptional individual like me, of course. Okay. Another thing I wanted to mention is

my last videos are getting low on views and I'm gonna be honest is probably my parents watching them over and over...

But they really are giving up aren't they?

Okay. Another thing I wanted to make with this video is to take a memory lane of my channel throughout this year

I started uploading on August thinking that I would probably make it to the YouTube rewind

If I upload constantly but no

What did they do? They decided to put a streamer and a celebrity

But they didn't put me! a real youtuber. I'm so mad at them

So angry, but you know, what if I don't appear on this year's rewind I will make sure that me and my 80 subscribers

79 subscribers are going from your site. You'll be out of business without my huge influence...

I'm warning you. Well, well, that's enough complaining

Let's start this year in a positive way with really nice resolutions that...

with good resolutions for ourselves. I hope that this

2019 I will be able to get more subscribers so that I can get more money

I mean so that I can get more people to smile with me

for sure I meant that...

I will also... I promise that this year, THIS YEAR!

I swear I will start eating more healthier no more junk food for me, or

No more junk food for sure. I promise I swear...

And other resolution I have is that for every cent I make on YouTube

I will put twice that on savings. Okay some zero times zero

plus zero equals zero


2019 is the year we're going rich!

Well, that's enough for this video

I really hope that this year is going to be a good one for you and for your loved ones

Alright this is over, bring in my lunch.

Here's your salad. What is this? You said you were going to eat healthier this year?

oh my god

I'll start next week. I promise

No, but like for real Happy New Year

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