Hello good people all over the world,
especially my big FFG Family.
I'm Felix from Surabaya, Indonesia.
Like I promised, I will share about
an amazing business.
A business together with the amazing FFG Community,
an international community.
This business has change
many people's lives all over the world,
including me and my family, financially,
mentally, character, and also health.
I will share my own personal experience.
I was in a conventional career for thirty years.
I started my career from the bottom.
From the bottom until my last position,
was very high for me,
just under the CEO Owner,
for over eighteen years in one of
Indonesia's Food and Beverage company.
One of the biggest in Indonesia.
And I let go of my career,
at the end of 2017,
and I started full-time at this business I'm about to share.
Amazing, right, ladies and gentlemen?
The business I want to share here is,
network marketing.
or what people called MLM.
But for me MLM means
Make Life Meaningful.
To make life meaningful.
And it really happen to me and my family.
Also including a lot of people around the world,
that are doing this business,
especially with FFG.
Everything can change incredibly.
So first,
I want to talk about financial.
I started with a conventional career,
until I have a high position and income every month.
And the reason I let go of that career,
from a huge income to full time in this business.
I was realized by
The Cashflow Quadrant by Robert Kiyosaki,
especially the four quadrants, E, S, B, and I.
In the Cashflow Quadrant, the left quadrants,
E and S, Employee and Self-Employee.
The left quadrants are
the Active Income Quadrants.
What does it mean?
It means when we're actively working,
we traded in our time for money.
That's what active income is.
While the right quadrants,
B for Business Owner and I for Investor,
those are the Passive Income Quadrants.
It means,
we're building assets
so that one day we'll earn passive income.
In the passive income quadrants,
there are two sources of income,
which are B, or Business works for you,
So the business is working for you.
and I, Investor, or Money works for you.
So your money is working for you.
So there are two.
I was realized by
that while I was in active income,
the risks are very big.
I was working for someone else's kingdom.
I was building someone else's dream.
But if I was in the passive income quadrant,
in B or Business Owner,
I would be building my kingdom, my own dream.
So in E or Employee,
the risks are bankruptcy,
being let go from work,
sickness, death, or even retirement.
All your incomes will stop.
As well as in Self-Employee,
people who are in the personal service business,
or store owner, salon owner, online driver,
everyone is depending on themselves.
The risk is when we're not productive,
when we're not actively working,
your income will stop.
I choose to be in B quadrant,
Business Owner.
Business Owner is
the owner of big businesses,
factories, etc.
The second is franchise, big master franchises,
and the third is network marketing.
The first two, factories and master franchises,
the investments are really big.
It's rare that people go there.
But with MLM,
the investments are minimum.
Very minimum but the income potential are really big.
And it's proven.
That's what made me realized
I need to go from active to passive income.
I also saw that
there are people after retirement,
after retiring, people around me, my friends, relations,
after retiring they only begin investing,
starting a business.
And everyone that I know of,
ended up with losses, bankrupt, or scammed.
So all of their retirement money is gone.
So they have to start working again,
to provide for themselves and their family.
I'm sure both you and I don't want to be like that.
I've been told that
when we're travelling with a cruise ship,
a lot of people who are doing
that are people who have retired.
People who are older.
And it should be like that.
When we're old and retired,
we enjoy life,
we travel around the world, cruising,
But in here, in Indonesia specifically,
and probably other countries too,
when they retired,
they're prepared,
and trained to start a business.
Start investing.
I think that's reversed.
When they're old and retired,
they should be enjoying that.
Start work from now.
So my advice, when started something,
we start a business, especially in this business,
start from now.
It doesn't mean if you're retired you can't do this.
But start from now.
Start everything now,
and choose the right business.
Especially one with minimum investment,
and big income potential.
Just like the criteria from the book Dream-Biz.com,
I'll explain,
the connection from the five criteria from Dream-Biz.com,
and network marketing.
The first is residual income, passive income.
In this MLM,
we have to build asset from the beginning,
to start building network,
so this asset, this network will work for us forever, even inherited.
We're building the system first.
And when it's working,
the system is running for us.
And that is passive income.
So the income will keep coming.
The first one is already related to MLM.
The second is global.
Global market. In this business,
we can open a network,
because this business is about people,
we can open a branch, office, or representative anywhere in the world,
or even throughout Indonesia.
So everything is global.
without limitations on area or location.
That's included in the second criteria.
The third one is
will-able and sell-able.
So this business can be inherited.
It can be inherited through generations.
While a normal conventional business,
by the second generation,
it can be sold by the children or grandchildren.
So this business can be sold,
even gone or bankrupt.
But network marketing or MLM,
they will keep existing,
throughout generations.
As long as the network is there,
and the system is running,
it will be unstoppable.
That's the third one.
The fourth one is duplicate-able.
It means that this business can be duplicated.
So anyone can do this.
Anyone can succeed in this business,
by duplication. And we're not working alone.
Here, there's a driving force.
What is that?
We're working with a team of people,
who have been duplicated.
When duplication is working well,
multiplication happen.
So it 'll be really big.
For example, let's say a doctor,
lawyer, an expert hairdresser,
those can't be duplicated.
In this business, everyone can do it.
Duplicating it is easy.
And it's also very accordingly to MLM.
That's the fourth one.
The fifth one is,
low investment and low maintenance.
This is very fitting.
Because in MLM, it's very safe.
The investment is small,
there's no risk of bankruptcy.
Because when we invest, we get a product we can use.
These products are good and we can use it.
So there's no risk of bankruptcy.
And if we have a store, depot, or cafe,
when we want to open a branch, outlet,
representative anywhere, in any city,
or even overseas,
the investments are very big.
Very big.
Because we have to invest in a building,
buy or rent a building,
We have to pay employee,
stocked inventories,
we have to manage enough inventories,
but here,
because this is a people business,
our asset is people,
we can open anywhere.
Our representatives are everywhere,
all throughout Indonesia and the world.
We can build it without investing much money.
Our investment is traveling, so
we start our business in MLM
with low investment, so everyone can do it.
So there's a choice. We start it easy and cheap,
with minimum and affordable investment.
For example, in my conventional work in Food and Beverage,
I have to stock products up to
1,5 times of a monthly turnover.
You can imagine. You have to stock so many products.
Here, in network marketing,
you don't need to stock products.
The company will stock it and send it to the distributors.
So for me, it encompasses the five criteria,
from Dream-Biz.com,
all are in network marketing or MLM.
Incredible, right?
One other thing,
I have to add that made me more certain about my future here is,
that this will lead to e-networking.
E-networking, if you're not familiar of it,
e-networking is the combination of
e-commerce and network marketing.
So it's the MLM business combine with online business.
It's incredible.
Because everything can be done online.
So this business is in the palm of your hand.
But we also use network.
So our network, asset, and system can run so much faster.
It's so much faster and it'll grow faster too.
That's what I can share about network marketing.
Also, another thing about this business I've said in the beginning is,
financially, mentally, character, and values of life,
I'm sure and I can tell you that
since me and my wife started in this business,
especially with FFG,
we experience a great change in our marriage.
Our marriage is more harmonious,
our children are great,
and the life values are proven,
from what I see, in more than 70 countries around the world,
people with drugs problem can stop.
They can quit drugs,
people with pornography addiction,
spouses who were almost divorcing can heal,
the heavy relationship between parents and child can be fixed,
those are values that can be obtained in this business,
with FFG, and it's proven.
Another thing, about health.
What about it?
It's from the products.
The products are amazing.
And it's proven how it has helped people
be cured from illnesses.
And us personally, we felt
from what my wife experienced,
a stroke in the beginning of 2018,
in February, and she can fully recover.
Quickly recovered in not even a month,
my wife can walk without any assistance.
Before, with the stroke in the stem of her brain,
with a blockage in her brain stem,
the right side of her body was completely paralyzed.
Couldn't move or speak at all.
But in almost a month,
she can recover and walk without assistance.
One of the reason is because of the amazing products,
that helped her quick recovery.
Even nerve specialists are amazed at her recovery.
So that's what I can tell you,
this business is amazing,
and it has help me and my family,
along with people around the world.
Another thing,
turnover from network marketing or MLM, in the world,
in a year reached up to USD 200 Billion.
Surpassing any other industries.
Films, music, foods, far exceeding those.
USD 200 Billion turnover from this business.
The good news,
40% of those turnovers,
around USD 70-80 Billion,
are distributed to MLM business and network marketer,
distributor like us.
This business is amazing.
This is a business with great income and the business of the future.
That is what made me certain to gave up my career,
my position, my income in a conventional career
to do this full time with my wife.
There is this slide, a photo I obtain,
that you shouldn't wait until you're old
to enjoy life and travel.
Too old and you won't get to enjoy it.
We fell asleep when we should enjoy traveling.
This is one of the slide.
That's all I can share
about this amazing business and international community.
I hope it can convince you to start
doing this business with sincerety and certainty.
Thank you for the attention.
Thank you for watching my webinar.
See you in the next webinar. Bye!
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